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Postarrest Steroid Use May Improve Outcomes of Cardiac Arrest Survivors

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Postarrest Steroid Use May Improve Outcomes

of Cardiac Arrest Survivors

Min-Shan Tsai, MD, PhD1,2; Po-Ya Chuang, MHA3; Chien-Hua Huang, MD, PhD1; Chao-Hsiun Tang, PhD3;
Ping-Hsun Yu, MD4; Wei-Tien Chang, MD, PhD1; Wen-Jone Chen, MD, PhD1,5

Objectives: To evaluate the ramifications of steroid use during in the steroid group than in the nonsteroid group (83.54% vs
postarrest care. 87.77%; adjusted hazard ratio, 0.73; 95% CI, 0.70–0.76; p <
Design: Retrospective observational population-based study 0.0001). Steroid use during hospitalization was associated with
enrolled patients during years 2004–2011 with 1-year follow-up. survival to discharge, regardless of age, gender, underlying dis-
Setting: Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database. eases (diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
Patients: Adult nontraumatic cardiac arrest patients in the emer- asthma), shockable rhythm, and steroid use prior to cardiac arrest.
gency department, who survived to admission. Conclusions: In this retrospective observational study, postarrest
Interventions: These patients were classified into the steroid and steroid use was associated with better survival to hospital dis-
nonsteroid groups based on whether steroid was used or not dur- charge and 1-year survival. (Crit Care Med 2018; XX:00–00)
ing hospitalization. A propensity score was used to match patient Key Words: cardiac arrest; propensity score; steroid; survival;
underlying characteristics, steroid use prior to cardiac arrest, the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database
vasopressors, and shockable rhythm during cardiopulmonary
resuscitation, hospital level, and socioeconomic status.
Measurements and Main Results: There were 5,445 patients in

each group after propensity score matching. A total of 4,119 ardiac arrest is a rapidly lethal condition and associated
patients (75.65%) in the steroid group died during hospitaliza- with a high mortality rate, even after successful resusci-
tion, as compared with 4,403 patients (80.86%) in the nonste- tation. Following the return of spontaneous circulation
roid group (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.70–0.77; (ROSC), postcardiac arrest syndrome, a complex combination
p < 0.0001). The mortality rate at 1 year was significantly lower of pathophysiologic processes that involve cerebral injury,
myocardial dysfunction, systemic ischemia-reperfusion injury,
Department of Emergency Medicine, National Taiwan University Medical
and inflammatory response accounts for most hemodynamic
College and Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. instability and mortality during the postcardiac arrest period.
Department of Emergency Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital Postcardiac arrest syndrome shares many features with severe
Hsin-Chu Branch, Hsinchu, Taiwan. sepsis and multiple organ failures such as increased cytokine
School of Health Care Administration, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, production and release, endotoxinemia (1, 2), coagulation
abnormality (3, 4), and adrenal dysfunction (5, 6).
Department of Emergency Medicine, Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health
and Welfare, Taipei, Taiwan. Several studies have shown that relative adrenal insuffi-
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan ciency is common during the postcardiac arrest period (5–9),
University Medical College and Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. and may cause impaired vasoregulation and reduced effec-
This study was performed in National University Hospital. tiveness of vasopressors, and thus result in postresuscitation
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL cita- shock (5, 6). Schultz et al (5) reported that circulating cortisol
tions appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF
versions of this article on the journal’s website (
levels in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA)
ccmjournal). were lower than those in patients with other stress conditions.
Supported, in part, by a research grant from the National Taiwan University Furthermore, a low serum cortisol level was associated with
Hospital, grant number 104-S2755. unstable hemodynamics after ROSC and short-term survival
Dr. Chuang received funding from National Taiwan University Hospital. (24 hr). Hékimian et al (6) also reported that OHCA survivors
The remaining authors have disclosed that they do not have any potential
conflicts of interest. with refractory shock and early mortality had lower cortisol
For information regarding this article, E-mail: levels than those who died later. Additionally, relative adrenal
Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters insufficiency has been reported to be a prognostic factor for
Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved. early death (within 7 d after admission) and in-hospital mor-
DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000003468 tality (7–9). In two randomized controlled trials conducted by

