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ESL Brains Should Junk Food Be Taxed TV 7659

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Should junk food be taxed?

1. Guess the missing statistics below. Compare with a partner. Does anything
surprise you?
[Statistics taken from WHO]
• Around 39% of adults in the world are overweight.
• Globally, one in five children and adolescents are overweight.
• Over four million people die each year as a result of being overweight or
• Worldwide obesity has increased by almost 200% since 1975.

2. Look at the pictures and discuss the questions. Give reasons for your

• What factors influence diet and obesity?

peers, family, culture and environment, advertising, convenience, cost,
education, emotions, stress, etc.
• On a scale of 1–10, how healthy do you think your diet is?
Share your own thoughts on this.
• What are the impacts of unhealthy eating?
risk of obesity, depression, digestive problems, heart disease, stroke, type 2
diabetes, cancer, early death

Copyrights by ESL Brains

Should junk food be taxed?

3. Try to guess the missing words or phrases from the following sentences.
Use the definitions in brackets to help you.
a) My doctor prescribed me some strong painkillers for my back pain.
(say what medical treatment someone should have)
b) Holistic medicine looks at the whole person, not just at physical symptoms.
(dealing with or treating the whole of something or someone and not just a
c) Practising yoga can have a significant effect on your wellbeing.
(the state of feeling healthy and happy)
d) My heart attack was a difficult reality check and forced me to totally change my
(an occasion which reminds you of the state of things in the real world)
e) Maybe the increasing number of deaths related to obesity will be a wake-up
call for society to change their eating habits.
(something that makes you realise you need to take action and change things)
f) My doctor made me promise to address the issue of my high blood pressure
instead of just ignoring it.
(give attention to or deal with a problem)

4. Put the words in the box in the correct sentences in ex. 3.

address holistic prescribed

reality check wake-up call wellbeing

5. You are going to watch a video on obesity. Before you watch, discuss the
following questions.
• Which nations do you think have the unhealthiest/healthiest diets?
• What can be done to encourage people to eat well?

Copyrights by ESL Brains

Should junk food be taxed?

6. Watch the video [] and answer the following

a) What was the purpose of the report?
To look at how to reform the food system in the UK, to make the population
healthier and protect the public health system.
b) What were the suggestions made in the report?
To tax sugar and salt and get doctors to prescribe fruit and vegetables.

7. Can you remember the significance of the following from the video?
Compare with a partner and then, watch the video again to check.
a) 3 billion
The report proposes a £3 billion tax on junk food. [00.10]
b) 64,000
There are 64,000 deaths a year related to health and obesity in the UK.
c) lower income
The tax will impact people on lower incomes the most. It’s difficult for people
on lower incomes to afford healthy food. [01:55]
d) COVID-19
The pandemic showed that populations with a high rate of obesity are more at
risk of death from COVID-19. [03:20]
e) 60%
The obesity rate in the UK is around 60%. [03:44]

8. Discuss the questions.

• How similar is the situation in the UK to the
situation in your country?
• How does your country’s government address
the issue of obesity?
• Do you think doctors should prescribe fruit
and vegetables?
• How else can we encourage people to take
care of their health and wellbeing?

Copyrights by ESL Brains

Should junk food be taxed?

• The woman interviewed in the video says: “I could pay for it [fruit and
vegetables], but it means something else has to go.” Do you agree that
healthy food is too expensive?
• Do you agree that a more holistic approach should be taken when trying to
improve someone’s health?

9. The following phrases used to present argument and debate were heard in
the video. Match the halves of the phrases.
a) This is already happening to 3 1) different factors…
b) There is also 5 2) to be addressed…
c) It is a big issue with 1 3) a certain extent…
d) Something has got to 7 4) shows that…
e) This is a massive 6 5) the issue of…
f) The data 4 6) wake-up call…
g) This is something that really needs 2 7) change…

10. Read the statement below and work in pairs to prepare a debate.

The government should put a tax on unhealthy foods.

• Student A – you are for the statement. Student B – you are against.
• Prepare your arguments. Make notes.
• Join another pair and debate your arguments. Try to use the phrases above
and other vocabulary you learned from the video.
• Share your conclusions with the whole class. What is the general consensus?

11. Choose one of the statements below to debate. Follow the same steps as in
ex. 10.
• Yoga and meditation should be taught in schools.
• Smokers and heavy drinkers should pay more for their health care.
• Junk food adverts should be banned.

Copyrights by ESL Brains

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