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Beerepoot 2023 Formative and Summative Automated Assessment With Multiple Choice Question Banks

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Formative and Summative Automated Assessment with Multiple-

Choice Question Banks
Maarten T. P. Beerepoot*

Cite This: J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100, 2947−2955 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: Digital automated assessment is a valuable and

time-efficient tool for educators to provide immediate and
objective feedback to learners. Automated assessment, however,
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puts high demands on the quality of the questions, alignment with

the intended learning outcomes, and the quality of the feedback
provided to the learners. We here describe the development and
use of a large number (N > 180) of question banks with multiple
items (N ≥ 20) that are aligned to the intended learning outcomes
of an undergraduate general chemistry course. Even though the
development of a large number of high-quality question banks is a
formidable task, they allow for flexible and easy-to-implement
solutions for formative and summative assessment once developed.
We here discuss three applications of the question banks: formative assessment in large online classes, practice tests that provide
formative assessment outside classes, and summative assessment through a digital exam. We highlight the importance of aligning the
question banks with intended learning outcomes, providing additional feedback to the learners and of quality assurance of the
question banks, and show how the combined use of the question banks supports student self-regulated learning. We hope that the
present work can inspire others to discover the various applications of question banks for formative and summative assessment.
KEYWORDS: First-Year Undergraduate, General Chemistry, Testing/Assessment, Item Banks, E-Learning, Online Quizzes,
Web-Based Learning, ChatGPT

Practice testing has been documented to be effective in learning,
online courses in different scientific fields and found common
flaws in more than half of the questions, highlighting the
especially when practice is distributed over time and when importance of quality control and proper training of staff that
learners are provided with feedback on their performance.1 write MC items.6 Generating plausible and functioning
Spending a given amount of time on practice tests improves distractors can be particularly challenging for educators.7 A
performance more than spending the same amount of time on recent analysis of over 11,000 MC items across different
restudying.2 This so-called testing ef fect is present even when no undergraduate levels and disciplines revealed that 8% of all items
feedback is provided, indicating that the act of testing itself were negatively discriminating (i.e., low-achieving students
improves retention of the material.3 Testing concepts in an perform better than high-achieving students on that item), often
authentic classroom setting is beneficial for exam performance because a distractor is erroneously set as the correct answer.8
also when the concepts are assessed in a different way on an Not only the quality of the questions, but also the educational
exam.4,5 Thus, practice tests inside and outside the classroom context in which the digital tests are taken are decisive for
can have a positive effect on student learning. success. Nicol9 argues that MC items can be effectively
Automated assessment with multiple-choice (MC) items implemented to develop students’ self-regulated learning and
allows for immediate feedback to learners in a time-efficient provides explicit examples on how the educational context can
manner, free from assessment bias. Indeed, learners can use be manipulated to satisfy the seven research-based principles of
digital practice tests whenever, wherever, and as often they want,
without direct involvement of the educator. However, Received: February 10, 2023
automated assessment also puts high demands on the quality Revised: June 16, 2023
of the items as well as on the reliability and validity of the test. Published: July 18, 2023
Producing high-quality MC items is a challenging and time-
consuming task that requires experience and training. Costello et
al. investigated the quality of questions used in massive open
© 2023 The Author. Published by
American Chemical Society and Division
of Chemical Education, Inc. 2947 J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100, 2947−2955
Journal of Chemical Education Article

