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3rd Section MCQ

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Chapter One

Quality & TQM

First: Requirements For Applying Total Quality Management

1. Who are two of the researchers mentioned that have collected and listed
important variables for TQM?
a) Taylor and McGregor
b) Maslow and Herzberg
c) Porter and Mintzberg
d) Deming and Juran
e) Kotter and Lewin

2. What does the 'Vision' in an organization's strategy represent?

a) Specific goals for the future
b) Previous accomplishments
c) Broad directions of the organization
d) Procedures and systems
e) Future perceptions of the organization's senior management

3. The 'Message' includes which of the following?

a) Future perceptions of competitive position
b) Broad directions of the organization
c) Specific systems and measures
d) Quality assurance protocols
e) Leadership strategies

4. What do 'Objectives' specify?
a) Past performances
b) Message and vision of an organization
c) Goals to achieve within a specific time
d) New organizational styles
e) Quality assurance specifics

5. 'Procedures' in an organization are related to:

a) Vision and message
b) Measurement of performance
c) Competitive positioning
d) Organizational hierarchy
e) Quality assurance definitions

6. Flexible organizational structures focus on:

a) Hierarchical positions
b) Operations as the basis
c) Message and vision alignment
d) Previous organizational achievements
e) Leadership commitments

7. An advanced system for comprehensive quality assurance includes:

a) Building strategies
b) Setting goals
c) Information systems
d) Identifying deviations and addressing them
e) Employee motivation
8. What is the focus when developing positive attitudes among employees?
a) Salary increment
b) Leadership styles
c) Continuous quality improvement
d) Organizational hierarchy
e) Strategy building

9.What is essential for the success of implementing total quality management?

a) High profits
b) Effective leadership
c) Flexible strategies
d) External partnerships
e) Advanced technology

10.Creating an organizational climate and culture is essential for:

a) Financial success
b) Technological advancements
c) Continuous quality improvement
d) Leadership evaluations
e) Competitive strategies

11.Before implementing TQM, it is essential to:

a) Invest in new technologies
b) Hire new employees
c) Evaluate previous requirements
d) Change the vision
e) Alter the organizational structure

12. What should leadership do to ensure the success of TQM?
a) Change the vision frequently
b) Limit employee participation
c) Maintain their commitment to TQM
d) Focus on short-term results
e) Avoid setting clear goals

13.Implementing TQM is characterized as:

a) Easy and short-term
b) Difficult, comprehensive, and long-term
c) Quick and straightforward
d) Only for large organizations
e) Suitable for every situation

14.Clarity of the goal and future vision is essential to:

a) Decrease expenses
b) Increase profits
c) Encourage employee participation
d) Limit employee responsibilities
e) Change leadership styles

15.Which element represents systems followed by an organization to measure

a) Objectives
b) Procedures
c) Vision
d) Message
e) Quality assurance
16.Which is NOT a listed requirement for applying total quality management?
a) Building a strategy
b) Financial profitability
c) Flexible organizational structures
d) Advanced quality assurance system
e) Positive attitudes among employees

17.What ensures increased chances of success in implementing TQM?

a) Rapid technological advancements
b) Frequent change in vision
c) Effective leadership
d) Centralized decision-making
e) Short-term goals

18.The process of implementing TQM requires leadership to:

a) Limit its visibility
b) Hold individuals responsible for results
c) Keep changing the process
d) Avoid providing necessary support
e) Focus on immediate success

19. Before starting TQM, if there's a mismatch with the organization's

leadership style and environment, the advice is to:
a) Immediately implement TQM
b) Create conformity
c) Hire new leadership
d) Change the organization's vision
e) Decrease employee participation
20.The "message" of an organization includes the:
a) Procedures and systems
b) Justifications for its existence
c) Quality control mechanisms
d) Training programs for employees
e) Mechanisms for setting specifications