Critical Care Medicine 1

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Tsai et al

Mentzelopoulos et al (10, 11), patients who received vasopres- hospital care,patients not triaged as level 1 (resuscitation/emergent)
sin, epinephrine, and methylprednisolone during cardiopul- (n = 2,436), and patients with an emergency department obser-
monary resuscitation (CPR) and stress-dose hydrocortisone vation time greater than 6 hours (n = 7,197) were also excluded.
during postcardiac arrest shock displayed a higher frequency After identifying 22,768 nontraumatic adult cardiac arrest sur-
of ROSC, better hemodynamic stability, less organ dysfunc- vivors, we further excluded patients who received steroid during
tion, and a better rate of survival to hospital discharge with a CPR (n = 1,180), patients who received steroid for greater than 1
favorable neurologic status when compared with patients who month after ROSC (n = 2,398), and patients given prednisolone
received epinephrine alone. However, because multiple inter- equivalent dose greater than 1,250 mg/d (equal to methylpred-
ventions were used simultaneously, it was difficult to clarify nisolone dose of 1 g/d as pulse therapy) (n = 23). This left 19,229
which of the interventions were truly beneficial. Furthermore, patients available for inclusion in our study (the first sample).
it was difficult to discern the isolated effect of glucocorticoid Based on whether the patient received steroid during hospitaliza-
use during postcardiac arrest care on the outcomes, because tion, the 19,229 patients were then divided into the steroid group
the ROSC rates in the study groups were significantly differ- (n = 5,477) and nonsteroid group (n = 13,752). Among the first
ent. Conversely, several other studies do not support the use of sample, 6,955 patients with a history of steroid use within 1 year
glucocorticoids during the postcardiac arrest period, because (oral, IV, and intraarticular administration of steroid) prior to
those drugs did not significantly improve survival or neuro- cardiac arrest were further selected as the secondary sample (ste-
logic outcomes (12–14). roid group, n = 2,227; nonsteroid group, n = 4,728). A total of
The benefit of steroid supplement during CPR has been 12,274 patients without a history of steroid within 1 year prior
documented in several animal and human studies (15–17). to cardiac arrest constituted the third sample (steroid group,
In the current study, we hypothesized that steroid use during n = 3,250; nonsteroid group, n = 9,024) (Fig. 1).
the postcardiac arrest period may be associated with improved
patient outcomes. Therefore, we analyzed data from the Taiwan Definition of Variables
National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) to The primary study outcome was defined as survival to discharge,
determine potential associations between post-ROSC expo- and the secondary outcome was 1-year survival. A death event
sure to steroids and critical cardiac arrest outcomes. was identified if the discharge status of index admission was
“death,” the patient had a death record in the catastrophic illness
registry, or the patient was disenrolled from the NHI program.
The main focus of the study was the effect of steroid use during
Study Design and Data Sources hospitalization following cardiac arrest, and the relevant infor-
This nationwide retrospective cohort study on the effect of post- mation was collected from claims data generated by hospital care.
cardiac arrest steroid use was conducted by analyzing health The type and quantity of administered steroid during the entire
insurance administrative data retrieved from the Taiwan NHIRD hospitalization after ROSC were obtained from the NHIRD. The
for the interval of January 1, 2003, to December 31, 2012. The allowable steroidal supplements were hydrocortisone, meth-
claims database, which was released by the National Health ylprednisolone, prednisolone, triamcinolone, dexamethasone,
Research Institute (NHRI) for research purposes, provides com- and betamethasone. The controlled variables were age, gender,
prehensive information on healthcare utilization and demo- presenting complaint, shockable rhythm, epinephrine dosage,
graphics (birthdate, gender, insurance status, area of residence, total shocks delivered during CPR, and cardiac catheteriza-
dates of services provided, primary and minor diagnostic codes, tion. The presenting complaint was recognized from the Inter-
primary and minor procedural codes, and itemized expenditures national Classification of Diseases, 9th Edition code of primary
for each medical service rendered) for greater than 99% of the diagnosis at admission. The steroid and nonsteroid groups had
entire Taiwanese population of 23 million people (18). The study two patients with missing urbanization level of residence and
protocol was approved by the NHRI and Review Board of the geographic distribution, respectively. They were excluded from
National Taiwan University Hospital, and the need for informed analysis of propensity score (PS). To clarify whether the steroid
consent was waived. All data were deidentified, and confidenti- dose was associated with outcomes, we attempted to standard-
ality assurances were addressed in accordance with data regula- ize the prednisolone equivalent dose (prednisolone equivalent
tions of the National Health Insurance (NHI) Administration. dose/d), which was calculated as the total dose of prednisolone
equivalent given during hospitalization (when hospitalization
Study Subjects duration was < 1 mo) or the first month (when hospitalization
Our database search identified 174,068 patients who had under- duration was ≥ 1 mo), divided by the corresponding number of
gone CPR (procedure code: 47029C) in the emergency depart- days (either hospitalization duration or 30 d). We then further
ment between January 1, 2004, and December 31, 2011. Among divided the steroid group into four different strata using quar-
those patients, 172,016 received subsequent medical care and tiles of standardized prednisolone equivalent dose.
were identified as possible candidates for our study. Patients
who were less than 18 years old or older at date of presentation Computation and Matching of PS
(n = 4,041) and those involved in trauma (n = 12,698) were Propensity scoring was used to reduce selection bias between the
excluded. To identify patients in cardiac arrest during acute steroid and nonsteroid groups. The PS, defined as the probability

