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Personal Health 1

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Dimensions of Personal Health

1. Emotional Well-Being
2. Physical Dimension
3. Occupational Well-being
4. Social Well-being
5. Spiritual Well-being
6. Intellectual Well-being
7. Environmental Well-being
8. Financial Well-being

Personal health is a broad topic that encompasses various aspects of an
individual's well-being. It includes physical, mental, and emotional health.
Taking care of one's personal health is important for overall well-being and
quality of life.
It not only refers to the physical well being of an individual but it also
comprises the wellness of emotional, intellect, social, economical, spiritual
and other areas of life. It involves adopting healthy habits such as regular
exercise, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, stress management, and
maintaining positive relationships. Personal health is the ability to take charge
of your health by making conscious decisions to be healthy.

The 8 Dimensions of Personal Health

1. Emotional Well-Being
Emotional wellness is one of the eight dimensions that contribute to
overall health and wellness. Emotional wellness encompasses the knowledge
and skills to identify personal feelings and the ability to handle those

Emotional well-being refers to the state of our emotional health and

happiness. It involves being aware of and managing our emotions in a healthy
way. This includes recognizing and expressing our feelings, practicing self-
care and self-compassion, and developing positive coping strategies for
stress and challenges. Emotional well-being also involves cultivating healthy
relationships and a support system, as well as finding joy and fulfillment in life.

Emotional wellness or well-being refers to the awareness and

understanding a person has about their emotions and how well they are able
to manage through different life events. Emotional well-being can affect how
well someone can function day to day or how they are able to deal with
change or uncertainty. Difficulties in emotional well-being may have a
negative effect on a person’s mental and physical health.

Why is emotional well-being important?

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), emotional well-being

is important because it can affect how people function and carry out everyday
tasks. It can also affect how well individuals are able to handle stressful
situations and challenges, how they adapt to change, and how they respond
to difficult life events. Emotional well-being can affect relationships, work, and
overall mental and physical health. Issues with emotional well-being can also
affect physical health and may lead to higher blood pressure, a weakened
immune system, and increased illness.

Factors that can influence emotional well-being?

Factors that can influence emotional well-being may include:
•challenges with work, school, relationships, or home life
•changes in health
•changes in relationships
•retirement, which may affect social circles or sense of purpose
•losing loved ones
•moving away from family and friends

Tips to improve emotional well-being in children and adolescents

•be there to listen
•regularly ask them about how they feel
•stay involved in their life and show an interest in what they find important
•support them through difficulties and help them work through it
•encourage their interests
•build positive routines
•take what they say seriously

Signs a person is experiencing difficulties with their emotional well-being

Signs that people are experiencing difficulties may include:
•persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness
•feeling irritable, tearful, or angry
•loss of interest in activities that are usually enjoyable
•changes to eating or sleeping patterns
•feeling restless
•fatigue or lack of energy
•difficulty concentrating
•neglecting self-care
•difficulties with work or studies, or carrying out everyday tasks
•mood swings
•thoughts of death or suicide

2. Physical Dimension
Physical wellness refers to taking care of our physical health through
activities such as exercise, proper nutrition and getting enough sleep.

Physical well-being refers to the state of our physical health and fitness. It
involves taking care of our bodies through regular exercise, proper nutrition,
and adequate rest. Engaging in physical activities helps improve
cardiovascular health, build strength and endurance, and maintain a healthy
weight. It also supports the functioning of our organs and promotes overall
Being physically healthy enables you to have better overall health,
including in your relationships. You only get one body, so taking care of it is
important. By knowing your body, and your family’s health history, you can
start to figure out what is “normal” for you.

3. Occupational Well-Being
Occupational wellness encompasses all aspects of well-being pertaining
to explore various career options and encourages you to pursue the
opportunities you enjoy the most. This dimension of well-being recognizes the
importance of satisfaction, enrichment and meaning through work.

This relates to a person's satisfaction and fulfillment in their work or

chosen occupation. It involves finding meaning and purpose in one's career,
having a healthy work-life balance, and experiencing job satisfaction.
Occupational well-being can be enhanced by pursuing a career that aligns
with one's interests and values, setting achievable goals, and maintaining
positive relationships in the workplace.

Signs of Occupational Wellness

•Engaging in motivating and interesting work
•Working in a way that fits into your personal learning style
•Communicating and collaborating with others
•Feeling inspired and challenged at work
•Feeling good at the end of the day about the work you've accomplished
Improving Occupational Wellness
•Don’t settle, keep motivated, and work towards what you want
•Increase your knowledge and skills to accomplish your goals
•Enjoy what you do, do what you enjoy
•Create connections with your co-workers
•Write out goals, create a plan to execute them, and then start working on
your plan •Look for something new and/or talk to a career counselor if you
feel stuck or unhappy

4. Social Well-Being
Social wellness encompasses all aspects of well-being pertaining to
focuses on building and nurturing meaningful and supportive relationships
with individuals, groups and communities. Social wellness also includes
showing respect for others, oneself and other cultures

This refers to the quality of a person's relationships and their sense of

belonging in a community. It involves having supportive and meaningful
connections with family, friends, and colleagues. Social well-being can be
nurtured through regular social inPeople with high social wellbeing see the
value in living in harmony with others and developing healthy behaviours.
They seek positive, interdependent relationships with others.