good feedback practice from Nicol and Macfarlane-Dick.10 biotechnology, chemistry, and geology. The contents of the
Hattie and Timperley reviewed the differential impact of course are divided in 14 topics with one topic per week and
different forms of feedback and found that computer-mediated around five new intended learning outcomes per topic. The
feedback can be one of the most powerful forms of feedback.11 learning management system contains various resources for self-
In the absence of feedback, the danger of MC items is that study, including prerecorded video lectures, short videos linked
students may endorse a lure, believing it to be the correct to the intended learning outcomes, references to relevant
answer.12 In the presence of feedback, however, this negative chapters in the textbook,28 and practice tests. Students are
effect of MC testing is greatly reduced while a larger positive expected to prepare for classes using these resources. Teaching
testing effect is observed,13 highlighting the need for feedback activities in the course consists of on-campus seminar and
when MC items are used. In addition to corrective feedback, laboratory classes in groups of approximately 20 students in
frequent quizzing is another factor that is associated with high combination with live online classes for all students together. A
learning gains.5 main objective of the seminar classes is to support the students
MC items are widely used in undergraduate chemistry in mastering the chemical concepts and chemical vocabulary for
curricula and their use has been the object of various the present topic. Hence, focus in the seminar classes is on
investigations in this journal.14−27 Tellinghuisen and Sulikowski discussion of conceptual question in groups of around four
found that the performance on MC exams may depend on the students. Every group of approximately 20 students has one
order of the responses and to some degree also on the order of teaching assistant involved in both seminar and laboratory
the questions in the exam.14 Schroeder et al. found that these classes throughout the whole semester. A more detailed
answer-ordering effects are more important for conceptual description of the large online classes and practice tests is
questions and that several consecutive difficult questions included in the section on the application of the question banks.
decrease performance compared to difficult questions that are
Description of the Exam
spread over the entire test.15 Hartman and Lin found that the
percentage of students answering a particular question correctly Access to the exam is obtained by attending at least 10 out of 14
decreases with five percent for each additional algorithmic seminar classes and passing all five compulsory digital tests, two
step,16 clearly showing that the difficulty of an item easily can be hand-in assignments and the laboratory course. The focus of the
tuned by question design. Towns stresses the importance of hand-in assignments is on drawing (structural formulas,
well-formulated learning outcomes when making MC items and structural isomerism, covalent vs ionic bonds, orbitals, Lewis
provides useful guidelines to help in the stem formulation, structures, and three-dimensional molecular shapes) and
selection of distractors, and analysis of test results. 17 explaining, which are learning outcomes that can only be
Domyancich shares strategies to (re)design MC items that indirectly assessed in MC items. In our experience, individual
assess higher-order cognitive skills.18 Knaus et al. describe how a feedback on drawing skills often does not get enough attention
combination of performance data and mental effort measures on in the classroom and certainly not in online classes. Formative
a practice exam with MC items can provide students and assessment on the hand-in assignments is provided to the
chemical educators with metacognitive information that can students in the form of rubrics and free-text comments.
help shape self-study as well as teaching.19 Several studies Compulsory digital tests, on the other hand, are automatically
address academic integrity issues for online unproctored exams assessed. Ten out of 12 points are needed to pass all assignments
and discuss various strategies to minimize cheating including and tests throughout the semester. This included preparatory
modification of the formulation of MC items.20−22 These tests for the laboratory course, but not the laboratory safety
investigations as well as the concrete examples provided in the course where a full score is needed for the student to be allowed
mentioned works are helpful in the development of MC items, access to the laboratory. Students are given multiple attempts to
question banks, and digital tests for chemistry education. pass all these course requirements. The high demands for
The aim of the current work is to show how MC question passing the course requirements (10 out of 12 points
banks with similar items can contribute to various forms for corresponds to a passing threshold of 83%) typically result in
formative and summative assessment. In the next section, we students engaging with the course material from day one and
describe the development of the question banks in an using multiple attempts where needed, rather than dropping out
undergraduate general chemistry course as well as the statistical when failing to meet the requirements. As is common in the
item analysis used in this work. We then discuss three ways in Norwegian educational system, all assignments during the
which we use these question banks: for formative assessment in semester are formative and do not count toward the final grade.
large online classes, for practice tests that provide formative Thus, the final exam accounts for 100% of the students’ grade.
assessment outside classes, and for summative assessment Since 2020, the final exam is a 3 h digital exam which is
through a digital exam. Extensive analysis of student results and automatically graded on an A−F scale where F represents fail.
student perspectives from course evaluations is beyond the No points are subtracted for wrong answers. It is important for
scope of this work. In the general discussion, we highlight the students to know the implications of the marking system.29
importance of quality assurance of the question banks and show Hence, students are urged to select an answer for each MC item.
how the three applications collectively support students’ self- Alternative strategies exist and include discouraging guessing24
regulation of learning. and partial-credit scoring.25,26

Description of the Course
The use of the question banks in the final exam is further
discussed in the section on the application of the question banks,
whereas aspects related to exam security are discussed here.
The exam was administered as a home exam in 2020 and
The question banks are used in a general chemistry course with 2021. The current version of the exam contains 50−55
approximately two hundred students from over ten different questions, allowing students that have practiced adequately
study programs including biology, biomedicine, pharmacy, just enough time to finish the exam within the 3 h time frame. An
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Journal of Chemical Education Article

Table 1. Example Questions Q1−Q7: Question Banks with a Large Number of Items Can Be Made by Exchanging the Set of
Responses (Q1−Q4), a Part of the Stem (Q5−Q6), or Both
Q1 Which of the following is the longest bond?
(A) H−Cl (B) H−F (C) H−I (D) H−Br
Q2 Which of the following is the strongest acid?
(A) HCl (B) HF (C) HI (D) HBr
Q3 Which of the following ions has the largest radius?
(A) O2− (B) F− (C) Na+ (D) Mg2+
Q4 Which of the following elements has the highest ionization energy?
(A) He (B) Ne (C) Ar (D) Kr
Q5 How can HF be classified?
(A) strong acid (B) weak acid (C) strong base (D) weak base
Q6 What kind of reaction is the following reaction?
6 H+ (aq) + 2 MnO4− (aq) + 5 H2O2 (aq) → 2 Mn2+ (aq) + 5 O2 (g) + 8 H2O (l)
(A) solution reaction (B) precipitation reaction (C) acid−base reaction (D) redox reaction
Q7 What is the oxidizing agent in the following reaction?
6 H+ (aq) + 2 MnO4− (aq) + 5 H2O2 (aq) → 2 Mn2+ (aq) + 5 O2 (g) + 8 H2O (l)
(A) Mn2+ (B) MnO4− (C) H2O2 (D) O2

