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Dokumen - Tips - A Psionics Monster Book by Bruce R Cordell D 2018 01 14 Tomb of Horrors and

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iscover 18 new psionic creatures written by the
D designer of the D&D® Psionics Handbook and
Expanded Psionics Handbook! From the chameleon-
like chalaziom to the dreadful scampering maw, these Beasts
of the Id make the perfect addition to your campaign.
• The monsters’ Challenge Ratings range from 1 to 20, so
there’s something to throw at every adventuring party.
• Players can use the Beasts of the Id as new creatures to
summon and control.
• The book even includes a handful of new powers, templates,
and additional guidelines to use with the monsters.
This valuable resource serves as a companion to the Expanded
Psionics Handbook and If Thoughts Could Kill, Bruce Cordell’s
award-winning* psionics supplement from Malhavoc Press.
And this new edition updates this material to v. 3.5 of the d20
System, compatible with the Expanded Psionics Handbook.
Bruce is also known for his work on such adventures as The
Sunless Citadel, the Origins Award-winning Return to the
Tomb of Horrors, and the Epic Level Handbook.
Malhavoc Press is game designer Monte Cook’s d20 System imprint devoted to
publishing unusual magic, monsters, and evocative game elements that go beyond
traditional fantasy. Malhavoc Press products exhibit a mastery of the d20 System rules
that only one of the 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons® designers can offer you.

Free bonus material at WWW.MONTECOOK .COM

Requires the Dungeons & Dragons® Core Books, Third Edition, and
the Expanded Psionics Handbook, published by Wizards of the Coast®
©2003–2004 Bruce R. Cordell
Dungeons & Dragons and D&D are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
* Best Adventure, 2002 EN World d20 System Awards

PDF Version 2.0

July 8, 2004

A psionics monster book

By Bruce R. Cordell
Requires use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition Core Books and
the Expanded Psionics Handbook, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
This book utilizes updated material from the v. 3.5 revision.

Additional Credits
Additional Design (Qin): Prince “PsiSeveredHead” Elcock
Editing: Miranda Horner
Cover Illustration: Alan Pollack
Interior Illustrations: Toren “MacBin” Atkinson and Alan Pollack
Production: Sue Weinlein Cook
Creative Direction: Monte Cook
Proofreading: Pamela Mohan and Sue Weinlein Cook
Cover and Interior Page Design: Peter Whitley
Playtest Leads: Prince “PsiSeveredHead” Elcock (with the Highwind Fanatics),
Matthew “St M” Arieta (with Team Brooklyn), and William “AntiDjinn” Elyea

For supplemental material, visit Monte Cook’s Website: <>

“d20 System” and the “d20 System” logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used according to the terms of
the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of this License can be found at <>. Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast®
are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used with permission. Malhavoc is a registered trademark and
Eldritch Might is a trademark owned by Monte J. Cook. Sword & Sorcery and the Sword & Sorcery logo are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All
rights reserved. Artwork ©2001–2004 Monte J. Cook. All other content is ©2003–2004 Bruce R. Cordell. All rights reserved. The mention of or reference
to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
This edition of Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id is produced under version 1.0a, 5.0, and/or draft versions of the Open Game License, the d20 System Trademark Logo Guide,
and the System Reference Document by permission of Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent versions of this product will incorporate later versions of the license, guide, and
Designation of Product Identity: The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License, version
1.0a: Any and all Malhavoc Press logos and identifying marks and trade dress, such as all Malhavoc Press product and product line names including but not limited to
The Book of Eldritch Might, Mindscapes: A Psion’s Guide, Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id, If Thoughts Could Kill, Hyperconscious, When the Sky Falls, any specific charac-
ters, monsters, creatures, and places; capitalized names and names of places, artifacts, characters, countries, creatures, geographic locations, gods, historic events,
magic items, organizations, and abilities; any and all stories, storylines, histories, plots, thematic elements, and dialogue; and all artwork, symbols, designs, depictions,
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Designation of Open Game Content: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, the following portions of Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id are designated as Open
Game Content: the statistics and Combat text for the monsters, and anything else contained herein which is already Open Game Content by virtue of appearing in the
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Some portions of this book which are Open Game Content originate from the System Reference Document and are ©1999, 2000, and 2001 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
The remainder of these Open Game Content portions of this book is hereby added to Open Game Content and if so used, should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE
“Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id ©2003–2004 Bruce R. Cordell.” This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction,
retransmission, or unauthorized use of the artwork or non-Open Game Content herein is prohibited without express written permission from Bruce R. Cordell or Monte
Cook, except for purposes of review or use of Open Game Content consistent with the Open Game License. The original purchaser may print or photocopy copies for his
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This document is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.

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2 Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id

Table of Contents
New Power: Call Beast of the Id .............................................................................3
Table: Calling Beasts of the Id....................................................................................................................3
Using This Book .........................................................................................................4
Table: Monsters by Challenge Rating........................................................................................................4

Sidebar: Chalaziom Ocellus ........................................................................................................................5
Fungiform Ego ..........................................................................................................6
Creating a Fungiform Ego.........................................................................................................................7
Sidebar: Fruiting Body Nutritional Value................................................................................................8
Idlock/Idbeast ...........................................................................................................8
Creating an Idbeast ....................................................................................................................................9
Sidebar: New Power: Unleash Idbeast ......................................................................................................10
Idbeasts as Characters.............................................................................................................................10
Sidebar: New Item: Malafide Chalkstone .................................................................................................11
Operant Creatures .....................................................................................................................................11
Meibomian Cyst ........................................................................................................12
Meld ...........................................................................................................................13
Mournwrath .............................................................................................................14
Sidebar: The Dark Plea and Preserving Mournwrath Equipment ........................................................15
Sidebar: Additional Psychic Larva Side-Effects .....................................................................................16
Ogre Psychic .............................................................................................................17
Psimech Saurian/Psimech .......................................................................................18
Sidebar: Primal Artificers and The Machine Enclave............................................................................19
Creating a Psimech...................................................................................................................................20
Sidebar: New Artifact: Staff of the Primal Artificer ...........................................................................20
Qin .............................................................................................................................21
Qin as Characters .....................................................................................................................................22
Scampering Maw ......................................................................................................22
Scapeworm ................................................................................................................23
Taeniad ......................................................................................................................25
Thelihydra ................................................................................................................27
Vultaurs as Characters............................................................................................................................28

Open Game License ..................................................................................................31
Getting Started
Within this volume, you will find 18 psionic creatures to add to your roleplaying game campaign. Now you can expose
your player characters to fearsome new beasts of the id—creatures such as the chameleonlike chalaziom
and the dreadful scampering maw.

he psionic monsters in this book are called, appropriately, “beasts of

T the id.” Before we get to the monster descriptions, here is a new power
to help you expand the types of monsters the player characters (PCs)
can access with their summoning abilities.
About the Author
Born in Watertown, South Dakota, Bruce R. Cordell
earned a degree in Environmental, Population, and
Organismic Biology from the University of Colorado.
While working as a research associate in process
chemistry he learned to synthesize DNA, but he
New Power: Call Beast of the Id could not resist the call of game design.
Clairsentience and Psychoportation [Summoning] In 1995, after a few years as a freelancer and designer
Level: Psion/Wilder 2 of online text-generated virtual worlds (specifically, the
Tolkien-inspired Elendor MUSH), he abandoned sci-
Display: Audible, visual ence for a designer position at TSR, now Wizards of the
Manifestation Time: 1 round Coast. His many design credits include the Psionics
Handbook, The Sunless Citadel, Heart of Nightfang
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels) Spire, Expanded Psionics Handbook, and the Origins
Effect: One summoned creature Award-winning Return to the Tomb of Horrors. He
won the 2002 EN World d20 System Award for Best
Duration: 1 round/level (D) Adventure for his first Malhavoc psionics title,
Saving Throw: None If Thoughts Could Kill, as well as the
2003 EN World d20 System Silver Award for
Power Resistance: No Best Electronic Product for Mindscapes.
Power Points: 3 (see text) Bruce lives in Seattle, Wash., with his wife Dee and
This power summons a specific psionic creature. It appears where you desig- their dog and five cats. He recently completed his sec-
nate and acts immediately on your turn. It attacks your opponents to the best ond novel. Visit his website at <>.

of its ability. If you can communicate with the creature, you can direct it not to About the Illustrators
attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions.
Alan Pollack was born in New Jersey in 1964. He stud-
The power’s ability to call creatures depends on the level of the manifester, as ied at the School of Visual Arts in New York City and
does the total power point cost of the power, as shown in the table below. You in 1991 received his first cover assignment for TSR’s
Dungeon® Magazine. Two years later, Alan became a
can always choose to call a lesser creature than the most powerful one you full-time illustrator at TSR. In 1997 he went out on his
could call using this power. own and has worked for many roleplaying game com-
panies as well as for Del Rey, ROC, Tor Books, and
Wizards of the Coast. Alan lives in Freehold, New
CALLING BEASTS OF THE ID Jersey, with his wife, their two children, and his
Siberian huskies Xena and Pikachu.
Beast of the Id Manifester Level Minimum Power Points
Toren “MacBin” Atkinson is known by night as the
Qin 4 3 lead singer of the Cthulhu rock band, The Darkest of
Idlock 5 3 the Hillside Thickets, but by day he collects Saturday
morning cartoons and draws monsters for money.
Chalaziom 6 5 You’ve seen his work in the award-winning books
Nhalcid 7 5 Delta Green and Death in Freeport. His illustrations
also appear in If Thoughts Could Kill, Book of Eldritch
Vultaur 8 7 Might II: Songs and Souls of Power, and Skreyn’s
Scampering maw 9 7 Register: The Bonds of Magic. He recently wrote and
illustrated the Spaceship Zero roleplaying game.
Taeniad 10 9
Mournwrath 11 9 Malhavoc Press
Meibomian cyst 12 11 Malhavoc Press is game designer Monte Cook’s d20
Psimech 13 11 System imprint devoted to the publication of unusual
magic, monsters, and evocative game elements that
Soulshriver 14 13 go beyond traditional fantasy. Malhavoc Press prod-
Ogre psychic 15 13 ucts such as The Book of Eldritch Might exhibit the
mastery of the d20 System rules that only one of its
Meld 16 15 original designers can offer. Look for When the Sky
Thelihydra 18 17 Falls, an event book designed by Bruce R. Cordell
detailing the cataclysmic effects of a meteor strike
Xenocrysth 23 21 on a fantasy campaign, available now.
Current titles are available to purchase in either print
or electronic (PDF) format at <>.
4 Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id

Using This Book Psion’s Guide. Mode check and resting mode notations in the
The creatures’ write-ups, including the summaries of their creatures’ Special Attacks statistics refer to this psionic com-
most common attacks and abilities, are as standard for d20 bat system. If you prefer not to use this modular subsystem,
monster statistics and as described in the MM. Entries for simply disregard these references.
creatures appear alphabetically by name. Monsters are listed This book is a new edition of the previously published
alphabetically in the table of contents and by Challenge version of Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id. In this edition, we
Rating in the table below. have updated the material to conform to the v. 3.5 revi-
sion of the core rules and the Expanded Psionics Handbook
MONSTERS BY CHALLENGE RATING and corrected a few typos. Everything else in the book has
CR Monster Page stayed the same—if you already have the previous edition
1 Qin 21 of Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id, this update does not invali-
2 Idlock 8 date your version.
3 Chalaziom 5 Each monster’s statistics offer Space/Reach and
4 Nhalcid 16 Face/Reach values, as well as the v. 3.0 and v. 3.5 versions
5 Vultaur 28 of damage reduction (where applicable).
6 Scampering maw 22 Throughout this book, a dagger (†) indicates a power, feat,
6 Fungiform ego 6 or item introduced in Mindscapes: A Psion’s Guide. Otherwise,
7 Taeniad 25 all references to powers, spells, feats, and other rules come
8 Malafide 10 from the Expanded Psionics Handbook and the v. 3.5 revision
8 Mournwrath 14 of the three Core Rulebooks: the Player’s Handbook, DMG,
9 Meibomian cyst 12 and MM.
10 Psimech saurian 18 Sidebars sprinkled throughout the text of this book pro-
11 Soulshriver 24 vide useful information for players and DMs alike, including
12 Ogre psychic 17 a handful of new psionic powers and items.
13 Scapeworm 23 Bonus source material and ideas to augment the informa-
13 Meld 13 tion in Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id appear on Monte Cook’s
15 Thelihydra 27 website. To find the links to these free web enhancements,
20 Xenocrysth 29 visit the book’s product page online at the following address:
Look for this book’s companion volume, Mindscapes: A This sourcebook is protected content except for items
Psion’s Guide, available now. This psionics classbook contains specifically called out as Open Gaming Content on the title
a psionic combat system, a dozen new prestige classes, plus a page. For full details, please turn to the Legal Appendix. Open
variety of new psionic feats, powers, and items. content is not otherwise marked in the text of this book.
Each monster is designed to be used with the mindscape
psionic combat system introduced in Chapter One of A
The Monsters
Each of these new beasts of the id is ready to trouble player characters or empower their ability to summon
and control strange new monstrosities. With a variety of Challenge Ratings ranging from 1 to 20,
there’s something to throw at every adventuring party!

he statistics and abilities of three of these creatures— Instead of a standard hide or scales, the chalaziom’s body

