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Heat transfer manual solution/matlab Chapter 2 HEAT CONDUCTION


Experiment Findings · June 2020

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29086.56640

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1 author:

Mohammad Ali
Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)


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Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

Heat transfer manual solution/matlab

Dr. Mohammad Ali

Department of Electrical & Electronic
EngineeringTel, University of Nottingham
Malaysia Campus Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

Chapter 2
2-1C Heat transfer is a vector quantity since it has direction as well as magnitude. Therefore, we must
specify both direction and magnitude in order to describe heat transfer completely at a point. Temperature,
on the other hand, is a scalar quantity.

2-2C The term steady implies no change with time at any point within the medium while transient implies
variation with time or time dependence. Therefore, the temperature or heat flux remains unchanged with
time during steady heat transfer through a medium at any location although both quantities may vary from
one location to another. During transient heat transfer, the temperature and heat flux may vary with time
as well as location. Heat transfer is one-dimensional if it occurs primarily in one direction. It is two-
dimensional if heat tranfer in the third dimension is negligible.

2-3C Heat transfer to a canned drink can be modeled as two-dimensional since temperature differences
(and thus heat transfer) will exist in the radial and axial directions (but there will be symmetry about the
center line and no heat transfer in the azimuthal direction. This would be a transient heat transfer process
since the temperature at any point within the drink will change with time during heating. Also, we would
use the cylindrical coordinate system to solve this problem since a cylinder is best described in cylindrical
coordinates. Also, we would place the origin somewhere on the center line, possibly at the center of the
bottom surface.

2-4C Heat transfer to a potato in an oven can be modeled as one-dimensional since temperature differences
(and thus heat transfer) will exist in the radial direction only because of symmetry about the center point.
This would be a transient heat transfer process since the temperature at any point within the potato will
change with time during cooking. Also, we would use the spherical coordinate system to solve this problem
since the entire outer surface of a spherical body can be described by a constant value of the radius in
spherical coordinates. We would place the origin at the center of the potato.

2-5C Assuming the egg to be round, heat transfer to an egg in boiling water can be modeled as one-
dimensional since temperature differences (and thus heat transfer) will primarily exist in the radial direction
only because of symmetry about the center point. This would be a transient heat transfer process since the
temperature at any point within the egg will change with time during cooking. Also, we would use the
spherical coordinate system to solve this problem since the entire outer surface of a spherical body can be
described by a constant value of the radius in spherical coordinates. We would place the origin at the center
of the egg.

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

2-6C Heat transfer to a hot dog can be modeled as two-dimensional since temperature differences (and thus
heat transfer) will exist in the radial and axial directions (but there will be symmetry about the center line
and no heat transfer in the azimuthal direction. This would be a transient heat transfer process since the
temperature at any point within the hot dog will change with time during cooking. Also, we would use the
cylindrical coordinate system to solve this problem since a cylinder is best described in cylindrical
coordinates. Also, we would place the origin somewhere on the center line, possibly at the center of the hot
dog. Heat transfer in a very long hot dog could be considered to be one-dimensional in preliminary

2-7C Heat transfer to a roast beef in an oven would be transient since the temperature at any point within
the roast will change with time during cooking. Also, by approximating the roast as a spherical object, this
heat transfer process can be modeled as one-dimensional since temperature differences (and thus heat
transfer) will primarily exist in the radial direction because of symmetry about the center point.

2-8C Heat loss from a hot water tank in a house to the surrounding medium can be considered to be a
steady heat transfer problem. Also, it can be considered to be two-dimensional since temperature
differences (and thus heat transfer) will exist in the radial and axial directions (but there will be symmetry
about the center line and no heat transfer in the azimuthal direction.)

2-9C Yes, the heat flux vector at a point P on an isothermal surface of a medium has to be perpendicular to
the surface at that point.

2-10C Isotropic materials have the same properties in all directions, and we do not need to be concerned
about the variation of properties with direction for such materials. The properties of anisotropic materials
such as the fibrous or composite materials, however, may change with direction.