academic integrity pledge inspired by Nguyen et al.21 and and are being used for formative and summative assessment, but
aligned with institutional and course-specific guidelines has been are not discussed specifically in the present work. The items are
in place since the first administration in 2020. Randomization of written in Norwegian and example questions (Q) in this work
the question order was introduced in 2021. Backtracking to have been translated to English. For all purposes described in
earlier questions was permitted to facilitate the common exam- this work, it is essential that the question banks are aligned with
taking strategy of initially skipping difficult questions.22 Even the intended learning outcomes of the course. Indeed, each
though the use of question banks,20,23,30 integrity pledges,21,30 learning outcome is covered by at least one question bank to the
time limits,20,22,30 and randomization of the question order are extent to which this is possible. Conversely, one or more
all strategies that make collaboration more difficult, it is question banks together cover the essence of each learning
impossible to prevent collaboration in unproctored home outcome. As observed by Towns, well-defined learning out-
exams entirely. Opportunities for collaboration give an unfair comes facilitate item writing, and questions that are not directly
advantage to students who choose not to follow academic related to an intended learning outcome should be avoided.17
integrity regulations. Hence, the exam delivery was changed to Various strategies were used to construct 20 or more similar
an in-person proctored exam in 2022. items in a question bank, as illustrated here using Q1−Q7
The use of a textbook, notes, and online resources during the (Table 1). Some question banks contain items with an identical
exam was allowed between 2020 and 2022. The rationale behind stem and different response sets containing for example bonds
was to focus on the application of knowledge and contribute to a (Q1), molecules (Q2), ions (Q3), or elements (Q4). Other
more authentic assessment environment. Indeed, students can question banks contain items with identical response sets and
also use online resources when they apply general chemistry similar stems, differing in for example a molecule (Q5) or a
knowledge in work or studies later. It would be naive to not allow chemical equation (Q6) in the stem. In Q7, four different items
online resources in an unproctored home exam and assume that with an identical response set were made per chemical equation
all students adhere to these guidelines.22 In fact, Clark et al. have by inverting the chemical equation and/or exchanging oxidizing
documented that exam questions where the answer can be agent with reducing agent. Since the typesetting of chemical
searched online are answered correctly more often in an equations is relatively time-consuming, chemical equations were
unproctored home exam than in an in-person proctored exam.20 to a large extent reused within the same (Q7) or different (Q6
Our strategy has been�in line with others20,22�to formulate and Q7) question banks. In response sets with numerical
items such that they assess application of knowledge that is
answers, distractors were mainly generated either from common
readily available by an online search. We predict, however, that
computational errors�which is a recommended17 but time-
the rapid advance of easily available artificial intelligence (AI)
consuming strategy�or in a less time-consuming manner by
tools such as ChatGPT31 will be a game-changer in chemistry
creating a set of four MC items with an identical response set
assessment. Even though an early version of ChatGPT may
where each response is the correct answer to one of these items.
struggle with nontext input and application questions32 and
provides answers that cannot be trusted,27 it is likely only a The main guiding principle to construct distractors was to use
matter of time before AI tools outperform most students on even plausible distractors only.7,17
the most advanced questions. Hence, we have decided to restrict AI text-generation software such as ChatGPT provides
the use of resources allowed during the exam to include only off- chemistry educators with a range of opportunities that were
line resources (e.g., textbook, notes) from 2023. not easily available before, including generating assessment
items and multiple versions and answers33 and designing
Development of the Question Banks assignments where students assess ChatGPT responses to
We have so far developed over 180 question banks for the stimulate critical thinking.27 ChatGPT and other resources
general chemistry course with at least 20 similar items per could be helpful to generate multiple versions of an item and
question bank. Originally, all items were MC items with one have the potential to assist in the creation of relevant and
correct answer and usually three distractors. Other question consistent distractors in a time-efficient manner. In addition to
types that allow for automated assessment have been added later quality assurance�which is required for manual and AI-assisted
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Journal of Chemical Education Article

