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Military Org. Handout

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Malacampa Camiling, Tarlac


MISSION: To defend the Republic of the Philippines, safeguard its national security and
to assist government agencies in the socio-economic development of the country.


Uphold the sovereignty, Support the Constitution and defend the territory of the
country against enemies.

Promote and advance the national aims, goals, interest and policies

Plan, organize, maintain, develop and deploy its regular and citizen reserve forces
for national security; and

Perform other functions as the President may direct.


The President - Commander-in-Chief of the AFP, exercises strategic direction of the

AFP through the SND, likewise exercises command of the AFP through Chief of Staff.

The Secretary of the National Defense

Chief Of Staff, AFP


MISSION: Provide necessary protection of the state against external and internal
threats: directing, planning and supervising National Defense Program; and performing
other functions as may be provided for by the law.


Secretary of National Defense

Government Arsenal Office (GAO)

Office of Civil Defense (OCD)

Phil Veterans Affairs Office (PVAO)

National Defense College of the Philippines (NDCP)

Under Secretary

USec for National Defense (USND)

USec for Civil Relations (USNR)

USec for Veterans and Reserve Affairs (USVRA)

Personal Staff Offices

The Senior Military Assistant (SMA)

Head Executive Assistant (HEA)

Office for Legislative Affairs (OLEG)

Executive Staff
Office of the Assistant Sec for Plans and Programs

Staff for Installation and Logistics (ASIL)

Staff for Comptrollership (ASCOM)

Staff for Personnel (ASPER)

Office for Public Affairs (OPA)

Office for Strategic Assessment (OSA)

Office for Legal Affairs (OLA)

The SND - is the civilian advisers of the President on matters concerning defense
and security of the State. It has executive supervision over the AFP.

The Chief of Staff - Commands the AFP, he is the principal military adviser of the
President, and he executes the President command functions in military strategy and
tactics. It is through the Chief of Staff, AFP that the President issues orders to all AFP


General Headquarters (GHQ)

Major Services (PA, PAF and PN)


AFP-Wide Support and Separate Units (AFPWSSUS)

General Headquarters (GHQ)

The Command Group

Office of the Chief of Staff

Mission - To execute the president's command functions in relation to military

strategy, tactics & operation. To exercise command and control of all elements of the


Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff


Administrative Branch

Security Branch

2. Office of the Vice Chief of Staff, AFP

Mission - To assist the Chief of Staff, AFP and to perform his functions during the
latter's absence or inability.



Administrative Section

3. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, AFP

Mission - To assist the Chief of Staff, AFP in policy formulation &
implementation & command decision-making through completed staff action.


Executive Assistant to the Deputy Chief of Staff


Administrative Officer

4. AFP Joint Operation Center (AFPJOC)

Mission - To provide current information & facts, coordination plans &

formulate recommendations which will be the basis for CSAFP in decision-making, and
to take immediate action on operational matters and issues consistent with command
guidance and established policies.


Administrative Branch

Operations Branch

5. Office of the Secretary Joint Staff (OSJS)

Mission - To provide protocol, secretarial and support services to the Chief of

Staff, AFP, the Vice Chief of Staff, AFP and the Deputy Chief of Staff, AFP in their
exercise of command and management of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

Secretary Joint Staff

Asst Secretary Joint Staff

Administrative Branch

Service Support Branch

Protocol Branch

Evaluation and Research Branch


1. Office of the Inspector General (OTIG)

Mission - To acquire into and report on matters pertaining to the mission

performances, state of morale and discipline, and the efficiency & economy in the
utilization of AFP resources, and to make such inspections, investigation and reports as
may be prescribed by law, AFP regulations and circulars, or by the staff CSAFP, or


The Inspector General

Personal Staffs:

Legal Office
Budget and Fiscal Office


Administrative Division

Inspections Division

Investigation Division

Research & Training Division

Special Data Division

2. Office of the Ethical Standards & Public Accountability (OESPA)

Mission - To enhance professionalism, promote honesty and integrity in the

military service instill ethical standards and inculcate a strong sense of public
accountability among military & civilian personnel in the pursuit of a common
commitment against graft and corruption in the AFP.



