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Noun Exercises

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Parts of Speech Exercise 1 Name:___________________

A—Decide the underlined word is common noun (C) or proper noun (P).
1. _________A baby named Isabella began life in slavery in the United States.
2. _________Slavery was allowed in the United States before the civil war.
3. _________Isabella worked very hard as a child.
4. _________The slaveholder chose a husband for Isabella.
5. _________Isabella had thirteen children.
6. _________Isabella later became a free person.
7. _________Then Isabella took the name sojourner truth.
8. _________This brave crusader worked for the freedom of women and African-Americans.
9. _________Sojourner truth traveled around the country.
10. __________Sojourner talked about the evils of slavery.
11. __________The brave woman spoke to large numbers of people in many states.
12. __________The speaker faced danger on many occasions.
13. __________Sojourner truth became famous as a result of her many speeches.
14. __________Sojourner met with president Abraham Lincoln at the white house.
15. __________After her visit with the president, sojourner stayed in Washington, D.C.
16. __________She worked to improve conditions for African-Americans in the city.
17. __________She helped find work for other people who had once been enslaved and had come Washington.
18. __________Like sojourner truth, Harriet Tubman was also born in slavery in Maryland.
19. __________Harriet Tubman led her people to freedom on the underground railroad.
20. __________Sojourner truth and Harriet Tubman were important women in history.
B—Write C (common noun) and p (proper noun) under all nouns in each sentence.
1. The boy threw the ball to his dog, Wilson.
2. I’d like you to meet my friend Jeremy.
3. We’ll be vacationing in Australia this year.
4. My second-grade teacher was Mrs. Gilbert, an old battle-axe.
5. We went to Smith’s Furniture and bought a new couch to replace our old one.
6. Do you think the Dolphins will win the game?
7. I’m flying first-class on Emirate Airlines.
8. Thomas Jefferson was a president and philosopher.
9. My best friend moved to Israel to study.
10. When the Titanic sank, the captain went down with the ship.
C—Put (P) for proper nouns and put (C) for common nouns in the following underlined words in the sentences.
1. I met James at the post office.
2. Peter is my classmate.
3. India is the biggest democracy in the world.
4. Millions of people speak English as a second language.
5. She comes from Nigeria.
6. The Amazon is the largest river in the world.
7. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.
8. Which is the capital city of Australia?
9. Greenland is the largest island in the world.
10. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.
Parts of Speech Exercise 2 Name:___________________
A—Write A for Abstract Nouns and C for Concrete Nouns.
1 Poverty 8 belief 15 womanhood
2 driver 9 butterfly 16 honesty
3 dish 10 choice 17 scarf
4 cleverness 11 leaf 18 ox
5 brush 12 explanation 19 peace
6 truth 13 fatherhood 20 snake
7 piano 14 thief
B—Put (A) for Abstract Nouns and Put (C) for Concrete Nouns in the following sentences.
1. They have good ideas. 11. My hope is as far as horizon.
2. She has bought four armchairs. 12. My helmet was stolen last week
3. We got a lot of joys at her party yesterday evening. 13. How is its taste?
4. Do you have a sewing-machine? 14. I think you should take my advice.
5. He jilted her without regret. 15. My dad has bought 5 sacks of rice.
6. My love to you is deeper than the Pacific Ocean. 16. Life is struggling.
7. Do you know how to repair Chinese phone? 17. Last night I found a lot of gold in my jar.
8. She has decided to be a promotion girl because of poverty. 18. Getting up early is my habit.
9. He jumped off the bridge with no fear. 19. I could not stop my hatred when I saw her.
20. I like eating chocolate.
10. Pass me the sugar, please.
C—Are the following words Concrete or Abstract Nouns? Write Concrete or Abstract.
1.___________ Love 6. _________Loyalty 11. ________Teacher 16. _______Confidence
2. ___________Book 7. _________Laptop 12. ________Charity 17. ________Bottle
3. ___________Son 8. _________Peace 13. ________Sleep 18. ________Trust
4. __________Ability 9. _________Table 14. ________Picture 19. ________Sofa
5. ___________Mouse 10. _________Desk 15. ________Wall 20. ________Chair
D—Choose underlined words to write in the correct box –Concrete or Abstract.
1. Different people may have different ideas. Concrete Nouns Abstract Nouns
2. My mum said that the need is very important.
3. Beauty is what each girl needs.
4. Men desire hopes to be successful.
5. Our life is more crucial than money.
6. John expresses his anger through his face.
7. A boy stands up and talks to show his bravery.
8. Belief, patience, and talent make us succeed.
9. Which one is more potential –luck or skill?
10. Our classroom is completely comfortable.

E—Give (C) for Concrete Noun and give (A) for Abstract Noun in the following sentences.
1. He was given an award for his courage. (C)
2. The door slammed shut.
3. She thought that happiness was the most important thing in life.
4. He dropped his phone with a crash.
5. Time is a great teacher.
6. His art teacher applauded his creativity.
7. She moved the chair away.
8. He always made his bed before leaving for school.
Parts of Speech Exercise 3 Name:___________________
A—Unscramble each word from parentheses and complete in the sentence.
1. __________________________ is the best policy. (Hstyone)
2. Always speak the __________________________. (uttrh)
3. Health is __________________________ .(hhleta)
4. One must learn to enjoy the __________________________ of nature. (ebtyau)
5. __________________________ the best period of one’s life. (Choodildh)
6. __________________________ first should be our motto. (styafe)
7. All of us seek __________________________ (nessappih)
8. Mother still had _________________________ that the house would be built. (poeh)
9. Their ______________________________ at the zoo was expected. (entxcitmee)
10. How is your ____________________________ with father-in-low. (relhipatnios)
B—Match nouns from column A with column B to make Compound Nouns.

1. Town A. Park
2. Railway B. Way
3. Traffic C. Agent’s
4. Book D. Center
5. Bus E. Office
6. Free F. Station
7. Department G. Port
8. Car H. Stop
9. Travel I. Store
10. Ticket J. Shop
11. Rush K. Light
12. Air L. Hour

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

C—Complete the following sentences with compound nouns from exercise I.

1) Stop the car! The ______________________________________ is red!

2) When you arrived in Brazil, which __________________________________ did you fly into?

3) In a _________________________________________ you can buy almost anything you desire.

4) We waited in the rain at the ______________________________for an hour before the bus arrived.

5) All big towns have a __________________________________________ in the morning and evening.

6) Getaway is the best _____________________________ in the town. They have good cheap holidays.

7) I hate driving on the_______________________________________________ when it is full of traffic.

8) The _______________________ was very big. There were trains arriving and departing all the time. I bought a

ticket at the ________________ and found the Platform my train was due to depart from.

9) No I didn’t borrow this book from the library. I bought it at a _______________________________.

Parts of Speech Exercise 4 Name:___________________
A—Fill in the gaps with collective nouns in the box bellow.

