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Peilin Sun - The Pathogenesis and Treatment of Covid-19 and Long Covid With Traditional Chinese Medicine-World Scientific (2023)

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Sun, Peilin, author.
Title: 880-01 The pathogenesis and treatment of COVID-19 and long COVID with
traditional Chinese medicine = Xin guan ji hou yi zheng de Zhong yi zhi liao /
Peilin Sun ; contributors, Hongyan Zhu [and 5 others].
Other titles: 880-02 Xin guan ji hou yi zheng de Zhong yi zhi liao
Description: Hackensack, New Jersey : World Scientific, [2023] |
Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2022010504 | ISBN 9781800612532 (hardcover) |
ISBN 9781800612549 (ebook for institutions) | ISBN 9781800612556 (ebook for individuals)
Subjects: MESH: COVID-19--therapy | Medicine, Chinese Traditional--methods |
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COVID-19--etiology | COVID-19--complications
Classification: LCC RA644.C67 | NLM WC 506.2 | DDC 616.2/414--dc23/eng/20220314
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It gives me great pleasure to introduce The Pathogenesis and

Treatment of COVID-19 and Long COVID with Traditional Chinese
Medicine by Peilin Sun. As a comprehensive text on this subject it is,
to my knowledge, the first of its kind in the English language; given
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the extent of the suffering caused by the pandemic around the world,
it is greatly welcome.
The author, Peilin Sun, has been a prolific contributor to the
Chinese medicine profession for many years. He has shared his
knowledge generously via the Journal of Chinese Medicine since the
1990s, and as editor I have been fortunate to work with him to bring
his articles to publication. More recently, Professor Sun responded to
the coronavirus pandemic with urgency and an admirable commit-
ment to be of assistance to his colleagues around the world. He
swiftly set about researching to understand the nature of the disease
the world was faced with and how it might best be treated with tra-
ditional Chinese medicine, and has since shared his findings gener-
ously. Initially, this material was based on clinical reports from the
frontline of care in China, and as the pandemic has progressed and
he has built up a significant body of clinical experience in treating
this disease, he has shared his valuable insights into the treatment of
side-effects of the vaccines and how to intervene in the crucial con-
valescent phase of COVID-19 to prevent patients’ lives being blighted
by Long COVID.
Professor Sun’s work is characterized by great clarity in clinical
thinking and a broadness of perspective that encompasses both the
extreme complexity of detail characteristic of Western biomedicine

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

and the holistic, inter-relational approach of Chinese medicine.

While he justifiably proudly points out that traditional Chinese medi-
cine is currently one of the best options for the treatment of COVID-
19, his astute integrative approach allows biomedicine and traditional
Chinese medicine to shine on their own terms to provide the best
possible care for patients.
The clinics of Chinese medicine practitioners around the world
are filled with patients affected by COVID-19—whether survivors
discharged from hospital, those with ongoing health problems due to
Long COVID, those with unpleasant lingering side-effects following
vaccination, or even those left with mental distress by the isolation of
lockdown restrictions. Whether practitioners wish to get a general
understanding of the nature of COVID-19 from the perspective of
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Chinese medicine, or want to successfully treat patients with active

COVID-19 infection or specific COVID-related symptoms such as
ongoing loss of smell and taste, this book will be invaluable. In fact,
the Chinese medicine theory and treatment strategies presented here
go far beyond just COVID-19 and could be used to understand and
treat most types of infectious disease and their sequelae.
At the time of writing, two years into this pandemic, many of us
are now looking toward living alongside COVID-19. Despite the
awful cost of this disease around the world, it has reminded us of the
huge value of traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of infec-
tious disease. I sincerely hope that this book helps to relieve human
suffering caused by the coronavirus pandemic, and wholeheartedly
recommend it to readers.
Daniel Maxwell
Editor, The Journal of Chinese Medicine
March 2022


For the continued reproduction and survival of mankind, infectious

diseases are the demons human beings have fought ever since the
beginning of human history. Numerous epidemics have occurred in
the history of China. Fortunately, none of them have caused large
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scale mortality rate due to the efficacy of Traditional Chinese

Medicine (TCM) in their treatment. TCM have always considered
the etiologies of highly infectious and easily prevalent disease as
“Yiqi (疫气)-pestilent qi”, and named these diseases “Yi disease-
plague”. Until now, TCM has battled against a multitude of epidemic/
pandemic events and has accumulated a valuable store of effective
experiences and therapeutic methods. More recently, TCM also
played a vital role in the fight against severe acute respiratory syn-
drome (SARS).
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a virulent infectious
disease. It is considered a fast emerging, rapidly developing epidemic
and is also a Public Health Emergency of International Concern
(PHEIC), the highest level of alarm under international law. This sud-
den pandemic destroyed the peaceful and harmonic life of people
around the world. Furthermore, it involved us in a war without the
battlefield of military weapons, the smoke fire and the smell of
armies in conflict-a war that is a greater threat to human lives and
national security, a race against time, and a battle fighting a highly
deadly enemy to save lives. Due to the strong contagion rate, varied
incubation period, rapid spread, multiple routes of transmission,
widespread susceptibility, and great destructiveness of the COVID-19
virus, there is no clear boundary and definite location for this

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

epidemic prevention battle, highlighting and intensifying the severity

of this war. Complexity and danger have also made the fighting of the
epidemic a comprehensive, multi-level and multi-domain systematic
project. At the beginning of the epidemic last year, governments of
various countries adopted measures, such as curfews, lockdowns,
and home quarantine, hoping to completely smash and control the
virus, ultimately reaching zero COVID cases. One and a half years
later, the current situation in Western countries proved that the
COVID-19 vaccines are not 100% effective, and natural immunity of
human beings can be only a firewall to fight the COVID virus.
Moreover, the facts have confirmed that the Zero COVID policy can-
not be maintained and followed all the time. Once countries start to
reopen, this head-on confrontation with the virus will be faced once
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more. We believe that the stronger the immunity, the more ammuni-
tion for the battle, which means more power to resist the attack of the
virus and protect human health.
Globally, there is a lot of knowledge about the virus but the
knowledge of how to eradicate it or make it harmless is still in its
infancy. There is no effective treatment plan for it at this stage. At the
start of the outbreak last March, vaccine options were being tested,
the human population had not received any vaccine, and there
was little or no immunity against COVID-19. At the point of writing
this book, vaccination rates in most developed countries has
achieved a relative high level, although people still feel frustrated
because of the phenomena, i.e., while observing the high efficacy of
COVID-19 vaccines in the prevention of severe and critical cases,
and new confirmed COVID-19 numbers increasing sharply over the
past few weeks up to November 2021 even among those who have
been fully vaccinated. This is because the natural immunity is still
low to COVID-19. Even when fully vaccinated, people are still at risk
of getting infected. Some new variants are emerging and among
them, the Delta variant is highly infectious, and has spread all over
the world. Many have found it difficult to keep up with new policies
and changes to measures. “Zero COVID” by means of isolation, guar-
antee, and lockdown measures does not seem to be a realistic option


anymore, because not every country can stay locked down and
closed off indefinitely. Thus, almost all the countries over the world
have accepted the strategy of “Living with COVID-19”, encouraging
people to take personal and social responsibilities properly.
To achieve the goal of “Living with COVID-19” successfully dur-
ing the battle against this epidemic/pandemic event including Long
COVID, TCM stresses the great importance of zheng-qi instead of
passive home isolation or a symptomatic treatment. TCM health sup-
port and care is to offer a holistic approach and treat each case dif-
ferently to speed up the recovery, prevent aggravation of illness, and
diminish Long COVID complaints as much as possible. At the start of
compiling this book, our aim was to introduce the valuable knowl-
edge of TCM in managing Long COVID, but we quickly realized that
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the treatment of COVID-19 is unique. It shines a spotlight on the

whole process of TCM treatment since TCM holds that the presence
of Long COVID is the consequent result of COVID-19 when these
patients are not properly managed in the acute phases. While we are
proud to point out that TCM is currently one of the best options for
COVID-19 treatment, cognizance must be made that vaccines are
also a good option for the prevention and treatment to reduce mortal-
ity rate from the virus infection. TCM will play a more important role
with COVID-19 and Long COVID, and TCM will be promoted more
in countries around the world. Although not every TCM practitioner
is able to treat a patient with acute COVID-19 infection face to face,
they could take this book as a reference to review how TCM could
manage all the different syndromes and to improve the use of TCM
as a means to help.
During clinical practice and when saving patients with severe
cases of COVID-19, I worked very closely with a few of my TCM
colleagues, and Dr. Hongyan Zhu is among them. She has assisted
me a lot during this important time to save the lives of our patients. I
must say that without her consistency and persistence, it would be
impossible for me to fulfill tasks in my clinic.
I am very grateful to the publisher who offered the opportunity to
accept this book and publish it. I owe my deep thanks to all our team

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

members who have spent so much time co-operating with me.

Furthermore, Dr. Hongyan Zhu and her husband, Dr. Jinjun Xu, have
provided a lot of assistance in editing my text and inserting the Latin
names and acupuncture names in the book. Without their effort, this
book will definitely be different.
I would like to extend my thanks to Mr. John Bergin (UK) and Dr.
Huating Li (Germany), who spent much time reading our text and
correcting grammatical errors. They have also given many good sug-
gestions in English expressions. Meanwhile, I highly appreciate Mr.
Benlin You (Australia) for his wonderful calligraphy of book title, and
Mr. Shunchang Wang (France) for his wise suggestion for the book
My special thanks also go to Mr. Soundararajan Raghuraman,
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Ms. Shi Ying Koe and Dr. Natalie K. Watson from the publishing
house, for their patience, kindness and great assistance. Without their
efforts and guidance, it could be impossible for this team to reach the
point of publication.
I am also thankful for all the public websites. Through them I
could surf, search, study and improve my knowledge. All English
names of herbal formulas in this book are obtained from https://
COVID-19 will eventually become a minor virus, but the infor-
mation included in this book should not cease to apply at that stage,
as it is a guide to the treatment of all viruses and can become part of
the future treatments in TCM as a whole.
Peilin Sun
December 2021, Belgium

About the Author

Peilin Sun has been in the field of TCM clini-

cal practice and teaching for more than 40
years. He used to teach at the International
Acupuncture Training Centre, Nanjing
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University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

after receiving his master’s degree in 1988.
He moved to Belgium in 1990 and have been
living there till now.
Currently, Professor Sun teaches at the
Belgian School of Medicine (
He also has teaching responsibilities in other European countries,
such as the Netherlands, Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland,
Norway, Turkey, and Poland, as well as Canada, USA, and other
countries. Meanwhile, he is a visiting professor at a few Traditional
Chinese Medicine universities in China. Apart from that, he is also a
tutor for the master’s and PhD degree program at Nanjing University
of TCM and Shulan College of Chinese Medicine, UK.
While working in China, Professor Sun published more than
twenty articles. After moving to Belgium, he published more than
50 articles in different international medical journals. He also serves
as editor for several international medical journals, and made a key-
note lecture at the International Congress of Traditional Chinese

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Some of his published books include Bi Syndrome or Rheumatic

Diseases Treated by TCM, The Treatment of Pain with Chinese Herbs
and Acupuncture, The Management of Postoperative Pain with
Acupuncture, Sport Medicine in TCM, Traditionele Chinese
Fytotherapie-Courrante Remedies and Der Altere Patient in der
Chinesischen Medizin—Gesund alt Werden, Alterserkrankungen
Vorbeugen und Behandeln.
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List of Contributors

Hongyan Zhu started studying TCM since

1991 and received a bachelor’s degree in
clinical Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1996
from Anhui College of Traditional Chinese
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Medicine (now Anhui University of Traditional

Chinese Medicine). She then became a
resident doctor in Taihe County Hospital of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Anhui
Province, Department of Cardiovascular and
Cerebrovascular, and carried out clinical
work in Chinese medicine. Eager to further her knowledge in the
TCM field, she persevered in her studies and subsequently entered
Nanjing university of TCM in 1997 and obtained a master’s degree in
Clinical Chinese Materia Medica in 2000. After that, she successfully
published several articles in China.
After attaining her master’s degree, she became a clinical adviser
in both Chinese and Western medicine in Nanjing Chengong
Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. Then, she moved to the United Kingdom in
2007 and is now the owner and operator of an established TCM
clinic. She also published several articles in the UK.
Her main clinical specializations include:

• Clinical acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

• Gynecological issues, respiratory diseases, pain management, and
other areas, etc.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Shulan Tang studied at Nanjing University of

Chinese Medicine from 1979 to 1984, where
she obtained a bachelor’s degree in Medicine.
She then went on to further her studies at
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine from
1984 to 1987 and gained a master’s degree in
Medicine. She then worked at South-East
University Hospital from 1988 to 1991 as
Physician in Charge.
Professor Tang came to Manchester UK in
1991. Since then, she has been practicing and teaching Chinese
Medicine in Manchester, UK and across Europe. She is highly suc-
cessful in treating gynecological and dermatological problems,
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including difficult and complicated internal diseases. Furthermore,

she has a rich experience in teaching Science of Chinese Materia
Medica, Science of Chinese Medicine Prescriptions, TCM gynecol-
ogy, dermatology, Internal Medicine, and other fields. Professor Tang
treats her patients from the heart and teaches students with passion.
She is a well-respected doctor and professor.
Since the pandemic, she has written more than ten articles includ-
ing “How to Prevent COVID-19 Using Chinese Medicine”, “Treatment
Methods of COVID-19 Using Chinese Medicine”, and “Treating
Long-COVID with Chinese Medicine”. She has also conducted over
30 lectures and talks to both TCM professionals and the public about
COVID-19 and TCM. Professor Tang has been continuously treating
COVID-19 via video call consultation and has had great success
using Chinese herbal medicine for Long COVID treatments.
Currently, Professor Tang is the principal of Shulan College of
Chinese Medicine, PhD supervisor for Nanjing University of
Chinese Medicine, a senior practitioner of the British Acupuncture
Council, and the Register of Chinese herbal medicine. She has pub-
lished over 60 academic articles and is the chief editor of Chinese
Herbal Patent Book, vice chief editor of the core, international text-
book of TCM Gynecology and one of the chief editors of
Understanding, Managing and Treating Female Infertility with
Chinese Medicine.

List of Contributors

Guanhu Yang graduated from Zhejiang College of

Traditional Chinese Medicine (MD) and Nanjing
College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (MS),
and served as Assistant Professor at Wenzhou
Medical University. In 1993, Guanhu joined the
staff of Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical
University in Japan, and from there he went to
Kanazawa Medical University for his PhD study
in lung repair. After completion of his PhD, Dr.
Yang continued his research in pulmonary biology at Cincinnati
Children’s Hospital as a postdoc and then research scientist.
Dr. Yang has been running two acupuncture clinics in Ohio, USA.
He is currently a Clinical Assistant Professor (honored/endowed) at
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Ohio University, and Chair Professor of the US-China Joint Institute for
Acupuncture & Rehabilitation Medicine at Wenzhou Medical
University. Dr. Yang also have served as director for the SHI acupunc-
ture school, vice president at American TCM Association few years
ago, and supervised the doctoral program at American Academy of
Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine and other 10 medical university in
the World. He is president of Chinese Medicine Luobing Society of
American. During his career, Dr. Yang published 10 books and over 70
research articles on basic biology and traditional Chinese medicine,
and work as editor and reviewer for numerous renowned SCI journals.
Dr. Yang also is associate editor for International Journal of Clinical
Acupuncture. He also is vice president of the World Federation of
Chinese Medicine Digestion Committee and Endocrine Committee.

Liuzhong Ye, PhD and Master of TCM from

Guangzhou University of TCM in 2003,
started his TCM practice as senior consultant
in the UK after graduating from Guangzhou.
After establishing his own TCM practice in
Norwich, Hado in 2008, he started his career
as a senior lecturer and module leader of
several TCM colleges across Europe, includ-
ing CNM London, LACA London, Wroclaw

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Academy of Acupuncture Poland, and Swiss TCM Academy. He is

also appointed as supervisor professor of the Master and PhD
scheme of TCM at Shulan College Manchester UK, in association
with Nanjing University of TCM China. In addition, he serves as the
director of Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Alliance
(CAHMA) and the General Secretary of British Institute of Scalp
Professor Ye’s specialty in meridian palpation differentiation ena-
bled him to achieve great success in clinical practice and won him
high reputation in acupuncture and TCM teaching across the world.
He has organized numerous workshops and seminars in many coun-
tries on meridian palpation treatment.
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Tianjun Wang graduated from Nanjing

University of Chinese Medicine (NJUCM) in
1989. He completed his PhD at NJUCM.
Professor Wang moved to the UK and joined
the University of East London UK as a Senior
Lecturer and was the Director of Acupuncture
Clinic from 2007 to 2014. He is a Guest
Professor of NJUCM and the Master and PhD
course supervisor at the UK Centre of NJUCM.
Currently, Professor Wang is the principal of
the London Academy of Chinese Acupuncture. He is also the vice
president of the Scalp Acupuncture Committee of World Federation
of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS) and the President of the
Institute of Scalp Acupuncture UK. He owns TJ Acupuncture Clinic
and Brain Care Centre in London.
Professor Wang authored and co-authored more than 50 aca-
demic papers. He also peer reviewed articles in many international
journals. His book Acupuncture for Brain: Treatment for Neurological
and Psychologic Disorders was published by Springer in 2020.

List of Contributors

Mark Kim Loong Tan, BSc (Hons), PgD, MD,

Dip Nutrition, ND, IVNT, LiAC, ISOM, has
been engaged in Western medicine for the last
13 years. At the same time, he is also involved
in Nutrition, Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture,
Orthomolecular Medicine, Qigong, and ancient
Tao wisdom from Master Dr. Sha to create
Soul Mind Body Medicine and Tao Calligraphy
to help humanity.
Currently, Dr. Tan works in the Accident
and Emergency Department and his private clinic, applying the above
techniques seven days a week to serve more patients. He is a survivor
of COVID-19 and had symptoms that lasted for four days without Long
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COVID symptoms or complications.

On top of that, he is a member of the International Society of
Orthomolecular Medicine, Longevitology Academy, Tao Academy,
Tao Hands practitioner, Kuan Yin Lineage holder and Love Peace
Harmony Foundation.

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Foreword v
Preface vii
About the Author xi
List of Contributors xiii
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1 General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19 1

1.1 Diagnosis of COVID-19 5
1.2 Therapeutic Principles 16
1.3 Selection and Analysis of Formulas and Herbs 23
1.4 Selection and Combination of Acupuncture Points 35
1.5 Precautions 43

2 TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19 47

2.1 TCM Analysis Asymptomatic Infections
of COVID-19 48
2.2 TCM Treatment 55

3 TCM Treatment of Early Symptoms of COVID-19 89

3.1 TCM Analysis of Early Symptoms of COVID-19 89
3.2 TCM Treatment 104

4 TCM Treatment of Ordinary Syndromes of COVID-19 117

4.1 TCM Analysis of Ordinary Syndromes
of COVID-19 117
4.2 TCM Treatment 121

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

5 TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19 141

5.1 TCM Analysis of Severe Syndromes
of COVID-19 141
5.2 TCM Treatment 158

6 TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage 191

6.1 TCM Analysis of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage 192
6.2 TCM Treatment 209

7 TCM Treatment of Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines 227

7.1 TCM Analysis of Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines 230
7.2 TCM Treatment 234
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8 COVID-19 Case Study 243

8.1 Case 1 243
8.2 Case 2 250
8.3 Case 3 258
8.4 Case 4 265
8.5 Case 5 272

9 Generalization of Long COVID 279

9.1 Definition 283
9.2 Timeline of Post-acute COVID-19 285
9.3 Percentage of Post-acute COVID-19 Syndromes 287
9.4 Symptoms 288
9.5 Treatment in Modern Medicine 296
9.6 General TCM Aspects of Post COVID-19
Syndromes 298

10 Meridian Palpation Treatment for COVID-19 and

Long COVID Conditions 301
10.1 Method of the Meridian Palpation Differentiation 301
10.2 Application of Meridian Palpation in
COVID-19 Setting 302


10.3 Strategy of Meridian Selection and Point Decision 306

10.4 Understanding COVID-19 by Meridian Palpation 312
10.5 Case Study 324

11 TCM Treatment of Long COVID 327

11.1 Fatigue 327
11.2 Breathlessness 341
11.3 Joint Pain 354
11.4 Chest Pain 369
11.5 Headache 382
11.6 Myalgia 400
11.7 Cough 415
11.8 Loss of Smell and Taste 431
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11.9 Sicca Syndrome 450

11.10 Rhinitis 460
11.11 Red Eyes 471
11.12 Sputum Production 482
11.13 Loss of Appetite 495
11.14 Sore Throat 506
11.15 Dizziness 519
11.16 Diarrhea 532
11.17 Psychological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders 549
11.18 Excessive Sweating 577
11.19 Sleep Disorders 592
11.20 Hearing Loss or Tinnitus 615
11.21 Brain Fog 632
11.22 Hair Loss 645

12 Long COVID Case Study 659

12.1 Case 1 659
12.2 Case 2 662
12.3 Case 3 665
12.4 Case 4 670
12.5 Case 5 673
12.6 Case 6 676

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General Procedures of Treatment
of COVID-19

At the end of 2019, a novel coronavirus was identified as the cause

of a cluster of pneumonia cases. In February 2020, the World Health
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Organization (WHO) identified the disease COVID-19, which stands

for coronavirus disease 2019. The virus that causes COVID-19 is
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), pre-
viously referred to as 2019-nCoV.
According to the Director-General’s opening remarks at the
COVID-19 media briefing on 19 April 2021, prior to this statement,
new cases of COVID-19 increased for the eighth week in a row, with
more than 5.2 million cases reported—the most in a single week so
far. Deaths surged for the fifth week, with more than three million
deaths reported to WHO.
Furthermore, it took nine months to reach a million deaths; four
months to reach two million, and three months to reach three mil-
lion. These numbers were traumatizing. Each case was a tragedy for
families, communities and nations. Infections and hospitalizations
among people aged 25 to 59 were increasing at an alarming rate,
possibly as a result of highly transmissible variants and increased
social mixing among younger adults.1
Infectious diseases are the demons that human beings have been
fighting since the beginning of human history. Traditional Chinese

World Health Organization (WHO). Director-General’s opening remarks at the
media briefing on COVID-19–19 April 2021. (Press Release) 19 April 2021. https://

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Medicine (TCM) practitioners have accumulated abundant experi-

ences in the treatment of infectious diseases for thousands of years.
Several epidemics occurred in the history of China, but fortunately,
the number of casualties have always been kept greatly under control
due to the prevalence of TCM during the epidemic period of severe
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), first identified at the end of
February 2003. TCM played a vital role in fighting the epidemic and
gained valuable experience. Nevertheless, it must be pointed out that
in fighting against COVID-19, modern medicine has played an
important role in the entire treatment process. For severe and critical
patients, targeted oxygen therapy, symptomatic and anti-infective
treatments were implemented.
The treatment from TCM is based on the patient’s symptoms,
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signs, time of onset, geographic locations, individual conditions and

differentiated by syndrome differentiation. Its aim is quite clear—to
slow down and prevent the transformation from severe to critical
cases, and promote the transition from severe to common, in order to
control the mortality rate. In terms of geographic locations and per-
sonalized syndrome differentiation, here is a very good example. At
the end of 2019, the epidemic in Wuhan was dominated by damp
and toxins. Most of the patients at the early stage were mainly caused
by cold-damp. However, for the patients from the same region in
February and March 2020, the climate in Wuhan turned hot and
humid, forming damp-heat. Thus, the treatment must change its
direction and principles. When the Delta variant arrived in China, it
occurred in the summer season in Guangdong and Jiangsu provinces.
According to TCM, summer is characterized by heat and humidity
with a tendency of damaging the qi and yin. In fact, all the clinical
symptoms and signs are in line with the evolution of the pathogenesis
of damp, heat and toxins. Thus, the treatment is changed to clear
heat, reduce fever, resolve damp and eliminate toxins.
COVID-19 is associated with pestilential disease in TCM. Since
the outbreak of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) in December
2019 and based on the climate changes, the features of diagnosis and
treatment also changed with TCM. Seven versions of the Diagnosis
and Treatment Program for Coronavirus Disease-2019 was issued by

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

the Chinese government with TCM designated as a necessary medi-

cal strategy. This Diagnosis and Treatment Program has analyzed the
understanding of the etiology, pathogenesis, syndrome differentia-
tion, treatment methods and prescriptions of COVID-19 by TCM.
Clinically, there is no Western medication that has been proven
effective in treating COVID-19 to date. Usually, symptomatic treat-
ment or hospitalization is the only option available for severe or criti-
cal cases of COVID-19. However, TCM could be considered as a
treatment option for patients with COVID-19, at least as a supple-
mentary treatment and support next to the symptomatic manage-
ment. TCM could also be applied to prevent deterioration of lung
functions and some related complaints, such as myalgia, fatigue, loss
of smell and taste, emotional disturbance, digestive disorders, physi-
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cal weakness and neurological dysfunctions.

To examine the literature on TCM used in the treatment, preven-
tion and supportive care in patients with COVID-19, some authors
have launched a systematic and comprehensive search on articles
published between 1 December 2019 and 1 April 2020. This search
included both Chinese and English electronic databases, which
includes China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang Data,
CINAHL, Embase, Cochrane, PubMed, PsycINFO. etc. They qualita-
tively described and synthesized the published research and current
clinical practice on the use of TCM for COVID-19 and focused on the
following areas: TCM treatment used in SARS, MERS, H1N1; TCM
treatment plan for COVID-19; TCM in prevention and treatment at
the early stage of COVID-19; TCM emotional therapy; personalized
TCM treatment plan. It was confirmed that the combination of
Western medicine and TCM in treatment, and treatment based on the
local condition, isolation, and personal protective measures are of
great significance for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
Relevant laboratory research and clinical evaluation should be con-
tinued to collect scientific evidence on the efficacy of TCM.2

Xi Vivien Wu, et al. Traditional Chinese Medicine as a complementary therapy in
combat with COVID-19—A review of evidence-based research and clinical practice.
Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2021, 77: 1635–1644.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Since the sudden epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-

19), the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in
China immediately organized experts to formulate and screen the
effective prescriptions of TCM according to the characteristics of
the novel coronavirus infection. Qing Fei Pai Du Tang (QFPDT) has
been proven to be effective in multi-provincial clinical trials and
has been selected as a general prescription for the treatment of
COVID-19 in different stages that was later promoted to be used
Some authors published their research on Frontiers in
Pharmacology on 27 January 2021, in which it highlights the latest
advances of QFPDT, focusing on the TCM theory, mechanism analy-
sis, clinical application of QFPDT, and its future perspectives.
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Moreover, an in-depth discussion of some valuable issues and pos-

sible development for future research on QFPDT was also discussed,
aiming to provide a novel guide to combat the global epidemic
COVID-19. The authors concluded that TCM strategies represented
by QFPDT have shown apparent advantages in improving symptoms,
promoting virus clearance and shortening hospitalization, as well as
surprising efficacy of zero patients progressing from mild to severe
cases in a TCM cabin hospital. Clinical data illustrated the effective-
ness of TCM strategies proposed by the Chinese government. This
major epidemic may bring new opportunities for TCM development.
Some other clinical and scientific reports and reviews have also been
published in top medical journals. All these reports and reviews
could provide practical recommendations for the policy makers in
the selection process of the treatment and preventive measures for
the global pandemic COVID-19. Further relevant laboratory research
and clinical evaluation should be continued to collect scientific evi-
dence on the efficacy of TCM.3

Wei Ren, et al. Research advance on Qingfei Paidu Decoction in prescription
principle, mechanism analysis and clinical application. Frontiers in Pharmacology.
2021, 11: 589714.

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

Another review performed a classified analysis of the efficacy and

advantages of TCM for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19
and summarized the mechanisms of TCM in treating COVID-19. The
review shows that TCM is effective in preventing COVID-19 and
medical staff can prevent an iatrogenic infection by taking a decoc-
tion made based on the principles of TCM. As of 13 March 2020,
new cases of COVID-19 in China have decreased in number to single
digits. TCM’s curative effect was outstanding, with a national partici-
pation rate of over 90%. More than 70,000 people were cured of
COVID-19 and discharged from the hospital. Only approximately
10,000 patients are currently being treated and the total treatment
time is about two months. The conclusion is made that TCM is cur-
rently the best choice for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19
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and it is expected that it will be promoted by countries around the


1.1 Diagnosis of COVID-19

1.1.1 In modern medicine
Diagnosis of COVID-19 in modern medicine could be obtained or
confirmed by the following procedures. According to the contact and traveling history

People who reside in or has traveled within 14 days to a location
where there is community transmission of severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), i.e., large numbers of cases
that cannot be linked to specific transmission chains, should be extra
careful. This includes people who residence in congregate settings or
have association with events where clusters of cases have been
reported, as it is a particularly high risk for exposure. Anyone who

Zhenyu Zhao, et al. Prevention and treatment of COVID-19 using Traditional
Chinese Medicine: A review. Phytomedicine. 2021, 85: 153308. doi: 10.1016/j.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

had close contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19

in the prior 14 days, including through work in health care settings
should take preventive measures. According to the clinical symptoms and signs

Clinical suspicion, including symptomatic patients, lead to a new
coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak in more than 200 countries,
causing viral pneumonia that was extremely infectious and patho-
genic. A current meta-analysis also showed that the main clinical
symptoms of COVID-19 patients are fever (88.5%), cough (68.6%),
myalgia or fatigue (35.8%), expectoration (28.2%) and dyspnea
(21.9%). Minor symptoms include headache or dizziness (12.1%),
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diarrhea (4.8%) and nausea and vomiting (3.9%).5 The possibility of

COVID-19 should be considered primarily in those with new-onset
fever or respiratory tract symptoms (e.g., cough and dyspnea). It
should also be considered in patients with severe lower respiratory
tract illness without any clear cause. Other consistent symptoms
include smell or taste disturbances, myalgias, diarrhea, etc. According to some laboratory tests

The most accurate way of establishing a diagnosis in modern medi-
cine is to obtain laboratory tests.
When assessing the above symptoms of COVID-19, fever, cough,
myalgia, fatigue, or dyspnea (albeit can resemble many other dis-
eases, e.g., influenza, common cold, upper respiratory infection,
etc.), diagnostic tests are essential to identify people who have
COVID-19. In addition to this, these tests can also help determine
who has recovered from COVID-19, as well as track how the virus
spreads and monitor the effectiveness of control measures.
Some tests for the virus itself, looking for the RNA (the genetic
blueprint) of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19, should be
implemented. As the coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease


General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

spreads across the world, real-time reverse transcription-polymerase

chain reaction (real-time RT–PCR), one of the fastest and most accu-
rate laboratory methods for detecting, tracking and studying the
COVID-19 virus, has been introduced. Real-time RT–PCR is one of
the most widely used laboratory methods for detecting the COVID-
19 virus as the detection result is extremely reliable. However, these
tests cannot determine whether someone has recovered from the
virus, and can potentially miss the virus if it is present in extremely
low levels in a patient’s body.
Other tests such as looking for antibodies to the virus, i.e., the
evidence that the body has produced an immune response to it, are
very important as a follow-up measure. It takes time for such antibod-
ies to be created, so antibody tests are not much use in confirming if
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someone has COVID-19 in the first few days of infection. However,

in contrast to the RNA tests, they can be extremely useful in determin-
ing whether someone has previously been infected with the new
coronavirus, but no longer has the virus present. One factor to note is
that different people can have different antibody responses to COVID-
19. For instance, an individual with severe disease could develop
higher antibody levels than an individual with mild or asymptomatic
disease. As a result, a test for antibodies developed using blood sam-
ples from individuals with severe COVID-19 may not work as well in
detecting antibodies in patients with a mild or asymptomatic version
of the disease, where there are far fewer antibodies to detect. According to some imagine technology

Some authors carried out one retrospective study, in which data were
collected from 131 patients with confirmed coronavirus disease
2019 (COVID-19) from three Chinese hospitals. Their common clini-
cal manifestations, as well as characteristics and evolvement features
of chest CT images, were analyzed.6 A total of 100 (76%) patients

Xiaoming Li, et al. CT imaging changes of corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19):
A multi-center study in Southwest China. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2020,
18: 154.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

had a history of close contact with people living in an infectious city.

The clinical manifestations of COVID-19 included cough and fever.
Most of the lesions identified in chest CT images were multiple
lesions of bilateral lungs, which were more localized in the periph-
eral lung. 109 (83%) patients had more than two lobes involved, 20
(15%) patients presented with patchy ground-glass opacities and
consolidation of lesions co-existed in 61 (47%) cases. Complications
such as pleural thickening, hydrothorax, pericardial effusion, and
enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes were detected but only in rare
cases. For the follow-up chest CT examinations (91 cases), they
found that 66(73%) cases changed very quickly, with an average of
3.5 days. 25(27%) cases presented absorbed lesions, progression was
observed in 41(46%) cases, 25(27%) cases showed no significant
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changes. The conclusion is that chest CT play an important role in

diagnosing COVID-19. The imaging pattern of multifocal peripheral
ground-glass or mixed consolidation is highly suspicious of
COVID-19, which can quickly change over a short period of time.

