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Analisis Material Volute Spring

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Received 20 January 2019 ISSN 2582-1040
Accepted 23 January 2019 2019; 1(1); 25-37
Published online 25 January 2019

Design and Material Analysis of a Suspension System in Scooter

by using Finite Element Analysis Method
K.Sathishkumar1*, G.Dinesh 2
PG Student,Department of Mechical Engg, Sri Krishna College of Engg & Technology,Coimbatore, TN, India.
UG Student,Department of Mechical Engg, Sri Krishna College of Engg & Technology,Coimbatore, TN, India.
*Corresponding author E-Mail ID:, Mobile: +91 9047012989.

The principle part for a vehicle suspension is the compression spring system, which is fabricated
for arresting shock impulse. Suspension system work on the principle of fluid transformation
between compression and expansion cycle. Mostly the suspension system is used in motorcycles
for providing better handling, prompt braking, safety, and comfort by keeping the passengers
isolated from road noise, bumps, and vibration. The shock absorbers duty is to absorb or dissipate
energy. In a vehicle, it reduces the effect of traveling over rough ground, leading to improved ride
quality, and increase in comfort due to the substantially reduced amplitude of disturbances. In
most of the cases, the spring which is used in the scooter suspension system is made up of
beryllium copper, phosphor bronze and titanium, but in this research paper a scooter suspension
system is designed and the designed suspension system is analyzed using ansys with different
material properties. The composite material gives less deformation because of the high stiffness to
load carrying capacity. So the Composite suspension system is recommended for two and three-
wheeled vehicles.
Keywords: Suspension system, C40, C70 steel, Al-SiC composites, Static structural analysis, Helical Spring.
In order to prevent the accident and to safeguard the occupants from accident, horn system is
necessary to be analysed in the context of the maximum safe load of a helical compression spring.
In this analysis, the helical spring is designed and the designed spring is analysed using
NASTRAN by applying stainless steel as a spring material. In this analysis, the load is increased
slightly and the maximum shear stress is calculated at each case [1]. In this paper the author
designed a spring suspension system using solid works and the taken three different material in
the steel family, the load of 850N is applied in the compressive state and the von-mises stress and
total deformation are calculated at each material conditions and the values from the analysis is
compared with the theoretical value and the alloy steel has maximum load carrying capacity in
both theoretical and analysis method [2]. The spring suspension system of a three-wheeled vehicle
is designed and the material analysis is done using ansys workbench, the material is taken as SP
ST GRDII and the new designed is developed by changing the helix angle and number of turns,
the result will conclude that the new design will perform better than the existing design from the
result the author had concluded that the new design will have an 11% increase on load carrying
capacity [3]. In this paper, the 3D model of the 150cc engine suspension system is designed and
by changing the thickness of the spring. Structural analysis and modal analysis are done on the
suspension system by varying material for spring, Spring Steel and Beryllium Copper. The
analysis is done by considering loads, bike weight, single person and 2 persons. Structural
K.Sathishkumar et al. / International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation /2019, 1(1), 25-37
analysis is done to validate the strength and modal analysis is done to determine the displacements
for different frequencies for a number of modes. Comparison is done for two materials and the
author had finally concluded that steel spring had lesser deformation and minimum von-mises
stress so the steel spring is taken for manufacturing of spring suspension system [4]. The three-
wheeler suspension system is analysed in this paper, as this spring is used in the TWV’s front
suspension it is necessary to find out the load acting on the spring in actual practice in static
condition as well as in dynamic condition. Normally the total weight of the vehicle with driver
and one passenger is about 405 Kg, but for the safer side, it is taken as 500 Kg concentrated at the
center of gravity of the vehicle. It is assumed that this total weight is equally divided into two
springs of rear suspension and one spring of front suspension. The elastic behavior and the stress
analysis of springs employed in the TWV’s front automotive suspension have been presented and
discussed in this paper. The stress distribution clearly shows that the shear stress is having a
maximum value at the inner side of every coil. The distribution of the stress is similar in every
coil. So the probability of failure of spring in every coil is same except end turns [5]. The
feasibility of adopting composite material for the design of helical coil suspension system. In this
project, the design analysis of a combination of steel and composite material will be performed.
This will result in greater stiffness with the reduced weight of the spring which will be the prime
advantage and the steel spring will have lesser deformation when compared with other material
As per the literature survey, most of the author has done the material analysis in the
suspension system by taking steel as the material, in this paper the current analysis is fully focused
on the composite material. In this, the 125cc scooter suspension system is designed and it is taken
for static analysis of taken C40 steel, C70 steel, and Al-SiC as a material and the output parameter
such as total deformation and von-mises stress are calculated using ansys.
Solid works mechanical design automation software is a feature-based, parametric solid
modeling design tool which advantage of the easy to learn windows graphical user interface. We
can create fully associate 3-D solid models with or without while utilizing automatic or user-
defined relations to capture design intent. The 3 Dimension model of the suspension system is
designed using solid works in 2016. Figure 1 represents the assembly of the spring suspension
system of a 125cc scooter.

