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Jeff Harkness Quentin Soubrouillard Giordano Manes, Jeff Harkness


Jeff Harkness Tuan Pham, Hector Rodriquez, Robert Altbauer
Quentin Soubrouillard
Casey Christofferson DEVELOPMENT MANAGER: Emanuele Granatello
Michael Gross Italo Iozzi
Casey Christofferson


Bill Webb, Zach Glazar, Edwin Nagy, Jeff Harkness,
Casey W. Christofferson, Ken Spencer, and Michael Badolato.

In collaboration with

© 2022 Frog God Games. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden.
Frog God Games, and the Frog God Games logo, Spring Rites is a trademark of Frog God Games. All rights reserved. All characters,
names, places, items, art, and text herein are copyrighted by Frog God Games. The mention of or reference to any company or product in
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ISBN: 978-1-6656-0356-0
Printed in the US
able of Contents
SPRING RITES.................................................. 3 CHAPTER THREE: FIGHT AT THE STONES ........24
CHAPTER ONE: A FINE SPRING DAY................ 7 APPENDIX ONE: NEW CREATURES ...................31

NOTES ON THE NORTHLANDS Jarl. A local ruler. Becoming a jarl is not just inheritance,
for they must prove themselves worthy of being sworn to. As the
Nørsk are free people, if they find a jarl unacceptable, they are free
If you are unfamiliar with the Northlands, here is a short list of
terms you will want to remember: to leave or remove them.
Kennings. A poetic compound expression with a metaphorical
Aglæcwif. A magic-user of doubtful intentions and suspect meaning.
honesty. Aglœwifs are considered mad and often dabble in dark Nørsk. The human people of the Northlands, they speak Nørsk
forces. as their common tongue and their written language is Runic. There
Althunak. The Demon-God of Ice and Cold, Althunak was is great diversity among the Nørsk as their far sailing ways have
driven from the Northlands a generation ago. Yet his cults pop up brought all manner of strangers to their lands. Mostly, the Nørsk
from time to time, and it is said the Demon-God broods on his icy are farmers, fishers, merchants, and tradesfolk.
throne somewhere in the Far North. Mind’s-worth. A kenning meaning honor.
Andøvan. A long-dead civilization that once occupied the North Sea. The great sea at the center of the Northlands.
area now known as the Northlands. They built massive stone Nûklander. The reindeer herding and riding elf-like people
monuments and burial mounds and are said to possess powerful of the tundra and taiga north of Estenfird.
magics. Ring Giver. A kenning meaning generous.
Estenfird. A wild frontier across the North Sea. Shieldwall. The common battle formation of the Nørsk is a
Gatland. Home of the powerful Gat clan. densely packed line of warriors three ranks deep with interlocked
Gats. Traditionalists, the Gat clan rules a third of the shields. Up to five creatures carrying shields can form a shieldwall
Northlands. They are rivals of the Hrolfs. as an action, with the entire formation chancing its initiative order
Godi. A holy person who can talk to the gods. Clerics and to that of the last person to join. While in this formation, all receive
druids are the usual classes that become godi, but anyone with a +1 bonus to their AC for attacks from the front, but the formation
the favor of the gods are called godi. Godi are part-time priests can move only at half speed.
who spend the majority of their time farming, fishing, or working Sif’s Hair. A kenning meaning gold.
a trade. Skald. A storyteller, lore keeper, and musician.
Hacksilver (hs). None of the rulers of the Northlands mint Spear-din. A kenning meaning battle.
their own coins. Instead of coins, hacksilver is the unit of measure Storstrøm Vale. The heart of the Northlands, this peaceful
that is used, with 1 hs equal to 1 gp. Hacksilver takes many forms region lies south of the North Sea and east of Hordaland. The
such as foreign coins, broken pieces of jewelry, and even metal Great Godi House is here as well as many of the oldest settlements.
shavings. Trondheim, the oldest city in the North is the capital of the Vale.
Hordaland. A peninsula that juts out of the southern coast Thing. A democratic legislative and judicial gathering of all
of the North Sea, home to Silvermeade Hall and the setting of this adult landholders in an area. All may speak, all may vote, but the
adventure. Thing has no power to enforce its decisions.
Hrolfs. One of the two most powerful clans in the Northlands, Vastavikland. This rugged, mountainous land in the west of
the Hrolfs have been adopting Southlander ways such as mounted the Northlands is known for three things: its many volcanoes, its
warriors, heavy armor, lances, crossbows, and serfdom. poor soil, and its aggressive people. Vastaviklander is synonymous
Hrolfland. Easternmost of the lands of the North, Hrolfland is with raider in many parts of the world.
the home of the Hrolf clan. They dissolved the Things and Althing Whale Road. A kenning meaning sea.
of Hrolfland and rule as petty lords. Wound-Sea. A kenning meaning blood or battle.
Huscarl. An oathbound warrior or another important retainer Wyrd. A person’s fate or destiny as decided by the Norns at
of a jarl. their birth.

Spring Rites
Our heroes, or would-be heroes as the case may be, are retainers,


hangers-on, and lesser relations of the Jarl Olaf Henrikson. They
have spent the past winter at his home, Silvermeade Hall, and
spring is well on its way. Not yet having won a place in his retinue,
they should be eager to please and impress the jarl. He is known
as a ring-giver, one who rewards those in his service, and to join Spring Rites is the start of the Lord of Ice
his retinue is a mark of honor and distinction. Unfortunately, all he and Cold series, the epic tale of the battle
needs of our heroes today is to guard his three daughters as they against Althunak, the Lord of Ice and Cold, that
pick flowers for the upcoming feast of Freya. continues with Spears in the Ice and Banners
From such humble beginnings great sagas may begin. over Monrovia. You can play this as a standalone
adventure or as part of the series. Keep in mind
The adventure is designed for Tier 1 play, making it a fine
that the series hits the high points of the saga of
introduction to the Northlands and the Lord of Ice and Cold our heroes’ battle against Althunak; there is plenty
series. Spring Rites calls for characters who are of good or of room to have other adventures in the spaces
neutral alignments, though good tendencies should prevail in the between.
group. Someone should have some wilderness skills, especially
the ability to track, a cleric would be very useful in the Barrow
Lands, and a druid or ranger will aid the party should they choose
to take the forest path. Naturally, this being the Northlands, While set in the Northlands of Frog God Games’ Lost Lands
fighting men and women will be needed. There is a fair mix of setting, it can easily be dropped into any campaign world that has
exploration and combat, with social matters making up the first a strong Old Norse-themed region. Your world does have a region
third of the adventures. with a strong Viking theme?

The Northlanders have many words for a those who practice the daughters, Jarl Olaf thought his life truly blessed by the gods for
dark arts: galdricge, seiðkona, or often simply aglæcwif. Unlike his bravery and honor, but when it came time for the birthing of
the mysterious, but respected, cunning folk who are accepted his third daughter, his wyrd took a dark turn indeed. The jarl’s
into Northlander society for the wisdom they bring and their beloved wife labored for more than a day, struggling, losing blood,
connection to the world’s unseen, an aglæcwif exists on the very unable to deliver the child. The godi and cunning women of his
fringes of society. They lurk in the shadows, universally reviled, hall were unable to help and, when after a night and a day, his
subsisting on what little they can find, ever wary of an angry mob wife took fever, the jarl truly despaired. It was then in his fear
or vengeful jarl who holds them responsible for a bad accident, and desperation that he turned to powers he never would have
a blighted crop, or simply poor luck on a voyage. Despite all been willing to entertain. He recalled an ancient crone who lived
of these disadvantages, there are always those willing to make upon the Moors not far from his hall at Silvermeade. Sending his
whatever sacrifice is necessary to embrace the unnatural power huscarls upon his fastest horses, Jarl Olaf summoned the aglæcwif
had by trafficking in such things. And sometimes, if a Northlander Sibbe the Unkempt to attend his wife’s birthing chamber.
is desperate enough, they might be willing to have dealings with Sibbe the aglæcwif was dragged unceremoniously to the jarl’s
such matters themselves. But there is always a price, for no one hall and told in no uncertain turns that if the jarl’s wife and child
can dabble in the dark arts and hope to escape without at least died, her own life would be forfeit shortly thereafter. With that
some small taint of the shadow clinging to them. threat over her head, she attended to the delivery and by the next
Jarl Olaf Henrikson is a man of power and honor, respected evening the child was born alive, and the mother’s fever had
among his peers, carrying a reputation as a fierce warrior and wise broken. Mother and child were fine, and if the newborn babe bore
leader, and ruler of the largest and wealthiest settlement in all the a dark birthmark across her face, her grateful parents saw only a
Northlands. Even a man of such stature, however, can find himself healthy baby where before they saw only tragedy (though more
at the mercy of his wyrd and be truly desperate enough to try to than one householder whispered of the mark as a sign of ill omen
cheat even fate if it be in his power. The father of two beautiful for trying to challenge one’s wyrd).

Sibbe said not a word as the jarl expressed his gratitude for the
miracle she had performed and gave her a fat pouch of silver for You have been ordered to appear before your jarl,
her troubles as well. This she took and headed out alone back to Olaf Henrikson, jarl of Halfstead, greatest city of
the Northlands. For young members in service to
the Moors, soon forgotten by the jarl. But her stone-faced visage
his household or visitors who have wintered there
hid much from the jarl’s household as she left. They thought her but have no plans for pursuing their wyrd, this is a
forced intervention a benevolent act, but she knew better. She moment of hope and fear. Hope that he assigns you
knew her magic had left its taint on the child and that the two were a glorious task to prove your mettle but tinged with
now connected. She did not know what she would do with this fear of his wrath should you fail. Your jarl is a good
connection, but she knew something would come of it for her own man, strong and battle-tested, with many famed
purposes someday. heroic deeds to his name.
After making yourself presentable, you and a few of

ADVENTURE SUMMARY his other retainers and guests walk through the gates
of the great hall’s stockade and present yourselves
to the guards at the carved wooden doors that mark
The initial section begins with our heroes sent to escort and the main entrance. After exchanging a few jests with
guard their jarl’s three daughters as they gather flowers for the these household warriors that you have known for as
Feast of Freyja. The daughters themselves present a bit of a long as you’ve been a part of the jarl’s household, Ari
challenge, being headstrong, having their own agendas, and in Hrokson, your jarl’s herald, comes for you.
general causing trouble. During the morning ride through calm, “I needn’t remind you to keep polite and let the jarl
settled areas of Hordaland near the jarl’s hall, the girls act up a speak first. And do not keep too much of his time,
bit, allowing for ample roleplaying opportunities. Once at the this is a busy day,” the old skald states. He then
meadows, there are a few small events, and one major event announces you to the jarl.
presaging events in Vengeance of the Long Serpent.
Foul magic and a kidnapping interrupt the tranquil scene in Our heroes are announced in order of precedence by their
the meadows. The aglæcwif Sibbe the Unkempt plans to capture status. The order is as follows: anyone of noble birth, warriors,
the girls and sacrifice them to reap their life essence and use it godi, skaldi, arcane casters, and finally foreigners. Once the
to bring back her lost youth and increase her arcane power. She introductions are complete, continue with the following.
uses powerful ancient magic to put everyone in the meadow into
a magical sleep while her minions grab the girls. Once they are The hall is dimly lit, for this is a normal day and
captured, she takes the three girls to an ancient site of power in the not a cause for feasting. Only a few huscarls stand
nearby Barrow Lands to be sacrificed. about the room, but several thralls busy themselves
Upon regaining consciousness, the party finds that the girls are putting up garlands of flowers and green boughs,
gone, their horses are scattered, and their day has taken a dark preparations for the upcoming Feast of Freyja. The
turn. Clues point to Sibbe the Unkempt taking the girls, as well jarl is seated at the end of the feasting table in
as her nefarious plot and her likely destination. Our heroes must his chair, an ornate piece of work carved from the
choose how they plan to reach the stone circle in order to rescue trunk of an oak. He is leaning in and talking with a
stranger, a well-dressed man with the bearing of an
the girls along one of three possible routes: through the Barrow
envoy. As you approach, you hear the jarl say, “… and
Lands, across the Trollfist Hills, or along the forest trails. The thirty-five cattle, that’s all her dowry will be.”
route through the Barrow Lands is the fastest route, but the undead
residents of that haunted region do not take kindly to trespassers. The jarl turns to you. “Good, you have come quickly
The Trollfist Hills present a slow-but-safer route, as the jarl and and well comported. This speaks kindly of you and
your kin. Sit and partake of an early meal; you will
his huscarls have cleared out the resident trolls. Finally, there
need it, for I have a task for you. My three daughters,
is the middle-length route along the paths that lead through the Inga, Fastvi, and Runa, wish to go out this afternoon
forest, which is not as swift as the hills, but not as dangerous as and gather flowers for the feast. As this is a rightful
the Barrow Lands. thing for young folk to do, I am allowing it. They need
Following one of these three routes, our heroes make their way to be guarded, and this is the task I set before you.
to the stone ring deep in the Barrow Lands where Sibbe intends to “I know you have longed for a chance to prove
conduct her sacrifice. They must arrive before dawn of the vernal yourselves and rise in my favor as well as allow your
equinox to stop the ceremony and rescue the daughters of their jarl mind’s-worth to shine, but there is no spear-din today
and bring them home safely. and no chance to shed battle-dew. All I have is this
task: Spend a spring afternoon watching young folk
as they pick flowers in the meadows. When you have

your own halls and have seen the swans of blood sip
THE on many a foeman’s wound-sea, such a day as this
will be a boon beyond naming. So remember it well
The adventure begins as our heroes gather in the jarl’s hall at and pray you have many more like it. Now, let us eat.
Silvermeade. He is about to give them their first assignment to But before that, allow me to introduce our bread-
work together and plant the seeds for a life of adventure. This brother this morning, Ottar Gundrikson, skald and
is a heady moment and should set the nature for the rest of the herald to the Jarl Ref Solumundson of the Vale.