team herd crowd groups swarm

nest band audiences pack gang

1. Our _______________________ will win the match next week.

2. Just listen to that_______________________ of musicians.
3. He was robbed by a___________________ of thieves.
4. He became the world champion when he remembered the 35_____________________ of playing cards.
5. The_______________________were rearing with laughter at the concert.
6. Dara was chased by a__________________________of bees.
7. Last week, I saw a_________________________ of mice in my backyard.
8. Indonesia is gathered by the most____________________ of islands.
9. The______________________ is out of control.
10.A ______________________ of elephants killed a hunter last month.
B—Circle the collective noun with common noun in each sentence.
Example A: A clan of hyenas looked for food. Answer: clan of hyenas
1. The books in the library were on sale.
2. The convoy of trucks drove down the street.
3. The wolves attacked the zebras in the open field.
4. The herd of dogs bites mice.
5. The swarm of bees absorbs fragrant flavor from my plant.
6. The army of soldiers walked across the land.
7. The troops headed towards the battlefield.
8. The flock of geese flew over the lake.
9. The herd moved towards the river.
10. I bought a loaf of bread at the market.
C—Underline the collective noun or nouns in each sentence.
1. The group of dancers went to the auditorium.
2. A tribe of natives lived on the empty land.
3. A hive of bees attacked the boy.
4. A flock of birds flew over my house.
5. A tribe of baboons swung on trees in the forest.
6. A sloth of bears looked in the river for fish.
7. A band of jays may loud noises.
8. The class of students walked to the assembly.
9. A herd of cows walked to the barn.
10. A pride of lions went to hunt.
Parts of Speech Exercise 5 Name:___________________
A—Underline the correct personal pronoun.
1. They saw Steve and me / I at the movies last night after class.
2. He is going to the party with you and me / I, if you don't mind.
3. You and her / she ought to return the books to the library because they are already overdue.
4. Prof. Molina left a message for you and me / I. He needs to see us.
5. Ron invited Mary and me / I to have dinner with him.
6. Emily is a good basketball player. I watch Betsy and she / her carefully during games.
7. Tom and me / I, both want to marry Ann. She has to choose between he and I / him and me.
8. Nick ate dinner with the Robertsons and we / us.
9. The new student has been assigned to work on the group research project with you and I / me.
10. He rang Mary and invited she / her to dinner.
B—Put true or false with the spaces provided.
1. Ali and I enrolled in a computer course. ____________
2. Ali and me enrolled in a computer course. ____________
3. The police officer pointed to my sister and me. ______________
4. The police officer pointed to my sister and I. ______________.
5. Lola prefers men whom take pride in their bodies. ___________.
6. Lola prefers men who take pride in their bodies. ___________.
7. The player are confident that the league championship is theirs’.
8. The player are confident that the league championship is theirs.
9. Them concert tickets are too expensive. ___________.
10. Their concert tickets are too expensive. ___________.
C—Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns.
1. Peter and I are brothers. ____We________ share a bedroom together.
2. Mr.Brown is’t well. Dad is taking ________________ to see a doctor.
3. My brother is a teacher. _______________ teaches English in Angkor Language School.
4. All his students celebrate Teacher Day. They like ________________ very much.
5. Children, ________________ are making too much noise!
6. Who are those people? Where are _______________ from?
7. Mom is a doctor. _______________ works in a hospital.
8. The sky is getting dark. ________________ is going to rain.
9. John, we are all waiting for _________________. Are you coming with _______________ ?
10. A. May _______________ borrow your pen?
D—Choose whether each sentence requires a possessive adjective or a possessive pronoun.
EX: That car is not his. It's mine. (possessive pronoun)
OR That's my car. (possessive adjective)
1. Is that your notebook or _______mine______________ (my/mine)?
2. I don't like ______their_______________ (their/theirs) apartment.
3. That's not my problem. It's _____yours________________ (yours/your).
4. Your car is green, while _____________________ (my/mine) is black.
5. Isn't _____________________ (their/theirs) son older than you?
6. A friend of _____________________ (our/ours) called.
7. A friend of _____________________ (her/hers) brother's called.
8. He's _____________________ (our/ours) doctor.
9. That's _____________________ (our/ours) house, not theirs.
10. Is he a friend of _____________________ (your/yours)?
11. What would you like _____________________ (mine/ my) to wear for special day?
12. Bunly makes memorable event for his girlfriend. ________ (Its/ It) meaning to build romantic time.
13. These cruel people never fight _____________________ (theirs / their) children?
E—Complete the sentences with appropriate self-pronouns.
1. Tommy told a lie. He was ashamed of _________________.
2. Masako cut _________________________ while she was chopping vegetables.
3. People surround _____________________________ with friends and family during holidays.
4. Ritta is careful about her weight, but she allows ________________________ one piece of candy a day.
5. Alex, you need to eat better and get more exercise. You should take better care of _____________________. Your
father takes care of _________________, and I take care of ________________. Your father and I are healthy because
we take good care of ______________ . People who take care of _______________ have a better chance of staying
healthy than those who don’t.
6. Omar thinks that Oscar is telling the truth, so does Ricardo. I ___________ don’t believe Oscar’s story for a minute!
7. A: Did Mr. Yun’s secretary answer the phone?
B: No. Mr. Yun _______________________ answered the phone. I was very surprised.
8. A: Should I marry Michael?
B: No one can make that decision for you, Ann. Only you ___________________________ can make such an
important decision about your own life.
9. Now that their children are grown. Mr. and Mrs. Grayson live by _______________________________.
10. Nadia didn’t join the rest of us. She sat in the back of the room by _____________________________.
F—Write reflexive or object pronouns.
Ex: I passed my exam, so I enjoyed ___________myself_______________.
Davy is a beautiful girl, so I want to marry ___________her___________.
1. John cut _____________________________________ while he was shaving his beard off.
2. It is not my fault. You cannot blame ______________________________________.
3. What I did was wrong. I am ashamed of _____________________________________.
4. “We have got a problem.” “I hope you can help ______________________________________.”
5. “Can I have another cookie?” “Of course. Help ______________________________________.”
6. Take some money with _____________________________________ in case you need it.
7. Don’t worry about Tom and me. We can take care of _______________________________________.
8. I gave them a key to our house so that they could let ________________________________________ in.
9. When they come to visit us, they always bring their dog with ____________________________________.
10. She looks ______________________________________ in the mirror, so she feels happy.
G—Direction: Circle the demonstrative pronoun in each sentence.
1 This is my favorite teddy bear but that is not mine.
2. Would you like some of these? Sure, these are very delicious.
3. Those at the lake were the best times of my life. Do you remember those we have done many times?
4. This is the toy I would like to buy and I want you forget that.
5. These are absolutely sweet! However, you choose those.
H—Direction: Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete each sentence.
1. Look, right here, ____this______ is the document I want to show you. (this/that)
2. Look at the animals over there, have you seen __________ before? (these/those)
3. This picture was taken in 2002. Do you remember __________? (this/that)
4. Come and look at __________. (these/those)
5. I think I heard something, did you hear __________? (that/those)
6. ______These______________ (These/This) are the shoes I like.
7. ____________________ (This/That) over there is the best one.
8. ____________________ (These/Those) right here are mine.
Parts of Speech Exercise 6 Name:___________________
A—Complete each of the sentences below by choosing one of the indefinite pronouns in brackets.
1. __Everybody______ arrived in good time and the meeting started promptly at 3:30. (Anybody /
Everybody / Nobody)
2. _________________(Everyone/ No one/ Someone) in the village went to the party but
_________________ enjoyed it very much. (anybody / somebody / nobody)
3. When the show finished, there was complete silence_________________ clapped. (Everyone / No one/
4. Mohammed Ali is _________________ I have always admired. (everybody / someone / somebody)
5. _________________ heard anything. (Everyone / Nobody / Somebody)
6. “who shall I give this one to?”—“You can give it to _________________. It doesn`t matter.” (anybody
/ nobody / somebody)
7. That`s a very easy job. _________________ can do it. (Anybody / Nobody / Somebody)
B—Complete the sentences using something, nothing, everything, or anything.
1. Excuse me, you`ve dropped _________________ . Yes, look, it`s your passport.
2. I agree with most of what he said, but I don`t agree with_________________ .
3. It`s all finished. I`m afraid of there is _________________ left.
4. Did you turn the oven off? I think I can smell_________________ burning.
5. ‘Can I have whatever I want?’ Yes,_________________ you like.
C—Complete the following sentences by using one of the indefinite pronouns given in brackets.
1. The box was completely empty. There was _________________ in it. (nothing, anything)
2. I heard a noise, but I didn`t see _________________ (anyone, no one)
3. I`m sorry, but there`s _________________ at home. (anybody, nobody)
4. It`s too late. We can`t do _________________ to help. (anything, nothing)
5. No, I don`t want _________________, thanks. I`m not hungry. (nothing, anything)
6. It was very disappointing. Absolutely _________________ happened. (anything, nothing)
7. I didn`t meet _________________ new. (anybody, nobody)
8. He claimed to be an expert, but he knew almost _________________ about it. (anything, nothing)
9. _________________ knew what to do next. (Anybody, Nobody)
10. _________________ occurred in my left hand, it hurt me to die. (something, nothing)
D—Write the correct form of the verb in the spaced provided.
1. Everybody in the neighborhood _________________(ignores, ignore) Sanita.
2. Nobody _________________ (dances, dance) the way he does.
3. Either of our football team’s guards (want, wants) ________________ to be all-state guard.
4. Everyone who received an invitation ______________________ (appears, appear) to be here.
5. No one ever ________________ (offer, offers) to work on that committee.
6. One of my sisters _____________________ (own, owns) a VW convertible.
7. Everyone that I talked to ________________________ (think, thinks) the curfew is a good idea.
8. Each of the candidates _____________________ (have, has) talked about withdrawing from the race.
9. She is the girl I know. Nobody _________________ (want, wants) to talk to her.
10. Every woman can find the answer, but nobody __________________ (tell, tells) me about that.
Parts of Speech Exercise 6 Name:___________________
A—Underline the adjective and circle noun which that adjective modifies to.
1. We are living in a high building.
2. Many people in a village like him because he is a hard-working person.
3. He shows stubborn resistance to change internal regulations.
4. The students in this university with red and long hair are gangsters.
5. There are many modern cars in the city.
6. There will be a famous concert next week at Olympic Stadium. So my family is going to see.
7. American people build the high building.
8. I like to see a large Indian temple.
9. Battambang province is a big rice producer in Cambodia.
10. I saw a good-hearted girl with my own eyes last night.
B—Read the sentence and write down which word you think is the adjective.
1. It's a small problem. __________________
2. I have a great idea. __________________
3. The price is cheap. __________________
4. I like hot food. __________________
5. The flowers are pretty.
6. He is my new friend. __________________
7. The bus is slow. __________________
8. Winter is cold. __________________
9. I want a different haircut. ________________
10. She arrived early. __________________
C—Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences. Use the words in the box above.

