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2 mr2023 PR Vocab Quiz 12a

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Module Vocabulary Quiz 12A

NAME .......................................................................................................... CLASS  ................................
DATE  .......................................................................................................... SCORE ............... / 30

1 Uzupełnij tłumaczenia podanych wyrazów 4 Uzupełnij zdania słowami utworzonymi od

i zwrotów na język angielski. wyrazów podanych w nawiasie.

1. dostarczyć dowody _____________ evidence 1. The researcher was astonished by the results,
and stared at them in _____________ . (belief)
2. przeprowadzać badania _____________ research 2. Never download any of these files from that
server; it’s _____________ . (legal)
3. probówka ______________ tube
3. I was getting _____________ waiting for the
4. telefon stacjonarny ______________ phone results of the geology test. (patient)
4. I think that you will soon become a famous
5. twardy dysk hard ______________ environmental expert, with your research known
_____________. (world)
6. wątek dyskusji discussion ____________ 5. Scientists announced news of their breakthrough
but for many people it seemed highly
2 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań na język _____________. (probable)
5 Podkreśl właściwy wyraz spośród dwóch
1. Two minutes before the end of the test, John
podanych kursywą.
finally (wymyślił) ___________________________
with the solution of the math problem. 1. If you don’t know the answer to this question, try

2. The printing press (została wynaleziona) to search/look the Internet.

_______________________ in 1450 by Gutenberg. 2. Fleming discovered/invented penicillin in 1928.

3. All you need to do now is to (odświeżyć stronę 3. The Wi-Fi connection suddenly went under/down

internetową) _______________________________ . and I couldn’t finish the project.

4. You’re using the old version of the programme. I 4. My younger brother is sticked/glued to his

think you should (zainstalować aktualizację) phone; he might become an internet addict soon.

_______________________________________ . 5. You can easily transfer/store your images to

5. Don’t forget to (wylogować się) your laptop using Bluetooth.

________________________________________ 6. Rob is only my chat/virtual friend. I don’t think we

when you finish work. will ever meet.

3 Uzupełnij zdania podanymi wyrazami. 6 Wpisz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia

wszystkie trzy zdania.
A. upload | B. browse | C. attachment | D. fulfil
E. microbiologist | F. physicist | G. notifications _______________________

1. Fiona sent an email to the client but forgot to add • Your search engine is so slow; you should __ the
the important ___ . upgrade.
2. The boss asked Sally to ___ the files to the
company server. • Don’t forget to __ a virus checker on your new
3. John shouldn’t ___ the Internet for so long; tell computer.
him to go outside or read a book.
4. It’s so irritating when she’s talking to you and • Adam will __ a new app for virtual meetings
checking her ___ at the same time. on all the office computers.
5. The ___ found the dangerous bacteria in the
water sample he was asked to examine.
6. I finally got a chance to ___ my dream and talk
to the famous scientist.
7. My brother will soon become a nuclear ___ .

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