2 XXX 2018 • Volume XX • Number XXX

Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Clinical Investigation

variables and frequencies and

percentages for categorical
variables. The standardized
difference as effect size was
calculated to compare group
differences and assess the bal-
ance of the baseline character-
istic of study subjects before
and after PS matching (21).
The impact of steroid use and
the steroid dose on survival to
discharge and 1-year survival
was determined by the Cox
proportional hazard model.
A bootstrapping approach by
resampling for 100 replica-
tions with replacement from
the original samples was used
to perform internal model
validation in assessing survival
to discharge (22).The adjusted
1-year survival curves were
also plotted via the Cox pro-
portional hazard model. When
performing the dose analysis, a
receiver operating characteris-
tic (ROC) curve was plotted to
determine the optimal steroid
dose cut-off value. Subgroup
analyses were performed to
examine relationships between
steroid use, clinical charac-
Figure 1. Process of selecting the study subjects. CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation, ED = emergency teristics, and survival to dis-
department. charge. All computations were
performed using standard
of receiving steroid, was first estimated by modeling a logistic software (SAS/Stat v9.3 for Windows; SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
regression drawn from pertinent characteristics (19). The Hosmer- The components of retrospective review were checked by using
Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test was then used to assess propensity the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in
models’ performance. Results of the logistic regression model used Epidemiology checklist for a cohort study (Supplemental
for PS matching are presented in Supplemental Table 1 (Supple- Table 4, Supplemental Digital Content 4,
mental Digital Content 1,, Sup- CCM/E70).
plemental Table 2 (Supplemental Digital Content 2, http://links., and Supplemental Table 3 (Supplemental RESULTS
Digital Content 3, The underlying characteristics, CPR events, and socioeconomic
The steroid and nonsteroid groups were matched by PS using status of the enrolled patients are shown in Table 1. When
8 to 1 digit-based greedy matching algorithm with the nearest compared with patients in the nonsteroid group, a higher per-
available pair matching method at 1:1 ratio (cases:controls) centage of patients in the steroid group had chronic obstruc-
without replacement, as proposed by Parsons (20). The final tive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, adrenal insufficiency,
PS-matched sample consisted of 5,445 patients in each group autoimmune disease, steroid use within 1 year prior to cardiac
among total patients, 2,188 patients among patients with prior arrest, and were treated in a tertiary medical center. In contrast,
steroid use, and 3,248 patients among patients without prior lower percentages of patients in the steroid group had coro-
steroid use, respectively. nary artery disease (CAD) chronic kidney disease (CKD), a low
frequency of shockable rhythm, and required only a smaller
Statistical Analyses dose of epinephrine. After matching with the PS, there were
The demographic and clinical characteristics of study sub- 5,445 patients in the steroid and nonsteroid groups, respec-
jects were summarized using the mean ± sd for continuous tively. Supplemental Table 5 (Supplemental Digital Content

