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National EE ESD Policy

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Ministry of Environment, Forestry & Tourism

National Environmental Education and

Education for Sustainable Development Policy

National Environmental Education
and Education for Sustainable Development

Republic of Namibia
September 2019
Table of Contents Foreword
Namibia has made great strides in including environmental sustainability into the development pathways towards
Executive Summary...................................................................................................................................iv sustainable development, but still faces an array of environmental sustainability challenges. These include land
degradation, soil erosion, deforestation, risks and impacts of unsustainable economic development, water, waste and
energy management, pollution and the impacts of climate change. These challenges call for the need to accelerate
List of Acronyms.......................................................................................................................................vii progress towards sustainable development as outlined in Namibia Vision 2030 (GRN, 2004), the Harambee Prosperity
Plan (GRN, 2016a) and the Fifth National Development Plan (GRN, 2016b). These pronouncements are guided by Article
Glossary of EE and ESD policy-related key concepts and terms........................................................viii
95 (I) of the Namibian Constitution, which calls for the “maintenance of ecosystems, essential ecological processes and
1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................1 biological diversity of Namibia and utilization of living natural resources on a sustainable basis for the benefit of all
1.1 Importance of EE and ESD..............................................................................................................1 Namibians, both present and future”.
1.2 The Background Underpinning EE and ESD in Namibia.................................................................2
1.3 Understanding EE and ESD in the Namibian Context.....................................................................3 The protection of the environment is imperative as it is the support base for all life on earth. Environmental Education
1.4 Rationale..........................................................................................................................................4 (EE) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a cross-cutting issue that needs to be mainstreamed by all
sectors. Stakeholders should develop their own institutional action plans and support capacity building and training in
2. Policy Alignment..................................................................................................................................5 EE and ESD based on the issues and needs in their own workplaces.
2.1 Global context..................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Regional context...............................................................................................................................5 The Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture believe that EE and ESD
2.3 National context................................................................................................................................6 issues must be entrenched in the sectoral and sub-sectoral strategies of all stakeholders and at all institutional levels.
2.4 Local context....................................................................................................................................8 The ‘carbon credit’, ‘polluter pays’ and ‘precautionary’ principles need to be embraced across sectors. To achieve this, a
strong culture of networking is recommended in implementation of this EE and ESD policy as it will promote participation,
3. Guiding Principles...............................................................................................................................9
information sharing, exchanging of views and ideas, and developing the necessary skills among all sectors.
4. Policy Direction.................................................................................................................................10
4.1 Vision..............................................................................................................................................10 Training and capacity building in EE and ESD is recognised in Namibian policies, curricula and strategies as one of the
4.2 Mission...........................................................................................................................................10 main strategies for addressing sustainable development challenges as it is expected to build a critical mass of citizens,
4.3 Goals..............................................................................................................................................10 who are not just informed and trained, but who are above all capable of using their achievements to bring about the
economic, social, cultural and political changes required for sustainable development.
4.4 Objectives.......................................................................................................................................10
4.5 Strategies....................................................................................................................................... 11
Our National EE and ESD Policy is aligned to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 2030
4.5.1 Responsible citizenship action........................................................................................... 11
Agenda for Sustainable Development aims to redirect humanity towards a sustainable path. Education, specifically EE
4.5.2 Sensitizing, lobbying and advocacy...................................................................................12
and ESD, play a significant role in achieving all the SDGs. This EE and ESD policy provides the path for Namibia to
4.5.3 Training and Capacity Building...........................................................................................12 mainstream Target 4.7 of SDG#4 on Quality Education, which seeks to ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge
4.5.4 Curriculum development....................................................................................................12 and skills needed to promote sustainable development by 2030.
4.5.5 Development of EE and ESD Programmes.......................................................................12
4.5.6 Development of learning support materials........................................................................12 The ESD Task Force, an inter-agency technical committee envisaged to drive the implementation of EE and ESD, is
4.5.7 Usage of Information and Communication Technology......................................................12 called upon to assist in mobilizing financial resources and developing strategic partnerships with leading environmental
4.5.8 Pedagogical Innovations....................................................................................................13 and sustainable development organizations.
4.5.9 Establishment of Centres of Expertise in EE and ESD......................................................13
4.5.10 Research, Innovation and Development............................................................................13 At a time when environmental issues threaten Namibia’s development and the quality of life of its citizens, EE and ESD
4.5.11 Networking.........................................................................................................................13 are of utmost importance to sensitize the nation on the role that each individual person has to play towards sustainability.

5. Implementation Arrangements.........................................................................................................15
5.1 Institutional coordination.................................................................................................................15
5.2 Legal and regulatory arrangements...............................................................................................15
5.3 Resource mobilization....................................................................................................................15
5.4 Monitoring and evaluation framework and reporting......................................................................15
5.5 Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders.....................................................................................15
……………….....................………… ……………….....................…………
6. Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................18 Pohamba Shifeta Martin Andjaba
References.................................................................................................................................................19 Minister of Environment and Tourism, MP Acting Minister of Education, Arts and Culture, MP

ii iii
Executive Summary
Namibia has made great strides in including institutions, national and local government, government and serve as a basis for addressing local, national and of Education, Arts and Culture (MoEAC), Ministry of
environmental sustainability into the development institutions and parastatals, the private sector, non- global environmental issues. The mainstreaming of Sport, Youth and National Service (MSYNS), Ministry of
pathways towards sustainable development, but governmental organizations and the general public. It environmental issues into education processes will help Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR) and the
still faces an array of environmental sustainability should ensure that all sectors acquire the knowledge, Namibians to appreciate, understand and support our Namibian Environmental Education Network (NEEN).
challenges. The most challenging of these issues include attitudes and values, as well as the actions and skills natural ecosystems to adapt to climate change, ensure The high-level ESD Task Force shall assist in mobilizing
land degradation and soil erosion, deforestation, risks required for managing natural resources in a way that that food production is not threatened and enable social the necessary financial resources for the implementation
and impacts of unsustainable economic development, causes no significant damage to the environment and and economic development to proceed in a sustainable of EE and ESD activities through their respective
water management, waste management, pollution and considers the needs of present and future generations. manner. EE and ESD programmes should be designed to institutions.
the impacts of climate change. These challenges call enhance knowledge, skills, attitudes and values as well
for the need to accelerate progress towards sustainable The policy context outlines the constitutional obligations as the actions necessary for informed decision making The Policy recognises that each participating institution
development as outlined in Vision 2030 (GRN, 2004), of the Government of the Republic of Namibia (GRN) and sound environmental management practices. shall create a unit responsible for EE and ESD and
the Harambee Prosperity Plan (GRN, 2016a) and regarding the protection of the environment and the appoint suitable staff to mainstream EE and ESD
the Fifth National Development Plan (GRN, 2016). maintenance of the natural ecosystems for the benefit EE and ESD in Namibia is to be developed and policy and related programmes in sectoral and sub-
The notion of sustainable development in Namibia is of present and future Namibians. It also acknowledges implemented through networking and collaboration sectoral plans. Constant monitoring, evaluation and
rooted in the outcomes of international negotiations on the importance of environmental sustainability in local between and among Government ministries, the donor reporting should form a critical part of the process. The
sustainable development such as the Agenda 21 from contexts by recognising the existence of local guidelines community, NGOs, Community Based Organisations monitoring of EE and ESD will focus on the financial and
the Earth Summits of 1992, the Johannesburg Plan that are significant to natural resources management (CBOs) and the private sector. The emphasis will therefore educational aspects. Educational monitoring shall focus
of Implementation from 2002, Future We Want from at the environment and people interface. One such be on participation, information sharing, exchange of on policy implementation, transformation of learning and
the Rio+20 Conference in 2012 and most recently the guideline is the Management of Conservancies and views and ideas and development of relevant skills training environments, capacity building of educators
Sustainable Development Goals in 2015. Standard Operating Procedures. The policy context among the stakeholders. The coordination of the policy and trainers, empowerment and mobilization of the
also recognises the affirmation of the Southern African implementation will be enhanced by an ESD Task Force, youth and implementation of sustainable solutions at the
These documents emphasize that education is critical Development Community (SADC) of the need to protect which will represent an inter-agency technical committee local level. Financial monitoring shall include success in
for promoting sustainable development and achieving the environment using education to build a regional lobby to drive the policy implementation process. The task fundraising and effectiveness of financial management
environmental and ethical awareness, values and of action for sustainable development. It also recognises force shall consist of high-level representatives from towards achieving set goals. Each stakeholder should
attitudes, skills and behaviour consistent with sustainable the anticipated “Education for Sustainable Development the government, private sector and non-governmental provide the high-level Task Force through the NPC with
development and for effective public participation in Towards achieving the SDGs (ESD for 2030)” which was organizations. The Policy is coordinated through the feedback on the EE and ESD policy implementation.
decision-making. They also highlight education as adopted by the 206th session of the UNESCO Executive National Planning Commission (NPC), Ministry of
one of the means to change social, cultural, economic Board. It follows the UN Global Action Programme Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT), Ministry
and political factors to secure ecologically sustainable (GAP) which sought to generate and scale-up ESD and
development. accelerate progress towards sustainable development
through outlined goals, objectives and priority action
EE and ESD are recognized as one of the means of realizing areas. The policy also recognizes the Global 2030
the dynamic balance among environmental factors and Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United
socio-economic advancement and accelerating progress Nations and the SDGs. Namibia, as a member of the
towards sustainable development. This policy on EE and United Nations, has committed itself to mainstreaming
ESD represents a vision for education that meets the EE and ESD in order to implement the ESD for 2030
needs of the current generation without compromising objectives, the SDGs (Target 4.7 specifically) and each
the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The of the Multi-lateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs),
EE and ESD policy empowers Namibian people of all particularly those on climate change, desertification and
ages to assume responsibility for creating and enjoying a biological diversity.
sustainable future, and to act for positive environmental
and social change. Therefore, this policy on EE and ESD The policy principles and environmental issues thereof
presents the national guiding principles and frameworks span the social, cultural, political, economic and bio-
for mainstreaming sustainable development issues, physical aspects of the environment. This policy is
environmental education initiatives and environmental designed to support EE and ESD in formal, non-formal
planning frameworks of the Namibian Public and Private and informal education processes across all sectors
Sector institutions as well as civil society. EE and ESD in of the Namibian society including higher education,
Namibia is more than a curriculum issue and should be teacher education, technical and vocational education
implemented across all sectors including schools, higher institutions, and general education. The guidelines are
education institutions, technical and vocational education in accordance with ecologically sustainable practice

