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Colin Chapman - WitchCraft New Qualities and Drawbacks

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1/24/23, 1:14 AM WitchCraft New Qualities and Drawbacks

The Wayback Machine -…

New Qualities and Drawbacks 

Submitted by Colin Chapman

1-point Physical Quality

This Quality allows a character to perform tasks with equal facility

using either hand, and as a result does not suffer the -3 penalty for
off-hand use. However, this Quality does not grant the character any
special facility for using two weapons simultaneously.

Animal Empathy
1-point Social Quality

Animals, both domestic and wild, tend to react to the character better
than they would do otherwise. They rarely attack those with this
Quality, unless trained to do so, or severely provoked. The character
has an easy time befriending, gaining the trust of, and training

Variable Social Drawback

Someone is heavily reliant on the character to look after and care for
them, making considerable demands on the character's time, energy,
and resources. A 2-point example might be an elderly but infirm
adult, while a young, handicapped child, for whom the character is
the sole career or parent, might be worth 5 points. The amount of
time, effort, and money the character must allocate to looking after
their dependent, determines the value of this Drawback. (An
alternative conception of the Dependent Drawback for AFMBE may
be found here.)

AFMBE Dependent Drawback

Disturbing Voice
2-point Physical Drawback

The character's voice is eerie, rasping, sibilant, or sepulchral,

unnerving those that hear it, causing them to regard the character as
"creepy". Although this Drawback can actually make it easier for the
character to intimidate others (+2 to Intimidate), it makes it 1/4
1/24/23, 1:14 AM WitchCraft New Qualities and Drawbacks

extremely difficult for them to interact in a normal, social manner,

attract others, make friends, get a job, etc (-2 to any non-threatening
Social Task).

Emotional Problems (Compulsive)

Variable Mental Drawback

The character feels compelled to do something on a constant basis,

finding it difficult not to do so, even when they do not necessarily
need to, or have more pressing matters to attend to. The character
must pass a Simple Willpower Test when trying to resist their
compulsion, inflicted at the Chronicler's discretion. The cost of the
Compulsion depends on how difficult it can make things for the
character. Compulsive cleanliness or gambling may only be worth 1
point, compulsive lying or stealing, 2 points, and so on.

Emotional Problems (Flashbacks)

3-point Mental Drawback

In situations of great stress, or prompted by appropriate stimuli, the

character has a 2-in-10 chance of experiencing flashbacks, reliving a
past traumatic event in their heads for D10 Turns. While
experiencing these flashbacks, the character is generally incapable of
action, but may make a Simple Willpower Test each Turn to snap
back to reality. Additionally, strong stimuli, such as violent shaking,
pain, loud noises, a friend's yelling, etc. may snap the character out
of their flashback, at the Chronicler's discretion. Of course, it is often
such stimuli that caused the flashback in the beginning.

Emotional Problems (Phobia)

Variable Mental Drawback

Characters with this Drawback suffer from an unreasoning fear of

something, beyond any normal capacity it might have to cause fear, if
indeed it is frightening at all. When faced with the object of their
phobia, the character must make a Simple Willpower Test, or suffer a
-1 penalty on all their actions for 2 Turns, in addition to any effects
the subject may have caused due to a failed Fear Test, if any. The
phobia should be roleplayed, and its cost depends on how common
the subject of the phobia is, and how much it could impede the
character's life. A minor phobia, such as fear of the number 13, would
only be worth 1 point; a common phobia, such as heights, arachnids,
etc. is worth 2 points; a phobia of blood, enclosed spaces, or fire
might be worth 3 points; a phobia of darkness, or open spaces, might
be worth 4 points. Extremely rare or ridiculous phobias should be 2/4
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disallowed. (An alternative conception of the Phobia Drawback may

be found here Phobia Drawback)

Variable Social Drawback

This Drawback indicates that the character owes someone something,

and will be called upon to repay that debt sometime, bit by bit, or all
at once. The value of this Drawback depends on what the character
owes, and to whom. For example, owing a local loan shark $5,000 if
the character has no Resources levels, might be worth 2 points,
whereas owing a malevolent Demon your life might be worth 10
points. If the character fails to repay her debt, the individual owed
attempts to gain recompense by one means or another. Even if the
debt is repaid (at least in the mind of the character), the lender may
seek to extract more . . .

Inspiring Voice
2-point Physical Quality

Characters with this Quality have commanding, attention-grabbing

voices that inspire others, and lend them a ring of authority. This
Quality grants the character a +2 bonus to any Social Tasks or Tests
to command, inspire, or lead others.

 Physical Disability (Deaf)

6-point Physical Drawback

The character with this Drawback is utterly deaf, and incapable of

hearing anything, even with the use of a hearing aid. While this can
pose communication problems, it is possible to hold a conversation
with the Language (Sign) Skill, or by virtue of the Lip-Reading Skill.

Physical Disability (Mute)

4-point Physical Drawback

Mute characters are unable to talk or produce any vocalizations

beyond dull whimpers and grunt. The character should learn the
Language (Sign) Skill.

Physical Disability (Speech Impediment)

1-point Physical Drawback

The character's speech is impaired by a pronounced stutter, so much

so that they can find it difficult to talk fluently at times, especially
when emotional, terrified, or excited. As well as difficulties in 3/4
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communication, the character suffers from a -2 penalty for Social

Tasks and Tests.

Seductive Voice
2-point Physical Quality

The character's voice is considered extremely attractive by those

drawn to their gender, be it slightly husky, beautifully accented,
slightly purring, rich and sonorous, etc. The character may add +2 to
any Seduction attempts on those who would be affected by voice.

Unisystem, specific game terms and icons are Copyright © 1999 CJ Carella.
Copyright © 1999 Eden Studios, Inc. Used under exclusive license. All Rights Reserved.
Any questions or comments regarding CJ Carella's WitchCraft or this website, please send them to
us. 4/4

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