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Psionics Expanded Master The Battle

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Lead Designers: Jeremy Smith, Andreas Rönnqvist

Additional Design: Philip J. Leco, II
Cover Artist: Rick Hershey
Cover Design: Erik Nowak
Interior Layout: Jeremy Smith
Interior Artists: Angelo Del Castillo, Rick Hersey, Storn Cook, Tsailanza Rayne
Playtesting and Additional Design: Josh “Wynterknight” Harper, Austin Morgan, Cory Gilman, Brian Faller,
Michael “Drakanor Dream” Duffy, James Bailey, Dave “Lordmonkeysama” Bruno, Darrick Dahl, E.L. Green,
Stefan “Calain80” Pukallus, Doug Limmer, Kelvin Walker, Andi Smith, Dave Harris, Angel Harris, Aedon
Harris, John Meyer, Samuel Knipe (Xeridanus), Syonique (N. Langenfeld) and the playtesters at Silver Star,
Jordan “Hamburgers” Morrison, Tietar (Joshua F. Knowles), Roman Lajciak, Brian Reck a.k.a. Kryzbyn, James
Raine, Robert F. van der Meer, 7 and 7 Campaign Group 4, Andrew Bigwood (Biggy) and his playtesting
group: Emma Bigwood, Stephen Black, Nathan Jack, Trevor Williams; Nova Wurmson, on the unsuspecting
Vincalota, Redbeard, and Klownface (at least one Blue was harmed during the testing of this product)

Based on the original roleplaying game rules designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and inspired by the
third edition of the game designed by Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter

Psionics Expanded requires the use of Psionics Unleashed: Core Psionics System, © 2010 Dreamscarred Press.
See for more information on Psionics Unleashed.

Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game
License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper
names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress.
(Elements that have previously been designated as Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not
included in this declaration.)

Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this
game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No
portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any
form without written permission.

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo
Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.

Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are
used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See
compatibility for more information on the compatibility license.

Psionics Expanded is published by Dreamscarred Press under the Open Game License version 1.0a Copyright
2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

© 2011 Dreamscarred Press


Because this project is being released in several

INTRODUCTION parts, it is possible that material from one release is
referenced in another. While attempts were made
While Psionics Unleashed does a great job of to minimize this cross-referencing, major items like
implementing psionics in the Pathfinder Roleplaying new classes are not reprinted in each release.
Game, there were a lot of things that could have been
done for psionics that just did not make it into the Definition of Terms
final version of Psionics Unleashed. Below are definitions of some of the common
That’s where Psionics Expanded comes in. terms used in this book.
The goal of the Psionics Expanded project was to Augment: An optional cost in power points that
implement all of those advanced psionics concepts can be paid during manifestation to improve certain
that we left out of Psionics Unleashed because of powers. The total power point cost is equal to the
time, space, or resource constraints. Psionic healing, base power’s cost plus any power points spent on
new prestige classes, a true system for psionic augmentation; this total power cost cannot exceed
talents, a true psionic tank, and psionic versions of the character’s effective manifester level.
options found in the Pathfinder® Roleplaying Game: Base Class: A class that progresses from level
Advanced Player’s Guide are all included in Psionics 1–20.
Expanded, as well as a host of new player options. Character Level: The sum of a character’s class
Who is it for? Class Level: The level of a character in a particular
Where Psionics Unleashed contained information class.
for both the player and the GM, Psionics Expanded Key Ability Modifier: The ability score modifier
is aimed primarily for players. With new classes, for the character’s key ability score. For psions, this
feats, character options, powers, prestige classes, is Intelligence, for psychic warriors it is Wisdom,
and psionic items, everything in this book has been and Charisma for wilders.
developed with the player in mind. Manifester Level: Generally equal to the number
of class levels in a given manifesting class. Some
Playtesting prestige classes add manifester levels to an existing
Like Psionics Unleashed, all of the material in class. Manifester levels from multiple base classes
Psionics Expanded was playtested by you - the players. do not stack (they are tracked individually, akin to
Players across the world used this material in their how sorcerer and wizard caster levels are tracked
own games, giving sometimes harsh feedback about individually). A character with psi-like abilities, but
the new mechanics. It is our belief that by including no class levels in any manifesting class, does not
the psionic players in the development process, the have a manifester level for most purposes, including
final product ends up being of higher quality, better feat and prestige class requirements.
balanced, and simply more fun. Metamorphosis Powers: One of the powers
We truly appreciate all the time, effort, and with metamorphosis in its name. Specifically
feedback that the psionic community has given for minor metamorphosis, metamorphosis, major
this project. metamorphosis, and true metamorphosis.
Power Point Reserve: A character’s personal
store of power points. A character with a power
Serialized Releases point reserve gains the psionic subtype and can gain
Unlike Psionics Unleashed, Psionics Expanded is
psionic focus, even if the power point reserve has
being released as a series of smaller documents,
been depleted.
each of a certain theme. This is being done because
Psionic Class: Any class which requires or grants
it makes it easier to get the constituent parts of
psionic power points.
Psionics Expanded available to you, the player,
Psionic Focus: A psionically-empowered state
while we work on the finished compiled book. By
of mind. Some abilities can only be used while a
separating the book into six initial pieces, it becomes
character has psionic focus. Some abilities can only
significantly easier to manage.
be used by expending psionic focus; only one such
This release focuses on the dread base class, as
ability can be used when psionic focus is expended.
well as melee combat options, and new feats, powers,
Gaining psionic focus is a full-round action that
and items. Each subsequent release will focus on
provokes attacks of opportunity.
another aspect of the Psionics Expanded project,
until all six have been released and we compile it all
into a single book.


martial weapons, with light armor but not with

CLASSES shields.
Power Points/Day: A dread’s ability to manifest
Along with a brand new base class, the dread, powers is limited by the power points she has
presented in this section you will also find new available. Her base daily allotment of power
options for the core psionic base classes. New points is given on Table: The Dread. In addition,
psychic warrior paths, new soulknife archetypes, she receives bonus power points per day if she has
and even new wilder surge options are all presented a high Charisma score. Her race may also provide
below. bonus power points per day, as may certain feats
and items.
Powers Known: A dread begins play knowing one
NEW BASE CLASS dread power of your choice. At every class level after
While the four core psionic classes - the psion, 1st, she unlocks the knowledge of a new power.
psychic warrior, soulknife, and wilder - can fill many Choose the powers known from the dread power
roles for the party, there are still necessary positions list. (Exception: The feat Expanded Knowledge
within an adventuring group that cannot be covered does allow a dread to learn powers from the lists of
solely by psionics. Presented below you will find the other classes.) A dread can manifest any power that
dread class, a psionic combatant who taps into fears has a power point cost equal to or lower than her
and nightmares to overcome her enemies. manifester level.
The total number of powers a dread can manifest
DREAD in a day is limited only by her daily power points.
Most creatures must learn to deal with fear in some A dread simply knows her powers; they are
fashion. For some, it is confronting and overcoming
their fears. For others, it is always running away.
For the dread, it is using her fear as a weapon, it is
understanding how fear works and manipulating
the fears of others in unusual and devastating ways.
The dread is the master of fear and terror.
Role: A dread is an opponent on the battlefield
who can turn the bravest of enemies into a sniveling
coward with but a touch. Combining moderate
manifesting ability with destructive melee attacks,
the dread is a dangerous opponent to ignore. Out
of combat, the dread uses fear and intimidation to
manipulate or bully others into the path she deems
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d8
Starting Gold: 3d6 x 10 (105 gp)
Starting Age: Simple (as rogue)

Class Skills
The dread’s class skills (and the key
ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex),
Autohypnosis (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str),
Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate
(Cha), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Perception
(Wis), Stealth (Dex), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft
(Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Swim (Str)
Skill Points Per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All the following are class features of the
Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
Dreads are proficient with all simple and A dread makes fears into reality


ingrained in her mind. She does not need to prepare point per class level.
them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare their Talents: Dreads learn minor powers they can use
spells), though she must get a good night’s sleep each at will to aid them in a variety of ways. The dread
day to regain all her spent power points. gains 2 talents from the dread talent list.
The Difficulty Class for saving throws against Terror (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, a dread learns
dread powers is 10 + the power’s level + the dread’s to harness the power of fear in a variety of ways called
Charisma modifier. terrors. Using a terror is a swift action. Some terrors
Maximum Power Level Known: A dread begins are channelled through her devastating touch class
play with the ability to learn 1st-level powers. As feature. These terrors charge a dread’s touch (and
she attains higher levels, she may gain the ability to later her weapon) until her next successful attack
master more complex powers. that round.
To learn or manifest a power, a dread must have a Some terrors can be augmented by spending
Charisma score of at least 10 + the power’s level. power points, similar to manifesting powers, to
Fearsome Insight: The dread’s connection to the increase their effect. When augmenting her terrors
fears and the subconscious grows and she gains a with power points, the dread cannot spend more
greater understanding of the mental faculties which power points than her manifester level on any single
regulate fear. This translates into an insight bonus use of a terror.
to Intimidate equal to half her class level (minimum A dread can use her terrors a total number of
+1). times per day equal to her dread level + her Charis-
Devastating Touch (Su): A dread is able to channel ma modifier.
psionic energy from fear and nightmares into a The dread chooses her terror from the list below.
touch that causes pain. To use this ability, a dread All terrors may only be chosen once unless otherwise
must make a melee touch attack on a living target. If specified.
the attack hits, it deals 1d6 points of damage plus 1 Chase Terror: Whenever an adjacent foe that is
Table 1: The Dread
Power Maximum
Base Fort Ref Will Points/ Powers Power Level
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Day Known Known
Fearsome insight, devastating
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 touch, talents 1 1 1st
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Terror 2 2 1st
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Aura of fear, channel terror 4 3 1st
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Terror 6 4 2nd
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Bonus feat 8 5 2nd
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Terror 12 6 2nd
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Immersed in fear 16 7 3rd
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 Terror 20 8 3rd
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 Bonus feat 24 9 3rd
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 Terror 28 10 4th
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +7 Shadow twin, twin fear 36 11 4th
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Terror 44 12 4th
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Bonus feat 52 13 5th
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +9 Terror 60 14 5th
Shadow twin (100 ft.), twin fear
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +9 (form of doom) 68 15 5th
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Terror 80 16 6th
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Bonus feat 92 17 6th
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +11 Terror 104 18 6th
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Shadow twin (400 ft.) 116 19 6th
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Fear incarnate, terror 128 20 6th


shaken, frightened, or panicked attempts to take a Lingering Fear: The dread’s attack causes a
5-foot step away from the dread, the dread can, as lingering fear in the target which prevents rest for
an immediate action, take a 5-foot step so long as the one day unless it makes a successful Will save (DC 10
dread ends up adjacent to the foe that triggered this + 1/2 the dread’s class level + the dread’s Charisma
ability. modifier). Inability to rest means the target cannot
Concealed Nightmare: The dread gains a shroud regain spells or power points, nor heal normally. For
of materializing fears around her while using the each 2 power points spent, this fear lingers for an
nightmare form terror, giving her concealment (20% additional day. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
miss chance). The dread must be at least 14th level The dread must be at least 10th level to select this
and have the Nightmare Form terror to select this option.
option. This terror is used when Nightmare Form is Maddening Fear:The dread’s next successful attack
activated and does not take a separate use of terrors imposes a -2 penalty to the struck creature’s Wisdom
to activate. score in addition to its normal damage. This is mind-
Concealed Nightmare, Improved: While using affecting fear effect. The dread must be at least 4th
the Nightmare Form terror, the dread gains total level to select this option.
concealment (50% miss chance). The dread must Mind Drain: The dread’s attack drains a number
have the Nightmare Form and Concealed Nightmare of power points equal to the dread’s level unless the
terrors to select this option. This terror is used when target makes a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the
Nightmare Form is activated and does not take a dread’s class level + the dread’s Charisma modifier).
separate use of terrors to activate. When used against a target with spellcasting, the
Consuming Nightmare: The dread’s next attack dread drains away one spell at random equal to 1/2
infects the target with nightmare so overwhelming her dread level or the next lowest level available
it threatens to strike the creature dead. The target if none exist for the applicable level. If the target
must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the dread’s class has both spellcasting and power points, the dread
level + the dread’s Charisma modifier) or die. If the chooses which to drain. This is a mind-affecting fear
target succeeds, it becomes immune to this terror for effect. The dread must be at least 6th level to select
24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear death effect. this option.
The dread must be at least 16th level to select this Mind Rend: The dread’s attack deals 1d8 additional
option. damage if his target would be denied a Dexterity
Fear Incarnate: The dread’s connection to the bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a
realm of nightmares and her understanding of the Dexterity bonus or not). If the dread spends a
fears of others gives her a terrible insight into how power point when activating this terror, the damage
to shake people’s faith in themselves, granting her increases to 1d10. This extra damage is not multiplied
a bonus to Intimidate equal to her class level while on a critical hit. The dread must be 4th level to take
using the nightmare form terror. The dread must this terror. This terror can be taken one additional
be at least 12th level and have the Nightmare Form time every three levels thereafter (7th, 10th, etc).
terror to select this option. Each time, it increases the additional damage by one
Haunting Steps: The dread’s attack slows the target die.
(as the spell) for 1 round per dread level unless she Mindlock: The dread can invade the mind of an
makes a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the dread’s enemy through their subsconscious by making a
class level + the dread’s Charisma modifier). The melee touch attack that does not provoke attacks
dread must be at least 8th level to select this option. of opportunity. The target must succeed on a Will
Horrible Strike: The dread’s attack deals an extra save (DC 10 + 1/2 the dread’s class level + the dread’s
1d6 points of damage as she empowers her attacks Charisma modifier), or be mindlocked for 1 minute
through her connection to the region of nightmares. per dread level. A mindlock allows the dread to
For every 2 power points spent, this damage increases either channel her devastating touch ability at range
by 1d6. The dread must be at least 4th level to select as a standard action which automatically hits, or
this option. attempt an Intimidate check on the target, even
Incite Fear: The dread’s next successful attack though the target might be out of normal range or
incites fear in her target. The target must make a out of sight. The range of the mindlock is 10 feet
Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the dread’s class level per dread level, and the dread does not need line of
+ the dread’s Charisma modifier) or become shaken effect or line of sight once a mindlock is established.
for 1d4 rounds. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. This is a mind-affecting effect. A dread can only
Invigorating Fear: If the dread’s reduces an enemy sustain one mindlock at a time. If the dread attempts
to 0 or fewer hit points this round, she gains temporary to mindlock a new target while another mindlock is
hit points equal to her Charisma modifier. active, the active mindlock ends. The dread is aware


if the mindlock fails or ends, although she does not Shroud of Fears: The dread draws on the
necessarily know the reason. The dread must be at subconscious fears of those around herself while
least 4th level to select this option. she is using the Nightmare Form terror, forming
Nightmare Form: The dread’s internal connection translucent shapes around herself representing
to the realm of nightmares allows her to take on the inner fears and terrors of those who view her.
the form of nightmares herself. The dread can use This grants her a deflection bonus to AC equal to her
Ectoplasmic Form as a psi-like ability at a manifester Charisma modifier. The dread must be at least 10th
level equal to her dread level. The dread is still able level and have the Nightmare Form terror to select
to use her supernatural abilities while in Nightmare this option.
Form, although she suffers all normal restrictions Sickening Fear: The dread’s attack causes the target
on attacks and targeting. Each use of this ability is to become sickened unless it makes a successful
considered a daily use of the dread’s Terrors. The Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the dread’s class level +
dread must be at least 8th level to select this option. the dread’s Charisma modifier). This effect lasts for
Nightmare Step: When the dread is adjacent to a 1d6 rounds. This is mind-affecting fear effect. For
shaken target, she can teleport up to 40 ft. away into a every additional power point spent, the target also
square adjacent to another shaken target. The dread takes 1 point of damage per round the effect lasts.
must be at least 10th level to select this option. The dread must be at least 6th level to select this
Nightmare Touch: The dread can use her option.
Devastating Touch ability while using the Nightmare Soul-chilling Fear: The dread’s attack creates a
Form terror, even though she normally cannot make conduit between her own subconscious and the
physical attacks. This terror is used when Nightmare mind of her target. The target must make a Will
Form is activated and does not take a separate use of save (DC 10 + 1/2 the dread’s class level + the dread’s
terrors to activate. The dread must be at least 10th Charisma modifier) or gain 1 negative level. This is a
level and have the Nightmare Form terror to select mind-affecting fear effect. For every 3 power points
this option. spent, the target gains 1 additional negative level.
Overwhelming Fear: The dread’s next attack stuns The dread must be at least 12th level to select this
her target with overwhelming fear if the attack is option.
successful. The target must make a Fortitude saving Steal Essence: The dread’s next devastating touch
throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the dread’s class level + the attack works as a conduit between the target’s
dread’s Charisma modifier) or cower for 1 round. If subconscious and her own, turning some of the
the attack misses, the effect is wasted. This is mind- damage she does into healing energy, reinvigorating
affecting fear effect. the dread. She heals an amount of damage equal to
Paranoia: The dread’s attack causes the target to the damage she deals with her Devastating Touch.
become intensely paranoid, making it fear even its The dread must be at least 8th level to select this
friends. The target must make a Will save (DC 10 + option.
1/2 the dread’s class level + the dread’s Charisma Terrified Escape: The dread’s attack causes the
modifier) or treat all creatures as enemies. The target target to flee from the dread on its next turn unless it
reacts violently to anyone who approaches and will makes a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the dread’s
use the most efficient means of disposing the enemy. class level + the dread’s Charisma modifier). This is
The target also attempts a save against all effects a mind-affecting fear effect.
he could, unless he makes a successful Spellcraft Weakening Fear: The dread’s attack causes the
check to identify the effect. This condition lasts for 1 target to be fatigued for one round per dread level
minute per dread level. This is a mind-affecting fear unless it makes a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the
effect. The dread must be at least 14th level to select dread’s class level + the dread’s Charisma modifier).
this option. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. This terror has
Persistant Nightmare Form: The dread can no effect on a creature that is already fatigued.
maintain her Nightmare Form inside areas of Null Unlike with normal fatigue, the effect ends as soon
Psionics or dead magic areas. The dread must be at as the terror’s duration expires.
least 18th level and have the Nightmare Form terror Aura of Fear (Su): At 3rd level, a dread radiates
to select this option. a palpably daunting aura that causes all enemies
Ranged Mindlock: The dread can initiate the within 10 feet to take a –4 penalty on saving throws
mindlock terror at a range of 10 ft. per class level against fear effects. Creatures that are normally
instead of as a touch attack as a standard action, but immune to fear lose that immunity while within 10
she still requires initial line of sight and line of effect. feet of a dread with this ability. This ability functions
The target still gets a Will save as normal to resist the only while the dread remains conscious, not if she is
mindlock. The dread must be at least 10th level and unconscious or dead.
have the Mindlock terror to select this option. Channel Terror (Su): At 3rd level, the dread