2-11C In heat conduction analysis, the conversion of electrical, chemical, or nuclear energy into heat (or
thermal) energy in solids is called heat generation.
2-12C The phrase “thermal energy generation” is equivalent to “heat generation,” and they are used
interchangeably. They imply the conversion of some other form of energy into thermal energy. The phrase
“energy generation,” however, is vague since the form of energy generated is not clear.

2-13 Heat transfer through the walls, door, and the top and bottom sections of an oven is transient in nature
since the thermal conditions in the kitchen and the oven, in general, change with time. However, we would
analyze this problem as a steady heat transfer problem under the worst anticipated conditions such as the
highest temperature setting for the oven, and the anticipated lowest temperature in the kitchen (the so called
“design” conditions). If the heating element of the oven is large enough to keep the oven at the desired
temperature setting under the presumed worst conditions, then it is large enough to do so under all
conditions by cycling on and off.
Heat transfer from the oven is three-dimensional in nature since heat will be entering through all
six sides of the oven. However, heat transfer through any wall or floor takes place in the direction normal to
the surface, and thus it can be analyzed as being one-dimensional. Therefore, this problem can be
simplified greatly by considering the heat transfer as being one- dimensional at each of the four sides as
well as the top and bottom sections, and then by adding the calculated values of heat transfers at each

2-14E The power consumed by the resistance wire of an iron is given. The heat generation and the heat flux
are to be determined.
Assumptions Heat is generated uniformly in the resistance wire. q = 1000 W
Analysis A 1000 W iron will convert electrical energy into
heat in the wire at a rate of 1000 W. Therefore, the rate of heat
D = 0.08 in
generation in a resistance wire is simply equal to the power
rating of a resistance heater. Then the rate of heat generation in L = 15 in
the wire per unit volume is determined by dividing the total
rate of heat generation by the volume of the wire to be

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

G G 1000 W  3.412 Btu/h 

g = = =   = 7.820  10 Btu/h  ft
7 3
Vwire (D / 4) L
[(0.08 / 12 ft) / 4](15 / 12 ft) 
2 1 W 
Similarly, heat flux on the outer surface of the wire as a result of this heat generation is determined by
dividing the total rate of heat generation by the surface area of the wire to be
G G 1000 W  3.412 Btu/h 
q = = =   = 1.303  10 Btu/h  ft
5 2
Awire DL  (0.08 / 12 ft)(15 / 12 ft)  1W 

Discussion Note that heat generation is expressed per unit volume in Btu/hft3 whereas heat flux is
expressed per unit surface area in Btu/hft2.

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

E_dot=1000 "[W]"
L=15 "[in]"
"D=0.08 [in], parameter to be varied"

g_dot=E_dot/V_wire*Convert(W, Btu/h)
V_wire=pi*D^2/4*L*Convert(in^3, ft^3)
q_dot=E_dot/A_wire*Convert(W, Btu/h)
A_wire=pi*D*L*Convert(in^2, ft^2)

D [in] q [Btu/h.ft2]
0.02 521370
0.04 260685
0.06 173790
0.08 130342
0.1 104274
0.12 86895
0.14 74481
0.16 65171
0.18 57930
0.2 52137

q [Btu/h-ft ]

0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
D [in]

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

2-16 The rate of heat generation per unit volume in the uranium rods is given. The total rate of heat
generation in each rod is to be determined.
Assumptions Heat is generated uniformly in the uranium rods. g = 7107 W/m3
Analysis The total rate of heat generation in the rod is
D = 5 cm
determined by multiplying the rate of heat generation per unit
volume by the volume of the rod L=1m
G = gV
 rod = g (D2 / 4) L = (7  107 W / m3 )[ (0.05 m) 2 / 4](1 m) = 1.374  105 W = 137.4 kW