Our heroes may ask any questions they wish, but they need to
make DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) checks to get a polite word in You arrive at the stockade wall to find the gate
between the two older men’s telling of tales of battles and adventures open and three young women waiting impatiently
astride fine horses. The oldest wears a dress of blue
past without making fools of themselves by interrupting. They
linen with a squared border of small yellow flowers
may also make a DC 10 Intelligence (History) check to find out embroidered around the neck, cuffs, and hem. She
something about Jarl Ref Solumundson of the Vale. This jarl is a is tall and fair of face, her golden hair coiled about
landholder of middling importance in the Storstrøm Vale but more her head in braids and covered in a silver net. Her
importantly is joined by blood though his wife to the powerful face favors her father, and she is introduced by
Gat family, one of the two most-powerful clans in the Northlands. your escort as Inga [commoner], the Jarl’s oldest
Jarl Ref Solumundson has three sons of marrying age, all well daughter. Next to her upon a skittish mare sits a girl
accomplished in deeds. Considering that Jarl Henrikson’s eldest of perhaps 13. Her dress is a plain green smock, and
daughter is 19, and thus of marrying age, our heroes should realize her hair and eyes are dark like her mother’s. She is
they have likely intruded upon a discussion over her dowry. An named to you as Fastvi [commoner].
alliance between Halfstead and the Gats would be beneficial but The third girl is the smallest, perhaps nine or 10
would also put the rival Hrolf clan at a disadvantage. Adding to years old, with a distant and dreaming look on her
this, all our heroes know that Hordaland’s køenig recently passed face. Her hair is fair like her older sister’s, but the
away, leaving a child on the throne. As Jarl Olaf supports the child, resemblance ends there. You have heard the rumors
he needs allies in the event of a civil war. of Little Runa’s [commoner] troubled birth near 10
After an early lunch of black bread, butter, the last of the winters ago whispered around the hearth fires out of
the jarl’s hearing. The truth of these tales seems to be
winter’s pickled flounder, fresh spring greens (cooked with white
told in the angry red birthmark that covers her face
beans and a ham hock), and several pints of beer, our heroes from left ear to chin, the girl seemingly unaware of
are sent away to meet the daughters. Before joining them at the the rough, wrinkled texture or the ill portent it marks.
gates of the stockade, they should stop by the stables and pick Worse from the standpoint of omens are her eyes, one
up any mounts they have (any of our heroes without a mount is blue and one pale green, the eyes of the aglæcwif.
loaned a Trondheim pony for the day). The three girls are waiting Nevertheless, though dreamy and precocious, the
impatiently at the front gate. jarl and his wife have loved Little Runa dearly, and
she has enjoyed the privileges and upbringing of a
devoted family despite the ill omens of her birth. If
anything can overcome the spinning of wyrd at her
birth, it would have to be the good Jarl Henrikson, a
man favored by fate as much as any man can claim.

After the introductions are made, our heroes have time to get to and her older sister to bicker for several minutes before Fastvi
know the girls in their charge as they turn their mounts and head enters a long sulk.
west down the road toward the Meadows, a location Little Runa is a different story altogether. She is nine years old,
well known to the inhabitants of Silvermeade. spoiled, and precocious, and (unknown to our heroes) also tainted.
Inga is a young woman of 16 winters. She is of Our heroes have heard rumors that her birthing was a difficult
marriageable age and has been known to practice using her wiles one. Rumors say that at Runa’s birth, the midwives of the holdfast
on the men of the household. As a result, she petulantly expects to were afraid that both child and mother would be lost. Fearing the
be able to charm anyone. Inga is prone to behavior that could best worst, the jarl sent his best huscarls across the Moors and into the
be termed haughty but plays out more like insolence. The hero Barrow Lands to seek out a seiðkona – an evil worker of magic
with the highest status is treated with coy respect, while the others – named Sibbe the Unkempt. They found the filthy, rag-covered
are ordered about. The young woman is unmindful of the fact that woman and brought her back to aid in the birthing. The aglæcwif
her father’s householders are not hers and that she has no status ’s magic saved Runa and her mother, but the child was never quite
save that of birth (and birth is regarded, but not overly regarded, right, marked by fate for the sorcerous interference at her birth.
in the Northlands). Furthermore, she seems to see and hear things that are not there
Fastvi, the middle daughter, is just starting to bloom into and has on more than one occasion spoken of things she could
womanhood, but has not yet laid aside her wild, childish ways. not know of or of things that occurred well before they happened.
The young girl, barely 13, is friendly where her older sister Still, the jarl and his wife love the girl and dote on her a great deal
is imperious, reckless where the elder is cautious (at least with of time – at least until recently. With the birth of the jarl’s first son
regard to physical risk), and open where her sister is coy. For last year, that mewling babe has garnered the most attention, and
today’s outing, she has donned a tunic and trousers unseen beneath Runa has been acting up and causing trouble. The girl is clad in a
her plain dress and smock. As soon as she is out of sight of the simple dress whose subtle embroidery denotes her status, but the
holdfast, she pulls the dress off and glares a challenge at anyone dress becomes dirty and disheveled within minutes of reaching
who so much as raises an eyebrow in disapproval. This leads her the meadows.

Chapter One:
Fine Spring Day
It is only an hour’s ride through farmland and well-coppiced
woods to the Meadows where the girls want to pick flowers. The


Meadows are beyond the settlements, just inside the boundaries
of the forest and wilder, but still near enough to largely be safe.
The jarl would never send his children into a lawless area, and a
group of huscarls and retainers should be more than adequate to The following events occur as our heroes accompany the girls to
safeguard his daughters. It is a pleasant spring day, and the girls the Meadows. Some of the events are keyed to locations, and some
are atwitter with delight at their first outing after the long winter. are based on timing. Review the events thoroughly before running the
Freemen traveling along the muddy road or out in fields still adventure so you can insert them into play at the appropriate times.
spotted with snow wave to the party as they ride past, and some of
the higher-status hirdmen stop and chat for a short while.
During the journey, Inga is at her worst. She deigns only to give
freemen and their families a slight wave or nod of the head and
is too curt and short with the hirdmen she encounters. However, This event occurs no more than 20 minutes after our heroes
the young woman acts flirtatiously toward any high-status heroes. leave the holdfast. The party meets a tired and ragged group of
It would simply not do for her to climb onto her horse, and Inga householders and huscarls on their way back to the hall.
will need someone to hold its reins and another to lift her into the
saddle (and thus give the lucky fellow a chance to hold her around Your horses travel at a trot as you make your way
her slim waist). The favored hero’s every comment is shown toward the Meadows. On the muddy track ahead of
appropriate appreciation, his prowess in arms is commented on you, you see an armed group of warriors riding your
with approval, as well as any distinctive physical features. The way. Their horses move more slowly, as if exhausted
others – especially if female, foreign, or of low status – are from long riding, and they and their mounts are
completely ignored. spattered with the mud of hard travel.
Fastvi is enamored with all things martial and heroic and pesters
any warriors in the party with endless questions, requests to hold Once within hailing distance, our heroes recognize this group as
their sword, pleas for them to teach her how to fight, and such huscarls and householders of the jarl. They are Hallbjorn Bolverkson
annoyances. She responds well to anyone who tells her tales of (one of Jarl Olaf’s most-trusted huscarls), Kraki Hallason (an up-
battle – the more gruesome the better – and becomes fast friends and-coming householder), Young Ljot (no relation to Old Ljot),
with any of our heroes who show her some kindness. However, Hauk Arinbjornson (a hotheaded Vastaviklander), and Berg Geirson
she is headstrong and rides off if not stopped – which is a sure (a sour-spirited warrior). They have been out on the Moors for a
way to earn her displeasure unless someone gains her respect with week, hunting down an outlaw called Styr the Ugly who was spotted
their warlike prowess; she stubbornly obeys that individual for a trying to sneak into the barn of an outlying farmstead. They were
time. Unless prevented from doing so, she rides well ahead of the unsuccessful but managed to spend several chilly nights sleeping in
party, jumps her horse over fences, and gallops through pastures the mud, getting rained on, and in general not having an adventure.
and fields. In general, she causes minor havoc. They pause to speak to our heroes to find out what they are up to
Runa, on the other hand, is rather quiet during the entire ride. She escorting the jarl’s daughters. As respected members of the jarl’s
mutters to herself and occasionally laughs at some private joke. If household, they are more prone to asking questions than answering.
listened to closely with a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) The party of huscarls are already grumpy and tired, and likely
check, she is obviously holding half of a conversation with some look poorly upon what they might see as disrespect coming from
unseen person named Jalvik. If pressed, Runa just stares daggers a group of untested younglings. Their attitudes and mannerisms
at the interruption. Afterward, her half of the conversation gets are described below to allow you to adjudicate conversation with
louder and begins mocking those too inquisitive for their own them. They tend to overtalk each other and address different
good. As much fun as she is having with this, it’s all just a game. members of the party, so rather than conduct the conversations
The girl knows her reputation and is wicked enough to play on it one at a time, have the players address different members of this
at the expense of others for her own amusement. group simultaneously to simulate group conversation. Regardless
of our heroes’ actions, they do not respect our heroes enough to
fight them. If tensions get high, Hallbjorn exerts his authority to
prevent any violence, but bad feelings might linger.


Hallbjorn Bolverkson (huscarl, see Appendix One: New Berg Geirson (guard)
Monsters) • Initial greeting (said
• Initial greeting: “Ho there, where are you bound?” morosely): “I think I may be
• If our heroes answer civilly and state their purpose, he catching a chill.”
becomes friendly and says: “The Meadows then, keep an • He does not respond to
eye out for an outlaw by the name of Styr the Ugly. He’s tall, threats or endearments alike and
dark haired, and has a scar across his chin like a serpent’s responds to word of our heroes’
tail. Rumor is he may have fallen in with the aglæcwif Sibbe mission with: “Ah, flowers just
the Unkempt, but for what reasons none know.” make me sneeze.”
• If provoked or if any sort of heated moment arises between • If our heroes speak with him,
our heroes and the other householders, he snaps at all he confides in them: “I probably have
involved: “That is enough! Olaf will hear about this, and not guard duty tomorrow; I’ll miss the
take it kindly, I promise you that.” feast.” Otherwise, he remains silent
for the rest of the encounter.
Kraki Hallason (huscarl, see Appendix One: New Monsters)
• Initial greeting: “Some people get all the luck.”
• Kraki has little to say and will not be provoked. If any EVENT 2. FASTVI’S GREAT RIDE
arguments begin between our heroes and the householders,
A mere 15 minutes into the ride after leaving the hunters, Fastvi
he says: “No need to quarrel. We all have a duty to do.”
spots something interesting across a recently plowed field, or
• Kraki will not be baited, and his attitude will not change perhaps she just wants to take a fast and daring ride. Regardless
even if attacked. He responds to such actions: “Hold now, of which, she suddenly turns her horse and jumps a ditch along
this is unseemly for our jarl’s followers!” the side of the road, taking off across Old Ljot’s fields.
Unless they have been paying close attention to her, Fastvi
Young Ljot (guard)
(guard gains surprise. Roll initiative for this event as you would for
• Initial greeting: “Hello Inga, combat. On her first round (likely while our heroes are surprised),
you look pretty today.” Fastvi uses her action a second time to charge across the fields as
fast as her horse can go. About 150 feet across the field is a ditch
•Ljot is friendly but has eyes that can be jumped with a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Animal
only for Inga whom he not- Handling) check. Any who fail the check find that their horses
so-secretly has a crush on. balk at the ditch and need to spend their next turn wheeling the
She plays coy with him mount around. Once across the ditch, Fastvi makes for the next
for the time being which, field (300 feet wide), heads through a stand of trees (90 feet deep),
along with any sort of verbal and rides on until caught or out of sight of our heroes. If lost, she
sparring from our heroes, meets our heroes at the Meadows. Not that she tells them that.
simply prompts: “Can we just To complicate matters, Old Ljot spots this abuse of his recent
move on, my feet are wet and handiwork and is a little disgruntled. He appears in the first round
cold.” after the surprise round from behind a barn and rails at the party
• If any sort of hostilities for losing control of their young charge, as both the jump and
arises, his attitude becomes unfriendly, but he still attempts riding off places her in danger, as well as tearing up his field.
to stay out of a fight: “Uh, this isn’t the time and place,
right?” As the young girl’s steed tears across the field
toward the nearby ditch, a stooped old farmer rounds
Hauk Arinbjornson (berserker) the corner from behind his low-thatched barn waving
• Initial greeting: “What have we here? an old hoe over his head. “You lazy, pig-brained
Ladies off for a morning ride?” wastes of breath! Look what that damned-fool girl
did to my field! Don’t just stand there with your teeth
• If responded to in anything in your mouth! Do your duty to your jarl and go get
other than a solicitous way, her. Letting a slip of a girl get the drop on you and
his next response is: “Must run off, and this is what the jarl plans to bring into
be proud warriors who escort his hall?”
little girls to pick flowers; fine


