Research 4B Final 1 1
Research 4B Final 1 1
Research 4B Final 1 1
Tourism plays a crucial role in the development and growth of many regions, contributing
to economic, social, and cultural aspects of a destination (Naseem, 2021). The province of
Pampanga, located in the Philippines, boasts a rich cultural heritage, natural attractions, and
a vibrant culinary scene, making it an attractive destination for travelers. Understanding the
factors that influence travelers' destination selection in Pampanga is vital for tourism
stakeholders, policymakers, and businesses to effectively cater to the needs and preferences
of visitors. Pampanga, known as the "Culinary Capital of the Philippines" and the "Christmas
Capital of the Philippines," offers a diverse range of attractions and experiences. From
historical landmarks and cultural sites to nature reserves and adventure activities, Pampanga
has something to offer for every type of traveler. However, the decision-making process
behind destination selection is complex and influenced by various factors (Liu et al., 2023).
This study is to identify and analyze the factors influencing the destination selection of
travelers in Pampanga. By examining these factors, tourism stakeholders can gain valuable
insights into the preferences and motivations of travelers, allowing them to develop targeted
strategies for destination promotion, product development, and marketing (Mihai et al.,
When travelers embark on a journey, they carefully consider various factors that shape
their decision-making process in selecting a destination. Accommodation, accessibility,
activities, amenities, and attractions are crucial elements that significantly influence travelers'
destination choices (Kim & Jogaratnam, 2019; Lee & Lee, 2019). Understanding these factors
is essential for destinations and tourism organizations to effectively cater to travelers'
preferences and enhance their overall travel experience.
According to Varkaris, E. and Neuhofer, B. Participants generally agreed that social media
content plays an important role when deciding which hotel to pick. Base to Dey, B., Mathew,
J. and Chee-Hua, C. (2020), hostels in rural areas have become a popular choice for
travelers. Accommodation is a pivotal factor in destination selection. Research indicates that
the availability and quality of accommodations directly impact travelers' decisions (Li et al.,
2020). Factors such as price, comfort, cleanliness, and proximity to attractions or amenities
are crucial considerations for travelers when choosing accommodation options (Kim &
Jogaratnam, 2019)
Based on the study (Bayne et al., 2021) revealed the most important facilitator of
older adults’ use of ride share services was the desire to remain independent, particularly
among those with health conditions and special needs that prevented them from using
other transportation. Accessibility plays a vital role in destination selection as well. Studies
have shown that travelers evaluate the ease and convenience of reaching a destination,
including transportation options, travel time, and cost. The accessibility of airports, train
stations, highways, and public transportation systems significantly influences travelers'
decision making. In contrast, accessibility has an insignificant but beneficial impact on
consumer satisfaction, according to Nur Hayati and Desi Novitasari's study. This indicates that
there are other elements that have a greater impact on customer satisfaction than
accessibility. A tourist destination's accessibility determines how tourists can get there. Lack of
adequate access to travel may mean that accessibility will not have a substantial impact on
visitor satisfaction, which will lower the number of tourists who choose to visit a destination.
According to the study (Nurul Farah Izzah Zailani, Ahmad Albattat, Sin Yee Wong,
Mohammad Haziq Md Nazri, Nini Shaliza Mohd Zuraimi, 2023), Improving services and
goods in the hospitality and tourist business is among the main motivating factors for
people to visit wellness and health centres and gain an understanding regarding who and
why people go to spas. Visitors and tourists have high expectations, based on their tastes,
when it comes to visiting health and wellness facilities. Determining the factors that
motivate tourists for wellness and health tourism is crucial. Activities and experiences
available at a destination are key influencers in destination selection. Travelers seek
destinations that offer a diverse range of activities and attractions to suit their interests and
preferences (Lee & Lee, 2019). Whether it is adventure sports, cultural experiences, shopping,
dining, or relaxation in natural surroundings, the availability and variety of activities greatly
influence the choice of destination (Li et al., 2020).
parking, complimentary breakfast, Ac and other. Amenities are another important factor for
travelers. The availability of essential amenities such as healthcare facilities, shopping centers,
restaurants, and entertainment options contributes to a comfortable and enjoyable stay,
influencing destination selection (Kim & Jogaratnam, 2019).