iv v
Acknowledgements List of Acronyms
We acknowledge the input of many organisations and individuals. A special thank you to the following organisations and AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome NATCOM Namibia National Commission for
their proxies for their contribution to the development and production of this EE and ESD policy. UNESCO
AMCEN African Ministerial Conference on
Environment NAU Namibia Agriculture Union
CBNRM Community-based Natural Resource NDP National Development Plans
Š AfriCat EE Centre Š Municipality of Walvis Bay (WBM) Management
NEEN Namibian Environmental Education
Š Anglican Diocese of Namibia Š Mupolo Primary School CBO Community Based Organisation(s) Network
Š Auas Primary School Š Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust
COTA College of the Arts NIED National Institute for Educational
Š Capacity Enhancement for Global Environmental (NaDEET)
DESD Decade of Education for Sustainable
Conventions (CEGEM) Š Namibia Animal Rehabilitation Research and
Development NGO Non-Governmental Organisation/s
Š Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) Education Centre (NARREC)
EE Environmental Education NNFU Namibia National Farmers Union
Š City of Windhoek (CoW) Š Namibia University of Science and Technology
(NUST) EEASA Environmental Education Association of NPC National Planning Commission
Š Cosmos High School Southern Africa
Š Namibia Youth Energy Sector NQA National Qualification Authority
Š Country Pilot Programme for Integrated
Š Namibian Coast Conservation and Management ESD Education for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Land Management (CPP for ISLM) NTA National Training Authority
(NACOMA) Project FBO Faith Based Organisation(s)
Š De Duine Secondary School NUST Namibia University of Science and
Š Namibian Environmental Education Network GAP Global Action Plan Technology
Š Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GEF Global Environment Facility OPN Office of the President
Š Namibian National Commission to UNESCO
Š Dynamic Environment GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale RLA Regional and Local Authorities
Š EduVentures Zusammenarbeit
Š Namibian Press Association (NAMPA) SADC Southern African Development
Š Elephant Human Relations Aid (EHRA) GRN Government of the Republic of Namibia Community
Š Namibian Training Authority (NTA)
Š Giraffe Conservation Foundation- Khomas HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus SADC-REEP Southern African Development
Š Namibian Youth Coalition on Climate Change
Environmental Education Programme (GCF-KEEP) Community- Regional Environmental
(NYCCC) ICT Information and Communication
Education Programme
Š Habitat Research Development Centre (HRDC) Technology
Š Namutoni EE Centre (NEEC)
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
Š Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) MAWLR Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land
Š National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI)
Š Hochland High School Reform SEEN Supporting Environmental Education in
Š National Institute for Educational Development Namibia
Š International University of Management (IUM) (NIED) M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
TVET Technical, Vocational Education and
Š Khoebasen Human Power Š National Museum of Namibia MDGs Millennium Development Goals
Š Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform Š National Youth Council (NYC) MEAs Multilateral Environmental Agreements
UNAM University of Namibia
(MAWLR) MEFT Ministry of Environment, Forestry and
Š Okatjikona EE Centre
UN United Nations
Š Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (MoEAC) Tourism
Š Progress Namibia
Š Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism UNCBD United Nations Convention on Biological
Š Rundu Teachers Resource Centre (TRCC) MFMR Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
(MEFT) Diversity
Š Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Š Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat
MISA Media Institute of Southern Africa
(MFMR) Š Regional Environmental Education Programme Desertification
(SADC-REEP) MLR Ministry of Land Reform
Š Office of the President (OPN) UNDP United Nations Development
Š Stellenbosch University MoEAC Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture Programme
Š Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Service
(MSYNS) Š United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) MSYNS Ministry of Sport, Youth and National UNESCO United Nations Organization for
Š United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Service Education, Science and Culture
Š Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture
(MTEC) – Lesotho Organisation (UNESCO) NaDEET Namib Desert Environmental Education UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
Š University of Namibia (UNAM) Trust
Š Ministry of Works and Transport (MWT) UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention
NAMCOL Namibia College of Open Learning on Climate Change

