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Recurrent Seizures Following Cardiac Surgery: Risk Factors and Outcomes

in a Historical Cohort Study

Rizwan A. Manji, MD, PhD, MBA, FRCSC,*†‡ Hilary P. Grocott, MD, FRCPC,*†‡ Jacqueline S. Manji, PhD,*
Alan H. Menkis, DDS, MD, FRCSC,*‡ and Eric Jacobsohn, MBChB, MHPE, FRCPC*†

Objectives: To determine the risk factors for and out- hours; p ¼ 0.01), and procedures involving the thoracic
comes after recurrent seizures (RS) in patients following aorta were associated with RS (R2 ¼ 0.53, p o 0.05).
cardiac surgery. Patients with RS had longer intensive care unit stays (5.3 v
Design: A historical cohort study. 2.9 days, p ¼ 0.03) and longer mechanical ventilation
Setting: A single-center university teaching hospital. duration (53.3 v 15.0 hours, p ¼ 0.01). At a median follow-
Participants: Cardiac surgery patients from April 2003 to up of 21 months for the RS group and 16 months for the
September 2010 experiencing postoperative seizures. isolated seizure group, restrictions, anticonvulsant use,
Interventions: None. morbidity, and mortality were similar between patients with
Measurements and Main Results: Patients were divided isolated versus recurrent seizures.
into an isolated seizure group and an RS group. Risk factors Conclusions: Higher preoperative creatinine, thoracic
for RS were determined using logistic regression. Intermedi- aortic surgery, and early seizure onset were associated with
ate-term follow-up was conducted by phone. Of 7,280 RS after cardiac surgery. When compared to isolated seiz-
consecutive patients undergoing cardiac surgery, 61 (0.8%) ures, recurrence per se was not associated with significantly
experienced postoperative seizure and 36 (59%) of those increased long-term morbidity or mortality.
experienced at least 1 recurrence. Of these, 32 (89%) & 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
experienced RS within 24 hours of the first seizure, and 29
(81%) had grand mal seizures. Preoperative creatinine Z120 KEY WORDS: recurrent seizures, cardiac surgery, follow-up,
μmol/L (p ¼ 0.02), time until first seizure occurred (r4 anticonvulsants, tranexamic acid

P OSTOPERATIVE SEIZURES, although relatively uncom-

mon, are a well-documented complication of cardiac
surgery. The incidence of seizures after cardiac surgery varies
impact a patient’s quality of life regarding return-to-normal
activity and the possibility of long-term anticonvulsant therapy.
The purpose of this historical cohort study was to create an
between 0.5 and 7.6%.1 When seizures occur, recurrence rates exploratory predictive model for seizure recurrence after
of 40% to 66% have been reported.2–5 Seizures may be caused cardiac surgery as well as to compare the outcomes for these
by thromboembolic ischemic stroke, cerebral air embolism, patients compared to those with isolated seizure.
medication toxicity related to antibiotics, or other perioperative
drugs such as tranexamic acid (TXA).6–8 The authors previ- METHODS
ously reported that administration of TXA, preoperative cardiac The local Research Ethics Board approved this study
arrest, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (January 2010) and waived the requirement for patient consent
(APACHE) II scores 420, previous cardiac surgery, open- for the historical cohort component of the study. For follow-up,
chamber procedure, cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) informed consent was obtained from patients prior to the
time 4150 minutes, and preoperative neurologic disease are telephone interview.
all independent risk factors for seizures after cardiac surgery.4 This report represents a subset of patients from a previously
Importantly, approximately 60% of patients in that study had published single-center historical cohort study performed on all
more than 1 seizure during their postcardiac surgery hospital patients who underwent cardiac surgery at the authors’
stay, thereby defining recurrent seizure (RS). institution between April 1, 2003 and September 30, 2010
In the general non-surgical population, RS often is related to who had postoperative seizures.4 In the original study, the
factors such as a history of epilepsy, subtherapeutic anticon- impact of TXA and other risk factors were compared between
vulsant levels, alcohol withdrawal, and structural brain abnor- patients who did and did not experience postoperative seizure.
malities.9,10 However, associated risk factors and outcomes for For this present study, patients from the previous cohort who
RS after cardiac surgery are not known. Knowing these risk experienced post–cardiac surgery seizures were divided into 2
factors could influence in-hospital clinical decision making and groups: those who had one postoperative isolated seizure and
those who experienced RS (ie, more than one postoperative
seizure while in the hospital). The reason for this division was
to specifically explore the significance of recurrent seizures as
compared to isolated seizures.
From the *Cardiac Sciences Program, Winnipeg Regional Health Data collected from the authors’ cardiac surgery, perfusion
Authority and St. Boniface Hospital, †Department of Anesthesia and service, and intensive care unit (ICU) databases included
Perioperative Medicine; and ‡Department of Surgery, University of
information on all consecutive cardiac surgery cases performed
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
at their institution. The perfusion service database collects
Address reprint requests to Rizwan A. Manji, University of Mani-
toba, St. Boniface Hospital, CR3014 - 369 Tache Avenue, Winnipeg, intraoperative variables, and the cardiac surgery and ICU
Manitoba, Canada R2H 2A6. E-mail: databases collect demographic and comorbidity variables
© 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (including postoperative complications), ventilation time, and
1053-0770/2601-0001$36.00/0 lengths of ICU and hospital stays. A concurrent pharmacy database maintains information related to the inventory of