This study aimed to contribute to the existing knowledge in the field of tourism by
examining the influence of accommodation, accessibility, activities, amenities, and
attractions on destination selection. By conducting a comprehensive study, incorporating
both qualitative and quantitative methods, this research seeks to provide valuable insights
for tourism stakeholders (Kim & Jogaratnam, 2019). The findings will enable them to
develop and implement effective strategies to promote their destinations, enhance the
visitor experience, and drive tourism growth.
Making choices about where to travel may be exciting for visitors, but it can be tough
to choose which attractive sites to visit and discover. The core of tourists’ decision in
choosing a location is very important in deciding the best places to travel since it connects
them to the important factors that may impact the decision- making. (Mangali).
In accordance with this, this study aimed to determine the factors influencing the
destination selection of travelers in Pampanga specifically from selected Travelers.
Specifically, this study will seek answers to the following questions:
1. How do the following factors influence the Travelers in choosing a decision in terms of:
1.1 Accommodation
1.2 Accessibility
1.3 Activities
1.4 Amenities
1.5 Attractions
2. What is the most influential factors in choosing a destination among the Travelers?
The respondents of the study would be the travelers in Pampanga. 100 travelers will be
used as a sample in the survey that would be conducted. The study would focus on the
factors that influence the destination selection of travelers in Pampanga, namely:
Attractions, Accessibility, Accommodation, Activities, and Amenities. Furthermore, the study
will not discuss other factors that are not mentioned, and it would not include selling or
promoting specific products, services, or destinations.
This research aimed to provide crucial information and would make a significant
contribution to the huge knowledge of tourism factors and decision-making. Furthermore,
the findings of this study may be highly important and beneficial to the following:
In conducting a study on the factors influencing the destination selection of travelers in
Pampanga, the following stakeholders are likely to contribute:
Tourists: Their experiences, perceptions, and preferences will be critical in providing firsthand
insights into the factors influencing their choice of destination as a destination.
Local Communities: Residents and community members can contribute by sharing cultural
insights, historical knowledge, and perspectives on how tourism affects their locality.
Tourism Industry Professionals: Hotel owners, tour operators, travel agents, and guides will
offer valuable perspectives on the demands and expectations of tourists, as well as the
challenges and opportunities in the tourism industry.
Researchers and Academia: Scholars and researchers focusing on tourism in Pampanga can
contribute through academic studies, data analysis, and research findings that deepen the
understanding of destination selection factors.
Research Design
The study used quantitative research, which deals with statistics, as its source of
information. This study would employ statistical information and quantifiable variables to
address the problem and convert it into useful data. When gathering information from
respondents, the researcher used a descriptive study design.
The ideal design focused on providing answers to queries such who, how, what, which,
when, and how much. A descriptive study is meticulously planned to ensure accurate
descriptions of the situation, to ensure that there is no prejudice in the data gathering, and
to minimize errors in the interpretation of the data acquired. Using this descriptive research
strategy, researchers will be able to accurately and successfully collect data from the
The researchers employed a survey questionnaire that was divided into two parts as
the research instrument. The first part contains the respondents' demographics, which include
their age, gender, and name (optional). The questions regarding their travel choices, which
include the 5 A’s (Attraction, Amenities, Activities, Accessibility, and Accommodation), the
questionnaire consists of a 4-point likelihood of destination selection.
The rating options include "strongly agree", "agree", "disagree" and "strongly
disagree". Additionally, statements that are rated based on the 5 A’s (Attraction, Amenities,
Activities, Accessibility, and Accommodation) the study's goal is to discover the Factors
influencing the destination selection of travelers in Pampanga.
The research's responses would collect using a purposive sample technique, with a
quota of 100 participants. The method of "purposive sampling" is one of the research
sampling approaches. Purposive sampling, additionally referred to as judgmental sampling,
is a sampling technique that depends on the assessment of the researcher when deciding
which people, situations, or events would yield the most useful data for the study's goals.
This can be extremely valuable if you need to find examples with a lot of information or get
the most of little resources, but it is highly susceptible to research biases like bias based on
observation. Finding the examples, people, or places most suited to assisting you in
answering your research issue is the major objective of purposive sampling. Purposive
sampling is therefore most effective when you have an extensive amount of background
knowledge on your research issue. The standard of your sample would be enhanced
depending on how much information you provide.
The researchers had spent a significant amount of time, effort, and collaboration
preparing the questionnaire in order to serve its intended respondents. The survey was
created utilizing appropriate questions adapted from previous studies as well as individual
questions put together by the researchers. Furthermore, these questions were thoroughly
evaluated to ensure their effectiveness and were adjusted to accommodate all of the
corrections for each question.