healthy hard-working young tall outgoing rich thin

polite smart special funny strong careful friendly happy

1. My friend likes to exercise and eat fruits and vegetable, so he’s ___________.
2. A: Are you a lazy person? B: No, in fact, I’m very ___________.
3. My son Thomas is very ___________. He’s only five years old.
4. He should play basketball because he is ___________. He’s not short.
5. My sister isn’t very ___________. She’s shy and doesn’t like to meet new people.
6. He worked very hard his whole life and saved lots of money. He’s ___________.
7. I went on a diet last year and lost five kilograms, so now I’m ___________.
8. Sarah always says, “Thank you”. She’s a ___________ person.
9. Of course, I’m very ___________! I got an A+ on all of my exams!
10. My uncle loves to tell jokes to make us laugh. He’s ___________.
11. My friend can lift 200 kilograms, so he’s really quite ___________!
12. Jennifer and Kelly always look left and right before they cross a busy street. They are___________
when they cross a busy street.
13. My classmate always smiles and has many friends. She’s ___________.
14. Nothing seems to make my grandfather sad. He’s a ___________ person.
15. Khaled can make many different animal sounds. Most people can’t do that. He’s___________.
D—Underline the proper adjective and circle the nouns it modifies.
1. Last year we vacationed on a Hawaiian island.
2. A Chaplin movie is playing nearby.
3. Have you seen the Portuguese coins?
4. Susan wants to read the Carter memoirs.
5. My mother chose Mediterranean furniture.
6. Our club met during the Christmas vacation.
7. An Irish leprechaun is the team mascot.
8. The Swedish film has a good plot.
9. We decided to go to a Mexican restaurant.
lO. I can play a Chopin waltz on the piano.
E—In the following sentences the proper adjectives are italicized. The proper nouns from which they
originate are in parentheses.
1. The ____________ noodles are in the kitchen pantry. (China)
2. ____________ cream cake is extremely rich yet delicious. (Italy)
3. ____________ robes are called kimonos. (Japan)
4. ____________ dance is rhythmic as well as symbolic. (Africa)
5. ____________ caviar is a delicacy. (Russia)
6. ____________ cars are among the finest. (Germany)
7. Did ____________ fries really originate in France? (France)
8. The ____________ Parliament is in session. (England)
9. We love ____________ culture of helping the stranger to visit countryside. (Cambodia)
10. The big problem in economic sanction is made from ____________ president. (America)
Parts of Speech Exercise 7 Name:___________________
A—Change Proper Noun to Proper Adjective.
1. Japan ___________________ 11. Switzerland ___________________
2. Australia ___________________ 12. Italy ___________________
3. Cambodia ___________________ 13. China ___________________
4. Korea ___________________ 14. India ___________________
5. Singapore ___________________ 15. Brazil ___________________
6. Canada ___________________ 16. Spain ___________________
7. France ___________________ 17. Portugal ___________________
8. America ___________________ 18. Sri Lanka ___________________
9. Britain ___________________ 19. Germany ___________________
10. England ____________________ 20. Viet Nam ____________________
B—Underline the proper adjective and circle the nouns it modifies.
1. Last year we vacationed on a Hawaiian island.
2. A Chaplin movie is playing nearby.
3. Have you seen the Portuguese coins?
4. Susan wants to read the Carter memoirs.
5. My mother chose Mediterranean furniture.
6. Our club met during the Christmas vacation.
7. An Irish leprechaun is the team mascot.
8. The Swedish film has a good plot.
9. We decided to go to a Mexican restaurant.
lO. I can play a Chopin waltz on the piano.
C—Put Some or Any into each gap.
1. I’m going out tonight with ____some_____ friends of mine.
2. Have you seen _______________ good movies recently?
3. I don’t have _________________ money, so I had to borrow _____________ friends.
4. Can I have ________________ milk in my coffee, please?
5. You can cash these traveler’s checks at _______________ bank.
6. Can you give me _________________ information about places of interest in this area?
7. If there are ________________ words you don’t understand, use a dictionary.
8. I did exercise 1 without _______________ help.
9. Would you like ________________ more fizzy mineral water?
10. ________________ people don’t have _______________ problems learning foreign languages.
11. I don’t realize that there were still __________________ sandwiches left. I’ve made ______________ more.
D—Put Little, a little, few or a few into each gap.
1. We have to hurry. We have ___________________ time.
2. Listen carefully. I’m going to give you ____________________ advice.
3. Do you mind if I ask you ________________________ questions?
4. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so _____________________ tourists come here.
5. I don’t think John would be a good teacher. She has ______________________ patience.
6. “Would you like cream in your coffee? Yes, please _____________________.”
7. This is very boring place to live. There’s _____________________ to do.
8. “Have you ever been to Paris?” “Yes, I’ve been there ____________________ times.
9. Hurry up! We have _____________________ time.
10. He’s unlucky because he has ____________________ problems in his family.
E—Fill in: some, any, much, many.
1.I haven't got _________________________ flour in the cupboard, but I need in order to bake a cake.
2.Do you know _________________________ Swedish word?
3.Barbara lives in a remote area so she meets only _________________________ people on her way home.
4.My mum doesn't speak _________________________ German.
5.Don't add too _________________________ salt into this pasta, please!
6.How _________________________ books has Lem written so far?
7.My neighbors don't have _________________________ friends. They are very boring people.
8. _________________________ work must be done in order to enter the competition.
9.Did you meet _________________________ Italian people in this coffee shop last year?
10.I shouldn't drink _________________________ coffee as I have problems with my heart.
11.I have to buy _________________________ pairs of blue and black jeans soon.
12.How _________________________ cash do you need to purchase this CD player?
13.How _________________________ kilometers do you live from your work?
14.It takes _________________________ time to get to Milan from Warsaw.
15.Have you ever eaten _________________________ dish of Chinese cuisine?
16.Unfortunately, too _________________________ people value money over health and family.
17.I should learn _________________________ rules of tennis if I want to be a good player.
18.I don't know _________________________ person who works in public administration.
19. _________________________ changes must be introduced if our company wants to make money.
20.The president signed only ___________________ new bills although the government presented many of them.
F—Choose a word from the table below to fill each space. Some words may be used more than once.
a 10 some 5, 12 a few 3, 11 many 1, 13 a lot of 13
an 7 any 2, 8 a little 6 much 9 a lot 4
1. How_____________________ children do you and Tony have?
2. I don't have_____________________ patience and I find jigsaw puzzles boring.
3. We only have_____________________ carrots. We should go and buy some more.
4. "Do we need any mushrooms?" "No, we have_____________________. Look, three bags!"
5. There was an explosion at the factory and_____________________ people were injured. We don't
how many yet.
6. When you make the pie, put______________ wine in too. But not too much! It makes it really tasty.
7. When you go out, buy me_____________________ apple and a bottle of Coke.
8. I don't need_____________________ advice from you. You don't understand the problem!
9. "Do you like this program?" "Not____________________. You can change the channel if you want."
10. Lots of people in Spain like to take____________________ siesta during the hottest part of the day.
11. I have been to America_____________________ times. Twice in 1996 and again last year.
12. Can you give me_____________________ information about the buses in the city centre please?
13. _____________________ people think he is stupid, but he's actually quite intelligent.
G—Complete in each space with the correct word from parentheses:
1. There wasn't _____________________ traffic this morning. (many/ a few/ much)
2. There was ______________________ information given during the class. (many/ none/ much)
3. The ____________________ of advice he received was well worth the cost. (amount/ number/ much)
4. How ______________________ people will be coming to the party tonight? (lots/ much/ many)
5. Unfortunately, she doesn't have ______________________ friends. (a little/ many/ much)
6. I bought some milk, some apples, and a ______________________ bananas. (little/ few/ lots of)
7. There are a lot of movies I like, but ______________________ that I would see twice. (plenty/ little/ few)
8. We just bought a new house with ______________________ furniture included. (several/ plenty of/ few)
9. The ______________________ of students at the school has increased. (some/ amount/ number)
10. There is ______________________ water on the floor because of the storm last night.(a little/ lots / few)

