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HK 5CN001 Assessment Brief 2021 - 2022 - Sept

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HK 5CN001 – Brownfield Regeneration and Construction Technology - Assignment Brief

Faculty of Science and Engineering

School of Architecture and the Built Environment

Assessment Brief

Module HK 5CN001 – Brownfield Regeneration and Construction Technology

Module Leader Dr Emmanuel Daniel (
Semester One
Year 2021 - 2022
Assessment Number 2
% of module mark 50%
Word count 3,000
Date Issued 12 October 2021
Due Date 22 December 2021
Hand-in – what? Assignment: Report
Hand-in- where? Online via Canvas (before 14:00 hrs UK Time)
Pass mark Minimum 40%
Method of retrieval See Page 2
Feedback Within 4 working weeks
Collection of marked Written feedback will be provided on canvas. You should keep an
work electronic’ including any drawings.

Learning outcomes:
By the end of the module, you should be able to:

1. Apply subject knowledge and understanding in the Conceptual and applied

aspects of construction technology to commercial, Industrial and high rise use.

2. Investigate, analyse and evaluate relevant legislative, technical and environmental

issues and draw compliant legislative and technical solutions.

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HK 5CN001 – Brownfield Regeneration and Construction Technology - Assignment Brief

Submission of work
Your completed work for assignments must be submitted online via canvas on or before the due date. You
must keep a copy or backup of any assessed work that you submit.

Electronic submission:
In this instance, only online submissions will be accepted.

Paper submission:
Your assignment should be submitted online via canvas. Any item handed in must have, clearly written on the

Your student number

The module number, title and the module leader's name
The date of submission

Penalties for late submission of coursework

Standard University arrangements apply.

Procedure for requesting extensions / mitigating circumstances

This is done via eVision. Further information can be found at

Retrieval of Failure
Where a student fails a module (less than 40% for undergraduate modules) they have the right to attempt
the failed assessment(s) once, at the next resit opportunity. If a student fails assessment for a second time
they have a right to repeat the module.

The resit period for the exam in this module will be during the week commencing: July 2021. The latest
resubmission date for assignments in this module is: 12 July 2021


Return of assignments
Assignment feed-back will be normally be available on canvas within four working weeks and will be
based upon the University marking descriptors.

If you have any questions regarding your feedback, you normally have two working weeks from the date
you receive your written assignment feedback or receive your exam results to contact and discuss the matter
with your lecturer.

Cheating is any attempt to gain unfair advantage by dishonest means and includes plagiarism and
collusion. Cheating is a serious offence. You are advised to check the nature of each assessment. You
must work individually unless it is a group assessment.

Cheating is defined as any attempt by a candidate to gain unfair advantage in an assessment by dishonest
means, and includes e.g. all breaches of examination room rules, impersonating another candidate, falsifying
data, and obtaining an examination paper in advance of its authorised release.

Plagiarism is defined as incorporating a significant amount of un-attributed direct quotation from, or un-
attributed substantial paraphrasing of, the work of another.

Collusion occurs when two or more students collaborate to produce a piece of work to be submitted (in
whole or part) for assessment and the work is presented as the work of one student alone.

For further details see:

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HK 5CN001 – Brownfield Regeneration and Construction Technology - Assignment Brief

Assessment Brief

Established as a University in 1994, City-U now has four Colleges and three Schools:
College of Business, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, College of Science and
Engineering, College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences, School of Creative Media,
School of Energy and Environment and School of Law.

Our Strategic Plan 2020–2025, Making a Difference through Excellence in Research and
Professional Education, which was endorsed by the University Council in August 2021, is
a continuation of the successful path, and an extension of the high-level aspirations,
defined in our Strategic Plan 2021–2030.

It establishes a set of action plans around five strategic themes that further elevate the
academic excellence, international standing, and societal contribution of City-U as a
leading global university renowned for problem-based research and professional
education. As a modern, international university, we emphasise diversity, intercultural
learning and global vision.

Now, in line with the investment Master Plan, the University have purchased additional
assets to create new teaching facilities, administrative offices and Student Union
recreation facilities.