learns how to channel her terrors through any melee A dread can use shadow twin a number of times
weapon she is holding or through her devastating per day equal to his Charisma modifier.
touch class feature, even if using devastating touch At 15th level, the shadow twin must stay within
as a ranged attack (such as through the mindlock 100 ft. of the dread before the effect ends.
terror). If channeling a terror through a weapon, it At 19th level, the shadow twin must stay within
does not gain the benefits of the devastating touch 400 ft. of the dread before the effect ends.
ability. Twin Fear (Su): When a dread of at least 11th level
Bonus Feat: At 5th level, the dread gains a bonus has a shadow twin active, if any creature within 30
feat from the following list. The dread must still meet ft. of the dread or the shadow twin suffers from the
all prerequisites for the bonus feat, including ability shaken, frightened, or panicked condition at the
score and base attack bonus minimums as well as start of the dread’s turn, the shadow twin uses a
class requirements (like levels in another specific separate action pool instead of sharing the round’s
class). actions with the dread for that round. This means
These bonus feats are in addition to the feats that that it and the dread could both make attacks in the
a character of any class gains every two levels. A same round.
dread is not limited to the list of feats below when At 15th level, if any creature within 30 ft. of the
choosing these other feats. dread or shadow twin suffers from the frightened or
Additional Terror*, Disciple of Fear*, Extra panicked condition, the shadow twin is treated as if
Terrors*, Fear Mastery*, Multiple Connections*, under the affect of the form of doom power. Unlike
Open Door *, Touch of Terror*. other effects, the dread is not also under this effect.
The dread gains an additional bonus feat from the Fear Incarnate: At 20th level the dread no
same list every 4 levels thereafter (9th, 13th, and longer acts as a simple conduit between the realm
17th). of nightmares and the Material Plane, but becomes
Immersed in Fear (Su): At 7th level, the dread the embodiment of nightmares. The dread’s type
gains immunity to fear (psionic or otherwise). This changes to Outsider (native), she gains DR 10/psionic,
ability functions whether the dread is conscious or and she gains the ability to turn ethereal at will. In
unconscious, but not when she is dead. addition, the dread can use the Nightmare Form
Shadow Twin (Su): A dread of 11th level is able to terror at will, even if she does not already have it.
draw forth a replica of herself formed from fears and Using Nightmare Form no longer consumes a use of
nightmares. The shadow twin appears at a location her terrors for the day.
chosen by the dread that is within 30 ft. and lasts
for one round per class level. The dread and this
shadow twin are, for all intents and purposes, one ADVANCED
person - including only having one round’s worth
of actions to use between the two, sharing attacks
Presented below are a variety of new options for
of opportunity, sharing a single pool of hit points
and power points, and having access to all of the the core psionic classes. These options are typically
only available to characters taking their first level in
same abilities and daily uses of those abilities. If the
shadow twin is damaged or healed, the dread takes the class, as that is when disciplines, warrior paths,
and wild surge options are chosen. Existing psychic
the damage or healing, and vice versa. If both the
dread and the shadow twin are affected by the same warriors, however, might make use of these new
area of effect, damage is only counted once. paths through their secondary path class feature.
If the shadow twin attacks, it uses the dread’s attack
values. The shadow twin can threaten squares and SOULKNIFE ARCHETYPES
has all the same equipment as the dread, but charged Although the quintessential soulknife wields a
items or items with limited uses per day have their mind blade and is a master of melee combat, there
uses shared between the two. Any permanent magic are others who have learned to harness psionic
items are also active on the shadow twin. energy into psionic weapons. From those who focus
The shadow twin can allow the dread to flank an on ranged combat to those who have learned to
enemy, make attacks of opportunity she wouldn’t manifest psionic powers, these alternate soulknives
normally be able to do, extend the range for a power are just as deadly as their traditional counterparts.
or mindlock, or just scout ahead. Presented below are new archetypes for the
Effects, both beneficial and detrimental, that affect soulknife which provide a variety of new options for
the dread also affect the shadow twin, and vice versa. the iconic soulknife class.
The shadow twin must stay within 30 ft. of the dread
or the effect immediately ends.



Soulknife Level Enhancement Bonus
1 -
2 -
3 +1
4 +1
5 +1
6 +2
7 +2
8 +3
9 +3
10 +3
11 +4
12 +4
13 +5
14 +5
15 +5
16 +6
17 +6
18 +7
19 +7
20 +7

treated like a mind blade in all other ways (breaking,

null psionics fields, etc) and can be dismissed as a
free action.
An armored blade is always considered proficient
in her mind armor.
This replaces the Form Mind Blade class feature,
but counts as Form Mind Blade for prerequisites or
The armored blade uses psionic energy as protection requirements.
Shape Mind Armamenxts: The armored blade
Armored Blade can shape her mind blade and mind armor in the
Although most soulknives choose to focus their same fashion as a standard soulknife shapes her
psionic energy into weapons they can wield, some mind blade. Her mind blade and mind armor must
have chosen to channel their energy into a more be reshaped separately.
defensive form, creating armor to protect themselves This replaces the Shape Mind Blade class feature,
as well as the weapons to strike at their enemies. but counts as Shape Mind Blade for prerequisites or
Form Mind Armaments: The armored blade can requirements.
form a mind blade in the same fashion as a standard Enhanced Mind Armaments: The armored
soulknife, using the normal rules under the Form blade’s mind armor and mind blade are improved
Mind Blade class feature. In addition, as a separate like a standard soulknife’s mind blade, including if
move action, she may form mind armor. the armored blade creates two mind blades, except
Mind armor can be formed as light, medium, or the enhancement bonus increases at a reduced rate,
heavy form. Light form is treated in all ways (except rather than every odd level, as indicated on Table:
visually) as a masterwork chain shirt. Medium form Mind Armament Progression. The enhancement
is treated in all ways (except visually) as masterwork bonus for mind armor is unaffected if the armored
chainmail. Heavy form is treated in all ways (except blade shapes two mind blades. The armored blade
visually) as masterwork splint mail. Mind armor is can select armor special abilities from the list


This replaces the Enhanced Mind Blade class special abilities apply to the deadly fist’s unarmed
feature, but counts as Enhanced Mind Blade for attacks, rather than to a weapon.
prerequisites or requirements. This replaces the Enhanced Mind Blade class
feature, but counts as Enhanced Mind Blade for
Armor Special Enhancement Required prerequisites or requirements.
Ability Bonus Value Level Unarmed Assault: At 1st level, the deadly fist
gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat as a bonus
Fortification, Light +1 5 feat. In addition, the deadly fist gains the Flurry of
Spell Resistance (13) +2 7 Fists blade skill.
Energy Resistance +3 9 This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 1st
Ghost Touch +3 9
Psychokinetic Discharge (Su): A deadly fist
Invulnerability +3 9 of 1st level learns how to take the energy he has
Fortification, Moder- +3 9 charged into his unarmed strikes and release it as a
ate blast of energy at an opponent. As a ranged attack,
Spell Resistance (15) +3 9 the deadly fist can make an unarmed attack at an
opponent. The attack deals damage as normal for
Energy Resistance, +4 12 the deadly fist’s unarmed attacks.
The range increment of the attack is 10’, but is
Spell Resistance (17) +4 12 considered to be a projectile instead of a thrown
Fortification, Heavy +5 15 weapon, so the attack has a maximum range of 10
increments instead of 5. Whether or not the attack
Spell Resistance (19) +5 15
hits, the deadly fist’s unarmed attacks are no longer
Energy Resistance, +5 15 empowered and he must take the normal time to
Greater empower them.
This ability replaces the Throw Mind Blade class
Deadly Fist feature.
Some soulknives learn to channel the psionic Quick Empower: At 5th level, the deadly fist can
energy of a mind blade into their unarmed strikes, activate his Empowered Strikes ability as a free
making them lethal without the need for a weapon. action instead of as a move action. He may only do
Empowered Strikes (Su): At 1st level, the deadly so once per round.
fist can, as a move action, wreath his body in psionic This replaces the Quick Draw class feature
energy distilled from his own mind. This energy normally gained by a 5th level soulknife.
lasts until the deadly fist chooses to dismiss it as a
free action. Shielded Blade
When empowered strikes is active, the deadly Some soulknives choose to focus on both offense
fists’s unarmed strikes deal 1d6 points of damage (or and defense, splitting the energy of their mind blade
your normal unarmed strike damage, if higher) and into a sword and a shield.
are considered to be magic weapons for the purposes Form Mind Shield (Su): At 1st level, a shielded
of overcoming damage reduction. blade gains the Mind Shield blade skill, gaining a +2
This effect is similar to a mind blade, except the shield bonus to AC as long as she has a hand free.
deadly fist cannot change the form of empowered Unlike any other soulknife who takes the Mind
strikes, although he can change the damage type Shield blade skill, a shielded blade can use the mind
of his attacks between bludgeoning, piercing, and shield as if it was in all ways (except visually) a
slashing, just like a normal soulknife. This effect masterwork heavy steel shield, including making
cannot be broken like a mind blade, and it is still shield bashes, although she does not suffer the
considered to be unarmed attacks instead of a Armor Check penalty or Arcane Spell Failure for
weapon. using a heavy steel shield. The shielded blade’s mind
In all other ways, empowered strikes functions as shield is affected like a mind blade in all other ways
a mind blade, including using Psychic Strike. (breaking, null psionics fields, etc). A shielded blade
This replaces the Form Mind Blade class feature, still applies the shield’s shield bonus to her AC when
but counts as Form Mind Blade for prerequisites or performing a shield bash.
requirements. The shielded blade’s mind shield is enhanced as
Enhanced Strikes: The deadly fist’s empowered the soulknife gains levels at the same, but the mind
strikes are improved like a standard soulknife’s mind blade suffers a -1 penalty to its enhancement bonus
blade, except the enhancement bonus or weapon (if any) if the shielded blade has both formed at the


same time. The shielded blade may only apply the or power resistance cannot be absorbed in this
enhancement bonus for a mind shield to the Armor fashion. Effects that target an area or
Class bonus of the shield, and not as a bonus to multiple targets are only absorbed for the
attack and damage rolls. soulknife; other affected targets are still
A shielded blade may (and eventually must) affected normally. The level of the effect
choose special abilities for the mind shield, just cannot exceed the number of dice
as she does for the mind blade. She chooses of psychic strike expended. The
special abilities for the mind shield from the table soulknife must be 8th level to
below. select this blade skill. This
A shielded blade is always considered blade skill may not be used
proficient with her mind shield. with the mind bolt.
This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at Additional Configuration:
1st level. The soulknife gains the abil-
Improved Shield: A shielded blade of 2nd ity to have a separate config-
level gains her choice of either the Improved uration for her mind blade’s
Mind Shield or enhancement bonus and
Tower Mind Shield special abilities. When she
blade skill. forms her mind blade, the
This ability soulknife may choose ei-
replaces the blade ther configuration. Cre-
skill gained at 2nd level. ating this extra con-
figuration functions
Blade Skills just as reassigning the
Presented below are several new blade enhancement of her
skills for use with the soulknife class. mind blade, typically
8 hours of concentra-
Absorbing Blade: The soulknife may tion, and when the
expend her psychic strike to have her soulknife reassigns
mind blade absorb a spell, spell-like ability, her mind blade con-
power, or psi-like ability that would affect figuration, she must re-
her. Effects that are not subjected to spell resistance assign each configuration
separately, taking the nor-
Shield Special Enhancement Required mal 8 hours of concentra-
Ability Bonus Value Level tion per configuration. Al-
Arrow Catching +1 5 ternatively, the soulknife may
Bashing +1 5 configure the off-hand light
weapon form of his mind blade
Blinding +1 5 separately, if he chooses to form
Fortification, Light +1 5 two mind blades and spends
Mind shields keep a soulknife the normal 8 hours
Arrow Deflection +2 7
protected virtually anywhere of concentration. The
Spell Resistance (13) +2 7
soulknife must be at
Energy Resistance +3 9 least 6th level in order to select this blade skill.
Ghost Touch +3 9 Dazzling Blade: The soulknife may, as a standard
action, channel psionic energy into her mind blade,
Fortification, +3 9
Moderate dazzling all creatures within 30 feet. A successful
Fortitude save negates this effect. The save DC is 10
Spell Resistance (15) +3 9 + the soulknife’s base attack bonus.
Energy Resistance, +4 12 Deadly Shield: The soulknife may choose to
Improved empower her mind shield with weapon special
Spell Resistance (17) +4 12 abilities, instead of shield special abilities, and
may select to apply the enhancement bonus of the
Fortification, Heavy +5 15
mind shield for attacks, rather than for armor. The
Spell Resistance (19) +5 15 soulknife must have the Form Mind Shield class
Energy Resistance, +5 15 feature and be at least 5th level in order to select this
Greater blade skill.


Deceptive Blade: When the soulknife feints in the soulknife can transform her mind shield into
combat, she may also form her mind blade in the a tower shield until the start of her next turn. All
same action as the feint. Additionally, Bluff is now of the standard penalties for having a mind shield
a class skill for the soulknife. If the soulknife has shaped as a tower shield apply. The soulknife must
the Improved Feint feat and the psychic strike class have the Mind Shield blade skill to choose this blade
feature, once per round she may also charge her skill.
psychic strike when performing a feint and forming Fire Blade: When the soulknife makes an attack
her mind blade in the same action. This blade skill with her mind blade, she can choose to have it
may not be used with the mind bolt. deal fire damage instead of its normal damage. In
Disrupting Strike: As a full-round action, a addition, the soulknife can expend her psionic focus
soulknife can make one melee attack against each when she hits with an attack to deal an additional
enemy adjacent to her. If she hits, the attack deals +1d10 fire damage.
no damage, but each enemy hit takes a -5 penalty to Firestorm: When the soulknife expends her psionic
all melee and ranged damage rolls until the start of focus to damage an enemy via the Fire Blade blade
the soulknife’s next turn. This blade skill may not be skill, if the damaged target is adjacent to the soulknife
used with the mind bolt. at the end of its next turn, the soulknife deals 1d10
Dueling Blade: When a soulknife is fighting additional fire damage to it and each enemy within
defensively, or using the Combat Expertise feat, with 10 feet of the damaged target. The soulknife must
a mind blade, and an opponent misses her in melee, have the Fire Blade blade skill to choose this blade
she may expend her psionic focus to make an attack skill.
of opportunity against that opponent with her mind Flurry of Fists: When making unarmed attacks
blade. The soulknife ignores the penalty to attack and making a full attack, the soulknife can make
rolls from fighting defensively for this attack. one additional attack at her highest attack bonus,
Emulate Melee Weapon: The soulknife can form but all attacks in the full attack suffer a -2 penalty
her mind blade to replicate any single melee weapon, to the attack roll. This extra attack does not stack
chosen at the time she takes this blade skill. The with abilities that grant additional attacks, such as
soulknife is proficient with her mind blade in this Two-Weapon Fighting, Flurry of Blows, or other
form and it functions in all ways as the chosen such effects. The soulknife must have the Improved
weapon. This blade skill may be taken multiple Unarmed Strike feat in order to select this blade
times; each time, it allows the soulknife to form her skill.
mind blade to replicate a different melee weapon. Flurry of Fists, Improved: The soulknife gains an
This blade skill may not be used with the mind bolt. additional attack when using flurry of fists, but at a
Emulate Ranged Weapon: The soulknife can form -5 penalty. The soulknife must be at least 6th level
her mind bolt to replicate any single ranged weapon and have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat and the
(except firearms), chosen at the time she takes this Flurry of Fists blade skill in order to select this blade
blade skill. The soulknife is proficient with her skill.
mind bolt in this form and it functions in all ways Flurry of Fists, Greater: The soulknife gains an
as the chosen weapon. This blade skill may be taken additional attack when using flurry of fists, but at a
multiple times; each time, it allows the soulknife to -10 penalty. The soulknife must be at least 11th level
form her mind bolt to replicate a different ranged and have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat and the
weapon (except firearms). You must have the ability Flurry of Fists and Improved Flurry of Fists blade
to form a mind bolt to select this blade skill. skills in order to select this blade skill.
Energized Shield: As an immediate action when the Freezing Ice: When the soulknife expends her
soulknife is attacked in melee and by expending her psionic focus to slow an enemy via the Ice Blade
psionic focus, she may charge her mind shield with blade skill, if the slowed target is adjacent to the
one of the energy types she could normally make soulknife at the end of its next turn, its speed is
her mind blade deal, dealing additional points of reduced to 0 until the end of the soulknife’s next
the appropriate type of energy damage equal to her turn. The soulknife must have the Ice Blade blade
normal psychic strike damage to her attacker. This skill to choose this blade skill.
effect lasts only for one attack. The soulknife must Grasping Shield: The soulknife’s mind shield takes
be at least 8th level and have the mind shield blade on an adhesive quality. Once per round, she may
skill and one of the fire blade, ice blade, lightning make a free disarm attempt against any enemy that
blade, or thunder blade blade skills to choose this makes a melee attack that misses her. This disarm
blade skill. attempt counts as an attack of opportunity and does
Expand Shield: When using the total defense action not provoke attacks of opportunity. The soulknife
or attacking defensively, as a free action on her turn must have the shield block blade skill and the form