21.Which of the following is NOT a primary focus of flexible organizational

a) Capability of adaptation to variables
b) High degree of decentralization
c) Emphasis on financial profitability
d) Focus on operations as the basis
e) Meeting performance requirements

22. For continuous quality improvement, an organization must create:

a) A technological advancement climate
b) A financial success culture
c) An organizational climate and culture
d) A competitive positioning environment
e) A leadership-driven environment

23. An advanced system for comprehensive quality assurance defines:

a) Employee training methodologies
b) Leadership styles and strategies
c) Process analysis mechanisms

d) Broad directions of the organization
e) Organizational visions

24.To gain customer satisfaction and loyalty, it's vital to focus on:
a) Increasing the number of products
b) Competitive pricing only
c) Decreasing production costs
d) Continuous development and improvement of quality
e) Increasing marketing campaigns

25.An accurate system for total quality management is related to:

a) The organization's history
b) Financial achievements
c) Information
d) Marketing strategies
e) External partnerships

26.Whose responsibility is it to set foundations and standards for TQM?

a) Employees
b) External partners
c) Customers
d) Effective leadership
e) Shareholders

27.What should leadership ensure before implementing TQM?

a) That there are enough financial resources
b) That total quality management matches leadership styles

c) That employees are adequately trained
d) That the organization is well-known
e) That there are enough technological resources

28.To ensure the success of TQM, leadership should:

a) Keep the process hidden
b) Avoid providing necessary support
c) Keep the process visible
d) Frequently change the organization's vision
e) Focus solely on immediate success

29.For successful TQM application, it's essential to:

a) Limit employee involvement
b) Focus solely on financial growth
c) Encourage participation of all employees
d) Limit leadership's visibility in the process
e) Avoid setting clear goals

30. What does TQM strategy express for an organization?

a) Financial projections
b) Core values
c) Future vision and direction
d) Current capabilities
e) Competitive analysis

31. What does the TQM vision represent?

a) Concrete objectives
b) Senior management's future perceptions
c) Detailed procedures
d) Short term goals
e) Organizational culture

32. What do TQM objectives encompass?

a) Resources needed
b) Performance metrics
c) Goals to be achieved
d) Implementation timeline
e) External environment

33. What do flexible organizational structures allow?

a) Centralized authority
b) Strict hierarchies
c) Modification and adaptation
d) Consistent processes
e) Specialized departments

34. What is the focus of the new organizational style in TQM?

a) Top-down approach
b) Operations
c) Formal relationships
d) Standardization
e) Centralization

35. What does a quality assurance system define in TQM?

a) Strategy and vision

b) Process analysis
c) Organizational structure
d) Team roles
e) Rewards system

36. What kind of attitudes does TQM aim to develop in employees?

a) Acceptance of errors
b) Appreciation of quality
c) Loyalty to leadership
d) Short-term thinking
e) Tolerance for deviation

37. What does an information system support in TQM?

a) Hierarchical control
b) Data-driven decisions
c) Financial reporting
d) Quality management
e) Inventory control

38. What is education and training focused on in TQM?

a) All employees
b) Leadership
c) Managers only
d) Certain departments
e) External partners

39. What is leadership responsible for in TQM?

a) Daily operations

b) Setting foundations and standards
c) Driving profitability
d) Financial planning
e) Risk management

40. What must be evaluated before implementing TQM?

a) Customer feedback
b) Current situation and needs
c) Competitor performance
d) Industry benchmarks
e) Potential ROI

41. What must leadership provide for TQM implementation?

a) Motivation
b) Visibility and support
c) Technical skills
d) Rewards
e) Criticism

42. Why must the TQM goal and vision be clear?

a) To define strategy
b) To drive profitability
c) To enable participation
d) To set objectives
e) To assign responsibilities

