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Appendix A - F

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Appendix - A


I. Case number: Date: NIEPID registration number:

II. Personal details

Name of the child: Male/ Female

Father‟s Name: Contact Number:

Mother‟s Name: Contact Number:

Age of child: Date of Birth:


Family income:

Father Occupation: Mother Occupation:

Diagnosis: Primary: Secondary:

Associated symptoms:


III. Descriptive account of Presenting Complaint

IV. History of Presenting Complaints:

Symptom Age Mode of Onset Intensity Modality(Including Duration Modificatio Prognosis

of (Insidious/Abrup time, activity, n/ of
onset t/etc) & change in progression symptoms
Provocing environment, of with any
factors if any physical, social, symptoms other
emotional etc) in past treatment

V. Record of Disability:
 Overall condition of child:
 Age of onset: Since Birth- After Birth:
 Age of Detection:
 Onset: Sudden/Insidious
 Complaint: Progressive/ Stable
 Nature of Disability:
 Mental Condition:
 Social and Emotional Behaviour:
 Communication Skills:
 Schooling:
 Motor Disability
 Sensory Disability
 Loss of Skills gained at any time if any:

 Special Organs:
 Mobility:
 Gait:
 Activities of Daily living:
 Milestones achieved and age of Attaining Milestones:
 Mile stones Delayed:
 Loss if any of milestones achieved:
 Neurological site of lesion (Suspected):

VI. Treatments Being Undertaken: (Current Medication if any name, dosage, route and
duration of intake)

VIII. Birth History

VIII. Past History:

A. Past illness:

B. History of Immunisation:

C. Investigations:


A. Mother‟s History

B. Fathers History

IX. Family History and Genetic History:

X. Social History

XI. Interpersonal relationships and family dynamics:

XII. Physical Generals:

Thermal Reaction:
Food preferences (including veg/non veg):
Aggravation by food:
Amelioration by food:
Salivation or dryness of mouth:
Intolerance to:
Sleep and Dreams:
Affect of movement/ motion:
General Modalities:
General Tendencies:

XIII. Mental Generals:

XIV. Any other specific information: (include screen time)

XV. Examination:
A. General Examination:
Lymph nodes (cervical, axillary, inguinal):
Blood pressure:
Pulse rate:
Respiratory rate:

B. Systemic Examination:
a. CVS:
b. Respiratory system:
c. GIT:
d. CNS:
e. Genito urinary:
f. Musculo skeletal:

XVI. Investigations (If any):

XVIII. Overall Condition of Child:

Patient Global Assessment/ Care giver Global assessment (please select the option as applicable)
Considering ------------- complaint, please mark X on the line below to show how severe your
patient‟s complaint is
Not severe extremely severe

Physician Global assessment:

As per assessment, mark X on the line below to show severe is the complaint of the patient.
Not severe extremely severe

XIX. Totality of symptoms:

a. Assessment/ Evaluation of symptoms
b. Miasmatic assessment
c. Repertorization

XXII. Susceptibility & posology:

XX. Prescription:
XXI. Justification of prescription:

XXIV. Service profile of child at NIEPID:

Signature & Name of physician

Date: Follow up No:

Enrolment number:

Name: Age:

1. Change in main complaint of patient:

2. Overall Condition of Child:

Care giver Global assessment (please select the option as applicable)
Considering ---------complaint, please mark X on the line below to show how severe patient‟s
complaint is
Not severe extremely severe

Physician Global assessment:

As per assessment, mark X on the line below to show severe is the complaint of the patient.
Not severe extremely severe

3. Change in complaints & symptoms

4. Any new symptoms/complaints:

5. Examination (any change from the previous recorded normal & abnormal examination findings)

6. Number of sick days since last follow up due to co-morbidities or acute illness episodes
affecting day to day activities of self/ parents)

7. Assessment on the basis of ORIDL:

+4 Cured/Back to normal
+3 Major improvement
+2 Moderate improvement, affecting daily living
+1 Slight improvement, no effect on daily living
0 No change/Unsure
-1 Slight deterioration, no effect on daily living
-2 Moderate deterioration, affecting daily living
-3 Major deterioration
-4 Disastrous deterioration

i. Main complaint
ii. Overall coping by the child with the problem
iii. Overall well being of your child

6. Totality of symptoms:

7. Prescription:

8. Justification of prescription:
Signature & Name of Physician

Appendix – B
Protocol no. MD/2017/011/Paed
Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital
Knowledge Park – I Greater Noida, UP
Department of Paediatrics
Constitutional Homoeopathic Treatment for Children (5-12 years) with
Intellectual Disabilities (Intellectual Developmental Disorder): A Prospective
Observational Study


I, -----------------------, agree for my child --------------------------- , age ------------to be provided
Homoeopathic treatment at the Institute. I understand that it will involve receiving oral
Homoeopathic medication and regular follow up of my child for a period of at least 6 months. I
understand that regular assessment of my child‟s disability would be carried out during the period
of at least 6 months. I have been informed that there are no identified risks of giving homoeopathic
treatment to children. The assessments of my child would be made on standard scales and on the
basis of clinical assessment by the treating physician. All information collected during this clinical
observational study would be included in the MD thesis of the physician. I understand that my and
my child‟s confidentiality would be maintained as required by law. I or my child will not be
identified by name if the results are published. I am aware that there is no monetary compensation.
I have been provided with the name of the physician providing the treatment who can be easily
contacted using the number and address I am being given.

I give my consent voluntarily participation of my child and will follow the instructions given to
me and my child by the treating physician. Verbal assent from my child has been taken in my
presence after explaining the process based on my child understanding. I and my child have been
given an opportunity to ask questions which have been answered satisfactorily.

I understand that I have the right to withdraw my child from the treatment being provided at any
time without in any way affecting other treatments in the institute.

Signature of Parent ______________ Date __________________

Name of Parent ___________ email______________

I have accurately read the consent form to the parent of the child to be provided Homoeopathic
treatment, and the parent has had the opportunity to ask questions. I confirm that the parent has
given consent freely.

Signature of Physician _________________ Date: _____________

Name of Physician: Dr Divya Taneja 9810305068 email:

Protocol no. MD/2017/011/Paed
बैक्सन होम्योपैथिक मेडिकऱ कॉऱेज एंि हॉस्पपटऱ
नॉऱेज पाकक – Iग्रेटर नोएिा, यूपी
बालरोग विभाग
Constitutional Homoeopathic Treatment for Children (5-12 years) with
Intellectual Disabilities (Intellectual Developmental Disorder): A Prospective
Observational Study
साझेदार सूचना और सहमति पत्र
मैं, -----------------------, मेरे बच्चे -------------------------- उम्र ------------ को संपिान में होम्योपैथिक उपचार प्रदान
कराने के लऱए सहमि हूं । मैं समझिा हूं कक इसमें कम से कम 6 महीने की अवथि के लऱए मौखिक होम्योपैथिक दवा
प्राप्ि करना और तनयलमि रूप से मेरे बच्चे का पाऱन करना शालमऱ होगा। मैं समझिा हूं कक मेरे बच्चे की अऺमिा का
तनयलमि मल
ू यांकन कम से कम 6 महीने की अवथि के दौरान ककया जाएगा। मझ
ु े सथू चि ककया गया है कक बच्चों को
होम्योपैथिक उपचार दे ने के कोई पहचाने जाने वाऱे जोखिम नहीं हैं। मेरे बच्चे का मूलयांकन मानक पैमाने पर और
उपचार थचककत्सक द्वारा नैदातनक मूलयांकन के आिार पर ककया जाएगा।

इस नैदातनक अवऱोकन अध्ययन के दौरान एकत्र की गई सभी जानकारी थचककत्सक के एमिी िीलसस में शालमऱ की
जाएगी। मैं समझिा हूं कक कानन
ू द्वारा आवश्यक मेरे और मेरे बच्चे की गोपनीयिा बनाए रिी जाएगी। यदद पररणाम
प्रकालशि होिे हैं िो मैं या मेरे बच्चे को नाम से पहचाना नहीं जाएगा। मुझे पिा है कक कोई मौदिक मुआवजा नहीं है ।
ु े थचककत्सक के नाम प्रदान ककया गया है स्जसे मझ
ु े ददए जा रहा नंबर और पिा से आसानी से संपकक ककया जा सकिा
है ।

मैं अपनी सहमति से अपने बच्चे की पवेच्छा से भागीदारी दे िा हूं और इऱाज करने वाऱे थचककत्सक द्वारा मेरे और मेरे
बच्चे को ददए गए तनदे शों का पाऱन करिा हूं। मेरे बच्चे की समझ के आिार पर प्रकिया को समझाने के बाद मेरे बच्चे
से मौखिक सहमति मेरी उपस्पिति में ऱी गई है । मैं और मेरे बच्चे को प्रश्न पूछने का मौका ददया गया है स्जन्हें
संिोषजनक उत्िर ददया गया है ।

मैं समझिा हूं कक मुझे अपने बच्चे को संपिान में अन्य उपचारों को प्रभाववि ककए बबना ककसी भी समय प्रदान ककए
जाने वाऱे उपचार से वापस ऱेने का अथिकार है ।

अलभभावक का हपिाऺर _______________ ददनांक ___________________________

अलभभावक का नामईमेऱ________________

मैंने होलमयोपैथिक उपचार प्रदान करने के लऱए बच्चे के मािा-वपिा को सहमति फॉमक को सटीक रूप से पढा है , और
मािा-वपिा को प्रश्न पूछने का अवसर लमऱा है । मैं पुस्टट करिी हूं कक मािा-वपिा ने पविंत्र रूप से सहमति दी है।
थचककत्सक के हपिाऺर __________________ददनांक: ___________________________

थचककत्सक का नाम: िॉ ददव्या िनेजा दरू भाष : 9810305068 ईमेऱ:

Appendix – C1
WHO DAS 2 Children and Youth : 36-Item Version
To Be Completed by Youth ages 11 and older , Parent\Guardian to complete for youth 10 and
ID: _____________Name: ______________________ Date:_____________Follow up no:_____

Think back over the last 30 days and answer these questions, thinking about how much
difficulty you have had doing the following activities. For each question, please circle only one

H1 How do you rate your health overall Very Good Moderate Bad Very bad
health in the past 30 days? good

In the last 30 days, how much difficulty did you have in/did your child have in:
None Mild Moder Severe Extreme/
ate cannot
Understanding & communicating
D1.1 Concentrating for 10 minutes at a time or 1 2 3 4 5
more while doing homework, playing a game,
or doing something you were asked to do?
D1.2 Remembering to do important things, such as 1 2 3 4 5
crossing the street safely, taking the right
books to school, and remembering to do
homework assignments?
D1.3 Finding a way to deal with common everyday 1 2 3 4 5
problems that people of your age can
D1.4 Learning how to do something new, for 1 2 3 4 5
example, how to play a new game, or learning
something new at school?
D1.5 Generally understanding what people say? 1 2 3 4 5
D1.6 Telling your family or friends about things 1 2 3 4 5
you have done, or people you have met, or
places you have been?
Getting around
D2.1 Standing for a reasonable period of time, for 1 2 3 4 5
example in PE or school assembly or
D2.2 Getting up from a sitting position? 1 2 3 4 5
D2.3 Moving around inside your house? 1 2 3 4 5
D2.4 Getting around at school or at a friend? 1 2 3 4 5
D2.5 Walking for as long a distance as other people 1 2 3 4 5
of your age can?
D3.1 Keeping yourself or your clothes clean, 1 2 3 4 5
taking baths or showers, and brushing your
teeth without being asked?
D3.2 Getting dressed on your own? 1 2 3 4 5
D3.3 Eating meals without help? 1 2 3 4 5
D3.4 Staying safe when you are alone or not 1 2 3 4 5
putting him/herself in anger when there are
no adults around?

In the last 30 days, how much difficulty did you have in/did your child have in:
None Mild Moder Severe Extreme/
ate cannot
Getting along with people
D4.1 Getting along with people you do not know 1 2 3 4 5
D4.2 Keeping a friendship? 1 2 3 4 5
D4.3 Getting along with family members? 1 2 3 4 5
D4.4 Making new friends?
D4.5 Getting along with your teacher or adults who 1 2 3 4 5
are not your family?
Life activities
D5.1 Doing chores or other things you are expected 1 2 3 4 5
to do at home to help out?
D5.2 Finishing chores or home activities that you 1 2 3 4 5
are supposed to do?
D5.3 Doing chores or other home activities well? 1 2 3 4 5
D5.4 Doing these home activities quickly when it 1 2 3 4 5
is important?
If you go to school, complete questions D5.5 to D5.9 below, otherwise, skip to D6.1
D5.5 Doing your regular school assignments? 1 2 3 4 5
D5.6 Studying for important school tests? 1 2 3 4 5
D5.7 Completing all of the school assignments ans 1 2 3 4 5
activities that you are needed to do?
D5.8 Getting your school work done as quickly as 1 2 3 4 5
D5.9 How much difficulty do you have in 1 2 3 4 5
following rules or fitting in with others at
Participation in society 1 2 3 4 5
D6.1 Do you have more of a problem joining in on 1 2 3 4 5
community activities (for example, clubs,
religious groups, or after-school activities)
than you thought you should?
D6.2 How much do you feel that you are not 1 2 3 4 5
getting invited to many as parties, play dates,
or just hanging out, as you would like?
D6.3 How much time do your parents or other 1 2 3 4 5
family member spend on your health
condition problems you may have?
D6.4 How much have you been upset by his/her 1 2 3 4 5
health condition?
D6.5 How much of a problem do you have in doing 1 2 3 4 5
things by yourself for relaxation or pleasure
(do you have any problems keeping yourself
busy doing things that you like to do)?

H2 Overall, how much did these difficulties 1 2 3 4 5

interfere with your life?
H3 Overall, in the past 30 days, how many days 1 2 3 4 5
were these difficulties present?
H4 In the past 30 days, for how many days were

you totally unable to carry out your usual
activities or school/work because of any
health condition?
H5 In the past 30 days, not counting the days that
you were totally unable, for how many days
did you cut back or reduce your usual
activities or school/work because of any
health condition?
H6 In the past 30 days, how many days were you
absent from school?
H7 In the past 30 days, how many days were you
late for school?