mind shield class feature to choose this blade skill. Mind Blade Finesse: The benefits of the Weapon
Ice Blade: When the soulknife makes an attack with Finesse feat apply to the mind blade even when it
her mind blade, she can choose to have it deal cold is in forms that cannot normally be the subject of
damage instead of its normal damage. In addition, Weapon Finesse (including two-handed forms).
the soulknife can expend her psionic focus when she Ranged Shield Block: When using the Shield Block
hits with an attack to reduce the target’s speed by blade skill, the soulknife may block a ranged attack,
half until the end of the soulknife’s next turn. but not ranged touch attack. The soulknife must
Improved Armor: The soulknife’s mind armor have the form mind shield class feature and the
improves depending on its form. Light form is shield block blade skill to choose this blade skill.
treated as if not wearing armor, while still gaining Reflective Blade: A soulknife may expend her
the armor bonus to Armor Class. Medium form is psychic strike as an immediate action to reflect a spell
treated as a masterwork breastplate. Heavy form is or power that would strike her back at the caster. The
treated as masterwork full plate. The soulknife must spell or power must be a touch attack spell or power,
have the ability to form mind armor in order to take either ranged or melee, and the level of the spell or
this blade skill. power reflected cannot exceed the number of dice of
Improved Mind Shield: The shield bonus to AC damage expended by psychic strike. The soulknife
granted by the soulknife’s mind shield increases by makes a ranged touch attack to determine if the spell
1. The soulknife must have the Mind Shield blade successfully strikes the target. The soulknife must
skill in order to select this blade skill. be at least 14th level and have the Absorbing Blade
Interrupting Throw: If an enemy within 10 feet blade skill to select this blade skill.
of the soulknife performs an action that would Resounding Thunder: When the soulknife expends
provoke an attack of opportunity, such as casting her psionic focus to daze an enemy via the Thunder
a spell without casting on the defensive, she may, Blade blade skill, she gains an additional benefit. If
as an immediate action and by expending psionic the dazed target ends its next turn adjacent to the
focus, throw her mind shield at that enemy as an souklnife, it takes 2d6+2 sonic damage. The soulknife
attack of opportunity. The soulknife may not use this must have the Thunder Blade blade skill to select
blade skill if her mind shield is in the form of a tower this blade skill.
shield. The soulknife must be at least 12th level and Shield Block: As an immediate action and by
have the form mind shield class feature to choose expending psionic focus, the soulknife may block
this blade skill. one melee attack, but not touch attack, against her
Lightning Arc: When the soulknife expends her by making an attack roll. If her attack roll is higher
psionic focus to penalize an enemy via the Lightning than the attack roll she is attempting to block, the
Blade blade skill, if the penalized target is adjacent to attack misses. The soulknife must have the form
the soulknife at the end of its next turn, it is dazzled mind shield class feature to choose this blade skill.
for one round and another enemy within 30 feet of Thunder Blade: When the soulknife makes an
the target takes 3d6 electricity damage. A successful attack with her mind blade, she can choose to have
Reflex Save (DC 10 + the soulknife’s base attack it deal sonic damage instead of its normal damage,
bonus) halves the damage taken. The soulknife must although the weapon is treated as if it was one size
have the Lightning Blade blade skill to choose this smaller when determining its damage. In addition,
blade skill. the soulknife can expend her psionic focus when she
Lightning Blade: When the soulknife makes an hits with an attack to daze the target until the end of
attack with her mind blade, she can choose to have her next turn unless it makes a successful Fortitude
it deal electricity damage instead of its normal save (DC 10 + the soulknife’s base attack bonus).
damage. In addition, the soulknife can expend her Tower Mind Shield: The soulknife’s mind shield
psionic focus when she hits with an attack to give can be shaped into a tower shield. Altering the
the target a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls mind shield in this fashion is a move action that
until the end of her next turn. If the target is wearing does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The mind
metal armor, the penalty increases to -3. shield remains in this form until shaped back into
Mark of the Challenger: The soulknife charges its standard form. The mind shield is treated in
her mind blade with the ability to cause an enemy all ways (except visually) as a masterwork tower
to focus on her. As a standard action, the soulknife shield, granting a +4 shield bonus to AC, imposing
makes a melee attack against a creature. If the attack a +2 Maximum Dexterity Bonus, a -9 Armor Check
is successful, the target takes a -2 penalty to attacks penalty, and a 50% Arcane Spell Failure Chance. The
made against targets other than the soulknife until soulknife must have the Mind Shield blade skill to
the end of its next turn. select this blade skill.


Tower Shield Skill: The soulknife reduces the attack PSYCHIC WARRIOR PATHS
and armor check penalties by 1 (to a minimum of Psychic warriors must choose a warrior’s path
0) if her mind shield is in tower shield form. The at 1st level, granting them a variety of benefits and
soulknife may take this blade skill multiple times, options. Presented below are new path options for
its effects stack. The soulknife must have the mind psychic warriors.
shield blade skill and the ability to shape her mind
shield into a tower shield to choose this blade skill. Dervish Path
Whiplash: The soulknife can throw her mind You are a whirlwind in combat. Your blades strike
shield as a thrown weapon with a range increment out faster than the eye can perceive, sending enemies
of 10. In addition, by expending psionic focus as a reeling from your twin-bladed attacks.
free action after making a ranged attack with her Powers: Force screen, metaphysical weapon
mind shield, the soulknife can cause the shield to Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Perform
return back to her hand, hitting any enemy in line of Bonus Class Skill: Bluff
effect from her target and dealing damage as a light Trance: Beginning at 3rd level, while maintaining
shield. Soulknives with the Form Mind Shield class psionic focus, you gain a +1 competence bonus on
feature instead deal damage as a heavy shield. The attack rolls made when you wield two weapons. This
soulknife makes a ranged attack roll for each enemy bonus increases by 1 every four psychic warrior
in the line of effect. The soulknife may not use this levels thereafter.
blade skill if her mind shield is in the form of a tower Maneuver: Beginning at 3rd level, you can expend
shield. The soulknife must be at least 8th level and your psionic focus as part of a full attack when you
have the form mind shield class feature to choose fight with two weapons to take a 5-foot step between
this blade skill. your attacks, even if you have already taken a 5-foot
step, but not if you have moved normally (such as
by using hustle). At 8th level and every five psychic
warrior levels thereafter, you gain one additional
5-foot step, but each of these 5-foot steps must be
made after an attack in your full attack.

Interceptor Path
You are adept at engaging enemies, guarding
your allies, and blocking interlopers. Speed and
maneuverability are not your only tools; you know
how stop a foe in his tracks.
Powers: Burst, expansion
Skills: Acrobatics, Intimidate, Perception
Bonus class skill: Intimidate
Trance: Beginning at 3rd level, while maintaining
psionic focus, you gain a +1 competence bonus on
attack and damage rolls made against any opponent
that threatens any of your allies. This bonus increases
by 1 every four psychic warrior levels thereafter.
Maneuver: Beginning at 3rd level, you can expend
your psionic focus as an immediate action when
an enemy you threaten attacks one of your allies
to make a single melee attack or bull rush attempt
against that enemy. Your attack or bull rush attempt
is resolved before the enemy’s attack. If you made
a melee attack and it is successful, the struck enemy
takes a penalty equal to the competence bonus of the
Interceptor trance on the attack and damage rolls of
the attack that triggered this maneuver.

Interceptors protect their allies


WILDER SURGE OPTIONS check to withdraw it, and could choose how much
The wild surge is the defining ability of the wilder damage to inflict if successful or not.
class. Presented below are new surge options for the Improved Surge Bond: At 5th level, the pain
wilder. wilder gains the Diehard feat as a bonus feat; at 9th
level, she also gains the Body Fuel feat as a bonus
Pain Surge feat, at 13th level she gains the Fight On feat as a
Wild Surge and Psychic Enervation: The pain bonus feat and at 17th level she gains the Mind Over
wilder draws strength from pain, but can only wild Body feat as a bonus feat. The pain wilder gains the
surge if she is experiencing physical pain. The pain benefits of these feats even if she does not meet the
wilder must have suffered hit point damage within a prerequisites.
number of rounds equal to the number of points in her
wild surge. If the wilder is injured while manifesting
a power, such as by an attack of opportunity, she
Although much of the material found in this book
may use that damage to qualify to activate the wild
deals with the psionic classes, the core base classes,
surge on the power being manifested, as long as she
such as the fighter, rogue, or ranger, could also be
makes a successful concentration check as normal.
modified to be psionic. In this section are psionic
Because a pain wilder embraces pain, it acts as a
options for the core base classes.
focus for her manifesting ability, not as a distraction.
If the pain wilder is injured while manifesting a
power, the number of points of damage are halved CORE BASE CLASS ARCHETYPES
to determine the DC of the concentration check. If Presented below are new archetypes for the core
a pain wilder is taking continuous damage, she classes to give them a psionic feel. Characters may
does not need to make a concentration check for take more than one archetype if they meet the
the continuous damage. When a pain wilder suffers requirements.
psychic enervation, she is sickened until the end of
her next turn and loses a number of power points Psionic Fighter
equal to her normal manifester level (the increase This archetype may be selected by fighters of 1st
in manifester level from her wild surge does not level.
increase the number of power points lost). Psionic Feats: The psionic fighter gains Wild
Surge Bond: The pain wilder gains the precise Talent and his choice of Psionic Fist, Psionic Shot,
harm ability, as follows: or Psionic Weapon as bonus feats at first level. He
Precise Harm (Ex): The pain wilder can determine must meet any applicable prerequisite for the feat
exactly how much damage she wishes to inflict on selected. Subsequent bonus feats the fighter gains
a willing or helpless subject. This ability cannot be can be selected from Combat feats or Psionic feats.
used on creatures that are unwilling or not helpless. This ability replaces the 1st level bonus feat.
Whenever they have a minimum to maximum Willpower (Su): Starting at 2nd level, a fighter
amount of damage to inflict – such as with a weapon gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against Charm and
– they can choose the amount of damage they deliver Compulsion effects as long as he maintains psionic
within those limits, including foregoing Strength or focus. This bonus increases by +1 for every four
other bonuses to damage. levels beyond 2nd. This ability replaces the Bravery
For example, if a pain wilder with a Strength of 12 class feature.
and a dagger wishes to inflict damage on a target that Telekinetic Draw (Su): At 5th level, the figher
is willing or helpless, she could inflict any amount of can expend his psionic focus to telekinetically draw
damage between 1 hit point and 5 hit points. his weapon from within 30 ft. The psionic fighter
This can make the pain wilder an expert surgeon or must have line of sight to the weapon and it must
an expert torturer. As such, Heal is added as a class be unattended. This ability replaces one of the skill
skill for pain wilders, and they gain a +4 competence points gained at 5th level.
bonus on any use of the skill that involves surgery. Combat Focus (Su): A psionic fighter of 9th level
Likewise, if a pain wilder makes any use of Intimidate does not provoke attacks of opportunity when
that involves inflicting pain on the target, she also gaining psionic focus. This ability replaces Weapon
gains a +4 competence bonus on the check. The Training 2.
pain wilder’s ability to choose how much damage is Double Imbue (Su): Once a psionic fighter has
inflicted applies in these circumstances. reached 13th level, he has gained the ability to trigger
For example, a pain wilder attempting to remove two effects that require expending psionic focus on
a barbed sting that will inflict 1d6 damage on a single attack by expending only one psionic focus.
withdrawal would gain a +4 advantage to her Heal This ability cannot be used with additional sources of


psionic focus, such as that gained from the Psicrystal the powers normally unless the feat description
Containment feat, nor can it be used to trigger the specifically says otherwise.
same effect twice on the same attack. This ability Manifestation Cost: To use a metapsionic feat,
replaces Weapon Training 3. a psionic character must typically both expend
his psionic focus (see above) and pay an increased
power point cost as given in the feat description.
FEATS Limits on Use: As with all powers, you cannot
spend more power points on any power than your
manifester level. Metapsionic feats merely let you
Along with the new class options presented in this
manifest powers in different ways; they do not let
book, a variety of new feats are detailed that expand
you violate this key rule.
upon those that already exist in the Pathfinder
Effects of Metapsionic Feats on a Power: In all
Roleplaying Game, as well as those that exist in
ways, a metapsionic power operates at its original
Psionics Unleashed. Feats denoted by a * are new
power level, even though it costs additional power
feats presented here.
points. The modifications to a power made by a
metapsionic feat have only their noted effect on the
TYPES OF FEATS power. A manifester can’t use a metapsionic feat to
Many of the feats presented below are psionic alter a power being manifested from a power stone,
feats, although some purely combat-oriented feats dorje, or other device.
are also presented that are accessible to non-psionic Some metapsionic feats apply only to certain
characters. powers, as described in each specific feat entry.


Psionic feats are available only to characters and For centuries, great warriors have looked to nature
creatures with the ability to manifest powers or with and the multiverse to find inspiration in battle.
a reservoir of psionic power. (In other words, they Countless monastic and contemplative orders have
either have a power point reserve or have psi-like crafted intricate unarmed fighting styles based on
abilities.) the deadliness and grace of natural and supernatural
Because psionic feats are supernatural abilities—a creatures. Although many such fighting techniques
departure from the general rule that feats do not grant were created by secretive orders, they have since
supernatural abilities—they cannot be disrupted spread to practitioners the world over.
in combat (as powers can be) and generally do not As a swift action, you can enter the stance employed
provoke attacks of opportunity (except as noted in by the fighting style a style feat embodies. Although
their descriptions). Supernatural abilities are not you cannot use a style feat before combat begins, the
subject to power resistance and cannot be dispelled; style you are in persists until you spend a swift action
however, they do not function in areas where to switch to a different combat style. You can use a
psionics is suppressed, such as a null psionics field. feat that has a style feat as a prerequisite only while
Leaving such an area immediately allows psionic in the stance of the associated style. For example,
feats to be used. if you have feats associated with Mantis Style and
Many psionic feats can be used only when you are Tiger Style, you can use a swift action to adopt Tiger
psionically focused; others require you to expend Style at the start of one turn, and then can use other
your psionic focus to gain their benefit. Expending feats that have Tiger Style as a prerequisite. By using
your psionic focus does not require an action; it is another swift action at the start of your next turn,
part of another action (such as using a feat). When you could adopt Mantis Style and use other feats that
you expend your psionic focus, it applies only to the have Mantis Style as a prerequisite.
action for which you expended it.

