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1.00 Operation, Maitenance & Trouble Shooting Manual

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FC7xx / FT724

Fire control panel / Fire terminal

Operation Manual
MP3.0 XS

A6V10211076_d_en Building Technologies

02.07.2010 Fire Safety & Security Products
Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.
© 2006-2010 Copyright by Siemens Switzerland Ltd
We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject thereof. By acceptance of
the document the recipient acknowledges these rights and undertakes not to
publish the document in full or in part, nor to make it available to any third party
without our prior express written authorization, nor to use it for any purpose other
than for which it was delivered to him.

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010
Table of contents

1 About this document .........................................................................................7

1.1 Display indication in the document.....................................................................10
2 Safety.................................................................................................................11
2.1 Safety notices.....................................................................................................11
2.2 Safety regulations for the method of operation ..................................................13
2.3 Standards and directives complied with.............................................................15
2.4 Release Notes....................................................................................................15
3 PMI .....................................................................................................................16
3.1 Buttons on the PMI.............................................................................................17
3.1.1 Standard keys .....................................................................................17
3.1.2 Other alarms .......................................................................................18
3.1.3 Softkeys ..............................................................................................18
3.1.4 Navigation buttons ..............................................................................20
3.1.5 Keypad ................................................................................................20
3.1.6 Menu button ........................................................................................21
3.1.7 Button 'ok' ...........................................................................................21
3.1.8 Button 'C'.............................................................................................21
3.2 EVAC NL ............................................................................................................22
3.2.1 Functions on the EVAC PMI ...............................................................23
3.3 Display................................................................................................................24
3.3.1 Normal view ........................................................................................24
3.3.2 Extended view.....................................................................................25
3.3.3 Fire brigade view.................................................................................25
3.3.4 Display with window and list ...............................................................26
3.3.5 Display with window and input field ....................................................26
3.3.6 Display with window and command response ....................................27
3.4 LEDs...................................................................................................................27
3.5 Key switch (optional) ..........................................................................................27
3.6 Menu structure ...................................................................................................28
3.7 Cerberus Remote ...............................................................................................29
4 Operation functions .........................................................................................30
4.1 Selection and opening / execution .....................................................................30
4.2 Scrolling..............................................................................................................31
4.3 Indication of the position and length of the list ...................................................31
4.4 Shortcut ..............................................................................................................32
4.5 Favourites...........................................................................................................32
4.6 Entry of numbers and letters ..............................................................................32
4.7 Cerberus Remote operating modes ...................................................................33

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5 Operation...........................................................................................................34
5.1 ALARM Procedure..............................................................................................34
5.2 Procedure in case of Fault .................................................................................36
5.3 Switching off / Switching on................................................................................37
5.3.1 Switching a detector zone off / on.......................................................37
5.3.2 Switching a detector off / on................................................................39
5.3.3 Temporary switching-off......................................................................42
5.3.4 Switching off / on the remote transmission Fire..................................44
5.3.5 Switching off alarm activation .............................................................47
5.3.6 Switching off sabotage evaluation [DE] ..............................................48
5.4 Log in / Change access level .............................................................................49
5.5 Logging out from an access level.......................................................................49
5.6 Switching between 'Manned' / 'Unmanned' operation modes ............................50
5.7 Changing visibility...............................................................................................51
5.7.1 Deactivating standby...........................................................................51
5.7.2 Activating / deactivating expanded visibility........................................51
5.8 Main menu / Open menu item ............................................................................52
5.9 Executing commands - Basics ...........................................................................53
5.9.1 Executing commands - General..........................................................54
5.9.2 Executing commands - object-oriented...............................................55
5.9.3 Executing commands – function-oriented...........................................57
5.9.4 Hide command confirmation message................................................58
5.10 Selecting elements or events .............................................................................58
5.10.1 Select events.......................................................................................58
5.10.2 Selection in the topology.....................................................................60
5.10.3 Searching for elements .......................................................................61
5.11 Testing................................................................................................................64
5.11.1 Testing detectors.................................................................................64
5.11.2 Testing the installation ........................................................................65
5.11.3 Control test..........................................................................................65
5.12 Activation / Deactivation / Reset.........................................................................66
5.12.1 Activating an alarm indicator (AI) ........................................................67
5.12.2 Deactivating / Activating alarm devices ..............................................69
5.12.3 Activating / resetting zone...................................................................70
5.12.4 Activating / deactivating universal control ...........................................72
5.12.5 Activating evac controls ......................................................................74
5.13 Show information................................................................................................76
5.13.1 Polling alarm counters / remote transmissions ...................................76
5.14 Entering the configuration ..................................................................................77
5.15 Auto-configure station.........................................................................................77
5.16 Auto-configure line..............................................................................................78
5.17 Enabling / disabling Cerberus Remote...............................................................80
5.18 Connecting Cerberus Remote............................................................................81
5.19 Setting up Cerberus Remote link with integrated IP ..........................................82
5.20 Operating Cerberus Remote ..............................................................................83
5.21 Polling / Deleting the event memory...................................................................83

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5.22 Settings / Administration.....................................................................................84
5.22.1 Change language................................................................................84
5.22.2 PIN administration...............................................................................84
5.22.3 Testing indicators................................................................................86
5.22.4 Setting the buzzer volume ..................................................................86
5.22.5 Adjusting the display brightness .........................................................87
5.22.6 Setting time and date ..........................................................................87
5.23 Entering/Changing customer text.......................................................................88
5.24 Inserting printing paper.......................................................................................88
5.25 Switching off the printer......................................................................................91
5.26 Show version......................................................................................................91
6 System functions .............................................................................................92
6.1 Note on the configuration of the local fire detection installation.........................92
6.2 Operating condition ............................................................................................93
6.3 Operation modes................................................................................................93
6.3.1 Normal operation ................................................................................93
6.3.2 Test .....................................................................................................94
6.3.3 Isolation...............................................................................................95
6.3.4 Renovation..........................................................................................96
6.4 Access level and access rights ..........................................................................96
6.4.1 PIN input dialog...................................................................................97
6.4.2 Logout timeout ....................................................................................97
6.4.3 Cerberus Remote enabling .................................................................97
6.5 Visibility...............................................................................................................98
6.5.1 Standby visibility .................................................................................98
6.5.2 Expanded visibility ..............................................................................99
6.6 Sabotage ALARM [DE].......................................................................................99
7 List of all commands and required access levels ......................................100
7.1 'Switching on/off' command group ...................................................................100
7.2 Command zone 'Test'.......................................................................................101
7.3 'Activating/deactivating' command group .........................................................102
7.4 Command group 'Information' ..........................................................................103
7.5 'Configuration' command group .......................................................................103
7.6 'Maintenance' command group ........................................................................104
7.7 Other commands..............................................................................................105
8 List of elements ..............................................................................................106

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9 System description ........................................................................................108
9.1 Overview...........................................................................................................108
9.2 Topology...........................................................................................................110
9.2.1 Hardware tree ...................................................................................111
9.2.2 Detection tree....................................................................................112
9.2.3 Control tree .......................................................................................116
9.2.4 Operating tree ...................................................................................117
9.2.5 Network tree......................................................................................120
9.2.6 Linking with the hardware tree ..........................................................121
9.2.7 Functional allocation .........................................................................122
9.3 Acquisition ........................................................................................................123
9.4 Evaluation.........................................................................................................124
9.5 Control ..............................................................................................................128
9.5.1 Universal control ...............................................................................129
9.5.2 Evacuation control.............................................................................130
9.5.3 Extinguishing control with sprinkler...................................................132
9.5.4 Extinguishing control with extinguishing control unit XC10 ..............133
9.6 Alarm verification concept (AVC) .....................................................................134
9.6.1 Attendance check..............................................................................135
9.6.2 Investigation time ..............................................................................135
9.6.3 Example of a verification process .....................................................135
9.6.4 Fire alarming .....................................................................................137
9.7 Intervention concept (IC) ..................................................................................138
9.7.1 Attendance check..............................................................................139
9.7.2 Intervention monitoring .....................................................................139
9.7.3 Example of an intervention process..................................................139
9.7.4 Intervention alarming.........................................................................141
9.8 Events...............................................................................................................142
9.8.1 Event categories ...............................................................................142
9.8.2 Event status identification .................................................................143
9.8.3 Event memory ...................................................................................144
9.8.4 Message summary............................................................................144
9.9 List representation and types of lists ................................................................145
9.9.1 Event lists..........................................................................................145
9.9.2 Element lists......................................................................................146
9.9.3 Selection lists ....................................................................................147
9.10 Version indication station / Configuration data.................................................147
10 Faults / Troubleshooting ...............................................................................148
11 System maintenance......................................................................................149
11.1 Maintenance recommendation .........................................................................149
11.2 Opening the control panel [DE] ........................................................................149
12 Glossary ..........................................................................................................150
Index ................................................................................................................156

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Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010
About this document
Display indication in the document

1 About this document

Goal and purpose
This document describes the operation of fire control panels and fire terminals in
the fire detection system FS720. The reader shall understand the structure of a fire
detection installation, the PMI setup and the functions in the overall system. This
understanding makes an adequate behaviour possible in the event of fire or fault.

This document applies to the fire control panels and the fire terminal of the type
Fx72x, market package MP3.0 XS.

Target groups
The information in this document is intended for the following target groups:

Target group Activity Qualification

Operating personnel  Carries out procedures to correctly  No particular basic training is needed.
operate the product.  Has been instructed by the commissioning
Commissioning personnel  Configures the product at the place  Has obtained suitable specialist training for
of installation according to customer- the function and for the products.
specific requirements.  Has attended the training courses for
 Checks the product operability and commissioning personnel.
releases the product for use by the
 Searches for and corrects
Maintenance personnel  Carries out all maintenance work.  Has obtained suitable specialist training for
 Checks that the products are in the function and for the products.
perfect working order.
 Searches for and corrects

Reference document and source language

 The source language of this document is German (de).
 The reference version of this document is the international version in English.
The international version is not localized.
The reference document has the following designation:
x = modification index, en = English, -- = international

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010
1 About this document
Display indication in the document

Document identification
Position Information
Title page  Product type
 Product designation
 Document type
Footers  Document ID
– ID_ModificationIndex_Language_COUNTRY
 Edition date
Last page  Document ID
 Edition date
 Manual (product line)
 Register (table of contents for whole documentation, folder register)

Conventions for text marking

Special markups are shown in this document as follows:
⊳ Requirement for a behavior instruction
⇨ Intermediate result of a behavior instruction
⇨ End result of a behavior instruction
'Text' Quotation, reproduced identically
<Key> Identification of keys

Supplementary information and tips

The 'i' symbol identifies supplementary information and tips for an easier way of
working, for example.

Applicable documents
Document ID Title
008399 XC10 Extinguishing Control Panel, Technical Manual
A6V10210416 FS720 Fire Detection System, Commissioning / Maintenance /
A6V10210424 FS720 Fire Detection System, Configuration
A6V10217440 FS720 Fire Detection System, Inscription Strips

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Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010
About this document
Display indication in the document

History of changes
The reference document's modification index applies to all languages into which
the reference document is translated.

The first edition of a language version or a country variant may for example have
the modification index "d" instead of "a" if the reference document already has this
modification index.

The table below shows this document's history of changes:

Modification index Edition date Brief description

d 07.2010 Edition MP3.0 XS:
History of changes redefined and standardized, GAP new, router station
new, CAP removed, commands revised, glossary revised, new chapter:
"Change language"
c 03.2009 Commands revised
b 10.2008 Tamper alarm, new
a 07.2008 First edition

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Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010
1 About this document
Display indication in the document

1.1 Display indication in the document

The display of the fire control panels and fire terminals is indicated in tables in this
document, with a few exceptions.
Deviations between the original and the table are indicated exemplary in the
figures below:

(1) (5)
(2) (6)
(3) (7)
(4) (8)
Display with window and bar

Main menu Access level 3

Exit with <C>
Message summary (1) Element search (5)
Functions (2) Event memory (6)
Favorites (3) Login/logout (7)
Topology (4) Settings/administration (8)
Function Function Test
On/Off All LED

Table representation: Display without window

Selecting element category

Zone (1)
Section (2)
Area (3)
Sounder (4)
Physical channel (5)

Table representation: 'Select element category' window without bar

The table representation has the following key deviations from the
 Font and representation (not inverted)
 Windows are indicated separately without display background
 No bars to indicate the position and list length
 No frame around selection

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Safety notices

2 Safety

2.1 Safety notices

The safety notices must be observed in order to protect people and property.
The safety notices in this document contain the following elements:
 Symbol for danger
 Signal word
 Nature and origin of the danger
 Consequences if the danger occurs
 Measures or prohibitions for danger avoidance

Symbol for danger

This is the symbol for danger. It warns of risks of injury.
Follow all measures identified by this symbol to avoid injury or death.

Additional danger symbols

These symbols indicate general dangers, the type of danger or possible
consequences, measures and prohibitions, examples of which are shown in the
following table:
General danger Explosive atmosphere

Voltage/electric shock Laser light

Battery Heat

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
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2 Safety
Safety notices

Signal word
The signal word classifies the danger as defined in the following table:
Signal word Danger level
DANGER DANGER identifies a dangerous situation, which will result
directly in death or serious injury if you do not avoid this
WARNING WARNING identifies a dangerous situation, which may
result in death or serious injury if you do not avoid this
CAUTION CAUTION identifies a dangerous situation, which could
result in slight to moderately serious injury if you do not
avoid this situation.

NOTICE NOTICE identifies possible damage to property that may

result from non-observance.

How risk of injury is presented

Information about the risk of injury is shown as follows:

Nature and origin of the danger
Consequences if the danger occurs
 Measures / prohibitions for danger avoidance

How possible damage to property is presented

Information about possible damage to property is shown as follows:

Nature and origin of the danger
Consequences if the danger occurs
 Measures / prohibitions for danger avoidance

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Safety regulations for the method of operation

2.2 Safety regulations for the method of operation

National standards, regulations and legislation
Siemens products are developed and produced in compliance with the relevant
European and international safety standards. Should additional national or local
safety standards or legislation concerning the planning, assembly, installation,
operation or disposal of the product apply at the place of operation, then these
must also be taken into account together with the safety regulations in the product

Electrical installations

Electrical voltage
Electric shock
 Work on electrical installations may only be carried out by qualified
electricians or by instructed persons working under the guidance and
supervision of a qualified electrician, in accordance with the electrotechnical

 Wherever possible disconnect products from the power supply when carrying
out commissioning, maintenance or repair work on them.
 Lock volt-free areas to prevent them being switched back on again by mistake.
 Label the connection terminals with external external voltage using a
'DANGER External voltage' sign.
 Route mains connections to products separately and fuse them with their own,
clearly marked fuse.
 Fit an easily accessible disconnecting device in accordance with IEC 60950-1
outside the installation.
 Produce earthing as stated in local safety regulations.

Assembly, installation, commissioning and maintenance

 If you require tools such as a ladder, these must be safe and must be intended
for the work in hand.
 When starting the fire control panel ensure that unstable conditions cannot
 Ensure that all points listed in the 'Testing the product operability' section below
are observed.
 You may only set controls to normal function when the product operability has
been completely tested and the system has been handed over to the customer.

Testing the product operability

 Prevent the remote transmission from triggering erroneously.
 If testing building installations or activating devices from third-party companies,
you must collaborate with the people appointed.

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2 Safety
Safety regulations for the method of operation

 The activation of fire control installations for test purposes must not cause
injury to anyone or damage to the building installations. The following
instructions must be observed:
– Use the correct potential for activation; this is generally the potential of the
building installation.
– Only check controls up to the interface (relay with blocking option).
– Make sure that only the controls to be tested are activated.
 Inform people before testing the alarm control devices and allow for possible
panic responses.
 Inform people about any noise or mist which may be produced.
 Before testing the remote transmission, inform the corresponding alarm and
fault signal receiving stations.

Modifications to the system layout and products

Modifications to the system and to individual products may lead to faults,
malfunctioning and safety risks. Written confirmation must be obtained from
Siemens and the corresponding safety bodies for modifications or additions.

Modules and spare parts

 Components and spare parts must comply with the technical specifications
defined by Siemens. Only use products specified or recommended by
 Only use fuses with the specified fuse characteristics.
 Wrong battery types and improper battery changing lead to a risk of explosion.
Only use the same battery type or an equivalent battery type recommended by
 Batteries must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Observe
national guidelines and regulations.

Disregard of the safety regulations

Before they are delivered, Siemens products are tested to ensure they function
correctly when used properly. Siemens disclaims all liability for damage or injuries
caused by the incorrect application of the instructions or the disregard of danger
warnings contained in the documentation. This applies in particular to the following
 Personal injuries or damage to property caused by improper use and incorrect
 Personal injuries or damage to property caused by disregarding safety
instructions in the documentation or on the product
 Personal injury or damage to property caused by poor maintenance or lack of

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
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Standards and directives complied with

We have checked that the content of this document matches the hardware and
software described. Despite this, we cannot rule out deviations and cannot
therefore assume liability for them matching completely. The details in this
document are checked regularly and any corrections needed included in
subsequent editions.

We are grateful for any suggestions for improvement.

2.3 Standards and directives complied with

A list of the standards and directives complied with is available from your Siemens

2.4 Release Notes

Limitations to the configuration or use of devices in a fire detection installation with
a particular firmware version are possible.

Limited or non-existent fire detection
Personal injury and damage to property in the event of a fire.
 Read the 'Release Notes' before you plan and/or configure a fire detection
 Read the 'Release Notes' before you carry out a firmware update to a fire
detection installation.

Incorrect planning and/or configuration
Important standards and specifications are not satisfied.
Fire detection installation is not accepted for commissioning.
Additional expense resulting from necessary new planning and/or configuration.
 Read the 'Release Notes' before you plan and/or configure a fire detection
 Read the 'Release Notes' before you carry out a firmware update to a fire
detection installation.

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
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Release Notes

The following figure shows the PMI (fire control panel or fire terminal).

PMI Station

1 ALARM LEDs 8 System fault LED (yellow)

2 Display 9 Operation LED (green)
3 Navigation buttons A 'More alarms' button
4 Keypad with Menu key, ok key and Cancel key S Soft keys 1 – 3
5 Area for fitting options X 'Silence buzzer', 'Acknowledge', 'Reset',
'Alarm delay off', 'Premises manned' standard
6 Key switch (optional) k1 Configurable buttons with LEDs (can be
configured independently)
7 'Alarm device' button k2 Configurable LEDs

You can use inscription strips to inscribe the PMI. There is a template for this in
document A6V10217440.

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Buttons on the PMI

3.1 Buttons on the PMI

The figure below shows the PMI with the standard buttons and the 'More alarms'

PMI of the station

1 'Silence buzzer' 6 'Alarm device' button

2 'Acknowledge' 7 'More alarms' button
3 'Reset' a Configurable standard button 1
4 'Alarm delay off' b Configurable standard button 2
5 'Premises manned' S Soft keys 1 - 3

3.1.1 Standard keys

With the standard buttons, functions can be performed at the push of a button.

<Silence buzzer>
Switches the 'Station' buzzer off.

 Acknowledges all events that can be acknowledged.
 Confirms presence ('AVC', 'IC')
 Switches the buzzer off

Resets all events that can be reset (password required).

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
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Buttons on the PMI

<Alarm delay off>

 Switches off the alarm delay for all events.
 In the event of an alarm, the remote transmission or global alarming is
activated immediately.

<Premises manned>
 Switches between 'Manned operation' and 'Unmanned operation' operation
modes (password required).
 Opens the event list in case of a "mixed" condition (i.e., visibility on several
'Areas' with different 'Manned operation' and 'Unmanned operation' settings)

<Alarm device>
Deactivates the alarm devices in the event of alarm (password required).

Configurable buttons

The two buttons a and b in the figure above are configurable standard buttons.

You can, for example, configure these two buttons with the following functions:
 'Poll RT counter'
 'Non-MCP zones OFF'

3.1.2 Other alarms

Pressing the 'More alarms' button opens the 'ALARMS' event list.
If the 'ALARMS' event list is already open, <More alarms> assumes the function of
the button <▼>, changing to the next alarm event upon activation.

3.1.3 Softkeys
The figure below shows the part of the PMI including the softkeys.



1 2 3

1 Softkey 1 3 Softkey 3
2 Softkey 2

Softkeys are buttons which you can use to carry out functions that are displayed in
the three fields of the softkey line on the display. These three black fields contain
the names of the functions in white font.

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Buttons on the PMI

The functions of the softkeys change dynamically depending on the situation and
the contents of the display.
Always the most important functions are assigned to the softkeys 1 and 2.

When the user navigates through the topology, the softkey allocation does not
change depending on the context; the assignment is fix. If a softkey function
cannot be executed at a point in the topology, the inscription in the field is hidden.

The table below lists an exemplary softkey assignment.

Softkey / Option Function

'Show intervention text' 1 Shows the intervention text of the selected event.
'Jump back' Displays the list the selected event has been taken from.
Back from the view Intervention text or Details.
'Execute command' Opens the 'Select command' window.
'More options' Opens the 'Select option' window.
'Show details' 2 Shows details of the selected event or element.
'Lower level' Changes to the next lower hierarchy level.
'Upper level ' Changes to the next higher hierarchy level.
'Jump to begin' / 'Jump to Within a list, jumps to the top or end of the list
'Show topology ' 3 Jumps to the selected element in the topology
'Show active detectors' Shows a list of all active detector, corresponding to an event

1 Softkey / Option is only displayed when intervention text is available at this point
2 Softkey / Option only available in 'Access level 3'
3 Softkey / Option only available as of 'Access level 2.1'

See also
 Normal view [➙ 24]

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Buttons on the PMI

3.1.4 Navigation buttons

The figure below shows the part of the PMI including the navigation buttons:

Navigation buttons on the PMI

1 Navigation buttons
 The navigation buttons work in the same way as the arrow keys on a PC
 With the buttons <▲> and <▼> the next entry in a list can be highlighted.
 Changing to a higher or lower hierarchy level is possible with the buttons <◄>
and <►>.
 In a command list, the highlighted command may be executed with the button
 When characters are entered, the character to the left of the cursor position is
deleted by pressing the button <▲>.

3.1.5 Keypad
The following figure shows the keyboard and <MENU>, <ok> and <C> (Cancel)

4 3

1 Keypad 3 <ok>
2 <MENU> 4 <C> (Cancel button)

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Buttons on the PMI

The key panel serves for numeric and alphanumeric entries.

Numeric entry
Numeric entry is applicable in the following cases:
 PIN entry (password)
 Shortcuts (Menus)
 Address entry (Element ID)
 Parameter entry

Alphanumeric entry
Alphanumeric entry is applicable in the following case:
 Entering customer texts

3.1.6 Menu button

= <MENU> button
The <MENU> button opens the main menu.
Opening the main menu is independent from the current display contents.