1206 Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, Vol 29, No 5 (October), 2015: pp 1206–1211

drugs dispensed to various clinical services, including anes- model with the highest R2 value and largest area under the
thesia for cardiac surgery.4 receiver operating curve (ROC). A 2-tailed p value r 0.05 was
A seizure was defined as a physician-documented event considered statistically significant.
such as rhythmic tonic-clonic motion of localized body parts
consistent with a focal seizure, or of all four limbs with a RESULTS
decreased level of consciousness consistent with a grand mal
seizure that required prescribed intervention. Nonconvulsive Sixty-one (0.8%) of 7,280 consecutive patients experienced
seizures were diagnosed in patients with a persistent decrease a postoperative seizure (Fig 1). Of these 61 patients, 36 (59%)
in the level of consciousness and confirmed seizure activity on had at least 1 RS, 17 patients (28%) experienced more than 1
serial electroencephalography (EEG). recurrence, and 3 (8%) had non-convulsive status epilepticus.
A telephone interview was conducted more than a year after Of the 36 patients with RS, 32 (89%) experienced RS within 24
discharge to ascertain if there had been any hospital readmis- hours of the first seizure, and 4 patients (11%) experienced
sion, new neurologic diagnoses (eg, RS and stroke), the need RS 424 hours after the first seizure. Grand mal seizures
for long-term anticonvulsant therapy, and/or any activity accounted for the majority of patients with RS (29/36; 81%),
restrictions (such as driving) instituted that were related to and each seizure (except for the 3 patients with nonconvulsive
seizures. status epilepticus) lasted less than 5 minutes.
A comparative univariate analysis between patients with RS
and patients with isolated seizure is outlined in Table 1.
Statistical Analysis Importantly, patients with RS had higher preoperative crea-
All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 17.0 tinine levels, higher APACHE II scores, more thoracic aortic
software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Univariate analysis was and deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA), more post-
performed with a Student’s 2-sample t-test (for normally operative cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), and a shorter
distributed data), the Mann–Whitney U test (for non-normally period of time from the end of surgery until the first seizure
distributed data) and Pearson’s chi-square test (for categoric occurrence (ie, early onset of the first seizure). Of note, patients
data) in which potential recurrent seizure risk factors and with isolated seizures and patients with RS had similar doses of
outcomes were compared between groups. Due to a relatively TXA given, although the authors did not know the serum (or
small sample size, the authors opted to create an exploratory cerebrospinal fluid levels11) of TXA.
(ie, hypothesis-generating) model for risk factors for RS that Variables associated with RS that were considered bio-
could serve as a basis for future studies. As such, multivariable logically plausible and that had a p value o 0.1 were further
logistic regression was performed using clinically relevant examined in the authors’ multivariate model. These variables
variables (that had a univariate p value o0.1) to create a included preoperative creatinine, APACHE II score, open-

