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Paper 4

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Sample Paper 4
Class Xii 2023-24
(t.PJ} Physics
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
General Instructions:
1. There are 33 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
2 · ~~is question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section

3. All the sections are compulsory.

4 · Section A contains sixteen questions, twelve MCQ and four assertion reasoning based of
1 mark each, Section B contains five questions of 2 marks each, Section C contains seven
questions of 3 marks each, Section D contains two case study based questions of 4 marks each
and Section E contains three long questions of 5 marks each.
5. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question in
Section B, one question in Section C, one question in each CBQ in Section D and all three
questions in Section E. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions
6. Use of calculators is not allowed.
7. You may use the following values of physical constants where ever necessary
i. C = 3 X 108 m/s V . h = 6.63 X 10-3-1 Js

ii. m, = 9.1 X 10- 31

kg vi. c: 0 = 8.854 X 10- 12 (J !v 1 m-2
vii. Avogadro's riumber = 6.023 x 10 per
iii. e = 1.6 x 10- 19 C
iv. µo = 41r x 10- TmA -
7 1 gram mole

v./Faraday's laws are the consequence of the conservation of
V) (a) charge (b) energy
(c) magnetic field (d) both (b) and (c)

~ u e of 1 MeV is
- (a) 1.6 X 10- 19 J (b) 1.6 X 10- 16 J
v' (c) l.6xl0- J
13 (d) 1.6 X 10- 11 J

N The AC voltage across a resistance can be measured using a

L,.,<'\ (a) potentiometer
(b) hot-wire voltmeter
( c) moving-coil galvanometer
(d) m oving-magnet ga lva nometer

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CBSE Physics Class 12
Page 2 Sample Paper 4

tP( The best material for the core of a transform

(a) soft iron ,-
er is
(b) mild steel
(d) stainless steel
(c) hard steel

✓which ofysthe following is/are not electromagnetic(b)waves?

(a) f3-ra
(d) both a and b
(c) cosmic rays

a A bar ma_g net is equivalent to a curr
(b) solenoid
(a) torr01d
(d) strai ght conductor
(c) circ ular oil

agnetic waves have the smallest wavelength?

~ c h of the following electrom
(b) X-rays
(a) ,-ra ys
(d) infra-red rays
(c) UV waves
will be
connected in series. The result,.:tnt capa city
~ Thr ee capa cito rs each of capacity C are
(b) 3/ C
(a) 3C
(d) 1/3C
(c) C/3
n electric
s, whe~ the ~emp~rature is raised or whe
~ he stat e of ener gy of the valen~~ electron
field is appl ied, is called
(b) conduction band
(a) valence band
(d) none of these
(c) forb idde n ban d
l. A prot on moving with
An incr ease in the cond ucti on band increases conductivity of th3 meta
1 netic field of intensity 2.5 T at an angle 30° with the
a velo city 2.5 x 10 ms- , ente rs a mag

mag neti c field. The force on the prot on 12
12 (b) 5 X 10- N
(a) 3 X 10- N 12
12 (d) 9 x 10- N
(c) 6 x 10- N

Abs orbe d elec trica l ener gy is

(a) Prop ortio nal to the pote ntia l diffe
l difference
(b) Inve rsely prop ortio nal to the pote ntia
pote ntia l Jifference
(c) Prop ortio nal to the squa re of the
(d) Non e of thes e I i

utio ns. •
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CBSE Physics Class 12 Page 3
Sample Paper 4
1){ The specific charge of electron is 19
(a) 1.8 X 10- 11 C/kg J2) 1.8 X 10- C/kg
(c) 1.9 X 10- 19 C/kg (d) none of these

~ert ion (A) : If optical density of a substance is more than that of water,
then the m~
density of substance can be less than water.
Reason (R) : Optical density and mass density are not related.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanat ion of Assertion
ion of
{b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason is not the correct explanat
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.

twisted .
Assertion : In electric circuits, wires carrying currents in opposite directions are often
Reason : If the wires are not twisted together, th~ combination of the wires forms
a current
circuits or compone nts.
loop, the magnetic field generated by the loop might affect adjacent
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanat ion of Asserl;ion
ion of
{b) BQth Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason is not the correct explanat
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.

Assertion : In series LCR circuit resonance can take place.

tf( Reason : Resonance takes place if inductance and capacitive resistances are equal and
opposite .
Assertio n.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanat ion of
ion of
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason is not the correct explanat
(c) Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct.

~ Assertio n : Diamagn etic materials can exhibit magnetis m.

Reason : Diamagn etic materials have permane nt magnetic dipole moment.
Assertio n:
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanat ion of
ion of
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason is not the correct explanat
Assertion .
(c) Assertio n is correct but Reason is incorrect .
(d) Assertio n is incorrect but Reason is correct.

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CBSE Ppysics Class 12

Page 4 Sample Paper 4

a current carrying loop.
,{, Draw the magnetic field lines due to
certa in
of the earth 's magnetic field are equa l at a
~ If the horizontal and Vertical components
place, wha t would be the angle of dip at the
is the
are produced by an oscillating charge. How
\!t( Expl ain briefly how electromagnetic waves
related to that of the oscillating charge?
frequency of electromagnetic waves produced

, the angles of refraction in three med ia A,

B and C
~ e same value of angle of incidence be mini mum ?
medium, would the velocity of light
are 15 °, 25 ° and 35 ° respectively. In which

~ t e the principle of superposition of
nce of the
sepa ratio n between the slits as well as dista
~ h a t happ ens to fringe width, when the
screen from the slit are halved?

nd state , in
s corresponding to first excited state and grou
~ a t is the ratio of radii ~f the orbit
a hydr ogen atom ? . ·

~ two advantages of LED's over the conventional incandescent


of a wire.
ng charges q1 and q2 are conn ected by mea ns
2A'VTwo copp er sphe res of radii ri and r2 havi
ge flows between them ?
V\.; Wha t is the electric conditions that no char
their sum is
nts are individually discontinuous, but
2¥.Y 6on~ ucti on and displacement curre
(/'\~ontm uous . ·

fish or a pers on sittin g inside clear wate r?