Professional Standards & Graft Division

Statement of Assets & Liabilities Division

Investigation & Intelligence Division

Legal Division

Administrative & Personnel Division

3. Office of the AFP Sergeant Major (AFPSM)

Mission - The AFP Sergeant Major is the link of the Chief of Staff with the
enlisted personnel wherein he is tasked to assist the CSAFP in maintaining & improving
the state of morale, welfare and discipline of the enlisted personnel.


AFP Sgt Major


Administrative/Personnel Branch

Fiscal/Budget Branch

Operation Branch

Research Branch

4. Office of Strategic and Fiscal Studies (OSFS)

Mission - To combat research and studies on national, regional and

international strategic issues and concerns that impact on the mission and functions of
the Armed Forces, to communicate the significance and implications of these concerns
to various internal and external publics; and to conduct independent reviews and
evaluation of existing AFP policies in the pursuit of organizational efficiency and

Strategic Research Division

Plans & Research Branch

Operation Branch

Administrative & Support Branch

Liaison Office for Legislative Affairs (LOLA)

Mission - To assist the CSAFP in maintaining harmonious relations with

Congress and other concerned agencies related to legislative matters/affairs involving
the AFP.


Chief LOLA

Legislative Branch

Administrative & Support Branch


Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (J-1)

Mission - Assists the Chief of Staff, AFP in the attainment of AFP personnel
objectives pertaining to command & staff direction, coordination & supervision of all
personnel activities of the AFP.

Administrative Division

Procurement & Attrition Division

Career Management Division

Promotion Division

Plans & Policy Division

Morale & Welfare Division

Discipline, Law & Order Division

Budget and Data Management Division

Civilian Personnel Affairs Division.

Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (J-2)

Mission - Plans, directs, coordinates, controls & supervises all intelligence

and counterintelligence activities in the AFP and manages effectively AFP intelligence


Administrative & Personnel Division.

Operational Control Division

Counter-Intelligence Division

Plans & Policy Division

Budget Division

Foreign Liaison Division

Information Systems Division

Intelligence Research & Analysis Division.

3. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operation (J-3)

Mission - Formulates, plans, directs, coordinates & supervises all matters

pertaining to organizations and operations of the AFP.


Administrative Division

Operations Division

Manpower Organizational Division

Policy & Research Division

CAFGU Affairs Division

Program & Budget Division

4. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (J-4)

Mission - Advises the Chief of Staff, AFP on logistics concerns of the AFP
and coordinates, supervises and evaluates the implementation of approved logistics
plans and procedures.


Administrative Division

Plans Division

Operations Division
Acquisitions Division

Bases Development Division

5. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans (J-5)

Mission - Studies & prepares plans outside of the field of immediate

operational planning to meet all possible war contingencies, advises the Chief of Staff in
the latter's discharge of responsibilities pertaining to Mutual Defense Board and United
Nations matters.


Program Evaluation & Management Review/Analysis Division

Accounting Division

Plans & Special Studies Division

Administrative Division

Office of the GHQ Comptroller

Budget Operation Division

Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Comptrollership (J-6)

Mission – Assist the Chief of Staff, AFP on matters pertaining to

management of financial resources.


Comptroller Division
Accounting Division

PEMRA Division

Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Civil Military Operations (J-7)

Mission - Assist the Chief of Staff, AFP on all matter pertaining to the political,
social, economic & psychological dimensions of military operations.


Value Orientation, Information & Continuing Education Division

Military Economic Welfare Division

Public Affairs and Inter-Agency Coordination

Reserve Manpower & Reservists Administration

Research Division

Programs, Estimates & Budget Division

Mass Communication Division

Administrative Branch

Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Education and Training (J-8)

Mission - Assists the Chief of Staff, AFP in the formulation of plans and
policies in the direction, coordination and supervision of all matters pertaining to
education and training of AFP personnel.