3.1.7 Button 'ok'

ok = <ok>, < > = button
With <ok> a selected entry or menu item can be executed or opened.
In windows with an entry field, the <ok> button moves the cursor to the next entry.

3.1.8 Button 'C'

C = Cancel button <C>
With <C> any operation sequence can be cancelled, and any open list or dialog
can be closed.

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Ontruimingsalarm b
a Uitgeschakeld c
1 Totaal Storing
Alarm d
Zoemer Zone 1 7
2 uit

3 Zone 2

4 Zone 3

Zone 4

5 IN/UIT Zone 5

6 Zone 6
Zone 7
Zone 8

Zone 9
i Start
Zone 10
Stop 2x

PMI Evacuation alarm

Button LED
1 Totaal alarm a Totaal alarm (red)
2 Zoemer uit b Bedrijf (green)
3 Start c Uitgeschakeld (yellow)
4 Stop d Storing (yellow)
5 IN/UIT e EVAC zone selection (yellow)
6 LED TEST f Fault/Isolation (yellow)
7 Selecteer g Alarm (red)
i Information about using the keys

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3.2.1 Functions on the EVAC PMI

Button Function
1 Totaal alarm Pressing the button selects all EVAC zones.
2 Zoemer uit Silences the buzzer of the EVAC PMI.
3 Start Activates selected EVAC zones.
4 Stop Deactivates selected EVAC zones.
5 IN/UIT Switches selected EVAC zones on or off.
6 LED TEST Activates the LED test on the EVAC PMI.
7 Selecteer Selects an EVAC zone for the issuing of
additional commands (Start, Stop, ON/OFF)

LED Function
a Totaal alarm Indicates that Overall Alarm has been activated.
b Bedrijf Active as long as power supply is available.
c Uitgeschakeld Active when at minimum one EVAC zone is
switched off.
d Storing  Active when at least one fault is present in an
EVAC zone.
 Active (flashing) when the connection to the
fire control panel is faulty
e EVAC zone selection Active when the zone has been selected.
f Fault/Isolation Active when an EVAC zone has been switched
off or a fault is present.
g Alarm Active when all EVAC zones are activated.

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3.3 Display
The display of the station has two displaying variants:
 Display without window
– Normal view
– Expanded visibility
– Fire department view
 Display with window for following representations
– Lists
– Input fields
– Command responses

3.3.1 Normal view

The display of the fire control panel in normal view has three different areas.

001 AAA 1
001 ABC YYYY 1


Display in normal view

Position Designation Function

1 Header  Status indication and system time
 Information and titles for the working area
 Instructions for the operator
 Information for the operator
2 Working area  Indication of lists
 Selection of list items
 Indication of windows
3 Softkey bar  Indication of the three functions that can be directly
executed with the softkey buttons

Identification of messages

Events occurring in the fire detection installation are indicated on the display. A
special identification informs on the status of an event.

Details on the identification can be found in the chapter Event status identification.

See also
 Event status identification [➙ 143]

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3.3.2 Extended view

The display of events, elements, etc., comprises two lines in normal view.
The extended view shows a 4-line indication of the selection. Additional information
such as e.g. additional customer texts can be displayed this way.
In the extended view there is a frame around four lines.

003 AAA

003 AAA YYYY 1



Display with extended view

With the <Switch to Extended view> and <Switch to Standard view> softkeys, you
can switch from normal view to extended view and vice-versa.
Alternatively, the navigation buttons <►> and <◄> can be used to switch over.

3.3.3 Fire brigade view

For 'ALARM' events, the 'Fire Brigade message view' can be configured in the
Engineering tool.
An 'ALARM' event is displayed in double font size in the 'Fire Brigade message

003 / 001 ALARM

AAA:123 BBB:12 CC:12


Display with fire brigade view

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3.3.4 Display with window and list

The display with window and list is for the selection of a list item, which
corresponds to a submenu.
the figure below shows the display with an exemplary list:

(1) (5)
(2) (6)
(3) (7)
(4) (8)
Example of the display with window and list

3.3.5 Display with window and input field

The display with window and input field has one or several input fields for entering
e.g. the PIN, an address or customer text.
The following figure shows the display with an exemplary window with input field:

01 /05 /06 10:40:55 (5)
XXX ZZZ <Cursor up>
Example of the display with window and input field

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3.3.6 Display with window and command response

The display with window and command response is open after a command has
been entered. The operator thus receives a confirmation message of the

Example of the display with window and command response

3.4 LEDs
The LEDs on the Person Machine Interface signal 'Events' and conditions. In
addition, the LEDs support the operator's orientation.
In general, the colors of the LEDs signal the following information:
Red  'ALARM'
 Activation of the remote transmission
Yellow / green  'Fault'
 Status confirmation
 Configured event categories

Additional information on the conditions of the LEDs (permanently on, permanently

off or flashing) can be found in the chapter in account.

3.5 Key switch (optional)

You can use the key switch to release an access level. The access level that can
be achieved can be configured.
The key switch has 2 positions:
 On (horizontal position)
 Off (vertical position)

See also
 Logout timeout [➙ 97]

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Menu structure

3.6 Menu structure

MAIN MENU Menu items / Functions Selection / Dialog box For more information see page
'Message summary' 'Message summary' Message category - [➙ 144]
'Functions' 'On / Off' Sel. EC - [➙ 37]
'Test' Sel. EC - [➙ 64]
'Activate / deactivate' Sel. EC - [➙ 66]
'Information' Sel. EC - [➙ 76]
'Configuration' Sel. EC - [➙ 77]
'Maintenance' Sel. EC - [➙ 149]
'All functions' Sel. EC - [➙ 53]
'Favorites' 1 e.g. 'Function On/off' Sel. EC - [➙ 32]
e.g. 'All functions' Sel. EC - [➙ 32]
e.g. 'LED test' LED test - [➙ 32]
'Topology' 'Detection tree' 'Area' - [➙ 60]
'Hardware tree' Station / Module - [➙ 60]
'Control tree' 'Alarming control group' - [➙ 60]
/ e.g. 'Evac ct' 1
/ e.g. 'ALARM' 1
/ e.g. 'Fire ct' 1
'Element search' 'Start with category' Sel. EC / Enter address - [➙ 61]
'Start with address' Enter address - [➙ 61]
'Event memory' 'Select station' Events - [➙ 144]
'Login/logout' Input dialog - [➙ 49]

'Settings/administrati 'Change language' 'Change language' - [➙ 84]

'Change PIN' Input dialog - [➙ 84]
'Create PIN' Input dialog - [➙ 84]
'Delete PIN' Input dialog - [➙ 84]
'LED test' 'LED test' - [➙ 86]
'Set buzzer volume' 'Set buzzer volume' - [➙ 86]
'Display settings' 'Change display brightness' - [➙ 87]
'Change display contrast'
'System commands' 'Enter date / time' - [➙ 87]
'Activate expanded visibility'
'Deactivate expanded visibility'

Sel. EC Selection of Element category

1 Configurable

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Cerberus Remote

3.7 Cerberus Remote

Cerberus-Remote is software for the PC which can be used to display the Person
Machine Interface of a 'Station' on the PC. For example it can be used to access
the fire detection system for maintenance purposes.
Depending on the operating mode, Cerberus-Remote can either be used for
display purposes or for display and operation purposes.
The link between Cerberus-Remote and a 'Station' can be structured as follows:
 Local connection via any 'Station' in the fire detection system
 Connection via the Global Access Point (GAP)
– Internally
– Externally
Cerberus-Remote is an integrated part of Cerberus-Engineering-Tool but may also
be installed on a PC as a stand-alone application 'FX7220'.
You will need an installed licence key (at least L1) and appropriate approval for the
'Station' in order to use Cerberus-Remote. The licence key need only be installed
in the 'Station' whose PMI is to be displayed in Cerberus-Remote.

The connection to a 'Station' with a licence key is also possible via a 'Station'
without a license key.

Cerberus-Remote has the same visibility as the connected 'Station'. You can use
Cerberus-Remote in a fire detection installation with networked 'Stations' to gain
global visibility. Just one licence key is needed for this per network if the licence
key is installed in a 'Station' with global visibility.

The connection with a 'Station' is shown by the Person Machine Interface

(display, LEDs, keys) transmitted.
The 'Cerberus-Remote access' operation mode is indicated by a red frame
around the Person Machine Interface.
An enable granted for Cerberus-Remote is retained when a 'Station' restarted.

See also
 Cerberus Remote operating modes [➙ 33]
 Enabling / disabling Cerberus Remote [➙ 80]
 Operating Cerberus Remote [➙ 83]

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4 Operation functions
Selection and opening / execution

4 Operation functions
The following chapters contain descriptions of important functions for directly
operating the system.
Information on the system functions can be found in the corresponding chapter.

See also
 System functions [➙ 92]

4.1 Selection and opening / execution

After calling up the main menu and any other list, the first entry in the list is
selected. The selection is indicated by a rectangular frame around the entry.
The opening of a list item or the execution of a list command is performed by
moving the cursor to the selected entry and pressing <ok>.
Other methods to open or execute a highlighted list entry are given by pressing the
following buttons:
 <►>
 <Number> on the numerical block (given number in brackets – only in selection

Changing the selection

The selection indicated is changed as follows:

Button Consequence
<▼> next entry
<▲> previous entry
<More alarms> opens alarm list / jumps to the next entry in
the alarm list shown
<Number> + <ok> Goes to the entry with the number entered –
not in selection lists
'More Options' + 'Jump to begin' softkeys Jump to the top of the list
'More Options' + 'Jump to end' softkeys Jump to the end of the list

See also
 List representation and types of lists [➙ 145]

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Operation functions

4.2 Scrolling
With the navigation buttons you can scroll through a list indicated on the display.
You can scroll to the start/end of the lists (limited function) and back in the following
 Option lists
 Command lists
 Element category lists
In all other lists, you can scroll beyond the end of the list to the start of the list and

4.3 Indication of the position and length of the list

There is a vertical bar along the side of the list when the list is longer than can be
indicated on the display.
The black part of the bar indicates the position and length of the visible part in
relation to the complete list.
Examples for the representation in different lists:

1 Bar in normal view with list 2 Bar in window with list

See also
 Event status identification [➙ 143]

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4 Operation functions

4.4 Shortcut
A shortcut serves for the direct execution of an entry in a selection list by pressing
a numeric key.
In a command list, for example, you can execute a command directly by entering
the corresponding number.
The numbers for the shortcut are shown in the list entry line, on the right and in

4.5 Favourites
You can perform several operation steps or an operation sequence in one step by
means of favorites.
A maximum of 8 favourites are configured and you can select them from the
favorite list in the 'Favorites' main menu item.

4.6 Entry of numbers and letters

In input dialogs, you can enter digits and characters on the keypad.

Numeric entry
 The number of underscores corresponds to the number of possible positions
for the entry.
 The overwrite mode is set by default; there is no insert mode.
 Horizontal navigation within the input field is possible with the keys <◄> and
 Use <▲> to delete the character to the left of the cursor position.
 Use <ok> to save the entered value and exit the input field.
– When there are several input fields in the dialog, the cursor jumps to the
next field by pressing <ok>.
– If the cursor position is in the last or only input field, close the input dialog
by pressing <ok>.
 Use <C> to cancel the input and close the dialog without saving.

Alphanumeric entry
 Alphanumeric entries are only possible in particular input fields, e.g. for
customer text.
 Letters are entered in the same way as letters on telephones. You can select
the corresponding letter by pressing a key several times.
 Switching between lower and upper case letters is possible with the key <*>
and only applies for the next character.

In input fields with more than one line, you cannot change back to a line above
the cursor position.

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Operation functions
Cerberus Remote operating modes

4.7 Cerberus Remote operating modes

Cerberus-Remote has the following operation modes:
 Indicators
 Indications and operation
For both operation modes, Cerberus-Remote must be enabled on the 'Station'. In
addition, a license key (minimum L1) must be installed.

In this operation mode Cerberus-Remote indicates the same as the 'Station'
connected to it, but you cannot operate the linked 'Station'.
Cerberus-Remote indicates the display with all indicated texts, all LEDs in their
current state and all buttons.

Indications and operation

In this operation mode the connected 'Station' is visualised as in the Indications
operation mode. Additionally, the 'Station' can be operated with Cerberus-Remote,
while operation on the 'Station' itself is limited.

As operation on a 'Station' must have priority, this restriction (blocking) on the

'Station' can be cancelled at any time.
Each time an attempt is made to operate on the 'Station', a dialog is indicated with
the option to abort the connection with Cerberus-Remote.

The display test is not performed on Cerberus-Remote.

See also
 Enabling / disabling Cerberus Remote [➙ 80]

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5 Operation
ALARM Procedure

5 Operation
This part of the document provides brief descriptions and detailed operation
sequences for the important functions of the fire detection installation. In addition,
you can find your preferred procedures in the representation of exemplary
operation sequences.

5.1 ALARM Procedure

If your fire detection system has no delayed alarm transmission function ('AVC'),
the variant –'Fire Brigade in' 'mm:ss' in Step 2 (see below) does not apply.

1 <Acknowledge> 5 <Alarm device>

2 Top line on the display A <Alarm delay off>
3 <Softkey 2> 'Show intervention text' if displayed R <Reset>
4 Indication of the fire location on the display

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ALARM Procedure

Procedure in the event of alarm

Step Action / Condition Consequence / Status
1 Press <Acknowledge> on the Person ⇨ With 'AVC' countdown t2 for examination of the
Machine Interface cause of 'ALARM' starts
2 Read top line on display
– 'Fire Brigade requested' ⇨ 'ALARM' is transmitted to the fire brigade
– 'Fire Brigade in' mm:ss ⇨ 'ALARM' is transmitted to fire brigade in mm:ss
Remaining time is shown as Countdown
– 'Call Fire Brigade !' ⇨ Fire department must be called by phone!
when: ⇨ No automatic transmission to fire department
Remote transmission switched off
Remote transmission blocked or defective
No remote transmission available
3 Press 'Show intervention text' <softkey 2> if ⇨ Intervention text is displayed
or press <Show intervention text> button ⇨ Fire location is displayed
Press <Jump back>
4 Read off fire location on display
5 Optional: press <Alarm device> on the ⇨ Deactivates the acoustic alarm devices
Person Machine Interface (password
6 Go to the fire location
7 Decide: MAJOR INCIDENT or minor incident

Condition MAJOR INCIDENT Minor incident

Fire department has been Save people Try to prevent fire department
called Guide the fire department to the fire deployment
Fight the fire
'Fire Brigade in' mm:ss Trigger the manual call point <Press <Reset> (password required)
Countdown is running immediately
Press <Alarm delay off>
'Call Fire Brigade !' Call the fire department on the phone! <Press <Reset> (password required)
No automatic transmission to
the fire department

A password is required for resetting.

It may be necessary to air the room before 'Reset' is possible.
You can temporarily switch off elements that cannot be reset.

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5 Operation
Procedure in case of Fault

5.2 Procedure in case of Fault

Step Action
1 <Press Silence buzzer> on the Person Machine Interface
2 Read message/fault location on the display
3 Press <Acknowledge> on the Person Machine Interface
5 Go to the fault location
6 Eliminate the cause of the fault

A list of possible 'Faults' and how they are eliminated can be found in the chapter
'Faults / Troubleshooting'. If you cannot eliminate 'Fault', please contact your
service provider.

'Fault' and 'Intervention Concept' (IC)

On consideration of 'Intervention Concept', events of the 'Fault' category can be
assigned their own sequence. This sequence may be configured differently and
depends on the 'Manned operation' / 'Unmanned operation' operation mode.
An exemplary process following 'Fault', taking in account 'Intervention Concept', is
graphically shown in the 'Intervention Concept (IC) chapter and is outlined below:

'Fault' has occurred.

 The remote transmission for 'Faults' is activated in 'Unmanned operation'
operation mode.
 The remote transmission for 'Faults' is activated in 'Manned operation'
operation mode unless 'Fault' is acknowledged within the delay t1.

Acknowledge 'Fault'
1. Press <Acknowledge> before the expiry of t1.
2. Read the 'Fault'location on the display.
3. Go to the 'Fault' location.
4. Rectify 'Fault'.

See also
 Intervention concept (IC) [➙ 138]
 Faults / Troubleshooting [➙ 148]

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Switching off / Switching on

5.3 Switching off / Switching on

To avoid false alarms or fault messages, you can switch off 'Site' parts in certain
situations, e.g. for the purpose of maintenance work.
When a part of a system is switched off, the 'ISOLATION' LED is on.
The situations in which part of a 'Site' should be switched off, depends on the
detectors used as well as on possible deceptive phenomena such as smoke, dust,
heat or vapour.

System parts that have been switched off make it impossible to acquire and
process alarms or faults!
Fire may spread unhindered.
 Deploy staff to monitor the deactivated area.
 You must switch deactivated parts of the 'Site' back on as soon as possible.

If a deactivated 'Zone' is the only 'Zone' in a 'Section', the 'Section' is also

indicated as deactivated.

In the following chapters switching off and on is exemplary described.

5.3.1 Switching a detector zone off / on

System parts that have been switched off make it impossible to acquire and
process alarms or faults!
Fire may spread unhindered.
 Deploy staff to monitor the deactivated area.
 You must switch deactivated parts of the 'Site' back on as soon as possible.

If a deactivated 'Zone' is the only 'Zone' in a 'Section', the 'Section' is also

indicated as deactivated.

In which situations a detector zone should be switched off, depends on the

detectors used as well as on possible deceptive phenomena such as smoke, dust,
heat or vapour.

The fastest method for switching off or on is to enter a known address in the
'Enter address' window.
In the configuration, a standard button can be given the function of directly
opening the menu with the 'Enter address' input dialog to select a detector zone.
In the following exemplary operating sequence the process is shown without a
known address.

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5 Operation
Switching off / Switching on

Switching off a detector zone

1. In the main menu, select the 'Functions' menu item.
 The 'Functions' window is open.
2. Select the 'On / Off' menu item.
 A list of all element categories on which a command of the 'On / Off'
command group can be executed is indicated.
3. Select the 'Element category' 'Zone'.
 The 'Enter address' window is open.
4. Press <ok> without entering an address.
 All 'Zones' are displayed
5. Select an 'Zone' and press 'Execute Commands' <softkey 1>.
 The 'Select command' window is open.
6. Select the 'OFF' command and confirm with <ok>.
 The window with the command response confirms the selected command.
 'Zone' is switched off.
Exemplary representation of the aforementioned operation sequence for switching
off a detector zone:

Functions Access level 2.1

Exit with <C>
On / Off (1) Configuration (5)
Test (2) Maintenance (6)
Activate / deactivate (3) All functions (7)
Information (4)
Function Function Test
On/Off All LED

 Select 'On / Off', continue with <ok>

Selecting element category

Zone (1)
Area (2)
Section (3)
Sounder (4)
Fire control group (5)

 Select 'Zone', continue with <ok>

Enter address

Zone ---------

Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>

Delete with <Cursor up>

 Continue with <ok> without entering an address

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Switching off / Switching on

021 Zones

Zone 10 Power supply room

Zone 11 EDP room, false floor
Zone 12 EDP room
Zone 13 Office 21
Execute Show
Commands Topology

 Select 'Zone 13', continue with 'Execute Commands' <softkey 1>

Select command
OFF (2)
OFF/timer (4)

 Select 'OFF', continue with <ok>

 Command response

Execute command

Command executed

Switching a detector zone on

Proceed as with switching off, but select the 'ON' command.
As an alternative, you can also select the corresponding 'Zone' via the 'Message
summary' main menu item and the 'Isolations' message category and switch it back
on with the 'Execute Commands' <softkey>.

See also
 Executing commands - object-oriented [➙ 55]

5.3.2 Switching a detector off / on

System parts that have been switched off make it impossible to acquire and
process alarms or faults!
Fire may spread unhindered.
 Deploy staff to monitor the deactivated area.
 You must switch deactivated parts of the 'Site' back on as soon as possible.

If a deactivated 'Detector' is the only 'Detector' in a 'Zone', the 'Zone' is indicated

as deactivated.

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5 Operation
Switching off / Switching on

1. In the main menu, select the 'Topology' menu item.
 The 'Topology' window is open.
2. Select 'Detection tree' and click <ok>.
 The elements of 'Detection tree' are displayed.
3. Select the element 'Area 1'.
 The elements of 'Area 1' are displayed.
4. Select 'Area 1' and press 'Lower level' <softkey 2>.
 All 'Sections' in 'Area 1' are displayed.
5. Select 'Section 1' and press 'Lower level' <softkey 2>.
 All 'Zones' in 'Section 1' are displayed.
6. Select 'Zone 1' and press 'Lower level' <softkey 2>.
 All detectors of 'Zone 1' are displayed.
7. Select 'Detect. 1' and press 'More Options' <softkey 3>.
 The 'Select option' window is open.
8. Select 'Execute commands'.
 The 'Select command' window is displayed.
9. Select 'OFF'.
 The command is executed.
 The window with the command response is open.
 The detector is switched off.
Exemplary representation of the aforementioned operation sequence for switching
off a detector:

Topology Access level 2.1

Exit with <C>
Detection tree (1)
Hardware tree (2)
Control tree (3)

Function Function Test

On/Off All LED

 Select 'Detection tree', continue with <ok>

001 Element Detection tree

Area 1 Portaphone AG

Lower Execute
level Commands

 Select 'Area 1', continue with 'Lower level' <softkey 2>

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Switching off / Switching on

005 Elements Area 1

Portaphone AG
Section 1 Ground floor
Section 2 1. floor
Section 3 1. floor / EDP room
Section 4 2. floor
Upper Lower Execute
level level Commands

 Select 'Section 1', continue with 'Lower level' <softkey 2>

005 Elements Section 1

Ground floor
Zone 1 Reception hall
Zone 2 Corridor
Zone 3 Warehouse
Zone 4 Reception hall
Upper Lower Execute
level level Commands

 Select element 'Zone 1', continue with 'Lower level' <softkey 2>

002 Elements Zone 1

Reception hall
Detect. 1 Main entrance
Detect. 2 Reception

Upper More
level Options

 Select 'Detect. 2', continue with 'More Options' <softkey 3>

Selecting option
Execute commands (3)
Jump to link (4)
Show details (5)

 Select 'Execute commands' option, continue with <ok>

Select command
OFF (1)
Activate alarm indicator (3)
Deactivate alarm indicator (4)

 Select 'OFF' command

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5 Operation
Switching off / Switching on

 Command response

Execute command

Command executed

Proceed in the same way as when switching off 'Detector', but select the 'ON'
command as shown below.