Fig 1. Suspension System

K.Sathishkumar et al. / International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation /2019, 1(1), 25-37
2.1 Material Properties of the Suspension System
The designed file is converted into IGES/STEP format to import in ansys workbench. The
analysis of the suspension system is done using ansys workbench 18.1 and the analysis is chosen
as static structural analysis and in this analysis, three different materials are taken to do the static
analysis. The three materials taken are C40 steel, C70 steel, and Al-SiC. The table.1 will give the
material property of the above materials
Table 1. Material Property
Parameter C40 Steel C70 Steel Al-SiC
Density Kg/m3 7350 7670 7850
Young’s Modulus Mpa 99974 198000 205000
Poisson’s Ratio 0.292 0.33 0.3
Compressive Yield
82 105 230
Strength Mpa
Compressive Ultimate 210 296 550
Strength Mpa


In the ansys workbench 18.1, the structural analysis is done of the designed spring suspension
system. In this analysis, the bottom end of the suspension system is fixed and a load of 1000N is
acted from the upward side (i.e) Y-Axis. The output parameter such as Total deformation and
Equivalent elastic stress and Equivalent strain are taken in each condition. The analysis is done by
changing the materials in the material library and the results are compared. Figure 2 & 3 will
represent the mesh model and the boundary condition applied to the suspension system in ansys
workbench 18.1
3.1 Simulation Procedure
In this study to analysis the stresses, we have followed these steps:
1. Creation of a 3-D model of the Suspension system. This job has been done using solid
works 2016 software. The main model of suspension system has been created and
imported in Ansys in STEP format.
2. Mesh generation is the next step in structural analysis. Many kinds of mesh have been
generated and finally, after grid independency investigation, the perfect mesh was selected
and applied to the model.
3. Calculation/Apply the boundary conditions for the design model.
4. Using the ansys solver, solve the conditions to obtain the analysis results.
5. Visualization and study of the results are done with the Postprocessor.
6. Comparison of the results of the suspension system with the different material property.
7. Compare the results and recommendation some suggestions to improve the performance of
the life and performance of the suspension system.
K.Sathishkumar et al. / International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation /2019, 1(1), 25-37

Fig 2. Mesh Generated in Ansys Workbench

Fig 3. Boundary Condition applied for the model


In order to perform static structural analysis, the STEP file is imported in the workspace and
then it is taken to generate mesh, to get the mesh of the model the fine structure is selected and the
boundary conditions are applied to the model and then the required solution is taken as per the
output data needed.
4.1 C40 Steel
In this analysis, the mesh is generated for the model to do the static structural analysis. In
order to perform the analysis the lower end of the suspension system is fixed by the support and
the compressive load of 1000N is applied normal to the surface of the spring system, in order to
do analysis the material property of C40 steel is chosen as a material for the suspension system
and the solution such as total deformation and von-mises stress are taken for the model. The figure
4-7 will represent the output solution which is taken from ansys workbench 18.1
K.Sathishkumar et al. / International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation /2019, 1(1), 25-37

Fig 4. Total Deformation of C40 Steel Suspension System

Fig 5. Directional Deformation of C40 Steel Suspension System

Fig 6. Von-mises Stress of C40 Steel Suspension System

K.Sathishkumar et al. / International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation /2019, 1(1), 25-37

Fig 7. Equivalent Strain of C40 Steel Suspension System

4.2 C70 Steel
In this analysis, the mesh is generated for the model to do the static structural analysis. In
order to perform the analysis the lower end of the suspension system is fixed by the support and
the compressive load of 1000N is applied normal to the surface of the spring system, in order to
do analysis the material property of C70 steel is chosen as a material for the suspension system
and the solution such as total deformation and von-mises stress are taken for the model. The figure
8-11 will represent the output solution which is taken from ansys workbench 18.1