Administrative Division

Local Training Division

Foreign Training Division

Plans & Policy Division

Programs & Budget Division

Research & Doctrines Development Division

Selection, Testing & Monitoring Division

Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Materiel Development (J-9)

Mission - Plans & administers the development of the Self-Reliant Defense

Posture (SRDP) program of the AFP.


Administrative Division

Plans & Policies Division

Program & Budget Division

SRDP Facilities Division

Ammunition Division

Weapons Division

Mobility Division

Communications-Electronics Division

Quartermaster Division
Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Reservists and Retirees Affairs (J-10)

Mission - Assists and advises the Chief of Staff, AFP in the exercise of
command and management of all reserve forces, and in the conduct of AFP activities
related to retire affairs and assistance to veterans.


Administrative Services Division

Manpower Development & Administration Division

Force Development Division

Plans, Programs and Budget Division

Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications, Electronics and

Information Systems (J-11)

Mission - Assists the chief Of Staff, AFP in the formulation of policies and in
the planning, direction, coordination and supervision of all matters pertaining to
communications, electronics and information systems (CEIS) in the AFP.


Administrative & Personnel Division

Operations & Training/Doctrine Division

Material Management Division

Plans/Programs & Budget

System Engineering Division

Information System Division


Office of the Provost Marshall General (OTPMG)

Mission - To instill military discipline on all AFP personnel to attain a lawful

environment through the promulgation and enforcement of laws, rules, and regulations
responsive to the over-all objectives of the AFP.


Operations & Plans Division

Administrative Division

Intelligence Division

Motor Vehicle Registration & Insurance Division

Records, Research and Statistics Division

Office of the Adjutant General (OTAG)

Mission - To provide administrative services, to attain efficient and effective

personnel administration, record management and publication of orders.

The Adjutant General

Administrative Division

Non-Current Records Division

Management Information System Division

Civilian Personnel Management Division

AFP Regulations Division

Information Service Division

Morale and Discipline Division

Publication & Current Records Division

Benefits Claim Division

Military Personnel Management Division

Office of the Judge Advocate General (OJAG)

Mission - To perform, enforce and discharge its assigned role and functions as
the Chief Legal Officer of the AFP and Legal Adviser of the Department of National
Defense on military matters; and to supervise the military justice system throughout the




Professional, Prosecution and Legal Services Division

Administrative Division
Military Justice Division

Staff Judge Advocate for CSAFP Division

Military Affairs Division

Claims Division

AFP Headquarters Service Command AFP(HSC)

Mission - To provide administrative service support and local security for GHQ
AFP and other units inside CGEA.


HQ Svc Group

Svc Support Group

GHQ Band

Camp Engineer

Dental Dispensary

Medical dispensary

GHQ Motor Pool

Supply Company

Veterinary Dispensary

WAC Company

Security Escort Group

Office of the Chief Chaplain Service (OTCCHS)

Mission - To provide opportunities for religious expressions and moral growth of
AFP Personnel and their families in order to assists effectively in the accomplishment of
the overall mission of the AFP.


The chief Chaplain Service, AFP

Chief Plans and Program Section

Chief Administrative and Personnel Section

Chief Budget and Fiscal Section

Chief Historical and Record Section

The Chaplain Board

Office of the Recreation and Welfare Support Services (RWSS)

Mission - To initiate policies and plans for physical and well being of all military
and civilian personnel, as well as their dependents through a well-balanced recreation
and welfare service program.


Chief RWSS

Assistant Chief, RWSS

Administrative Branch

Sports, Physical Fitness & Cultural Entertainment Branch

Budget & Fiscal Branch

Rest & Recreation Branch

Office for Historical and Cultural Activities (OHCA)

Mission - To showcase the vision, ideals and glory of the Filipino soldiery and to
plan monitor the historical and cultural activities of the AFP.


Administrative Branch

Historical Branch

Cultural Branch

AFP Commissioned Officers Club (AFPCOC)

Mission - To promote and maintain camaraderie, fellowship, well being, morale

and efficiency of its members and their dependents by providing dinning refreshments,
billeting, social and recreational facilities for officers.

