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Summarize Written Text
● Total time: 10 mins

● Word limit: 5–75 (35–55 ideal range)

● Timer & word counter: on screen

Note: to be written in a single complete sentence

Well, summary writing or summarize a written text is one of the most important tasks in
PTE – it helps you score both in Reading as well as writing where it belongs. It makes
15% of your total writing score and 15% of your total reading score which is not a small
Examples of a Complex Sentence
Quick Tips to Improve Score in Summarize Written Text

1. Read the instruction carefully and notice the word limit i.e. between 5-70
2. Write in only ONE sentence (only ONE sentence!!)
3. Practise to write complex sentence. Use complex sentence wisely
4. Use the connectors aptly, because grammar matters a lot
5. Extract the main idea of the given text
6. Notice the word count at the bottom
7. Recheck the sentence for punctuations, grammar & spellings errors
Strategies for Summarize Written Text

Strategy 1
Remember to skim and scan. Quickly skim the text first for
gist, and then scan it and note keywords.
Strategies for Summarize Written Text
Strategy 2
Once you have noted the keywords, use them to write quick
notes to sum up the main argument of the text without looking
back at the passage. Use your own words to condense these
notes into a clear, precise summarizing sentence.
Strategies for Summarize Written Text
Strategy 3

When you have finished writing, check for the following: 1) you have
written one sentence only which is within the required word count
(between 5 and 75 words); 2) you have retained the essence of the
text; 3) your grammar and spelling are correct. Remember that if your
sentence is shorter or longer than the required word count, your
response will automatically be scored zero.
Strategy 1:

● You will get 30 seconds to quickly skim the text and

identify the gist (e.g, climate change: increasing
surface temperature causing rising sea levels,
shrinking sea ice and snow cover, and changes in
Strategy 2:
● You will get one minute to scan the text and write down
keywords and important points (e.g., UN report,
climate change, surface temperature increase, sea
level rise, ocean expansion, glacier melt, etc).
Strategy 3:
● Once you have noted the keywords, you need to construct their summary as
quickly as possible. One way to do this is to use the keywords to write quick notes
or phrases that sum up the main argument(s) of the text. You have to try to do this
without looking back at the passage. You should then use your own words to
condense these notes into a clear, precise summarizing sentence.(e.g., UN report
on climate change states that ...; increases in surface temperatures are causing
sea levels to rise, oceans to expand, and glaciers to melt ...)
PTE Writing Summarize Written Text –

Read the passage below and summarize it using one sentence (between
5 and 75 words). Type your response in the box at the bottom of the
screen. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on
how well your response presents the key points in the passage.
Online learning
What makes teaching online unique is that it uses the Internet, especially the World Wide
Web, as the primary means of communication. Thus, when you teach online, you don’t
have to be someplace to teach. You don’t have to lug your briefcase full of papers or your
laptop to a classroom, stand at a lectern, scribble on a chalkboard, or grade papers in a
stuffy room while your students take a test. You don’t even have to sit in your office waiting
for students to show up for conferences. You can hold “office hours” on weekends or at
night after dinner.

Online learning offers more freedom for students as well. They can search for courses
using the Web, scouring their institution or even the world for programs, classes and
instructors that fit their needs. Having found an appropriate course, they can enrol and
register, shop for their books, read articles, listen to lectures, submit their homework
assignments, confer with their instructors, and receive their final grades – all online. They
can assemble in virtual classrooms, joining other students from diverse geographical
locales, forging bond and friendships not possible in conventional classrooms, which are
usually limited to students from a specific geographical area.
Sample Summary
Online teaching provide freedom to both teachers and students as teachers
need not to be at a specific place to teach because they use internet as the
medium of communication, whereas, students can enroll, register, submit
assignments and receive grades- all online.

What makes teaching online unique is that it uses the Internet,

especially the World Wide Web, as the primary means of
communication, and you don’t even have to sit in your office waiting
for students to show up for conferences, moreover, they can search
for courses using the Web, scouring their institution or even the
world for programs, classes and instructors that fit their needs.
How can we design great cities from scratch if we cannot agree on what makes them great? None of the cities
where people most want to live such as London, New York, Paris and Hong Kong comes near to being at the top
of surveys asking which are best to live in.

