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Annual Improvement Plan

Table _____. Annual Improvement Plan Fiscal Year 2023

Instruction: List down the activities that are required in each school year to implement the school improvement projects. Indicated for every activity are the
schedule and venue, budget, and the person (s) responsible.

School Project Objective Output for the Activities Person (s) Schedule/ Budget Per Budget
Improvement Year Responsible Venue Activity Source
Project Title
Child Find To conduct operation, find a Coordination with Conduct a Teachers, School 10,000.00 MOOE
Program child program. barangay officials on data forum with Stakeholders,
gathering and analysis barangay Barangay Officials
towards explicit solutions officials on data
to identified barriers to gathering and
education implemented. analysis towards
solutions to
barriers to

of the explicit
solutions to
barriers to

“Policies and To monitor the Alive Coordination with ALIVE Program School Head, School 10,000.00 MOOE
standards first ‘’ Learners. barangay officials on data are ensured to Uztazdza,
gathering and analysis capacitate in the Muslim/Non
towards explicit solutions proper handling Muslim’s Staff
to identified barriers to of
education implemented. Maguindanaon
Curriculum To formulate and implement Coordination with Formulate and School Head, Bond paper, pen, 10,000.00 MOOE
Contextualization rights-based and culture- barangay officials on data implement Teacher, Uztazdza, pencil, ink,
for Maguindanaon sensitive planning for gathering and analysis rights-based Muslim/Non computer, printer
Tribe Maguindanaoan Tribe. towards explicit solutions and culture- Muslim’s Staff
to identified barriers to sensitive
education implemented planning at
levels for
“Come and Learn” To conduct training of Coordination with Trainings of
teaching personnels on barangay officials on data teaching and
inclusive education. gathering and analysis Non – Teaching School head, Bond paper, pen,
towards explicit solutions personnel and Teachers, and non- pencil, ink, 18,000,00 MOOE
to identified barriers to stakeholders on teaching personnel. computer, printer
education implemented education.
To create policies and Coordination with Create policies
Safety is the Key ‘’ standards for safe learning barangay officials on data and set
environment. gathering and analysis standards for MDRRM Personnel,
towards explicit solutions safe and School Head, , First aid
10,000.00 MOOE
to identified barriers to accessible Teachers, and materials.
education implemented learning Stakeholders
environment for
Collaboration for To established Community established Community Collaboration CHB, nails, G,I
All Learning Center. Learning Center with MLGUs sheets, Lumber,
and BLGUs Cement, Sand
Teaching Personnel,
and Gravels
LGU’s and 50,000,00 MOOE
Establishment Corrugated bars
of community and paints w/
learning center. paint brush and
paint ruler.
To provide health kit and Distribution of health kit Provide health
Health is the Best conduct feeding program. and Conduct feeding kit and conduct
program feeding
programs to Teaching personnel,
learners LGU’s, Barangay Hygiene kits and
20,000,00 MOOE
Officials, nutritious foods.

Child Protection To established Child Child Protection Established Teachers, parents, Bondpaper, 45,000.00 MOOE
Program Protection Committee. Committee. Child Protection learners folder, fastener,
Committee ballpoint pen

Building for
school head,
Teachers and
Parents about
the program
Helping one Internal and Teachers, parents, Bondpaper, MOOE
Another for the external learners folder, fastener,
Better partnership to ballpoint pen

A holistic and
among internal
and external to
improvement of
school aspect.
Development Teachers, parents, Bondpaper, MOOE
Let’s be unite for a and learners folder, fastener,
cost. implementation ballpoint pen
of standards
process and
protocols for the
engagement of
the existing
policies of
stakeholders in
support of

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