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Grammar Lesson 2 - Verbs

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Verbs are words that show actions, like "run" or "eat," or describe a state, like
"am" or "feel."

Functions in a Sentence:

1. Expressing Actions: Verbs convey what someone or something is doing. For

example, in the sentence "She runs every morning," the verb "runs" indicates the
2. Describing States: Verbs also describe states or conditions. In the sentence "He
is happy," the verb "is" shows a state of being.
3. Indicating Time: Verbs play a crucial role in indicating when an action occurs.
Different verb forms are used for past ("walked"), present ("walk"), and future
("will walk") actions.
4. Forming Questions: Verbs help in forming questions. For instance, in "Did you eat
dinner?" the verb "did" signals a question, and "eat" is the main action.
5. Linking Ideas: Linking verbs connect the subject to additional information, such
as in "She seems tired." Here, "seems" links the subject "She" to the state of being

Types of Verbs

1. Action Verbs: Describe physical or mental actions (e.g., run, think).

2. Linking Verbs: Connect the subject to a subject complement, often describing a
state of being (e.g., am, is, seem).
3. Auxiliary (Helping) Verbs: Assist main verbs in forming tenses or indicating
aspects (e.g., have, will).
4. Modal Verbs: Express possibility, necessity, or permission (e.g., can, must,
5. Regular and Irregular Verbs: Regular verbs follow a pattern in forming past tense
(e.g., walk, walked), while irregular verbs change in unique ways (e.g., go, went).

Verbs and Tenses

Verbs and tenses are closely related because verbs change their form to indicate when
an action or state of being occurs. Tense refers to the time of an action, and it is
expressed through verb conjugation.
Past, Present, Future Tenses: These indicate when an action or state occurs.

● Past Tense: Describes actions or states that happened in the past (e.g., "I
● Present Tense: Describes actions or states happening in the present (e.g., "I
● Future Tense: Describes actions or states that will happen in the future (e.g., "I
will walk")

Simple, Continuous and or Perfect Verbs : describe state of action

● Simple Aspects : refer to straightforward forms without the additional complexity

of continuous or perfect aspects. Here are the simple tenses:
○ Simple Present:
i. Form: [base form of the verb]
ii. Example: "I walk to the store."
○ Simple Past:
i. Form: [past tense of the verb, often ending in "-ed" for regular verbs]
ii. Example: "I walked to the store."
○ Simple Future:
i. Form: [will + base form of the verb]
ii. Example: "I will walk to the store."
● Continuous (Progressive) Aspect: This indicates the ongoing nature of an action.
It involves using a form of "to be" along with the present participle (verb + "-ing")
○ Past Continuous: Describes a continuous action in the past (e.g., "I was
○ Present Continuous: Describes a continuous action happening now (e.g., "I
am walking").
○ Future Continuous: Describes a continuous action in the future (e.g., "I will
be walking").
● Perfect Aspect: This indicates completion or a relationship with another time. It
involves using forms of "have" along with the past participle
○ Past Perfect: Describes an action completed before another past action
(e.g., "I had walked").
○ Present Perfect: Describes an action that started in the past and continues
into the present (e.g., "I have walked").
○ Future Perfect: Describes an action that will be completed before a future
time (e.g., "I will have walked").
● Perfect Continuous Aspect : This is a combination of the perfect aspect and the
continuous aspect. It indicates the ongoing nature of an action or state that was
happening continuously and was completed or had an effect at a certain point in
the past, present, or future.
○ Present Perfect Continuous:
■ Form: [has/have + been + present participle]
■ Example: "She has been studying for hours."
○ Past Perfect Continuous:
■ Form: [had + been + past participle]
■ Example: "By the time I arrived, they had been waiting for an hour."
○ Future Perfect Continuous:
■ Form: [will + have + been + present participle]
■ Example: "By this time next year, I will have been working here for a

Modal Verbs and Conditional

Modal verbs express the speaker's attitude, ability, necessity, or permission regarding
the action or state described by the main verb.