2-17 The variation of the absorption of solar energy in a solar pond with depth is given. A relation for the
total rate of heat generation in a water layer at the top of the pond is to be determined.
Assumptions Absorption of solar radiation by water is modeled as heat generation.
Analysis The total rate of heat generation in a water layer of surface area A and thickness L at the top of the
pond is determined by integration to be
L e −bx Ag 0 (1 − e −bL )
G = 
gdV = 
x =0
g 0 e −bx ( Adx) = Ag 0

2-18 The rate of heat generation per unit volume in a stainless steel plate is given. The heat flux on the
surface of the plate is to be determined.
Assumptions Heat is generated uniformly in steel plate.
Analysis We consider a unit surface area of 1 m2. The total rate of heat
generation in this section of the plate is
G = gV
 plate = g ( A  L) = (5  106 W / m3 )(1 m2 )(0.03 m) = 1.5  105 W

Noting that this heat will be dissipated from both sides of the plate, the heat
flux on either surface of the plate becomes

G 1.5  10 5 W
q = = = 75,000 W/m 2
Aplate 2 1 m 2

Heat Conduction Equation

2-19 The one-dimensional transient heat conduction equation for a plane wall with constant thermal
 2T g 1 T
conductivity and heat generation is + = . Here T is the temperature, x is the space variable, g
x2 k  t
is the heat generation per unit volume, k is the thermal conductivity,  is the thermal diffusivity, and t is the

2-20 The one-dimensional transient heat conduction equation for a plane wall with constant thermal
1   T  g 1 T
conductivity and heat generation is r + = . Here T is the temperature, r is the space
r r  r  k  t
variable, g is the heat generation per unit volume, k is the thermal conductivity,  is the thermal diffusivity,
and t is the time.

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

2-21 We consider a thin element of thickness x in a large plane wall (see Fig. 2-13 in the text). The
density of the wall is , the specific heat is C, and the area of the wall normal to the direction of heat
transfer is A. In the absence of any heat generation, an energy balance on this thin element of thickness x
during a small time interval t can be expressed as
Q x − Q x +x =
Eelement = Et + t − Et = mC(Tt + t − Tt ) = CAx(Tt + t − Tt )

T − Tt
Q x − Q x + x = CAx t + t
Dividing by Ax gives
1 Q x + x − Q x T − Tt
− = C t + t
A x t
Taking the limit as x → 0 and t → 0 yields

1   T  T
 kA  = C
A x  x  t
since, from the definition of the derivative and Fourier’s law of heat conduction,

Q x + x − Q x Q   T 
lim = =  − kA 
x →0 x x x  x 
Noting that the area A of a plane wall is constant, the one-dimensional transient heat conduction equation
in a plane wall with constant thermal conductivity k becomes

 2 T 1 T
x 2  t
where the property  = k / C is the thermal diffusivity of the material.

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

2-22 We consider a thin cylindrical shell element of thickness r in a long cylinder (see Fig. 2-15 in the
text). The density of the cylinder is , the specific heat is C, and the length is L. The area of the cylinder
normal to the direction of heat transfer at any location is A = 2rL where r is the value of the radius at that
location. Note that the heat transfer area A depends on r in this case, and thus it varies with location. An
energy balance on this thin cylindrical shell element of thickness r during a small time interval t can be
expressed as
Q r − Q r +r + G element =
Eelement = Et + t − Et = mC(Tt + t − Tt ) = CAr (Tt + t − Tt )

G element = gVelement = gAr

T − Tt
Q r − Q r + r + gAr = CAr t + t
where A = 2rL . Dividing the equation above by Ar gives

1 Q r + r − Q r T − Tt
− + g = C t + t
A r t
Taking the limit as r → 0 and t → 0 yields

1   T  T
 kA  + g = C
A r  r  t

since, from the definition of the derivative and Fourier’s law of heat conduction,
Q r + r − Q r Q   T 
lim = =  − kA 
r → 0 r r r  r 
Noting that the heat transfer area in this case is A = 2rL and the thermal conductivity is constant, the one-
dimensional transient heat conduction equation in a cylinder becomes
1   T  1 T
r  + g =
r r  r   t

where  = k / C is the thermal diffusivity of the material.