vi vii
Glossary of EE and ESD policy-related key concepts and terms

Anthropocentric is the belief that human beings are the Education for Sustainable Development is an religious organizations, community groups and traditional environment or to invest in activities aimed at protecting
most significant beings of the universe and interprets encompassing and evolving concept that can be broadly cultures, as well as through news organizations, social the environment.
nature in terms of human values and experiences. interpreted as holistic and transformational education media and various forms of entertainment. It also includes
that addresses learning content and outcomes, learning that includes needs-based short courses on Precautionary principle is an environmental principle
Biocentric is the belief that extends the status of moral pedagogy and the learning environment to achieve environmental issues with the focus on sustainable that states that an activity that raises threats of harm
object from human beings to all living beings in nature. societal transformation towards sustainable living. It development, sustainable livelihood development and to the environment or human health must implement
It is an ethic that calls for a rethinking of the relationship incorporates key sustainable development issues such environmental management. measures to prevent harm even if some cause and effect
between humans and nature. as – climate change, disaster risk reduction, gender relationships are not fully established scientifically.
equality, biodiversity, poverty reduction, and sustainable Interdisciplinary refers to a learning or research
Carbon credit is a permit permitting the holder to emit consumption – into teaching and learning. process combining two or more different disciplines.
carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases. The credit Sustainable development is development that meets
limits the emission to a mass equal to one ton of carbon Environmental education refers to the process of Legal action is an action that uses the legal system the needs of the present without compromising the ability
dioxide. The issuance of carbon credits aims to reduce developing environmentally literate citizens who are to bring about a certain solution to an environmental of future generations to meet their own needs.
the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. aware of and concerned about the total environment. The issue. This action category uses court orders, lawsuits
process involves empowering citizens with knowledge, and injunctions to enforce compliance to environmental Systems thinking is a set of interrelated elements
Carrying capacity is the maximum population size of skills, attitudes and values, motivation, commitment, management issues. that make a unified whole. Individual things - such as
the species that the environment can sustain indefinitely, actions and shared decision making to individually and plants, people, schools, watersheds, or economies - are
given the food, habitat, water and other necessities collectively achieve an improved quality of life through Mainstreaming refers to the systematic integration of themselves systems and at the same time cannot be fully
available in the environment. the sustainable use and appropriate development of environment and sustainability concerns into a wide understood outside of the larger systems in which they
Namibia’s resources. range of disciplines, faculties, programmes and courses exist. Systems thinking is an essential part of schooling
Community of practice is a group of professionals with in universities, as well as the integration of these for sustainability. A systems approach helps people
a common passion for environmental protection and that Formal education/learning refers to learning activities concerns into university policies, management practices understand the complexity of the world around them
acts and learns how to protect the environment better carried out in schools, colleges, vocational institutions and student initiatives. and encourages them to think in terms of relationships,
through regular interaction. and university systems based on an established connectedness and context.
curriculum and on approved teaching and assessment Multidisciplinary refers to many subjects that are
Conflict of interest is a situation in which the concerns methods. integrated into one topic or area of learning. Transdisciplinary refers to teaching and/or a research
of two different parties are incompatible or a situation in strategy that crosses many disciplinary boundaries to
which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit Global citizen refers to someone who identifies with Non-formal education / learning refers to any organized create a holistic approach. A transdisciplinary approach
from actions or decisions made in their official capacity. being part of the world community and whose actions educational activity taking place outside the framework of enables inputs and scoping across scientific and non-
contribute to building this community’s values and the formal education system and targets specific groups/ scientific stakeholder communities and facilitating a
Consumer action is the act of buying or not buying a practices. categories of persons with life skills, values and attitudes systemic way of addressing a challenge.
product or service. This action category relies on the for personal and community development.
economic power of individuals to support or not support Global citizenship is the rights, responsibilities and Transformative learning is concerned with altering
an idea. duties that come with being a member of the global Pedagogy is the study of the correct use of methods and frames of reference through critical reflection of both
community as a citizen of a particular nation or place. activities of teaching. habits of mind and points of view by critically reflecting
Eco-centric is a term used in ecological political The idea is that one’s identity transcends geography or on how patterns of consumption and production may
philosophy to denote a nature-centered, as opposed to political borders and that responsibilities or rights are or Political action refers to action that brings pressure have an impact on one’s behaviors.
human-centered (i.e. anthropocentric), system of values. can be derived from membership in a broader class of on political and governmental agencies and their
‘humanity’. representatives to persuade them to a certain action. Whole school approach to ESD means that a school
Eco-entrepreneurship is a business driven not only by Actions in this regard include lobbying, campaigning for shall incorporate teaching and learning for sustainable
the possibility of making a profit but also by environmental Green economy refers to a shift towards a development political candidates who support environmental causes development not only through aspects of the curriculum,
and social concerns. path that promotes resource efficiency and sustainable and letter writing to elected officials about environmental but also through sustainable school operations such
management of natural resources, social inclusion, matters. as integrated governance, stakeholder and community
Eco-management is a physical action taken to help resilience, and sustainable infrastructure development. involvement, long- term planning, and sustainability
improve the status of an issue, for example, picking up Polluter pays principle is an environmental norm that monitoring and evaluation.
litter, building with wood, dux boxes or planting sea oats Informal education/learning refers to learning/ is enacted to make the party responsible for producing
on dunes. education that results from daily life activities related to pollution to pay for the damage done to the natural
work, family or leisure, and is provided within families,

viii ix
1. Introduction

1.1 Importance of Environmental between environmental factors and socio-economic

Education (EE) and Education for advancement. The Namibian government supports
formal, non-formal and informal education in developing
Sustainable Development (ESD)
environmental and ethical awareness among its citizens
EE and ESD is our pathway to a sustainable future. across all ages and sectors of society to develop
While empowering individuals to sustainably co-exist1 competencies to identify and address environmental
with the Earth’s natural systems, EE and ESD should issues (Ministry of Wildlife, Conservation and Tourism,
also support the well-being of future generations by 1992; Namibia Draft Environmental Education Policy
promoting sustainable lifestyles. Guidelines, 2004; Murray, 2005; Ministry of Education,
2009; Ministry of Environment and Tourism, 2011).
The ideas of EE and ESD are linked to the international
discourse on sustainable development. The Earth EE and ESD is the responsibility of all of the people of
Summit of 1992 recognized the principle of ecologically Namibia. It is more than a curriculum issue and should
sustainable development. The Earth Summit gave birth to involve all sectors of society including schools, higher
Agenda 21 which specifies the roles for all governments education institutions, technical and vocational education
and businesses to commit to and take responsibility institutions, government institutions, the private sector
to combat the deterioration of land, air and water, and the general public to ensure that they acquire
whilst conserving natural habitats and their diversity. It relevant knowledge, attitudes, values and skills required
addresses issues of poverty, over-consumption, health for managing natural resources in a way that causes no
and education. In December 2002, the United Nations significant damage to the environment and considers
General Assembly, through its Resolution 57/254, the needs of present and future generations. EE and
declared 2005-2014 as the Decade of Education for ESD also concerns itself with equipping Namibians
Sustainable Development (DESD). The Global Action with the skills and resilience needed to combat the
Programme (GAP) on ESD from 2015-2019 is the effects of climate change through appropriate mitigation
follow-up programme to the DESD. The GAP sought and adaptation methods. Namibia is at a critical stage
specifically to generate and scale-up good practices in where environmental challenges pose developmental
ESD and to accelerate progress towards sustainable challenges that need careful planning which is inclusive
development in line with the SDGs. To build upon these of incorporation of nature in order to create harmony
past achievements and to align with the United Nations’ between human existence and nature. At a time when
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the new environmental issues threaten Namibia’s development
framework for EE and ESD is proposed as “Education and the quality of life of its citizens, EE and ESD are
for Sustainable Development: Towards achieving of utmost importance in creating environmental literacy
the SDGs (ESD for 2030)”. This new framework will to sensitize the nation on the role that each individual
continue to support all ESD activities that contribute to person has to play.
the achievement of the SDGs (UNESCO, 2019).
This policy is designed to support the holistic approach
The need to accelerate progress towards sustainable and/or integration of EE and ESD across all sectors
development has been fundamental to Namibia since of society including formal education, non-formal
its Independence, as evident in Article 95 (l) of the education, teacher education, technical and vocational
Constitution of the Republic of Namibia. This has led to education and general education. The guidelines are in
several policies, including Namibia’s Vision 2030 (GRN, accordance with ecologically sustainable practices and
2004), the Harambee Prosperity Plan (GRN, 2016a) serve as the basis for addressing local, national and
and the Fifth National Development Plan (GRN 2016b). global environmental issues.
These documents recognize the role of sustainable
development in balancing socio-economic and social The development of this policy was originally initiated
progression needs with natural resources availability already in the early 1990s. Over the years several wide-
and conservation. Today, EE and ESD are recognized spread stakeholder consultations took place under the
as one of the means of realizing the dynamic balance auspices of the Namibian Environmental Education
Network (NEEN), which is now housed in the Ministry
1 sustainably utilize, restore, and maintain