~ does the surfa ce of the earth appe ar to a

ing of a p - n junc tion diod e as a half-wave

~ ' with the help of a circu it diag ram, the work
~ describe prot on-n eutr on hypothesis of nuclear composi
) 200 Me V.
ce of ener gy per nucl ear fission is abou t
~ 1 o w is fissio n an enor mou s suur

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Sample Paper 4

Case Study Based Questions.

Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow. I I

~ o u b l e slit apparatus is immersed in a liquid of refractive index, µ the wavelength of lig~t

reduces to >.'' and fringe width also reduces to (3' = f.The given figure shows a double-sl~t
experiment in which coherent monochromatic light ofwavelength >. from a dis~an~ source is
incident upon the two slits, each of width w(w > > >.) and the interference ~at tern is viewed on a
distant screen. A thin piece of glass of thickness t and refractive index n 1s placed between one
of the slit and the screen, perpendicular to the light path.

(i) ~oung's double slit interference pattern, the fringe width

~~) ~an be changed only by changing the wavelength of incident light
(b) can be changed only by changing the separation between the two slits
(c) can be changed either by changing the wavelength or by changing the separation
between two sources
(d) is a universal constant and hence cannot be changed

~ he width w of one of the slits is increased to 2w, the become the amplitude due to slit
(a) l.5a (b) a/2
(c) 2a (d) no change

YDSE, let A and B be two slits. Films of thicknesses tA and to and refractive indices mA
and mn are placed in front of A and B, respectively. If oc;, t A = Ofi t11 , then the central maxima
(a) not shift
(b) shift towards A
(c) shift towards B
(d) shift towards A if lu = t,1 and shift towards B if t0 < t 11

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~ ~ u n g ' s double slit experiment, a third slit is made in between the double slits. Then
(a) frmges of unequal width are formed
(b) contrast between bright and dark fringes is reduced
(c) intensity of fringes totally disappears
(d) ly bright light is observed on the screen.
n Young's double slit experiment, if one of the slits is covered with a microscope cover
slip, then
(a) fringe pattern disappears
(b) the screen just gets illuminated
(c) in the fringe pattern, the brightness of the bright fringes will decreases and the dark
fringes will become more dark
(d) bright fringP,s will be more bright an<l dark fringes will become more dark.

!ln. ~potentialbarrier in the p-n junction diode is the barrier in which the charge requires
~~ditional force for crossing the region. In other words, the barrier in which the charge carrier
stopped by the obstructive force is known as the potential barrier.
When a p-type semiconductor is brought into a close contact with n-type semiconductor, we get
a p-n junction with a barrier potential 0.4 V and width of deoletion region is 4.0 x 10- m. This
p-n junction is forward biased with a battery of voltage 3 V ~nd negligible internal resistance,
in series with a resistor of resistance R, ideal millimeter and key K as shown in figure. When
key is pressed , a current of 20 mA passes through the diode.


+ 11 ~ - 1 \ / \ / \ r - - - - - - '
3V K

( \,{~ he intensity of the electric field in the depletion region when p-n junction is unbiased is
(a) 0.5 X l0 6 Vm- 1 (b) 6
1.0 .X 10 Vm-l

)<1) 2.0 X 10
vm- 1 (d) 1.5 X l0 6 Vm-

~ The resistance of resist or R is

(a) 150 ~ (b) 300 o

(c) 130 O (d) 180 o

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CBSE Physics Class 12

_/' Pa e 7
Sample Paper 4 g
.._,.-{iii) In 8 ~n
junction, the potential barrier is due to the charges on either side of th e junction ,
thes~ charges are
(a) majority carriers
(b) minority carriers
(c) both (a) and (b)
,);a,) fixed donor and acceptor ions
~ If the voltage of the potential barrier is Vi,. A voltage Vis applied to the input, at what
moment will the barrier disappear?
(a) V< Vo (b) V= Vo
~ > Vo (d) V<< Vo
~ f an electron with speed 4.0 x 105 ms_; approaches the p-n junction from the 11rside,
speed with which it will enter the p-side is
(a) 1.39 x lO&ms- 1 (b) 2.78 x 10;, ms- 1
(c) 1.39 x l0 6 ms- 1 (d) 2.78 x 106 ms- 1

31~ State and explain Superposition Principle.
tJ(, Find an expression for the total force acting on a given charge due to a number of other
charges, when the source charges are point charges.
A.ft thin metallic spherical shell of radium R carries a charge Q on its surface. A point charge ~
? / \is placed at the centres C and other charge +2Q is placed outside the shell at
A at a distance
X from the centre as shown in the figure.

Find the electric flux through the shell.

State the law used.
Find the for ce on thP. charges at the centre C of the shell and at the point A .

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Page 8 Sample Paper 4

32. Netch the magnetic lines of force of straight current carrying conductor. State the rules used
/ft'b. find the direction of thk magnetic field.
.P.,five an expression for the force per unit length between two long straight parallel current
Uakying conductors. Hence define SI unit of current (ampere) .

~ is the energy level diagram for an atom? Calculate the energies of the various energy
levels of a hydrogen atom and draw and energy level diagram for it.
~ e ground state of hydrogen atom, its Bohr radius is given as 5.3 X 10- m. The atom is
...........,rx:cited such that the radius becomes 21.2 x 10- 11 m. Find:
~ he value of the principal quantum number.
J Total energy of the atom in this excited state.

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