The following format is used for all feat
As a manifester’s knowledge of psionics grows,
he can learn to manifest powers in ways slightly
Feat Name: The feat’s name also indicates what
different from how the powers were originally
subcategory, if any, the feat belongs to, and is followed
designed or learned. Of course, manifesting a power
by a basic description of what the feat does.
while using a metapsionic feat is more expensive
Prerequisite: A minimum ability score, another
than manifesting the power normally.
feat or feats, a minimum base attack bonus, a
Manifesting Time: Powers manifested using
minimum number of ranks in one or more skills, or
metapsionic feats take the same time as manifesting
anything else required in order to take the feat. This


entry is absent if a feat has no prerequisites. A feat ADVANCED BRAWLING PATH

may have more than one prerequisite.
Benefit: What a feat enables the character (“you”
Your grappling abilities are particularly effective.
in the feat description) to do. If a character has the
Prerequisites: Improved Grapple, Improved
same feat more than once, its benefits do not stack
Unarmed Strike, Brawling path class feature,
unless indicated otherwise in the description.
manifester level 10th, base attack bonus +6
Normal: What a character who does not have
Benefit: When using the Brawling trance, you
this feat is limited to or restricted from doing. If not
gain a +1 competence bonus to your grapple checks
having the feat causes no particular drawback, this
for every three psychic warrior levels you have.
entry is absent.
In addition, when using the Brawling maneuver,
Special: Additional unusual facts about the feat.
the damage you deal can be lethal, instead of non-
You have unlocked an additional form of fear.
Prerequisite: Terror class feature
You seem to float between enemies, a blur of
Benefit: You gain an additional terror.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Double Slice, Two-Weapon
Each time, you gain a new terror.
Fighting, Dervish path class feature, manifester level
10th, base attack bonus +6
ADVANCED ARCHER PATH [PSIONIC] Benefit: When using the Dervish trance, the
You have expanded expertise at ranged combat. competence bonus applies to your damage as well as
Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, your attack rolls. In addition, you can use the Dervish
Archer path class feature, manifester level 10th, maneuver even if you moved before your attack and
base attack bonus +6 you have no limit of how many 5-foot steps you can
Benefit: Half of the competence bonus from take while using the Dervish maneuver, as long as
your Archer trance is added to your damage rolls you make at least one attack before each 5-foot step.
for attacks made with ranged or thrown weapons The maximum distance you can move in this round
(natural weapons do not count for this benefit). In is that of a double move.
addition, when using the Archer maneuver, you
may perform a bull rush attempt instead of a trip
Your natural attacks are more vicious.
Prerequisites: Psionic Fist, Unavoidable Strike,
ADVANCED ASCETIC PATH [PSIONIC] Feral path class feature, manifester level 10th, base
You are an expert of unarmed combat. attack bonus +6
Prerequisites: Dodge, Psionic Dodge, Ascetic path Benefit: The competence bonus from your
class feature, manifester level 10th, base attack trance now also applies to damage rolls made with
bonus +6 natural attacks. In addition, when using the Feral
Benefit: The competence bonus of your Ascetic maneuver, if two natural attacks in the same charge
trance now applies to both AC and saves. In addition, are successful, your natural weapons deal extra
when using the Ascetic maneuver, you can deflect one damage. This damage is equal to the damage dealt
attack as if using the Deflect Arrows feat, although by one natural attack plus 1-1/2 times your Strength
you may alternatively deflect a melee attack. modifier (if the two natural attacks deal different
amounts of damage, use the lesser of the two).
Your attacks have become even deadlier. ADVANCED INFILTRATOR PATH
Prerequisites: Deep Impact, Psionic Weapon,
Assassin path class feature, manifester level 10th,
You have a talent for getting wherever you need
base attack bonus +6
to go.
Benefit: When using the Assassin trance, you deal
Prerequisites: Deceitful, Infiltrator path class
sneak attack as a rogue of half your psychic warrior
feature, manifester level 10th, base attack bonus +6
level. Your target must be eligible for sneak attack
Benefit: When using the Infiltrator trance, the
(not immune to precision-based damage, flanked,
competence bonus to Disguise checks also applies to
denied a Dexterity bonus, etc). In addition, when
Bluff and Sense Motive checks. In addition, when
using the Assassin maneuver, your opponent must
using the Infiltrator maneuver, for the duration
make a Fortitude save (DC equal to 10 + your base
of your metamorphosis power, you gain the scent
attack bonus) or be staggered for a number of rounds
extraordinary ability and the competence bonus to
equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Intimidate checks also applies to Survival checks.


ADVANCED INTERCEPTOR PATH may manifest that power using Martial Power as if
it were a Path power, as long as the attack is made
using the weapon summoned. In addition, when
You defend your allies with uncanny expertise.
using the Mind Knight maneuver, you gain a +1
Prerequisites: Combat Expertise, Interceptor
competence bonus on the attack rolls for every four
path class feature, manifester level 10th, base attack
psychic warrior levels you have.
bonus +6
Benefit: When using the Interceptor trance, you
can take a penalty to your Armor Class equal to the ADVANCED SURVIVOR PATH [PSIONIC]
competence bonus granted by the Interceptor trance You are capable of withstanding a variety of
to grant a deflection bonus to Armor Class to one ally situations.
threatened by an enemy within your melee reach. Prerequisites: Con 13, Mind Over Body, Toughness,
In addition, when using the Interceptor maneuver, Survivor path class feature, manifester level 10th,
if your attack was successful, you can make a free base attack bonus +6
disarm or trip attempt against the enemy struck. Benefit: When using the Survivor trance, you gain
resistance to your active energy type. The resistance
is equal to 5 for every four psychic warrior levels
you have. In addition, when using the Survivor
[PSIONIC] maneuver, the bonus to Will saves can instead apply
You have learned enhanced techniques to make to Fortitude saves.
sure you are always armed and dangerous
Prerequisites: Wis 13, Psionic Meditation, Psionic
Shot OR Psionic Weapon, Mind Knight path class
feature, manifester level 10th, base attack bonus +6 [PSIONIC]
Benefit: As long as you have both Mind Knight You are a particularly dangerous opponent to
path powers, you can manifest both Mind Knight duel.
path powers at the same time as a single standard Prerequisites: Combat Expertise, Improved
action. Any time you manifest call weaponry, you Disarm, Weapon Focus, Weaponmaster path class
may select one other 1st level power you know; you feature, manifester level 10th, base attack bonus +6
Benefit: The competence bonus from your trance

The dervish path allows a psychic warrior to strike multiple enemies


of the bonus. This feat does not affect your terrors

CRAFT CRYSTALLINE FOCUS known or give you further uses of your terrors, but
Because of the unique and varied nature of increases it for the purposes of augmentation and
crystalline focus items, presented later, a new save DC’s.
feat was created to cover their creation. This feat
is used to create all items that alter or augment
psionically-created items like mind blades and astral
Your training with a mind blade allows you to
suits. However, if there are concerns about the
perform additional abilities.
introduction of a new item creation feat, the Craft
Prerequisite: Blade skill class feature, base attack
Magic Arms & Armor feat can be substituted.
bonus +2.
Benefit: You gain an additional blade skill.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times.
now also applies to damage rolls made with a weapon Each time, you gain a new blade skill.
(natural attacks do not count for this purpose). In
addition, when using the Weaponmaster maneuver,
you can choose to make a free disarm attempt against
You can use your terrors more than normal.
your attacker in place of the single melee attack.
Prerequisite: Terrors class feature.
If your disarm attempt is successful, you may then
Benefit: You gain 3 additional daily uses of your
make a single melee attack against your opponent in
place of the 5-foot step.
Special: You can gain Extra Terrors multiple times.
Its effects stack. Each time you take the feat, you gain
BROKEN DREAMS STYLE three additional daily uses of your terrors.
Your unarmed strikes are empowered by FEAR MASTERY [PSIONIC]
nightmares. You have walked among true nightmares and seen
Prerequisites: Devastating touch class feature, into the depths of mortal fear and despair - giving
Improved Unarmed Strike, Intimidate 3 ranks you a terrible edge when it comes to weakening your
Benefit: When performing an unarmed attack, enemies and bringing them to their knees, paralyzed
you can choose to also deliver your devastating with fear.
touch damage through that attack. Prerequisites: Psionic Endowment, devastating
touch class feature.
CRAFT CRYSTALLINE FOCUS Benefit: As long as you maintain psionic focus, you
[ITEM CREATION] receive a +1 insight bonus to the save DCs of all your
You are able to craft crystalline items that focus terrors and powers with the fear descriptor. You can
psionic energy. expend your focus while manifesting a power or
Prerequisite: Manifester level 3rd. using a terror to increase this bonus to +2.
Benefit: You can craft crystalline focus items that
harness psionic energy such as that for a mind blade, HUSTLE POWER [METAPSIONIC]
mind armor, or astral suit. Doing so takes one day You can hasten the manifesting time of some
for each 1,000 gp in the item’s base price. powers.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your
DISCIPLE OF FEAR [PSIONIC] psionic focus. You may manifest a power with a
You have studied the intricacies of terror and fear, manifesting time of one standard action as a move
being able to use this knowledge to further your own action instead. Powers with manifesting times other
powers beyond what would normally be available than one standard action may not be affected by this
for you. feat. You can perform another action, even manifest
Prerequisites: Devastating touch class feature, another power, in the same round that you manifest
terrors class feature. a hustled power.
Benefit: For the purpose of your devastating Using this feat increases the power point cost of
touch and terror class features, your effective class the power by 4. The power’s total cost cannot exceed
level increases by 4. This benefit can’t increase your your manifester level.
effective class level to higher than your Hit Dice. Manifesting a hustled power still provokes attacks
However, even if you can’t benefit from the full of opportunity.
bonus immediately, if you later gain Hit Dice in levels
of other classes, you might be able to apply the rest



Your insight into how fear affects creatures allows Your terrors are able to affect those normally
you to paralyze an enemy with fear, instead of immune.
merely shaking him. Prerequisite: Terrors class feature, 10th level
Prerequisites: Fearsome insight class feature, dread
Intimidate 9 ranks. Benefit: You can expend your psionic focus when
Benefit: As a standard action you can make an activating a terror to allow it to affect those normally
Intimidate check to demoralize a single foe (within immune to fear effects or mind-affecting effects. The
30 ft). If you succeed the target is paralyzed for one target gets a +4 bonus to any applicable save against
round. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. the effect.
Normal: A creature demoralized through
Intimidate is shaken. POWER CHANNELER [PSIONIC]
You have learned how to channel your powers
INTUITIVE FIGHTING [PSIONIC] through your weaponry, allowing you to make
Your intuition guides your strikes to be more melee attacks and channel offensive powers at the
devastating. same time.
Prerequisite: Blind-Fight. Benefit: You can channel a touch range power
Benefit: To use this feat you must maintain psionic through a melee weapon. You can make a single
focus. You add your Wisdom modifier to your melee melee attack during the same action in which you
attack rolls instead of your Strength modifier. manifest a touch power with a manifesting time
of one standard action; if this melee attack hits, it
MULTIPLE CONNECTIONS [PSIONIC] triggers the power as if you had succeeded on a touch
You are able to be attuned to multiple minds. attack and deals damage as normal. If you miss, the
Prerequisite: Open Door*, Mindlock class feature power fizzles and the charge is lost. The attack made
Benefit: You can be attuned to up to three creature is against standard AC and not touch AC.
for the purposes of Open Door.
Normal: You can only be attuned to one creature. PSIONIC BULL RUSH [PSIONIC]
NIGHTMARE VEIL [PSIONIC] You can use psionic energy to carry the force of a
You wrap your form in the fears of your bull rush through your foe.
opponents. Prerequisite: Improved Bull Rush.
Prerequisites: Devastating touch class feature, Benefit: While maintaining psionic focus, when
Improved Unarmed Strike, Broken Dreams Style, you successfully perform a bull rush combat
Shattered Dream Strike, Intimidate 9 ranks. maneuver, you also deal damage equal to half your
Benefit: While in the broken dreams style, any level to the creature bull rushed.
target that is shaken treats you as concealed. In If you expend your psionic focus when you
addition, while in the broken dreams style, you treat successfully make a bull rush maneuver, you can
shaken targets as flat-footed for unarmed attacks. also knock the target of your bull rush prone.


Once you have pried the gates open into another You can add psionic energy to a perfect weapon
mind, you can always return there no matter how strike.
long it has been. Prerequisite: Improved Critical.
Prerequisite: Mindlock class feature. Benefit: While maintaining psionic focus, when
Benefit: Once an individual has failed a Will save you successfully score a critical hit, you deal +1d8
to avoid being mindlocked by you, you can attune bonus damage. If you expend your psionic focus,
yourself to that creature. You can only be attuned to you deal an additional +1d8 bonus damage.
one creature in such a way at any given time. You can
reactivate the mindlock to your attuned creature at PSIONIC DISARM [PSIONIC]
any time by spending 1 power point as a free action, You can psionically carry your disarm maneuver’s
regardless of the time since you first mindlocked the force through your foe.
target. This means that they count as having failed Prerequisite: Improved Disarm.
their Will save again. Benefit: While maintaining psionic focus, when
you successfully perform a disarm combat maneuver,
you also deal damage equal to half your level to the
creature disarmed.


If you expend your psionic focus when you make Benefit: While maintaining psionic focus, when
a successful disarm combat maneuver, you can also you successfully perform a sunder combat maneuver,
send the disarmed object into any space of your you also deal damage equal to half your level to the
choosing within 25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels. If a creature is creature holding the item sundered.
in the selected space and has a hand free, it can grab If you expend your psionic focus when you
the disarmed object as an immediate action. perform a successful sunder maneuver, you ignore
half the hardness of the object you are sundering.
You can draw on your psionic power to boost the PSIONIC TRIP [PSIONIC]
power of an overrun attack. You can draw on your psionic power to boost the
Prerequisites: Str 13, Improved Overrun, Power power of a trip attack.
Attack, base attack bonus +1. Prerequisites: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved
Benefit: While maintaining psionic focus, when Trip.
you successfully perform an overrun combat Benefit: While maintaining psionic focus, when
maneuver, you also deal damage equal to half your you successfully perform a trip combat maneuver,
level to the creature you overrun. you also deal damage equal to half your level to the
If you expend your psionic focus when you perform creature tripped.
a successful overrun combat maneuver, you can also If you expend your psionic focus when you
push your target up to 5 feet, +5 feet for every four perform a successful trip combat maneuver, you
levels you possess. can also throw your target up to 5 feet, +5 feet for
every four levels you possess, although the creature
PSIONIC PRECISE SHOT [PSIONIC] thrown may not be more than one size category
Your ranged attacks sometimes bypass barriers. larger than you.
Prerequisites: Dex 19, Improved Precise Shot,
Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus PSIONIC UNARMED STRIKE [PSIONIC]
+11. Your unarmed attacks sometimes bypass barriers.
Benefits: To use this feat, you must expend your Prerequisites: Dex 13, Wis 13, Improved Unarmed
psionic focus. You can attempt to make a single Strike, Stunning Fist.
ranged attack as a standard action against a target Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your
that is sheltered behind a wall, wall of force effect, psionic focus. You can attempt to make a single
or similar barrier. Your attack briefly skips through unarmed melee attack as a standard action against
the Astral Plane to bypass the barrier. You must still a target that is sheltered behind a wall, wall of force
have line of sight to the target. effect, or similar barrier. Your attack briefly skips
through the Astral Plane to bypass the barrier.
PSIONIC SHIELD BASH [PSIONIC] This does not grant you line of sight or extra reach,
Your shield bash attacks can strike both the body requiring you to make the attack without being able
and mind of a foe. to see the target or use some other method of seeing
Prerequisites: Improved Shield Bash, Shield the target (such as clairaudience/clairvoyance) and
Proficiency. be within your normal reach for your unarmed
Benefit: While maintaining psionic focus, when attack.
you successfully strike a foe with a shield bash attack,
the foe must also make a Will save (DC 10 + one-half READY RESPONSE [PSIONIC]
your base attack bonus + your Wisdom modifier) or You can move yourself more quickly through sheer
be shaken for 1 round. This is a mindaffecting fear willpower.
effect. Benefit: At the beginning of a surprise round,
If you expend your psionic focus when you make if you would not normally take an action, you can
a shield bash, on a successfully attack roll you can expend your psionic focus to roll initiative and take
instead force the target to make a Will saving throw a standard action or a move action. If you do move
or be stunned for 1 round. normally in a surprise round, you can expend your
psionic focus to take a full-round of action, rather
PSIONIC SUNDER [PSIONIC] than only a standard or move action.
You can draw on your psionic power to boost the Normal: A character that is allowed to act in a
power of a sunder attack. surprise round can take only a standard action or a
Prerequisites: Str 13, Improved Sunder, Power move action, not both.
Attack, base attack bonus +1.


SHATTERED DREAM STRIKE [PSIONIC] or a similar kind of qualifier, the power description
You sap your opponent’s will with your attacks. is alphabetized under the second word of the power
Prerequisites: Devastating touch class feature, description instead.
Improved Unarmed Strike, Broken Dreams Style*, Manifester Level: A power’s effect often depends
Intimidate 6 ranks on the manifester level, which is the manifester’s
Benefit: While in the broken dreams style, after psionic class level. A creature with no classes has a
making a successful unarmed strike empowered manifester level equal to its Hit Dice unless otherwise
with your devastating touch, you can make a free specified. The word “level” in the power lists always
Intimidate check against the target. refers to manifester level.
Creatures and Characters: “Creatures” and
“characters” are used synonymously in the power
You have learned to activate multiple terrors at a
Augment: Many powers vary in strength
depending on how many power points you put into
Prerequisite: 8 terrors known
them. The more power points you spend, the more
Benefit: When you use your terrors class feature,
powerful the manifestation. However, you can spend
you can activate two terrors in a single swift action.
only a total number of points on a power equal to
Normal: You can only activate one terror at a
your manifester level, unless you have an ability that
increases your effective manifester level.
Many powers can be augmented in more than one
TOUCH OF TERROR [PSIONIC] way. When the Augment section contains numbered
Your devastating touch deals additional damage. paragraphs, you need to spend power points
Prerequisites: Devastating touch class feature separately for each of the numbered options. When
Benefit: Your devastating touch ability deals 1d6 a paragraph in the Augment section begins with “In
points of damage plus your class level and your addition,” you gain the indicated benefit according
Charisma modifier. to how many power points you have already decided
Normal: Devastating touch deals 1d6 points of to spend on manifesting the power.\
damage plus your class level.
Talents are 0th-level psionic powers that are
powered by psionic focus, rather than power points.
These abilities give manifesters minor abilities that
As well as the power list and new powers for the can be used at-will, but typically have very limited
dread, presented below are a variety of new psionic functionality or use. Talents are typically used as
powers for manifesters of all types. In addition, a way to train manifesters to avoid depleting the
the trigger descriptor is detailed, detailing how power point reserve.
this descriptor interacts with manifesters. These A manifester may manifest any talent that he
new powers and the trigger descriptor are detailed knows without paying power points as long as he
below. maintains psionic focus. However, if the talent has
Powers denoted by a * are new powers presented a duration longer than instantaneous, he can only
here. An A appearing at the end of a power’s name in have one such talent active at a time; manifesting
the power lists denotes an augmentable power. another talent without paying power points in this
The remainder of the chapter contains power manner causes the original talent to immediately
descriptions in alphabetical order by power name. expire.
Power Chains: Some powers reference other A manifester may also manifest a talent by paying
powers that they are based upon. Only information one power point, regardless of whether psionic
in a power later in the power chain that is different focus is held; these do not cause any other active
from the base power is covered in the power being talents to lapse and may be augmented if the power
described. Header entries and other information that description indicates such.
are the same as the base power are not repeated. Talents can only be augmented if the manifester
Order of Presentation: In the power lists and the spends 1 power point on the manifestation in
power descriptions that follow them, the powers are addition to any power points spent augmenting the
presented in alphabetical order by name—except power.
for those belonging to certain power chains. When a Manifesters select talents from their class’s power
power’s name begins with “lesser,” “greater,” “mass,” list (see below).