1.1.2 In TCM
Diagnosis of COVID-19 in TCM could be obtained or confirmed by
the following procedures.
Since there is no term for “virus” in TCM, the diagnosis of
COVID-19 in TCM is completely different from those in modern
medicine. Common symptoms and signs of COVID-19 include:

• fever
• dry cough
• fatigue
• shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
• loss of smell or taste
• muscle pain or headache
• joint pain
• chest pain
• depression or anxiety
• memory, concentration, or sleep problems

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

• dizziness
• worsened symptoms after physical or mental activities

The data showed that although patients with COVID-19 had a

fever, mainly in the early stage of disease, the fever was not high and
had the characteristic of “heat not rising”. In addition, patients have
symptoms such as cough, fatigue, loss of smell and taste, diarrhea
and a thickly coated tongue, which are consistent with the character-
istics of invasion of external pathogenic factors, such as wind-damp,
cold-damp, or damp-heat to the body in TCM. However, it could be
impossible to establish a concrete diagnosis by judging upon the
above symptoms and signs.
TCM recognizes the human body by system discrimination and
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cybernetic ways. TCM is characterized as holistic with emphasis on

the integrity of the human body, the close relationship between
humans and their social and natural environment. TCM focuses on
dynamic health balance and maintenance among all zang-fu organs,
different tissues and important energetic substances. Besides, TCM
applies multiple natural therapeutic methods in the treatment,
enhancing the body’s resistance to the disease. To achieve a good
and efficient therapeutic result, an accurate diagnosis is of extreme
importance. In fact, TCM diagnosis of COVID-19 is usually done
based upon the following procedures. Diagnosis according to the etiology

TCM etiology diagnosis is a branch of procedure concerned with
causes that specifically alter the state of relative balance in the body
that lead to disease.
In modern medicine, it attempts to isolate purely physical factors
as the cause of diseases, such as bacteria and viruses, chemical com-
pounds and other external factors that are responsible for most ill-
nesses. In terms of COVID-19, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is found to be
the main cause. Since it is a virus, its treatment is limited, especially
when mutation occurs. In the absence of specific drugs, supportive
treatment remains the primary treatment for COVID-19.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

TCM, however, attributes the cause of most diseases to external

cosmological invasion, based upon dysfunction of the internal body,
including dietary disorder, emotional factors, personal constitutions,
chronic sickness and even various applied treatments. These factors
confirm and act according to the principles of yin and yang and the
five elements, which stress balance and interconnectedness. TCM
gathers all the clinical symptoms and signs, history and all related
situations before a conclusion is made to find out what the main
etiology is. Treatment is given not to eliminate the symptoms and
signs, but the root causes. Diagnosis according to the pathology

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The purpose of diagnosis according to the pathology is to search dili-

gently for the disease mechanism and treat it accordingly. TCM treat-
ment is fulfilled based on the pathologic diagnosis.
Diagnostic pathology identifies the cause of disease based on mor-
phological, clinical pathology findings, history, and clinical signs, as
well as some ancillary test results. It is important in all areas of pathol-
ogy, including spontaneous and experimentally induced disease.
The struggle disrupts the normal balance between the yin and
yang, the qi and blood, and this disturbance in turn affects the physi-
ological activities of all the organ and tissue systems of the body.
Moreover, in some cases, the ascent and descent of organ qi become
irregular. In other cases, the actions of visceral qi and blood become
ineffective, stagnant, or accumulate some excess, etc. In all cases, a
variety of abnormal changes ensue, whether in the entire body or in
a localized region. Diagnosis according to the eight principles

The process of diagnosis is to evaluate and determine the eight pat-
terns of disease with their basic nature, locations, qualities and the
tendency of development. The eight principles consist of four pairs of
mutual opposites, including yin and yang, interior and exterior, heat
and cold, deficiency and excess.

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

• The pair of yin and yang is the most general classification for pat-
tern diagnosis and description of the relationship between the
other three pairs of the principles.
• The pair of interior and exterior differentiation is not made based
on etiology of disease but location, which could give an indication
of the direction the illness is becoming—more external or migrat-
ing deeper into the body.
• The pair of cold and heat describes the nature of a pattern and
clinical manifestations.
• The pair of deficiency and excess is made according to the pres-
ence or absence of a pathogenic factor and the strength of the
body’s energetic substances.
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The body consists of 12 main organs, and they must work together
harmoniously to ensure the physical, energetic, emotional and men-
tal balance. Furthermore, each organ is associated with one of the
five elements and has its own channel, which contains the points
used in acupuncture treatment.
When there is an invasion of external pathogenic factors, differ-
ent zang-fu organs could be affected, leading to dysfunction or
injury. Among these organs, the lung is mainly impaired, resulting in
either disorder of the lung in dispersing or descending the qi.
Moreover, the spleen and stomach could also be affected, bringing
about nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tiredness, etc. Without the differ-
entiation of the zang-fu organ, it would be impossible to start the
treatment properly without distinguishing the organ mainly involved. Diagnosis according to the six channels, four stages,

and San Jiao systems
Since COVID-19 is mainly caused by invasion of external pathogenic
factors, these three methods of differentiation and diagnosis are
extremely essential. They are not contradictory but rather supplement
each other and can be used jointly to differentiate febrile diseases.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Nevertheless, the theories of the six channels, four stages of wei,

qi, ying and xue, and San Jiao systems are methods of differentiating
syndromes of febrile diseases caused by external pathogenic
Differentiation of syndromes according to the six channels origi-
nally appeared in the Traditional Chinese Medicine classic called the
Shang Han Lun, written by Zhang Zhongjing in the late Han Dynasty,
circa 20–200 A.D. According to the differentiation based upon six
channels, various clinical manifestations of febrile disease caused by
external pathogenic factors could be classified into Taiyang syn-
dromes, Yangming syndromes, Shaoyang syndromes, Taiyin syn-
dromes, Shaoyin syndromes, and Jueyin syndromes. Thus, to explain
the location, the nature of pathological changes, strength and weak-
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ness of anti-pathogenic and pathogenic qi and the tendency of dis-

ease development, acts as a guide for clinical treatment. This method
of differentiation is often used for febrile diseases caused by patho-
genic cold.
Differentiation of four stages (wei, qi, ying and xue stages) is
applied to classify the clinical manifestations of febrile diseases
caused by pathogenic heat—to explain the location and severity of
pathological changes, which form the basis of clinical treatment. The
system of San Jiao differentiation is mainly formed during the Ming
and Qing Dynasties, summarizing clinical manifestations of epi-
demic febrile diseases caused by damp-heat involving three areas:
the upper, middle, and lower portions of the body, to guide clinical
treatment. Diagnosis according to the constitution, climate,

and geographic locations
Young and healthy people can feel unwell for weeks to months after
infection, although most people who have coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) recover completely within a few weeks. But COVID-19
symptoms in some people with mild cases of the disease may some-
times persist for months and may cause damage to the lungs, heart,
kidney or brain, leading to the risk of long-term health complications.

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

These patients could often suffer from some constitutional weakness

and sickness. Older individuals and those with complex comorbidi-
ties are susceptible to COVID-19. All the above situations imply that
the personal constitutions of the patients play important roles for
Nonetheless, TCM always pays attention to the correlation
between the disease and constitution, climate and geographic loca-
tions, considering that their conditions could greatly influence the
occurrence and deterioration of the sickness. COVID-19, which is a
contagious disease and belongs to the “plague” in the field of TCM,
should be no exception in this context. SARS-CoV-2 can be transmit-
ted through various bio-aerosols, large droplets, or direct contact
with secretions similar to the influenza virus.7,8 Virus transmission
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can be influenced by several geographical factors such as climatic

conditions (temperature and humidity) and population density (PD).9
It was observed that the outbreak is more severe in the countries
located in the mid-latitudes where the temperature is considerably
low in contrast to the tropical countries. Many researchers from dif-
ferent parts of the world tried to establish a relationship between
COVID-19 transmission and various meteorological factors.10–11, 2

Yuguo Li, et al. Role of air distribution in SARS transmission during the largest noso-
comial outbreak in Hong Kong. Wiley online library. Indoor Air. 2004, 15(2): 83–95.
Hongchao Qi, et al. COVID-19 transmission in Mainland China is associated with
temperature and humidity: A time-series analysis. Science of the Total Environment.
2020, 728: 138778.
Benjamin D. Dalziel, et al. Urbanization and humidity shape the intensity of
influenza epidemics in U.S. cities. Science. 2018, 362(6410): 75–79. doi: 10.1126/
Muhammad Farhan Bashir, et al. Correlation between climate indicators and
COVID-19 pandemic in New York, USA. Science of the Total Environment. 2020,
728: 138835.
David N. Prata, et al. Temperature significantly changes COVID-19 transmission in
(sub)tropical cities of Brazil. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 729: 138862.
Peng Shi, et al. Impact of temperature on the dynamics of the COVID-19 outbreak
in China. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 728: 138890. https://doi.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

In a study conducted in New York, USA, using Kendall and Spearman

rank correlation test, it was found that mean temperature, minimum
temperature and air quality had a significant association with the
COVID-19 pandemic.13 Moreover, Shi et al. reported14 a significant
correlation between daily temperature and daily count of COVID-19
cases in China, and suggested that a temperature above 8–10°C
would lead to the reduction of infected cases. Prata et al. concluded
that a rise in 1°C temperature would result in a decrease in the num-
ber of daily confirmed COVID-19 cases in Brazil.15
One study, aimed to understand the geographical influence on
the spatial distribution of COVID-19 transmission at the regional
level in the context of India, was carried out. It is observed in several
statistical analyzes that climatic factors have an unavoidable influ-
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ence on this viral disease in India. The heterogeneity in the spatial

occurrence of infections might be attributed to local meteorology
with its geographical location and population. However, no single
attribute can explain the nature of transmission well. Positive associa-
tion with solar radiation and temperature, as well as negative asso-
ciation with humidity and rainfall suggests that hot and arid areas in
low altitude regions are required to strictly follow-up preventive
measures on an emergency basis.16 Diagnosis according to the tongue conditions

Diagnosis based on pulse and tongue conditions is a unique tech-
nique in TCM, which is combined during the whole procedure of
syndrome differentiation and treatment. However, since COVID-19
is an infectious disease, it is impossible for most of the practitioners
of TCM to consult the patients face to face. Thanks to modern

Muhammad Farhan Bashir, et al. op. cit.
Peng Shi, et al. op. cit.
David N. Prata, et al. op. cit.
Amitesh Gupta, et al. Significance of geographical factors to the COVID-19 out-
break in India. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment. 2020, 6: 2645–2653.

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

technology development, advanced telemedicine is now well-

designed and possible in this case, including WeChat, Zoom meet-
ings, Google meetings, and WhatsApp, etc. Besides inquiring about
all-important information about the patients, observation of the
tongue is at present extremely essential.
The tongue, a component of the inspection method within the
four methods of diagnosis in TCM, is a method of diagnosing disease
and disease patterns by visual inspection of the tongue and its vari-
ous features. Tongue diagnosis in COVID-19 is crucial to clinical
diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. The tongue provides important
clues not only reflecting the conditions of the internal organs, but
also predict the conditions of external invasion, indicating the pro-
gression or alleviation of the sickness. Tongue diagnosis is based on
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the “outer reflects the inner” principle, which means external struc-
tures reflect the conditions of the internal structures. Besides, by
observing the various regions of the tongue, we can identify the
organs or tissues affected by COVID-19.
The aspects of the tongue considered in diagnosis in COVID-19

• tongue characteristics
• body color
• body shape
• tongue coating
• tongue moisture

The tongue characteristics include its movement, bristles, cracks

and teeth marks.
The tongue is connected to the viscera through meridians, con-
necting with the zang-fu organ, qi, blood, yin, and yang, as well as
the disease degree and disease progression. Tongue diagnosis reveals
the conditions of organs, nature of diseases and changes in patho-
gens. For instance, thick or thin coating during COVID-19 is usually
linked to the damp-phlegm. When the thick coating turns into a thin
coating after treatment, it implies the disease is improving, otherwise,

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

it is deteriorating and indicates that the treatment is not sufficient.

Further, the color of the tongue is also extremely important. A com-
bination of tongue coating and color could reveal the real conditions
of the sickness. For instance, when there is a red tongue with a yel-
low and greasy coating, it indicates invasion of damp-heat, while a
thick, white and greasy coating with a pale tongue, usually implies
invasion of cold-damp.
Moreover, when the patient’s tongue turns dark and purplish, it
indicates the reduction of blood circulation and the blood flow rate.
Thus, it may result in hypoxia, leading to the occurrence of dyspnea
and pressure over the chest, etc. Since tongue diagnosis is mainly
conducted by the practitioners with visual observation and descrip-
tion language, personal experience and knowledge play an essential
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role during tongue diagnosis. Besides, environmental factors also

significantly affect the results of tongue diagnosis. A close and careful
tongue observation should be performed. Nevertheless, as COVID-19
is a challenging case, diagnosis and treatment is also extremely dif-
ficult and important. Thus, tongue diagnosis should be done at least
once or twice a day. In crucial situations, it should be done once
every four to five hours, to analyze various tongue images to ensure
that herbal treatment is adequate and sufficient. Meanwhile, PCR
tests need to be conducted several times to obtain a precise diagnosis
and follow up their reaction to the treatment.

1.2 Therapeutic Principles

As the world’s most comprehensive and deeply researched system of
alternative and complementary medicine, TCM provides various
kinds of holistic therapies. The body is not only considered as a
physical entity but also as a concept with different energetic sub-
stances and emotional changes. All these components could be the
heuristic models facilitating diagnosis and principles of treatment.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a novel, human-infect-
ing β-coronavirus enveloped, positive-sense single-stranded RNA
virus, like the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) infection that

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

emerged in November 2002.17 Once TCM diagnosis of COVID-19 is

established based on etiology, pathology, constitutions, geographic
and cultural aspects, etc., therapeutic principles should be formed
accordingly. Although therapeutic principles vary at different stages
of COVID-19 infection, such as asymptomatic, early, ordinary,
severe, critical and convalescence, etc., we should focus on one
important issue—eliminating the pathogenic factors, restoring nor-
mal lung function, ameliorating pulmonary, vascular injury and
improving the functioning of the zang-fu organ.
Depending on the etiology, pathology, clinical symptoms and
some other important situations, different therapeutic principles
should be applied to offer the most appropriate treatment. They could
be applied individually or in combination. Here are some main
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1.2.1 To dispel wind and eliminate cold

This principle is used to treat general external symptoms in the early
stage of COVID-19 due to an invasion of wind-cold. Manifestations
are: aversion to cold, slight fever, chills, cough, sore throat or dry-
ness, anosmia, ageusia, myalgia, arthralgia, headache, abdominal
pain, thin and white tongue coating, and a superficial and tight pulse.

1.2.2 To disperse wind and clear heat

This principle is used to treat general external symptoms in the early
stage of COVID-19 due to invasion of wind-heat. Symptoms are:
slight fever, aversion to cold, anosmia, ageusia, non-productive
cough, sore throat with redness and burning sensation, body pain or
joint pain, headache, slight thirst, thin and yellow tongue coating,
red tongue, and a superficial and rapid pulse.

Sheng-Teng Huang, et al. Principles and treatment strategies for the use of Chinese
herbal medicine in patients at different stages of coronavirus infection. American
Journal of Cancer Research. 2020, 10(7): 2010–2031. eCollection 2020.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

1.2.3 To dispel wind and eliminate cold-damp

This principle is used to treat general external symptoms or digestive
complaints as their chief symptoms in the early stage of COVID-19
due to an invasion of wind and cold-damp. The manifestations are:
aversion to cold, slight fever, cough, anosmia, ageusia, nausea, diar-
rhea, poor appetite, myalgia, arthralgia, headache with a heavy feel-
ing, a thin, white, greasy tongue coating, and a tight, superficial and
slippery pulse.

1.2.4 To dispel wind and clear damp-heat

This principle is applied to treat general external symptoms or diges-
tive complaints as their chief symptoms in the early stage of COVID-
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19 due to invasion of wind and damp-heat. Expressed as fever,

cough, loss of taste and smell, nausea, diarrhea, poor appetite, slight
thirst with no desire to drink, painful joints and muscles with heavi-
ness, red tip of the tongue, thin, yellow, and greasy tongue coating,
and a superficial, rapid and slippery pulse.

1.2.5 To disperse the lung-qi and relieve cough

This principle is one of the chief therapeutic principles used to treat
cough, anosmia and ageusia as their main clinical symptoms in the
early stage of COVID-19 due to dysfunction of the lung in dispersing
the qi, resulting from invasion of external pathogenic factors, such as
wind-heat, wind-cold, cold-damp or damp-heat. Manifested with
non-productive cough, anosmia, ageusia, sore throat, aversion to
cold, slight fever, headache, poor appetite, myalgia, arthralgia, thin
tongue coating and a superficial pulse.

1.2.6 To descend the lung-qi and relieve shortness of breath

This main therapeutic principle during the entire procedure of treat-
ment for COVID-19, is used to treat cough, dyspnea and chest tight-
ness as their main clinical symptoms in clinical, severe, or even in

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

the critical stage of COVID-19. This is due to the failure of the lung
in descending the qi, resulting from deterioration of the situations
from various kinds of causative factors. The main clinical manifesta-
tions are severe cough, dyspnea or even asthma, chest tightness,
excitation of profuse foamy or diluted phlegm, edema, scanty urina-
tion, greasy tongue coating and a slippery pulse.

1.2.7 To eliminate phlegm and resolve damp

There could be an invasion of wind in combination with damp,
cold or heat, either creating cold-damp or damp-heat. Moreover,
since the lung is the upper source of water, there could be the for-
mation of damp or water in various parts of the body, mainly in the
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lung, when there is dysfunction of the lung in dispersing or descend-

ing the lung-qi. Nevertheless, any excessive fluid in the lung is
again a pathogenic factor, leading to aggravation of the lung’s
In the very early stage of COVID-19, there is usually a non-pro-
ductive cough, which is an indication that there is not much damp in
the lung, or the damp is somewhere else outside the lung. In this
case, there is no need to use certain herbs to eliminate phlegm in the
lung. However, attention should be paid to search if there is damp in
the spleen or stomach or at the superficial layer of the body, because
one of the chief pathogenic factors of COVID-19 is damp.
Furthermore, when there is a damp invasion at the superficial
layer of the body, some herbs should be applied to expel sweat and
external pathogenic factors. When the damp impairs the physiologi-
cal functions of the spleen and stomach in transportation and trans-
formation, there could be nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. This
principle of treatment should focus on harmonizing the middle Jiao
and resolving the damp. Of course, invasion of damp could also
occur in different zang-fu organs, such as the gallbladder, five sense
organs (ear and nose, etc.) and brain, resulting in various kinds of
clinical manifestations. The same principle of treatment should be
combined to deal with complaints.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

1.2.8 To clear heat and reduce fever

This principle is applied to treat COVID-19 at the ordinary stage or
severe stage with high fever, productive cough with yellow phlegm,
chest pain, shortness of breath, insomnia, restlessness, profuse sweat,
myalgia, slight constipation, headache, thirst, red tongue, yellow
coating on the tongue, and a forceful and rapid pulse. These manifes-
tations are the indication of penetration of heat into the Yangming
system with the formation of channel syndrome.

1.2.9 To clear heat and purge the defecation

This principle is applied to treat COVID-19 at the severe or critical
stage due to accumulation of excessive heat in the Yangming fu
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organs, leading to high fever, cough with yellow phlegm, chest pain,
dyspnea, insomnia, restlessness, thirst, severe constipation for a few
days, abdominal pain with distension, headache, red tongue, yellow
and dry tongue coating, and a deep, wiry and rapid pulse.

1.2.10 To clear heat and remove toxins

This principle is applied to treat COVID-19 at an early or ordinary
stage due to invasion of toxic heat. It happens often in combination
with the accumulation of excessive heat in the body. The manifesta-
tions are high fever, sore throat with inflammation, or redness, hot-
ness, swelling, and pain of the eyes or face, burning sensation on
skin, restlessness, insomnia, headache, thirst, constipation, red
tongue with yellow coating, and a superficial, forceful, and rapid

1.2.11 To cool the blood and remove toxins

This principle is applied to treat COVID-19 at the ordinary stage or
severe stage due to invasion of toxic heat into the blood, causing
various kinds of bleeding, such as on the skin, teeth, nose, urine or
stool. One instance is Kawasaki disease, also called mucocutaneous

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

lymph node syndrome. The clinical manifestations vary according to

different phases; the symptoms and signs of the first phase may
include: high fever, irritability, extreme red eyes without a thick dis-
charge, body or genital rash, dry, red cracked lips, and extremely red,
swollen, and red skin on the palms of the hands and the soles of the
feet, swollen lymph nodes in the neck and perhaps elsewhere, red
and swollen tongue, and a wiry and rapid pulse. In the second phase
of the disease, the situation could be much worse. TCM care in com-
bination with modern medicine should be applied immediately.

1.2.12 To clear heat in the liver and regulate the gallbladder

This principle is used to deal with COVID-19 at the ordinary stage or
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severe stage due to invasion of damp-heat to the liver and gallbladder,

manifesting as fever, headache, jaundice, hypochondriac pain and
distention, nausea, epigastric pain, poor appetite, heaviness of the
body, tiredness, red tongue, yellow with greasy coating, slippery and
wiry pulse.

1.2.13 To eliminate blood stasis and resolve phlegm

This principle is used to treat COVID-19 at the severe or critical
stage, sometimes in the convalescent stage due to stagnation of blood
with an accumulation of phlegm. Thrombotic events that frequently
occur in COVID-19 are predominantly venous thromboemboli (VTE)
and are associated with increasing disease severity and worse clini-
cal outcomes. Distinctive microvascular abnormalities in COVID-19
include endothelial inflammation, disruption of intercellular junc-
tions and microthrombi formation. A distinct COVID-19-associated
coagulopathy along with increased cytokines and activation of plate-
lets, endothelium, and complement occurs in COVID-19, which is
more frequent with worsening disease severity.18

Joan Loo, et al. COVID-19, immunothrombosis and venous thromboembolism:
Biological mechanisms. Thorax. 2021, 76(4): 412–420.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

When there is a stubborn pain in the chest or somewhere else in

the body, palpitations, pressure over the chest, difficult breathing,
restlessness, purplish color of the tongue, greasy tongue coating, etc.,
it is necessary to consider applying this principle of treatment.

1.2.14 To warm the body and tonify yang

This principle is applied to treat COVID-19 at the severe or critical
stage due to declining of the yang of the heart and kidney, manifest-
ing as shallow and shortness of breathing, very low oxygen
saturation in the blood with difficulty in rising, cold hands and
feet, weakness, semiconsciousness, restlessness, low voice, pale
tongue, thin and wet tongue coating, and a deep, thready, and
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weak pulse.

1.2.15 To tonify qi and blood

This principle of treatment is applied to treat COVID-19 at the con-
valescent stage due to deficiency of qi and blood, showing extreme
tiredness, weakness, pale complexion, hair loss, poor appetite, poor
memory, aversion to cold, thin and white tongue coating, and a
thready and weak pulse. Attention should be paid to see if there is
still some existence of pathogenic factors, such as damp, phlegm,
blood stagnation, heat, etc. If these pathogenic factors are still pre-
sent, methods should be used to eliminate them first before applying
the treatment to tonify the qi and blood.

1.2.16 To warm the interior and eliminate cold

This principle is used to treat COVID-19 at the convalescent stage
due to deficiency of qi and yang with the formation of interior cold,
manifesting as an aversion to cold, tiredness, cold hands and feet,
pale complexion, diarrhea, nocturia, lower back pain, pale tongue,
thin and white tongue coating, and a deep, thready, and slow

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

1.2.17 Nourish yin and clear deficient heat

This principle of treatment is applied to COVID-19 at the convales-
cent stage due to deficiency of yin in the lung, heart, liver, and
Since the liver stores blood and the kidney stores essence, the
blood and essence can be mutually nourished, which means that the
liver and kidney are derived from the same source (Gan Shen Tong
Yuan). Deficiency of yin of the liver and kidney shows the following
manifestations: dry cough, tiredness, hair loss, weakness, lower back
pain, headache, poor memory, hot flush, night sweat, slight thirst, dry
eyes, throat, and stools, red tongue, thin or peeled tongue coating, and
a thready and weak pulse. Depending on the specific involvement of
the organs, some other symptoms and signs could be observed at the
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same time. For instance, if there is mainly deficiency of lung-yin, there

could be dry nose and throat, dry cough, slight chest pain. For defi-
ciency of heart-yin, there could be more obvious palpitations, insom-
nia, extrasystole, slight chest pain or discomfort, etc. For deficiency of
yin of the liver and kidney, there could be a more obvious headache,
dizziness, poor concentration, tinnitus, poor vision, nervousness, eas-
ily frightened, frustration, etc.

1.3 Selection and Analysis of Formulas and Herbs

According to reports,19 as of 1 March 2021, there have been more
than 2,700 clinical trials for COVID-19 in the world, evaluating the
efficacy of various drugs such as antiviral, immunosuppressant and
hormones. However, only the Oxford University study confirmed
that the use of corticosteroids could reduce the mortality of oxygen
patients. In addition, no treatment has been found to improve the

Lihua Zhang, et al. Association between use of Qingfei Paidu Tang and mortality
in hospitalized patients with COVID-19: A national retrospective registry study.
Phytomedicine. 2021, 85: 153531. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2021.153531.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Traditional Chinese medicine and other forms of herbal medicine

have been suggested as treatments for COVID-19 patients. The find-
ings of several systematic reviews are summarized and some of them
have been published in top-rank journals, including The Lancet and
Phytomedicine, etc. Different researchers have found that herbal and
traditional Chinese medicine (alone or in combination with Western
medicine) may improve patient outcomes for COVID-19 patients and
the effects on mortality for COVID-19 patients. For instance, Qing Fei
Pai Du Tang (QFPDD), a formula of traditional Chinese medicine,
which was suggested to be able to ease symptoms in patients with
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), has been recommended by
clinical guidelines and is widely used to treat COVID-19 in China.
Moreover, the Fuwai Hospital, CAMS & PUMC, China, analyzed the
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medical records of nearly 10,000 cases in Hubei Province and

pointed out in a study published recently that this herbal formula
reduced in-hospital mortality rate by 50% for patients with COVID.
The results of the 8,939 patients are below (with 28.7% receiving
QFPDD). The crude mortality was 1.2% (95% confidence interval
[CI] 0.8% to 1.7%) among the patients receiving QFPDD and 4.8%
(95% CI 4.3% to 5.3%) among those not receiving QFPDD. After
adjustment for patient characteristics and concomitant treatments,
QFPDD use was associated with a relative reduction of 50% in
in-hospital mortality (hazard ratio, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.37 to 0.66
p < 0.001). This association was consistent across subgroups by sex
and age. Meanwhile, the incidence of acute liver injury (8.9% [95%
CI, 7.8% to 10.1%] vs. 9.9% [95% CI, 9.2% to 10.7%]; odds ratio,
0.96 [95% CI, 0.81% to 1.14%], p = 0.658) and acute kidney injury
(1.6% [95% CI, 1.2% to 2.2%] vs. 3.0% [95% CI, 2.6% to 3.5%];
odds ratio, 0.85[95% CI, 0.62 to 1.17], p = 0.318) was comparable
between patients receiving QFPDD and those not receiving QFPDD.
The major study limitations included that the study was an observa-
tional study based on real-world data rather than a randomized con-
trol trial, and that the quality of data could be affected by the
accuracy and completeness of medical records. In conclusion,
QFPDD was associated with a substantially lower risk of in-hospital
mortality, without extra risk of acute liver injury or acute kidney

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

injury among patients hospitalized with COVID-19.20 The research

results were published on the internationally renowned medRxiv
platform on 27 December 2020 and published in Phytomedicine on
31 March 2021.
The rule of selection of formulas and herbs for treatment of
COVID-19 at different stages is that selection of the herbal formulas
and individual herbs should be done according to differentiation. The
following formulas and herbs should be selected.

1.3.1 The formula to cause sweating and relieve the

external symptoms
When COVID-19 is in its asymptomatic or initiative stage due to
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invasion of external pathogenic factors such as wind, cold, heat,

damp or toxins, the chief principles of treatment are to promote
sweating, in order to dispel the pathogenic factors and relieve the
external symptoms.

Herbal Treatment for the Invasion of

Jing Fang Bai Du San—Schizonepeta and Saposhnikovia Powder to
Overcome Pathogenic Influences.

Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 10 g

Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g
Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Cong Bai Bulbus Allii Fistulosi 10 g

Herbal Treatment for the Invasion of

Sang Ju Yin—Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Decoction.

Sang Ye Folium Mori Albae 10 g

Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthemi Morifolii 10 g


The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Bo He Herba Menthae Haplocalycis 5 g

Niu Bang Zi Fructus Arctii Lappae 10 g

1.3.2 The formula to promote sweating and eliminate

When there is an invasion of cold-damp, the patients with COVID-19
could mainly suffer from muscle pain or joint pain, headache with
heaviness, etc. The method should be applied to dispel external cold-
damp and relieve the external symptoms.

Herbal Treatment:
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang—Notopterygium Decoction to Overcome
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Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g

Du Huo Radix Angelicae Pubescentis 10 g
Gao Ben Rhizoma et Radix Ligustici 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g

1.3.3 The formula to eliminate cold-damp and harmonize

spleen and stomach
Some patients with COVID-19 could suffer mainly from invasion of
cold-damp to the spleen and stomach, manifesting as nausea, vomit-
ing, abdominal pain and distention, loose stools or diarrhea, poor
appetite, myalgia and heaviness, headache, and a thin, white, and
greasy tongue coating, etc.

Herbal Treatment:
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San—Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi.

Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi 10 g

Pei Lan Herba Eupatorii Fortunei 10 g
Guan Zhong Radix Potentillae 10 g

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g

Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 3 g

1.3.4 The formula to disperse the lung-qi and relieve cough

One symptom of patients with COVID-19 is dysfunction of the lung
and not being able to disperse the lung-qi due to invasion of the
lung by external pathogenic factors, either by wind-cold or wind-
heat, manifesting as cough, stuffy nose, anosmia, ageusia, sore throat
or itching and thin tongue coating.

Herbal Treatment for the Invasion of Wind-heat:

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Sang Ju Yin—Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Decoction.

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Pi Pa Ye Folium Eriobotryae Japonicae 5 g

Herbal Treatment for the Invasion of Wind-cold:

Zhi Sou San—Stop Coughing Powder.

Zi Wan Radix Asteris Tatarici 10 g

Bai Bu Radix Stemonae 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g

1.3.5 The formula to clear heat and descend the lung-qi

When there is an accumulation of excess heat in the lung, resulting
in failure of the lung in descending its qi, there would be fever, severe
cough, dyspnea, pressure over the chest, even asthma, expectoration
of some yellow phlegm, red tongue, yellow and dry tongue coating,

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Treatment:
Ma Xing Gan Shi Tang—Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and
Licorice Decoction.

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Shi Gao Gypsum Fibrosum 20 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g

1.3.6 The formula to descend the lung-qi and eliminate

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If the lung is impaired by the invasion of external pathogenic factors

with an accumulation of cold-phlegm in the lung, leading to dys-
function of the lung in descending the qi, there could be a severe
cough, shortness of breath, pressure over the chest, even asthma,
expectoration of profuse white, thin, and mucous phlegm, pale
tongue, white and greasy tongue coating, etc.

Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Qing Long Tang—Minor Blue Green Dragon Decoction.

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Xi Xin Herba cum Radice Asari 3 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 6 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g

1.3.7 The formula to clear heat and eliminate damp

When the invasion of damp-heat to the body occurs, it may attack
different zang-fu organs and tissues, causing disturbance and block-
age of these affected areas. Accordingly, different herbal formulas

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

should be applied in compliance with syndrome differentiation. For


• When it attacks the wei system in the body, it may bring about
aversion to cold, slight sweating with difficulty in lowering down
the fever, fever, slight cough, headache and body pain with heavy
sensation, red tip of the tongue, and a superficial and rapid pulse.
• While the invasion of damp-heat to the middle Jiao could cause
fever, aversion to cold, slight cough, nausea, poor appetite, vomit-
ing, stomach pain or abdominal pain, loose stool, heaviness of the
body, red tongue, yellow and greasy tongue coating, and a super-
ficial and slippery pulse.
• If there is an invasion of damp-heat to the lower burner, it could
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cause frequent and painful urination, fever, aversion to cold, lower

back pain, red tongue, yellow and greasy coating on the tongue,
and a slippery and rapid pulse.
• When there is an invasion of damp-heat to the liver and gallbladder,
it could cause aversion to cold, fever, jaundice, tiredness, nausea,
epigastric pain and distention, poor appetite, hypochondriac pain
and distention, red tongue, yellow and greasy coating on the
tongue, and a wiry, slippery, and rapid pulse.

Herbal Treatment:
Lian Po Yin—Coptis and Magnolia Bark Drink
San Ren Tang—Three Seed (Nut) Decoction.

Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Yin Chen Hao Herba Artemisiae Capillaris 10 g
Bai Dou Kou Fructus Amomi Cardamomi 3 g
Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis Lachryma-Jobi 15 g
Tong Cao Medulla Tetrapanacis Papyriferi 5 g
Hua Shi Talcum 20 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Also, certain herbs to resolve damp-heat in different organs

should be used in combination.

1.3.8 The formula to clear heat and eliminate phlegm

When COVID-19 is caused by an impaired lung via the accumula-
tion of phlegm-heat, leading to dysfunction of the lung in dispersing
and descending the qi, there could be fever, severe cough, shortness
of breath, pressure over the chest, even asthma, expectoration of
profuse yellow and sticky phlegm, red tongue, yellow and greasy
coating on the tongue, etc.

Herbal Treatment:
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Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang—Clear the Qi and Transform Phlegm Decoction.

Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Kun Bu Thallus Laminariae seu Eckloniae 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g

1.3.9 The formula to clear heat and remove toxins

If there is an invasion of toxic heat, it could manifest as fever, swelling
of the face or throat, formation of blisters on the lips or in the mouth,
restlessness, insomnia, red tongue, yellow coating on the tongue, etc.

Herbal Treatment:
Yin Qiao San—Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder.

Jin Yin Hua Flos Lonicerae Japonicae 12 g

Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 10 g
Pu Gong Ying Herba Taraxaci Mongolici cum Radice 15 g
Da Qing Ye Folium Isatidis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

1.3.10 The formula to cool the blood and remove toxins

If there is invasion of toxic heat to the blood, it may manifest as fever,
formation of skin rashes with itching, redness of the skin, restlessness,
insomnia, red tongue, thin and yellow tongue coating, etc.

Herbal Treatment:
Qing Ying Tang—Clear the Nutritive Level Decoction.

Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 15 g

Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan Radicis 10 g
Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis 10 g
Chi Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Rubrae 10 g
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1.3.11 The formula to clear heat and promote the defecation

When there is accumulation of excessive heat in the Yangming fu
organs, the usual clearing method is not sufficient to reduce heat and
fever. This is because the heat is already mixed with feces in the body,
which obstructed the large intestines with blockage of the qi circula-
tion. The only correct way of managing this situation is to promote
defecation and reduce fever as soon as possible. High fever, consti-
pation for a couple of days, abdominal pain and distention, etc.
should be presented to confirm this diagnosis.

Herbal Treatment:
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang—Regulate the Stomach and Order the Qi
Da Cheng Qi Tang—Major Order the Qi Decoction.