The top three in the most recent Economist Intelligence Units livability ranking, for example, were Melbourne,
Vancouver and Vienna. They are all perfectly pleasant, but great? The first question to tackle is the difference
between livability and greatness. Perhaps we cannot aspire to make a great city, but if we attempt to make a
livable one, can it in time become great?

There are some fundamental elements that you need. The first is public space. Whether it is Vienna’s
Ringstrasse and Prater park, or the beaches of Melbourne and Vancouver, these are places that allow the city to
pause and the citizens to mingle and to breathe, regardless of class or wealth. Good cities also seem to be close
to nature, and all three have easy access to varied, wonderful landscapes and topographies.

A second crucial factor, says Ricky Burdett, a professor of urban studies at the London School of Economics, is
a good transport system. Affordable public transport is the one thing which cuts across all successful cities, he
Sample Summary
The factors such as an easy access to various landscapes, public space for citizens to
breathe and an affordable public transportation are crucial for designing a great city.
Read the passage below and summarize it using one sentence. Type your response in
the box at the bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your
response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response
presents the key points in the passage.
Humankind has an innate desire to liberate from the restriction of mundane existence. Some people follow the
paths of spirituality, prayer, meditation while other people follow the paths of art, music, sexual passion or
intoxicating substances to experience a temporary altered state of consciousness. Since the advent of
civilization (Neolithic age), alcohol as an intoxicating substance is being used by Homosapien for fantasies.
Liminality is the quality of ambiguity that occurs in the middle stage of rituals (transition) when participants no
longer hold their pre-ritual original status and not reach the final post ritual status. Liminality is associated with
tension and danger. Similarly, as a human being, we are also passing thru life-cycle, lifestyle, and habitual
transition in our lives. The life-cycle events involve major transformation, a source of anxiety and fear for the
human. Alcohol drinking provides liminal period (a way of passing from the ordered regulation of one form of
social context to the less-ordered form of another one) borderline interval segregated from everyday mundane

These ceremonial events (life-cycle, lifestyle, and habitual transition) with their accompanying drinking patterns
provide relief to drinkers from the daily boredoms and frustrations of life and ease of social tensions. Dissolving
hierarchical social classes and gender differences on ceremonial occasions, alcohol is associated with
recreation, festivity, and spontaneity.

Alcohol is used in life-cycle transitions, lifestyle transitions, and habitual transitions by humankind. Drinking, as a
symbolic punctuation mark in our lives, differentiate one social context from another from the cradle to the
grave. Drinks define significant transitions in our lives through their symbolic, psychological and social functions
of transition rituals. The type of brand served for drink defines the nature of the event; build the social
relationship and interaction among drinkers.
Sample Summary
Consumption of alcohol which acts as a symbolic punctuation mark in human
life from the cradle to the grave is used in life-cycle transitions, lifestyle
transitions, and habitual transitions by the human race since time
Even though software engineers from India make programming and business
technologies, they get 1/5th of the salary compared to their USA counterparts and
although it could be taken as a future alarm, due to the lack of manufacturing capital,
India will have less investors than USA resulting in less manufacturing.
Plastic is in just about everything these days, including living things, from sea creatures
to land animals and people. Waste plastic and litter break down into tiny, microscopic
particles. Those particles can then seep into water supplies and subsequently work
their way into just about anything we eat