warrior’s work that is.”
• If provoked, he says: “Step
off that horse and learn what the This event occurs shortly after the party arrives at Area 3. A
weather of weapons is all about.” successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check detects a rustling
(Hallbjorn intervenes before in the bushes toward the western edge of the meadow. Moments
any actual fighting occurs.) later, a stray dog wanders into the meadow, a mangy flea-bitten but


friendly cur. Runa immediately runs to it with a squeal of delight If healing magic is not available, she needs to be treated with a
and, if not stopped, throws her arms around the mutt as it begins to successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check to stabilize the arm
lick her face happily. She promptly names the dog Bogi and asks and then taken home. This brings an abrupt end to the day in the
that it return to the hall with her. Any of our heroes examining it Meadows. In this instance, Events 6 and 8 occur as our heroes
with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine or Nature) check can pack up and before they leave the Meadows.
determine that it seems to have a fairly gentle nature and is disease


free. It was probably some farmer’s dog that ran away during the
winter months and is likely desperately seeking a new master – IS
and Runa fits the bill nicely.
This occurs while Fastvi is being tended to in Event 5 if no
The little girl politely asks our heroes to let her keep the dog, and
healing magic is used or later if the party remains in the Meadows.
based on what they have seen of her, the companionship of a pet
would likely do her good. Also, refusing her such a base request
is unlikely to go over well with the jarl. Besides, if they refuse, While picking flowers nearby, Runa stops and
the dog still hangs around anyway, just out of reach unless killed stands up abruptly. She utters a pronouncement in
a powerful voice unlike that of a little girl, “A storm
or badly injured, in which case the jarl undoubtedly is angered by
is coming to sweep all away. Father will die from
their cruelty. He chose them for this task because he thought them bloodied ice. The raven calls for us all.” Then her
honorable and worthy enough to escort his children, not because demeanor shifts back to that of a little girl in a bright
he thought them a pack of violent louts. spring meadow as she skips off after a butterfly.
If our heroes allow Runa to keep the dog (the jarl can always tell
her no later), she looks at our heroes very solemnly and asks them
to swear to protect her friend Bogi just as they would protect her. Runa says no more than that, and if asked about it has no
It is true that she is just a child and only the youngest daughter of recollection of saying anything. She vaguely remembers a “shadow
the jarl, but this is our heroes’ first opportunity to make oath to a that passed over the sun” but then says it went away. She does not
lord or lady (in this case, a future lady), and the oath seems light know that she received any kind of foretelling. It is nonetheless
enough and quite complementary to what they have already been chilling to hear the small girl speak of the death of the jarl.
tasked to do. Should a combat occur later, the dog generally avoids
a fight unless Runa is directly endangered; it barks menacingly
from the edge of combat. EVENT 7. SHAPES IN THE WOODS
This event occurs moments before Event 8 below. Anyone


making a successful DC 25 Wisdom (Perception) check notices
the following. The DC is only 18 for any of our heroes who
specifically state they are watching the wood line (and who have
Inga tires quickly of picking flowers and, once her basket is
not been involved in the other goings-on in the Meadows). The
filled, she spends her time flirting with her chosen character. Part
DC is 13 if any of our heroes spent the time scouting the wood line
of this is walking with them through the meadow, chatting, and
away from the others.
gently touching their arm. If in a position where the others are
either not watching or can’t see her, she attempts to steal a kiss.
This is as far as she goes and is something she considers a great The faint snap of a breaking branch in the tree line
game. If the character chooses to reciprocate the kiss, they must catches your attention. Looking in that direction, you
make either a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check can just make out the dark forms of two burly men,
to ensure that no one else is watching or a successful DC 15 well-armed and armored, crouching in the shadows
of the brush. They hold between them a shield-sized
Dexterity (Stealth) check to ensure that they are doing so where
stone plate with carvings on it. A rather tattered and
no one else can see. If they fail the check, then Fastvi spies the dirty woman is standing behind them, muttering to
kiss and runs by laughing that she is going to tell, which puts herself and waving her arms above the stone tablet.
Inga into a frenzy trying to catch and beat the girl with a switch.
In this case, a successful DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check is
needed to stop the beating and convince Fastvi to keep what she Anyone who spots the figures and makes a successful DC 15
saw to herself. On a failed check, Fastvi remains noncommittal, Intelligence (Arcana) check can tell that the woman is casting
though circumstances soon render the point moot. an arcane spell, apparently from an inscription on the stone.
The group is 80 feet away and has cover and concealment from
our heroes. Only those heroes who make the requisite Wisdom
EVENT 5. A BRANCH TOO FAR (Perception) check can act in this surprise round. The party can
attack and try to disrupt the spell normally, but only those who
Unless thoroughly dissuaded from climbing trees as described spotted the group can attempt to do so. Unfortunately for them,
under Area 3, Fastvi spends most of her time up in a tree trying the spellcaster just completed the spell and even if she is injured,
to reach the highest branches. At one point, she goes too far, slips, the spell still activates on her turn the next round. See Event 8 for
and crashes down into the flowers. Her right arm is broken, and additional details of this group. Even though our heroes are unable
she begins howling in pain. A simple application of a cure spell to stop the spell from being cast, the results of their attacks in the
that heals at least 4 hp fixes it, but her enthusiasm is killed for surprise round can still affect these opponents when encountered
some time (by the time of Event 8 below, she is back up in a tree). later (see Chapter 2).


sleeping girls and carry them to horses they left deeper in the

EVENT 8. THE ATTACK woods, leaving our heroes unconscious, or fled. With the two
unconscious girls draped over mounts and Little Runa obediently
As mentioned at the beginning of the adventure, Sibbe the following in a daze, the group rides for the Moors, where they
Unkempt assisted in the birthing of Runa Olafsdottir, and in the skirt the Trollfist Hills and head south for the Tor (area 15).
process, she managed to corrupt the girl. Sibbe was called in when

it looked as if the child would die and, although mother and child
were saved, Sibbe planted the seeds of her own discord in the girl.
In the decade since, Sibbe has been continuing her research among
the ancient stones and lost Andøvan magic in the Barrow Lands to The following areas are encountered on the way to and upon
find some way to increase her own power, and she intends to use reaching the Meadows. The events described previously occur in
the subtle hexes she implanted in young Runa. Now her research and among these areas, so be sure to coordinate the events that
has borne fruit. Using a powerful ritual of the Ancient Ones at the occur with the appropriate areas.
spring equinox will allow her to replenish her youth and grow
greatly in her magical abilities. All it requires is the sacrifice of a
virgin of noble blood, and she knew just where to find one.
Using the strange empathic influence that Sibbe has over Runa,
she implanted in the girl’s mind the idea to come to the Meadows
to pick flowers for the equinox festival. Runa, long affected by The main Coast Road crosses your trail here at
strange moods and an unsettling wyrd, does not consciously know One-Eyed Sven’s Spring. Named for the old huscarl
of the aglæcwif ’s influence upon her. She subtly put the idea of the who enlarged this natural spring and ringed it with
girls going to the Meadows into her parents’ heads, which resulted stones as a service to travelers and others taking the
main road, the spring is the best watering hole in the
in the girls and a few unsuspecting retainers coming straight into
area. An older fellow sits and whittles under a lean-
the trap prepared by Sibbe. to by this spring pool, a small pile of wood shavings
After about an hour of picking flowers and our heroes dealing at his feet. It is the huscarl One-Eyed Sven
with the girls, Inga stumbles over to the character with who tends this spring when not called by
whom she has been flirting and collapses into his arms. his duties in Jarl Olaf’s hall. He hails
Have everyone roll for initiative. On 17, Fastvi falls you as you ride up.
out of a tree, unconscious; on 8, Runa starts walking
toward the edge of the meadow, her eyes wide and One-Eyed Sven ((huscarl) is semi-retired
vacant, beckoned by her link to Sibbe and, as a in his service to Jarl Olaf. When not on
result, unaffected by the aglæcwif ’s spell. duty at the hall, he can often be found
At the start of their turn, each of our heroes and resting here under a lean-to, whittling, and
any mounts they might have with them must succeed chatting with passers-by. He is a friendly
at a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be rendered sort, fatherly toward the girls and younger
unconscious as if struck in the head by a mighty blow. If householders in a rather sympathetic way. If our
successful, they are merely knocked prone and rendered heroes act in friendly manner, he engages them
incapacitated by the magic of Sibbe’s runestone. Those in conversation.
incapacitated can observe the goings-on in the meadow
from their perspective but may not act. “Morning young folk, care for some dried apples?
Each round the DC increases by 1 until all our heroes are Well, it’s a nice day to travel, and I envy you a
knocked out. Let them run around in a panic, trying to figure out peaceful task for it. I have to head back to the hall
what is happening until they are all unconscious. Any who stay this afternoon and see what ol’ Olaf is planning for
conscious for more than one round likely look for the source of the season. Probably going whaling. The godi and
the attack (see Event 7 above). Detect magic reveals a powerful cunning women are talking about a dry summer, and
enchantment over the meadow. If our heroes have a reroll boon that means a poor harvest.”
from Area 2, don’t let them waste it here as it ultimately is futile.
Either give them another one later or advise them that their If our heroes respond kindly and ask for advice or traveling
attempt to use the boon is unsuccessful on this occasion due to conditions (a commonplace thing on the muddy roads) or even
some cosmic twist of fate. seem like they’ll bend half an ear, he relates the following as well.
The source of this magical effect is Sibbe the Unkempt (an
aglæcwif, see Appendix One: New Monsters) and her two “You young folks should keep an eye out. I heard
henchmen, Njarni the Traitor (berserker) and Gufti the Clever that a couple of outlaws have been spotted out on
(bandit). Sibbe used the magic from the stone tablet she discovered the Moors, not to mention the trouble that Jasil the
Nûklander ran into in the forest – damned fairies.
in the Barrow Lands. Once read, the Andøvan runes on the tablet
And keep a look out for troll sign. We may not have
render living creatures in a broad area unconscious as if they had got them all when we burned ’em out of the hills last
received a powerful blow to the head. The area of effect covers the winter. Oh, and keep an eye on the weather. I’ve got an
entire meadow and even knocks out insects and birds. awful crick in my back, sure sign of a storm coming.”
Once all opponents are dealt with, the henchmen gather up the


He has no other specific information to give besides giving the

news as he heard it from other travelers, but there are nevertheless
several good hints that may be of use to our heroes later.
The old man’s one good eye gleams at you with


malice. “Curse you for selfish fools who would not
stop to help an old man and his family in their time
of need. May the gods look poorly on such as you,
heartless and honorless curs.”
Near the end of the ride, the road turns southwest
and heads into the woods. This part of the forest is The ways of the gods are mysterious, and this little vignette may
fairly tame, and you soon find yourselves on a side path not be what it seems. It is entirely possible that the old man and
that is little more than a dirt double track through
his family are actually Wotan, his wife Frigga, and his son Donar
the trees, muddy in the low places due to recent rains.
After a few minutes, you hear the lowing of oxen and taken on mortal forms. Or perhaps they are mortals that Wotan
the raised voice of a man cursing his beasts. Coming has chosen to use in his tests of our heroes’ mettle. Regardless
around the corner, you see a small, heavily laden cart of the case, there are consequences to our heroes’ actions in how
stuck in the mud. A one-eyed, elderly man is trying they deal with this family. They are granted a boon if they help
to goad a pair of oxen into pulling the cart from the the family, but they are cursed if they ignore the family. The boon
mud, with little success. Standing off to the side, out and curse affect each character individually based on their attitude
of the mud, is a strikingly handsome blonde woman toward helping the family.
of middle years and a young red-haired boy.
The boon: The character gains advantage on their next three
The man’s cart is completely blocking the narrow woodland ability checks, attack rolls, or saving throws.
track. The party would need to take a game trail through the woods
to go around. The honorable thing to do would be to help the The curse: The character suffers disadvantage on their next
stranger get his cart out of the mud. However, any delay simply three ability checks, attack rolls, or saving throws.
brings bitter looks from Inga and gives Fastvi a chance to run off
again. If our heroes intend to help the old man and his family, they
need to make a successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check to 3. THE MEADOWS
keep Inga from loudly declaiming the “peasant” and his “stout”
farm wife for blocking the trail, an act that greatly dishonors our It is a warm spring day, and the chosen meadow
heroes in the eyes of the common folk. Further, a successful DC is nestled in a narrow arm of the forest not far from
15 Wisdom (Insight) check needs to be made or Fastvi (if she is the settled lands to the east. Insects buzz about, and
present) attempts to bolt again. If the check is successful, one of the idyllic expanse of flowers is fragrant with fresh
our heroes quickly grabs her bridle to prevent her from doing so. If growth and new blossoms. The girls quickly dismount
the check is unsuccessful, she makes a run for a nearby game trail, and spread across the meadow.
and a character needs to make a successful DC 10 Dexterity saving
throw to prevent her from making off through the forest, which The Meadows are on the edge of the settled lands surrounding
requires another pursuit through the woods. If she escapes, she is Jarl Olaf’s hall, partly in the forest and partly adjacent to fields
encountered again as soon as the heroes reach the Meadows (Area 3). and woodlots. The area is largely deserted this morning, and the
If our heroes attempt to help the family, this requires a successful party is alone, save for small animals and insects. To the south, the
DC 12 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check and a DC 17 Strength woodlands extend into the greater forest, and to the west, beyond
check (up to five people can use aid another to help) to move the the forest’s edge, are the Trollfist Hills and the Barrow Lands. The
cart. Unloading the cart takes time but reduces the Strength check sun is warm, the air is fragrant, and trouble is brewing.
to a DC 13. Once the cart is out of the mud and on dry ground, the The three daughters of the jarl each pursue a different set of
stranger thanks our heroes profusely. If our heroes refuse to help tasks while in the meadow. Inga busies herself with picking the
and simply circle around in the woods, they are roundly cursed as best flowers, gathering them in a basket. She does so in the most
described in the second box below. ladylike of manners, avoiding anything that could possibly dirty
her dress. Fastvi picks flowers only if reminded, and then only after
being told several times to get to her work. Instead, she cavorts
A THANKS about the meadow, throwing a small knife into logs, climbing
The old man looks at you gratefully with his one trees, investigating hollows, and trying to read tracks. To keep her
good eye. “Thank you for your aid. You are the sort on task requires a successful DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation) or
of folk who make the Northlands proud. Have a Charisma (Persuasion) check. If care is not taken with Fastvi, the
pleasant journey, wherever you are going. Keep heroes will be returning a scratched-up and muddy daughter to
tight to your mind’s worth, and may your fates soar the jarl. Runa gets to the flower picking but is easily distracted by
through the ages.” squirrels, mice, insects, odd-shaped petals, and her own hidden
conversations. See Events 3–8 for encounters that occur while in
the Meadows.