T the scampering maw, vultaur, and xenocrysth—were

inspired by the cover artwork by Alan Pollack. Another
three follow the template format as seen in the MM, which
is covered with tiny lenses made of calcite crystals; its entire
surface acts as one big compound eye composed of hundreds
of tiny lenses. It uses these lenses to change its body col-
allows you to create variations on the themes presented here. oration, see with unbelievable clarity, discharge psionically
In the case of these creatures—the fungiform ego, idlock, intensified beams of light, and capture the minds of the
and psimech saurian—the template rules follow the creature’s incautious with its full-body gaze.
initial stats. The entries for the idbeast, qin, and vultaur offer Chalazioms are always voracious. They don’t usually dis-
suggestions for playing them as characters. tinguish between sentient and nonsentient creatures when it
comes to prey. They prefer small prey but eat anything they
Chalaziom can catch. Because they regard all other creatures as poten-
Small Aberration (Psionic) tial food, most beings
Hit Dice: 4d8+16 (34 hp) consider them simple Chalaziom Ocellus
Initiative: +3 animals. However, When a chalaziom is slain, residual psionic
Speed: 30 feet (6 squares), swim 20 feet chalazioms have a energy lingers in 1d4 of its crystal lenses. If
detached, each acts as a complete pair of eyes
AC: 20 (+1 size, +3 Dexterity, +6 natural), touch 14, secret culture they of charm. Each ocellus can be used only once
flat-footed 17 share only among against a single target, for a maximum of
10 rounds, before crumbling away with its
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+0 themselves, and they psionic energy completely drained.
Attack: Slam +5 melee (1d4+1) or eye ray +7 ranged touch (2d6) communicate in rapid Faint telepathy, ML n/a; Price 75 gp; Weight —
Full Attack: 3 slams +5 melee (1d4+1) and eye ray +5 ranged pulses of light from
touch (2d6) “eye” to “eye” quicker
Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet (Face/Reach 5 feet by 5 feet/5 feet) than any other crea-
Special Attacks: Psi-like abilities, mode check +4, resting ture can follow. Deep below the earth in hidden aquifers,
mode Sap Mind +4 chalazioms gather in colossal clumps, each transmitting
Special Qualities: Chameleon power, DR 10/magic (or whole libraries of information in moments with light pulses.
10/+1), darkvision 120 feet, fire resistance 10 Rolling through the dark waters, these masses of signaling
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +5 chalazioms look like lightning-lit thunderheads drowned in
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 15 dark liquid.
Skills: Hide +10, Listen +7, Search +12*, Spot +18*, Swim +16*
Feats: Alertness, Multiattack Combat
Environment: Any aquatic and underground Chalazioms slam opponents with their limbs, fascinate the
Organization: Solitary or collection (2–5) unwary, and blast eyebeams at their closest prey.
Challenge Rating: 3 * Skills: The chalaziom enjoys a +8 racial bonus on
Treasure: Standard Search, Spot, and Swim checks.
Alignment: Usually neutral Psi-Like Abilities : Chalazioms produce these effects at
Advancement: 5–9 HD (Small); 10–17 HD (Medium); will:
18–36 HD (Large) Eye Ray: Once per round the chalaziom can gather ambi-
Level Adjustment: +3 ent light (or a portion of light it has stored) and release from
its lens-covered body a ray of energized radiance that deals
The chalaziom is a cunning creature that uses light and 2d6 points of damage. The chalaziom can make this attack
psionics to waylay its foes. in conjunction with its melee attacks and it does not draw an
From a distance, a chalaziom has the rough appearance of attack of opportunity.
a 4-foot-tall humanoid, complete with four limbs and a Gaze: During any round that the chalaziom takes only a
head, but its upright appearance is a mimicry—a chalaziom move action, its gaze ability potentially affects any creature
is far more simplistic, as shown in the illustration on the within 30 feet without conscious effort on the chalaziom’s
next page. Five stubby, starfishlike limbs radiate from a cen- part. Creatures affected by the gaze stand fascinated and take
tral disk. The chalaziom can alternately crawl on all five no actions for 1d4 rounds while they stare into the incredible
limbs or walk on just two or three. compound eye that covers the creature’s body. If something
6 Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id

attacks the affected creature, this fascination breaks. A Will Feats: Combat Reflexes, Iron Will, Power Attack, Toughness,
save (DC 16) negates the effect. Each opponent within range Weapon Focus (greatsword), Weapon Specialization
of a gaze attack must attempt a saving throw every round at (greatsword)
the beginning of its turn in initiative order. The creature also Environment: Any
can gaze actively as an attack action by choosing a target Organization: Solitary or colony (6–12)
within range, which must then attempt a saving throw. A Challenge Rating: 6
chalaziom is immune to its own gaze attack. Treasure: Standard
Chameleon Power (Ex): The chalaziom can skillfully Alignment: Chaotic evil
manipulate the light entering and reflecting from its myriad Advancement: By character class
crystal lenses, thus changing the coloration of itself and its Level Adjustment: +2
equipment to match its surroundings. This provides a +8 cir-
cumstance bonus on the chalaziom’s Hide checks. The fungiform ego kills the higher minds of those it
infests and fuses itself into the mindless decaying corpse of
Fungiform Ego* its new fleshy body.
Medium Ooze (Psionic) Formed by the infection of a previous fungiform ego’s fruit-
Hit Dice: 5d10+23 (60 hp) ing aura, the creature described here dwells in the body of a
Initiative: +1 typical human mercenary complete with +1 chainmail armor
Speed: 30 feet (6 squares) and a +1 greatsword. This host nourishes a terrible infection.
AC: 19 (+1 Dexterity, +3 natural, +5 +1 chainmail), touch 11, Crests of vile fungus sprout and burrow on the skin, preserv-
flat-footed 18 ing the flesh against total decay. The eyes are cloudy sacs of
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+6 rot, and the flesh is veined yellow and green. If ever broken
Attack and Full Attack: +1 greatsword +8 melee (2d6+7) open, the chest cavity is revealed to be partially hollowed out
Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet (Face/Reach 5 feet by 5 feet/5 feet) and filled with a packed mass of squalid vegetable matter. The
Special Attacks: Psi-like abilities, mode check +4, resting fungiform ego still wears the clothing and uses the equipment
mode Brain Hammer +4, fruiting aura of the base body and retains access to all the base body’s
Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 feet, ooze traits memories, abilities, and traits. Fungiform egos can disguise
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 their bodies with untarnished armor, gauntlets, and a helm,
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 12**, Wis 12, Cha 14 or a voluminous robe, if attempting to pass as normal. In
Skills: Jump +7, Knowledge (nature)+5, Knowledge (psion- addition to serving as a tool for interacting with the physical
ics)+5, Listen +5, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5 world, the body provides the main mass of the creature (in
* Templated creature; template appears on page 7. the chest) with some protection. Despite the condition of its
** Emulates/takes control of former host’s Intelligence +4. Skill points equal to fleshy carapace, the fungiform ego is very much alive.
(2+Intelligence modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points Fungiform egos work toward their own inscrutable goals,
for the first Hit Die. which invariably run counter to those of most other creatures.
Fungiform Ego
Rumors indicate that every fungiform ego is a minor infection of a much greater mass that spreads rhizoid
fingers through the damp soils of little-visited lands. The goals of this greater mass, called the Mother Mass,
may include eventual coverage of the entire world—the ecosystem would consist only of it and its progeny.
Fungiform egos speak whatever language their hosts originally spoke (usually Common), though
they also “speak” to each other via a rhizoid-mediated language that requires direct contact.

Fungiform egos rely somewhat on the raw combat ability of their bodies if their base bodies
are warriors. Others rely on psionic powers or spells if their base bodies could use either
of those abilities. However, every fungiform ego counts on its fruiting aura to eventually
overcome its foes, using its psionic powers generally in a support capacity.
Fruiting Aura (Ex): Once per day the fungiform ego can generate a cloud of spores
from quickly extruded fruiting bodies. As a move action, the fungiform ego’s skin pro-
duces dozens of bulbous, inflamed, seemingly pus-filled spots (abscesses); however,
when these burst—with ghastly, wet popping sounds—into a haze of spores, it
becomes clear that something more insidious is afoot.
The haze of spores reaches a radius of 10 feet and lasts up to 10 rounds (though wind
or breeze disperses the fruiting aura in 1d4 rounds). Upon initial exposure to the aura, any
creature in it (including undead, but not constructs, oozes, or elementals) must make a
Fortitude saving throw (DC 15). Those that fail this save are infected. A new save is required
for an exposure to a different aura.
Creatures cannot be infected again by the same fruiting aura once they’ve already become
infected. An infected creature immediately takes 1d3 points of temporary Dexterity and
Constitution damage. Even while out of the aura, the infected creature must continue to make
a Fortitude saving throw (DC 15) every minute. On each failed save, the victim takes another
1d4 points of temporary Charisma and Constitution damage. If the victim succeeds at three sav-
ing throws in a row or receives psionic or magical relief from disease, the infection is stemmed.
Should the character’s Charisma or Constitution go to 0, the character is lost, and a new fungi-
form ego is born, with the personality, knowledge, and goals of its progenitor fungiform ego.
See “Creating a Fungiform Ego” below.
Psi-Like Abilities: 3/day—attraction, aversion, false sensory input, psionic charm, schism, steadfast
perception. Manifester level 7th; save DCs are Charisma based. Augmentable powers are aug-
mented to the limit of the manifester level, if appropriate to the power.
Ooze Traits: A fungiform ego is immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymor-
phing. Unlike other oozes, fungiform egos are susceptible to mind-affecting effects (because
each shares a single mind made up of contributions from each individual fungal unit). They
have no clear front or back and are therefore not subject to critical hits or flanking. Oozes are
blind but have the blindsight special quality.
Oozes normally have no natural armor ratings, but fungiform egos “armor” themselves in the
fleshy bodies that give them shape. Inside the husk, fungiform egos are difficult to kill because
their bodies are mostly simple protoplasm. This is reflected by bonus hit points (see the MM).

Creating a Fungiform Ego

“Fungiform ego” is a template that can be added to any living creature (referred to
hereafter as the “base creature”). Constructs are not viable choices, though undead
are, as mentioned above. Creatures with this template are also often referred to as
“fungiform” creatures. The creature’s type changes to “ooze,” albeit an ooze that
retains and even improves its Intelligence score (based on that of the base creature). It
uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Statistics and abilities not presented below are as the base creature.
Hit Points: +10 bonus hit points
AC: Natural armor improves by +3 (this represents the fungus that hardens to form
a carapace on the skin of the base creature the fungiform ego uses as a vessel).
8 Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id