Fig 1. Flow diagram of the historical cohort observed in this study comparing patients with isolated seizures to patients with recurrent
seizures (RS). The median follow-up period was 21 (6-30) months for the recurrent seizure group and 16 (11-28) months for the isolated
seizure group.

Table 1. Univariate Comparison Between Patients With Isolated or Recurrent Seizure After Cardiac Surgery

Variable Isolated Seizure Recurrent Seizure p Values

Number of patients per group 25 36
Age (years) 68.7 (13.0) 70.6 (10.6) 0.53
Female 8/25 (32%) 10/36 (28%) 0.78
Preoperative seizure disorder 0/25 (0%) 2/36 (6%) 0.51
Preoperative alcohol abuse 2/25 (8%) 1/36 (3%) 0.56
Preoperative cerebrovascular disease 5/25 (20%) 8/36 (22%) 1.00
Ejection fraction (%) 55.0 (55.0-60.0) 55.0 (45.0-60.0) 0.64
Preoperative hemoglobin (g/L) 125 (17) 121 (22) 0.54
Preoperative creatinine (μmol/L) 92.0 (73.0-103.0) 103.0 (93.5-136.5) 0.01
APACHE II score 17.7 (6.6) 22.3 (5.8) 0.01
Preoperative cardiac arrest 0/25 (0%) 3/36 (8%) 0.07
Preanesthetic use of benzodiazepine 2/20 (10%) 6/36 (17%) 0.70
Intraoperative use of benzodiazepine 1/20 (5%) 2/36 (6%) 1.00
Intraoperative use of propofol 17/20 (85%) 27/36 (75%) 0.51
TXA dose (mg/kg) 68.4 (36.1) 74.9 (34.3) 0.51
CABG only (including redo CABG) 9/25 (36%) 7/36 (19%) 0.24
Open-chamber procedure (valve procedure, aortic procedure, intracardiac procedure) 15/25 (60%) 29/36 (81%) 0.08
Procedure involving aortic valve 6/25 (24%) 16/36 (44%) 0.10
Procedure involving thoracic aorta 1/25 (4%) 11/36 (31%) 0.02
Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest during surgery 0/25 (0%) 8/36 (22%) 0.02
Cross-clamp time (min) 75.0 (51.5-134.0) 77.0 (50.5-130.0) 0.96
Cardiopulmonary bypass time (min) 124.0 (85.0-200) 165.0 (92.3-218.3) 0.23
Lowest mean arterial pressure (mmHg) during OR 51.6 (6.9) 49.9 (10.9) 0.53
Duration of lowest mean arterial pressure (min) 10.0 (10.0-20.0) 10.0 (10.0-15.0) 0.95
Postoperative cerebrovascular accident 1/25 (4%) 8/36 (22%) 0.05
Postoperative cardiac arrest 2/25 (8%) 0/36 (0%) 0.16
New postoperative renal dysfunction 6/25 (24%) 5/36 (14%) 0.33
Time from end of surgery until first seizure (hours) 10.5 (4.8-17.5) 4.1 (1.8-10.6) 0.03

NOTE. Continuous variables reported as mean (SD) for normally distributed data or median (IQR) for non-normally distributed data. Categoric
data are reported as n/range.
Abbreviations: APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; OR, operating room;
TXA, tranexamic acid.