of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT). The the Minister of Education, Arts and Culture for approval and sanitation, health, agriculture, fisheries and marine
first key event was the development of the original draft before submission to the Cabinet. ecosystems, forestry, energy, and human settlements. Education, training and capacity building in EE and ESD
document in 1994 which included stakeholders from the Land degradation not only has negative economic is recognised in Namibia as one of the main approaches
Ministry of Basic Education and Culture (MBEC), the The approach to EE and ESD outlined in this Policy will consequences in that it reduces the country’s economic to address sustainable development challenges. This is
Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT), guide all stakeholders and especially educators, trainers, contribution by natural resources (both tangible and recognized in in Article 95 of the Namibian Constitution,
the Ministry of Youth and Service, EE Centres, education learners, students and the general public in participating intangible), it also poses a serious threat to food security the Green Plan (1992), the Ministry of Education, Arts
institutions and NGOs. An inter-ministerial body was actively to address local environmental issues, form as it reduces yields and rural communities who depend and Culture (MoEAC) curriculum (2015) and Ministry
established at the time to facilitate the development sound judgments on global environmental issues and on subsistence livelihoods, which particularly affects the of Education Namibian Education for Sustainable
of environmental education in the country and to co- to participate actively as global citizens in protecting the most vulnerable groups in Namibia’s poor and densely Development (ESD) Strategy (2009). In the formal
ordinate efforts between relevant ministries. Despite environment both locally and globally. populated areas. The most alarming effects of land sector, environmental education should be incorporated
this initial impetus for the policy development, it was degradation are deforestation, decreased availability of into existing subjects so as not to give additional work
not finalized and became dormant for some years for This policy document comprises the following aspects: palatable grass and trees for livestock and wildlife, soil on an already overburdened curriculum. EE and ESD is
various reasons. The policy was then reviewed in early Š Background erosion, bush encroachment and soil salinization. recognised as the means needed to build “a critical mass
2000 under the Ministry of Education’s Supporting Š Rationale of citizens who are not just informed and trained, but who
Environmental Education in Namibia (SEEN) project Š Policy alignment Namibians depend, directly or indirectly, on farming are above all capable of using their achievements to bring
which was housed at the National Institute for Educational Š Guiding principles more than any other economic activity. Therefore, bad about the economic, social, cultural and political changes
Development (NIED). During this time NEEN was re- Š Policy direction land management practices, such as overstocking and required for sustainable development” on the global level
activated and moved from being housed at the Rössing Š Implementation arrangements overgrazing, are considered to be the main causes of (Association for the Development of Education in Africa,
Foundation to the Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF). land degradation besides crop production and land for 2012). The recent shift from ‘education for all’ to ‘quality
To ensure sustainability of the network, more direct 1.2 The Background Underpinning EE habitat. Further negative effects on land are caused by education for all’ identifies EE and ESD as a key factor
linkages were forged with MEFT and ultimately NEEN and ESD in Namibia the unsustainable harvesting of forest resources such to achieve this goal, as outlined in the Education 2030
was then supported by the Directorate of Environmental as wild plants, and the clearing of land for farming or Incheon Declaration and the United Nations Sustainable
Namibia has made great strides in including environmental housing purposes (Ruppel-Schlichting, 2016). Namibia’s Development Goals [UN SDGs] (UNESCO, 2015).
Affairs. Activities that gave access to multi-stakeholder
sustainability into the development pathways towards economic development currently depends on the well-
exchanges, such as the annual NEEN conference, once
sustainable development, but still faces an array of being and growth of other sectors, specifically mining
again started. Importantly, stakeholder consultations Without a unified National EE and ESD Policy, valuable
challenges in this regard. These include climate change, and fishing. Both of these industries also heavily rely
across all 14 regions of Namibia were conducted to gain resources are diluted as human and financial resources
land degradation and soil erosion, deforestation, depletion directly on the exploitation of natural resources.
regional representation for the network and input into are under-utilised and/or ineffectively employed as the
of our natural resources on land and the oceans, water
a consultative policy workshop in Walvis Bay in 2012. policy provides an official base and institutionalisation
management, waste production and pollution control/
Finally, in 2017 under the Hanns Seidel Foundation Namibia has received international recognition for its for support. A clear policy and guideline will give EE
management. These are further compounded by socio-
(HSF) Environmental Awareness Project, funding was progressive policies and approaches to Community- and ESD the importance and recognition required by
economic issues such as HIV and AIDS and other health
secured to continue and finalize the policy process. This based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM), all stakeholders in order for them to prioritise education
issues, including gender-based violence, high levels of
included a two-day, wide-spread multi-stakeholder policy particularly through the nationwide expansion of strategies to achieve national long-term sustainability
poverty, the impacts of skewed income distribution, slow
workshop in July 2017 which was officially opened by communal conservancies and community forests. goals and a nationwide sustainability ethic.
economic development and a high rate of unemployment
the Environmental Commissioner Theofilus Nghitila and Namibia is now recognized as a leading eco-tourism
(African Development Bank, 2014; GRN, 2016a; GRN,
destination world-wide, with high-end lodges in exclusive
well attended by Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture 2016b; Ruppel-Schlichting, 2016; Ruppel, 2016). In 1.3 Understanding EE and ESD in the
and other relevant line ministries. This was followed and pristine environments. Such sectors need to be
addition, sustainable development challenges add more
monitored and assessed for their impact on community
Namibian Context
by a two-day policy validation workshop in September to the miseries of poor people because they increase the
2017. Stakeholders as outlined in the acknowledgement upliftment to make sure they are not merely facades. Due Namibia embraces both the concepts of EE and ESD
impact of floods and other environmental catastrophes.
list were present at these workshops and gave input to population growth and sustained high unemployment, because they have converging goals and outcomes
Soil erosion, land degradation and deforestation lead to
to the updating of the policy with reference to new these successes are threatened by deforestation, human- inherent in the concept of sustainable development
declines in food production along with shortages of wood
developments and governmental policies. Throughout, wildlife conflict and poor waste management practices, (UNESCO, 2002; McKeown & Hopkins, 2009; and
for fuel, which also contributes to inflation.
input was also gathered from international and regional fueled by poverty and lack of awareness. Namibia has Cloud, 2009).
institutions such as the Global Environment Facility the opportunity, through EE and ESD, to build on these
Since Namibia’s Independence on 21 March 1990,
(GEF), the United Nations Development Programme successes by changing negative attitudes and values EE is defined as the process of developing
industrial development has significantly increased
to pro-sustainability through environmental awareness environmentally-literate citizens who are aware of
(UNDP), the United Nations Organization for Education, leading to a higher risk of environmental pollution.
and education campaigns thus creating environmental and concerned about the environment in its totality.
Science and Culture (UNESCO), the Southern African The food production, meat processing, mining and
citizenry. Through eco-friendly, recycle-entrepreneurship The process involves empowering the citizens with
Development Community - Regional Environmental construction industries are all major potential sources of
skills training, a new “green” economic sector can be knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, motivation,
Education Programme (SADC-REEP) and Lesotho’s pollution. Carbon dioxide emissions are on the increase
developed that will create employment opportunities commitment and actions to engage in problem solving
Conservation Office. The outcomes of these broad- due to motorization and amounts of household waste
that are much needed for sustainable development. EE through shared decision making to individually and
based consultations have informed the formulation of are also rising (Ruppel-Schlichting, 2016; Ruppel,
and ESD is a key factor in the long-term development collectively achieve an improved quality of life through
this National EE and ESD Policy. It was then submitted 2016). Ruppel-Schlichting (2016) maintains that climate
of Namibia and must go hand in hand with short-term sustainable utilization and appropriate development of
to the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism and change in Namibia has an impact on access to water
environmental remedial and mitigation solutions. Namibia’s resources.