43. What flexible organizational structures allow in TQM?

a) Centralized authority

b) Strict hierarchies
c) Adaptation
d) Standard processes
e) Specialization

44. What does a TQM quality assurance system define?

a) Customer needs
b) Process analysis
c) Strategy
d) Structure
e) Culture

45. What kind of attitudes does TQM aim to instill?

a) Loyalty
b) Appreciation of quality
c) Acceptance of errors
d) Short-term thinking
e) Tolerance for deviation

46. TQM requires continuing education for whom?

a) Leadership
b) Certain departments
c) All employees
d) Managers only
e) External partners

47. Effective leadership in TQM involves what?
a) Driving profitability
b) Setting foundations and standards
c) Financial planning
d) Daily operations
e) Risk management

48. What must be evaluated before TQM implementation?

a) Industry benchmarks
b) Potential ROI
c) Competitor performance
d) Customer feedback
e) Current situation and needs

49. TQM implementation requires what from leadership?

a) Visibility and support
b) Criticism
c) Rewards
d) Motivation
e) Technical skills

50. Why must the TQM goal and vision be clear?

a) To enable participation
b) To define strategy
c) To assign responsibilities
d) To drive profitability
e) To set objectives

51. What does TQM strategy include?
a) Procedures
b) Financial projections
c) Core values
d) Competitive analysis
e) Current capabilities

52. What is the focus of the organizational style in TQM?

a) Centralization
b) Formal relationships
c) Standardization
d) Top-down approach
e) Operations

53. TQM requires an advanced system for what?

a) Inventory control
b) Compensation
c) Comprehensive quality assurance
d) Performance appraisal
e) Organizational change

54. An accurate information system supports what in TQM?

a) Hierarchical control
b) Quality management
c) Financial reporting
d) Inventory control
e) Data-driven decisions

55. What must be considered before TQM implementation?
a) Customer feedback
b) Leadership readiness
c) Potential ROI
d) Competitor performance
e) Industry benchmarks

56. TQM implementation requires continuing support in what way?

a) Providing motivation
b) Giving rewards
c) Maintaining visibility
d) Offering criticism
e) Assigning responsibilities

57. Why must the TQM goal and vision be clear?

a) To drive profitability
b) To assign responsibilities
c) To set objectives
d) To define strategy
e) To enable participation

Second: The stages of transformation to total quality management (TQM):

1- What is the primary goal of the Preparation stage?

a) Activating the work of the total quality management team.
b) Highlighting the organization's sincere desire for quality.
c) Considering comprehensive quality as part of the organization's culture.
d) Actual application of comprehensive quality management.
e) Identifying best practices for performance.

2- Which stage emphasizes full support from senior management?

a) Planning stage
b) Development stage
c) Application stage
d) Preparation stage
e) Continuous improvement stage

3- How can awareness of the importance of continuous development be enhanced

in the Preparation stage?
a) By reviewing the organization's culture.
b) Through a practical diagnosis of the organization's problems.
c) By activating the work of the total quality management team.
d) Inviting all parties concerned with developing the organization's work.
e) Preparing a comprehensive plan to implement total quality management.

4- The planning stage mainly focuses on:

a) Identifying best practices.
b) Diagnosing the current situation of the organization.

c) Highlighting the organization's sincere desire for total quality.
d) Addressing the problems of the previous stage.
e) Providing feedback on the evaluation results.

5- Who should be appointed as the comprehensive quality manager?

a) An external consultant
b) One of the heads of the organization's units with distinguished leadership
c) An employee from the total quality management team.
d) Any employee with a basic knowledge of quality management.
e) A comprehensive quality expert.

6- In which stage is a comprehensive plan for total quality management prepared?

a) Preparation stage
b) Planning stage
c) Application stage
d) Development stage
e) Continuous improvement stage

7- The Application stage primarily aims to:

a) Introduce employees to comprehensive quality.
b) Activate the work of the total quality management team.
c) Provide information related to the organization and its priorities.
d) Develop the organization's information systems.
e) Identify best practices and performance.