chamber procedure, procedure involving the thoracic aorta, and The median (IQR) duration of anticonvulsant therapy was
time duration from the end of surgery until the first seizure significantly longer in the RS group (4.0 [3.0-5.8]) days) versus
occurred. Preoperative cardiac arrest was not included in this the isolated seizure group (0.3 [0.1-1.0] days; p o 0.001).
analysis as the event rate was too low; only 3 patients with RS However, at the discretion of the attending physicians, 29
experienced this variable. “Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (81%) of the 36 patients in the RS group and 19 (76%) of the
during surgery” was the same as “procedures involving the 25 in the isolated seizure group had their anticonvulsant
thoracic aorta.” Thus, only the thoracic aortic procedure therapy discontinued during their hospitalization (p ¼ 0.69).
variable (with the larger event rate) was examined. Post- Patients underwent extended periods of in-hospital observation
operative CVA also was the same as the thoracic aortic (see below). No seizure occurred in-hospital after discontinua-
procedure variable and, thus, was not examined separately. tion of anticonvulsant therapy in either group.
The multivariate model (Table 2) demonstrated that elevated Patients in the RS group had significantly longer median
preoperative creatinine (Z120 μmol/L), procedure involving (IQR) mechanical ventilation times than in the isolated seizure
the thoracic aorta and early seizure onset (r4 h from the end of group (53.3 h [18.5 to 154.0] v 15.0 h [2.2 to 48.0] group; p ¼
surgery until the first seizure) were associated with RS [R2 ¼ 0.01), as well as significantly longer median (IQR) ICU stay
0.53, p o 0.05, area under the ROC curve 0.859 (95% (5.3 days [3.0 to 10.3] v 2.9 days [1.9 to 6.0]; p ¼ 0.03).
confidence intervals, 0.756-0.963)]. However, the median (IQR) length of hospital stay was similar

Table 2. Logistic Regression of Potential Predictors of Recurrent Seizures After Cardiac Surgery

Variable Unadjusted Odds Ratio 95% CI Adjusted Odds Ratio 95% CI

Preoperative creatinine (Z120 μmol/L) 2.6 0.7-9.6 11.3 1.6-81.8
Procedure involving thoracic aorta 10.6 1.3-88.2 Undefined† Undefined†
Time from end of surgery until first seizure r4 h 4.6 1.1-19.2 11.0 1.9-65.5

NOTE. R2 ¼ 53%; Area under the ROC Curve ¼ 0.859 (0.756 – 0.963).
†Undefined since odds ratio approaches infinity as almost all events occurred within the recurrent seizure group.

Table 3. In-Hospital Mortality and Live Discharge for All Patients Experiencing Seizure Post–Cardiac Surgery (Includes Patients With Isolated and
Recurrent Seizures)

Variable In-hospital Mortality Live Discharge p Value

Total no. of patients 13 48
Age (years) 72.3 (8.2) 69.2 (12.3) 0.41
Female 2/12 (17%) 16/48 (33%) 0.48
COPD 4/12 (33%) 4/48 (8%) 0.04
Ejection fraction (%) 42.5 (32.5-55.0) 55.0 (53.860) 0.02
APACHE II score 26.7 (7.0) 18.9 (5.4) o0.001
Preoperative creatinine (μmol/L) 122.0 (100.8-161.5) 96.5 (80.3-109.9) 0.02
Major stroke (watershed or large vessel) on CT head 4/8 (50%) 5/40 (13%) 0.03
New stroke on CT head 4/8 (50%) 5/40 (13%) 0.03
New postoperative renal dysfunction 7/13 (54%) 5/48 (10%) 0.01
Focal seizure 2/13 (15%) 10/48 (21%) 1.00
Grand mal seizure 6/13 (46%) 30/48 (63%) 1.00
Nonconvulsive seizure 1/13 (8%) 2/48 (4%) 0.57
Recurrent seizure 6/13 (46%) 30/48 (63%) 0.53