Parts of Speech Exercise 8

A—Choose the correct answer in each sentence.
1. I have seen only (one/ first) picture this month.
2. There are (nine/ ninth) members in my family.
3. Friday is the (six/ sixth) day of the week.
4. Paron has got the (two/ second) class of his study at university.
5. She was the (one/ first) woman who was elected as a President in this country.
6. I got money only (two/ second) dollars.
7. (Two/ Second) people died of the earthquake.
8. Pisith is (first/ one) singer who sing a beautiful song on concert.
9. The five- (hundredth/ hundred) customer was presented a watch.
10. Yesterday I went to P.P with my (second/ two) brother.
B—Put This, That, These, or Those into each gap:
1. __________________________ shoes are killing me. I can’t wait to take them off.
2. I knew Jenny at university. In __________________________ days she had long blond hair.
3. I can’t get __________________________ ring off my finger. It’s stuck.
4. You just can’t get paper cheese __________________________ days.
5. Come here and tidy up __________________________ mess right now.
6. Who were __________________________ people you were talking to last night?
7. What was __________________________ noise? Did you hear it?
8. Come and look at __________________________ insects.
9. Stop __________________________ man! He stole my wallet!
10. I was in fifth grade last year. I am in sixth grade __________________________ year.
C—Complete the sentences with this, that, these or those.
1. ______________ glass here is mine, but _______________ one over there is his.
2. ______________ books here are hers, but ______________ over there are mine.
3. She can’t eat all of ______________ popcorn.
4. A: (on the telephone) Hello? // B: Hi, Amy? // A: Yes, ____________ is Amy speaking. Who is calling?
B: Hi, Amy, ______________ is Paul.
5. I found ________________ earring in the bedroom. Is it yours?
6. ______________ cupcakes are delicious, Shawn. May I have another?
7. I can’t finish _______________ contracts today. I’ll work on them tomorrow.
8. ________ picture here was taken in India. _______________ mountains back there are the Himalayas.
9. I think ________________ woodpecker is back. I hear it banging on the house.
10. Cathy, could you please make ________________ delicious brownies again? You know, the ones you brought
to my birthday party.
D—Are the underlined words Demonstrative Adjectives or Demonstrative Pronouns?
Write DA (for demonstrative adjective) or DP (for demonstrative pronouns) in the blanks.
1. This house has five bed rooms. ________________
2. Who is that man? ________________
3. This is our school. ________________
4. These are wild animals ________________
5. That is right. ________________
6. What’s that noise? ________________
7. These books are Jane’s. ________________
8. Those books belong to me. ________________
9. These are donkeys. ________________
Parts of Speech Exercise 9
A—Underline the interrogative words and identified all these underlined words are: Interrogative
Adjective (IA) or Interrogative Pronouns (IP).
1. ___________Which pen will you want to buy for your sister`s birthday?
2. ___________ What faculty are you studying at your university?
3. ___________ What are you doing right here?
4. ___________ Whose house are you staying with?
5. ___________ Whose is it?
6. ___________ What will she send for your birthday next week?
7. ___________ Hey! Boys, what are you getting on today?
8. ___________ Which a handsome boy do you fall in love?
9. ___________ Which one do you choose?
10. ___________ What way is it selected to solve the problem?
B—Underline the words each, very, either and neither, then indicate whether they are distributive
adjective or distributive pronoun.
1. ______________ Many tourists have come to visit our town, so each hotel is always full.
2. ______________ Look at those luxurious cars. Each is displayed for sale.
3. ______________ Each pureed fruit seller is being wooed.
4. ______________ Neither country wanted to go into war.
5. ______________ Every student in this school has to wear the uniform.
6. ______________ I like neither of my math teachers.
7. ______________ Can I come on Tuesday or Thursday? “Either is ok”
8. ______________ Every child needs love and care.
9. ______________ Each man must live within his income.
10. ______________ There is a flock of cranes. Each of them is seeking fish for food.
C—Look at the underlined words in the following sentences. So you know what kinds of adjectives they are?
Write their names in the blank:
1. _______________________________Dad has two pairs of shoes.
2. _______________________________One pair is brown and the other pair is black.
3. _______________________________This is a very simple puzzle.
4. _______________________________What color is the American flag?
5. _______________________________A kind fairy appeared before Cinderella.
6. _______________________________He is a proud man.
7. _______________________________There is some food left.
8. _______________________________Tom is wearing a blue T-shirt.
9. _______________________________Jack has ten marbles; Peter has twenty.
10. _______________________________It’s my third time to be here with my beautiful fiancée.
11. _______________________________There is an Indian temple in the city.
12. _______________________________There is a large crowd outside the temple?
13. _______________________________My house is just a few miles from the school.
14. _______________________________They are driving a small car.
15. _______________________________Sue likes those yellow and red balloons.
16. _______________________________She’s always making careless mistakes.
17. _______________________________Yesterday, I saw a British police officer.
18. _______________________________I put a little salt into my soup.
19. _______________________________I’m interested in many books from PBC.
20. _______________________________ My mother has got beautiful long hair.

Parts of Speech Exercise 10

Name:___________________ Comparatives or Superlatives

A) Write the comparative and superlative forms of B) Fill in the blanks with comparative adjectives.
the adjectives. 1) America is ______________________ England.
Comparatives Superlatives ( crowded )
1) Happy ___________ ___________ 2) Tom is _______________________ Sue. ( tall )
2) Funny ___________ ___________
3) John is ______________________ Alex. ( old )
3) Dangerous ___________ ___________
4) Lazy ___________ ___________ 4) Tennis is ________________________ football.
5) Beautiful ___________ ___________ ( enjoyable )
D) Fill in the blanks with Comparative or Superlative Adjectives.
1) This car was _________________________ car in the gallery. ( expensive )
2) It was _________________________ day of the year. ( cold )
3) This book is _________________________ book in the library. ( thick )
4) My father is _________________________ my mother. ( busy )
5) My grandfather _________________________is member of our family. ( old )
6) Sheila wore _________________________ dress at the party. ( beautiful )
7) My dog is _________________________ my best friend’s dog. ( noisy )
8) Samantha is _________________________ everybody at work. ( tolerant )
9) A lion is _________________________ animal in the forest. ( dangerous )
10) Martin has _________________________ marks in the class. ( good )
11) A rabbit _________________________ is a turtle. ( fast )
E—Complete in each sentence with the correct form of comparative and superlative adjective:
1. She plays chess____________________ than her____________________ brother. (good, young)
2. Alexander is___________________ than I am, but he is still___________________ than Michael. (tall, small)
3. The old car is not______________________ than the new one. (expensive)
4. He realised that his children behaved______________________ than their friends. (good)
5. Sam doesn’t understand anything if you speak even_______________________ than Tom. (fast)
6. Liz usually writes her letters_______________________ than Maggie. (careful)
7. Jim separates the________________________ letters from the less important ones. (important)
8. She speaks English very well, but Tracy speaks it even________________________. (good)
9. Tom is a well-known physician, but Frank is________________________. (famous)
10. This coat is___________________________ than the boots she wears. (expensive)
F—Complete in each sentence with the correct form of comparative and superlative adjective:
1. Jeremy is 10 years old. Jenny is 8 years old. Jeremy is (old) _______________________ Jenny.
2. The Alps are very high. They are (high) _______________________ mountains in Europe.
3. An ocean is (large) _______________________ a sea.
4. A Rolls Royce costs a lot of money. A Twingo costs less. A Rolls Royce is (expensive)
________________________ a Twingo.
5. John's results were bad. Fred's were very poor. Fred's results were (bad) _______________________ John's.
6. This exercise is not very difficult. It's _______________________ I expected.
7. The weather is not good today. It's raining. I hope the weather will be (good) __________________ next week.
8. People are not very friendly in big cities. They are usually (friendly) ______________________ in small towns.
9. In the government of a country, the President is (important) _______________________ person.
10. People say that Chinese is (difficult) _______________________ to learn than English.
11. The Sears Tower in Chicago is _______________________ high) the Empire State Building in New York.
12. He is _______________________ good) at maths his brother.
13. English is _______________________ (easy) to learn Chinese.
14. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need_______________________ (far) information.
15. Texas is second _______________________ large) state in the USA.
16. The river Loire is _______________________ long) the Seine.
17. Roses are probably _______________________ pretty) flowers that exist.
18. I did not like his previous film, but I think the new one is even _______________________ bad) .
19. The traffic is _______________________ busy) yesterday.
20. The days are _______________________ short) in winter.
G—Check your grammar: Comparatives and Superlatives. Are these sentences True or False?
1. To compare two things, we add -er to many adjectives. True False
2. We add -est to make the superlative form of many adjectives. True False
3. We never change the spelling of the adjective before adding -er / -est. True False
4. We often use "than" after a comparative. True False
5. We often use "the" before a superlative. True False
6. With longer adjectives, we use "more" + adjective or "most" + adjective. True False
7. There are a lot of irregular comparatives and superlatives. True False

