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ECB1 Tests Language Test 8B

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Language Test B

Name: _______________________________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the missing words. The first letter is 3 Write the second sentence in the passive so
there to help you. that it means the same as the first.
0 For a serious crime, people usually have to go to 0 People catch lots of fish in this river.
p r i s o n.
Lots of fish are caught in this river.
1 A r _ _ _ _ _ is someone who takes money from a
bank, for example. 1 They make chocolate in this factory.
2 Sometimes, police can see a crime happening on Chocolate_______________________________.
a CCTV c _ _ _ _ _. 2 Someone saw the thief in the shopping mall
3 The police in the town are working on a difficult
c _ _ _ at the moment. The thief________________________________
4 Sherlock Holmes always used a magnifying _______________________________________
g _ _ _ _ to look closely at things. 3 No-one uses this classroom much.
5 If someone c _ _ _ _ _ _ a crime, the police will This classroom___________________________.
try to catch them.
6 A t _ _ _ _ is someone who steals things from 4 They chased the criminal along the street.
people or places. The criminal _____________________________.
7 A j _ _ _ _ in a court decides whether a criminal 5 I always hide my bike behind that tree.
will go to prison. My bike_________________________________
8 The town has a problem with v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in
the public park. _______________________________________.
/8 6 My teacher wrote this book.
2 Complete the sentences with words from the 7 My friend asked me to help him.
box. There are two extra words which you _______________________________________.
don’t need.
8 Thousands of people watch this programme.
get solve take look arrest _______________________________________
escape interview search trip damage _______________________________________
0 Some people get a reward if they help to catch
a criminal.
1 The police want to ___________ any witnesses to 4 Complete the sentences using have
the crime. something done, and the words in brackets.
2 Detectives are trying to ___________ the area to 0 I’ve got to get a passport, so I need to have my
find a burglar. photo taken (take / my photo).
3 Someone managed to ___________ the burglar, 1 This jacket is quite dirty. I need to
so he fell and was caught. __________________ (clean / it).
4 Police are working hard to ___________ the 2 I had toothache yesterday, so I
crime. __________________ (check / my teeth) at the
5 The detective wants to ___________ the dentist.
fingerprints of everyone working in the bank. 3 Mum doesn’t want to drive into town, so we’re
going to __________________ (deliver / some
6 Someone chased the burglar, but he managed to pizza) to our house.
4 Dad’s got to __________________ (repair / the
7 The police are going to ___________ someone car) before we go on holiday.
for shoplifting from the supermarket.
5 Cara can’t find a dress for her wedding, so she’s
going to __________________ (make / one).
6 My sister always __________________ (her hair /
style) at the hairdresser’s.
7 Tom __________________ (steal / his watch) in
town last week.

English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Language Test B


5 Choose the correct options to complete the 6 Complete the sentences by using prefixes to
dialogue. There are two options you don’t make the opposite of the word in CAPITALS.
need to use. 0 John looks quite unhappy at the moment, doesn’t
Rick: Hi, Janie! What A No, it’s a lot he? HAPPY
are you doing here? warmer than I
thought. Thanks, 1 Ted doesn’t always tell the truth. He’s quite
Janie: 0 H
Rick! ____________. HONEST
Rick: Right, so why are
B But I don’t really
you standing on the side 2 The teacher was very ____________ when we
like pools that are
of the pool?
outside. didn’t hand our homework in. PLEASED
Janie: 1 __
C Yes, I sure that’s
Rick: Well, yes. It’s an a better idea. 3 It’s ____________ to drive 100 miles in 10
outdoor pool and it’s not
D Do you think that seconds. POSSIBLE
a warm day. But don’t
will work?
worry – just try it. 4 Ben didn’t take good care of his younger sister in
E Right, let me try
Janie: 2 __
again – there, I’m town, which was ____________. RESPONSIBLE
Rick: You don’t need to
in the water.
do that. Why don’t you 5 Sarah always comes to class, so it’s
try going down the F I don’t know. The
water looks so ____________ for her to be absent. USUAL
Janie: 3 __ cold… 6 I get very ____________ when I have to wait
Rick: Yes it is! Come G Well – OK, I’ll try
to jump in. ages for the bus. PATIENT
on, I’ll come in the pool
with you. It’ll be fine. H Oh, hi, Rick, I’ve 7 Tim was ____________ to his parents, so he
Janie: 4 __ just come for a
swim. can’t come into town today! POLITE
Rick: Finally! … You
see – it’s not too bad, is 8 I’m looking for information about trees, but the
it? stuff in this book is all ____________.
Janie: 5 __
Rick: It’s alright, Janie.
No problems! 9 We can’t see the air around us. It’s
/10 ____________. VISIBLE

10 What David said was really ____________ so

no-one understood him. LOGICAL

Vocabulary ___ / 15 Grammar ___ /15

Speaking ___ /10 English in Use ___ /10
Your total score ___/50

English Class B1 © Pearson Central Europe 2017 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

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