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Mock PB 23-1

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Class : XII

Physics (Theory)

Time allowed: 3 hr. Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions:

(i) This question paper has 33 questions and 11 printed pages in all. All the questions
are compulsory.
(ii) This Question Paper has five Sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section
D and Section E.
(iii) Section A contains sixteen questions, twelve MCQ and four Assertion Reasoning
based of one mark each, Section B contains five questions of two marks each,
Section C contains seven questions of three marks each, Section D contains two
case study-based questions of four marks each and Section E contains three
questions of five marks each.
(iv) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one
question in section B, one question in section C two marks, one question in each
CBQ in section D and all the three questions in section E. You have to attempt only
one of the given choices in such questions.
(v) Use of calculator is not permitted.
(vi) You may use the following values of physical constants wherever necessary:
c = 3  108 m/s.

e = 1.6  10-19C

µ0 = 4π  10-7 TmA-1

1/4 πε0 = 9  109 Nm2C-2

Section A
1. A plastic rod rubbed with wool is found to have a negative charge of 8 × 10–7 C. 1
The no. of electrons transferred is:
(a) 5×1010, from wool to plastic rod
(b) 5 × 1011, from plastic rod to wool
(c) 5 ×1012, from plastic rod to wool
(d) 5 ×1012, from wool to plastic rod
2. An electron of mass ‘m’ and charge ‘e’ is moving from rest through a potential 1
difference ‘V’ in vacuum. Its final velocity is:

2𝑒𝑉 𝑒𝑉
(a) √ (b) √
𝑚 𝑚

𝑒𝑉 𝑒𝑉
(c) (d)
𝑚 2𝑚
3. A current I flows through a long straight conductor which is bent into a circular 1
loop of radius R in the middle as shown in the figure. The magnetic field at the
centre O will be equal to:

4. There are 100 turns per cm length in a very long solenoid. It carries a current of 1
5A. The magnetic field (in Tesla) at its centre on the axis is
(a) 9.42 × 10–2 (b) 6.28 × 10–2
(c) 3.14 × 10–2 (d) 12.56 × 10–2

5. Cobalt and Nickel are 1

(a) Diamagnetic Substance
(b) Paramagnetic Substance
(c) Ferromagnetic Substance
(d) None of these

6. A strong magnetic field is applied on a stationary electron. Then the electron 1

(a) moves in the direction of the field
(b) remain stationary
(c) moves perpendicular to the direction of the field
(d) moves opposite to the direction of the field
7. An emf of 12 V is induced when the current in the coil changes at the rate of 40 1
A s–1. The coefficient of self-induction of the coil is:
(a) 0.3 H (b) 0.003 H
(c) 30 H (d) 4.8 H

8. An inductor, a capacitor and a resistor are connected in series across an ac 1

source of voltage. If the frequency of the source is decreased gradually, the
reactance of:
(a) both the inductor and the capacitor decreases.
(b) inductor decreases and the capacitor increases.
(c) both the inductor and the capacitor increases.
(d) inductor increases and the capacitor decreases.

9. In a travelling plane electromagnetic wave, which of the following have zero 1

average value?
(a) Magnetic energy and electric energy
(b) Magnetic field and electric field
(c) Magnetic energy and magnetic field
(d) Electric energy and electric field

10. Figure shows a plot of stopping potential (V 0) versus 1/λ, where λ is the 1
wavelength of the radiation causing photoelectric emission from a surface. The
slope of the line is equal to
11. The ratio of maximum frequency and minimum frequency of light emitted in 1
Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum, in Bohr's model is
(a) 11/9 (b) 9/5
(c) 11/7 (d) 16/7

12. The figure shows the energy level diagram of hydrogen atom with few transitions. 1
Which transition shows the emission of photon with maximum energy

(a) I (b) II
(c) III (d) IV

For Question number 13 to 16, two statements are given – one labelled Assertion
(A) and other labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions
from the options as given below.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is correct explanation of
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct
explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) If both Assertion and Reason are false.

13. Assertion (A): The equipotential surface of the electric field of a point charge is 1
a sphere with the charge at its centre.
Reason (R):The electric field in the region around a point charge is non uniform.