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

2-23 We consider a thin spherical shell element of thickness r in a sphere (see Fig. 2-17 in the text).. The
density of the sphere is , the specific heat is C, and the length is L. The area of the sphere normal to the
direction of heat transfer at any location is A = 4r 2 where r is the value of the radius at that location.
Note that the heat transfer area A depends on r in this case, and thus it varies with location. When there is
no heat generation, an energy balance on this thin spherical shell element of thickness r during a small
time interval t can be expressed as
Q r − Q r +r =
Eelement = Et + t − Et = mC(Tt + t − Tt ) = CAr (Tt + t − Tt )

T −T
 r = CAr t + t t
Q r − Q r + r + gA

where A = 4r 2 . Dividing the equation above by Ar gives

1 Q r + r − Q r T − Tt
− = C t + t
A r t
Taking the limit as r → 0 and t → 0 yields

1   T  T
 kA  = C
A r  r  t
since, from the definition of the derivative and Fourier’s law of heat conduction,
Q r + r − Q r Q   T 
lim = =  − kA 
r → 0 r r r  r 

Noting that the heat transfer area in this case is A = 4r 2 and the thermal conductivity k is constant, the
one-dimensional transient heat conduction equation in a sphere becomes
1   2 T  1 T
r =
r 2 r  r   t

where  = k / C is the thermal diffusivity of the material.

 2T 1 T
2-24 For a medium in which the heat conduction equation is given in its simplest by = :
x2  t
(a) Heat transfer is transient, (b) it is one-dimensional, (c) there is no heat generation, and (d) the thermal
conductivity is constant.

2-25 For a medium in which the heat conduction equation is given in its simplest by
1 d  dT 
 rk  + g = 0 :
r dr  dr 
(a) Heat transfer is steady, (b) it is one-dimensional, (c) there is heat generation, and (d) the thermal
conductivity is variable.
1   2 T  1 T
2-26 For a medium in which the heat conduction equation is given by r =
r 2 r  r   t

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

(a) Heat transfer is transient, (b) it is one-dimensional, (c) there is no heat generation, and (d) the thermal
conductivity is constant.

d 2T dT
2-27 For a medium in which the heat conduction equation is given in its simplest by r + =0:
dr 2 dr
(a) Heat transfer is steady, (b) it is one-dimensional, (c) there is heat generation, and (d) the thermal
conductivity is constant.

2-28 We consider a small rectangular element of length x, width y, and height z = 1 (similar to the one
in Fig. 2-21). The density of the body is  and the specific heat is C. Noting that heat conduction is two-
dimensional and assuming no heat generation, an energy balance on this element during a small time
interval t can be expressed as
 Rate of heat   Rate of heat conduction   Rate of change of 
     
 conduction at the  −  at the surfaces at  =  the energy content 
 surfaces at x and y   x + x and y + y   of the element 
     
or Q x + Q y − Q x + x − Q y + y = element
Noting that the volume of the element is Velement = xyz = xy  1 , the change in the energy content of
the element can be expressed as
Eelement = Et + t − Et = mC(Tt + t − Tt ) = Cxy(Tt + t − Tt )

T − Tt
Substituting, Q x + Q y − Q x + x − Q y + y = Cxy t + t
Dividing by xy gives

1 Q x + x − Q x 1 Q y + y − Q y T − Tt
− − = C t + t
y x x y t
Taking the thermal conductivity k to be constant and noting that the heat transfer surface areas of the
element for heat conduction in the x and y directions are Ax = y  1 and Ay = x  1, respectively, and
taking the limit as x, y, and t → 0 yields

 2 T  2 T 1 T
+ =
x 2 y 2  t
since, from the definition of the derivative and Fourier’s law of heat conduction,

1 Q x + x − Q x 1 Q x 1   T    T   2T
lim = =  − kyz  = − k  = −k 2
x →0 yz x yz x yz x  x  x  x  x
 
1 Q y + y − Q y 1 Q y 1   T    T   2T
lim = =  − kxz  = −  k  = − k
y → 0 xz y xz y xz y  y  y  y  y 2
Here the property  = k / C is the thermal diffusivity of the material.