Select command
ON (2)

 Select 'ON' command

**As an alternative, you can also select the corresponding detector or 'Zone' via
the 'Message summary' main menu item and the 'Isolations' message category
and switch it back on with the 'More Options', 'Execute commands' and 'ON'

5.3.3 Temporary switching-off

System parts that have been switched off make it impossible to acquire and
process alarms or faults!
Fire may spread unhindered.
 Deploy staff to monitor the deactivated area.
 You must switch deactivated parts of the 'Site' back on as soon as possible.

You can only carry out temporary switching off at 'Area' or 'Section' level.

With this function, 'Isolation' can be temporary limited. The part of the 'Site' that has
been switched off is automatically switched on again after the expiry of the
specified period.

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Switching off / Switching on

The figures below show an exemplary operation sequence to temporarily switch off

Selecting element category

Zone (1)
Area (2)
Section (3)
Sounder (4)
Fire control group (5)

 Select 'Section', continue with <ok>

Enter address
Section 1--------
Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>
Delete with <Cursor up>

 Enter address: e.g. 1, continue with <ok

Select command
All zones ON (2)
All zones OFF/timer (3)
MCP zones OFF (4)
Non-MCP zones ON (5)
Non-MCP zones OFF (6)

 Select 'All zones OFF/timer' command continue with <ok>

Enter duration
Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>
Delete with <Cursor up>

 Enter duration: e.g. 5 hours

 Command response

Execute command
All zones OFF/timer

Command executed

The adjustable duration may be limited, depending on the country.

The duration of the 'Isolation' may be changed subsequently.
An unlimited 'Isolation' can be temporarily limited, and vice versa.

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5 Operation
Switching off / Switching on

5.3.4 Switching off / on the remote transmission Fire

When the remote transmission Fire has been switched off, the fire brigade cannot
be called up in the event of fire!
Fire may spread unhindered.
 Deploy staff to monitor the 'Site'.
 You must switch the 'RT Fire' back on as soon as possible.

The 'RT Fire' is normally switched on and may only be switched off in particular
cases, e.g. for a function check of controls.

Switching off 'RT Fire'

1. In the main menu, select the 'Topology' menu item.
 The three partial topology trees are listed.
2. Select 'Control tree'.
 The 'Select element category' window is open.
3. Select the 'Alarmg.' list item.
 The 'Elements' window is open.
4. Select 'Alarmg. 2' and press 'Execute Commands' <softkey 2>.
 The 'Select command' window is open.
5. Select the 'RT FIRE channels OFF' command and press <ok>.
 The command response confirms that the command has been executed.
 The 'RT Fire' is switched off.
 The 'Remote alarm Fault/Off' LED on the Person Machine Interface is on.

LED statuses:
 Off
 Permanently on with isolation
 Flashing with fault

Example of switching off 'RT Fire' using 'Topology' main menu item:
Topology Access level 2.1
Exit with <C>
Detection tree (1)
Hardware tree (2)
Control tree (3)

Function Function Test

On/Off All LED

 Select 'Control tree', continue with <ok>

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Switching off / Switching on

003 Elements Control tree

Evac gr 2 Evac control groups

Alarmg. 2 Standard alarming controls
Fire gr 3 Lift control

Lower Execute
level Commands

 Select 'Alarmg.', continue with <ok>

004 Elements Alarmg. 1

Standard alarming controls
IntS.Ct 1 Internal sounder
RT fire 1 Remote transmission channel FIRE
ExtS.Ct 2 External sounder
RTfault 2 Remote transmission channel FAULT
Upper Lower Execute
level level Commands

 Select 'RT fire', continue with <ok>

002 Elements RT fire 1

Remote transmission channel FIRE
Effects 1
Causes 1

Upper Lower Execute

level level Commands

 Select 'Effects', continue with <ok>

001 Element Effects

RT ch. 1

Upper More
level Options

 Continue with <More Options>

Selecting option
Execute commands (3)
Jump to link (4)
Show details (5)

 Select 'Execute commands' option, continue with <ok>

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5 Operation
Switching off / Switching on

Select command
OFF (1)
Set customer text (3)
Activate (5)
Time limited activation (6)

 Select 'OFF' command continue with <ok>

 Command response

Execute command

Command executed

Example of switching off 'RT Fire' using 'On / Off' menu item in
'Functions' menu:
Selecting element category
Zone (3)
Sounder (4)
Fire control group (5)
RT control (6)
Alarming control group (7)

 Select 'Alarming control group' element category, continue with <ok>

Enter address
Alarmg. ---------
Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>
Delete with <Cursor up>

 Do not enter an address, continue with <ok>

Select command
Internal/external sounders OFF (1)
RT FIRE channels OFF (2)
Internal/external sounders ON (3)
RT FIRE channels ON (4)

 Select command: 'RT FIRE channels OFF'

Switching on 'RT Fire'

 Proceed as with switching off, but select the 'ON' command.

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Switching off / Switching on

5.3.5 Switching off alarm activation

System parts that have been switched off make it impossible to acquire and
process alarms or faults!
Fire may spread unhindered.
 Deploy staff to monitor the deactivated area.
 You must switch deactivated parts of the 'Site' back on as soon as possible.

You can switch off the fire detection installation alarm activation for specific
elements with this function.
Faults such as the removal of a detector are nevertheless evaluated and displayed.

You can only run the 'Alarm evaluation OFF' command on the following
'XC10 zone'
'Automatic zone'
'Technical zone'

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5 Operation
Switching off / Switching on

5.3.6 Switching off sabotage evaluation [DE]

If a class 3 key safe (fire department key safe, 'FSD') forms part of the fire
detection installation and you want to open the housing of the control panel, you
have got to switch off the sabotage evaluation.

Sabotage ALARM with police or security service
Costs due to unnecessary deployment.
 In a site with 'FSD', switch off sabotage evaluation before you open the
housing of a control panel.

'Sabotage evaluation OFF'

 Sabotage evaluation is switched on.
 You have access level 3 entitlement.
1. In the main menu, select the 'Topology' menu item.
 The three partial trees of the topology tree are indicated.
2. Select 'Hardware tree'.
 One or more 'Stations' are displayed.
3. Select the 'Stations' to which 'FSD' is connected.
4. Press 'Lower level' <softkey>.
 The elements of 'Stations' are displayed.
5. Select the element 'FSD'.
6. Press <Execute Commands>.
7. Select the 'Sabotage evaluation OFF' command.
 Sabotage evaluation is switched off.

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Log in / Change access level

5.4 Log in / Change access level

You can enable an 'Access level' by entering your PIN in the PIN entry dialog, or by
pressing <ok>. Alternatively you can use the key switch (optional) to release an
Access level.
If you press a key on the Person Machine Interface whose function requires a
higher 'Access level', the PIN input dialog is displayed automatically.

Enter PIN: *
For guest-login no PIN required
Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>
Delete with <Cursor up>

PIN entry dialog box

Enabling an 'Access level' without a PIN

1. Press <Menu> on the keypad.
 The PIN input dialog is indicated.
2. Do not enter a PIN and confirm with <ok>.
 The lowest 'Access level' is enabled.
 The main menu is open.

Enabling an 'Access level' with a PIN

1. Press <Menu> on the keypad or select the 'Login/logout' main menu item.
 The PIN input dialog is indicated.
2. Enter your PIN and confirm with <ok>.
 The corresponding 'Access level' is enabled.
 The main menu is open.

The present 'Access level' is indicated in the main menu in the header of the

5.5 Logging out from an access level

1. Select the 'Login/logout' main menu item.
 The PIN input dialog is indicated.
2. Do not enter a PIN and confirm with <ok>.
 The 'Access level' is reset back to the lowest 'Access level'.

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5 Operation
Switching between 'Manned' / 'Unmanned' operation modes

5.6 Switching between 'Manned' / 'Unmanned'

operation modes
The 'Manned operation' or 'Unmanned operation' operation modes have an impact
on the processing of 'ALARM' and 'Fault'. Information on the operation mode can
be found in the chapter in account.
The operation mode set is indicated by the 'Premises manned' LED.
 When the 'Premises manned' LED is on, the operation mode is set to 'Manned
 When the 'Premises manned' LED is not on, the operation mode is set to
'Unmanned operation'.

Switching between operation modes

1. Press the 'Premises manned' standard button on the PMI.
 The PIN input dialog is indicated.
2. Enter your PIN and confirm with <ok>.
 The operation mode has been switched.
 Check the setting of the 'Premises manned' LED.

'Manned operation' / 'Unmanned operation' mixed operation

If one PMI has visibility to more than one fire control panel, with different 'Manned
operation' / 'Unmanned operation' operation modes, this is considered "mixed
In this case, the event list opens upon actuation of the 'Premises manned' button.
The event list includes all events of the 'Manned operation' and 'Unmanned
operation' operation modes.
With the 'More Options' softkey the three following commands are available:
 'Switch all to 'manned''
 'Switch all to 'unmanned''
 'Manned' or 'Unmanned', depending on the condition of the selected entry in
the event list

When there is at least one 'Premises manned' event, the 'Premises manned' LED
is on.
By means of configured switching from 'Manned operation' to 'Unmanned
operation' at predefined times, the operation mode may switch although no
manual switching has been performed.
There is no possibility of an automatic switching from 'Unmanned operation' to
'Manned operation'.

See also
 Operation modes [➙ 93]

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Changing visibility

5.7 Changing visibility

See also
 Visibility [➙ 98]

5.7.1 Deactivating standby

'PMI standby visibility' cannot be activated manually.

The 'Deactivate standby visibility' command is only available once the monitored
'Station' or the management station is back in normal operation.

 The 'PMI standby visibility' is active.

 The monitored 'Station' or the management station is in normal operation.
1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Message summary' menu item.
 The message categories containing messages are displayed.
2. Select 'Information'.
 'PMI standby visibility' is shown.
3. Select this element.
4. Press <Execute Commands>.
5. Select 'Deactivate standby visibility'
 'PMI standby visibility' is deactivated.

See also
 Standby visibility [➙ 98]

5.7.2 Activating / deactivating expanded visibility

The 'Activate expanded visibility' function can be assigned to a favourite to make

it easier to find.
Activation can be configured depending on the condition that the monitored
'Station' is 'Fault'.

Activating the function 'Expanded visibility'

 The 'Station' is configured for 'Expanded visibility'.
1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Topology' menu item.
 The three partial trees of the 'Topology' are displayed.
2. Select 'Hardware tree'.
 The elements in 'Hardware tree' are displayed.
3. Select 'Station' and press the 'Lower level' softkey.
 The elements of 'Station' are displayed.
4. Select 'PMI' and press the 'Lower level' softkey.
 The elements of 'PMI' are displayed.

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5 Operation
Main menu / Open menu item

5. Select the 'expand.' element and press the 'More Options' softkey or the
command at the bottom directly, depending on the 'Access level'.
 The 'Selection option' window is displayed depending on the 'Access level'.
6. Select 'Execute commands'.
 The 'Select command' window is displayed.
7. Select 'Activate expanded visibility'
 'Expanded visibility' is activated.

Deactivating the 'Expanded visibility' function

1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Message summary' menu item.
 The message categories containing messages are displayed.
2. Select 'Information'.
3. 'PMI expanded visibility' is shown.
4. Select this element.
5. Press <Execute Commands>.
6. Select 'Deactivate expanded visibility'.
 'PMI expanded visibility' is deactivated.

See also
 Expanded visibility [➙ 99]

5.8 Main menu / Open menu item

'Main menu'
1. Press the <Menu> button.
 The PIN input dialog is indicated.
2. Enter your PIN and confirm with <ok> or confirm with <ok> without entering the
 The 'Main menu' is indicated on the display.

Without PIN entry, the 'Main menu' only includes the menu items that are
available without logging-in. To view an extended menu list in the 'Main menu',
you need to log in on a corresponding access level.

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Executing commands - Basics

Opening menu item

Every menu item has a number shown in brackets for the shortcut on the numerical
 Press on the digit in account on the numerical pad in order to open the menu
 Alternatively, you may navigate to the next menu item using the navigation
buttons <▲> and <▼>.
 You may open the highlighted menu item with the button <ok> or with the
navigation button <►>.

See also
 Menu button [➙ 21]

5.9 Executing commands - Basics

There are different ways to enter commands. Basically, there are two ways to enter
a command:
 Function-oriented command entry
– Here, first select a command and then the target object on which the
command is to be executed.
 Object-oriented command entry
– Here, first select the target object and then the command on which the
target object is to be executed.
In the fire detection system, these two methods of entering commands are
combined in the interest of a better overview during the selection. It is thus possible
to change between the two methods during the command entry sequence.
As only the possible command or element categories are indicated, each selection
restricts the selection that follows.
The example in the following chapter makes this clear.

Depending on the 'Access level', the possible selection of commands via softkeys
or the 'Main menu' is extended or restricted.

See also
 Selection in the topology [➙ 60]
 Searching for elements [➙ 61]
 List of all commands and required access levels [➙ 100]

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5 Operation
Executing commands - Basics

5.9.1 Executing commands - General

Example for the execution of commands

1. Select a command category such as e.g. 'Function On/Off' by pressing the
<softkey 1> in the 'Main menu' or the 'Functions' main menu item.
 The pre-selection restricts the element category selection.
 A list of all element categories on which a command of the 'On / Off'
command group can be executed is indicated.
2. Select an element category.
 The 'Enter address' window is open.
3. Enter an address or leave the entry field blank and confirm with <ok>.
 If no address is entered, all elements of the selected element category are
4. In this case, select an element and press the 'Execute Commands' <softkey>.
 The 'Select command' window is open.
5. Select a command.
 The command is executed.
The tables below indicate the steps described above:

Main menu Access level 2.1

Exit with <C>
Message summary (1) Element search (5)
Functions (2) Event memory (6)
Favorites (3) Login/logout (7)
Topology (4) Settings/administration (8)
Function Function Test
On/Off All LED

 Press 'Function On/Off' <softkey 1>.

Selecting element category

Area (1)
Section (2)
Zone (3)
Sounder (4)
Fire control group (5)

 Select for example 'Zone'.

Enter address
Zone ---------
Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>
Delete with <Cursor up>

 Confirm with <ok> without entering an address.

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Executing commands - Basics

021 Zones

Zone 10 Power supply room

Zone 11 EDP room, false floor
Zone 12 EDP room
Zone 13 Office 21
Execute Show
Commands Topology

 Select a zone and press 'Execute Commands' <softkey 1>.

Select command
OFF (2)
OFF/timer (4)

 'Select a command, e.g. 'OFF'

 Window with command response

Execute command

Command executed

5.9.2 Executing commands - object-oriented

You can apply object-oriented command entry to selected target objects. A
selection can be made e.g. as follows:
 Navigation in the topology
 Element search
You can execute a command on the selection or the selected element from a list.
To do this press the 'Execute Commands' <softkey> and then select a command.

Exemplary selection of an element from the 'Detection tree' for

command entry:
Main menu Access level 2.1
Exit with <C>
Message summary (1) Element search (5)
Functions (2) Event memory (6)
Favorites (3) Login/logout (7)
Topology (4) Settings/administration (8)
Function Function Test
On/Off All LED

 Select 'Topology' menu item in the main menu, continue with <ok>

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5 Operation
Executing commands - Basics

Topology Access level 2.1

Exit with <C>
Detection tree (1)
Hardware tree (2)
Control tree (3)

Function Function Test

On/Off All LED

 Select 'Detection tree', continue with <ok>

001 Element Detection tree

Area 2 Portaphone AG

Lower Execute
level Commands

 Select 'Area 2', continue with 'Lower level' <softkey 2>

005 Elements Area 2

Portaphone AG
Section 1 Ground floor
Section 2 1. floor
Section 3 1. floor / EDP room
Section 4 2. floor
Upper Lower Execute
level level Commands

 Select 'Section 1', continue with 'Lower level' <softkey 2>

005 Elements Section 1

Ground floor
Zone 1 Reception hall
Zone 2 Corridor
Zone 3 Warehouse
Zone 4 Reception hall
Upper Lower Execute
level level Commands

 Select 'Zone 1', continue with 'Lower level' <softkey 2>

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
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Executing commands - Basics

002 Elements Zone 1

Reception hall
Detect. 1 Main entrance
Detect. 2 Reception

Upper Execute
level Commands

 Select 'Detect. 1', continue with 'Execute Commands' <softkey 3>

Select command
OFF (1)
Activate alarm indicator (3)
Deactivate alarm indicator (4)

 Select 'OFF' command continue with <ok>

 Command response

Execute command

Command executed

5.9.3 Executing commands – function-oriented

Executing commands, function-oriented

1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Functions' menu item.
 The 'Functions' menu is open.
2. Select a menu item in the menu list or press the softkey in account.
If a command such as e.g. 'Test LED' cannot be executed directly, the 'Select
element category' window is open after the selection of a menu item or softkey
(see above, in the chapter "Executing commands – General").

Functions Access level 2.1

Exit with <C>
On / Off (1) Configuration (5)
Test (2) Maintenance (6)
Activate / deactivate (3) All functions (7)
Information (4)
Function Function Test
On/Off All LED

'Functions' menu

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5 Operation
Selecting elements or events

5.9.4 Hide command confirmation message

After entering a command, two windows with command confirmation messages
confirm the execution of the command as well as the successful execution.

When the execution duration of a command is very short, the command

confirmation message is immediately shown, including a message about the
successful command execution.
In general, the command confirmation messages disappear after a few seconds.

Regarding the following commands with longer execution durations,

the window with the command confirmation messages does not
disappear automatically:
 Auto configuration functions
 'Accept replaced devices'
 'Read in installed devices'
 'Read current topology'
 'Detector line ON'
 'Restart line'
 'Detector line OFF'

Hiding the indicated command confirmation message

 Press <Menu> or <C>.
 The window disappears.

5.10 Selecting elements or events

The objective of selecting an element or event is e.g. the detailed and information
indication, the configuration or command entry applied to the selection.

5.10.1 Select events

All events that have occurred in the fire detection installation are stored in the event
memory . The event list is sorted chronologically and you may filter the events by
category, date and time.

The preselection by category as well as the entry of a timespan makes it possible

to indicate a part of all the events stored in 'Event memory'.

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Selecting elements or events

Selecting events
1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Event memory' menu item.
 A list with 'Stations' is displayed. The 'Station', where the selection is made
is identified accordingly.
2. Select the 'Station'.
 A list of all events is displayed.

3 0008/0069 AAAAA bb STST 01 4

2 ttt 06-05-19 00:00:01 ttt 06-05-25 08:48:29
06-05-23 09:25:36 GGGGGG
1 06-05-22 08:16:05 GGGGGG


Example of an event list

1 Event list 3 Highlighted entry (0008) of the total number of entries

2 Timespan 4 Selected 'Station'

Using the softkeys to limit the selection of all events indicated

You can use the 'Select Event category' softkey to select an event category and
then enter the date or time range.

Select event category

Pre-ALARM (1)
Fault (2)
Isolation (3)

You can use the 'Select Date/time range' softkey to enter the timespan.

Select date/time range

Whole range
From / to (1)
Today (2)
Yesterday (3)
Last 7 days (4)

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5 Operation
Selecting elements or events

The 'More Options' softkey gives you the following options:

Selecting option
Select station (3)
Execute commands (4)
Jump to begin (5)
Jump to end (6)
Delete event memory (8)

5.10.2 Selection in the topology

It is possible to navigate through the topology tree structure via the 'Topology'
menu item in the Main menu. To do so, you may select an element for detailed
view or execute a function on a selected element.
In the topology you can preselect the elements by selecting the topology partial
There are three partial trees:
 'Detection tree'
 'Hardware tree'
 'Control tree'

Selecting element in the topology

1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Topology' menu item.
 The three partial trees of the topology are indicated.
2. Select a partial tree.
3. In the structure, continue navigating to the detail with the 'Lower level' softkey
or use the 'Execute Commands' <softkey> to execute a command.
 Details are shown or the window with a selection of commands is indicated.

Navigating in an exemplary 'Detection tree'

Topology Access level 2.1
Exit with <C>
Detection tree (1)
Hardware tree (2)
Control tree (3)

Function Function Test

On/Off All LED

 'Control tree' selection

 The control tree includes three elements.

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Selecting elements or events

003 Elements Control tree

Fire control group 2 Fire protection doors

Alarming control group 2 Standard alarming control
Fire control group 3 Lift control

Lower Execute
level Commands

 Select 'Alarming control group 2', 'Lower level' <softkey 2>

006 Elements Alarmg.

ExtS.Ct 4 External sounder

RTfault 4 RT channel Fault
RT 1 7 RT channel 1
Alarm Verification 8 RT channel 2
Upper Execute
level Commands

 Select 'RTfault', 'Execute Commands' <softkey 3>

Select command
OFF (1)
Deactivate (2)
Poll RT counter (3)

5.10.3 Searching for elements

An 'Element search' makes it possible to view the details of an element or to enter
commands applicable to an element.
There are two variants to 'Element search':
 Search by category
 Search by 'Address'

Searching for an element

1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Element search' menu item.
 The window to select the search variant is open.
2. Select the search variant and proceed as follows:
 'Start with category'
First of all, select an element category.
In the 'Enter address' window you have the possibility to enter <ok> without
entering an address. In that case, all elements of this element category are

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5 Operation
Selecting elements or events

When you enter a valid address in the 'Enter address' field, only that element is
 'Start with address'
Here you enter a valid address at the beginning. All elements with this address
are listed.
The elements may belong to different element categories such as 'Area' 2,
'Section' 2, 'Zone' 2, 'Alarming control group' 2 or 'Fire control group' 2, after
the entry of address 2..

Search by category
The tables below indicate steps of the 'Element search' with 'Start with category':

Main menu Access level 2.1

Exit with <C>
Message summary (1) Element search (5)
Functions (2) Event memory (6)
Favorites (3) Login/logout (7)
Topology (4) Settings/administration (8)
Function Function Test
On/Off All LED

 Select 'Element search', continue with <ok>

Element search Access level 2.1

Exit with <C>
Start with category (1)
Start with address (2)

Function Function Test

On/Off All LED

 Select 'Start with category', continue with <ok>

Selecting element category

Area (1)
Section (2)
Zone (3)
Sounder (4)
Fire control group (5)

 Select e.g. 'Zone', continue with <ok>

Enter address
Zone 2--------
Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>
Delete with <Cursor up>

 Enter e.g. 2, continue with <ok>

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Selecting elements or events

001 Zone

Zone 2 Corridor

Execute Execute commands

Commands Topology

Corresponding functions are possible with the softkeys.

Search by address
The tables below indicate steps of the 'Element search' with 'Start with address':

Element search Access level 2.1

Exit with <C>
Start with category (1)
Start with address (2)

Function Function Test

On/Off All LED

 Select 'Start with address', continue with <ok>

Enter address
Address 2--------
Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>
Delete with <Cursor up>

 Enter e.g. 2, continue with <ok>

050 Elements

Area 2 Portaphone AG
Section 2 1. floor
Zone 2 Corridor
RT fire 2 RT channel Fire
Execute Execute commands
Commands Topology

Corresponding functions are possible with the softkeys.