Tips for Achieving Social Wellbeing. So how do we achieve social

wellbeing? We need to take time to foster and maintain meaningful
relationships with others. Build on your existing relationships – take a walk
with a friend (make it a regular arrangement), schedule family dinners, stay
connected – and create new relationships – volunteer, join social groups,
take up a group sport, join a local team, or find support groups (e.g.
playgroups for mothers of young children). Remember, meeting new people
and making new friends is essentially the same no matter what your stage of
life. The basics always apply: be friendly, smile, say hello and chat (a good tip
to get started is to take an interest and ask questions about the other party –
most people love to talk about themselves. This breaks the ice and usually
results in them reciprocating). See the positives in people and acknowledge
and praise these things (if you can’t find any nice things to say, then maybe
these aren’t the right people for you) and don’t forget to initiate interactions,
invite and accept offersteractions, participating in community activities, and
fostering healthy relationships.
5. Spiritual Well-Being
Spiritual wellness encompasses all aspects of well-being pertaining to the
search for purpose and meaning in life. This may include the belief in a higher
power, but spiritual wellness does not have to be aligned with a religion.

This encompasses a person's sense of purpose, values, and connection

to something greater than themselves. It involves finding meaning and
fulfillment through personal beliefs, religious or philosophical practices, and a
sense of inner peace. Spiritual well-being can be cultivated through activities
such as meditation, reflection, practicing gratitude, and engaging in acts of

6. Intellectual Well-Being
The ability to open our minds to new ideas and experiences that can be
applied to personal decisions, group interaction, and community betterment.

This relates to the stimulation and growth of a person's mind. It involves

engaging in lifelong learning, seeking new knowledge, and challenging
oneself intellectually. Intellectual well-being can be enhanced through
activities such as reading, attending educational events, pursuing hobbies or
interests, and engaging in critical thinking.

Intellectual well-being refers to the state of one's mental and cognitive

health. It encompasses aspects such as lifelong learning, critical thinking,
problem-solving, and the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth.
Maintaining intellectual well-being often involves engaging in activities that
stimulate the mind, seeking out new experiences, and staying open to
different perspectives and ideas. It can contribute to a fulfilling and balanced

7. Environmental Well-Being
Refers to leading a lifestyle that values the relationship between
ourselves, our community and the environment. The core principle of
environmental wellness is respect-respect for all nature and all species living
in it.
This refers to the state of the external environment and our relationship
with it. It involves recognizing the importance of a sustainable and healthy
environment for our well-being and taking actions to protect and preserve it.
Environmental well-being can be promoted through practices such as
recycling, conserving energy and water, supporting eco-friendly initiatives,
and spending time in nature.
Environmental well-being pertains to the health and sustainability of our
natural surroundings. It encompasses various aspects, and here's some
broad knowledge related to it:
1. Ecosystem Health: The well-being of ecosystems is crucial for
environmental balance. Healthy ecosystems provide essential services such
as clean air, water, and food.
2. Biodiversity: Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. Maintaining diverse
ecosystems is vital for the stability and adaptability of natural systems.
3. Climate Change: Climate change, driven by factors like greenhouse gas
emissions, poses significant threats to environmental well-being. Mitigation
and adaptation efforts are essential to address this issue.
4. Conservation: Protecting endangered species and preserving natural
habitats are key components of environmental well-being.
5. Sustainable Practices: Sustainable practices, including sustainable
agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, aim to balance human needs with the
health of the environment.
6. Pollution: Reducing pollution of air, water, and soil is essential for
environmental well-being. This includes addressing issues like plastic
pollution and chemical contamination.
7. Renewable Energy: Transitioning to renewable energy sources like solar
and wind power is crucial for reducing the environmental impact of energy
8. Waste Management: Proper waste management, including recycling and
reducing waste, helps minimize environmental harm.
9. Environmental Policy: Government policies and international agreements
play a vital role in safeguarding the environment.
10. Environmental Education: Educating people about environmental issues
fosters awareness and empowers individuals to make sustainable choices.
11. Natural Disasters: Preparedness and resilience in the face of natural
disasters, such as hurricanes and wildfires, are essential for environmental
12. Urban Planning: Sustainable urban planning promotes environmentally
friendly cities with green spaces, efficient transportation, and reduced
pollution. 13. Water Resources: Managing and conserving freshwater
resources is crucial for both human well-being and the environment.
13. Land Use: Responsible land use planning helps prevent deforestation,
urban sprawl, and habitat destruction.
15. Global Cooperation: Many environmental challenges require
international cooperation to find solutions, such as addressing
transboundary pollution or protecting shared resources like oceans.
Environmental well-being is closely interconnected with human well-
being, as the health of the environment ultimately impacts our quality of
life. Therefore, efforts to promote environmental well-being are essential
for a sustainable and prosperous future.
8. Financial Well-Being
Financial wellness encompasses all aspects of well-being pertaining to
finances including knowledge and skills of financial planning and managing

This relates to a person's financial security and their ability to meet their
financial needs and goals. It involves managing money effectively, having a
stable income, and feeling in control of one's financial situation. Financial well-
being can be improved through budgeting, saving, investing wisely, and
seeking professional advice when needed.

Financial well-being refers to the state of an individual's or household's

financial health and stability. It encompasses various aspects of one's
financial life.

Here are some key factors and principles related to financial well-being:
1. Financial Literacy: Understanding financial concepts and having the
knowledge to make informed decisions is fundamental to financial well-being.
2. Budgeting: Creating and sticking to a budget helps manage income and
expenses effectively, ensuring that one can meet their financial goals.
3. Savings: Building a savings cushion is essential for financial security.
Emergency savings can provide a safety net in times of unexpected expenses
or job loss.
4. Debt Management: Responsible handling of debt, including credit card debt
and loans, is crucial. Strategies to reduce and manage debt can improve
financial well-being.
5. Investing: Investing wisely can help grow wealth over time. Diversifying
investments and understanding risk are important principles in this area.




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