Researchers found that it takes just six hours for billions of nanoplastic particles, those
with a width some 100 times smaller than a human hair, to accumulate throughout the
body of some molluscs. In the laboratory a variety of scallop called the great scallop
was starved for two days. Then it was exposed to food and nanoplastic particles of two
different sizes: 24 nanometers and 250 nanometers. After only six hours in the
plastic-laden environment, the scallops had billions of nanoplastic particles circulating
in their bodies. The particles were found in their gills, gonads, kidneys, muscles and
intestines. The smaller sized particles had built up faster in that six-hour window.
Waste plastic and litter break down into tiny, microscopic particles
about anything we eat
it takes just six hours for billions of nanoplastic particles,
to accumulate throughout the body of some molluscs
the great scallop was starved for two days.
exposed to
nanoplastic particles circulating in their bodies.
scallops were returned to clean water
took three days
out of their bodies.
bigger nanoplastic particles were still present several weeks later
Sample Summary
Plastic is in just about everything these days and they subsequently work their way
into just about anything we eat, moreover, researchers found that it takes just six
hours for billions of nanoparticles to accumulate throughout the body of some
molluscs, later, when scallop were returned to the clean water, it only took three
days for those particles to work their way out of their bodies.
After millions of years of being endangered in war-torn coast of southern Lebanon,
Mediterranean sea turtles were finally protected by two women, Mona Khalil and Habiba Fayed,
who opened a bed-and breakfast and with the help of the guests, protected turtles’ eggs by
burying an iron grid in the sand above the eggs.

Explanation: The topic has been accurately discussed and the supporting points are included.
This response demonstrates good control of standard English grammar with very few
grammatical errors. The vocabulary used is appropriate for the context. All words are spelled
correctly and the response is one complete sentence of 52 words.
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior, according to the American Psychological
Association. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as
human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and cognitive processes.

In the early days of psychology there were two dominant theoretical perspectives regarding how the brain
worked, structuralism and functionalism. Structuralism was the name given to the approach pioneered by
Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), which focused on breaking down mental processes intro the most basic
components. The term originated from Edward Titchener, an American psychologist who had been trained
by Wundt. Wundt was important because he separated psychology from philosophy by analyzing the
workings of the mind in a more structured way, with the emphasis being on objective measurement and
control. Structuralism relied on trained introspection, a research method whereby subjects related what
was going on in their minds while performing a certain task.

An American psychologist named William James (1842-1910) developed an approach which came to be
known as functionalism, that disagreed with the focus of Structuralism. James argued that the mind is
constantly changing and it is pointless to look for the structure of conscious experience. Rather, he
proposed the focus should be on how and why an organism does something, i.e. the functions or purpose
of the brain. James suggested that psychologists should look for the underlying cause of behavior and the
mental processes involved. This emphasis on the causes and consequences of behavior has influenced
contemporary psychology.
Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior,
according to the American Psychological Association; in the
early days of psychology there were two dominant theoretical
perspectives regarding how the brain worked, structuralism and
functionalism, moreover, the emphasis on the causes and
consequences of behavior has influenced contemporary
Connectors: Moreover, furthermore, and, semi-colon
Do not use however, but, whereas
A test taker’s essay will not be scored on any trait
and will be awarded 0 (zero) in the following cases:

● The response is irrelevant to the prompt.

● The response is not in English.
● The response is written in capitals.
● There is no written response.
Quick Tips to Improve Score in Essay Writing

● Be attentive of the instructions i.e. the word limit (200-300 words)

● Read the topic and know the type of essay
● Ensure that you write in academic English language
● Do not use bullet points
● Write in clear and concise paragraphs
● Avoid the jargons at all cost
● Check for all the minor and major mistakes that you used to make
while practising especially spelling errors
Quick Tips to Improve Score in Essay Writing