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 H1 H2 H3

Appendix – C2
Behavioral Assessment Scales for Indian Children with Mental Retardation


1. Retains two one inch cubes in one hand for 30 seconds
2. Claps hands
3. Crawls a distance of 5 feet or more
4. When made to stand, stands without support
5. Puts small objects into a container
6. Uses thumb and index finger to pick up objects
7. From sitting position Is able to stand
8. From standing position, bends knees to squatting position
9. Throws bail in any direction
10. Walks for minimum 5-10 steps
11. Kicks ball in any direction
12. Runs for minimum ten steps
13. Climbs up chair
14. Climbs upstairs using alternate feet
15. Pours liquid from one glass to another without spilling
16. Climbs down the stairs using alternate feet
17. Turns pages singly from a book
18. Jumps off the ground with both feet
19. Opens the door
20. Does simple physical exercises
21. Throws ball atleast five metres away before first bounce
22. Catches ball
23. Swings for at least 2-3 minutes
24. Wipes blackboard clean using duster
25. Pushes a cycle tyre (male)/ plays 5 stones (female)
26. Climbs atleast eight to ten steps of a slide or ladder
27. Stands on one foot for minimum 30 seconds
28. Jumps from a height of 2 feet
29. Folds paper and inserts into an envelope
30. Walks on straight line for atleast 5-10 steps
31. Plays marbles (male)/hopscotch (female)
32. Tears off a perforated sheet
33. Throws ball into a basket
34. Cuts along a straight line using scissors
35. Hops on one foot for minimum 30 seconds
36. Plays ring games
37. Threads a medium sized needle
38. Strikes and lights a match stick within two attempts
39. Rides a bicycle
40. Skips

DOMAIN 2 Activities of Daily Living (ADL)

Activities of Daily Living (ADL)

1. Swallows liquid or semi-solid foods
2. Drinks from cup or glass
3. Discriminates eatables and non-eatables
4. Chews solid foods
5. Picks up food with fingers and puts in mouth
6. Peels banana/orange skin
7. Sucks water/liquid through a straw
8. Mixes rice, del and eats with hand/spoon
9. Indicates need to go to toilet
10. Reaches the toilet
11. Removes underwear/pant before sitting on toilet seat
12. Washes self after use of the toilet
13. Flushes toilet after use
14. Wipes hands with towel/cloth
15. Washes hands with soap and water
16. Brushes teeth
17. Spits paste
18. Cleans the tongue
19. Applies paste on the tooth brush
20. Pours water on self for bathing
21. Wipes face with towel/cloth
22. Washes face with soap and water
23. Uses towel for drying body
24. Removes soap from body with water
25. Applies soap on body
26. Takes off clothes when unbuttoned
27. Puts on underpants or elastic knickers
28. Unbuttons clothing
29. Puts on shirt/frock (need not button)
30. Puts slippers on correct feet
31. Buttons own clothing
32. Puts on pullover shirt/skirt and blouse
33. Laces shoes or buckles of sandles
34. Ties knots
35. Applies powder on face/body
36. Oils hair
37. Cuts nails with nail cutter/scissors
38. Puts on wrist watch
39. Plaits hair (female)/Combs hair with parting (males)
40. Looks after menstrual hygiene(Female)/Shaves (male)


For a child who is unable to speak, identification or gestural indication is sufficient to pass the
items in this domain

1. Locates items/persons on command by looking at them
2. Responds to verbal or gestural commands. (any five)
a) “Come “ b) "Go"
c) "Look" d) "give"
3. Follows simple commands that call for action. (any five)
a) 'Get me the ball" b) "Give me the book" c) "Close the door"
d) "Wipe your face" e)
4. Points to body parts (any five)
a) Eyes b) Ears c) Nose d) Hair e) Lips
f) Legs g) Head h) Hands i) j)
5. Points to familiar objects (any ten)
a) Chair b) Frock c) Pen d) Pencil e) Fan
f) Book g) Doll h) Light I) Shirt j) Plate k) Tumbler I)
6. Points to pictures in a book (any ten)
7. Follows "WHOSE" questions (any five)
(a) Whose bag is this? (b) Whose book is this? (c) Whose pencil is this?
(d) Whose tiffin box is this? e) f)
8. Follows post positions (any ten)
8.1 On (any 3)
a) Put the toy on the table b) Put the book on the table c) d)
8.2 In (any 3)
a) Put the Tiffin box in the bag b) Put the bead in the box/container c) d)
8.3 Under (any 4)
a) Put the doll under the table b) Put the paper under the book c) d)
9. Follows two step directions (any five)
a) Close the door and bring the book
b) Keep the book in the bag and get the chalk piece c) d) e)
10. Follows 'Which" questions (any five)
a) Which book have you written your home work?
b) Which teacher did you talk to? c) Which water bottle is yours?
d) Which is your drawing? e) f)
11. Follows "Why" questions (any five)
a) Why do we wear warm clothes in winter?
b) Why do we carry an umbrella? c) Why do we go to school? d) e) f)
12. Follows adjectives (any ten)
12.1 Big-small (any 5)
a) Show me which of these two pencils is bigger?
b) Get me the smaller of the two balls c)

12.2 Up-down (any 5)

a) Throw the ball up b) Put your hands up/ Put your hands down c)
13. Follows concept of whole/part (any five)
a) This is a whole chappati, this is a part of it
b) This is a whole chalk piece, this is a part of it
c) d) e)
14. Follows three step directions (any five)
a) Keep the pen on the table, close the door and bring your book.

b) Open your book, keep the pencil in your bag and stand up with folded hands.
c) d) e)
15. Identifies first middle and last in a group (any ten)
15.1 First (any 3)
a) Keep the book in the middle of the pen and eraser.
b) Who is standing first in the line.

15.2 Middle (any 3)

a) Go and sit in the middle of ___and.___
b) c)

15.3 Last (any 4)

a) Go and sit in the last chair
b) c) d)
16. Follows left-right (all correct in 5 trials)
16.1 Left
a) Show your left hand b) Who is sitting left to you c) Show your left ear

16.2 Right
a) Show your right leg b) Show your right eye c) Who is standing first in the line
17. Follows sight words (any five)
a) Danger b) Toilet c) Pull d) Exit e) Push f) Poison g)
Ladies h) Enquiry i) Gents j)
18. Arranges picture after listening to a story (any five)
a) Brainy crow b) Sour grapes c) Golden eggs d) e)
19. Follows traffic sights/Signals (any five)
a) What doe Red light indicate? b) What does Yellow light indicate?
a) What does Green light indicate? d) What is a Speed breaker? e)
20. Follows voting rights (all correct in 5 trials)
a) Why do we have elections? b) When do we have elections?
a) Who can vote in the elections? d) Where to go for voting?
e) How to vote in the elections?
21. Imitates vowel sounds (al! five)
a) a b) e c) i d)o e) u
22. Uses Yes/No by nodding of head.
23. Indicates basic needs by pointing or gesturing. (any five)
24. Speaks single words meaningfully (any five)
a) Akka b) Mama c) papa d) e)
25. When asked tells own name.
26. Imitates sounds of animals & inanimate objects (any five)
a) Cat b) Cow c) Dog d) Train e) Lion f) Automobile
g) h)
27. Uses two word phrases (any five)
a) Mummy milk b) Daddy come c) d) e)
28. Tells use of familiar objects (any five)
a) Chair b) Spoon c) Doll d) Pencil e) f)
29. Describes action pictures (any ten)
a) Eating b) Skipping c) Playing d) Combing e) Bathing
f) Brushing g) Sleeping h) Reading I) Studying
j) Praying k) l) m) n)
30. Uses words to indicate commands (any five)
a) b) c) d) e)
31. Identifies sex (all correct in 5 trials)

a)Are you a boy or girl (In case of boy) Are you a girl or boy (In case of girl)
b) Is________ a boy or a girl (Show a boy)
c) Is _______a girl or a boy (Show a girl)
32. Identifies/names vehicles (any five)
a) b) c) d) e)
33. Identifies/names animals (any five).
a) b) c) d) e)
34. Identifies/names vegetables (any five).
a) b) c) d) e)
35. Identifies/names fruits (any five).
a) b) c) d) e)
36. Recites rhymes of at least 3-4 lines.
37. Uses adjectives: (any ten)
37.1. Long-short (any 3)
a) Who has long hair in the class?
b) Show me the shortest person in the class? c)
37.2. Rough. smooth
a) Give me the rough paper out (any 3) of the two papers.
b) Which of the piece of cloth is smooth? c)
37.3. Clean-Dirty (any 4)
a) Show me which of these two handkerchiefs is dirty?
b) Show me which of these two glasses of water is clean? c) d)
38. Uses complex sentences (any five)
39. Narrates simple jokes (any five)
40. Carries on simple conversation.

Domain 5 Reading & Writing

1. Matches similar objects(any five)
a) A key to a key b) A pen to a pen
c) d) e) f)
2. Matches objects to pictures (any five)
a) b) c) d) e)
3. Matches colours (any five)
a) Red b) Blue c) Green d) Yellow e)
4. Recognises his/her name. (correct in all 5 trials)
5. Reads own name
6. Sorts picture (any five)
Animals a) b) c) d) e)
Fruits a) b) c) d) e)
Vehicles a) b) c) d) e)
Vegetables a) b) c) d) e)
7. Matches words (any five)
a) Bat b) Mat c) Cat d) Rat e) Hat
f) Mug g) Rug h)
8. Identifies colours (any five)
a) b) c) d) e)
9. Names colours (any five)
a) b) c) d) e)
10. Identifies/reads printed words (any five)
a) ball b) tube c) pug d) fire d) stop

e) f) g)
11. Identifies/reads names of parents (all correct in 5 trials)
12. Reads two-word phrases (any five)
a) The cat b) My ball c) A bat d) e) f)
13. Identifies/reads own address (all correct in 5 trials)
14. Identifies/reads names of family members/friends (any five)
a) b) c) d) e)
15. Reads short sentences (any five)
a) This is a cat. b) The cat is on the mat. c) Put a pen in the box.
8) The monkey is sitting on the tree e)
16. Reads sign boards (any five)
a) Hospital b) Police Station c) School d) Hotel
e) Post office f) Medical shop g) Bank h)
17. Reads small paragraphs (all three correctly with maximum of 10 errors)
a) Paragraph One b) Paragraph Two c) Paragraph Three
18. Reads large print from magazines, newspapers, etc.
19. Reads medium sized handwritten paragraphs.
(any three with maximum of 10 errors)
20. Reads short news item from a newspapers.
21. Scribbles.
22. Traces along a straight line.
23. Traces along a circular object (2-3*d)
24. Traces alphabets of own name
25. Copies alphabets of own name
26. Copies a straight line
27. Copies circle
28. Draws a line connecting 3 dots
29. Writes own name
30. Copies a square
31. Copies a triangle
32. Copies own address
33. Writes own address
34. Copies printed sentences (any five)
a) There are apples, mangoes and bananas in the basket.
b) What is the Capital of India? Delhi is the Capital of India.
c) Hello! How are you? I am fine, thank you!
d) e)
35. Dictation of words (any five)
a) b) c) d) e)
36. Dictation of sentences (any five)
a) b) c) d) e)
37. Writes a letter.
38. Fills in an application
39. Composition (minimum 40 words on any one topic maximum 3 errors permitted)
a) My Pet b) My Home c) My School
40. Writes a leave letter.
Domain 5 Numbers & Time

1. Rote counts 1-5.
2. Separate, one object from group upon request
3. Discriminates between less and more.

4. Matches identical number of concrete objects.
5. Recognise, written number, from 1-10
6. Writes numbers one to ten
7. Picks up specified number of objects up to five.
a) 2 b) 5 c) 4
d) 3 e) 1
8. Arranges number symbols sequentially from 1-5 in an order.
9. Follows directions to fill upto half glass.
10. Add, single digit numbers within ten (any five)
a) 3+2 b) 4+3 c) 3+7 d) 5+0 e)
11. Subtracts single digit numbers within ten (any five)
a) 3-2 b) 6-4 c) 9-2 d)4-0 e)
12. Writes numerals above ten on dictation (any ten)
13. Does two digit additions without carry over (any five)
a) 44+22 b) 25+62 c)57+20 d) 40+36 e)
14. Does two digit subtractions without borrowing (any two)
a) 75-23 b)36-24 c) 56-20 d) 84-60
15. Does two digit additions with carryover(any five)
a) 27+15 b)39+28 c)53+69 d)89+17
16. Does two digit subtractions with borrowing (any five)
a) 81-25 b)64-47 c)70-27 d)40-18 e)
17. Identifies/names math symbols (any five)
a)+ b)- c)÷ d)× e)=
18. Measures liquid using measuring cups (all correct in three trials)
a)1 litre b)1/2 litre c)3/4 litre d)1/4 litre
19. Weighs objects using weighing scale (all correct in three trials)
a)50gms b)100gms c)200gms
20. Uses calculator for basic arithmetic operations.
21. Associates time/events to routine school activities
22. Associates watch/clock with time
23. Follows „now‟,‟later‟,‟hurry‟,‟wait‟(any ten)
23.1 Now (any two) (a) (b)
23.2 Later (any two) (a) (b)
23.3 Hurry (any three) (a) (b) (c)
23.4 Wait (any three) (a) (b) (c)
24. Tells correctly if it is day or night (correct in all 5 trials)
a) Is it day or night? b) Is it night or day?
25. Tells correctly if it is morning or evening(correct in all 5 trials)
a) Is it morning or evening? b) Is it evening or morning?
26. Follows yesterday, today and tomorrow (any two)
26.1 Yesterday (any 3)
a) What did you eat yesterday? b) c)
26.2 Today (any 3)
(a) What did you eat today? (b) (c)
26.3 Tomorrow (any 4) (a) (b) (c ) (d)
27. Tells hour and minute hands on the clock
28. Names/Identifies days of week (all correct)
(a)Rote recitation (b) What comes after Tuesday
(c ) What comes after Saturday (d) What comes before Wednesday
(e) What comes before Sunday
29. Counts by five‟s
30. Tells time by the hour (all correct)
(a)3'O Clock (b) 12'O Clock (c)9'O Clock
(d)7'O Clock (e)6'O Clock (f)1'O Clock

31. Tells own age in years
32. Names/Identifies months of year (all correct)
a) Rote recitation b) What comes after March
c) What comes after December d) What comes before September
a) What come, before January
33. Associates time with work routine (any five)
a) What time do you go to school?
b) What time do you have your breakfast?
c) What time do you go to bed?
d) What lime do you have your dinner?
34. Tells lime by quarter hour (all correct)
a) 2.30 b) 6.30 c) 12.15 d) 3.15 e) 12.45 f) 9.45
35. Tells date of birth
36. Tells day, date, month and year (all correct)
a) What day is today? b) What is the date today?
c) What Is the present month? d) Which year Is going on?
37. Reads and uses a calendar (correct in all 5 trials)
38. Tells time to the minutes on the clock (any five)
a) 11.12 b) 12.22 c) 7.16 d) 4.25
39. Reminds on prefixed time
40. Sets watch to correct time (any five)
a) 9.35 b) 2.18 c) 12.20 d) 7.12 e) 1.50 f) 3.48

Domain 6 Domestic Social (DS)

1. Keeps things at places when asked to
2. Collects waste and puts away in the waste paper basket
3. Dusts/wipes table, chairs etc.
4. Waters plants
5. Folds own clothing
6. Sweeps floor using a broom
7. Wets/mops floor
8. Serves eatables
9. Washes utensils
10. Washes clothes
11. Cuts vegetables
12. Lights a kerosene/gas stove
13. Prepares tea or coffee
14. Prepares dough for chapati/puris
15. Prepares simple breakfast items
16. Sews buttons
17. Cooks rice or other food items
18. Prepares a curry or sabji
19. Irons own cotton clothes
20. Prepares a complete meal
21. Responds with correct gesture when said ta-ta
22. Responds to own name by turning his/her head
23. Identifies teacher by her name
24. Goes inside school yard and comes back
25. Shares food/toys with other children

26. Greets others
27. Seeks permission to go out
28. Sings/dances with music
29. Offers help to teachers In classroom/school chores
30. Knows duties of various occupations (any five)
a) Postman (b) Milkman c) Newspaper boy (d)Policeman e) Doctor
31. Waits for his turn with 4 to 5 other children
32. Plays with 4-5 children
33. Comes and goes to school unattended when the school is within the same
34. Says 'please', and 'thank you'
35. Introduces himself to others (any five)
a) What is your name? b) How old are you? c) Where do you stay?
d) What is your father\mother‟s name? e) What is the name of your school?
36. Plays with children for 20 minutes in cooperative play/activity
37. Can cross road
38. Goes to home from school or vice versa outside his neighbourhood
39. Receives and gives message taken on phone or in person
40. Travels in a bus on own
Domain 7 Pre-Vocational-Money (PV)