Special Attacks: A fungiform ego retains all the special them shape. Inside the husk, fungiform egos are difficult to
attacks of the base creature. It also gains psi-like abilities kill because their bodies are mostly simple protoplasm. This
and a fruiting aura. is reflected by bonus hit points (see the MM).
Psi-Like Abilities: 3/day—attraction, aversion, steadfast percep- Abilities: +4 Charisma, +4 Intelligence. Unlike most
tion, false sensory input, schism. Manifester level 7th; save DCs oozes, a fungiform ego has an Intelligence score and thus is
are Charisma based. Augmentable powers are augmented to not immune to mind-affecting effects. A fungiform ego has
the limit of the manifester level, if appropriate to the power. skill points equal to 2 + Intelligence modifier (minimum 1)
Fruiting Aura per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first Hit Die.
Fruiting Body Nutritional Value (Ex): Once per Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1
If defeated, the mass of dead fungus found in the chest day, the fungiform Alignment: Usually any evil
cavities of most hosts has a hideous stench and begins
to rot almost immediately. However, if the mass is con-
ego can generate a
sumed in its entirety within the first 24 hours following
death, psionic characters regain up to 19 spent power
cloud of spores Idlock / Idbeast*
points for the day (if any) while psionic creatures that
from quickly Medium Magical Beast (Psionic)
freely manifest their powers regain up to 3 usages for extruded fruiting Hit Dice: 2d10+6 (17 hp)
the day. The downside is that one Fortitude saving
throw (DC 15) determines whether the diner is infected
bodies. As a move Initiative: +3
by the fruiting aura. action, the fungi- Speed: 50 feet (10 squares)
form ego’s skin AC: 22 (+3 Dexterity, +9 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 19
produces dozens Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+6
of bulbous, inflamed, seemingly pus-filled spots (abscesses); Attack: Claw +6 melee (1d8+4)
however, when these burst—with ghastly, wet popping Full Attack: 2 claws +6 melee (1d8+4) and bite +1 melee
sounds—into a haze of spores, it becomes clear that some- (2d6+2)
thing more insidious is afoot. The haze of spores reaches a Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet (Face/Reach 5 feet by 5 feet/5 feet)
radius of 10 feet and lasts up to 10 rounds (though wind or Special Attacks: Id strike, psi-like abilities, mode check +3,
breeze disperses the fruiting aura in 1d4 rounds). Upon initial resting mode Force Multiplier +0
exposure to the aura, any creature in it (including undead, but Special Qualities: Blindsight 30 feet, cunning, immunities,
not constructs, oozes, or elementals) must make a Fortitude poison immunity, resistance to acid 10, cold 10, electricity
saving throw (DC 15). Those that fail this save are infected. A 10, and fire 10, scent
new save is required for an exposure to a different aura. Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1
Creatures cannot be infected again by the same fruiting Abilities: Str 19, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8
aura once they’ve already become infected. An infected crea- Skills: Climb +7, Hide +14**, Listen** +10, Move Silently** +7,
ture immediately takes 1d3 points of temporary Dexterity Search +3, Spot** +11
and Constitution damage. Even while out of the aura, the Feats: Alertness
infected creature must continue to make a Fortitude saving Environment: Any mountains and underground
throw (DC 15) every minute. On each failed save, the victim Organization: Solitary or tribe (leader plus 5–20 grimlocks)
takes another 1d4 points of temporary Charisma and Challenge Rating: 2
Constitution damage. If the victim succeeds at three saving Treasure: Standard coins; standard goods (gems only);
throws in a row or receives psionic or magical relief from dis- standard items
ease, the infection is stemmed. Should the character’s Alignment: Always neutral evil
Charisma or Constitution go to 0, the character is lost, and a Advancement: By character class
new fungiform ego is born, with the personality, knowledge, Level Adjustment: +2
and goals of its progenitor fungiform ego. * Templated creature; template appears on page 9.
Special Qualities: A fungiform ego has all the special
qualities of the base creature, plus it gains the benefits of Primitive instincts and impulses do not always connote a
being an ooze (except immunity to mind-affecting effects). primitive organism. Predatory instincts drive all creatures to
Ooze Traits: A fungiform ego is immune to poison, sleep, some extent. For some, predation is all. Though few drives
paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Unlike other oozes, are so basic as the need to eat, even the most highly evolved
fungiform egos are susceptible to mind-affecting effects consciousness requires sustenance and harbors an idbeast
(because each shares a single mind made up of contributions that slavers for freedom.
from each individual fungal unit). They have no clear front Under the right circumstances, a living creature can undergo
or back and are therefore not subject to critical hits or flank- a terrifying transformation catalyzed by its mind. A rare storm
ing. Oozes are blind but have the blindsight special quality. of psychic potential can touch off a wave of physical and mental
Oozes normally have no natural armor ratings, but fungi- alterations in the creature, allowing its most primitive instincts
form egos “armor” themselves in the fleshy body that gives to reshape its body and abilities. Psionic energy, something
every creature has the potential to harness, plays a part in this (such as stinking cloud or incense-heavy air). Negating an idlock’s
transformation. Ironically, a creature without psionic abilities sense of smell or hearing reduces this ability to normal Blind-
before its “release” finds itself awakened to the power of the Fight (as the feat). Negating both effectively blinds the idlock.
mind in its new, more primitive, embodiment. Cunning (Ex): An idlock is never caught flat-footed.
No matter the form, idbeasts are always impressive speci- Immunities: Idlocks are immune to gaze attacks, visual
mens, having lean predatory lines, thick musculature, catlike effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight.
eyes, and a ferocious, hungry demeanor that never fades. **Skills: An idlock’s dull gray skin helps it hide in its native
Sometimes the creature’s body swells with excess power terrain, conferring a +10 racial bonus on Hide checks in
when its emotions run especially high. mountains or underground. An idlock gains a constant +4 id
Permanently transformed idbeasts are too wild to live in the bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks.
confines of their original society, tribe, herd, or other group.
These loners hunt the edges of civilization in search of ways to Creating an Idbeast
gratify their next unconquerable urge, be it for food or pleasure. “Idbeast” is a template you can add to any living creature
The idlock is an example of a creature—in this case, a with an Intelligence of at least 3 (referred to hereafter as the
grimlock—overcome by its internal idbeast. “base creature”). Constructs and undead are not viable choic-
es (though an idbeast could become undead at a later date
Combat with the application of the vampire template, for example).
Idlocks are blind, but their exceptional senses of smell and With the application of this template, the creature’s type
hearing allow them to locate foes nearby. As a result, they changes to “magical beast.” It uses all the base creature’s sta-
usually shun ranged weapons and charge into the fray with tistics and special abilities except as noted here. Statistics
their claws and teeth. and abilities not presented below are as the base creature.
Id Strike (Su): The idlock can make a normal attack to To name your final idbeast, simply add the word “id” to
deal additional damage equal to its Hit Dice total (maximum the front of the creature’s name as appropriate. If confusion
of +20) against a foe once per day. When it makes such could result when you drop part of the creature’s name and
attacks, it visibly seems to swell with power as its muscles replace it, simply add “id” to the name instead. For example,
ripple and its eyes blaze out like beacons of hunger. an umber hulk could become an id hulk, a harpy becomes an
Psi-Like Abilities: 3/day—biofeedback. Manifester level id harpy, and so on.
2nd. Augmentable powers are augmented to the limit of the Speed: The creature’s base speed improves by +20
manifester level, if appropriate to the power. AC: Natural armor improves by +5
Blindsight (Ex): Idlocks can ascertain all foes within 30 Attacks: An idbeast gains bite and claw attacks in addition
feet as a sighted creature would. Beyond that range, they to the base creature’s attacks, if it did not have them already.
treat all targets as totally concealed (see “Concealment” in Damage: If the base creature does not have bite and claw
Chapter Eight: Combat in the Player’s Handbook). attacks, use the damage values in the table below. Otherwise,
Idlocks are susceptible to sound- and scent-based attacks, use the values below or the base creature’s damage, which-
however, and are affected normally by loud noises and sonic ever is greater.
spells (such as ghost sound or silence) and
overpowering odors
10 Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id

Size Bite Damage Claw Damage Special Qualities: Idbeasts have all the special qualities of
Fine 1d3 1d2 the base creature, plus they gain immunity to poison, and
Diminutive 1d4 1d3 have acid, cold, electricity, and fire resistance 10. They also
Tiny 1d6 1d4 gain cunning and are considered psionic creatures (they can
Small 1d8 1d6 participate in mindscape combat).
Medium 2d6 1d8 Cunning (Ex): An idbeast is never caught flat-footed.
Large 2d8 2d6 Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str
Huge 4d6 2d8 +4, Dex +4, Con +4, Int –2, Wis +4, Cha +2.
Gargantuan 4d8 4d6 Skills: Idbeasts receive a +4 id bonus on Hide, Listen,
Colossal 8d6 4d8 Move Silently, and Spot checks.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1 (for 1–2
Special Attacks: An idbeast retains all the special attacks HD creatures); same as base creature +2 for 3–16 HD crea-
of the base creature. Idbeasts with Intelligence or Wisdom tures; same as base creature +3 for HD 17+ creatures.
scores of 8 or higher possess the following psionic abilities, Alignment: Always neutral
using their Hit Dice or level as the manifester level (an aug-
mentable power is always augmented fully to the limits of Idbeasts as Characters
that manifester level), as specified in the table below. Unless Idbeast humanoids often have a character class; they favor
otherwise indicated, the ability is usable once per day. fighters and barbarians.

Level Abilities Malafide

1–2 Id strike, biofeedback Medium Aberration (Psionic)
3–4 Vigor Hit Dice: 8d8+24+4 (64 hp)
5–6 Id charge 3/day Initiative: +2
7–8 Id strike 2/day Speed: 30 feet (6 squares)
9–10 Dimension door, psionic AC: 21 (+2 Dexterity, +5 natural, +4 inertial armor), touch 12,
11–12 Suggestion, psionic flat-footed 19
13–14 Id strike 3/day Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+8
15–16 Defer fatality† Attack: Claw +8 melee (1d6+2)
17–18 Ultrablast Full Attack: 3 claws +8 melee (1d6+2)
19+ Monster domination Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet (Face/Reach 5 feet by 5 feet/5 feet)
Special Attacks: Operant, mode check +6, resting mode
Id Strike (Su): The creature can make a normal attack to Mind Insurgency +0
deal additional damage equal to its Hit Dice total (maxi- Special Qualities: Astral freedom, DR 10/magic (or 10/+1),
mum of +20) against a foe a number of times per day as darkvision 60 feet
noted in the Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +6
New Power: Unleash Idbeast table. When it Abilities: Str 15, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 12
Psychometabolism makes such Skills: Bluff +6, Concentration +8, Diplomacy +6,
Level: Psion/Wilder 5, Psychic Warrior 5
Display: Mental attacks, it seems Knowledge (psionics) +7, Knowledge (the planes) +7,
Manifestation Time: One standard action to swell with Psicraft +6
Range: Personal
Target: You power as its mus- Feats: Imprint Stone, Psionic Body, Subconscious Power†
Duration: 1 round/ level cles ripple and its Environment: Astral Plane
Power Points: 5, XP Cost
eyes blaze like Organization: Solitary or raid (3–6)
You reach deep into your subconscious and psionically
empower your id. You gain the “idbeast” template for beacons of Challenge Rating: 8
the power’s duration. When the power ends, subtract hunger. Treasure: Standard
the number of hit points, power points, and other loss-
es from your normal scores. Id Charge (Ex): Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Player Note: If you plan to use this power, prepare a If an idbeast Advancement: By character class
separate character sheet with the effects of the template charges a foe dur- Level Adjustment: +3
already applied before you intend to use it in the game.
ing the first round
XP Cost: 50 XP
of combat, it can Malice on the Astral Plane has a new name: the malafide.
make a full attack A malafide stands upright like a humanoid, but its flesh
even if it has appears horribly wrinkled, as if steeped much too long in
already taken a water, or like the surface of a prune or raisin dried in the
move action. sun. They have three arms equidistantly spaced around their

upper torso, and they possess two legs. Their heads look Astral Freedom (Su): A malafide can shift from the Astral
lizardlike, with the same horribly wrinkled flesh that covers to the Material Plane as a free action, and it can shift back
their bodies. Malafides enjoy dressing in grand robes of pure again as a move action (or as part of a move action) each
white, in which they have stitched various psionic diagrams time it pays a cost of 5 power points.
and cortical pathways.
The malafides are a race of malicious alien psionic creatures Operant New Item: Malafide Chalkstone
that live on caravan-cities that ply the infinite Astral Plane. Malafides mine a special substance they call
When their caravans come into close spatial proximity to Creatures chalkstone from an undisclosed location on
the Astral Plane. While most malafides are not
worlds of the Material Plane, they fade into material existence Operant creatures do given the location of this mine, most do receive
in search of psionic lore and plunder. They consider themselves not freely manifest a piece of chalkstone, which appears as chalky
lump of multicolored rock. Any psionic creature
lords of the Astral Plane, and so they viciously hunt other astral their psionic powers, can scribe a psionic tattoo of any power it
denizens whenever they encounter them—so far, most remain but they instead pay knows using the chalkstone; possession of the
chalkstone replicates the Scribe Tattoo feat in
unaware that the malafide caravans have begun to “arrive” from power points to man- all ways (see the Expanded Psionics Handbook),
farther realities. While the caravans, each headed by a different ifest powers like save as follows: The scriber must use the chalk-
stone to scribe the power, the scriber must per-
malafide “tribe,” constantly roam the Astral Plane, once they psionic characters. (If sonally know the power to be scribed, and the
find a new material world to loot (or trade with, in rare cir- “operant” is added as owner does not need to pay a gold piece cost to
scribe a psionic tattoo. Each piece of chalkstone
cumstances), a caravan may linger for 10 to 50 years. a template, a creature can scribe up to five psionic tattoos. Possession
Malafides speak their own language. may continue to freely of chalkstone counts toward an individual
malafide’s treasure.
manifest any power it
Combat could freely manifest Faint metacreativity; ML 5th; cannot be made,
only mined; Price 6,565 gp per piece; Weight —
Malafides are psionic creatures first and are naturally as the base creature.)
operant—almost like psions (see next page). Many of them Operant creatures
take levels of psion to increase their might, but even manifest powers as if
untrained adults are fearsome psionic combatants. a psion in all ways but
Operant (Ps): A malafide manifests as an 8th-level psion. one: they cannot chose a primary discipline. Their manifester
Psionic Powers Discovered: (5/4/4/4; save DC 12 + power level varies by creature type. However, they learn powers
level; power points 64): 1st—astral construct, energy ray, con- from the psion/wilder list according to their manifester level,
ceal thoughts, detect psionics, inertial armor; 2nd—concussion gain power points (and possibly bonus power points for
blast, concealing amorpha, mass missive, swarm of crystals; 3rd— high Intelligence), gain the ability to use meta-psionic feats
body adjustment, energy blast, eradicate invisibility, share pain- to adjust their powers, and so on.
forced; 4th—correspond, energy adaptation, personality parasite, Some operant creatures learn powers from the psychic
psionic dimension door warrior list instead of the psion/wilder list.
12 Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id