AFP Housing Administration (AFPHA)

Mission - To assist the Chief of Staff, AFP in the overall supervision and
management of all AFP Government Quarters and AFP Housing Projects.


The AFP Housing Board

Committees and Secretariat:

Committee on Housing Requirements, Administration and Tenancy

Committee on Finance, Loans, Collection and Remittance

Committee on Construction, Repair and Maintenance



Administrative Branch

On-Base Branch

Off-Base Branch

Financial Management Branch

Plans & Research Branch

Office of the Chief of Engineers (OTCE)

Mission - To assist the Chief of Staff, AFP in the planning, policy formulation and
supervision of engineer programs, projects and activities, and to assist in national
reforestation programs of the government.



Administration, Logistics and Installation Division

Plans and Operation Division

Real Estate Management Division

Special Projects Division,

Office of the Chief Ordnance and Chemical Services (OTCOCS)

Mission - To assist the CSAFP in the formulation of policies, and in planning,

coordination, supervision and control of all matters pertaining to ordnance and chemical
resources and activities.


Administrative and Personnel Branch

Plans and Policy Branch

Ammo and CBN Branch

Weapons and Mobility Branch

Office of the Quartermaster General (OTQMG)

Mission - The QTMG is tasked to with the responsibility of assisting the Chief of
Staff, AFP in the formulation of policies and in planning coordination, supervision and
control of all matters pertaining to Quartermaster material, QM graves and transport
services of all AFP units and installations.


Administrative Branch

Management Branch

POL Branch

Plans and Policy

Research Branch

Transportation Branch

Office of the Surgeon General (OSG)

Mission - The Office of the Surgeon General, AFP assist and advises the Chief
of Staff, AFP on Health and Medical matters affecting the AFP.




Chief, Medical Corps

Chief, Veterinary Corps

Chief, Medical Administrative Corps

Administrative Branch

Personnel Branch

Plans, Training, Operations and Organization Branch

Professional Branch

Requirements Branch

Preventive Medicine Branch

DND-AFP Family Planning Branch

Rehabilitation Management and Research Branch

Office of the Chief Dental Service, AFP (OTCDS)

Mission - To assist the Chief of Staff, AFP in the formulation of policies and in
the planning coordination and supervision of all matters pertaining to the AFP Dental



Deputy RCDS

Plans/POL/Training Branch

Professional Branch

Program and Budget Branch

Administrative and Personnel Branch

Office of the Chief Nurse, AFP (OTCN)

Mission - To assist the Chief of Staff, AFP in the formulation of policies and in
planning, coordination and supervision of al matters pertaining to the nurse corps, AFP
and the AFP Nursing Service.


The Chief Nurse

Personnel Management Branch

Reserve & Retired Affairs Branch

Administrative Branch

Plans, Organization and Training Branch

AFP Wide Support and Separate Units (AFPWSSU)

Mission - To administer over pensions, educational and other benefits due to the
veterans and their dependents.


Administrator PVAO

Disability Rating Board

Administrative Division

Financial Management Division

Legal & Investigation Division

Claims & Pension Branch

Special Projects Divisions

Placement & Training Division

Miscellaneous Benefits Division

Pension & Gratuity Division

Educational Benefits Division

Special Claims Division

AFP Joint Staff College Services Command (AFPJSCSC)

Mission - The two-fold aim of the college is "to prepare selected General Staff
Corps Officer for senior leadership and staff positions in the AFP and to serve as the
AFP Center for advanced military studies and doctrinal development in Joint Combined


Chief of Staff

Dean of the Academics Group

Directors of the Doctrines Center

Support Group

AFP Logistics Command (AFPLC)

Mission - To provide logistics to all AFP units, especially on common items of

supplies, materials and services.


Commander AFPLC

L1 (Personnel)

L2 (Intelligence)

L3 (Operations)

L5 (Plans & Programs)

L6 (Comptrollership)
L7 (Civil Military Operations)

Communications Electronic Service, AFP (CESAFP)

Mission - To establish, operate and maintain communications-electronics

system and services for the command and control, operation direction and
administration of the AFP.


