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Coronary Angiography and Left Ventriculography

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After the Procedure

The catheter will be removed and the groin puncture

site will be compressed for 15 minutes until the
bleeding stops. A compressive bandage will then be
applied. You will be brought back to your assigned
bed where you will need to lie flat on your back for
about 6 hours until your doctor confirms that you are
fit to leave the bed.
However, if the procedure was done through the • The Cardiac Centre
wrist, the catheter will be removed immediately • Clinic 3A (Cardiology, Cardiac Ambulatory Services,
after the procedure followed by the application of a
Cardiac Rehabilitation Gym)
compressive bandage around the wrist. You will be Department of
• Clinic 3B (The Heart Atrium, Cardiac Imaging Centre)
monitored for 4 hours and can be discharged on the CARDIOLOGY
same day.
Inform Your Doctor On: • Invasive Cardiac Laboratory
Coronary Angiography and
1. Any allergies, particularly to iodine, X-ray contrast
medium and pain-relieving medications. CONTACT: Left Ventriculography
2. If you are suffering from diabetes and taking a 6537 7000 (All Appointments)
medication called Metformin. You will need to
stop this medication for at least 2 days before and
after the angiography.

What are the Potential Risks? T TSH LOGO & HARMONISED HOUSE BRANDS

Coronary angiography is generally safe. However

some potential risks include:
• Minor complications such as bleeding, swelling
and bruising from the puncture site and allergic Scan the QR Code with your smart phone
reaction to the contrast medium. to access the information online or visit
• Very rare major complications such as heart attack,
stroke or death during the procedure. Medical-Services/Cardiology/Pages/default.aspx

When Will I Know the Results?

Your doctor will discuss the results of the
angiogram and the next step of your treatment
with you after the procedure. © Tan Tock Seng Hospital,4c Singapore 2019. All rights reserved. All
information correct as of December 2019. No part of this document
may be reproduced, copied, reverse compiled, adapted, distributed,
commercially exploited, displayed or stored in a database, retrieval
system or transmitted in any form without prior permission of Tan Tock
Seng Hospital. All information and material found in this document are
for purposes of information only and are not meant to substitute any
advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals.


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What is Coronary Angiography and Why do I Need a Coronary Angiography
Left Ventriculography? and/or Left Ventriculography?
Coronary angiography, also known as cardiac Coronary or heart arteries supply blood to the heart
catheterisation, is a procedure performed to visualise muscle to maintain its vital function. Narrowing of the
the coronary arteries which are blood vessels that coronary artery occurs when fatty deposits accumulate
supply blood to the heart. It is the gold standard to on the arterial wall in a medical condition called
diagnose coronary artery disease. The procedure atherosclerosis.
involves the injection of a contrast material (commonly
known as a dye) into the blood vessel through a small Atherosclerosis can cause the following symptoms:
tube or catheter inserted into a large artery in the left • Chest pain
or right groin or wrist. Digital images of the heart’s • Breathlessness
• Irregular heart rhythm
blood vessels will then be recorded using special X-ray
• Fatigue

If left undetected, these blockages of the coronary

Often, another procedure called the left
arteries can cause serious health threats such as heart
ventriculography is performed at the same session,
attacks or even sudden death.
whereby the inserted catheter is placed into the
left ventricle and the contrast medium is injected. done. A small tube or cannula will be inserted in
Coronary angiography is carried out:
This allows visualisation of the left ventricle and its one of the veins of your hand to administer the
• To determine whether any significant narrowing or
contraction. blockage is present in the coronary arteries medication. Hair on your groin and upper thigh may
• To determine the best form of treatment be shaved. You will need to sign a consent form
The procedure is performed in Tan Tock Seng • Before coronary angioplasty (balloon procedure), to after your doctor has explained the indications and
Hospital’s Invasive Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory provide a “road-map” for guiding the angioplasty risks of the procedure to you.
under local anaesthesia. procedure
During the Procedure
You will be brought into the laboratory where you
Injection of Dye Into the Coronary Arteries will be placed on a movable table equipped with
Aorta X-ray cameras and heart monitors. A nurse will clean
your groins or wrists depending on the access site,
Catheter then cover you with a sterile drape.

The initial injection of local anaesthetic that is done

under the skin can be slightly uncomfortable but
Coronary Right coronary artery
Left coronary artery the subsequent insertion of catheter(s) should not
be painful. Inform the doctors or nurses of any
What can I Expect for the Procedure? discomfort encountered during the procedure. You
may experience a harmless warm sensation in your
Before the Procedure body during the left ventriculography, which will last
Routine investigations, including blood tests, an no longer than 1 minute. The procedure normally
takes about 15 to 30 minutes.
electrocardiogram (ECG) and a chest X-ray will be

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