Meibomian Cyst
Large Aberration (Shapechanger, Psionic) A meibomian cyst spends much of its life in cyst form, act-
Hit Dice: 12d8+96 (150 hp) ing as a parasitic third eye upon the head of a Gargantuan or
Initiative: +1 Colossal creature. When necessary, the cyst detaches from its
Speed: 40 feet (8 squares) host and assumes a far more dangerous guise.
AC: 24 (–1 size, +1 Dexterity, +14 natural), touch 10, In its detached form, a meibomian cyst appears to be a
flat-footed 23 large, muscular, scaled beast with a single eye on its owl-like
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+21 head. Its body has the proportions of a very broad hunting
Attack: Claw +16 melee (1d6+8) cat, though transparent scales cover it, and a dense network
Full Attack: 2 claws +116 melee (1d6+8) and bite +13 melee of red arteries pulses beneath the scales. Its beak is cruel and
(1d8+4) and tail slam +13 melee (1d8+4) sharp, as are its talons. Its long, thick, prehensile tail ends in
Space/Reach: 10 feet/10 feet (Face/Reach 5 feet by 5 feet/10 a large, bony swelling that is perfect for smashing its enemies.
feet) A meibomian cyst is a natural dealmaker, but only with
Special Attacks: Improved grab, psi-like abilities, mode creatures large enough to provide the destruction it craves
check +6, resting mode Acumen Screen +4, rend 3d6+12 and the body size its parasitic nature needs (see the creature’s
Special Qualities: Alternate form, darkvision 60 feet, alternate form quality below). Though meibomian cysts prefer
DR 10/magic and piercing (or 10/+2), power resistance 16 to parasitize a larger creature, they sometimes remain
Saves: Fort +16, Ref +9, Will +10 detached, without a host, and slink around the lair of a drag-
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 12, Con 27, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 10 on or another legendary creature, seeking an introduction.
Skills: Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Hide +8, Intimidate +7, Meibomian cysts speak Common, Draconic, and Giant.
Listen +11, Spot +14
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Combat
Attack, Weapon Focus (claw) When forced into combat, meibomian cysts are vicious killers.
Environment: Any land and underground Psi-Like Abilities: 3/day—catfall, object reading, psionic true
Organization: Solitary or parasitic team seeing, remote viewing, sensitivity to psychic impressions.
(one cyst and one ancient green dragon) Manifester level 12th; save DCs are Intelligence based.
Challenge Rating: 9 Augmentable powers are augmented to the limit of the man-
Treasure: Standard ifester level, if appropriate to the power.
Alignment: Usually lawful evil Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the cyst must hit
Advancement: 13–20 HD (Large); 21–29 HD (Huge) a Medium or smaller opponent with a claw. If it gets a hold,
Level Adjustment: +4 it automatically deals claw damage and rends.
Rend (Ex): A cyst that hits with both claw attacks latches Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +11
onto the opponent’s body and tears the flesh. This automati- Abilities: Str 25, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 12
cally deals an additional 3d6+12 points of damage. Skills: Concentration +12, Hide +2, Intimidate +10,
Alternate Form (Su): A meibomian cyst can assume two Knowledge (psionics) +9, Listen +13, Spot +12
forms. The first is a Large spherical, eyelike cyst. The second Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Psionic Fist, Psionic
form is the Large detached form described above. Meditation, Weapon Focus (slam)
In cyst form, the creature can attach itself to a willing Environment: Any land or underground
Gargantuan or larger creature (preferably in the center of the Organization: Solitary
forehead). It appears to be a swelling or infestation on the Challenge Rating: 13
parasitized creature, complete with a wide, blinking eye at its Treasure: Standard
center. While so attached, it can relay any information it Alignment: Often chaotic evil
gains from using its psi-like abilities directly to the para- Advancement: By character class
sitized creature, as if that creature were the ability’s recipi- Level Adjustment: +5
ent. (It cannot relay its catfall ability to its host.) While it
remains attached, the cyst gains all its requisite nourishment The half-amorphous meld defeats its foes by absorbing
from this host; while attached, the host’s Constitution score their bodies, integrating their minds, then extruding its
drops by 2 points. As a standard action, the cyst can detach newest free-roaming part.
itself, fall to the ground, and assume its detached form. A meld appears as a humanoid shape towering 18 feet
While it is in cyst form, foes who know enough to recog- high and weighing approximately 9,000 lbs. Its body looks
nize the “third eye” as a separate creature may target it thick, broad, and bloated, seemingly composed of slowly set-
instead of the host, although the cyst enjoys its host’s Armor ting mud or dough the color of mucous. Silently screaming
Class, if better than its own. Likewise, it enjoys its host’s sav- faces and futilely grasping hands stretch the wet, slick skin
ing throw bonuses, if better than its own. of its upper body, as if full-size absorbed creatures constantly
attempt to scream or crawl out. However, careful watch of
Meld these phenomena reveals them to be mere tides of skin with-
Huge Aberration (Psionic) out real substance behind them.
Hit Dice: 14d8+42 (105 hp) A meld is every creature’s worst nightmare. Most would
Initiative: +2 wholeheartedly submit to the total domination of a cruel
Speed: 40 feet (8 squares) telepath before being “controlled” by a meld. That’s because a
AC: 28 (–2 size, +2 Dexterity, +18 natural), touch 10, meld absorbs a victim directly into itself, integrating the vic-
flat-footed 16 tim’s tissue into its own—in essence, the victim becomes the
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+25 meld, and all the knowledge, abilities, and skills of the victim
Attack: Slam +16 melee (2d8+7) become available to the meld for later use, as does the victim’s
Full Attack: 2 slams +16 melee (2d8+7) equipment. If it later desires, a meld can call upon any crea-
Space/Reach: 15 feet/15 feet (Face/Reach 10 feet by 10 ture it has absorbed and release a nearly perfect facsimile,
feet/15 feet) sending it out to do the meld’s desires or to help
Special Attacks: Extrude fleshslave, improved grab, meld, defend the meld when threatened.
psi-like abilities, mode check +9, resting mode Melds hail from a world completely coat-
Brain Hammer –4 ed in living slime. Like a sea of mucous,
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 the slime teems with foul life that is hard
feet, fast healing 5, to distinguish from the medium of the
power resist- ocean itself. Melds are free-roam-
ance 23 ing portions of that world
that have achieved a
measure of
14 Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id

independence due to their psionic abilities. Despite their Creatures brought to –10 hit points or less are completely
independence, they still possess many traits of the world dissolved, absorbed, and integrated into the meld. If the
they left behind. absorbed creature has 13 HD or less, the meld maintains perfect
A melds speaks all the languages of every creature it has tissue recollection of the creature and can later spawn that crea-
ever absorbed, which means a mature meld speaks most lan- ture as a free-roaming part of itself (see Extrude Fleshslave).
guages of the region in which it hunts. The meld’s interior can hold two Large, four Medium,
eight Small, or 16 Tiny or smaller opponents.
Combat Psi-Like Abilities: 3/day—brain lock, cloud mind, ectoplas-
A meld attempts to use its psi-like abilities to weaken its tar- mic cocoon, thicken skin. Manifester level 14th; save DCs are
get, then it wades in and grabs as many victims as possible Charisma based. Augmentable powers are augmented to the
to absorb with its meld power. It also can extrude a flesh- limit of the manifester level, if appropriate to the power.
slave if it has capacity available.
A meld also uses its Psionic Fist feat when it is psionically Mournwrath
focused to deal more damage to its foes. Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Psionic)
Extrude Fleshslave (Ex): A meld can trigger the release of Hit Dice: 14d8+56 (119 hp)
any creature it has previously absorbed with its meld power as Initiative: +6
a free action; however, once triggered, a fleshslave extrudes Speed: 30 feet (6 squares)
from the meld’s own flesh as a full-round action and can take AC: 24, 20% miss chance (+2 Dexterity, +12 pale armor, 20%
its action at the beginning of the meld’s next round of actions. miss chance dream cloak), touch 12, flat-footed 22
While a meld can “remember” any number of previous absorp- Base Attack/Grapple: +14/+18
tions, it can only extrude and control a number of fleshslaves Attack: Hateblade +18 melee (2d6+10)
whose total Hit Dice do not exceed 26. Additionally, it can Full Attack: Hateblade +18/+13/+8 melee (2d6+10)
extrude only one active version of a given absorbed victim. If Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet (Face/Reach 5 feet by 5 feet/5 feet)
the meld extrudes more Hit Dice worth of fleshslaves than it Special Attacks: Hateblade, psi-like abilities, mode check +9,
can control, previously active fleshslaves slump into so much resting mode Body Tank +0
mucous, until the Hit Dice cap again falls below 26. So, while Special Qualities: Birthsense, darkvision 60 feet,
a meld that has successfully depopulated a thorp of a dozen dream cloak, pale armor
residents could individually extrude all those creatures, it Saves: Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +11
could never extrude all of them simultaneously. Abilities: Str 18, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 16
A fleshslave looks like its original before it was absorbed Skills: Bluff +20, Concentration +14, Diplomacy +12,
except for a strange greenish cast to its eyes (noticeable with Disguise +20, Gather Information +8, Hide +7,
a Spot check, DC 18). It has all the knowledge, abilities, pow- Intimidate +10, Knowledge (the planes) +7, Listen +21,
ers, and potentially even the equipment of the original: A Move Silently +14, Sense Motive +17, Spot +21
meld can carry in its body equipment for up to four Large Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative,
and eight Medium creatures, so fleshslaves may extrude with Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greatsword)
their stored equipment intact . However, the fleshslave Environment: Any
becomes an extension of the meld—what it knows, the meld Organization: Solitary, pair, or pod (3–12)
knows, and vice versa. Challenge Rating: 8
A fleshslave lasts 24 hours before slumping into so much Treasure: Standard
mucous. Alignment: Neutral evil
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the meld must Advancement: By character class
hit a Large or smaller opponent with a slam. Level Adjustment: +4
Meld (Ex): A meld can try to absorb a grabbed opponent
of Large or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Grief burns in a mournwrath’s eyes, which bear a psychic
On a successful check, the victim is enveloped by the meld’s burden of sorrow that can never be sated.
mucouslike flesh. Once inside, the victim takes 2d8+10 points Also known as the Faded, Tainted Fiends, and the
of crushing damage plus 3d8 points of acid damage per Stained, mournwraths appear as thin, poised humanoids
round from the meld’s corrosive tissue. An absorbed creature dressed in voluminous capes of white, which drape articulat-
can attempt to struggle free of the meld’s flesh with a success- ed plate armor the color of pale flesh. Hair the color of bone
ful grapple check. This returns it to the meld’s sticky exterior, is pulled back from their faces, which contain only overlarge
where another successful grapple check is needed to get free. eyes that stare in accusatory glares of sorrow—they have no
An absorbed creature also can cut its way out by using claws ears, mouth, or nose, though they have vague indentations
or a Small or Tiny slashing weapon to deal 25 points of dam- where such features may have existed in their ancestry. But,
age to the surrounding flesh (AC 24). Once the creature exits, mournwraths do not lack for mouths—in fact, they have
the mucouslike flesh closes over the hole; another absorbed two. One hides in the palm of each of their two hands. All
opponent must cut its own way out. mournwraths appear hazy, even in perfect light, as if they
walk partly outside the world of matter. (Some say they always
walk partly in dream.)
Mournwraths are born of humans who were touched by the Dark
Plea (a little-understood psychic force that mentally plagues many
worlds of the multiverse, usually making its presence known only by
the nightmares it causes in passing). Curdled in the womb, they are
considered abominations by their natural parents. Before the malformed
child can be cast out for the monster it is, nearby adult mournwraths sense
the birth and steal the child away to raise it according to the secret stric-
tures of the Dark Plea and to equip it with their signature equip-
ment and weaponry (dream cloak, pale armor, and hateblade).
Mournwraths speak the language of their parents (usually

Combat The Dark Plea

Mournwraths often serve as There is a force in the multiverse known as the
Dark Plea. Some believe it is merely a malign psy-
the leaders of unrelated evil chic force that can make its presence known only
creatures or characters, by the nightmares it causes in passing. In truth,
the Dark Plea is something far more dire. So far,
though sometimes a few of the Dark Plea’s agents in this world are few, but
them work together to on distant worlds and planes, its victories have
been earth-shattering. Literally. These worlds
achieve their nefarious have burst asunder under blows from the Dark
ends. Mournwraths serve Plea’s most powerful, nightmare-spawned—
but still unknown to us—other progeny.
the needs of even more
powerful evil creatures; Preserving Mournwrath Equipment
they always instantly do Quick-thinking victors can attempt to preserve a
the direct will of the Dark piece of mournwrath equipment. Those who
Plea in those instances permanently sacrifice 2 points of Wisdom and
2 points of Intelligence to a piece of equipment
where the Dark Plea can stabilize it. The Wisdom and Intelligence
makes demands of its drain cannot be healed by any means while the
mournwrath equipment persists, but it can be
progeny. healed following the destruction of the stabilized
Hateblade: Most mournwrath equipment. If the wielder or wearer
of personally stabilized equipment passes it to
mournwraths wield a hate- another for use, the equipment becomes unstable
blade. Quenched in tears and must be preserved anew by its new owner.

of unrequited loss, a hate-

blade is treated as a +4
greatsword that deals an additional 1d4 points of temporary
Wisdom damage on each successful hit (8 points of Wisdom damage
on a critical hit). If wielded by any creature other than a mournwrath, a
hateblade slowly dissolves into uselessness over the course of 24 hours.
Psi-Like Abilities: 3/day—attraction, aversion, dismiss ectoplasm, dissolving
touch (gout of acid seems to emerge from mouth in palm), dream travel.
Manifester level 16th; save DCs are Charisma based. Augmentable powers are
augmented to the limit of the manifester level, if appropriate to the power.
Birthsense (Su): When a mournwrath is to be born in the waking world,
mournwraths know it and send two or three of their number to collect the child.
Dream Cloak: Most mournwraths possess a dream cloak. Woven from the
tortured nightmares of children, the dream cloak lends the mournwrath a
hazy, dreamlike quality even in the waking world, granting it a 20 percent
miss chance. If worn by any creature other than a mournwrath, a dream cloak
slowly dissolves into uselessness over the course of 24 hours. True seeing and
similarly mighty powers and spells pierce this miss chance.
Pale Armor: Most mournwraths are equipped with pale armor. Fashioned
from pearl wrung from the Dying Sea of Nevermore, pale armor functions as
+4 full plate. If worn by any creature other than a mournwrath, a suit of pale
armor slowly dissolves into uselessness over the course of 24 hours.
16 Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id