● Make correct use of the phrases

● Show variations of simple, compound and complex sentences
● Be very careful with grammar, for example, tenses, singular/ plural
● Be sure to write correct spellings
● Take note about capitalisation at the start and also in between the sentences
● Correct punctuations will add to the marks
● Support your ideas with relevant examples
● Never mention too many ideas in a single paragraph as the chances of many of them being
irrelevant are high
● Always proofread the essay after completing it by spending 2-3 minutes
Common Template for Essay Writing
a) Introduction - Give a bit of a background, then paraphrase the question prompt followed by your
b) Para 1 and 2 - Topic sentence, Further information, Example and conclusion
c) Conclusion - Overall conclusion summarizing points in Para 1 & 2 and end with a strong statement.
5. Important tips on linking sentences in the essay:
a) To add more info - Use words like Furthermore, Moreover, in addition to etc.
b) To give examples - For example, For instance etc.
c) To stress - Clearly, Obviously, Of course etc.
d) To conclude - Phrases like To sum up, In conclusion etc.
e) To arrange your ideas - Firstly, secondly, lastly etc.
f) For results - As a result, consequently etc.
g) To give opinion - In my opinion, I believe etc.
h) Expressing contrast - Although, Despite etc.
1.Problem & solution-Essay Template:
It is certainly true that ___________ [topic]. After providing careful analysis on how/why the
problem has risen so sharply in this world/country/community, I shall suggest a number of
ways to tackle the problem.
This is one of the worst social/environment evil. There are many reasons which are to be
blamed for it. First main reason is __________ [Problem 1]. To support it, ______ [Explanation].
For example, ______ [example 1]. Second significant reason is ___________ [Problem 2]. In
addition to it, ______ [description of the problem]. A good example of this is ________
[example 2].
However, this problem can be looked after well by several precautionary measures. First and
foremost, solution is ______ [Solution 1]. Thereafter, some other measures like _____
[Solution 2] can also be implemented to reduce the severe effects of the mentioned problems.
To conclude, although there are several legitimate concerns regarding ______ [topic]. If the
above mentioned steps are taken into consideration, none seems insurmountable.
2.Advantage & disadvantage-Essay Template:
It is irrefutable that ______ [take general sentence from prompt and write one or two lines over it].
There are both advantages and disadvantages of this which I shall discuss in this essay with
assisting examples.
[Introduction line + General/linking line]. There are various advantages associated to it. The first and
foremost is __________ [Advantage 1]. To support it, _________ [Description of Advantage 1]. For
instance, _______ [ Example 1]. Second is __________ [Advantage 2]. Additionally, it can also be said
that _________ [Description of Advantage 2]. For example, ________ [Example 2].
As every positivity carries some sorts of negativity, so there are some demerits also. One major
disadvantage is ___________ [Disadvantage 1]. A good example of this is ________ [ Example 1].
Another considerable disadvantages are ________ [Disadvantage 2]. Furthermore, this can be
understood by _______ [Example 2]
In conclusion, although there are some non-negligible negative impacts of _______ [Topic sentence],
but still the festivity it beholds in it far outweigh the ill- effects.
3.Discuss both points of view-Essay Template:
It Is irrefutable that _______ [take general sentence from the prompt and write one or two lines over
it]. Some people regard this as _________ [1st point] while other group of people argue that _______
[2nd point]. However, I personally feel that _____ [Your opinion]. I will discuss these both points
before reaching my opinion.
The debate surrounding. [general sentence] is the most charged in today’s era of
[modernization/globalization/worldwide/technological]. On one hand, there is an army people
convinced that __________ [1st point]. They come up with several arguments. First argument which
they have put forward is ________ [Argument]. To support it, ______ [Explanation For Argument].
For example, __________ [Example for Argument].
On the other hand, a host of progressive also protest that _______ [2nd point]. This latter view point
is assisted with various valid reasons. Firstly, ________ [Opposed View]. Also, _______ [Explanation
for Opposed view]. For instance, _________ [Example for Opposed View].
In conclusion, although both arguments have their merits on balance. However, as far as it is
concerned to me, I can opine that __________ [Your opinion].
4] Opinion Based Essay-Essay Template:
In this technological era, ______________ [topic] is one of the most discussed topic. Moreover, many
people support the view of _________ [supporting view], whereas there are other people who oppose this
views. I strongly believe that _________ [your opinion]. This essay will discuss about the _________
[your opinion in detail] and provide a logical conclusion.
There are myriad of reasons that further explain this argument but the most preponderant one stems to
the fact that __________ [explain positive opinion]. For instance, specifically, a study conducted by the
University of Oxford found that ________ [Give an example here].
However, there are pitfalls that negate with this argument and that can certainly overwhelm the potential
influence of __________ [Essay Topic], but the most alarming one rooted to the fact that _________
[Explain negative opinion]. Approach to deal with these concerns are numerous, but the most effective
one is ______ [Give a Solution here] which is impractical and unattainable but comprehensive and
According to argument aforementioned, one can reach to a conclusion that _________ [Your opinion]
and it is expected that people take cognizance of this fact and further the government should establish
guidelines to educate people.
6] Cause and Effect-Essay template:
One of the most conspicuous trends of today’s world is the colossal upsurge__________
[Topic sentence]. There are many causes of _______ [list of causes or the main cause].
Moreover, there are various impact of this causes on society at large. This essay will discuss
and explain about the cause and effects of ______ [ topic] in the upcoming paragraphs.
To begin with, there are __________ [ cause 1]. Moreover, __________ [cause 2].
Furthermore, there are few other __________ [other causes]. Hence, the above mentioned
are the real problems or the causes caused due to ________ [topic sentence].
Secondly, there are various effect of the _____________ [effect 1]. Not only does these
problems impact ______ [effect 2], but also it _________ [in relation to effect 2]. Additionally,
_________ [description of the effect 1 and 2]. Overall, ______ [Conclusion for the above
Lastly, it can be manifested that ___ [concluding remark]. In conclusion, _________ [concise
description of conclusion or recommendation].
‘Paper books are and will always be superior to e-books.’