Following the professor's approval of the study's questioners, the researchers carried out
the following steps in order to collect the study's data: first, they carefully considered each
question before creating the survey.
Second, will distribute among all the travelers in Pampanga, which are randomly choose
and distribute evenly from the students ranging ages 18- 50 years old are the respondents
chosen by the researchers in this study. In order to ensure the survey's accuracy and
objectivity, the researchers took care to keep each respondent's identify and personal
information private.
Additionally, no incentives were offered to respondents for completing the survey because
doing so might have affected their responses. It might have an impact on the study's overall
objectivity. The survey was disseminated by the researchers so that college students from
each area may respond. Additionally, it gave respondents the chance to reach out to
researchers with any questions or issues they had regarding the survey's results. Finally,
once the participants responded to the survey, the researchers compiled all the data and
examined the responses.
Ethical Consideration
The researchers followed with ethical standards before conducting the study. In order to
accomplish this, information will be provided to research participants to inform them of the
goals of the research. To protect the respondents' identity, the information received from
them will be kept secret and anonymous. The respondent's participation is fully optional, and
with their agreement, they may choose whether or not to participate. Several strategies are
used to keep participants' identities private. Personal information should not be recorded on
reports, participants will be identified by an allocated number rather than their name, and
data will be securely preserved and disposed permanently.
Data Analysis
The researchers used descriptive statistics for analyzing the data gathered from the
participants. Descriptive statistics are used to organize and summarize data by describing
the connections between factors in a sample or population. The researchers can simply
evaluate and summarize the summary of the survey findings by using statistical treatment.
The following descriptions are used to interpret Likert data:
Table 2 demonstrates the accommodation that the respondent’s answered. The online
visibility of destination accommodations on booking platforms influenced my decision on
where to stay, garnering 3.68. The variety of lodging options, from luxury hotels to home
stays, contributes to destination attractiveness with 4 and the remaining 3 fall under the
availability of budget-friendly accommodations, which is a key consideration in my decision
to visit a destination.
Table 2: Accommodation
Accommodation f/% SA A SD D Mean Interpretation
Table 3 shows the results of the respondents' answers in the Accessibility. This result
shows a total weighted mean of 3.40 among all indicators leading to a strongly agree with
the verbal interpretation.
Table 3: Accessibility
Accessibility f/% SA A SD D Mean Interpretation
3. Proximity to transportation
hubs is an important f 63 37 0 0
Table 4 shows the result of respondents in Activities. As a result, the weighted mean
of 3.58 indicates a verbal interpretation of strongly agree.
Table 4: Activities
Activities f/% SA A SD D Mean Interpretation
Table 5 shows the result of respondents in Amenities with the total of 3.66 among all
indicators that leads to interpretation of strongly agree.
Table 5: Amenities
Amenities f/% SA A SD D Mean Interpretation
Table 6 shows the total result of Attractions. This result shows the total weighted
mean of 3.66 throughout all indicators in a verbal interpretation of strongly agree.
Table 6: Attractions
Attractions f/% SA A SD D Mean Interpretation
The factors that are most important in choosing a destination among travelers,
according to table 7, are attractions and amenities. In a verbal interpretation of strongly
agree, this result displays an overall weighted mean of 3.66 among the various indicators.
Table 7: Indicators
The study aimed to identify and analyze the factors influencing the destination selection
of travelers in Pampanga. In order to reach the general objective of the study, it discusses
the 5A’s of tourism which includes attractions, accessibility, accommodation, activities, and
Based on the result from table 2, it indicates that the Accommodation describes about
the tourist decision on where they are going to stay. The accommodations that the
respondents provided are shown in Table 2. The online visibility of destination
accommodations on booking platforms influenced my decision on where to stay, which
received a 3.68 rating. The variety of lodging options, from luxury hotels to home stays,
contributes to destination attractiveness with 4 and the remaining 3 fall under the availability
of budget-friendly accommodations, which is a key consideration in my decision to visit a
destination. According to Anna Duncan (2023), accommodation refers to the quantity and
quality of hotel alternatives in a place. This includes anything from resorts and hotel
properties to vacation rentals and campgrounds.
As a result from table 3, it appears that in the Accessibility, the respondents are more
likely to consider the road networks and transportation when planning a trip. Table 3
demonstrates that the ease of transportation, including proximity to airports and road
networks, played a significant role in my decision to visit, got a total mean of 3.58. The
availability of convenient transportation options, like well- maintained public transportation
or ride-sharing services, contributed to my decision to with a total of 3.59 rate that most of
respondents are strongly agree. Question 3 got the most high total mean among all
indicators of proximity to transportation hubs is an important consideration when planning
my trip to destination.