8- In which stage are international standards considered for measuring
comprehensive quality?
a) Preparation stage
b) Planning stage
c) Application stage
d) Development stage
e) Continuous improvement stage

9- The Development stage primarily focuses on:

a) The actual application of comprehensive quality management.
b) Seeking the assistance of comprehensive quality experts.
c) Introducing the organization's leaders to total quality management principles.
d) Preparing a plan to develop the organization's information systems.
e) Highlighting the organization's sincere desire for total quality.

10- The continuous improvement stage emphasizes:

a) Inviting all parties concerned with developing the organization's work.
b) Activating the work of the total quality management team.
c) Diagnosing the current situation of the organization.
d) Reviewing the organization's culture.
e) Highlighting the organization's sincere desire for total quality.

11. What is the main goal of the preparation stage?

a) Planning for change
b) Assessing current state
c) Implementing total quality
d) Achieving buy-in
e) Diagnosing problems
12. What does the planning stage aim to highlight?
a) Implementation challenges
b) Commitment to quality
c) Leadership capabilities
d) Information needs
e) Application priorities

13. What is the focus of the application stage?

a) Developing culture
b) Providing information
c) Forming teams
d) Gaining commitment
e) Creating a vision

14. What does the development stage address?

a) Previous shortcomings
b) Leadership support
c) Employee responsibilities
d) Information needs
e) Planning priorities

15. What is the aim of the continuous improvement stage?

a) Benchmarking performance
b) Developing best practices
c) Implementing total quality
d) Diagnosing problems
e) Achieving buy-in
16. What does preparation involve assessing?
a) Leadership capabilities
b) Information needs
c) Application priorities
d) Current problems
e) Implementation challenges

17. What does planning involve forming?

a) Implementation teams
b) Communication plans
c) Steering councils
d) Process workflows
e) Diagnostic reports

18. Application involves reviewing what?

a) Leadership commitment
b) Organizational culture
c) Employee responsibilities
d) Implementation plan
e) Information systems

19. What does development involve activating?

a) Diagnostic plans
b) Implementation teams
c) Training programs
d) Communication channels
e) Steering councils
20. What does continuous improvement involve?
a) Assessing outcomes
b) Adjusting standards
c) Identifying best practices
d) Improving culture
e) Updating strategies

21. What is the focus of the preparation stage?

a) Formulating strategy
b) Assessing readiness
c) assigning responsibilities
d) Achieving buy-in
e) Benchmarking others

22. What does planning aim to highlight?

a) Leadership capabilities
b) Commitment to quality
c) Information needs
d) Implementation plan
e) Application priorities

23. How many stages are in the TQM transformation process?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
e) 7
24. What does the development stage focus on?
a) Leadership support
b) Information needs
c) Addressing shortcomings
d) Forming teams
e) Achieving buy-in

25. What does continuous improvement involve?

a) Implementing TQM
b) Diagnosing problems
c) Developing best practices
d) Achieving buy-in
e) Assessing outcomes

26. What is assessed in the preparation stage?

a) Implementation challenges
b) Leadership capabilities
c) Current problems
d) Information needs
e) Planning priorities

27. What is formed in the planning stage?

a) Implementation plan
b) Communication plan
c) Diagnostic reports
d) Steering council
e) Process workflows
28. What is reviewed in the application stage?
a) Leadership commitment
b) Employee responsibilities
c) Implementation plan
d) Information systems
e) Organizational culture

29. What is activated in the development stage?

a) Steering councils
b) Implementation teams
c) Diagnostic plans
d) Training programs
e) Communication channels

30. What is identified in continuous improvement?

a) Best practices
b) Outdated strategies
c) Unmet standards
d) Implementation flaws
e) Leadership gaps

31. What does preparation assess?

a) Current problems
b) Leadership capabilities
c) Planning priorities
d) Information needs
e) Implementation challenges

32. What is highlighted in planning?
a) Application priorities
b) Commitment to quality
c) Leadership capabilities
d) Information needs
e) Implementation plan