Chapter Two:
The Trail of the
Our heroes recover hours later, the sun sloping down from In the forest, just a few yards from the edge of the meadow where
midday toward evening. Read the following: the tracks head off to the northwest, are the remains of a large stone
slab the size of a shield. It has cracked in several places, and the
You come to, your head splitting in pain that no writing on it is faded and almost entirely illegible, as if recently
amount of mead or ale could have produced, and blood scoured away. It still bears a lingering aura of enchantment magic,
trickles from your ears, noses, and even eyes. Your and anyone who can read Andøvan can barely make out that it
mouth is a dry roadbed paved with moldy sailcloth. once contained the words of power needed to cast some sort of
The sun is slanting down in a mid-afternoon glare; you
ancient Andøvan word magic.
have been unconscious or incapacitated for several
hours. Bees buzz among the flowers in the meadow. At this point, our heroes must decide what to do. They have
Of the girls – and your horses for that matter – there been charged by their jarl with protecting his daughters on this
is no sign. The only other living creature you see is outing, and the girls were kidnapped on their watch. In addition
the mangy stray dog claimed by Little Runa. It licks to the jeopardy the girls are in, our heroes’ own honor is at stake.
at your faces as if happy for you to awaken. Multiple options are available to the party. First, they can send
someone back to get help and mount a full-scale rescue expedition.
Our heroes can quickly confirm that the girls are not in the This takes the better part of an hour over the muddy road and
meadow. Adding to their woes, the horses have been scattered. probably two hours before a force can be assembled and return,
Thirty minutes and either a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) a lengthy waste of valuable time. A better option would be to
check to follow the tracks or a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Animal solve the problem. Nothing shows that the girls were harmed, and
Handling) check to coax them back brings all the horses together. the footprints look like Runa was even cooperating (our heroes
The mounts may be needed to speed up travel, but also horses are likely remember her walking to the meadow’s edge just when
very valuable in the Northlands. Jarl Olaf raises horses, and this the spell struck), so there is every reason to believe that they are
is one of the sources of his wealth. Losing a small herd of horses still alive and only a few hours ahead. To return to their jarl with
on top of his daughters only makes things worse for our heroes. tales of a sudden magical attack, strange footprints, and missing
A successful DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals daughters will see them cast out and likely challenged to duels
spots in the tall meadow grass where bodies the size of Inga and of the holmgang between the hazel posts by the older huscarls.
Fastvi had lain, as well as signs of larger tracks around them where Our heroes would be branded liars, brought before the next Thing
they were retrieved. There are no signs of blood or violence, (should they live that long), tried for murder and kidnapping, and
however. A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) check finds then declared outlaws. After that, it will be a race to see who kills
tracks in the forest’s verge leading off away from the meadow them first, the jarl or someone wishing to curry favor with him.
and heading west. These tracks are of two large barefoot men, Our heroes should therefore quickly reach the conclusion
one smaller barefoot humanoid – likely a woman – and smaller that they have only one clear option: They must recover the
shoeprints like those of a little girl, as well as a pair horses. These girls. The jarl’s household knew where they were going with
prints lead off to the northwest, deeper into the forest and toward the girls, and when they are missed, help will be sent. Our
the Moors beyond. Following the tracks leads to a small clearing a heroes could leave a message here for the jarl’s men while
quarter mile away where three horses had been hobbled for some they go in pursuit of the girls themselves. However, this
time and are now gone. Clearly the kidnappers mounted here to presents a new set of problems, namely where to go from here.
ride with their prisoners in tow. The horses’ tracks likewise head The tracks left by Sibbe, her guardians, and Runa lead directly
northwest into the Moors. If our heroes lack the Survival skill or through the narrow band of woods and into a section of the Moors
were unsuccessful in their check, Bogi the dog can use its scent that skirt the Trollfist Hills. The kidnappers are unlikely to head
ability to find the trail of our heroes’ mounts and the girls for them. north toward the civilized lands under Jarl Olaf’s sway with
It loyally remains with our heroes for the duration of the adventure. his kidnapped daughters in tow, so that leaves only the Moors


or possibly the Barrow Lands. In the Barrow Lands beyond the
Moors about 20 miles away is a legendary hill known as the Tor. 4. SIBBE’S TRAIL
They also recall that the seiðkona called Sibbe the Unkempt, a The trail left by the aglæcwif and her cohorts heads northwest
wretched old crone known for her witchcraft and delving into the out of the woods and skirts just north of the Trollfist Hills before
ancient magic of the Andøvan, is known to live in the vicinity of plunging south rapidly for a fast run to the Tor. A successful DC
the Tor. Furthermore, Skirting the Trollfist Hills would provide a 12 Wisdom (Survival) check each hour allows the heroes to follow
fast route for someone mounted to ride to the Tor. this trail, even by moonlight. If the trail is lost, our heroes can
Three possible ways exist to reach the Tor from the Meadows. continue on their way toward the Tor simply by following the
Our heroes can follow the same trail taken by the kidnappers. This edge of the hills and then the woods. They do not, therefore, need
is the fastest route through the relatively flat lands of the Moors to worry about becoming lost as long as they stick to this route
and the Barrow Lands but also likely the most dangerous for the and attempt a new Wisdom (Survival) check each mile to pick up
many undead denizens said to haunt those lands. For Sibbe to have the trail again since it follows that course as well. Following the
taken it, she must have gained some power over these undead from trail reveals that the horses are all being ridden hard; the riders
her time spent at the Tor and should make our heroes consider that clearly do not care if the horses survive the trip so long as they
such a trail could well be a trap left for any pursuers. Taking the reach their destination quickly. This gives the aglæcwif’s party a
paths through the Trollfist Hills is slower but likely safer, though sizable lead on our heroes, who must also attempt to spare their
there is no guarantee that new dangers don’t lurk there now. And horses somewhat if they wish to be able to quickly leave with the
the middle-length route would follow the game trails through the girls and get back to the jarl’s hall. Refer to The Moors below for
forest to skirt the Barrow Lands and the Trollfist Hills. They are information about a journey along this route whether our heroes
not as slow as the hills but not as dangerous as the Barrow Lands. are successfully following the trail or not.


From the moment our heroes recover, the clock is
ticking. Sibbe intends to sacrifice the girls atop the Tor Four rugged, round hills looking like the bent
in a vernal equinox ritual. The ritual leads to Sibbe’s knuckles of a troll’s fist push up out of the moors,
rebirth in a younger and more powerful form but larger than the lower hills around them. The hills are
needs to be completed at dawn the next day (8 a.m.). sparsely vegetated and rather steep, though a path
This gives the party 14 hours to reach the Tor and goes through them. That trail is one of hard-packed
rescue the girls. It is approximately 6 p.m., and the earth over flinty rock and is as gray and lifeless as
the rest of the territory.
sun will set in two hours, but a full moon offers plenty
of light to travel and fight by (dim light from sunset to
These low hills lie to the west of the settled portions around Jarl
sunrise). However, the forest is dark throughout due
Olaf’s hall and represent the western border of the land he and his
to the canopy.
followers claim. Named for the resemblance of the four central
Looking at the three routes, the party must balance
peaks to a great stony fist thrust up out of the ground, the hills are
speed, risk, and exhaustion. If they take the route
rocky and largely devoid of vegetation save for scraggly grasses
through the Trollfist Hills, they will spend the night
and scrubby trees. A single path winds through the hills and passes
riding and be forced to attack the stones only slightly
through the verge of the forest before ending at the edge of the
before dawn. This means the entire party and their
Barrow Lands. This path is not straight and only five to six feet
mounts will be fatigued, and possibly exhausted if they
wide, which requires the party to move at a walk to safely traverse
hustled. Without rest, they will be at a disadvantage
the ground. The path is also rather stony, and anyone trying to
in the battle, especially spellcasters. The forest route
force march a mount needs to succeed at a DC 12 Wisdom (Animal
allows for some rest, but again, the party might just
Handling) check or the horse stumbles and comes up lame, forcing
charge in during the middle of the night, meaning they
the party to abandon it. The trail from the hills passes through a
will be fatigued going into the fight. If they choose to
short stretch of the Moors, leaving only the faintest outline of a
pursue straight across the Barrow Lands, the danger
path through the bogs and heath.
is not lack of rest but the inhabitants; however, the
route is the fastest and puts the party at the Tor (if they
even make it) shortly after sunset. You should advise
players, especially if they are inexperienced, as to the 5. TROLL SIGN
dangers of forced marches. Shortly after entering the hills and entering a muddy, overgrown
area, an observant character with a successful DC 13 Wisdom
(Perception) check notices tufts of coarse, damp hair stuck to
rocks, large footprints, and fresh claw marks on the stones –
certain troll sign. A successful DC 13 Arcana check reveals that
the hair and other sign is from a swamp troll, a rare species of troll
known to dwell in the wetlands of the Moors that has apparently
recently wandered into the area.


The swamp troll (see Appendix One: New Monsters) in
question is drawn to the cattle in Area 6. It is not looking for a fight

and would prefer to grab an easy meal. However, horse is almost
as tasty as cattle (at least to a troll) and humans are even more so.
If the party is not making any attempt to conceal themselves, the
troll lurks out of sight, doing its best to hide among the rocks and
brambles. It attacks the weakest-looking member of the party if Muddy, heath-covered, and dotted with small bogs,
an opportunity presents itself or if the prey appears to be leaving the Moors run from the coast to the Forest of Woe
the hills, at which point a desperate action on the part of the troll far to the south, interrupted only by the Stonefist
is called for. The swamp troll does not fight to the death and flees Hills, forested areas, and occasional barrow fields of
if reduced to 10 hp, unless a member of the party calls on Donar’s the ancient Andøvan peoples. Only the barest hints
name during the battle (either as a war cry or in casting a divine of green have begun to spring up among the broken
rocks and muddy hollows. The winds of a recent
spell). If that occurs, the enraged troll sacrifices its life to slay the
winter still blow across this flatland and chill through
offender. all but the heaviest cloaks. The occasional bog pool
still has a rime of fragile ice around its edges. There
is no cover on the Moors, leaving you feeling exposed
6. CATTLE THIEVES and vulnerable to any watching eyes.

A poorly drained, soggy moor dominates the middle of

The flickering light of a fading campfire can be the Hord Peninsula. This area, known simply as the Moors,
spotted ahead among the hills right in your path. is considered wasteland by most of the Northlanders and is
Cattle low in the darkness just beyond, and five inhabited by strange beasts, crazed hermits, and outcasts from
figures snore away on the ground, empty wineskins
holdings all over the region. Adding to the dread that most feel
scattered about in disarray.
when traveling through the area, the higher and drier parts of the
Moors often contain rings of broken stones or ancient barrows
Of all the nights to choose to make an illicit camp, a group of five
whose occupants are assumed to be restless and hungry for the
cattle raiders chose this one. They are Dirty Olaf (bandit captain
blood of the living. No one knows for sure what is out there, as
but armed with shield and sword) and his four accomplices: Arni
few people are foolish enough to risk their lives and sanity by
Buison, Cnut Erpson, Najal the Skinny, and Sigrid Saxisdottir (all
traveling the Moors to any great extent.
bandits but armed with spears and shields). Five nights ago, they
Unfortunately, this is where the tracks lead as described in
crept into the barns of Javik Gilson, a freesteader who lives on the
Area 4. The horizon is a fair distance and it’s a clear day, so our
other coast of the Hord Peninsula. While stealing eight cattle, the
heroes can easily see for several miles. Storm clouds are rolling
thieves complicated their escape by making too much noise and
in and beginning to gather in a spiraling tempest to the southwest
had to fight Javik and his sons. During the fight, Javik was killed
(recognizable as unnatural and above the Tor to anyone making a
and two of his sons were injured.
successful DC 15 Intelligence [Nature] check). The clouds hover
Dirty Olaf still considers it a successful raid. He has feuded with
low and send down bolts of lightning to strike the stones below
Javik going back nearly 30 years and seeing his rival killed and a
due to the ritual Sibbe is preparing.
fortune in cattle taken has made him more than a little celebratory.
As a result, he camped in the Trollfist Hills closer to Jarl Olaf’s
lands than he realizes to uncork some mead and live it up with
his companions. By nightfall, all five are drunk and oblivious to 7. THE RESTLESS DEAD
the goings-on around them; after all, they escaped unscathed, the
cattle are corralled, and the night is a pleasant one. Too bad for The land is drier here, the ground higher than that
them that the Norns decreed that their fate is to be stalked by a of the surrounding bog lands. Occasional mounds of
troll and to eventually have a band of the local jarl’s householders earth elongated and low dot the terrain. You suspect
ride into their camp. this the edge of the Barrow Lands and dread what
The camp is set right across the trail where the draws between foul specters must lurk beneath the thin veneer of
three hills intersect. No watch has been set. All five raiders are earth that covers them. You can only hope that your
asleep but wake to any loud noise. They are not in their armor, and passing does not disturb any of them. Your hope is
their weapons are stacked close at hand. Due to their drunkenness, short-lived, however, as in the dim moonlight ahead,
directly upon the path you follow, stand the remains
these thieves all have the sickened condition (already factored into
of what must have once been one of the mounds.
their stat block). Someone recently dug down into the very center of it,
leaving a large crater surrounded by piles of freshly
turned earth. More than one glint of bone can be seen
in this churned furrow.