1. Carries notice/messages from one classroom to another
2. Brush paints
3. Uses a pencil sharpener
4. Sticks using gum or glue
5. Cuts simple shapes
6. Rings school bell on time
7. Clips using stapler
8. Makes holes using punching machine
9. Stacks objects into groups
10. Puts away things in appropriates places after use
11. Assembles similar objects of three to four sizes
12. Nails and hangs a calendar
13. Uses a screw driver to insert or remove screws
14. Tells date of National festivals (all cornet)
a) Independence day b) Republic day c) Children's day d) Gandhi Jayanthi
15. Makes a garland of flowers using thread
16. Applies medicine on a cut
17. Does simple hemming work
18. Plants a sapling
19. Tells names of important people (all correct)
a) President b) Vice-President c) Prime minister d) Governor e) Chief minister
20. Wraps a gift box
21. Sorts coins from other similar metal objects
22. Aware that money can buy things
23. Keeps money safely
24. Selects a rupee note from other paper objects
25. Sorts out mixed coins (all correct)
26. Identifies/names all denominations of coins (all correct)
27. Identifies/names currency notes up to ten (all cornet)
28. Rank orders coins

29. Adds collects coins to make a 10 Rupees
30. Makes purchases within 10 Rupees
31. Makes purchases within 10 Rupees with correct change
32. Makes purchases up to Rs.20 with correct change
33. Knows transactional value for items below Rs.10/. (any five)
a) What is the cost of a pencil? b) What is the cost of a note book?
c) d) e)
34. Calculates change upto 10 rupees
35. Makes purchases upto Rs.50 with correct change
36. Makes purchases upto Rs.100 with correct change
37. Knows transactional value of items above Rs.100/. (any/five)
38. Maintains account of money in a piggy bank
39. Deposits money in a bank
40. Withdraws money from bank


Violent and Destructive Behaviour

1. Kicks others
2. Pushes others
3. Pinches others
4. Pulls hair, ear, body parts of others
5. Slaps others
6. Hits others
7. Spits on others
8. Bangs objects
9. Slams doors
10. Bites others
11. Attacks or pokes others with weapon (blade, stick, pencil)
12. Throws objects at others
13. Tears/pulls threads from own or others clothing
14. Tears up own or others books, papers, magazines
15. Breaks objects/glass/toys
16. Damages furniture
Temper Tantrums
17. Cries excessively
18. Screams
19. Stamps feet
20. Rolls on floor
Misbehaves with others
21. Pulls objects from others
22. Interrupts in between when others are talking
23. Makes loud noise when others are working or reading
24. Makes face to tease others
25. Uses abusive/vulgar language
26. Takes others possession without their permission openly
27. Tells others what to do and wants his/her way (bossy)
Self Injurious behaviours
28. Bangs head
29. Bites self
30. Cuts or mutilates self
31. Pulls own hair
32. Scratches self

33. Hits self
34. Puts objects into eyes/nose/ear
35. Eats inedible things
36. Peels skin/wounds
37. Bites nail
Repetitive behaviours
38. Rocks body
39. Nods head
40. Sucks thumb
41. Makes peculiar sounds
42. Bites ends of pen/pencil
43. Shakes parts of the body repeatedly
44. Grinds teeth
45. Swings round and round
Odd behaviours
46. Laughs to self
47. Laughs inappropriately
48. Talks to self
49. Hoards unwanted objects (sticks, thread,pieces of old clothes)
50. Picks nose
51. Plays with unwanted objects like chappal, strings, faeces and dirt
52. Kisses, hugs, and licks people unnecessarily
53. Smells objects
54. Does not sit at one place for required time
55. Does not pay attention to what is told
56. Does not continue with the task at hand for required time
Rebellious behaviours
57. Refuses to obey commands
58. Does opposite of what is requested
59. Takes very long lime intentionally to complete a task
60. Wanders outside school
61. Runs away from school
62. Argues without purpose
Antisocial behaviours
63. Lies or twists the truth to his own advantage or blames others
64. Cheats in games or no sense of fair play
65. Steals
66. Makes obscene gestures
67. Exposes body parts inappropriately
68. Makes sexual advances towards members of opposite sex
69. Touches own private parts in public
70. Touches others private parts in public
71. Gambles
72. Fear of objects
73. Fear of animals
74. Fear of places
75. Fear of persons
Any others

Appendix - D
CASE - 1

I.Case number:3 Date: 23.10.2018 NIEPID registration number: 1100/18-19

II. Personal details

Name of the child: Ab Male
Father‟s Name: A Contact Number:-----------002
Mother‟s Name: M Contact Number:

Age of child: 6 years

Address: Noida
Family income: 25000/- pm
Father Occupation: Private service Mother Occupation: Housewife

Diagnosis: Primary: Moderate ID Secondary: Hyperactivity

III. Descriptive account of Presenting Complaint

Child was apparently fine till 1.5 – 2 years of age, when he stopped speaking, small words that he
would speak, stopped making effort to talk. Now has complaints of :
1. No speech, does not speak at all
2. Does not respond to what is said to him
3. Does not appear to understand
4. Bites self and others
5. Pulls hairs of others around
6. Wanders away from home

IV. History of Presenting Complaints:

• Child was born normal at full term in hospital, cried immediately after birth
• At around 1 week had fits? Sudden jerking movements and was admitted in the hospital
• He was on anti-epileptic medicines till 2 years of age
• He was apparently normal till 1.5 to 2 years of age and would speak single words like
Mama, Papa, dada, dadi and respond normally
• However, at around 1.5 to 2 years, he stopped speaking and gradually stopped responding
• He probably had a fall from bed at around 1.5 years, but there are no external marks of
Symptom Age Mode of Inten Modality Dura Modificati Prognosis
of Onset sity tion on/ of
onset progressio symptoms
n of with any
symptoms other
Does not speak 1.5 yr Insidious 3+ NS 4 yrs No change No change
Does not respond 1.5 yr Insidious 3+ NS 4 yrs with
Bites self & others 1.5-2 Sudden 2+ Worse when he 4 yrs therapy
yrs gets irritated or
Pulls hairs of others 1.5-2 Sudden 2+ 4 yrs
Wanders away 3 yrs Sudden 3+ 2 yrs
from home

V. Record of Disability:
• Overall condition of child: Conscious, but not oriented to person, place, time
• Age of onset: 1.5 years?
• Age of Detection: 1.5 – 2 years
• Onset: Insidious
• Complaint: Progressive initially, now stable
• Nature of Disability: Comprehension, speech, behaviour
• Mental Condition: Child does not respond, react. Gets angered suddenly, pulls hairs of
others, bites self & others, bangs head on wall
• Social and Emotional Behaviour: He is aloof, does not react, respond to surroundings,
people. Does not play with peers, siblings
• Communication Skills: Cries when hungry, some non-specific gestures, no other
• Schooling: Nil
• Motor Disability : Nil
• Sensory Disability : Nil
• Loss of Skills gained at any time if any: Could speak initially, recognize family members,
respond; but not now
• Special Organs: NAD
• Mobility: Normal
• Gait: Normal
• Activities of Daily living: Cannot perform any tasks of taking care of self.
• Milestones achieved and age of Attaining Milestones: Gross motor & Fine motor:
Normal; speech around 1 year; social: normal
• Mile stones Delayed: Nil
• Loss if any of milestones achieved: Speech, social adapatation

VI. Treatments Being Undertaken: On anti-epileptics till 2 years of age. Not on any medication

VIII. Birth History

• Age of mother at time of conception 21 years and 23 years of father.
• Unplanned pregnancy, but uneventful, and non-stressful.
• Child born at full term, normal delivery in hospital
• Cried immediately after birth
• Jaundice after birth, no details could be given by mother

VIII. Past History:

A. Past illness: Child had an episode of jerking ? fits after one week of birth and was on anti-
epileptic medication for 2 years
B. History of Immunisation: All routine immunization done
C. Investigations: Nil


Mother‟s History
• Obstetric history of mother: G3P3A0
– One son 5.5 years – Patient
– One daughter 3 years of age – Born FTNVD, has no complaints
– One son 1.5 years of age – Born FTNVD, has no complaints
– Ante-natal history: Mother conceived within one year of marriage. Unplanned
pregnancy but the mother and family accepted the pregnancy. Had no specific
complaints during the pregnancy and the pregnancy was uneventful
– Intra natal history: Uneventful delivery
• Post natal history:Un eventful.
– Child breastfed normally
Fathers History : Nothing Significant

IX. Family History and Genetic History:
• Non-consanguineous marriage of parents
• No complaints of any genetic disorder in parents, siblings, first degree relatives,
• No illness / complaints in mother, father, siblings, grand parents

X. Social History
No socialization by the child. Family environment congenial

XI. Interpersonal relationships and family dynamics:

Joint family, child living with parents, grand mother, paternal aunt. Child cries whenever anyone
is going out of house and wants to go out. He walks out of house, whenever unattended and has to
be searched for

XII. Physical Generals:

• Appetite: Normal. Can chew and swallow food.
• Thirst: Normal. Drinks on his own, can swallow liquids
• Food preferences: prefers salty over sweet
• Desires/ aversions/ Aggravation/ Amelioration by food/ Intolerance: NS
• Salivation/dryness of mouth: No drooling of saliva
• Taste: Not ascertained
• Stool: Normal. Takes off his clothes to inform toilet needs. Cannot clean himself. No
involuntary passage
• Urine: Normal . No involuntary passage
• Sweat: Nothing significant.
• Sleep: Normal
• Thermal reaction: Not elicitable
• Affect of movement: Scared/ hesitant of descending stairs
• General modalities: Likes getting wet, likes rain, likes to play in water, enjoys bathing

XIII. Mental Generals:

• Child is aloof, non responsive
• Will notice others, responds if he wants to but most of the times, will ignore others as if
he has not heard them
• Wanders around, walks out of house if un attended; will start crying if anyone is going
out of house.
• Cries loudly when hit/scolded, but quiet quickly
• Plays on his own continuously, with fingers, licking hands, playing with things around,
but does not break, destroy things.
• Changes activity/ toys quickly. No activity holds interest for long
• Has no fears, no fear of darkness, animals, parents, strangers
• Pulls hairs of others, bites self & others, bangs head on wall

XIV. Any other specific information: (include screen time)

Does not watch TV/ mobile

XV. Examination:
General Examination:
• Built : Mesomorphic
• Nutrition : Adequate
• Pallor : Absent
• Icterus : Absent
• Cyanosis : Absent
• Clubbing : Absent
• Oedema : Absent
• Lymphadenopathy: Absent

• Pulse : 80/min, regular
• Respiratory rate : 20/min.

C. Systemic Examination: No specific abnormality

XVI. Investigations (If any): Nil

XVIII. Overall Condition of Child:

Patient Global Assessment/ Care giver Global assessment
 hyperactivity 9.5
 comprehension 9
 self injury 8

Physician Global assessment:9.5

XIX. Totality of symptoms:

Assessment/ Evaluation of symptoms
Symptoms of Disease
• No comprehension
• No speech
• No response
• Fidgety

Symptoms of Child
• Will notice others, responds if he wants to but most of the times, will ignore others as if
he has not heard them - Deafness pretended
• Wanders around, walks out of house if un attended; will start crying if anyone is going
out of house – Wandering desire
• No activity holds interest for long – Restlessness, driving about
• Has no fears, no fear of darkness, animals, parents, strangers - Fearless
• Bites self & others – Biting (himself & people)
• Bangs head on wall, licks his hands
• Hesitant of going downstairs
• Loves to play in water
• Prefers salty

Miasmatic assessment
• Regression after achieving a milestone – Syphilis
• Biting self & others, pulls hairs , bangs head on wall (self injury) – Syphilis
• Ignoring others – Syphilis
• No pathology – Psora
• No familial complaints – Psora
Psoro-syphilitic miasm
Predominant miasm: Psora

Repertorization: Not done

XXII. Susceptibility & posology: Low

XX. Prescription: Veratrum album 6/ One dose weekly

XXI. Justification of prescription: Wandering, biting self and others, deafness pretended

XXIV. Service profile of child at NIEPID: Regular special education

• Regular follow ups at 1 month or frequently.
• At 1st follow up (20th November 2018), he stopped biting himself and did not pull hairs of
others. Veratrum album 6/ one dose daily was continued.
• AT 2nd follow up (11 December 2018), improvement was found to be slow, so Veratrum
album 30 / one dose daily given.
• However, by 3rd follow up (21st January 2019), complaints again aggravated and potency was
increased to 200/ one dose weekly.
• By 4th follow up (6th march 2019), he had stopped biting self and others, licking hands
stopped, would not bang his head to the wall. He stopped wandering outside the house. Can
go up and downstairs without fear. Listens to father. By 5 th follow up (4th April 2019), he had
started following short instructions and making eye contact for a short while.
• The family went to native village for 3 months and Veratrum album 200 one dose weekly was
• At the last follow up on 9th September 2019, with no medicine for last 2 months, he was
laughing inappropriately, started wandering away from home again. However, self injurious
and hitting others and hyperactivity reduced considerably.

Assessment on the basis of Outcome in Relation to Impact on Daily Living

Main Overall Overall well

complaint coping being
FU 1 2 1 1
FU 2 1 1 2
FU 3 0 -1 -2
FU 4 3 3 3
FU 5 2 2 3
FU 6 -2 -2 -2

Assessment on the basis of WHO DAS C&Y
120 126
100 103

80 84
69 74
baseline FU 1 FU 2 FU 3 FU 4 FU 5 FU 6

Global assessment using VAS scale

9.5 PhyGA
9 9 9
8 8 8 8 PtGA Hyperactivity
5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4
2 2
0 0
Baseline FU 1 FU 2 FU 3 FU 4 FU 5 FU 6


40 Pre
20 Post

Appendix E


Case No.1
NAME: HK; AGE: 8yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 633/18-19
Complaints: The child does not speak at all, has no eye contact and was diagnosed with Autism
spectrum disorder at age of 4 years. No socialization, poor comprehension and cannot follow
simple commands. Speaks to himself, recite short sentences, but will not speak in front of others,
even family members; is irritable, aggressive, pinches others, pulls ears and hairs, irritable with
change of weather, fear of loud noises, dark. Sits in company, but does not communicate; does not
cry at all. Averse to sweets, does not even eat toffees and chocolates, constipated, passes small
quantity of stool frequently. Falls sick frequently, gets cough, cold, ear infection, with discharge
from ear, itching and scratching of skin.
Age of mother at time of conception was 35 years, age of father 40 years. Mother has had 1
spontaneous abortion in her first pregnancy.
First Prescription: Silicea 30, one dose daily
Prescribing indications: Frequent cough & cold, recurrent ear infection with pustular discharge,
fear dark, loud noises, does not play with anyone, plays all alone, aversion sweets
Follow ups: One follow up after 2 months. Only skin itching was better. All other complaints
same. Considering no change, Silicea 200 was prescribed.
Outcome: No change

Case No.2
NAME: MR; AGE: 8yrs; SEX: F; Regn No.: 812/18-19
Complaints: The child is low in understanding, does not remember anything, forgets what has
been taught, on writing copies incorrectly. Has a behavior of a child of 3-4 years, talks a lot,
speaks irrelevant to situation, speech is lisping and not clear. Speaks almost continuously, for
every word that she hears, she can start a conversation, whether relevant or irrelevant and can
speak lies as well i.e. create stories or conversation or incidents that have not even happened.
Cannot climb stairs or come down stairs without support. If she starts running, she cannot stop, till
she falls. All motor milestones delayed; neck holding after 6 months of age, walking after 2 years.
Social smile delayed. Speech on time, toilet control on time. Had pneumonia at age of 2 months
and jaundice at 4 months. Has had repeated episodes of pneumonia, till age of 3 years.
Age of mother at time of conception 22 years and 25 years of father. Mother had persistent cough
during pregnancy, for which she had taken regular cough syrups.
First Prescription: Lachesis 1M/ one dose
Prescribing indications: Loquacity, makes stories, every word leads to a story, repeated episodes
of pneumonia in childhood, once she starts running, she cannot be stop herself till she falls down.
Follow ups: Regular follow ups at 1 month or frequently. Loquacity improved, but other
complaints remained as it is for initial two month. In extreme winters, had an episode of cough
and cold. No medication was given. However, her complaints deteriorated again. Lachesis 6, one
dose weekly was prescribed. Patient showed gradual improvement in comprehension, memory.
Speech became clear; loquacity reduced, but was not completely gone. She was able to walk up
and down stairs without support and was able to stop herself from falling. Plays ball game on
Outcome: Improvement in motor milestones, comprehension