33. What is the focus of application?

a) Organizational culture
b) Employee responsibilities
c) Information needs
d) Implementation plan
e) Leadership commitment

34. What does development address?

a) Leadership support
b) Previous shortcomings
c) Information needs
d) Diagnostic priorities
e) Implementation teams

Third: Multiple choice questions on service quality dimensions:

1. What does the technical quality dimension refer to?

a) Corporate image
b) Service delivery
c) Tangible product aspects
d) Customer perceptions
e) Service environment

2. What does the functional quality dimension involve?

a) Technical specifications
b) Service delivery manner
c) Physical facilities
d) Interaction quality
e) Corporate image

3. What does corporate image depend on in service quality?

a) Employee habits
b) Marketing activities
c) Technical and functional quality
d) External ideologies
e) Customer lifestyles

4. What does the SERVQUAL model measure?

a) Employee satisfaction
b) Service quality
c) Customer loyalty
d) Corporate image
e) Purchase intent

5. How many dimensions does SERVQUAL measure?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
e) 7

6. What does tangibility refer to in SERVQUAL?

a) Problem resolution
b) Physical facilities
c) Customization
d) Communication
e) Trustworthiness

7. What does reliability mean in SERVQUAL?

a) Cost effectiveness
b) Dependable service
c) Confidence
d) Individual attention
e) Willingness to help

8. What does responsiveness mean in SERVQUAL?

a) Appearance
b) Prompt service
c) Skill level
d) Flexibility
e) Integrity

9. What does assurance refer to in SERVQUAL?

a) Problem resolution
b) Trust and confidence
c) Customization
d) Friendliness
e) Promptness

10. What does empathy mean in SERVQUAL?

a) Reliability
b) Tangibles
c) Individual attention
d) Honesty
e) Skills

11. What does functional service quality depend on?

a) Tangibles like equipment
b) Service delivery manner
c) Corporate advertising
d) Employee motivation
e) Customer needs

12. What influences corporate image?
a) Marketing activities
b) Service quality
c) Employee tenure
d) Customer ideologies
e) Sales skills

13. How many service quality dimensions did Lehtinen propose?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 7
e) 8

14. What does interactive service quality involve?

a) Employee courtesy
b) Physical facilities
c) Customer communication
d) Problem resolution
e) Service customization

15. What does the technical quality dimension refer to?

a) Interpersonal interactions
b) Tangible product aspects
c) Intangible service delivery
d) Subjective perceptions
e) Purchase intent
16. What does physical service quality depend on?
a) Surrounding environment
b) Employee competence
c) Responsiveness
d) Reliability
e) Assurance

17. What is responsiveness in service quality?

a) Individualized attention
b) Willingness to help
c) Skills and knowledge
d) Trustworthiness
e) Cost effectiveness

18. What does assurance refer to in service quality?

a) Tangibles
b) Reliability
c) Trust and confidence
d) Customization
e) Promptness

19. What does perceived service quality depend on?

a) Corporate image
b) Responsiveness
c) Subjective factors
d) Objective measures
e) Tangible evidence
20. What is empathy in service quality?
a) Cost effectiveness
b) Problem resolution
c) Providing individual attention
d) Inspiring trust
e) Meeting expectations

21. What does the SERVQUAL model measure?

a) Employee satisfaction
b) Service quality
c) Customer loyalty
d) Corporate image
e) Purchase intent

22. How many dimensions make up SERVQUAL?

a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
e) 8

23. What does reliability mean in SERVQUAL?

a) Honesty
b) Promptness
c) Dependable service delivery
d) Confidence
e) Assurance
24. What does assurance mean in SERVQUAL?
a) Meeting expectations
b) Inspiring trust and confidence
c) Service customization
d) Friendliness
e) Tangibles

25. What does empathy involve in SERVQUAL?

a) Responsiveness
b) Reliability
c) Caring individual attention
d) Honesty
e) Tangibles


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