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5 Operation

5.11 Testing
The following chapters with operation sequences for testing include sample tests.

See also
 Test [➙ 94]

5.11.1 Testing detectors

For 'Detector test' you can select automatic 'Detectors' or 'Manual call point'.
The 'Detector test' function can be carried out on the levels 'Zone', 'Section' or

Testing all automatic 'Detectors'

1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Functions' menu item.
 The 'Functions' menu is open.
2. Select the 'Test' menu item.
 The 'Select element category' window is open.
3. Select the 'Element category' 'Area'.
 The 'Enter address' window is open.
4. Press <ok> without entering an address.
 The 'Select command' window is open.
5. Select 'Non-MCP zones det.test'.
 All automatic 'Detectors' are set to 'Detector test'.
 The 'DETECTOR TEST' LED on the Person Machine Interface is on.
6. Test the 'Detectors'.

Example of selecting commands for the 'Detector test' of all

automatic 'Detectors':
Select command
Installation test (2)
Non-MCP zones det.test END (3)
Installation test END (4)
MCP zones det.test END (5)
Non-MCP zones det.test (6)

'Detector test' all automatic 'Detectors'

Proceed as with Detector test but select the 'Non-MCP zones det.test END'

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5.11.2 Testing the installation

As in the 'Installation test' all functions of the complete fire detection system
including the 'Fire control' and alarming are tested, you must take appropriate
The 'Installation test' can be performed at 'Area' or 'Section levels.

During the system test, the alarming and fire control are activated!
Personal injury resulting from extinguishing activation
The fire brigade is called up unnecessarily.
 Set the 'Fire controls' to 'Control test' in advance.
 Inform the fire brigade in advance.

Before the 'Installation test' you can set 'Fire controls' to 'Control test'.

Testing the installation

 Proceed as with 'Detector test' and select the 'Installation test' function.

See also
 Control test [➙ 65]
 Testing detectors [➙ 64]

5.11.3 Control test

The 'Control test' checks the function of configured controls.

During the 'Control test', the controls function in the same way as during normal
operation; however, the hardware is not actuated.

The effects of the controls, e.g. the actuation of digital outputs and the sounders or
the execution of commands is ensured, however, the corresponding hardware
does not receive a signal and is thus not activated.

All controls can be set to 'Control test'.

Testing a control
1. In the main menu, select the 'Functions' menu item.
 The 'Functions' window is open.
2. Select the 'Test' menu item.
 A list of all element categories on which a command of the 'Test' command
group can be executed is indicated.
3. Select the 'Fire control group' element category.
 The 'Enter address' window is open.

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5 Operation
Activation / Deactivation / Reset

4. Press <ok> without entering an address.

 A list of all 'Fire control groups' is displayed.
5. Select the desired 'Fire control group' and press <softkey 1>.
 The 'Select command' window is open.
6. Select 'Control test'.
 The control test is performed

Example of selecting commands for the 'Control test' in the 'Fire

control group' element category:
Selecting element category
Section (2)
Zone (3)
Sounder (4)
RT control (5)
Fire control group (6)

Select command
Control test END (1)
Control test (2)

See also
 Testing detectors [➙ 64]

5.12 Activation / Deactivation / Reset

You can activate and deactivate outputs, for example 'Sounders'.
Channel inputs, e.g. detectors, may be activated but not deactivated. They can be
reset after an activation.
The activation of 'Fire controls' actuates e.g. flaps, lifts, system equipment and
extinguishing equipment, including those with extinguishing gases. You must take
appropriate measures to prevent any possible damage.

Deactivated controls hinder appropriate measures in case of fire!
Personal injury and damage to property in the event of a fire.
 Deploy staff to monitor the deactivated area.
 You must reactivate deactivated controls as soon as possible.

Activated parts of the system may actuate alarming and universal control devices!
Personal injury resulting from extinguishing activation.
The fire brigade is called up unnecessarily.
 Set the 'Fire controls' to 'Control test' in advance.
 Inform the fire brigade in advance.

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Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010
Activation / Deactivation / Reset

5.12.1 Activating an alarm indicator (AI)

You can activate an alarm indicator e.g. to check the geographic assignment of a
detector. This function is useful for commissioning and maintenance.

'Activate alarm indicator'

1. In the main menu, select the 'Topology' menu item.
 The three partial trees of the topology tree are indicated.
2. Select 'Detection tree'.
3. Go on navigating through the tree structure to the next detector, using the
'Lower level' softkey 2.
4. Highlight a detector.
5. Press 'More Options' <softkey 3>.
 The 'Select option' window is open.
6. Select the 'Execute commands' option.
 The 'Select command' window is displayed.
7. Select the 'Activate alarm indicator' command.
 The alarm indicator is activated.
The example below shows navigation in the 'Detection tree' to select a detector
and activate the alarm indicator:

Topology Access level 3

Exit with <C>
Detection tree (1)
Hardware tree (2)
Control tree (3)

Function Function Test

On/Off All LED

 Select 'Detection tree', continue with <ok>

001 Element Detection tree

Area 1 Portaphone AG

Lower More
level Options

 Select 'Area 1', continue with 'Lower level' <softkey 2>

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5 Operation
Activation / Deactivation / Reset

005 Elements Area 1

Portaphone AG
Section 1 Ground floor
Section 2 1. floor
Section 3 1. floor / EDP room
Section 4 2. floor
Upper Lower More
level level Options

 Select element 'Section 3', continue with 'Lower level' <softkey 2>

004 Elements Section 3

1. floor / EDP room
Zone 9 EDP room
Zone 10 Power supply room
Zone 11 EDP room, false floor
Zone 12 EDP room
Upper Lower More
level level Options

 Select element 'Zone 11', continue with 'Lower level' <softkey 2>

001 Element Zone 11

1. floor / EDP room
Detect. 1 EDP room, false floor

Upper Lower More

level level Options

 Select element 'Detect. 1', continue with 'More Options' <softkey 3>

Selecting option
Execute commands (3)
Jump to link (4)
Show details (5)

 Select 'Execute commands' option, continue with <ok>

Select command
OFF (1)
Set customer text (3)
Activate alarm indicator (5)
Select PS MANNED (6)
Select PS UNMANNED (7)

 Select 'Activate alarm indicator' command continue with <ok>

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Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010
Activation / Deactivation / Reset

 Command response

Execute command
Activate alarm indicator

Command executed

5.12.2 Deactivating / Activating alarm devices

In case of alarm, the alarm devices are active and the corresponding LED on the
PMI is on.
You can deactivate activated alarm devices on the PMI.
The figure below shows one part of the PMI including the 'Alarm device' button:


1 'Alarm device' button 3 'Alarm device Fault/Off' LED

2 'Alarm device Active' LED

Deactivating the alarm devices

 An alarm event has occurred.
 Press <Alarm device>.

 Alarm devices are deactivated.

Activating deactivated alarm devices

 Press <Alarm device> again.
 Alarm devices are activated.

When activated alarm devices have been deactivated after an alarm event, they
are automatically re-activated when a new alarm event occurs.

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5 Operation
Activation / Deactivation / Reset

5.12.3 Activating / resetting zone

An activated 'Zone' generates an 'ALARM' event.

Activating 'Zone'
1. In the main menu, select the 'Functions' menu item.
 The 'Functions' menu is open.
2. Select the 'Activate / deactivate' menu item.
 A list of all element categories on which a command of the 'Activate /
deactivate' command group can be executed is indicated.
3. Select the 'Zone' element category.
 The 'Enter address' window is open.
4. Press <ok> without entering an address.
 A list with all 'Zones' is open.
5. Select an 'Zone' and press <softkey 1>.
 The 'Select command' window is open.
6. Select 'Activate'.
 'Zone' is activated.
 The window with the command response is open.

Example for the activation of a 'Zone'

Functions Access level 2.2
Exit with <C>
On / Off (1) Configuration
Test (2) Maintenance (5)
Activate / deactivate (3) All functions (6)
Information (4) (7)
Function Function Test
On/Off All LED

 Select 'Activate / deactivate' function in the main menu, continue with <ok>

Selecting element category

Area (1)
Zone (2)
Sounder (3)
RT control (4)
Alarming control group (5)

 Select 'Zone' element category, continue with <ok>

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
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Activation / Deactivation / Reset

Enter address
Zone ---------
Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>
Delete with <Cursor up>

 Press <ok> without entering an address

004 Zones
Zone 1 FSE Zone1
Zone 2 Manual Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4
Execute Execute commands
Commands Topology

 Select 'Execute Commands' <softkey 1>

Select command
Activate (1)

 Select 'Activate', continue with <ok>

 Command response

Execute command

Command executed

After a 'Zone' zone has been activated, the 'ALARM' event is indicated on the

Fire Brigade requested

001 Manual FIRE ALARM Zone 1
! FSE zone 1

Execute Show More

Commands Intervention text Options

'ALARM' event

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5 Operation
Activation / Deactivation / Reset

Acknowleding 'ALARM'
 Press <Acknowledge>.
 The alarming equipment is switched off.

Execute command

Command executed

Command response

Resetting 'Zone'
1. Press <Reset>.
 The 'Login/logout' dialogue is open.
2. Enter an admissible PIN.
 'Zone' is reset.

5.12.4 Activating / deactivating universal control

Activating a 'Fire control'

1. In the main menu, select the 'Functions' menu item.
 The 'Functions' menu is open.
2. Select the 'Activate / deactivate' menu item.
 A list of all element categories on which a command of the 'Activate /
deactivate' command group can be executed is indicated.
3. Select the 'Output Fire control' element category.
 The 'Enter address' window is open.
4. Press <ok> without entering an address.
 A list with all 'Fire controls' is open.
5. Select an 'Fire control' and press <softkey 1>.
 The 'Select command' window is open.
6. Select 'Activate'.
 'Fire control' is activated.
 The window with the command response is open.

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Activation / Deactivation / Reset

Example of deactivating a 'Fire control', following the methods

described above:
Functions Access level 2.1
Exit with <C>
On / Off (1) Configuration (5)
Test (2) Maintenance (6)
Activate / deactivate (3) All functions (7)
Information (4)
Function Function Test
On/Off All LED

 Select 'Activate / deactivate', continue with <ok>

Selecting element category

Fire control group (7)
Physical channel (8)
Fire control group (9)
Output Fire control
RT channel

 Select 'Output Fire control', continue with <ok>

Enter address
Fire ct 1--------
OUTFire 1--
Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>
Delete with <Cursor up>

 E.g. continue with <ok> without entering an address

009 OUTFire

OUTFire 2 Lakeside corridor

OUTFire 1 Mountain side corridor
OUTFire 2 Lakeside corridor
OUTFire 1 Lift shaft 1st floor
Execute Execute commands
Commands Topology

 Select 'Execute Commands' <softkey 1>

Select command
OFF (1)
Activate (4)

 Select 'Activate' command, continue with <ok>

 Command response

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5 Operation
Activation / Deactivation / Reset

Execute command

Command executed

Deactivating a 'Fire control'

Proceed as with activating, but select the 'Deactivate' command.

5.12.5 Activating evac controls

1. In the main menu, select the 'Functions' menu item.
 The 'Functions' window is open.
2. Select the 'Activate / deactivate' menu item.
 A list of all element categories on which a command of the 'Activate /
deactivate' command group can be executed is indicated.
3. Select the 'Evac control group' element category.
 The 'Enter address' window is open.
4. Press <ok> without entering an address.
 A list with all 'Evac controls' is open if more than one Evac category has
been configured.
5. Select an 'Evac control group' and press <softkey 1>.
 The 'Select command' window is open.
6. Select 'Activate/EVAC'.
 'Evac control' is activated.
 The window with the command response is open.

Example for the activation of 'Evac control'

Functions Access level 3
Exit with <C>
On / Off (1) Configuration (5)
Test (2) Maintenance (6)
Activate / deactivate (3) All functions (7)
Information (4)

Function Function Test

On/Off All LED

 Select 'Activate / deactivate' menu item, continue with <ok>

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
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Activation / Deactivation / Reset

Selecting element category

Area (1)
Zone (2)
Sounder (3)
Evac control group (4)
Fire control group (5)

 Select 'Evac control group' element category, continue with <ok>

Enter address
Evac gr --------
Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>
Delete with <Cursor up>

 Continue with <ok> without entering an address

Since in the example here only one 'Evac control' is configured, after confirmation
with <ok> without an address entry, there is no selection window for selecting
'Evac control'.

Select command
Activate/ALERT+EVAC (1)
Activate/EVAC (2)
Activate/ALERT (3)
Deactivate (4)

 Select 'Activate/EVAC' command continue with <ok>

 Command response

Execute command

Command executed

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5 Operation
Show information

5.13 Show information

5.13.1 Polling alarm counters / remote transmissions

The fire control panel has a function which counts all alarm events. The number of
all alarms can be called up using alarm counter.
Another function counts all remote transmissions and can be shown using the RT

Polling the alarm counter

1. Press 'Function All' <softkey 2> in the main menu.
 The 'Select element category' window is open.
2. Select the 'Area' element category.
 The 'Enter address' window is open.
3. Press <ok> without entering an address.
 A list with 'Areas' is opened.
4. Select an 'Area' and press <softkey 1>.
 The 'Select command' window is open.
5. Select the 'Poll alarm counter' command.
 The number of alarms that have been occurred is indicated.

Execute command
Poll alarm counter

Alarm counter value is: $(COUNTER) 3

Example with alarm counter value

Polling the RT counter

1. Press 'Function All' <softkey 2> in the main menu.
 The 'Select element category' window is open.
2. Select the 'RT control' element category.
 The 'Enter address' window is open.
3. Press <ok> without entering an address.
 A list with all elements of the 'RT' type is open.
4. Select an element and press <Softkey 1>.
 The 'Select command' window is open.
5. Select the 'Poll RT counter' command.
 The number of remote transmissions is shown.

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Entering the configuration

5.14 Entering the configuration

In the 'Configuration' menu you may e.g. perform the following settings:
 'Switch Manned operation' / 'Unmanned operation'
 Set times for 'Unmanned operation'
 Set parameter sets for 'Manned operation' and 'Unmanned operation'
 Set customer text

Configuring the installation

1. In the main menu, select the 'Functions' menu item.
 The 'Functions' menu is open.
2. Select the 'Configuration' menu item.
 A list of all element categories on which a command of the 'Configuration'
command group can be executed is indicated.
3. Select the element category you want to configure.
 The 'Enter address' window is open.
4. Press <ok> without entering an address.
 A list with all elements is open.
5. Select an element and press <Softkey 1>.
 The 'Select command' window is open.
6. Select a command.
 The command is executed.

5.15 Auto-configure station

With the 'Auto-configure station' function you can commission a newly installed
'Station' immediately and without any additional settings.

Overwriting an existing configuration
An existing customer-specific configuration is lost.
 First save an existing customer-specific configuration.

The 'Auto-configure station' process takes a few minutes, depending on the

installation size.

1. In the main menu, select the 'Topology' menu item.

 The 'Topology' menu is open.
2. Select 'Hardware tree'.
 A list with all 'Stations' is displayed.
3. Select a 'Station'.
4. Press 'More options'.
 The 'Select option' window is open.

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5 Operation
Auto-configure line

5. Select 'Auto-configure station'.

 'Station' is auto-configured.

5.16 Auto-configure line

The 'Line' element category in the 'Maintenance' menu facilitates the reading-in of
the current topology, for example. This creates part of the elements in the
'Detection tree'.

Overwriting an existing configuration
Parts of an existing customer-specific configuration are lost.
 First save an existing customer-specific configuration.

Auto-configuring a line:
1. In the main menu, select the 'Topology' menu item.
 The 'Topology' window is open.
2. Select 'Hardware tree'.
 The 'Element' window is open.
3. Select a 'Station' and press the 'Lower level' <softkey>.
 The elements of 'Station' are displayed.
4. Select the corresponding 'C-NET line card (onboard/FCL2001)' module and
press the 'Lower level' <softkey>.
 All lines of 'C-NET line card (onboard/FCL2001)' are indicated.
5. Select a line and press 'More Options' <softkey>.
 The 'Select option' window is open.
6. Select 'Execute commands' and confirm with <ok>.
 The window including the possible commands is displayed.
7. Select the 'Auto-configure line' command and confirm with <ok>.
 The line is auto-configured.

Example of automatic configuration

Main menu Access level 3
Exit with <C>
Message summary (1) Element search (5)
Functions (2) Event memory (6)
Favorites (3) Login/logout (7)
Topology (4) Settings/administration (8)
Function Function Test
On/Off All LED

 Select 'Topology', continue with <ok>

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Auto-configure line

Topology Access level 3

Exit with <C>
Detection tree (1)
Hardware tree (2)
Control tree (3)

Function Function Test

On/Off All LED

 Select 'Hardware tree', continue with <ok>

001 Element Hardware tree

Station 1 Main building

Lower More
level Options

 Select 'Station 1', continue with 'Lower level' <softkey 2>

005 Elements Station 1

FC722 Main building
Module 1 Onboard I/Os
Module 2 C-NET line card (onboard/FCL2001)
Module 3 C-NET line card (onboard/FCL2001)
Module 4 Communication interfaces
Upper Lower More
level level Options

 Select 'Module 2', continue with 'Lower level' <softkey 2>

007 Elements Module 2

C-NET line card
Line 1 Line
Line 21 Line
Line 22 Line
Line 31 Line
Upper Lower More
level level Options

 Select 'Line 1', continue with 'More Options' <softkey 3>

Selecting option
Execute commands (3)
Show details (5)

 Select 'Execute commands', continue with <ok>

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010
5 Operation
Enabling / disabling Cerberus Remote

Select command
Read in installed devices (1)
Detector line OFF (2)
Auto-configure line (3)
Set customer text (4)
Accept replaced devices (6)

 Select 'Auto-configure line', continue with <ok>

 The line is auto-configured.

5.17 Enabling / disabling Cerberus Remote

Using Cerberus-Remote, you can represent the Person Machine Interface of a
'Station' on the PC. Depending on the mode, you can display the Person Machine
Interface or display and operate. The 'Station' that is to be represented with
Cerberus-Remote must be enabled.
You can grant the enable from all 'Stations' that have the 'Station' for which
enabling is required in their visibility.
You can also enable Cerberus-Remote permanently in the configuration with

To enable Cerberus-Remote on a 'Station', a licence key (at least L1 or L2) must

be installed on the 'Station'.
Without a licence key, no commands are available on the Cerberus-Remote

Enabling Cerberus-Remote
 License key is installed.
1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Functions' menu item.
 The 'Functions' window is open.
2. Select 'Maintenance' and confirm with <ok>.
 A list of all element categories on which a command of the 'Maintenance'
command group can be executed is indicated.
3. Select 'Cerberus-Remote'
 The 'Enter address' window is open.
4. Enter the number of the 'Station on which Cerberus-Remote is to be enabled
and confirm with <ok>.
 The 'Select command' window is open.
5. Select the 'Enable Cerberus-Remote operation' command and confirm with
 Enabling for viewing and operating the 'Station' with Cerberus-Remote is

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
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Connecting Cerberus Remote

 Select the 'Enable Cerberus-Remote viewer' command and confirm with <ok>.
 Enabling for viewing the 'Station' with Cerberus-Remote is granted.

The 'Enable Cerberus-Remote operation' and 'Enable Cerberus-Remote viewer'

commands cannot be selected when enabling has already been granted. When
disabling Cerberus-Remote, the 'Disable Cerberus-Remote access' command is
available instead in the command section.

Canceling enabling for Cerberus-Remote

If Cerberus-Remote is enabled but there is no link to Cerberus-Remote, you can
disable the enable with the 'Disable Cerberus-Remote access' command. Proceed
as described above and select the corresponding command.
When Cerberus-Remote is enabled for operation and the connection with the
Cerberus-Remote has been established, each operating attempt on the 'Station'
opens the following window:

Window to abort the connection with Cerberus-Remote

Cerberus-Remote operation
Abort Cerberus-Remote connect.
Exit with <C>
Confirm with <ok>

 Press <ok>
 Connection with Cerberus-Remote is broken.
 Enabling for Cerberus-Remote is canceled.

5.18 Connecting Cerberus Remote

Cerberus-Remote can only ever be connected with one 'Station' at a time. The
connection can be established locally or via the 'Global Access Point' (GAP). For
this purpose, there must be a license key (at least L1 or L2) installed in the 'Station'
that is to be displayed with Cerberus-Remote.

Cerberus-Remote has the same visibility as the connected 'Station'. You can use
Cerberus-Remote in a fire detection installation with networked 'Stations' to gain
global visibility. Just one licence key is needed for this per network if the licence
key is installed in a 'Station' with global visibility.

The possible 'Enable Cerberus-Remote viewer' or 'Enable Cerberus-Remote

operation' operation modes must be enabled before connecting to the 'Station'. The
possible operation modes can also be permanently enabled in the configuration
with Cerberus-Engineering-Tool.

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Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010
5 Operation
Setting up Cerberus Remote link with integrated IP

Establishing connection
1. Click on the 'Cerberus-Remote' task card.
 The PMI of a 'Station' is shown.
2. In the menu bar, click on the 'Cerberus-Remote' menu item.
 The 'Connect' (and 'Disconnect') submenu is displayed.
3. Select 'Connect'.
 A window showing the selection of connection type is indicated.

4. Select the required type of connection and confirm with 'OK'.

 A window with the list of all 'Stations' of the 'Site' is indicated.
5. Highlight the corresponding 'Station'.
6. Enter your PIN.
7. Click on 'Start'.
 The connection is established.

The connection with a 'Station' is shown by the Person Machine Interface

(display, LEDs, keys) transmitted.
The 'Cerberus-Remote access' operation mode is indicated by a red frame
around the Person Machine Interface.
An enable granted for Cerberus-Remote is retained when a 'Station' restarted.

5.19 Setting up Cerberus Remote link with integrated IP

Situation and motivation
 In addition to local connection, 'Cerberus-Remote' can be used to establish a
connection to a 'Station' using a network and IP address.
 You might want to view various 'Stations' with 'Cerberus-Remote'.
 We would recommend avoiding the repeated entering of IP addresses when
repeatedly establishing connections to 'Stations'.

 Execution of 'Cerberus-Remote' with additional parameters (IP address and
 Save modified program execution as link.