Da Huang Radix et Rhizoma Rhei 10 g

Mang Xiao Mirabilitum 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

1.3.12 The formula to eliminate blood stasis and resolve

When there is formation of blood stagnation with an accumulation
of phlegm, it could cause some serious, life-threatening illness. One
of these situations is an aggravation of the cardiovascular disease, or
cancer during COVID-19. In most cases, it could cause sudden oxy-
gen desaturation, stabbing chest pain, dyspnea, palpitations, purplish
tongue, white or yellow and greasy tongue coating, etc.
The current experience that can be used for reference is that
patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) still have a
certain degree of post-inflammatory pulmonary fibrosis and loss of
lung function a year after discharge. Thus, it is necessary to take
precautions and interventions as soon as possible for post-inflamma-
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tory pulmonary fibrosis in patients who have recovered from new

coronary pneumonia. One report pointed out that as of the submission
date (6:00 pm on 15 March 2020), 67,023 patients across the country
in China have been cured. Fang Cang hospitals have wind up opera-
tions. These patients who have been discharged from the hospital are
currently under follow-up. Pulmonary fibrosis after inflammation in
varying degrees and pulmonary fibrosis after inflammation is particu-
larly significant in severely ill patients. Therefore, the rehabilitation of
discharged patients require extra attention by medical workers.21 One
of the managements in TCM is to apply some blood circulation herbs
and phlegm resolving herbs to open the blood collaterals.

Herbal Treatment:
Dan Shen Yin—Salvia Drink
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang—Four Substance (Things) Decoction with
Safflower and Peach Pit.

Xi Zhan, et al. Postinflammatory pulmonary fibrosis of COVID-19: The current
status and perspective.Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
(中华结核和呼吸杂志). 2020, 43(9): 728–732. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112147-

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 10 g

Tao Ren Semen Pruni Persicae 10 g
Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 10 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g
Pu Huang Pollen Typhae 10 g

1.3.13 The formula to warm the body and tonify yang

When COVID-19 hits old and weak patients with comorbidities, it
could cause severe consequences or even death. One of the signs is
the decline of the yang of the heart and kidney. Urgent TCM meas-
ures should be taken in combination with modern medicine to res-
cue the patients.
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Herbal Treatment:
Si Ni Tang—Frigid Extremities Decoction.

Zhi Fu Zi Radix Lateralis Aconiti Carmichaeli Praeparata 10 g

Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 10 g
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 5 g

1.3.14 The formula to tonify qi and blood

When COVID-19 is at the convalescent stage, it is possible that there
is still the existence of some pathogenic factors or some deficiency of
vital substances, such as qi and blood, yin, and yang. If these patho-
genic factors are eliminated, then methods could be applied to tonify
the deficiency.
Deficiency of qi and blood could be dealt with by some tonics.
However, the selection of these herbs should be determined by iden-
tifying the affection of different zang-fu organs. For instance, in terms
of qi deficiency, the lung, heart, spleen, and kidney could be
involved, while in terms of blood deficiency, the heart, liver, and
kidney, etc. could be affected.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Treatment:
Si Jun Zi Tang—Four Gentlemen Decoction.

Ren Shen Radix Ginseng 10 g

Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 15 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 5 g

1.3.15 To warm the interior and eliminate cold

When deficiency of qi reaches a certain degree, it could cause
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deficiency of yang, affecting different zang-fu organs, and leading to

the formation of deficient colds. In that case, only tonification of qi
is not able to solve yang deficiency and relieve the interior cold.
Thus, some herbs to tonify the qi and yang should be applied

Herbal Treatment:
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang—All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction
Li Zhong Tang—Decoction (Pill) to Regulate the Middle.

Ren Shen Radix Ginseng 10 g

Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 5 g
Rou Gui Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae 3 g
Zhi Fu Zi Radix Lateralis Aconiti Carmichaeli Praeparata 6 g

1.3.16 Nourish yin and clear deficient heat

One of the characteristics of COVID-19 is fever, which could exist
through the whole process of disease. When it enters the

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

convalescent stage, it could cause a deficiency of qi and yin. Either

tonification of qi or tonification of yin should not sufficiently solve
this problem. Treatment of a combination of tonifying qi and yin at
the same time could be a proper solution. Again, different zang-fu
organs could be involved, which needs clear clinical differentiation
and management. Too early application of yin tonic could cause
obstruction of damp or phlegm in the body.

Herbal Treatment:
Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang—Glehnia and Ophiopogonis

Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g

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Tai Zi Shen Pseudostellariae Radix 10 g

Xi Yang Shen Radix Panacis Quinque Folii 10 g
Bei Sha Shen Radix Glehniae Littoralis 10 g
Nan Sha Shen Radix Adenophorae 10 g
Yu Zhu Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati 10 g
Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis Kirilowii 12 g

1.4 Selection and Combination of Acupuncture

Currently, there are many studies on the application of TCM in
COVID-19, such as the clinical outcome, pathogenesis and underly-
ing mechanism of TCM application on COVID-19. The general con-
clusion is: Besides the effective treatment with Chinese herbs for
COVID-19 that is of great significance, acupuncture could help make
up for the deficiency of the current treatment of COVID-19, which is
worth studying. Summarization of the available evidence of the treat-
ment of COVID-19 with acupuncture and evaluation of the efficacy
of these treatments have been done. These findings may help clini-
cians, health professionals, policy-making authorities and organiza-
tions make relevant decisions about the treatment of patients with
COVID-19 for further study in the future.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Person-to-person transmission directly through respiratory drop-

lets during sneezing or coughing or indirectly through contaminated
surfaces22 causes severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2) to be highly contagious.
The clinical manifestations of COVID-19 vary greatly—from
asymptomatic or mild symptoms to the common symptoms at
the ordinary stage or even to severe acute respiratory distress
syndrome—which may eventually lead to significant respiratory
impairment among many other multi-organ dysfunctions.
Acupuncture is one of the main and important components of
TCM and has been widely used in the practice for a few thousand
years. One of its indications is inflammatory and infectious diseases.
As an important method of treatment now, acupuncture plays an
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indispensable role in the treatment of respiratory diseases in China.

Therefore, during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pan-
demic, acupuncture has been used as a complementary treatment for
COVID-19 in China as well as abroad.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, many publications have proven
that acupuncture could be effective in the treatment of this infectious
disease. There is one case involving a previously healthy anesthesi-
ologist and medical acupuncturist working in the COVID intensive
care unit in New York City, who contracted and was diagnosed with
the COVID-19 virus. She subsequently developed self-diagnosed
acute symptomatic COVID pneumonia, including symptoms of pleu-
ritic chest pain, hypoxia with shortness of breath, increased respira-
tory rate, dry cough, orthostatic hypotension and headache. She
self-treated with cupping therapy at the onset of symptoms and medi-
cal acupuncture at the onset of pulmonary symptoms, leading to her
full recovery. The author concludes that acupuncture should be con-
sidered as a viable adjunct in supportive care for patients with symp-
tomatic COVID-19 pneumonia.23

Carlos del Rio, et al. COVID-19–New insights on a rapidly changing epidemic.
JAMA. 2020, 323(14): 1339–1340. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.3072.
Stephanie I. Cheng. Medical acupuncture as a treatment for novel COVID-19-
related respiratory distress: Personal experience from a frontline anesthesiologist.
Medical Acupuncture. 2021, 33(1): 83–85.

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

Some scientists have also exerted their efforts to explore the

underlying mechanism of acupuncture treatment of COVID-19.
Based on bioinformatics/topology, one research paper systematically
revealed the multi-target mechanisms of acupuncture therapy for
COVID-19 through text mining, bioinformatics, network topology,
etc. Two active compounds produced after acupuncture and 180
protein targets were identified. A total of 522 Gene Ontology terms
related to acupuncture for COVID-19 were identified, and 61 path-
ways were screened based on the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and
Genomes. The findings suggested that acupuncture treatment of
COVID-19 helped to suppress inflammatory stress, improved immu-
nity, and regulated nervous system function, including activation of
neuroactive ligand–receptor interaction, calcium signaling pathway,
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cancer pathway, viral carcinogenesis, Staphylococcus aureus infec-

tion, etc. The study also found that acupuncture may have additional
benefits for COVID-19 patients with cancer, cardiovascular disease
and obesity. The study revealed for the first time the multiple syner-
gistic mechanisms of acupuncture on COVID-19. Acupuncture may
play an active role in the treatment of COVID-19 and deserve further
promotion and application. These results may help to solve this press-
ing problem currently faced by the world.24
In order to determine the efficacy and safety of acupuncture in
COVID-19 and provide a high-quality synthesis of current evidence
for researchers in this subject area to evaluate whether acupuncture
is an effective treatment for patients suffering from COVID-19, one
study was carried out to search the following sources for the
Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT): The Cochrane Library, PubMed,
EMBASE, Web of Science, Chinese Biomedical Literature Database
(CBM), Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure Database (CNKI),
Chinese Science and the Wanfang Database. All the above databases
have been searched from the available date of inception until the lat-
est issue. No language or publication restriction will be used. Primary

Zhenzhen Han, et al. Is acupuncture effective in the treatment of COVID-19
related symptoms? Based on bioinformatics/network topology strategy. Brief
Bioinform. 2021, 22(5).

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

outcomes include chest CT and nucleic acid detection of respiratory

The findings are as follows:
Acupuncture, the main component of TCM, has been widely
adopted to treat respiratory diseases in clinical practice and its effi-
cacy has been assessed by a number of randomized controlled trials
(RTCs). Acupuncture may play a role in the prevention, treatment,
and rehabilitation of the COVID-19, and relieve the symptoms
caused by COVID-19. Acupuncture has been demonstrated to effec-
tively relieve common symptoms in the supportive and palliative
care, including anxiety disorders, nausea, insomnia, leukopenia,
fatigue as well as vomiting, which might also effectively treat abdom-
inal pain and abdominal distension. Coyle et al. proposed that acu-
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puncture is an effective therapeutic approach for chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease (COPD) associated breathlessness.26 Possible
related symptoms of COVID-19 treated with acupuncture include
anxiety disorder, insomnia, leucopenia, fatigue, nausea and vomit-
ing, abdominal pain and abdominal distension, and breathlessness.
The recent systematic review and meta-analysis show that acupunc-
ture can relieve breathlessness in subjects with advanced diseases.
Therefore, in this meta-analysis review protocol, our goal is to sys-
tematically review the efficacy of acupuncture in relieving the symp-
toms of discomfort, subsequently improving the physiological
function and quality of life of patients with COVID-19 combined
with dyspnea.
The aims of acupuncture treatment of COVID-19 include elimi-
nating pathologic factors, restoring the physiologic functions and
maintaining a dynamic balance of qi, blood, yin, and yang.

Chen Yong, et al. Acupuncture for corona virus disease 2019 A protocol for system-
atic review and meta analysis. Medicine. 2020, 99(40): p. e22231. doi: 10.1097/
Meaghan Elizabeth Coyle, et al. Acupuncture therapies for chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease: A systematic review of randomized, controlled trials. Alternative
Therapies in Health Medicine. 2014, 20(6): 10–23. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

Depending upon the functions, differences and characteristics of

the points, selection and combination of acupuncture points should
follow the principles listed below.

1.4.1 Point selection of some points to open

the extraordinary meridians
Extraordinary meridians (Qi Jing Ba Mai) do not directly communi-
cate with the organs, as they run and distribute differently than these
regular meridians without being subjected to the restraint of the 12
regular meridians.
They play significant roles in the practice to treat the dysfunctions
of different organs at the same time, emotional problems, and some
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complicated cases. Nevertheless, COVID-19 is an infectious disease

with impairment and involvement of multiple zang-fu organs at the
same time. Of course, it is also a complicated and difficult illness. As
a matter of fact, extraordinary meridians, next to the application of
regular meridians, could be applied in the treatment of COVID-19.
The purpose of using this technique is to open these extraordinary
meridians and restore massive physiological functions of the zang-fu
During the application of extraordinary meridians, the following
pairs of points could be used in the following conditions in COVID-19,
such as

• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41

This combination is indicated in the situations when there is a disor-
der of Shaoyang in the shoulders and neck, especially at the lateral
aspects of the body. This includes COVID-19 at Shaoyang level, or
conditions with stiffness, pain at the neck and shoulder, etc.

• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4

This combination is indicated in the situations when there is a disor-
der of lung, heart, liver, stomach, spleen, and kidney. In fact, the lung
is always mainly involved from the beginning to the end of the

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6

This combination is indicated in the situations when there is a disorder
of Ren Mai, manifested as tiredness, weakness, dizziness, palpitations,
epigastric discomfort feeling, abdominal distention and diarrhea.

• Houxi SI-3 + Shenmai BL-62

This combination is indicated in the situations when there is the
decline of yang of the heart and kidney, both in acute and chronic
Since Du Mai is connected to the brain, this combination could
be applied to deal with the foggy feeling in the head and dizziness.

1.4.2 Point selection based upon syndrome differentiation

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• The points to cause sweating and relieve the external symptoms

Hegu L.I.-4, Waiguan SJ-5, Lieque LU-7, Fengchi GB-20, and Fengmen
BL-12, etc. A reducing method is applied on these points. Moxibustion
is suggested to be applied on the first three points.

Erjian L.I.-2, Hegu L.I.-4, Waiguan SJ-5, Yuji LU-10, Fengchi GB-20,
and Fengmen BL-12, etc. A reducing method is applied on these

• The points to promote sweating and eliminate cold-damp

Hegu L.I.-4, Yangchi SJ-4, Waiguan SJ-5, Zhigou SJ-6, Lieque LU-7,
Fenglong ST-40, Yinlingquan SP-9, etc. A reducing method is applied
on these points.

• The points to eliminate cold-damp and harmonize spleen and

Neiguan P-6, Zhongwan REN-12, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9,
and Fenglong ST-40, etc. A reducing method is applied on these

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

• The points to disperse the lung-qi and relieve cough

Zhongfu LU-1, Lieque LU-7, and Feishu BL-13, etc. A reducing
method is applied on these points.

• The points to clear heat and descend the lung-qi

Zhongfu LU-1, Chize LU-5, Lieque LU-7, Feishu BL-13, and
Tanzhong REN-17, etc. A reducing method is applied on these

• The points to descend the lung-qi and eliminate cold-phlegm

Zhongfu LU-1, Chize LU-5, Lieque LU-7, Feishu BL-13, and
Tanzhong REN-17, Fenglong ST-40, and Yinlingquan SP-9, etc. A
reducing method is applied on these points.
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• The points to clear heat and eliminate damp

Hegu L.I.-4, Yemen SJ-2, Yangchi SJ-4, Zhongwan REN-12, Fenglong
ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, and Yanglingquan GB-34,
etc. A reducing method is applied on these points.

• The points to clear heat and eliminate phlegm

Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Chize LU-5, Zhongwan REN-12, Fenglong
ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6, and Yinlingquan SP-9, etc. A reducing
method is applied on these points.

• The points to clear heat and remove toxins

Erjian L.I.-2, Hegu L.I.-4, Chize LU-5, Yuji LU-10, Sanyinjiao SP-6,
and Shaofu HE-8, etc. A reducing method is applied on these points.

• The points to cool the blood and remove toxins

Hegu L.I.-4, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Xuehai SP-10, Taiyuan LU-9, and
Shaofu HE-8, etc. A reducing method is applied on these points.

• The points to clear heat and promote the defecation

Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Tianshu ST-25, Fenglong ST-40, Jiexi
ST-41, and Neiting ST-44, etc. A reducing method is applied on these

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• The points to eliminate blood stasis and resolve phlegm

Hegu L.I.-4, Taiyuan LU-9, Shaohai HE-3, Tongli HE-5, Yinxi HE-6,
Fenglong ST-40, and Sanyinjiao SP-6, etc. A reducing method is
applied on these points.

• The points to warm the body and tonify yang

Guanyuan REN-4, Qihai REN-6, Zusanli ST-36, Shaohai HE-3,
Shenmen HE-7, Baihui DU-20, and Xinshu BL-15, etc. Moxa should
be applied to the first three points. A tonifying method is applied on
these points.

• The points to tonify qi and blood

Zusanli ST-36, Qihai REN-6, Taixi KID-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Pishu
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BL-20, Shenshu BL-23, and Xuanzhong GB-39, etc. Moxa should be

applied to the first three points. A tonifying method is applied on
these points.

• The points to warm the interior and eliminate cold

Zusanli ST-36, Guanyuan REN-4, Qihai REN-6, Shaohai HE-3, Taixi
KID-3, Pishu BL-20, Shenshu BL-23, and Xuanzhong GB-39, etc.
Moxa should be applied to the first three points. A tonifying method
is applied on these points.

• The points to nourish yin and clear deficient heat

Zusanli ST-36, Qihai REN-6, Taixi KID-3, Zhaohai KID-6, Yingu KID-
10, and Sanyinjiao SP-6, etc. Moxa should be applied on the first
three points. A tonifying method is applied on these points.

1.4.3 Point selection based upon symptomatic treatment

There could be various symptoms during the development of
COVID-19, and sometimes previous basic diseases such as hyperten-
sion, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, or renal diseases,
etc. could deteriorate. Besides treatment based upon syndrome dif-
ferentiation as the chief management, symptomatic treatment could
be considered as well to relieve some complaints. For instance,

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

Neiguan P-6 should be used to treat blood pressure problems or

digestive problems. If someone has an irregular heartbeat or palpita-
tions, Shaohai HE-3 could be used. If there is a headache, Fengchi
GB-20 could be applied. If blood sugar rises, then Sanyinjiao SP-6 or
Zhangmen LIV-13 could be applied.

1.4.4 Point selection to calm the shen and regulate

the emotions
TCM also pays high attention to emotional influence in the occur-
rence and development of any sickness. Although traditionally seven
emotions are classified in accordance with the five zang organs,
there are many other emotions, which could also induce and aggra-
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vate the sickness. During many situations that occurred during

COVID-19, such as lack of sufficient PCR tests, fast spreading of the
virus, missing an accurate and effective treatment, long periods of
lockdown, uncertainty of the future and staying indoors, etc., many
patients, both confirmed cases and non-confirmed cases, are suffer-
ing from emotional disturbance, including stress, frustration, depres-
sion, fear, panic, anxiety and worry. Acupuncture to calm the shen
and regulate the emotions should be used. These points include:

• Classic points, such as Shaohai HE-3, Shenmen HE-7, Neiguan

P-6, Extra Anmian.
• The points from Benshen, such as Shentang BL-44, that are respon-
sible for shen to treat restlessness, nervousness, too much negative
concern, hysteria, agitation, etc.
• Some ghost points to sedate the pathogenic factors and quickly
and strongly calm down the emotions.

1.5 Precautions
COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease that could transmit from
person-to-person directly. During the TCM treatment, especially acu-
puncture treatment, preventive measures should be taken to prevent
being infected. The infectious period is 10 days from the onset of the

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

first symptom. It is suggested to consult the patients via telemedicine,

while herbs could be picked up by family members and delivered to
the patient’s doorstep.
Besides, the following precautions could be taken into

• If the practitioner cannot be fully protected from getting infected,

the acupuncture treatment can be postponed until the patient is in
the convalescent stage.
• During treatment, if possible, provide personalized herbal pre-
scriptions based on the differentiation of symptoms and signs as
much as possible.
• When personalized prescriptions cannot be provided or obtained
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due to various reasons, a patent remedy or some standard herbal

prescriptions can be considered.
• Even if a personalized herbal prescription is given to the patient
before the convalescent stage, the patient’s response, actual situa-
tions and prognosis should be closely observed. No delay or
improper treatment is permitted.
• Since COVID-19 is an acute infectious disease, the pathogen
changes rapidly, and sometimes there may be some differences in
clinical manifestations within a few hours. Therefore, herbal pre-
scriptions should not be given for too many days, usually not more
than a week. If necessary, the prescription should be modified after
one or two days of taking the herb.
• Regardless the stage of COVID-19, caring for the lung is one of
the key features of the treatment. Restoring the physiological func-
tion is always the most important treatment principle and method.
For light or ordinary syndromes, dispersing the lung-qi is most
important, often using the herbs listed below.

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g

Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Sang Ye Folium Mori Albae 10 g

General Procedures of Treatment of COVID-19

Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 10 g

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g

Meanwhile, herbs to eliminate phlegm and stop cough should be

combined, such as:

Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g

Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g

But when it enters the severe or critical stage, herbs to descend the
lung-qi should be applied, including:
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Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
Ting Li Zi Semen Descurainiae seu Lepidii 10 g

The fullness of the chest with tightness is the most urgent problem to
be solved. Extra herbs should be added, such as:

Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g

Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g

Expectoration of profuse phlegm is another complaint from the

patients that should be cared for by adding:

Bai Jie Zi Semen Sinapis Albae 10 g and Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae

Frutescentis 10 g for cold-phlegm.
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g and Quan Gua Lou
Fructus Trichosanthis 10 g for heat-phlegm.

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TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic
Infections of COVID-19

In view of the numbers related to COVID-19 globally as of 15 April

2021, 1:40 pm CEST, there were 137,541,598 confirmed cases,
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2,960,777 confirmed deaths, and 223 countries, areas, or territories

with COVID-19 cases.1 The World Health Organization (WHO) offi-
cially named this disease coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on
11 February 2020. At the same time, the International Committee on
Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) announced that the new coronavirus was
named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-
CoV-2). Since the outbreak, COVID-19 has brought major harm and
challenges to more than 200 countries and regions around the
All infectious diseases share one characteristic: the coexistence
of asymptomatic infections and symptomatic patients, and this char-
acteristic is also proven and reflected by COVID-19. Asymptomatic
infections due to COVID-19 must be accompanied by more sympto-
matic patients and some asymptomatic infections at the same time.

World Health Organization (WHO). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). 15 April
World Health Organization (WHO). Clinical management of severe acute respira-
tory infection (SARI) when COVID-19 disease is suspected. 2020. https://www.who.
World Health Organization (WHO). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Weekly epi-
demiological update and weekly operational update. 2020.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

COVID-19 was initially divided into four types: mild, moderate,

severe, and critical cases.4 However, with the global outbreak of
coronavirus, there is increasing evidence that many infections of
COVID-19 are asymptomatic, but they can transmit the virus to
Early recognition of an infected person and cutting off the route
of transmission are key points to control COVID-19. However, most
asymptomatic infections do not seek medical assistance due to no
obvious clinical signs and poor prevention awareness, which con-
tribute to the rapid spread of COVID-19. Therefore, it is a great chal-
lenge to prevent and control this specific type of patients globally,
which requires more attention around the world.5
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2.1 TCM Analysis Asymptomatic Infections

of COVID-19
2.1.1 Definition of asymptomatic infections
Asymptomatic infections refer to patients who have no fever, cough,
fatigue, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, chest pain, diar-
rhea, and other related clinical symptoms, but their PCR test is

National Health Commission of People’s Republic of China. Diagnostic and treat-
ment plan of coronavirus disease 2019. 7th edn. 2020.
Zhiru Gao, et al. A systematic review of asymptomatic infections with COVID-19.
Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection. 2021, 54(1): 12–16. doi:
Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan, et al. A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019
novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: A study of a family cluster.
The Lancet. 2020, 15, 395(10223): 514–523. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30154-9.
Zhiliang Hu, et al. Clinical characteristics of 24 asymptomatic infections with
COVID-19 screened among close contacts in Nanjing, China. Science China Life
Sciences. 2020, 63(5): 706–711.

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

These infected patients are mainly detected after close contact

with confirmed cases, or those who may consciously be infected
with the new coronavirus and are actively tested.
Since asymptomatic infections are contagious, the asymptomatic
infections in the incubation period may also become confirmed
cases. The incubation period is the approximate time from the first
exposure to the virus until clinical symptoms or signs onset, and
patients can also transmit the virus in this period.8 However, recent
research found that the viral load detected in asymptomatic popula-
tions were similar to that in symptomatic patients, indicating that
asymptomatic infections have the potential for transmission, which
may occur early in the course of infection.9
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2.1.2 Significance of asymptomatic infections

Asymptomatic infections have the same infectivity as symptomatic
infections.10 It has been reported that a 53-year-old UK patient with
an asymptomatic COVID-19 infection may cause 11 infections.11
Another report pointed out that one asymptomatic person who expe-
rienced 19 days from contact with the source of infection to PCR
confirmation may have infected five people.12

Gao Wenjing, et al. Advances on presymptomatic or asymptomatic carrier transmis-
sion of COVID-19. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology. 2020, 41(0): 485–488. doi:
Lirong Zou, et al. SARS-CoV-2 viral load in upper respiratory specimens of infected
patients. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2020, 382: 1177–1179. doi:
Yi Chen, et al. Epidemiological characteristics of infection in COVID-19 close
contacts in Ningbo city. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology. 2020, 10, 41(5): 667–671.
doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112338-20200304-00251.
Anne Gulland. (2020, 2011). Could you be a coronavirus super spreader? The
Telegraph: [1]
Yan Bai, et al. Presumed asymptomatic carrier transmission of COVID-19. JAMA.
2020, 323(14): 1406–1407. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.2565.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

At the press conference on the prevention and control of the new

coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in Beijing on the 9 July 2020, Jiang
Li (an expert on the national new crown pneumonia medical treat-
ment expert group and director of the Department of Critical Care
Medicine, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University), introduced
the newly-occurring outbreak in Beijing. 21 out of the 52 cases of
asymptomatic infections were converted to confirmed patients, and
a considerable part of them developed the disease after intensive
medical observation.13 Therefore, asymptomatic infections should
also be subjected to intensive medical observation to control the
spread of the epidemic, in order to detect and treat possible con-
firmed cases in time. In China, those who have been under intensive
medical observation for 14 days,14 and have a negative PCR test can
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be released from intensive medical observation. However, if the PCR

test remains positive with no clinical symptoms, then it is vital to
continue intensive medical observation.
Moreover, Wilder-Smith et al. (2005) reported that the asympto-
matic ratio of COVID-19 patients may be lower than the asymptomatic
ratio of SARS (13.0%),15 albeit the asymptomatic ratio of MERS
(9.8%).16 At present, there is no evaluation of the role of asympto-
matic infection in the spread of the epidemic. The China CDC’s
analysis of 72,314 cases in mainland China showed that

Manzi Zhang, et al. The initial 52 cases of asymptomatic infections in the new
outbreak cluster 21 cases were referred to confirmed. Xinhua Net (新华网). 9 July
Yunshuang Yang, et al. Discussion on TCM treatment strategies for asymptomatic
patients with new coronary pneumonia. Basic Medical Theory Research (基础医学
理论研究). 2020, 2(2): 5–6.
Annelies Wilder-Smith, et al. Asymptomatic SARS coronavirus infection
among healthcare workers, Singapore. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2005, 11(7):
1142–1145. doi: 10.3201/eid1107.041165.
Jaffar A. Al-Tawfiq. Asymptomatic coronavirus infection: MERS-CoV and SARS-
CoV-2 (COVID-19). Travel medicine and infectious disease. 2020, 35: 101608.
doi: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2020.101608.

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

asymptomatic infections reached 1.2%,17 Tian et al. reported 5.0%18

and South Korea reported 10.7%.19
COVID-19 is highly contagious and may have either a short or
long incubation period. As the COVID-19 epidemic spreads around
the world, how we detect and isolate infected persons in a timely
manner is very important to effectively control the epidemic. In the
early stages of the epidemic in China, the population is initially
screened based on whether there are clinical symptoms. The medi-
cal staff used fever as the main screening method, and then gradu-
ally extended to clinical symptoms such as fever, dry cough, and
fatigue. This screening standard ignores the existence of asympto-
matic infections, resulting in loopholes in the prevention and con-
trol of the epidemic, causing an increase in the number of initial
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It is difficult to detect asymptomatic infected persons and keep
them quarantined in time. The asymptomatic infection could easily
cause an accumulation of infection sources, posing a major chal-
lenge to the prevention and control of the epidemic. The study has
shown that the presence or absence of clinical symptoms is not sig-
nificantly related to the severity of COVID-19 patients. There is no
difference between the pathophysiological changes caused by 2019-
nCoV infection to asymptomatic patients and symptomatic patients.
For instance, in a study, 21 patients in the asymptomatic group
underwent chest CT examination, of which 12 cases showed bilateral
pneumonia, two cases showed unilateral pneumonia, and the
remaining seven cases underwent CT examination in a third-party

Zhonghua Liu, et al. The epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of 2019
novel coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) in China. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology.
2020, 41(2): 145–151. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0254-6450.2020.02.003.
Sijia Tian, et al. Characteristics of COVID-19 infection in Beijing. Journal
of Infection. 2020, 80(4): 401–406. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2020.02.018.
COVID-19 National Emergency Response Center, Epidemiology and Case
Management Team, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Early
epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 28 cases of coronavirus disease in
South Korea. Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives. 2020, 11(1): 8–14.
doi: 10.24171/j.phrp.2020.11.1.03.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

hospital, and complete examination records could not be obtained.

580 patients in the symptomatic group underwent chest CT examina-
tion, of which 538 cases (92.8%) had bilateral pneumonia, 39 cases
(6.7%) had unilateral pneumonia, and three cases (0.5%) had no
signs of pneumonia. There was no statistically significant difference
in imaging examination results between the two groups (Fisher Exact
Probability Method, p > 0.05).20 It therefore could be concluded that
besides expanding the criteria for contact tracing and testing to cap-
ture potential transmission before symptom onsets, the same vigi-
lance and attention should be maintained in the clinical diagnosis
and treatment of asymptomatic infections.
With the development of the epidemic and the deepening of
research, it has been found that a small number of patients may be
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asymptomatic after infection and continue to spread the virus.

Therefore, early detection and diagnosis of asymptomatic infections
due to COVID-19 is of great significance for disease prevention and
control. Hu et al.21 analyzed 24 cases of asymptomatic infections and
found that asymptomatic infections can also cause severe pneumo-
nia, suggesting that asymptomatic infections have the effect of
increasing transmission and strong concealment. It can be observed
from the following case from China in February 2020, which discov-
ered that asymptomatic infection could be very difficult and trained
investigators could spend quite a lot of effort trying to collect infor-
mation from the medical record system.22

Wenhao Su, et al. Analysis of clinical characteristics of asymptomatic infections of
novel coronavirus. Chinese Journal of Infectious Diseases (中华传染病杂志). 2020,
38(12): 772–776. doi: 10.3760/ca.j.cn311365-20200319-00356.
Zhibin Hu, et al. Discovery and management of latent infections of the new coro-
navirus. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine (中华预防医学杂志). 2020, 54(5):
484–485. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112150-20200229-00220.
Si-hui Luo, et al. A confirmed asymptomatic carrier of 2019 novel coronavirus.
Chinese Medical Journal (Engl). 2020, 133(9): 1123–1125. doi: 10.1097/

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

2.1.3 Age-related asymptomatic infections

Studies have found that the mortality rate of patients with COVID-19,
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East res-
piratory syndrome (MERS) are all age-related.23–225
One case in Wuhan
tracked the prevalence of 1,391 children under 15 years old who had
been in close contact with infected or suspected cases.26 The inci-
dence of asymptomatic infections in the children is lower than that
of the whole population, proposing that it is related to the special
immune response and ACE2 level in children’s bodies.27 Another
study have realized that the age group of asymptomatic infections is
relatively low, and those less than 30 years old are more likely to be
asymptomatic. It shows that the age of the asymptomatic group was
35.0(31.5, 58.0) years, which was lower than the 58.5(45.0, 69.0)
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years of the symptomatic group, and the difference was statistically

significant (U = 4 234.500, p = 0.002).28 This may be related to the
weak innate immune response produced by young people and the
differential expression of inflammation-related genes. Young patients’
T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes have strong functions, which can
better control virus replication and reduce the body’s inflammatory

Fei Zhou, et al. Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with
COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: A retrospective cohort study. The Lancet. 2020,
395(10229): 1054–1062. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30566-3.
Kin Wing Choi, et al. Outcomes and prognostic factors in 267 patients with severe
acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2003,
139(9): 715–723. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-139-9-200311040-00005.
Ki-Ho Hong, et al. Predictors of mortality in Middle East respiratory syndrome
(MERS). Thorax. 2018, 73(3): 286–289. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2016-209313.
Xiaoxia Lu, et al. SARS-CoV-2 infection in children. The New England Journal of
Medicine. 2020, 382(17): 1663–1665. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc2005073.
Jieliang Chen. Pathogenicity and transmissibility of 2019-nCoV-A quick overview
and comparison with other emerging viruses. Microbes and Infection. 2020, 22(2):
69–71. doi: 10.1016/j.micinf.2020.01.004.
Wenhao Su, et al. Analysis of clinical characteristics of asymptomatic infection of
novel coronavirus. Chinese Journal of Infectious Diseases (中华传染病杂志). 2020,
38(12): 772–776. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn311365-20200319-00356.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

response so that patients fail to develop clinical symptoms.29,30 When

compared with symptomatic patients, there is no statistically signifi-
cant difference in imaging examination results and laboratory test
indicators of asymptomatic infections, suggesting that after asympto-
matic infections are infected with 2019-nCoV, the virus only causes
a specific immune response without significant tissue damage, so
there are no obvious clinical symptoms and signs.31 Methods such as
CT and laboratory examinations can effectively detect asymptomatic
infections during the screening of close contacts.

2.1.4 Five situations of asymptomatic infections

Asymptomatic infections include the following five situations:
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• The disease is in the incubation period (usually three to seven

days, or longer, up to three weeks). In the beginning, there were
no clinical symptoms, and the infection had already occurred.
After three to seven days, symptoms such as fever, cough, and
fatigue start to appear.
• The so-called asymptomatic-infected people experience some dis-
comfort, such as slight muscle pain and the desire to sleep but
have no nose and throat problems despite feeling tired, or have a
headache. They think that they have a cold or are simply too nerv-
ous. These complaints went away after taking painkillers. Actually,
their symptoms are the manifestations of this infectious disease,
but they were unaware. This situation accounts for a considerable
number of patients. If the PCR is tested at this time, it could show
a positive result. It means the patient is infected with very mild

Saskia L. Smits, et al. Exacerbated innate host response to SARS-CoV in aged non-
human primates. PLOS Pathogens. 2010, 6(2): e1000756. doi: 10.1371/journal.
Steven M. Opal, et al. The immunopathogenesis of sepsis in elderly patients.
Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2005, 41(Suppl 7): S504–512. doi: 10.1086/432007.
Zhibin Hu, et al. op. cit.