Nhalcid they are almost a mist. Of particular note are its eyes, which
Large Magical Beast (Psionic) appear completely human instead of the compound eyes
Hit Dice: 5d10+10 (37 hp) normally associated with vermin—even overlarge vermin. The
Initiative: +3 eyes reveal the nhalcid’s depth of intelligence: The color and
Speed: 20 feet (4 squares), fly 60 feet (good) shape of these eyes match those of the creature from which the
AC: 21 (–1 size, +3 Dexterity, +9 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 18 nhalcid hatched, leaving the former host blind and eyeless.
Base Attack/Grapple:+5/+14 Nhalcids speak whatever languages their host spoke,
Attack: Sting +9 melee (1d3 plus poison) which usually include Common.
Full Attack: Sting +9 melee (1d3 plus poison) and ovipositor +7
melee melee (1d3 plus larva implantation) Combat
Space/Reach: 10 feet/10 feet A nhalcid can attempt to bring its psi-like abilities to bear
(Face/Reach 5 feet by 5 feet/10 feet) against a foe, though its best tactic is to use them to get its foes
Special Attacks: Implant larva, poison, psi-like abilities, into position for a successful use of its ovipositor to implant
mode check +4, resting mode Body Tank +4 a larva, after which it can send the new host on its way. For
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, instance, the favorite psionic suggestion of a nhalcid to a potential
power resistance 14 host is, “Stand still so I can give you a nice new inside friend.”
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +3 Implant Larva (Ex): If the nhalcid makes a successful
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 13 melee attack with its ovipositor, the victim must succeed at a
Skills: Hide +6, Listen +11, Spot +11 Will save (DC 14). On a failed save, the victim is injected
Feats: Alertness with a psychic larva. A nhalcid can implant up to three psy-
Environment: Any land or underground chic larvae per day.
Organization: Solitary, nest (2–5), or swarm (5–20) The psychic larva has no physical form—it is purely a
Challenge Rating: 4 psionic impulse, albeit an incredibly complex one. It is a nas-
Treasure: Standard cent lifeform. One of the side-effects of being implanted
Alignment: Usually chaotic neutral with a psychic larva is that hosts react to the nhalcid
Advancement: 6–10 HD (Large); 11–17 HD (Huge) implanter as if they were under the compulsion of a psionic
Level Adjustment: +4 dominate power (even if not a humanoid). A nhalcid can
command the new host to defend the nhalcid, go lose itself
The nhalcid exists to breed, and it breeds to control other and wait for its “new inside friend” to hatch, or take some
living creatures by implanting initially formless psychic lar- other action important to the nhalcid.
vae into its prey. A psychic larva typically hatches and takes on physical
A nhalcid looks form four to six weeks after implantation. In taking on a
Additional Psychic Larva Side-Effects like a 6-foot-diam- physical form, it incorporates some of the material substance
Implanted psychic larvae grant their hosts a couple of eter wasplike mon- of its host’s body. The host is permanently drained of 2
positive side effects prior to hatching, leading some
would-be hosts to purposefully accept a larva with the
strosity. Its body is points of Constitution, goes blind as his eyes are directly
idea that they’ll abort it prior to hatching—a tactic that a soft, mother-of- incorporated into the newly hatched nhalcid, and loses
does not always succeed. Those harboring psychic
larvae gain +2 insight bonuses on their saving throws
pearl coloration, knowledge of one power, should it have one (chosen by the
and skill checks. Hosts also add +2 to the Difficulty and its wings are hatching nhalcid, who gains it as one of its daily psi-like
Classes of psionic powers they manifest (if any).
so translucent that abilities in place of psionic dimension door).
Ogre Psychic
A psychic larva can be killed prior to its hatching with a The ogre psychic’s physical and mental abilities put to
dispel psionics successfully targeted against an effect created shame even its lesser ogre mage cousins. When the body fails,
by a 10th-level manifester, though the host can take steps to the mind prevails, or so believe ogre psychics. Of course, the
prevent this from happening. bodies of ogre psychics, energized by their psionic might, rarely
Poison (Ex): Fortitude save (DC 14); initial damage 1d6 fail them. And when the body weakens, ogre psychics can feed
points of temporary Wisdom, secondary damage 2d6 points on the chakra residue of living creatures to restore their power.
of temporary Wisdom. An ogre psychic stands about 12 feet tall and weighs up to
Psi-Like Abilities: 3/day—dispel psionics, missive, psionic 800 lbs. Its skin varies in color from light yellow to light red,
dimension door, and psionic suggestion. Manifester level 8th; save and its body hair utterly deserts it by the time it reaches
DCs are Charisma based. Augmentable powers are augmented adulthood. A single short ivory horn protrudes from the cen-
to the limit of the manifester level, if appropriate to the power. ter of its forehead. The eyes are dark with strikingly white
pupils, and the teeth and claws are jet black. Ogre psychics
Ogre Psychic favor heavy armor, if available.
Large Giant (Psionic) Ogre psychics prefer to hide their true mental abilities by
Hit Dice: 12d8+48 (102 hp) lairing with lesser ogres and even ogre mages, whom an ogre
Initiative: +1 psychic mentally dominates so they pretend to be in charge
Speed: 30 feet (6 squares) of the lair. The occurrence of an ogre psychic among normal
AC: 26 (–1 size, +1 Dexterity, +8 natural, +8 full plate armor), ogres is rare, and to survive childhood, each learns to conceal
touch 10, flat-footed 25 its power until it has gathered sufficient force to reveal itself.
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+19 Ogre psychics speak Giant and Common, but they can
Attack: Claw +15 melee (2d6+6) also communicate telepathically with any creature within
Full Attack: 2 claws +15 melee (2d6+6) and gore +12 melee 100 feet that has a language.
Space/Reach: 10 feet/10 feet (Face/Reach 5 feet by 5 feet/10 Combat
feet) Ogre psychics prefer to use their psionic abilities to bring
Special Attacks: Chakra feed, improved grab, psi-like abili- foes low, though their physical prowess is unmatched by
ties, mode check +8, resting mode Mind Insurgency +0 other ogres. To use their most frightening power, chakra
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 feet, power resistance 22, feed, ogre psychics must achieve close contact.
regeneration 3 Chakra Feed (Su): An ogre psychic feeds on its prey’s
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +5, Will +7 life force each round with a successful opposed grapple
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 20, Wis 17, Cha 20 check. On the prey’s round, the victim can attempt an
Skills: Concentration +19, Hide +12, Knowledge (psionics) opposed grapple check to break free (as normal). Each
+20, Listen +18, Psicraft +18, Sense Motive +17, Spot +17 round the ogre psychic makes a successful grapple check
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Multiattack, Power Attack, Psionic against grabbed prey, it also deals automatic gore damage:
Fist, Weapon Focus (claw) The ogre psychic holds the prey firmly in two hands and
Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground impales the prey with its single horn. Life
Organization: Solitary, pair, or super-troupe (1, plus 1–2 ogre force visibly drains from the victim
mages, plus 2–4 ogres) through the horn as if it were an elec-
Challenge Rating: 12 tric current of energy.
Treasure: Standard Every round the ogre psychic
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil successfully feeds
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +3
18 Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id

diminishes the victim’s crown chakra†. This partly incinerates the victim’s
flesh, leaving behind pockets of ash. Against nonpsionic creatures, the
chakra feed permanently drains 1d4+1 points of Intelligence. Against psion-
ic creatures that use power points, it drains 2d5+1 power points (which do
not return unless the ogre psychic is slain). Against creatures with psi-like
abilities, each chakra feed eliminates one daily freely manifested power (which
does not return unless the ogre psychic is slain).
If an ogre psychic slays its opponent, it can feed on the corpse, devouring both
flesh and life force, as a full-round action. For every 8 HD or levels of a psionic crea-
ture an ogre psychic consumes, it gains one of the eaten creature’s psionic powers as a
daily manifest power for one day. Feeding destroys the victim’s body and prevents any
form of raising or resurrection that requires part of the corpse.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the ogre psychic must hit a Large or smaller foe with a
claw attack. If the ogre psychic gets a hold, it can feed on the opponent’s life force using chakra feed.
Psi-Like Abilities: At will—telekinesis (all three telekinetic powers); 3/day—mind wipe, psionic
dimension door, psionic suggestion, psionic true seeing, read thoughts, ultrablast, wallwalker; 1/day—
mind blank–personal, null psionics field, psionic dominate. Manifester level 14th; save DCs are
Charisma based. Augmentable powers are augmented to the limit of the manifester level, if
appropriate to the power.
Regeneration (Ex): Ogre psychics take normal damage from cold and electricity.

Psimech Saurian / Psimech*

Large Monstrous Humanoid (Psionic)
Hit Dice: 7d10+40 (78 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 feet (6 squares)
AC: 23 (–1 size, +14 natural), touch 9, flat-footed 23
Base Attack: +7/+17
Attack: Bite +13 melee (2d8+6)
Full Attack: Bite +13 melee (2d8+6) and 2 claws +10 melee (1d8+3)
Space/Reach: 5 feet/10 feet (Face/Reach 5 feet by 5 feet/10 feet)
Special Attacks: Discharge capacitor, implant, perfect targeting, plasma jump,
pounce, psi-like abilities, mode check +5, resting mode Force Multiplier
+0, skinburst
Special Qualities: Acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, defensive field 5,
electrical transformation, fast healing 1/hour, fire resistance 5, operant, psimech
traits, sonic resistance 5
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +4
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 11, Con —, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 8
Skills: Listen +9, Knowledge (engineering)**, Knowledge (psionics)**, Knowledge (the planes)**, Spot +9
Feats: Alertness, Multiattack, Weapon Focus (bite)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, gang (2–5), or pack (6–10)
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Advancement: 8–10 HD (Large); 11–21 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: +4
* Templated creature; template description appears on page 20.

When machines were intentionally fused with psionically “living” crystals by the mysterious Primal Artificers, psimechs
were created, stored against future need, then forgotten. Now, ages later, an ancient cache of psimechs has spiraled out of the
sky like a falling star, loosing psimechanical life on the land.
Psimechanically enhanced creatures are beings that have been captured by alpha psimechs, altered through the fusion of
metal and crystal alloys, psionic circuits, and psychic imperatives, then released to do the work of the Machine Enclave:
Psimech Saurian
Convert the world of the biological into the world of the ** Skills: The psimech saurian enjoys a +10 competence
psimechanical. bonus to Knowledge (engineering), Knowledge (psionics),
A little-known race of intelligent saurians proved ideal and Knowledge (the planes).
psimech fodder. Psimech saurians appear as muscular Electrical Transformation (Ex): All psimechs have elec-
humanoid toads half sheathed in metallic skin, complete trical transformation 10. This resembles electricity resist-
with protruding crystal heat dissipater fins and aglow with ance 10 in that the first 10 points of electricity damage per
chaotic and psionic energy. electricity attack do not harm the creature (while electricity
damage in excess of 10 points harms the psimech normal-
Combat ly). However, the first 10 or fewer points of electricity dam-
A psimech saurian has more options than simply swiping at age that the psimech would otherwise sustain are instead
its foes (though this remains a favorite). It can begin any transformed into psionic power points on a 5-for-1 basis
combat at range by using its discharge capacitor ability. In (every 5 points of electricity damage are transformed into 1
a desperate situation, it can briefly take to the air with its power point). Psimech saurians can never accumulate more
plasma-assisted jump, wreaking havoc on all creatures near than their maximum operant psionic power point total of
its launch point. 40 power points using electrical transformation.
Discharge Capacitor (Ps): The psimech saurian can Fast Healing (Ex):
release a 5-foot-wide and 60-foot-long electrical bolt that Psionically mediated
deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per power point subroutines grant fast Primal Artificers
spent (maximum 10d6) to each creature within its area. healing that allows The legend of the Primal Artificers dates back
several cycles of reality. According to recently
Creatures that make a successful Reflex save (DC 15) take the psimech saurian deciphered UroTaliph rune-texts, the Primal
half damage. to regain 1 hit point Artificers were spawned on a world completely
unlike commonly encountered biomes. A cata-
Perfect Targeting (Ex): A psimech saurian gains a +2 per hour if damaged. clysm of some sort extinguished their sun and
bonus on all attack rolls and on its power Difficulty The psionic repair replaced it with a pit of all-consuming darkness
that constantly emitted jets of exotic energy and
Classes. damage power also strained reality. The Primal Artificer world, bathed
Plasma Jump (Ex): Using an advanced application of cures damaged in these jets, evolved crystal life that subsisted
on exotic energy, as plants on a normal world do
its discharge capacitor ability, the psimech saurian electri- psimech creatures. on the sun’s light. With life came intelligence,
cally generates a sun-hot gas that it can use to give itself a Psimech Traits: and eventually the Primal Artificers came into
being. The UroTaliph rune-texts attribute to them
+20 bonus on its Jump check per 2 power points spent Psimechs are a sub- almost godlike capabilities. Thus, from the per-
(+100 bonus maximum); can exceed normal Jump maxi- type of construct. spective of a Primal Artificer, living crystal may
not have been such a strange concept.
mums. Using this ability also scorches all creatures in a Psimechs are
20-foot radius, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage and 1d6 immune to poison, The Machine Enclave
points of electricity damage per 2 power points spent. For sleep, paralysis, stun- The Machine Enclave is a loosely associated
instance, if spending 6 power points, the psimech saurian ning, disease, death group of intelligences that have two things in
common—they gained their sentience through
can make a one-time Jump check with a +100 bonus on its effects, and necro- artificial or mechanical means (often assisted
roll. At the same time, all creatures within 20 feet of the mantic effects. They by magic or psionics; many magically animated
constructs with intelligence work in Machine
launch take 3d6 points of fire damage and 3d6 points of also are immune to Enclave cells), and a strong dislike of purely
electricity damage. any effect that biological intelligences. Not every artificial
intelligence wants to eradicate “soft life,”
Pounce (Ex): If a psimech saurian leaps upon a foe dur- requires a Fortitude though. In fact, there is a strong recruiting arm
ing the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even save, unless it also on the Machine Enclave’s part. To the misfor-
tune of soft life, agents of the Machine Enclave
if it has already taken a move action. works on objects. discovered and awakened psimech crystals.
Operant (Ex): Operant creatures manifest powers by They cannot heal Thus, psimechs are almost exclusively servants
of the Machine Enclave, though some have
paying power points. See the Operant Creatures section damage (though broken free of their programming.
on page 11 for details. regeneration and fast
Psionic Powers Discovered: (3/3/3/1; power points 40) 1st— healing still apply, if
biofeedback, offensive precognition, vigor; 2nd—animal affinity, present, as does
psionic levitate, thought shield; 3rd—evade burst, psionic keen psionic repair damage
edge, vampiric blade; 4th—psionic freedom of movement. and other powers or
Skinburst (Su): Once per day a psimech saurian’s skin spells that heal constructs) and are not subject to critical
can emit a brilliant flash of psionically pumped chromatic hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, or
light. Every creature within 20 feet must succeed at a energy drain. They are not at risk of death from massive
Fortitude save (DC 16) or become dazed for 1d4 rounds. damage, but are destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or
Defensive Field (Ex): Psimech saurians gain damage less; they cannot be raised or resurrected; they have dark-
reduction 5/—. vision 60 feet.
20 Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id