NEW DESCRIPTOR: [Trigger] Untouchable Aura*A: Your presence keeps enemies

A trigger power is one that has a set of criteria that from attacking you.
the target can perform to result in a second effect.
If a creature is affected by a trigger power, they are 2ND-LEVEL DREAD POWERS
aware of the action that will activate the trigger, Concealing AmorphaA: Quasi-real membrane
although they do not know what the effect is unless grants you concealment.
they make a successful Spellcraft check to identify the Deflect*: Avoid a single ranged attack.
power as it is being manifested (DC 15 + power level). Feat LeechA: Borrow another’s psionic or metap-
If a creature fulfills the condition for a trigger power, sionic feats.
the manifester must decide immediately whether to Id InsinuationA: Swift tendrils of thought disrupt
activate the trigger effect or the opportunity is lost. and confuse your target.
Mental DisruptionA: Daze creatures within 10 feet
DREAD POWERS for 1 round.
Sidestep*: Avoid a single melee attack.
Strength of My EnemyA: Siphon away your en-
0TH-LEVEL DREAD POWERS emy’s strength and grow stronger.
(TALENTS) Subconscious Banishment*A: Sicken the target by
Conceal Thoughts: You conceal your motives. sending their subconscious into a plane of night-
Create Sound: Create the sound you desire. mares.
Detect Psionics: You detect the presence of psion- Sustenance: Go without food and water for one
ics. day.
Distract: Target gets –4 bonus on Perception and Thought ShieldA: Gain PR 13 against mind-affecting
Sense Motive checks. powers.
EmpathyA: You know the subject’s surface emo- True Terror*A: Cause the target to become stunned.
Fortify, Lesser*: Gain a +1 bonus on saving throws. 3RD-LEVEL DREAD POWERS
Missive A: Send a one-way telepathic message to Dispatch*A: Set up and deliver spectacular finishing
subject. strikes.
My LightA: Your eyes emit 20-ft. cone of light. Ectoplasmic Form: You gain benefits of being in-
Telekinetic Punch: Deal 1 force damage to target. substantial and can fly slowly.
Telepathic LashA: Humanoid creature of 4 HD or Guarded Sleep*: Subject’s mind is protected while
less loses next action. asleep, and awakens in peak condition.
Vim: Gain 1 temporary hit point. Mental BarrierA: Gain +4 deflection bonus to AC
until your next action.
1ST-LEVEL DREAD POWERS Mindhunter*: Discover the location of your target
BiofeedbackA: Gain DR 2/–. while you sleep.
Conceal Thoughts: You conceal your motives.
Demoralize A: Enemies become shaken. 4TH-LEVEL DREAD POWERS
Distract: Target gets –4 bonus on Perception and Aura Sight: Reveals creatures, objects, powers, or
Sense Motive checks. spells of selected alignment axis.
Lingering TouchA*: Your devastating touch ability Deadly Fear*A: Fearsome illusion kills subject or
lingers for an additional round, dealing damage. deals 3d6 damage.
Mind ThrustA: Deal 1d10 damage. Fear Cascade*A: Paralyze one target and cause
Mindlink A: You forge a limited mental bond with nearby enemies to become shaken.
another creature. Mindwipe A: Subject’s recent experiences wiped
Precognition, DefensiveA: Gain +1 insight bonus to away, bestowing negative levels.
AC and saving throws. Moment of Terror*A: Knock target prone and make
Precognition, OffensiveA: Gain +1 insight bonus on them more susceptible to mind-affecting effects.
your attack rolls. Personality Parasite: Subject’s mind calves selfan-
Prescience, OffensiveA: Gain +2 insight bonus on tagonistic splinter personality for 1 round/level.
your damage rolls. Power Leech: Drain 1d6 power points/round while
Slumber*: Put creatures to sleep. you maintain concentration; you gain 1/round.
Telepathic LashA: Humanoid creature of 4 HD or Sensory Cascade*A: Trigger a dazing cascade of the
less loses next action. senses in the target.
Unearthly Terror*A: Terrify an enemy with sus-
tained images.



Dream Message*A: Sends message to anyone sleep- Deadly Fear*A: Fearsome illusion kills subject or
ing. deals 3d6 damage.
Induce Nightmare*A: Sends vision dealing 1d10 Moment of Terror*A: Knock target prone and make
damage, fatigue. them more susceptible to mind-affecting effects.
Pierce the Veils: See all things as they really are.
Planar Travel: Travel to other planes. 5TH-LEVEL PSION POWERS
Psychic CrushA: Brutally crush subject’s mental es- Dream Message*A: Sends message to anyone sleep-
sence, reducing subject to –1 hit points. ing.
Schism: Your partitioned mind can manifest lower Induce Nightmare*A: Sends vision dealing 1d10
level powers. damage, fatigue.


Barred Mind, PersonalA: You are immune to PSION DISCIPLINE POWERS
scrying and remote viewing and gain a bonus to
Dream TravelA: Travel to other places through DISCIPLINE POWERS
dreams. 1 Corrosive Aura*A: Surround yourself with a mist
Form of DoomA: You transform into a frightening of acid that deals nearby creatures.
tentacled beast.
Temporal AccelerationA: Your time frame acceler-
ates for 1 round.
1 True Terror*A: Cause the target to become


Ectoplasmic Grapnel*A: Use a ray of ectoplasm to
perform a variety of functions.

Deflect*: Avoid a single ranged attack.
Sidestep*: Avoid a single melee attack.
Sonic Blast*A: Next attack deals sonic damage;
expend focus to trip target.


Ectoplasmic Grapnel*A: Use a ray of ectoplasm to
perform a variety of functions.

Slumber*: Put creatures to sleep.
Unearthly Terror*A: Terrify an enemy with sus-
tained images.


Mindhunter*: Discover the location of your target
while you sleep.

Corrosive aura surrounds a manifester in acid


TELEPATH (TELEPATHY) tional damage and daze, then teleport away.

Vanishing Strike*: Make a single melee attack and
then become invisible and teleport away.
4 Fear Cascade*A: Paralyze one target and cause
nearby enemies to become shaken.
Sensory Cascade*A: Trigger a dazing cascade of the 5TH-LEVEL PSYCHIC WARRIOR
senses in the target. POWERS
Biting Cold*A: Deal extra cold damage and stagger
PSYCHIC WARRIOR POWERS Bonding Strike*A: Empathically bond two struck
creatures together.
1ST-LEVEL PSYCHIC WARRIOR Summoning Strike*A: Teleport a nearby creature to
POWERS you and attack it.
Corrosive Aura*A: Surround yourself with a mist of
acid that deals nearby creatures.
Dazzling Swordplay*A: Dazzle next creature struck.
Guarded Sleep*: Subject’s mind is protected while
POWERS asleep, and awakens in peak condition.
Deflect*: Avoid a single ranged attack.
Distracting Strike*A: Next creature struck suffers
penalty on attack rolls and cannot make attacks TACTICIAN POWERS
of opportunity.
Entangling Strike*A: Next creature struck is en- 1ST-LEVEL TACTICIAN POWERS
tangled; expend focus to deal damage if creature Unearthly Terror*A: Terrify an enemy with sus-
tries to concentrate. tained images.
Freezing Sting*A: Next attack deals additional dam-
age; expend focus to cause penalty on attacks the
creature struck makes.
Ectoplasmic Grapnel*A: Use a ray of ectoplasm to
Proximity Strike*A: Next attack deals additional
perform a variety of functions.
damage and allows you to teleport the struck
creature back to you.
Repositioning Strike*A: Next attack swaps your
position with the struck creature; expend focus
The powers presented below are in alphabetical
to allow an ally to treat the struck creature as order, with the exception of those whose names
flanked. begin with a qualifier (see Order of Presentation,
Shocking Strike*A: Next attack deals electricity above).
damage; expend focus to deal additional damage.
Sidestep*: Avoid a single melee attack. Backlash
Sonic Blast*A: Next attack deals sonic damage; Discipline: Clairsentience
expend focus to trip target. Level: Psychic warrior 4
Wintry Grasp*A: Immobilize struck creature. Display: Auditory, mental
Manifesting Time: 1 immediate action
POWERS Target: You
Dispatch*A: Set up and deliver spectacular finishing Duration: Instantaneous; see text
strikes. Power Points: 7
Ectoplasmic Grapnel*A: Use a ray of ectoplasm to
perform a variety of functions. You gain a flash of foresight, allowing you to strike
back at an enemy. As part of manifesting this power,
you can make a full-attack action against a creature
4TH-LEVEL PSYCHIC WARRIOR that has damaged you, so long as the creature is
POWERS within range. However, this foresight overloads
Backlash*A: Attack a creature who has attacked your senses after your attack, and until the end of
you, but suffer a daze effect. your next turn, you are dazed. This dazed effect
Thundering Step*: Attack creature and deal addi- cannot be removed by any means except its normal


expiration at the end of your next turn. You can only applied to the other target.
use this power immediately in response to being Manifesting this power does not provoke attacks
damaged by a creature and must target the creature of opportunity.
that caused the damage.
Augment: By spending an additional 8 power Conceal Thoughts
points, you are not dazed after making your attack. Level: Psion/wilder 0, psychic warrior 0
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Biting Cold Power Points: Psionic focus or 1
Discipline: Psychokinesis [cold, trigger]
Level: Psychic Warrior 5 As the 1st level power, except as noted above.
Display: Auditory, Material
Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Melee
Corrosive Aura
Discipline: Psychometabolism [Acid]
Target: One creature
Level: Psychic warrior 1, egoist 1
Duration: 1 round; see text
Display: Material, Visual
Saving Throw: None
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Power Resistance: Yes; see text
Range: 5 ft.
Power Points: 9
Area: All squares adjacent to you
The next successful melee attack you make this Duration: 1 round / level (D)
round deals an additional +1d10 points of cold Saving Throw: Reflex half
damage to the struck creature and the target is Power Resistance: Yes
staggered from the cold. Power resistance does not Power Points: 1
apply to this additional damage, but does apply to
You surround yourself with a corrosive aura,
the staggered condition.
damaging all who come near. Each creature that
Trigger: If your attack was successful, you can
ends its turn in your square or adjacent to you takes
expend your psionic focus to infuse the target with
1d6 points of acid damage.
chilling cold. Power resistance applies to infusing
Augment: For every additional power point
the target with chilling cold. Until the end of its next
spent, the damage increases by 1d6. For every two
turn, if the creature struck makes an attack, manifests
additional dice of damage, the save DC increases by
a power, or casts a spell, it takes 1d10 points of cold
damage and is paralyzed for one round.
Augment: If you spend 6 additional power points,
you can instead manifest this power upon making a Create Sound
successful melee attack and have the effects of this Level: Psion/wilder 0
power instead apply to that attack. Doing so still Power Points: Psionic focus or 1
uses your swift action for the round.
As the 1st level power, except as noted above.
Bonding Strike
Discipline: Telepathy [mind-affecting] Dazzling Swordplay
Level: Psychic warrior 5 Discipline: Psychokinesis [Trigger]
Display: Mental Level: Psychic warrior 1
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Display: Material, visual
Range: Melee Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
Target: Two creatures within melee range Range: Melee
Duration: One round Target: One creature
Saving Throw: None Duration: One round; see text
Power Resistance: Yes Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 9 Power Points: 1

As part of manifesting this power, make a single Your next successful melee attack dazzles the
melee attack against two enemies within reach. struck creature.
Each hit deals damage normally. If both attacks Trigger: If your attack was successful and the
are successful, the targets are empathically bound struck creature moves or attacks before the end of its
together. Until the end of your next turn, all hit next turn, you can expend your psionic focus to blind
point damage applied to one target is automatically it until the end of its current turn. The blindness


takes effect at the beginning of the creature’s action must succeed on a Fortitude save or die from fear.
which caused the trigger. Even if the Fortitude save is successful, the subject
Augment: If you spend 6 additional power points, takes 3d6 points of damage.
you can instead manifest this power upon making a If the subject of a phantasmal killer attack succeeds
successful melee attack and have the effects of this in disbelieving and possesses telepathy or is wearing
power instead apply to that attack. Doing so still a helm of telepathy, the effect can be turned upon
uses your swift action for the round. you. You must then disbelieve it or become subject
to the deadly fear attack.
Deadly Fear Augment: For every 2 additional power points
Discipline: Telepathy [Fear, Mind-Affecting] spent, both Difficulty Classes increase by 1. For every
Level: Dread 4, psion/wilder 4 5 additional power points spent, you can attempt
Display: Visual; see original text to affect one additional creature. If affecting more
Manifesting Time: One standard action than one creature, no two can be more than 30 feet
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level) apart.
Target: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous Deflect
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with), Discipline: Clairsentience
then Fortitude partial; see text Level: Marksman 2, dread 2, psychic warrior 2
Power Resistance: Yes Display: Visual
Power Points: 7 Manifesting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
You create a mental image of the most fearsome Target: Self
creature imaginable to the subject simply by forming Duration: Instantaneous
the fears of the subject’s subconscious mind into Power Points: 3
something that its conscious mind can visualize: this
most horrible beast. Only the spell’s subject can see When you manifest this power, when you would
the phantasmal killer. The target first gets a Will save normally be hit with an attack from a ranged
to recognize the image as unreal. If that save fails, weapon, you may deflect it so that you take no
the phantasm touches the subject, and the subject damage from it. Unusually massive ranged weapons

Dazzling swordplay temporarily blinds an opponent


(such as boulders or ballista bolts) and ranged this power’s duration increases by one round.
attacks generated by natural attacks or spell effects 4. Each additional power point you spend
can’t be deflected. (including those spent on other augments) gives
you a +1 insight bonus on damage rolls on attacks of
opportunity generated by this power.
Detect Psionics
Level: Psion/wilder 0, psychic warrior 0
Power Points: Psionic focus or 1 Distract
Level: Psion/wilder 0, psychic warrior 0
As the 1st level power, except as noted. Power Points: Psionic focus or 1
Augment: If you spend 2 additional power
points, the duration changes to 3 rounds/level (D) As the 1st level power, except as noted above.
(no concentration required) and it also gives you a
+10 enhancement bonus on Spellcraft checks made Distracting Strike
to identify the properties and command words of Discipline: Telepathy [mind-affecting]
magic items in your possession. This power does not Level: Psychic warrior 2
allow you to identify artifacts. Display: Material, olfactory
Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
Dispatch Range: Melee
Discipline: Clairsentience Target: One creature
Level: Dread 3, psychic warrior 3 Duration: One round; see text
Display: Mental Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: Yes
Manifesting Time: 1 swift action Power Points: 3
Range: Personal
Target: You Your next single melee attack is imbued to distract
Duration: 1 round the opponent. If the attack is successful, you deal
Power Points: 5 damage normally and, until the end of its next turn,
your target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and can’t
You gain a split second insight into the intentions make attacks of opportunity. If your attack misses,
of your foes allowing you to predict and counter the target instead takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls
their attacks and place them in line for a single, until the end of its next turn, but can make attacks of
devastating final strike. opportunity as normal. Any power resistance your
You gain a +4 insight bonus on attack rolls made to target has is applicable against this effect.
disarm or trip (and any relevant ability checks to do Augment: You can augment this power in one or
so) for one round. If you successfully disarm or trip both of the following ways.
an opponent in melee, you may make an immediate 1. For every four additional power points spent,
attack of opportunity against that opponent at your this power affects one additional melee attack
highest attack bonus with a +4 circumstance bonus during this round. Effects from multiple attacks do
to the attack roll. This counts against your allowed not stack.
number of attacks of opportunity for the round. 2. If you spend 6 additional power points, you
Augment: You may augment this power in one or can instead manifest this power upon making a
more of the following ways: successful melee attack and have the effects of this
1. If you spend 5 additional power points, your power instead apply to that attack. Doing so still
critical threat range is doubled while making attacks uses your swift action for the round.
of opportunity from this power. Unlike most of
these effects, this stacks with Improved Critical or Dream Message
the keen weapon property (that is, using a keen Discipline: Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
scimitar that would normally threaten on a 15-20 Level: Dread 5, psion/wilder 5
– six numbers – with this augment would lead to Display: Mental
attacks of opportunity that threaten on a 12-20 – Manifesting Time: One minute
nine numbers). Range: Unlimited
2. For every 2 additional power points you spend, Target: One living creature touched
your insight bonus on disarm and trip attempts Duration: See text
(including the ability checks as necessary) increases Saving Throw: None
by 1. Power Resistance: Yes
3. For every 4 additional power points you spend, Power Points: 9