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

2-29 We consider a thin ring shaped volume element of width z and thickness r in a cylinder. The
density of the cylinder is  and the specific heat is C. In general, an energy balance on this ring element
during a small time interval t can be expressed as
E element z
(Q r − Q r + r ) + (Q z − Q z + z ) =
But the change in the energy content of the element can be expressed as
rr r+r
Eelement = Et + t − Et = mC(Tt + t − Tt ) = C(2rr ) z(Tt + t − Tt )

Tt + t − Tt
(Q r − Q r + r ) + (Q z − Q z + z ) = C(2rr ) z
Dividing the equation above by (2rr ) z gives

1 Q r + r − Q r 1 Q z + z − Q z T − Tt
− − = C t + t
2rz r 2rr z t
Noting that the heat transfer surface areas of the element for heat conduction in the r and z directions are
Ar = 2rz and Az = 2rr , respectively, and taking the limit as r , z and t → 0 yields

1   T  1   T    T  T
 kr + k  + k  = C
r r  r  r 2     z  z  t

since, from the definition of the derivative and Fourier’s law of heat conduction,

1 Q r + r − Q r 1 Q 1   T  1   T 
lim = =  − k (2rz ) =−  kr 
r →0 2rz r 2rz r 2rz r  r  r r  r 

1 Q z + z − Q z 1 Qz 1   T    T 
lim = =  − k (2rr )  = − k 
z →0 2rr z 2rr z 2rr z  z  z  z 

For the case of constant thermal conductivity the equation above reduces to

1   T   2T 1 T
r + =
r r  r  z 2  t

where  = k / C is the thermal diffusivity of the material. For the case of steady heat conduction with no
heat generation it reduces to

1   T   2T
r + =0
r r  r  z 2

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

2-30 Consider a thin disk element of thickness z and diameter D in a long cylinder (Fig. P2-30). The
density of the cylinder is , the specific heat is C, and the area of the cylinder normal to the direction of
heat transfer is A = D2 / 4 , which is constant. An energy balance on this thin element of thickness z
during a small time interval t can be expressed as
 Rate of heat   Rate of heat   Rate of heat   Rate of change of 
       
 conduction at  −  conduction at the  +  generation inside  =  the energy content 
 the surfaceat z   surfaceat z + z   theelement   of the element 
       
Q z − Q z +z + G element =
But the change in the energy content of the element and the rate of heat
generation within the element can be expressed as
Eelement = Et + t − Et = mC(Tt + t − Tt ) = CAz(Tt + t − Tt )

G element = gV
 element = gA
 z

T − Tt
 z = CAz t + t
Q z − Q z + z + gA
Dividing by Az gives
1 Q z + z − Q z T − Tt
− + g = C t + t
A z t
Taking the limit as z → 0 and t → 0 yields

1   T  T
 kA  + g = C
A z  z  t
since, from the definition of the derivative and Fourier’s law of heat conduction,
Q z + z − Q z Q   T 
lim = =  − kA 
z →0 z z  z  z 
Noting that the area A and the thermal conductivity k are constant, the one-dimensional transient heat
conduction equation in the axial direction in a long cylinder becomes

 2 T g 1 T
+ =
z 2 k  t
where the property  = k / C is the thermal diffusivity of the material.

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

2T 2T 1 T
2-31 For a medium in which the heat conduction equation is given by + = :
x 2
y 2
 t

(a) Heat transfer is transient, (b) it is two-dimensional, (c) there is no heat generation, and (d) the thermal
conductivity is constant.

1    T    T 
2-32 For a medium in which the heat conduction equation is given by  kr  + k  + g = 0 :
r r  r  z  z 

(a) Heat transfer is steady, (b) it is two-dimensional, (c) there is heat generation, and (d) the thermal
conductivity is variable.