A small spur of the Barrow Lands follows a ridge of dry ground

from the west here. The barrow mounds are old and less frequent
than encountered in the Barrow Lands proper but are present,
nonetheless. In anticipation that someone might attempt to follow


her trail, Sibbe previously unearthed one of the barrow mounds
here to leave a trap for those who might come along behind. As
our heroes reach this area, 6 skeletons claw their way up through
the loose soil. Clad in tattered rags and carrying bronze-bladed
spears and swords, the dead of ancient Andøvan rise to deal with The forest is relatively open. Few people venture
trespassers. here because of its horrid reputation, and thus few
trees are felled these days. It is an old forest, with
soaring towers of tree trunks spreading out above to
8. BOG form a tightly closed canopy, leaving the forest floor
in deep shade. A low mist hangs about in dells and
crannies and seems to flow away as you approach.
At some point, the trail you have been following
was part of an actual path or road cutting through The forest here is a remnant of the mighty forest that once
the swampy moors. Ahead, a large bog blocks your covered most of the Hord Peninsula. In decades past, it was logged
path, but someone long ago built a wooden walkway and thinned in all but its southernmost reaches where it is still
over it to the far shore that remains lost in the night thick and primordial and is known as the Forest of Woe. However,
mist. You can only hope that it reaches all the way to
since the fey who have long inhabited the depths of the Forest of
the other side. The wooden walkway is rickety and
missing a few planks, but it is wide enough to ride a Woe have become more aggressive in past years, the logging has
horse across and otherwise appears sturdy. ceased everywhere but on the outermost edges of the tree line.
Even here on the peninsula’s northern reaches, the forest is often
Built long ago by marsh folk who fished for eels and hunted looked at askance, as if it were the Forest of Woe itself.
fowl upon the Moors, the five-foot-wide walkway is indeed sturdy The part of the forest that runs to the south of the Meadows is
enough for the entire party to traverse single file. Wooden pilings a relatively peaceful stretch of woodland, one regularly used by
are sunk into the bog at intervals so that the entire walkway is people from the area for hunting, wood gathering, and other such
suspended less than a foot above the surrounding waters. The activities. However, to pass through this arm of the forest and loop
waters themselves range in depth from seven to 12 feet (1d6 + 6), around the southern edge of the Stonefist Hills to find safe passage
but they are so murky that it is impossible to tell at any given place to the Tor, the party needs to skirt the deeper and darker heart of
without probing their depths. The bog extends roughly two miles the forest.
east and west, and a mile to the south. The walkway extends all the No straight route runs through the forest. Our heroes must
way across it, though visibility is reduced to 50 feet by the mists so either go cross-country or try to navigate a maze of game trails
that our heroes can never be sure until they approach the far shore. and small paths. Striking out cross-country is difficult, and the
Attempting to skirt around the bog adds almost two hours to the forest floor is dense enough in places that horses have a hard time
journey (one hour and another accumulation of nonlethal damage getting through. Also, it will be nightfall before the party manages
if they hustle), so despite its sinister appearance, the wooden to get far through the forest, making navigation difficult. Going
walkway is the most advantageous route for our heroes. cross-country requires a successful DC 18 Wisdom (Survival)
check from the party to find the right route to the Tor, as well as an
Even with the shortcut across the wooden walkway, the bog is additional check after any encounter. Successful DC 13 Wisdom
a dangerous and creepy place. Midway across the bog is a small, (Animal Handling) checks must be made by each character for
muddy island, 20 feet on a side. The walkway ends at this island, every hour of travel. A failure of the Survival check means the
and another walkway extends out from the other side and continues party becomes lost (see the Lost! sidebar). A failure on the Animal
to the far side of the bog. Complicating matters is the fact that the Handling check yields a lamed horse that delays the party by an
bog is home to a bog hound (see Appendix One: New Monsters), hour when they no longer have any spare mounts to go around and
an undead creature left behind by ancient cults of the Andøvan. must travel at the speed our heroes walk.
The bog hound pulls itself out of its watery grave and attacks any Following the trails is easier, though they twist and turn,
who trespass upon its island. Sibbe and her minions encountered crossing each other with great frequency. Due to some of the
the bog hound when they passed through hours earlier and battled lingering faerie enchantment of the forest, the trails sometimes
it for a short time before escaping to the south. The bog hound change direction and location, especially at night. A successful
now blocks the south bridge to prevent anyone from fleeing in that DC 11 Wisdom (Survival) check must be made by the party to
direction. Upon facing the bog hound, it is obvious to our heroes navigate along the trails. An additional check needs to be made
that it was recently involved in a battle, as several slashing wounds after any encounter. Failing the Survival check means the party
from axe blades mar its corrupt hide. It fights until destroyed. becomes lost (see the Lost! sidebar).


Becoming lost at night is not a pleasant experience, as Have our heroes and the bandits make opposed Dexterity
the forest itself seems to take a perverse joy in harassing (Stealth) and Wisdom (Perception checks), unless our heroes
anyone foolish enough to wander its depths. Lost characters are not trying to move quietly through the forest, in which
lose 1d4 – 1 hours of travel time (minimum one hour) and case have the party make Wisdom (Perception) checks to see
may try again after this to get back on track. Also, each time if they spot the bandits in time. If the bandits have time to set
the party becomes lost, you should roll 1d6 on the Random up an ambush, they do so, seeking to waylay our heroes and
Encounters table: rob them, or at the very least drive them off minus a horse or
two. If any are captured and intimidated, they admit to the
location and details of their hideout at Area 11. The bandits
RANDOM ENCOUNTERS have between them a total of 34 hs.

1d6 Encounter Shifting Trails: The trail shifts before our heroes’ very
1–2 No encounter eyes, changing direction in front and behind them. They must
make a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check to find
3 Bandits
their way back onto the right route through the forest. If the
4 Shifting trails check succeeds, the party loses only half an hour while lost;
5 Boar if failed, they continue to be lost for another 1d4 – 1 hours
6 Bear (minimum 1 hour).

Boar: An angry boar charges out of concealment from the

Bandits: A small band of outlaws has taken to the forest
underbrush, likely upsetting our heroes’ mounts. The boar
and set up a hideout among the trees despite the presence of
is very territorial and charges on the first round of combat,
dangerous faeries and other creatures. The party encounters a
aiming for a character on foot or the nearest horse if no one is
group of 2 bandits (armed with spears and shields) and their
afoot. All the horses are spooked, requiring a successful DC
bandit captain leader (armed with an axe and shield) heading
13 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to control the mounts
back to their homes in the middle of the night. For the bandits,
or that character is unable to do anything else that round but
it has been an unprofitable couple of days, as they have spent
regain control of the mount. Those who maintain control of
their time fruitlessly staking out the coast road from Halfstead
their mount can enter the initiative order but must still use a
south to the Vale. Little traffic is on the road this time of year,
move action to control their mounts.
and the last few nights have been rainy. Thus, the bandits
are in a foul mood, and intruders in their domain are the last Bear: A black bear lumbers out of the woods at the party,
irritants they are willing to put up with. These bandits are part attacking in a blind rage. The bear makes no attempt to hide
of the gang from Area 11 but have been out on patrol and will and simply closes with the nearest character. It attacks until
not return before our heroes reach there, so do not remove killed.
their numbers from that location.


9. TREE OF WOE stone must be returned for mind’s worth.” After that utterance, he
returns to his reverie and says no more.

Beneath the boughs of the forest, in the waning

moments of twilight, you come upon a shocking scene.
A rugged and heavily muscled Northman is tied to
the trunk of a gnarled oak tree, his arms suspended Shortly after the white moon Narrah reaches her zenith in the
above, a foot off the ground. From the way the ropes night sky, the party sees lights ahead in the forest, low to the
are tied, it is evident that he tied them himself. He is ground and glowing with an eerie green color. Should they turn off
entirely unclothed, and his body is crisscrossed with their route to avoid these lights, they find the lights ahead of them
scars both old and new. His face is a mask of dried again moments later. This keeps up until the party advances on the
blood on one side where it his flowed down his cheek lights or until they try to avoid the lights three times, whichever
and onto his chest, and it is evident that his eye has happens first (avoiding them adds an hour to their travel time). If
been plucked out. His other eye is closed, and his face
the party approaches the lights, read the following:
is a contorted mask of pain.

The lights are coming from a ring of large mushrooms,

This man is a bearsarker, a sacred warrior dedicated to Wotan, each a little lantern illuminating a circular clearing
who hung himself from this tree in imitation of Wotan’s sacrifice in the middle of the forest. Satyrs, dryads, pixies,
to gain wisdom. He is deep in reverie and should not be disturbed and other faeries are busy putting up garlands of
as he seeks divinely inspired revelations. He has nothing to steal flowers, bringing in and setting up a long table and
and is completely helpless if the party is callous enough to harm benches, and in general getting ready for a feast.
or kill him. Whatever they do, he does not acknowledge their
presence in any way, even if dying. However, if our heroes elect Our heroes have stumbled upon a rare sight, a picnic feast by
not to disturb the bearsarker and if one or more of them helped part of the faerie court from the Forest of Woe. They patiently
the old man at Area 2, the berserker’s good eye springs open and ignore our heroes, moving around and past while going on about
he suddenly speaks, “The storm will come, and Donar’s usurper their business, casting rude glances at any who annoy them. If our
must be laid low. Ice and cold threaten the world. The glowing heroes attack, the lanterns immediately extinguish plunging the


clearing into absolute darkness as the faeries scatter. By the time light results in the party waking up in the forest lost as above. One
our heroes get their bearings, they find that their sword strokes option is for one or more of our heroes to offer to dance with the
have hit only the boles of gnarled trees, and no sign of the fey folk dryads or satyrs, something that brings rude catcalls from the court
remain. If this occurs, they will not see the faeries again. However, but little more. Another is to offer to wrestle a satyr or provide some
if our heroes maintain their good manners and stick around to other form of violent but nonlethal combat as sport. It should be
watch for a few moments, their patience is soon rewarded. noted that inflicting lethal damage goes poorly for the whole party.
When the entertainment is done, the party begins to get drowsy,
lulled into sleepiness by the mead, the company, and the late
In moments, the scene changes, and the faeries hour. Soon, they find themselves drifting off, whether immune
assemble along the benches in obvious anticipation. to magical sleep or not. They wake up four hours before dawn
A horn sounds in the woods, and a tall, regal stag (even if this means they go backward in their own timeline),
with antlers like birch branches walks to the head of completely refreshed, as if they spent a night sleeping, and healed
the table. The stag, its rack shimmering as if crowned
of all wounds. The faerie court is gone, but the path out of the
by glowing gems or living fire, addresses you in a
voice like the flow of a fresh, pebbled brook. forest toward the Tor is clear. Our heroes no longer have to make
Survival checks while they are in the forest to avoid getting lost.
“Strangers, be welcome as guests or cursed as
interlopers, the choice is yours. Come and sit. Partake
of our feast, but repay our generosity in kind, or be
gone and on your way as craven and honorless men,
mere trespassers in our domain.” CLUES TO THE BANDITS
Our heroes know from Hallbjorn and others that
At this point, the party must make its choice and do so with some outlaws were spotted near the settled lands
bravery and élan. As Northlanders, they are well aware that any around Silvermeade. In addition, human footprints,
hesitation on their part will be taken as a refusal of hospitably – a dropped items, and other signs may be found on the
grave crime in the Northlands. It takes just one character to speak trails in the forest. When within two miles of Area
up and accept, and likewise just one to refuse. Acceptance leads 11, a Passive Wisdom 14 or higher spots signs that
to Payment in Kind below. Refusal leaves the party lost (see bandit are in the area. These include footprints, recent
the Lost! sidebar) as the faeries and all their feast preparations campfires, and discarded equipment.
disappear in the blink of an eye.

