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Industrias AlEn

Research & Development

Safety Data Sheet

SAP Code SDS FP-6050521

Manufacturer Mexico emergency telephone
ALEN DEL NORTE S.A. DE C.V. 01 800 834 33 00
Address Emergency telephone number (US)

Blvd. Díaz Ordaz No. 1000, Los Treviño, Santa Catarina, N.L.
C.P. 66150, México For domestic shipments 800 424 9300

For shipments outside US 703 527 3887

Product Name

Chemical Name CAS Number

Synonyms/Trade Names

Cleaner with bleach.


Classification: Skin Corrosion Cat. 1B
Eye Damage Cat. 1
Aquatic Acute Toxicity Cat. 1

This chemical is considered hazardous by the 2012 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200).

Signal word: Danger

Hazard Statements: H314 Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
H400 Very toxic to aquatic life.
Precautionary Statements
 Prevention:  Storage:
Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin, eyes Store locked up. Keep out of reach of
and clothing. Wear protective gloves, protective clothing, face children. Keep containers closed when not
and eye protection. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. in use. Store in a cool, dry area. Keep
Do not breathe vapors. Avoid release to the environment. from freezing.
 Response:  Disposal:
IF IN EYES: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with Dispose in accordance with all applicable
water for 15-20 minutes. If wearing contact lenses, remove local, state and federal regulations.
after 5 minutes and continue rinsing for 10-15 minutes. IF ON
SKIN: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin
immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. IF
SWALLOWED: Get prompt medical attention. Give a glassful
of water. Do not induce vomiting. IF INHALED: Remove to
fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration.
Hazard not otherwise classified: Unknown Toxicity: Not applicable, very
Contact with acids liberates toxic gas. toxic to aquatic life.
Repeated or prolonged contact may cause skin sensitization.


Hazardous Ingredients
Composition Range CAS Number
Chemical/Common Name

Hipochlorous acid sodium salt / Sodium hypochlorite 2.0 – 5.0 7681-52-9

Sodium hydroxide / Caustic soda 0.1 – 1.0 1310-73-2


For treatment advice, call a Poison Control Center or a doctor.

 If only small amounts have been ingested give a glass of water or milk to drink.
 For large ingestions consider nasogastric aspiration of the stomach contents.
Ingestion  Apply other supportive measures as indicated by the patient’s clinical condition.
 Get immediate medical attention.
 Remove patient from exposure.
 Ensure a clear airway and adequate ventilation.
Inhalation  Give oxygen to symptomatic patients.
 Apply other supportive measures as indicated by the patient's clinical condition.
 Get medical attention.
 Remove patient from exposure.
 Remove all soiled clothing.
Skin  Wash the skin with tepid water until it no longer feels soapy.
 Apply a soothing cream if there is any residual skin irritation.
 Remove patient from exposure.
 Remove contact lenses if necessary and immediately irrigate the affected eye thoroughly with water or 0.9%
Eyes saline for at least 10-15 minutes.
 Patients with corneal damage or those whose symptoms do not resolve rapidly should seek medical advice.
 Get medical attention.
Most important symptoms and effects: Indication of any immediate medical attention and
Burning of eyes and/or skin special treatment needed:
Treat symptomatically. Can cause corneal burns. Probable
mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage.

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Flash Point (°C) Test method
Flammability Explosive limits in air
Not flammable No explosion hazard.
Extinguishing media:
Water spray X CO2 X Foam X Other

Unusual fire and explosion hazards

Special protective equipment
Full breathing apparatus and fire-fighting equipment. Neoprene gloves, goggles, boots.
Special firefighting procedures
Conditions to avoid
Avoid contact with acids, ammonia. Acts as oxidizer with combustible material.
Hazardous combustion products
Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide; chlorine gas may be released


Protective equipment:

Gloves X Goggles X Boots X Coat X Other X

Neoprene Resistant Liquid-tight chemical protective clothing in
combination with self-contained open circuit
positive pressure compressed air breathing

Emergency Procedures in case of release or spillage:

Large spills: Wear protective equipment, remove sources of ignition, sweep up the material, use absorbent
material like sand or saw dust, collect in closed containers, wash area with water because the
surface may be slippery.
Small spills: Wash area with plenty of water and dispose the material in accordance with all local, state and
federal regulations. Avoid contact with acids, ammonia. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing.
Environmental precautions: Do not allow product to enter lakes, rivers or streams. The product is toxic to fish and
aquatic invertebrates.