Critical Care Medicine 3

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Tsai et al

TABLE 1. Baseline Characteristics Between Steroid and Nonsteroid Groups

Before Propensity Score Matching After Propensity Score Matching

Steroid, Nonsteroid, Steroid, Nonsteroid,

n = 5,477, n = 13,752, Standardized n = 5,445, n = 5,445, Standardized
Baseline Characteristics n (%) n (%) Difference n (%) n (%) Difference

Age, yr, mean ± sd 67.91 ± 16.26 68.14 ± 16.41 0.014 67.92 ± 16.27 67.78 ± 16.55 0.009
Gender, male 3,243 (59.21) 8,094 (58.86) 0.007 3,223 (59.19) 3,240 (59.5) 0.006
Presenting complaint 0.099
Cardiac event 1,077 (19.66) 2,655 (19.31) 1,070 (19.65) 1,067 (19.6)
Respiratory event 696 (12.71) 1,337 (9.72) 686 (12.6) 711 (13.06) 0.014
Other event 1,180 (21.54) 3,034 (22.06) 1,176 (21.6) 1,175 (21.58)
Unknown 2,524 (46.08) 6,726 (48.91) 2,513 (46.15) 2,492 (45.77)
Diabetes mellitus 1,732 (31.62) 4,409 (32.06) 0.009 1,721 (31.61) 1,711 (31.42) 0.004
Hypertension 2,608 (47.62) 6,623 (48.16) 0.011 2,589 (47.55) 2,575 (47.29) 0.005
Coronary artery disease 1,034 (18.88) 2,865 (20.83) 0.049 1,030 (18.92) 1,050 (19.28) 0.009
Heart failure 745 (13.6) 1,973 (14.35) 0.021 740 (13.59) 743 (13.65) 0.002
Atrial fibrillation 287 (5.24) 778 (5.66) 0.018 287 (5.27) 281 (5.16) 0.005
Chronic kidney disease 580 (10.59) 1,623 (11.8) 0.038 579 (10.63) 567 (10.41) 0.007
Malignancy 565 (10.32) 1,509 (10.97) 0.021 558 (10.25) 529 (9.72) 0.018
Chronic obstructive lung 1,040 (18.99) 2,047 (14.89) 0.110 1,024 (18.81) 1,032 (18.95) 0.004
Asthma 425 (7.76) 660 (4.8) 0.122 408 (7.49) 406 (7.46) 0.001
Adrenal insufficiency 43 (0.79) 53 (0.39) 0.052 38 (0.7) 35 (0.64) 0.007
Autoimmune disease 104 (1.9) 136 (0.99) 0.076 96 (1.76) 94 (1.73) 0.003
Steroid use prior to cardiac 2,227 (40.66) 4,728 (34.38) 0.130 2,195 (40.31) 2,166 (39.78) 0.011
arrest (1 yr)
Shockable rhythm 1,346 (24.58) 3,782 (27.5) 0.067 1,341 (24.63) 1,338 (24.57) 0.001
Epinephrine dosage, mg, 5.67 ± 5.26 6.44 ± 6.23 0.133 5.68 ± 5.27 5.72 ± 5.23 0.007
mean ± sd
Vasopressin 20 (0.37) 28 (0.2) 0.030 19 (0.35) 22 (0.4) 0.009
Tertiary medical center 1,649 (30.11) 3,613 (26.27) 0.085 1,640 (30.12) 1,621 (29.77) 0.008
Urbanization level of residence 0.080
1 (high) 1,433 (26.17) 3,390 (24.65) 1,425 (26.17) 1,439 (26.43)
2 2,308 (42.16) 6,235 (45.35) 2,301 (42.26) 2,270 (41.69)
3 477 (8.71) 1,295 (9.42) 474 (8.71) 471 (8.65)
≥ 4 (low) 1,257 (22.96) 2,830 (20.58) 1,245 (22.87) 1,265 (23.23)
Missing 2 2
Geographic distribution 0.160
Taipei 1,999 (36.51) 5,242 (38.12) 1,993 (36.6) 1,993 (36.6)
Northern 701 (12.8) 2,086 (15.17) 699 (12.84) 731 (13.43)
Central 1,530 (27.95) 3,598 (26.17) 1,523 (27.97) 1,482 (27.22)
Southern 568 (10.37) 911 (6.63) 555 (10.19) 553 (10.16)
Kaopin 429 (7.84) 1,126 (8.19) 427 (7.84) 445 (8.17)
Eastern 248 (4.53) 787 (5.72) 248 (4.55) 241 (4.43)
Missing 2 2
Standardized difference equals to difference in means or proportions divided by se; imbalance defined as absolute value greater than 0.10 (small effect size).