The feast is one of otherworldly fare and beauty. Dainty cups 11. BANDIT HIDEOUT
made of flowers are filled with mead brewed from faerie bees and A band of outlaws resides in the forest, and their hideout lies
water from secret magical streams. Steaming hunks of roast pork upon the game trail that our heroes follow. The presence of the
as well as other savory dishes are brought out on platters of bark. bandits may be learned from a random encounter above, or the
The bread is light and airy, yet filling, and both sweet and hearty party may pick up signs that they are not the only mortals in the
as needed. The conversation, to say nothing of the company, is forest. If they learn of the bandits, or even suspect them to be
beyond words, and the party soon finds themselves swept away on present, the party has to decide if they are going to move slowly
a tide of wonder. All it takes is one character to be rude, to refuse and with stealth as they pass through the forest or risk discovery
to eat and drink, or otherwise to be poor guests for the whole party during their midnight ride. Even if our heroes do not directly
to find themselves lost (again, see the Lost! sidebar). The feast encounter the bandits in the forest, they may wish to return after
continues for hours, and after it is done, the stag speaks again, rescuing the jarl’s daughters to deal with the outlaws.
this time in a voice like sultry summer winds blowing through Astrid the Mad is an outlaw from the Vale who was sentenced on
fully leafed trees. It says, “As you have enjoyed our fare, let us what she considers trumped-up charges for murdering her cousin.
enjoy yours. What do you offer us in return for our hospitality? According to Astrid, her cousin just happened to die near her,
Songs, stories, dances? What entertainment can you show stumbled into her, and thus got his blood on her clothes and hands
your hosts that befits the food and drink you have consumed?” (plus, she drew the dagger out of his chest to try and save him). In
Each of our heroes needs to provide some form of gift in exchange. her mind, the true reason behind her prosecution and conviction was
Perform checks for storytelling, singing, dancing, or playing of that she had begun showing signs of having arcane powers. Fleeing
instruments are called for, and as long as an honest attempt is justice, she headed off into the wilds and eventually met up with
made, it is sufficient payment. Special care needs to be made with other outlaws and began rampaging along the edges of the Vale.
regard to the content of the performance; any character making or Last fall, Astrid led her bandits north into Hordaland, hoping that
conducting a performance needs to be specific about what the theme their relative obscurity would allow them a chance to either restart
and plot of his song, story, and playing is about lest they offend their lives or, better, evade the families of their victims. Instead,
their host. Glorifying the forest, tales of heroes who fell into tragic they found the Forest of Woe and struck a deal with the King of
love affairs (especially with faeries), and such are appropriate, as the Forest and the faeries who reside there. In exchange for safe
would be poems or orations praising the Forest King and his court. passage and freedom to build a hideout in the forest, the bandits
Anything that paints the natural world or fey in general in a poor give the faeries a young adult female at each of the four corners


of the year (solstices and equinoxes). What happens to these secured at the bottom of the chimney blocks access to the cavern
prisoners is none of Astrid’s concern, and the longer she stays in unless removed by someone below or broken through.
the forest, the greater her powers grow – as does her inhumanity.
The hideout is impressive, a large cavern formed by the constant
action of water on the limestone foundations of the Hord Peninsula. 11C. INNER CAVE
Its natural defenses have been enhanced by the construction of
barricades and a lookout post in a nearby oak tree. A natural spring A wide cave filled with stalactites and stalagmites
bubbles up near the cave mouth and forms a small run of water opens at the bottom of the chimney. The smell and
that eventually joins the unnamed stream below. Our heroes know piled refuse show that a number of people have been
that a large stream borders the forest and the Moors and following living here in tight quarters for some time. The floor
the water from the spring likely brings them there, thus negating is slightly raised with years of detritus fallen in from
any further Survival checks to find their way through the forest. above. The low ceiling shows soot stains from the fire
The bandits are on edge about the faeries and other dangers of pit dug in its center.
the forest, despite their agreement with the King of the Forest.
They are on alert for intruders and keep lookouts in the watch post This large, natural cavern is dotted with stalactites and
in the tree (Area 11a) and the cave mouth (Area 11b). In addition, stalagmites. The ceiling is only seven feet high. The floor is
they practice fairly decent light and noise discipline, keeping fires covered in packed dirt and refuse washed down from above and is
to a minimum during the night, and stick to the cave as much as slightly convex. The floor of the cavern slopes toward the walls,
possible. If the party is not trying to be stealthy, their approach is most noticeably on the east and north sides. A small tunnel to the
noticed and prepared for. north leads off to Area 11d. To the east, the cavern floor ends
at a rock wall, though a three-foot-long-by-18-inch-high opening
permits water to drain from the cavern.
11A. LOOKOUT Residing here are 4 bandits led by Styr the Ugly (berserker).
They normally sleep, eat, and hang out around the central fire that
A small platform high up in a tall beech tree is 40 feet from the is put out after dark to keep their location hidden. If alerted by
entrance to the cave. Here the bandits stationed 2 bandits to keep the lookouts above, they wait in the darkness around the edges
an eye out for approaching beasts or faeries. The platform is small, of the cavern for the first character to come down with a light
only five feet by 10 feet, and is 50 feet up the tree. A rope ladder source before attacking from ambush with their slings. Even if
provides access and is usually rolled up to avoid any surprises. If aware of intruders, Astrid will not stir from her cave to join the
intruders are detected, the lookouts blow a horn to alert the bandits fight unless at least five bandits are killed. Like their fellows,
sleeping in Area 11c. A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) the group is poorly armed, consisting of little more than escaped
check is necessary to spot the lookouts while they are hidden in thralls, failed petty farmers, and wandering beggars, though Styr
their post at night, but if the dog from the Meadows accompanies is a more formidable foe.
our heroes, it detects them with its scent ability and barks at them, Styr is a man burdened by neither good looks nor morality. His
alerting the whole camp. If the bandits are not noticed by our face is coarse and marred by a scar on his chin that looks like a
heroes, then they attack with surprise from the darkness when our snake’s tail. His hair and clothing are generally disheveled, and
heroes are 50 feet away. They blow their horn to alert the others. If often splattered with dried blood. Styr is a murderer, thief, and
our heroes do not make the Perception check, they are not able to worse, and he has secretly been working his own deals with the
see where the arrows are coming from. faeries in the depths of the forest. These evil fey have been willing
to trade blood sacrifices for magical elixirs, including one that they

11B. CAVE MOUTH promise will cause Astrid to fall madly in love with him and allow
him to take control of the bandits and gain the young woman’s
A successful DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check is needed to affections once he brings them enough victims. Each bandit has
find this entrance. 2d6 hs.

A natural ring of stones surrounds a cleft in the

ground barely large enough to admit an armored
man. The smell of smoke and unwashed bodies clings
to the wet leaves around the hole. From here, a steep
descent drops into darkness.

The cave is inside a small hill in the forest. The entrance is

nothing more than a narrow opening near the base of the hill,
with the small brook running down the hill nearby. The bandits
cleared the area around it to make it more accessible and marked
the perimeter with stones so that they do not fall in at night. The
opening is only three feet by four feet wide and leads to a short
chimney that drops 10 feet before opening into a larger room (Area
11c). The climb down the chimney is easy (requiring a successful
DC 10 Strength [Athletics] check). A screen made of woven brush


The opening to this side cave is a three-foot-high crawl tunnel
that is eight feet long.
Your horses balk and will not enter this field of
earthen mounds. Built by the long-dead Andøvan
This narrow cave is not much more than a wide
tribes, the ancient barrows cover the highest points
tunnel in the rock and appears to be home to the bandit
in the Moors. Some of the mounds are only waist
leader based on the bedroll cushioned with evergreen
high, others are as tall as a man, but all have a
boughs against one wall. The walls are covered with
sinister air about them. Corroded weapons protrude
scratched and painted sigils, a meaningless scrawl
awkwardly from the sides and tops of some of them,
of mad designs, geometric shapes, and oddly placed
and a few have stone doorways marking their ancient
runes. One wall holds a natural shelf stacked with
entrances. Of these, a handful have no stone slabs
assorted odds and ends.
blocking them, leaving them gaping open to reveal
only darkness beyond.
Astrid the Mad (treat as a cult fanatic) lives here, keeping
herself separate from her bandits whom she sees as beneath her. In the far distance, thunderclouds gather and roil
Various occult and arcane items – many of them completely as a huge storm builds in intensity before unleashing
useless but nonetheless intriguing in shape – line natural shelves its raging power upon the lands below. Unfortunately,
this storm stays in one spot rather than moving with
on the east wall. Astrid is slowly being driven mad by the power
the southern winds, concentrating all its fury in one
in her blood, and the walls of her cave are covered with scrawled location. In the continual flashes of lightning that
shapes, geometric designs, and meaningless arcane writing. Astrid lance down to the ground below, you can see beneath
is a beautiful but wild woman of fewer than 25 winters with fair this gathering gloom a single tall hill some miles
hair, blue eyes, and a generous smile. One of her ancestors mixed distant. Multiple lighting strikes impale its peak,
his blood with the fey, and this taint passed down to Astrid, giving and from the crown of this hill can be seen a pale,
her arcane powers but also ruining her sanity. She keeps on her muted glow. Dark magic is at work upon the Tor.
person 2 potions of cure light wounds, a spear, a dagger, and a
pouch with 82 hs and a gold torc (100 hs). This portion of the Barrow Lands stretches north and east of the
Tor, forming a miles-long expanse of low earthen mounds. The
reputation of the Barrow Lands is that of a haunted place of certain
12. STREAM doom; it is a reputation richly deserved. Hundreds of barrows are
in this field, most averaging seven feet long by four feet across and
standing three to six feet high. A few are much larger, running as
A stream engorged with spring rains blocks your much as 15 feet in length and seven feet in width. These tend to be
path. Just beyond is the tree line and the Barrow six feet high or more. A few of the larger mounds have stone posts
Lands beyond, the path that leads to the jarl’s and lintels framing an entrance, and most entrances are closed
off with a large stone slab. Some stand open, however, granting
access inside to the foolish or allowing things to come out into the
To pass out of the forest, the party must cross a stream that is
world of the living. Many of the mounds have corroded bronze
normally fordable but currently swollen due to recent spring rains.
weapons of ancient design – shortswords and spears for the most
The stream is cold and has overrun its banks, creating a raging torrent
part – sticking out of their upper surfaces like a macabre garden.
of brown water 60 feet wide and eight feet deep at its center, with
No plants grow here nor do insects even buzz about.
shallower water extending 10 feet in from the edges. The raging
The inhabitants of these burial mounds do not like others
stream requires a successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check to
trespassing on their land and often take violent revenge on
cross; failure indicates that the character is swept downstream (1d4
interlopers. Sibbe possesses an Andøvan barrow charm (see
x 100 feet), taking 1d4 points of damage and having to make one
Appendix Two: New Magic Items) that she found in a barrow. The
or more Strength (Athletics) check to reach the bank. If mounted,
device allows her and her henchmen to pass through the Barrow
our heroes must make a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Animal
Lands unmolested. Of course, our heroes have no such amulet,
Handling) check or the horses balk at the fast-flowing water and
which leaves them at the mercy of those whose rest has not only
will not cross until calmed down (which takes at least 15 minutes).
been disturbed but whose bloodlust has already been left unslaked.


BEYOND THE GRAVE This encounter occurs when our heroes come within one mile
of the Tor.
This encounter occurs regardless of the direction from which
our heroes enter the Barrow Lands. This encounter can be run With a loud crash, a stone rolls away from one of
in various ways depending on the strength of the party. Keep in the barrow openings to reveal a gaping hole into
mind that there is still a final showdown against Sibbe and her darkness. Out of the shadows strides a long-dead
henchmen, and our heroes will not have time to retreat to heal, hero from before the Northlanders first came to this
rest, and regain spells. Choose the strength of this encounter land. His raiment is grand; he is clad in rotting silks
and fine cloths, armored with a cuirass of bronze, and
depending on how well our heroes have been doing up to this
carrying a two-handed sword of gold-and-silver-gilt
point and how battered they are. bronze. The undead king mounts a nearby barrow
and raises his hands in a silent command, a command
The hollow notes of a horn sound from one of the answered by the hordes of undead crawling forth
open barrows, and a long-dead Andøvan warrior from the surrounding Barrow Lands. The way ahead
emerges from the darkness. The faint moonlight is open but does not remain so for long as hundreds of
reflects from his bronze armor and the finely crafted, decayed skeletons lurch forth from the cold embrace
though somewhat corroded sword he bears. Behind of the earth.
him comes an entourage of four dead warriors
armed with swords of green-tinged bronze.
Though Sibbe’s amulet allows her to pass through the
Barrow Lands unmolested, the ritual atop the Tor perverted
The barrow skeletal chieftain (see Appendix One: the natural order and sent a shockwave of unrest through
New Monsters)) advances on the party and gestures the surrounding burial mounds. This ancient Andøvan king
with its sword toward them. Behind it stand 2–4 has now awakened and is calling forth his equally ancient
barrow skeletal warriors (see Appendix One: subjects to put a stop to this desecration. Because of Sibbe’s
New Monsters), ), its retainers in life. Depending Andøvan barrow charm, this undead king cannot affect
on the health of the party, the skeletal champion her directly, but it knows that our heroes can. As a
may accept challenges only in single combat to result, even though there is an overwhelming tide
the death, until unconsciousness, or until first of undead approaching our heroes, the path
blood. If a character accepts its challenge and to the Tor remains open. The undead do
adheres to the strictures of honor, fighting only not wish to fight our heroes but merely
one-on-one, regardless of the outcome if it is hope to drive them onward to their
not destroyed, it and its retainers return to their confrontation with Sibbe. If our
barrow and let our heroes pass unmolested. heroes are foolish enough to fight,
If more than one character takes part in the a couple of rounds against an
fight, its retainers quickly join in against the endless supply of skeletons should
honorless curs. convince them of the folly of their
ways. If they run, they find all ways of
egress blocked save the path toward the
Tor. The undead follow but do not close
with our heroes and do not follow
them up the Tor.


