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Spiritual and Social Well-Being

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I found out that there are several ways to improve overall wellness of spiritual and

social. To begin with spiritual well-being, the practices that I do are – meditation or yoga,

worshiping or participating in organized religion, having self-time and finding what life is

meant to be and assisting and supporting my community. For social well-being, the exercises

that I do are – improving communication skills, making connections, spending quality time

with family and friends, building healthy relationships and being optimistic. Although I

cannot perfectly follow the instructions, I am trying my best to reach the goal of being a

better person.

To mention my favorite topics that I learned from well-being class, there are more

than one or two. They are so helpful to me in many different perspectives. I would like to

begin with topics under the title of Spiritual Well-Being. First one is mental wellness/making

health a priority/spiritual wellness. I like that topic because it talks about the benefits of

spirituality and those open up mind to see how important spirituality is. It is said that it can

reduce stress which is a really dangerous thing if it sticks on to us for a very long time.

People may even attempt suicide because of overwhelming stress that they have. But if we

work on our spiritual well-being, we may lose a considerable amount unwanted stress in us.

Moreover, if we have healthy spirit, there are possibilities that we may have lower blood

pressure. What’s more, strong spirituality can lead to strong immune system which is mind

blowing. It has been shown that by attending religious services, we can improve our overall

immunity. Another topic that like which is under the spiritual wellness is that spiritual people

make happier choices. It benefits me in a way as a reminder that considering myself as a

spiritual person, I should avoid smoking, drinking and participating in any other aggressive

and brutal events as the results are seemingly bad. The next follow up sub-topic is that

forgiveness is a good medicine. I like this one because it kind of reflects me a little bit. I do

not like to hold things up and I mostly do not put things up in my mind so if I have to I just
practice forgiveness which allows me to possess a good friendship or a relationship. Another

topic would be the characteristics of spiritual wellbeing. The reason I like this one is because

it points out many facts about how it looks like to have spiritual wellbeing. For instance, one

of the characteristics is having the awareness of purpose and meaning in life which is really

important to know because it can be greatly helpful for us to live a happy healthy life since

we only live once in this mortal world. Next topic that I fancy is ways of developing spiritual

well-being. The reason I choose this one is due to the facts that it has got the most effective

exercises to build up spiritual wellness. Those exercises are constructing strong borders such

as to be able to say no to quests that are beyond your reach, attaining time and space we need

to make our passions and dreams come true, designing a system to back others who value and

respect us and finally, acknowledging to individuals for expressing their kindness in their

own special ways. I have just started following along these methods and surprisingly I feel

like a change is occurring inside me and it is going to hatch soon. So, these are the topics that

I assume are my favorites which bring positive impacts to my everyday life. I feel more

confident and controlled to myself. I feel like my life has become more peaceful and


From wellbeing class, I learned that social wellness or social wellbeing also plays a

huge role in our life and society. I understand that social well-being contains not only

equalizing our emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health but also taking parts in a

community as a mutually respect person. Openhearted communicating requirements, feelings,

assumptions and wishes to those we have faith in are also involves in social wellness. First

topics that I am fond of in social wellbeing is like the important of it. Because I know why it

is vital for us, I attempt to value it more than I used to in my previous days. The importance

of social wellness is quite similar to each other. For example, people with healthy

relationships and a robust social network typically live longer and cope with stress better.
Also, an improved immune system, a better cardiovascular system, and a reduction in stress

and anxiety are the benefits of it. Since I got to know that social wellbeing is crucial, the next

topic that I choose is ways to improve it, ways to improve social wellness. There are many

approaches but I would like to point out some of the things that work best for me. First one is

improving communication skills. Since we cannot live or work alone in this modern society,

interacting with others comes into the play as a great negotiator. Therefore, by improving our

communication skills we will be able to achieve a happy social life. Second one is being

positive or having optimism. When we can put aside all the worries and miseries, we will be

able to enjoy our life at its best. Since we only get to live once in a lifetime, I believe that

being positive if not even all the time is crucial to the satisfactory of our lives in social. The

third and last one is spending quality time with family and friends/ building healthy

relationships. Our family and friends are also important characters in our life story. They

support us, surround us, love us and respect us. No matter what happen to us they will always

be with us. Therefore, we have to strengthen the bond between us and our beloved family and

friends so that we can have a healthy and yet supportive social life. So these are so-called my

favorite topics that are truly beneficial to my life.

To conclude, both spiritual and social well-being are greatly important for us in a very

similar way. To our overall well-being in this world, they are like guidance and a manager to

us. Therefore, let’s practice social and spiritual wellness in order to possess a flourishing life

full of joy and happiness.


14 Ways To Cultivate Social Wellness | by Ben Mumme | Change Becomes You | Medium
5 Spiritual Practices That Increase Well-Being | Psychology Today
I took most of the information from teacher’s slides and above two are websites that I
borrowed some ideas that are relative to this reflection paper.

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