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RfB2F TG Unit 8 Test

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B2 First Unit 8 Test

make and do
Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 I think I might go for a long walk. It will make / do me good to get some exercise.
2 Once Jessie had made / done her decision, there was no turning back.
3 My aunt always told me to do / make my best and she would be proud.
4 Fred’s teacher gave him loads of homework to make / do by tomorrow.
5 Whenever I make / do a mistake, I try to correct it.
6 You can let the dog run about here; he’s not making / doing any harm.
7 Harry has done / made a few speeches in the past, so this should be no different.
8 The staff did / made sure that everybody had something to eat.

Travel and holidays

Complete the gaps in each sentence with an appropriate word. The beginning of each word has been
given to help you.
1 I can’t imagine myself going on a cr______ because I get seasick.
2 I went on a lo______ flight to New York last summer and it took nine hours!
3 Karen enjoyed the gu______ tour around the abbey. She learnt a lot from the guide.
4 Tom is looking at a last-minute ge______ so that he can get some sun before the summer ends.
5 I’m taking my laptop with me for my job, so it will be a wo______ holiday really.
6 Shall we take a day tr______ to the beach this weekend?
7 I haven’t been to this holiday re______ before, but it seems to have everything I need.
8 Diane desperately wants an ad______ holiday, either with hiking in the mountains or water sports.

Phrasal verbs
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verbs in the box. You can use some of the verbs
more than once.

catch come get head turn

1 Thousands of supporters _________ out to say goodbye to the footballer who was retiring.
2 We _________ across some interesting information about where to go in Paris on a website.
3 There aren’t many cities where people still use trams to _________ about.
4 We _________ for that hut in the mountain for hours; when will we get there?
5 Simon still _________ on to the fact that he’s getting married next month.
6 Martha _________ up with a great idea to help our advertising campaign.
7 The criminals _________ for the border, so we need to contact other police forces.
8 How are you _________ about the house with a broken leg?

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B2 First Unit 8 Test

Language focus
The future
Complete the sentences with the correct answers (A, B or C).
1 By the end of the course, you ______ how to use a computer.
A will learn B will have learned C will be learning
2 Watch out! You ______ down the stairs!
A will fall B are falling C are going to fall
3 If you’re going for a walk, I ______ with you.
A will come B am coming C come
4 Rebecca hopes she ______ her driving test.
A will pass B is going to pass C is passing
5 What ______ we do this coming weekend?
A will B do C shall
6 Give me a ring after you ______ back.
A are getting B get C will get
7 I’ve already decided that I ______ to the party tomorrow night.
A am not going to go B won’t go C won’t have gone
8 Jeremy got to the museum at 8.00 am, but it ______ at 9.00 am.
A opens B will open C is opening
9 This time next week, Dina ______ in her new flat.
A might sit B will sit C will be sitting
10 I expect Mark ______ up to his room as soon as he gets in.
A will be going B is going to go C will go
11 Next Wednesday, Arnold ______ here for 20 years!
A will be working B is working C will have been working
12 You can’t leave the table until you ______ your dinner.
A have finished B will finish C are finishing

Contrast linkers
Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 She failed her driving test despite / but practising hard.
2 The awards ceremony was cancelled. In spite of / Nevertheless, everybody knew who had won.
3 The meal was fine, whereas / although I wouldn’t go there again.
4 It was raining at the park but / however it was still enjoyable.
5 Video games are popular at the moment. While / However, people’s attitudes change quickly.
6 Whereas / Despite I hate swimming, my sister loves it.
7 I don’t know my neighbours in spite / despite the fact that I’ve lived here for years.
8 He’s still parking in my space, even though / but I’ve told him not to.

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9 Tim wanted to eat pizza. He didn’t, but / however, give in to his cravings.
10 I arrived yesterday nevertheless / but I want to come home already.
11 Louise likes going out. She would never go out on her own, nevertheless / however.
12 Although / However she didn’t like the food, she ate it anyway.

Word formation
For questions 1–8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to
form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your
Example: (0) PLEASANT
Travelling to other countries can be a very (0) ______ experience, but there PLEASE
are many factors that can affect your holiday experience, and this can all
start before you even leave for your destination. Waiting in (1) ______ lines VARY
at the airport can be frustrating, especially if you have (2) ______ passengers PATIENCE
waiting behind you and all you want to have is a (3) _____ and easy trip. Then PEACE
you get on the plane and realise that you when you sit down, you feel a
(4) ______ push against your seat. You turn around and notice a small child MYSTERY
staring back at you, who then starts screaming because they are intent on being
as (5) ______ as possible. You try to look at the situation positively, but as you DESTROY
look out of the window, the sky has turned black and very (6) ______ and you CLOUD
haven’t even taken off yet. It’s going to be a great flight. The next move you make
is (7) ______; you will ask to change seats to a more comfortable one. It may cost DECIDE
you (8) ______ fees, but it will be worth it. Enjoy your flight! ADDITION

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B2 First Unit 8 Test

Reading and Use of English

Part 2 Open cloze
For questions 1–8, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. There is an
example at the beginning (0). Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Example: (0) TIME
Subject: visit to New York
Well, it won’t be long before it’s (0) …………… to get the flight to New York. It (1) …………… be great to see

you again. It seems ages since we (2) …………… met up in London. Mind you, I’ve got lots of things to do

(3) …………… I set off. I haven’t forgotten your wish list and I’m (4) …………… to get you different types of

teas and a T-shirt with the Tower of London on it. Remember (5) …………… we went to watch the Queen go

past on the Thames for her Diamond Jubilee? (6) …………… I remember most is the cold and the rain! I hope

you’ve ordered some good weather for my visit. And don’t plan too many things for us to do while I’m in New

York. Quite honestly, I would much (7) …………… you relaxed because I know you’ve had a busy time

recently. I’m pretty tired too so I’m likely (8) …………… sleep the whole way over on the plane.