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Operating Cerberus Remote

 Start 'Cerberus-Remote' as own application (FX2020) and not from
corresponding register in 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool' (FX2030).
1. Right-click on link in 'Start' > 'Siemens' > 'FX2020' > … to go to executable
'Cerberus-Remote' file and copy link to clipboard or an editor.
2. Add following parameters to program execution:
- IP address for GAP.
- Host ID for 'C-WEB'-'Station' to be viewed with 'Cerberus-Remote'.
- PIN for 'Access level' 3.
 Modified program execution with integrated IP is created.
C:\Program Files\Siemens\F-FX2020\XL_en_1-V2.1>F-FXS2009.exe"
-visualizer ip= host=1 pin=0000
 Test program execution command using 'Start' > 'Execute'

Creating link on desktop

1. Right-click on desktop and select 'New' > 'Link'.
2. Copy tested, modified program execution command to input field.
3. Confirm with 'Continue' and give link a name.
4. Click on 'Finish'
 Link with modified program execution and integrated IP is set up.

5.20 Operating Cerberus Remote

You can only operate Cerberus-Remote using the mouse.
The operating functions of the keys shown are identical with those on the station.

5.21 Polling / Deleting the event memory

As an alternative to the indication of the event memory on the 'Station', the data of
the event memory may also be transmitted to a PC in a standard format. To do
so, a PC with a configuration tool must be connected to the 'Station'.
Additional information can be found in the document 'A6V10210424'.

Polling the event memory

1. In the main menu, select the 'Functions' menu item.
 The 'Functions' menu is open.
2. Select the 'Event memory' menu item.
 The 'Select station' window is open.
3. Select the 'Station' you want.
 The list of all events for 'Station' is displayed.
 Using the softkeys 1 - 2 you can now filter by category, or date/time.

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5 Operation
Settings / Administration

Navigating in the event memory

Entering a 3-digit number (e.g.: 1, 132, 500) and confirming by pressing <ok> in the
event memory, takes you straight to the corresponding entry.

Deleting the event memory

1. In the main menu, select the 'Functions' menu item.
 The 'Functions' window is open.
2. Select 'Maintenance' and confirm with <ok>.
 A list of all element categories on which a command of the 'Maintenance'
command group can be executed is indicated.
3. Select 'Station'.
 The 'Enter address' window is open.
4. Enter the number of the 'Station' on which you want to delete the event
memory and confirm with <ok>.
 The 'Select command' window is open.
5. Select the 'Delete event memory' command and confirm with <ok>.
 The event memory of the selected 'Station' is deleted.

5.22 Settings / Administration

5.22.1 Change language

Depending on the country-specific BDV, either one or two firmware languages are

'Change language'
1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Settings/administration' menu item.
2. Select the 'Change language' command.
 If a second language is not integrated, this information is displayed: 'Only 1
language is available'.
 The language will be changed.

5.22.2 PIN administration

You may change an existing PIN, as well as create or delete a new PIN if you have
the necessary authorisation.

'Change PIN'
1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Settings/administration' menu item.
2. Select the 'Change PIN' menu item.
3. Enter the PINs in accordance with the input fields and confirm with <ok>.
 The PIN has been changed.

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Settings / Administration

Change PIN

Old PIN: ****

New PIN: ****
Verify new PIN: ****

Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>

Delete with <Cursor up>

'Create PIN'
 You have the required authorisation level.
1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Settings/administration' menu item.
2. Select the 'Create PIN' menu item.
3. Enter an admissible access level.
4. Enter the PIN in accordance with the input fields and confirm with <ok>.
 A new PIN has been created.

Create PIN

Access level: __
Enter PIN: ****
Verify PIN: ****

Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>

Delete with <Cursor up>

'Delete PIN'
 PIN is present.
 You have the required authorisation level.
1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Settings/administration' menu item.
2. Select the 'Delete PIN' menu item.
3. Enter the PIN in accordance with the input fields and confirm with <ok>.
 PIN has been deleted.

Delete PIN

Enter PIN: ****

Verify PIN: ****

Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>

Delete with <Cursor up>

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
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5 Operation
Settings / Administration

5.22.3 Testing indicators

The display test is a functional hardware check for the following indication
 Display
 LEDs
At the same time, optionally built-in indication and operation devices, e.g. the mimic
display driver or fire department control panels are activated by commands if they
offer the possibility of performing a display test.
The test takes 10 seconds and has two phases of 5 seconds each.

Depending on the configuration, the 'LED test' command is available as softkey in

the 'Main menu'.

Testing the indicators and displays

1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Settings/administration' menu item.
2. Select the 'LED test' menu item.
 Phase 1 starts:
Display is totally white.
LEDs are in color mode 1.
 Phase 2 starts:
Display is totally black.
LEDs are in color mode 2.

5.22.4 Setting the buzzer volume

You can set the volume of the 'Station' buzzer on four levels or switch it off.

'Set buzzer volume'

1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Settings/administration' menu item.
2. Select the 'Set buzzer volume' menu item.
 The 'Set buzzer volume' window is open.
3. Select the desired settings in the list.
 The buzzer volume has been set.

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Settings / Administration

5.22.5 Adjusting the display brightness

You can set the display brightness on five levels between 'Off', 25% and 100%.

'Change display brightness'

1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Settings/administration' menu item.
2. Select the 'Display settings' menu item.
 The 'Display settings' window is open.
3. Select 'Change display brightness'.
 The window for the adjustment is open.
4. Select the desired settings in the list.
 The display brightness has been adjusted.

5.22.6 Setting time and date

In countries with Central European Summer Time (CEST) the system clock
automatically switches between summer time and normal time.
The clock must also be set when the fire detection system has been disconnected
from the power supply.

'Enter date / time'

1. In the 'Main menu', select the 'Settings/administration' menu item.
2. Select the 'System commands' menu item.
 The 'System commands' window is open.
3. Select the 'Set system time' menu item.
 The 'Enter date / time' window is open.
4. Enter the date and time and/or confirm with <ok>.
 The cursor jumps to the next field and terminates the input after the last
 Adjusted or confirmed date and time are set.

Enter date / time

25-04-09 12:42:58
(dd-mm-yy) (hh:mm:ss)
Confirm with <ok>/Exit with <C>
Delete with <Cursor up>

Input window for time and date

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5 Operation
Entering/Changing customer text

5.23 Entering/Changing customer text

You can enter customer text for any element on the control panel, independently of

Once customer text has been entered or changed, the updated display is only
shown the next time the element is accessed.
Entering or changing customer text does not lead to a reboot.

'Set customer text'

1. Select an element
2. Press the 'Execute Commands' softkey.
3. Select the 'Set customer text' command.
4. Enter the desired customer text and confirm the entry with <ok>.
 The customer text has been entered.

Changing customer text

Proceed in the same way as when entering customer text but change the existing
customer text.

See also
 Entry of numbers and letters [➙ 32]
 Selecting elements or events [➙ 58]

5.24 Inserting printing paper

The printer can also be fitted the other way round, i.e. different from the position
shown below.

Opening the printer

 Push the clips slightly down and open the printer as shown in the figure.

Opening the printer

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Inserting printing paper

Replacing the paper roll

1. Remove the reel of the old paper roll.
2. Insert the new paper roll as shown in the figure below.

Please make sure that the side that will be unwound is at the back of the drum,
corresponding to the dashed line in the figure below.

Inserting paper roll

Closing printer
1. Pull some of the paper out of the printer.
2. Hold the paper end upwards.
3. Close the printer by holding the bracket upwards until the clips audibly engage.
 The printer is ready.

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5 Operation
Inserting printing paper

Closing printer

Printer is ready

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Switching off the printer

5.25 Switching off the printer

You can switch off the printer with a command.

Switching off the printer

1. Press <Menu>.
 The main menu is open.
2. Press 'Function On/Off' <softkey 1>.
 The window with element categories and elements is indicated.
3. Select the 'Printer' element and press <softkey 1>.
 The window with the command selection is open.
4. Select the 'OFF' command and confirm with 'ok'.
 The printer is switched off.
To switch on a printer that has been switched off, proceed as when switching the
printer off but select the 'ON' command.

5.26 Show version

You will find the 'Station' version and configuration data in 'Hardware tree'.

Version indication
1. In the main menu, select the 'Topology' menu item.
 The three partial trees of the topology tree are indicated.
2. Select 'Hardware tree'.
3. Select the 'Station'.
4. Press the 'More Options' softkey.
 The 'Select option' window is open.
5. Select 'Show details'.
 The version of the 'Station' and configuration data are indicated.

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6 System functions
Note on the configuration of the local fire detection installation

6 System functions
See also
 Event categories [➙ 142]

6.1 Note on the configuration of the local fire detection

Each fire detection system is individually configured. The configuration has an
impact on the operation. The table below provides information on the configuration
of your fire detection installation.

Parameter Configuration
Operation level access O via password
O via key switch
Remote transmission of 'ALARMS' O yes
O no
Alarm sequence taking into account the staff present on site O yes
O no
Switching from 'Manned operation' to 'Unmanned operation' O automatic
O manual
Automatic switching time from 'Manned operation' to 'Unmanned operation' O indicated
O not indicated
Automatic switching time from 'Manned operation' to 'Unmanned operation' O not activated
Delay t1 ____ minutes
Delay t2 ____ minutes
Switchover O automatic
Summer time / Winter time O manual
Remote transmission of 'Faults' O yes
O no
Function Evacuate O activated
O not activated
Access to acknowledgement O always possible
O via password / key switch
'Faults' must be reset O yes
O no
'Faults' are generally immediately transmitted to the receiving centre O yes
O no
Manual call points in mixed detector zones always trigger an 'ALARM', even O yes
when the detector zone is switched off O no
Maximum operation time without mains supply ____ hours
Building plan handed over on _________
by _________

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System functions
Operating condition

6.2 Operating condition

A fire detection installation is ready for operation when it is supplied with energy
and no other operation condition is indicated.
As soon as an event occurs in the 'Station' which deviates from operational
readiness, this event is indicated and the 'Station' changes to the condition
corresponding to the type of event.
'Station' may be in several conditions simultaneously:
 'ALARM' (fire detection condition)
 'FAULT' (fault message condition)
 'ISOLATION' (isolation condition)
 'DETECTOR TEST' (test status)
 Normal operation (operational readiness)

Indication of the operating condition

 The operating condition is indicated on the PMI:
– Visually and acoustically by LEDs, buzzers and on the display.

6.3 Operation modes

The fire control panel can be operated in the following operation modes:
 Normal operation
– 'Manned operation'
– 'Unmanned operation'
 Test
 'Isolation'
– '--Renovation mode'

6.3.1 Normal operation

In normal operation 'ALARMS' are evaluated and processed in accordance with the
'Manned operation' or 'Unmanned operation' operating mode.

Normal operation is described in the following:

 The detectors are set to normal sensitivity level, in accordance with the
parameter in account.
 The fire detection installation is ready to receive danger messages ('ALARMS')
and fault messages.
 The 'System On' LED lights up.
In normal operation the fire detection installation may be in 'Manned operation' or
'Unmanned operation' operating mode. In the 'Manned operation' operating mode
the 'Premises manned' LED is on.

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6 System functions
Operation modes

'Manned operation'
In the 'Manned operation' operating mode, events can be processed via 'AVC' or
The remote transmission of an 'ALARM' may be delayed, for example, and an
operator may verify 'ALARMS' or 'Faults' that have occurred.

'Unmanned operation'
In 'Unmanned operation' operating mode events are directly handled in accordance
with the configuration, without taking into account the 'AVC' or 'IC'.
This means e.g. that remote transmission of an 'ALARM' is effected without delay.
Global alarming is activated immediately.

6.3.2 Test
The fire detection installation is in operating mode 'Test' if one of the following test
modes is activated:
 'Detector test mode'
 'Control test mode'
 'Install. test mode'
 Test variants

'Detector test mode'

The 'Detector test mode' test mode is a hardware function check and serves to
check the functionality of one or several detector zones and their communication
with the control panel.
An activated detector from a detector zone in 'Detector test mode' test mode
generates a test activation message instead of a danger level. No alarm devices or
controls are activated.

Existing sounder bases are equally activated when the corresponding detector is

In 'Detector test mode' test mode the fire detection installation has the following
 The automatic detectors are set to high sensitivity.
 Alarm devices and controls are active as in normal operation.
 No danger messages or fault messages are generated.
 Test activations are indicated as test activation messages, logged in the event
memory and printed out if need be.
After the detector test the detectors are set to normal sensitivity again, like before
the test.

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System functions
Operation modes

'Install. test mode'

The 'Install. test mode' test mode serves for checking all functions of the complete
fire detection installation including the 'Fire control' and alarming in normal
In 'Install. test mode' test mode the functionality of all components of the fire
detection installation is the same as in normal operation, with the following
 The automatic detectors are set to high sensitivity to avoid long waiting times
when the detectors are activated.

'Control test mode'

The 'Control test mode' test mode checks the function of the configured controls.
During the 'Control test mode' test mode, the control functions in the same way as
during normal operation; however, the hardware is not actuated.
The effects of the control, e.g. the actuation of digital outputs and the sounders or
the execution of commands is ensured, however, the hardware in account does not
receive a signal and is thus not activated.

Test variants
As a test variant it is possible to switch e.g. the control to test before performing the
installation test.

See also
 Testing [➙ 64]

6.3.3 Isolation
You can switch off 'Zones' with automatic or non-automatic detectors in special
situations, e.g. during construction work.
When parts of the fire detection installation are switched off, the fire detection
installation is in 'ISOLATION' condition and operating mode.
The 'ISOLATION' LED on the Person Machine Interface is on.
In 'ISOLATION' operating mode neither 'ALARMS' nor 'Faults' from the parts that
have been switched off can be evaluated.

You can set isolations with or without a time limit.

See also
 Switching off / Switching on [➙ 37]

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6 System functions
Access level and access rights

6.3.4 Renovation
In '--Renovation mode' operating mode the detector parameter sets are changed
as follows:
 No evaluation possible by the optical part of the detector.
 A static evaluation by the thermal part of the detector is possible, however,
without the evaluation of the temperature difference.

The 'ISOLATION' LED on the PMI is on as soon as a part of the installation has
been set to '--Renovation mode'.

6.4 Access level and access rights

'Station' is protected against unauthorized operation by the following access levels:

Access level Access rights Functions and access rights

1 Everybody 'Acknowledge' and scrolling
2.1 Operator 1 Limited access rights (e.g. janitor)
2.2 Operator 2 Extended access rights (e.g. safety and security
3 Service technician All access rights (for service technicians)

 On access level 1 the most important commands can be entered in case of

 Other commands or the configuration of the 'Station' are possible from access
level 2.1. onwards.
 Access levels are enabled by the PIN input dialog or the key switch.
 Each PIN is assigned to an access level.
 Menu entries, functions and favourites that are not accessible on an access
level are hidden.

A list of all commands and the required access levels can be found in the
corresponding chapter.

The following table shows examples of main menu items and the access levels
needed for execution

Main menu item Required access level

'Message summary' 1
'Functions' 1, 2.1, 2.2, 3, depending on the function
'Favorites' 1, 2.1, 2.2, 3, depending on the favourite
'Topology' 1
'Element search' 1
'Event memory' 2.1
'Login/logout' 1
'Settings/administration' 3

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System functions
Access level and access rights

Comparison of the access level release with key switch or PIN:

 The key switch takes priority over the PIN entry.
 When the key switch is in position 'On', the set access level cannot be changed
by a PIN entry.
 When the key switch is turned to position 'On' during the PIN entry, the PIN
entry dialog is closed.

When the key switch is in position 'On', the logout timeout function is deactivated.

See also
 Logout timeout [➙ 97]
 List of all commands and required access levels [➙ 100]

6.4.1 PIN input dialog

The 'Login/logout' main menu item opens the PIN input dialog. The access level in
account is released by entering a valid PIN.

The PIN input dialog is indicated automatically if the activation of a button on the
PMI requires a higher access level.

6.4.2 Logout timeout

The 'Station' is provided with a time control function for the operation.
The operation enable for an 'Access level' expires after a configurable period of
time has passed since the last entry.

See also
 Log in / Change access level [➙ 49]

6.4.3 Cerberus Remote enabling

The corresponding chapter describes how to enable Cerberus-Remote.

See also
 Enabling / disabling Cerberus Remote [➙ 80]

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6 System functions

6.5 Visibility
Several fire control panels and fire terminals ('Stations') can be integrated into a fire
detection installation. The visibility defines which part of a fire detection installation
is visible and can be operated on a 'Station'.

The visibility is configured in Cerberus-Engineering-Tool.

The visibility for a fire control panel can be configured in the following topology
levels of a fire detection installation:
 'Site'
 'Station'
 'Area'
The visibility for this 'Station' is configured by selecting and assigning event
categories from the topology to the visibility for this 'Station'.
For example, all the 'ALARMS' for the 'Site' or just the 'Faults' for the 'Area' of a
'Station' are indicated.
Two other modes are available for configuring the visibility:
 'PMI standby visibility'
 'PMI expanded visibility'

See also
 Changing visibility [➙ 51]
 Event categories [➙ 142]

6.5.1 Standby visibility

The 'Station' with the 'PMI standby visibility' configuration monitors one or more
other 'Stations' or a management station in the configured visibility.
 When the fire detection installation is in normal operating condition, 'PMI
standby visibility' is deactivated. The 'Station' configured in this way and the
display are then in quiescent condition.
 If a monitored 'Station' fails or if the connection to a monitored 'Station' is
interrupted, the configured 'PMI standby visibility' becomes active and the fire
detection installation can be operated in the configured visibility via this 'Station'
exactly as was previously the case with the failed 'Station'.

In addition to 'PMI standby visibility', 'PMI expanded visibility' can also be

configured for a 'Station'.

See also
 Deactivating standby [➙ 51]
 Expanded visibility [➙ 99]

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System functions
Sabotage ALARM [DE]

6.5.2 Expanded visibility

If configured, you can use a command to activate 'PMI expanded visibility' for a
'Station' and this gives you the configured visibility.
For a 'Station' with 'PMI standby visibility', 'PMI expanded visibility' can also be
The 'PMI expanded visibility' configuration is however also available regardless of
'PMI standby visibility'.

The 'PMI expanded visibility' function can be configured with dependencies.

Possible dependencies
 'PMI expanded visibility' can only be activated if a monitored 'Station' fails.

See also
 Activating / deactivating expanded visibility [➙ 51]

6.6 Sabotage ALARM [DE]

If a class 3 key safe (fire department key safe, FSD) forms part of the fire detection
installation, the door contact kit FCA2009-A1 must be installed in the housing of the
control panel.
The door contact kit triggers a 'Sabotage ALARM' if the cover is removed from the
control panel.

The sabotage evaluation can be switched off at access level 3.

See also
 Opening the control panel [DE] [➙ 149]
 Switching off sabotage evaluation [DE] [➙ 48]

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
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7 List of all commands and required access levels
'Switching on/off' command group

7 List of all commands and required access


7.1 'Switching on/off' command group

'Command' 'Element category' (short) 'Element category' (long) 'Access level'
'OFF' 'Zone' 'Zone' 2.1
'Detect.' 'Detector'
'RT fire' 'RT fire control'
'Alarmg.' 'Alarming control group'
'Evac gr' 'Evac control group'
'UniEvac 'Universal evac control
'Ph.Evac 'Phased evac control'
'Alert' 'Alert sounder'
'Fire ct' 'Fire control'
'OUTFire' 'Output Fire control'
'Sounder' 'Sounder control'
'Printer' 'Printer
'OFF/timer' 'Zone' 'Zone' 2.1
'Renovation mode' 'Zone' 'Zone' 2.2
'ON' 'Zone' 'Zone' 2.1
'Detect.' 'Detector'
'RT fire' 'RT fire control'
'Alarmg.' 'Alarming control group'
'Evac gr' 'Evac control group'
'UniEvac 'Universal evac control
'Ph.Evac 'Phased evac control
'Alert 'Alert sounder
'Fire ct' 'Fire control'
'OUTFire' 'Output Fire control'
'Sounder' 'Sounder control'
'Printer' 'Printer'
'Non-MCP zones OFF' 'Area', 'Section' 'Area', 'Section' 2.1
'Non-MCP zones OFF/timer' 'Area', 'Section' 'Area', 'Section' 2.1
'Non-MCP zones ON' 'Area', 'Section' 'Area', 'Section' 2.1
'MCP zones OFF' 'Area', 'Section' 'Area', 'Section' 2.1
'MCP zones OFF/timer' 'Area', 'Section' 'Area', 'Section' 2.1
'MCP zones ON' 'Area', 'Section' 'Area', 'Section' 2.1
'All zones OFF' 'Area', 'Section' 'Area', 'Section' 2.1
'All zones OFF/timer' 'Area', 'Section' 'Area', 'Section' 2.1
'All zones ON' 'Area', 'Section' 'Area', 'Section' 2.1

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010
List of all commands and required access levels
Command zone 'Test'

'Command' 'Element category' (short) 'Element category' (long) 'Access level'

'Alarm evaluation OFF' 'Area', 'Section', 'Zone' 'Area', 'Section', 'Zone' 2.1
'Fire related controls OFF' 'Area' 'Area' 2.1
'Fire related controls ON' 'Area' 'Area' 2.1
'Internal/external sounders 'Area' 'Area' 2.1
'Internal/external sounders 'Area' 'Area' 2.1
'Detector line ON' 'Line' 'Line' 2.2
'Detector line OFF' 'Line' 'Line' 2.2
'RT FIRE channels OFF' 'Area' 'Area' 2.1
'RT FIRE channels ON 'Area' 'Area' 2.1
'Alarm evaluation OFF 'Zone' 'Zone' 2.1
'Sabotage evaluation OFF 'FSD' 'FSD' 3
'Sabotage evaluation ON 'FSD' 'FSD' 3

7.2 Command zone 'Test'

'Command' 'Element category' (short) 'Element category' (long) 'Access level'
'Detector test' 'Zone' 'Zone' 2.2
'Detector test END' 'Zone' 'Zone' 2.2
'Non-MCP zones det.test' 'Area' 'Area' 2.2
'Section' 'Section'
'Non-MCP zones det.test 'Area' 'Area' 2.2
END' 'Section' 'Section'
'MCP zones det.test' 'Area' 'Area' 2.2
'Section' 'Section'
'MCP zones det.test END' 'Area' 'Area' 2.2
'Section' 'Section'
'Installation test' 'Area' 'Area' 2.2
'Section' 'Section'
'Zone' 'Zone'
'Installation test END' 'Area' 'Area' 2.2
'Section' 'Section'
'Zone' 'Zone'

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
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7 List of all commands and required access levels
'Activating/deactivating' command group

'Command' 'Element category' (short) 'Element category' (long) 'Access level'