item generation alike�this requires a workflow where the robust indices. One should however be aware that the resulting
generated text output can be straightforwardly converted to difficulty and discriminatory power of the question bank are not
actual MC items in the chosen digital environment. necessarily representative for each of the individual items within
The ordering of the responses in a MC item influences the that question bank.
performance, as has been demonstrated in the chemistry We note that both the difficulty index and the discriminatory
education literature.14,15 In particular, performance is better index are calculated from a specific test, in this work from
when the correct answer appears earlier among the possible practice tests, compulsory tests or the digital exam. Thus, the
responses. We have not paid any particular attention to the indices for the same item or question bank may differ between
ordering of responses in the items and instead randomized the different tests. One might for example expect that the difficulty
response order for all questions in all tests where the question index of a particular question is higher in the final exam than in a
banks are used. practice test taken during the semester, reflecting among others
The question banks described here are used in online classes, the effect of practice.
in the compulsory digital tests that need to be passed to obtain
access to the exam, in the digital exam, as well as in the practice
tests available to the students throughout the entire semester. ■ APPLICATIONS OF THE QUESTION BANKS
The development of a large number of question banks is a
Item Analysis formidable task. However, once developed, the question banks
Item analysis34 was used for quality assurance and analysis. Item allow for flexible and easy-to-implement solutions for formative
statistics were downloaded from the learning management and summative assessment.30 We here describe and discuss how
system for practice tests, compulsory tests and for the digital we have used the question banks for formative assessment in
exam. These statistics include the number of students that have large online classes, formative assessment in practice tests used
answered a particular item and the number of students that outside classes and for summative assessment in a digital exam.
answered correctly. These item statistics are anonymous and In the general discussion that follows, we discuss quality
contain data sorted per item rather than per student. The assurance of the question banks and discuss how the various
difficulty index p of an item is the ratio of correct answers applications of the question banks in the course collectively
(Ncorrect) to the total number of answers to that item (Ntot) in a support student self-regulated learning.
particular test.34 Formative Assessment in Large Online Classes
Teaching large classes may pose several challenges for student
learning. Indeed, large classes often lead to low motivation, poor
engagement, and poor student−teacher interaction. Students
The difficulty index ranges from 0 to 1 where 0 (1) represents often assume a passive role in large classes and teachers may
the case where the question never (always) has been answered struggle to implement active learning with large student
correctly. As a rule of thumb, an item with a difficulty index groups.36 In large online classes, the importance of motivation,
below 0.25 can be considered difficult whereas an item with a engagement and student-teacher interaction on student learning
difficulty index above 0.75 can be considered easy.17 Items with may be even more evident. The use of MC items in large classes
intermediate difficulty can in theory have the highest has the potential to deal with some of the mentioned challenges.
discriminatory power. In practice, however, adequate discrim- Their implementation in online classes is particularly
ination can be obtained for a wide range of difficulty indices and straightforward since students are anyway connected to a
a target difficulty of 0.35 ≥ p ≥ 0.90 has been established for MC computer or mobile device.
items with four options.8 Discussion of items from the question banks constitute the
The discriminatory index D of an item indicates how well the central part of the online classes in the general chemistry course
item discriminates between students that have an overall high at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. The used teaching
score on a test and students that have an overall low score on the method can be classified as a f lipped-classroom approach in the
test.34 Thus, students are grouped together based on their sense that information transmission is moved outside class, class
overall test score. In this work, we have used the upper 27% and time is used for active learning activities and students need to
lower 27% groups to calculate the discriminatory index, which prepare for classes in order to fully benefit from in-class work.37
corresponds to the theoretically optimal choice of groups.35 The A flipped-classroom approach to general chemistry has been
discriminatory index is calculated by subtracting the difficulty shown to result in improved performance compared to a lecture-
index of the lower-performing group from the difficulty index based approach for algorithmic and especially conceptual
from the upper-performing group. The discriminatory index questions, as measured by a standardized exam.38 With the
thus ranges from −1 to 1 where an index of 1 represents the case exception of a short introduction on what is going on in the
where the upper 27% all answer correctly and the lower 27% all course in the particular week, the online classes consist of a series
incorrectly. A discriminatory index above 0.358 or 0.4017 is of polls with feedback (Figure 1). First, an item from the
considered excellent, whereas an index below 0.158 or 0.2017 question banks is shown to the students, who then answer
indicates that the item is problematic. We note, however, that a individually. Based on the distribution of the responses, the
more reliable measure of item discrimination can be obtained by teacher then chooses to provide the students with feedback
excluding the score of the item in question from the total test either through a hint or through discussion of the correct
score.8 answer. This choice can be made on the basis of one of several
We have similarly calculated the difficulty index and criteria such as the difficulty index of the item or whether the
discriminatory index of a question bank by summing Ncorrect most popular answer is correct or false. In either way, the teacher
and Ntot over all items in a that question bank. In the same way, feedback is adapted based on (i) the percentage of students
we can calculate the total difficulty of a test or of a series of MC answering the item correctly (p); (ii) the relative frequency of
items that is part of it. This approach yields statistically more each of the distractors chosen by the students; and (iii) the time
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Journal of Chemical Education Article