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

• When the PCR test result is positive, patients have to be quaran-

tined for 14 days and follow-up visits to designated hospitals are
required. After this period, such patients could still be asympto-
matic. The quarantine will be terminated when the PCR test is
negative. But in some circumstances in some countries, these
patients will be free of quarantine even after 10 days.
• A small number of patients are confirmed with positive PCR tests,
but they don’t show any symptoms. After a month, their PCR
remains positive. They have not produced antibodies and are
called virus carriers.
• Confirmed cases discharged from the hospital show positive PCR
tests through follow-up examinations despite having no clinical
symptoms and signs, and their imaging shows no signs of pneumo-
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nia. Either their pneumonia absorption improved or there are

residual unabsorbed lesions.

2.2 TCM Treatment

2.2.1 TCM views of management
As there are no obvious clinical symptoms and signs, asymptomatic
patients bring not only difficulties to the prevention and control of the
epidemic, but also great challenges to traditional Chinese medicine
based on syndrome differentiation. Although asymptomatic patients
are “asymptomatic and discernible” on a macro level, their classifica-
tion, pathogenesis, TCM syndrome differentiation methods, and treat-
ment principles through microscopic syndrome differentiation can
still be analyzed so as to conduct syndrome differentiation and treat-
ment. In addition, it is worth pointing out that the so-called “asymp-
tomatic” is only a self-perceived feeling. TCM’s understanding of
symptoms also includes other aspects of the “four diagnoses”, espe-
cially tongue and pulse manifestations. Applying the diagnostic meth-
ods of traditional Chinese medicine, experienced practitioners may
obtain an objective and comprehensive understanding of “asympto-
matic” to provide a basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM Importance of zheng-qi

COVID-19 with an asymptomatic situation is a kind of epidemic
febrile disease caused by incubating pathogens. Huang Di Nei
Jing 《黄帝内经》 —Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon points out that if
there is impairment to the body by cold in winter, there would be
febrile diseases in spring. This statement laid the foundation for the
onset of latent xie-qi. Youke Wu (1582–1652), an outstanding physi-
cian in the Ming Dynasty, forwarded the theory of li qi (epidemic qi)
as the cause of infectious diseases, bringing forth new ideas in the
etiology, transmission, and treatment of these diseases. He proposed
in his book Wen Yi Lun 《瘟疫论》 —Treaties on pestilence in 1642
that “there is a mysterious epidemic qi between Heaven and Earth,
which accumulates in the mo yuan (interpleural-diaphragmatic
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space), resulting in the occurrence of pandemics”.

COVID-19, a disease caused by an epidemic infection in modern
medicine, is considered as a sickness in TCM, due to the invasion of
external pathogenic factors through the mouth and nose, the corridor
of the lung and stomach, to the body. When it attacks the body and
mainly stays at the superficial layer of the body, in which the zheng-
qi is still relatively strong, it could lead to an immediate and drastic
imbalance of the qi and blood, yin and yang, leading to impairment
of the zang-fu organs, qi, blood, body fluid, and channels. At this
moment, there could be the appearance of clinical symptoms and
signs. However, when the pathogenic factors are not yet too strong,
and zheng-qi is still relatively very strong—or the pathogenic qi is
relative too strong while zheng-qi is not so strong—they could
directly invade the deep layer of the body, bringing about accumula-
tion of these pathogenic factors in the body with not so violent and
drastic conflict between the zheng-qi and xie-qi. Even so, the zheng-
qi is constantly attempting to overwhelm the xie-qi, showing no clini-
cal symptoms and signs.
It could be seen from the above statements that occurrence, its
severity, development, aggravation, or alleviation of asymptomatic
infection is mainly determined by the conditions of zheng-qi and xie-
qi, but also influenced by various conditions such as diet and emo-
tion, physical constitutions, and therapeutic intervention.

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

There are four possible patterns of continuous conflict between

zheng-qi and xie-qi, illustrating the mechanism of asymptomatic
infections in TCM:

• Although the PCR test is positive, its pathogenic qi is still mild and
the zheng-qi of the patient is sufficient. The patient is considered
asymptomatic when he is able to fight against, control, and dispel
the pathogenic qi.
• Zheng qi is insufficient, and the pathogens are relatively strong,
in which xie-qi is able to enter deeply into the body and hide in
the Mo Yuan. In this situation, the battle between zheng-qi and
xie-qi is not violent and obvious. Although the disease will not
occur temporarily, it could start at any time when xie-qi grows
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and becomes strong, or when the zheng-qi is also improving.

This condition often happens to confirmed cases which are still
in the incubation period, resulting in an asymptomatic reaction.
• The xie-qi is mild, and the zheng-qi is also insufficient, resulting in
weak conflict between these two factors without showing some
obvious symptoms. Even so, the diseases are developing quietly
and deeply. In such cases, the PCR test could be positive, and
chest imaging could show multiple ground glass shadows in
the lungs. The cases could be worsening and become severe or
critical. Early attention and intervention are needed. One study
demonstrated that chest CT have confirmed there are lung lesions
among the 159 asymptomatic patients. 7 of the 38 patients, who
were rechecked on chest CT, had lesion progression within a short
period of time with a poor prognosis.32
• In the recovery period, the zheng-qi is insufficient, and xie-qi is
also weak, resulting in a nostalgic reaction of xie-qi. This situation
is common in the confirmed patients who are discharged after
recovery. However, their PCR tests soon become positive again or
even constantly remain positive, with or without imaging lesions
of the lungs.

Wang YF, et al. (2020). CT image features of asymptomatic patients with novel

coronavirus pneumonia. Medical Edition, Journal of Wuhan University (武汉大学学

报(医学版)). 2020, 41(3): 353–356.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM Physical constitutions

Besides zheng-qi playing a key role in the occurrence and develop-
ment of COVID-19 and its asymptomatic infection, physical constitu-
tions of the patients are also extremely important.
Prof. Qi Wang, one of the most famous TCM specialists in China
put forward nine types in physical constitution, including peace, qi
deficiency, yang deficiency, yin deficiency, phlegm-damp, damp-
heat, qi-stagnation, blood stasis, and special hereditary quality, and
gave TCM prevention care and treatment according to the different
constitution of all the patients.33
The physical constitutions, except the first peaceful type, are
mostly a result of disorder in qi, blood, yin, and yang with certain
dysfunction of zang-fu organs. They could be identified and regu-
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lated by TCM. Based on the concepts of syndrome differentiation and

sickness management, methods should be applied to adjust the
imbalance in qi, blood, yin and yang, and disharmony of the zang-fu
organs so as to maintain a dynamic healthy condition. This is also the
principle of treatment for asymptomatic infections. The aims of the treatment

It can be concluded that all methods and attempts should be used to
maintain a healthy condition for zheng-qi. Meanwhile, procedures
should also be applied to eliminate xie-qi as much as possible. To eliminate the xie-qi completely

When the asymptomatic infection starts, it implies that there was an
invasion of pathogenic factors, which directly entered the interior
organs or tissues of the body and became a latent issue. COVID virus
is an external pathogenic factor, and it usually causes the occurrence

Qi Wang. The classification of 9 basic TCM constitution types and the basis
for their diagnosis. Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
(北京中医药大学学报). 2005, 28(4): 1–8.

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

of Taiyang syndrome, showing some external symptoms and signs.

These symptoms include an aversion to cold, slight fever, running
nose, cough, muscle pain, superficial pulse, etc. However, it could
hide inside the body and induce some sickness without any obvious
notice. Therefore, the TCM system of four methods of diagnosis and
syndrome differentiation should be applied with a careful examina-
tion to detect any trace abnormality. After a thorough study on the
etiologies and pathologies with successful treatment of
COVID-19 by using Chinese herbs and acupuncture, sufficient knowl-
edge has been gained to formulate some strategies in dealing with
various syndromes. Wind, cold, heat, damp, and toxins are the main
pathogenic factors that need to be eliminated completely and urgently.
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The condition of zheng-qi is always the key factor, which determines
the battle with the pathogenic factor. When these pathogenic factors
invades the body, it implies that zheng-qi is somewhat insufficient,
disturbed, or in disharmony. Zheng-qi is a collective term for all
kinds of factors to fight against the invasion. Therefore, it is necessary
to identify which zheng-qi is in trouble and why it is in imbalance.
Actually, zheng-qi is constantly fighting against and eliminating
these pathogenic factors. It doesn’t mean that zheng-qi is always
deficient, which implies that there is no need to tonify the zheng-qi
by using different tonics here. Even if there is a deficiency of zheng-
qi, it is also not a good moment to tonify the zheng-qi, since COVID-
19 is a rather excessive case, which needs to be dealt with by
applying the method of elimination as its main approach in the treat-
ment. The conclusion is clear that supporting the zheng-qi is not the
same as its tonification. To prevent further aggravation efficiently

As proven by the above scientific studies, the asymptomatic infection
could develop into some severe or critical cases. Any methods
and procedures should be taken seriously to cease its development.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

To prevent infections from worsening, care and attention should be

paid specially to protect the lung and avoid any aggravation of this
organ in dispersing and descending the qi and water. Meanwhile, the
relations between the lung and its related organs also need to be
regulated properly. It means that the consequence of the develop-
ment of COVID-19 should be taken into consideration when forming
the treatment strategies. To balance the physical and mental conditions

COVID-19 disturbs and damages not only the physiological func-
tions of the lung, but also many other zang-fu organs, different chan-
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nels, and collaterals, as well as the mental state of patients. A mixture

of these complaints often shows complications of the situation.
Sometimes, mental disturbance such as anxiety, panic, restlessness,
palpitation, and insomnia, etc could be a major problem besides
lung difficulty. Sophisticated treatment could bring about a good
benefit to the patient.
As pointed out already on the “macro” level, asymptomatic
patients with COVID-19 don’t have obvious self-perceived clinical
symptoms or signs. However, on the “microscopic” level, the body is
already in a pathological state with possible dysfunction of qi, blood,
yin and yang, etc. According to the general pathological changes in
patients who suffer from COVID-19, which could show some mani-
festations of phlegm, heat, and fire with involvement of different
zang-fu organs, the asymptomatic patients could develop into the
same pathological state when they are left untreated in time. Treatment strategies

Although asymptomatic infection of COVID-19 could be confirmed
by PCR test and the disease has not been fully presented for the time
being, it does not mean that there will be no outbreak. It is just in a
budding state and surface at any time. TCM could be applied together
with care in daily life, diet, and exercise, to intervene in time to get

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

rid of hidden potential dangers and restore health. The intention of

all these kinds of management is to put prevention first, i.e., treating
the diseases before they occur, which is an important concept in
TCM. The strategies of this preventive management include the fol-
lowing contents. To eliminate pathogenic factors

COVID-19 could be caused by many pathogens, although the inva-
sion of damp and toxins, in combination with wind, cold or heat, are
the basic factors. Treatment should focus on the elimination of patho-
genic factors. Of course, there is a difference between the treatment
for patients with clinical symptoms and those who are asymptomatic.
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During the treatment for patients with clinical symptoms, manage-

ment for COVID-19 at different stages should be differentiated and
taken. However, for asymptomatic patients, their treatment mainly
aims to eliminate hidden pathogenic factors, but not using the dispel-
ling method as that often happens in the treatment for symptomatic
The following herbs are used to eliminate damp:

Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 10 g

Depending upon the location and mixture of this damp with some
other pathogenic factors, some herbs should be combined, including
the following.

If there is an invasion of external cold-damp, then add:

Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g
Du Huo Radix Angelicae Pubescentis 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

If there is an invasion of external damp-heat, then add:

Sang Ye Folium Mori Albae 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariea Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g

If there is an invasion of external damp to the middle Jiao, then add:

Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi 10 g
Pei Lan Herba Eupatorii Fortunei 10 g
Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis Lachryma-Jobi 12 g
Bai Dou Kou Fructus Amomi Cardamomi 3 g

If there is an invasion of external damp to the lower Jiao, then add:

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Hua Shi Talcum 10 g

Tong Cao Medulla Tetrapanacis Papyriferi 10 g
Che Qian Zi Semen Plantaginis 10 g

Following herbs are used to remove toxins:

Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 10 g
Jin Yin Hua Flos Lonicerae Japonicae 10 g
Pu Gong Ying Herba Taraxaci Mongolici cum Radice 10 g Protect and restore the physiological functions

of the lung
The pathogenesis of COVID-19 is rather complicated, but its main
pathogenic consequence is dysfunction of the lung in dispersing and
descending the qi, leading to cough, shortness of breath, and expec-
toration of sputum. In the beginning, there could be only disturbance
to the lung in dispersing the qi, sore throat, dry cough or cough with
slight sputum, while anosmia and ageusia etc. may occur. When it is
not properly treated, the lung could fail to descend the qi, bringing
about pressure in the chest, shortness of breath, extreme tiredness,
water retention in the lung or other organs, as well as bring forward
many serious conditions. These pathogenic results could be predicted

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

when this disease is developing, especially on some elderly patients

or those who have existing basic diseases. Therefore, some methods
should be applied to prevent the aggravation of these lung conditions
by using some herbs in advance. Usually, two or three such herbs
could be applied in the preventive herbal prescription.

Following herbs are used to protect and restore the lung in dispersing
the qi:
Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
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Following herbs are used to protect and restore the lung in descend-
ing the qi:
Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g Unblock the San Jiao

With disharmony and blockage of the San Jiao in qi, transformation
and transmission is generally recognized and accepted as its patho-
genesis. Thus, to protect the lungs, harmonizing and unblocking the
San Jiao are the most important treatment options.
Damp may easily transform into fire or cold, which could be
influenced by the constitutions, diets, climate, and geographic loca-
tions. As the temperature rises or falls, damp may become damp-heat
or cold-damp, showing fatigue, sleepiness, chest tightness, stomach
discomfort, nausea, loose stools, white, greasy coating, and slippery
pulse, etc. Nevertheless, those patients who suffer from obesity, weak
spleen, stomach and San Jiao system, could possibly have blockage
in the San Jiao.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Following herbs are used to unblock the San Jiao:

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Bai Dou Kou Fructus Amomi Cardamomi 5 g
Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis Lachryma-Jobi 12 g Support the zheng-qi

Whether the asymptomatic infection develops into symptomatic
infection mostly depends upon the condition of zheng-qi. The dis-
eases caused by COVID-19, invasion of pathogenic factors, onset
and occurrence of diseases, deterioration of physiological situations,
and even possible death, are all related to the condition of zheng-qi.
Zheng-qi is always in its position to protect the body and fight against
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any pathogenic invasion and aggravation. It doesn’t mean that

asymptomatic infection could leave zheng-qi alone without proper
care. Supporting the zheng-qi could maintain a dynamic position to
eliminate this pathogenic invasion and aggravation.

Following herbs are used to support the qi:

Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g
Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Jiao Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (grill) 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 10 g
Bai Bian Dou Semen Dolichoris Lablab 10 g

Following herbs are used to tonify the blood:

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Huang Jing Rhizoma Polygonati 10 g
Da Zao Fructus Zizyphi Jujubae 10 g

Following herbs are used to nourish the yin:

Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 12 g
Gou Qi Zi Fructus Lycii 10 g
Bei Sha Shen Radix Glehniae Littoralis 10 g
Nan Sha Shen Radix Adenophorae 10 g

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

Following herbs are used to benefit the body fluid:

Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis Kirilowii 10 g
Ge Gen Radix Puerariae 10 g

Following herbs are used to reinforce the yang:

Rou Gui Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae 5 g
Zhi Fu Zi Radix Lateralis Aconiti Carmichaeli Praeparata 10 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 5 g
Du Zhong Cortex Eucommiae Ulmoidis 10 g

Besides, some relevant herbs should be combined to regulate the

internal zang-fu organs to strengthen them so as to avoid deteriora-
tion of physiological functions. For instance, if someone suffers
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from hypertension with liver yang hyperactivity and is confirmed as

an asymptomatic case, herbs should be added to the above pre-
scription to calm down the liver yang, such as Gou Teng Ramulus
cum Uncis Uncariae, Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae Elatae, Xia Ku
Cao Spica Prunellae Vulgaris, etc. If someone suffers from diabetes
and has a PCR positive test, herbs should be added to lower
blood sugar level, such as Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis
Kirilowii, Ge Gen Radix Puerariae, etc. In this way, zang-fu organs
are well protected and regulated to maintain a good condition of
zheng-qi. Regulate the emotion

The physical body consists of jing, qi and shen, and their conditions
could influence each other. Besides methods taken to treat the physi-
cal diseases, management to take care of the emotions and the shen
should also be seriously considered.
Shen presides over activities that take place in the mental, spir-
itual, and creative planes. Shen in TCM includes broad and narrow
senses. The former refers to all kinds of mental activities, reactions,
and attitudes to the world and environments, embodying conscious-
ness, emotions, and thought. The latter refers to the aspect of our
being that is spiritual, including different emotions.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

When COVID-19 is diagnosed, even if it is an asymptomatic

infection, fear, anxiety, nervousness, restlessness, insomnia, panic,
etc. could occur, especially in elderly patients. Regulation and atten-
tion should be taken to care and manage these emotions and calm
the shen in order to support the patient.

Following herbs are used to regulate the shen:

Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Bai He Bulbus Lilii 10 g
Shi Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori Graminei 10 g
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2.2.2 Treatment according to syndrome differentiation

During the clinical consultation in February 2020, experts found that
many asymptomatic patients tested positive for nucleic acid. However,
some confirmed patients were asymptomatic after treatment, but still
had a positive PCR test result. In order to shorten the course of the
disease and discharge patients from the hospital as soon as possible,
Professor Wang Xixing and members of the expert team from Shan Xi
province believe that those who are asymptomatic with the new
coronavirus and those whose PCR tests did not turn negative after the
symptoms of new coronary pneumonia improve, belong to the group
with qi deficiency and persistence of toxins. The treatment should be
based on tonifying qi, nourishing the lungs, clearing away heat and
removing toxins. Yi Qi Qu Du Ke Li—Granules 益气祛毒颗粒 (The
prescription consists of Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei,
Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae, Cang Zhu Rhizoma
Atractylodis, Sheng Ma Rhizoma Cimicifugae, Jin Yin Hua Flos
Lonicerae Japonicae, Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri and Mai Men Dong
Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici etc.) to tonify the qi and remove toxins
were firstly tested on a patient who was unable to turn PCR negative
for a long time. After taking three doses (for three days) of this for-
mula, the throat swab of the nucleic acid test was negative for two

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

consecutive times, and he was discharged smoothly. On 17 February

2020, after taking three to six doses of this herbal medicine, another
six patients had their throat swabs, blood, and sputum tested by
nucleic acid, and they all turned negative. After a series of clinical
use, the effect was confirmed. By 28 February, Yi Qi Qu Du Ke Li
started to be widely used in clinical trials in Hubei.34
Due to possible viral transmission, it is generally recommended
that the herbs should be taken for at least three to four weeks to cover
the possible incubation period and restore the zheng-qi completely.
If necessary and possible, PCR control could be carried out to deter-
mine whether it turns negative.
Following treatments are given to most asymptomatic patients
with no obvious clinical signs or are not consciously aware about
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their symptoms. However, in TCM, some trace symptoms and signs

could be discovered at the micro level. Invasion of wind-heat

Slight aversion to wind, feeling warm, slight thirst, restlessness, or
very slight muscle pain or headache, red tip of the tongue, with or
without a superficial and rapid pulse.

Principles of Treatment:
Dispel wind-heat and disperse the lung-qi.

Herbal Treatment:
Sang Ju Yin-Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Decoction.

Sang Ye Folium Mori Albae 10 g

Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthemi Morifolii 10 g

Bo Zhang. Our province launched a traditional Chinese medicine for promoting


nucleic acid to turn negative, which is the first in the country. Taiyuan Evening
News (太原晚报). 1 March 2020.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g

Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g

• Sang Ye and Ju Hua promote sweating to dispel wind-heat and
relieve external symptoms. They could prevent further invasion of
wind-heat into the deep layer of the body.
• Huang Qin and Lian Qiao clear the heat in the upper Jiao and
remove the toxins.
• Jie Geng disperses and protects the lung-qi. Meanwhile, it resolves
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the phlegm in the lung and relieves possible coughing. Xing Ren
disperses and descends the lung-qi at the same time, and could
prevent the failure of lung-qi in descending. In this way, the lung
is well protected.
• Zhe Bei Mu is applied here to resolve the heat-phlegm because it
works in combination with Jie Geng to eliminate potential cough
due to heat-phlegm.

• In the case of an obvious sore throat, add Niu Bang Zi Fructus
Arctii Lappae 10 g and Bo He Herba Menthae Haplocalycis 5 g to
improve throat condition and relieve the sore throat.
• In the case of too much cough, add Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae
Ternatae Preparata 10 g and Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis
10 g to eliminate phlegm and relieve the cough.
• In the case of strong loss of smell, add Cang Er Zi Fructus Xanthii
Sibirici 10 g and Xin Yi Hua Flos Magnoliae 10 g to open the nasal
orifice and relieve the loss of smell.
• In the case of obvious loss of taste, add Sha Ren Fructus Amomi
5 g and Shi Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori Graminei 10 g to benefit the
orifice and improve the tastebuds.

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19 Invasion of wind-cold

Slight aversion to cold, very slight running nose, muscle pain, or
headache, thin and white tongue, with or without a superficial and
tight pulse.

Principles of Treatment:
Dispel wind-cold and disperse the lung-qi.

Herbal Treatment:
Jing Fang Bai Du San-Schizonepeta and Saposhnikoviae Powder to
Overcome Pathogenic Influences.

Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 10 g

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Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g

Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Du Huo Radix Angelicae Pubescentis 10 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Gran 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 10 g

• Jing Jie, Fang Feng and Zi Su Ye are used to dispel wind-cold and
relieve external symptoms.
• Du Huo and Qiang Huo promote sweating to dispel wind-cold
and relieve muscle pain.
• Jie Geng, Xing Ren and Zi Su Zi disperse the qi of the lung and
protect the lung in its descending qi.
• Fu Ling tonifies the zheng-qi and resolves phlegm.

• In the case of an obvious sore throat, add Niu Bang Zi Fructus
Arctii Lappae 10 g and She Gan Rhizoma Belamcandae Chinensis
10 g to improve throat condition and relieve the sore throat.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• In the case of too much cough, add Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae
Ternatae Preparata 10 g to eliminate phlegm and relieve the cough.
• In the case of strong loss of smell, add Cang Er Zi Fructus Xanthii
Sibirici 10 g and Xin Yi Hua Flos Magnoliae 10 g to open the nasal
orifice and relieve the loss of smell.
• In the case of an obvious loss of taste, add Sha Ren Fructus Amomi
5 g and Shi Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori Graminei 10 g to benefit the
orifice and improve the tastebuds. Invasion of cold-damp to the middle Jiao

Slightly poor appetite, loose stool, sometimes possible nausea, slight
muscle pain or heaviness, thin, white, and greasy tongue coating,
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with or without a slippery and slow pulse.

Principles of Treatment:
Resolve cold-damp and harmonize the middle Jiao.

Herbal Treatment:
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San-Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi.

Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi 10 g

Pei Lan Herba Eupatorii Fortunei 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 3 g
Bai Dou Kou Fructus Amomi Cardamomi 3 g

• Huo Xiang and Pei Lan dispel cold-damp and resolve damp in the
middle Jiao.

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

• Cang Zhu, Zhi Ban Xia and Chen Pi resolve damp in the middle
Jiao and harmonize the spleen and stomach.
• Jie Geng and Zhi Ban Xia could eliminate phlegm in the lung and
prevent coughing.
• Hou Po eliminates damp in the middle Jiao and resolves fullness
in the abdomen and stomach.
• Fu Ling promotes urination to eliminate damp in the body and
strengthens the zheng-qi.
• Sha Ren and Bai Dou Kou regulate the qi and eliminate the damp
in the middle Jiao.

• In the case of an obvious heaviness of the body or body pain, add
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Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g and Du Huo

Radix Angelicae Pubescentis 10 g to eliminate external damp and
relieve the body pain.
• In the case of too much cough, add Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae
Ternatae Preparata 10 g and Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis
10 g to eliminate phlegm and relieve the cough.
• In the case of obvious nausea and poor appetite, add Zi Su Ye
Folium Perillae Frutescentis 10 g and Sheng Jiang Rhizoma
Zingiberis Officinalis Recens 5 g to descend the stomach-qi and
relieve nausea.
• In the case of excessive diarrhea, add Ge Gen Radix Puerariae
10 g to ascend the clear-yang and relieve diarrhea. Invasion of damp-heat to the middle Jiao

Slightly poor appetite, loose stool, sometimes possible nausea, slight
muscle pain or heaviness, slight red tongue, thin, yellow, and greasy
tongue coating, with or without a slippery and rapid pulse.

Principles of Treatment:
Clear heat, dispel damp, and harmonize the middle Jiao.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Treatment:
Lian Po Yin-Coptis and Magnolia Bark Drink.

Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g

Dan Dou Chi Semen Sojae Praeparatum 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori Graminei 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
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• Huang Lian, Dan Dou Chi, and Zhi Zi clear heat and resolve
• Xing Ren, Zhe Bei Mu and Zhi Ban Xia protect the lung, eliminate
phlegm in the lung and relieve the disturbance to the lung.
• Hou Po, Chen Pi and Chang Pu resolve the damp in the middle
Jiao and relieve the fullness of the abdomen and stomach.
• Fu Ling promotes urination to eliminate damp in the damp and
strengthens the zheng-qi.

• In the case of constant high fever, add Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae
Asphodeloidis 10 g to clear the heat and reduce the fever.
• In the case of excessive cough with yellow phlegm, add Huang
Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g to clear the heat, eliminate
phlegm and relieve the cough.
• In the case of excessive white phlegm, add Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae
Frutescentis 10 g and Ting Li Zi Semen Descurainiae seu Lepidii
10 g to eliminate phlegm and stop the cough.

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

• In the case of too much diarrhea, add Che Qian Zi Semen

Plantaginis 10 g and Ge Gen Radix Puerariae 10 g to eliminate
damp-heat in the lower Jiao and relieve diarrhea. Deficiency of qi
Slight tiredness, sweating easily, slightly poor appetite and sleepiness,
possible lightness in the head or weakness of muscle, slight loose
stool, thin and white tongue coating, with or without weak pulse.

Principles of Treatment:
Tonify the qi and strengthen the body.
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Herbal Treatment:
Yu Ping Feng San-Jade Windscreen Powder and Si Jun Zi Tang-Four
Gentlemen Decoction.

Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g

Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g
Jiao Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (grill) 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Zhi Huang Qi, Fang Feng and Jiao Bai Zhu, the complete compo-
sitions of Yu Ping Feng San, are used to tonify the wei qi and
strengthen the skin pores.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Dang Shen, Fu Ling, and Zhi Gan Cao, together with Jiao Bai Zhu,
the complete composition of Si Jun Zi Tang, tonify the qi of the
spleen and stomach in general to improve the resistance to the
pathogenic factors.
• Jing Jie, Zi Su Ye, together with Fang Feng are used to dispel wind
and relieve any external symptoms.
• Jie Geng, Xing Ren and Zhi Ban Xia are used to dispel the lung-qi
and eliminate phlegm in the lung, consequently protecting the
physiological function of the lung.

• In the case of excessive white phlegm, add Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae
Frutescentis 10 g and Ting Li Zi Semen Descurainiae seu Lepidii
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10 g to eliminate phlegm and stop cough.

• In the case of profuse cough with yellow phlegm, add Huang Qin
Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g to clear the heat, eliminate
phlegm and relieve the cough.
• In the case of poor appetite, add Shen Qu Massa Medica
Fermentata 15 g and Ji Nei Jin Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae
Galli 10 g to improve the appetite.
• In the case of excessive diarrhea, add Ge Gen Radix Puerariae
10 g to eliminate damp and relieve diarrhea.

2.2.3 Treatment according to constitutions

The following treatments are given to asymptomatic patients with no
clinical signs at all. Since their infections have been confirmed by
PCR and they are under a quarantine period, they should be sup-
ported according to their constitutions. Peace type

This constitution has the following characteristics:

• a strong physique
• a moderate body posture

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

• good complexion
• energetic state
• well-proportioned body
• moisturized complexion, skin and lips
• shiny hair
• bright eyes
• able to smell and taste normally
• low fatigue levels
• good tolerance to cold and heat
• sleep well
• good appetite
• easy-going and cheerful personality
• strong ability to adapt to the natural and social environment
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• normal tongue, tongue coating, and pulse

Principles of Treatment:
Strengthen the body and tonify the wei qi.

Herbal Treatment:
Yu Ping Feng San-Jade Windscreen Powder.

Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g

Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g
Jiao Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (grill) 10 g
Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Zhi Huang Qi, Fang Feng and Jiao Bai Zhu, the complete compo-
sitions of Yu Ping Feng San, are used to tonify the wei qi and
strengthen the skin pores.
• Zi Su Ye and Jing Jie, together with Fang Feng are used to dispel
wind and relieve external invasion.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Jie Geng and Xing Ren are used to dispel the lung-qi and eliminate
phlegm in the lung so as to protect the physiological functions of
the lung. Qi deficiency type

This constitution has the following characteristics:

• general weakness
• thin or softness of the muscles
• myalgia
• weakness of limbs
• fatigue
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• dyspnea
• no desire to talk or have a low voice
• spontaneous sweating or easy sweating
• catches the common cold frequently
• pale complexion
• poor vision
• pale lips
• thin or brittle hair
• dizziness
• forgetfulness
• normal or loose stool, or prolapse of rectum and internal organs
• normal or frequent urination
• introverted personality
• emotional instability or emotional exhaustion
• mental fog, timid and not adventurous
• intolerance of cold
• cold hands and feet
• pale and swollen tongue with teeth marks on the sides
• weak pulse

Principles of Treatment:
Activate the spleen and kidney and tonify qi.

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

Herbal Treatment:
Si Jun Zi Tang-Four Gentlemen Decoction.

Ren Shen Radix Ginseng 10 g

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g
Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
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Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling and Zhi Gan Cao, the complete com-
position of Si Jun Zi Tang, are used to activate the spleen and
stomach and to promote the production of qi.
• Huang Qi raises the qi and tonify the qi of the middle Jiao and
relieves the tiredness. When Huang Qi, Bai Zhu and Fang Feng are
used together, they can also strengthen the skin and improve the
wei qi, which is very important to improve the resistance to fight
against a common cold.
• Shan Yao tonifies the qi, benefits the kidney and reinforces the
• Since qi and blood share a good relationship between each other
and when there is a deficiency of qi, there would be a deficiency
of blood to a certain degree. Thus, Dang Gui is used to benefit the
jing and tonify the blood.
• Zi Su Ye, Jing Jie and Fang Feng, are used to dispel wind and
relieve external invasion.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Jie Geng and Xing Ren are used to dispel the lung-qi and eliminate
phlegm in the lung, in order to protect the physiological function
of the lung. Yang deficiency type

This constitution has the following characteristics:

• aversion to cold
• sensitivity to cold weather
• cold hands and feet
• preference for warm food and drinks
• lack of energy
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• excessive sleep
• pale complexion and lips
• darkness of lower eyelid
• hair loss
• easy sweating
• loose stool
• clear and profuse urine
• nycturia
• impotence
• frigidity
• water retention
• edema
• pale tongue, thin and white coating
• thready, deep, and slow pulse

Principles of Treatment:
Tonify the yang and dispel the cold.

Herbal Treatment:
Da Bu Yuan Jian-Great Tonify the Primal Decoction.

Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 12 g

Ren Shen Radix Ginseng 6 g

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

Gou Qi Zi Fructus Lycii 10 g

Shan Zhu Yu Fructus Corni Officinalis 10 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Du Zhong Cortex Eucommiae Ulmoidis 10 g
Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g
Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

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• Shu Di Huang, Shan Yao, Shan Zhu Yu and Gou Qi Zi are used to
tonify the kidney-qi and benefit the jing.
• Du Zhong reinforces the yang of the kidney and dispels the cold.
It can also strengthen the lower back to relieve lower back pain
and weakness.
• Ren Shen and Dang Gui tonify the qi and blood, so as to improve
the zheng-qi in general.
• Zi Su Ye, Jing Jie and Fang Feng are used to dispel wind and relieve
external invasion.
• Jie Geng and Xing Ren are used to dispel the lung-qi and eliminate
phlegm in the lung, so as to protect the physiological function of
the lung.
• Zhi Gan Cao regulates the formula and tonifies the qi of the
body. Yin deficiency type

This constitution has the following characteristics:

• thin body
• warm or hot hands and feet
• restlessness
• dry mouth, throat and lips

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• occasionally dry eyes

• thirsty
• dry stool
• dizziness
• tinnitus
• insomnia
• night sweating
• small and red tongue, with scanty coating or peeled coating
• thready, deep, and rapid pulse

Principles of Treatment:
Nourish the yin, clear the deficient heat, and benefit the kidney.
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Herbal Treatment:
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan-Six-Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia.

Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 12 g

Shan Zhu Yu Fructus Corni Officinalis 10 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Gou Qi Zi Fructus Lycii 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Mai Men Dong Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici 10 g
Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g
Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g

• Shu Di Huang, Shan Yao, and Shan Zhu Yu are used to tonify the
kidney and benefit the jing.
• Gou Qi Zi, Mai Men Dong and Wu Wei Zi tonify the Yin and ben-
efit the body fluid.
• Zi Su Ye, Jing Jie and Fang Feng are used to dispel wind and relieve
external invasion.

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

• Jie Geng and Xing Ren are used to dispel the lung-qi and eliminate
phlegm in the lung so as to protect the physiological function of
the lung. Phlegm-damp type

This constitution has the following characteristics:

• obesity
• swollen abdomen
• fullness in the stomach
• greasy skin
• often cough with expectoration of phlegm
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• loose stool, sticky stool on the toilet

• indulgence in sweet or fatty food
• sticky or sweet feeling in the mouth, or poor appetite
• sleepiness
• lassitude
• uncomfortable body weight
• swollen tongue, white and greasy tongue coating
• slippery pulse

Principles of Treatment:
Activate the spleen and stomach and resolve the damp.

Herbal Treatment:
Ping Wei San-Calm the Stomach Powder, plus
Er Chen Tang-Decoction of Two Old (Cured) Drugs.

Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g

Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Qing Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 10 g

Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g

• Cang Zhu, Hou Po and Zhi Ban Xia eliminate damp and resolve
• Qing Pi, Chen Pi and Zhi Ke eliminate damp and promote the qi
circulation and relieve the fullness of the abdomen caused by
damp accumulation.
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• Fu Ling activates the spleen and stomach and eliminates damp.

