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Preparing For Kindergarten Presentation

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Welcome to

Hart’s Hill Elementary School’s


Preparing for Kindergarten at Hart’s Hill…

Welcome to our presentation!

We have put together several slides full of information
that we feel is important for families to know for a
successful start to kindergarten!

As you prepare your child for kindergarten, remember to...

● Encourage independence
● Provide your child with one-two step directions
● Allow your child to play with other children, while maintaining safety
● Read to your child nightly
● Have conversations with your child about daily activities
● Reinforce independent toileting skills
Hart’s Hill Elementary School
Meet the principal, Ms. Lisa Putnam

Hello, I’m Ms. Putnam, the principal of Hart’s Hill Elementary School. I have held
this position for the last 18 years. I love working with young children and their
families. Our goal at Hart’s Hill is to provide a comprehensive learning
environment that enriches our students’ lives academically as well as socially and
emotionally. I look forward to working with you and your children as they
continue to learn and grow.
Hart’s Hill Elementary School
Some things to know about our school...

Our School: Hart’s Hill Elementary School has a student population of 350
students in grades K-5. We offer a variety of educational programs and support
services to meet the needs of our students. Our district mission statement is to
inspire, cultivate and empower all students to maximize their potential.

COVID-19 Response: In response to COVID-19, our school district has

increased and improved cleaning procedures throughout the school day and in the
evening. We have established guidelines and protocols to keep our students safe.
Students and staff maintain social distancing and wear masks and shields.
Mrs. Copperwheat- School Psychologist
Kindergarten Screening
Assessment Tool:Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning | Fourth Edition

Your child will be assessed in three different areas during the kindergarten screening process:




In addition, there are two brief checklists at the end of the parent questionnaire that will evaluate
your child’s Self-Help and Social-Emotional Development skills.

Following the completion of kindergarten screening, I will contact you to review your child’s results as
well as answer any questions you may have regarding the screening.

I look forward to meeting you and your child!

Important Medical Information
Meet our school nurse, Mrs. Jill Bauernfeind, BSN, RN

Hello and Welcome!

Here are a few important reminders from the Health Office.
● I will need a copy of your child’s 2021 physical. Please email, mail, fax or drop off a copy
once that is completed.
● Immunizations MUST be up to date or in process to attend school. Medical exemptions
must be requested in writing from a NY State licensed provider.
● Any prescription or OTC medications, that will be I will be administering to your child
during the school day, must be brought to the school by an adult in their original pharmacy
container. I will need a Prescriber's order and a Parent signature as well. Please reach out
to me if your child will be receiving medications or keeping medications here in my office.
● N Y State requires Hearing and Vision screenings for all Kindergartners. I will reach out if
I have concerns about your child after their in school screening.
● If your child is sick, please keep them home and call me. I can help guide you on the need
for possible COVID testing and to help you plan for their return to school.
● Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. Above all, I’m a
● Ph: 315-266-3434 Fax: 315-266-3435
Mrs. Karen Farr - Secretary
If you have any questions you can contact me at
315-266-3430 or email me at

● School hours are 9:20-3:30. Students arriving after 9:20 a.m. must be signed in at
the office and have a note for the tardy, with reason, signed by the parent.
● ALL visitors to our school MUST report to the office. Please be sure to always have
I.D. ready if asked. This is a requirement when picking up your child from school if
we do not know you.
● If you will be picking your child up from school, please send a note with your child the
morning of the pick up.
● If your child misses a day of school, a note is required upon returning to school with
the reason for the absence.
● If your child will be absent from school, please be sure to contact the school with the
reason for absence. I, or the School Nurse, will call if we do not hear from you to be
sure your child is safe at home or going to be tardy.
Miss Castano-Kindergarten Teacher

Welcome to Hart’s Hill! Here is a list of materials to help

set your child up for success in Kindergarten!

-A backpack large enough to hold a pocket folder and extras

such as lunch box, sneakers, etc.
-Plastic supply box
-4 boxes 24 count crayons (preferably Crayola)
-1 package sharpened pencils
-1-2 large pink erasers
-12 Elmer's glue sticks
-1 pair of scissors
*Please keep an extra set of clothes in your child’s backpack*
Mrs. Garrison- Kindergarten Teacher
Hello! Welcome to kindergarten at Hart’s Hill Elementary School! Thank you for
taking the time to view our presentation!

Please review these independent skills over the summer to help your
child have a successful kindergarten experience.