Chapter Three:
at the Stones
15. THE TOR The Tor is 105 feet high and covers 15 acres of ground. The
slopes are steep and count as difficult terrain. Anyone pushed off
the edge of the Tor can must succeed at a DC 12 Dexterity check
At the far corner of the field of barrows is the tall or suffer 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage. Those who fall land
mound of packed earth known as the Tor. Crowning prone at its base.
this hilltop is a ring of standing stones, tumbled
down and long forgotten, built ages ago by the long-
dead Andøvan that once inhabited what is now the
Northlands. The Tor is steeply sloped, and the slopes
are covered with grasses, herbs, and bracken. Two Approaching the Tor from the southwest and northwest are two
causeways march up from the surrounding plains, one causeways that allow for easy access to its summit. Both causeways
to the southwest and one to the northwest. The stones are firm, wide, and slightly graded but long, each running for 400
themselves are cracked and worn with age; green feet. Anyone walking up a causeway can easily be seen from the
lichen and moss cling to the lower surfaces and run top of the Tor, which alerts anyone there to the approach. Anyone
up these fissures, contrasting sharply with the dark
climbing the slope in the dark can make opposed Stealth checks to
gray rock. Thunderclouds roil overhead, and lighting
flashes down to strike the few stones still standing. avoid being noticed by the watchers there.


At the top end of each causeway is a shallow ditch that is only
two feet deep and 20 feet long. The ditch symbolically demarcates A ring of ancient standing stones is at the center
of the Tor’s summit. A few of the stones still stand
the entrance to the top of the Tor. Each end of the ditch is anchored
as trilithons with posts and lintels 10 feet high,
by an eight-foot-tall standing heelstone. They lean slightly inward but most of the stones are on the ground or lean
toward each other and have tapered tops. Ancient Andøvan runes at precarious angles. The dark clouds above swirl
once marked their surfaces, but these have been worn to illegibility. in a great spiral seemingly only a hundred feet
Sibbe placed a trap at each of these ditches to slow anyone
above the hilltop and are constantly illuminated
trying to interrupt her ceremony. A thin trip cord has been strung
from within by flashes of lightning. Other streaks
on the far side of each ditch to snag anyone attempting to step over of lightning flash downward in jagged arcs to strike
the shallow depression. Anyone tripping this cord is targeted by the still-standing trilithons. After each flash, the
a spear strung to a bent tree branch of green wood behind one of stones radiate a pale glow for a few moments as if
the heelstones, out of sight of anyone on the causeway. A DC 12 absorbing the power of the storm.
Wisdom (Perception) check spots the trap; it can be removed using
a sharp knife and a successful DC 13 Dexterity check. If triggered, All the stones of the circle are carved of the same blueish
the spear attacks the person tripping the wire with a +5 to hit and dolerite, a type of stone not native to the area. They bear no legible
inflicts 1d6 piercing damage. carvings, but some faded, weathered creases in the rock hint that
at one time they were richly adorned. At the center of the ring
is a three-foot-high-by-12-foot-long altar stone stained in ancient
blood. The area between the altar and the ring is open and covered
with low grass. Roughly half of the stones are still standing,
especially the main entrance stones at the south of the ring. The
flashing lightning of the storm and the glowing stones provide the
entire hilltop with normal lightning. The stones themselves, though
seething with magical power from the ritual, are not harmful to
the touch, though anyone standing atop one has a 25% chance of
being struck by lightning each round for 6d6 points of electricity


damage (DC 20 Dexterity save for half). rescued, the girls are sacrificed in 10-minute intervals in this order:
If our heroes arrive at night, they find Sibbe and Runa at the Inga, Fastvi, and finally Little Runa. If Sibbe is slain, her influence
altar, conversing in harsh whispers. The remaining two daughters over Runa ends, and the little girl falls to the ground sobbing, no
of the jarl are tied up nearby. Njarni and Gufti are on watch. Shortly longer able to take any aggressive actions.
before dawn, Sibbe and Runa are at the altar, each raising a knife This is a difficult battle, and it is possible that our heroes may
to the heavens and screaming out an incantation to the swelling find themselves quickly overwhelmed. While our heroes have
storm clouds. Inga and Fastvi are tied up next to the altar stone, been pursuing Sibbe and the girls, the jarl’s own householders
guarded by Gufti. Njarni is on watch. The group’s three horses are have likewise been on the trail ever since they noticed the girls
hobbled outside the circle to the east and are skittish and fatigued and our heroes were missing. If the party is in real danger of
from their long ride. Sibbe distributed potions of lesser restoration being destroyed here at the climax of the adventure, read the
among her henchmen to remove their fatigue from hustling all the following description to our heroes. In this event, some or all of
way to the Tor. Sibbe’s henchmen must go and deal with this new threat, leaving
Njarni and Gufti are two large Northlanders who have been long our heroes to deal with Sibbe and whoever remains behind.
ensorcelled by the aglæcwif and serve her in a numb but fanatical Assume that anyone moving to deal with the reinforcements
manner. Both are outlaws she came across on the Moors and can described below is slain in the process without any loss of life to
easily be identified as such by anyone who conversed with Hallbjorn. the householders.
Njarni the Traitor murdered his jarl in western Storstrøm Vale,
and Gufti the Clever is a known arsonist and thief from Trotheim.
Killing either man will not result in a blood feud and likely earns the The sounds of pounding hooves and the jingle
slayer a reward from the families of their victims should someone of harness and armor rise from the Barrow Lands
be willing to travel to the Thing of the Vale to claim responsibility below. Below where stood the ranks of the dead who
allowed you to pass to the Tor now can be seen a
(1d2 + 2 x 100 hs for Njarni, and 1d6 + 4 x 10 hs for Gufti).
large party of armed warriors riding hard toward
the hillock. In the flashes of lightning, you can make
Tactics: Even once our heroes finally make it to the stones, out the forms of the dead moving aside to allow
Sibbe still needs to be physically stopped. Her two henchmen them to pass without a fight. As the riders make
defend her to the death, as their minds are entirely under her hard for the causeway, you see that though their
control. As soon as the party is spotted, Njarni is awakened and harness and armor are mud-spattered and travel
Sibbe casts mage armor on herself. Runa will not join in any stained, the weapons they bear in their hands are
combat but cowers at the edge of the fight. If things look bad for bright and their faces grim. These are men going to
Sibbe and she decides to cut her losses and run, she commands war. Riding at their head you see the boar-headed
Runa to attack and hopes the confusion covers her retreat. If the helm of Jarl Olaf Henrikson himself leading three
battle is going against the henchmen, Sibbe uses ranged attacks full hands of huscarls and warriors.
to try to turn the tables but will not engage in melee combat
unless forced to do so. Once hard pressed (her henchmen are Unless otherwise indicated, these warriors arrive when the
dead and her foes are closing in), she uses Runa as a diversion battle is over and the girls are (hopefully) freed from Sibbe’s
and flees, using her Andøvan barrow charm to disappear among possession. If she succeeded in completing the sacrifice, then
the undead gathered below. If Sibbe is slain, both henchmen she uses her newfound powers to fly into the stormy sky above
break and flee in a panic, only to be shortly dragged down by the and disappear, cackling madly, leaving her minions to be
undead in the surrounding Barrow Lands. slaughtered alone. However, if some or all the girls are rescued,
then the ritual is interrupted and the storm soon dissipates,
Development: At sunrise (8 a.m.), Sibbe begins the sacrifice leaving a clear night sky over the Tor with just a hint of spring-
portion of her ritual, and unless either she is slain or the girls like wind from the south.


of gold and silver worth 200 hs. If only one girl was saved, a ring

THE of silver is worth 100 hs.

The girls must still be gotten home, though with the jarl and
If our heroes succeeded, then Jarl Olaf is overjoyed to find his more than a dozen of his huscarls and finest warriors in tow,
girls safe with our heroes and the aglæcwif defeated. If some or even the horde of undead seems not insurmountable, though the
all of the girls were killed, he grows grimmer with each one, but warriors eye the surrounding Barrow Lands nervously as they wait
as long as Sibbe is defeated and our heroes did what they could for dawn before attempting to head out. The girls are mounted on
to save the girls, he does not hold it against them. However, if fresh horses, and the jarl orders our heroes to stay with them and
our heroes failed and somehow survived, Jarl Olaf names them finish their oath to see them safely home. However, despite the
cowards and outlaws and allows them only to immediately flee grim cast of the warriors’ eyes and the barely contained fear of the
the Tor before he sets his warriors upon them. Our heroes have a supernatural on more than one face, a battle against the spawn of
hard career ahead of them indeed, and the players may even need Hel is not to be. Continue with the following text:
to start new characters to continue their campaign.
The coming dawn glows pink over the endless field
If Sibbe is victorious, she experiences a sudden increase in
of barrows that surround the Tor. Jarl Henrikson
power and her youth is renewed. She physically becomes 22 years decides to make a break for the forest to the south
old again and becomes an 8th-level sorcerer. She uses her magic to try to get out of the accursed Barrow Lands as
to fly away. This makes her a serious threat in the Northlands for quickly as possible and risk the forest rather than
some time and, should any of our heroes survive, she can become the unquiet dead. The troop gathers at the foot of
a continuing nemesis to plague them throughout their careers as the causeway preparing to make a fighting retreat
she continues to rise in power and wickedness. In this case, the as the forms of scores of skeletal remnants of the
undead disperse on their own, and our heroes have no problem ancient Andøvan still shuffle about dimly visible in
leaving the Barrow Lands, though the dead begin haunting their the half-light.
lands anew as soon as night falls again. The hordes of shuffling undead part at the base of
The following description assumes that our heroes successfully the causeway, however, and one dead warrior steps
rescued all three girls. If not, modify the text accordingly. forth in front of the others. The rotting silks and
fine cloth still cover his cuirass of bronze below his
From the mud that grimes his armor and the hollow-eyed skull, though now in the early light you
blood that dries on his face, you can tell that Jarl can see that traces of ancient dye still show where
Olaf has had a long night. He and his huscarls his raiment was once of the finest fabric. And he still
gather around you and the girls. Kraki Hallason is carries that massive bronze sword of magnificent
there, and Young Ljot, sour-spirited Berg Geirson, make, now point down in the earth. It is the barrow
surly Hauk of Vastavikland, One-Eyed Sven, and king who first allowed you to pass to reach the Tor,
even Old Ljot. Hallbjorn also looks on approvingly, and he seems to want to parley.
his helm clutched under one arm, his eyes tired but
bright. Assuming our heroes do not attack – a very foolish and suicidal
“It seems you young-spears have had a night of option since literally hundreds of undead warriors are ready to
it, too,” your jarl begins. “At first I had thought that back the barrow king up in battle – the undead creature makes no
you were young and foolish, unable to oversee my harmful moves. Instead, it lifts its hand to mimic the shape of a
girls, then I thought you defeated, or your mind’s necklace and then holds its arm out waiting. Our heroes have no
worth broken by what strange signs we found at trouble realizing that it is wanting the Andøvan barrow charm,
the Meadows when you did not return. But when we the strange necklace found with Sibbe. It will not relent in this,
began to follow the trail to find the girls, we realized and our heroes cannot hope to win the battle over it. However, as
it was your trail that we followed, and we saw the soon as a character hands the charm over, the barrow king raises
signs of your own battle-dew shed upon the path as its sword to our heroes, point downward, and allows them to take
you fought to fulfill your sword-oath to me. You have it in fair trade. Then it and the rest of its horde disappear back
fought and bled for my household, and in my mind among the barrow mounds and are lost from sight in the morning
that makes you a part of it.” mist. The group has no trouble leaving the Barrow Lands, though
“Glad I am that you have saved my daughters from future visits to the haunted uplands promise no such respite.
that evil aglæcwif, and happy I am to reward such The sword that the barrow king gifts upon our heroes is a +1
warriors as you. When we return to Silvermeade, you greatsword named “Fury” in Andøvan (Helfath), a relic of the
eat, drink, and fill yourselves with good mead, for ancient Andøvan. Though it is made of bronze, its magic gives it
you have done well this day. And here in the sight the hardness of steel, and it is a weapon of some power despite its
of my own householders take from my hand these great age – truly a weapon of heroes. All the householders look on
armbands that have graced my own arms since I in awe at the exchange, newfound respect in their eyes for the one
slew the giant Hastral in furious spear-din. Truly
who carries such a weapon of legend.
you are warriors of Olaf Henrikson.”
If our heroes acquitted themselves well and saved all three girls,
each is given an arm-ring of gold taken from his own arm (a great
honor) worth 300 hs. If only two girls were saved, it is an arm-ring


If all goes well, our heroes and their jarl return to Silvermeade,
three tired-but-safe young girls in tow. All three girls are taken by
their female kinfolk and tended to, healers are brought in to see
to any injured characters, and a small impromptu feast is thrown
in their honor. After an appropriate amount of time eating and
drinking, the jarl calls on our heroes to tell their tale, a cry
that is quickly picked up and reverberates through
the hall for the story of this latest deed of valor.
Following the recounting of their feats,
rewards are handed out. Our
heroes are on their way up in the
world with a budding reputation
as heroes and should feel a certain
amount of pride.
If our heroes return with
less than a full complement of
daughters, then the feast is much
more subdued with little to no tale
telling. The rewards are less, but
the jarl is thankful for our heroes’
success while he mourns his losses. Our
heroes’ place has risen slightly but being the
followers who let one or more of his daughters
perish is not going to bode well for them in the jarl’s eyes
or for their future hopes and dreams.
Finally, there is the matter of Runa to settle if she survives. It
is obvious that she was under some foul influence of Sibbe, an
enchantment no doubt laid upon her at her birth. With Sibbe’s and just keep an eye on young Runa to see what develops.
death, the connection is no more. She is comatose by the time our Regardless, the trauma of the experience at the Tor causes Runa
heroes get her back to the hall and wakes two days later refreshed to subconsciously place a mental block on her arcane abilities,
and back to her usual – if somewhat abnormal – self. The fact and it will be many years before they begin to bud within her
that our heroes saw her demonstrate sorcerous powers is a matter again. It is possible that they could emerge again and force her
of some import, though. If the matter is spoken of to the jarl (or into an existence as an outcast from her own people, embittered
anyone else for that matter, as it undoubtedly makes its way back
and accursed, or perhaps she could manage to turn to the path of
to him eventually), he denies it vehemently and threatens to settle
a cunning woman and become a powerful woman in Hordaland.
such slander between the hazel posts if our heroes persist. A
wiser course of action would be to keep the matter to themselves Either way, that is a matter for a different story.