Table 2. Example Questions Q8−Q11: Sequence of MC

Items Illustrating a Typical Scaffolding Procedure Used in
Q8 What is the predicted molecular shape of SiCl4, based on VSEPR
(A) tetrahedral (B) square planar (C) seesaw (D) trigonal pyramidal
Figure 1. Flowchart illustrating the use of MC items and the role of Q9 Which of the following molecules has a dipole moment?
feedback in large online classes. The choice whether to provide
(A) SiCl4 (B) SiO2 (C) PCl5 (D) PCl3
feedback through a hint or through an elaboration of the correct answer
Q10 Which are the strongest intermolecular forces between two molecules
is made based on the distribution of the student responses to the of PCl3?
individual poll.
(A) hydrogen bonds (B) dipole−dipole forces (C) ion−dipole forces
(D) dispersion forces
Q11 Which are the strongest intermolecular forces between two molecules
it takes for the students to answer. After one to three�but of PCl5?
usually one�round of polling and feedback, the same procedure (A) hydrogen bonds (B) dipole−dipole forces (C) ion−dipole forces
is repeated for the next item, which can be selected from the (D) dispersion forces
same or from a different question bank. One round takes 6 min
on average with a wide spread depending on the difficulty of the
practice tests before and after classes. Teacher feedback during
item and in particular on the time needed for the students to
classes can be a valuable supplement to the feedback (correct/
generate the answer.
false) that is provided in automatically assessed practice tests.9
Formative assessment is placed at the forefront in this poll-
Second, the availability of multiple items in the same question
based teaching of large classes. The consecutive cycles of polling
bank easily allows for repetition of intended learning outcomes
and acting on the students’ responses provide continuous
within and in between classes. Third, alignment of in-class MC
feedback in two directions. The teacher is provided with real-
items with items on compulsory tests and the final exam can be
time data on the extent to which the students meet the various
motivating,9 resulting in high attendance and active partic-
intended learning outcomes and can focus on identified areas of
ipation. Finally, quality assurance of the question banks ensures
learning difficulty.9 At the same time, the students are provided
the use of high-quality items, whereas items that are created ad
with clear examples of what they should be able to do (Feed Up),
hoc may suffer from various flaws.6,8
with information to which extent they master the intended
Even though this use of MC items in large online classes may
learning outcomes (Feed Back), and with high-quality
to some extent solve the challenges of poor motivation, poor
information on how to reduce the gap between current and
engagement, and some aspects of poor student−teacher
desired mastery (Feed Forward), together providing them with
interaction, this is not the holy grail of teaching large (online)
the feedback needed to enhance their learning.11 This teaching
classes. Specifically, this teaching method is not particularly well-
method thus allows for continuous diagnostic assessment to the
suited to test learning outcomes that require more time-
teacher and continuous formative assessment to the students.
consuming questions such as multiple-step calculations in a
One could in principle add a metacognitive dimension by having
general chemistry course. Especially for these time-consuming
the students evaluate and report the mental effort used in
questions, differences in response time between students lead to
answering each question, which provided the teacher with an
a situation in which some students are waiting after having given
additional layer of information to shape the feedback.19
their response whereas others anyway do not get enough time to
In addition to well-documented learning gains from using
answer the question. As such, poll-based learning activities might
testing in the classroom,4,5 extensive use of MC items also allows
not fully take advantage of the potential in flipped-classroom
for repetition and scaffolding in a straightforward manner. The
approaches to accommodate a mixed class of novices and
first items in a class are usually taken from a previous topic and
experts.37 Engaging large classes in problem-solving activities is,
serve as repetition and to retrieve and activate relevant
however, a general challenge of flipped-classroom approaches.38
preknowledge. The relevance for the present topic can be
stressed in the discussion of the correct answer. Indeed, the Formative Assessment in Practice Tests
teacher can choose to provide the students with a mini-lecture The question banks were used to construct one practice test for
introducing one of the main concepts of the present topic. An each of the 14 topics in the course to provide an opportunity for
example of this scaffolding is provided in Table 2, where Q8 and formative assessment outside classes. Each of the 14 practice
Q9 test relevant concepts from a previous topic (molecular tests is built up with 12 questions that are drawn from question
shape, bond polarity, and dipole moment), which are central to banks. Where relevant, the first items are drawn from question
the topic of intermolecular forces (Q10 and Q11). A mini- banks from earlier topics to repeat relevant concepts that are
lecture after the discussion of the correct answer to Q9 can related to the intended learning outcomes of the present topic.
consist of introducing hydrogen bonds, dipole−dipole forces, In this way, previous knowledge is repeated and relevant
and dispersion forces as the three main types of intermolecular preknowledge is activated. We thus intentionally introduce
forces and explaining why only the latter act between two priming effects in practice tests, but avoid those in compulsory
molecules of SiCl4. Through this sequence of four questions, tests and the final exam.17 Even though related topics can be
students not only receive feedback on the extent to which they linked in this way (such as in Q9 and Q10 in Table 2), the same
master isolated learning outcomes from the previous and present type of scaffolding as used in online classes cannot be used in
topic, but also get exposed to the way in which the different practice tests since the specific items (specific molecules in Q9
topics are related to each other. and Q10) differ from one student to another and from one
Taking the MC items from question banks has several practice attempt to another. In some cases, easy and difficult
advantages over constructing ad hoc items for teaching purposes versions of a question bank are used, such that the level of
only. First, students can practice with similar questions in difficulty is deliberately increased for subsequent items in the
J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100, 2947−2955
Journal of Chemical Education Article