2 3
2. Policy Alignment

ESD is defined as a learning process based on the ideals 1.4 Rationale The National EE and ESD Policy is aligned to global, regional, national and local contexts as is demonstrated
and principles underlying sustainability and concerned in this Chapter.
with all levels and types of learning to provide quality The rationale for the National EE and ESD Policy is to
education and foster sustainable development. The ensure that the:
Š Responsibilities of the State in promoting the well- on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro in 2012.
purpose of ESD is to inform people about international 2.1 Global context
agreements and build a global lobby of collective action being of the people through sustainable management The SDGs replace the Millennium Development Goals
of natural resources are defined and outlined. Following the Rio Conference (1992) and Johannesburg
for sustainable development and to raise awareness (MDGs), which started a global effort in 2000 to tackle
Summit (2002), the UN General Assembly adopted
about the crucial and urgent need to limit damage to Š Global, regional and national environmental objectives the indignity of poverty. The UN adopted 17 SDGs in
Resolution 57/254 to put in place a UN Decade of
the atmosphere, mitigate and adapt to climate change. in national programmes, plans and projects are September 2015, which comprise the 2030 Agenda for
Education for Sustainable Development (DESD)
It promotes learning to know, learning to do, learning to promoted and mainstreamed in all sectors. Sustainable Development aimed at ending hunger and
(2005-2014). Through this Resolution the UN General
live together, and learning to transform oneself, others poverty by 2030.
Š Institutional and human capacities to meet Namibia’s Assembly proposed that all levels of education and
and society.
commitment to the SDGs and to global environmental training systems need to be oriented towards a model of
At the end of the GAP, the proposed new framework
conventions on climate change, biodiversity and education that meets the needs of the current generation
Sustainable development is defined as: on ESD, adopted by the 206th session of the UNESCO
desertification are increased. without compromising the ability of future generations
The development that meets the needs of the current Executive Board, is entitled “Education for Sustainable
to meet their needs. The GAP on ESD was launched
generation without compromising the ability of future Š Sharing and effective management of resources such Development: Towards achieving the SDGs (ESD for
by UNESCO at the World Conference on ESD in 2014
generations to meet their needs. as facilities, staff and material resources are improved. 2030)”. The framework will continue to support the on-
in Nagoya, Japan, as the follow-up programme to the
Š Networking and collaboration among all stakeholders going efforts under the GAP with or without explicit
DESD. The GAP seeks to generate and scale-up
The implementation of EE and ESD in Namibia considers are increased for shared decision-making and reference to the SDGs. ESD is prominent throughout the
ESD and to accelerate progress towards sustainable
the use of various channels of learning. These include resources including strategic action-taking and SDGs especially in SDG#4 on Quality Education target
formal learning (i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary level promoting a culture of stimulating dialogue and co- 4.7 which states:
The GAP has the following objectives:
education), non-formal learning (structured, yet non- operation among individuals, groups and institutions. “By 2030 ensure all learners acquire knowledge and
Š Reorienting education and learning so that everyone
accredited programmes such as professional workplace skills needed to promote sustainable development,
Š Developing, sharing and promoting best practices on has the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills,
training, education activities in outdoor nature centres including among others through education for
EE and ESD is upscaled. values and attitudes that empower them to contribute
and youth camps) and informal learning (unstructured, sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles,
to a sustainable future.
life experience learning, mass media, marketing/ Š The present generation is enabled to meet their human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture
Š Strengthening education and learning in all agendas,
advertisements). These modes of learning shall responsibility to sustainably utilize the natural of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and
programmes and activities that promote sustainable
embrace trans-, multi- and inter-disciplinary educational environment to the benefit of both present and future appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s
development (UNESCO, 2014a; UNESCO, 2014b).
approaches to address interrelated sustainability issues generations. contribution to sustainable development” (United
resulting from interactions between society (culture, Nations, 2015).
The GAP focuses on the following priority areas:
politics and economic) and the bio-physical environment.
Š Priority Action Area 1: Advancing Policy through
mainstreaming ESD into both education and Namibia, as signatory to most of UN conventions and
It is envisaged that, through the successful protocols has an obligation to observe these and to
sustainable development policies and creating an
implementation of the EE and ESD Policy, Namibia
enabling environment for ESD and to bring about mainstream EE as part of implementation of the agreed
will be a regional and international leader in providing
systemic change. objectives of all the SDGS, in particular target 4.7,
quality, life-long education for all towards achieving the
Š Priority Action Area 2: Transforming learning and and all of the MEAs, particularly the United Nations
SDGs and protecting our natural resources that the
training environments to integrate sustainability Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
nation depends on for its well-being.
principles into education and training settings. the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
Š Priority Action Area 3: Building capacities of educators (UNCBD) and United Nations Convention to Combat
and trainers to increase the capacities of educators Desertification (UNCCD).
and trainers to more effectively deliver ESD.
Š Priority Action Area 4: Empowering and mobilizing
2.2 Regional context
youth to multiply ESD actions among youth.
Š Priority Action Area 5: Accelerating sustainable The regional context that influences the National EE
solutions at local level (UNESCO, 2014a; UNESCO, and ESD Policy environment is far-reaching. It includes
2014b) - At community level, scale up ESD the African Ministerial Conference on Environment
programmes and multi-stakeholder ESD networks. (AMCEN), the forum that brings together all ministers
of environment in Africa, and the Southern African
The SDGs evolved out of the United Nations Conference Development Community (SADC) Environment and

4 5
Sustainable Development Programme within the SADC education for environment and sustainability (SADC, promote and maintain the welfare of the people by interface as listed in Table 1. Given the cross-cutting
Secretariat’s Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources 1996). The SADC Regional Environmental Education adopting, inter alia, policies aimed at maintenance nature of education, it is indispensable that all sectors and
Directorate as well as Trans-Frontier Conservation Areas Programme (REEP) is derived directly from this policy. of ecosystems, essential ecological processes and policies incorporate EE and ESD and develop institutional
(TFCA) agreements. The SADC REEP (2013) has played a key strategic role in biological diversity of Namibia and utilisation of living and human capacities to meet Namibia’s commitment to
The 12th session of the African Ministerial Conference on facilitating the shaping of environmental education policy natural resources on a sustainable basis for the benefit sustainable development through EE and ESD. There
Environment (AMCEN) on 10-12 June 2008 encouraged and practices in Namibia for many years, including the of all Namibians, both present and future”. are overarching policies, frameworks and conventions,
Governments, through their principal environmental establishment of the Namibia Environmental Education which this policy should support, include the Constitution
authority, to facilitate inter-ministerial cooperation to Network (NEEN), the development of the environmental Namibia has a number of laws and policies that are of Namibia, Vision 2030, National Development Plans,
undertake, among other things, the following key actions education training programme at Namibia University of regarded as significant for the sustainable management and United Nations Conventions and Protocols.
in the area of environmental education and technology- Science and Technology and the conceptualization of the of natural resources and the environment and human
supported learning: Khomas-Erongo Regional Centre of Expertise in ESD. Table 1: Key Policies and laws relevant to EE and
Š An assessment of existing environmental education ESD in Namibia Source: MET (2011) and Ruppel (2016)
strategies, needs and challenges facing governments The second policy instrument is the SADC Protocol
in the area of technology-supported learning; on Environmental Management for Sustainable
Š The development of a strategic approach to Development (SADC, 2014), which updates the national Sector Policies and laws
mainstreaming environmental education across all commitments by SADC Member States since the policy Environmental Assessment Policy (MET, 1995)
governmental institutions, including the design of and strategies of 1997, and provides guidelines for cross- Environmental Management Act (MET, 2007)
programmes suitable for the primary, secondary and sectoral implementation of environmental education in Land Use Planning towards Sustainable Development Policy (MET & MLR, 1994)
tertiary education sectors; and fostering cooperation the sub-region. Namibia signed this protocol in 2014 and Draft Pollution Control and Waste Management Bill (MET, 1999)
Policy for Prospecting and Mining in Protected Areas (MET & MME, 2018)
with the non-formal environmental education sector; it is expected to be ratified in 2018. 2nd National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan NBSAP2 (2013-2022)
Š The development of an action plan for technology- Access and Benefit Sharing Act (MET, 2017)
supported learning in conjunction with the Human Namibia has also established several trans-frontier Nature Conservation Ordinance (4 of 1975)
Resources, Science and Technology Department of conservation areas with its neighbours, such as the
Conservation Agriculture Programme (MAWF, 2015-2019)
the African Union (including e-learning) in follow-up to Kavango Zambezi Trans-Frontier Conservation area
National Agriculture Policy (MAWF, 2015)
the strategic approach. (KAZA TFCA) with the Governments of the Republic National Drought Policy and Strategy (MAWF, 1997)
of Angola, Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The Green Scheme Policy (MAWF, 2004 and revised 2008)
This was reinforced by the endorsement of one of primary purpose of KAZA TFCA is to harmonize policies, Agriculture National Rangeland Management Policy and Strategy (MAWF, 2012)
AMCEN’s regional flagship programmes, the Africa Regional Planning and Development Policy (NPC, 1997)
strategies and practices for managing shared natural National Seed Policy (MAWF, 2005)
Environmental Education and Training Action Plan resources that straddle the international borders of the 3rd Action Programme for Namibia to Implement the UN Convention to Combat
2015–2024 (Lotz-Sisitka et al 2015), that commits five partner states and deriving equitable socio-economic Desertification (NAP3) (MET, 2014)
Member States to strengthen environmental education benefits through the sustainable use and development
and training covering formal and non-formal education. of their natural and cultural heritage resources. These Water and Sanitation Policy (MAWF, 2008)
National Water Policy White Paper (MAWF, 2000)
conservation areas are implementing joint awareness Water
Namibia’s Draft Wetland Policy (MET, 2004)
Furthermore, the SADC has in place a Regional Indicative and environmental education programmes. Water Resources Management Act (MAWF, 2004 and revised 2013)
Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) that promotes
education for environment and sustainability in one of Namibia, as a member of SADC, will mainstream EE and Vision 2030 (GRN, 2004)
its priority areas under ‘Pillar D on special programmes ESD as means to facilitate cooperation among actions Harambee Prosperity Plan (GRN, 2016)
of regional dimension (SADC, 2015). Its subsection Planning Regional Planning and Development Policy (NPC, 1997)
in the area of environmental education and technology-
Regional Poverty Reduction Action Programme (NPC, 2003)
3.8.1 states that the policies of Environment and Land supported learning in environmental management and Fifth National Development Plan (NPC, 2017)
Management are designed to assess environmental management of shared natural resources.
conditions for sustainable development; reduce threats
Forestry Development Policy (MAWF, 1998)
to human health, ecosystems and future development; Forest Act (MAWF, 2001)
promote sustainable development; manage shared
2.3 National context Wildlife management, Utilization and Tourism in Communal Areas Policy (MET,
Forestry, Parks and
natural resources on an equitable and sustainable basis; The Namibian Constitution mandates protection of the 1995)
Amendment to the 1975 Nature Conservation Ordinance (MET, 1996)
and accelerate regional integration and capacity building. environment. It states: Promotion of Community Based Tourism Policy (MET, 1995)
National Policy on Human Wildlife Conflict Management (MET, 2011)
The SADC RISDP’s provision for environmental Article 20 (1): that “all persons shall have the right
education is supported by at least two SADC policy to education”. Furthermore, Article 21 (a) supports Land Degradation Neutrality Report (MET, 2015)
National Land Policy (MLR, 1998)
imperatives. One of these policy instruments is the the “encouragement of the mass of the population
National Resettlement Policy (MLR, 2001)
SADC Environment and Land Management Sector’s through education and other activities and through their Land
Commercial Land Reform Act (MLR, 1995)
Environment and Sustainable Development Policy and organizations to influence government policy by debating Communal Land Reform Act (MLR, 2002)
Strategy that clearly expects SADC Member States to its decisions”. National Land Tenure Policy (MLR, 2005)
contribute to the SADC integration agenda through Article 95 (l): further states that “the state shall actively