Creating a Psimech Perfect Targeting (Ex): Adaptive optics grant the psimech a
“Psimech” is a template that can be added to any corporeal +2 bonus on all attack rolls and its power Difficulty Classes.
creature (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). Those Plasma Jump (Ex): Using an advanced application of its dis-
with this template are often called “operant machine” crea- charge capacitor ability, a psimech electrically generates a sun-
tures. The creature’s type changes to “construct (psimech).” hot gas that it can use to give itself a +20 bonus on its Jump
It uses all the base check per 2 power points spent (+100 bonus maximum; can
creature’s statistics exceed normal Jump maximums). Using this ability also scorch-
New Artifact: Staff of the Primal Artificer and special abili- es all creatures in a 20-foot radius, dealing 1d6 points of fire
This crystalline staff was recovered recently, unscathed, ties except as damage and 1d6 points of electricity damage per 2 power points
from the crater of an ancient meteorite. Dating back
several cycles of reality, the Primal Artificers were noted here. spent. For instance, if spending 6 power points, the psimech
beings of nearly godlike power whose minds were nat- Statistics and abil- can make a one-time Jump check with a +100 bonus on its roll.
urally contained in exotic crystal. The staff may indeed
be one of their tools. ities not presented At the same time, all creatures within 20 feet of the launch take
Whosoever holds the Staff of the Primal Artificer may below are as the 3d6 points of fire damage and 3d6 points of electricity damage.
use a power similar to psionic dominate up to three base creature. Plasma Lance (Ex): At this level, the psimech can focus the
times per day. However, the power of the staff is specif-
ically limited to entities who possess nonbiological Hit Dice: effects of its plasma generation better. An operant machine
sentience, including constructs (even nonintelligent Constructs have can convert power to plasma (the cost is 1 power point per
constructs), machine intelligences, and even undead
(the effect of the staff is not a mind-affecting compul- no Constitution 1d6 points of electricity damage and 1d6 points of fire dam-
sion). The staff has no power over living intelligences. score. However, age), releasing it as a powerful bolt. The bolt is 10 feet wide
psimechs are hard and 60 feet long, and it deals 1d6 points of fire damage and
to kill because 1d6 points of electricity damage per power point spent (max-
their bodies are imum 20d6; 10 power points per bolt) to each creature with-
difficult to dam- in its area. Creatures who make a successful Reflex save (DC 10
age, as reflected by + 1/2 the psimech’s Hit Dice + the psimech’s Dexterity modi-
bonus hit points fier + perfect targeting) take half damage.
(in addition to hit points from Hit Dice), according to size: Special Qualities: A psimech creature retains all the spe-
Fine 5; Diminutive 10; Tiny 15; Small 20; Medium 30; Large 40; cial qualities of the base creature, except where noted. All
Huge 50; Gigantic 70; Colossal 100. operant machine creatures gain electrical transformation 10,
AC: Natural armor improves by +8. Steel and crystal alloys as described below. All psimech creatures also possess the
replace much of the creature’s normal exterior. mechanical abilities specified by level of the base creature in
Special Attacks: A psimech creature retains all the special the table on the next page. Finally, all psimechs gain con-
attacks of the base creature. All operant machine creatures struct traits, save that psimechs retain all their ability scores
gain access to psionic powers, as described below. All psimech except Constitution.
creatures also possess the following mechanical abilities as Electrical Transformation (Ex): All psimechs have electrical
specified by level of the base creature in the table below. transformation 10. This resembles electrical resistance 10 in
that the first 10 points of electricity damage per electrical
Level Abilities attack do not harm the creature (while electricity damage in
1–2 Discharge capacitor excess of 10 points harms the psimech normally). However,
3–4 — the first 10 or fewer points of electricity damage that the
5–6 Perfect targeting psimech would otherwise sustain are instead transformed
7–8 Plasma jump into psionic power points on a 5-for-1 basis (every 5 points
9–15 — of electricity damage are transformed into 1 power point). A
16+ Plasma lance psimech can never accumulate more power points than its
Hit Dice × 6.
Discharge Capacitor (Ps): The operant machine operates on a Operant (Ex): Operant creatures manifest powers by paying
flux of psionic power points. An operant machine can discharge power points. See the Operant Creatures section on page 11.
a portion of its excess power (it costs 1 point per 1d6 points of Psimechs are treated as psychic warrior manifesters with a
electricity damage), releasing it as a powerful electrical bolt. manifester level equal to their HD +2.
The bolt is 5 feet wide and 60 feet long, and it deals 1d6 Psimech Traits: Psimechs are a subtype of construct.
points of electricity damage per power point spent (maxi- Psimechs are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning,
mum 10d6) to each creature within its area. Creatures that disease, death effects, necromantic effects, and any effect
make a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the psimech’s Hit that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects;
Dice + the psimech’s Dexterity modifier + perfect targeting, if they cannot heal damage (though regeneration and fast heal-
available) take half damage. ing still apply, if present, as does psionic repair damage and
other powers or spells that heal constructs); not subject to Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet (Face/Reach 5 feet by 5 feet/5 feet)
critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, Special Attacks: Psi-like abilities, mode check +2, resting
or energy drain; not at risk of death from massive damage, mode Mind Insurgency +4, siphon life
but destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less; can’t be Special Qualities: Qin telepathy, naturally psionic
raised or resurrected; darkvision 60 feet. Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 12
Level Abilities Skills: Bluff +7, Concentration +6, Knowledge (psionics) +6,
1–2 Defensive field 1, fast healing Psicraft +6
3–4 Defensive field 3 Feats: Psionic Body
5–6 Defensive field 5 Environment: Any land
7–8 — Organization: Solitary, band (2–4 qin), or squad (one 7th-
9–15 Defensive field 7 level master spy, two 5th-level journeymen, and 5–7 qin)
16+ — Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Defensive Field (Ex): Operant machine creatures psionical- Alignment: Usually neutral evil
ly generate a deflective screen that hinders kinetic attacks. Advancement: By character class
This grants operant machines damage reduction equal to the Level Adjustment: +1
value noted on the level-dependent table. For instance, a 1st-
level base creature has damage reduction 1/—. The qin are psionic humanoids who view other intelligent
Fast Healing (Ex): Psionically mediated subroutines grant all races as property by right of mind.
operant machines fast healing that allows them to regain 1 hit Qin fall in the same height range as humans, but they are
point per hour if damaged. The psionic repair damage power stockier and possess large eyes of golden hue. They dress
also cures damaged psimech creatures. If the creature already according to the norms of the humanoid society they infil-
possesses fast healing, this version replaces that quality. trate. Indeed, they can easily pass for humanoids for short
Abilities: Modify the base creature’s abilities as follows: periods of time in all but the most vigilant of communities
Str +4, Dex –2, Con (stripped), Int +2, Cha –2. (using their psi-like abilities).
Skills: Operant machines gain a +10 competence bonus When not infiltrating human cities, qin live in caves or
on any three Knowledge skills. camps in the wilderness called communes; however, they
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +5 have established secret communes in humanoid cities as
well. In their communes, slaves perform most of the labor-
Qin intensive tasks, such as gathering forest products. Hidden
Medium Humanoid (Psionic) urban communes usually have few, if any slaves, which are
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 +2 (8 hp) transferred to the main communes as soon as possible. Qin
Initiative: +2 never arm their slaves, though qin may allow skilled slaves to
Speed: 30 feet (6 squares) work in smithies and other sensitive areas.
AC: 15 (+4 inertial armor, +1 Dexterity), Although not a unified race, qin rarely fight with each
touch 11, flat-footed 14 other. Different communes may work together toward
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/–1 a common goal, such as subjugating an outlying
Attack and Full Attack: humanoid village. Qin that have disputes with
Quarterstaff –1 melee each other resort to arbitration, if possible, or
(1d6–1) or crossbow +1 allow a standing vote of the commune to
ranged (1d8) decide the proper course of action.
22 Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id

The qin people have no plans for world conquest, and Scampering Maw
they usually ignore the political nuances of “lesser” crea- Medium Aberration (Psionic)
tures. Most are simply interested in collecting other races as Hit Dice: 7d8+28 (59 hp)
slaves to make their own lives more comfortable. However, Initiative: +4
on occasion, more “enlightened” qin act as spies and hired Speed: 60 feet (12 squares)
infiltrators for other races. AC: 22 (+4 Dexterity, +8 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 18
Qin do not speak any racial tongue. Instead, they rely on Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+9
telepathy among themselves, though they learn to physical- Attack: Bite +9 melee (2d4+4)
ly speak appropriate humanoid tongues (usually Full Attack: Bite +9 melee (2d4+4) and 2 claws +7 melee
Common). (1d8+2) and 2 rakes +7 melee (2d6+2
Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet (Face/Reach 5 feet by 5 feet/5 feet)
Combat Special Attacks: Attach, blood drain, natural schism, psi-like
Qin prefer to use their psi-like abilities to charm their foes abilities, mode check +5, resting mode Acumen Screen +2
just long enough to physically capture and enslave them. Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 feet
They are poor warriors, but if pressed into combat against a Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +9
foe they cannot charm, they attempt to siphon the life force Abilities: Str 19, Dex 18, Con 19, Int 7, Wis 19, Cha 15
of their foe first. Skills: Climb +9, Jump +9, Listen +11, Spot +11
Psi-Like Abilities: 3/day—conceal thoughts, psionic alter self Feats: Alertness, Multiattack, Power Attack
(as alter self in the Player’s Handbook), psionic charm; 1/day— Environment: Any warm
inertial armor, psionic daze. Manifester level 2nd; save DCs are Organization: Solitary or race (2–7)
Intelligence based. Augmentable powers are augmented to Challenge Rating: 6
the limit of the manifester level, if appropriate to the power. Treasure: Standard
Siphon Life (Ps): Once per day, a qin can make a ranged Alignment: Neutral evil
touch attack with a psychometabolic life-draining ray (range Advancement: 8–10 HD (Medium); 11–18 HD (Large)
60 feet). This ray drains 1d6 hit points. If the qin has class Level Adjustment: +2
levels, it instead drains 1d6 hit points per three psionic class
levels (maximum 5d6) from a single living creature. On a Scampering maws are scavengers of desert lands that con-
successful hit, the hit points are transferred to the qin as stantly seek blood for nutrition and hydration. Sometimes,
temporary hit points that last one minute. scampering maws get loose in lush civilized lands where life
Naturally Psionic: Qin gain 2 bonus power points at 1st (and blood) is plentiful.
level. This benefit does not grant them the ability to manifest
powers beyond those they manifest as psi-like abilities,
unless they gain that ability through another source, such as
levels in a psionic class.
Qin Telepathy (Su): A qin can communicate with another
qin within 100 feet, even if they do not share a common

Qin as Characters
Qin characters have the following racial traits.
• –2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, –2 Wis, +2 Cha
• Medium size
• Qin telepathy (see above)
• Psi-like abilities (see above)
• Siphon life (see above)
• Naturally psionic (see above)
• Automatic Languages: Common
• Favored Class: Telepath
• Level Adjustment: +1

