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CLC 12-Combined Final Capstone Proposal Ref

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CLC 12 - Final Capstone Proposal and Reflection

Name: Cecilia Murialdo

Topic: Travel guide about Italy
Focus Area: Project
Inquiry Question: What are the best elements of Italian culture?
Presentation Method: Canva
Presentation Time & Date: January 15th,

1) Capstone Project Summary:

In the box below, please type out a 200 – 300-word summary highlighting the key points and
information that you plan to present during your Capstone Project presentation.

During my capstone project presentation, I’m going to talk about five Italian cities and three Italian region:
four of the northern part and four of the southern part. The cities are Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples, Cinque
terre while the regions are Trentino, Puglia and Sicily. I’ve used Canva to do all the presentation and I’ve done
a slide for each city in which I talked about the main attractions and the most important monuments tourists
should visit in my opinion. I’ve also talked about the most typical food and some curiosity: for example, when I
introduce Venice, I’ll talk about its carnival and the cinema festival. Each slide is full of colorful images and
simple sentences that can catch the attention and somehow create curiosity. I also put some images that I
took personally this summer, such as those related to Naples. My goal is to introduce my country and all its
beauties to as many people as possible and create curiosity. Especially because, only now, far from home, I’m
realizing how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful country. During my presentation I’m going to talk about
each city/region more specifically, talking about both winter and summer destinations. When I talk about
Naples, I’d also like to put a video of an Italian cook, called Donato, known for the goodness of his sandwiches
with all the typical products inside.

2) Core Competencies:
In the boxes below, explain how your project or the work we’ve done in CLC 12 Class demonstrates
your abilities and skills from each section of the Core Competencies. (You must choose at least two
points from each skill area of the core competencies.) *This was also done in your Capstone Draft
Proposal, so if the skills and abilities still apply and have not changed, then you can copy and paste
your answers in the Final Capstone Proposal*

Good start Cecilia, but you need two competencies per section, you currently have two Core
Competencies covered. Please add the additional four competencies.

Core Competency: How you demonstrate it in Capstone Project:

Personal Awareness &  I demonstrated this competency at the beginning of my project;
Responsibility in fact, at first, I was not very sure about my capstone project,
and I was afraid of not making it interesting enough; but at the
end I can say that I’m satisfied. I’ve also tried to respect all the
 I used a variety of strategy to menage my personal well being
Social Responsibility
Critical Thinking  I demonstrated this competency when I was thinking about my
initial project: I thought a lot about all the slides and their
organization, how to organize my time wisely and the things to
write down
 I can explore and create new ways to represent my learning
around a variety of problems, events and issues
Creative Thinking  I can take my ideas evaluate, develop, and refine them and make
something productive out of them
 I can create new and unique ideas that may provide new
perspectives that influence how people think about topics

Personal & Cultural Identity

3) Presentation preparation:
In the boxes below, answer the following questions: What will you require from your teacher, what will
you need to bring and what still needs to be completed between now and your Capstone presentation
a) What will you require from your teacher in order to do your Capstone presentation? (Ex: Laptop,
table, poster paper, projector, etc…)

For my capstone presentation I will need a laptop and a projector to see everything bigger

b) What will you need to bring in order to do your Capstone presentation?

I will need to bring my usb pen drive

c) What still needs to be completed between now and your Capstone presentation day?

I still need to finish writing in a word document all the things I’m going to talk about, and I’d like to show my
mum all my final presentation to have some feedback.

4) References and explanation of sources:

Please paste all your current list of sources along with a brief explanation of what you used them for in
your research. All these sources should also be listed on your website on your References page.> here there is the site to

my Canva's project still to be organized --> here there is a post that I found on my Instagram page
that help you to plan your itinerary --> here there is a You Tube video where you can see
how to create an organized and well-done digital travel guide --> I also used TripAdvisor, a website that shows all the main attractions of the

Final Capstone Project Reflection Questions

(Please give specific detailed answers.)

1. In the process of completing your Capstone Project, what did you learn about your subject? What did
you learn about your skill set? What did you learn about yourself?
During the process of my capstone project, I understood that Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in the
world and I’m very lucky to live there. I had the opportunity to learn more and more about my skills in
presentations and designs. I also learned that if I put a lot of effort into what I do, I will be satisfied by the
result, and I don’t have to compare my work to that of others.
2. How is your project relevant to you? How is it relevant to the school? How is it relevant to the
My project is relevant to me because in somehow it reminds me about all the people I love in Italy and my
“old” life. For the community it could be relevant because it’s always interesting to learn about other cultures
and ways of doing things different from your own.
3. What impact did your Capstone have on you?
My capstone helped me to get to know my country more and more and to have more awareness of the
country I live in. I also learned to be more responsible and use my time wisely.
4. What aspects of your project are you most proud of?
I’m proud of all my project, but if I must identify something I’m proud of, it would be the organization of my
slide and the choice of the right topics to talk about.
5. What was a difficulty you encountered while researching your Capstone project? How were you able to
overcome those obstacles?
A difficulty I found during the research of my capstone project was identifying the most important topic to talk
about and summarizing them in a single slide. I was able to overcome this problem by organizing the space as
best as possible and using the right images.
6. What is the one thing you would have changed about your project if you could?
Maybe if I had enough time, I would include the recipes of the main Italian dishes, following my grandmother’s
6. What advice would you offer to future Capstone students to help them with their Capstone journey?
I would recommend them to always try new things and not to be too stressed if at the beginning they don’t
have a clear idea of their project: it’s normal to change your mind multiple times, but at the end you must be
sure about what you have chosen. Capstone must be about something that makes you happy and you enjoy
working on it; it can also help you to discover new skills and get to know you more and more. Finally, is always
very important to not waste time and use work blocks wisely.

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