6 7
White Paper Policy on Energy (MME, 1998) 3. Guiding Principles
National Energy Policy (NEP) (MME, 2017)

Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone of Namibia Act (MFMR, 1990)
Sea-shore Ordinance (MFMR, 1958) The National EE and ESD Policy is guided by the prevention and solutions to environmental problems;
Fisheries and coastal Marine Resources Act (MFMR, 2000) following thirteen principles:
vii. Explicitly consider environmental aspects in plans
management Aquaculture Act (MFMR, 2002)
Inland Fisheries Act (MFMR, 2001) for development;
i. Consider the environment in its totality including
Namibia’s Aquaculture Policy (MFMR, 2001)
natural and human-made environment; viii. Enable all stakeholders to have a role in planning their
learning experiences and provide an opportunity for
Education and Training Sector Improvement Programme (ETSIP) (GRN, 2007) ii. EE and ESD must be a lifelong process. It should
The Education 2030 Act (No. 16 of 2001) making decisions and accepting their consequences;
The Higher Education Act (No. 26 of 2003) begin at pre-school level and continue through all
National Heritage Act, 2004 (Act No.27 of 2004) formal and informal educational stages; ix. Help stakeholders to discover the symptoms and
Education Sustainable Development Strategy (2009-2014) root causes of environmental problems;
National Policy on HIV-AIDS for the Education Sector (2003) iii. EE and ESD must be inter-, multi- and trans-
Education, Culture and disciplinary in its approach, drawing on the specific x. Emphasize the complexity of environmental problems
National School Feeding Programme (MoE, 2012)
Heritage and thus the need to develop environmental literacy,
National Health Policy Framework (MoEAC, 2010) content of each discipline to achieve a holistic and
ICT Policy for Education (MoE, 2005) balanced perspective with systems thinking at its critical thinking and problem-solving skills;
Namibia’s National Safe School Framework (NNSSF) (MoEAC, 2018)
Education Sector Policy for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) (MoE, 2008) core; xi. Use different learning situations and a variety of
Sector Policy on Inclusive Education Policy (MoE, 2013) educational approaches to teaching and learning
iv. Examine major environmental issues from a local,
Ministry of Education Arts & Culture Strategic Plan 2016/17 – 2021/22
national, regional and international perspective so that about, for, in/through the environment, with emphasis
all stakeholders receive insights into environmental on practical activities and first-hand experience;
National Policy for Disaster Risk Management (OPM, 2009)
Disaster risk management The Windhoek Declaration for Enhancing Resilience to Drought in Africa (UNCCD, conditions in other geographical areas; xii. Build on and improve on existing resources, methods,
v. Focus on current and future environmental situations, practices and guidelines for EE and ESD;
National Policy on Climate Change for Namibia (MET, 2011) while recognising the historical perspective; xiii. Integrate monitoring and evaluation into all EE and
National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (MET, 2013) ESD initiatives.
Climate change vi. Promote the value and necessity of local, national,
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions of The Republic of Namibia to the
UNFCCC (GRN, 2015) regional and international cooperation in the

Biosafety Act (No. 7 of 2006)

Biotechnology Biosafety Regulations (GRN, 2016)
Enabling the Safe Use of Biotechnology Policy (GRN, 1999)

The Tourism White Paper (MET, 1994)

National Policy on Tourism for Namibia (MET, 2008)
Tourism Community Based Tourism Policy (MET, 1995)
National Policy on Tourism for Namibia (MET, 2008) National Tourism Growth and
promotion Strategy (MET, 2016)

Mining Minerals Act (No.33 of1992)

Public and Environmental Health Act (No.1 of 2015)
Local Authorities
Local Authority Act (No.23 of 1992)

2.4 Local Context The people of Namibia will actively endeavor to

encourage, support and implement EE and ESD as a
Namibia has developed local guidelines, strategies and
means to provide appropriate and effective support
policies that are significant to the natural resources/
to conservancies, to enable communities to manage
environment and people interface. Some of these
conservancies in a guided manner and enjoy benefits
guidelines are:
Š The Management of Conservancies and Standard from the sustainable use of natural resources.
Operating Procedure in Conservancies
Š Community forest management Local Authorities such as Windhoek, Swakopmund and
Š Community water point committees Walvis Bay also have environmental officers to manage
Š National curriculum for basic education the implementation of environment related by-laws and
public awareness.