These assets comprise of:

The Yue Shing building, Tailor Law building and the Weave on boundary building on
Boundary Street and Portland Street intersection as shown in figure 2.
Overall, the aim is to build and promote an inspirational environment where large
numbers of staff and students can interact.

Figure 1: Boundary Street view. Google Map image as shown in October 2019.

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HK 5CN001 – Brownfield Regeneration and Construction Technology - Assignment Brief

However, the HK planning department have stated that Boundary Street and
Portland Street are of historic significance. The planners are insistent that the
original ‘Street- Scapes’ must be retained, namely Boundary Street and Portland
Street. Moreover, with the exception of the Yue Shing building which can be
completely demolished, the new buildings must be integrated into the proposed
designs behind the existing facades and street-scape.

In this assignment assume that Boundary Street and Portland Street were once occupied
by basement terraced shops and small metal working factories during the early 19th
Century; prior to it being cleared for development with the current buildings. It should also
be noted that the site is adjacent to a temple and the nearby Archaeological Society may
be concerned about damage to artefacts below the site.
The City-university has requested an attractive ‘open space’ to be incorporated into the
new design were students and staff can relax.
However, due to the recent increase in rainfall and the predicted climatic changes in the
near future, the University also wish to construct an atrium over this ‘court yard space’ so
that it can be used throughout the year.

Weave on
Yue Shing

Figure 2: The location of the assets on site.

Red – The buildings that can be demolished
Blue –The façade to be retained

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HK 5CN001 – Brownfield Regeneration and Construction Technology - Assignment Brief

Your Brief


Consider this as your opportunity to ‘sell’ your concept design to the University.
You must explain why you have chosen your particular technique/s of building removal
and how the facades in the Boundary Street and Portland Street will be supported during
this process.

Justify your choice of construction method and the materials/services you are utilising in
your new building/s and the Atrium. In the light of the new normal of covid-19, you should
also discuss the social distancing measures you would put in place during the construction
phase to ensure health and safety of the workers on site.

Brief reference to relevant legislation and regulations should also be included. You should
illustrate and annotate your design solutions. You do not have to price this work as there
are no financial restraints placed upon your proposals.

Your report must be word process with Time New Romans of font size 12. The lines
spacing should not be less than 1.5. Your report should cite a minimum of 10 authoritative
sources (i.e. a combination, journals, books and technical press).
The structure of the report should be centred on the following themes and include:
 What is the report about (Do not simply repeat this brief).

Existing building demolition

 Demolition considerations will include:
 HK Health and safety considerations (Briefly what is applicable?)
 Techniques to be used for the demolition works and why.
 Consider how the demolition would be done sustainably

New Development
 Façade retention technique/s to be employed on all buildings.
Your choice of:
 Foundations (for the new structures) – consider ground conditions.
 Structural frames.
 External wall enclosure (type of cladding).
 Social distance measures in the construction phase on site
 Atrium roof structure.
 Fire protection and escape routes - new buildings and atrium
 Identification of areas where the principles of Buildability can be employed
specifically to this site.

 A critical review of the key points (advantages of your design and technical

References List

All the information cited in the body of the report must be inserted in the reference list using
Harvard referencing style. Also all information in the reference list must be cited in the body of
the report.

All section must be attempted.

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HK 5CN001 – Brownfield Regeneration and Construction Technology - Assignment Brief


The following will be appendicised:

Plans – on A3 size paper, contextualised to the site area and
 Ground floor plan – walls only and openings.
 First floor plan – walls only and openings.
 Court yard floor layout showing the access and egress.
 Atrium cross section in relation to surrounding buildings.
 Front elevation drawing of the new building (Replacement for Yue Shing building)

All drawings are to be fully annotated and may be produced by traditional drafting
methods or by C.A.D.

Important note regarding your investigation of the site:

Remember this is a fictitious scenario. You should not seek to gain access to any
restricted areas of buildings, proposed courtyard or approach any staff in these buildings
for information – this includes security patrols.

Instead, you are encouraged to make logical assumptions which should be clearly stated
within the report. For example, you may assume that the existing utility supplies (i.e.
electricity supply and drainage) are of a sufficient size to service the new works.

