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Surgery Research and Practice

Volume 2022, Article ID 6767570, 5 pages

Research Article
Efficacy of Prophylactic Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy with
Delayed Primary Closure for Contaminated Abdominal Wounds

Yo Sato ,1,2 Eiji Sunami,1 Kenichiro Hirano,1 Motoko Takahashi,1 and Shin-ichi Kosugi1,2
Department of Digestive and General Surgery, Uonuma Kikan Hospital, 4132 Urasa, Minami-Uonuma, Niigata 9497302, Japan
Uonuma Institute of Community Medicine, Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital, 4132 Urasa, Minami-Uonuma,
Niigata 9497302, Japan

Correspondence should be addressed to Yo Sato;

Received 24 August 2022; Revised 13 October 2022; Accepted 4 November 2022; Published 14 November 2022

Academic Editor: Christophoros Foroulis

Copyright © 2022 Yo Sato et al. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background. Prophylactic negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) to prevent surgical site infection (SSI) may be efective for
severely contaminated wounds. We investigated the safety and efcacy of NPWT with delayed primary closure (DPC) for
preventing SSI. Methods. For patients with contaminated and dirty/infected surgical wounds after an emergency laparotomy, the
abdominal fascia was closed with antibacterial absorbent threads and the skin was left open. Negative pressure (−80 mmHg) was
applied through the polyurethane foam, which was replaced on postoperative days 3 and 7. DPC was performed when sufcient
granulation was observed. Te duration and adverse events of NPWT, the development of SSI, and the postoperative hospital stay
were retrospectively reviewed. Results. We analyzed the cases of patients with contaminated (n � 15) and dirty/infected wounds
(n � 7). Te median duration of NPWT was 7 days (range 5–11 days). NPWT was discontinued in one (4.5%) patient due to wound
traction pain. SSI developed in seven patients (31.8%), with incisional SSI in one (4.5%) and organ/space SSI in six (27.3%). Te
median postoperative hospital stay was 17 days (range 7–91 days). Tere was no signifcant relationship between postoperative
hospital stay and wound classifcation (P � 0.17) or type of SSI (P � 0.07). Conclusion. Prophylactic NPWT with DPC was feasible
and may be particularly suitable for severely contaminated wounds, with a low incidence of incisional SSI.

1. Introduction chronic wounds and tissue defects [8, 9], but it is now used to
prevent SSI even in abdominal surgical wounds.
Surgical site infection (SSI) frequently occurs in contami- Two NPWT methods have been widely used as pro-
nated wounds after abdominal surgery, resulting in frequent phylaxis for SSI after abdominal surgery: closed NPWT and
dressing changes and poor appearance after healing. SSI is open NPWT. In closed NPWT, the wound is primarily
a risk factor for incisional hernia, which may impair the closed, and a commercially available, simple, and portable
patient’s quality of life [1]. A prolonged hospital stay due to device is applied on the wound surface to indirectly suck
SSI also increases medical costs [2]. All of these are medical the closed wound. In open NPWT, only the fascia is closed,
and socioeconomic problems that should be avoided. and the skin and subcutaneous tissue are left open; a porous
Various approaches to suppress SSI have been taken, fller is adjusted to the wound size by hand and applied
including the use of a subcutaneous drain [3], delayed directly to suck the open wound. Open NPWT is con-
primary closure (DPC) [4], and SSI bundle [5]; however, sidered to have an advantage in that granulation growth
these methods have not sufciently decreased the rate of SSI. may be accelerated by using the fller directly [7]. However,
Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has attracted a disadvantage of open NPWT is that the time to wound
attention recently; its use promotes wound healing by in- closure is extended [10]. In this condition, DPC is used
ducing angiogenesis, proliferating fbroblasts, and increasing after open NPWT to shorten the time to wound closure
granulation tissue [6, 7]. NPWT was initially used to treat [11–13].
2 Surgery Research and Practice

Although several randomized controlled trials have Table 1: Patient characteristics.