See you soon!

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Reading and Use of English

Part 6 Gapped text
You are going to read a magazine article about a future space project. Six sentences have been removed
from the article. Choose from the sentences A–G the one which fits each gap (1–6). There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use.

Mission to Mars
A US millionaire, who in 2001 became the first private space tourist, has released ambitious plans to
fund a manned mission to Mars when the planets are in the right positions in 2018. Dennis Tito, 72,
a former rocket scientist who made his fortune through investments, said his Mission for America
wants to encourage a new era of space exploration.

Tito, who became the first private space tourist when he paid the Russians $20m for a ticket to the
International Space Station (ISS) in 2001, outlined his plans in Washington DC. Instead, a
man and a woman – probably a married couple – will make the journey.

The trip will take advantage of the alignment of the planets in January 2018 to fly around Mars and
return to Earth in the relatively short time of 501 days. Tito said he would be willing to
fund the mission for a set period of time, and he hopes to raise the rest of the money from donations
from private investors, media and potentially through selling scientific data to NASA. ‘There is no
time to lose,’ he said. ‘Now is the time.’

Tito has put together an excellent, experienced team, including Jonathan Clark, a former NASA
flight surgeon. Keith Cowing, editor of the NASA Watch website, said: ‘Unlike the large number of
space commerce companies that have been on and off the news in recent months, this effort has a
great deal of cash behind it – from the start.’

The mission, likely to launch in January 2018, aims to take a man and woman from the USA to fly
within 100 miles of the Martian surface, and return them safely to Earth. ‘The planned journey is
known as a “free return”: once fired into space, the capsule will swing around Mars and come back to
Earth. ,’ said Anu Ojha, director of the UK National Space Academy.

However, the mission faces significant difficulties. The human body adapts to space by losing muscle
and bone, and astronauts need daily exercise on machines to slow this down. Finding room for those
machines is crucial. How the body and mind respond to these issues of deep space travel is
essentially unknown, but the mission could provide much-needed information on how human
physiology copes with the environment. ‘What we learn scientifically about Mars will be minimal,
but what we learn about human physiology will rewrite the textbooks,’ Ojha said.

Many experts say the mission will succeed or fail depending on Tito’s ability to raise funds.
He said: ‘Let me be clear, I will come out a lot poorer as a result of this mission, but my
grandchildren will come out a lot richer for the inspiration it will give them.’

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B2 First Unit 8 Test

A That simple but important fact moves this idea from laughable to believable.
B Another problem is the radiation in space, which can damage organs and increase the risk of disease.
C This rare opportunity, when the planets are at their closest, will not arise again until 2031.
D And this belief just puts more pressure on Tito, who estimates the cost as being similar to that of a mission
to the ISS.
E As a voyage of human discovery, it will be the most significant journey in the history of our species.
F Because of this, part of the capsule will detach before they come back into the Earth’s atmosphere.
G However, this time he is not intending to fly himself.

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B2 First Unit 8 Test

Part 1 Multiple choice
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1–8, choose the best answer
(A, B or C).

1 You hear a couple talking about a hotel they stayed at.

What is the woman’s criticism of the hotel?
A She slept badly because of the bed.
B She was unhappy they weren’t near the beach.
C She didn’t like being so close to the road outside.

2 You hear a tour guide manager talking to his staff.

What is he doing?
A telling them off about something
B apologising for something
C organising something

3 You hear two friends talking about a day trip.

Which one do they both agree to go?
A the museum
B the beach
C the city

4 You hear a woman leaving a voicemail for a travel agent.

Why is the woman calling?
A to pay for a trip
B to cancel a booking
C to give travel information

5 You hear two friends talking about how to get to a party.

How do they decide to travel?
A by car
B by bus
C by train

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6 You hear a woman leaving a message for her colleague.

Why is the woman going to be late?
A Her flight was delayed.
B Her car broke down.
C She overslept.

7 You hear two students talking about a camping trip.

What is the main reason the man enjoys it?
A He likes how simple the lifestyle is.
B He is keen to escape the chaos of city life.
C He needs to spend as little as possible on holidays.

8 You hear a man leaving a voicemail at an insurance company.

Why is the man calling?
A to check what their current policy covers
B to make a new claim on their insurance
C to buy some insurance for a holiday

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Part 2 Email
This is part of an email you have received from your English friend, Dan.
I’m coming with my mum and dad for a week’s break to your country next month. Unfortunately, it’s
when you’re off on your holiday to America! Can you suggest a pretty part of your country to visit?
We’d like to stay in a country hotel but we’ll be in a car so we can travel around a bit and visit some
interesting sights.


Write your email in 140–190 words in an appropriate style.





















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Part 4 Discussion
You will be asked some of the following questions:
- Do you think people go on holiday too much or too little? Why?
- Why do you think some people prefer holidaying in their own country?
- What are some of the reasons why people go on holiday?
- What do you think is the biggest advantage of a camping holiday?
- Do you think going on a cruise is more interesting than a beach holiday? Why/Why not?
- How do you think holidays will change in the future? Why?

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