4 XXX 2018 • Volume XX • Number XXX

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Clinical Investigation

TABLE 2. Outcomes Between the Steroid and Nonsteroid Groups

Before Propensity Score Matching After Propensity Score Matching

Steroid Nonsteroid HR Adjusted Steroid Nonsteroid HR Adjusted

Outcomes Death, n (%) Death, n (%) (95% CI) HR (95% CI) Death, n (%) Death, n (%) (95% CI) HR (95% CI)

Total patients n = 5,477 n = 13,752 n = 5,445 n = 5,445

Survival to 4,143 11,354 0.73 0.74 4,119 4,403 0.75 0.74
discharge (75.64) (82.56) (0.70–0.76)a (0.71–0.77)a (75.65) (80.86) (0.72–0.79)a (0.70–0.77)a
One-yr survival 4,575 12,270 0.73 0.73 4,549 4,779 0.76 0.73
(83.53) (89.22) (0.71–0.75)a (0.71–0.76)a (83.54) (87.77) (0.73–0.79)a (0.70–0.76)a
Patients with n = 2,227 n = 4,728 n = 2,188 n = 2,188
steroid use prior
to cardiac arrest
Survival to 1,723 3,945 0.75 0.76 1,694 1,787 0.80 0.76
discharge (77.37) (83.44) (0.71–0.79)a (0.72–0.81)a (77.42) (81.67) (0.74–0.85)a (0.71–0.82)b
One-yr survival 1,914 4,303 0.73 0.74 1,882 1,957 0.78 0.74
(85.95) (91.01) (0.69–0.71)a (0.70–0.78)a (86.01) (89.44) (0.73–0.83)a (0.69–0.79)a
Patients without n = 3,250 n = 9,024 n = 3,248 n = 3,248
steroid use prior
to cardiac arrest
Survival to 2,420 7,409 0.71 0.73 2,420 2,630 0.73 0.72
discharge (74.46) (82.1) (0.68–0.75)a (0.69–0.76)a (74.51) (80.97) (0.69–0.77)a (0.68–0.77)a
One-yr survival 2,661 7,967 0.72 0.73 2,661 2,832 0.75 0.73
(81.88) (88.29) (0.69–0.76)a (0.69–0.76)a (81.93) (87.19) (0.71–0.79)a (0.69–0.77)a
HR = hazard ratio.
p < 0.0001.

Adjusted for age, cardiac catheterization, epinephrine dose, gender, presenting complaint, shock number, shockable rhythm.