Case No.3
NAME: Ab; AGE: 6yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1100/18-19
Complaints: Child apparently fine till 1.5 – 2 years of age, suddenly stopped speaking, small
words that he would speak, stopped making effort to talk. Now does not understand, does not
speak, bites himself, pulls hair of everyone around, pulls his tongue and licks his hands; constantly
doing any of these things; continuous change of activity, self injury, bang his head to the wall, but
non-destructive. Wanders away from home and has got lost 1-2 times. Communicates, only by

crying, cries when anyone is going out of the house, will wander if not held or door of house is
open; has no fears; likes to play with water. Will notice others, responds if he wants to but most of
the times, will ignore others as if he has not heard them. Hesitant on descending stairs. Does not
watch TV/mobile.
Age of mother at time of conception 21 years and 23 years of father. Unplanned pregnancy, but
uneventful, and non-stressful. Child had an episode of jerking(?) fits after one week of birth and
was on anti-epileptic medication for 2 years.
First Prescription: Veratrum album 6/ one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: Wandering, biting self and others, deafness pretended.
Follow ups: Regular follow ups at 1 month or frequently. At 1 st follow up, he stopped biting
himself and did not pull hairs of others. Veratrum album 6 was continued. However, by 3rd follow
up, complaints again aggravated and potency was increased initially to 30 and then 200. By 4 th
follow up, he had stopped biting self and others, licking hands stopped, would not bang his head to
the wall. He stopped wandering outside the house. Can go up and downstairs without fear. Listens
to father. By 5th follow up, he had started following short instructions and making eye contact for a
short while. The family went to native village for 3 months and Veratrum album 200 one dose
weekly was continued. However, by the last follow up in September he was laughing
inappropriately, started wandering away from home again. However, self injurious and hitting
others and hyperactivity reduced considerably.
Outcome: Improvement in comprehension, communication, hyperactivity and self injurious

Case No.4
NAME: Sh; AGE: 5yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1055/18-19
Complaints: By the time child was one year, parents felt he was more hyperactive than other
children. Would not listen, would refuse to learn, what was being taught.
Age of mother at time of conception 25 years and 27 years of father. Mother has had 7
pregnancies, out of which, first child died 2 days after birth, 2 nd child was normal, 3rd pregnancy,
she had an abortion in early months, 4th pregnancy was the patient, 5th & 6th pregnancies, when
had medical termination of pregnancies and 7th child was a girl, who is normal. Maternal
grandfather died at early age, cause not known, but was under undue stress, maternal grandmother
died of cancer. Mother is overall very positive and hopeful of recovery of her child and
participates in counseling sessions; shows immense patience with the child.
First Prescription: Belladonna 6/ one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: Playful, happy when allowed to play in his own way, loving, seeks
attention, hits when angered or disturbed from playing.
Follow ups: Regular follow ups at 1 month or frequently. With every follow up, hyperactivity
reduced progressively. Although playfulness persisted, the child started holding hand of mother
and not run away and became more cooperative during daily care like brushing teeth, wearing
clothes, etc. He would hit others, if he was disturbed or get irritable when forced to sit and study.
Developed nocturnal enuresis by the 3rd follow up, which also again disappeared by the 6 th follow
up. Fidgetiness persisted, but running around disappeared.
Outcome: Improvement in hyperactivity and self care.

Case No.5
NAME: AM; AGE: 9yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 790/18-19
Complaints: Child developed milestones normally, but did not show normal comprehension by
age of 1 year and did not speak till age of 4 years. Now also, he speaks only to his younger brother
and not to anyone else including his parents. With brother he uses short phrases and talks to him.
Shows no comprehension of what is being told to him. He is very obstinate and once stuck on one
thing or activity will not change. Parents reported that child is very aggressive and fights with
them a lot. To outsiders, he was quite all through and showed no aggressiveness or obstinacy. Has
itching in legs and keeps on scratching. Has bald patch on back of neck and end of hairline. Child
had been prescribed Phosphorus 200, with some reduction in aggression symptoms previously
Age of mother at time of conception 18 years and 23 years of father. Child was born by caesarean
section; one week after due date and doctor told mother that child had passed meconium in utero.

Cried immediately after birth. During pregnancy mother was very tense, unhappy, felt lonely and
isolated, helpless and abandoned by her parents. She would take blame for everything. Had no
sleep during pregnancy and was on regular medication for sleep, although she does not know the
name of the medicine.
First Prescription: Tuberculinum 6/ one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: Obstinacy, Defiance with parents, will not listen to parents, loves and
takes care of younger brother
Follow ups: Parents did not report back for follow up.
Outcome: Drop out

Case No.6
NAME: Mo; AGE: 5 ½ yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 910/18-19
Complaints: Child was forgetful, was unable to learn, would fall easily, especially when walking
fast; was unable to maintain balance when running. By the time child was one year, parents felt he
was more hyperactive than other children. Would have trembling of hands suddenly on attempting
to write or work. Child refuses to go to school citing that children will it him. Gets scared easily,
especially if children are fighting in school or someone is shouting and will try to throw stones or
other objects at them to save himself. Very particular about his things, keeps them in proper place,
takes care of all elders at home, tries to help mother at home, scared of snakes, plays with dogs.
Likes to draw and colour. Tries to learn and work, but cries or becomes irritable when he cannot
Age of mother at time of conception 20 years and 20 years of father. Born at full term at home and
did not cry after birth and was shifted to hospital, one hour after birth. Mother, herself illiterate,
daily wage laborer is overall very positive and hopeful of recovery of her child and participates in
counseling sessions; tries to learn and teach the child inspite of poor support from home.
First Prescription: Carcinosin 6/ one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: Artistic, caring child, irritability when he cannot concentrate. .
Follow ups: Regular follow ups at 1 month or frequently. With every follow up, learning capacity
increased gradually. He improved in oral learning more than written. Initially he was not able to
copy without prompting, which improved to copy correctly without prompting and by end of
treatment, he could recite a poem, able to write numbers without prompting and alphabets with
little prompting. The mother had to discontinue treatment and special education because of
Outcome: Improvement in memory, balance, fine motor skills.

Case No.7
NAME: Ch; AGE: 5 ½ yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1306/17-18
Complaints: Child was diagnosed with Down‟s syndrome at the age of 2 years at a visit to a
pediatrician for repeated cough, colds and chest infections. All milestones motor, social, speech,
etc. were delayed. He understands poorly, responds largely by gestures, or speaks single words.
His speaking has reduced following death of his grandfather to whom he was much attached. He
gets repeated episodes of cough and cold. All through winters from October to February he gets
persistent coughing. He used to get repeated episodes of vomiting and constipation (stool once in
2-3 days) and was diagnosed with abdominal hernia at the age of 11 months, for which he was
operated. Now the mesh placed has burst (?) become smaller and a lump appears along left side of
abdomen, whenever he cries or with coughing. Wants fan even in winters, sweating offensive all
over, more on head and neck; craves to have sweet things stool 2-3 times a day, has cracks around
corners of mouth with dryness of lips and around mouth, which increase whenever he gets fever.
Loves to hide behind curtains, under chairs & tables, throws things when irritable, not scared of
anything, bit a dog once and scared it away; wants to have his own way and will so what he wants,
without comprehending what others are instructing him to do. Does not play on mobile, wants to
watch outside from the window. Has facial dysmorphism, pinched nose, low set ears, slanting
protruding eyes, wide staring look, elongated neck double creases in hands, normal finger lengths.
Age of mother at time of conception 26 years and 30 years of father. Mother had chest infection
(?)/ heart problem for which she was on regular medicines (of which she has no details). Child was
born by caesarean, due to oligohydramnios.

First Prescription: Natrum muriaticum 1M/ one dose
Prescribing indications: aggravation of complaints after death in family, elongated neck, craving
for sweets, hides behind furniture
Follow ups: Regular follow ups at 1 month or frequently. He developed loose stools after the first
prescription, which reduced in 2-3 days and he developed coryza with nasal discharge, thick,
greenish, yellow in colour. Coryza reduced after one month and he became more active and had no
episode of cough or chest infection all through the winters. By end of winters, he had started
speaking 2 word phrases, became very possessive about his things, cried frequently and started
playing on a mobile phone. After repetition of Natrum muriaticum 1M, the mental symptoms
improved, but physical symptoms of the medicine started appearing (medicinal aggravation) like
desire for salts, dribbling of urine, nocturnal enuresis. With further no change in mental symptoms
and aggravation of physical symptoms persisting, Natrum muriaticum 6 was prescribed. The
medicinal aggravation reduced. Symptoms changed to obstinacy, he became more manipulative,
coaxing and cajoling or fighting with parents, family members to get his wishes fulfilled,
constipation, irritability, fear of meeting new people, going out and was prescribed Lycopodium
30. He however, developed measles after which he lost weight and his health deteriorated in all
aspects. After prescribing Carcinocin 1M, there was some improvement. His speech improved and
he started using short sentences. He started going to a regular school in younger age group class
with improvement in comprehension.
Outcome: Improvement in comprehension, speech.

Case No. 8
NAME: Ar; AGE: 6 ½ yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 55/18-19
Complaints: Child at age of 11 months developed high grade fever with loss of motor movements
and was diagnosed with sepsis. Post recovery, he lost all milestones gained, i.e. cognition,
standing, speech, etc. developmental activities started again after a few months. He developed
head control at 1.5 months, sitting with support at 2 years and standing and waling at 2.5 years
onwards. He started speaking again at 2 years. Now he walks with right foot slightly raised
(without the heel touching the ground), keeps one foot exactly in front of another and tends to fall
easily, forwards; cannot run. Speech is slurred and speaks in short sentences. Admitted in school
at 5 years, although he seems to understand instructions, he has not been able to learn to read or
write. He had an episode of seizure at the age of 13 months. And now gets repeated episodes of
petit mal epilepsy. Before seizure, he develops involuntary smiling; during seizure holds on to
nearest person, appears to have stopped breathing, eyes open and vacant with no response, does
not fall; after seizure, cries a lot and says something is happening, develops generalized weakness
for days thereafter, unable to get up, lift weight.
Falls frequently and has had repeated head injuries over last 3 years with multiple episodes of
stitches in head. He prefers to have food, which he does not have to chew, likes to have dal rather
than roti, which becomes mushy on chewing; prefers sour and spicy over sweets. Loves to dance
and cannot be stopped from dancing if music is being played. He has received certificates from
school for dance and games. Avoids eye contact, will look at the person but will avert on making
an eye contact. Child is left hander, muscle tone normal. No resting tremors. Fine tremors on
holding pencil, attempting to write, but not on doing other activities, cannot perform alternate
actions (dysdiadokinesis), cannot perform multiple activities.
Age of mother at time of conception 29 years and 32 years of father. Was conceived by Intra-
uterine insemination as mother had tubal blockage and primary infertility. Born at full term by
caesarean section. He was largely confined in 1 room only with only parents around for more than
1 year and had no social interaction at all, except at the time of 11 months, when he fell sick. Till
that time, child had not been taken out of the house even once, nor had met anyone, other than
parents (Poor early stimulation). Father although a daily wage worker, studied only up to class 5,
can read, and write and give details of entire diagnosis and treatment and appears to be very
intelligent and aware of worldly event.
First Prescription: Tarantula hispanica 30/ one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: Loves dancing, fidgety, hasty, tremors on attempting to write
Follow ups: Regular follow ups at 1 month or frequently. No episode of seizure occurred during
the period of follow up. The balance of the child improved gradually. However, he walked with

high stepping of left foot, and keeping right foot slightly raised. He could cycle properly, but
would fall in case of running. He was however, able to hold himself to avoid injury on head and
no head injury occurred during following up. His learning improved orally, he could recite the
alphabets, numbers, names of things, colours, etc. but he could not read. He was able to copy
alphabets but could not read what was written. His speech became clearer, lacking in only few
alphabets and he would garble only when trying to speak very fast. He became fidgety and
hyperactive, which also reduced subsequently. Potency of Tarantula hispanica was increased from
30 to 200 and then after a period of placebo again from 30 to 200. The symptoms of the patients
changed and he became more fearful, fastidious and medicine was changed to arsenic album 6,
after which improvement continued.
Outcome: Improvement in comprehension, speech, balance and rote learning.

Case No. 9
NAME: AK; AGE: 7 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 598/18-19
Complaints: Around age of 2-3 years, the family felt that the child does not seem to understand
what is being told to him and is not able to express himself like other children. He does not follow
instructions, cannot read, write, cannot be made to sit and learn, runs around, speaks only few
words, makes his needs felt by gestures or by incessant crying. He falls frequently forwards, but is
able to break the fall by his hands. Has flat feet and knocked knees, has been advised to wear
special shoes/ prosthesis inside shoes, which he refuses to wear. Is very obstinate, gets angry,
throws things, hits brother and parents. The child hits his siblings, father, is scared of mother that
he will be beaten, if he hits her and is therefore more quite with her. Does not hit anyone in school
and appears to be scared in front of outsiders. Out of fear of teachers in school, tries to study, but
will refuse to study at home. Does not see mobile or TV.
Age of mother at time of conception 23 years and 28 years of father. Was born on way to hospital
in village, cried immediately after birth and mother and child reached hospital after about an hour.
Child is taken care of solely by the mother, who is uneducated and has 2 more children, one
daughter of 10 years of age and one son, 2 years of age. The younger son also demands a lot of
attention and the two brothers continue to run around in different directions or fight incessantly,
the mother hitting and beating the children at every opportunity to control them.
First Prescription: Lycopodium 6/ one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: Ambitious employs every means possible, obstinate, scared of strangers,
persons of authority and new places, hard to inferiors and soft to superiors.
Follow ups: Regular follow ups at 1 month initially with no major change. He had an accident and
fractured his leg after 3 months of follow up and was on total bed rest for 2 months. During this
period he started to listen to his mother more and could learn to speak short phrases. Would hit is
brother only if he disturbed him.
Outcome: Improvement in comprehension, speech.