Hqs Support Bn

Signal Service Bn

Long Lines Bn




MISSION - To provide military maps, engineer survey, terrain intelligence

information, and printing services as required by the AFP and to conduct other related
activities as directed by the Chief of Staff, AFP.


Reproduction Division

Mapping Division

Survey Division
Service Support Division

Operations & Intelligence Division

Administrative Division

Logistics Division

Budget & Fiscal Division

Civil Relations Service, AFP (CRSAFP)

MISSION - To plan, implement and supervise the conduct of Civil Military

Operations, independently, jointly with or in support of AFP Security Operations & other
CMO-related activities.


Commanding General CRSAFP

CRSAFP General Staff:

Chief of Staff

Asst Chief of Staff (Personnel)

Asst Chief of Staff (Intelligence)

Asst Chief of Staff (Operations)

Asst Chief of Staff (Logistics)

Asst Chief of Staff (Comptrollership)

Special Staff:
Command Adjutant

Supply Accountable

Public Assistance & Complaints Action Office

Command Judge Advocate Office

Communications & Electronics Office

Reconciliation Development Program Office

AFP Finance Center (AFPFC)

Mission - To manage the financial transactions of GHQ and AFP Wide Support
Separate Units (AFPWSSU'S) and Area Commands (ACs) in accordance with existing
laws and render an accounting thereof: Provide the needed finance services to AFP
units its paying jurisdiction and perform such other fiscal duties as maybe required by
law or as directed by the Chief of Staff, AFP.


Chief Finance Center

Coordinating Staffs:

The Administrative Branch (F1)

Security Branch (F2)

Finance Operations Branch (F3)

Logistics and Support Branch (F4)

Plans, Budget and Management Branch (F5/F6)

Public Assistance Branch (F7)

Operating Branches:

Centralized Pay Operations Branch

Pensions and Gratuity Branch

Disbursement Branch

Collection & Retirement Branch

Intelligence Service, AFP (ISAFP)

Mission - Conduct Intelligence and Counterintelligence operations, both

Domestics and Foreign in support of the Overall AFP mission.



Coordinating Staff:

Operations and Intelligence Division

Personnel Division

Logistics Division

Comptroller Division
Special Staff:

The Adjutant

Supply Accountable Office

Intelligence Procurement Office

Staff Judge Advocate

Support and Special Units:

MIG 19 (Foreign Intelligence Group)

MIG 21 (Technical Intelligence Group)

MIG 16 (Counterintelligence Group)

Intelligence Service Records Center

Intelligence Service Finance Service Units

Legal Action Unit

Special Intelligence Training School


AFP Computer Systems Center (AFPCSC)

Mission - To provide guidance and technical support services in strategic

planning acquisition, development and maintenance of Information system and
technology resources in the AFP.

Directorate for General & Staff Services

Directorate for Data Processing

Directorate for Training, Standard and Evaluation

Directorate for System Development

Directorate for Operations, Research and Statistics

AFP Commissary and Exchange Service (AFPCES)

Mission - To sell merchandise goods and services to authorized customers at

reasonably low prices to enhance their socio-economic well being.


General Manager

Administrative & Service Department

Purchasing Department

Sales Operations Department

Comptrollership Department



Mission - To conduct prompt and sustain ground operations to accomplish

AFP mission.

Organize, train and equip Army forces for the conduct of prompt and
sustained operation on land.

Prepare such units as maybe necessary for the effective prosecution of the
national defense plans and programs and Armed Forces missions, including expansions
of the peacetime army component to meet any emergency.

Develop, in coordination with other Major Services, tactics, techniques and

equipment of interest to the Army for field operations.

Organize, train and equip al Army reserve units, and

Perform such other functions as maybe provided by law of higher authorities.


Mission - To conduct prompts and sustain air operation to accomplish AFP



Organize, train and equip forces for the conduct of prompt and sustained air
operations for the defense of the Philippines.