5, and Supplemental Table 6 use during hospitalization was associated with better survival
(Supplemental Digital Content 6, to discharge, regardless of age, gender, underlying diseases
E72) shows demographic and clinical characteristics of the (diabetes, COPD, asthma), shockable rhythm, and steroid use
patients with and without steroid use prior to cardiac arrest, within 1 year prior to cardiac arrest.
respectively. After PS matching, no difference existed between The outcomes of patients in each quartile with consecutive
the steroid and nonsteroid groups in the patients with and increases in steroid dose are listed in Table 3. The demographic
without steroid use prior to cardiac arrest, respectively. Base- and clinical characteristics of each quartile of the total patients,
line characteristic of unmatched patients in each steroid group patients with and without steroid use prior to cardiac arrest are
were listed in Supplemental Table 7 (Supplemental Digital shown in Supplemental Table 8 (Supplemental Digital Content
Content 7, 9,, Supplemental Table
Among all the samples (total patients, patients with and 9 (Supplemental Digital Content 10,
without prior steroid use before cardiac arrest), steroid use CCM/E76), and Supplemental Table 10 (Supplemental Digital
during hospitalization benefitted the following endpoints: Content 11, Supplemental
survival to discharge and 1-year survival in both unmatched Table 11 (Supplemental Digital Content 12, http://links.lww.
and matched cohorts (Table 2). With 100 bootstrap replica- com/CCM/E78) demonstrates the duration of hospitaliza-
tions, the optimism-corrected area under the ROC curve tion in each steroid strata. The duration of hospitalization
ranged from 0.77 to 0.80 for models with either steroid use and prednisolone dose equivalent of each quartile were listed
or steroid dose as a predictor, showing the models have good in Supplemental Table 12 (Supplemental Digital Content 13,
performance. The adjusted 1-year survival curves shown in In all the samples, patients
Figure 2 showed significant difference between the two groups in the first (the lowest dose) and second quartiles benefited
in total matched patients (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.73; 95% from steroids in terms of survival to discharge and 1-year sur-
CI, 0.70–0.76; p < 0.0001). We next investigated whether the vival. However, these benefits began to disappear in the third
steroid use during hospitalization may have interacted with quartile and reversed in the fourth quartile (the highest dose).
individual clinical characteristics to affect the survival to dis- Therefore, we created a ROC curve of the third quartile which
charge. As shown in Supplemental Figure 1 (Supplemental suggested a steroid dose of 50 mg/d as the optimal cut-off
Digital Content 8,, steroid value (Supplemental Fig. 2, Supplemental Digital Content 14,

Critical Care Medicine 5

Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Tsai et al

and leukocyte adhesion (28)