• Jing Jie and Fang Feng are used to dispel wind and relieve external
• Jie Geng and Xing Ren are used to dispel the lung-qi and eliminate
phlegm in the lung so as to protect the physiological function of
the lung. Damp-heat type

This constitution has the following characteristics:

• greasy and warm skin, prone to acne or skin infection

• heaviness of the body
• bitter taste in the mouth
• poor appetite, nausea
• halitosis
• diarrhea with burning sensation
• restlessness
• deep yellow urine
• leukorrhea
• red tongue, yellow and greasy coating
• slippery and rapid pulse

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

Principles of Treatment:
Clear the heat, eliminate damp, and remove the toxins.

Herbal Treatment:
Lian Po Yin-Coptis and Magnolia Bark Drink.

Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g

Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Shi Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori Graminei 10 g
Dou Chi Semen Sojae Praeparatum 10 g
Lu Gen Rhizoma Phragmitis Communis 10 g
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Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g

Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g

• Lian Po Yin is applied to clear the heat, eliminate damp, resolve
disharmony in the middle Jiao and benefit the stomach. This for-
mula is good to eliminate damp-heat in the middle Jiao and of
course, it has a weak function to dispel external invasion.
• Huang Qin and Lian Qiao are added into the prescription to dispel
wind-heat and relieve toxins.
• Jie Geng and Xing Ren are used to disperse the lung-qi and descend
the lung-qi so as to protect the physiological function of the lung. Qi stagnation type

This constitution has the following characteristics:

• long-term unsatisfactory emotions

• introverted personality
• sensitivity and suspicious

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• depression
• headache
• fullness of the chest and abdomen
• belching
• poor appetite
• hypochondriac pain and distention
• insomnia
• cyst in the breast
• painful and irregular menstruation
• a thin and white coating
• a wiry pulse

Principles of Treatment:
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Emotional balance, promote the qi circulation, and relieve qi


Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Yao San-Rambling Powder.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g

Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Qing Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride 5 g
Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g

• Chai Hu and Bao Shao Yao smooth the liver and regulate the qi in
the liver.

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

• The liver is the organ, which is called a yin organ with a yang activ-
ity. Dang Gui benefits the liver blood and promotes blood circulation
so as to relieve the spasm in the liver due to liver-qi stagnation.
• Zhi Ke and Xiang Fu promote the qi circulation and relieve the
fullness in the abdomen.
• Chen Pi and Qing Pi are used to promote the qi circulation and
eliminate damp due to the stagnation of qi.
• Jing Jie and Fang Feng are used to dispel wind and relieve external
• Jie Geng and Xing Ren are used to dispel the lung-qi and eliminate
phlegm in the lung so as to protect the physiological function of
the lung.
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This constitution has the following characteristics:

• dull or purplish complexion

• dark skin, or hyperpigmentation
• prone to ecchymosis
• prone to pain
• dull or purple lips
• dull tongue
• dysmenorrhea
• amenorrhea, multiple clots in the menstrual blood, or the men-
strual color is purple and black
• uterine bleeding, or bleeding tendency
• vomiting blood
• stabbing pain somewhere in the body
• thin and white coating, purplish tongue or purplish vein under the
• thready and unsmooth pulse

Principles of Treatment:
Promote the qi and blood circulation, eliminate blood stasis, and
relieve the pain.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Treatment:
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang-Four Substance (Things) Decoction with
Safflower and Peach Pit.

Tao Ren Semen Pruni Persicae 10 g

Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
Chi Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Rubrae 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 10 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g
Pu Huang Pollen Typhae 10 g
Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 10 g
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Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g

Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g

• Tao Hong Si Wu Tang is a typical herbal formula to promote blood
circulation and eliminate blood stasis without harming the blood.
• However, this formula is not so strong to eliminate blood stasis. Pu
Huang and Yu Jin are added to promote blood circulation, elimi-
nate blood stasis, and relieve the pain.
• Jing Jie and Fang Feng are used to dispel wind and relieve external
• Jie Geng and Xing Ren are used to dispel the lung-qi and eliminate
phlegm in the lung, in order to protect the physiological function
of the lung. Special hereditary quality type

This constitution has the following characteristics:

• no special features, deformities, or congenital physical defects

• hereditary diseases with possible mental disturbance
• prone to drug allergies and hay fever

TCM Treatment of Asymptomatic Infections of COVID-19

• poor adaptability to the external environment

• intolerance of wind and cold
• comorbidities
• irritable, impatient, forgetfulness
• prone from bleeding
• epilepsy, stroke, chest pain, and other disease

Principles of Treatment:
Strengthen the constitution, eliminate pathological changes, and
restore physiological functions.

Since there are various kind of patterns related to this type, treat-
ment and herbal formulas should be given accordingly by adding cer-
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tain herbs to relieve the external invasion and protect the physiological
functions of the lung. These herbs can be the same as the herbs used
above, including Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae,
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae, Jie Geng Radix Platycodi
Grandiflori, and Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae, etc.

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TCM Treatment of Early Symptoms
of COVID-19

3.1 TCM Analysis of Early Symptoms of COVID-19

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is the virus strain that causes the severe acute
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respiratory syndrome. It is contagious in humans, and the World

Health Organization (WHO) has designated the ongoing pandemic
of COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern,
and new outbreaks can emerge rapidly.1–323
In terms of the contagious capacity of SARS-CoV-2, Wölfel et al.
have done some scientific research and pointed out that SARS took
7–10 days after onset until peak RNA concentrations (of up to 5×105
copies per swab) were reached. In the present study, peak concentra-
tions were reached before day five, and were more than 1,000 times
higher. Extended tissue tropism of SARS-CoV-2 with replication in the
throat is strongly supported by the studies of sgRNA-transcribing
cells in throat swab samples, particularly during the first five days of
developing symptoms. Critically, the majority of patients in the pre-
sent study seemed to be already beyond their shedding peak in upper
respiratory tract samples when first tested, while shedding of

World Health Organization (WHO). WHO Director-General’s opening remarks at
the media briefing on COVID-19—11 March 2020. (Press Release) 11 March 2020.
Archived from the original on 11 March 2020. Retrieved 12 March 2020.
Sui-Lee Wee, et al. WHO declares global emergency as Wuhan coronavirus spreads.
The New York Times. 30 January 2020.
Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan, et al. op. cit.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

infectious virus in sputum continued through the first week of symp-

toms. Based on the present findings, early discharge with ensuing
home isolation could be chosen for patients who are beyond day ten
of symptoms with less than 100,000 viral RNA copies per ml of spu-
tum. These research results were published online on “Nature” on 1
April 2020.4
Although comprehensive testing is key to confirm COVID-19,
which plays an extreme role in the decision on quarantine procedures
and treatment as soon as possible, it is, on the other hand, almost
impossible for most of the countries to currently carry out this tech-
nique thoroughly due to various reasons. Iceland is the only excep-
tion as the government allows everyone in the country to be tested for
the virus. The government says it spent years perfecting its approach.5
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It therefore appears that it is more important to have full aware-

ness of the early symptoms of COVID-19 infection, so that we avoid
the risk of spreading it to a wider scale in a more proactive and health
monitoring sense, apart from the common methods introduced by
most countries like social distancing and self-isolating. Most of the
countries in the world remain conservative on whether to receive a
proper medical treatment with the infection in the early stage.
Apparently, identification and understanding of the early symptoms
could determine how well the whole world copes with the outbreak
and could help provide accurate information for healthcare and pre-
vention strategies.

3.1.1 Manifestations of early symptoms of COVID-19

While the COVID-19 pandemic is still spreading fast across the
world, it has only been a time span of four months since it was first

Roman Wölfel. Virological assessment of hospitalized patients with COVID-2019.
Nature. 2020, 581: 465–469.
Kelly McLaughlin. Iceland is allowing everyone in the country to be tested for the
coronavirus. The government says it spent years perfecting its approach. Insider. 2 April

TCM Treatment of Early Symptoms of COVID-19

identified and announced to the public in December 2019 by China.

We, as humans, still have very little knowledge about the virus. Now
it becomes essential that once we can identify the early symptoms of
the infection, we target it with immediate tailored treatment, inhibit-
ing further progression of the infection and reducing the activity of
the virus replication. By doing so, it can be expected that the impact
of the infection could be greatly reduced. Since the list of most com-
monly reported symptoms on COVID-19 patients across the world
during this pandemic is still incomplete and ongoing, we searched
through the published literature globally and attempted to give the
TCM’s in-depth insight on it.
It is still a long time before people are fully aware of Long
COVID being associated with early symptoms. Our study indicates
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that the relevant symptoms include not only the commonly recog-
nized ones, like fever and respiratory manifestations or the major
flu-related symptoms, but also some digestive, urological, physical,
mental and musculoskeletal issues. On top of that, other less iden-
tifiable symptoms like anosmia, ageusia, skin rash, chilblain-like
wound, eye irritations and different levels of nervous system impair-
ments may be involved too. Although there is a lack of inner logic
connection between each individual symptom in the western con-
text, these clinical manifestations have various underlying mecha-
nisms in TCM.
Regarding the early symptoms, different countries take a different
approach towards it. In the UK, the NHS still insists on its website
that only fever, cough and difficulty breathing are the key symptoms
of COVID-19 infection. Only if a patient presents the above symp-
toms will NHS medical professionals consider admitting the patient
for COVID-19 test and hospital treatments. This method has com-
pletely excluded all other mild symptoms on the early stage of the
infection, which in our opinion, may greatly contribute to the conse-
quence that the UK is among those holding the highest COVID-19
casualty alongside the US as of 24 April 2020, with 18,738 deaths,
reaching the fifth highest in the world.6

Worldometer COVID-19 data.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

In comparison, the US National Centre for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC), pays higher attention to patients whose symptoms
appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus, including fever,
cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated
shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, the new loss
of taste or smell.7
Medical researchers are taking a more systematic view of the com-
plexity of the virus. Hussin A. Rothan summarized that the symptoms
of COVID-19 infection appear after an incubation period of approxi-
mately 5.2 days. The period from the onset of COVID-19 symptoms to
death ranged from 6 to 41 days with a median of 14 days.
It lists two groups of symptoms:
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1. Systematic disorders: Fever, cough, fatigue, sputum production,

headache; haemoptysis, acute cardiac injury, hypoxemia, dysp-
nea, lymphopenia, diarrhea.
2. Respiratory disorders: Rhinorrhea, sneezing, sore throat;
pneumonia, ground-glass opacities; RNA anemia, acute respira-
tory distress syndrome.

The chapter particularly pointed out that COVID-19 infection pre-

sented more symptoms of gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea
than other coronavirus like SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. This shows
that digestive and urinary symptoms with COVID-19 infection need
more attention.8
However, these are not sufficient to cover all the symptoms espe-
cially in the very early stage of the infection, as we are fighting
against an intense battle against the progress of the virus. As the pan-
demic develops, there are increasingly more discoveries on potential
symptoms and signs of the infection being reported across the world

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Symptoms of COVID-19.
Updated 22 February 2021.
Hussin A. Rothan, et al. The epidemiology and pathogenesis of coronavirus disease
(COVID-19) outbreak. Journal of Autoimmunity. May 2020, 109: 102433. Published
online 26 February 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.jaut.2020.102433.

TCM Treatment of Early Symptoms of COVID-19

since its global outbreak. It is worth mentioning that some of these

newly-reported COVID-19 symptoms are not widely identified and
reported in China. The reason for the difference between China and
the other countries is worth discussing in the future.
The New York Times reported doctors from different countries
with a surge in COVID-19 cases, including South Korea, Italy,
Germany, UK, and US. The report urged for doctors to screen
patients with symptoms such as loss of sense of smell and taste, even
those with no noticeable nasal congestion. The percentage of the
presence of anosmia among the COVID-19 positive patients is
between 30–59% according to different research.9,10 Loss of taste or
smell appeared around 24–72 hours before more typical symptoms,
such as fever.11
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Some patients also reported rash like frostbite or toes turning

blue/purple in Italy, Spain and the Middle East.12,13 But the percentage
of skin rash occurrence on COVID-19 positive patients shows a big
difference between the studies of China and the other countries, with
western countries being much higher.14

Roni Caryn Rabin. Lost sense of smell may be peculiar clue to coronavirus infec-
tion. The New York Times. 22 March 2020.
Cristina Menni, et al. Loss of smell and taste in combination with other symptoms
is a strong predictor of COVID-19 infection. MedRxiv. 2020.
Luigi A. Vaira, et al. Anosmia and ageusia: Common findings in COVID-19 patients.
Laryngoscope. 2020, 130(7): 1787. doi: 10.1002/lary.28692.
Enrique D Fernandez-Nieto, et al. Comment on: Cutaneous manifestations in
COVID-19: A first perspective. Safety concerns of clinical images and skin biopsies.
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. 2020, 34(6):
e252–e254. doi: 10.1111/jdv.16470.
Anwaar Alramthan, et al. A case of COVID-19 presenting in clinical picture resem-
bling chilblains disease. First report from the Middle East. Clinical and Experimental
Dermatology. 2020, 45(6). doi: 10.1111/ced.14243.
Antoine Mahe, et al. A distinctive skin rash associated with coronavirus disease
2019. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. 2020, 34,
e241–290. doi: 10.1111/jdv.16471.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Skin changes can be found throughout the whole process of

COVID-19 infections. Furthermore, Magro et al. (2020) studied five
cases of severe COVID-19 associated respiratory failure, of which
three had a purpuric skin rash, and pointed out the potential key role
of microvascular injury and thrombosis in the pathogenesis of
There were also reports of red and irritated eyes in some cases.
Cheema et al. (2020) reported the first case of COVID-associated
keratoconjunctivitis in North America, presenting red eyes and
watery eye discharge without any fever and respiratory symptoms.16
The damages and impact of COVID-19 on the nervous system and
particularly the brain is also raising people’s concerns. There have
been very little and scattered published articles on the relevant CNS
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(Central Nerve System) symptoms on COVID-19 cases, although signs

like nausea, headache and vomiting are commonly recorded on
patients. In a review, Asadi-Pooya et al. (2020) quoted that about 25%
of the COVID-19 infected patients present CNS manifestations.17
Nonetheless, a study on 214 COVID-19 infected patients in China
showed that 36.4% of them displayed neurological symptoms, includ-
ing CNS manifestations like dizziness, headaches, impaired con-
sciousness, acute cerebro-vascular disease, ataxia, seizures, and
peripheral manifestations like taste and smell impairment, vision
impairment, neuralgia as well as musculoskeletal injury.18 To add some
more evidence between COVID-19 and CNS impairment, a team led

Cynthia Magro, et al. Complement associated microvascular injury and thrombosis
in the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 infection: A report of five cases. Translational
Research: The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine. 2020, 220: 1–13. doi:
Marvi Cheema, et al. Keratoconjunctivitis as the initial medical presentation of the
novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology.
2020, 55(4): E125–E129. doi: 10.1016/j.jcjo.2020.03.003.
Ali A. Asadi-Pooya, et al. Central nervous system manifestations of COVID-19:
A systematic review. Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 2020, 413: 116832.
doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2020.116832.
Kevin Roe. Explanation for COVID-19 infection neurological damage and reactiva-
tions. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. 2020, 67: 1414–1415. doi: 10.1111/

TCM Treatment of Early Symptoms of COVID-19

by Dr. Oxley in the Department of Neurosurgery, Mount Sinai Health

System, New York, investigated five cases of large vessel stroke over a
two-week period in COVID-19 patients under 50 with either no or
mild COVID-19 symptoms. This represents a seven-fold increase in
what would normally be expected, and the relevant article will be
published online at the end of April in The New England Journal of
Medicine, says the Medscape Medical News.19 This study provides a
clue implying that COVID-19 may attack large vessels in the younger
population to cause thrombosis and clotting at an early stage of the
infection. However, it is still early to conclude that COVID-19 leads to
a higher risk of stroke in the early stage of the infection.20
These reports from all over the world, from the view of Western
medicine, reflect a broad variety of different clinical symptoms on
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different anatomic systems. However due to the limitation on the

scale and quantity of observations by individual clinicians in differ-
ent countries and regions, these symptoms represent some level of
similarity and coincidence. Each symptom identified is still lacking
strong supporting evidence in connection with certain pathogenesis,
in terms of when and why they show on one patient but not on the
others. Therefore, it will be very helpful if we can find a new viewing
point to understand this disease.

3.1.2 TCM’s mechanisms on early symptoms

of COVID-19 infection
In fact, TCM has a much more logical line of insight on these seem-
ingly random and scattered manifestations, that all these clinical
manifestations have various intersecting and underlying mechanisms.
TCM treatment is thus totally established based upon these

Damian McNamara. COVID-19 linked to large vessel stroke in young adults.
Medscape. 24 April 2020.
Libin. We have a deeper understanding of response strategies—Academician Tong
Xiaolin “interprets” the TCM treatment plan in the “New Coronavirus Pneumonia
Diagnosis and Treatment Plan” (Trial Fourth Edition). Xinhua Net (新华网).
28 January 2020.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

In general, when the EPF (external pathogenic factors) enter the

body, they develop and progress following certain patterns, rarely
involving multiple internal organs and channels at the same time. As
a result, well-trained TCM practitioners could easily and promptly
identify these external symptoms and signs associated with the rele-
vant patterns. However, when it comes to a pandemic EPF, even
though it appears as an external invasion pattern at the start, the
pathogenic factors can rapidly fall into multiple internal organ and
system disorders, creating a mixture of complications involving mul-
tiple malfunctions. COVID-19 is a live example.
Coronavirus pneumonia, for starters, presents a typical pattern of
cold-damp with evil toxins. Since it is a mixture of external patho-
genic factors, coronavirus inevitably shares some features of external
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symptoms and signs, laying a solid foundation for a treatment princi-

ple to dispel and eliminate the external evils.
When studying this disease, it will be interesting to start by look-
ing into the climate of Wuhan, when COVID-19 first broke out in
December 2019. The local weather was very rainy and wet, with an
average temperature higher than previous records of winters, with
not much sunlight. Reviews on tongue images of patients with
COVID-19 also show the similarity of a white and greasy coating—
and some of them, not many—have a yellow thick and greasy coat-
ing. This confirms the presence of cold and damp, especially at the
beginning of its infection.21
Taking all the early symptoms listed above into consideration,
TCM’s understanding of the development of EFP invasion shows a
perfect insight.《Simple Question-Chapter 63》: “when an evil settles
in the physical appearance, it will first lodge in the skin and its hair.
It stays there and does not leave. Then it enters more deeply and
lodges in the tertiary vessels (sun mai). It stays there and does not
leave. Then it enters further and lodges in the network vessels (luo
mai). It stays there and does not leave. Then it enters further and
lodges in the conduit vessels (jing mai, channels). It then links up
with the five depots (wu zang, internal yin organs) internally and

Cristina Menni, et al. op. cit.

TCM Treatment of Early Symptoms of COVID-19

spreads into the Intestines and the stomach. With both the yin and
the yang (regions/channels) being affected, the five depots (wu zang,
internal yin organs) will be harmed”.
This chapter provides a clear clue of the mechanisms of evil EPF’s
invasion into the body:

• EPF first enters the body on stage one via skin and the cutaneous
section to disturb the wei-qi level.
• EPF then lodges into the channel and collateral vessel level in
stage two. Because the cutaneous section belongs to the jing-luo
complex system, it is clear that stage one and two are both the
disorders on the channel system—a superficial level of disorder.
Regarding invasion on these two early stages, if a tailored treat-
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ment to dispel and eliminate the EPF from the channel system can
be applied promptly, it will cease or at least slow down the further
development of the invasion, and this is the importance of our
emphasis on the early intervention on COVID-19 infections.
• The invasion ends in stage three, after affecting the stomach and
Intestines. The invasion settles finally in the five yin organs (wu
zang) and damage of five yin organs, leading to more severe sys-
tematic illness.

However, when considering its epidemic character, it is important to

emphasize that COVID-19, although bearing the nature of external cold-
damp factors, is not the same type of “cold” or “flu” that we encounter
in everyday clinical practice. It occurs and progresses extremely fast, in
an unusual, unpredictable, and hard to control pattern, involving much
higher mortality than usual. Many patients with severe cases could face
death within 20 days from the beginning when early symptoms appear.
Therefore TCM calls it “han shi yi (寒湿疫)”, the term yi (疫) means
“plague” and “epidemic”. “Evil toxins” is the name we give to describe
another aspect of its pathogenesis. Due to the nature of the evil toxins
mixed with cold-damp, yi, the plague enters the body quickly, develops,
and changes rapidly. Sometimes it can even skip the first two stages and
collapse into stage three within a very short period, affecting organs that
present symptoms of a mixture of cold-damp and toxic heat.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Consequently, it becomes even more crucial that identifying and

acknowledging the first two earliest stages and properly applying
relevant tailored preventive intervention is the key to win the battle
in fighting this infective viral illness.
Based on the three yang and three yin channel system, Shang
Han Lun’s six channel differentiation provides a great approach in
analyzing COVID-19 pathogenesis. Especially when we look at the
early symptoms of it, differentiation of the three-yang-channel ena-
bles us to have a broader view to link together all those scattered
symptoms in the early stage of the infection. Three yang-channel-
system represents the individual channels of six yang organs (liu fu),
laying on the outer side of the body, which serve as the defending
front line against the external invasion. Illnesses of the three-yang
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channel system manifest two aspects of the disorders:

• The symptoms on body parts and areas along with the distribution
of the relevant channels.
• The malfunction symptoms of the relevant yang organs.
• The three-yang-channel system clearly draws a line on the process
of external invasion between stages one, two and three in which
the internal yin organs are affected and harmed. In other words,
stage three represents the three-yin-channel system that is stated in
Shang Han Lun.

In addition, invasion can attack one or a cluster of several channels,

and the yin yang internal-external paired channels tend to have pat-
terns with more direct interlapping influence on each other in the
process of the epidemic infection, which happens very frequently
with the COVID-19 pandemic. This all adds more complexity to the

3.1.3 Six channel differentiations

Following are the six channel differentiations related to the
COVID-19 early-stage symptoms.

TCM Treatment of Early Symptoms of COVID-19 Taiyang channel syndrome

Aversion to cold, slight fever, headache, runny nose, loss of smell,
neck pain, muscle pain or stiffness of the muscles, dry cough, tickling
throat, a thin, white and greasy coating, a superficial and slippery
pulse, etc.
In COVID-19 cases, we saw a lot of patients with pain at the
forehead (close to Ex-Yintang) and the top of head, and often with
upper or middle back pain as the very early symptoms. Watery
eyes and urinary dysfunction can be related to Taiyang syndrome
too. Taiyang and Yangming channel syndrome

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Next to Taiyang’s symptoms (slight aversion to cold, high fever,

headache, neck pain, muscle pain, cough), carrying a mixed nature
of damp, cold, and toxic heat can present two types of symptoms:

• Damp is related to vomiting, diarrhea with pungent smell, and

• Toxic heat is related to fever, red face, restlessness, insomnia, con-
stipation, yellow and dry coating on the tongue, and a rapid and
forceful pulse.

In COVID-19 cases, we saw patients with the sudden loss of smell

or taste, purple toes or chilblain patches appearing on regions
where the stomach and large intestine meridians distribute. Because
of Yangming-Taiyin lung inter-connection, it is common to see
patients presenting skin rashes in the early stage, as well as blisters
under the damp category. It is worth mentioning that the further
development of Yangming heat from skin can invade into the blood.
Furthermore, it may end in Kawasaki disease, where inflammation
on blood vessels and the heart are widely involved (this is classified
as Shaoyin or Jueyin yin depleted complication, as a later stage

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM Taiyang and Shaoyang channel syndrome

Patients present an aversion to cold and fever, headache, neck pain,
muscle pain or stiffness of the muscles, cough with the fullness of
chest, bitter taste in the mouth, poor appetite, depressive, sore and
dryness in the throat, vomiting, ataxia, a thin, yellow, and greasy
coating on the tongue, and a wiry and slippery pulse.
In COVID-19 cases, we often see patients with neck and shoulder
pains, temporal headaches with repetitive patterns of fever, red eyes
or eye irritations, and disturbance. Blockage energy in Shaoyang can
cause chest tightness and palpitation too. Taiyang, Yangming and Shaoyang channel syndrome

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Patients present an aversion to cold, slight fever, headache, neck

pain, muscle pain or stiffness of the muscles, cough, redness of the
face, sore throat, bitter taste in the mouth, a white and greasy/
yellow and greasy coating on the tongue, and a rapid and slippery
Obviously, this is a combination of all the three yang-channel
syndromes, usually an extensive development of the previous three
patterns. We should take some measures to prevent the aggravation
of above conditions.
As mentioned above, we frequently see yin yang complex pat-
terns in COVID-19 patients in the early stage of contacting the virus,
as the evil EPF develops much faster. The most common combined
yin yang patterns are listed below. Taiyang and Taiyin channel syndrome

Patients present a slight aversion to cold, little fever, headache, mus-
cle pain, cough, sore throat, tiredness, the fullness of the abdomen
with slight pain, lack of taste, poor appetite, loose stools or less pun-
gent diarrhea, weakness of the muscle, pale tongue with a white and
greasy coating, and a thin, weak, and slippery pulse.

TCM Treatment of Early Symptoms of COVID-19

With the involvement of damp and a weakened Taiyin spleen,

patients present much more noticeable fatigue with the heaviness of
the body, cold limbs, and stronger, longer-lasting loss of appetite, or
even anosmia. Taiyang and Shaoyin channel syndrome

Patients present an aversion to cold, no fever, headache, cough,
throat pain, cold and purple hands and feet, extreme tiredness, som-
nolence, weak heartbeat, semi-consciousness, a pale and wet coat-
ing on the tongue, and a thin, slow, and weak pulse.
With the involvement of cold and a weakened Shaoyin kidney
and heart, patients present much more noticeable low spirit, lethargy,
purple lips, and palpitation with mild exertion. Besides, the involve-
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ment of toxic heat can damage the Shaoyin channel and cause yin
depletion, featuring deep red skin rash or bleeding complications,
although this is usually a later stage condition not covered com-
pletely in this article. At this complex state, it could manifest into a
critical condition soon. Therefore, urgent attention is needed once
this complex pattern is identified.
In addition to the six-channel differentiation by Shang Han Lun,
zang-fu differentiation may give a more detailed analysis of stage
three development. It mainly involves the three organs: lung, spleen
and San Jiao, at the beginning of COVID-19 infection.
The functions of the lung are to maintain respiration, disperse
and descend the lung-qi, provide an opening into the nose, domi-
nate the skin, and regulate the water passage. On the other hand,
the spleen has physiological functions in producing qi and blood,
transporting and transforming food and fluid, dominating the mus-
cles and four limbs, providing an opening to the mouth, harmoniz-
ing with the stomach, and controlling the blood circulation within
the vessels. San Jiao functions in harmonizing the San Jiao, regulat-
ing the corridor of yuan-qi and water, distributing the qi to all
parts of the body. If the qi distribution and water metabolism of
the San Jiao become disturbed or blocked, water retention could
happen, which leads to various dysfunctions throughout the whole

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

body across the different Jiao(s). The nature of pathogenesis of

COVID-19—damp, cold and toxic heat—are closely connected to
the disorders of body fluid and water metabolism. Nonetheless, we
find that the lung, spleen, and San Jiao are the most essential organs
often involved at the beginning of the infection. The cold-damp
pathogens may dominate the beginning stage of the illness, leading
to disturbance and blockage of water metabolism. Toxic heat then
dominates a later stage that burns out the body fluid, leading to
severe yin depletion. However, in many fast-progressing cases, the
two factors often mingle together.
When the lung becomes impaired or blocked, the following
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• Disruption of its dispersing function

 Aversion to cold, or chillness, slight fever, cough, and itching in

the throat.

• Failure of the lung to open into the nose

 Loss of smell, stuffy nose, runny nose, and nasal bleeding.

• Dysfunction of the lung in descending the qi

 The fast development of chest congestion, increasing pressure in

the chest, and hypoxemia.

• Blockage of wei qi

 Muscle pain, joint pain, sweating, and sensitivity to wind.

• Disruption of its role as the upper source of water

 Rapid build-ups of fluid in the lung, scanty urination, and mild


TCM Treatment of Early Symptoms of COVID-19

When the spleen is affected, the following happens:

• Dysfunction of transportation and transformation

 Poor appetite, loss of taste, nausea, vomiting, formation of thin

and white phlegm (mucus) in the mouth, bloating of the abdo-
men, soft or loose stool, or diarrhea, signs of buildup of damp
in the body, including blisters on the feet or somewhere on the

• Poor function of qi and blood production

 Lassitude, fatigue, difficulty walking for a short distance, pale

complexion, and cold hands and feet.
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• Lack of domination of the muscles and four limbs

 Muscle weakness and lack of force in the four limbs.

• Failure of the spleen in controlling the blood

 Bruises and haemoptysis.

When the San Jiao is affected, the following happens:

• Disturbance of yuan-qi distribution

 Tiredness, weakness, mental fatigue, lacking the power to do

things. In some cases, even activities as simple as reading, writ-
ing, or moving for a very short distance (e.g., 20 meters), could
become a challenging effort.

• Blockage of the water metabolism

 Rapid water retention in the lung, formation of phlegm and

mucus in the lung, fast buildup of general water retention,

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

edema on the lower limbs, scanty urination, heart palpitation,

shortness of breath, the fullness of abdomen, or constipation.

The prognosis of the infection depends on the patient’s constitution,

age, and underlying sickness. The invasion of cold-damp, toxins,
and heat may enter through either cold-dominant or heat-dominant
directions. The cold-dominant direction takes the system to exces-
sive accumulation of mucus in the lung and/or kidney system,
resulting in ARDS or heart and kidney failure. The heat-dominant
direction takes the system to the over-burning of multiple organs,
resulting in general cytokine storm and multiple organ failure. By
foreseeing the possible consequence of the development of rele-
vant pathology, a proper intervention of herbal or acupuncture
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treatment—as early as possible—will be able to shorten the process

of the illness and avoid further progress into critical conditions.
Unlike the ordinary flu, COVID-19 has a much faster and higher
chance to drive the whole system into an extensive crisis. From this
point of view, it is no doubt that promptly identifying the early-
stage symptoms and managing the original pathogen with proper
intervention can prevent drastic system deterioration and reduce
mortality rate.

3.2 TCM Treatment

The main key focus of TCM treatment for early stage symptoms of
COVID-19 is to dispel the pathogenic factors, namely cold-damp,
toxins and heat, and restore the functions of lung, spleen, San Jiao,
and other relevant organs. We want to particularly emphasize on the
application of Ghost points in acupuncture treatment. The idea of
a combination of Ghost points, Shaoshang LU-11 with Yinbai
SP-1 comes from the ancient analogy that the evil epidemic EPF are
acting as “ghosts” finding their way into the human body. We are
also keen on eight extraordinary confluence points that have multi-
dimension actions on both the 12 primary channels and extraordi-
nary vessels.

TCM Treatment of Early Symptoms of COVID-19

3.2.1 Taiyang channel syndrome

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel cold-damp, remove toxins, disperse the lung-qi and relieve
external symptoms.

Herbal Treatment:
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang-Notopterygium Decoction to Overcome

Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g

Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g
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Du Huo Radix Angelicae Pubescentis 10 g

Gao Ben Rhizoma et Radix Ligustici 10 g
Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 5 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

Herbal Modifications:
• Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g, Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches
seu Pogostemi 10 g, Qing Hao Herba Artemisiae Annuae 10 g
and Jin Yin Hua Flos Lonicerae Japonicae 10 g could be added into
the formula to strengthen the effect of eliminating cold-damp and
• In the case of obvious dry cough, add Tian Hua Fen Radix
Trichosanthis Kirilowii 5 g and Mai Men Dong Tuber Ophiopogonis
Japonici 10 g to moisten the lung and reduce the dry cough.
• In the case of severe anhidrosis, add Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae
10 g and Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g to promote
sweating and relieve the external symptoms.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• In the case of severe throat pain, add She Gan Rhizoma

Belamcandae Chinensis 10 g to relieve the throat pain.
• In the case of loss of smell, add Cang Er Zi Fructus Xanthii Sibirici
10 g and Xin Yi Hua Flos Magnoliae 10 g to open the nasal orifice
and improve the nose function.
• In the case of loss of taste, add Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 5 g to
eliminate cold-damp and improve the tastebuds.

Acupuncture Points:
• Ghost points: Shaoshang LU-11 and Yinbai SP-1, puncturing
• Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6, Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41 with
even methods.
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• Hegu L.I.-4, Fengchi GB-20, Zhigou SJ-6, Feishu BL-13, Zhongwan

Ren-12, Fenglong ST-40 and Zusanli ST-36 with reducing methods.

Points Modifications:
• In the case of an obvious dry cough, add Jingqu LU-8 to moisten
the lung and reduce the dry cough.
• In the case of severe anhidrosis, add moxa on Hegu L.I.-4, Feishu
BL-13, and Zusanli ST-36 to promote sweating and relieve the
external symptoms.
• In the case of muscle pain, add Feiyang BL-58 and Kunlun BL-60
to harmonize the collaterals and relieve the muscle pain.
• In the case of severe sore throat, add Lianquan REN-23 to relieve
the throat pain.
• In the case of loss of smell, add Yingxiang L.I.-20 and Juliao ST-3
to open the nasal orifice and improve the nose function.

3.2.2 Taiyang and Yangming channel syndrome

Principle of Treatment:
Clear heat, remove toxins, disperse the lung-qi, and clear the heat.

Herbal Treatment:
Da Qing Long Tang-Major Green Dragon Decoction.

TCM Treatment of Early Symptoms of COVID-19

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g

Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Ting Li Zi Semen Descurainiae seu Lepidii 10 g
Bai Jie Zi Semen Sinapis Albae 10 g
Lai Fu Zi Semen Raphani Sativi 10 g
Shi Gao Gypsum Fibrosum 20 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g

Herbal Modifications:
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• Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g, Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches

seu Pogostemi 10 g, Qing Hao Herba Artemisiae Annuae 10 g and
Jin Yin Hua Flos Lonicerae Japonicae 10 g could be added into the
formulas to strengthen the effect of eliminating cold-damp and
• In the case of high fever, add Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae
Asphodeloidis 10 g and Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis
10 g to clear the heat in Yangming and reduce the fever.
• In the case of severe thirst, add Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis
Kirilowii 10 g to benefit the body fluid and relieve the thirst.
• In the case of yellow phlegm, add Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae
Thunbergii 10 g and Niu Bang Zi Fructus Arctii Lappae 10 g to
resolve heat-phlegm and reduce cough.
• In case of haemoptysis, add Bai Ji Rhizoma Bletillae Striatae 10 g
and Xian He Cao Herba Agrimoniae Pilosae 10 g to cool blood
and stop bleeding.
• In the case of constipation, add Da Huang Radix et Rhizoma Rhei
10 g to clear the heat and promote defecation to relieve

Acupuncture Points:
• Ghost points: Shaoshang LU-11 and Yinbai SP-1, puncturing

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6, Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with

even method.
• Chize LU-5, Feishu BL-13, Tanzhong Ren-17, Yuji LU-10, Hegu
L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Tianshu ST-25 and Neiting ST-44 with reduc-
ing methods.