You, or a messenger you touch, send a message to against the target; a miss causes the grapnel to retract
others in the form of a dream. At the beginning of instantly without attaching to anything. Alternately,
the effect, you must name the recipient or identify you may have it shoot out from your shield instead
him or her by some title that leaves no doubt as to of a free hand; you still get your shield’s AC bonus
identity. The messenger then enters a trance, appears against the target, but lose it against anyone else for
in the intended recipient’s dream, and delivers the the duration of the power.
message. The message can be of any length, and the If you target a creature no more than one size
recipient remembers it perfectly upon waking. The category larger than you, you may attempt a drag
communication is one-way. The recipient cannot combat maneuver check. If successful, you move the
ask questions or offer information, nor can the creature 5 feet closer to you. For every 5 by which
messenger gain any information by observing the your attack exceeds your opponent’s CMD, you can
dreams of the recipient. drag the target an additional 5 feet toward you. If
Once the message is delivered, the messenger’s the creature is willing, you may drag it up to 30 feet
mind returns instantly to its body. The duration of closer to you.
the power is the time required for the messenger If you target an unattended object, you may pull it
to enter the recipient’s dream and deliver the up to 30 feet towards you; if this moves it into your
message. square, you may grasp the item immediately as a free
If the recipient is awake when the power begins, action, although you must have a free hand to do so.
the messenger can choose to wake up (ending the If you target an attended object, the ranged touch
effect) or remain in the trance. The messenger can attack is made against the opponent, and you must
remain in the trance until the recipient goes to sleep, succeed at a disarm or steal (your choice) combat
then enter the recipient’s dream and deliver the maneuver check to wrest the item free.
message as normal. A messenger that is disturbed If you fail at the combat maneuver check (or if you
during the trance comes awake, ending the effect. target an immovable object such as a creature more
Creatures who don’t sleep or don’t dream cannot than one size category larger than you, an object
be contacted by this power. bolted to the floor, or a building wall, floor, or ceiling),
The messenger is unaware of its own surroundings you are instead moved up to 30 feet towards the target.
or of the activities around it while in the trance. It This movement provokes attacks of opportunity.
is defenseless both physically and mentally (always Alternately, you may choose to relinquish your grip
failing any saving throw) while in the trance. on the ectoplasmic cord, knocking you prone and
Augment: If the recipient is awake when you begin ending the power immediately rather than moving
to manifest the power, the messenger can choose to you towards the target. If you end your movement
expend a number of power points (if the messenger at a climbable location (such as a wall or ledge), you
is psionic) equal to the recipient’s Hit Dice –4 to plant must attempt a Climb check (at normal DC) to grab
the message, which the recipient receives when next hold (or pull yourself over the edge, in the case of
she sleeps. a ledge); failure means you begin falling, and must
make a second Climb check with +20 DC to catch
Ectoplasmic Grapnel yourself.
Discipline: Metacreativity (Creation) If you spend a full-round action bracing yourself
Level: Gifted blade 3, marksman 3, psychic warrior before manifesting this power, you get a +2 bonus on
3, tactician 3 the above combat maneuver checks. Each adjacent
Display: Material ally that spends an Aid Another action to grab
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action hold of you also adds a +2 bonus to your combat
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) maneuver check, but also suffers the consequence of
Target: One creature, object, or structure being dragged or knocked prone with you should the
Duration: Instantaneous check fail. If the power duration should be extended
Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: Yes beyond instantaneous (see augment below), each ally
Power Points: 5 holding onto you must spend an Aid Another action
each turn to maintain their hold. If you end your
A blob of malleable, adhesive ectoplasm shoots movement at a climbable location, each ally may
out from your outstretched hand, attached by make a Climb check to grab the wall, or may instead
an ectoplasmic cord. Upon hitting its target, this continue holding onto you; your own Climb check is
ectoplasmic grapnel reels in, pulling the target to penalized as normal if their combined weight drops
you - or you to it. your encumbrance into a category with a worse
When manifesting this power, you must have a armor check penalty.
hand free, and must make a ranged touch attack If you manifest this power while engaged in a


grapple that you are in control of, you immediately DC increases by 2.

make a grapple combat maneuver check; failure 5. If you spend 4 additional power points, you can
means you are no longer grappling the creature, manifest this power as a move action.
while success means you gain a +2 bonus to your In addition, for every 2 additional power points
drag combat maneuver check for each creature you spend to achieve any of these effects, you also
(besides yourself) participating in the grapple. If gain a +1 bonus on any combat maneuver checks or
the drag combat maneuver check fails, you and Climb checks you make for this power.
everyone in the grapple are dragged (or knocked
prone) accordingly. Empathy
If you manifest this power while engaged in a Level: Psion/wilder 0
grapple that you are not in control of, you immediately Power Points: Psionic focus or 1
make a grapple combat maneuver check; success
means you have broken free of the grapple, while As the 1st level power, except as noted above.
failure means you are still grappling (but gain a
+2 bonus to your drag combat maneuver check for
each creature (besides yourself) participating in
Entangling Strike
Discipline: Metacreativity (Creation) [Trigger]
the grapple). If the drag combat maneuver check
Level: Psychic warrior 2
fails, you and everyone in the grapple are dragged
Display: Auditory, material
(or knocked prone) accordingly, unless the creature
Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
grappling you is too large for you to drag (in which
Range: Melee
case the cord snaps and the power fails). The
Target: One creature
grappling creature may voluntarily release you from
Duration: One round; see text
the grapple to avoid being dragged or knocked prone,
Saving Throw: None
but must do so before the drag combat maneuver
Power Resistance: No
check is rolled.
Power Points: 3
Augment: You can augment this power in one or
The next successful melee attack you make this
more of the following ways:
turn entangles the target until the end of its next
1. If you spend 2 additional power points, the
duration increases to 1 round/level if the ranged
Trigger: If your attack was successful and the
touch attack hits. The cord does not automatically
target tries to make a concentration check before
retract; you may choose to retract or extend the cord
the end of its next turn, you can immediately expend
up to 30 feet (to the limit of the power’s range) as
your psionic focus to deal 2d6 points of damage to
a standard action, and must succeed at a combat
it. The damage dealt causes the standard penalty to
maneuver check each time you attempt to drag an
that concentration check.
unwilling creature in this manner. Other creatures
Augment: If you spend 6 additional power points,
may climb or manipulate the cord as they would
you can instead manifest this power upon making a
a rope, but it is as strong as a chain. An unwilling
successful melee attack and have the effects of this
creature attached to the grapnel must cut (5 hp,
power instead apply to that attack. Doing so still
hardness 10, AC 10) or burst (Str DC 26) the cord to
uses your swift action for the round.
move away from you, unless he succeeds at a drag
combat maneuver check to pull you behind him. If
the cord is cut or burst, or if you let go of the cord (a Fear Cascade
free action), the power ends immediately. Discipline: Telepathy [Fear, Mind-Affecting]
2. If you spend 2 additional power points, the Level: Dread 4, telepath 4
range of the power increases to Medium (100 ft. + Display: Mental, visual
10 ft./level). Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
3. If you spend 4 additional power points, the cord Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
retracts the full length instantly. A successful combat Target: One creature and any number within 20 ft.
maneuver check, by any margin, pulls the target Duration: 1 round / level
adjacent to you, while a failed combat maneuver Saving Throw: Will negates or no; see text
check pulls you adjacent to the target (unless you Power Resistance: Yes
relinquish the cord and go prone instead). Power Points: 7
4. For every 4 additional power points you spend,
this power can drag creatures an additional size You overload the target creature’s mental and
category larger than you, and the cord’s hardness physical faculties with fear, a fear so powerful that
increases by 2, hit points increases by 10, and break even creatures near the original target are affected


by the residual energy. When you manifest this Guarded Sleep

power, the target is cowering unless it makes a Discipline: Clairsentience
successful Will save. Level: Dread 3, psion/wilder 3, vitalist 3
In addition, all enemies within 20 feet of the target, Display: Mental
including the target, are shaken for 1 round. Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Augment: You can augment this power in one or Range: Touch
more of the following ways. Target: One sleeping creature
1. For every 2 additional power points you spend, Duration: Until the target wakes
the duration of the shakened condition increases by Power Points: 5
1 round.
2. For every 4 additional power points you spend, You create a temporary dreamstate in the mind
the radius for nearby affected creatures increases by of a sleeping creature, sheltering it from outside
10 feet. influence while providing it with a pristine resting
In addition, for every 2 power points you spend environment, ideal for recovering mental energies.
augmenting this power, the save DC increases by +1. For the duration of this power, the subject is immune
to all mind-affecting effects and may make saving
Fortify, Lesser throws normally (it is not automatically considered
Discipline: Psychometabolism “willing” as unconscious creatures usually are).
Level: Psion/wilder 0, psychic warrior 0, tactician 0 After a guarded sleep of at least 8 hours, a subject’s
Display: Mental mind is in top condition, and it gains special benefits
Manifesting Time: One standard action based upon its particular abilities. If the target could
Range: Personal manifest psionic powers, it gains one temporary
Target: You power point for each manifester level it has (which
Duration: One minute it can access as if from a cognizance crystal). If the
Power Points: Psionic focus or 1 target could cast arcane spells spontaneously, it gains
one additional spell slot of his highest level. If the
You imbue yourself with psionic energy that target prepares arcane spells, it may prepare spells
protects you from harm, granting yourself a +1 in half the usual amount of time. These benefits fade
resistance bonus on saves. when the target next sleeps. You cannot manifest
Freezing Sting guarded sleep on yourself unless you are capable of
Discipline: Psychokinesis [cold, trigger] manifesting powers while unconscious
Level: Psychic warrior 2
Display: Material Induce Nightmare
Manifesting Time: 1 swift action Discipline: Telepathy [Evil, Mind-Affecting]
Range: Melee Level: Dread 5, psion/wilder 5
Target: One creature Display: Mental
Duration: One round; see text Manifesting Time: 10 minutes
Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: Yes Range: Unlimited
Power Points: 3 Target: One living creature
Duration: Instantaneous
The next successful melee attack you make this turn Saving Throw: Will negates; see text
deals an additional +1d6 points of cold damage. Power Resistance: Yes
Trigger: If your attack was successful and the Power Points: 9
target makes an attack during its next turn, you can
expend your psionic focus to give it a -2 penalty to You send a hideous and unsettling phantasmal
that attack and all other attacks it makes during that vision to a specific creature that you name or
turn. Power resistance applies to this triggered effect otherwise specifically designate.
only; it does not apply to the additional damage on The nightmare prevents restful sleep and causes
your attack. 1d10 points of damage. The nightmare leaves the
Augment: If you spend 6 additional power points, subject fatigued and unable to regain power points
you can instead manifest this power upon making a and arcane spells for the next 24 hours.
successful melee attack and have the effects of this The difficulty of the save depends on your
power instead apply to that attack. Doing so still knowledge the subject and the physical connection
uses your swift action for the round. (if any) you have to that creature.


Will Save the devastating touch is not repeated.

Knowledge Modifier Augment: For every 2 additional power points
None* +10 spent, this power lasts an additional round.
Secondhand (you have heard of the
subject) +5 Mindhunter
Discipline: Clairsentience
Firsthand (you have met the subject) +0
Level: Dread 3, psion/wilder 3, sighted seeker 3
Familiar (you know the subject well) –5 Display: Mental
Will Save Manifesting Time: 8 hours
Connection Modifier Range: One plane
Likeness or picture –2 Target: One creature on the same plane
Possession or garment –4 Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Body part, lock of hair, bit of nail, etc. –10
Power Resistance: No
*You must have some sort of connection to a creature of Power Points: 5
which you have no knowledge.

When you go to sleep, you psionically split your

Dispel evil cast on the subject while you are
subconscious mind from your body sending it out
manifesting the power dispels the nightmare and
to search for another person’s subconscious. If the
causes you to be stunned for 10 minutes per caster
creature is intelligent and not immune to mind-
level of the dispel evil.
affecting powers, the subconscious mind tracks it
If the recipient is awake when the power begins,
down and returns with the information by the time
you can choose to cease manifesting (ending the
you wake up. If you wake before 8 hours have passed,
power) or to enter a trance until the recipient goes
the power fails as the subconscious mind is violently
to sleep, whereupon you become alert again and
forced back into your consciousness once again.
complete the casting. If you are disturbed during the
When you manifest this power, you gain a general
trance, you must succeed on a Concentration check
knowledge of where the target person resides if they
as if you were in the midst of manifesting a power or
are on the same plane. You are granted a general
the power ends.
overview of the surroundings and a rough estimate
If you choose to enter a trance, you are not aware
of where they are from your current position such as
of your surroundings or the activities around you
“in a wood 20 miles to the northwest”.
while in the trance.
Note that the power points spent while dreaming do
You are defenseless, both physically and mentally,
not regenerate during this time and thus you awaken
while in the trance. (You always fail Reflex and Will
with less than your maximum power points.
saving throws, for example.)
You must be able to form a mental picture of the
Creatures who don’t sleep (such as elves, but not
target, either through direct personal knowledge,
half-elves) or dream are immune to this effect.
from a picture or portrait, or from a description of
Augment: For every 2 additional power points
the person, in order to use this power.
spent, this power causes an additional 1d10 points of
damage when the sleeper wakes.
Level: Psion/wilder 0
Lingering Touch Power Points: Psionic focus or 1
Discipline: Psychometabolism
Level: Dread 1
As the 1st level power, except as noted above.
Display: Visual
Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Personal Moment of Terror
Target: You Discipline: Telepathy [Evil, Mind-Affecting]
Duration: 1 round Level: Dread 4, Psion/Wilder 4
Power Points: 1 Display: Mental
Manifesting Time: One standard action
You charge your ability to channel fear and Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/ level)
terror into your enemies, making it linger within Target: One creature of up to Large size
them. Any devastating touch attacks made during Duration: 1 round; see text
the duration of this power linger for an additional Saving Throw: Will negates
round, automatically dealing damage the following Power Resistance: Yes
round. Any additional damage or affect applied to Power Points: 7


You brutally force the target’s consciousness into a Until the end of your turn, the next successful
dimension of nightmares and terror. This unnatural melee attack you make, you and the creature struck
dislocation opens conduits of pain for the target, swap positions.
causing the target’s body to fall prone and helpless Trigger: If your attack was successful and an ally
as the target mindlessly screams unless it makes a attacks the target before the end of your next turn,
successful Will save. you can expend your psionic focus to allow both you
If the target failed its Will save, once the initial and the attacking ally to treat the target as if it was
effect ends, the memory of the awful pain remains, being flanked until the end of your next turn.
making the target susceptible to other mental assault, Augment: If you spend 6 additional power points,
imposing a –2 penalty on Will saves against mind- you can instead manifest this power upon making a
affecting effects for a period of one day. This penalty successful melee attack and have the effects of this
does not stack from multiple uses of this power. power instead apply to that attack. Doing so still
Augment: If you spend 4 additional power points, uses your swift action for the round.
the target suffers the penalty on Will saves against
mind-affecting effects even if it made a successful Sensory Cascade
save. Discipline: Telepathy (Mind-Affecting)
Level: Dread 4, Psion/Wilder 4
Proximity Strike Display: Visual
Discipline: Psychoportation (teleportation) [trigger] Manifestation Time: One standard action
Level: Psychic warrior 2 Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level)
Display: Mental Target: All creatures in a 15-foot radius
Manifesting Time: 1 swift action Duration: 1 round/level
Range: Melee Saving Throw: Will negates
Target: One creature Power Resistance: Yes
Duration: One round; see text Power Points: 7
Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 3 You overload the target’s sensory system. In effect,
the cascade buries the senses of the target creatures
Until the end of your turn, the next successful (even those with blindsight, tremorsense, touchsight,
melee attack you make deals an additional +1d4 or other esoteric methods of sensing the environ-
points of damage and temporarily attunes you to the ment) with random sensations for the duration. The
creature struck. A creature with power resistance creatures are treated as if blinded. However, from
may attempt to block you attuning to it, but power round to round, an affected creature has a chance to
resistance does not affect the additional damage to sense normally. Each round on the creature’s action,
your attack. roll 1d4. On a roll of 1-3, the target does nothing for 1
Trigger: If the target is not adjacent to you at the round as it stands attempting to re-establish contact
end of its next turn, you can expend your psionic with its senses. Rolling a 4 frees the creature of the
focus as a free action to teleport adjacent to it, as effect for 1 round.
long as it is within Close range (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels). Sense-blocked creatures that are attacked (and
Augment: If you spend 6 additional power points, damaged) are shocked out of their sense deprivation
you can instead manifest this power upon making a for 1 round - they can attack or attempt to flee however
successful melee attack and have the effects of this they desire on their next action. The following round
power instead apply to that attack. Doing so still they are subject once again to the sensory cascade
uses your swift action for the round. (unless they are continually attacked each round).
Augment: This power can be augmented in one of
Repositioning Strike the following ways.
Discipline: Psychoportation (teleportation) [trigger] 1. If you spend an additional 4 power points, the
Level: Psychic warrior 2 condition lasts 24 hours.
Display: Mental, visual 2. If you spend an additional 6 power points, the
Manifesting Time: 1 swift action condition is permanent.
Range: Melee
Target: One creature of the Medium size or smaller Shocking Strike
Duration: One round; see text Discipline: Psychokinesis [electricity, trigger]
Saving Throw: None Level: Psychic warrior 2
Power Resistance: Yes Display: Auditory, material
Power Points: 3 Manifesting Time: 1 swift action