Case No. 10
NAME: Su; AGE: 8 ½ yrs; SEX: F; Regn No.: 1158/18-19
Complaints: Child developed milestones normally, but did not speak till 3 years of age. When she
was admitted in local school, the teachers pointed that the child does not learn and forgets
everything. Cannot speak clearly, uses short sentences, but speech is not clear. Can understand
simple instructions, responds by gestures and speech, which is garbled. She stays close to her
mother all the time, clinging to her, gets scared easily, fear of dark, gets up at night frightened,
otherwise playful and friendly. Frequent fights at home, scare the child and she cries frequently.
Prefers salty and spicy over sweets, tries to keep herself clean and neat. Drooling of saliva at night.
Age of mother at time of conception 18 years and 27 years of father. Child was born at home,
normal delivery, but cried after 15 minutes of birth. Incomplete immunization done.
First Prescription: Stramonium 6/ one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: Fearfulness, clinging to mother, gets up at night and clings to mother,
weeps at slightest cause.
Follow ups: Parents did not report back for follow up.
Outcome: Drop out

Case No.11
NAME: AC; AGE: 6 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1643/17-18
Complaints: Child was born at 7 months by caesarean section due to pre-eclampsia in mother and
had septic shock with post hemorrhagic hydrocephalus after birth (As per reports, although mother
is unable to give any details). All his milestones were delayed, which was attributed initially to his
weakness and his recurrent episodes of cold, rattling cough and persistent nasal discharge. He is
very active, fidgety, will not sit at one place, runs around, falls easily, multiple times in a day,
communicates his needs by gestures and single words, which are also not clear. Hits and pushes
other children, hits his parents and sister but not others outside the house; will pinch them, scratch
them or hit them. Scared of dogs and other animals (cow, cats, etc.), even while hitting others, he
is very particular that he should not injure himself; is very particular about his things, his papers,
bag, will cling on to them and will collect everything before leaving; sits still only when watching
TV or videos on mobile. Becomes obstinate and will shout, cry or start rolling on floor; left
hander; occasional involuntary passage of stool soiling his clothes (1-2 times a month) and
occasional enuresis (4-5 times and month).
Age of mother at time of conception 30 years and 35 years of father. Mother developed pre-
eclampsia during pregnancy and child was born by emergency caesarean section at 7 months. He
did not cry after birth, was in hospital for almost a month. Has one elder sister (9 years) of age,
who has speech defect.
First Prescription: Stramonium 6/ one dose
Prescribing indications: fear of animals, clings and holds on to things, fear of being injured, sits
still when watching video (light & sound desire), pinches, hits, scratches others
Follow ups: Regular follow ups at 1 month or frequently. He developed cough, cold and coryza
with fever and pain in abdomen. Parents gave him local medicine from nearby practitioners. No
episode on involuntary urination or stool occurred, although there was not much change in
behavior in subsequent follow ups. Potency of Stramonium was increased to 30 to 200 with not
much relief. His complaints aggravated after he was given Cina 30 by a local practitioner in March
2019. It was identified that he was very jealous with his sister, will hit her if she was eating,
playing, talking to mother. He would pinch his mother if she was talking to someone else and
hitting others was due to jealousy that his parents should not talk to others. He was indifferent to
be hit and would laugh if he was scolded. Lachesis 6 was prescribed. His fidgetiness and obstinacy
reduced. Scratching others reduced, although he would continue to pinch mother to get her
attention. He started cycling again which he had stopped after repeated episodes of falling.
Outcome: Improvement in behavior, learning

Case No.12
NAME: Pr; AGE: 5 yrs; SEX: F; Regn No.: 974/18-19
Complaints: Child is hyperactive, keeps on running around, throwing things, does not follow
instructions, though does not hit self or others. Puts everything in mouth, cannot differentiate
between edible and non-edible things; bites into wall, furniture, picks up things from floor to put
in mouth. Avoids foods with strong smells; since 3 months, gets up at night frightened and starts
searching for mother. Does not like to wear clothes, takes them off inside the house, but will not
do so outside. Keeps on cleaning the house with a cloth, remembers where she has kept what
Age of mother at time of conception 24 years and 25 years of father. Mother informed that the
doctor had told her that amniotic fluid was low and movements of baby were less than normal.
Mother also informed that father of the child probably had similar problems, could not learn in
school and is still on some medication, which she is not aware about; and this history has been
hidden form the mother as well.
First Prescription: Hysocyamus 6/ one dose
Prescribing indications: aversion to wear clothes, keeps on cleaning things, averse to foods with
strong smells.
Follow ups: One follow up after 1 month. She was not throwing things around and there had been
no episode of awakening at night with fright.
Outcome: Improvement in hyperactivity

Case No.13
NAME: Qa; AGE: 5 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1190/18-19
Complaints: Child born at full term, cried after 10-15 of minutes of birth. On 3rd day he
developed infections and seizures and was in hospital for about a month. After discharge from
hospital he showed no development till about 1 year of age. Head control came by 2 years; now
has no axial strength and needs support to sit. Rapid purposeless movements and flaying of arms;
keeps on shouting the entire day. Dependent on parents for sitting, standing, daily activities. Is
indifferent to presence of others. Stiffens his body when made to undergo physiotherapy. Drinks a
lot of water. Bites into food, but does not chew; is largely on milk and mashed foods. Drooling of
saliva during day and night. Sleeps with light switched on. Keeps on moving around in bed during
sleep, but no flaying of arms during sleep. When he does not like anything, stiffens his back and
limbs. Always wants to be in light, becomes restless if he is not in light and will not allow light to
be switched off, till he sleeps. If he wakes up at night and light is switched off, he starts shouting
and becomes very restless till light is switched on. Looks at and watches TV (sound & light). Does
not communicate toilet needs. Does not cry after passing stool/ urine. Mother checks from time to
Age of mother at time of conception 21 years and 22 years of father. Consanguineous marriage
amongst second cousins (mother & father‟s grandfathers were real brothers). Has one younger
sister, who also has similar complaints (cerebral palsy).
First Prescription: Stramonium 6/ one dose
Prescribing indications: wants light, sits still when watching video (light & sound desire), shouts
for company
Follow ups: First follow up was delayed, subsequently regular follow ups. Flaying of arms
reduced markedly, he could sit without support for some time, was able to stand and walk with
support. Developed itching small popular eruptions on neck and behind ear; which subsequently
reduced and coryza appeared. After 4 months, child had an episode of seizure for the 1 st time,
followed by a second episode after 1 week. He was started on allopathic anti-convulsive
medication. His motor activities improved and he was able to understand simplest instructions;
was able to sit and stand without support for some short time, could tell toilet needs by gestures.
Hand flapping reduced. Shouting was limited only to time child wanted to communicate with
anyone. Was able to sleep in dark. Was able to move his hand purposefully, although very slowly
for hello. Responds to presence of others around. Takes more of semisolid foods than milk. Child
moved to his grandmother‟s house, so that mother could take care of his sister. Subsequent to 3
episodes of convulsions and change of symptoms, medicine was changed to Natrum muriaticum 6.
Outcome: Improvement in motor milestones, comprehension and communication

Case No.14
NAME: Kh; AGE: 6 ½ yrs; SEX: F; Regn No.: 1109/18-19
Complaints: Child was born pre-term at 6.5 months of pregnancy, was in nursery for 1 month
with neonatal jaundice and pre-maturity; at age of 3 months, had a diarrhoea episode. All her
milestones were markedly delayed and she developed head control at 1.5 years, sitting with
support at 2 years, babbling at 2 years, standing with support at 3 years, walking without support
at 4 years. She falls easily when walking, has poor balance, cannot climb up & down stairs
without support. She follows only very simple instructions and is poor in learning in school. Has
temper tantrums, will throw things and hit persons younger than her. Dependent on parents for
cleaning, changing clothes and other daily care activities.
Age of mother at time of conception 27 years and 30 years of father. One younger sibling brother
was born at full term with anal atresia and died on 6 th day after birth; one younger sibling brother
has no complaints.
First Prescription: Lycopodium 1M/ one dose every 15 days
Prescribing indications: Ambitious, employs every means possible hard to inferiors, soft to
superiors, kleptomania, weakness of lower limb, flatulence
Follow ups: There was no change after first dose and second dose was repeated after 15 days. She
developed discharge from both ears after 3 days of second dose, which stopped in 3-4 days. After
another 15 days, she fell down from bed and fractured her left wrist. Considering medicinal
aggravation (causing ear discharge) potency was decreased to 6 and Lycopodium 6 was prescribed

a one dose weekly. In next one month, she did not have any episode of falling and did not steal
anything. Lycopodium 6 was continued. Her temper tantrums gradually reduced, she stopped
abusing, and she was more able to take care of herself. However, again discharge from ears re-
appeared and placebo was prescribed. After of one month of placebo, there was no change in ear
discharge and behavioural complaints persisted, so potency was increased and Lycopodium 30 was
prescribed daily. No subsequent follow ups were reported by parents. The case showed
improvement of complaints at mental plane, with aggravation of physical complaints.
Outcome: Improvement in learning & behviour

Case No.15
NAME: ArK; AGE: 5 yrs; SEX: F; Regn No.: 915/18-19
Complaints: The child speaks 1-2 words only, communicates by gestures, does not follow
instructions; falls easily when walking, can climb stairs with support only. No socialization, poor
comprehension and cannot follow simple commands. Recognizes her family members, her house,
clings to her family. Watches cartoons on mobile & TV. Usually makes no demands, but wants
parents around particularly by evening and night; sleeps holing mother tightly, once in 10-15 days
gets up at night screaming, shouting and scared and it becomes difficult for her to sleep again.
Will start fighting violently and crying, with vomiting if irritated, usually rarely. Weakness of left
leg, with wasting of muscles and decreased reflexes; persistent drooling of saliva.
Age of mother at time of conception was 26 years, age of father 31 years. Mother has had 1
spontaneous abortion in her first pregnancy. One younger sister of father had similar complaints,
was on treatment in childhood and adolescence for depression (?), mental complaints; now
married and present status is not known.
First Prescription: Stramonium 6/ one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: clinging to parents, screaming and shouting at night, wants light and
sound, night terrors
Follow ups: One follow up after 2 months. No episode of falling, night terrors, violent fighting,
crying with vomiting. Uses short phrases to speak, goes to play school regularly.
Outcome: Improvement in speech

Case No.16
NAME: MS; AGE: 6.5 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 983/18-19
Complaints: Child does not listen, does not talk, does not stay at one place & keeps on moving
around, cries excessively, does not recognize family members, falls down frequently and has
multiple injury and scar marks on face, presumably from falling frequently. He makes sounds, or
cries or wails continuously, until he is given something to eat; all milestones markedly delayed but
parents are unable to give exact age. Is taken care of elder sisters at home, who give him total
attention at home and keep on giving him something to eat. If something is taken away from him,
and kept at another place, will insist on that only, will remember where it was even the next day.
Does not like to wear clothes; it is difficult to make him wear clothes. Will open tap and sit under
it, both in summers and winters and will try to tear off his clothes once they become wet. Does not
watch TV or mobile. Sleeps very late and is up by 4 in the morning.
Age of mother at time of conception was 28 years, age of father 33 years. Has 2 elder sisters, both
healthy. Parents being uneducated are highly disappointed, find it difficult to face the society and
see the condition as completely hopeless.
First Prescription: Hyoscyamus 6/ one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: continuous eating, puts everything in mouth, takes off his clothes, averse
to wearing clothes.
Follow ups: One follow up after 2 months. No change in hyperactivity or any other complaints.
Outcome: no change

Case No.17
NAME: Su; AGE: 7 yrs; SEX: F; Regn No.: 1194/18-19
Complaints: Child fell down from roof at age of 3 years and subsequent to a period of one month
of unconsciousness, showed, regression of milestones. She has since then been very slow, poor in
comprehension, is not learning anything in school, has weakness of left arm and leg, cannot eat

food on her own, cannot keep herself clean. Speaks short sentences, to express her needs; cannot
make conversation. Drags her left leg when walking, has limping gait; does not use her left arm at
all. Hits herself when she is very angry, gets angered if her will is not done. Flaccid paralysis of
left arm & leg, with reduced tone, restricted movement and wasting of muscles.
Age of mother at time of conception was 25 years, age of father 28 years.
First Prescription: Arnica 1M/ one dose fortnightly
Prescribing indications: complaints after head injury
Follow ups: After 2 months, she was more alert, active, showed inquisitiveness to things around.
Parents reported that she wants to play all the time and does not want to sit and study. Becomes
angry suddenly, when she would hit herself and other around. Prescription was changed to
Belladonna 6 and subsequently to Belladonna 30 and she showed improvement in academics,
learning, more use of her left hand and socially active.
Outcome: Improvement in learning, behavior, motor movements

Case No.18
NAME: Sa; AGE: 5 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1195/18-19
Complaints: Child cried after half an hour of birth. All his milestones were markedly delayed and
was diagnosed as spastic cerebral palsy. He has poor neck holding and axial control. He responds
when spoken to, else sits very dull. Recognizes his family members and can differentiate between
family and strangers. Uses monosyllables or single short words to communicate his needs.
Dependent on care givers for all activities. Gets angered when he is not heard and will try to pick
up things and throw them likes bathing and wants to wear new clothes every day. Insists on being
taken out of house every day. Says no to medicine and refuses to take any medicines, will sob
uncontrollably if scolded, till the person who has scolded apologizes, smiles when spoken to;
smiling when trying to speak. Fears dogs and cats.
Age of mother at time of conception was 19 years, age of father 22 years. Has 1 elder sister, who
is healthy. Parents shift from hospital to hospital in hope of recovery of child.
First Prescription: Belladonna 30/ one dose daily
Prescribing indications: Wants attention, smiles when speaking, likes to play & travel, fear dogs,
cats, animals & insects.
Follow ups: One follow up after 15 days. Has started taking his medicines. No change in other
Outcome: no change

Case No.19
NAME: Ru; AGE: 8 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1010/18-19
Complaints: Child had delayed milestones and sitting was after age of 2 years. He started walking
at age of 4 years and parents felt that he was more active and aggressive than other children, when
he was shown to a doctor for the first time and was identified to be suffering from hyperactivity
and behavioral problems. He keeps on walking continuously, will catch one word that others are
speaking and will keep on repeating them or shifts from one word to another; but there is no
coherent sentence that he can speak; continuously babbles to himself; communicates his needs by
gestures. Lives in his own world, gets aggressive when he sees his younger sister, will hit her if he
sees mother taking care of her; will throw her food if she is eating. Shakes his head violently, keep
on rocking when forced to sit. Cannot get up from sitting position, cannot lift him up if he falls
down. Does not follow instructions and is not learning anything in school. Dependent on parents
for cleaning, changing clothes and other daily care activities. Has inguinal hernia on left side,
reducible and compressible.
Age of mother at time of conception 18 years and 22 years of father. Child developed fits, jerking
movements with rolling of eyes at age of 2 months and had repeated episodes upto age of 2-3
years, but no treatment was given.
First Prescription: Lachesis 1M/ one dose
Prescribing indications: Jealousy with sister, every words leads to a story, continuous speech and
loquacity, meaningless, left sided hernia
Follow ups: After Lachesis 1M, babbling reduced, but his jealousy and hitting sister increased
markedly. Potency was reduced to Lachesis 6, one dose weekly, with improvement and

subsequently potency was increased to 30 and then to 200. His loquacity reduced, rocking
movements decreased, he could get up from sitting position with support. He developed an
episode of seizure after which his complaints aggravated again and he deteriorated markedly. With
change of symptoms, Hysocyamus 6 was prescribed, after which he again improved.
Outcome: Improvement in comprehension, behavior, motor activities

Case No.20
NAME: Sam; AGE: 6 yrs 10 months; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1209/18-19
Complaints: Child was born with facial dysmorphism, low set eyes, pinched nose and diagnosed
with Down‟s syndrome. All his milestones were delayed. He does not understand new instructions
and takes a lot of time to learn new things. He has imbalance on walking and falls when
attempting to walk fast or run. Is very fidgety, restless and craves attention. Is quiet only when he
is given a mobile to play; sees videos on mobile and copies from them. Kisses his parents, family
members and tries to kiss people and other children around. Mobile use is more than 5-6 hours per
Age of mother at time of conception was 24 years, age of father 28 years. Had jaundice after one
month of birth, pneumonia at 2.5 months and episodes of breathlessness persisted till 6 months of
age. Had warts 1-2 years back on which Thuja tincture was applied with which they had shed.
Wants fan switched on as he intends to see it moving and not stopped.
First Prescription: Belladonna 1M/ one dose
Prescribing indications: playful, seeks attention, kisses everyone around
Follow ups: One follow up after 2 months. Complaints improved initially, but again aggravated
since 1 week.
Outcome: no change