Points Modifications:
• In the case of high fever, add Dazhui Du-14 to clear the heat and
reduce fever.
• In the case of a blocked nose and nasal bleeding, add Yingxiang
L.I.-20 to open the nasal orifice and stop the bleeding.
• In the case of loss of taste, add Dicang ST-4 to regulate the channel
and harmonize the collateral to improve the tastebuds.
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• In the case of skin red rashes or irritations (heat oriented), add

Xuehai SP-10 and Geshu BL-17 to clear the heat and eliminate
heat in the blood.
• In the case of excessive yellow phlegm, add Yuji LU-10 to elimi-
nate heat-phlegm and stop coughing.
• In the case of haemoptysis, add Kongzui LU-6 to cool the blood
and stop bleeding.

3.2.3 Taiyang and Shaoyang channel syndrome

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel cold-damp, remove toxins, disperse the lung-qi, and harmo-
nize Shaoyang.

Herbal Treatment:
Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang-Bupleuri and Ramuli Cinnamomi Decoction.

Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g

Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g
Gao Ben Rhizoma et Radix Ligustici 10 g
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g

TCM Treatment of Early Symptoms of COVID-19

Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g
Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

Herbal Modifications:
• Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g, Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches
seu Pogostemi 10 g, Qing Hao Herba Artemisiae Annuae 10 and
Jin Yin Hua Flos Lonicerae Japonicae 10 g could be added into the
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formula to strengthen the effect of eliminating cold-damp and

• In the case of redness in the eyes or eye irritation, add Xia Ku Cao
Spica Prunellae Vulgaris 10 g to clear the heat in the liver and
relieve the eye complaints.
• In the case of severe vomiting and a bitter taste in the mouth, add
Xuan Fu Hua Flos Inulae 10 g (packed with gauze) to descend the
stomach-qi and relieve the vomiting.
• In the case of emotional depression, add He Huan Pi Cortex
Albizziae Julibrissin 10 g to smooth the qi circulation and tran-
quilize the shen.
• In the case of ataxia, add Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae Elatae 10 g
to subdue the wind and improve the balance of the body.

Acupuncture Points:
• Ghost points: Shaoshang LU-11 and Yinbai SP-1, puncturing
• Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6, Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41,
Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with an even method.
• Chize LU-5, Feishu BL-13, Yuji LU-10, Yanglingquan GB-34, Xiaxi
GB-43, and Sanyinjiao SP-6 with reducing methods.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Points Modifications:
• In the case of much dry cough, add Jingqu LU-8 to moisten the
lung, disperse the lung-qi and relieve the dry cough.
• In the case of redness in the eyes or eye irritation, add Guanchong
SJ-1 and Xingjian LIV-2 to clear the heat in the liver and relieve the
eye complaints.
• In the case of severe vomiting and a bitter taste in the mouth, add
Qiuxu GB-40 and Zhongwan REN-12 to descend the stomach-qi
and relieve the vomiting.
• In the case of emotional depression, add Qimen LIV-14 and
Shaohai HE-3 to smooth the qi circulation, and tranquillize the shen.
• In the case of chest tightness or pressure over the chest, add
Tanzhong REN-17 and Ximen P-4 to descend the qi, regulate the
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chest and relieve the chest tightness and pressure.

3.2.4 Taiyang, Yangming and Shaoyang channel syndrome

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel cold-damp, remove toxins, clear heat, disperse the lung-qi
and harmonize Shaoyang.

Herbal Treatment:
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang-Bupleurum and Kudzu Decoction to Release the
Muscle Layer.

This pattern is mostly seen in the clinic or practice. After launching

the “Screening Study of Effective Prescriptions of Traditional Chinese
Medicine for the Prevention and Treatment of New Coronavirus
Pneumonia” in Shanxi, Hebei, Heilongjiang and Shaanxi with a very
effective therapeutic result, the State Administration of Traditional
Chinese Medicine in China has encouraged TCM doctors to apply
an herbal formula named Qing Fei Pai Du Tang (QFPDD — Lung
Cleansing & Detoxifying Decoction) to treat patients with COVID-19

TCM Treatment of Early Symptoms of COVID-19

Qing Fei Pai Du Tang (QFPDD) is a new compound formula com-

posed of four classic prescriptions, containing warm, pungent, cold,
light and fragrant herbs to disperse the lung, stop cough, clear heat,
resolve damp and remove toxins. It contains:

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Shi Gao Gypsum Fibrosum 30 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 5 g
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g
Ze Xie Alismatis Rhizoma 10 g
Zhu Ling Polyporus 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
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Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g

Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Sheng Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis Recens 10 g
Zi Wan Radix Asteris Tatarici 10 g
Kuan Dong Hua Flos Tussilaginis Farfarae 10 g
She Gan Rhizoma Belamcandae Chinensis 10 g
Xi Xin Herba cum Radice Asari 3 g
Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi 10 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Chen Pi Citri reticulatae Pericarpium 5 g

• Decoct one package of crude herbs each day and take the decoc-
tion once in the morning and once in the evening (40 minutes after
a meal). If conditions permit, take half a bowl of rice soup after
drinking the decoction.
• Three days of treatment constitutes one course. Usually, only one
or two courses of treatment are required.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• If the patient does not have a high fever, the amount of Shi
Gao Gypsum Fibrosum can be reduced. Conversely, if the fever is
high, the amount of Shi Gao Gypsum Fibrosum should be

Acupuncture Points:
• Ghost points: Shaoshang LU-11 and Yinbai SP-1, puncturing
• Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6, Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with
even method.
• Chize LU-5, Feishu BL-13, Yuji LU-10, Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11,
Fengchi GB-20, Yanglingquan GB-34, and Neiting ST-44 with
reducing methods.
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Points Modifications:
Selections are as above patterns.

3.2.5 Taiyang and Taiyin channel syndrome

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel cold-damp, remove toxins, disperse the lung-qi, and strengthen
the Taiyin system.

Herbal Treatment:
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Tang-Agastache Decoction to Rectify the Qi.

Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi 10 g

Pei Lan Herba Eupatorii Fortunei 10 g
Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 5 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g

TCM Treatment of Early Symptoms of COVID-19

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g

Sheng Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis Recens 5 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

Herbal Modifications:
• Qing Hao Herba Artemisiae Annuae 10 g and Jin Yin Hua Flos
Lonicerae Japonicae 10 g could be added into the formula to
strengthen the effect of eliminating cold-damp and toxins.
• In the case of loss of taste, add Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 5 g to
eliminate cold-damp and improve the tastebuds.
• In the case of severe diarrhea, add Ge Gen Radix Puerariae 10 g
to ascend the clear-qi and descend the turbid-qi.
• In the case of severe tiredness, add Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae
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Oppositae 10 g to activate the spleen and tonify spleen-qi to

improve the energy.
• In the case of bruises and haemoptysis, add Xian He Cao Herba
Agrimoniae Pilosae 10 g and Bai Ji Rhizoma Bletillae Striatae 10 g
to stop bleeding.
• In the case of frostbite/chilblain (cold-oriented), add Bai Jie Zi
Semen Sinapis Albae 10 g and Rou Gui Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae
3 g to warm the channels and eliminate blockage in the collaterals.

Acupuncture Points:
• Ghost points: Shaoshang LU-11, Yinbai SP-1, puncturing
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with
even method.
• Zhigou SJ-6, Feishu BL-13, Yanglingquan GB-34, Zhongwan Ren-
12, Fenglong ST-40, Tianshu ST-25, Yinlingquan SP-9, Zusanli
ST-36 with even method. Moxa on ST-36.

Points Modifications:
• In the case of severe fatigue, add Pishu BL-20 and Qihai Ren-6
with moxa to activate the spleen and tonify spleen-qi to improve
the energy.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• In the case of loss of taste, add Dicang ST-4 and Chongyang ST-42
to regulate the channel and harmonize the collateral to improve
the tastebuds.
• In the case of severe diarrhea, add Shangjuxu ST-37 to stop
• In the case of loss of appetite, add Taibai SP-3 to activate the
spleen and improve appetite.
• In the case of excessive mucus in the mouth, add Tiantu REN-22
to descend the qi and relieve the mucus.
• In the case of frostbite/chilblain (cold-oriented), moxa on jing Well
points of nearest relevant meridians or on the tip of the nearest toe.
• In the case of skin blisters, add Taiyuan LU-9 and Taibai SP-3 to
eliminate cold-damp in the skin and muscle and relieve the skin
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3.2.6 Taiyang and Shaoyin channel syndrome

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel cold-damp, remove toxins, disperse the lung-qi and tonify the

Herbal Treatment:
Ma Huang Fu Zi Xi Xin Tang-Ephedra, Prepared Aconite and Asarum
Decoction, or
Ma Huang Fu Zi Gan Jiang Tang-Ephedra, Prepared Aconite and Dry
Ginger Decoction.

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g

Zhi Fu Zi Radix Lateralis Aconiti Carmichaeli Praeparata 10 g
Xi Xin Herba cum Radice Asari 3 g
Gao Ben Rhizoma et Radix Ligustici 10 g
Xin Yi Hua Flos Magnoliae 10 g
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Sheng Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis Recens 5 g

TCM Treatment of Early Symptoms of COVID-19

If Ma Huang is missing, Xiang Ru 10 g could act as a replacement. If

Zhi Fu Zi is missing, Gan Jiang 10 g could be a replacement. If Xi Xin
is missing, Bai Zhi 10 g could be used instead.

Herbal Modifications:
• Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g, Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches
seu Pogostemi 10 g and Qing Hao Herba Artemisiae Annuae 10 g
could be added into the formulas to strengthen the effect of elimi-
nating cold-damp and relieve the external symptoms.
• In the case of a weak heartbeat, add Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi
Cassiae 10 g and Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 10 g
to warm the heart and strengthen the heartbeat.
• In the case of scanty urination or edema on the lower limbs, add
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Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g, Zhu Ling Sclerotium

Polypori Umbellati 10 g and Ze Xie Rhizoma Alismatis Orientalis
10 g to promote urination and relieve edema.
• In the case of semi-consciousness, a combination of Chinese herbs
and Western medicine should be applied.

Acupuncture Points:
• Ghost points: Shaoshang LU-11, Yinbai SP-1, puncturing
• Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6, Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with
even method.
• Hegu L.I.-4 and Feishu BL-13 with reducing method.
• Xinshu BL-15, Shenshu BL-23, Qihai REN-6, Guanyuan REN-4,
Taixi KID-3 and Zusanli ST-36 with a tonifying method with moxa
on KID-3, REN-4 and REN-6.

Points Modifications:
• In the case of a weak heartbeat, add Xinshu BL-15 with moxa to
warm the heart and strengthen the heartbeat.
• In the case of scanty urination, or edema on the lower limbs, add
Shuidao ST-29 and Yinlingquan SP-9 to promote urination and
relieve edema.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• In the case of semi-consciousness, adding Shaofu HE-8 and

Yongquan KID-1 with a tonic method could be applied.
• In the case of hypoxemia with difficulty inhaling, add Yingu
KID-10 and Tanzhong REN-17 to tonify the qi, relax the chest and
improve inhalation.

In this chapter, we set foot on the path of understanding the early

stage of COVID-19 infections. By analyzing the early symptoms of
the infection from a systematic TCM point of view, we are able to
obtain a comprehensive reading on the relevant pathogenesis and
pathology of it and give our suggestions on the relevant treatments.
We are convinced that a proper early intervention of correct differ-
ential treatments strictly under TCM principles can play a very impor-
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tant role in controlling the infection and reducing mortality. TCM’s

early intervention should not be underestimated and neglected in the
current pandemic situation.

TCM Treatment of Ordinary Syndromes
of COVID-19

4.1 TCM Analysis of Ordinary Syndromes

of COVID-19
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When COVID-19 develops into an ordinary type, it must meet some

criteria and make a clear difference between an ordinary type and a
severe type. According to the diagnosis and treatment plan for
pneumonia of new coronavirus infection (trial version 4),1 set by
the General Office of the National Health Commission, Office of the
State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine on 27 January
2020, the clinical classifications of ordinary type include fever, symp-
toms of the respiratory tract, etc. and imaging with the appearance of
pneumonia, which is different with that of severe types, such as

• Respiratory distress, RR ≥ 30 beats/min.

• In the resting state, the oxygen saturation is ≤93%.
• Arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2)/Fraction of inspired oxy-
gen (FiO2) ≤300 mmHg (1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa).

Ordinary types of COVID-19 in the clinical stage often occur

mainly due to external contraction of severe pathogenic factors,
including pestilent toxins, which invade the exterior and the

Diagnosis and treatment plan for pneumonia of new coronavirus infection (trial
version 4) (新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎诊疗方案(试行第四版)).

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

respiratory tracts. It is also related to some other reasons, such as

improper or delayed treatment or other underlying diseases.

4.1.1 Symptoms features of ordinary types of COVID-19 The chief cause
At this stage, the invasion of external pathogenic factors is still the
chief cause, leading to disharmony between the ying and wei system,
or disorder in the San Jiao system with dysfunction of the lung in dis-
persing the lung-qi, resulting in fever, a mostly dry or productive
cough, myalgia, fatigue, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
Downloaded from Deterioration of clinical symptoms

Most of the clinical symptoms become worse, especially fever and
cough, but still not at a very severe stage. There is no high fever,
severe cough, expectoration of profuse phlegm, and constipation. Disturbance of lung in dispersing the qi

Dysfunction of the lung in dispersing the qi is the main pathogenic
result, and is seldom severe although it involves the descending func-
tion of the lung. Therefore, there is no asthma, shortness of breath,
chest tightness, etc.

4.1.2 Treatment features of ordinary types of COVID-19 The main task
The main task is to restore the physiological functions of the lung. At
this moment, herbs should be used to disperse the lung-qi, such as
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori, Sang Ye Folium Mori Albae,
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae, Niu Bang Zi Fructus Arctii
Lappae, Cang Er Zi Fructus Xanthii Sibirici, Xin Yi Hua Flos
Magnoliae, etc. Acupuncture points, such as Lieque LU-7, Fengmen
BL-12, Feishu BL-13, etc, should be applied. Usually, the method to

TCM Treatment of Ordinary Syndromes of COVID-19

descend the lung-qi is not necessary. However, attention should be

paid to observe the situation just in case it deteriorates. Necessary to dispel external pathogens

Meanwhile, the main treatment principles should be included to
dispel external pathogenic factors and remove the pestilent toxins. Damp remains one of the main pathogens

Damp varies in cold-damp and damp-heat. Besides, damp may exist
in different organs and tissues, such as the lung, stomach, spleen, and
San Jiao. Corresponding principles of treatment, herbs and acupunc-
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ture points should be applied accordingly. Precautions should be taken in the treatment

No matter what the cause at this stage is, high doses of herbs bitter
in taste and cold in nature are not recommended, because they
would intensify the obstruction of yang and retain pathogens. The
correct treatment is to apply herbs to dispel the pathogenic factors
via sweating, rather than using herbs to clear and purge. The spleen and stomach should be cared for

In addition, many COVID-19 patients also suffer from poor appetite,
nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. These herbs with a cold nature could
cause aggravation of the above symptoms. On the contrary, herbs
that can regulate the San Jiao, harmonize the middle Jiao and elimi-
nate damp or regulate the ascending and descending functions of the
spleen and stomach, should be selected. Damp and heat should be treated simultaneously

During the treatment of damp-heat, since there is a bond between
these two pathogens, it is necessary to apply clearing and eliminating

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

methods simultaneously. Any attempt to only clear heat or eliminate

damp is insufficient. Just as Ye Tianshi (1666–1745) said, “damp and
heat can be cleared by expelling wind; damp and heat can be elimi-
nated by draining as well. When there is no binding of heat and
damp, it is easier to handle”. Tonic is not needed

In terms of fatigue, it is due to an invasion of pathogenic factors, a
disturbance to the lung in dispersing the qi, and disharmony of
the spleen and stomach. It is not caused by weakness or deficiency
of qi and blood. Thus, the application of any tonics is not recom-
mended. If tonics are applied too early, it could cause retaining of the
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external pathogenic factors and further obstruction of the damp in

the body. Personalized treatment is essential

It is emphasized and suggested that a personalized treatment based
upon individual should be encouraged in the whole process of the
treatment. If that is impossible, standard herbal formulas or patent
remedies could be used. Emotions need to be managed

With the development of the disease, emotional disturbance could
surface gradually. Besides the elimination of these pathogenic fac-
tors, herbs and acupuncture points should be used to support the
emotion and regulate the shen. Prevention should not be forgotten

Prevention should be taken in the treatment to avoid the aggravation
of situations, such as close observation of clinical manifestations,
reaction during the treatment, general conditions (such as energetic

TCM Treatment of Ordinary Syndromes of COVID-19

feeling, sleeping, appetite, drinking, urine, defecation, and move-

ment of the limbs, etc.) should also be noticed. Combination of TCM and modern medicine

If necessary, a combination of TCM and modern medicine could be
applied in time, especially for elderly patients or patients with severe
underlying illnesses.

4.2 TCM Treatment

4.2.1 Invasion of wind-cold with damp and toxins
Heavy aversion to cold, slight fever, stuffy nose, severe dry cough,
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sore throat, hidrosis, headache, myalgia or arthralgia with slight heavi-

ness, absence of thirst or preference of warm drinks, thin, white, and
slight greasy coating on the tongue, and a superficial and tight pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel wind-cold, eliminate damp and toxins, disperse the lung-qi
and relieve the cough.

Herbal Treatment:
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang-Notopterygium Decoction to Overcome
Dampness, plus
Xing Su San-Apricot Kernel and Perilla Leaf Powder.

Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g

Du Huo Radix Angelicae Pubescentis 10 g
Gao Ben Rhizoma et Radix Ligustici 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Bai Jie Zi Semen Sinapis Albae 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g

Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 5 g

• Qiang Huo, Du Huo and Gao Ben dispel wind-cold, resolve
damp, and relieve external symptoms.
• Cang Zhu assists the above herbs to resolve damp and relieve
muscle pain and heaviness.
• Zi Su Ye promotes sweating and relieves external symptoms.
• Jie Geng, Xing Ren, Bai Jie Zi, Zhi Ban Xia, Chen Pi and Fu Ling
eliminate damp-phlegm and relieve cough.
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• Man Jing Zi relieves headache due to external invasion.

• Zhi Ke harmonizes qi circulation in the chest and abdomen and
relieves the pain in the chest and abdomen.

Acupuncture treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with even methods.
• Hegu L.I.-4, Waiguan SJ-5, Zhigou SJ-6, Lieque LU-7, Feishu
BL-13, Chize LU-5, Fenglong ST-40, Yanglingquan GB-34, and
Sanyinjiao SP-6 with a reducing method.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to regulate the qi circulation in the chest, assist
respiration and relieve the cough.
• Hegu L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel,
SJ-5, the luo-connecting point of the San Jiao channel, and LU-7,
the luo-connecting point of the lung channel respectively, are used
to promote sweating and dispel external pathogenic factors.
• SJ-6, jing-river point of the San Jiao channel, is used to dispel
external pathogenic factors, promote the discharge of damp in the
• BL-13, the back-shu point of the lung, together with LU-5, the he-
sea point of the lung channel, is used to disperse the lung-qi and
restore the physiological functions of the lung.

TCM Treatment of Ordinary Syndromes of COVID-19

• ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, GB-34, the

he-sea point of the gallbladder channel, and SP-6, the crossing point
of the three yin channels of the foot, are used to eliminate external
damp, regulate the middle Jiao and relieve painful muscle and joints.

4.2.2 Invasion of wind-heat with damp and toxins

Persistent fever, slight aversion to cold, thirst, throat pain and redness,
headache, body pain with a warm feeling, much body pain or joint
pain with slight heaviness, slight sweating, dry cough, slight expec-
toration of yellow or white phlegm, red tongue with a yellow and dry
coating, and a superficial and rapid pulse.
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Principle of Treatment:
Dispel wind, clear heat, eliminate damp and toxins, disperse the
lung-qi, and relieve the cough.

Herbal Treatment:
Sang Ju Yin-Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Decoction, plus
Zhi Sou San-Stop Coughing Powder.

Sang Ye Folium Mori Albae 10 g

Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthemi Morifolii 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Bo He Herba Menthae Haplocalycis 3 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Bai Bu Radix Stemonae 10 g
Zi Wan Radix Asteris Tatarici 10 g

• Sang Ye and Ju Hua clear heat, dispel wind, and relieve external

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Bo He clears wind-heat, benefits the throat and relieves throat pain.

• Huang Qin and Zhi Zi clear wind-heat and remove toxins.
• Jie Geng, Xing Ren, Zi Wan and Bai Bu dispel lung-qi, eliminate
phlegm in the lung and relieve coughing.
• Cang Zhu and Fu Ling eliminate damp and activate the spleen to
resolve damp in the body.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with even methods.
• Erjian L.I.-2, Hegu L.I.-4, Waiguan SJ-5, Lieque LU-7, Yuji LU-10,
Feishu BL-13, Chize LU-5, Yanglingquan GB-34, and Fenglong
ST-40 with a reducing method.
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• P-6 + SP-4 are used to regulate the qi circulation in the chest, assist
respiration and relieve the cough.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, LU-7
and SJ-5, the luo-connecting point of the lung channel and San
Jiao channel respectively, are used to promote sweating to dispel
external pathogenic factors.
• BL-13 and LU-5, the back-shu point and the he-sea point of the
lung channel respectively, are the chief points to descend the
lung-qi and relieve difficulty to expectorate the phlegm, shortness
of breath, and chest tightness.
• LU-10 and L.I.-2, the ying-stream point of the lung channel and
large intestine channel respectively, are used to clear the heat and
reduce fever in the lung and relieve the cough.
• GB-34, the he-sea point of the Gallbladder channel, and ST-40,
the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, are used to
eliminate external damp, regulate the middle Jiao, and relieve
myalgia and arthralgia.

4.2.3 Invasion of cold-damp and toxins

Aversion to cold and fever, absence of sweating and headache,
severe dry cough, expectoration of some white phlegm, much pain

TCM Treatment of Ordinary Syndromes of COVID-19

in the limbs and joints, sore throat and tightness, headache, heavi-
ness of the body, ageusia, lack of thirst, nausea, vomiting, loose
stool or diarrhea, abdominal pain and distension, thin, white, and
greasy coating on the tongue, and a superficial and slippery pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate cold, resolve damp, release the external symptoms, and
stop coughing.

Herbal Treatment:
Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang-Nine-Herb Decoction with Notopterygium.

Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g

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Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g

Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 5 g
Ge Gen Radix Puerariae 10 g
Xi Xin Herba cum Radice Asari 3 g
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g
Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 5 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 5 g
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis 3 g

• Qiang Huo, Fang Feng and Zi Su Ye dispel wind, promote sweat-
ing, and eliminate external cold-damp.
• Cang Zhu eliminates cold-damp and relieves diarrhea.
• Bai Zhi, Xi Xin and Chuan Xiong promote sweating, warm the
meridians, and relieve pain due to invasion of cold-damp.
• Bai Shao Yao and Huang Qin regulate Shaoyang and eliminate
toxins in the body.
• Ge Gen and Sheng Ma harmonize the middle Jiao, descend tur-
bid-qi and relieve vomiting and diarrhea.
• Gan Cao harmonizes the herbs in the prescription.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with even methods.
• Hegu L.I.-4, Yangchi SJ-4, Waiguan SJ-5, Zhigou SJ-6, Lieque LU-7,
Feishu BL-13, Chize LU-5, Fenglong ST-40, and Yanglingquan
GB-34 with a reducing method.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to regulate the qi circulation in the chest, assist
respiration and relieve the cough.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, SJ-5,
the luo-connecting point of the San Jiao channel, and LU-7, the
luo-connecting point of the lung channel respectively, are used to
promote sweating, dispel external pathogenic factors and relieve
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external symptoms.
• SJ-4 and SJ-6, the yuan-source point and jing-river point of the San
Jiao channel respectively, are used to dispel external pathogenic
factors and promote the discharge of damp in the body.
• BL-13, the back-shu point of the lung, together with LU-5, the he-
sea point of the lung channel, together with LU-7, is used to
disperse the lung-qi and restore the physiological functions of the
• ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, GB-34,
the he-sea point of the gallbladder channel, are used to dispel
external damp and benefit the joints.

4.2.4 Invasion of toxic heat

Persistent fever, mild aversion to cold, dry mouth, thirst, dry cough
with scanty sputum occasionally with blood streaks, absence of
sweat or little sweat, headache, general body pain, fatigue, restless-
ness, dry stools, red tongue with a thin, yellow, and dry coating, and
a rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel heat, reduce fever, disperse the lung-qi and relieve cough.

TCM Treatment of Ordinary Syndromes of COVID-19

Herbal Treatment:
Yin Qiao San-Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder, plus
Zhi Zi Chi Tang-Gardenia and Prepared Soybean Decoction.

Jin Yin Hua Flos Lonicerae Japonicae 10 g

Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Sang Ye Folium Mori Albae 10 g
Bo He Herba Menthae Haplocalycis 3 g
Niu Bang Zi Fructus Arctii Lappae 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Dan Dou Chi Semen Sojae Praeparatum 10 g
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Lu Gen Rhizoma Phragmitis Communis 12 g

Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 12 g

• Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao and Zhi Zi dispel heat, reduce fever, and
remove toxins.
• Jie Geng, Sang Ye, Bo He, Niu Bang Zi and Huang Qin clear heat
in the lung, benefit the throat and relieve cough.
• Dan Dou Chi promotes sweating and reduces fever.
• Lu Gen and Sheng Di Huang clear heat and benefit the body fluid
to relieve thirst.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with even methods.
• Erjian L.I.-2, Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Dazhui DU-14, Chize
LU-5, Feishu BL-13, Yuji LU-10, Neiting ST-44, and Sanyinjiao
SP-6 with a reducing method.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to regulate the qi circulation in the chest, assist
respiration and relieve the cough.
• L.I.-2, L.I.-4 and L.I.-11, the ying-stream point, the yuan-source
point and the he-sea point of the large intestine channel respec-

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

tively, together with DU-14, the meeting point of all the yang
channels in the body, are used to clear heat, remove toxins and
reduce fever.
• LU-5 and BL-13, the he-sea point of the lung channel and the
back-shu point of the lung respectively, together with LU-10, the
ying-stream point of the lung channel, are used to clear heat in
the lung and disperse the lung-qi.
• ST-44 and SP-6, the ying-stream point of the stomach channel and
the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, are used to
clear heat, remove the toxins, and reduce fever.

4.2.5 Invasion of damp-heat and toxins

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Fever aggravated in the afternoon, dry cough, sore throat, impeded

or sticky sweating which does not lower down the fever, heaviness of
the body and limbs, nausea, vomiting, stomach distention, poor
appetite, loose stool or diarrhea, bitter taste or sticky and greasy sen-
sation in the mouth, scanty and difficult urination, red tongue with a
yellow and greasy coating or a mixture of white and yellow greasy
coating, and a slippery and rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatments:
Clear heat, resolve damp, harmonize the middle Jiao, and relieve

Herbal Treatment:
Gan Lu Xiao Du Yin-Sweet Dew Special Pill to Eliminate Toxins, plus
Lian Po Yin-Coptis and Magnolia Bark Drink.

Hua Shi Talcum 20 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Yin Chen Hao Herba Artemisiae Capillaris 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 12 g
Bo He Herba Menthae Haplocalycis 5 g

TCM Treatment of Ordinary Syndromes of COVID-19

She Gan Rhizoma Belamcandae Chinensis 10 g

Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Shi Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori Graminei 10 g
Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi 10 g
Bai Dou Kou Fructus Amomi Cardamomi 3 g
Bing Lang Semen Arecae Catechu 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis 3 g

• Hua Shi, Hou Po, Huag Qin, Lian Qiao, Zhi Mu and Yin Chen Hao
clear heat, eliminate damp, reduce fever, and remove toxins.
• Bo He clears heat and benefits the throat.
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• She Gan and Jie Geng eliminate phlegm and relieve cough.
• Huo Xiang, Bai Bian Dou, Bing Lang harmonize the middle Jiao
and relieve diarrhea.
• Shi Chang Pu relieves damp in the middle Jiao and relieves pos-
sible dizziness due to damp invasion.
• Gan Cao eliminates toxins and harmonizes the herbs in the

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with even methods.
• Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Waiguan SJ-5, Zhigou SJ-6, Chize
LU-5, Feishu BL-13, Zhongwan REN-12, Tianshu ST-25, Fenglong
ST-40, Yanglingquan GB-34, and Yinlingquan SP-9 with reducing

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to regulate the qi circulation in the chest, assist
respiration and relieve the cough.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, SJ-5,
the luo-connecting point of the San Jiao channel, and SJ-6, jing-
river point of the San Jiao channel, are used to clear heat, eliminate
damp, and relieve the external symptoms.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• L.I.-11, the he-sea point of the large intestine, is used to eliminate

heat and reduce fever.
• LU-5 and BL-13, the he-sea point of the lung channel, and the
back-shu point of the lung respectively, are used to disperse lung-
qi, restore the physiological functions of the lung and relieve
• REN-12, ST-25, ST-40, the gathering point of the fu organs and the
front-mu point of the stomach, the front-mu point of the large
intestine, and the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel
respectively, GB-34, the he-sea point of the gallbladder channel,
together with SP-9, the he-sea point of the spleen channel, is used
to eliminate damp-heat, harmonize the middle Jiao and gallbladder
and relieve vomiting and diarrhea.
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4.2.6 Accumulation of heat in the lung

High fever, no aversion to cold, dry severe cough or cough with slight
yellow phlegm, thirst, possible blood streaks in the phlegm, redness
of face, sweating, restlessness, dry stool, red tongue with a yellow
coating, and a deep and rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatments:
Clear heat, reduce fever, disperse the lung-qi, and relieve cough.

Herbal Treatment:
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang-Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and Licorice

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Sheng Shi Gao Gypsum Fibrosum 20 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 12 g

TCM Treatment of Ordinary Syndromes of COVID-19

• Ma Huang and Xing Ren descend the lung-qi and relieve cough.
• Sheng Shi Gao, Huang Qin and Zhi Mu clear heat in the lung,
remove toxins and reduce fever.
• Zhe Bei Mu and Zhi Ban Xia eliminate heat-phlegm in the lung
and relieve cough.
• Sheng Di Huang clears heat, reduces fever, and removes toxins.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with even methods.
• Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Dazhui DU-14, Feishu BL-13, Chize
LU-5, Yuji LU-10, Fenglong ST-40, and Sanyinjiao SP-6 with a
reducing method.
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• P-6 + SP-4 are used to regulate the qi circulation in the chest, assist
respiration and relieve cough.
• L.I.-4 and L.I.-11, the yuan-source point and the he-sea point of
the large intestine channel respectively, together with Dazhui
DU-14, the meeting point of all the yang channels of the body, are
used to clear heat and reduce fever.
• BL-13 and LU-5, the back-shu point of the lung and the he-sea
point of the lung channel respectively, are used to clear heat in the
lung and relieve the cough.
• ST-40 and SP-6, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel
and the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot
respectively, are used to clear heat and eliminate phlegm in the

4.2.7 Accumulation of phlegm-heat in the lung

High fever, no aversion to cold, severe cough with profuse yellow
phlegm, thirst, possible blood streaks in the phlegm, slight pressure
over the chest, redness of the face, restlessness, nausea, red tongue
with a yellow and greasy coating, and a deep, rapid, and slippery

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Principle of Treatments:
Clear heat, eliminate phlegm, disperse the lung-qi, and relieve

Herbal Treatment:
Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang-Clear the Qi and Transform Phlegm

Dan Nan Xing Pulvis Arisaematis cum Felle Bovis 10 g

Quan Gua Lou Fructus Trichosanthis 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 5 g
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Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g

Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 10 g

• Dan Nan Xing, Quan Gua Lou and Zhe Bei Mu clear heat, elimi-
nate phlegm and relieve cough.
• Huang Qin and Zhi Zi clear heat in the lung and reduce fever.
• Xing Ren descends the lung-qi and relieve cough.
• Hou Po relaxes the chest and relieves slight pressure over the
• Zhi Ban Xia, Chen Pi and Fu Ling eliminate damp, resolve phlegm,
and relieve cough.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with even methods.
• Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Dazhui DU-14, Chize LU-5, Yuji
LU-10, Feishu BL-13, Tianshu ST-25, Fenglong ST-40, and
Sanyinjiao SP-6 with a reducing method.

TCM Treatment of Ordinary Syndromes of COVID-19

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to regulate the qi circulation in the chest, assist
respiration and relieve cough.
• L.I.-4 and L.I.-11, the yuan-source point and the he-sea point of
the large intestine channel respectively, together with DU-14, the
meeting point of all the yang channels of the body, are used to
clear heat in the body and reduce fever.
• LU-5, BL-13 and LU-10, the he-sea point of the lung channel and
the back-shu point, and the ying-stream point of the lung channel
respectively, are used to clear heat in the lung, disperse the lung-qi
and relieve cough.
• ST-25, the front-mu point of the large intestine, ST-40 and SP-6, the
luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, and the crossing
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point of the three yin channels of the foot respectively, are used to
clear heat, reduce fever, and eliminate phlegm in the lung.

4.2.8 Accumulation of cold-phlegm in the lung

Fever, aversion to cold, severe cough with profuse white and foamy
phlegm, no thirst, cold limbs, heaviness in the chest, tiredness, nau-
sea, pale tongue with white and greasy coating, and a deep, slow,
and slippery pulse.

Principle of Treatments:
Eliminate cold, resolve phlegm, disperse the lung-qi and relieve cough.

Herbal Treatment:
San Zi Yang Qin Tang-Three Seed Decoction to Nourish One’s Parents.

