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Physics Deleted and Added Portion

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Sr. No. Chapter Name Added Portion Deleted Portion

Scope and excitement; nature of physical

1 Physical World -
laws. Physics, technology and society
Length, mass, and time measurements,
2 Units & Measurements Least Count Accuracy and precision of measuring
Graphical treatment of uniformly
accelerated motion
Elementary concepts of differentiation and
integration for describing motion
3 Motion in a Straight Line -
Position and displacement vectors, general
vectors, general vectors and notation,
equality of vectors, multiplication of vectors
by a real number
4 Motion in a Plane - -

5 Laws of Motion - Lubrication

6 Work, Energy and Power - -

Momentum conservation, and centre of

System of Particles and Basic Concept of
7 mass motion, centre of mass of uniform
Rotational Motion Rotational Motion

Motion of a
satellite, time
8 Gravitation Geostationary satellites.
period and energy
of a satellite
Mechanical Properties of Shear, modulus of rigidity, Poisson’s ratio;
9 -
Solids elastic energy
Pressure due to
fluid column,
Mechanical Properties of Pascals law and Reynold’s number,
Fluids its application.
Effect of gravity
on fluid pressure
Thermal Properties of Anomalous Expansion, Thermal
11 -
Matter conductivity, Green House effect.

12 Thermodynamics - Heat engines and

RMS speed of
gas molecules,
13 Kinetic Theory -
free, forced and damped oscillations
14 Oscillations
- (qualitative ideas only), resonance.
15 Waves - Doppler effect.
Sr.No. Chapter Name Added Portion Deleted Portion
Electric Charges and -
1 -
Electrostatics Potential free charges and bound charges inside a
2 -
and Capacitance conductor, Van de Graaff generator.
the flow of electric charges in a metallic
conductor, Carbon resistors, color code for
carbon resistors, Potentiometer-principle
3 Current Electricity - and applications to measure potential
difference, and for comparing emf
of two cells; measurement of internal
resistance of a cell.
Moving Charges & Concept of magnetic field, Oersted’s
4 -
Magnetism experiment, toroidal, Cyclotron.
Earth’s magnetic field and magnetic
5 Magnetism and Matter -
elements, Permanent magnets.
6 - -
7 Alternating Current - LC oscillations (qualitative treatment only)
8 - -
Scattering of light- blue colour of the sky
and reddish appearance of the sun at
Ray Optics and sunrise and sunset, Human eye, image
9 -
Optical Instruments formation and accommodation, correction of
eye defects
(myopia and hypermetropia) using lenses.
- Proof of laws of reflection and refraction
using Huygens’ principle., Resolving power
10 Wave Optics
of microscopes and astronomical
Davisson-Germer experiment
Dual Nature of
11 (experimental details should be omitted;
Radiation and Matter
only conclusion should be explained).
12 Atoms -

- Isotopes, isobars; isotones, Radioactivity-

13 Nuclei alpha, beta and gamma particles/ rays and
their properties decay law
- Energy bands in solids (qualitative ideas
only), conductors, insulators, Junction
Semiconductor transistor, transistor action, characteristics
14 of a transistor; transistor as an amplifier
(common emitter configuration) and
oscillator, Transistor as a switch.

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