Case No. 21
NAME: Ruk; AGE: 10 yrs; SEX: F; Regn No.: 1206/18-19
Complaints: Child developed milestones normally initially by age of 7-8 months (neck holding,
sitting, etc.), but fell down from bed after which milestones were delayed and she showed standing
at 3 years, walking after 3 years of age. Does not comprehend anything, usually quiet but becomes
angry and aggressive and starts throwing things, especially knives and other pointed objects at
other people. Does not move her right hand, has no grip and no fine movements with right hand;
hemiplegic gait. Dependent for daily care, speaks 1-2 words or short sentences only. Loves to
wear bright heavy clothes, jewellery; loves to do make up and get dressed. The more she is
scolded, more obstinate she becomes. Stammering speech, repeats first consonant before she can
speak the word. Watches TV at night and sleeps very late.
Age of mother at time of conception 32-35 years and 50 years of father. Child has 3 elder sisters;
mother has had 4 abortions. Stay in village, uneducated parents, no social interaction. Father has
addiction to tobacco (bidi) smoking and alcohol. Grandparents of child are dead, cause is not
known; 1 paternal uncle had heart attack and 1 had cancer. Child got repeated episodes of fits
(sudden jerk movements of limbs) at age of 8-9 months, which lasted for 2-3 months.
First Prescription: Platina 6/ one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: Loves fine clothes, bright heavy clothes and jewellery, loves to do make
up, desire to kill on seeing sharp instruments
Follow ups: Parents did not report back for follow up.
Outcome: Drop out

Case No.22
NAME: Rut; AGE: 7 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1212/18-19
Complaints: Child was born pre-maturely at 6.5 months and was admitted in Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit (NICU). He cried after one week of birth, was diagnosed to be suffering from spastic
cerebral palsy. Had delayed milestones and can only stand with support. Has height of a 3 year old
child. While attempting to walk, there is stiffening and backward bending of back and scissoring
of legs. Can speak short simple sentences only, unable to learn in school. Scared of going to
school, as he is scared that other children will hit him. Takes a lot of time to learn new things and
gets confused when multiple instructions are given. Was operated for abdominal hernia at 1.5

years of age. Now mesh has broken, but parents are waiting for child to grow up before any further
surgery can be done.
Age of mother at time of conception 25 years and 38 years of father. Mother had history of pre-
mature deliveries. First child was born at 7 months, 2 nd & 3rd pregnancies were still born at 6
months and this child was born at 6.5 months. Father considers child‟s problem as that of
immaturity, which he will outgrow with age, pampers him and fulfills all his demands. Mother is
more keen on treatment.
First Prescription: Cocculus 6/ one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: cares for others, recognizes and accepts reality
Follow ups: He initially developed vesicular eruptions on his hands with itching. Gradually
eruptions subsided and child showed gradual improvement in understanding, following
instructions. He started taking more interest in home and fathers shop. He was able to walk using a
chair and scissoring of legs was absent by 3 months of treatment. He was able to go to nearby
shop within neighborhood using a moving chair to make short purchases. Was able to recite small
poems in Hindi initially and then in English. Could do rote counting and was able to write
Outcome: Improvement in comprehension, motor activities and learning

Case No.23
NAME: FA; AGE: 8.5 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1210/18-19
Complaints: Child is hyperactive, does not sit still; does not learn anything, lives in his own
world and does not speak at all. Restless and fidgety when sitting, keeps banging legs to table,
moves chair, shakes legs, hands, laughs loudly, pulls things, starts laughing or crying for no
reason. Keeps on drinking large quantity of water to make bottles empty, so that he can play with
them. At home, will empty any bottle to play with.
Age of mother at time of conception was 31 years, age of father 37 years. Paternal grandmother
died of cancer, maternal grandparents have diabetes.
First Prescription: Ignatia 1M/ one dose
Prescribing indications: does opposite of what he is told, quiet at home, playful and hyperactive
outside house, craves attention of parents, bangs legs on table or chairs.
Follow ups: One follow up after 2 months. No change in complaints
Outcome: no change

Case No. 24
NAME: PP; AGE: 10 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 973/13
Complaints: Child has poor speech, can follow only very simple instructions, cannot follow
conversations, cannot sit at 1 place for long, keeps on moving about, has wandered away from
home 2-3 times, will switch on fan to watch it moving. Does not recognize family members, will
walk with anyone going out of room. He is scared of his mother who is very strict and firm with
him. Friendly with his elder sister, but not with his brother.
Age of mother at time of conception 28 years and 31 years of father. Child cried after 10 minutes
of birth.
First Prescription: Veratrum album 6/ one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: Wandering away from home, fascination for moving objects
Follow ups: Parents did not report back for follow up.
Outcome: Drop out

Case No. 25
NAME: Mi; AGE: 7 yrs; SEX: F; Regn No.: 1243/18-19
Complaints: Child developed episodes of convulsion at age of 6 months when during
investigations she was diagnosed to be suffering from hearing defects. Inspite of therapy, her
speech remains unclear; she has poor understanding and forgets what she has been taught. Has
caries of teeth, which are crooked and deformed. Happy, playful child, loves to be pampered,
cared for, hugged and kissed by family members.

Age of mother at time of conception 24 years and 27 years of father. Paternal grandmother died of
liver cancer, maternal grandfather died of heart attack, elder brother 13 years of age has Bronchial
First Prescription: Phosphorus 1M / one dose
Prescribing indications: fair child, curly eyelashes, happy, playful, wants to be hugged, kissed.
Loves to play in swings.
Follow ups: Parents did not report back for follow up.
Outcome: Drop out

Case No.26
NAME: AD Abdul; AGE: 8 yrs; SEX: F; Regn No.: 317/15-16
Complaints: Child was born by caesarean section at 8 months 20 days pregnancy, due to cord
around neck. She cried immediately after birth and had normal development initially. But at 8
months she developed seizures. The episodes of convulsion come only at night during sleep, when
she would get up suddenly with staring eyes. Episodes last for 1-2 seconds and she goes back to
sleep immediately thereafter. She was diagnosed to have bulky right temporal region, which was
operated upon. Since then seizures are once in 2-3 months only. Hyperactivity and restlessness of
child reduced considerably. Prior to surgery she could speak meaningfully, but now speaks only
few words off and on. She is restless and fidgety; but follows instructions of mother
Age of mother at time of conception was 31 years, age of father 37 years. Paternal grandmother
died of cancer, maternal grandparents have diabetes.
First Prescription: Plumbum metallicum 6/ one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: Follows instructions as a machine, likes physical activity and is
ameliorated by excessive physical activity
Follow ups: One follow up after 2 ½ months. She had one episode of convulsions. She showed an
increase in emotional response, started crying when scolded and complained when scolded.
Showed an increase in understanding of things around her.
Outcome: Improvement in understanding

Case No.27
NAME: Vi; AGE: 5 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1222/18-19
Complaints: Child is engrossed with himself and makes no effort to communicate; on trying to
made to talk or make eye contact, becomes irritable and starts kicking and biting. He did not learn
anything in school, either written or spoken and is progressively worsening in terms of behavior
and aloofness. He is fidgety, picks one thing after another but loses interest very soon. Is
comfortable on his own and becomes irritable outside the house. He is startled by loud noises, but
ignores fights at home or outside.
Age of mother at time of conception 30 years and 30 years of father. Pregnancy was a twin
pregnancy, but one fetus was aborted at 1 ½ months of pregnancy. Mother was on bed rest
throughout the pregnancy and 4-5 ultrasounds were done during that period. She had a prolonged
lab our, child was born normally, had a birth weight of almost 4 Kgs and cried immediately after
birth. Father is alcoholic and paternal grandmother has depression. Paternal grandfather died in an
accident. Family has limited social contact. Environment at home is always tense with frequent
fights within the family.
First Prescription: Ignatia 1M / one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: contradictory symptoms, startled by noise, but ignores fights, kicking
tables & chairs, mother had disappointment in love and her emotional stress aggravated during
Follow ups: Child started showing more interest in children around him, particularly during
therapy. Became more responsive during therapy and was more comfortable even if the therapists
kept n changing. His eye contact improved and he started saying hello on prompting.
Outcome: Improvement in comprehension, communication

Case No.28
NAME: AV; AGE: 5 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1254/18-19
Complaints: Child was born at 36 weeks and showed growth and development lag since birth. He
has temper tantrums, is hyperactive, shows continuous movement of hands and legs, throws
things, bites, scratches others. Speaks 1-2 words only. Is dwarf and has appearance of an infant.
Was operated at age of 3 years for club foot, when due to asphyxia he had to be put on ventilator,
gets repeated episodes of breathlessness and is given nebulized for breathing complaints. Post
surgery, his right leg is shorter than left and he can walk with support only. is hyperactive, does
not sit still; does not learn anything, lives in his own world and does not speak at all. Restless and
fidgety. Throws things around, has a pet rabbit, whom he picks and throws around. Likes to play
with ball, small cars., which he can pick and throw around.
Age of mother at time of conception was 37 years, age of father 40 years. Mother got 2 Medical
Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) done after first child and could not conceive subsequently for 9
years, after which this child was conceived. She had hypothyroidism and was on regular Eltroxin
throughout pregnancy. AT 36 weeks of pregnancy, heart sound of fetus were absent and she was
operated upon after 12 hours. Child was born breech and cried after 5 minutes of birth. Paternal
grandmother died after prolonged fever, paternal grandfather after prolonged episodes of
diarrhoea, maternal grandfather was alcoholic, died of heart attack, maternal grandmother is
diabetic. Paternal cousin of mother has intellectual disability. Elder brother of the child has
torticollis (neurological disturbance) and mental disturbance, but has not been diagnosed.
First Prescription: Hyoscyamus 6 / one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: says no to everything, throws things around, destructive, bites, hits
scratches others, enjoys when reprimanded, licks things and appears happy when he is scolded,
incites others.
Follow ups: One follow up after 2 months. Started speaking 1-2 words with meaning, biting
others reduced and cries when scolded.
Outcome: Improvement in behavior

Case No.29
NAME: O; AGE: 5 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1486/17-18
Complaints: Child was born at 28 weeks and diagnosed with cerebral palsy. All his milestones
were markedly delayed and he has poor axial control, uncoordinated movements, cannot speak.
Tells his needs by shouting. Squeals when he gets excited. At 2.5 months had chest infection with
hypoxia, recovered after illness. At 3.5 moths was operated for inguinal hernia; after surgery had
severe fits lasting for about 40 hours. He stopped recognizing mother and responding after that.
Age of mother at time of conception 35 years and 35 years of father. Mother had 2 spontaneous
abortions after her first child. During pregnancy of this child, she suddenly developed high blood
pressure with nose bleed and had to undergo emergency cesarean section. Mother had to leave her
job during pregnancy with this child. Father has a highly stressful job and developed diabetes at
age of 29-30 years and has been on oral medicines. Maternal grandfather died of some drug
reaction, maternal grandmother had hypertension and had a sudden death. Paternal grandparents
both have diabetes. Paternal grandmother has hypertension. Child is given a lot of attention and
affection at home. Elder sister actively participates in playing and taking care of the child.
First Prescription: Staphysagria 30 / one dose daily
Prescribing indications: complaints after abdominal surgery, very sensitive, comfortable after
passing stool, streaks along teeth, caries in premature infants, caries along margin of teeth
Follow ups: Child started showing more response to parents, was more active and alert.
Developed fever with thick yellow discharge for which Dulcamara 30 was prescribed. After acute
episode was over, he became more active, developed liking for poems, can control posture while
leaning to mother, has better axial control, able to slow purposeful movements with hands.
Outcome: Improvement in comprehension, communication

Case No.30
NAME: Ni; AGE: 11 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1266/18-19
Complaints: Child was diagnosed with Down‟s Syndrome at the time of his birth. He gets
frequent episodes of cough & cold, chest congestion, has carious teeth, passes offensive flatus. He

is poor in understanding and learning and has not learnt much in school. He can speak short
sentences but is dependent on care givers for cleaning, brushing, wearing clothes. Playful,
switches on and off, electrical switches, opens and closes taps. Can look at pictures in book but
cannot describe them. Has run away from home 2-3 times.
Age of mother at time of conception 31 years and 36 years of father. Mother had 4 daughters
earlier all above the age of 20 years, had one MTP 18 years back and then this child was
conceived. Had developed bone TB 14-15 years back and taken regular Anti-tubercular treatment.
Father developed Diabetes around 10-11 years back and is on regular medication. Child developed
seizures at 4 months of age, developed pneumonia at 9 months and was operated for abdominal
complaints (?) around that time.
First Prescription: Mercurius solubilis 30 / one dose daily
Prescribing indications: cheerful with want of sympathy, runs away from home when not watched,
inciting others, hits self on head, sweat profuse & offensive, caries of teeth, halitosis, sneezing on
coming out of bed in morning, cold with tendency to chest congestion, bleeding form gums.
Follow ups: Child stopped hitting himself, started going to school regularly, can speak better,
teachers commented that he is improving in class.
Outcome: Improvement in comprehension, behavior

Case No.31
NAME: PV; AGE: 6 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1294/18-19
Complaints: Child developed fits at the age of 4 months and since then gets regular episodes of
epileptic fits almost one episode daily. He is on anti-epileptic medicines since then. He gives no
response, keeps on sitting dully, is poor in understanding and learning and has not learnt anything
in anganwadi, where he goes. He makes no efforts to communicate and will not even ask for food,
is dependent on care givers for cleaning, brushing, wearing clothes. Gets irritable suddenly and
will start moaning, whining and banging things, hitting himself and others. Symptoms of the child
are not very apparent due to excessive intake on anti-epileptic medicines and due to inability of
parents to identify behavior of the child.
Age of mother at time of conception 30 years and 34 years of father. Mother could not conceive
after marriage and had taken many treatments for conception. She was on regular medication for
thyroid problem (does not know if it was hypo or hyperthyroidism). Has no details of treatment
that she undertook, after which the child was conceived. Child cried after 5-10 minutes of birth,
had low birth weight and was kept in nursery for 2 days.
First Prescription: Ignatia 30 / one dose daily
Prescribing indications: stress in mother during pregnancy, disappointment in love in mother,
contradictory symptoms in child, irritability with banging of things
Follow ups: two follow ups were made by parents over a period of 9 month. Irritability, moaning
and whining of the child was reduced but other complaints persisted as it is.
Outcome: No change

Case No. 32
NAME: Hi; AGE: 7 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1279/18-19
Complaints: Child developed episodes of convulsion at age of 1.5 years, since when his
comprehension has been deteriorating. He does not follow instructions, becomes violent and
aggressive and runs away from. Lives in his own world, running and roaming around, will demand
anything that he wants, communicates his needs by gestures and vague sounds.
Age of mother at time of conception 35 years and 40 years of father. Paternal grandmother died of
cancer, 1 paternal uncle died of cancer. Mother had 3 spontaneous abortions prior to this child.
Father developed epilepsy at age of 20 years and has been on regular medicine since then.
First Prescription: Veratrum album 6 / one dose
Prescribing indications: wandering, violence & destructiveness, sweating excessive, cold clammy
more on face, wrinkled skin of hands, voracious appetite
Follow ups: Parents did not report back for follow up.
Outcome: Drop out