Parts of Speech Exercise 11

A—Use primary auxiliary verbs—do and be to complete in the blank.
1. I ____________________ a teacher.
2. They _________________like our neighbors.
3. She ____________________ a pretty girl.
4. The elephant ____________________ a big animal.
5. A spider ____________________ an insect.
6. The pupil and the teacher ______________________ funny.
7. Sania ______________________ a pet dog.
8. My mother _____________________ have a diamond necklace.
9. _____________________ you speak English?
10. She _____________________ not understand French.
11. I ______________________ not eat fish or meat.
12. ____________________ he come today?
13. I _____________________ not tell lies.
14. _____________________ you have a sister?
15. _______________________ he speak English?
16. We ___________________ not rich. We ____________________ not have a car.
17. He failed the test because he _______________________ not work hard.
18. A cat ____________________ not eat grass.
19. It ________________________ not work.
20. ___________________ they work hard?
B—Fill in the blanks with the right form of to be ( am, are or is):
1. ___________ you the new student?
2. Yes, I___________.
3. Leila and Nancy___________ students.
4. Nancy___________ Australian .
5. My sister and I___________ students.
6. The girls ___________ tired.
7. These women___________ beautiful.
8. The tea___________ delicious.
9. Nadia and Leila___________ friends.
10. The newspaper___________ cheap.
11. The weather ___________ beautiful today.
12. All the children ___________on the playground.
13. Girls! You ___________ always quite silly.
14. ___________ you on the football team, too?
15. Nobody in my class ___________ interested in fairy tale.
16. ___________ This jewelry more expensive than that one?
17. Sango ___________ my best partner.
18. Mom and Dad ___________ downstairs watching television.
19. Paul and Panny ___________ in the computer room.
20. The Eiffel Tower ___________ the tallest monument in the Paris.
C—Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of be, have and do.
1. ____________________ you know where John lives?
2. She ___________________look rather shabby.
3. I __________________ not see him last week.
4. I will go to Mumbai after I __________________ finished my work here.
5. She ____________________ playing the piano when I entered the room.
6. The boy __________________ regained consciousness before the doctor came.
7. _____________________ you ever been to New Zealand?
8. That is what she _____________________ not seem to understand.
9. ____________________ you take him for a fool?
10. They __________________ violated the terms of the agreement.
D—Complete primary auxiliary verb to the blank.
1. Tell me,__________ you coming to the party last night when I called you?
2. They__________ finished the job.
3. What __________ you do every Sunday?
4. I __________ like to watch TV. There isn`t a good film on.
5. She __________ not want to stay at home. She wants to go out with her friends.
6. He __________ called me twice this morning.
7. What __________ she do in her free time?
8. Where __________ they go yesterday?
9. She __________ always wanted to meet him.
10. What __________ they doing when you came in?
E—Say whether be, do or have is an auxiliary verb or a full verb / main verb
1.___________Cambodia isn’t very cosmopolitan.
2.___________Corruption scandal has been dealt with satisfactorily.
3.___________Most of Cambodian daughters aren’t allowed to do what they want.
4.___________They did look hungry.
5.___________Who does the cooking in your family?
6.___________He plays better than he did a year ago.
7.___________They do really good grub in our local pub.
8.___________They're doing fantastically well this season.
9.___________We have a duty to care for the refugees.
10.__________He has got a premolar missing.
11.__________He had got him by the collar.
12.__________Do you have a client named Peters?
13.__________My cousin has been appointed ambassador to Thailand.
14.__________We have had an interesting discussion about the climate change.
15.__________I didn't think his grudging remarks really counted as an apology.
16.__________She was applauded for a full five minutes after her speech.
17.__________These flowers are fragrant.

Parts of Speech Exercise 12

A—Complete the following sentences using can, may, might or could. Note that can and may are used
in the present tense. Could and might are used in the past tense.
1. I _______________________ swim across the river.
A. Can B. May C. Might
2. ______________________ you lift this box?
A. Can B. May C. Either could be used here
3. ______________________ I come in?
A. Can B. May C. Either could be used here
4. ____________________ I borrow your bicycle?
A. Can B. May C. Either could be used here
5. It _____________________rain in the evening.
A. may B. can C. Either could be used here
6. ______________________ this be true?
A. Can B. Can, could, may, might C. Either could be used here
7. It _____________________ not be true.
A. cannot B. may not C. Either could be used here
8. ________________________ you find love and happiness!
A. Can B. May C. Either could be used here
9. I ______________________ swim across the river when I was young.
A. could B. might C. Either could be used here
10. She said that she ______________________ come.
A. may B. might C. Either could be used here
B—Choose the correct option.
1) She screamed a lot but nobody _________________ heard her voice.
a) could b) can c) couldn’t d) can’t
2) You are 17 years old, you _________________ enter the club at this age.
a) can b) can’t c) couldn’t d) could
3) My mother ________________ play the guitar very well when she was young.
a) can b) could c) can’t d) may
4) She ___________________ understand five language and __________________ speak three
a) Can/can’t b) can/can c) could/can d) could/could
5) I ___________________ play tennis now. I have got a terrible headache.
a) may b) can c) can’t d) couldn’t
C—Fill in the blanks with‘ can’, ‘can’t’, ‘could’, ‘couldn’t’.
1. You __________________ make a lot of Money if you are both lucky and hard working.
2. ‘Dad, ________________ I watch the beauty contest on TV tonight?’
3. Children ________________ play in the streets years ago but now they ___________________
4. I’m not busy. Of course, I ___________________ come with you.
5. Babies ________________ walk or run.
6. Two hundred years ago, women _________________ vote in many countries.
1. I _________________ Help you. I haven’t got enough time.
2. When I was a baby, I ___________________ sleep most of the day.
3. Monkeys _________________ climb trees easily.
4. Owls ________________ See in the dark.
5. Elephants ____________________ jump.
6. ____________________ you swim when you were six?
7. We ___________________ buy the car because it was too expensive.
8. They ____________________ open the door because it was locked.
9. My grandmother was a bilingual, so she __________________ speak both Turkish and German.
D—Write if the sentence includes ‘‘ability’’, ‘‘permission’’ or ‘’request’’.
1. Can I use your laptop this weekend? __________________
2. Can you help me with these bags? __________________
3. Karen could speak Russian in her childhood. _____________
4. Could I use your pencil, please? __________________
5. They can dance for long hours. __________________
6. Could your neighbor visit the secret wonderful odd jewelry? __________________
7. If you finish presentation early, you can leave first. __________________
8. Once upon the time, there was a man who could live with tiger in the cave. _________________
9. I really want to sit in front of this forum. Can I? __________________
10. The credit officers are always blamed seriously because they cannot reach their target.
E—Choose the most appropriate answer to express the idea specified in parentheses.
can’t must must not don’t have to was able to
Can had to stay Might Would you mind should

1. You don't look well. You_________________________________ see a doctor. (Advice)

2. _________________________________ lending me your CD player for a couple of days? (Request)
3. Whose book is this? – I am not sure. It___________________________ be Ann's. (Possibility)
4. She______________________ home yesterday because her little son was sick. (Necessity)
5. You_________________________________ leave work at 3:30 today. (Permission)
6. Though he was ill and weak, he ___________________________get out of the burning building.
7. The windows look clean. You_______________________ wash them. (Absence of necessity)
8. You ________________________ disturb him during his work! (Prohibition)
9. Whose car is this? – It ______________________be Anton's. I think I saw him driving a red car like
this one. (Strong probability)
10. I don't believe it. It ______________________________ be true. (Impossibility)
F—For each sentence, choose between can't, might or must to fill each space.
1. Your mother_______________________ be a great cook. You are always so keen to get back home to
2. I don't know why I am so tired these days. I____________________ be working too hard. Or maybe I
am not sleeping too well.
3. Do you know where Carl is? He_______________________________ be out - his car keys are on the
4. You seem to know everything about the theatre. You_______________________________ go every
5. To give the promotion to Harold was silly. He__________________________ know much about this
company after only a year working here.
6. Go and look in the kitchen for your gloves. They_______________________________ be in there.
7. Oh, the phone is ringing. Answer it. It_______________________ be Kate. She always rings at this
8. Dan has been drinking that whiskey since early this afternoon. He__________ be totally drunk by
9. That couple__________________ think much of this film. They're leaving already - after only 20
10. That's the second new car they have bought this year. They____________________________ be very
Parts of Speech _ Exercise 13 Name:__________________

1. Watching the birds from the top of the trees (___), I decided (___) that it would be more fun to fly
(___) with the birds.
2. Encouraged by her latest triumph (___), Ms Smith decided (__) to increase (__) her bike-riding
3. Weeping from frustration (__), I was (__) so disappointed that my friend failed (__) to win (__) the
4. Using census data on incomes (___), the study determines (___) Australia’s most liveable city.

1. ________ She swims every day.

2. ________ Do you have to dive?
3. ________ You cannot do that!
4. ________ He is sick.
5. ________ He is going to the school function.
6. ________ She wanted to sleep until midday.
7. ________ He was not told.
8. ________ She said she had to go, but her mother wouldn’t let her. i.ii.
9. ________ He ran to school but was still late.
10. ________ It is very difficult to grow vegetables in winter.

1. __________________ Nancy does her homework every day

2. __________________ Nancy is doing her homework at the moment.
3. __________________ They are writing a letter.
4. __________________ She speaks Chinese very well.
5. __________________ He has a big car.
6. __________________ The proposal has been examined today.
7. __________________ She tried to help him.
8. __________________ It is healthy to laugh problems.
9. __________________ Finding the gates widely open, the thief went inside.
10. __________________ He had his car cleaned.
11. ___________________ Paul runs to work every day.

1. _____________________ Hearing a loud noise, we ran to the window.

2. _____________________ The motorcyclist was fatally injured in the accident and is now fighting for his life.
3. _____________________ He ruined his sight by watching TV all day.
4. _____________________ We saw a clown standing on his head.
5. _____________________ Asking questions is a whole lot easier than answering them.
6. _____________________ Waving their hands, the audience cheered the winner.
7. _____________________ Plucking flowers is forbidden.
8. _____________________ Jumping over the fence, the thief escaped.
9. _____________________ I was surprised because John’s explaining the lesson.
10. _____________________ We spent the whole day playing cards.

1. Playing cards all days, I am blamed by my father.

2. Watching the news every day, we know what's going on in the world.
3. Being vegetarians, they don't eat meat.
4. Wagging its tail, the dog bit the postman.
5. I’ve bought a camera made in Korea.
6. Tidying up her room, she found some old photos.
7. Being a good boy, he helped his mother in the kitchen.
8. Not having enough money, they spent their holidays at home last year.
9. On the wall was some graffiti written in big letters.
10. The man was sitting in the café reading a paper.