and ameliorates endotoxin-
mediated myocardial dys-
function and hemodynamic
instability (29). Furthermore,
glucocorticoids also help to
maintain cardiovascular sta-
bility by inhibiting catechol-
amine reuptake, enhancing
vascular response to vasopres-
sors (11, 30) and decreasing
nitric oxide-mediated vasodi-
lation (31).
However, the question of
whether glucocorticoid use
during the postcardiac arrest
period is beneficial to car-
diac arrest survivors has been
debated for years. Jastremski et
al (12) found that steroid use
Figure 2. The 1-yr survival curves of the groups. There is a significant difference between these groups within 8 hours after ROSC did
(p < 0.0001). not improve survival or neuro-
logic recovery in a retrospec-
tive study. However, that study Thus the steroid group was was limited by differences in the etiology of cardiac arrest and
divided into a low steroid group (≤ 50 mg/d) and a high steroid underlying characteristics between the study groups that poten-
group (> 50 mg/d). Supplemental Table 13 (Supplemental tially favored the nonsteroid group. In another nonrandom-
Digital Content 15, shows ized retrospective study of 458 OHCA survivors, no significant
that the low steroid group was associated with lower mortal- differences in survival or neurologic recovery between patients
ity when compared with the nonsteroid group, and the high with and without steroid use were identified (13). Donnino et
steroid group was associated with worse outcomes. The esti- al (14) conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-con-
mations of model internal validity in assessing survival to dis- trolled trial, and found that hydrocortisone did not improve
charge in matched cohorts are shown in Supplemental Table the time to shock reversal or clinical outcomes in patients with
14 (Supplemental Digital Content 16, refractory shock following cardiac arrest. However, there were
CCM/E82). only 25 patients in each group, and the timing of first steroid
dose was not restricted, which raised the question of whether
DISCUSSION a therapeutic window may exist. In contrast, two prospective,
The current study evaluated the association between steroids randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group
administered during postcardiac arrest care and the outcomes trials showed that combination therapy with vasopressors and
of cardiac arrest survivors by analyzing data from the NHIRD. methylprednisolone during CPR, followed by hydrocortisone
The NHIRD showed that 22,768 patients had been successfully after ROSC, improved neurologic outcomes, and the rate of
resuscitated from nontraumatic cardiac arrest during acute survival to hospital discharge. As previously mentioned, mul-
hospital care from 2004 to 2011. Our findings demonstrate tiple interventions given at the same time and obvious differ-
that steroid use after ROSC may benefit survival to hospital ences in ROSC rates between patient groups make it difficult
discharge and 1-year survival. To our best knowledge, this to identify the isolated benefit of steroid administration after
study is the first to use nationwide population-based data to ROSC (10, 11). Different from the limitation of small patient
assess the independent association between steroid adminis- numbers and design features in these clinical studies, the cur-
tered during the postcardiac arrest period and the outcomes of rent study investigated the association between postarrest ste-
cardiac arrest survivors. roid use and outcome of cardiac arrest survivors by analyzing
The postcardiac arrest syndrome may profit from glucocor- nationwide population-based data. To avoid the influence of
ticoid administered after ROSC in several aspects in addition steroid use during CPR in the current study, the patients who
to adrenal insufficiency. Glucocorticoids have been reported to received steroid during resuscitation were excluded. Also, the
decrease oxidative stress (23), reduce apoptosis (24), and thus variable “steroid use within 1 year prior to cardiac arrest” was
ameliorate postresuscitation myocardial dysfunction (25) and matched to attenuate potential observational bias generated by
cerebral injury (26). Glucocorticoid administration following steroid dependence prior to cardiac arrest. Furthermore, after
cardiac arrest also attenuates circulating cytokine levels (27) reassessing the effect of postarrest steroid administration in