Methods and Materials for Containment and Cleaning up:

Use absorbent material and collect in closed containers, wash with plenty water, and conduct to sanitary
treatment facility.

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Precautions for safe handling: Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Avoid
contact with acids, ammonia or metals. Do not eat, drink, or smoke when using the product.
Recommendations on the conditions for safe storage: Store locked up. Keep out of reach of children. Keep
containers closed when not in use. Store in a cool, dry area. Keep from freezing.


Exposure limits:
Hazardous Ingredients OSHA PEL/NIOSH
Chemical/Common Name REL
Hipochlorous acid sodium salt / Sodium
7681-52-9 TLV: Not estab. ND
PEL-TWA: 2 mg/m3
Sodium hydroxide / Caustic soda 1310-73-2 TLV-ceiling: 2 mg/m3
REL-ceiling: 2 mg/m3

Appropriate engineering controls:

Ventilation requirements
General ventilation Local ventilation X Unnecessary in normal cond.

Work practices: Handle according to good industrial hygiene and safety practices.


Appearance: Viscous Clear liquid
Color and odor: Light yellow and characteristic chlorine odor.
Boiling point (°C): ND Melting or freezing point: NA
Flash point (°C): NA Decomposition temperature: ND
Fire point (°C): NA Auto ignition temperature (°C): NA
Density (g/ml): 1.040 – 1.070 Vapor density: ND
Molecular weight: NA Volatility: NA
Percent volatile 100°C: ND Vapor pressure (mmHg @ 20°C): ND
Lower explosion limit (%): NA Upper explosion limit (%): NA
pH: 11.8 – 12.5 Viscosity (cPs): 500 - 700
Solubility in water: Complete Solubility in others: ND
Partition coefficient: Odor threshold:
n-octanol / water

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Reacts in contact with acidic products, ammonia or vinegar and may release chlorine gas.

Chemical stability:
Stable X Unstable
Under recommended storage conditions

Possibility of hazardous reactions:

It may react exothermically in contact with acids to generate chlorine gas.
Conditions to avoid:
It may become unstable at high temperatures (above 45°C).
Incompatible materials:
None Water Acids X Alkalis Oxide X Other X
known Metals, ammonia,
Fe, Cu, Ni, Bronze urea

Hazardous decomposition products:

Chlorine gas. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of Na2O and hydrogen chloride.
Hazardous polymerization:
Will not occur X May occur


Information on the likely routes of exposure
Contact via Acute Chronic
May cause mild to moderate irritation to intestinal
Ingestion of small amounts (up to 200ml in
adults; up to 50ml in children) may cause burns
Ingestion to the mouth, throat and stomach. May cause severe burns.
Ingestion of large amounts (about 300ml in adults
or 100ml in children) may cause corrosive
esophagitis, abdominal pain, diarrhea and, in
some cases, metabolic acidosis.
Irritation of eyes and nose with sore throat,
cough, chest tightness, head-ache, ataxia and
confusion. Dyspnoea and stridor due to laryngeal
Inhalation NA
oedema may follow. Pulmonary oedema with
increasing breathlessness, wheeze, hypoxia and
cyanosis may take up to 36 hours to develop.

Skin May cause irritation or cause burning pain. May cause severe burns.

May cause, irritation, pain, blepharos-pasm,

May cause severe eye damage, like
Eyes lacrimation, conjunctivis, pal-pebral oedema and
corneal burns.

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Burning of eyes and/or skin, sore throat, cough or esophagitis.

Chronic effects from short and long-term exposure:

Carcinogenic Mutagenic Theratogenic Incuded in Included in
NOM 010 other references

National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on Carcinogens: Not listed.

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Monographs: Group 3 – Not classifiable as to
Carcinogenicity to Humans.
OSHA: Not listed.

Complementary information
Chemical Name LD50 Oral Animal Species

Sodium hypochlorite 5,800 mg/kg Mouse


Ecotoxicity: Very toxic to aquatic life. Toxic to fish, shrimp, oysters and other aquatic invertebrates. Do not allow
product to enter lakes, rivers or streams.
Persistence and degradation in environment: Information not available.
Test of bioaccumulation: Information not available.
Other adverse effects: Information not available.