The result from table 4 in Activities, according to the result as the highest who answered
strongly agree, shows that the respondents chose about prioritizing the destinations that
offer relaxation and wellness activities which got a result of 3.63 mean. This means, they
prefer to relax while on vacation rather than doing extreme activities. From the question
number 2, 3.52 is the total mean which is they actively seek destinations with a mix of
cultural, recreational, and adventure activities when planning a trip. While question 3 got
3.58, the availability of unique and diverse activities is a major consideration for me when
choosing a tourist destination. Since the results we obtained show that activities have a
substantial effect on destination choice, including specific activities in advertising campaigns
should help a place attract more tourists.
According to the result in table 5 in Amenities, The presence of modern amenities, such
as Wi-Fi availability and well-equipped facilities, positively impacted my experience in
destination, which received a 3.66 rating. The influence of the amenities to the respondents
is that it shows the highest result who answered the strongly agree is the cleanliness of the
facility when making a travel decision. They strongly believe that cleanliness and
hygiene standards plays a crucial role when it comes on choosing a facility, which got a 3.70
mean. In the question 3, the cultural authenticity of amenities, like traditional markets or
local eateries, is important in my travel decisions is a 3.62 mean. According to Abbie
Jamieson (2023), tourism amenities have various benefits, including increasing traveler
happiness, attracting additional visitors, and contributing to the local economy. They leave a
pleasant impression and contribute to a destination's reputation, promoting subsequent trips
and recommending the benefits of the location to others.
Moreover, the result from table 6 shows on what types of attractions do the
respondents prefer when they plan their trips. This table demonstrates that the presence of
natural wonders, such as beaches or mountains, is a key factor in determining my travel
destination, with a rate of 3.69 mean. Question number 2 got 3.61 mean which stated that,
they prioritize destinations that offer a mix of iconic landmarks and hidden gems to explore.
From the question 3, respondents are more likely to choose a destination based on the
availability of attractions suitable for different age groups and interests, with a total mean of
3.68. One of the most thrilling aspects of travel is visiting tourist sites. These attractions
might range from historical landmarks to natural wonders, and they attract people from all
around the world (Duncan, A., 2023). Additionally, participants are more inclined to enjoy
and explore with new challenges.
1. Table 2 presents the outcome of the accommodation. The result shows a strongly
agree interpretation with a total rating of 3.56 across all indicators.
2. The results of the respondents' responses in the accessibility are displayed in Table 3.
The overall weighted mean of 3.40 across all factors in this result indicates a strongly
agree with the verbal interpretation.
3. The results of the respondents' activities are displayed in Table 4. Consequently, the
verbal interpretation of strongly agree is indicated by the weighted mean of 3.58.
4. Table 5 presents the respondents' Amenities result, which is 3.66 overall across all
factors, indicating strongly agree.
5. Table 6 illustrates the total Attractions result. The overall weighted mean of 3.66
across all factors in this result indicates a verbal interpretation of strongly agree.
Different government officials can take specific actions to prioritize destination
Forming partnerships with local governments is vital for effective implementation and
continuous monitoring of accessibility standards. Local governments can play a key role in
adapting policies to suit the specific needs of their communities, ensuring that accessibility
is a priority at the grassroots level. Together, these concerted efforts can create a
comprehensive and sustainable framework for prioritizing destination accessibility. Creating
a truly accessible destination involves a holistic approach, where various stakeholders,
including government bodies, businesses, and the community, collaborate to remove
barriers and ensure that everyone can enjoy and benefit from the destination.
To enhance the success of these goals, travelers must make a decision about their
travel options, which include who they want to go with, where they want to go, and other
factors and reasons for traveling. This may impact tourism destination selection. This
method assists people in recognizing and articulating the different ways they have grown
The goal of the study is to better understand how travelers choose their destinations
so that they may make better decisions and gain benefits. Travelers must choose their
travel alternatives, including who they want to go with, where they want to go, and other
variables and reasons for their trip, in order to maximize the attainment of these goals.
This might influence the choice of travel location. This strategy facilitates understanding
and implementation of various professional growth strategies. Enhancing the decision-
making process is crucial to maximizing the efficacy of this study and guaranteeing that the