An Introduction To Investment Appraisal: The Initial Outlay For That Investment
An Introduction To Investment Appraisal: The Initial Outlay For That Investment
An Introduction To Investment Appraisal: The Initial Outlay For That Investment
• Investment appraisal involves comparing the expected future cash flows of an investment with
the initial outlay for that investment
• Before an investment can be appraised key data will need to be collected, including
o Sales forecasts
o Fixed and variable costs data
o Pricing information
o Borrowing costs
• The collection and analysis of this data is likely to take some time
o It requires significant experience to interpret the data appropriately before the
investment appraisal can take place
• The payback period is a calculation of the amount of time it is expected an investment will take
to pay for itself
• Where net cash flows are expected to be constant over time the payback period can be
calculated using the formula
Worked example
1. Simple Payback Calculation
Gomez Carpets is considering an investment in a new storage facility at a cost of
£200,000. It expects additional net cash flow of £30,000 per year as a result of the
Step 1 - Divide the initial outlay by the additional expected net cash flow
(1 mark)
Payback period = 6 years and 8 months (3 marks for the correct answer)
Worked example
2. Payback calculation for varying cash flow over time
Hammer and Son provides a household repairs service that has recently employed a
new handywoman who requires her own van. The new van will be purchased for
The net cash flows are expected to vary over the five years following its purchase and
are shown in the table below.
0 (32,000) (32,000)
1 14,000 (18,000)
2 10,000 (8,000)
3 6,000 (2,000)
4 3,000 1,000
5 2,000 3,000
Step 1 - Identify the final year where the cumulative cash flow is negative
In this case the cumulative cash flow figure is -£2,000 at the end of Year 3
Step 2 - Calculate the monthly net cash flow for the next year
£3,000 ÷ 12 (months) = £250 (1 mark)
Step 3 - Divide the remaining outlay outstanding by the monthly net cash flow
Benefits Drawbacks
• It is a simple • It provides no
method to insight into
calculate and the profitability of
understand investments
• Potentially
lucrative investments
• It is also useful may be
where new dismissed as they
technology is take longer to pay
introduced back than alternatives
• Businesses
equipment can
whether an
investment ‘pays
back’ before an
upgrade is