Waste disposal methods:
Dispose in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal regulations.
Contaminated packaging: Do not reuse empty containers.


Regulation Proper Shipping Name number Hazard Classification
Land Transportation Hypochlorite solutions UN1791 Class 8 III*
Land Transportation Hypochlorite solutions UN1791 Class 8 III
TDG (Canada)
Land Transportation Hypochlorite solutions UN1791 Class 8 III
ADR (Europe)
Air Transportation Hypochlorite solutions UN1791 Class 8 III
IATA (International)
Water Transportation Hypochlorite solutions UN1791 Class 8 III**
IMDG (Chapter 2.9 Marine pollutant
IMDG code)
* Limited Quantity: As provided in 49CFR 173.154, this product is excepted from packaging and labeling requirements when
transported by land in single packaging with net quantities of 5.0 L (1.3 gallons) or less.

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** As provided in 49CFR 172.322, there no additional packaging or marking requirements for single packaging with net
quantities of 5.0 L (1.3 gallons) or less.


RCRA (40 CFR 261, Subpart D): New Jersey Right to Know Hazardous
Substance List:
If this product becomes a waste, it meets the criteria of a
hazardous waste and would have the following EPA
This product contains the following components
hazardous waste number: D002. As a hazardous liquid
subject to reporting requirements: sodium
waste, it must be disposed of in accordance with local
hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide.
state and federal regulations in a permitted hazardous
waste treatment facility
Clean Water Act: Pennsylvania Hazardous Substance List:
Contains sodium hypochlorite (RQ = 100 lb/45.4 kg) and This product contains the following components
sodium hydroxide (RQ = 1000 lb/454 kg) which are subject to reporting requirements: sodium
regulated under Sections 301, 307 and 311. hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide.
Clean Air Act: Massachusetts Substance List:
This product contains the following components
Not applicable. subject to reporting requirements: sodium
hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide.
SARA Sections 301-304 (Threshold Planning Quantity State Of Illinois Substance List:
- TPQ) 40 CFR 355:
This product contains the following components
Not applicable. subject to reporting requirements: sodium
hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide.
Section 313 (Toxic Chemical Release Reporting) 40 Michigan Critical Materials Register:
CFR 372:
The following chemicals must be reported under SARA
Not applicable.
313: Sodium hypochlorite.
CERCLA Section 102 (Reportable Quantity - RQ): Canada (WHMIS) - listed material:

This product contains the following components

Not applicable. subject to reporting requirements: sodium
hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide.
California Proposition 65 Carcinogens and TSCA Section 8(b) Inventory Status:
reproductive toxins:
All ingredients listed in this product are listed in the
Not applicable. TSCA Inventory or are not required to be listed in
the TSCA Inventory.

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HMIS Classification (USA) HMIS Letter Required Equipment

Health 3 A Safety glasses.

Flammability 0 B Safety glasses, gloves.
Physical Hazard 0 C Safety glasses, gloves, protective apron.
Personal Protection B D Face shield, gloves, protective apron.
E Safety glasses, gloves, dust respirator.
NFPA Aerosol Level: F Safety glasses, gloves, protective apron, dust respirator.
NA G Safety glasses, gloves, vapor respirator.
H Splash glasses, gloves, protective apron, vapor respirator.
NA: Not Applicable I Safety glasses, gloves, dust respirator, vapor respirator.
TLV: Threshold Limit Values Safety glasses, gloves, protective apron, dust respirator, vapor
ND: Not Determined J
K Air line mask or hood, gloves, full suit, boots.

Creation date: Last revision date: Next revision date: Created by:

November 3rd, 2012 January 21th, 2019 January 21th, 2021 Flavio Jauregui

The submission of this MSDS may be required by law, but this is not an assertion that the substance is not
hazardous when it is not used in accordance with proper safety practices and normal handling procedures. Data
supplied is for use only in connection with occupational safety and health and not for consumer use. The
information contained herein has been compiled form sources considered by Industrias AlEn to be dependable
and is accurate to the best of the Company’s knowledge. The information relates to the specific material
designated herein, and does not relate to the use in combination with any other material or any other process.
Industrias AlEn assumed no responsibility for injury to the recipient or third persons, for any damage to any
property form misuse of the controlled product.

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