Range: Melee noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard

Target: One creature action (an application of the aid another action).
Duration: One round; see text Slumber does not target unconscious creatures,
Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: Yes constructs, or undead creatures.
Power Points: 3 Augment: For every additional power point you
spend, you increase the number of Hit Dice affected
The next single successful melee attack you by one.
make this round deals an additional +1d6 points of If you instead spend 11 additional power points,
electricity damage and charges the creature with you affect every creature within the power’s area,
static energy. regardless of individual or total Hit Dice.
Trigger: If the target moves during its next turn
and your attack was successful, you can expend Sonic Blast
your psionic focus to deal an additional 2d6 points of Discipline: Psychokinesis [sonic, trigger]
electricity damage to it. Level: Marksman 2, psychic warrior 2
Augment: If you spend 6 additional power points, Display: Olfactory, visual
you can instead manifest this power upon making a Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
successful melee attack and have the effects of this Range: Melee
power instead apply to that attack. Doing so still Target: One creature
uses your swift action for the round. Duration: One round; see text
Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: Yes
Sidestep Power Points: 3
Discipline: Clairsentience
Level: Marksman 2, dread 2, psychic warrior 2 The next successful attack you make this turn deals
Display: Visual an additional +1d6 points of sonic damage.
Manifesting Time: 1 immediate action Trigger: If your attack was successful and the
Range: Personal target makes an attack during its next turn, you can
Target: Self expend your psionic focus to make a free trip attempt
Duration: Instantaneous against the target before it makes the attack. This
Power Points: 3 trip attempt does not provoke attacks of opportunity
and you are not knocked prone if you fail by more
When you manifest this power, when you would than 10. Power resistance applies to this triggered
normally be hit with an attack from a melee weapon, effect only; it does not apply to the additional damage
you may deflect it so that you take no damage from on your attack.
Subconscious Banishment
Slumber Discipline: Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Discipline: Telepathy (Compulsion) [Mind-Affect- Level: Dread 2
ing] Display: Visual, Mental
Level: Dread 1, psion/wilder 1 Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Display: Mental Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Manifesting Time: 1 round Target: One creature with an Intelligence of 3 or
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet/level) more.
Area: One or more living creatures in a 10-foot- Duration: Instantaneous
radius burst Saving Throw: Will negates; then Fortitude negates
Duration: One minute/level (see text)
Saving Throw: Will negates Power Resistance: Yes
Power Resistance: Yes Power Points: 3
Power Points: 1
You tear the subconscious mind away from the
You cause a psionic slumber to come upon 4 HD of target and send it into a personal nightmare, causing
creatures. Creatures with the fewest HD are affected the target to be sickened unless it makes a successful
first. Among creatures with equal HD, those who are Will save. At the beginning of each subsequent
closest to the power’s point of origin are affected round, the target gets a Fortitude save to stop being
first. HD that are not sufficient to affect a creature are sickened. While sickened, the target must make a
wasted. Sleeping creatures are helpless. Slapping or concentration check (DC 20 + level of the power/
wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal spell they wish to manifest/cast) to manifest powers


or cast spells, as their mind is in two places at once. You attempt to teleport one creature within
Augment: You can augment this power in one or range to a space adjacent to you unless it makes a
more of the following ways. successful Will saving throw. On a failed save, the
1. If you spend 3 additional power points, the range target is teleported to an open space adjacent to you
increases to Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). and you may make a single melee attack against the
2. If you spend 4 additional power points, the target target. If there is no space adjacent to you where the
becomes nauseated instead of sickened. On their target can stand, or where there is not firm ground,
first successful Fortitude save, they become sickened the power fails.
until they make another successful Fortitude save Augment: For every additional 4 power points
the following round(s). spent, the maximum size of the target is increased by
In addition, for every 2 power points spent on the one step (large, huge, etc) and the save DC increases
above augmentations, the save DC increases by 1. by 2.

Summoning Strike Telekinetic Punch

Discipline: Psychoportation (teleportation) Discipline: Psychokinesis [Force]
Level: Psychic Warrior 5 Level: Psion/wilder 0, psychic warrior 0
Display: Olfactory, visual Display: Visual
Manifesting Time: Full-round action Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One medium-sized or smaller creature Target: One creature or unattended object
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Power Resistance: Yes Power Resistance: Yes (object)
Power Points: 9 Power Points: Psionic focus or 1

You can mentally punch a creature or object from

a distance. This power deals 1 point of force damage;
creatures and objects in their possession are allowed
a Will save to negate the effect. You cannot push
anything into another square using this power.

Telepathic Lash
Level: Psion/wilder 0
Power Points: Psionic focus or 1

As the 1st level power, except as noted above.

Thundering Step
Discipline: Psychoportation [Sonic]
Level: Psychic warrior 4
Display: Auditory, Visual
Manifesting Time: Full-round action
Range: Meleet
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous; see text
Saving Throw: None; see text
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 7

Manifesting this power does not provoke attacks of

opportunity. As part of manifesting this power, make
a single melee attack. If your attack is successful,
you deal an additional +3d6 points of sonic damage
and the target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
A psychic warrior uses summoning strike to bring Power resistance applies to the dazed effect, but does
his enemy in for a vicious attack not apply to the additional damage to your attack.


After the attack, regardless of if it is successful, you Power Points: 1

can teleport up to 30 feet from your current location.
Each enemy you end up adjacent to must make You form a mental bond between yourself and an
a Fortitude save or become dazed until the end of enemy, and use that bond to bombard their mind
your next turn. Your initial target is immune to this with horrifying images and incite fear. Targets of
effect if you teleport adjacent to it. Power resistance this power who fail their saving throws are shaken
applies to this effect. for the duration of the power.
Augment: You may augment this power in one or
True Terror more of the following ways.
Discipline: Clairsentience [Fear, Mind-affecting] If you spend 4 additional power points, creatures
Level: Seer 2, Dread 2 that fail their save become frightened for the duration
Display: Mental and those that succeed are considered shaken.
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action If you spend 8 additional power points, creatures
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) that fail their saves become panicked for the
Target: One living creature with an Intelligence of duration, and those that succeed are shaken.
3 or more For every 2 additional power points you spend
Duration: 1 round (including those spent on the above augment options)
Saving Throw: Will negates increase the save DC by 1.
Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 3 Untouchable Aura
Discipline: Telepathy [Fear, Mind-Affecting]
You cause the target to see horrible visions of Level: Dread 1
future possibilities, stunning the target unless it Display: Visual, Mental
makes a successful Will save. Manifesting Time: 1 move action
Augment: You can augment this power in any of Range: Aura
the following ways. Target: You
1. If you expend your psionic focus, the range Duration: 1 round / level
increases to Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level). Saving Throw: Will save (see text)
2. For every additional power point you spend, Power Resistance: Yes
you can target another creature. Power Points: 1
3. For every 2 additional power points you spend,
the target becomes stunned for an additional You manifest an aura of nightmares around you
round. which reacts to anyone trying to attack you in melee,
4. If you spend 2 additional power points, you can forcing the assailant’s worst nightmares to consume
target creatures with an Intelligence of 1 or more, as their thoughts.
well as non-living creatures. You still cannot affect Anyone trying to make a melee attack against
creature’s that are immune to fear or mind-affecting you must succeed on a Will save or lose their attack
effects. action as they recoil in fear from the images inside
5. If you spend 5 additional power points, this their mind.
becomes an Area-effect (20 feet radius) centered on Augment: You can augment this power in one or
you, affecting all targets within range. more of the following ways.
In addition, for every 2 power points spent on the 1. If you expend your psionic focus, the manifesting
above augment options, the save DC increases by 1. time becomes 1 immediate action instead.
2. For every additional power point you spend,
Unearthly Terror this power lasts for 1 additional round.
Discipline: Telepath [Mind-Affecting, Network, 3. If you spend 4 additional power points, this
Fear] power affects anyone trying to attack you, regardless
Level: Dread 1, psion/wilder 1, tactician 1 of how (any targeted powers or spells, melee or
Display: Mental ranged).
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action In addition, for every 2 power points spent on the
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) above augmentations, the save DC increases by 1.
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round/level Vanishing Strike
Saving Throw: Will negates or Will partial (see Discipline: Psychoportation [Light]
text) Level: Psychic warrior 4
Power Resistance: Yes Display: Olfactory, visual


Manifesting Time: Full-round action

Range: Personal; see text ADVANCED RULES
Target: You
Duration: Instantaneous; see text The Advanced Player’s Guide implemented a variety
Power Points: 7 of new rules to give new options to your game.
Psionics Expanded does the same. In this section,
Manifesting this power does not provoke attacks you will find alternate racial traits for the psionic
of opportunity. As part of manifesting this power, races, alternate favored class options for the psionic
make a single melee attack against an enemy within classes and the psionic races, and psionic traits.
reach. After the attack, you bend the light around Most of the options for the Advanced Rules
you, becoming invisible, and teleport up to 30 feet section are detailed in Psionics Expanded: Unlimited
away from your current location. You stay invisible Possibilities, but as the dread class is presented in
for one round per manifester level or until you make this book, the entries for the dread are presented
an attack. below.

Vim Racial Favored Classes

Discipline: Psychometabolism Each race’s entry also contains a section detailing
Level: Psion/wilder 0, psychic warrior 0 favored class options. This section describes
Display: Material and olfactory alternative benefits for members of the different
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action races taking certain classes as a favored class. The
Range: Personal normal benefit of having a favored class is simple
Target: You and effective: your character gains one extra hit
Duration: 1 min./level point or one extra skill rank each time she gains a
Power Points: Psionic focus or 1 level in that class (or a power point in the case of the
You suffuse yourself with power, gaining 1 psionic races). The alternate favored class abilities
temporary hit point. This temporary hit point listed here may not have as broad an appeal as
overlaps (does not stack) with temporary hit points the standard choices. They are designed to reflect
from any source, including previous manifestations flavorful options that might be less useful in general
of this power. but prove handy in the right situations or for a
character with the right focus. Most of them play
Wintry Grasp off racial archetypes, like a half-orc’s toughness and
Discipline: Psychokinesis [cold] proclivity for breaking things or elven grace and
Level: Psychic warrior 2 finesse.
Display: Material, Visual In most cases, these benefits are gained on a level-
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action by-level basis—your character gains the specified
Range: Personal incremental benefit each time she gains a level.
Target: You; see text Unless otherwise noted, these benefits always stack
Duration: One round; see text with themselves. For example, a human with paladin
Saving Throw: None as a favored class may choose to gain 1 point of energy
Power Resistance: Yes resistance each time she gains a level; choosing this
Power Points: 3 benefit twice increases this resistance bonus to 2, 10
times raises it to 10, and so on.
Make a single melee attack as part of manifesting In some cases this benefit may eventually hit a
this power. If the attack hits, the target is immobilized fixed numerical limit, after which selecting that
and cannot physically move from the spot until the favored class benefit has no effect. Of course, you can
end of their next turn. still select the bonus hit point or skill rank as your
In addition, until the end of your next turn, all of favored class benefit, so there is always a reward for
your attacks instead deal cold damage. sticking with a favored class.
Augment: For every additional 4 power points Finally, some of these alternate favored class
spent, the effects of this power last an additional benefits only add +1/2, +1/3, +1/4, or +1/6 to a roll
round. (rather than +1) each time the benefit is selected;
when applying this result to the die roll, round down
(minimum 0). For example, a dwarf with rogue as
his favored class adds +1/2 to his trap sense ability
regarding stone traps each time he selects the
alternate rogue favored class benefit; though this


means the net effect is +0 after selecting it once themselves from damage.
(because +1/2 rounds down to +0), after 20 levels this
benefit gives the dwarf a +10 bonus to his trap sense Favored Class Options
(in addition to the base value from being a 20th-level Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit
rogue). point whenever they gain a level in a favored class,
As in the previous section, what is presented here elans have the option of choosing from a number of
is a set of alternative benefits that characters of each other bonuses, depending upon their favored classes.
race may choose instead of the normal benefits for The following options are available to all elans who
their favored class. Thus, rather than taking an extra have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise
hit point or an extra skill rank, players may choose stated, the bonus applies each time you select the
for their characters to gain the benefit listed here. listed favored class reward.
This is not a permanent or irrevocable choice; just Dread: Add +1/2 to Intimidate checks.
as characters could alternate between taking skill
ranks and hit points when they gain levels in their
favored class, these benefits provide a third option, Core Races
and characters may freely alternate between them. Although most of the material presented in this
As with any alternate or optional rule, consult with section is aimed at the psionic races, there are some
your GM to determine whether exchanging normal options for the core races as well. Presented below
favored class benefits for those in this chapter will are alternate favored class options for the seven core
be allowed. races.

Duergar Dwarf
Considered by most to be mentally warped Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit
or insane, the psionic breed of duergar are a point whenever he gains a level in a favored class, a
misunderstood lot. According to them, their actions dwarf has the option of choosing from a number of
are done to protect the world from a sinister presence other bonuses, depending upon his favored class. The
deep within the earth. This has led to some within following options are available to all dwarves who
the race developing odd sleeping habits or unusual have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise
behaviors. stated, the bonus applies each time you select the
While most duergar become psychic warriors, listed favored class reward.
fighters, or rogues, some develop their manifesting Dread: Add 1 to the dwarf’s daily uses of terrors.
ability to a greater extent.
Favored Class Options Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit
Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or point whenever they gain a level in a favored class,
hit point whenever they gain a level in a favored half-orcs have the option of choosing from a number
class, duergar have the option of choosing from a of other bonuses, depending upon their favored
number of other bonuses, depending upon their class. The following options are available to all half-
favored classes. The following options are available orcs who have the listed favored class, and unless
to all duergar who have the listed favored class, and otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you
unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time select the listed favored class reward.
you select the listed favored class reward. Dread: Add +1/3 to weapon damage when
Dread: Add 1 to the duergar’s daily uses of channeling a terror through a weapon attack.
Elan Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or
With bodies built by and infused with psionic hit point whenever they gain a level in a favored
energy, elans are most commonly found as class, humans have the option of choosing from
manifesters of psionic power. Due to their efforts to a number of other bonuses, depending upon their
remain unknown to other races, some elans become favored class. The following options are available to
better at stealth and avoiding detection, while others all humans who have the listed favored class, and
strive to fit in better and hide in plain sight. unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time
Because elans are created by a psionic process, a you select the listed favored class reward.
rare few suffer from inconsistencies or failures with Dread: The human gains +1/6 of a new terror.
this process, while others discover they are more
adept at healing their body, rather than protecting


Powers Known: At each level indicated, an

PRESTIGE CLASSES adaptive warrior gains additional power points per
day and access to new powers as if he had also gained
Prestige classes, unlike base classes, are specialized a level in whatever manifesting class he belonged
individuals who study a narrow range of abilities to before he added the prestige class. He does not,
and techniques. These individuals thereby gain however, gain any other benefit a character of that
special abilities that most characters could only hope class would have gained (bonus feats, metapsionic
to poorly mimic. Detailed below are new psionic or item creation feats, and so on). This essentially
prestige classes focused on martial combat. means that he adds the level of adaptive warrior to
the level of whatever manifesting class the character
ADAPTIVE WARRIOR has, and then determines power points per day,
powers known, and manifester level accordingly.
Most masters of melee combat hone a particular If a character had more than one manifesting
fighting style over their career, learning the class before he became an adaptive warrior, he
intricacies of a particular set of tactics to use against must decide to which class he adds the new level of
their opponents. But there are a select few who have adaptive warrior for the purpose of determining
learned to study the tactics, maneuvers, and style power points per day, powers known, and manifester
of those around them, adjusting their combat style level.
based upon the circumstances. If the character did not belong to a manifesting
Psychic warriors and soulknives tend to be the class before taking this prestige class, he does not
most commonly found adaptive warriors, for their gain manifesting levels.
focus on combat is a natural
lead in to that of the adaptive
Role: Adaptive warriors
are most often found in
the front lines of a battle,
adjusting their fighting
style to match the particular
enemy of the moment.
Alignment: Adaptive war-
riors can be of any alignment.
Hit Die: d10

To qualify to become an adaptive warrior,
a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Skills: Autohypnosis 5 ranks, Sense Motive 5
Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Feint
Psionics: Must have a power point reserve of at
least 1 power point.