Organize, train and equip for airlift, airborne and tactical air operations
unilaterally or in coordination with surface forces.

Formulate and develop doctrines, concepts, systems, policies, procedures,

tactics and techniques for operations peculiar to Air Force.

Organize, train and equip al Air Force reserve units.

Perform such other functions as maybe provided by law or assigned by higher


Mission - To conduct prompts and sustain naval and maritime operations to

accomplish the AFP mission.


Organize, train and equip the force for prompt and sustained naval

Prepare the necessary naval units for the effective enforcement of all
applicable laws upon the Philippine seas and waters, the prosecution of national
defense plans and programs and Armed Forces missions, including the expansion of a
peacetime navy component to meet any emergency.

Formulate and develop doctrines, concepts, systems, policies, procedures,

strategies, tactics and techniques and operations peculiar to the navy.

Enforce laws and regulations pertaining to navigation, safety of life at sea,

immigration, customs, revenues, narcotics, quarantine fishing and neutrality of the
territorial contiguous waters of the Philippines.

Organize, train and equip all naval reserve units, and

Perform such other functions as maybe provided by law or assigned by higher



Northern Luzon Command (NOLCOM)

Southern Luzon Command (SOLCOM)


Western Command (WESCOM)

Southern Command (SOUTHCOM)

CIC - Commander-In-Chief
SND - Secretary of National Defense

CSAFP - Chief of Staff Armed Forces of the Philippines

TIG - The Inspector General

ESPA - Ethical Standard and Public Accountability

PIO - Public Information Office

LOLA - Liaison Office for Legislative Affairs

OSS - Office of the Strategic and Special Studies

AFPSM - Office of the Sergeant Major

VCSAFP - Vice Chief of Staff Armed Forces of the Philippines

TDCSAFP - The Deputy Chief of Staff Armed Forces of the Philippines

JOC - Joint Operation Center

SJS - Secretary Joint Staff

DCS PERS - Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (J1)

DCS INTEL - Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (J2)

DCS OPNS - Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (J3)

DCS LOG - Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (J4)

DCS PLANS - Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans (J5)

DCS COMPT - Deputy Chief of staff for Comptrollership (J6)

DCS CMO - Deputy Chief of Staff for Civil Military Operations (J7)

DCS E & T - Deputy Chief of Staff for Education and Training (J8)

DCS MAD - Deputy Chief of Staff for Materiel development (J9)

DCS RRA - Deputy Chief of Staff for Reservists and Retirees Affairs
(J10)DCS CEIS - Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications,
Electronics & Info System (J11)

HSC - Headquarters Service Command

TJAG - The Judge Advocate General

CHAP SVC - Chaplain Service

TPMG - The Provost Marshall General

TCE - The Chief of Engineers

TCOCS - The Chief Ordnance and Chemical Service

TQMG - The Quartermaster General

TSG - The Surgeon General

TCDS - The Chief Dental Service

TCN - The Chief Nurse

AFPCOC - Armed Forces of the Philippines Commissioned Officers Club

OHCA - Office for Historical & Cultural Activities

CWAC - Chief Women Auxilliary Corps

PSG - Presidential Security Group

CRS - Civil Relation Service

PMA - Philippine Military Academy

JSCSC - Joint Staff College Services Command

RESCOM - Reserve Command

GHQ HSC - General Headquarters and Headquarters Service Command

ISAFP - Intelligence Services Armed Forces of the Philippines

LOGCOM - Logistics Command

RDC - Research Development Center

FIN CTR - Finance Center

AFPCES - Armed Forces of the Philippines Commissary and Exchange


CSC - Armed Forces of the Philippines Computer System Center

MED CTR - Medical center

NOLCOM - Northern Luzon Command

SOLCOM - Southern Luzon Command

VISCOM - Visayan Command

WESCOM - Western Command

SOUTHCOM - Southern Command

PA - Philipine Army

PN - Philippine Navy

PAF - Philippine Air Force

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