NOTE. Continuous variables are expressed as mean (standard deviation) for normally distributed variables and median (IQR) for non-normally
distributed variables. Categoric variables are reported as n/range.
Abbreviations: APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score; CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; COPD, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease; CT, computed tomography; ICU, intensive care unit; OR, operating room.

between groups (17.0 days [12.0 to 34.5] in the RS group v who undergo a procedure involving the thoracic aorta, and
12.5 days [6.3 to 28.3] in the isolated seizure group; p ¼ 0.09). patients who experience an initial seizure onset fewer than 4
To investigate what factors, including RS, were associated hours postoperatively were more likely to have RS. In addition,
with survival, the authors performed a comparative analysis of most patients with RS had grand mal seizures (81%), and the
patients who died while in-hospital or were discharged alive majority occurred within 24 hours of surgery.
after surgery (Table 3). All patients who experienced one or Mechanisms underlying postoperative seizures are not well
more seizures after cardiac surgery were included in this understood. One possible mechanistic explanation that links RS
analysis (n ¼ 61). Patients who died were more likely to have to the risk factors identified in this study and previously
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lower ejection fraction, published data4 is higher levels of proconvulsant drugs in the
higher APACHE II scores, elevated preoperative creatinine, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in combination with pre-existing
postoperative CVA, and have postoperative renal dysfunction. brain abnormalities. For instance, TXA is a renally cleared,
Interestingly, RS was not associated with in-hospital mortality proconvulsant antifibrinolytic drug that is an independent risk
(p ¼ 0.53). factor for post–cardiac surgery seizures.1,2,4,5,12–14 In addition,
As seen in Figure 1, 83% of patients in the RS group and TXA-associated seizures occur in a dose-dependent manner
76% of patients in the isolated seizure group were discharged and have a higher incidence in patients with a previous history
from the hospital. At a median (IQR) follow-up period of 21 of renal dysfunction.3,4 It is possible (although not proven in
(6-30) months for the RS group and 16 (11-28) months for the this study) that patients with pre-existing brain abnormalities
isolated seizure group (p ¼ 0.79), a similar percentage of and a disrupted blood-brain barrier (secondary to stroke or
patients died during the follow-up period, and a similar other cerebral embolic phenomena from thoracic aortic surgery)
percentage were restricted from driving at follow-up. One with high CSF levels of TXA and renal dysfunction are more
person suffered a stroke in the RS group during follow-up susceptible to seizure, particularly as sedation is decreased
whereas one person experienced a seizure in the isolated postoperatively. In addition, when these patients have a seizure
seizure group. Twenty-three percent of patients in the RS and are resedated, it may be that circulating TXA levels are still
group were readmitted to the hospital during the follow-up high when attempts to wean sedation are undertaken a second
period as compared to 16% in the isolated seizure group, and time, thus provoking another seizure. Eventually, patients
17% of patients in the RS group were still on anticonvulsants at eliminate TXA from their CSF, and the blood-brain barrier is
the time of follow-up compared to 11% in the isolated restored; this may explain why there is no further seizure in-
seizure group. hospital or even postdischarge in most patients. It is noted that
the hospital length of stay for the RS and isolated seizure
groups was similar despite ICU and mechanical ventilation
The risk factors and outcomes for patients who experience time (likely related to sedation to prevent recurrent seizures)
RS after cardiac surgery have not yet been defined. With this being different. Although TXA levels were not statistically
study, the authors examined the differences between patients significantly different between the isolated seizure and RS
who experienced isolated seizure or RS after cardiac surgery. groups in the authors’ study, they do not know what the CSF
They observed an RS rate of 59% in patients who had a TXA concentrations were. As dosing of TXA is an easily
primary seizure (0.6% of all cardiac surgery patients in their modifiable variable, clinicians should consider using the lowest
cohort). Patients with higher preoperative creatinine, patients dose of TXA that is optimal for the patient, especially if the