Class Skills
The adaptive warrior’s class skills are Acrobatics
(Dex), Autohypnosis (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Intimidate
(Cha), Perception (Wis), and Sense Motive (Wis).
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the
adaptive warrior.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An adaptive
warrior is proficient with all simple and martial
weapons and all armor and shields (except tower Adaptive warriors study their opponents in order to
shields). defeat them


Examine Technique (Su): As long as an adaptive targeted by Examine Technique. The adaptive
warrior maintains psionic focus, he is able to warrior must have seen the skill being used by
examine and remember the techniques of any someone trained in the skill. The adaptive warrior
creature within line of sight once per round as a is treated as having a number of skill ranks in the
move action. An adaptive warrior may examine up skill equal to his class level.
to his class level in enemies as long as all enemies Mimic Proficiency (Su): As long as an adaptive
are within line of sight. An adaptive warrior may warrior of 3rd level or higher maintains psionic
choose to use this ability on allies in order to gain the focus, he may wield any weapon as if he had
benefits of his other class abilities. Once an adaptive proficiency with that weapon as long as he has used
warrior expends his psionic focus, he loses access to Examine Technique on someone with proficiency
any techniques he examines until he uses this ability and wielding the weapon within the past minute.
again. Block Attack (Su): As long as an adaptive warrior
At 6th level, an adaptive warrior can use this of 5th level maintains psionic focus, he may, as an
ability as a swift action. immediate action, attempt to block any attack, but
Counter Fighting Style (Su): As long as the not touch attack, made by an opponent he has used
adaptive warrior has examined an enemy for at his Examine Technique ability on within the past
least one round using Examine Technique, he gains a minute. To successfully block the attack, the adaptive
competence bonus on attack and damage rolls made warrior makes an attack roll against the enemy’s
against that opponent equal to half his class level attack roll, adding his class level to the roll. If the
(minimum +1). This bonus lasts for one minute after adaptive warrior’s attack roll is equal to or greater
using Examine Fighting stile, or until the adaptive than the enemy’s attack, the attack is blocked and
warrior uses his Examine Technique ability on the adaptive warrior takes no damage and suffers
another target or has expended his psionic focus. no effects from the attack.
At 4th level, an adaptive warrior may expend This ability may not be used against opponents
his psionic focus when attacking an enemy he has two or more size categories larger than the adaptive
examined to automatically threaten a critical hit. warrior.
He must still make a successful attack roll against Accelerated Combat (Su): An adaptive warrior of
that enemy, and still gains the competence bonus to 6th level or higher may, by expending psionic focus,
attack and damage rolls on that attack. Subsequent rapidly speed up any fighting style he has witnessed
attacks do not gain the competence bonus from this within the past minute. Once every ten minutes,
ability again until the adaptive warrior once again when the adaptive warrior attacks an opponent that
uses the Examine Technique ability. he has used Examine Technique on within the past
Mimic Skill (Su): As long as an adaptive warrior minute, he may make two additional attacks at his
of 2nd level or higher maintains psionic focus, he highest attack bonus as part of a full attack action.
may mimic any skill that uses Strength, Dexterity, In addition, he gains a +2 circumstance bonus to his
or Constitution as its ability score modifier that he Armor Class until the beginning of his next turn.
has seen used within the past minute by a creature Extended Memory (Su): Once an adaptive

Table: The Adaptive Warrior

Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Manifesting
Counter fighting style, examine -
1st +1 +1 +1 +0 technique
2nd +2 +1 +1 +0 Mimic skill +1 level of existing class
3rd +3 +2 +2 +1 Mimic proficiency +1 level of existing class
4th +4 +2 +2 +1 Counter fighting style (critical) +1 level of existing class
5th +5 +3 +3 +1 Block attack +1 level of existing class
Accelerated combat, examine -
6th +6 +3 +3 +2 technique (swift)
7th +7 +4 +4 +2 Extended memory +1 level of existing class
8th +8 +4 +4 +2 Extended examination +1 level of existing class
9th +9 +5 +5 +3 Mimic feat +1 level of existing class
10th +10 +5 +5 +3 Combine fighting styles +1 level of existing class


warrior reaches 7th level, the length of time he TELEKINETIC

can choose to remember a particular fighting style,
skill, proficiency, or feat is increased to one hour. WEAPONMASTER
In addition, the adaptive warrior may as a swift
action attempt to recall a single fighting style, skill, Some combatants use weapons, while others turn
proficiency, or feat even after expending psionic psionic energy into brutal attacks of pure force. The
focus by making a successful Autohypnosis roll (DC telekinetic weaponmaster bridges melee prowess
15 + the number of rounds since witnessing the style, with psychokinetic energy to become a whirlwind
skill, proficiency, or feat). The adaptive warrior must on the battlefield, his weapon flying about and
currently have psionic focus to use this ability. devastating nearby enemies.
Extended Examination (Su): An adaptive warrior Role: Although the concept might imply a ranged
of 8th level or higher is able to examine creatures combatant, the telekinetic weaponmaster is best
for longer periods of time to pick up more subtle when in the front lines, striking at foes in melee or
aspects of a creature’s fighting style or abilities. By nearby.
examining a creature using Examine Technique as a Alignment: Any
full-round action, an adaptive warrior’s competence Hit Die: d10
bonus against that enemy for the following round
increases to his class level when using his Counter Requirements
Fighting Style and Block Attack abilities. To qualify to become a telekinetic weaponmaster,
Mimic Feat (Su): As long as an adaptive warrior of a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
9th level or higher maintains psionic focus, he may Base Attack Bonus: +5
mimic any Combat, Critical, or Psionic feat that he Feats: Psionic Meditation, Psionic Weapon
has seen used within the past minute by a creature Psionics: Must be able to manifest far hand or
targeted by Examine Technique. The feat must telekinetic force.
actually be a feat that is used as part of an action,
Class Skills
such as Deep Impact, and not a passive ability, such
The telekinetic weaponmaster’s class skills are
as Psionic Body. The adaptive warrior must meet
Autohypnosis, Bluff, Intimidate,
any prerequisites the feat may have to mimic it.
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Combine Fighting Styles (Su): Upon achieving
10th level, an adaptive warrior is able to combine the
Class Features
different fighting styles he has examined in the past
All of the following are class features of the
hour, creating an unpredictable, yet highly effective
telekinetic weaponmaster.
technique that baffles his opponents. As long as
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Telekinetic
the adaptive warrior maintains psionic focus, has
weaponmasters gain no proficiency with any
used his Examine Technique ability on at least two
weapon or armor.
creatures in the past hour, and has not expended his
Manifesting: At each level indicated, a telekinetic
psionic focus since using his Examine Technique,
weaponmaster gains additional power points per
he can, as a swift action, treat his opponents as flat-
day and access to new powers as if he had also gained
footed when making attacks against them until the
a level in whatever manifesting class he belonged
start of his next turn. This ability may be used a
to before he added the prestige class. He does not,
number of times per day equal to 4 + the adaptive
however, gain any other benefit a character of that
warrior’s Intelligence modifier.
class would have gained (bonus feats, metapsionic or
item creation feats, and so on). This essentially means
that he adds the level of telekinetic weaponmaster to
the level of whatever manifesting class the character

Table: The Telekinetic Weaponmaster

Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Special Manifesting
1st +1 +0 +1 +0 Telekinetic reach -
2nd +2 +0 +1 +0 Telekinetic throw +1 level of existing class
3rd +3 +1 +2 +1 Telekinetic block +1 level of existing class
4th +4 +1 +2 +1 Dual kinetic mastery +1 level of existing class
5th +5 +1 +3 +1 Telekinetic whirlwind +1 level of existing class


has, and then determines power points per day,

powers known, and manifester level accordingly.
If a character had more than one manifesting
class before he became a telekinetic weaponmaster,
he must decide to which class he adds the new level
of telekinetic weaponmaster for the purpose of
determining power points per day, powers known,
and manifester level.
If the character did not belong to a manifesting
class before taking this prestige class, he does not
gain manifesting levels.
Telekinetic Reach (Su): As long as a telekinetic
weaponmaster maintains psionic focus, he gains
reach with one melee weapon he is wielding. If the
melee weapon he is wielding already grants reach,
the reach is increased by 5 ft. At 3rd level, the
telekinetic weaponmaster can use this ability when
dual wielding and have it affect both weapons.
Telekinetic Throw (Su): Once a telekinetic
weaponmaster has reached 2nd level, he can
expend his psionic focus to throw a melee weapon.
The attack is resolved as a melee attack against
one enemy within 30 ft. as a standard action. The
weapon thrown is treated as if it had the Returning
special ability.
Telekinetic Block (Su): A telekinetic weaponmas-
ter of 3rd level gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC
while he maintains psionic focus. He may expend
his psionic focus as a free action to increase this de-
flection bonus to +4 until the beginning of his next
Dual Kinetic Mastery (Su): A 4th level telekinetic
weaponmaster may wield melee weapons as Telekinetic weaponmasters do not need
normal and also have a weapon that is wielded to hold a weapon to be dangerous
telekinetically. The weapon must remain within 20
ft. of the telekinetic weaponmaster. The telekinetic PSIONIC ITEMS
weaponmaster designates one square within range
and can make attacks or attacks of opportunity from Not only do psionic individuals need to select the
that square as well as the square in which he actually right character options, but they need the right tools
resides. This telekinetically-wielded weapon does to get the job done. Presented below are several new
not benefit from additional attacks from effects such psionic items for use.
haste, nor does it make iterative attacks. A telekinetic
weaponmaster may only attack with weapons he
wields or with the telekinetic weapon as a standard
The new psionic weapon option presented
action, but may attack with his held weapons and
below follows the same rules as all psionic weapon
with his telekinetic weapon on a full attack action.
Telekinetic Whirlwind (Su): As a standard ac-
tion, the telekinetic weaponmaster may designate a
10 ft. square within 20 ft. and make a single melee PSIONIC WEAPON SPECIAL ABILITY
attack against each enemy inside using a weapon he DESCRIPTIONS
is wielding. Weapons or ammunition with a special ability
must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus.
Psychodisruptive: A psychodisruptive weapon is
devastating to anyone with psionic talent. Used by
those who hunt manifesters, any weapon with this
ability found by one with psionic talent feels anath-
ema. When used against an opponent with a power


point reserve, this weapon, upon a successful attack, Slot weapon; Price 11,200 gp (+1), 44,800 gp (+2),
temporarily disrupts the opponent’s ability to use 100,800 gp (+3); Weight 2 lbs
anything requiring a power point reserve. This in- DESCRIPTION
cludes denying the use of psionic feats or powers. Crystal gauntlets looks like crystalline gloves with
This effect also disrupts creatures who utilize psi- the fingers removed. A character with the ability to
like abilities. The creature may attempt a Will sav- empower their unarmed strikes, such as a soulknife
ing throw (DC 16) to ignore the effect. Once affected, with the deadly fist archetype, can channel that
the disruption lasts for one round. The affected crea- power through the crystal gauntlets when activating
ture’s items are unaffected. it. This does not otherwise alter the action needed
If using the default psionics-magic transparency, to empower the unarmed strikes, the wearer must
this effect prevents spellcasters from casting spells simply be wielding the crystal gauntlets and choose
or expending prepared spells or spell slots on feats to channel the power through the gauntlets.
or abilities. It also prevents creatures from utilizing Crystal gauntlets have 45 hit points and a hardness
any spell-like abilities. of 15.
Strong metacreativity; ML 13th; Craft Magic Arms When a character with empowered strikes uses
and Armor, null psionics field; Price +3 bonus. these gauntlets in this fashion, the enhancement
bonus and the maximum enhancement bonus
CRYSTALLINE FOCUS ITEMS of the empowered strikes are increased by the
Unlike most items which grant new abilities or enhancement bonus of the crystal gauntlets, although
improve the wearer, crystalline focus items improve any enhancement bonus above +5 is lost.
a psionically-created item such as a mind blade, mind Crystal gauntlets may only be made with a +1, +2,
armor, or an astral suit. or +3 enhancement bonus.
CRYSTAL BOW Requirements Craft Crystalline Focus, ability to use
Aura faint psychokinesis; ML 3rd (+1), 6th (+2), 9th empowered strikes; Cost 5,600 gp (+1), 22,400 gp
(+3) (+2), 50,400 gp (+3)
Slot weapon; Price 11,200 gp (+1), 44,800 gp (+2),
100,800 gp (+3); Weight 2 lbs CRYSTAL GRIP
DESCRIPTION Aura faint psychokinesis; ML 3rd (+1), 6th (+2), 9th
A crystal bow looks like a crystalline bow with (+3)
no string and comes in short, medium, and long Slot shield; Price 5,600 gp (+1), 22,400 gp (+2),
varieties. A soulknife with the soulbolt archetype, 50,400 gp (+3); Weight 2 lbs
or anyone else with the ability to manifest a mind DESCRIPTION
bolt, channels their mind bolt through the crystal A crystal grip looks like a crystalline handle with
bow when summoning it. This does not otherwise nothing attached. A soulknife, or anyone else with the
alter the action needed to summon a mind bolt, the ability to manifest a mind shield, channels their mind
summoner must simply be wielding the crystal bow shield through the crystal grip when summoning it.
and choose to manifest the mind bolt through the This does not otherwise alter the action needed to
bow. summon a mind shield, the summoner must simply
Crystal bows have 45 hit points and a hardness of be wielding the crystal grip and choose to manifest
15. the mind shield through the grip.
When a mind bolt is manifested in this fashion, Crystal grips have 45 hit points and a hardness of
the enhancement bonus and the maximum 15.
enhancement bonus of the mind bolt is increased by When a mind shield is manifested in this fashion,
the enhancement bonus of the crystal bow, although the enhancement bonus and the maximum
any enhancement bonus above +5 is lost.. enhancement bonus of the mind shield is increased
Crystal bows may only be made with a +1, +2, or +3 by the enhancement bonus of the crystal grip,
enhancement bonus. although any enhancement bonus above +5 is lost.
CONSTRUCTION Crystal grips may only be made with a +1, +2, or +3
Requirements Craft Crystalline Focus, ability to enhancement bonus.
manifest mind bolt; Cost 5,600 gp (+1), 22,400 gp CONSTRUCTION
(+2), 50,400 gp (+3) Requirements Craft Crystalline Focus, ability to
manifest mind shield; Cost 2,800 gp (+1), 11,200
CRYSTAL GAUNTLETS gp (+2), 25,200 gp (+3)
Aura faint psychokinesis; ML 3rd (+1), 6th (+2), 9th



Aura faint psychokinesis; ML 3rd (+1), 6th (+2), 9th Aura faint psychokinesis; ML 3rd (+1), 6th (+2), 9th
(+3) (+3)
Slot weapon; Price 11,200 gp (+1), 44,800 gp (+2), Slot armor; Price 5,600 gp (+1), 22,400 gp (+2),
100,800 gp (+3); Weight 2 lbs 50,400 gp (+3); Weight 2 lbs
A crystal hilt looks like a crystalline Crystal spaulders are crystalline plates resembling
sword with no blade and comes in light, one- armor and are worn on the upper arms and
handed, and two-handed varieties. A soulknife, shoulders, although they take up the armor magic
or anyone else with the ability to manifest a mind item slot. An aegis, or anyone else with the ability
blade, channels their mind blade through the crystal to create an astral suit or mind armor, can channel
hilt when summoning it. This does not otherwise their astral suit or mind armor through the crystal
alter the action needed to summon a mind blade, the spaulders when creating it. This does not otherwise
summoner must simply be wielding the crystal hilt alter the action needed to create an astral suit or
and choose to manifest the mind blade through the mind armor, the summoner must simply be wearing
hilt. the crystal spaulder and choose to create the astral
Crystal hilts have 45 hit points and a hardness of suit or mind armor through the spaulders.
15. Crystal spaulders have 45 hit points and a hardness
When a mind blade is manifested in this fashion, of 15.
the enhancement bonus and the maximum When an astral suit is formed through crystal
enhancement bonus of the mind blade is increased spaulders, it gains an enhancement bonus to the
by the enhancement bonus of the crystal hilt, armor bonus it grants equal to the enhancement
although any enhancement bonus above +5 is lost. bonus of the crystal spaulders. In addition, the
Characters wielding two mind blades only gain character gains a number of customization points to
the benefit on the mind blade channeled through the spend equal to the enhancement bonus of the crystal
crystal hilt. Multiple crystal hilts would be needed to spaulders.
affect multiple mind blades. When mind armor is created in this fashion,
Throwing a mind blade while wielding a crystal the enhancement bonus and the maximum
hilt does not require the crystal hilt be thrown. If enhancement bonus of the mind armor is increased
forming your mind blade into two blades, only one by the enhancement bonus of the crystal
is altered by the crystal hilt unless you are wielding spaulders, although any enhancement
two crystal hilts. bonus above +5 is lost.
Crystal hilts may only be made with a +1, +2, or +3 Crystal spaulders may only
enhancement bonus. be made with a +1, +2, or +3
CONSTRUCTION enhancement bonus.
Requirements Craft Crystalline Focus, ability to CONSTRUCTION
manifest mind blade; Cost 5,600 gp (+1), 22,400 gp Requirements Craft Crystalline
(+2), 50,400 gp (+3) Focus, ability to manifest mind
armor or an astral suit; Cost 2,800 gp
(+1), 11,200 gp (+2), 25,200 gp (+3)

Crystal hilt

Crystal spaulders


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