These days ,there is an ongoing debate among people about 'paper books are and always be superior
to e-books.' While it is possible to claim that paper books are and always be superior to e-books,in
my view the advantages overweigh the disadvantages. In this essay ,I shall explain my point by my
experience with paper books.
A paper book affects the reader more differently than an e book. Most of people accepts paper book
as traditional books where as ebook as modern books. Although both function are for educational
and reading purpose. There is a huge difference found between these two books where a paper book
has been playing vital role in educational sector of Nepal. We don't need internet access for it. But
as ebooks require a good internet connection and can only produce one book at a time for the
In conclusion, paper books are and will always be superior experience in terms of personalized
learning and convenience. I would strongly recommend paper books rather than e-books.
You will have 20 minutes to plan, write and revise an essay about the topic below. Your response
will be judged on how well you develop a position, organize your ideas, present supporting details,
and control the elements of standard written English. You should write 200–300 words.

‘Obesity has been linked to excessive sugar consumption. Some people believe
that sugary drinks should be taxed to dissuade people from drinking them while
others think that a tax is unnecessary and that public education is the best way to
decrease sugar consumption.’

Choose which position you most agree with and discuss why you chose that
position. Support your point of view with details from your own experiences,
observations or reading.
You will have 20 minutes to plan, write and revise an essay about the topic below. Your response will be
judged on how well you develop a position, organize your ideas, present supporting details, and control
the elements of standard written English. You should write 200–300 words.

Speaking in public is frequently used for academic evaluation. University students

are frequently required to present group assignments or seminar papers in front of
large groups of their peers. This favours the minority who have a natural ability to
speak to an audience.

In the interest of fairness, this form of spoken evaluation should be abandoned in

favour of a more just method, such as essay writing or pre-recorded submissions.

Do you agree with this statement? Support your point of view with details from your
own experiences, observations or reading.
A serious amount of worldwide attention has been drawn to the topic of speaking in public. Because of the
existence of evidence in favour of as well as against the approval of academic evaluation, the issue of academic
evaluation has been a point of critical concern. Consequently, this essay is going to be about speaking in public,
and I will implore the advantages and disadvantages of spoken evaluation with the assistance of likely causes,
effects, and solutions in order to reach a resolution on essay writing and pre-recorded with the help of reasons and
Due to the preponderance of positive arguments regarding speaking in public, people have embraced the
significant role that the matter of academic evaluation plays and the merits of the situation about essay writing.
Essentially, we cannot ignore that the question of spoken evalution is decisive. For instance, there are people
who analyze the pros of academic evaluation along with the causes before acceptance.

Generally, along with the demerits of spoken evaluation, the impacts also demand careful analysis. Here, we
cannot overlook that certain assertions give rise to the idea that the consequence of essay evaluation is terrible as
there are plenty of examples where inadvertent implications of pre-recorded submission have been discovered.

In conclusion, despite the claims put forward in this essay, it is apparent that the impact and the outcome of
speaking in public are disputable. Just examining the merits of spoken evaluation is futile because there are
refutations relating to essay writing that muddle the case.

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