patient has renal dysfunction and is going to have thoracic As with any historical cohort study, there are limitations
aortic surgery. Obviously, TXA dosage must be balanced with related to retrospectively analyzed data. However, the information
the risks of bleeding and need for transfusions. As mentioned in the authors’ databases is collected prospectively, and these
earlier, the authors’ study did not “prove” that there are indeed databases undergo periodic audits to ensure validity. Additionally,
high TXA levels in CSF,11 but their study puts forward a the authors’ follow-up was by phone interview, and a small
possible hypothesis for future studies. Other factors of impor- percentage of patients were lost to follow-up. Thus, it is possible
tance also include cerebral emboli from thoracic aortic surgery that there were more patients who had RS postdischarge.
as well as inadequate cerebral protection during DHCA. Hence, Furthermore, the sample size was relatively small, and this may
care must be taken to minimize chances of cerebral emboli cause issues with model fit and instability. However, the purpose
from thoracic aortic surgery and to ensure adequate hypo- of the authors’ study was to develop an exploratory model and to
thermia and consider selective cerebral perfusion during suggest a possible mechanism that could identify important
DHCA.15 factors worth investigating in future studies. As such, the authors
Risk of RS after cardiac surgery and the need to continue felt the best approach to the regression analysis was not using a
antiseizure drugs (with side effects and drug interaction risks) stepwise approach but rather choosing variables that appeared
are a complication that may restrict resumption of normal clinically relevant and that had a p value o 0.1. Variables that
activity and may affect a patient’s quality of life. Intuitively, were collinear (eg, DHCA with thoracic aortic surgery) were
clinicians might equate an RS with a poor outcome and risk of tested in the model and did not change the R2 value significantly;
further RS, thus compelling them to keep a patient on thus, the authors kept the variables with the larger event rates in
anticonvulsants for a prolonged period. In the authors’ study, the analysis. They obtained an R2 value of 0.53 and an area under
however, most patients in the RS group were able to the ROC curve of 0.859 suggesting that their model has some
discontinue anticonvulsant therapy within days of their first value in predicting seizure recurrence. Lastly, the treatment
seizure with no recurrence while in the hospital or at follow-up. decisions for seizures were dependent on the individual physician
This lends support to the hypothesis that RS are due to transient caring for the patient at the time the seizure occurred and, as a
perioperative factors such as higher TXA levels in abnormal result, were not standardized. Hence, it is possible that the RS rate
brains, and, thus, long-term treatment with anticonvulsants may may have been different if all patients with isolated seizure had
not be warranted. Long-term follow-up showed no major been similarly treated. However, the authors’ data, analysis, and
significant differences in outcomes between patients with synthesis may provide clinicians with some additional informa-
recurrent seizure and those with isolated seizure, suggesting tion for clinical decision-making and long-term management as
that having an RS does not necessarily predict a poor well as expanding on data currently available in the literature.
prognosis. In conclusion, the authors’ data suggest that several risk
Lastly, upon comparative analysis of patients who died factors for recurrent postoperative seizure should be considered
while in-hospital versus those who were discharged, the authors when caring for this patient subset. For patients who are
observed that patients having RS were not more likely to die. administered anticonvulsant therapy, discontinuation of these
Factors important for death involved other comorbidities and medications might be considered for most patients while in the
complications such as poor ventricular function, severe respi- hospital followed by a period of observation. This may
ratory disease, high APACHE II score, and stroke. It is minimize accompanying side effects and resulting restrictions
important to note that in the postdischarge follow-up, patients on activities.
with RS had mortality rates, readmission rates, requirements for
anticonvulsant therapy, and driving restriction rates that gen-
erally were comparable to patients with isolated seizures,
suggesting that RS do not increase morbidity or mortality. The authors would like to acknowledge Brett M. Hiebert
These data could influence in-hospital management of patients BSc (Statistics), MSc (Community Health Sciences) who
with RS. provided assistance with statistical analyses.

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