practice test. This way of scaffolding questions in a practice test Each student received a random item from the same 36 question
can also be used to provide systematic practice on the type of banks, allowing for over 2036 different exam sets, by far exceeding
essential skills that a student needs to master before being able to the number of students that took the exam in that year (N =
solve more complex problems.39 216).
The crucial aspect of the practice tests is that a student can The resulting difficulty index of the total exam in 2020 was p =
take the test multiple times. For each attempt, the specific items 0.82. The individual questions (here summed over all items in a
are similar but not identical and cover the same intended question bank) had difficulty indices between p = 0.48 and p =
learning outcomes. A table in the test instructions specifically 0.96 with five questions below p = 0.72 and five questions above
links each item to the associated intended learning outcome and p = 0.88. Even though almost all questions were within the target
ideally also to a related learning resource. This resource is usually range for adequate discrimination,8 most questions were “easy”
a short video on the learning outcome or a sample problem in according to Towns’ rule of thumb (p > 0.75).17 This probably
the textbook.28 The feedback on the practice tests consists of an reflects among other things the students’ extensive practice in
overall score as well as feedback (correct/incorrect) on each preparation for the exam.
question, such that students cannot believe an incorrect answer Even though the use of the same question banks in practice
to be correct.12 Even though providing the correct answer to a tests and the final exam likely encourages students to practice
practice problem has been shown to result in increased extensively, one could also argue that MC items on the exam
performance on similar problems with an additional increase should be drawn from a different set of question banks. A
from providing a full solution, this effect is especially evident for different set of items on the exam may avoid students becoming
problems with a high degree of similarity, suggesting a rather proficient at the quiz items themselves rather than gaining in-
superficial effect on actual learning.40 The practice tests depth understanding of the associated concepts.30 In addition,
described here are designed as a tool to support students in using a novel set of exam questions in combination with a short
self-regulating their own learning. Students are advised to (i) use time window for the exam might to some extent avoid exam
the practice tests iteratively and revisit (only) the topics related questions appearing online on for example commercial tutoring
to the items that were answered incorrectly and (ii) revisit the Web sites.22,23 We have therefore reduced the similarity of items
practice tests after some weeks. This learning strategy is similar between practice tests and the final exam in subsequent years by
to successive relearning,41 where a possible criterion could be to introducing different question banks and question types in the
continue practicing until all 12 items have been answered final exam such that currently only a minor part of the exam
correctly in the same attempt. items can be encountered during the course.
Even though the practice tests can be used throughout the Since the use of a textbook, notes and other resources was
entire semester and specifically before and after related teaching allowed during the exam in the period from 2020 to 2022, the
activities, most students use the practice tests after classes, in use of items asking for reproduction of facts was limited. Instead,
preparation to compulsory tests and in preparation for the final focus was on the application of knowledge such as examples
exam. Almost all students use the practice tests, although the Q12−Q15 (Table 3), which require a calculation. Q15 (p =
percentage of students taking a given practice tests drops
somewhat during the semester from roughly 95% for the first Table 3. Example Questions Q12−Q15: Test the Application
topic to roughly 80% for topics at the end of the course. The of Knowledge Rather than the Recall of Facts
number of students that eventually obtain the maximum score Q12 What is the pH of a 1.0 mM solution of barium hydroxide?
for a given practice test drops more dramatically during the (A) 11.0 (B) 11.3 (C) 14.0 (D) 13.7
semester from roughly 70% to roughly 30% from the first to the Q13 A container contains only 2.00 g CO2 (g) and 0.750 g He (g) at a
last test, which could reflect among other things the difficulty of pressure of 0.479 atm. What is the partial pressure of He?
the practice tests and the number of opportunities to revisit (A) 0.0915 atm (B) 0.128 atm (C) 0.341 atm (D) 0.377 atm
earlier topics. Q14 We prepare a buffer with pH = 1.50 from a weak acid HA (Ka = 9.00 ×
10−2) and its natrium salt NaA. What is the ratio [A−]/[HA] in the
Summative Assessment buffer?
Items from the question banks were introduced in the final exam (A) 1.4 (B) 1.8 (C) 2.3 (D) 2.8
in two steps. In 2018 and before, the exam was a six-hour written Q15 Choose the right pH indicator for a titration of 20 mL of a 1.00 M
solution of a weak acid (Ka = 4.00 × 10−6) with 1.00 M sodium
exam on campus that only occasionally included one MC item as hydroxide.
part of a larger assignment. In 2019, one assignment (out of six) (A) thymol blue (B) bromophenol blue (C) methyl red
with 15 items (the same items for all 149 students taking the (D) phenolphtalein
exam) was introduced in the written on-campus exam, counting
for 30% of the total number of points on the exam. Statistical 0.86) rewards understanding as an alternative to calculation if a
analysis of the exam results in 2019 revealed that the difficulty student carefully examines the four alternatives and correctly
index of this MC assignment (p = 0.69) was identical with that applies qualitative knowledge on the titration of a weak acid with
for the exam as a whole and that the assignment had an excellent a strong base. For Q12, straightforward conversion of the given
discriminatory index of 0.43. The difficulty index and hydroxide concentration (1.0 mM) to pOH and subsequently to
discriminatory index of the other five questions ranged from pH does not yield the correct answer since stoichiometry has to
0.60 to 0.78 and from 0.40 to 0.56, respectively. be considered. Indeed, this question was one of the most difficult
In 2020, the exam was administered as a three-hour digital (p = 0.50) and discriminatory (D = 0.55) questions on the exam.
home exam consisting of 36 equally weighted MC items using Q9 (p = 0.90) and Q13 (p = 0.92), on the other hand, were
the question banks described in this work. With 20 or more among the easiest ones. Items with a high difficulty index (easy
items per question bank, the total number of MC items used in items) cannot have a high discriminatory power. Hence,
the exam was between seven and eight hundred. Automated removing the easiest questions from the exam can be a strategy
assessment of the exam was also introduced in the same year. to develop a shorter exam with the same or better discriminatory
J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100, 2947−2955
Journal of Chemical Education Article