● Practice and know the letters in the alphabet-Keep in mind you should
be able to identify the letters in random order.
● Write numbers 0 to 10- We encourage students to use proper formation.
● Count to 20-Try to ensure that all numbers are in sequential order.
● Write your name- Properly using uppercase letters and lowercase letters.
● Practice independent skills- Like zipping your jacket, tying your shoes, cleaning up
your area, packing your backpack, and putting papers in your own folder.
● Properly sit in all settings-Whether sitting at your seat or listening to a story.
● Build stamina- Our school day is from 9:20-3:30. Be prepared for a full day.
● Practice patience- Waiting your turn is an important skill we practice throughout the
school day.
● Identify personal information- It’s important to know your full name, address,
birthday, phone number, and parent’s names.
Mrs. Watkins- Kindergarten Teacher
Welcome to Kindergarten! Below is an example of a typical day in kindergarten.
● Morning Routine - Attendance, Lunch count, Unpacking folders/notes, morning work
● Calendar
● Math - Envisions 2.0
● Guided Reading - A combination of Reading Street Program along with supplemental trade books.
● Lunch
● Writing - A combination of dictation, pictures, and phonetic spelling
● Handwriting - Practicing proper letter formation
● Recess
● Snack
● Phonics/Phonemic Awareness - Examples include Letter identification and sounds,
● Rhyming, blending and segmenting sounds in consonant/vowel/consonant words.
● Science/Social Studies - Variety of topics taught through BOCES kits along with
trade books and supplemental materials.
● Daily Special - Art, PE, Library, Music. Specials run on a 6 day cycle.
● Centers - Independent practice of skills being taught.
● Dismissal
Support Services Offered at Hart’s Hill

There are a wide variety of support services available to our

students when needed.
Some of those services are highlighted on the next several
Mrs. Anderson- 15:1:1
Welcome! I am one of the Special Education teachers at
Hart’s Hill. I have been teaching for 21 years, the last 12
years here at Hart’s Hill. I am certified in both General
Education and Special Education.

● Work collaboratively with general education teachers
to support students in both small and large group
● Implement student IEP’s, Individualized Education
Contact Information:
Phone: 315-266-3430, ext 5107
Mrs.Diana Durso, LCSW-R
School Social Worker
Hello...I am part of the support team at Hart’s Hill, and I am so
excited to meet your child ! I am here to assist with your child’s
transition into school as they begin this new journey of learning,
sharing, cooperating, and independence. In my role, I support
academic learning, but also help to enhance their social and emotional
I provide instruction to support social and emotional learning, I
provide formal counseling to students with individualized educational
plans, and informal support to students on short-term basis too. I
offer Banana Split Support Groups for children that may be
adjusting to parents living separately or going through family
Please feel free to contact me at or at
315-266-3436. You can also check out my google classroom page for
resources and your child can view my calming room!
My code is ladnjb2..
Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Skermont
The early literacy skills that are developed in Kindergarten are essential to a child’s future reading success.
At times throughout the year, kindergarten students may spend time working in a small group setting with the
reading teacher. During this time, the students will be practicing phonemic awareness, letter/sound
association, and other emergent literacy activities. Working with the reading teacher will be an opportunity
for your child to receive additional support during these early stages of his or her reading development.

Helpful early reading skills to practice at home:

● Establish a daily reading routine and make reading FUN!

● Talk about letters and sounds - Make it a Game - “I’m thinking of a letter and it makes the sound
● Practice identifying uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet in a variety of places
● Read Nursery Rhymes and let your child find the rhyming words and/or play rhyming games
● As you read a book point to the words, illustrations, and talk about what is happening in the story

If you have any questions about reading services, please feel free to contact us:

Mrs. Jennifer Jones or Mrs. Michele Skermont

Preparing Your Kindergartener for School

Helpful math skills to practice at home: Math Services at Hart’s Hill Elementary:
● Counting- students should be able to ● While AIS Math (Academic Intervention
count to 100 by the end of kindergarten! Services) is not a formal service in
● Counting objects to understand the kindergarten, students are supported
1:1 correspondence informally as needed
● Writing numbers 1-20 ● Mrs. Kane, AIS math teacher, may
● Find patterns and shapes in daily life provide math support as a classroom
● Make numbers fun! Try to notice the push-in service during the year
many ways math is part of your day!