If you wish to take additional photographs, as a matter of courtesy, please ask the staff
for permission stating that you are working on a construction and design assignment.

Assessment criteria:

As a guide, marks will be awarded in this assignment as follows:

Criteria Mark
Clarity, structure and professional layout of your report: 5%

Extent of research, technical feasibility and “real life” justification 35%

of the technologies applied - reflected in both text and drawings:

Quality of plans, including proportional scale, annotation 20

and level of detail
Depth of discussion, critically relating theory and legislation to 25
substantiate points specifically related to this site
Informed, objective and critical conclusions, logic and 15
appropriateness of discussion, grammar, Harvard referencing
(evidenced by quality and number of reference sources), use of
Appendices etc.
Total 100%

Remember, your report should justify your choices.

For guidance, a word count of approximately 3,000 words is expected. This does NOT
include Content pages, Tables, appended supporting text, References or the annotated

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HK 5CN001 – Brownfield Regeneration and Construction Technology - Assignment Brief

Technical drawings, plans and concept designs help you to substantiate your technical
solutions. These can be produced in either C.A.D. or by traditional drawing methods. All
drawings should be proportional and illustrated in context to the site. Drawings
(Maximum of A3 size) should be bound to your report (as part of any appendices) with
each sheet identified with your student number.

Please, do not submit your work with pages inserted into individual plastic wallets,
instead, present your work, professionally bound, as if it was for presentation to a client.
All pages must be numbered for feed-back purposes.
Performance descriptors for your Level 5 modules are attached to your module guide.

The full University grading scheme can be found in your ‘Undergraduate student Guide’
and on the university website: Grading of Assessment

Appendix B

University Performance Descriptors (updated September 2015)

The minimum pass mark at Level 5 = 40%

L5 (Graduate level)
90-100% Exceptionally detailed and original response to the assignment, with critical use of
independently sourced contextual material.
Outstanding demonstration of linked understanding of relevant theory, concepts and
Outstanding models. Extremely well structured with high level of analysis.

No obvious errors in referencing or grammar.

80-89% Very full, independent response to the assignment with totally relevant material which is
well beyond any module input, demonstrating independent study. Excellent
understanding and application of relevant theory, concepts and models. Very clear logical
Excellent structure.
Very few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.
70-79% Full response to the assignment with all content relevant and focused. Very good
understanding of relevant theory, concepts and models. Application of appropriate theory
Very to examples/practice, demonstrating a rigorous approach to a variety of ideas, contexts
good and frameworks.
Few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.
60-69% Answers most if not all detailed aspects of the question. Content mainly relevant. Good
knowledge and understanding of relevant theory and concepts and application of
Good theoretical models. Evidence of a developing appreciation of contextual issues.

Some small repeated errors in referencing or grammar

50-59% Main issues addressed and solid attempt to answer question. Some relevant content
applied. Sound knowledge and understanding of relevant theory and concepts and
Competent identification of main issues
Some repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate
40-49% Satisfactory attempt to address question/issues with some content relevant to
assignment topic. Demonstration that the learning outcomes have been met. Material
40% Pass Mark engages with relevant module materials, but largely repeats taught input and lacks
development or personal interpretation. Some general understanding of topic theory and
concepts. Lacks coherence.
Several repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.

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HK 5CN001 – Brownfield Regeneration and Construction Technology - Assignment Brief

30-39% Some learning outcomes and / or assessment criteria not met.

Questions not answered fully. Content not wholly relevant. Little or no evidence of
Compensatable understanding of relevant theory. Very repetitive of taught input – no development or
application. The use of extensive quoted passages evident.
Evidence of sufficient grasp of learning outcomes to suggest that the student will be able
to retrieve the module on resubmission.
20-29% No learning outcomes fully met. Little attempt to engage with the module materials or
Fail ideas.
10-19% Little attempt to engage with assignment brief and has not met learning outcomes.
Fail Inadequate demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or
0-9% No real attempt to address the assignment brief or learning outcomes.

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