Case No.33
NAME: Abh; AGE: 9 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 61/18-19
Complaints: Child was diagnosed with chest infection immediately after birth and was put on
ventilator for about 1 week. After discharge he was extremely week and was slow right from the
beginning. All his milestones were delayed. By 8-9 months he started speaking single words when
his mother had to undergo a surgery and during that period he stopped peaking completely.
Thereafter he started speaking only after age of 2 ½ years. H speaks very little, cannot answer
simple questions. His learning in school is rote, and if asked names of e.g. fruits he will speak any
words he has learnt but not necessary fruits. There is no understanding and he repeats words he
has learnt. Gets confused when asked anything, cannot copy in a sequence, cannot play TV or
mobile on his own. Scared of seeing fights in TV or if there is fighting around. Craving for eggs,
prefers bland food and averse to spicy, seasoned foods. Can watch cartoons for 8-10 hours, but
cannot operate TV remote or mobile.
Age of mother at time of conception 22 years and 28 years of father. Mother had 3 successive
pregnancies at short duration. She had a spontaneous abortion in her first pregnancy, second
pregnancy was normal and child is normal. This pregnancy was 5-6 months after her previous
delivery, and she was very weak and sick all through. Details of medications taken is not available
with the mother.
First Prescription: Calcarea carbonicum 6 / one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: confusion of mind, fear of fights, fear of horrible news on TV, craving for
eggs, sweating on head and neck, particularly when sleeping
Follow ups: Child initially developed dryness of lips and he started peeling his lips. His appetite
reduced considerably and he would eat eggs only. Drinking milk caused vomiting. Potency of
medicine was changed to 30 (considering medicinal aggravation form low potency). He showed
improvement in terms of his eating, started having milk, fruits with spices, sweets. He became
extremely careful about cleanliness and would insist on changing his clothes, even if a drop of
water fell on his clothes. His speech improved and he could speak, simple words, follow simple
instructions. Confusion reduced, but was not persisting.
Outcome: Improvement in comprehension, learning, motor

Case No.34
NAME: NP; AGE: 6 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1267/18-19
Complaints: Child cried after 15 minutes of birth, and had delayed milestones. He started walking
at the age of 2 ½ years and after which, parents felt he was more active than other children. He
keeps on moving around, walking, running, jumping, if made to sit, becomes fidgety, will flap his
hands and arms, pick up things, throw them away. Speech is poor restricted to 1-2 words and us
nit clear. Gets episodes of vomiting when traveling by any means, car, bus, bike, etc. Child has
fear of loud noises, becomes concerned if someone is unwell at home, and tries to take care of
them. Teases his sister, but never other children. Bites his lips frequently. Changes TV channels
frequently or songs on mobile and has a poor attention span.
Age of mother at time of conception 27 years and 28 years of father. Mother also suffers from
excessive travel sickness. Father developed TB, 12 years back and had taken ATT. Drinks alcohol
occasionally. Paternal grandfather is an alcoholic and heavy smoker. Paternal Grandmother has
First Prescription: Cocculus 6 / one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: cares of others, anxious about health of others, fear of loud noises,
friendly, travel sickness
Follow ups: Restlessness and fidgetiness improved initially and leaning in school improved.
Biting of lips stopped. Subsequently travel sickness reduced. He could take care of himself
particularly when he was left with maternal grandmother, but with mother would refuse to take
care of his cleanliness, eating and insist on mother feeding him or cleaning him.
Outcome: Improvement in comprehension, hyperactivity

Case No.35
NAME: San; AGE: 8 yrs; SEX: F; Regn No.: 554/16-17
Complaints: Child showed poor growth and development since birth. Started sitting around age
of 6 years, cannot raise herself from sitting position, cannot stand and walk without support. She
crawls on floor to move around; can follow only very simple instructions, does not respond
usually; has persistent drooling of saliva, tries to take care of herself but cannot; cannot tell who
has hit her, what she wants; tries to take care of herself and others around, she does not express
herself, cries only meekly, sobbing, never aloud.
Age of mother at time of conception 18 years and 20 years of father. Mother had persistent
bleeding per vaginum throughout the pregnancy and was very unwell. Child was born at full term,
cried weekly at birth had a birth weight of less than 1.5 kgs. 3 subsequent pregnancies of the
mother have been normal. Due to succeeding pregnancies, mother could not take care of the child
and the child stays with grandmother.
First Prescription: Carcinosin 6 / one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: precocity, domination by parents, duty bound, suppression of emotions.
Follow ups: child started expressing herself, would cry if someone would hit her, could make
complains, expressed her likes and dislikes for food, clothes, people, things around; could raise
herself from sitting position, started going to school, although by crawling only and started rote
learning including numbers. Drooling of saliva stopped completely and she was able to take care
of herself more.
Outcome: Improvement in comprehension, learning, motor

Case No. 36
NAME: An; AGE: 7 yrs; SEX: F; Regn No.: 1287/18-19
Complaints: Child is hyperactive, keeps on moving around, refuses to sit and if made to sit
forcefully will start licking and kissing walls, furniture, pull things, wring hands and be very
fidgety; speaks only 1-2 words, cannot answer any questions, cannot tell her name, pretends that
she has not heard that she is being spoken to, does what she wants to. Had jaundice at a very
young age, fell from stairs and injured her head with stitches some years back; Lives in her own
world, running and roaming around, communicates by gestures and 1-2 words.
Age of mother at time of conception 17 years and 18 years of father (mother not sure of her age
and that of father). Mother was slow in all responses, gave confused replies and was unable to give
any response properly regarding age of self, spouse, child or other children. Could not give details
of any family members, stating that both paternal grandparents are dead. As reported by attending
neighbor, the family has no concept of family environment and responsibility towards children or
their other basic needs.
First Prescription: Veratrum album 6 / one dose
Prescribing indications: wandering, deafness pretended, destructiveness, throwing things
Follow ups: Parents did not report back for follow up.
Outcome: Drop out

Case No.37
NAME: AY; AGE: 6 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1312/18-19
Complaints: Child at the age of 2 ½ years showed gradual regression of milestones and stopped
peaking over a period of time. He was initially speaking many words, but now speaks only
mummy and papa. Makes no eye contact, makes no efforts to speak, does not follow any
instructions, remains in his own world, plays with cars, cries only when someone bothers him;
hyperactive, fidgety, puts everything in mouth, edible or inedible; hide behind doors, bed sheets,
and look through them; scared of cartoons and will cover his face if cartoons come on TV;
watches news on TV; sits quietly only when he plays with mobile for 3-4 hours in a day.
Age of mother at time of conception 22 years and 28 years of father. Had pneumonia at age of 2
months and gets repeated episodes of cough and cold in winters.
First Prescription: Hyoscyamus 6 / one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: puts everything in mouth, hides behind curtains, scared of cartoons
Follow ups: two follow ups were made by parents over a period of 3 month. No change was seen
in hyperactivity, though licking of things reduced slightly

Outcome: No change

Case No.38
NAME: AKJ; AGE: 9 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1323/18-19
Complaints: Child has been very active since one year of age. Earlier parents thought he was
naughty and refusing to listen, but when he failed to speak by age of 4 years, he was taken to a
physician and identified to be hyperactive. He does not listen to instructions, commands, keeps on
moving around continuously, pinches others, hits others; when made to sit is fidgety, rocks his
body; picks up things, throws them around. Has incontinence and dribbling of urine drop by drop.
Has no perception of fear, will keep on running around, touch anything including switch boards,
will do what is refused, makes smacking sounds; laughs when he sees people fighting around,
cries if someone is crying.
Age of mother at time of conception 22 years and 31 years of father. One elder sister of the child
is normal, one elder brother died at age of 8 years due to some heart condition, details of which are
not there with the parents. One sister of mother has intellectual disability.
First Prescription: Veratrum album 6 / one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: deafness pretended, wandering, goes out of house unattended and has to
be searched for, no perception of fear
Follow ups: Patient did not run out of the house. No change in fidgetiness and hyperactivity.
Outcome: No change

Case No. 39
NAME: AR; AGE: 7 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 546/16-17
Complaints: Child was diagnosed with hearing impairment at age of 1year & 8 month and
cochlear implant was done at 3.5 years. Since then she has poor comprehension, poor speech, lack
of attention, no learning. She starts laughing loudly at any time, hits herself and others. Since
cochlear implant, her sleep is very less, gets up frequently. Very obstinate, bites and scratches
herself, fear of toys of red colour, She watches videos on mobile the entire day and gets aggressive
when mobile is taken away from her.
Age of mother at time of conception 23 years and 28 years of father. Had pneumonia at age of 2
months and gets repeated episodes of cough and cold in winters.
First Prescription: Belladonna 1M / one dose
Prescribing indications: fear of red colour, desire play, addiction to play, happy when well, violent
when unwell, laughing on her own
Follow ups: Patients was on regular follow up and was on regular therapy, however, not much
change was seen in the patient. Her complaints improved slightly when she went to her native
village with her parents, but again aggravated when they came back.
Outcome: No change

Case No. 40
NAME: Mk; AGE: 10.5yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1355/18-19
Complaints: Child developed episodes of convulsion at age of 2.5 years, after which he started
regressing and became restless and fidgety, refusing to listen, and became forgetful that he could
not relate any day to day activity. Last episode of convulsion occurred at age of 7.5 years. He is
constantly moving, picking up things, playing with whatever he can get hold of, and his attention
shifts from one thing to another. He is worse when he is outside the house or there are relatives at
home, when he knows that he will not be scolded. Fear of being injured and getting injections.
Wants to wear new clothes, or have new things like shoes, pencils, etc. every day. Falls forward
when running as his feet turn inwards.
Age of mother at time of conception 22 years and 26 years of father. His 2 younger sisters are both
normal. Mother had one spontaneous abortion after her second child. Child did not cry after birth
and after half an hour had persistent crying for which he was rushed to the hospital and was
identified to have convulsions. He was admitted in NICU for 1 week with neonatal jaundice.
First Prescription: Stramonium 6 / one dose
Prescribing indications: fear of injections, fear of being injured, affectation, wants new things.
Follow ups: Parents did not report back for follow up.

Outcome: Drop out

Case No. 41
NAME: Ad; AGE: 7yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1462/18-19
Complaints: Child is younger of two twin brothers. He cannot speak and makes indefinite sounds;
does not understand simple instructions, dependent on mother for daily needs, does not give
attention to what is being said, follows his elder twin brother and tries to copy him or will sit
staring at blank wall or walking aimlessly.
Age of mother at time of conception 27 years and 30 years of father. His elder sister is normal;
Twin elder brother has similar complaints. Both developed infection immediately after birth and
were admitted in the hospital.
First Prescription: Stramonium 6 / one dose
Prescribing indications: copies elder brother, cries with no cause
Follow ups: Parents did not report back for follow up.
Outcome: Drop out

Case No. 42
NAME: Aa; AGE: 7yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1463/18-19
Complaints: Child is elder of two twin brothers. He is hyperactive, fidgety, keeps on moving
around, cannot speak and makes indefinite sounds; does not understand simple instructions,
dependent on mother for daily needs, does not give attention to what is being said; wants one thing
after another and will make continuous whining sound, crying, shouting, till his demands are met.
Age of mother at time of conception 27 years and 30 years of father. His elder sister is normal;
Twin younger brother has similar complaints. Both developed infection immediately after birth
and were admitted in the hospital.
First Prescription: Chamomilla 6 / one dose
Prescribing indications: constant crying, whining, demands one after another, never satisfied,
Follow ups: Parents did not report back for follow up.
Outcome: Drop out

Case No.43
NAME: Mh; AGE: 5 yrs; SEX: F; Regn No.: 1319/18-19
Complaints: Child is unable to sit, speak and can move her right hand only. She showed poor
growth and development since birth and all her milestones were markedly delayed. Has no axial
control can speak only a few words. Developed seizures at age of 4 years and has been having
repeated episodes since then. She faints after each episode of seizures and needs to be admitted in
the hospital, regains consciousness only after 3-4 days. She smiles a lot, responds to everything by
smiling, laughing, shouts happily when watching cartoons on TV, fear of dogs, cats, loud noise,
cries when she feels that no one is giving attention to her.
Age of mother at time of conception was 26 years, age of father 29 years. Mother had a twin
pregnancy and developed jaundice for which she was on a continuous medication from a local
doctor in village for almost 6 months. She fell from stairs once during her 8th month of pregnancy,
but there were no complaints immediately there-after. The twins were born normally on time, but
had very low birth weight. This child cried after 5 days of birth. The second twin born died after 2
days of birth.
First Prescription: Belladonna 30/ one dose daily
Prescribing indications: Wants attention, alert and responsive, smiles when responding, fear dogs,
cats, animals
Follow ups: One follow up after 2 months, during which drooling of saliva reduced and appetite
improved. There were no episodes of seizures, movement of right hand became more purposeful.
Outcome: improvement in motor and physical complaints

Case No.44
NAME: Ra; AGE: 6 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1232/18-19
Complaints: Child does not speak, follows instructions; on calling out looks once then looks
away, communicates by gestures, fear of loud noises, plays with younger children, dominates over
them, does not let anyone touch his things, cannot wear clothes on his own and has not learnt
much in school.
Age of mother at time of conception was 26 years, age of father 30 years. Youngest of 3 elder
First Prescription: Lycopodium 6/ one dose daily
Prescribing indications: Domination on juniors, soft with seniors, prefers sweets, fear of loud
Follow ups: One follow up after 1 months, no change
Outcome: no change

Case No.45
NAME: Si; AGE: 8.5 yrs; SEX: F; Regn No.: 1547/18-19
Complaints: Child does not follow instructions; forgets what has been taught and has not learnt
much in school. Makes no effort to learn; has stammering and repeats the first letter of the word
when she starts speaking. Uses ear bud frequently in her ear, complaining of itching in the ear. Has
multiple caries of teeth and poor oral hygiene. Smiles frequently and feigns confidence. Fear of
night, darkness, dogs, cats, cows, animals. Wants to be appreciated and liked by all.
Age of mother at time of conception was 26 years, age of father 30 years. Youngest of 3 elder
First Prescription: Stramonium 6/ one dose daily
Prescribing indications: Affectation, fearful, fear of night, wants appreciation, stammering
Follow ups: One follow up after 1 month. Child is making an effort to learn. No episode of
nocturnal enuresis, reduced itching in ears.
Outcome: Improvement in learning and physical complaints

Case No.46
NAME: AM; AGE: 6 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 1733/18-19
Complaints: Child did not cry at birth and all his milestones were delayed. Now he has poor
balance, falls frequently, speaks only a few words, speaks in short phrases; makes strange shouting
noises, particularly when excited, has frequent episodes of loose stool, vomiting, fever, repeated
gastric or respiratory infections. Has poor balance and needs support in stairs. Child has facial
dysmorphism, long palpebral fissure, short septum with depressed nasal bridge, low set ears, short
fingers. Had seizures with fever once at age of 1 years and then at age of 2.5-3 years. No
medication was given to the child. Likes to have salty and spicy things and has aversion to sweets
so much that he does not even eat biscuits. Cannot differentiate between edible and inedible things
and puts everything in mouth.
Age of mother at time of conception was 28 years, age of father 29 years. Mother had high BP
with swelling during pregnancy; child was born post term by caesarean section and cried after 3
days of birth. Mother is suffering from hypertension since then. Father is suffering from Diabetes
since 2 years.
First Prescription: Mercurius solubilis 30/ one dose daily
Prescribing indications: Aversion sweets, cannot differentiate between edible and non-edible
things, sleeps in darkness
Follow ups: Irregular follow ups for 6 months. Had no episode of fever, or cough, cold till 5
months, when he had his first episode since starting medicines. There was an improvement in
understanding and he could answer simple questions, could maintain balance, became more
inquisitive, stopped making strange noises, and started following instructions and commands.
Outcome: improvement in comprehension, motor and physical complaints