2-33 For a medium in which the heat conduction equation is given by

1   2 T  1  2T 1 T
 r  + = :
r 2 r  r  r 2 sin 2   2  t
(a) Heat transfer is transient, (b) it is two-dimensional, (c) there is no heat generation, and (d) the thermal
conductivity is constant.

Boundary and Initial Conditions; Formulation of Heat Conduction Problems

2-34C The mathematical expressions of the thermal conditions at the boundaries are called the boundary
conditions. To describe a heat transfer problem completely, two boundary conditions must be given for
each direction of the coordinate system along which heat transfer is significant. Therefore, we need to
specify four boundary conditions for two-dimensional problems.

2-35C The mathematical expression for the temperature distribution of the medium initially is called the
initial condition. We need only one initial condition for a heat conduction problem regardless of the
dimension since the conduction equation is first order in time (it involves the first derivative of temperature
with respect to time). Therefore, we need only 1 initial condition for a two-dimensional problem.

2-36C A heat transfer problem that is symmetric about a plane, line, or point is said to have thermal
symmetry about that plane, line, or point. The thermal symmetry boundary condition is a mathematical
expression of this thermal symmetry. It is equivalent to insulation or zero heat flux boundary condition, and
is expressed at a point x0 as T ( x0 , t ) / x = 0 .

2-37C The boundary condition at a perfectly insulated surface (at x = 0, for example) can be expressed as
T (0, t ) T (0, t )
−k =0 or =0
x x
which indicates zero heat flux.

2-38C Yes, the temperature profile in a medium must be perpendicular to an insulated surface since the
slope T / x = 0 at that surface.

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

2-39C We try to avoid the radiation boundary condition in heat transfer analysis because it is a non-linear
expression that causes mathematical difficulties while solving the problem; often making it impossible to
obtain analytical solutions.

2-40 A spherical container of inner radius r1 , outer radius r2 , and thermal

conductivity k is given. The boundary condition on the inner surface of the
container for steady one-dimensional conduction is to be expressed for the
following cases: r1 r2
(a) Specified temperature of 50C: T (r1 ) = 50C

dT (r1 )
(b) Specified heat flux of 30 W/m2 towards the center: k = 30 W / m2
dT (r1 )
(c) Convection to a medium at T with a heat transfer coefficient of h: k = h[T (r1 ) − T ]

2-41 Heat is generated in a long wire of radius r0 covered with a plastic insulation layer at a constant rate
of g 0 . The heat flux boundary condition at the interface (radius r0 ) in terms of the heat generated is to be
expressed. The total heat generated in the wire and the heat flux at the interface are
G = g V
0 wire = g (r 2 L)
0 0 go
Q G g (r 2 L) g 0 r0
q s = s = = 0 0 = D
A A (2r0 ) L 2
Assuming steady one-dimensional conduction in the radial direction, the heat flux boundary condition can
be expressed as
dT (r0 ) g 0r0
−k =
dr 2

2-42 A long pipe of inner radius r1 , outer radius r2 , and

thermal conductivity k is considered. The outer surface of the
pipe is subjected to convection to a medium at T with a heat T
transfer coefficient of h. Assuming steady one-dimensional
conduction in the radial direction, the convection boundary
condition on the outer surface of the pipe can be expressed as
r1 r2
dT (r2 )
−k = h[T (r2 ) − T ]

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

2-43 A spherical shell of inner radius r1 , outer radius r2 , and thermal conductivity k is considered. The
outer surface of the shell is subjected to radiation to surrounding surfaces at Tsurr . Assuming no convection
and steady one-dimensional conduction in the radial direction, the radiation boundary condition on the
outer surface of the shell can be expressed as
dT (r2 ) 
−k =  T (r2 ) 4 − Tsurr
r1 Tsurr

2-44 A spherical container consists of two spherical layers A and B that are at perfect contact. The radius of
the interface is ro. Assuming transient one-dimensional conduction in the radial direction, the boundary
conditions at the interface can be expressed as
TA (r0 , t ) = TB (r0 , t )