14. Assertion (A): In Young's double slit experiment all fringes are of equal width. 1
Reason (R): The fringe width depends upon wavelength of light used, distance
of screen from plane of slits and slits separation.
15. Assertion (A): For the radiation of a frequency greater than the threshold 1
frequency, photoelectric current is proportional to the intensity of radiation.
Reason (R): Greater the number of energy quanta available, greater is the
number of electrons absorbing the energy quanta and greater is the number of
electrons coming out of the table.

16. Assertion (A): The electrical conductivity of a semiconductor increases on 1

Reason (R): doping always increases the number of electrons in the
Section B

17. Two identical Cells each of emf E = 5 V and internal resistance r = 2 Ω are 2
connected in parallel and the combination is connected to an external resistance
of 10 Ω. Calculate the voltage across the external resistance R?

18. Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of a virtual image of an object by a 2
convex lens. Using this diagram, obtain the expressions for the lens formula.

19. Define critical angle for a given pair of media and total internal reflection. Obtain 2
the relation between the critical angle and refractive index of the medium.

20. (a) Draw a graph showing the variation of photoelectric current with collector 2
plate potential for two different frequencies (v1 > v2) of the incident radiation.
(b) Explain two features of photoelectric effect which cannot be explained by
wave theory of light.
Estimate the ratio of the wavelengths associated with the electron orbiting
around the nucleus in the ground and first excited states of hydrogen atom.

21. (i) Draw V-I characteristics of a p-n Junction diode. 2

(ii) Write the property of a junction diode which makes it suitable for rectification
of ac voltages.
Section C

22. (a) Find the equivalent capacitance between A and B in the combination given 3
below. Each capacitor is of 2 μF capacitance.

(b) If a DC source of 7 volt is connected across AB, how much charge is drawn
from the source and what is the energy stored in the network?

23. (a) Define the terms ‘drift velocity’ and ‘relaxation time’ giving their physical 3
(b) A conductor of length L is connected across a dc source of emf E. If the
conductor is replaced by another of the same material and area of cross-
section but of length 5L, by what factor will the drift velocity change?

24. (a) A particle of charge ‘q’ and mass ‘m’, moving with velocity v is subjected to 3
a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular to its velocity. Show that the particle
describes a circular path. Obtain expression for the radius of the circular path
of the particle.
(b) Explain, how its path will be affected if the velocity v makes an angle θ (
≠900) with the direction of the magnetic field.
An ac source v = vm sin ωt is connected across an ideal capacitor. Derive the
expression for the
(i) current flowing in the circuit, and
(ii) reactance of the capacitor. Plot a graph of current i versus t.

25. Define mutual inductance between a pair of coils. Derive an expression for the 3
mutual inductance of two long coaxial solenoids of same length wound one
over the other.
26. (a) How does Ampere-Maxwell law explain the flow of current through a 3
capacitor when it is being charged by a battery? Write the expression for the
displacement current in terms of the rate of change of electric flux.
(b) Write two characteristics of electromagnetic waves.

27. (a) Draw a plot of α-particle scattering by a thin foil of gold to show the variation 3
of the number of the scattered particles with scattering angle.
(b) Describe briefly how the large angle scattering explains the existence of
the nucleus inside the atom.
(c) Explain with the help of impact parameter picture, how Rutherford scattering
serves a powerful way to determine an upper limit on the size of the nucleus.

28. Draw the plot of the binding energy per nucleon as a function of mass number 3
for different nuclei. Write two inferences which can be drawn from this plot. The
nuclei lying at the middle flat portion of the curve are more stable. Explain.

Section D

29. Lenses are transparent pieces of glass or plastic that refract light. A lens can 4
either be convex or concave, depending on the shape. To put it simply, Lenses
are specialised pieces of glass used in an array of equipment. After cutting the
lens, when two lenses are in combination, the first one forms an image that is
used as an object for the second one. This is known as a combination of lenses.
Symmetric convex lenses are cut into two equal parts along the optical axis.
Since the intensity of the image formed by each part is the same as the intensity
of the entire lens, the focal length for each part is double the original. Convex
lenses have two circular arcs, and when the two arcs of the lens have an equal
radius, it is known as a symmetrical convex lens. Based on the above information
answer the following questions:

(i) The minimum distance between an object and its real image formed by a
convex lens of focal length f is:
(a) f (b) 2f (c) 3f (d) 4f
(ii) A biconvex lens of focal length f is cut into two identical plano convex lenses.
The focal length of each part will be
(a) f (b) f/2 (c) 2f (d) 4f