'Control test' 'RT fire' 'RT fire control' 2.2
'RTfault' 'RT fault control'
'RT 1' … 'RT 8' 'RT 1 control' … 'RT 8 control'
'Evac gr' 'Evac control group'
'UniEvac 'Universal evac control
'Ph.Evac 'Phased evac control
'Fire gr' 'Fire control group'
'Fire ct' 'Fire control'
'Sounder' 'Sounder control'
'IntS.Ct' 'Internal sounder control'
'ExtS.Ct' 'External sounder control'
'Control test END' 'RT fire' 'RT fire control' 2.2
'RTfault' 'RT fault control'
'RT 1' … 'RT 8' 'RT 1 control' … 'RT 8 control'
'Evac gr' 'Evac control group'
'UniEvac 'Universal evac control
'Ph.Evac 'Phased evac control
'Fire gr' 'Fire control group'
'Fire ct' 'Fire control'
'Sounder' 'Sounder control'
'IntS.Ct' 'Internal sounder control'
'ExtS.Ct' 'External sounder control'

7.3 'Activating/deactivating' command group

'Command' 'Element category' (short) 'Element category' (long) 'Access level'
'Activate' 'Zone' 'Zone' 2.1
'RT fire' 'RT fire control'
'RTfault' 'RT fault control'
'RT 1' … 'RT 8' 'RT 1 control' … 'RT 8 control'
'UniEvac 'Universal evac control
'Fire gr' 'Fire control group'
'OUTFire' 'Output Fire control'
'Sounder' 'Sounder control'
'Activate/ALERT' 'Evac gr' 'Evac control group' 2.1
'Ph.Evac 'Phased evac control
'Alert 'Alert sounder'
'Activate/EVAC' 'Evac gr' 'Evac control group' 2.1
'Ph.Evac 'Phased evac control
Evac Evac
'Activate/ALERT+EVAC' 'Evac gr' 'Evac control group' 2.1
'Ph.Evac 'Phased evac control
'Phased' 'Phased sounder'

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
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List of all commands and required access levels
Command group 'Information'

'Command' 'Element category' (short) 'Element category' (long) 'Access level'

'Deactivate' 'RT fire' 'RT fire control' 2.1
'RTfault' 'RT fault control'
'RT 1' … 'RT 8' 'RT 1 control' … 'RT 8 control'
'UniEvac 'Universal evac control
'Ph.Evac 'Phased evac control
'Alert 'Alert sounder
Evac Evac
'Phased' 'Phased sounder'
'Fire gr' 'Fire control group'
'OUTFire' 'Output Fire control'
'Sounder' 'Sounder control'
Activate sprinkler 1 Exting Exting. control group 2.1
Activate sprinkler 2 Exting Exting. control group 2.1
'Activate alarm indicator' 'Detect.' 'Detector' 2.1
'Deactivate alarm indicator' 'Detect.' 'Detector' 2.1
'Time limited activation' 'RT fire' 'RT fire control' 2.1
'RTfault' 'RT fault control'
'RT 1' … 'RT 8' 'RT 1 control' … 'RT 8 control'
'Sounder' 'Sounder control'
'Ext.snd' 'External sounder'

7.4 Command group 'Information'

'Command' 'Element category' (short) 'Element category' (long) 'Access level'
'Poll alarm counter' 'Area' 'Area' 1
'Show active detectors' 'Area' 'Area' 2.1
'Poll RT counter' 'RT fire' 'RT fire control' 2.1
'RTfault' 'RT fault control'
'RT 1… 'RT 8' 'RT 1 control' … 'RT 8 control'
'Print event memory' 'Printer' 'Printer' 2.1

7.5 'Configuration' command group

'Command' 'Element category' (short) 'Element category' (long) 'Access level'
'Switch to MANNED' 'Area 'Area' 2.1
'Switch to UNMANNED' 'Area 'Area' 2.1
'Activate expanded visibility 'Visib.' 'PMI visibility' 2.2
'Deactivate expanded visibility 'Visib.' 'PMI visibility' 2.2
'Deactivate standby visibility 'Visib.' 'PMI visibility' 2.1
'Select PS MANNED 'Detect.' 'Detector' 3
'Select PS UNMANNED 'Detect.' 'Detector' 3

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
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7 List of all commands and required access levels
'Maintenance' command group

'Command' 'Element category' (short) 'Element category' (long) 'Access level'

'Select PS 'Detect.' 'Detector' 3
'Set customer text 'All' 3

7.6 'Maintenance' command group

'Command' 'Element category' (short) 'Element category' (long) 'Access level'
'Reset module' 'Module' 'Module' 3
'Accept replaced devices' 'Line' 'Line' 3
'Device replace mode ON' 'Detect.' 'Detector' 3
'Device replace mode OFF' 'Detect.' 'Detector' 3
'Read in installed devices' 'Line' 'Line' 3
'Remove/delete device' 'Detect.' 'Detector' 3
'Restart line' 'Line' 'Line' 2.2
'Auto-configure line' 'Line' 'Line' 3
'Calibrate' 'Module' 'Module' 3
'Enable sys.analyzer access' 'Station' 'Station' 3
'Disable sys.analyz. access' 'Station' 'Station' 3
'Enable MC link' 'Station' 'Station' 2.2
'Disable MC link' 'Station' 'Station' 2.2
'Restart' 'Station' 'Station' 3
'Remove loop extension' 'Module' 'Module' 3
'Enable Cerberus-Remote operation' 'C-Rem.' 'Cerberus-Remote' 2.2
'Disable Cerberus-Remote access' 'C-Rem.' 'Cerberus-Remote' 2.2
'Enable Cerberus-Remote viewer' 'C-Rem.' 'Cerberus-Remote' 2.2
'Delete event memory' 'Station' 'Station' 3
'Factory reset' 'Station' 'Station' 3
'Poll diagnostic data' 'Line' 'Line' 2.2
'Release FSD' 'FSD' 'FSD' 3
'Reset maintenance reminder' 'Station' 'Station' 3
'Scan for new modules' 'Station' 'Station' 2.2

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List of all commands and required access levels
Other commands

7.7 Other commands

'Command' 'Element category' (short) 'Element category' (long) 'Access level'
'START LED test' 'Module' 'Module' 2.2
'END LED test' 'Module' 'Module' 2.2
'Set system time' 'Station' 'Station' 2.1
'Auto-configure station' 'Station' 'Station' 3
'Alarm delay off' 'Zone' 'Zone' 1

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8 List of elements

8 List of elements
Element Definition
(short text
long text)
'Area' Highest level in the 'Detection tree', alarm organisation level
'Section' 2. level in the 'Detection tree', building section (e.g. room, staircase, floor)
'Section' serving for the unambiguous identification and location of a fire alarm
'Zone' 3. level of the 'Detection tree'; decision on alarm is taken on this level
'Detect.' Lowest level in 'Detection tree'
'Control' General control
'Evac ct' 3. level in 'Control tree'
'Evac control'
'Evac gr' 2. level in 'Control tree'
'Evac control group'
'Fire ct' 3. level in 'Control tree'
'Fire control'
'Fire gr' 2. level in 'Control tree'
'Fire control group'
'RT fire' 3. level in 'Control tree'
'RT fire control'
'RTfault' 3. level in 'Control tree'
'RT fault control'
'RT 1' … 'RT 8' 3. level in 'Control tree'
'RT 1 control' … 'RT 8 control'
'Alarmg.' 2. level in 'Control tree'
'Alarming control group'
'Sounder' 3. level in 'Control tree'
'Sounder control'
'Sounder' 2. level in 'Control tree'
'Phased' Lowest level in 'Control tree'
'Phased sounder '
'Evac' Lowest level in 'Control tree'
'Evac sounder'
'Sounder' Lowest level in 'Control tree'
'Sounders' alarming control
'Sounders' fire control Lowest level in 'Control tree'

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List of elements

Element Definition
(short text
long text)
'Station' Highest level in 'Hardware tree'
'Station' 'Station' network
'Printer' 'Station' printer
'Station' Highest level in 'Hardware tree', control panel
'Module' 2. level in 'Hardware tree'
'Line' 3. level in 'Hardware tree', primary detection line
'Device' Lowest level in 'Hardware tree', functions of the physical device
'Supply' Mains / Battery
'Power supply'
'FRT' Object display with operation function
'FRD' Object display without operation function
'' Lowest level in 'Hardware tree'
'Physical channel'
'PMI' 'Station' operating unit
'Mimic' LED indication unit on the P2 periphery bus
'Mimic display driver'
'Keydep.' Fire department key depot
'Key depot'
'BN dev.' 'BN dev.' device connection
'BACnet device object'
'FAT Fire brigade indication panel
'FAT/FBF' Fire brigade indication panel with integrated fire brigade operating panel
'FAT with FBF'

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9 System description

9 System description
This part of the document includes information on the setup and functions of the
fire detection installation.

9.1 Overview
Acquisition ►► Evaluation ►► Alarming and control

Graphic representation of a fire detection system

Automatic fire detector

Manual call point
Remote transmission
Global alarming (e.g. fire brigade)
Local alarming (e.g. horns)
Fire control (e.g. doors)
Service intervention

Fire detectors detect fire phenomena, e.g. smoke, heat or carbon monoxide, and
transmit signals to the control panel in the form of different danger levels.

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System description

Evaluation of the danger levels

The control panel evaluates the danger levels and decides whether to trigger
alarms or not. In doing so, the control panel distinguishes between automatic and
manual fire alarms, 'Pre-ALARM' and 'Degraded FIRE ALARM'.
Alarm events are allocated to the following event categories:
Event category for Typical example Activation/cause
alarm events
'Pre-ALARM' The detector detects a fire Detector sensor
phenomenon with a low danger
'ALARM' The detector detects a fire Detector sensor
phenomenon with a high danger

Event categories for alarm events

Evaluation of the system events

The fire control panel has comprehensive monitoring and self-monitoring functions.
Deviations from the normal operation mode are recognized as a system event.
System events are allocated to the following event categories:
Event category for system Typical example Activation/cause
'Fault'  Faulty detector line Short-circuit, open line or
 Mains failure detector
'Isolation' A detector zone has been Operation or control
switched off
'Test' A detector zone is Operation
switched to Test
'Technical message' Fault or danger from Sensor or contact
extraneous equipment
'Activation' A control is activated Operation or control
'Information'  Access level Condition

 'Manned operation'
operation mode

Event categories for system events

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9 System description

The different fire alarms and system events are verified independently from one
another. Depending on the configuration, local alarming or direct or delayed global
alarming is actuated.
 Local alarming:
Local alarming equipment (e.g. acoustic or optical alarm devices) is actuated in
order to call up immediately available intervention personnel (e.g. in-house
staff) and to alert people of a possible fire hazard.
 Global alarming:
Global alarming equipment (e.g. remote transmission) is actuated and external
intervention forces (e.g. the fire department) are alerted.
The following points influence the type of alarming:
 Configuration of the alarming process
 Position of 'Manned operation'/'Unmanned operation' operation mode
– 'Manned operation': Personnel present on site
– 'Unmanned operation': No personnel present on site
 Type of alarm activation (automatic or manual)

In the event of fire it makes sense to initiate first, decisive actions automatically.
Automatic measures are carried out by controls, e.g. by the control of building
services, evacuation or extinguishing.

9.2 Topology
The configuration of an 'FS720' fire detection installation is shown in the following
structure trees:
 'Hardware tree'
 'Detection tree'
 'Control tree'
 'Operation tree'
 'Network tree'
The structure is created by installing in the building and configuring the fire
detection installation. The elements of the individual structure trees are linked with
one another via channels.
Thanks to a hierarchical topology and arrangement into zones, events can be
assigned geographically and shown accordingly. This enables commands to be
given to consolidated parts of the site, for example.

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System description

9.2.1 Hardware tree

The 'Hardware tree' represents the installed hardware. The individual elements of
the 'Hardware tree' are structured as follows:
 'Station'
 'Module'
 'Line'
 'Device'
 'Physical channel'

Example of 'Hardware tree'

1 'Station' 3 'Device'
2 'Module' Dotted line 'Line'

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9 System description

9.2.2 Detection tree

The 'Detection tree' is an image of the geographic and functional situations in a
'Site'. It is adapted to the building structure and room use. The 'Detection tree' is
independent from the line arrangement of the detector network.

'Detection tree' elements and typical representation

 'Area'
– Building
 'Section'
– Floor or staircase
 'Zone'
– Room
 'Channel'
– Logical detector function

Example of 'Detection tree'

1 'Area' 3 'Zone'
2 'Section' 4 'Channel'/ 'Detector'

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System description
Topology Elements of the detection tree

 'Area' typically corresponds to a building.
 'Area' combines 'Sections' which are subject to the same 'Manned
operation'/'Unmanned operation' operation mode.
 'Area' actuates the alarming equipment (acoustic and optical alarming devices
as well as remote transmission).
 'Area' is assigned the following functions:
– 'Manned operation'/'Unmanned operation' operation mode
– Switching assigned 'Sections' on/off
Several 'Areas' are possible per control panel:
 FC722, FC724: up to four 'Areas'
 FC726 up to eight 'Areas'
There is an 'Area' that groups together the functions of alarm verification(AVC), e.g.
collective alarms and degraded mode operation.

'Section' is optional and does not exist in some countries.
 'Section' combines 'Zones' to form logical units. Such a unit can be e.g. a floor
or a staircase.
 'Section' is assigned the following function:
– Switching assigned 'Zones' on/off

 'Zone' generally combines the detectors in a room.
 'Zone' evaluates the danger levels transmitted by the detectors. The configured
combination of different danger levels defines the conditions upon which an
'ALARM' is triggered.
 The following fire alarm zone types exist:
– 'Automatic zone'
– 'Manual zone'
– 'Technical zone'
– 'FSE zone'
– 'Flow switch zone' (sprinkler)
– 'Sub-system zone'
 The following extinguishing zone types exist:
– 'Sprinkler zone'
– 'XC10 zone'

The 'Channel' in 'Detection tree' represents the functionality of the inputs and
outputs of an C-NET device.

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9 System description
Topology Operating modes of the detection tree elements

 'Manned operation'
In 'Manned operation' operating mode, operating personnel are present and
can investigate the fire location. The detectors are set to normal sensitivity, in
accordance with the selected parameter set.
 'Unmanned operation'
In the 'Unmanned operation' operating mode, there are no operating personnel
present to investigate the fire location. The sensitivity level of the detectors or
their parameter sets are typically increased by switching to 'Unmanned
operation' operating mode.
The settings for the 'Manned operation'/'Unmanned operation' operation modes are
defined in the chapter Alarm Verification Concept (AVC).

 Switched on (normal operation)
Danger levels are evaluated and 'ALARMS' produced in normal operation. The
detectors have a normal sensitivity level, in accordance with the selected
parameter set.
 Switched off
If a 'Zone' is switched off, the channels assigned to the 'Zone' are isolated. No
signals are evaluated, neither danger levels nor 'Faults'.
There are two isolation functions:
– Isolation without time limits
– Isolation with time limits
 '--Renovation mode'
This operating mode is not assigned a function.
 'Detector test'
In the 'Detector test' operating mode, detectors can be actuated for test
purposes. When a detector is triggered, a test activation message is generated.
Alarm devices or controls are not activated.
The following devices are activated:
– Internal alarm indicators
– External alarm indicators in accordance with the configuration
– Base sounders if they are in the base of the activated detector
During testing the detectors must react quickly so that the holding times are
short. During the 'Detector test', the detectors are switched to increased
sensitivity with the 'Test' parameter set for this purpose.
After terminating the 'Detector test' operating mode, the detectors and
'Zones'are reset to the condition they were in before the 'Detector test'.

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System description

 'Installation test'
An 'Installation test' can be performed during normal operation. The alarm
devices and controls are activated.
In the test the detectors must react quickly so that the holding times are short.
During the 'Installation test', the detectors are switched to increased sensitivity
with the 'Test' parameter set for this purpose.
After terminating the 'Installation test' operating mode, the detectors and
'Zones'are reset to the condition they were in before the 'Installation test'
operating mode.

 Switched on (normal operation)
In the normal operation, the danger levels of the detector as well as any 'Faults'
are transmitted to the 'Zone' for evaluation.
 Switched off
If a 'Channel' is switched off, no signals are forwarded to the 'Zone', neither
danger levels nor 'Faults'. Functions of the detection tree elements

'Area': Switching the operating mode

 The 'Unmanned operation' operating mode is manually switched to 'Manned
operation'. Switching is not possible when 'ALARMS' have occurred and need
to be dealt with.
 The 'Manned operation' operating mode is automatically or manually
(configurable) switched to 'Unmanned operation'. Four time settings can be
configured for this, regardless of the day of the week:
– The first time setting is for automatic changeover.
– The second, third and fourth time setting is for safety reasons, in case
somebody switches to 'Manned operation' after the expiry of the first,
second or third automatic changeover.
 Blocking switchover
– If an 'ALARM' has occurred in the 'Area' and is waiting for treatment, the
switchover function from 'Manned operation' to 'Unmanned operation' is
– It is still possible to switch from 'Unmanned operation' to 'Manned
 Switching functions on and off
– All functions available for the 'Zones' are also available as collective
functions at area level.
– Switching all automatic 'Zones' on and off.
– Switching all manual 'Zones' on and off.
 'Poll alarm counter'
– The alarm counter counts the number of alarm states.
– The alarm state is the state from the first 'ALARM' to the successful reset.

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9 System description

'Section': 'Zones': switching on and off

 All 'Zones' of the same kind (automatic/manual) can be switched off and on
within the section. 'Zones' with automatic fire detectors and 'Zones' with manual
call points are treated differently.

'Zone': reset behaviour of the manual call points

 The reset behavior of an activated manual call point can be selected:
– 'ALARM'can always be reset; 'Glass broken' is indicated.
– 'ALARM' cannot be reset.
 Blocking of the isolation
– If the isolation blocking function has been configured, the 'Zone' cannot be
switched off.
 'Detector test' timeout
– After the expiry of a configurable delay the system automatically cancels
the 'Detector test' state. This function can be deactivated.
 Switching devices back on
– When devices are switched back on, they are in an undefined state for a
short period. The 'Station' changes to the 'Not ready' state for this period.
 Simulation function
– With the simulation function the 'Zone' switches from the normal operation
mode to 'Pre-ALARM' and then to 'ALARM'. The controls are activated as if
the detectors had triggered an 'ALARM'. Reset is performed by means of
the keys on the PMI.

9.2.3 Control tree

'Control tree' represents the control in the fire detection system. Control groups are
grouping units for configuration and operation.

Control groups in 'Control tree'

 'Alarming control group'
 'Fire control group'
 'Evac control group'
 'Counter control group'
Each group has one or more elements including an input (Cause) and an output
 Elements of the 'Alarming control group' are controls for internal and external
alarm devices.
– Remote transmission outputs for 'Fire' and 'Fault'
– Eight more remote transmission outputs
 Elements of 'Fire control group' are controls for building equipment.
 Elements of 'Evac control group' are controls for alarm and announcement

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System description

Effects in 'Control tree' (example)

C 'Control tree' b 'Fire control group' e.g. for door

1 5 control groups (a - e) c 'Fire control group' for alarm
indicators (external AI)
2 Controls d 'Fire control group' for commands
3 Devices and remote X E.g. isolation, commands to other
transmission, installation parts
2 circuits
Lines Logical link e 'Alarming control group' for alarm
devices and remote transmission
Arrows Signal transfer Y Local or global alarming
a 'Evac control group'

9.2.4 Operating tree

The following elements and settings are represented in the Operation tree:
 Global system configuration
 Display and operator units such as:
– Person Machine Interface( PMI)
– Floor repeater terminal and floor repeater display
– Mimic display
– Event printer

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9 System description

Global system configuration

The global system configuration has the following elements:
 Global behaviour
– Events (event configuration)
– Commands ('Access level' assignment)
The behavior set here is always valid unless a different behavior is set locally.
 Master clock: The master clock is automatically assigned to the first station
(address 1).
 Country settings: Settings are undertaken here for localization and changing
between summer and winter time.

Person Machine Interface (PMI)

The PMI is a permanent part of the station. The following settings can be
configured in the Operation tree:
 Basic settings with definition of default access level for the key switch and time
period during which the display returns to the normal display from an operating
 Visibility:
A detailed description of the visibility can be found in the corresponding
– Standard visibility
– Standby visibility
– Expanded visibility
 LEDs for signaling events and statuses (causes):
– Event with defined, local visibility.
– Event with optional, global visibility on particular element from the
Hardware tree, Detection tree or Control tree.
 Standard keys:
Frequently used functions can be assigned to the configurable standard keys.
– Views, e.g. message indicator, customer text view, fire department view
– Commands, e.g. activate/deactivate, test, configuration ('Set PS MANNED',
'Switch to UNMANNED', etc.).
 Favorite keys:
The favorite keys are in the display menu. There is a maximum of eight favorite
keys of which three are preconfigured. Frequently used functions can be
assigned to the favorite keys.

Floor repeater terminal FT2010

The following settings can be configured in the Operation tree:
 Visibility
 Cause for activating the LEDs
 Views and commands for the function keys

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System description

Floor repeater display FT2011

The following settings can be configured in the Operation tree:
 Visibility
 Cause for activating an LED

Mimic display
There are two possible ways of configuring the LED indicator (internal) FTO2002:
 Visibility of the 24 LED groups (red/yellow) on a Section or Zone.
 Visibility of each of the 48 LEDs on any event.

Mimic display driver FT2001

The mimic display driver activates up to 48 LEDs which are fitted on a ground plan
panel. Communication is via the C-NET.
The mimic display driver also has two control outputs for local buzzer and 'System
On' LED and two inputs for 'Silence buzzer' and 'START LED test'.

Event printer
The event printer logs all system events in the configured view.

Fire department periphery [DE]

The fire department periphery comprises the following devices:
 Fire department control panel (FBF)
 Fire department key depot (FSD)
 Fire department display terminal (FAT)
 FAT with FBF
FSD is assigned to the fire department periphery module FCI2001.
FBF can either be connected via the fire brigade periphery module FCI2001 or an
RS485 interface.
FAT and FAT with FBF are connected to the station via a serial interface RS485.
To configure the devices, the logical element must be created in the 'Operation'
task card and linked with the corresponding hardware element.

EVAC panel [NL]

The EVAC panel is an operating and indication unit for manual evacuation control,
integrated in the control panel's PMI. The EVAC panel consists of a master and up
to four slaves. Master and slave both have up to ten indicators for the evacuation
zones. Both the universal and two-stage evacuation control are suited to automatic

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9 System description

9.2.5 Network tree

The network tree represents the networking of an FS720 system.

Networking types
The stations in the fire detection system can be networked in the following ways:
 SAFEDLINK (system bus)
 SAFEDLINK, extended: coupling of several SAFEDLINK sub-nets via C-
WEB/LAN (optical Ethernet)
 electric Ethernet (does not comply with EN-54)
 SAFEDLINK and Ethernet mixed (does not comply with EN-54)

Connection types/functions
The stations in the network can have the following connection types/functions:
 Stand-alone station: stand-alone station
 SAFEDLINK station: station in the SAFEDLINK network
 Router station: station in the SAFEDLINK sub-net connected to the C-
 Ethernet station: station in the Ethernet sub-network to which no more stations
are connected via SAFEDLINK
 GAP station: station in the network for connecting to a management station
(BACnet client)
– The GAP station has the function of a DHCP server (configurable)
– The DHCP server automatically issues IP addresses to the clients from a
defined IP address space. This enables a PC to receive local access, for
 A route to an external IP router can be defined for the GAP station

Extended networking
Extended networking is the merging of several SAFEDLINK sub-nets via C-
WEB/LAN, which is managed as optical Ethernet in loop topology.
The sub-networks communicate via the router stations.