A scampering maw is a monster built around the wide cir- independent of the rest of the creature. Usually, this means
cular, tooth-lined orifice of its mouth. Several sizes too big for the posterior head uses a psi-like ability.
the body, the circular maw protrudes slightly from the main Psi-Like Abilities: 3/day—concussion blast, daze,
trunk. Half-feathered, the body shares attributes with large wallwalker. These abilities are as the powers manifested by a
flightless birds of prey, including two muscled legs built for 6th-level psion. Save DCs are Charisma based. Augmentable
running and raking. In a shocking display of morphological powers are augmented to the limit of the manifester level, if
aberration, the creature sports a tiny dragonlike head and two appropriate to the power.
small manipulator arms on the lower body opposite the main
mouth, as well as crablike claws near the main mouth. What Scapeworm
should have died at birth, lived, and the two-in-one creature Gargantuan Magical Beast (Psionic)
known as the scampering maw breeds true. Hit Dice: 15d10+120 (202 hp)
Responsibility for the scampering maw is laid at the feet Initiative: –1
of a psionic breeder-archivist known only as the Tasker. Speed: Fly 20 feet
Supposedly the Tasker’s hidden enclave deeply buried under AC: 23 (–4 size, –1 Dexterity, +18 natural), touch 5,
the desert sands serves as the refuge to hundreds of equally flat-footed 23
abominable creatures, which may also one day escape their Base Attack/Grapple: +15/+34
confinement to trouble the world. Attack and Full Attack: Bite +23 melee (8d8+16)
Scampering maws speak invective-laden Common. Space/Reach: 15 feet (uncoiled)/15 feet (Face/Reach 10 feet
by 60 feet (uncoiled)/15 feet)
Combat Special Attacks: Chomp, psi-like abilities, mode check +9,
Scampering maws need to absorb blood every day to sate resting mode Force Multiplier +2
their voracious appetite. They prefer to charge potential prey Special Qualities: Blindsight 200 feet, DR 10/admantine (or
from surprise if possible, using their schism-enabled ability 15/+2), power resistance 23
to help them waylay their prey or deter their prey’s compan- Saves: Fort +17, Ref +10, Will +11
ions for a few rounds. Abilities: Str 32, Dex 8, Con 27, Int 17, Wis 19, Cha 22
Attach (Ex): If a scampering maw hits with a bite attack, Skills: Concentration +26, Hide +4, Listen +24, Move
its voracious teeth latch onto the opponent’s body. An Silently +17, Spot +24
attached scampering maw’s Armor Class drops to 18. Feats: Alertness, Greater Psionic Fist, Psionic Fist, Psionic
Blood Drain (Ex): A scampering maw drains blood, deal- Meditation, Unavoidable Strike, Weapon Focus (Bite)
ing 1d4 points of temporary Constitution damage each Climate/Terrain: Any (mindscape)
round it remains attached. Once the creature has drained its Organization: Solitary
prey to 0 points of Constitution (killing its prey), it runs off Challenge Rating: 13
in search of more blood to feed its unending appetite. Treasure: Standard
Natural Schism (Ex): The scampering maw exists in a Alignment: Always neutral
natural state similar to schism; its posterior head and arms Advancement: 16–32 HD (Gargantuan); 33–45 HD (Colossal)
are capable of taking a single standard action each round Level Adjustment: —
24 Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id

Scapeworms are scavengers born of the mind, and they Soulshriver

come into being only when mindscapes form. (See Chapter Large Aberration (Psionic)
One in Mindscapes: A Psion’s Guide.) Hit Dice: 12d8+36 (90 hp)
A scapeworm is 10 feet in diameter and 60 feet long when Initiative: +3
a formation of a mindscape knocks the inkling of its pres- Speed: 5 feet (1 square), fly 30 feet (good)
ence into reality. It spirals down out of the sky, and its eye- AC: 17 (–1 size, +3 Dexterity, +5 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14
less face is a mass of gnashing teeth and slender pseudo- Base Attack/Grapple:+9/+16
pods. Its body glistens like crystal, and it hazes to red and Attack:Brain lock cone (see below)
green opacity at its core. Full Attack:Brain lock cone and 10 synaptic tendrils +11 touch
Scapeworms do not speak; they only eat. (1d4+3 plus psionic effect)
Space/Reach: 10 feet/20 feet (Face/Reach 5 feet by 5
Combat feet/20 feet)
Once real, a scapeworm persists even after the mindscape Special Attacks: Brain lock cone, psi-like abilities, mode
that bore it dissolves. A scapeworm that eats at least one check +8, resting mode Mind Insurgency +0, synaptic
creature fades away (actually, it uses psionic plane shift to transmission
move back into the Astral Plane). It prefers sentient crea- Special Qualities: All-around vision, death shrive, flight
tures over nonsentient, but it targets nonpsionic creatures Saves: Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +11
over psionic. Without other psionic creatures to externally Abilities: Str 17, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 15
trigger a mindscape, scapeworms wouldn’t sense living crea- Skills: Hide +4, Listen +8, Spot +8
tures in the Material Plane on which to feed. But, if the only Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning
choice is a psionic creature, scapeworms must eat. A scape- Reflexes, Psionic Body
worm’s bite often kills its victims on the first chomp, espe- Environment: Any land or underground
cially if it has softened up its enemies first with its psionic Organization: Solitary
power of shatter storm†. Challenge Rating: 11
Chomp (Ex): Whenever a scapeworm deals at least 30 Treasure: Standard
points of damage on a single bite, it chomps down all the Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
harder, dealing an additional 4d8+8 points of damage. Advancement: 13–15 HD (Large); 16–30 HD (Huge);
Psi-Like Abilities: 3/day— psionic plane shift, shatter 31–36 HD (Gargantuan)
storm†. Manifester level 15th; save DCs are Charisma based. Level Adjustment: —
Augmentable powers are augmented to the limit of the man-
ifester level, if appropriate to the power. Soulshrivers are psionic monsters that kill with sizzling
mind bolts.
Soulshrivers measure around 5 feet across with skin attacks against targets in any one arc other than up (for-
that is wrinkled and convoluted—almost as if composed ward, backward, left, right, or down). The remaining ten-
of naked brain tissue. The stuff of nightmares, the soul- drils must attack targets in other arcs or not at all. A soul-
shriver’s rounded body contains only a single central eye shriver can tilt and pan its body each round to change
and 10 synaptic tendrils that wetly sprout from the crea- which tendrils it can bring to bear in an arc.
ture’s skin, each bearing a single eye halfway along the All-Around Vision (Ex): Soulshrivers are exceptionally
length. Though these manic creatures float in the air, alert and circumspect. Their many eyes give them a +4
when their tendrils are fully deployed, it may seem as if racial bonus on Spot and Search checks, and they can’t
they hang in a synaptic web. be flanked.
These horrible creatures represent an evolutionary off- Death Shrive (Ex): At death, the creature’s tendrils lash
shoot of a parent race. They adapted better to developing violently, while expending all remaining psionic power. All
the inner power of the brain than wielding arcane magic. creatures within 20 feet must make a Reflex saving throw
Soulshrivers can speak telepathically to any creature (DC 16) or take 2d10 points of damage (half damage on a
within 60 feet that has a language. successful save).
Flight (Ex): A soulshriver’s body is naturally buoyant.
Combat This buoyancy allows it to psionic fly as the power, as a free
Soulshrivers hunt with their eye-tendrils retracted, but they action, at a speed of 30 feet. This buoyancy also grants it a
make ready to launch them whenever creatures come to permanent feather fall effect with personal range.
within striking distance. If possible, they enjoy fixing their
prey in place with brain lock, but this is not mandatory. Taeniad
Brain Lock Cone (Su): A soulshriver’s central eye contin- Medium Monstrous Humanoid (Psionic)
ually produces a 60-foot brain lock cone extending straight Hit Dice: 6d8+3 (30 hp)
ahead from the creature’s front. This functions similarly to Initiative: +2
the brain lock manifested by a 12th-level psion (DC 16). All Speed: 20 feet (4 squares)
humanoids in the area of Medium or smaller size who fail AC: 16 (+2 Dexterity, +4 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14
the save stand mentally paralyzed and cannot use their Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+6
psionic powers; a new save is required each round. Once Attack: Rapier +8 melee (1d6)
each round, during its turn, the soulshriver decides which Full Attack: Rapier +8/+3 melee (1d6)
way it will face and whether to make the brain lock cone Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet (Face/Reach 5 feet by 5 feet/5 feet)
active or not (the soulshriver deactivates the cone by shut- Special Attacks: Psi-like abilities, mode check +5, resting
ting its central eye). Unlike a regularly manifest brain lock, mode Acumen Screen +2, tendril aura
the soulshriver need not concentrate to maintain brain locks Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +6
on its affected foes. Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 15
Psi-Like Abilities: Unlike standard psionic creatures, a Skills: Bluff +11, Disguise +11, Listen +3, Spot +12
soulshriver can manifest only the psionic powers it knows Feats: Alertness, Toughness, Weapon Finesse (rapier)
via a synaptic tendril, which do not draw attacks of oppor- Environment: Any land and underground
tunity when so transferred. It can freely manifest a particu- Organization: Solitary or meeting (2–4)
lar power only once every round. Even powers that normally Challenge Rating: 7
have an area are transferred only to the touched target. On Treasure: Double standard
a successful touch attack, if the transferred power normally Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
allows a save, the save is fixed at DC 18. Advancement: By character class
The psi-like abilities of a soulshriver are as follows: At Level Adjustment: +5
will—control body, crisis of breath, detect thoughts, disable,
dismiss ectoplasm, dissolving touch, ectoplasmic cocoon, psionic The taeniad is a destructive creature that delivers all living
charm, psionic dominate. Manifester level 12th; save DCs are beings that enter into its tendril range into a hidden subter-
Charisma based. Augmentable powers are augmented to the ranean prison forevermore.
limit of the manifester level, if appropriate to the power. At distances greater than 30 feet, a taeniad bears a strong
Synaptic Transmission (Su): On a successful touch resemblance to a normal human—assuming it has hidden
attack, each of the 10 synaptic tendrils can transfer a its exceptionally long “hair” beneath concealing clothing.
psionic power the soulshriver knows. The creature can eas- Once the taeniad is clearly visible, its true nature becomes
ily lash all its tendrils upward, but its own body tends to apparent; the mass of silver “hair” seems to animate, as if
get in the way when it tries to attack creatures in other alive, creating a 30-foot-radius of waving, silvery tendrils.
directions. During a round, the creature can make five Within the aura of waving tendrils, the taeniad stands
26 Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id

partially obscured as if enmeshed in a silver snowfall, or per- 14) to avoid being lost to the surface world. On a failed save,
haps a sphere of flickering electricity. Its eyes likewise glow the victim is instantly drawn into the earth to be entombed
silver, while its body remains completely humanlike, in a state of suspended animation in a small sphere of flash-
although slightly pale with a hint of sparkle at close range. ing slivery tendrils.
Taeniads worked their way up from a secret prison strong- The location of the entombment is far beneath the sur-
hold deep in the underworld. Children of a lesser god (so they face of the earth, but it may be near the original prison-
claim), taeniads were outcast and imprisoned for their abnor- stronghold from which the taeniads escaped (this has never
malities and dismal powers. But after millennia, taeniads been proved). Psionic search by remote viewing or magical
evolved beyond their prisons and broke free. As a race, they feel scrying reveals the prisoner’s plight. As a special use of
cheated of what they say should be divine status in a pantheon each, when dispel psionics or dispel magic is used in conjunc-
little known among the common religions. Regardless of the tion with the remote viewing or scry, a successful dispel check
truth of their claims, taeniads are usually vindictive and against a 7th-level manifester serves to free the prisoner,
treacherous, no matter the promises they speak. immediately transferring the prisoner to the viewer’s loca-
Taeniads range across many planes, often in the guise of a tion. Freed prisoners complain of strange, antediluvian
regular human or fey creature, especially when it serves them to dreams of horrific entities slowly peeling away their minds,
interact with the criminal underworld of a particular location. layer by layer. . . .
Averting Eyes: The opponent avoids looking at the taeniad’s
Combat face and instead looks at its body, watches its shadow, tracks
A taeniad prefers to use its psi-like abilities or other class it in a reflective surface, and so on. Each round, the oppo-
abilities (if it has advanced in a class) prior to using its ten- nent has a 50 percent chance to avoid having to make a sav-
dril aura, for once it uses the aura, no one can deny the tae- ing throw against the tendril aura.
niad’s monstrous nature. Wearing a Blindfold: The opponent cannot see the taeniad
Psi-Like Abilities: 3/day—escape detection, eradicate invisi- at all (this is also possible by turning one’s back on it or
bility, steadfast perception. Manifester level 7th; save DCs are shutting one’s eyes). The taeniad gains total concealment
Charisma based. Augmentable powers are augmented to the against the opponent (a 50 percent miss chance).
limit of the manifester level, if appropriate to the power. As a standard action, a taeniad can focus its tendrils,
Tendril Aura (Su): Any living creature (that possesses choosing a single target within range. That opponent must
eyes) that comes within 30 feet of a taeniad attempt a saving throw but can try to avoid
must avert or cover its eyes, lest a lash- this as described above. Thus, an
ing tendril brush the outer sur- opponent could save against a
face of the eye. Every round taeniad’s tendril aura
that potential victims twice during the same
remain within 30 feet round: once before
of the taeniad the opponent’s
while not avert- own action
ing their eyes and once
requires a during the
Fortitude taeniad’s
save (DC turn.
Huge Aberration (Psionic)
Hit Dice: 16d8+112+3 (187 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 20 feet (4 squares), climb 20 feet, swim 20 feet
AC: 18 (–2 size, +10 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+27
Attack: Tentacle rake +18 melee (2d4+7)
Full Attack: Tentacle rake +18 melee (2d4+7,
maximum 8 attacks per Medium opponent)
Space/Reach: 20 feet/15 feet (Face/Reach
20 feet by 20 feet/15 feet)
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, improved
grab, psi-like abilities, mode check +10,
resting mode Brain Hammer +0, swallow
Special Qualities: Blindsight 250 feet, DR
10/admantine (or 10/+1), power resistance 21
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +5, Will +11
Abilities: Str 25, Dex 10, Con 24, Int 18, Wis 13,
Cha 9
Skills: Climb +26, Hide +11, Knowledge (psionics) +23,
Listen +22, Spot +22, Swim +26
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative,
Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (tentacle rake)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 15
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Lawful evil
Advancement: 17–27 HD (Huge); 28–36 HD (Gargantuan)
Level Adjustment: —

When living monstrosities of psionic and draconic ilk are

forcibly bred, thelihydras are born.
Thelihydras are reptilelike monsters with multiple
heads at the end of long, dragonlike necks—except
where each head would normally be, you see instead an
eyeless, four-tentacled maw! A thelihydra’s body is also
dragonlike, though a pungent, caustic slime covers it.
A mature thelihydra is about 20 feet long, has eight
heads, and weighs some 6,000 lbs.
Thelihydras are the rare result of the psiogenetic
union of a neothelid with an eight-headed hydra.
Less intelligent, but more dangerous than brood-
ing neothelids, thelihydras viciously attack all
creatures, and without management, quickly
eradicate all living creatures in their territory.
Unless it finds a new territory to hunt, a
thelihydra perishes from starvation.