power. Other strategies to limit the advantage provided by using difficulty indices (from the exam) of 0.50 and 0.48 and high
online resources are the using imaginary (but well-defined) units discriminatory indices of 0.55 and 0.60, respectively.
or constants22 or irrelevant information or context.21 With the Advantages of using question banks for online exams include
advance of readily available AI tools such as ChatGPT,31 randomization of items among students, time-efficient gen-
however, these strategies are unlikely to prevent that MC exams eration of an exam set as well as straightforward generation of
where online resources are allowed will not be adequate to assess practice tests and practice exams that can be taken multiple
understanding in chemistry in the long run. times.30 Additional advantages of using MC items is that a large
While question banks containing items with varying difficulty number of learning outcomes can be assessed in a 3 h exam and
do not pose a problem in no-stake practice tests, using question that the possibility of automated assessment saves the instructor
banks in summative assessment requires the items within a a lot of time. Indeed, one could argue that the time of the
question bank to have similar difficulty. In this way, all students educator should rather be spent on assessment for learning than
are treated equally despite different students getting different on assessment of learning. Disadvantages of using question
items. Even though the effect of items with varying difficulty banks include the increased time needed to generate items and
might average out to some extent, there is no guarantee that this technical challenges in the submission of student drawings.30
happens in all cases. For example, the difficulty of drawing a Indeed, using the approach described in this work, learning
Lewis structure depends to a large extent on the molecule. outcomes based on drawing and explaining can at best be
Indeed, items become more difficult when the selection of the assessed indirectly. In the present general chemistry course,
central atom is nontrivial or when the valence shell of the central these learning outcomes are therefore assessed in compulsory
atom violates the octet rule, in particular in cases with an odd hand-in assignments rather than on the final exam. A possible
number of electrons.42 The question banks selected for use in alternative is to use a combination of automatically assessed
the final exam were therefore carefully examined and adapted items and manually assessed assignment for summative
where needed. For questions that require generating a correct assessment.
Lewis structure, for example, we ensure that different version of
the exam contain the same number of molecules where the
central atom violates the octet rule. As another illustration, we
Quality Assurance of the Question Banks
consider Q12 in which students calculate the pH for a given
solution of a given strong acid or base. Originally, the question Extensive use of question banks with MC items requires
bank consisted of items of varying difficulty according to item thorough quality assurance. Making an occasional mistake is
analysis from a compulsory test given during the course (Table inherent in the process of generating a large number of items.
4). Straightforward conversion from the concentration of a Typical problems include ambiguous formulations,6 non-
functioning distractors,7 and incidentally selecting a distractor
as the key.8 Such problems may cause frustration among
Table 4. Difficulty Index p and Discriminatory Index D for
students and are not acceptable for any of the discussed
Variants of the Q12a,b,c,d
applications. In Table 5 we present four strategies that have been
acid or base concentration Ni Ntot p D proven successful for quality assurance of the question banks
HCl or HNO3 ≥1 mM 4 47 0.98 0.00 presented in this work.
NaOH or KOH ≥1 mM 3 31 0.84 0.50
Ca(OH)2, Sr(OH)2, or ≥1 mM 7 66 0.53 0.51 Table 5. Selected Strategies for Quality Assurance in the
Ba(OH)2 Development of Question Banks
HCl or HNO3 ≪10−7 M 2 18 0.28 0.20
NaOH or KOH ≪10−7 M 1 12 0.17 0.50 Strategy 1 Discuss one item of a question bank thoroughly with a colleague
before extending the question bank with multiple similar items.
Ca(OH)2, Sr(OH)2, or ≪10−7 M 3 28 0.04 0.25
Ba(OH)2 Strategy 2 Encourage colleagues to go through all tests and discuss all items
that may be unclear or problematic.
all items in the question bank 20 202 0.57 0.47
Strategy 3 Analyze test results systematically with a special focus on items
Ni is the number of MC items in the question bank for each with a low or even negative discriminatory index, which could
category. bNtot is the number of times an item in the specified indicate a wrong key.17 Review the entire question bank when
category has been answered on the test. cThe question bank contains one of its items is found to be flawed.
20 items differing in (i) the strong acid/base, which is either a Strategy 4 Implement routines for students to report questions that they
suspect might be wrong. In these cases, either the item or the
monoprotic acid, an alkali hydroxide, or an alkaline earth hydroxide student’s understanding of the material needs to be corrected.
and (ii) the concentration of the acid/base, which is either at least 1
mM or much lower than 10−7 M. dThe data are obtained from a
compulsory test during the semester that was taken by 202 students.
The last row is the sum row.
Supporting Student Self-Regulation of Learning
monoprotic acid to pH (p = 0.98) is easier than conversion from A central argument of Nicol is that high-quality tests are just one
alkali hydroxide concentration to pH (p = 0.84), which in turn is
of two ingredients for successful use of MC items to enhance
easier than conversion from alkali earth hydroxide concentration
(p = 0.53), in which stoichiometry must be taken into account. student learning.9 The other is carefully planning the educa-
Thus, the difficulty increases with the number of algorithmic tional context in which the tests are used. In Table 6 we show
steps in the solution.16 For the final exam, two question banks how the three applications of the question banks collectively
were made from categories with a high discriminatory index: pH support self-regulated student learning through discussion of the
calculation of solutions of alkaline earth hydroxides and for seven principles of good feedback practice to support self-
strong bases with a concentration below 10−7 M. These two regulated learning from Nicol and Macfarlane-Dick10 as applied
questions banks were the most difficult ones on the exam with to MC tests by Nicol.9
J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100, 2947−2955
Journal of Chemical Education Article