Private/external network
 Private network: FS720 fire detection installations have their own cabling. The
IP addresses come from a reserved range for private networks
 External network: Fire detection installations can be incorporated in an existing
IT infrastructure as sub-nets
 Integration in an external network does not comply with EN-54

Connection of management stations

Management stations or other sub-systems are connected to the FS720 sub-
system using BACnet/Ethernet.
A management station is connected to the FS720 sub-system via the GAP's
Ethernet interface. Every single station that is to use the BACnet protocol must be
enabled with a license key (L2).

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System description

9.2.6 Linking with the hardware tree

Components can be allocated to a geographical location in the system. This
assignment is a link.

Geographical allocation
Each device in the 'Hardware tree' has a unique address. In 'Detection tree', it is
possible to allocate room x on floor y to the device, for example.

Sample linking of the detection tree to the hardware tree

D 'Detection tree' HW 'Hardware tree'

L Linking

The physical and the logical channel of a device are linked between the 'Detection
tree' and 'Hardware tree'.
The physical channel is the lowest level in the 'Hardware tree' and maps the
physical function of a device.
The logical channel is the lowest level in the 'Detection tree' and maps the logical
function of a device.

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9 System description

9.2.7 Functional allocation

In the 'Control tree', a function is assigned to a device from the 'Hardware tree', for
example a monitoring function (cause) is assigned to an input or a control function
(effect) is assigned to an output.
In the 'Control tree', the function of a logical element from the 'Detection tree' is
evaluated (cause) or controlled (effect). For example, the alarm condition of the
'Zone' is evaluated or the 'Zone' is switched on or off.
The figure below shows the interrelations of the aforementioned structures by way
of example.

Example of functional assignment

D 'Detection tree' X E.g. isolation, commands to other installation parts

C 'Control tree' L Local alarming
Alarming equipment (e.g. acoustic or optical alarm devices) is actuated in order to
call up immediately available intervention personnel (e.g. in-house staff) and to
alert people of a possible fire hazard.
L Linking G Global alarming
Alarming equipment (e.g. remote transmission) is actuated and external
intervention forces (e.g. the fire department) are alerted.
HW 'Hardware tree' Visualization of the link from causes and effects via controls
a-e Control groups Lines Signal transfer or logical link
f Controls

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System description

9.3 Acquisition
The detectors detect the fire phenomenon, e.g. smoke, heat or carbon monoxide,
and transmit the danger level to the 'Zone'.

Information flow of the danger levels

D 'Detection tree' b 'Zone'

a Detector / channel 0.. 3 Danger levels

Overview of danger levels, divided according to line type and

detector type
Danger level Addressed detector line Collective detector line Technical input
Automatic Manual
0 No danger No danger No danger No danger (entry contact opened)
1 Possible danger Button not Detector line resetting –
2 Probable danger – Alarm verification of the Danger
first alarm is running  Input contact closed
 Input configured as not relevant
for degraded mode
3 Highly probable Button pressed, Highly probable danger Danger
danger danger  Input contact closed
 Input configured as not relevant
for degraded mode

Danger levels

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9 System description

9.4 Evaluation
The evaluation of the danger level and the decision to trigger an 'ALARM' or not
takes place on 'Zone'.
The danger levels of several alarming detectors are combined in the 'Zone'. The
following zone types exist:
 'Manual zone'
 'Automatic zone'
 'Technical zone'
 'FSE zone'
 'Sprinkler zone'
 'XC10 zone'

Information flow of alarm and pre-alarm

D 'Detection tree' ax Automatic detector zone with

multi-detector dependency
1 'Area' a1 Automatic detector zone with
single-detector dependency
2 'Section' I/O 'Technical zone'
3 'Zone' Dashed arrows 'ALARM'/'Pre-ALARM'
m 'Manual zone'

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System description

'Manual zone'
A 'Manual zone' combines the 'Manual call points'. Danger signals are evaluated by
means of an OR relation. Each detector of a 'Manual zone' can generate 'ALARM',
but not 'Pre-ALARM'.

'Automatic zone'
A 'Automatic zone' combines 'Automatic detectors'. The 'Automatic zone' can
generate 'Pre-ALARM' and 'ALARM'. A distinction is made between the following
detector dependencies:
 Multi-detector dependency
With multi-detector dependency, the danger levels of several detectors are
linked (AND relation) and evaluated. A 'Pre-ALARM' or 'ALARM' is generated
when the defined danger levels have been reached.
Several evaluation variants are possible in multi-detector dependency.
 Single-detector dependency
With single-detector dependence the danger levels are linked (OR relation) by
one or more detectors. A 'Pre-ALARM' or 'ALARM' is generated as soon as at
least one detector has reached the defined danger level.

Sample criteria for 'Pre-ALARM' or 'ALARM'

Alarm level Single-detector dependency Multi-detector dependency
'Pre-ALARM' 1 x danger level 2 1 x danger level 2 or 3
'ALARM' 1 x danger level 3 2 x danger level 2 or 3

Alarm levels

'Technical zone'
In a 'Technical zone', inputs for technical messages are combined, e.g. fault or
danger by extraneous equipment.

'FSE zone'
A release element is assigned to this zone. With the release element, a fire alarm
is generated manually, which in turn releases the lock to the 'Key depots' with the
keys for the building. A key is required to operate the release element and this is
held in the exclusive possession of the fire department.

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9 System description

'Sprinkler zone'
A sprinkler system is a piping system that is terminated at several locations with
sprinkler heads. It is normally fed by the public network of hydrants.
The sprinkler station is installed directly after the house feed. It separates the
sprinkler network from the hydrant network due to overpressure in the sprinkler
The sprinkler station signalizes when the sprinkler network is opened somewhere
and water begins to flow. This condition is reported to the fire control panel via a
contact (or two as an option) and triggers an alarm with immediate response from
the fire brigade.
In larger sprinkler systems, the piping system is distributed over several floors and
the line network has an outlet on every floor. Flow rate indicators are built into each
The flow rate indicators generate a signal when there is a flow.

Information flow for sprinklers

D 'Detection tree' ZF 'Flow switch zone'

F Flow rate indicator ZS 'Sprinkler zone'
S Sprinkler station with one or Arrows Signal transfer
two contacts (cause)
H Hydrant network

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System description

'XC10 zone'
Extinguishing is actuated and monitored by the autonomous extinguishing control
unit XC10.
An interface to the extinguishing control unit makes it possible to send
extinguishing control unit functions to the fire control panel, and to transmit
commands from the fire control panel to the extinguishing control unit.

Information flow from the extinguishing control unit XC10

D 'Detection tree'
XC10 Extinguishing control unit
I Extinguishing control unit inputs: 'Extinguishing activated', 'Fault', 'Pre-
alarm', 'Autom. + manual extinguishing OFF'
O Extinguishing control unit outputs: 'Reset', 'Autom. Blocking extinguishing
activation, 'Autom. + manual extinguishing activation blocked'
Z 'XC10 zone'

Detailed information can be found in the Technical Documentation of the

extinguishing control unit XC10, document 008399.

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Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010
9 System description

9.5 Control
Alarm events and system events may occur in a fire detection installation. It is the
task of the fire control unit to alert people and/or initiate appropriate actions based
on the different event categories. This is achieved with the different control types:
 Alarming control
 'Fire control'
 'Evac control'
 Extinguishing control
The alarming control is described in the chapter "Alarm Verification Concept

Sample control

Sample control function

I Causes act / Activate / deactivate

F Control com Command
O Effects
E Events ('ALARM', 'Fault', 'Isolation',
test mode, etc.)

Causes are any events such as 'ALARM', 'Fault', 'Isolation', test mode as well as
signal inputs (contacts).
The control has an "OR / AND / NOT" combination of the causes that have
The effects of the control are the activation or deactivation of outputs. The actuated
outputs can be combined with inputs for confirmation.
Effects are also commands within the fire detection system, e.g. for the isolation of
a 'Zone' or for changing a detector parameter set.

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System description

9.5.1 Universal control

In the event of a fire, different measures are initiated automatically, such as:
 the closing of fire dampers and fire doors
 the switching off of fans and air conditioning systems
 the descending of lifts

Information flow for universal control

D 'Detection tree' f 'Fire control'

C 'Control tree' HW 'Hardware tree'
b 'Fire control group'

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9 System description

9.5.2 Evacuation control

'Evac control' makes it possible to program a complete evacuation function for
each alarm device group, e.g. on one floor.
Two function blocks are available for each control:
 'Alert'
– The linking of all conditions, so that the corresponding alarm devices
transmit a warning signal.
 'Evac'
– The linking of all conditions, so that the corresponding alarm devices
transmit an evacuation signal.

Information flow for evacuation control

D 'Detection tree' f 'Evac control'

C 'Control tree' HW Hardware
a 'Evac control group'

In 'Evac control group' two different controls are possible:

 'Universal evac control' ('Evac')
 'Phased evac control' ('Alert' / 'Evac')
Events from 'Station', detector line, 'Section' or 'Zone' (cause) trigger a 'Evac

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System description

'Universal evac control'

'Universal evac control' is suited for horns that do not allow two-phased (multi-
channel) alarming.
For the alarming equipment (outputs, alarm devices) on the control outputs
(effects), it is possible to choose different tones for alerting ('Alert') and evacuation

'Phased evac control'

With 'Phased evac control', initiation of the alarming equipment (outputs, alarm
devices) is effected separately for alerting ('Evac') and evacuation ('Evac').
Application [GB]: First, all floors are warned ('Alert'). After that, the evacuation
('Evac') of individual floors is perfomed at particular intervals (phases), starting with
the floor on which the seat of the fire is located, in order to prevent blocking of the
escape routes.
This application may be different for different parts of a building.
 In the first phase the floor on which the fire is located as well as the one above
and the two top floors, all basement floors and possibly the ground floor are
 In additional phases, one upper and one lower floor are also evacuated at
predefined intervals. If need be, additional floors can be evacuated during the
same phase.

Example of evacuation in the event of a fire on the 4th floor

Sequence 'Phased evac control'
10 'Alert' 'Evac' → → →
9 'Alert' 'Evac' → → →
8 'Alert' → → → 'Evac' → → →
7 'Alert' → → → 'Evac' → → →
6 'Alert' → → → 'Evac' → → →
5 'Alert' 'Evac' → → →
4 'Alert' 'Evac' → → →

3 'Alert' → → → 'Evac' → → →
2 'Alert' → → → 'Evac' → → →
1 'Alert' → → → 'Evac' → → →
EG 'Alert' → → → 'Evac'
UG 'Alert' 'Evac' → → →

1 … 10 Floor 'Evac' Evacuation

EG Ground floor 'Alert' Alarming
UG Basement

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9 System description

9.5.3 Extinguishing control with sprinkler

A sprinkler system is a piping system that is terminated at several locations with
sprinkler heads. It is normally fed by the public network of hydrants.
The sprinkler station is installed directly after the house feed. It separates the
sprinkler network from the hydrant network due to overpressure in the sprinkler
The sprinkler station signalizes when the sprinkler network is opened somewhere
and water begins to flow. This condition is reported to the fire control panel via a
contact (or two as an option) and triggers an alarm with immediate response from
the fire brigade.
In larger sprinkler systems, the piping system is distributed over several floors and
the line network has an outlet on every floor. Flow rate indicators are built into each
The flow rate indicators generate a signal when there is a flow.

Information flow for sprinklers

D 'Detection tree' ZF 'Flow switch zone'

F Flow rate indicator ZS 'Sprinkler zone'
S Sprinkler station with one or Arrows Signal transfer
two contacts (cause)
H Hydrant network

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System description

9.5.4 Extinguishing control with extinguishing control unit XC10

Extinguishing is actuated and monitored by the autonomous extinguishing control
unit XC10.
An interface to the extinguishing control unit makes it possible to send
extinguishing control unit functions to the fire control panel, and to transmit
commands from the fire control panel to the extinguishing control unit.

Information flow for extinguishing control

C Control tree XC10 Extinguishing control unit

b Extinguishing I Extinguishing control unit inputs:
control group 'Extinguishing activated', 'Fault', 'Pre-alarm',
'Autom. + manual extinguishing OFF'
f Extinguishing O Outputs to extinguishing control unit: 'Reset',
control 'Autom. Blocking extinguishing activation,
'Autom. + manual extinguishing activation
Detailed information can be found in the Technical Documentation of the
extinguishing control unit XC10, document ID 008399.

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9 System description
Alarm verification concept (AVC)

9.6 Alarm verification concept (AVC)

The 'Alarm Verification Concept' serves the purpose of delayed alarm transmission
and takes into account the interaction of the operating personnel in the alarming
Operating personnel are able to examine the indicated fire location in the event of
a fire alarm. In the event of a false alarm or minor incident the intervention of the
fire brigade can be avoided.

Information flow of 'ALARM' and 'Pre-ALARM'

D 'Detection tree' AL 'Pre-ALARM'/'ALARM'

AVC Alarm verification concept GS Danger levels
1 'Area'

The 'Area' receives 'Pre-ALARMS' or 'ALARMS' from 'Zones'. Alarm verification

takes place at 'Area' level.
Configuration for 'Pre-ALARMS' and 'ALARMS' is not related within 'AVC'. The type
of verification and alarming can be separately configured for the 'Manned
operation' and 'Unmanned operation' operation modes.
'ALARMS' from 'Manual zones ' and 'Automatic zones' 'Zones' as well as
'Degraded FIRE ALARM' can be configured differently.

A maximum of one 'AVC' is possible per 'Area'.

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System description
Alarm verification concept (AVC)

9.6.1 Attendance check

Should an event ('Pre-ALARM', 'ALARM') arise, the operating personnel may
acknowledge presence within the time t1. After acknowledgement, the investigation
time t2 starts. If presence is not acknowledged within the given time t1, global
alarming is activated.

9.6.2 Investigation time

During the investigation time t2 the operating personnel may examine the indicated
source of alarm and check the cause of the 'ALARM':
 Or is it a real fire (emergency)?
 Is it a smoldering waste-paper basket (minor incident)?
 Has the installation detected a deceptive phenomenon (false alarm)?
In the event of a major incident (emergency), the nearest 'Manual call points' or
<Alarm delay off> must be pressed. ''Immediate global alarming'' is then triggered.
In the case of a minor incident or false alarm the operator may reset the 'ALARM'
and cancel alarming.

If the 'ALARM' is not reset within the given time t2, 'Immediate global alarming' is

9.6.3 Example of a verification process

Alarm verification proceeds as follows:
 An alarm event activates local alarming and starts the time t1 for attendance
 Operating personnel acknowledge 'ALARM' on the operating terminal prior to
the expiry of t1. Acknowledging normally silences local alarming (configurable
Without acknowledging, global alarming is activated before the expiry of t1.
 After acknowledgement, the investigation time t2 starts. During time t2
operating personnel investigate the fire location.
– In the case of a minor incident the operator resets the 'ALARM' at the
nearest operating terminal. The alarming process stops, and no global
alarming is activated.
– In the event of a fire, the nearest 'Manual call points' or <Alarm delay off>
must be pressed. 'Immediate global alarming' is triggered.
Without resetting, "Immediate global alarming" is also activated before the expiry of

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9 System description
Alarm verification concept (AVC)

mx m

t1.. q t2.. r
qx rx

..t1 X ..t2 X

Alarm verification

1 Alarm event q Acknowledge at 'Station'

2 Local alarming qx Not acknowledged
3 Manual call point or <Alarm delay off> on t2.. Time t2 to investigate the source of alarm /
'Station' the fire location
mx 'Unmanned operation' operation mode ..t2 X Time t2 has expired
m 'Manned operation' operation mode r Reset on 'Station'
t1.. Time t1 for attendance check rx Not reset
..t1 X Time t1 has expired GA Global alarming

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
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System description
Alarm verification concept (AVC)

9.6.4 Fire alarming

Alarming is controlled at 'Area' level. During alarming the alarming equipment is
activated, e.g. alarm devices and remote transmission devices.

Alarm devices
For local and global alarming, acoustic alarm devices, strobes, digital outputs, etc.
can be used. The tone of the alarm devices can be configured differently for local
and global alarming (the alarm devices must be suitable for this).

Remote transmission
The alarm message is transmitted to an intervention station. In the case of local
alarming, this is usually the company fire brigade and for global alarm usually the
state fire brigade. A remote transmission device must be used to transmit alarm
messages via the public telephone network.

Information flow during alarming

AVC 'Alarm Verification Concept' f Alarming control

C 'Control tree' Y Local and global alarming
e 'Alarming control group'
The alarm devices and the remote transmission can be separately configured for:
 Alarm type (only with automatic zones)
– 'Pre-ALARM'
 Zone type (only with 'ALARMS')
– Manual alarm
– Automatic alarm
– Degraded fire alarm

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9 System description
Intervention concept (IC)

 Operating mode:
– 'Manned operation'
– 'Unmanned operation'
 Alarming type:
– 'Local alarming only'
– 'Delayed alarming'
– 'Global alarming only'

9.7 Intervention concept (IC)

The fire control panel features comprehensive monitoring and self-monitoring
The different events in the system are acquired, classified into corresponding event
categories and evaluated by the 'Intervention Concept'. 'After the evaluation, the
'Intervention Concept' activates the corresponding alarming equipment.

Flow of information to 'IC'

Information flow for intervention

D 'Detection tree' a Events from 'Hardware tree'

HW 'Hardware tree' b Events from 'Detection tree' and 'Control tree'
IC 'Intervention L Linking

The 'Intervention Concept' ('IC') is an integral part of the fire control panel and
takes into account the interaction of the operating personnel. The 'Intervention
Concept' can be used to define an intervention process which is initiated should an
event occur or once a particular delay time has lapsed.

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System description
Intervention concept (IC)

For each of the following event categories the behavior can be defined separately:
 'Fault'
 'Isolation'
 Test
 'Technical message'
 'Activation'
 'Information'
The 'Intervention Concept' has two independent, parallel intervention processes:
 Attendance check (t1)
 Intervention monitoring (ts)
The intervention process can be configured according to the 'Manned
operation'/'Unmanned operation' operating mode.

A triggered intervention process (t1 and/or ts running) is not restarted when a

'Fault' of the same category occurs for a second time.

9.7.1 Attendance check

Attendance check with the 'IC' serves for immediate intervention. Events such as
technical deficiencies, 'Faults' and malfunctions can be investigated and possibly
remedied directly by the operating personnel.
If an event is not acknowledged within the configured timespan (e.g. up to one
hour), an external intervention station is informed (global alarming).

The remote transmission for 'Faults' is not interrupted by the acknowledgement.

The external intervention centre is also informed when the 'Fault' is acknowledged
but the cause of the 'Fault' is not rectified after a specified time.
This is ensured by parallel checking by the intervention center.

9.7.2 Intervention monitoring

Intervention monitoring is used to safeguard a service intervention. Events such as
a 'Fault' caused by a soiled detector are monitored during a preconfigured period of
time (up to one week).
If the normal operation conditions are not re-established within this period of time,
service intervention is started and/or the maintenance personnel are informed.

9.7.3 Example of an intervention process

 A 'Fault' activates local alarming and starts the time t1 for attendance
 Operating personnel acknowledge presence on the operating terminal prior to
the expiry of t1. Acknowledging silences the local alarming equipment. If the
fault is not acknowledged, global alarming is activated before the expiry of t1.
 The time ts for service intervention monitoring starts in parallel to the time t1. If
the 'Fault' is not eliminated prior to the expiry of ts, maintenance personnel are
called up.

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9 System description
Intervention concept (IC)

A triggered intervention process (t1 and/or ts running) is not restarted when a

'Fault' of the same category occurs for a second time.

The figure below shows an exemplary intervention process for the 'Fault' event
Attendance check Intervention monitoring


t1.. ts..

! !

..t1 X ..ts X


Intervention in case of fault

A Attendance check B Intervention monitoring

t1.. Time t1 for attendance check ts.. Time ts for service intervention monitoring
..t1 X Time t1 has expired ..ts X Time ts has expired
G Global alarming S Service intervention

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010
System description
Intervention concept (IC)

9.7.4 Intervention alarming

The alarming equipment, such as alarm devices and remote transmission devices,
can be selected separately for 'Manned operation' and 'Unmanned operation':

Alarm devices
Alarm devices, strobes, digital outputs, etc. can be used for local and global
alarming. The tonality of the alarm devices can be configured differently for local
and global alarming.

Remote transmission
For service intervention the event message is transmitted to intervention forces, in
general the maintenance personnel. A remote transmission device must be to
transmit event messages via the public telephone network.

Intervention alarming

IC 'Intervention Concept' f Alarming control

C 'Control tree' Y Intervention alarming
e 'Alarming control group' HW 'Hardware tree'

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9 System description

The alarm devices and the remote transmission can be separately configured for:
 Operating mode:
– 'Manned operation'
– 'Unmanned operation'
 Immediate intervention:
– 'Local intervention only'
– 'Delayed intervention'
– 'Global intervention only'
 Service intervention:
– 'Delayed intervention'
– 'Direct intervention'

9.8 Events
See also
 Event memory [➙ 144]

9.8.1 Event categories

The fire detection system evaluates received signals and indicates them as events.
Additionally, all events are stored and can be indicated in the 'Event memory' menu
There are the following event categories:
 'Pre-ALARM'
 'Fault'
Detector, output and system errors
 'Isolation'
Detector, output and system isolations
 Test
Inspection messages and conditions, test messages
 'Technical message'
 'Activation'
Activation of inputs and outputs
 'Information'
Operating conditions, other system messages, information

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System description

9.8.2 Event status identification

Event messages indicated on the display are provided with an identification.
This identification provides information on the status of the message.
The following identifications are used:
0059/0360 AAAAA bb STST 01
ttt 06-05-19 00:00:01 ttt 06-05-25 08:48:29
! 06-05-23 09:25:36 GGGGGG
->Bbb 1 A01 VVVVV
06-05-22 08:16:05 GGGGGG/21
i BF 2



0060/0360 AAAAA bb STST 01

ttt 06-05-19 00:00:01 ttt 06-05-25 08:48:29
06-05-22 08:16:05 GGGGGG/21
BF 2
06-05-22 07:22:01 GGGGGG/22+ +
BF 2


Event status identification

Identification Meaning
! Message not acknowledged
i Cause of message no longer available
no identification Message acknowledged
+ More than one detector is active

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9 System description

9.8.3 Event memory

All events that have occurred in the fire detection installation are stored in the event
memory . You can indicate a list of all events under the 'Event memory' menu item.
The list is sorted chronologically and can be filtered by category, date and time.
The figure below shows an example of a 'Event memory' list:

0008 / 0069 Events Station 01

from 06-03-06 09-34-50 to 06-03-06 09-34-50
06-03-06 10-34-50 OFF
Zone 13 Office 21
06-03-06 10-34-50 OFF
Autom. 13 A02 Window side
Select Select More
Event category Date/time range Options

See also
 Select events [➙ 58]

9.8.4 Message summary

The 'Message summary' main menu item includes messages in connection with
events. The messages are combined in message categories and may be opened
as message lists.