(iii) A biconvex lens of glass having refractive index 1.47 is immersed in a liquid.
It becomes invisible and behaves as a plane glass plate. The refractive index of
the liquid is
(a) 1.47 (b) 1.62 (c) 1.33 (d) 1.51

(iv) window is provided in the middle of a wall. Its image is obtained on the
opposite wall at a distance 'd' from it using a lens. If the window and its image
are of the same size, then the focal length of the lens used is
(a) + d/4 (b) + d/2 (c) - d/4 (d) - d/2


(iv) The radii of curvature of both the sides of a convex lens are 15 cm and if the
refractive index of the material of the lens is 1.5, then focal length of lens in air
is –––––cm.
(a) 20 (b) 15 (c) 10 (d) 30

30. Semiconductors are made up of electrons and holes. Electrons travel in the 4
conduction band, while holes travel in the valence band. When an electric field
is applied, holes cannot move as freely as electrons. Diode is a semiconductor
device that consists of a single p-n junction. The first practical application of
semiconductors in electronics was the 1904 development of the cat's-whisker
detector, a primitive semiconductor diode used in early radio receivers. Based
on the above information answer the following questions
(i) In which one of the given figures, is the junction diode forward biased?

(ii) The threshold voltage for a p-n junction diode used in the circuit is 0.7 V. The
type of biasing and current in the circuit are :

(a) Forward biasing, 0 A (b) Reverse biasing, 0 A

(c) Forward biasing, 5 mA (d) Reverse biasing, 2 mA

(iii) During the formation of a p-n junction:

(a) diffusion current keeps increasing.
(b) drift current remains constant.
(c) both the diffusion current and drift current remain constant.
(d) diffusion current remains almost constant but drift current increases till both
currents become equal.

(iv) In a semiconductor, acceptor impurity is

(a) antimony (b) indium (c) phosphorous (d) arsenic

(iv) When an intrinsic semiconductor is doped with a small amount of trivalent
impurity, then:
(a) its resistance increases.
(b) it becomes a p-type semiconductor.
(c) there will be more free electrons than holes in the semiconductor.
(d) dopant atoms become donor atoms.

Section E

31. (a) Derive the expression for the electric potential at any point P, at distance r 5
from the centre of an electric dipole, making angle α, with its axis.
(b) Two-point charges 4 μC and +1 μC are separated by a distance of 2 m in air.
Find the point on the line-joining charges at which the net electric field of the
system is zero.
(a) State Gauss’ law. Using this law, obtain the expression for the electric field
due to an infinitely long straight conductor of linear charge density λ.
(b) A wire AB of length L has linear charge density λ= kx, where x is measured
from the end A of the wire. This wire is enclosed by a Gaussian hollow surface.
Find the expression for the electric flux through this surface.

32. (a) Draw a labelled diagram of AC generator. Derive the expression for the 5
instantaneous value of the emf induced in the coil.
(b) A circular coil of cross-sectional area 200 cm2 and 20 turns is rotated about
the vertical diameter with angular speed of 50 rad/s in a uniform magnetic field
of magnitude 3.0 x 10-2 T. Calculate the maximum value of the current in the coil.
(a) Draw a labelled diagram of a step-up transformer. Obtain the ratio of
secondary to primary voltage in terms of number of turns and currents in the two
(b) A power transmission line feeds input power at 2200 V to a step-down
transformer with its primary windings having 3000 turns. Find the number of turns
in the secondary to get the power output at 220 V.
(c) Define wattless Current.

33. (a) Explain the working of a compound microscope with the help of a labelled 5
(b) Write the considerations that you keep in mind, while choosing lenses to be
used as eyepiece and objective in a compound microscope.
(c) In the following ray diagram, calculate the speed of light in the liquid of
unknown refractive index.

(a) Explain how a diffraction pattern is formed due to interference of secondary
wavelets of light waves from a slit. Draw the intensity versus path difference
graph for interference and diffraction.
(b) Sodium light consists of two wavelengths, 5900 Å and 5960 Å. If a slit of width
2 ×10–4 m is illuminated by sodium light, find the separation between the first
secondary maxima of the diffraction pattern of the two wavelengths on a screen
placed 1·5 m away.

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