evaluated the use of closed NPWT in patients who un- Number (%)
derwent elective surgery with less intraabdominal con-
Female 14 (64)
tamination, the efcacy and safety of NPWT have not been Age 76 (44–92)∗
determined because the preventive efect of SSI varied Body mass index 22.9 (15.8–29.3)∗
among trials and studies even in a meta-analysis [14–18]. On Diabetes mellitus 6 (27)
the other hand, a low incidence of SSI was reported with the Corticosteroid usage 2 (9.0)
use of NPWT for contaminated wounds [11–13, 19–21]; Anticoagulation 6 (27)
NPWT may thus be suitable for use on severely contami- Dementia 6 (27)
nated wounds. We conducted the present study to examine ASA classifcation
the safety and efcacy of open NPWT with DPC for con- 2 8 (36)
taminated wounds. 3 10 (46)
4 4 (18)
Operative time (minutes) 102 (41–344)∗
2. Patients and Methods Blood loss (mL) 265 (0–1753)∗
CDC wound classifcation
2.1. Patients. A total of 239 patients underwent open ab- Class III 15 (68)
dominal surgery at Uonuma Kikan Hospital between April Class IV 7 (32)
2016 and May 2018. Of these, we analyzed the cases of the 22 ∗
Data are depicted as median (range). ASA: American Society of Anes-
(9.2%) patients who had class III (contaminated) or IV thesiologists; CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(dirty/infected) wounds according to the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classifcation and
received NPWT. We entered the cases into a prospective application, the occurrence of adverse events caused by
database. Tis study was approved by the Ethics Committee NPWT, delayed wound closure methods, and the length of
of Uonuma Kikan Hospital, which waived the requirement postoperative hospital stay from prospectively
for patient consent due to the study’s retrospective design collected data.
(No. 2021-3-001). All procedures followed were in accor-
dance with the ethical standards of the hospital and national
2.4. Statistical Analysis. Continuous variables are presented
committees on human experimentation and with the Hel-
as medians and ranges because of non-normal distributions
sinki Declaration of 1964 and later versions.
and were compared using the Mann–Whitney U test or
Kruskal–Wallis test. Categorical variables are presented as
2.2. Treatment Protocol. In all 22 patients, the abdominal numbers and percentages and were compared using the χ 2-
fascia was closed with interrupted suture using 0-coated test or Fisher’s exact test. A two-tailedP value <0.05 was
considered signifcant. All statistical analyses were con-

polyglactin 910 with triclosan (VICRYL PLUS , Ethicon,
Johnson & Johnson, Somerville, NJ, USA) and/or running ducted using SAS JMP ver. 14.0.1.

suture using 0-polydioxanone (PDS II , Ethicon, Johnson &
Johnson), with the wound left open. Te subcutaneous 3. Results
defect of the wound was flled with polyurethane foam, and
negative pressure (−80 mmHg) was applied with 3.1. Patient Characteristics. Te patient characteristics are
summarized in Table 1. All operations were performed in an

a RENASYS negative-pressure wound therapy system
(Smith & Nephew, Watford, UK). A single surgeon (YS) emergency setting. Te causes of intraabdominal contami-
changed the dressing and examined the status of each wound nation and the CDC wound classifcations are listed in
routinely on postoperative days (POD) 3 and 7. Table 2. Operative wounds were contaminated due to upper
Wound closure was defned based on the observation of and lower gastrointestinal diseases in 5 and 17 patients,
healthy granulation tissue on the exposed fascia with no respectively. Six patients had an intraoperative small bowel
clinical signs of infection on POD 7. Delayed suture using 3- injury, and one had a traumatic injury due to a trafc ac-
0 nylon monoflament (Keisei Medical Industrial, Tokyo) or cident. Tere were two patients with perforated colon cancer
wound taping was performed as appropriate. NPWT was and one with perforated malignant lymphoma of the ileum.
continued another 4 days if the granulation on the exposed Other causes of intraabdominal contamination included
fascia was not sufcient. All patients received scheduled pancreatic necrosis after endoscopic sphincterotomy, peri-
follow-up within 30 days after surgery. stomal abscess, intraabdominal abscess after appendectomy,
and idiopathic perforation of the ileum (one patient each).
2.3. Evaluation. Te development of SSI was evaluated using
the criteria for defning a surgical site infection, as stated in 3.2. Outcomes of Prophylactic NPWT. NPWT was in place
the Guideline for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection for a median of 7 days (range 5–11 days). Tree patients
[22]. We obtained the patient characteristics, causes, and the required NPWT for 11 days. NPWT was discontinued 5 days
degree of intraabdominal contamination according to the after application in one patient with postoperative delirium
upper (stomach and duodenum) or lower (small and large who did not tolerate NPWT and another patient with
bowel) gastrointestinal diseases, the duration of NPWT NPWT-associated pain. Eleven and eight patients received
Surgery Research and Practice 3