Today is my seventieth birthday. When I look back on the last seventy years, I think about all the things
I’ve ______________________ (do) in my lifetime. I’ve __________________________ (go) to college, and I’ve
___________________________ (see) the world. I’ve _______________________ (be) to twenty countries. I’ve
________________________ (drive) across the Sahara Desert, and I’ve ________________________ (take) a boat up
the Nile River. Of course, I ____________________ (do) this when I was very young. I _______________ (go) to
Africa in 1946. I’ve _____________________ (live) in two foreign countries: Spain and Colombia………..
I ____________________ (write) a book about my experiences in Spain in 1952. I’ve also ____________________
(write) several other books about travel.

Present Past Past participle

be was/were ___________
beat __________ beaten
__________ bit bitten
broadcast . __________ broadcast
__________ brought brought
Burn burnt ___________
Can __________
choose __________ chosen
__________ cost cost
do did ___________

1. Marry reminded me not to be late for the party.

2. We went for a walk after we finished cleaning up the kitchen.
3. I forgot to take a book back to the library, so I had to pay a fine.
4. When do you expect to leave on your trip?
5. The baby started crying when she was about eighteen months old.
6. I don’t mind waiting for you. Go ahead and finish doing your work.
7. I’ve decided to stay here over vacation and to paint my room.
8. We discuss quitting our jobs and opening our own business.
9. I’m getting tired. I need to take a break.
10. Sometimes students avoid looking at the teacher if they don’t want to answer a question.
11. The club members discussed postponing the next meeting until March.
12. Most children prefer watching television to listen the radio.
13. My grandfather prefers to read.
14. Did Caro agree to go camping with you?
15. As the storm approached, the birds quit singing.
16. The taxi driver refused to take a check. He wanted the passenger to pay cash.
17. The soldiers were ordered to stand at attention.
18. The travel agent advised us not to wait until August.
19. Don’t forget to do your homework tonight!
20. The play wasn’t very good. The audience started to leave before it was over.
Parts of Speech _ Exercise 14 Name:__________________
A—Draw a line under the verbs and identify them: Transitive (T.V) or Intransitive (I.V)
1. ____________ The math professor explains the lesson.
2. ____________ I drive my car to work every day.
3. ____________ Many students sleep late on the weekends.
4. ____________ Louise finally got her license.
5. ____________ Does your family live in Minnesota?
6. ____________ Mark and Mindy seem unhappy.
7. ____________ When did your friends come to the United States?
8. ____________ For e-mail, you need a computer.
9. ____________ My dad and I always disagree.
10. ___________ Did you find the address?
11. ___________Many contemporary television programs expose children to violence and vulgar language.
12. ___________My exam grade will exclude me from the soccer game.
13. ___________ Alice imagined a world full of fascinating creatures.
14. ___________James ran in the park every afternoon.
15. ___________The tornado destroyed entire buildings when it struck.
B—Draw a line under the verbs and identify them: transitive (T.V) or intransitive (I.V)
1. Mr. Jenkin’s cat watched the birds in the trees. _____________
2. We will not buy a new car until next summer. _____________
3. The small boat moved slowly through the grey sea. _____________
4. Diane tripped on the top step and fell downstairs.
5. Please order a hamburger and a milkshake for me. _____________
6. Have you ever explored a cave? _____________
7. Many years ago, a young boy discovered a huge cave in Kentucky. _____________
8. The cave contained strange, twisted formations of stone and crystal. _____________
9. Your friend Tom has a very intriguing job. _____________
10. We arrived at the stadium ten minutes before the game started. _____________
C—Underline the verbs in the following sentences. Say whether they are transitive (TV) or intransitive
(IV). In case of transitive verbs, circle the objects.
1. ___________ The Ganga flows into the Bay of Bengal. 8. ___________ I slept.
2. ___________ The sun rose. 9. ___________ He laughed loudly.
3. ___________ Your hands are dirty. 10. ___________ I coughed.
4. ___________ She is reading her mail. 11. ___________ The cat will lick up all the milk.
5. ___________ He has set his hair with gel.
12. ___________ We worked the entire day.
6. ___________ Both my parents are chartered accountants.
7. ___________ This child is happy.
D—Fill in the blanks with appropriate objects for the verbs, in the following sentences.
1. My brother has polished his ________________________ .
2. I brought ________________________ for my sister.
3. The boy threw a ________________________ at the window.
4. Frustrated with the official’s call, Ethan kicked the ________________________ .
5. The student guessed the ________________________ correctly.
6. My brother is good both at ________________________ and ____________________ .
7. Someone has stolen ________________________________ from your office.
8. Books are ____________________________________ .
9. We staged ____________________________________ on our Parents’ Day.
10. Mother helped him ____________________________________ .
E—Underline the objection and write I.O for Indirect Object and D.O for Direct Object.
1. Since you are going to the sale at Target, please buy me a set of sheets, too.
2. The father bought the child an ice cream cone.
3. The doctor gave his patients elastic bands for exercise.
4. Jeremy gave his son a CD player and a stereo as a birthday gift.
5. Carlotta brought her son a set of toy soldiers once owned by her grandfather.
6. The reporters asked the mayor and the council many questions.
7. The real estate agent sold my sister a colonial style mansion.
8. The spa offered Maria and Antonio a full membership at half price.
9. The company will give you a refund if you are dissatisfied with the product.
10. The instructor will provide the students assistance with their homework assignments.
F—Complete sentences with objects from the brackets.
1. Please, bring_____________________________________ . (a cup of coffee/me)
2. Will you show_____________________________________ ? (it/her)
3. They sold_____________________________________ . (my sister/their house)
4. I want to send_____________________________________ . (Jane/this card)
5. You should write_____________________________________ . (your parents)
6. Please, don't tell_____________________________________ . (him)
7. I've bought_____________________________________ . (Helen/it).
8. My father gave_____________________________________ . (me/it)
9. Will you read_____________________________________ ? (us, it)
10. Why don't you offer_____________________________________ ? (Brad/your help)
G—Underline one line under the direct and two lines under indirect objects in the following sentences.
Then, rewrite the following sentences putting the indirect objects before the direct objects.
1. John’s father left a huge property for him.
2. They promised their help for us.
3. My mother gifted a necklace to me.
4. My friend did a great favor for me.
5. She lent her necklace to me.
6. The principal granted leave for us.
7. I promised my support for him.
8. The President awarded a gold medal to him.
9. Our guest told an interesting story to us.
10. I bade a sad farewell to my friends.
Parts of Speech _ Exercise 15 Name:__________________
A—Fill the gap with adjective and adverb.
1. Tom is __________________(slow) . He works ____________________
2. Sue is a ___________________(careful) girl. She climbed up the ladder ____________________
3. The dog is ___________________ (angry) . It barks _________________________
4. He acted ____________________ (excellent) . He's an ____________________ actor.
5. They learn English _______________ (easy). They think English is an ______________language.
6. Max is a _________________(good) singer. He sings ____________________
7. It's _________________(awful) cold today. The cold wind is _____________________
8. Dogs rely on their noses as they can smell ________________(extreme / good) . If that is true, why does dog food
smell so ___________________(extreme / terrible) ?
9. The little boy looked __________(sad). I went over to comfort him and he looked ________at me .
10. I tasted the soup _________________(careful) but it tasted ________________(wonderful)
B—Choose a word in brackets to fill the gaps.
1. They dance the cha-cha-cha _________beautifully___________________ . (beautiful/ beautifully)
2. She planned their trip to Greeche very __________________________________ . (careful/ carefully)
3. Jim painted the kitchen very__________________________________.(bad/badly)
4. She speaks very_______________________________________________________.(quiet/quietly)
5. Turn the store down. It’s too________________________________________________.(lound/loundly)
6. He skipped____________________________________________down the road to school. (happy/happily)
7. He drives too_____________________________________.(fast/well)
8. She knows the road__________________________________________________. (good/well)
9. He plays the guitar______________________________________. (terrible/terribly)
10. We’re going camping tomorrow so we have to get up______________________________.(early/soon)
C—Insert the adverb of manner or adjective into the correct place in each sentence.
Example: The room was decorated . (very nicely) > The room was decorated very nicely.