Bai Jie Zi Semen Sinapis Albae 10 g

Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Ting Li Zi Semen Descurainiae seu Lepidii 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g

Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 10 g

• Bai Jie Zi, Zi Su Zi and Ting Li Zi eliminate cold-phlegm, descend
the lung-qi and relieve cough.
• Jie Geng and Xing Ren eliminate phlegm in the lung, restore the
physiological functions of the lung and relieve cough.
• Zhi Shi and Hou Po eliminate phlegm in the lung, promote qi cir-
culation and relieve the heaviness in the chest.
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• Zhi Ban Xia, Chen Pi and Fu Ling eliminate damp in the body and
resolve phlegm.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with even methods.
• Lieque LU-7, Chize LU-5, Taiyuan LU-9, Feishu BL-13, Zhongwan
REN-12, Zusanli ST-36, Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6, and
Yinlingquan SP-9 with a reducing method. Moxibustion could be
applied on BL-13, ST-36 and ST-40.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to regulate the qi circulation in the chest and
assist respiration and relieve cough.
• LU-7 and LU-5, the luo-connecting point and he-sea point of
the lung channel respectively, and BL-13, the back-shu point of the
lung, are used to disperse the lung-qi, eliminate phlegm in the
lung and relieve cough.
• REN-12, the gathering point of the fu organs, ST-36 and ST-40, the
he-sea point and the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel
respectively, together with SP-6, the crossing point of three yin
channels of the foot, and SP-9, the he-sea point of the spleen chan-
nel, are applied to eliminate damp-phlegm in the body, harmonize
the middle Jiao and relieve cough.

TCM Treatment of Ordinary Syndromes of COVID-19

• Moxibustion is used to warm the interior, eliminate cold and assist

the above points to resolve cold-phlegm in the body.

4.2.9 Symptomatic managements Fever
Fever, one of the alarming symptoms of COVID-19, is considered
the most common initial symptom of COVID-19. The incubation
period of COVID-19 is generally between 5–7 days and could last
as long as 10–14 days. From the onset of the illness, fever generally
persists 5–7 days because of fierce combat between the zheng-qi
and xie-qi, in which zheng-qi is still relatively strong. From the
onset of first symptoms till the convalescent stage, it varies from
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person to person. Sometimes it could last very long. Therefore, we

could say that TCM could promote early arrival of the convalescent
stage. The purpose of TCM treatment is to support zheng-qi and
promote early arrival of the convalescent stage.
In cases of fever, besides using antipyretic in modern medicine,
sometimes antibiotics with improper usage (especially the com-
bined use of a broad spectrum of antibiotics), are prescribed. When
these medicines are used properly, they could improve the general
physical conditions significantly. However, they are considered to
have a cold nature, which could directly damage the yang of the
spleen and stomach, or even the yang of heart and kidney if improp-
erly used.
TCM controls the body temperature by using different methods
and procedures. In the ordinary syndromes in the clinical stages, in
most cases, fever is not caused only by exterior pathogenic factors,
but it is already in combination with disorders of internal organs. This
means that it is inadequate to only apply the dispelling method dur-
ing this stage. Syndrome differentiations are made to clear heat and
reduce fever, including the following methods:

• Disperse the lung-qi and reduce fever.

• Eliminate damp and relieve the blockage of yang.
• Clear heat and eliminate damp.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Clear heat and remove toxins.

• Clear qi and reduce fever.

Although TCM has some strong herbs that can be used to reduce
fever symptomatically, such as Shi Gao Gypsum Fibrosum and Zhi
Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis, etc., or L.I.-4, L.I.-11 and
DU-14, it is never practiced in that way. Clinically, the individual
symptom is always treated in combination with a group of symptoms
during a syndrome differentiation. It can be seen from above that
symptomatic treatment will only reduce fever for a short period,
which is not recommended in TCM.
It has also been noticed recently since the appearance of COVID-
19 variants that clinical symptoms of COVID-19, especially the initia-
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tive symptoms, have begun to change. For instance, originally, fever is

always one of the early symptoms of COVID-19, and fever control
is also one of the main tasks to deal with in the treatment. Fever control
is usually considered as one of the key turning points in the improve-
ment of the disease. However, during the development of the Delta
variant, fever is often absent. Meanwhile, there are other new symp-
toms that are not similar to that of the original strain of the virus, such
as skin rashes, nasal bleeding and redness of the eye, etc., which are all
caused by invasion of pestilential heat into the ying system. In that case,
fever is usually not the key clinical symptom. If the methods introduced
above are still applied, they would not be able to help the patient, caus-
ing aggravation of the illness. The proper treatment should be to clear
heat, remove the toxins, cool the ying system, and prevent heat in the
blood. Besides the above symptoms of heat in the ying system, it can
also be observed that the patients with Delta variant could suffer from
cough, sore throat, anosmia, ageusia, running nose, and myalgia,
which are the typical signs of invasion of the external pathogens to the
lung with dysfunction of the lung in dispersing the qi. As to their symp-
toms, such as diarrhea and abdominal pain, etc., they are the signs of
invasion of external pathogens to the spleen and stomach. Thus, TCM
diagnosis of Delta variant at this stage could be the dysfunction of the
lung in dispersing qi with invasion of the pestilential heat to the ying

TCM Treatment of Ordinary Syndromes of COVID-19 Dry cough

Cough is the second most common symptom observed in approxi-
mately 76% of COVID-19 patients. It is a dry or productive cough
with white sputum and with bloodspots in a few patients.
This dry cough is not caused by wind-dryness, because when
the TCM diagnosis is the invasion of wind-dryness, there should be
some other symptoms to support this pathology, such as dryness of
the nose, thirst, and dry coating on the tongue. However, these
symptoms are missing here in the initial stage. Therefore, it is not
necessary to apply the following herbs to moisten the dryness, such
as Mai Men Dong Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici, Bei Sha Shen
Radix Glehniae Littoralis and Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis
Kirilowii, etc. The acupuncture points, such as Jingqu LU-8, Taiyuan
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LU-9, Sanyinjiao SP-6 and Zhaohai KID-6, etc., are also not
Bloodspots with cough are caused by damage of the external
pathogenic factors, and it could be due to wind-cold, wind-heat or
other factors invading the blood vessels. Clinically, blood cooling
herbs or bleeding-stopping herbs should not be applied in this case,
including Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens,
Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis, Mu Dan Pi Cortex
Moutan Radicis, Bai Ji Rhizoma Bletillae Striatae, Ce Bai Ye Cacumen
Biotae Orientalis and Xue Yu Tan Crinis Carbonisatus, etc. When
these external pathogenic factors are expelled and the lung functions
are restored, bloodspots will be under control. Of course, if there is
severe bleeding, which is usually not the case, it is something else.
TCM never gives an over-treatment. Muscular pain

Muscular pain is seen in approximately 44% of patients. It is caused
by the stagnation of qi in different meridians with blockage of some
vessels by external invasion. It is an extreme sign, indicating there is
an invasion of EPF. Clinically, herbs or acupuncture points should be
used to dispel the pathogenic factors, and harmonize the meridians

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

and qi circulation. Herbs such as Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix

Notopterygii, Du Huo Radix Angelicae Pubescentis, Gao Ben
Rhizoma et Radix Ligustici, Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii,
etc. could be applied. Points such as Lieque LU-7, Hegu L.I.-4,
Waiguan SJ-5, and Fengchi GB-20, etc. are good points to dispel
external pathogenic factors and relieve the muscle pain at some time.
It is inappropriate at this moment to only use the method to promote
the qi or blood circulation. Fatigue
Fatigue could be one of the chief symptoms in the early stage of
COVID-19. However, it may remain during ordinary syndromes.
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similar to the treatment in the early stage, TCM will not offer any qi
or blood tonics to the patients for their tiredness because this com-
plaint is not caused by deficiency of qi or blood, but by disturbance
to the physiological functions of the lung and spleen, especially the
function of the lung in dispersing the qi in the body. When the lung
functions recover after treatment, the patient will gradually feel less
tired. This explains why in the therapeutic prescription, there is no qi
or blood tonic being used. If these tonics are prescribed too early,
they could aggravate the situation and slow down the healing process
of treatment. Dysfunction of the throat and nose

Throat pain is accompanied by a group of symptoms related to exter-
nal invasion, which is caused by dysfunction of the lung in dispersing
the qi to the throat and blockage of the meridian in the throat. When
throat pain is not that severe, then treatment should be focused on
general conditions. Treatment could be improved when the general
pathology is under control. However, if it is severe, then some herbs
(such as She Gan Rhizoma Belamcandae Chinensis, Yu Hu Die
Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent, and Pang Da Hai Semen Sterculiae
Scaphigerae, etc.) could be used or acupuncture points (Tiantu
REN-22, Lianquan REN-23, and Renying ST-9) should be applied.

TCM Treatment of Ordinary Syndromes of COVID-19

Sudden loss of smell and taste sometimes could represent an

alarming sign of COVID-19. Some patients may only have this sign.
A PCR test should be considered to exclude COVID-19. In other
patients, there could be nose blockage and dry cough. The main
mechanism of these complaints is due to the invasion of the exter-
nal pathogenic factors with dysfunction of the lung in dispersing
the qi. These symptoms will be simultaneously alleviated when
methods are used to dispel external factors and disperse the qi.
However, when these complaints are too severe, extra attention
could be used to relieve them. Herbs such as Xin Yi Hua Flos
Magnoliae, Cang Er Zi Fructus Xanthii Sibirici, and E Bu Shi Cao
Herba Centipeda Minima can be used. Acupuncture points (Yingxiang
L.I.-20, Extra Bitong, and Juliao ST-3, etc.) could be applied.
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Besides, knowledge about the extra meridian should be considered

to identify if these complaints are caused by a disorder of extra
meridians. Treatment for important complaints and complications,
COVID-19 associated loss of smell and taste from the same chapter
should be mentioned.
It has also been noticed that among early symptoms from
COVID-19, blocked nose without a running nose is included.
However, as far as the Delta variant is concerned, this symptom
changes into a running nose. In fact, the whole TCM treatment
remains the same, which means that no extra herbs should be added
to solve this complaint.
Another new COVID-19 symptom caused by the Delta variant is
nasal bleeding. This is important, because it appears together with
bleeding from the throat, skin rashes and redness of the eyes, etc. All
these symptoms are the indication that there is an invasion of pesti-
lential heat into the ying system. Treatment strategy should be
amended to cool blood and stop bleeding, besides dispersing the
lung-qi. Herbs such as Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae
Recens, Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis, Mu Dan Pi
Cortex Moutan Radicis, Chi Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Rubrae, and
Bai Ji Rhizoma Bletillae Striatae could be added to the prescription,
and acupuncture points Sanyinjiao SP-6, Xuehai SP-10, Geshu
BL-17, and Shaofu HE-8, should be applied.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM Skin rashes

Although the mechanism of this symptom is the same as the bleeding
from the nose and throat explained above, skin rashes are due to
cutaneous bleeding. It is not exactly the same as nasal or throat
bleeding, which belongs to the dysfunction of the lung system.
When skin rashes happen, it implies something more serious, and
great attention should be paid. Herbs and acupuncture points to
remove the toxins should be also added. Moreover, the physiological
functions of the heart and liver, as well as the spleen should be cared
for. Abdominal pain and diarrhea

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In ordinary syndromes, abdominal pain and diarrhea are often

caused by damp, either by cold-damp or damp-heat. These symp-
toms are not existing independently, but in combination with some
symptoms of the lung. It means that besides caring for the lung, (i.e.,
to restore the physiological function of the lung in dispersing the qi
and eliminating the pathogenic factors), methods to activate the
spleen, eliminate damp and relieve the pain should be used. Herbs
such as Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis, Ge Gen Radix Puerariae,
Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi, and Pei Lan Herba
Eupatorii Fortunei should be used. In addition, the following acu-
puncture points could be applied:

• Tianshu ST-25, Shuidao ST-28, Yinlingquan SP-9, Zusanli ST-36,

and Fenglong ST-40 with reducing method for cold-damp.
• Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis, Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae
Officinalis, Hua Shi Talcum, Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis,
together with Tianshu ST-25, Shuidao ST-28, Yanglingquan GB-34,
Dadu SP-2, Yinlingquan SP-9, and Fenglong ST-40 with reducing
method for damp-heat could be considered.

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes
of COVID-19

5.1 TCM Analysis of Severe Syndromes

of COVID-19
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5.1.1 Diagnosis of severe syndromes of COVID-19 Diagnosis criteria
The “Diagnosis and Treatment Plan” promulgated by the General
Office of the National Health Commission and the Office of the State
Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine has clear regulations
for the diagnosis of severe cases of COVID-19. This includes the
occurrence of “multiple organ failure” which might be possible in
addition to septic shock, difficult-to-correct metabolic acidosis, and
coagulopathy, etc.
Nonetheless, when suffering from different types of severe syn-
dromes, patients may be too weak to travel to a clinic or get hospital-
ized. Because of this, it is inconvenient to carry out a face-to-face
consultation. Thus, the clinical observation and herbal treatment of
TCM could be done through telemedicine using online techniques. Viral variants related to severe cases

It is worth noticing that the WHO listed four virus variants worthy of
global attention on 31 May 2021. They are the Alpha variant (first
discovered in the UK), the Beta variant (first discovered in South
Africa), the Gamma variant (first found in Brazil), and the Delta

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

variant (first discovered in India). According to United Nation

News—Global perspective Human stories, as of 28 July 2021, “of the
four COVID-19 mutations that WHO has designated ‘variants of
concern’, the UN agency said that the Alpha variant is present in
182 countries, Beta in 131, Gamma in 81 and after reaching 8 new
countries in the past week, the Delta variant is now in 132 countries”.1
As of July 2021, there are four variants of concerns (VOCs):
Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta, and four variants of interests (VOIs):
Eta, Iota, Kappa, and Lambda. These variants are considered to be
potential threats to human society. The Lambda variant was first
detected in Argentina on 8 November 2020. The fact that the per-
centage of the Lambda sequence is increasing in South American
countries including Peru, Chile, and Argentina, suggests that the
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Lambda variant is spreading predominantly in these countries.

Lambda is highly infectious and is more susceptible to an infection-
enhancing antibody.
The Lambda variant is not only highly infectious but also has high
resistance against antiviral immunity. These observations suggest that
acquiring at least two virological features—increased viral infectivity,
and evasion from antiviral immunity—is pivotal to the efficient
spread and transmission in the human population.2 Lambda accounts
for nearly 82% of the coronavirus case samples in Peru reported dur-
ing May and June, according to the Pan American Health Organization
(PAHO),3 which has the world’s highest coronavirus mortality rate. In
neighboring Chile, it accounts for almost a third of new cases.4

COVID-19 infections rise, Delta variant spreads to 132 countries. United Nation
News. 28 July 2021.
Izumi Kimura, et al. SARS-CoV-2 Lambda variant exhibits higher infectivity and
immune resistance. bioRxiv. 28 July 2021.
Luke Hurst. Lambda: What do we know about the latest COVID variant flagged by
the WHO? Updated: 7 July 2021.
Clive Cookson. Lambda Covid variant’s “unusual” mutations puzzle scientists.
Financial Times. 2 July 2021.

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

On 31 July 2021, the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies

(SAGE) and top UK government scientists, said it is a “realistic pos-
sibility” that future variants could prove as fatal as MERS, which has
a death rate of 35%, and the chance of deadly COVID-19 mutations
increases depending on the prevalence of the virus. The advisory
body warned that future strains could become resistant to vaccines if
they originate from the beta variant and combine with the Alpha or
Delta variants, in a process called recombination. Even with vaccines
being expected to neutralize serious symptoms among COVID-19
patients, the report said a higher death rate is to be expected in the
case of new deadly variants, given that vaccines do not provide total
sterilizing immunity.5
Among four variants of concerns (VOCs), the Delta variant virus
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of SARS-CoV-2, first appearing in India in late 2020, is even more

aggressive and has quickly swept across the world, becoming the
main epidemic strain in more than 80 countries or regions around
the world as of 20 July 2021 and is still spreading rapidly.
Yet, many studies have shown that its infectious ability has
increased greatly, and the protective effect of vaccines has also
reduced significantly. Judging from the recent outbreaks that struck
Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Dongguan in China, when compared
with previous viruses, the clinical characteristics of the Delta mutant
in infected patients include extremely high viral loads, extremely
short incubation periods, and faster conversion to critical illness after
infection. It takes a long time for PCR tests to turn negative.
Researchers have found that people infected with the Delta variant
produce far more viruses than those infected with the original version
of SARS-CoV-2, making it very easy to spread. One study reported
that the virus was first detectable in people with the Delta variant
four days after exposure, compared with an average of six days
among people with the original strain, suggesting that Delta repli-
cates much faster. Individuals infected with Delta also had viral loads

UK scientists: Future COVID-19 variants could have 35% fatality rates. Arab News.
31 July 2021.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

up to 1260 times higher than those in people infected with the origi-
nal strain.
The combination of a high number of viruses and a short incuba-
tion period makes sense as an explanation for Delta’s heightened
transmissibility, which is more than twice of the original strain of
SARS-CoV-2. The short incubation makes contact tracing more diffi-
cult in countries such as China, which systematically tracks each
infected person’s contacts and requires them to go under quarantine.
Meanwhile, a number of other questions about the Delta variant
remain unanswered. Is it more likely to cause severe disease than the
original strain? How good is it at evading the immune system? Some
of this information will emerge as researchers look more closely at
broader and more diverse populations of people infected with Delta
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and other variants.6

The good news is that one study has confirmed some vaccines
could be very effective in preventing this Delta virus, which was
published in The New England Journal of Medicine on 21 July 2021.
It pointed out that vaccine effectiveness against the Alpha and
Delta variants is grouped according to dose and vaccine type, show-
ing that effectiveness was notably lower after the first vaccine dose
among persons with the Delta variant 30.7% than among those with
the Alpha variant 48.7%. Results for the first dose were similar for
both vaccines, with an absolute difference in vaccine effectiveness
against the Delta variant as compared with the Alpha variant (11.9%
with the BNT162b2 vaccine and 18.7% with the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19
vaccine). The difference in vaccine effectiveness was much smaller
among persons who had received the second dose of the vaccine.
In the “any vaccine” analysis, the vaccine effectiveness was 87.5%
with the Alpha variant and 79.6% with the Delta variant. With the
BNT162b2 vaccine, a small difference in effectiveness between
variants was seen after the second dose: 93.7% with the Alpha
variant and 88.0% with the Delta variant. The effectiveness with

Sara Reardon. How the Delta variant achieves its ultrafast spread. Nature. 21 July

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

two doses of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine was lower than with
the BNT162b2 vaccine. However, with the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19
vaccine, the difference in effectiveness between the Alpha and
Delta variants was small (74.5% and 67.0% respectively).7 However,
according to Israel’s Health Ministry, the vaccine protected 64% of
inoculated people from infection during an outbreak of the Delta
variant, down from 94% before. It was 94% effective at preventing
severe illness in the same period, compared with 97% before.8
Nevertheless, the effectiveness at preventing severe illness is still
quite high. TCM diagnosis systems

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When the disease is caused by invasion of external pathogenic fac-

tors, no matter if it is light or severe (including COVID-19 at the
severe stage), the following systems are applied to establish a TCM
diagnosis. These systems include the six channels, or wei, qi, ying,
and xue systems, or San Jiao, etc. Each system is indicated in specific
conditions. For instance, for invasion of wind and cold, six-channel
system is mainly used. If there is an invasion of wind-heat, then wei,
qi, ying, and xue system is applied. If there is an invasion of damp
and heat, then the San Jiao system is often considered. However,
COVID-19 doesn’t follow one of the above systems strictly, which
means that this disease could involve all these systems at the same
time. The reason for this complicated procedure in diagnosis is
because COVID-19 is caused by a mixture of pestilential toxins with
different other pathologies, in which invasion of cold-damp or damp-
heat remains the main causative factors. Meanwhile, the

Jamie Lopez Bernal, et al. Effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines against the B.1.617.2
(Delta) variant. 2021. N Engl J Med. 2021, 385: 585–594. doi: 10.1056/
Dov Lieber. Pfizer vaccine less effective against delta infections but prevents severe
illness, Israeli data show. The Wall Street Journal. 6 July 2021.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

constitutional conditions or weaknesses of the patient are the root

factors for the deterioration of COVID-19. Variety of clinical patterns in the severe stage

When the disease is in its severe stage, it is characterized by com-
plexity, variability, severity, and lung impairment. The most important
pathology at this stage is the failure of the lung to descend the lung-qi
with dysfunctions of zang-fu organs in qi and blood.
When the disease is in its severe stage, it shows different clinical
patterns due to the complexity of the causative factor and different
underlying constitutions, including:
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• Cold at the exterior with heat at the interior.

• Heat at the exterior with cold at the interior.
• Cold at the exterior with the formation of yin–fluid (饮) at the
• Existence of pathogens at Shaoyang level.
• Accumulation of heat in the lung and stomach.
• Formation and blockage of phlegm-heat in the lung.
• Obstruction of damp in the spleen and stomach.
• Accumulation of damp-heat in the middle Jiao.
• Accumulation and obstruction of excessive heat in Yangming.
• Decline of yang of the heart and kidney. General TCM management

Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus pneumonia in December
2019, the General Office of the National Health Commission of
China and the Office of the State Administration of Traditional
Chinese Medicine have successively promulgated the “New
Coronavirus Infection Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan”
(often referred to as the “Diagnosis and Treatment Plan”). Editions
three to eight clarify the TCM treatment plan and propose that the
new coronavirus pneumonia belongs to the category of plague in

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

TCM. The joint participation of Chinese and Western medicine in the

treatment has become an important part of the treatment of new
coronavirus pneumonia. It is one of the main contents of the “China
Plan” for the fight against the pandemic, and it has also become a
highlight of the prevention and control of this pandemic.
Yanhong Yu, Secretary of the Party Leadership of the State
Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, announced at a press
conference of the State Council Information Office on 23 March
2020, that observations of clinical efficacy have shown that the total
effective rate of traditional Chinese medicine has reached more than
90%. Traditional Chinese medicine can effectively relieve symptoms,
reduce the development of mild and common types into severe syn-
dromes, increase the cure rate, reduce the mortality rate, and promote
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the recovery of patients in the convalescent period.9 After screening

and research, Jin Hua Qing Gan Granules, Lian Hua Qing Wen
Capsules/Granules, Xue Bi jing Injection, Qing Fei Pai Du Decoction,
Hua Shi Bai Du Decoction, and Xuan Fei Bai Du Decoction, the so-
called “three medicines and three prescriptions”, proved effective.10
Zhongde Zhang, a member of the expert team of the National
Health Commission, vice president of Guangzhou University of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, and vice president of Guangdong
Provincial Hospital of TCM, pointed out that the pathogenic mecha-
nism of the virus is still damp-heat and toxins. Previously, the treat-
ment was mainly to remove damp, and also to clear away heat and
toxins. This time, according to the different symptoms, the main
purpose is mainly to clear away heat, to remove damp and eliminate
toxins. With the mutation of the virus, the passage of time, the

Yang Wang. The information office of the state council held a press conference on
the important role of traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention and treatment
of new coronary pneumonia and effective drugs. 23 March 2020. Central People’s
Government of the People’s Republic of China.
These Chinese medicine prescriptions are effective in the treatment of new coro-
nary pneumonia. The “three medicines and three prescriptions” write a Chinese
medicine anti-epidemic plan. China Daily (中国日报). 18 March 2020. http://www.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

change in seasons, and some other important factors, the pathogen-

esis analysis and prescription of Chinese medicine need to be
adjusted continuously to adapt to the new syndrome differentiation
From February 2020 to the present, the authors have witnessed
the outbreak of new coronary virus pneumonia in Europe, the con-
tinuous increase in the number of confirmed cases and deaths, the
panic amongst people, and the active anti-epidemic efforts of gov-
ernments at all levels. They are also very fortunate to be active with
colleagues in Europe, participating in the treatment of severe patients
with new coronary virus pneumonia using traditional Chinese medi-
cine, and have successfully treated more than 100 severely critical
patients through online systems. However, there are still patients with
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new coronary virus pneumonia at home and abroad, infected with

the same virus, with mutated viruses from the United Kingdom,
South Africa, and Brazil variants in the second wave of epidemics. In
terms of the rate of incidence and changes in the disease, the second
wave of epidemics is worse than the first wave. The epidemic situa-
tion is relatively serious. In addition, European patients with severe
syndromes of new coronary virus pneumonia bear their own charac-
teristics in terms of etiology and pathogenesis, and TCM treatment is
also slightly different from that in mainland China. It is always neces-
sary to implement syndrome differentiation and treatment as the
center, according to the condition and symptoms of the patients and
avoid sticking to prescriptions and patent remedies without modifica-
tions. Personalized herbal prescriptions to treat patients should be
In short, during the TCM management of syndromes in severe
stages, in addition to removing the pathogenic factors and restor-
ing the qi and blood function of the zang-fu organs, the main task
is to descend lung-qi, resolve phlegm and relax the chest, which

Yulong Qin. Traditional Chinese medicine has a good effect on new coronary

pneumonia caused by delta mutant strain. China Traditional Chinese Medicine

News Reporter (中国中医药报), 6 July 2021.

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

should be carried out throughout the treatment process for each

syndrome. It is important that a combination of TCM with modern
medicine in some severe cases be implemented to ensure a good
level of oxygen saturation and prevent deterioration of the illness.
When TCM treatment is properly practiced, its accurate syndrome
differentiation and efficiency could be obtained immediately,
reflecting that all theoretical and experience of TCM applied in
the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 are practical and

5.1.2 Pathogenesis characteristics of severe and critical

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According to the analysis of authoritative experts that are published

in China, COVID-19 belongs to the category of “plague”, and its case
is characterized as “damp and toxins”. The basic pathogenesis is an
external invasion of epidemic toxins, dysfunction of the lung, and
impairment of zheng-qi with damp, heat, toxins, weakness, and stag-
nation as their pathologic features. According to the clinical manifes-
tations of their syndromes, COVID-19 could be divided into five
stages: light, ordinary, severe, critical, and convalescent stages. From
the perspective of the number of infections and mortality, the number
of people infected with COVID-19 in China is more than 80,000,
and the mortality rate is about 3%.12 Judging from the treated
European patients with severe and critical syndromes, their causative
factors are more complicated (including invasion of external six-
pathogenic factors with toxins, especially cold-damp, or damp-heat),
resulting in dysfunction of the lung in dispersing the qi in the early
stage. Due to the lack of proper treatment or delayed treatment, these
pathologic conditions quickly deteriorated, leading to failure of the
lung in descending the qi, dysfunction of the San Jiao, disharmony of

Boli Zhang, et al. Experience of Chinese medicine in the treatment of new coro-

nary pneumonia. State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 1 April


The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

the spleen and stomach, disorder of the liver and gallbladder, or

damage to the yang of the heart and kidney.
Compared with ordinary syndrome, the causative factors and
pathogenesis of severe and critical syndromes are much more com-
plicated, in which external pathogenic factors are usually not yet
expelled, but the impairment to multiple internal zang-fu organs
already happened at the same time. Nonetheless, some of the clini-
cal manifestations of severe and critical syndromes are almost similar
to those from the ordinary syndrome, albeit belonging to severe and
critical syndromes, because their dyspnea and pressure over the
chest could be observed and relatively low oxygen saturation could
be tested. Any further delayed or improper treatment could directly
cause aggravation of the situation.
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It is very important to diagnose and apply precise treatment

because the syndrome types are more complex than COVID-19, with
severe and critical syndromes making it difficult for TCM treatment.
Among them, physical constitutions, age, and underlying diseases,
etc., are to a large extent the main factors that determine the trend
and prognosis of the disease.
Generally speaking, the pathogenesis of patients with severe to
critical COVID-19 in Europe has the following characteristics, which
is not similar to that from mainland, China. Complexity
Compared with China, Europe is not the same in terms of regional
environment, climate change, lifestyle and personal diet, or physical
fitness and emotional state. These obvious differences are important
for patients in terms of invasion of pathogens and changes in patho-
genesis. The causative factors of patients with severe and critical
syndromes are complex, and are often caused by the combination of
internal and external factors. The combination of new and old ill-
nesses also makes the pathogenesis very complicated. It is rare to see
patients with severe and critical syndromes with a single cause, or
involvement of only one organ. Failure of the lung in its descending,

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

disorder of metabolism in water, stagnation of qi and blood, and

impairment of multiple zang-fu organs, are the usual situations and
consequences of the diseases at these stages. In addition, during the
course of the disease, the pathogenesis changes are always in con-
stant change. Close attention is paid to the shortness of breath, chest
tightness, blood oxygen saturation and fever control. Meanwhile,
appetite, physical strength, emotions, and sleep, etc., which could be
severely affected at the same time, are also necessarily cared for.
TCM treatment with herbal prescription should be modified and
regulated accordingly within three to five days.
In view of the complexity of the pathogenesis, its treatment meth-
ods are significantly different from the previous general disease due
to external invasion or internal disorders.
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• Since the pathogens are mainly cold-damp or damp-heat, in com-

bination with toxins, it is rare to encounter the syndromes with a
simple transmission according to the theory of the six-channels
system. It means if there is an invasion of wind-cold, mixed with
the damp, appearance of Taiyang syndrome, Shaoyang syndrome
or Yangming syndrome will be more common. In severe or critical
situations, there could be direct impairment of the yang of the
heart and kidney. During these transmission procedures, there
could be some obstruction of qi transformation due to the exist-
ence of damp, showing manifestation of the fullness of the chest
and abdomen, abdominal distention, loose stool or diarrhea, nau-
sea, or vomiting, etc.
• If it is mainly caused by heat or damp, it is more common that wei,
qi, ying, and xue system, or San Jiao system could be mainly dam-
aged, showing hyperactivity of qi and ying or obstruction of the
upper and middle Jiao.
• Since the pathogenic factors include wind, cold, heat, damp, and
toxins, it is rare to have syndromes that only follow a six-channel
system, or wei, qi, ying, and xue system or only the San Jiao sys-
tem. In most cases, there is a mixture of different systems at the
same time.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• No matter whatever system is involved, failure of the lung in

descending the qi is the key pathological result, which needs
careful management constantly. It can also be seen easily that
there is no one patent remedy or one fixed and standard herbal
prescription, which has not yet been modified accordingly,
that meets the needs of the patients with severe and critical
syndromes. Changeability
Once highly suspected or positive PCR is confirmed, the patients
usually start following procedures in Europe, including quarantine,
self-isolation, and self-administration of antipyretic to fight against
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fever. These procedures are common at the beginning of the pan-

demic due to limited PCR tests and to avoid patient overload at the
hospital. Of course, these measures are often obviously very limited
in protecting the immune system, resisting viruses, restoring lung
function, and preventing multiple organ damage. On the contrary,
they could be the chief reason for aggravating the condition and
delaying treatment if no close observation is obtained.
Furthermore, those patients who have not received timely and
appropriate treatment or refused to be admitted out of fear of hospi-
tal treatment (especially those who are frail, the elderly and those
with comorbidities), are very likely to develop a severe or a critical
syndrome soon. Dramatic deterioration often happens within a
few hours. For example, what manifests in the morning will be
different in the evening, in which blood oxygen saturation could
drop sharply, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, or cere-
bral infarction may follow at any moment. Shortness of breath, fever,
cough, increased chest tightness, cold hands and feet, sweat and
weak pulse, and even fainting may follow as well. Any delayed treat-
ment or lack of proper treatment could lead to aggravation of the
disease and even death.
In a common cold or flu, even if there is a high fever for a cou-
ple of days or a week, it rarely deteriorates rapidly. However, it is

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

different in COVID-19 cases, in which a persistent high fever that

lasts for a few days could immediately cause flaring of heat, hyper-
activity of Fire in the qi and ying systems, severe cough with dysp-
nea, and chest tightness due to failure of the lung in descending the
qi. Any inadequate TCM treatment could lead to the occurrence of
the critical syndrome, manifesting as dyspnea, pale complexion,
extreme cold hands and feet, cold sweat, fading pulse, or even
semi-consciousness. During severe or critical syndromes, one of the
common phenomena is that some basic diseases start to become
aggravated. Examples include the sharp increase in blood sugar
level of diabetic patients, the blood pressure of someone with
hypertension that cannot be controlled by the routine antihyperten-
sive drugs, the heart function that declines rapidly in patients with
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heart issues, or the tumor markers deteriorate rapidly. Therefore,

how to effectively control the severe syndrome, prevent it from
developing into the critical syndrome and actively treat the critical
syndrome, are the top priority of TCM practitioners. Patients with
COVID-19, who have received TCM treatment overseas, need to be
admitted to the hospital for treatment once they enter the critical
syndrome. If conditions permit when they are admitted into the
hospital, it is best to combine TCM treatment with modern medi-
cine. In the West, some hospitals and doctors are more enlightened
and open to TCM. After knowing the background of qualified
Chinese medicine, TCM is also involved in the treatment of critical
illness. Severity
Due to the sudden occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic, even in
economically and technologically advanced Europe, there are still
limited medicine available in the treatments, and most of these are
based upon symptomatic support. In addition, most patients with
self-isolation lack modern tracking methods and technology, which
implies that its treatment is somehow left behind social and medical

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Home isolation and relying on paracetamol to manage COVID-19

is the chief treatment plan in many countries for most of the con-
firmed patients or highly suspicious patients. This could be relatively
sufficient for the majority of the patients. However, these two methods
could put some patients in danger, including those with comorbidi-
ties, the elderly, extremely weak patients, patients with cardiac dis-
eases, diabetes, obesity, transplantation, etc. If left untreated, these
patients with COVID-19 could rapidly develop into some serious
conditions (including uncontrolled high fever, intensified coughing,
chest tightness, dyspnea, irritability, extreme fatigue, poor appetite,
nausea, vomiting, severe diarrhea, decreased oxygen saturation lev-
els, sudden collapse or confusion, etc.), which are all symptoms from
severe or critical syndromes. It could also be observed that both
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tongue color and coating could change their natures dramatically. It

is very possible to observe a red, yellow, and greasy coating tongue a
few hours ago suddenly turn into a pale, white and wet coating
tongue, accompanied with cold hands, cold body, low body tempera-
ture, somnolence, and a deep, thready, fading pulse.
Even when the ambulance finally arrived at the the house, the
patients could be so exhausted and too weak to get out of the bed
and walk themselves to the ambulance. These patients could pass
away in a very short time if no emergency treatment was adminis-
tered. During the first wave of lockdowns in some severe epidemics,
e.g., Italy and Spain, about half of the patients who died of COVID-19
came from nursing homes. The elderly remains as the high-risk group
in this epidemic. The morbidity of severe and critical syndromes, as
well as their mortality rate, are significantly higher than those of
young people without underlying diseases.13
Furthermore, for patients who panic because of high morbidity
and mortality numbers, this anxiety is also an important factor that

Robert Booth. Half of coronavirus deaths happen in care homes, data from EU
suggests. The Guardian. 13 April 2020.