In the 'Message summary' main menu item only those message categories in
which messages (events) have actually occurred are indicated.

The figure below shows an example of a message overview with 1 'Pre-ALARM', 8

'Faults' and 10 'Isolations':

'Message summary' list

Message summary
Exit with <C>
001 Pre-ALARMS (001 Messages unconfirmed) (2)
008 Faults (3)
010 Isolations (4)
003 Activations (7)
Function Function Test
On/Off All LED

After pressing the short-cut button (2) the detailed view of the 'Pre-ALARM'
message category is indicated:

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System description
List representation and types of lists

'Pre-ALARM' detailed view

Remote transmission activated
001 Pre-ALARM
001 Pre-ALARM Zone 14
! Office 22

Execute Show More

Commands Intervention text Options

9.9 List representation and types of lists

By the list representation and the possibility to search in lists, a large number of list
entries and list positions can be indicated on the display.
There are the following types of lists:
 Event lists
 Element lists
 Selection lists

9.9.1 Event lists

Event lists include events that have occurred in the fire detection installations and
belong to different categories.
In the 'Message summary' main menu item messages are combined in event
categories. These event categories may be opened as an event list.

In the 'Message summary' main menu item only those event categories are
indicated in which events have actually occurred.

In accordance with the event categories, there are the following event lists:
 'Pre-ALARM'
 'Fault'
 'Isolation'
 Test
 'Technical message'
 'Activation'
 'Information'

All events are also included in the event list in the 'Event memory'. This 'Event
memory' list has a different layout as well as additional functions. For this reason,
a separate chapter 'Event memory' is included.

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9 System description
List representation and types of lists

The figure below shows an example of an 'Isolation' event list:

Waiting for confirmation RT

002 Isolations
Autom. Zone OFF
Sounder 2 001
Execute Show More
Commands Intervention text Options

See also
 Event memory [➙ 144]

9.9.2 Element lists

Element lists contain elements of the installation, as well as element data, e.g.
configuration data.
An element list is indicated as e.g. the result of an element search.
The figure below shows a sample 'Element search':

025 Elements

Station 1
Area 1
Network 1
Execute Execute commands
Commands Topology

Example of an element list

Details of Station 1

============= Element Properties ==============

ElementId: 1/1
Discipline: FIRE
ElementType PanelFC722Elem

Example data of an element

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System description
Version indication station / Configuration data

9.9.3 Selection lists

Selection lists are used to select actions or categories.
There are selection lists for the following actions or categories:
 Commands
 Options
 Elements
 Events (to filter the event memory)
The table below shows an example of a 'Select command' selection list:

Select command
Set customer text (1)
ON (2)
OFF (3)
OFF/timer (4)
Activate (5)

9.10 Version indication station / Configuration data

You can display information about the 'Station' and the configuration data version
in the topology tree.
A description of the calling-up of the indication can be found in the chapter in

See also
 Show version [➙ 91]

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10 Faults / Troubleshooting

10 Faults / Troubleshooting
If the site is indicating 'Fault', the table below provides a list of possible 'Faults',
including information on the possible causes.
If a 'Fault' cannot be eliminated with the help of these operation instructions, please
contact the service engineer.

'Fault' Cause Remedy

Automatic detector Detector is missing Re-insert detector
Detector is out of order Replace the detector.
NOTICE! Any defective detector must always be replaced by
another detector of the same type.
Manual call point Glass pane broken Replace glass pane
Other damages Contact service provider
Mains failure Mains failure in the No action required.
public network Emergency power supply is ensured by batteries during at
minimum 12 hours; depending on the customer specification up to
72 hours.
Fuse damaged Check fuses (current distributor of the building) and replace them
if necessary.
Paper out Paper roll in the printer Insert printing paper
has been used up

With all other 'Faults', the service provider in account must be contacted.

See also
 Inserting printing paper [➙ 88]

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System maintenance
Maintenance recommendation

11 System maintenance
Regular maintenance of the 'Site' is necessary in order to ensure the system will
function reliably.
The fire detection installation has a reminder function that informs you of imminent
maintenance. When the service reminder is displayed, regular maintenance by the
service technician is required.

Depending on national regulations, the maintenance intervals can be set

differently from the following maintenance recommendation.

11.1 Maintenance recommendation

Detailed instructions for maintaining the site can be found in document
A6V10210416 .
Please adhere to the local provisions.
Carry out the recommended maintenance work at regular intervals or have it
carried out by a service engineer.

Maintenance work Interval

Testing detectors annually
Testing the control panel annually
Simulating alarm annually
Simulating fault annually

11.2 Opening the control panel [DE]

It is possible that the housing of the control panel may have to be opened for
maintenance work.
If a class 3 key safe (fire department key safe, FSD) forms part of the fire detection
installation, the door contact kit FCA2009-A1 must be installed in the housing of the
control panel.
The door contact kit triggers a 'Sabotage ALARM' if the cover is removed from the
control panel.

Sabotage ALARM by opening the control panel
Measures for 'Sabotage ALARM' are triggered unnecessarily.
 Switch off sabotage evaluation before you open the control panel.

See also
 Switching off sabotage evaluation [DE] [➙ 48]

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12 Glossary

12 Glossary
Term Definition

Addressable detector line Detector line technique which gives each device its unique address. → Collective
detector line
Alarm device One component of a → Fire detection system, which is used for acoustic and/or optical
alarming, e.g. → Alarm sounder, beacon.
Alarm indicator Visual display to signal an alarm or pre-alarm
Alarm organization Covers all measures which are used for alarming, rescue, preventing a fire from
spreading, fire fighting and orientation in the event of a fire. Alarm organization may
differ depending on the → 'Manned' or → 'Unmanned' operating mode. → Alarm
verification concept
Alarm verification concept Concept for preventing false alarms which takes into account the interaction of the
operating personnel in the alarming sequence
Alarming control Monitoring and controlling the alarming equipment
Alarming equipment Alarm devices and transmission equipment
Area Topmost level in the → Detection tree. Assigned to the area are → Sections and →
Automatic configuration A zone is created for each sensor channel (automatic detector and manual call point).
A control is created for each alarm sounder. IO-modules, FT2010, FT2011 and
external alarm indicators are not configured automatically.
Automatic fire detector Device which measures a physical parameter (e.g. warmth) in order to detect a fire
AVC Abbreviation for Alarm Verification Concept → Alarm verification concept

BACnet Abbreviation for 'Building Automation and Control Networks'. Network protocol for
building automation, such as communication between one → Management-Station
(MMS) and one fire detection installation.
BDV Abbreviation for 'Basis Data Variant'

CAP CAP = Central Access Point. Term valid up to MP2.1. >MP2.1 is also used in the tool
for corresponding systems. Connection station between the SAFEDLINK and Ethernet
C-NET Addressed → Detector line for C-NET devices
C-NET device A device to which the C-NET detector line is connected.
Collective detector line Detector line technique which gives one address to all detectors on a detector line.
This makes it impossible to identify individual detectors.
Control group Combination of several similar → Controls
Control tree Structure tree with → Control group and → Control

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Term Definition
CPU Abbreviation for 'Central Processing Unit'. The computing unit of the → Fire control
panel. → CPU module
C-WEB Protocol which is used in the SAFEDLINK → SAFEDLINK → System bus
C-WEB/Ethernet FS720-specific term for networking with electric Ethernet → C-WEB/LAN
C-WEB/LAN FS720-specific term for loop-shaped networking with optical Ethernet → C-

Danger level A fire detector signal which expresses the probability of a fire. Automatic fire detectors
have e.g. danger levels 0 to 3. Manual call points only have danger levels 0 and 3. 0 =
no danger, 1 = possible danger, 2 = probable danger, 3 = very probable danger
Degraded mode Defined reduced mode of operation which occurs when part of the fire detection
installation (e.g. main CPU) fails.
Detection tree Diagram of the geographical and organizational arrangements for → Sensors in a
building. This is a hierarchical structure comprising → Area, → Section, → Zone
Detector line Electrical connection between the detectors and the fire control panel. There are
collective detector lines and addressed detector lines.
Detector line topology Arrangement of devices on the detector line. Depending on the detector line, up to
three topology types are possible: → Loop, → Stub, stub on loop

Effect An impact caused by a control, e.g. activation of a hardware output or a → Command.
→ Cause
Emergency power operation → Fire detection installation is supplied by the second source of power, e.g.
→ Batteries.
Ethernet station Participant in the Ethernet sub-net without local connection for the PC
Extended networking Connection between several SAFEDLINK networks → C-WEB/SAFEDLINK → C-
External alarm indicator Optical element for indicating the site of the fire which is positioned at some distance
from the detector. Is usually fitted at point at which the room where the detector is
alarming is accessed.
Extinguishing control → Control which controls a connected extinguishing system and evaluates and
displays its statuses
Extinguishing control group Level in the → Control tree of the → Fire detection system. The extinguishing control
group contains the → Extinguishing controls.

False alarm Alarm based on no danger
Fire control → Control which is activated in the event of a → Fire alarm
Fire control group Level in the → Control tree of the → Fire detection system. The fire control group
contains the → Fire controls

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Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010
12 Glossary

Term Definition
Floor repeater display A display device without operating elements.
Floor repeater terminal A display device with operating elements for acknowledging and resetting alarms and

GAP Abbreviation for Global Access Point. Participant in the Ethernet sub-net for the
connection between the Ethernet sub-net and a management station (BACnet client)
and/or for remote access with the Cerberus engineering tool or Cerberus Remote. If
there is a → Secondary GAP, the GAP becomes the main GAP. Can be operated as a
DHCP server in the Ethernet sub-net.
Gateway Network bridges which link two different systems/networks with one another and
transfer the different communication and transmission standards/protocols.
Global alarming Global alarming equipment (e.g. remote transmission) is actuated and external
intervention forces (e.g. the fire brigade) are alerted. → Local alarming

Hardware tree Depiction of the hardware of a → Fire detection installation

IC Abbreviation for Intervention Concept → Intervention concept
Intervention concept Concept with two independent verifications: Presence check for rapid local
intervention and intervention check for service intervention.
Isolation Status of one part of the → Fire detection installation, which suppresses the evaluation
of all signals

License key Hardware modules for activating functions.
Line card Umbrella term for module bus cards for connecting detectors
Line driver Hardware: Driver (repeater) for the detector lines.
Line separator An electronic switch in devices on the detector line which automatically disconnects
the defective part of the line in the event of a short-circuit.
Link Creating a reference between two elements, e.g. logical channel and physical channel
Local alarming Local alarming equipment (e.g. acoustic or optical) is actuated in order to call up
intervention personnel and to alert people of a possible fire hazard. → Global alarming
Logical channel Depiction of a device's logical function in the → Detection tree or control tree. The
logical channel is always the bottom level in the structure tree.
Logical horn channel Control element. Activates a → Horn output.
Logical input channel Represents a digital input.
Logical output channel with Control element. Activates the 'Output' channel in the hardware tree. An input which
feedback monitors whether the output has switched is assigned to this.
Logical tree In FS720 split into → Detection tree and → Control tree

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010

Term Definition
Loop → Detector line topology which runs from the → Fire control panel via the → Fire
detectors and back to improve operational reliability (UL864 Class A Wiring). This type
of wiring allows all detectors to communicate with the control panel even in the event
of an open line or short-circuit. → Stub.
Loop line Expression for → Loop

Main GAP GAP = Global Access Point. Participant in the Ethernet sub-net for the connection
between the Ethernet sub-net and a management station (BACnet client) and/or for
remote access with the Cerberus engineering tool or Cerberus Remote. If there is a
secondary GAP, the GAP becomes the main GAP.
Management station A superordinate system for monitoring and operating safety-related sites and
buildings, e.g. fire, intrusion, access, heating, ventilation
Manned Switching status of the → Alarm organization, if operating personnel are present and
can intervene should an event arise (alarm, fault)
Maximum current connection Calculation unit for planning the detector lines → Outline quantities. Maximum current
factor value that a device obtains from the detector line.
Minor incident Alarm situation which the operating personnel can handle themselves and does not
therefore trigger → Global alarming. → Major incident
Multi-detector dependency When using multi-detector dependency, the → Danger levels of several detectors are
included in the alarm decision. Measures such as → Alarming or closing the fire doors
are only initiated when the defined dependencies occur (e.g. two detectors detect
→ Danger level 3). → Single-detector dependency

Network module (SAFEDLINK) FS720 network card
Network tree Figure of the network in a → Fire detection installation
Networked fire detection system Site with more than one fire control panel and at least two sub-nets
Non-stationary C-NET devices Devices mounted with a base (exception: alarm sounders and radio detectors).
Normally closed contact (NC) Opens a power circuit when activated. → Normally open contact (NO)
Normally open contact (NO) Closes a power circuit when activated → Normally closed contact (NC)

Outline quantities Defines the number of permissible elements of one type in a system. For example,
maximum number of devices on a → Detector line.

Parameter set Defined detector behavior, e.g. in terms of sensitivity, resistance to deceptive
phenomena, response time. Detectors can be operated with different parameter sets.
Physical channel Depiction of a device's physical function in the → Hardware tree. The physical channel
is the bottom level in the hardware tree.
Physical output channel A6V10211076_Bedienung_de_to_en.xml.ttxElement of the hardware tree.

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010
12 Glossary

Term Definition
Corresponds to the output of a device.
Pre-alarm Stage before an → Alarm for information early on should an event occur.
Pre-configuration A sub-configuration of the → Hardware tree, → Detection tree and → Control tree
produced before commissioning the → Fire detection installation.

Quiescent current connection Factor for the current that a device obtains from the detector line when in quiescent
factor condition

Radio gateway Interface converter for converting from detector line protocol to radio
Remote transmission → Remote transmission
Renovation mode Mode of operation of the → Zone for maintaining a minimum detection ability during
renovation work. In renovation mode, the detectors are operated at low sensitivity.
Router station Participant in the SAFEDLINK sub-net for the connection between the SAFEDLINK
sub-net and the Ethernet sub-net (C-WEB/LAN) via the Ethernet switch (MM)
RT Abbreviation for → Remote transmission
RT The abbreviation for → Remote transmission equipment

SAFEDLINK Physical network of an FS720 fire detection system with the → Network module
(SAFEDLINK) and the network cable
SAFEDLINK station Participant in the SAFEDLINK sub-net with local connection for the PC
Secondary GAP GAP = Global Access Point. Participant in the Ethernet sub-net, in redundancy to the
main GAP, for the connection between the Ethernet sub-net and a standby
management station (BACnet client) and/or for remote access with the Cerberus
engineering tool or Cerberus Remote. Cannot be operated as a DHCP server in the
Ethernet sub-net.
Section Level in the → Detection tree of the → Fire detection system. The → Section is
assigned to the → Area. It is used to combine → Zones.
Separator connector factor Specifies whether a device on the detector line features a line separator.
Single-detector dependency With single-detector dependency, the alarm decision depends on the → Danger level
of one detector. The first detector in the → Zone which detects the corresponding
→ Danger level, triggers a → Fire alarm. → Multi-detector dependency
Site Representation of the → Fire detection installation: The top level in the figure showing
the installed system. Includes → Hardware tree, → Detection tree and → Control tree.
Stand-alone station Standalone station with local connection for the PC only
Standard operation The → Fire detection installation is supplied with mains voltage.

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010

Term Definition
Standby router station Participant in the SAFEDLINK sub-net, in redundancy to the router station, for the
connection between the SAFEDLINK sub-net and the Ethernet sub-net (C-WEB/LAN)
via the Ethernet switch (MM) FN2008-A1.
station Fire control panel or fire terminal
Stationary C-NET devices Devices that are directly installed without a base, e.g. manual call points, input/output
modules and alarm sounders or radio detectors.
Stub Detector line which is only connected to the fire control panel on one side. In the event
of an open line or short-circuit, not all the → Fire detectors can still communicate with
the → Fire control panel. → Loop
System bus Loop-shaped, redundant networking via C-WEB/SAFEDLINK → C-WEB

Technical message Events (e.g. from third-party systems) evaluated via sensors or contacts which are
forwarded to the → Fire control panel.
Test activation Activation of → Fire detectors in the → Detector test or → Effects in the → Control test.
Test timeout After a configurable time, the system automatically exits 'Test' mode of operation (→
Detector test, → Control test, → Installation test).

Unmanned Switching status of the → Alarm organization, if operating personnel are not present
and cannot intervene should an event arise (alarm, fault)

VdS Abbreviation for 'Vertrauen durch Sicherheit', a company in the Gesamtverband der
Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. (GDV). Inspection and certification body for
fire detection systems in Germany.
Visibility Defines which part of a → Site can be seen and operated on a → Station

Zone Level in the → Detection tree. A zone has at least one detector. The alarm decision is
made on the zone. The zone is assigned to a → Section or the → Area.

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Alarm verification concept
Symbols AVC, 134
universal control Example of verification process, 135
Activating / deactivating , 73 AVC
Alarm verification concept, 134
A Example of verification process, 135
Access level
Levels, Access rights, 96 B
List of all commands and required access levels, Buttons
100 Buttons on the PMI, 17
Logout, 49 Buzzer
PIN, log in, release, 49 'Buzzer off' button, 17
Access rights Volume setting, 86
Access level, stages, 96
Acknowledge C
Button / Functions, 17 Cerberus Remote
Acoustic signals enabling / disabling , 81
Button / functions, alarm devices, 18 General function, 29
Deactivating / activating alarm devices, 69 License key, 81
Activate operating, 83
Alarm indicator (AI), 67 Operating modes, 33
CAUTION note, 66 permanent enabling, 81
Activating Visibility, 81
Activating / deactivating fire control group , 74 Change language, 84
Activating / resetting zone, 70 Command
Evac control, 75 Window command response, 27
ALARM Command confirmation
What to do? Procedure, 34 Hide, 58
Alarm counter Commands
Show information, 76 Command entry Basics, Execute, function-
Alarm delay oriented / object-oriented, 53
Switch off alarm delay, 34 List of all commands and required access levels,
Alarm delay off 100

Button / Functions, 17 Configuration

Alarm devices Note on the fire detection installation, 92

Deactivating / activating, 69 Parameter sets Manned / Unmanned, Customer

text, 77
Alarm indicator (AI)
Control test
Activating, 67
Information, commands, 65
Control tree
Topology, Selection, 60

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010

Customer text Events

Entering characters, 32 Categories, 142
Entering/changing, 88 Identification, 143
Select, event and element category, 58
D Extended view
Date and time switch, 25
Setting, 87 Extended visibility
Deactivate Visibility, 99
DANGER note, 66
Deactivate / activate F
Alarm devices, 'Acoustic signals' button, 69 Faults
Deactivating List of possible faults, cause / remedy, 148
Sabotage monitoring, 48 Favorites
Detection tree Operation sequence in one operation step, 32
Topology, Selection, 60 Fire brigade view, 25
Switching off / Switching on, 40 G
Testing, detector test, 64 Global alarming, 110
Detector test
Commands, 64 H
Display Hardware tree
Brightness setting, 87 Topology, Selection, 60
Indication of the display in the document, 10
Input field, 26 I
Representation variants, normal view, with Indicators
window, 24 Display and test LEDs, 86
Input field
E Display with window and input field, 26
Element search
Category, Address, 61 K
Elements Key switch
List of elements, 107 Position On / Off, 27
Search by address / Category, 61 Keypad
Entering characters Entering characters, 32
Digits, characters (customer text), 32
Keypad, 32 L
Evac control LEDs
Activating, 75 Colours, 27
Event memory Testing, 86
Navigating in the event memory, 84 License key
Polling / deleting , 83 Cerberus Remote, 81
Sorting, filtering list, 144

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010

Line Operation function

auto-configuration, 78 Scrolling, 31

Local alarming, 110 Selection and Opening / Execution, 30

Log in Operation mode

PIN, release access level, 49 Manned / unmanned, Button / functions, 17

Login Switching between manned / unmanned, 50

PIN, log in, release access level, 49

Log out, 49 PIN
Administrate, Create, Delete, Change, 84
M Input dialog, 49

Main menu Log in, release access level, login, 49

Menu button, 53 PMI

Maintenance PMI overview, 16

Opening the control panel, 149 Printer

Manned / unmanned Inserting printer paper, 88

Button / Functions, 17 Switching off, 91

Changing operation mode, 50

Menu Item
Main menu / Open menu item, 53 Remote transmission

Menu structure Information anzeigen, 76

Main menu items, Functions, 29 Remote transmission, fire

Switching off / Switching on, 44
N Reset

Normal time Button / Functions, 17

Setting time and date, 87 Reset alarm (password), 34

Numeric key
Shortcut, Menu selection, Command execution,
32 Sabotage ALARM
Opening the control panel, 149
O Sabotage monitoring, 48
Opening the control panel Scroll bar
Maintenance, 149 Indication of position and list length, 31
Sabotage ALARM, 149 Scrolling
Operating Indication of position and list length, 31
Cerberus Remote, 83 Scrolling in option lists, command lists, element
Operating modes category lists, 31

Cerberus Remote, 33 Service reminder

Operation System maintenance, 149

Operation condition, indication, 93 Shortcut

Operation modes, Normal operation, Test, Numeric key, Menu selection, Command
Isolation, 93 execution, 32

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
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Show information
Alarm counter, remote transmission, 76
connect, 81, 81
Visibility, 98
Summer time
Setting date and time, 87
Switching off / Switching on
DANGER-Note, 37
Detector, 40
Remote transmission, fire, 44
Temporary switching-off, 42
System maintenance
Service reminder, 149
System test
CAUTION note, 65

Temporary switching-off
Section, duration, 42
Time and date
Set, 87
Topology, 110
Select element, hardware tree, detection tree,
control tree, 60

Displaying station version, 91
Definition, 98
extended visibility, 99
standby, 98

Activating / resetting , 70

Building Technologies A6V10211076_d_en
Fire Safety & Security Products 02.07.2010
Issued by © 2008-2010 Copyright Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Siemens Switzerland Ltd Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.
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Document ID A6V10211076_d_en FD720

Edition 02.07.2010 Register 7

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