8 9
4. Policy Direction

The people of Namibia will actively endeavor to encourage, support and implement EE and ESD policy programmes and that individuals, organizations and groups take respect for life, carrying capacity and willingness
initiatives as a means of empowering individuals, groups and organizations to maintain natural ecological processes and appropriate action to solve environmental issues. to promote sustainable living. The development
support the wellbeing of the present and future generations by promoting sustainable lifestyles. Namibia shall pursue an The capacity of educators from all sectors to of these values should follow a participatory and
active programme to achieve sustainable development and sustainable living through environmental and sustainability ensure that EE and ESD topics and issues are democratic process.
education. taught actively should be a focus.
4.4.7 Monitor and evaluate EE and ESD programmes
4.4.4 Promote positive attitudes and behavioral through participatory action-based processes
4.1 Vision 4.4 Objectives
change towards the environment (as in natural aimed at strengthening the EE and ESD
The vision of the National EE and ESD Policy is for an The objectives of the National EE and ESD Policy are to: resources). Environmental attitudes have a programmes and initiatives. The monitoring and
cognitive (knowledge), conative (will) and evaluation processes need to relate indicators to
educated and empowered Namibia with environmentally
4.4.1 Develop environmental literacy and affective (emotion) component. EE and ESD the broadly outlined goals of EE and ESD and
literate people taking responsibility and action for a communication strategies that promote the practitioners should develop strategies and develop clear templates for dissemination and
sustainable future. cognitive domain of learning in which verifiable programmes aimed at developing positive reporting.
facts are subject to scientific inquiry. It should environmental attitudes and positive behavioral
inculcate the ability to communicate effectively change. Mainstreaming of environmental 4.4.8 Strengthen political will and government
4.2 Mission orally and in writing, to use and interpret awareness and activism within all spheres of life support for the implementation of EE and ESD
diagrams, graphs and sketches, conveying ideas will contribute to more sustainable attitudes. policies and programmes through collaborative
The mission of the National EE and ESD Policy is to
and views on environmental issues through partnerships. These partnerships need to be
reorient, integrate and upscale quality EE and ESD appropriate media, including new forms of social 4.4.5 Promote environmental awareness and innovative and dynamic, thereby adapting
in environmental awareness, education and training media. behavioral change at all levels from the as new problems and issues arise, adopting
systems, research and innovation systems, policies, individual to the large scale through activities appropriate solutions, and following guidelines
programmes and action for sustainable development. 4.4.2 Develop environmental knowledge and such as recycling, permaculture, and water and and recommendations set out in International
awareness programmes that create a general energy efficiency and observing environmental Treaties, Conventions and Agreements ratified
understanding of environmental issues, their days. The National EE and ESD Policy should by the Namibian Parliament. A multi-sectoral
4.3 Goals causes, risks and solutions. This is vital to the also promote actions that develop a culture/ application to EE and ESD coordination and
development of environmentally aware and habit of environmental responsibility, sustainable implementation will be promoted.
The goals of the National EE and ESD Policy are to: responsible citizens who will advocate for the lifestyles and active participation in achieving
1. Establish and implement quality EE and ESD well-being of the environment on a long-term a higher quality of life, eco-management,
4.5 Strategies
programmes, education and training systems across basis. Local and indigenous environmental / consumer action, political action, legal action
ecological knowledge as well as cultural and and eco-entrepreneurship as an action to create The following constitute the basic strategies to achieve
all sectors, including formal education, vocational
religious environmental stewardship should be employment and turn environmental challenges the broad goals and objectives of the National EE and
and technical education, informal and non-formal recognized and incorporated in this process. into opportunities. The active participation of ESD Policy.
education processes; individuals, groups and all levels of governments
2. Improve synergies and partnerships across all 4.4.3 Develop the skills necessary for the protection in the prevention and solution of environmental 4.5.1. Responsible citizenship action
of the environment. EE and ESD programmes problems will be sought as will the development Every citizen should take ownership and feel
sectors to mainstream EE and ESD programmes
shall develop skills relating to systems thinking, of support mechanisms (social, political and responsible for sustaining their environment
and initiatives, including development of sector moral) which enable people to take control of and enabling social and economic cohesion.
the ability to think critically about environmental /
specific policies; ecological systems, and the ability to comprehend their lives and environment. Citizenship action builds a sense of political
3. Improve research and innovation outputs on existing quantity, quality and values on environmental urgency and responsibility for protecting the
issues. Capacity will be strengthened to use 4.4.6 Develop environmental ethics and values. The environment, builds a just society and promotes
EE and ESD programmes and initiatives;
various processes, including knowing, inquiring, National EE and ESD Policy will develop an sustainable economic growth for human well-
4. Mobilize increased funding and resource allocations
acting, judging, imagining, connecting, valuing understanding of sustainable development being. All citizens in Namibia should be involved
for EE and ESD programmes and initiatives; and questioning natural and social systems and and its associated benefits and ethics. EE and strive to raise awareness, organize activities
5. Ensure recognition of the central role of EE and ESD environmental issues, and integrating problem and ESD programmes will embrace both bio- promoting sustainable development and initiate
in national sustainable development plans. solving methodologies in learning processes centric (‘conservationist’ values) and ‘slightly EE and ESD change projects to protect the
as well as strengthening abilities to screen and anthropocentric’ (‘human-centred’ values). They environment using mass media, such as social
identify issues within the specific environment. will promote social values of tolerance and media, community radio and television. A sense
EE and ESD programmes should seek to assess objectivity, integrity, intergenerational equity, and of ownership should be cultivated amongst the
environmental issues holistically and ensure environmental values that promote conservation, citizens.

10 11
4.5.2 Sensitizing, lobbying and advocacy is a participatory process and should involve 4.5.7 Usage of Information and Communication These tools provide a platform for collaboration,
A concerted effort will be made to educate and all stakeholders. Curricula that will be affected Technology communication, material development, research
sensitize Namibians to environmental issues include those from pre-school to university Information and Communication Technology and networking for a coherent coordination of
through, amongst others, the education system, level, including lifelong learning and community (ICT) is an essential and powerful tool in enabling EE and ESD activities. NEEN will play a central
electronic and printed media, the entertainment education processes. the development of innovations that promote role in creating synergies between institutions
and advertising spheres. Education, sensitization Since the integration of EE and ESD is perceived and maintain sustainability. The National EE and and develop inter-sectoral / faculty exchanges
and advocacy campaigns are to follow the in some cases as an add-on, it is critical to ESD Policy recommends the usage of available related to EE and ESD issues through such fora.
approach outlined in this policy document. The create a general curriculum framework for EE ICTs to ensure quality and contextually relevant Best practices in EE and ESD nationwide should
use of local Namibian languages in various and ESD which schools, institutions of higher education. The infusion of ICT into the learning be up-scaled to improve quality programmes.
media must be emphasized. All sectors should education, government departments, NGOs and environment is therefore of critical importance. The NGO sector has numerous examples of
develop public awareness campaigns and MET environmental centres can adapt and integrate Teachers should effectively use ICT to innovate best practices in EE and ESD, such as the whole
should distribute the National Environmental into their existing curricula based on their context, and solve problems, and deliver EE and ESD institution approach used by the NaDEET Centre
Calendar widely. conditions and needs. curricula in transformative and innovative ways. and the integration of heritage, culture and
The success of ICT is largely dependent on climate change into EE and ESD by the Edu-
4.5.3 Training and Capacity Building 4.5.5 Development of EE and ESD Programmes how effectively the tool is implemented and venture’s Ombombo Mobile Classroom.
The EE and ESD professional community All new projects, programmes and initiatives used to support learners and the public at large
of practice will strive to improve its capacity, being developed within the EE and ESD to develop modern competencies such as 4.5.9 Establishment of Centres of Expertise in EE
effectiveness and efficiency through continuous community should take cognizance of this policy critical and creative thinking, systems thinking, and ESD
training, professional development and capacity document and contribute towards its broad anticipation and predictive thinking. Training, networking and capacity building
building programmes and endeavor to develop aims. Educational programmes for different activities should take place in “Centers of
human resources within the diverse interest audiences should be developed. Tertiary and Research into ICTs best suited to this purpose Expertise”. These centers should work in
groups. Environmental Officers and individuals vocational institutes should mainstream and must be conducted in order to encourage the partnership with relevant sectors to develop EE
involved in EE and ESD will be trained to integrate EE and ESD modules throughout all development of new target-based methodologies and ESD training programmes, host seminars
address environmental issues in the workplace degrees and programmes. Transdisciplinary and strategies to aid teachers in the delivery of and learning programmes in EE and ESD for all
and to promote the global, regional and national programmes EE and ESD courses and degree EE and ESD curricula. ICT also allows for global sectors for life-long learning.
policies and environmental conventions. Trained programmes up to PhD level should be collaboration with other countries where similar
environmental officers should develop EE and developed by tertiary institutions considering issues are being tackled. For example, ICT can These centers should strive to be in natural
ESD ‘change projects’ as part of the training. systems dynamics and sustainability. Non-formal help quickly overcome emerging problems such areas and / or promote sustainability by example
Peer training should also be incorporated in and informal programmes should be developed as disaster management. and inspiration. Centers of Expertise should be
communities or amongst the public. by stakeholders such as NGOs, CBNRM groups nationally registered and monitored to promote
and Local Authorities with the assistance of lead 4.5.8 Pedagogical Innovations excellence. Through partnerships, their role
For awareness and action purposes, online government institution to educate the general Pedagogical innovations are critical to support can rapidly upscale the integration of EE and
platforms will be developed to facilitate capacity public. EE and ESD in Namibia to evolve in line with new ESD. Existing centers within MEFT, MoEAC and
building interventions where face-to-face and emerging developments and challenges. MSYNS, tertiary and vocational institutes and
interventions will not be possible. Schools, higher 4.5.6 Development of learning support materials These innovations in pedagogy must take into NGOs should be utilized.
education institutions, non-formal and informal EE and ESD learning support material content consideration the needs of the specific context
learning EE and ESD initiatives may access should be drawn from global, regional, national – the learning environment, access to resources 4.5.10 Research, Innovation and Development
environmental information and short courses on and local contexts. The material development and students’ cognitive abilities. Teachers Research, innovation and development play an
these online platforms and use them to develop process should be participatory and testing and will need to constantly evaluate the learning important role in determining opportunities and
the required EE and ESD skills. There should evaluation will form the basis of resource material needs and abilities of their students and use a future directions for sustainable development
also be an emphasis on skills development in development for environmental education combination of approaches to EE and ESD as in Namibia. Theoretical and applied research
eco-entrepreneurship for employment creation programmes. Materials should reflect EE and required. projects should be initiated to publish more
purposes and the broader transition towards a ESD aims, goals and principles outlined in this Namibian articles and books based on
green economy. Policy. Learning support materials should enable Since Namibia has already developed an sustainability issues. Researchers in the field of
the application of theory related to EE and ESD online forum, the Kopano Education Forum for environmental sustainability, including specifically
4.5.4 Curriculum development into practice (praxis in transformative learning educators and practitioners in education, and EE and ESD research, are encouraged to
EE and ESD practitioners should be involved in process). Materials should be developed in all a Pedagogical Innovation Network (PIN), this join existing networks to enable substantial
curriculum development, through the development local languages, be cognizant of indigenous National EE and ESD Policy strongly advocates contributions on advancing EE and ESD and
of a separate EE and ESD curriculum and the environmental/ecological knowledge and use the use of these two tools which can promote other sustainability concerns in Namibia.
integration of EE and ESD in all existing formal, local sustainability examples. Learning support the EE and ESD Community of Practice (CoP)
non-formal, higher education and vocational materials should be accessible to all through the and learning communities of EE and ESD 4.5.11 Networking
education curricula. Curriculum development use of different media platforms. professionals. The policy recommends that EE and ESD in