TA (r0 , t ) T (r , t )
and −k A = −k B B 0 o
x x

2-45 Heat conduction through the bottom section of a steel pan that is used to boil water on top of an
electric range is considered (Fig. P2-45). Assuming constant thermal conductivity and one-dimensional
heat transfer, the mathematical formulation (the differential equation and the boundary conditions) of this
heat conduction problem is to be obtained for steady operation.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer is given to be steady and one-dimensional. 2 Thermal conductivity is given to
be constant. 3 There is no heat generation in the medium. 4 The top surface at x = L is subjected to
convection and the bottom surface at x = 0 is subjected to uniform heat flux.
Analysis The heat flux at the bottom of the pan is
Q s G 0.85  (1000 W)
q s = = = = 27,056 W / m2
As D / 4
 (0.20 m) 2 / 4
Then the differential equation and the boundary conditions
for this heat conduction problem can be expressed as
d 2T
dx 2
dT (0)
−k = q s = 27,056 W / m2
dT ( L)
−k = h[T ( L) − T ]

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

2-46E A 1.5-kW resistance heater wire is used for space heating. Assuming constant thermal conductivity
and one-dimensional heat transfer, the mathematical formulation (the differential equation and the
boundary conditions) of this heat conduction problem is to be obtained for steady operation.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer is given to be steady and one-dimensional. 2 Thermal conductivity is given to
be constant. 3 Heat is generated uniformly in the wire.
Analysis The heat flux at the surface of the wire is
Q s G 1200 W
q s = = = = 212.2 W / in 2
As 2r0 L 2 (0.06 in)(15 in)

Noting that there is thermal symmetry about the center line and there is uniform heat flux at the outer
surface, the differential equation and the boundary conditions for this heat conduction problem can be
expressed as
1 d  dT  g
r + = 0 2 kW
r dr  dr  k

dT (0) D = 0.12 in
dr L = 15 in
dT (r0 )
−k = q s = 212.2 W / in 2

2-47 Heat conduction through the bottom section of an aluminum pan that is used to cook stew on top of an
electric range is considered (Fig. P2-47). Assuming variable thermal conductivity and one-dimensional heat
transfer, the mathematical formulation (the differential equation and the boundary conditions) of this heat
conduction problem is to be obtained for steady operation.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer is given to be steady and one-dimensional. 2 Thermal conductivity is given to
be variable. 3 There is no heat generation in the medium. 4 The top surface at x = L is subjected to
specified temperature and the bottom surface at x = 0 is subjected to uniform heat flux.
Analysis The heat flux at the bottom of the pan is
Q s G 0.90  (900 W)
q s = = = = 31,831 W / m2
As D / 4  (018
. m) 2 / 4

Then the differential equation and the boundary conditions

for this heat conduction problem can be expressed as
d  dT 
k =0
dx  dx 

dT (0)
−k = q s = 31,831 W / m 2
T ( L) = TL = 108 C

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

2-48 Water flows through a pipe whose outer surface is wrapped with a thin electric heater that consumes
300 W per m length of the pipe. The exposed surface of the heater is heavily insulated so that the entire
heat generated in the heater is transferred to the pipe. Heat is transferred from the inner surface of the pipe
to the water by convection. Assuming constant thermal conductivity and one-dimensional heat transfer, the
mathematical formulation (the differential equation and the boundary conditions) of the heat conduction in
the pipe is to be obtained for steady operation.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer is given to be steady and one-dimensional. 2 Thermal conductivity is given to
be constant. 3 There is no heat generation in the medium. 4 The outer surface at r = r2 is subjected to
uniform heat flux and the inner surface at r = r1 is subjected to convection.
Analysis The heat flux at the outer surface of the pipe is
Q s Q s 300 W
q s = = = = 734.6 W / m 2
As 2r2 L 2 (0.065 cm)(1 m)
Noting that there is thermal symmetry about the center line and there is uniform heat flux at the outer
surface, the differential equation and the boundary conditions for this heat conduction problem can be
expressed as
d  dT 
r =0
dr  dr 

dT (r1 ) Q = 300 W
k = h[T (ri ) − T ]
dT (r2 ) r1 r2
k = q s = 734.6 W/m 2 h
dr T