Beyond a doubt, the thelihydra’s terrible melee
attacks make it one of the most feared psionic
monsters in existence. And, like one of its
28 Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id

progenitors, it remains capable of belching forth acidic Base Attack/Grapple: +7/+16

breath once per day from any one of its mouths. Attack: Huge greataxe +12 (2d8+7)
A thelihydra can use only three of its heads (and so 12 of Full Attack: Huge greataxe +12/+7 (2d8+7)
its tentacles) against a single Large creature, two of its heads Space/Reach: 10 feet/10 feet (Face/Reach 5 feet by 5 feet/10
(and so eight of its tentacles) against a single Medium crea- feet)
ture, and just one head against Small or smaller opponents Special Attacks: Choose prey, psi-like abilities, mode check +5,
on any given round. Against Huge or larger foes, a thelihydra resting mode Body Tank +4
can use all its tentacles. Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 feet, scent
One can kill a theli-hydra either by severing all of its Saves: Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +5
heads or by slaying its body. To sever a head, an opponent Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 11
must hit the monster’s neck with a slashing weapon and deal Skills: Intimidate +5, Listen +9*, Search +9*, Spot +9*
23 points of damage in a single blow; excess damage, if any, Feats: Cleave, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (greataxe)
is lost, while less than 23 points of damage does nothing. A Environment: Any
severed head dies (the neck automatically seals itself against Organization: Solitary, wing (2–5), or flock (5–20)
blood loss and the escape of swallowed creatures), and the Challenge Rating: 5
thelihydra can no longer attack with the severed head (but Treasure: Standard
suffers no other penalties). A severed head regrows in a Alignment: Usually lawful neutral
month, assuming the creature survives. Advancement: By character class
Breath Weapon (Su): A thelihydra breathes a cone of acid Level Adjustment: +2
50 feet long, once per day from any one of its mouths (dam-
age 12d10, Reflex half, DC 25). Vultaurs are strong, vulturelike humanoids that seem as
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the thelihydra happy feasting on fresh meat as on carrion. A vultaur’s psi-
must hit a creature with three tentacles during the same like abilities allow it to track and feast on its intended prey
attack. If it gets a hold, it automatically deals tentacle dam- with brutal efficiency.
age on each subsequent round, and it can attempt to swallow A vultaur has an enlarged, vulturelike head and the power-
the foe with a successful grapple check. fully muscled frame of a humanoid. It stands nearly 8 feet in
Psi-Like Abilities: 1/day—body equilibrium, psionic sugges- height. Its body is naturally armored in scales, plus it wears
tion, psionic teleport. Manifester level 15th; save DCs are scale mail stitched together from the hides of its ancestors.
Charisma based. Augmentable powers are augmented to the Vultaur culture is savage. The creatures base their mores
limit of the manifester level, if appropriate to the power. on the assumption that everything that walks is potentially
Swallow Whole (Ex): A thelihydra can try to swallow a prey, “carrion walking”—even each other. A code of the
grabbed opponent of Medium or smaller size by making a suc- predator governs vultaurs, however. They are not commonly
cessful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d8+9 given to attacking each other, unless one transgresses
points of crushing damage plus 1d6 points of acid damage per against the flock, making a “carrion mistake,” as they say.
round from the thelihydra’s flesh-dissolving secretions. A swal- Some vultaurs can learn to see sentient creatures of other
lowed creature can climb out with a successful grapple check. races as members of their own flock, but of course, that is
This places the escapee in one of the thelihydra’s tentacled not perfect immunity from eventually being stalked as food.
maws; another successful grapple check is needed to get free. Vultaurs do afford those of their own flock who have become
A swallowed creature also can cut its way out by using food one honor above other types of prey: The scaled hides
claws or a Small or Tiny slashing weapon to deal 15 points of of vultaurs can be stitched into scale mail. Every vultaur who
damage to the stomach (AC 18). Once the creature exits, wears scale mail regards it as a constant reminder not to
muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed oppo- make a “carrion mistake.”
nent must cut its own way out. The thelihydra’s interior can Vultaurs speak Auran.
hold one Medium or two Small opponents (if digestion kills
an opponent, more room becomes available). Combat
Vultaurs use their hand-crafted greataxes to great effect in
Vultaur melee—even more so if they’ve decided to see their foe as
Large Monstrous Humanoid (Psionic) simple prey.
Hit Dice: 7d8+14 (45 hp) Choose Prey (Su): A vultaur can select a specific crea-
Initiative: +1 ture as its choice of prey. Through psionic imprinting, the
Speed: 30 feet (6 squares), fly 10 feet (poor) vultaur gains intimate knowledge of its prey, and so it
AC: 20 (–1 size, +1 Dexterity, +6 natural, +4 scale mail), gains a +4 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot
touch 10, flat-footed 19 checks when using these skills against the prey. Likewise,
Gargantuan Magical Beast (Psionic)
Hit Dice: 26d10+286 (429 hp)
Initiative: +12
Speed: 50 feet (10 squares), burrow 30 feet
AC: 41 (–4 size, +8 Dexterity, +27 natural), touch 14,
flat-footed 33
Base Attack/Grapple: +26/+54
Attack: Gore +39 melee (4d6+16)
Full Attack: Gore +39 melee (4d6+16) and tongue +37
ranged touch (1d4 plus burrowing) and 2 claws +37
melee (2d6+8) and tail slam +36 melee (4d8+8)
Space/Reach: 20 feet/20 feet (Face/Reach 20 feet by 20
feet/20 feet)
Special Attacks: Burrowing tongue, catapsi leech, constrict
4d8+28, improved grab, psi-like abilities, mode check
+12, resting mode Force Multiplier +0
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 feet, DR 10/admantine
(or 25/+5), power resistance 34
Saves: Fort +26, Ref +25, Will +14
Abilities: Str 43, Dex 26, Con 33, Int 16, Wis 19, Cha 24
Skills: Hide +25, Listen +35, Sense Motive +33, Search +32,
Spot +35
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative,
Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Weapon
Focus (claws), Weapon Focus (gore), Weapon Focus
the vultaur gets a +4 bonus on weapon damage rolls Environment: Any
against the target. Organization: Solitary, unit (2–5), or squad (9–11)
A vultaur can have only one choice of prey at one time. A Challenge Rating: 20
vultaur can change its choice of prey if it successfully eats Treasure: Standard
the original prey, although it can’t select a new choice of prey Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
until after the last is properly digested (24 hours after the Advancement: Gargantuan (27–38 HD); Colossal (39+)
demise of its prior choice) and it feels hungry again. A vultaur Level Adjustment: —
also can switch choices without eating its prior prey, although
in this case it can’t switch to a new choice for 48 hours. The Dark Plea’s most formidable soldier in its war on real-
Psi-Like Abilities: 3/day—detect psionics, steadfast percep- ity (see page 15) is the unstoppable xenocrysth.
tion, synesthete. Manifester level 5th; save DCs are Charisma These hulking creatures reach more than 30 feet in length
based. Augmentable powers are augmented to the limit of and weigh some 40,000 lbs. But for all their mass, their
the manifester level, if appropriate to the power. snakelike lower form fused with the faintly humanoid upper
* Skills: Vultaurs receive a +4 racial bonus on Listen, torso is unnervingly quick and limber. Its torso is hunched,
Search, and Spot checks. and it is armored heavily with bony plates from which extend
terrible horns. Its dragonlike head possesses fearsome teeth,
Vultaurs as Characters but, even more terrifying, its flickering tongue can burrow
Vultaurs can take on any PC class, though their favored class easily through steel, stone, and flesh. Its clawed hands put
is ranger. fear into its hardiest foes, but its long, serpentine lower body
Racial Ability Modifiers: +10 Str, +2 Dex, +4 Con ends in a large bony mass perfect for pulping its prey.
Level Adjustment: Add +2 to the vultaur’s Hit Dice to get Sages believe that xenocrysths have slipped from a lucid
its equivalent level, which is 9th. Thus, a 1st-level barbarian dream of the Dark Plea (or perhaps a dream-dimension of
vultaur couldn’t join the game until you would normally the Dark Plea’s own creation called the Shallows) into the
allow 9th-level characters to join, or when most of the rest of waking world to stir up disorder and anarchy. What some
the party has reached 9th level had relegated to simply a malign psychic force has proved a
30 Mindscapes: Beasts of the Id

far more serious threat, as the Dark Plea’s progeny continue difficult for psionic creatures within 100 feet of it to mani-
to squirm forth, birthed from the foulest nightmares of pow- fest their powers. (The xenocrysth and those it designates
erful psionic creatures. Where xenocrysths go, death follows. are not affected.) All psionic activity within the area requires
Xenocrysths do not speak, but they impart their thoughts twice as many power points as normal to manifest, unless
directly into the mind of those with whom they wish to com- opponents make a successful Will save (DC 19) each time
municate, as if the subject suddenly recalled a memory. they manifest a power. Freely manifesting powers takes 1 full
Likewise, xenocrysths use their psionic powers to read the round, instead of one standard action, in the leech field.
thoughts of those around them. Unlike the similarly named power, catapsi leech allows the
xenocrysth to transfer all the “wasted” power points of its
Combat foes directly to any operant or power point-paying mani-
Xenocrysths prefer to eradicate their foes by squeezing the fester that it designates within 100 feet (usually those it has
life out of them with their flexible lower body, but only dominated) as a free action. It can’t “store up” power points
against those whom their burrowing tongues have not round to round, and it cannot transfer points to creatures
already putrefied. Even being in the presence of a xenocrysth that already possess full power points.
is anathema to both psionicists and arcane casters. Constrict (Ex): The xenocrysth crushes its opponent,
Burrowing Tongue (Ex): If the xenocrysth makes a suc- dealing 4d8+28 points of bludgeoning damage, after making
cessful touch attack against a living target with its tongue a successful grapple check.
(range 50 feet), the subject must make a successful Fortitude Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the xenocrysth
save (DC 34). On a failed save, the victim loses 50 hit points must hit a Huge or smaller opponent with a tail slam. If it
as its internal organs, fat, and muscle begin to putrefy rapid- gets a hold, it automatically deals tail slam damage and
ly, running in rivulets of liquefied fat from rents and constricts.
cuts in the subject’s skin, finally leaving only Psi-Like Abilities: At will—detect thoughts; 3/day—
small, crisp remains (if a victim is killed by a greater metamorphosis, psionic dominate, psionic
touch of the tongue). On a successful teleport. Manifester level 20th; save
save, a victim takes only 25 points of DCs are Charisma based.
damage. Augmentable powers are aug-
Catapsi Leech (Su): The mented to the limit of the
xenocrysth constantly manifester level, if
generates a peculiar form appropriate to the
of psychic static, power.
making it more


iscover 18 new psionic creatures written by the
D designer of the D&D® Psionics Handbook and
Expanded Psionics Handbook! From the chameleon-
like chalaziom to the dreadful scampering maw, these Beasts
of the Id make the perfect addition to your campaign.
• The monsters’ Challenge Ratings range from 1 to 20, so
there’s something to throw at every adventuring party.
• Players can use the Beasts of the Id as new creatures to
summon and control.
• The book even includes a handful of new powers, templates,
and additional guidelines to use with the monsters.
This valuable resource serves as a companion to the Expanded
Psionics Handbook and If Thoughts Could Kill, Bruce Cordell’s
award-winning* psionics supplement from Malhavoc Press.
And this new edition updates this material to v. 3.5 of the d20
System, compatible with the Expanded Psionics Handbook.
Bruce is also known for his work on such adventures as The
Sunless Citadel, the Origins Award-winning Return to the
Tomb of Horrors, and the Epic Level Handbook.
Malhavoc Press is game designer Monte Cook’s d20 System imprint devoted to
publishing unusual magic, monsters, and evocative game elements that go beyond
traditional fantasy. Malhavoc Press products exhibit a mastery of the d20 System rules
that only one of the 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons® designers can offer you.

Free bonus material at WWW.MONTECOOK .COM

Requires the Dungeons & Dragons® Core Books, Third Edition, and
the Expanded Psionics Handbook, published by Wizards of the Coast®
©2003–2004 Bruce R. Cordell
Dungeons & Dragons and D&D are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
* Best Adventure, 2002 EN World d20 System Awards

PDF Version 2.0

July 8, 2004

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