1. My friends never advise me. (clearly)

2. She sings Thai song. (beautifully)
3. Amanda looked pretty in this party. (stunningly)
4. Vanna told his sons to leave him in peace. (politely)
5. Please be to our child. (polite)
6. The painting portrays a young woman in a black dress. (beautiful)
7. Knee injuries are found among cycling. (commonly)
8. One cause of homelessness is separation or divorce. (common)
9. Tina was surprised to get a B for history. (pleasantly)
10. We should spend our afternoon reading a book. (pleasant)
11. Linda`s heart was beating with fright.( fast)
12. Has your sweetie recovered from your illness? (fully)
13. Susan could only nod because her mouth was. (full)
14. Last night, my mom talked to me. (angrily)
15. Why do we usually have feeling when we talk to each other? (angry)
16. Danis smile to everyone in the hall. (sweetly)
17. Who can dance? (actively)
18. The students in class A don`t speak English. (well)
19. The paragraph which you wrote to me was worded. (very nicely)
20. My fruit shop closed off the area. (quickly)
21. Cambodia people want to live for forever. (peacefully)
22. Changes can easily be made where. (necessary)
23. Smoking can damage your health. (seriously)
24. His clothes are all folded in their drawers. (neatly)
25. The television isn’t working. (properly)
26. Nothing is in its place. (proper)
27. It’s difficult to see anything in this mirror. (clearly)
D—Underline adverb of manner.
1. She sensed that her guests were bored, although they were listening politely.
2. Nary`s an expert in her field, and is paid accordingly.
3. The workshop was very well organized.
4. The water's only knee-deep, so the hunters will be able to get across the river easily.
5. The solution will be formally announced on Tuesday.
6. Tina isn’t a well man.
7. You ride the uncomfortable bicycle fast.
8. You have not visited the country officially since your election, only in a private capacity.
9. A great deal has been achieved, most notably free elections.
10. I cannot talk clearly because I got flu for a week.
11. Your kitty cries nervously.
12. The report was obviously prepared with studious care and attention.
13. The situation was extremely hard in the camps.
14. Famers prayed hard for rain.
15. They write an essay neatly.
E—Fill each of the gap below with one of the following adverbs. You will need to use some more than
Anxiously badly carefully fast hard
late quietly Slowly suddenly well

1. We had to work very _____hard__________ to finish in time.

2. I play the flute, but I don`t play it very ___________________.
3. You should drive very ___________________ in wet weather. It`s dangerous to
4. He drove very ___________________ to Liverpool, but he still arrived too___________________ for the
5. It`ll take us hours to get there. Chris always drives so ___________________.
6. Could you speak ___________________ please. I am contrasting on this moment.
7. Kalin didn`t work very ___________________. That`s why he did so ___________________ in the exam.
8. The exams were over and everyone was waiting ___________________.
9. Do you know how David is ? I haven`t heard anything ___________________.
10. We got a dreadful shock. We were just sitting here _________________ and __________________ there
was a loud knock at the door.
Parts of Speech _ Exercise 16 Name:__________________
A—Complete each sentence with an adverb from the above word bank.

Outside inside everywhere down away here there

behind backwards far anywhere high low above

1. The sun went______________, and the stars began to shine.

2. My brothers like to play______________ in the afternoon.
3. We couldn’t find our dog______________ .
4. Your friend Robert is ______________to see you.
5. We have to play______________ on rainy days.
6. The balloons flew ______________when the strings broke.
7. Our airplane cruised______________ above the clouds.
8. I am running______________ in my homework.
9. We watched the funny clown walk______________.
10. The frightened deer ran______________ from the forest fire.
11. The tree branch was bent______________ from the weight of the snow.
12. The vultures circled______________ as the temperature rose.
13. The settlers lived______________ from town.
14. Our family’s home is______________ beside the park.

B—Underline adverb of place.

1. I'm not quite sure how to get there - I'd better consult a map.
2. There is someone on the phone for you.
3. He heard glass breaking and ran upstairs to see what had caused it.
4. Sadly, the upstairs of the house was gutted by fire.
5. She came downstairs after her shower, wrapped in a towel.
6. The downstairs needs decorating.
7. Would you want to live next door to a nuclear power station?
8. Margot is our next-door neighbor.
9. He's very tanned because he works outdoors in all weathers.
10. The little cat is scouting a party next week.
11. You're not allowed to park here - your car will be towed away.
12. I just want to relax near you.
13. He ran outside in his bare feet.
14. A lot of new restaurants have started up in the region.
15. We stayed in the best hotel in town.
C—Complete in the following sentences with Adverb of places from the box.
Above among behind below beside
Between in inside near opposite
Outside over through underneath round
1. “Come and sit here ____________________ me,” she said, and patted the seat.
2. Excuse me, is there a post office ______________________ here?
3. From the top of the building the people ____________________ looked like insects.
4. Hang your jacket ______________________ the door.
5. He pushed ____________________ the crowd to get the front.
6. He was born ____________________ Kingston, Jamaica.
7. His surname begins with A so it comes _____________________ mine in the list.
8. It’s very hot today, so I decided to stay ______________________.
9. She poured the cream ___________________her dessert.
10. She was chosen for the job ___________________ more than 100 applicants.
11. The cinema is just_____________________________ the corner. You can’t miss it
12. The dog waited patiently____________________ the room waiting for the door to open.
13. The town is halfway _____________________ London and Cambridge.
14. They sat ________________________ each other staring into each other’s eyes.
15. You can’t see the river because it is ______________________ the city.

D–Choose the best adverb of place to complete in the correct sentence.

Abroad Across Along Anywhere Any Back Down

Into Past Toward Somewhere There Upstairs Indoors

1. I can’t find Alan. I’ve looked for him _____________________.

2. She’s going _________________ to study for six months, so she’s been taking language lessons.
3. Come ______________________ and visit us any time you like.
4. I think I left the attic window open I’ll just go____________________ and check.
5. We went for a long walk_____________________________ the beach.
6. Just I need to pay some money____________________ my accounnt.
7. The river was so shallow we were able to walk___________________________.
8. Did you go________________________ exciting at the weekend?
9. He walked straight_____________________ me without saying hello!
10. This is an amazing book; I just can’t put it____________________________!
11. We’d betteer move___________________ I think it’s going to rain.
12. She ran____________________ from home when she was sixteen.
13. They walked slowly ___________________ the abandoned building, guns at the ready.
14. I’m going_______________ now. Do you want a lift?
15. I’m bored. Let’s go out_____________________.
Parts of Speech _ Exercise 17 Name:__________________

A—Use the correct prepositions and adverbs in brackets to complete the following sentences.
1. I had to work __________ the summer holidays, __________ the beginning of the July __________ the
end of August. (during / from / until)
2. We got married __________ 1970 so we have been married __________ more than twety years now.
(for / in)
3. I should have handed in my homework a week __________. My teacher is`t very pleased. She says I
must finish it __________ six o`clock __________ Monday at the latest. (ago / by / on)
4. The last time we went to England was __________ 1983, that`s nearly ten years __________ we haven`t
been back __________ then even though our friends have often invited us. (ago / in / since)
5. My parents lived in Liverpool __________1960 __________ 1975. __________ 1978, when I was born,
they had moved to Birmingham. (by / from / until)
B—Underline the adverb of time.
1. He often swims in the evening.
2. Lisa is always cheerful.
3. Sometimes I ride my bike to school.
4. Everyone arrived early.
5. It’s snowing again.
6. The mother bird started to build her nest yesterday.
7. She is continuing to build it today.
8. She will finish it tomorrow.
9. John’s shoes were too big for him last year.
10. They will be too small for him next year.
11. It rained last night.
12. The weather is fine this morning.
13. We have been friends for long time.
14. Does Anisa go to the church today?
15. At weekend my crush takes to go shopping.

C—Arrange the words to make sentences.