Table 6. Seven Principles of Good Feedback Practice That Support Self-Regulated Learning9,10 in Relation to the Three
Applications of the Question Banks Described in This Work
Clarifying goals, In online classes and practice tests, students are continuously exposed to the type of questions they need to be able to master on the exam.
criteria, and
Self-assessment and In practice tests, students find out which learning outcomes they master and receive feedback (correct/false) on their attempts. Items are drawn
reflection from question banks such that students can choose to continue practicing with similar questions, based on their self-assessment.
Delivering high- In online classes, the teacher provides the students with feedback based on the distribution of the students’ responses. Drawing MC items from
quality feedback question banks ensures that these questions are similar to the items that students encounter in practice tests.
Encouraging In online classes, MC items encourage student−teacher dialogue. In practice tests, students get different items form the same question bank,
dialogue around which may encourage peer dialogue. This potential can be exploited further by encouraging students to take practice tests together.
Feedback and In practice tests, drawing MC items from question banks ensures that students have repeated opportunities to take practice tests with items that
motivation are aligned to the exam.
Closing the gap The practice tests provide the students with opportunities to close the gap between current and desired performance. Drawing MC items from
question banks ensures that students can practice with similar questions after checking their answers and revisiting the topics they did not
Feedback shaping Analysis of student results from practice tests provides the teacher with feedback to shape teaching. MC items in online classes can be chosen on
teaching the basis of this analysis. The question banks provide the teacher with a wide choice of high-quality items to select from.

We have discussed three applications of MC question banks that
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