Case No.47
NAME: La; AGE: 6 yrs; SEX: F; Regn No.: 1812/18-19
Complaints: Child developed seizures at age of 1.5 years and since then has had repeated
episodes of seizures with arrested development. Milestones after 1.5 years were delayed, has low
comprehension, does not follow instructions, can speak only few relations with meaning; speaks
only 1 sentence “what is this” without meaning. Seizures happened with high grade fever and were
followed by episodes of vomiting and loose stools lasting for about half an hour. Last episode of
seizure was in December 2018. Does not understand, becoming obstinate; copies her brother or
mother in everything including food habits and work. Picks up pens, books and scribbles or picks
up things and keeps them anywhere when copying mother. Clings to anyone in any social setting
and will want to go with them. Fear of being alone, darkness, dogs; fond of new clothes.
Age of mother at time of conception was 30 years, age of father 33 years. Child was born by
cesarean section post term. Mother had 1 spontaneous abortion at 5 months before this child and
one MTP after this child. One elder son is healthy.
First Prescription: Stramonium 6/ one dose daily
Prescribing indications: Clinging, fears, affectionate child, copy cat
Follow ups: Two follow ups over 4 months. Child is less obstinate; enuresis improved.
Outcome: Improvement in behavior

Case No.48
NAME: YR; AGE: 6 yrs; SEX: M; Regn No.: 32/19-20
Complaints: Child has rote learning, can learn orally, verbally but cannot read and cannot learn
from what is written. Has no concept, but when asked alphabets, will speak them, but not in order,
similarly for numbers. When told to write, will write what he wants, but cannot tell what he has
written. He is hyperactive, keeps on moving around, has flapping of arms when made to sit, and is
fidgety. Remembers people and places, can clean himself but is very slow in whatever he has to do
for his care. Likes to eat, and eats much. Has aversion to sweets, will not even eat biscuits; likes
salty foods.
Age of mother at time of conception was 31 years, age of father 44 years. Youngest of 3 elder
siblings. One paternal cousin sister of father had intellectual disability. Child had an episode of
seizure at age of 3 years
First Prescription: Natrum muriaticum 6/ one dose weekly
Prescribing indications: Eats much, without gaining weight, desire salt, cries for people who are
not around.
Follow ups: One follow up after 2 months, Hyperactivity reduced markedly. no change in
Outcome: Improvement in hyperactivity

Case No.49
NAME: SJ; AGE: 10 yrs; SEX: F; Regn No.: 581/19-20
Complaints: Child had delayed milestones is dwarfish in appearance, and is poor in
comprehension. Is unable to learn to read and write in school, intends to help in house, but has
poor coordination and so work done is not very clean. She is considerate and intends to be
organized. Will keep things at their proper place, can speak in short phrases, largely communicates
by gestures. Fear of closed places like lifts, toilets, fears that flyovers will fall on her, fear of loud
noise; poor appetite and has to be forced to drink water.
Age of mother at time of conception was 24 years, age of father 26 years. One sister, younger by 1
year only. Both grandmothers have joint complaints, both maternal grandparent and paternal
grandfather have diabetes.
First Prescription: Arsenic album 6/ one dose daily
Prescribing indications: Meticulous, keeps things in proper order, fear of confined places, high
Follow ups: One follow up after 1 month, appetite improved, thirst improved, fear of lifts
reduced. No change in other complaints
Outcome: improvement in physical complaints

ID Gender Age Date of Total ID type Diagnosis/ co- Disabilities Prescription Case Disability change
(Yrs) baseline follow morbid baseline outcome
1 M 8 22-Oct- 2 Mild ASD speech, Silicea 30 no change No change
18 communication
2 F 8 22-Oct- 12 Mild memory and learning lachesis 1M Improved Improvement in motor
18 milestones, comprehension
3 M 6 23-Oct- 10 Moderate Hyperactivity comprehension, Veratrum Improved Improvement in
18 communication, self album 6 comprehension,
injury, hitting others, communication, self injury,
hyperactivity hitting others, hyperactivity.
4 M 5 23-Oct- 11 Mild ADHD Hyperactivity, Belladonna 6 Improved Improvement in hyperactivity,
18 learning, learning self care
5 M 9 24-Oct- 0 Moderate comprehension, Tuberculinum Drop out
18 communication 6
6 M 5.5 25-Oct- 6 Mild Hypoxic memory and learning, Carcinosin 6 improved improved in memory, balance
18 ischaemic gross motor (running), and fine motor skills
Encephalopathy fine motor skills
7 M 5.5 25-Oct- 10 Moderate Down‟s comprehension, Natrum improved Improved in comprehension,
18 syndrome speech, muriaticum speech
8 M 6.5 30-Oct- 8 Mild epilepsy motor, learning, Tarentula improved Improvement in
18 speech hispanica 30 comprehension, speech,
balance and rote learning.
9 M 7 1-Nov- 5.5 Moderate ASD, flat foot, comprehension, Lycopodium 6 Improved Improvement in
18 knocked knees speech, behaviour comprehension, speech

ID Gender Age Date of Total ID type Diagnosis/ co- Disabilities Prescription Case Disability change
(Yrs) baseline follow morbid baseline outcome
10 F 8.5 1-Nov- 0 Mild Comprehension, Stramonium 6 Drop out
18 speech, learning
11 M 6 2-Nov- 12 Moderate ADHD, hearing speech, memory, Stramonium 6 Improved Improvement in hyperactivity,
18 impairment left behaviour learning, speech
12 F 5 2-Nov- 1.5 Moderate ADHD comprehension, Hyoscamus 6 Improved Improvement in hyperactivity
18 communication
13 M 5 14-Nov- 9.5 Profound CP motor, comprehension, Stramonium 6 Improved Improvement in motor
18 communication activity, comprehension,
14 F 6.5 14-Nov- 5.5 Mild CP Motor, learning, Lycopodium Improved Improvement in learning,
18 behaviour 1M behaviour
15 F 6 15-Nov- 2 Mild LMN paralysis motor, comprehension, Stramonium 6 Improved Improvement in motor, speech
18 of left leg communication
16 M 6.5 15-Nov- 1 Severe ADHD comprehension, Hyoscamus 6 no change No change
18 speech, behaviour
17 F 7 15-Nov- 6 Mild post injury comprehension, motor, Arnica 1M Improved Improvement in learning,
18 hemiparesis memory behaviour and motor
18 M 5 15-Nov- 0.5 Moderate Spastic CP comprehension, motor, Belladonna 30 no change No change
18 communication,
19 M 8 19-Nov- 10 Moderate ADHD comprehension, Lachesis 1M Improved Improvement in behaviour,
18 communication, hyperactivity, comprehension
hitting others,

ID Gender Age Date of Total ID type Diagnosis/ co- Disabilities Prescription Case Disability change
(Yrs) baseline follow morbid baseline outcome
20 M 6.5 19-Nov- 2 Moderate Down‟s comprehension, Belladonna improvement No change
18 syndrome learning, motor, 1M followed by
speech aggravation
21 F 10 19-Nov- 0 Severe post injury comprehension, Platina 6 Drop out
18 hemiparesis behaviour, learning
22 M 7 20-Nov- 9 Moderate CP Comprehension, Cocculus 6 Improved Change in comprehension,
18 motor, growth learning, motor
23 M 8.5 20-Nov- 2 Moderate ADHD comprehension, Ignatia 1M No change No change
18 communication,
24 M 10 22-Nov- 0 Moderate hyperactivity comprehension, Veratrum Drop out
18 communication album 6
25 F 7 27-Nov- 0 Mild hearing loss hearing, speech, Phosphorus Drop out
18 comprehension 1M
26 F 8 28-Nov- 2.5 Moderate ASD, Primary Comprehension Plumbum met improved No change
18 epilepsy 6
27 M 5 28-Nov- 6 Moderate ASD Comprehension, Ignatia 1M improved improvement in
18 speech, learning comprehension,
28 M 5 28-Nov- 2 Severe ADHD & ASD Comprehension, Hyoscamus 6 improved Improvement in behaviour
18 motor, growth,
29 M 5 29-Nov- 6 Profound Cerebral palsy, Comprehension, Staphysagria improved Improvement in
18 Multifocal speech, motor, 30 comprehension,
epilepsy learning communication
30 M 11 30-Nov- 3 Moderate Down‟s Learning Mercurius improved improvement in learning
18 syndrome solubilis 30

ID Gender Age Date of Total ID type Diagnosis/ co- Disabilities Prescription Case Disability change
(Yrs) baseline follow morbid baseline outcome
31 M 6 3-Dec- 9 Severe Epilepsy comprehension, ignatia 30 no change no change
18 communication
32 M 7 3-Dec- 0 Severe Epilepsy Comprehension, Veratrum Drop out
18 communication, album 6
33 M 9 4-Dec- 9 Moderate comprehension, calcarea improved improvement in learning,
18 learning, motor, carbonicum 6 motor
34 M 6 4-Dec- 8 Moderate Hyperactivity comprehension, cocculus 6 improved improvement in
18 speech comprehension, hyperactivity
35 F 8 4-Dec- 3 Moderate Spastic cerebral comprehension, Carcinosin 6 improved improvement in
18 palsy communication, motor comprehension, learning,
36 F 7 4-Dec- 0 Severe Hyperactivity Hyperactivity Veratrum Drop out
18 album 6
37 M 6 11-Dec- 3 Moderate ADHD & ASD comprehension, Hyoscamus 6 no change no change
18 communication,
38 M 9 13-Dec- 2 Mild ADHD comprehension, Veratrum no change No change
18 speech album 6
39 F 7 17-Dec- 9 Moderate hearing loss, Comprehension, belladonna improved improvement in learning
18 had cochlear speech, learning 1M
40 M 11 20-Dec- 0 Moderate Hypoxic memory, learning, Stramonium 6 Drop out
18 ischaemic behaviour

ID Gender Age Date of Total ID type Diagnosis/ co- Disabilities Prescription Case Disability change
(Yrs) baseline follow morbid baseline outcome
41 M 7 10-Jan- 0 Moderate comprehension, Stramonium 6 Drop out
19 speech, behaviour
42 M 7 10-Jan- 0 Moderate Hyperactivity comprehension, Chamomilla 6 Drop out
19 speech, behaviour
43 F 5 11-Jan- 2 Profound Spastic CP, comprehension, belladonna 30 improved Improvement in motor , no
19 epilepsy communication, motor epileptic fit
44 M 6 11-Jan- 1 Mild ASD speech, lycopodium 6 no change No change
19 communication,
45 F 8.5 8-Feb- 2 Mild ? Post injury learning, memory Stramonium 6 improved improvement in learning
46 M 6 14-Mar- 5 Mild Kabuki comprehension, Mercurius improved improvement in
19 Syndrome learning, motor, solubilis 30 comprehension, motor and
speech physical complaints
47 F 6 25-Apr- 4 Mild Epilepsy Comprehension, Stramonium 6 improved Improvement in behaviour
19 speech, behaviour
48 M 6 7-Jun- 2 Moderate Hyperactivity, comprehension, Natrum improved improvement in hyperactivity
19 epilepsy learning muriaticum 6
49 F 10 1-Aug- 1 Moderate Comprehension, arsenic album improvement improvement in fears, physical
19 speech, growth 6 complaints
M: male, F: female; ASD: Autism spectrum Disorder, ADHD; Attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; CP; Cerebral Palsy; LMN: Lower Motor Neuron


Disability assessment scale Disability assessment scale

ID Physician Global assessment Disability assessment scale (D1 to 6) (Query H1) (Query H2)
Bas V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 Baseli V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 Bas V V V V V V Bas V V V V V V
elin ne elin 1 2 3 4 5 6 elin 1 2 3 4 5 6
e e e
1 8.5 8 109 103 2 2 5 5
2 8.5 7 5 5 5 5 4 89 89 87 72 87 80 67 2 2 3 1 3 3 2 4 4 4 3 4 4 3
3 9.5 7.5 6.4 8 5 4 5 126 119 103 113 84 69 74 3 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 4 3 5 2 1 2
4 9.5 8.3 7 6.4 5 5 3 121 121 114 106 100 97 86 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 5 4 3 3 3 3 2
5 9 125 3 5
6 9 8.4 7.6 7 5 5 5 71 68 64 57 49 49 49 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2
7 7.8 7.1 6.3 6 6 5 5 132 128 127 99 94 96 61 4 2 3 2 4 3 2 5 5 5 4 4 4 3
8 9 8 8 8 7 6.2 4 101 97 97 97 78 71 64 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
9 9.5 9 9 8.5 8 151 151 143 127 119 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 5
10 8 97 3 4
11 9 9 7.4 7 8 6 6 132 132 109 108 108 100 94 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 5 5 4 4 4 4 4
12 9 8 116 114 2 2 4 4
13 9.6 9 8 8 7.3 7 163 159 156 163 163 148 4 3 3 4 3 2 5 4 4 5 4 3
14 8 8 7 6 6 111 131 119 93 83 2 3 2 4 3 4 4 4 3 3
15 8.3 7 127 109 3 2 4 3
16 9 9 154 154 4 4 5 5
17 8.6 7 6.4 5 114 111 95 75 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 2
18 8.4 8 145 143 3 3 5 5
19 9 8 6.5 6 5.2 8.6 7.3 146 145 130 108 105 129 110 4 4 3 2 2 4 3 5 4 4 3 3 5 4

Disability assessment scale Disability assessment scale
ID Physician Global assessment Disability assessment scale (D1 to 6) (Query H1) (Query H2)
Bas V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 Baseli V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 Bas V V V V V V Bas V V V V V V
elin ne elin 1 2 3 4 5 6 elin 1 2 3 4 5 6
e e e
20 9 9 119 122 2 2 5 5
21 8 126 3 4
22 9 8 6 6 5.5 5 4 134 122 99 95 91 80 55 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 2
23 8 8 134 134 4 4 4 4
24 8 124 4 4
25 9 75 2 3
26 8 7 146 138 3 3 5 4
27 8.6 8 7.5 7 6 5 4.3 132 125 119 115 109 105 94 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 3 3
28 9.7 9 154 152 4 4 4 4
29 9 9 8 7.3 160 160 158 151 3 3 2 2 4 4 3 3
30 8.7 7.6 7 76 73 66 3 2 2 3 3 3
31 9.7 9 9 136 136 136 4 4 4 5 5 5
32 9 132 4 5
33 8.7 8 8 7 6 6 5 96 96 96 88 82 74 65 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 3 2
34 8.5 8 7 6 147 139 124 112 4 3 3 3 5 4 4 4
35 9 7.5 6 109 89 67 4 3 2 4 3 2
36 8 100 2 3
37 8.6 8.6 8 117 117 117 4 3 3 4 4 4
38 9 8.7 8.3 140 139 135 3 3 3 5 4 4
39 8.4 8.5 9 9 8 8.5 134 134 134 137 127 137 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 5 4 4
40 8 151 4 4

Disability assessment scale Disability assessment scale
ID Physician Global assessment Disability assessment scale (D1 to 6) (Query H1) (Query H2)
Bas V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 Baseli V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 Bas V V V V V V Bas V V V V V V
elin ne elin 1 2 3 4 5 6 elin 1 2 3 4 5 6
e e e
41 8 138 3 5
42 8 148 5 5
43 9 8.2 177 160 4 3 5 5
44 7 7 96 96 3 2 3 3
45 7 6 78 68 2 2 2 2
46 9 7 6 6 96 90 83 81 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2
47 8 8 7.5 98 98 92 3 3 2 2 3 3
48 8 7 101 90 3 2 3 3
49 8.5 7.5 96 93 2 2 3 3
V1-V6: Follow up Visit 1 to Visit 6


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