Table 2: Causes of intraabdominal contamination and CDC Table 3: Surgical site infection and CDC wound classifcation.
wound classifcation.
Surgical site infection
Causes Number (%) Class III/IV n P
Incisional Organ/space
Upper gastrointestinal diseases CDC wound classifcation
Perforated peptic ulcer 2 (9.1) 2/0 Class III 15 1 5
Perforated gastric cancer 1 (4.5) 0/1 0.17
Class IV 7 0 1
Post-ESD perforation 1 (4.5) 0/1 Total 22 1 (4.5%) 6 (27.3%)
Others 1 (4.5) 1/0
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Lower gastrointestinal diseases
Small bowel injury 7 (41.1) 6/1
Table 4: Te length of postoperative hospital stay according to the
Perforated diverticulitis 2 (9.0) 1/1
wound status.
Malignancy 3 (13.6) 1/2
Perforated appendicitis 2 (9.0) 2/0 Length of hospital
n P
Others 3 (17.7) 2/1 stay (days)∗
Total 22 (100) 15/7 CDC wound classifcation
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; ESD: endoscopic Class III 15 16 (7–91) 0.80
submucosal dissection. Class IV 7 18 (9–38)
Wound closure method
delayed suture and wound taping, respectively. Te Delayed primary closure 11 16 (7–91)
Wound taping 8 20 (9–25)
remaining three patients required no adaptation procedure
None 3 12 (9–23)
because their wounds were likely to close spontaneously.
Surgical site infection
Surgical site infection (SSI) developed in seven (31.8%)
Incisional 1 13
patients, including one (4.5%) superfcial/deep incisional SSI Organ/space 6 23.5 (18–91)
and six (27.3%) organ/space SSIs (Table 3). Tere was no None 15 13 (7–38)
signifcant relationship between the CDC wound classif- ∗
Data are depicted as median (range). CDC: Centers for Disease Control
cation and incisional SSI (P � 1.00) or organ/space SSI and Prevention.
(P � 0.61). Te median postoperative hospital stay was
17 days (range 7–91 days), and it had no signifcant re-
lationship with the CDC wound classifcation (P � 0.80) or in the present cases with a class IV wound, which is regarded
the delayed wound closure method (P � 0.74) (Table 4). as the highest degree of contamination.
Although not signifcant, the patients with organ/space SSI It is well known that the development of an SSI prolongs
tended to have longer postoperative hospital stays than those the length of hospital stay and increases medical costs [24].
with a superfcial/deep incisional SSI or no SSI (P � 0.07). Our present fndings indicate that the use of open NPWT
with DPC for contaminated wounds may lead to shorter
4. Discussion hospital stays and lower medical costs.
Te NPWT was completed within the median of 7 days,
Our present fndings demonstrated that the prophylactic use and the median length of hospital stay was 17 days in the
of open NPWT with DPC for contaminated wounds after present series. Te length of hospital stay might vary widely
open abdominal surgery was safe and feasible, as NPWT- among patients due to the diferences in the primary disease,
associated adverse events and incisional SSI occurred in only the patients’ general condition at the time of surgery, and the
one patient each (4.5%) in this study. All patients completed occurrence of organ/space SSI or other complications; for
our fxed protocol within 11 days, and the median post- example, the present patients with organ/space SSI were
operative hospital stay was 15 days. Several studies have likely to have longer postoperative hospital stays compared
examined closed NPWT for noncontaminated wounds to those without this type of SSI (P � 0.07). In the previous
[14–18], but open NPWT with DPC for only contaminated investigations of open NPWT with DPC, mainly the in-
wounds has scarcely been investigated. cidence of incisional SSI was reported, not the length of
Te incidence of incisional SSI when only primary hospital stay. A meta-analysis focusing on closed NPWT
closure was performed on contaminated wounds was ≥50% used in elective surgery showed that the length of hospital
[13], and even DPC provided no signifcant reduction of stay was 0.47 days shorter than that following conventional
incisional SSI (against expectations) [14]. On the other hand, wound dressing (95% confdence interval, −0.71 to −0.23;
Glass et al. reported that open NPWT using a fller promotes P < 0.0001) [25]. A subgroup analysis of that study showed
granulation growth and exerts a bacteriostatic efect on the a greater shortening efect of −5.1 days in colorectal surgery,
wound surface, suppressing nonfermentative Gram- which is regarded as posing a higher degree of wound
negative bacilli including Pseudomonas species in particu- contamination than other surgeries [25]. NPWT might have
lar [23]. It was reported that the use of NPWT with DPC a greater efect for shortening the length of hospital stay in
reduced the incidence of incisional SSI from 63.2% to 10.7% proportion to the degree of wound contamination.
[13] and from 37% to 0% [12]. Te incidence of incisional SSI Few studies have compared open and closed NPWT for
in the present study was 4.5%, which was comparable to contaminated wounds. Frazee et al. reported that the in-
these earlier reports. Notable, no incisional SSI was observed cidence of incisional SSI was 4.2% (1/24) in open NPWT and
4 Surgery Research and Practice

8% (2/25) in closed NPWT (P � 1.0) [10]. Because of that POD: Postoperative day
study’s limited sample size, these data should be assessed by SSI: Surgical site infection.
further investigations with larger sample sizes. In the Frazee
et al. report, DPC was not performed after open NPWT Data Availability
(with the median time to wound healing of 48 days), whereas
the corresponding time in closed NPWT was 7 days Te data that support the fndings of this study are available
(P < 0.0001) [10]. In our present study, DPC was added for from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
all patients, and the median time to closure was 7 days, with
a comparable incisional SSI rate. Based on these results, it Conflicts of Interest
seems desirable to add DPC to open NPWT.
Open NPWT has the advantage of enabling sequential Te authors declare that they have no conficts of interest.
evaluations of the condition of granulation tissue and the
presence of necrotic tissue in the wound bed, where addi- Authors’ Contributions
tional debridement can also be performed appro-
priately, especially in wounds in poorer condition such as Study conception and design were conducted by YS and SK.
contaminated wounds. Moreover, adding DPC to open Acquisition of data was carried out by YS, ES, KH, MT, and
NPWT might shorten the time to wound closure, as is ES. Analysis and interpretation of data were performed by
observed for closed NPWT. YS and SK. Drafting of the manuscript was carried out by YS
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number of patients were analyzed because this was a single-
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