2-49 A spherical metal ball that is heated in an oven to a temperature of Ti throughout is dropped into a
large body of water at T where it is cooled by convection. Assuming constant thermal conductivity and
transient one-dimensional heat transfer, the mathematical formulation (the differential equation and the
boundary and initial conditions) of this heat conduction problem is to be obtained.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer is given to be transient and one-dimensional. 2 Thermal conductivity is given
to be constant. 3 There is no heat generation in the medium. 4 The outer surface at r = r0 is subjected to
Analysis Noting that there is thermal symmetry about the midpoint and convection at the outer surface,
the differential equation and the boundary conditions for this heat conduction problem can be expressed as
1   2 T  1 T
r =
r 2 r  r   t
T (0, t ) k r2 h
T (r0 , t )
−k = h[T (r0 ) − T ]
T (r ,0) = Ti

2-50 A spherical metal ball that is heated in an oven to a temperature of Ti throughout is allowed to cool in
ambient air at T by convection and radiation. Assuming constant thermal conductivity and transient one-
dimensional heat transfer, the mathematical formulation (the differential equation and the boundary and
initial conditions) of this heat conduction problem is to be obtained.

Chapter 2 Heat Conduction Equation

Assumptions 1 Heat transfer is given to be transient and one-dimensional. 2 Thermal conductivity is given
to be variable. 3 There is no heat generation in the medium. 4 The outer surface at r = r0 is subjected to
convection and radiation.
Analysis Noting that there is thermal symmetry about the midpoint and convection and radiation at the
outer surface and expressing all temperatures in Rankine, the differential equation and the boundary
conditions for this heat conduction problem can be expressed as
1   2 T  T 
 kr  = C
r r 
r  t Tsurr
T (0, t ) T
=0 k r2 h
T (r0 , t ) Ti
−k = h[T (r0 ) − T ] +  [T (r0 ) 4 − Tsurr
T (r ,0) = Ti

2-51 The outer surface of the North wall of a house exchanges heat with both convection and radiation.,
while the interior surface is subjected to convection only. Assuming the heat transfer through the wall to be
steady and one-dimensional, the mathematical formulation (the differential equation and the boundary and
initial conditions) of this heat conduction problem is to be obtained.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer is given to be steady and one-dimensional. 2 Thermal conductivity is given to
be constant. 3 There is no heat generation in the medium. 4 The outer surface at x = L is subjected to
convection and radiation while the inner surface at x = 0 is subjected to convection only.
Analysis Expressing all the temperatures in Kelvin, the differential equation and
the boundary conditions for this heat conduction problem can be expressed as
d 2T
dx 2
dT (0) Tsky
−k = h1[T1 − T (0)]
dT ( L) T1 T2
−k = h1[T ( L) − T 2 ] +  2 T ( L) 4 − Tsky
h1 h2

L x
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[20] Maytham S. Ahmed and Raad. Z. Homod, (2014) “Energy Saving by Tackling Shaft Voltage in Turbine
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[42] Raad Z. Homod, (2018), Two-Phase Spray Cooling of the Electronics System, 687 (2018) 12-48.

[43] Raad Z. Homod, (2018), First International Conference for Invention, University of Babylon, 28-29-November-

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[47] Raad Z. Homod, (2019), Second International Festival of Invention, Innovation and Copyright, Al-KITAB
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[48] Raad Z. Homod, (2019), International Exhibition on Innovation and Technology, Tehran-Iran 9-12-June-2019.

[49] Raad Z. Homod, Hussein Togun, Haider J. Abd, Khairul S. M. Sahari, (2020), A novel hybrid modelling
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.12-48) 2018( 687, ‫ االصطناعي الذكاء تطبيقات احد باستخدام فانكر معادلة بتحويل االنسان راحة قياس جهاز‬Raad Z. Homod, (2018), ]50[


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