Character Types Complete Success Partial Success
Warriors (barbarians, fighters, monks, A fine weapon gilt in gold with amber An armband
paladins, rangers) decoration (valued at 450 hs) (valued at 200 hs)
A ring
Godi (clerics and druids) a runescroll (a spell scroll with a 1st-level spell)
(valued at 100 hs)
A ring
Runecasters (wizards) a runestick (a randomly rolled wand)
(valued at 100 hs)
A fine musical instrument (grants advantage on A fine cloak with gold
Skaldi (bards) Charisma [Performance] checks used with it; thread embroidery
valued at 300 hs) (valued at 100 hs)
A fine cloak with silver
a runescroll (a spell scroll with a 1st-level spell) A
Cunning folk (sorcerers, warlocks) thread embroidery
ring (valued at 100 hs)
(valued at 75 hs)
a fine tunic
Outlanders (any non-Northlander) a ring (valued at 200 hs)
(valued at 50 hs)


Appendix One:
She squatted there in the cave seemingly oblivious to our
approach. The locals had said she was an aglæcwif, some sort of Armor Class 11
local magic worker. Before we could ask our question, she spoke
in a voice like nails along a stone or the chill of death. “You seek Hit Points 49 (9d8 + 9)
answers, but you must pay the price in blood.” Then she turned Speed 30 ft.
and was upon us.
We paid the price; I’ll miss that torchbearer. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 6 (–2)
Aglæcwif are evil magic-users who turn to the darkest of arts
to gain power. They forsake all mind’s worth and society, living
alone in haunted moors and in the depths of the forest. Often, they Skills Arcana +6, Stealth +3, Survival +4
consort with outlaws, enthralling them and using them to further Senses passive Perception 12
their own ends. At the heart of an Aglæcwif is selfish greed, greed
for power, greed for the life’s blood of others. Even so, their power Languages Andøvan, Nørsk
is unquestionable, their knowledge of life and death deep, and thus Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
the foolish or desperate will
turn to them for help. Spellcasting. The aglæcwif’s innate spellcasting ability
Innate Spellcasting
is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks).
She can cast the following spells, requiring no material
At will: charm person, mage armor, magic missile
3/day: hold person, invisibility
1/day: bestow curse, enthrall

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Curse Glare (recharge 5–6). The aglæcwif targets one
creature she can see and curses them. The target must
succeed at a DC 14 Charismas saving throw or suffer one
of the following curses. The Aglæcwif cannot curse the
same person twice in one day.
Curse of Blood. The target’s wounds bleed profusely and
cause them to suffer 1d4 necrotic damage every time they
lose hit points. When they do so, the Aglæcwif regains 1d4
Curse of Death. The target dies after failing two death
saves. This effect lasts until the moon sets or rises.
Curse of Ill-Luck. The target suffers disadvantage on
their attack rolls and saving throws until the moon
sets or rises.

The stones rolled away from the barrow and a skeletal figure sauntered
out as if he owned the place. Well, he did. In life, he was a noble of some
kind, clad in green-tinted bronze armor, bearing a two-handed sword
with an antler-shaped crosspiece. The regal plumage that once adorned
his helmet was faded and tattered, but that did not detract from his regal
bearing. Silently he pointed one hand toward us then whipped his great
blade up in a challenge.

The Andøvan peoples who once inhabited the Northlands left behind
great stone circles and sealed burial mounds. These barrows are said
to be haunted, and with good cause. While not all barrow mounds are
enchanted to animate their occupants, those that contain the remains and
burial goods of the Andøvan chieftains certainly are. When disturbed,
and this may be as easy to do as walking past one, the chieftains
awaken and lead their entourage out to drive off the living or
to bring justice to tomb robbers. While fearsome foes clad
in ancient armor and bearing often magical weapons, the
chieftains are honorable and often let mere trespassers go
with a warning and a single pass of arms.



Armor Class 16 (breastplate)

Hit Points 48 (6d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft.


18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 2 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning

Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Andøvan, but cannot speak
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Eternal Undeath. Barrow skeletons are hard to destroyed. If reduced

to 0 hp, they crumble into a pile of bones. If those bones are within a
mile of their burial mound on the next full moon, they rise again at full
hit points.
Scent of Justice. Barrow chieftains can smell crimes on others. To
do so, they must be within 30 feet of a target and the target must make
a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or the barrow chieftain learns every
crime they have committed. Furthermore, the barrow chieftain knows
the distance and direction of every item of grave goods buried with him.

Multiattack. The chieftain makes two Broadsword attacks.
Broadsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.

It crawled out of the ooze between the barrows, a risen Andøvan
warrior in tarnished bronze armor hanging from its skeletal
frame. Without a word, it stood erect and grabbed one of the
ancient spears decorating the tomb. Armed and ready, it waited
for us to violate the burial, standing an eternal watch over the
resting place of its chieftain.

The Andøvan chieftains were buried alongside their closest

retainers. These warriors who guarded their lord in life carry on an
endless vigil in death. To be chosen to become an undead warrior
was a high honor and one that many retainers fought for fiercely,
and sometimes to the death, to be granted. Clad in their faded
raiment and tarnished armor, these steadfast followers drive away
the living and awaken their sleeping lord if danger threatens.



Armor Class 17 (ring mail and shield)

Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4)
Speed 30 ft.


16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Damage Resistances bludgeoning

Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive
Perception 13
Languages Andøvan, but cannot
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Eternal Undeath. Barrow skeletons are hard to destroyed. If

reduced to 0 hp, they crumble into a pile of bones. If those bones
are within a mile of their burial mound on the next full moon, they
rise again at full hit points.

Loyal Followers. Warriors are animated by the magic that

animates their chieftains. If more than a mile from their chieftain
or if their chieftain is reduced to 0 hp, they fall to the ground in a
heap of bones until the next full moon.

Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

It rose out of the mire, muck and slime dripping from its head.
The beast looked like a large dog but shrunk and preserved by the
magic that laid it low and the acidic bog it long rested in. Its hide
was like old leather and creaked as it moved. Those eyes though,
they were alive with red anger, and centuries in the swamp had not
dulled its sharp teeth.

For reasons unknown to the current inhabitants of the Northlands,

the Andøvan threw living creatures into bogs, enchanting them
to rise again to terrorize the night. Many of these haunted bogs
are near burial mounds, and some say these beasts are kept for
when their Andøvan masters return. Bog hounds are one such,
and the most common, bog beast. Their bodies preserved by the
bog and the magic that animates them, they appear as leathery,
emaciated versions of their living forms, often covered in the
muck and mire of their resting place. Bog hounds rarely stir
unless disturbed, but when the residents of the nearby barrows
are agitated, the bog hounds pull themselves to the surface to
hunt the living.


Armor Class 13 (natural)

Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12)
Speed 40 ft., swim 40 ft.


16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 4 (–3) 14 (+2) 4 (–3)

Skills Perception + 4
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft, scent, passive Perception 14
Languages Cannot speak but understands Andøvan
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Eternal Undeath. Bog hounds are hard to destroy. If reduced to

0 hp, they dissolve into a puddle of muck. If this puddle is within
a mile of their burial bog on the next full moon, they rise again at
full hit points.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) acid damage.

Jarl’s keep a set of household retainers known as huscarls. Most
of these are warriors who strengthen the shieldwall and form a
bodyguard for the jarl. During times of peace, they are the jarl’s
officers empowered to represent their jarl in all affairs pertaining
to the administration of the jarldom such as keeping the peace
and pursuing justice. Most huscarls have long served their jarl and
risen to high rank through skill in battle and demonstration of their
wisdom in peace.


Armor Class 18 (chainmail and shield)

Hit Points 67 (9d8 + 27)
Speed 30 ft.


16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)

Senses passive Perception 11

Languages Nørsk
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Loyal. Huscarls gain advantage on all Wisdom and Charismas

saves when within sight of their jarls.

Multiattack. The huscarl makes two spear or great axe attacks.
Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Great Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) slashing damage.

I had to laugh at this shaggy beast, barely 12 hands tall. It was
a stout little fellow, like a full-sized horse but shorter. Sure enough,
a grown adult could ride one. He never moved faster than a hard
trot and certainly was no jumper, but he was a fine steed to get
around the rocky terrain of Hordaland. His name was Hesten.

Trondheim ponies are the common riding horses of the Northlands

and are often used as draft animals for small carts or plows. They
are short ponies, ranging from 10 to 13 hands tall, but sturdily
built. Despite their small size, they can carry a fully armed warrior
to the battle. Not into battle, mind you, but they will get you there.
Some wealthy jarls display their power by buying larger horses
from the Southlands, but most prefer their native breed out of pride.


Armor Class 11 (natural)

Hit Points 15 (2d8 + 6)
Speed 30 ft.


16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 6 (–2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Constitution +5

Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Cannot speak, understands Nørsk
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Sturdy. Despite being Medium-sized creatures, Trondheim

ponies can carry a Medium-sized rider. They count as a Large-
sized creature for calculating encumbrance.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage.

This large hulking brute has long, thick arms and legs, both
of which end in sharpened and filthy claws. Its body is covered Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
with moss and fungus, and its hair is dark brownish-green. Large,
upward-curving fangs jut from its lower jaw. Hit Points 63 (6d10 + 30)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
Swamp trolls are large, stocky, dark gray or brown, hunched
humanoids. Their flesh is slick and slimy like moss. Swamp trolls STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
make their lairs deep in swampland and marshes away from more 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 6 (–2) 9 (–1) 4 (–3)
settled areas, but not far enough away where they cannot hunt
humans if game and other food run scarce in the swamps.
Skills Athletics +8, Perception +1, Stealth +4 (+6 in
Swamp trolls are seven-foot-tall, hunched humanoids and
swampy terrain)
weigh about 400 pounds.
Swamp trolls are aggressive predators that attack living creatures Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
on sight (especially when a swamp troll is hungry). When hunting, Languages Giant
a swamp troll moves quietly along, easing closer to its prey and
then finally striking with its claws and bite when within range. Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Swamp trolls rarely fight to the death unless threatened or hungry.
Keen Smell. The swamp troll has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Regeneration. The troll regains 3 hit points at the start of
its turn. If the troll takes acid or fire damage, this trait doesn’t
function at the start of the troll’s next turn. The troll dies only if it
starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn’t regenerate.
Slimy. The swamp troll is covered swampy muck. Creatures
attempting to grapple a swamp troll have disadvantage.
Swamp Stride. The swamp troll ignores nonmagical difficult
terrain caused by swamp water or vegetation.

Multiattack. The swamp troll
makes one bit attack and two
claw attacks.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14
(3d6+4) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6
to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit:
11 (2d6+4) piercing damage.

Appendix Two:
Magic Item
grounds without being disturbed by any of the undead that may
inhabit those lands. The undead are aware of the individuals but do
not consider them interlopers. This does not mean, however, that
the undead follow the wearer’s commands. In addition, any traps
This necklace is made of small animal bones and laced with left by the ancient Andøvan will not be triggered by the wearer
dead roses surrounding a faintly glowing blue crystal. Despite or those designated for protection. Most known Andøvan burial
its obvious age, the delicate bones and flowers that comprise the grounds are located in the Barrow Lands of the Hord Peninsula
necklace are still in good repair – every dried rose petal remains in the Northlands. It is possible that this charm could function at
in place as if locked in time. The wearer of this charm and anyone other Andøvan burial sites as well, but this has not been tested.
designated within 30 feet can pass through ancient Andøvan burial The charm protects its wearer from sleep and charm-type magic.

Product Identity: The following items are transformed, or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means copying, modifying, or distributing, and You must
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The following text is the property of Wizards of non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this make it enforceable.
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contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Contributions are Your original creation and/or You Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford,
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form in which an existing work may be recast, NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are Author Ken Spencer.

Enjoy A deadly SpringTime in the north
It is a time for festivals in honor of the gods and the end of a long winter.
The jarl needs heroes to guard his daughters as they gather flowers for the
feast of Freyja. What could be easier than that?
Come meet haughty Inga, troublesome Fastvi, and Little Runa, whose
very birth was accompanied by dark omens and unfulfilled prophecy. Will
the heroes protect the jarl’s daughters when the spring day turns dark and
deadly, or will this first trusted task be their last?
Spring Rites is designed for new characters and can be played on its own
as an introduction to the dangerous Northlands setting.

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