1. haven't / recently / seen / I / him -
2. I'll / you / see / soon -
3. afterwards / met / at the pub / him / we -
4. help / immediately / I / need -
5. was / arrogant / he / then / very -
6. ? / now / are / where / you -
7. ? / to go / where / you / do / want / today -
8. ? / do / yesterday / did / you / what -
9. as soon as possible / you / him / the truth / tell / should –
10. hasn't won / lately / my team
D—Underline the adverb in each sentence below. On the line in front of the sentence, tell whether the adverb
answers how, when, or where.
1. _______ Scott carefully finished his homework.
2. _______ We’re going to the store today.
3. _______ The energetic dog ran away.
4. _______ The noisy helicopter was flying high in the sky.
5. _______ The young girl and her partner danced gracefully.
6. _______ We often eat dinner with our friends.
7. _______ He cleaned the carpet inside the house.
8. _______ My cousin is never afraid.
9. _______ They recently moved into our neighborhood.
10. _______ My mom and dad are happily married.
11. _______ The firemen will set off fireworks for our community later.
12. _______ Animals that are hunting in the wild need to move quickly.
13. _______ We all went outside to play our baseball game.
14. _______ Ours was the first school to have a swimming pool indoors.
15. _______ Amanda looked at me sadly after her grandmother died.
16. _______ The man was understandably upset at being accused.
E—An action verb is underlined in each sentence. Circle the adverb that describes the verb.
1. My grandpa snored loudly.
2. Chloe played on the beach yesterday.
3. I will visit my friend tomorrow.
4. George, will you come here?
5. My sheepdog sat lazily in the pool.
6. Neil slowly placed a card on the card house.
7. Neil stopped suddenly and listened.
8. Nathan stamped his feet angrily.
9. I carefully glued the last piece onto the model.
10. Sam accidentally slipped on the ice.
11. Yesterday, they played a game.
12. The truck grumbled loudly.
13. We will go to the concert soon.
14. Jen waited patiently for the computer to load.
15. Kayla finally arrived at the park.
16. My mother nicely reminded me to do my homework.
17. The astronaut easily fixed the problem.
18. I usually hug my mother when I get home.
19. My dog always barks.
20. Peter neatly wrote a shopping list.
Parts of Speech _ Exercise 18 Name:__________________
A—Arrange the words to make sentences.
1. to him. / perhaps / could / talk / you
____You could perhaps talk to him______________________________________________________________
2. The/ my fault./accident/ was clearly
3. the event./ cancel/ probably/ They may
4. to quit?/ you/definitely decided/ Have
5. A lot of kids/very much/teacher./ don`t/speak/with/
6. definitely/ be there./ He said/ he would
7. win/ certainly/ the/ election./ They will
8. we/ should/ start/ again./ maybe
9. went/ supermarket./ She/ to/ undoubtedly
10. She / without reason. /cried / obviously
B—Complete each sentence with the correct word: enough, very or too
1. The hot and sour pork was __________________ spicy for me to eat.
2. I am just __________________ tired to work anymore.
3. Is this box light __________________ for you to carry?
4. Thank you __________________ much for your nice words.
5. Do you have __________________ money for emergencies?
6. How much calcium is __________________ to prevent bone loss?
7. Don't worry about your mother; she'll be home __________________ soon.
8. I'm __________________ interested in everyone's opinion, so I'll appreciate your view.
9. We don't get enough sleep because we have __________________ much homework to do.
10. High-definition televisions are much _____________expensive for the average American consumer.
C—Insert the adverb of degree at the end of each sentence into the correct place.
1. They're rich. (fantastically)
____They`re fantastically rich___________________________________________________________
2. The purpose of the meeting wasn't obvious. (immediately)
3. They treated me pleasantly. (enough)
4. The head teacher greeted us formally. (very)
5. It's impossible to work with all this noise. (absolutely)
6. Don't fill your glass full or you'll spill it. (too)
7. The place emptied quickly when the fight started. (pretty)
8. Alinatin worked hard, yet he still get bad result. (too)
D—Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in the correct position.
Example: I play tennis on Sundays.( sometimes)= I sometimes play tennis on Sundays
a/. Tom is very friendly. (usually).
b/. Peter gets angry (never).
c/. David and Frank are hungry ( often)
d/. They watch TV in the afternoon ( never)
e/.Walter helps his mother. (sometimes)
f/. He listens to the radio (often)
g/. They read a book (sometimes)
h/. Christine smokes (never).
i/. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (Occasionally)
j/ Some of my classmates are late the class every Friday. (Infrequently)
E—Practice using adverbs of frequency by writing a complete sentence using the given prompt.
1. Tell about something you always do on Saturday mornings.
__I always go to baseball practice on Saturday mornings__________________________________.
2. Tell about something you sometimes do on weekends.
3. Tell about something you never do in the morning.
4. Tell about something you rarely do on a school night.
5. Tell about something you frequently do during the summer.
6. Tell about something you usually do in the evening.
7. Tell about something you often do after school.
8. Tell about something you seldom do with your parents.
9. Tell about something you never do at school.
10. Tell about something you sometimes do in the early morning.
Parts of Speech _ Exercise 19 Name:__________________
A—Circle the correct word order in the paragraph.
Our Garden
At our house, we have a great urban garden. My husband (1) (wakes usually up, usually wakes up, wakes up
usually) at 7 AM every day. (2) (Sometimes he, He sometimes) goes for a run, but (3) (usually he, he usually) waters
the garden. He (4) (asks never, never asks) us to help him that early because we (5) (usually are, are usually) getting
ready for school. Our kids (6) (seldom are, are seldom) late for school and (7) (often are, are often) there pretty early.
(8) (Sometimes it, It sometimes) rains in the afternoon. In the summer, it (9) (usually storms, storms usually)
between 2 PM and 4 PM in the afternoon. It (10) (rains rarely, rarely rains) in the wintertime, so my husband or our
children will have to water the graden then. In the fall, we (11) (have usually, usually have) lots of big pumkins that
we (12) (always carve, carve always) to get the seeds for roasting. In the spring, we (13) (sometimes have, have
sometimes) cucumbers that we pickle in jars. In early summer, we (14) (have ofrten, often have) beautiful red
strawberries that we pick and turn into jam. It (15) (sometimes is, is sometimes) a lot of hard work, but we don’t have
to make as many tripes to the grocery store.
B—If the sentence is correct, put a check mark (√) on the line. If it is not correct, write X on the lines, and circle
the mistake.
Going to the Pharmacy
1. ____________ When I go to the doctor, I don’t rarely need a perscription.
2. ____________ Sometimes I need a perscription if I have a bad infection.
3. ____________ At my old pharmacy, there was a long line always.
4. ____________ When I went there, they sometimes make a mistake with my perscription, so I changed
5. ____________ The cashiers at my new pharmacy are always nice and helpful.
6. ____________ They rarely having a problem filling my perscription.
7. ____________ There usually no is a long wait at my pharmacy.
8. ____________ I often visit the store to pick up extra things while I am writing for my perscription.
9. ____________ I sometimes call in my order if I need a refill.
10. ___________ Someone from the pharmacy often call me to ask if I like the service.
C—Read each situation, and then answer the question.
1. Jorge usually does his homework. Raul always does his homework. Diego never does his homework. Who is the
bes student? _________________________________________________________________________________
2. The weather in Florida is rarely cold. It is sometimes cold in Missippi. It is usually cold in Alaska. If you don’t like
cold weather, whish state might be a good place for you to live? ________________________________
3. Nedra seldom walks to work. Carol often walks to work. Betty walks to work sometimes. Who might drive to
work more than walk there? ______________________________________________________________________
4. I usually put sugar in my coffee. Rich sometimes puts sugar in his tea. Babrielle always puts sugar on her cereal.
Who uses sugar the most frequently? __________________________________________________________
5. My grandmother sometimes takes a walk after dinner. My brother always runs five miles every moining. I hardly
ever exercise. Who gets the most exercise?______________________________________________________
6. Ramon rarely watches American television. Ivan usually listens to public radio in English. Nadia sldom sees
English movies. Nadine prefers to talk to her friends in her native language. Who probably hears the most English in
a day? __________________________________________________________________________________
7. Joe is seldom late to work. Adam is usually late to work. Steve is rarely late to work. Who will the boss most likely
give a warning to first? _______________________________________________________________________
8. Maddie often spends three hours per day reading e-book on her e-reader. Her dad is professor, and he usually
reads a chapter in his textbook two nights per week. Her grandfather used to read the newspaper, but now he
seldom does. Who probably rads the most? ____________________________________________________
D—Circle the letter of the correct answer. Some are conversations.
1. Lupe asked, “How often do you eat cereal for breakfast?”
Juan Carlos replied, “__________________.”
A. Ever B. Never C. At all of the time D. Yes, I do.
2. Gustavo almost never comes to class on time. He __________________ almost always late.
A. is B. are C. comes D. come
3. Ana asked, “Does Dimitry ever eat salad for lunch?”
Olga answered, “Yes, ____________.”
A. always B. ever C. seldom D. at any time
4. Mr. Hobbs almost never has coffee in the morning. He ______________ coffee then.
A. seldom has B. has seldom C. doesn’t seldom have D. seldom doesn’t have
5. Kristina is absent every Monday. She ___________________ to class then because she is tired.
A. ever comes B. comes ever C. never comes D. comes never
6. Mary asked, “______________ study by yourself?”
Damaris replied, “Yes, I don’t like to study with anyone else.”
A. Ever do you B. Always do you C. Do ever you D. Do you always
7. Nadya asked, “____________ do you read the newspaper?”
Jose said, “Almost every day, I like to read it in the morning before I go to work.”
A. However B. Ever C. Almost always D. How often
8. Which sentence does not have correct grammar?
A. Zina often plays tennis. B. Always Farah and I are late.
C. The winter here can be very cold sometimes. D. Meat almost never costs less than vegetables.
E—Read these sentences, and then circle the most common word order.
My Classmate Yvonne
1. Yvonne amazes me. She (never is, is never) sad. She (always seems, seems always) so happy.
2. She (always eats, eats always) with a small group of friends.
3. They (always meet up, meet up always) to study together.
4. She (sometimes picks up, picks up sometimes) her friends and takes them to class.
5. She (always arrives, arrives always) on time when she makes plans with her friends.
6. Yvonne (always is, is always) available to give very good advice to people.
7. She (seldom says, says seldom) anything bad about anyone.
8. She (never gossips, gossips never).
9. Yvonne (never goes, goes never) to parties on a school night.
10. She and her friends (seldom are, are seldom) late to class.
11. Her answers in English class (usually are, are usually) right. She is great at English!
F—Use the adverb and the correct form the verbs in brackets.
1. Our teacher, Mrs. Jones, ______________________________ ( never/ be) late for lessons.
2. My brother ___________________________ (hardly ever/ help) me with my homework.
3. I __________________________ (sometimes/ be) bored in the math lessons.
4. We ___________________________ (rarely/ watch) football on TV.
5. You __________________________ (usually/ be) at the sports center on Sunday.
G—Choose the correct adverb from parentheses.
6. Jane is not a pleasant person. She is (never/ rarely/ seldom/ sometimes/ always) in a bad mood.
7. My sister usually drives to work with a friend. She (seldom/ always/ never/ often) drives alone.
8. Robert goes to the gym only two or three times a year. He (rarely/ often/ sometimes/ usually) goes to the gym.
9. Jane goes to the beach whenever she can. She (often/ never/ sometimes) misses a chance to go to the ocean.
10. Carlos is an excellent student. He (usually/ always/ sometimes/ seldom) goes to class.

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