Fig 8. Total Deformation of C70 Steel Suspension System

K.Sathishkumar et al. / International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation /2019, 1(1), 25-37

Fig 9. Directional Deformation of C70 Steel Suspension System

Fig 10. Von-Mises Stress of C70 Steel Suspension System

Fig 11. Equivalent Strain of C70 Steel Suspension System

K.Sathishkumar et al. / International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation /2019, 1(1), 25-37
4.3 Al-SiC Composites
In this analysis, the mesh is generated for the model to do the static structural analysis. In
order to perform the analysis the lower end of the suspension system is fixed by the support and
the compressive load of 1000N is applied normal to the surface of the spring system, in order to
do analysis the material property of Al-SiC is chosen as a material for the suspension system and
the solution such as total deformation and von-mises stress are taken for the model. The figure 12-
15 will represent the output solution which is taken from ansys workbench 18.1

Fig 12. Total Deformation of Al-SiC Composites Suspension System

Fig 13. Directional Deformation of Al-SiC Composites Suspension System

K.Sathishkumar et al. / International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation /2019, 1(1), 25-37

Fig 14. Von-mises Stress of Al-SiC Composites Suspension System

Fig 15. Equivalent Strain of Al-SiC Composites Suspension System


The helical spring is the important moving part in a suspension system, the load changes
during the vehicle running are balanced by the suspension system, and the sudden vibration
produced by the scooter is arrested by using a suspension system since it acts as a damping device
in the vehicle.
The analysis of the suspension system is done using Ansys workbench 18.1 and the
material used in the suspension system is altered in each analysis and the values at each case are
found. Table 2 represents the output results which are taken from static structural analysis. The
figure 16-19 represents the comparison of results at each material case.
K.Sathishkumar et al. / International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation /2019, 1(1), 25-37

Table 2. Result from Ansys Workbench 18.1

Parameter C40 Steel C70 Steel Al-SiC


Total Deformation 0.017111 mm 0.0085171 mm 0.0083211 mm

Directional 0.0020191 mm 0.000025003 0.00002469 mm

Deformation (Y-axis) mm

Equivalent Elastic 0.00033778 0.00016960 0.00016452

Equivalent Stress 33.561 Mpa 33.512 Mpa 33.342 Mpa


Total Deformation
Total Deformation (mm)






C40 Steel C70 Steel Al-SiC composites

Suspension Spring

Fig 16. Total Deformation of the Suspension System

K.Sathishkumar et al. / International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation /2019, 1(1), 25-37

Directional Deformation

Directional Deformation (mm) 0.0015




C40 Steel C70 Steel Al-SiC composites

Suspension Spring

Fig 17. Directional Deformation of the Suspension System


Equivalent Elastic Strain
Equivalent Elastic Strain










C40 Steel C70 Steel Al-SiC composites

Suspension Spring

Fig 18. Equivalent Elastic strain of the Suspension System

K.Sathishkumar et al. / International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation /2019, 1(1), 25-37


Equivalent Stress

Equivalent Stress (Mpa)





C40 Steel C70 Steel Al-SiC composites
Suspension Spring

Fig 19. Von-Mises stress of the Suspension System

From the above figure 16-19 it is clearly understood that the load carrying capacity is more in
Al-SiC (m-3) than C40 & C70 steel (m1 & m2 ). Because the yield compression value and
ultimate compression is more in Al-SiC than other materials. The composite material has high
stiffness to load ratio in naturally since the composite material can be used to withstand load and
vibration in the suspension system.
The increase in the ultimate compression strength of the material helps the material to
withstand the applied forces and to endure the stresses induced in them, so the material to be
chosen should have high corrosion resisting properties. The preparation of Al-SiC composite is
done by giving an external compressive pressure since it makes the grains to closely pack. The
small grains size will make to high bonding which has more strength to carry the load. So the Al-
SiC composite has lesser deformation when compared with other materials.
1. In this project, we have successfully designed a suspension system used in a 150cc bike by
using 3D parametric software SolidWorks.
2. To validate the strength of our design, we have done structural analysis on the suspension
system. We have done analysis by varying material such as C40 Steel, C70 Steel, and Al-
SiC composite material.
3. By observing the analysis results, the analyzed stress values are less than their respective
permissible limits. So our design is safe.
4. By comparing the results for all three materials, the stress value is less for Al-SiC
composite than C40 & C70 Steel.
K.Sathishkumar et al. / International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation /2019, 1(1), 25-37

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