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions! Mrs. Kelly Kane
Preparing Your Kindergartener for School


Hannah Brown, M.S., CCC-SLP

Services provided at Harts Hill Language Enrichment activities to work

-I will be collaborating with the teaching on at home
teams to best meet students’ -Joint story book readings and story
communication needs on a consult and re-telling
push-in basis. -Pointing out words and talk about the letters
-Support students growth in the and sounds associated with the letters
following areas: expressive language, -Following directions during
receptive language, pragmatics, speech cooking/baking/outdoor activities
intelligibility, auditory/listening, -Describing objects (e.g., appearance,
vocabulary, communication breakdown function) and emotions of themselves and
problem solving. others
-Provide services for students with -Making simple predictions about what may
speech and language disorders based on happen next in a movie, story, or show
eligibility determined by the Committee -Model correct grammar and provide revisions
on Special Education (CSE). for use of incorrect pronouns, plurals, and
Preparing Your Kindergartener for School
Alexandria Evolo, M.S., OTR/L, Stephanie Romanow, PT, DPT, Denise Collins, PTA

Fine Motor Skills to work on at home: Gross Motor Skills to work on at home:

Pencil Grasp Alternating feet on stairs

-Strengthen hands with playdoh -Work on standing on one foot for balance
-Pick up pom poms/small items with tongs -Practice with/without railing
-Use small, broken crayons when possible to
encourage 3 finger grasp Skipping
-Work on hopping on one foot
Scissor Skills -Work on the pattern of switching feet
-Use a thumbs up grasp: thumb in small hole, index
and middle finger in larger hole Catching a small ball
-Provide opportunities for squeeze/release motion -Use a larger ball first then move to a smaller ball
(ex. squirt bottles, serving tongs, chip clips, etc.) -Start close then move farther away
-Start by snipping playdoh, junk mail, index cards -Trap the ball to your chest then work on using just
your hands to catch the ball
Writing Readiness
-Practice and master pre-writing lines (horizontal, The best thing to do is get outside
vertical, diagonal, circle, cross, X, square, triangle) and PLAY!
BEFORE writing their name
-Reinforce tracing letters in the correct formation
Our students enjoy the many special area classes at Hart’s Hill!


● Mrs. Pezdek, Mr. DiGiorgio ● Mrs. Egresits
● Every other day ● Once every 6 days
● Please wear comfortable clothing
and sneakers

● Mrs. Papandrea ● Mrs. Driscoll
● Once every 6 days ● Once every 6 days
What does our PTO do for our students and school?
The PTO’s goal is to support teachers, staff and students within our school. We raise funds
that help to bring new and exciting programs, supplies and equipment into our school. The PTO
also aims to strengthen our school community through special events. Due to COVID
restricting large group events, we are now focused on supporting classrooms on a more
individual basis.

How can you get involved with our PTO?

All parents/guardians are welcome and encouraged to join our PTO. Monthly meetings are held
via zoom (link is posted on the FB page) on the third Monday of every month at 6:00 PM. This
is a great time to ask questions and get to know all the wonderful things our school has to

Follow us on Facebook: Hart’s Hill Elementary PTO

Officers: Lindsey Rosenfeld - President, Jasminka Husic - Treasurer,
Annie Custodero-Aery - Corresponding Secretary, Jennifer Helfert - Recording Secretary

● How does my child purchase school lunch? School lunch can be purchased through the school
cafeteria. All families are encouraged to complete a free and reduced lunch application. If you
do not qualify for free or reduced lunch, an account can be set up through, parent support number 480-305-5061 or
● How does my child purchase snacks during lunch? Healthy snacks are available for purchase.
Students may purchase lunch using their lunch account or pay with cash
● Do children go outside to play? Students go outside for recess throughout the school year. We
are required to hold recess inside when the temperature or wind chill is below 20 degrees.
● What is the food allergy policy? Please see the school handbook for further details. All
classrooms have procedures in place for individual student snacks and class parties. Students
with allergies are seated at the end of the table in the cafeteria to ensure their safety.
● Can I visit for lunch? Pre-COVID parents were invited to have lunch with their child in the
cafeteria one time per marking period. At this time, we are not allowing visitors to the school.
● Who do I call if I have questions? You should always start with your child’s teacher. Mrs. Farr,
school secretary, and Ms. Putnam, school principal, are always available to speak to you as well.
If you have important information to relay please contact the school office by phone, as emails
may not be answered until later in the day, or after school hours.
We look forward to seeing our
new kindergarten students in the Fall!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!


Lisa Putnam Karen Farr

School Principal School Secretary

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