12 13
5. Implementation Arrangements

Namibia be developed through networking and education, and equity education) in order to 5.1 Institutional coordination institutional level shall assist in developing strategic
collaboration between and among Government integrate their work into institutional EE and ESD partnerships with leading environmental organizations.
ministries, the donor community, NGOs, initiatives through cooperation, collaboration, An ESD Task Force shall be established to work
The financial resource mobilization process needs to be
Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and and sharing of ideas. as an inter-agency technical committee to drive the
nationally coordinated by the ESD Task Force in order to
the private sector. Emphasis will therefore be on implementation of this Policy. The ESD Task Force shall
prevent conflicts of interest and should integrate polluter
participation, information sharing, exchanging of The coordination and networking capacity of comprise senior level representatives from Government
pays and precautionary principles.
views and ideas, and developing relevant skills NEEN should be strengthened to create a entities, institutions of higher learning, the private
among the stakeholder groups. platform for sharing lessons and experiences sector and NGOs. Since the NPC coordinates national
development plans, the EE and ESD Policy should 5.4 Monitoring and evaluation
Other functions of networking will include learned and to promote synergies between
promotion of EE and ESD in Namibia, ensuring institutions and develop inter-sectoral/faculty be coordinated accordingly, together with the main framework and reporting
the development of quality-oriented curricula, exchanges related to EE and ESD issues. ministries namely MEFT, MoEAC and MYSNS. Other Each stakeholder should present annual institutional/
programmes and learning support materials. A NEEN should be provided with financing and key offices, ministries and agencies such as the Ministry
sectoral reports on how and what they have been doing
strong national coordination team for EE and the institutional capacity to realise its roles and of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR), the
in terms of EE and ESD programmes, initiatives and
ESD programmes should be developed that responsibilities. Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR)
activities. The monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of EE and
includes professional organisations and issue- and other key stakeholders should also be represented.
ESD processes will focus on financial and educational
related educational organizations (e.g. consumer These stakeholders should develop their own institutional
aspects. Educational M&E shall focus on advancing EE
EE and ESD action plans and support capacity building
and ESD policies, transforming learning and training
and training based on the issues and needs in their own
environments, building capacities of educators and
workplaces. NEEN should play the role of technical and
trainers on EE and ESD; empowering and mobilizing
operational facilitation within this process. EE and ESD
youth on EE and ESD and accelerating sustainable
issues should be entrenched in their sectoral and sub-
solutions at the local level. The financial monitoring shall
sectoral strategies at institutional level.
include pledges towards achieving set goals on EE and
In summary:
ESD. Each stakeholder should provide the task force
Š Each institution should identify potential sustainability
with feedback on the policy implementation activities
officers to take ownership of the National EE and
through the NPC.
ESD Policy and to mainstream environmental and
sustainable development issues in their strategic
plans; 5.5 Roles and responsibilities of
Š Each institution should create an EE and ESD Unit stakeholders
to coordinate and build capacity around EE and ESD
Government Offices, Ministries and Agencies
There is a need to promote EE and ESD issues and
Š MET should assist line ministries and institutions
actions among government officials and key personnel in
to define the key performance indicators for
order for them to support and assist in the development
environmental officers with a focus on EE and ESD.
of ministerial strategies on EE and ESD issues. The
public sector should encourage active participation of the
5.2 Legal and regulatory arrangements general public in awareness regarding climate change
The National EE and ESD Policy is subject to legal and campaigns, access to climate change information and
regulatory arrangements at global, regional, national and adoption of climate change interventions.
local contexts as outlined in section 2 of the Policy.
Regional and Local Authorities
Regional and Local Authorities (RLAs) should assist
5.3 Resource mobilization in the collective development of Regional Sustainable
All stakeholders are to mobilize the necessary financial Environment Frameworks. As planners, RLAs should
resources and create a budget line for the implementation assist in integrating EE and ESD policy issues into
of EE and ESD programmes, initiatives and activities strategic and development plans, and thereafter
in their respective institutions. The inter-agency ESD implementing this commitment by working together with
Task Force shall assist to mobilize necessary financial other stakeholders.
resources for the implementation of EE and ESD activities
in various sectors. The EE and ESD focal person at

14 15
Educational institutions Associations the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), ESD issues in accordance with bilateral and multilateral
Educational institutions include primary schools, Associations refer to groups of people organized for a as well as bilateral aid agencies, such as Deutsche agreements signed within the guise of their international
secondary schools, Technical and Vocational Education common purpose or interest. Farmer’s associations Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), mandates.
and Training (TVET) institutes, universities and research include, amongst others, the Namibia National Farmers amongst others. These shall help to mainstream EE and
institutions. They also include institutions such as Union (NNFU) and the Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU).
Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL), Other associations include conservation associations,
Environmental Education Centres and Colleges of the clubs, sporting associations and related common interest
Arts (COTA), amongst others. These shall be required to public entities. Associations should work together with
mainstream EE and ESD issues into planning systems, the public sector in developing strategic plans related
policy and practice, school management, teaching to the EE and ESD Policy for common purposes and
and research, and community service. They should objectives and for congruency of EE and ESD activities
develop programmes and courses on EE and ESD to be integrated or mainstreamed into their practices.
and incorporate environmental sustainability issues of Associations should identify the environmental impacts of
importance to Namibia in their curricula. EE and ESD issues on their activities and devise relevant
EE and ESD interventions to address these issues.
Media institutions
Media institutions include the Media Institute of Southern Traditional Authorities
Africa (MISA) and other electronic and print media Traditional Authorities are responsible for the governance
institutions/organizations operating in Namibia. They of communal areas. Traditional Authorities should be
should promote and adopt environmentally friendly linked to other stakeholders in developing strategic
information technology systems, promote EE and ESD plans related to the EE and ESD Policy for common
programmes and enhance coverage of EE and ESD purposes and objectives, for congruency in EE and ESD
issues in the media. activities to be integrated or mainstreamed into their
practices. The Traditional Authorities should contribute
Civil Society through their traditional environmental / ecological
The Civil Society includes NGOs, CBOs such as wisdom and traditional environmental governance
conservancies and community forests, and Faith Based practices (laws, taboos, etc.) and provide advice on
Organisations (FBOs). The civil society should work how these could inform EE and ESD interventions.
together with the public sector in developing strategic
plans related to the EE and ESD Policy for common Women groups
purposes and objectives, as well as for congruency in Women groups can assist in the dissemination of
EE and ESD activities to be integrated or mainstreamed information in EE and ESD activities. They can
into their practice. They should devise EE and ESD educate the youth and others about gendered
interventions to address these issues in the workplace environmental-related issues and environmental
as well as develop EE and ESD programmes, initiatives damage that impact on them negatively. Womens’
and activities for the general public. groups should promote gender sensitive EE and
ESD programmes, initiatives and activities such as
Private sector promoting gender balance through equal participation
The private sector should work together with the public and encourage young people to take initiatives.
sector in developing strategic plans related to the EE
and ESD Policy for common purposes and objectives, Regional Partners
as well as for congruency in EE and ESD activities to The regional development partners include SADC-
be integrated or mainstreamed into their practices. REEP and the Environmental Education Association of
The private sector should identify the environmental Southern Africa (EEASA). These shall be the forums for
impacts of their activities and devise relevant EE and regional networking and capacity building on EE and
ESD interventions to address these issues. As part of its ESD issues.
corporate and social responsibility, it should also provide
monetary contributions to improve EE and ESD activities International Development Partners
in Namibia, fund EE and ESD activities and engage in International Development Partners include UN
cleaner production processes. organizations such as UNESCO, UNDP (through the Global
Environmental Facility (GEF) and other programmes),

16 17
6. Conclusion References

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