6 XXX 2018 • Volume XX • Number XXX

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Clinical Investigation

TABLE 3. Outcomes Between Dose Levels of Steroid Use Per Day

Steroid Dose Level n Death, n (%) HR (95% CI) p HR (95% CI) p

Total patients
Survival to discharge
  Nonsteroid 5,445 4,403 (80.86) 1 1
   First quartile (0.53–10.66 mg/d) 1,361 637 (46.8) 0.31 (0.28–0.33) < 0.0001 0.32 (0.30–0.35) < 0.0001
   Second quartile (10.71–27.59 mg/d) 1,365 1,073 (78.61) 0.80 (0.75–0.85) < 0.0001 0.77 (0.71–0.81) < 0.0001
   Third quartile (27.63–58.18 mg/d) 1,359 1,170 (86.09) 1.00 (0.94–1.07) 0.9409 0.93 (0.87–0.99) 0.0196
   Fourth quartile (58.33–1,250.00 mg/d) 1,360 1,239 (91.1) 1.34 (1.26–1.43) < 0.0001 1.25 (1.17–1.33) < 0.0001
One-yr survival
  Nonsteroid 5,445 4,779 (87.77) 1 1
   First quartile (0.53–10.66 mg/d) 1,361 823 (60.47) 0.35 (0.33–0.38) < 0.0001 0.37 (0.34–0.40) < 0.0001
   Second quartile (10.71–27.59 mg/d) 1,365 1,182 (86.59) 0.81 (0.76–0.87) < 0.0001 0.75 (0.71–0.80) < 0.0001
   Third quartile (27.63–58.18 mg/d) 1,359 1,251 (92.05) 1.00 (0.94–1.06) 0.9936 0.90 (0.84–0.95) 0.0004
   Fourth quartile (58.33–1,250.00 mg/d) 1,360 1,293 (95.07) 1.28 (1.20–1.36) < 0.0001 1.17 (1.10–1.24) < 0.0001
Patients with steroid use prior to cardiac arrest
Survival to discharge
  Nonsteroid 2,188 1,787 (81.67) 1 1
   First quartile (0.53–10.63 mg/d) 464 230 (49.57) 0.34 (0.29–0.39) < 0.0001 0.35 (0.31–0.40) < 0.0001
   Second quartile (10.71–27.50 mg/d) 547 430 (78.61) 0.80 (0.72–0.89) < 0.0001 0.759 (0.66–0.82) < 0.0001
   Third quartile (27.63–58.18 mg/d) 569 485 (85.24) 0.97 (0.88–1.07) 0.5454 0.90 (0.81–0.99) 0.0356
   Fourth quartile (58.33–1,250.00 mg/d) 608 549 (90.3) 1.31 (1.19–1.45) < 0.0001 1.23 (1.12–1.36) < 0.0001
One-yr survival
  Nonsteroid 2,188 1,957 (89.44) 1 1
   First quartile (0.53–10.66 mg/d) 464 310 (66.81) 0.39 (0.34–0.44) < 0.0001 0.40 (0.35–0.45) < 0.0001
   Second quartile (10.71–27.50 mg/d) 547 472 (86.29) 0.78 (0.71–0.86) < 0.0001 0.72 (0.65–0.79) < 0.0001
   Third quartile (27.63–58.18 mg/d) 569 523 (91.92) 0.94 (0.86–1.04) 0.229 0.86 (0.78–0.94) 0.0015
   Fourth quartile (58.33–1,250.00 mg/d) 608 577 (94.9) 1.22 (1.11–1.33) < 0.0001 1.14 (1.04–1.25) 0.0069
Patients without steroid use prior to cardiac arrest
Survival to discharge
  Nonsteroid 3,248 2,630 (80.97) 1 1
   First quartile (0.82–8.75 mg/d) 811 357 (44.02) 0.28 (0.25–0.32) < 0.0001 0.30 (0.27–0.34) < 0.0001
   Second quartile (8.82–25.00 mg/d) 864 665 (76.97) 0.77 (0.71–0.84) < 0.0001 0.75 (0.69–0.81) < 0.0001
   Third quartile (25.25–51.00 mg/d) 761 655 (86.07) 1.02 (0.94–1.12) 0.5842 0.95 (0.87–1.04) 0.2653
   Fourth quartile (51.04–1,250.00 mg/d) 812 743 (91.5) 1.31 (1.20–1.42) < 0.0001 1.20 (1.10–1.30) < 0.0001
One-yr survival
  Nonsteroid 3,248 2,832 (87.19) 1 1
   First quartile (0.82–8.75 mg/d) 811 449 (55.36) 0.32 (0.29–0.35) < 0.0001 0.34 (0.31–0.38) < 0.0001
   Second quartile (8.82–25.00 mg/d) 864 741 (85.76) 0.806 (0.74–0.87) < 0.0001 0.76 (0.70–0.83) < 0.0001
   Third quartile (25.25–51.00 mg/d) 761 700 (91.98) 1.038 (0.96–1.13) 0.3768 0.94 (0.87–1.02) 0.1611
   Fourth quartile (51.04–1,250.00 mg/d) 812 771 (94.95) 1.284 (1.19–1.39) < 0.0001 1.14 (1.06–1.24) 0.0011
HR = hazard ratio.
Adjusted for age, cardiac catheterization, epinephrine dose, gender, presenting complaint, shock number, shockable rhythm.

Critical Care Medicine 7

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