1. Can:
○ Ability: "She can play the piano."
○ Permission: "Can I borrow your pen?"
2. Could:
○ Past Ability: "When I was younger, I could run very fast."
○ Polite Request: "Could you please pass the salt?"
3. Will:
○ Future Intent: "I will help you with your homework."
○ Prediction: "It will rain later."
4. Would:
○ Polite Request or Offer: "Would you like some tea?"
○ Hypothetical Situation: "If I had more time, I would visit you."
5. Shall:
○ Suggestion or Offer: "Shall we go for a walk?"
○ Formal Future: "I shall be there at 3 PM."
6. Should:
○ Advice: "You should eat more vegetables."
○ Obligation or Duty: "Students should complete their assignments."
7. Must:
○ Necessity or Requirement: "You must finish your homework before
○ Strong Recommendation: "You must see this movie; it's excellent."
8. May:
○ Permission: "May I use your phone?"
○ Possibility: "It may rain later
9. Might:
● Slight Possibility: "I might attend the meeting."
● Polite Request: "Might I have a moment of your time?"
Modal verbs can be used to convey modality, indicating the speaker's attitude towards
the likelihood, necessity, ability, or permission of an action.

Modal Verbs in Conditionals:

1. Zero Conditional:
○ Describes general truths or facts.
○ Example: "If water reaches 100 degrees Celsius, it boils."
○ Modal Use: Often straightforward, may not heavily involve modality.
2. First Conditional (Real Conditional):
○ Expresses a likely or possible future event.
○ Example: "If it rains, we will stay indoors."
○ Modal Use: Could include modals like "will," "may," or "can" for added
3. Second Conditional (Unreal Conditional):
○ Describes a hypothetical or unlikely present or future situation.
○ Example: "If I won the lottery, I would travel the world."
○ Modal Use: Often involves modals like "would," "could," or "might."
4. Third Conditional (Past Unreal Conditional):
○ Describes a hypothetical situation in the past.
○ Example: "If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam."
○ Modal Use: Typically includes past modals like "could have," "might have,"
or "should have”.

Modals and Degrees of Certainty:

● Certain or Definite:
○ Example: "You must be at the airport by 3 PM."
● Probable or Likely:
○ Example: "He will probably come to the party."
● Possible or Permissible:
○ Example: "You may use my laptop."
● Unlikely or Improbable:
○ Example: "She might not finish the project on time."

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs:

1. She __________ her keys on the kitchen counter.
2. The students __________ quietly during the exam.
3. He always __________ his bicycle to work.
4. The chef __________ a delicious meal for the guests.
5. We __________ our weekend exploring the countryside.
6. The cat __________ lazily in the sun.
7. She __________ her best friend a surprise birthday party every year.
8. The weather in the summer often __________ hot and humid.
9. We __________ finished our project before the deadline.
10. The chef __________ a new recipe for the restaurant menu.
11. The students __________ be more attentive in class.
12. The roses in the garden __________ a delightful fragrance.
13. Tom and Lisa __________ their anniversary at a fancy restaurant.
14. The road to the top of the mountain __________ very steep.
15. The mechanic __________ repairing the car engine.
16. You __________ try to understand different perspectives.

B. Fill in the blanks

1. If it rains, we __________ our picnic indoors.

2. If he __________ his train, he'll be late for the meeting.
3. She would have joined us for dinner if she __________ about it.
4. __________ you study harder, you'll pass the exam.
5. If I __________ you, I would apologize.
6. If the sun __________, we'll go to the beach.
7. If they __________, they would have caught the bus.
8. __________ you finish your work, we can go to the movies.
9. If I __________ you, I wouldn't trust him.
10. If he __________ his flight, he won't make it to the conference.

C. Explore the impact of technology on modern education. Discuss both the positive
and negative aspects, considering how technology has influenced teaching methods,
student engagement, and the overall learning experience. Provide specific examples
and analyze the implications of these technological changes on the future of education.
Support your arguments with relevant research and evidence.
D. Identify the function of the verb in each sentence (action, linking, helping, or modal):

1. She runs a marathon every year.

2. The flowers smelled wonderful.
3. We have finished our project before the deadline.
4. The chef created a new recipe for the restaurant menu.
5. The students can be more attentive in class.
6. The roses in the garden are red.
7. Tom and Lisa celebrated their anniversary at a fancy restaurant.
8. The road to the top of the mountain seems very steep.
9. The mechanic is repairing the car engine.
10. You should try to understand different perspectives.

E. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb tense

1. She usually __________ (eat) dinner at 7 PM.

2. While they __________ (watch) a movie, the power went out.
3. By this time next year, we __________ (travel) to several countries.
4. Yesterday, he __________ (complete) the entire project.
5. I __________ (wait) for you for over an hour.
6. Next week, they __________ (move) to a new apartment.
7. She always __________ (complain) about her job.
8. The kids __________ (play) in the park when it started raining.
9. By the time I arrived, they __________ (already/finish) the meeting.
10. He __________ (study) for his exams all week.
11. As we speak, the chef __________ (prepare) a special dish in the kitchen.
12. By the time I was ten, I __________ (visit) three different countries.
13. They __________ (live) in that neighborhood for over ten years.
14. Next year, she __________ (complete) her master's degree.
15. Last night, while I __________ (watch) TV, the phone __________ (ring).
16. By the end of the day, he __________ (finish) all his tasks.
17. I can't believe how fast time __________ (fly) since we __________ (meet).
18. As soon as they __________ (arrive), we __________ (start) the meeting.
19. He __________ (work) on this project for months before he __________
(finally/complete) it.
20. This time next week, we __________ (relax) on the beach.
F. Identify the voice. Write 'A' for active or 'P' for passive.

1. The cake was baked by Mary.

2. The students completed the assignment.
3. A new bridge is being constructed across the river.
4. The book was written by the famous author.
5. The cat chased the mouse.
6. The project will be finished by tomorrow.
7. The letter was sent by the manager.
8. People speak English all over the world.
9. The house was painted last week.
10. A new movie was released yesterday.

G. Convert the sentences to the opposite voice. Rewrite the active sentences in passive
and vice versa.

1. Mary baked the cake.

2. The assignment was completed by the students.
3. They are building a new bridge across the river.
4. The famous author wrote the book.
5. The mouse was chased by the cat.
6. They will finish the project by tomorrow.
7. The manager sent the letter.
8. English is spoken by people all over the world.
9. They painted the house last week.
10. Yesterday, they released a new movie.

H. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verb

1. You __________ bring an umbrella; it's going to rain.

2. I __________ have forgotten to lock the door.
3. He __________ be at the meeting by now.
4. Students __________ study regularly to succeed.
5. We __________ go to the concert if we finish our work on time.
6. She __________ speak three languages fluently.
7. __________ I borrow your pen for a moment?
8. You __________ try the new restaurant downtown; the food is excellent.
9. He __________ arrive on the 8 o'clock train.
10. They __________ attend the conference next week.

G. Fill in the blanks with the correct conditional form (Zero, First, Second, or Third):

1. If I __________ (know) you were coming, I would have baked a cake.

2. If it rains, we __________ (stay) indoors. (Zero Conditional)
3. She __________ (be) very happy if you could join us for dinner. (Second
4. If he __________ (study) harder, he would have passed the exam. (Third
5. If I __________ (see) her tomorrow, I'll pass along your message. (First
6. What __________ (you/do) if you found a wallet on the street? (Second
7. If they __________ (finish) the project on time, they'll receive a bonus. (First
8. If she __________ (know) the answer, she would raise her hand. (Second
9. If you __________ (tell) me earlier, I could have helped you. (Third Conditional)
10. If the weather __________ (be) better, we would have gone for a hike. (Third
11. If he __________ (realize) the consequences, he __________ (not/act) so
impulsively. (Mixed Conditional)
12. By this time next year, they __________ (live) in this city for a decade. (Third
13. What __________ (you/do) if you __________ (win) the lottery? (Second Conditional)
14. If the train __________ (not/be) delayed, we __________ (arrive) on time. (Mixed
15. I __________ (visit) you more often if you __________ (live) closer. (Second
16. If I __________ (have) more time yesterday, I __________ (read) the entire book.
(Mixed Conditional)
17. He __________ (not/pass) the exam if he __________ (not/study) harder. (First
18. If I __________ (know) you __________ (be) sick, I __________ (visit) you. (Third
19. What __________ (happen) if the government __________ (not/implement) new
policies? (First Conditional)
20. If she __________ (not/lose) her keys, she __________ (not/be) so upset. (Mixed

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