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

aggravates emotional changes, causing some to experience extreme

restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, palpitations, restless and the feeling
that “death is coming at any time”. These factors could greatly influ-
ence the immunity and physical conditions of such patients. A study
published in The Lancet by Dutch researchers in December 2020
tracked the mental health of 1,517 respondents before and after the
COVID-19 pandemic and showed that the pandemic has aggravated
depression, anxiety, and loneliness among those with no or mild
mental illness.14 In short, once severe syndrome and critical syn-
drome occur, their mortality rate will increase significantly. Lung impairment

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The new coronavirus pneumonia is different from the common cold

or infection, as well as other viral infections, such as SARS and
MERS. One of the most affected and damaged body part is the lung.
TCM believes that the lung is a delicate organ, which is responsible
for dispersing the qi and descending the qi, providing an opening
into the nose, connecting the skin and vessels, regulating the water
passage, etc. When COVID-19 develops into severe or critical syn-
dromes, the above functions of the lung could be damaged simulta-
neously, manifesting as extreme shortness of breath, severe chest
tightness, difficulty in spitting out phlegm, expectoration of a large
amount of white foamy sputum or yellow phlegm, scanty urination,
peripheral oedema, or even cyanosis and fainting. In some circum-
stances, even if oxygen is provided in the hospital, the patients could
still feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.
The lung is closely connected to other organs, and in correspond-
ence to the five elements in TCM, is considered as the Metal Element.
Once the lung fails to descend the qi in severe conditions, it will

Kuan-Yu Pan, et al. The mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
on people with and without depressive, anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive
disorders: A longitudinal study of three Dutch case-control cohorts. The Lancet
Psychiatry. 2021, 8(2), 121–129.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

naturally affect the other organs, leading to dysfunctions in these

affected organs. This is when the entire physiological function of the
body will be impaired, and the pathological conditions start to
It is worth mentioning that during severe or critical syndromes, it
is very rare to observe that only one physiological function of the
lung is affected, but impairment of multiple functions of the lung is
often the pathological result. Thus, besides the disturbed descending
function of the lung, various physiological functions are also
impaired, presenting with complicated symptoms and signs. During
the TCM treatment, restoring the lung in descending is the top prior-
ity in all treatment options.
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5.1.3 Treatment precautions

COVID-19 is a highly contagious disease, which could cause person-
to-person transmission directly. During the TCM treatment, especially
acupuncture treatment, preventive measures should be taken to pre-
vent being infected. The infectious period is ten days from the onset
of the first symptom. It is suggested to consult the patients via tele-
medicine, and herbs could be collected and delivered to the door by
family members or friends directly to the patient. Also, the following
precautions could be taken into considerations. Acupuncture treatment

If the practitioner’s infection safety cannot be fully protected, the
acupuncture treatment can be postponed until the patient is in the
convalescent stage. Personalized prescription

During treatment, if possible, provide personalized herbal prescrip-
tions based on the differentiation of symptoms and signs as much as

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19 Patent remedies

When personalized prescriptions cannot be provided or obtained
due to various reasons, a patent remedy or some standard herbal
prescriptions can be considered. Close observation

Even if a personalized herbal prescription is given to the patient
before the convalescent stage, the patient’s response, actual situa-
tions, and prognosis should be closely observed. No delay or
improper treatment is permitted.
Downloaded from Avoid a fixed prescription

Since COVID-19 is an acute infectious disease, the pathogen changes
rapidly, and sometimes there may be some differences in clinical
manifestations within a few hours. Therefore, herbal prescriptions
should not be given for too many days, usually less than a week. If
necessary, the prescription should be modified after one or two days
after taking the herb. Always consider the lung

Regardless of the stage of COVID-19, care for the lung during the
treatment is one of the key features of the treatment, i.e., to repair the
physiological function is always the most important treatment princi-
ple and method. For light or ordinary syndromes, dispersing the
lung-qi is most important, often using the following herbs:

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae

Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori
Sang Ye Folium Mori Albae
Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Meanwhile, some herbs to eliminate phlegm and stop cough should

be combined to relieve cough, such as:
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis

But when it enters the severe or critical syndromes, these herbs to

descend the lung-qi should be applied, including:
Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis
Ting Li Zi Semen Descurainiae seu Lepidii
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The fullness of the chest with tightness is the most urgent problem to
be solved, extra herbs should be added, such as:
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii

Expectoration of profuse phlegm is another complaint from the

patients that should be cared by adding:
Bai Jie Zi Semen Sinapis Albae and Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae
Frutescentis for cold-phlegm
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii and Quan Gua Lou for

5.2 TCM Treatment

For the TCM treatment of new coronavirus pneumonia, some experts
follow the syndrome differentiation based upon six-channels
systems,15 and some propose the syndrome differentiation based on

Xikui Zhang, et al. Analysis of the six channels syndrome for differentiation
and treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia. Fujian Traditional Chinese Medicine
(福建中医药). 2020, 51(2): 1–3.

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

the wei, qi, ying and xue systems,16 and some follow the syndrome
differentiation based upon the perspective of San Jiao system.17
However, when COVID-19 develops into severe or critical syn-
drome, its pathological changes are more complicated and serious.
There may be a syndrome with a combination of two different chan-
nels simultaneously, or the syndrome with one channel is not yet
healed, but another channel starts to be involved. There is the pos-
sibility of a mixture of three yang channels with involvement of
Shaoyin channel at the same time, or involvement of Taiyang channel
with an accumulation of damp-heat in the lower Jiao, or syndrome
of Shaoyang channel with an accumulation of damp-heat in the
middle Jiao, etc.
In the contents and descriptions of Shang Han Lun—Treatise on
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Febrile Diseases, lung failure and damage to the relation between the
lung and other related organs are not the main pathogenesis to be
discussed and treated. Therefore, it is necessary to point out that syn-
drome differentiation and treatment that is based solely upon a six-
channel system could not be completely applied in the TCM
management of COVID-19. The theory of differentiation based upon
the zang-fu organ systems should also be combined. Meanwhile, due
to the constant high fever with hyperactivity of qi and ying, and the
predominance of damp with blockage of the functions of the qi at
various levels, it is also necessary to combine the differentiation
based upon wei, qi, ying, and xue system or the San Jiao system. It
can be seen clearly that differentiations based upon a single system—
no matter what kind of system—in severe and critical syndrome is

Juze Lin, et al. Based on the combination of Weiqiyingxue syndrome differentia-
tion and visceral syndrome differentiation for the treatment of novel coronavirus
pneumonia. Tianjin Traditional Chinese Medicine (天津中医药). 2020, 37(3): 251–
Yuhao Wang, et al. Discussion on the transmission rule of COVID-19 based on
damp-heat tri-Jiao syndrome differentiation by XUE Xue. Journal of Zhejiang
University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (浙江中医药大学学报). 2020, 7: 599–

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

never enough and comprehensive to deal with COVID-19 syn-

dromes. However, restoring the lung in descending function remains
the core treatment.

5.2.1 Exterior cold with interior heat

This syndrome is caused by invasion of wind-cold or cold-damp to
those who have constitutional heat, no matter excessive or deficient
heat. This situation could lead to blockage of the interior heat (fire) by
exterior cold, resulting in the occurrence of symptoms of an exterior
cold with symptoms of interior heat at the same time. Antipyretic from
modern medicine will not always work for this syndrome, because the
interior heat could be eliminated by which implies that its treatment
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is somehow left behind social and medical needs.

If this type of syndrome occurs during the non-epidemic period,
it could be a simple case. However, when it happens during the pan-
demic period, it could be a serious condition, showing incomplete
disappearance of external symptoms with the formation of the severe
syndrome. Its clinical manifestations are constant high fever for more
than one week, accompanied by a slight aversion to cold, obvious
shortness of breath, severe pressure over the chest, and low blood
oxygen saturation often between 90% and 92%. It’s key and correct
differentiation is done based upon the following clinical symptoms
and history of infection. Exterior cold with interior excessive heat

Invasion of wind-cold to the lung and wei system with an accumula-
tion of excessive heat in the lung and stomach. Slight aversion to
cold, high fever, severe cough with profuse white, foamy or sticky
phlegm (that is difficult to be expectorated), chest tightness, redness
of the face, restlessness, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal disten-
tion, constipation, and a red tongue with white coating.

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel cold, clear heat, descend the lung-qi, and relieve cough.

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

Herbal Treatment:
Da Qing Long Tang-Major Blue Green Dragon Decoction.

Xiang Ru Herba Elsholtziae seu Moslae 10 g

Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Ting Li Zi Semen Descurainiae seu Lepidii 10 g
Bai Jie Zi Semen Sinapis Albae 10 g
Lai Fu Zi Semen Raphani Sativi 10 g
Shi Gao Gypsum Fibrosum 20 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
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Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g

Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g

In Europe, some Chinese herbs are banned, such as Ma Huang Herba

Ephedrae and Xi Xin Herba cum Radice Asari, and can only be
replaced by Xiang Ru. In addition, even Ban Xia is also prohibited in
some countries. So, substitute herbs could be used as alternatives,
such as Qing Pi, etc. Most of the above herbs are not so often applied
to treat COVID-19 in the early stage with light syndromes. But in
severe or critical syndromes, they could not be missed because the
treatment must be prompt, adequate and sufficient to deal with
the impairment of the lung in descending the qi and eliminating the
external pathogenic factors.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with even methods.
• Hegu L.I.-4, Wai guan SJ-5, Lieque LU-7, Feishu BL-13, Zhongfu
LU-1, Chize LU-5, Quchi L.I.-11, Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6,
and Neiting ST-44 with a reducing method.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve chest tightness,
while regulating digestion and eliminating excess water in the body.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, SJ-5,

the luo-connecting point of the San Jiao channel, and LU-7, the
luo-connecting point of the lung channel respectively, are used to
promote sweating and dispel external pathogenic factors.
• BL-13 and LU-1, the back-shu point and the front-mu point of the
lung channel respectively, together with LU-5, the he-sea point of
the lung channel, are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve the
fullness of the chest.
• L.I.-11, the he-sea point of the large intestine channel, SP-6, the
crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot, and ST-44,
the ying-spring point of the stomach channel, are used to clear the
excessive heat in the body and reduce fever.
• ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, is used to
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eliminate phlegm in the lung. Invasion of cold-damp to the lung and wei system

with an accumulation of excessive heat in the lung
and stomach
Slight aversion to cold, high fever, heaviness of the body and limbs,
arthralgia, severe cough with profuse white and foamy phlegm, the
fullness of the chest with chest tightness, redness of the face, thirst,
restlessness, constipation, abdominal distention with pain, and a red
tongue with white coating.

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel cold, eliminate damp, clear heat, descend the lung-qi, and
relieve cough.

Herbal Treatment:
Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang-Nine-Herb Decoction with Notopterygium.

Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 12 g

Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Quan Gua Lou Fructus Trichosanthis 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 12 g

Acupuncture Treatment:
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Same acupuncture points as above, adding Yangchi SJ-4 and Zhigou

SJ-6, the yuan-source point, and the point for water passage respec-
tively (used with a reducing method to dispel external damp), and
Yanglingquan GB-34 with a reducing method to eliminate external
damp and benefit the joints. Incomplete elimination of exterior cold, which

transferred to heat and entered the interior
Aversion to cold, high fever, headache with body pain, fullness of the
chest, shortness of breath, cough with a lot of white and sticky
phlegm (that is difficult to be expectorated), dizziness, thirst, restless-
ness, and a red tongue with white coating.

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel cold, clear heat, descend the lung-qi, and relieve shortness of

Herbal Treatment:
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang-Bupleurum and Kudzu Decoction to Release the
Muscle Layer.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g

Ge Gen Radix Puerariae 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g

Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g
Shi Gao Gypsum Fibrosum 30 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Bai Jie Zi Semen Sinapis Albae 10 g
Lai Fu Zi Semen Raphani Sativi 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Ting Li Zi Semen Descurainiae seu Lepidii 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
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When there is an invasion of exterior pathogenic factors, and the

damages to Taiyang only last a very short time before it quickly
changes into the heat to enter the deeper interior, then the Shaoyang
or Yangming channels could be affected, leading to severe fighting
between the anti-pathogenic qi and pathogenic qi. These pathogenic
results could often be seen in severe and critical syndromes.
This formula was originally designed to treat an invasion of wind-
heat with the accumulation of heat in the interior, leading to the
occurrence of illness of three yang channels (Taiyang, Shaoyang and
Yangming). The herbs applied in this formula were equally divided
into these three directions to relieve the symptoms of three yang
channels. If this syndrome happens during COVID-19, it often is
already in severe or critical conditions. Of course, this formula with-
out any modifications could not be directly prescribed to the patients,
because the formula did not cover the situation of failure of the lung
in descending the qi with the formation of phlegm in the lung. Thus,
these herbs should be added.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with even methods.
• Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Feishu BL-13, Zhongfu LU-1, Chize
LU-5, Yuji LU-10, Quchi L.I.-11, Fenglong ST-40, Yanglingquan
GB-34, and Xiaxi GB-43 with a reducing method.

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi, relieve fullness of the
chest and shortness of breath. They can also regulate digestion and
eliminate excess water in the body.
• L.I.-4 and LU-7, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the luo-connecting point of the lung channel respectively
are used to promote sweating to dispel external pathogenic factors.
• BL-13 and LU-1, the back-shu point of the lung and the front-mu
point of the lung channel, together with LU-5, the he-sea point of
the lung channel, which are all the chief points to descend the
lung-qi and relieve the fullness of the chest.
• LU-10, the ying-spring point of the lung channel, L.I.-11, the he-
sea point of the large intestine channel, GB-34 and GB-43, the
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he-sea point and the ying-spring point of the gallbladder channel,

are used to clear heat in the three yang channels and reduce
• ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, is used to
eliminate phlegm in the lung. Exterior cold with the formation of deficient heat

Aversion to cold or wind, fever, slight sweating which could not
lower down fever, weak cough, difficulty to expectorate the phlegm,
very tired and weak, shortness of breath palpitations, insomnia, anxi-
ety, dry mouth, thirst, constipation, red tongue with scanty coating,
and cracks on the tongue.

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel cold, nourish yin, clear heat, and descend the lung-qi.

Herbal Treatment:
Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang-Modified Solomon’s Seal Decoction.

Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Xi Yang Shen Radix Panacis Quinque Folii 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Mai Men Dong Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici 10 g

Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 10 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g
Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Quan Gua Lou Fructus Trichosanthis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
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These patients usually don’t have a very high fever, but sometimes it
could be very dangerous because most of those patients have some
basic diseases, as well as obvious yin deficiency in TCM. Their blood
saturation is usually very low, and remains low, often around 90% to
92% or even lower, and does not rise quickly. When the blood satu-
ration drops under 90% suddenly, it is considered a mixture of cold
and heat, failure of zheng-qi to prevail over xie-qi, formation of
blood stasis in the blood vessels, and restlessness of the heart and
shen. The patients should be taken into the hospital to receive a com-
bination of modern medicine and TCM. Any delayed or improper
treatment could lead to fatal consequences. In this case, some herbs
to promote blood circulation and resolve blood stasis should be
applied in the herbal prescription, including:

Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 10 g

Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 15 g
Pu Huang Pollen Typhae 10 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g

Patients with cancer, diabetes, or cardiovascular diseases should pay

extra attention to prevent the occurrence of blood stagnation. It
means that two or three of the above blood circulating herbs could
be applied in advance for these patients with COVID-19. When

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

blood stasis happens or if there is already an illness of thrombosis

somewhere in the body, the treatment becomes more passive instead
of preventive.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with even methods.
• Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Feishu BL-13, Zhongfu LU-1, Chize
LU-5, and Fenglong ST-40 with a reducing method.
• Jingqu LU-8, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taixi KID-3, Zhaohai KID-6, KID-7,
and REN-6 with tonifying methods.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve shortness
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of breath, and meanwhile, regulate digestion and eliminate excess

water in the body.
• L.I.-4 and LU-7, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the luo-connecting point of the lung channel respectively
are used to promote sweating to dispel external pathogenic factors.
• BL-13, LU-1, and LU-5, the back-shu point of the lung and the
front-mu point of the lung channel, together with LU-5, the he-sea
point of the lung channel, are the chief points to descend the
lung-qi and relieve difficulty to expectorate the phlegm and short-
ness of breath.
• ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, is used to
eliminate phlegm in the lung.
• LU-8, the metal point of the lung channel, SP-6, the crossing point
of the three yin channels of the foot, together with KID-3, the
yuan-source point of the kidney channel, KID-6, a good point to
nourish the yin, and KID-7, the metal point of the kidney channel,
together with REN-6 are used to reinforce the yin of the body and
clear the deficient heat.

5.2.2 Exterior heat with interior cold

Aversion to cold, cold limbs, weak voice, shortness of breath, sudden
occurrence of fever, stuffy nose, throat pain, headache, body pain,

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

chest tightness, cough with expectoration of profuse white foamy

phlegm, weak and exhausted feeling, incapable of getting out of bed,
the fullness of abdomen, diarrhea, poor appetite, vomiting, and a
pale tongue with a thin and slightly yellow coating.
This syndrome is often caused by constitutional deficiency of
lung-qi, in combination with deficiency of yang of the heart, spleen
and kidney. At the same time, there is a sudden invasion of damp-
heat, toxins and, leading to failure of the lung to descend the qi.

Principle of Treatment:
Clear heat, warm the interior, tonify yang of the heart and kidney, and
descend the lung-qi.
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Herbal Treatment:
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang-Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and Licorice

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Shi Gao Gypsum Fibrosum 30 g
San Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Kuan Dong Hua Flos Tussilaginis Farfarae 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Rou Gui Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae 5 g
Zhi Fu Zi Radix Lateralis Aconiti Carmichaeli Praeparata 10 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 5 g

It is obvious that this prescription is a mixture of cooling herbs and

warming herbs at some time. It looks like a contradiction, but is a
reflection of serious situations of patients with this syndrome. If Ma
Xing Shi Gan Tang is applied without supporting the interior yang, it
could damage the internal yang and cause aggravation of yang of the
heart and kidney, resulting in a dangerous syndrome, i.e., a decline

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

of yang of the heart and kidney. In that case, critical syndrome


Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with even methods.
• Erjian L.I.-2, Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Yuji LU-10, Feishu BL-13,
Chize LU-5, and Fenglong ST-40 with a reducing method.
• Zusanli ST-36, Shaofu HE-8, KID-3, and REN-6 with a tonifying
• Moxibustion should be applied on ST-36, KID-3, and REN-6.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve chest
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• L.I.-4 and LU-7, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the luo-connecting point of the lung channel respectively,
are used to promote sweating to dispel external pathogenic factors.
• BL-13 and LU-5, the back-shu point and the he-sea point of the
lung channel respectively, LU-10 and L.I.-2, the spring point of
lung channel and large intestine channel repsectively, are the chief
points to descend lung-qi, clear heat and relieve difficulty in
expectorating the phlegm, shortness of breath and chest tightness.
• ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, is used to
eliminate phlegm in the lung.
• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, and REN-6 are
used in combination with HE-8, the ying-spring point of the heart
channel, and KID-3, the yuan-source point of the kidney channel,
to tonify the yang of the heart and kidney and eliminate interior
cold. Moxibustion strengthens the effect of tonifying points and
dispels the interior cold.

5.2.3 Exterior cold with interior cold fluid

Chest pressure with tightness, shortness of breath, asthma, expectora-
tion of white and foamy phlegm, swelling of the face, edema on the
low limbs, scanty urine, severe palpitations, unstable emotions, pur-
plish lips, insomnia, physical tiredness, vomiting, diarrhea, and a
pale tongue with a white and greasy coating.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Patients with constitutional obesity could suffer from phlegm and

damp or accumulation of phlegm or cold fluid in the lung with
chronic cough and shortness of breath. Once there is an invasion of
wind-cold or invasion of cold-damp with the toxins, it may cause the
influence of the exterior and interior, bringing about the failure of the
lung to descend the qi, thus various symptoms and signs occur. In
normal circumstances, it will not cause life-threatening problems,
but during the period of COVID-19, situations become different. The
descending function of the lung is mainly impaired, and the other
physiological functions of the lung are also mostly impaired, com-
bined with the involvement of damages in the other organs, such as
the heart, spleen, and kidney. Once there is a combination of impair-
ment of the lung with disorders of heart and kidney, its severe syn-
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drome or critical syndrome could be complicated.

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel external cold, resolve phlegm, eliminate cold fluid, and
descend lung-qi.

Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Qing Long Tang-Minor Blue Green Dragon Decoction, plus
San Zi Yang Qin Tang-Three Seed Decoction to Nourish One’s

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g

Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g
Xi Xin Herba cum Radice Asari 3 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Ting Li Zi Semen Descurainiae seu Lepidii 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis 10 g
Che Qian Zi Semen Plantaginis 10 g
Ze Xie Rhizoma Alismatis Orientalis 10 g

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

Qian Niu Zi Semen Pharbitidis 10 g

Long Chi Dens Draconis 15 g
Zhen Zhu Mu Concha Margaritiferae Usta 15 g

No matter if Xiao Qing Long Tang descends the lung-qi and relieves
asthma, or San Zi Yang Qin Tang resolves phlegm, both herbal treat-
ments cannot control the complicated situations from this syndrome.
Therefore, Xing Ren and Ting Li Zi are added to descend the lung and
eliminate phlegm. Hou Po and Gua Lou Pi are used to relax the chest
and regulate the qi in the lung. Che Qian Zi, Ze Xie, and Qian Niu
Zi are used to promote urination and relieve edema. Long Chi and
Zhen Zhu Mu are used to calm the shen and relieve palpitations.
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Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6 with
even methods.
• Hegu L.I.-4, Wai guan SJ-5, Feishu BL-13, Chize LU-5, Fenglong
ST-40, Tanzhong REN-17, Sanyinjiao SP-6, and Yinlingquan SP-9
with a reducing method.
• REN-6 and Zusanli ST-36 with a tonifying method.

• P-6 + SP-4, LU-7 + KID-6 are used to descend the lung-qi, reduce
fluid in the chest and relieve chest tightness.
• L.I.-4 and SJ-5, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the luo-connecting point of the San Jiao channel
respectively are used to promote sweating to dispel external
pathogenic cold.
• BL-13, LU-5, and REN-17, the back-shu point and the he-sea point
of lung channel respectively, together with REN-17, the gathering
point of the qi in the body, are the chief points to descend the
lung-qi, eliminate fluid in the chest and relieve difficulty to expec-
torate the phlegm, shortness of breath and chest tightness.
• ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, is used to
eliminate phlegm in the lung.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot, and
SP-9, the he-sea point of the spleen channel, are used to eliminate
fluid and excessive water in the body.
• REN-6, an essential point for qi in the body, and ST-36, the he-sea
point of the stomach channel, are used to tonify the qi and yang in
the body and eliminate cold.

5.2.4 Invasion of pathogens to Shaoyang channel

Chest tightness with a heavy feeling, shortness of breath, cough with
yellow phlegm (which is sticky and difficult to be expectorated), high
fever (especially in the afternoon), low-grade fever, bitter taste in the
mouth, dizziness, hypochondriac pain and distension, poor appetite,
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discomfort feeling at the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, poor

appetite, abdominal distention, diarrhea, burning feeling when uri-
nating or urgent urination, and a red tongue with a yellow and greasy
Relatively speaking, many European patients are full of emotions
with strong personal characters. Besides, they prefer highly-flavored
food that are sweet and greasy, and love to drink alcohol and coffee.
These could all lead to the tendency of damp-heat formation. During
COVID-19, these pathogenic factors and results could influence the
illness, bringing about a mixture of external invasion and internal
pathogens, thus aggravation of the disease occurs.

Principle of Treatment:
Harmonize the Shaoyang and San Jiao, eliminate damp-heat, and
descend lung-qi.

Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Chai Hu Tang-Minor Bupleurum Decoction, plus
San Ren Tang-Three Seed (Nut) Decoction.

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis 10 g
Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 5 g
Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 5 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Sheng Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis Recens 5 g
Bai Dou Kou Fructus Amomi Cardamomi 3 g
Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis Lachryma-Jobi 10 g
Tong Cao Medulla Tetrapanacis Papyriferi 10 g
Hua Shi Talcum 15 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Yin Chen Hao Herba Artemisiae Capillaris 10 g
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Xiao Chai Hu Tang harmonizes the Shaoyang, and San Ren Tang
eliminates damp-heat in the San Jiao. They do not regulate and cor-
rect the situations of failure of the lung in descending the qi. Therefore
Ma Huang, Xing Ren, Sang Bai Pi, Zhe Bei Mu, Huang Qin, and Gua
Lou Pi are added into the prescription as the chief herbs to deal with
the main pathogenic results. If Yangming excess is also present, mani-
festing as constipation and abdominal distention, Da Huang and
Mang Xiao could be added to promote defecation and relieve

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with
even methods.
• Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Feishu BL-13, Chize LU-5, Fenglong ST-40,
Tanzhong REN-17, Taichong LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14, Yanglingquan
GB-34, Qiuxu GB-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6, and Yinlingquan SP-9 with a
reducing method.

• SJ-5 + GB-41 is used to harmonize the Shaoyang and relieve
the disturbance of external pathogenic factors to the liver and

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve chest
• L.I.-4 and LU-7, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel,
and the luo-connecting point of the lung channel respectively are
used to promote the sweating to dispel external pathogenic factors.
• BL-13, LU-5 and REN-17, the back-shu point and the he-sea point
of lung channel respectively, together with REN-17, the gathering
point of the qi in the body, are the chief points to descend the
lung-qi, eliminate fluid in the chest and relieve difficulty to expec-
torate the phlegm, shortness of breath and chest tightness.
• ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, is used to
eliminate phlegm in the lung.
• LIV-3 and LIV-14, the yuan-source point from the liver channel
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and the front-mu point the liver respectively, together with GB-34
and GB-40, the he-sea point and yuan-source point of the
gallbladder channel respectively are used to promote the qi circu-
lation, harmonize the liver and gallbladder, and restore the
physiological functions of the liver and gallbladder.
• SP-6 and SP-9, the crossing point and the he-sea point of the
spleen channel respectively, are used to promote digestion and
relieve nausea and diarrhea.

5.2.5 Accumulation of heat in the lung and stomach

Constant high fever, severe cough, scanty yellow and sticky phlegm,
the fullness of chest with pain, shortness of breath, restlessness,
insomnia, thirst, dry stool, and a red tongue with yellow and dry
coating or a slightly greasy coating.
Habitual poor diet, such as overindulgence in highly-flavored
food, sweet and greasy food, or alcoholic drinking, or even addiction
to drugs, etc., could cause the formation of excessive heat in the lung
and stomach. When there is an invasion of external pathogenic fac-
tors, especially heat, there could be a mixture of external heat and
internal heat in the lung and stomach, leading to aggravation of
COVID-19 symptoms.

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

Principle of Treatment:
Clear heat in the lung and stomach, resolve phlegm, and descend the

Herbal Treatment:
Ma Xing Gan Shi Tang-Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and Licorice

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Shi Gao Gypsum Fibrosum 30 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g
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Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g

Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 5 g

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6 with
even methods.
• Hegu L.I.-4, Zhongfu LU-1, Feishu BL-13, Chize LU-5, Tanzhong
REN-17, Quchi L.I.-11, Zhongwan REN-12, Tianshu ST-25,
Fenglong ST-40, ST42, Neiting ST-44, and Sanyinjiao SP-6 with a
reducing method.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve chest tightness.
• LU-7 + KID-6 are used to relax the chest and benefit the lung.
• L.I.-4 and L.I.-11, the yuan-source point and the he-sea point of
the large intestine channel respectively, are used to clear heat and
reduce fever.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• LU-1, LU-5, and BL-13, the front-mu point and the he-sea point of
the lung channel respectively, the back-shu point of the lung, are
used to clear heat in the lung and descend the lung-qi.
• REN-12, the gathering point of the fu organs and the front-mu
point of the stomach, ST-25, ST42, and ST-44, the front-mu point
of the large intestine, the yuan-source point of the stomach chan-
nel, and the ying-spring point of the stomach channel, are used to
clear heat in the stomach and large intestine.
• ST-40 and SP-6, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel
and the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot respec-
tively are used to clear heat and eliminate phlegm in the lung.

5.2.6 Accumulation of phlegm-heat in the lung

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Constant high fever, severe cough with profuse yellow and sticky
phlegm (that is difficult to be expectorated), the fullness of chest with
pain and tightness, shortness breath, restlessness, and a red tongue
with a yellow and greasy coating.
It frequently occurs on patients who have always been suffering
from obesity with retention of damp and phlegm in the body, often
have cough with yellow phlegm, bitter taste in the mouth, dryness,
and an uncomfortable feeling in the throat. When there is an invasion
of wind-heat or damp-heat, it could cause aggravation of the situa-
tions with the quick transformation of external heat into the internal
heat, leading to failure of the lung in descending the lung-qi and
accumulation of phlegm-heat in the lung.

Principle of Treatment:
Clear heat in the lung, resolve phlegm, descend the lung-qi and
relieve shortness of breath.

Herbal Treatment:
Ding Chuan Tang-Arrest Wheezing Decoction.

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g

Bai Guo Semen Ginkgo Bilobae 10 g

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

Kuan Dong Hua Flos Tussilaginis Farfarae 10 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Hai Ge Ke Concha Cyclinae Sinensis 15 g
Da Qing Ye Folium Isatidis 10 g
Jin Yin Hua Flos Lonicerae Japonicae 10 g

Basically speaking, Ding Chuan Tang is a very good herbal formula

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to deal with this syndrome. However, it is still not powerful enough

to treat COVID-19. Some extra herbs to clear the heat and eliminate
phlegm in the lung should be added to the prescription to strengthen
the therapeutic effects.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6 with
even methods.
• Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Zhongfu LU-1, Chize LU-5, Yuji LU-10,
Feishu BL-13, Tanzhong REN-17, Tianshu ST-25, Fenglong ST-40,
and Sanyinjiao SP-6 with a reducing method.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve chest
• LU-7 + KID-6 are used to relax the chest and benefit the lung.
• L.I.-4, L.I.-11, and ST-25, the yuan-source point and the he-sea
point of the large intestine channel, and front-mu point of the large
intestine, are used to clear heat, promote defecation, and reduce
• LU-1, LU-5, and BL-13, the front-mu point, the he-sea point of the
lung channel, the back-shu point of the lung respectively, are used
to clear heat in the lung and descend the lung-qi.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• LU-10, the ying-stream point of the lung channel, is used to clear

heat in the lung and relieve the cough.
• REN-17, the gathering point of the qi, is used to descend the
lung-qi and relax the chest to relieve chest tightness.
• ST-40 and SP-6, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel,
and the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot are
used to clear heat and eliminate phlegm in the lung.

5.2.7 Accumulation and blockage of damp in the lung

and stomach
Severe cough, expectoration of profuse white and sticky phlegm, full-
ness and tightness of the chest, heaviness of the body and head, las-
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situde, poor appetite, abdominal distention, loose stool or diarrhea,

and a white and greasy coating on the tongue.
In TCM’s view, European diets are made up of highly-flavored,
greasy, fatty and sweet food, contain too much dairy products, paired
with frequent alcoholic drinking, which could cause the formation of
damp-phlegm in the body with the tendency of obesity and overload
the spleen and stomach. In addition, there is a lack of sunshine dur-
ing all the seasons, too much rain and high cold and humidity levels.
These pathogenic factors could lead to retardation of transformation
and transformation of the spleen and stomach. When COVID-19
occurs, external pathogenic factors could aggravate the above condi-
tions, resulting in deterioration of the functions of the spleen and
stomach. Meanwhile, due to improper publicity by the media saying
that a profuse protein diet is needed during COVID-19 to stimulate
the physiological function of the immune system, many patients start
to consume a lot of protein-rich food (such as eating five eggs, one
kg of meat, or drinking one liter of milk daily). These kind of diet
could become an excessive load to the spleen and stomach if their
original digestion system is weak, resulting in aggravation of forma-
tion of damp-phlegm.
It is also considered in TCM that the spleen is the production
organ for damp phlegm while the lung is the container organ of the

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

damp phlegm. When there is the formation of too much damp-

phlegm, it could affect the lung, leading to dysfunction of the lung in
descending the qi. During COVID-19, this situation could become
worse if external invasion to the lung occurs. Moreover, if the patients
are treated with some antibiotics for necessity, it could make the
entire situation of damp phlegm worse.

Principle of Treatment:
Resolve damp, eliminate phlegm, descend the lung-qi, and relieve
shortness of breath.

Herbal Treatment:
Huo Po Xia Ling Tang-Agastaches, Magnolia Bark, Pinellia and Poria
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Decoction, plus
San Zi Yang Qin Tang-Three Seed Decoction to Nourish One’s Parents.

Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi 10 g

Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Lai Fu Zi Semen Raphani Sativi 10 g
Bai Jie Zi Semen Sinapis Albae 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

Hou Po Xia Ling Tang is indicated in the invasion of damp to the

middle Jiao, and it has almost no effect to descend the lung-qi. Thus,
San Zi Yang Qin Tang to eliminate phlegm and descend the lung-qi
should be added into the prescription to lead the therapeutic effect
to the lung.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6 with
even methods.
• Zhongfu LU-1, Chize LU-5, Taiyuan LU-9, Feishu BL-13, Zhongwan
REN-12, Tanzhong REN-17, Tianshu ST-25, Fenglong ST-40,
Taichong LIV-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6, and Yinlingquan SP-9 with a
reducing method.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve chest
• LU-7 + KID-6 are used to relax the chest and benefit the lung.
• LU-1, LU-5, LU-9 and BL-13, the front-mu point, the he-sea point,
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the yuan-source point of the lung channel, the back-shu point of

the lung respectively, are used to descend the lung-qi, resolve
damp-phlegm in the lung and relieve cough.
• REN-17, the gathering point of the qi, is used to descend the
lung-qi and relax the chest to relieve chest tightness.
• REN-12, ST-25, and ST-40, the gathering point of the fu organs and
the front-mu point of the stomach, the front-mu point of the large
intestine, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel respec-
tively, together with SP-6 and SP-9, the crossing point and the
he-sea point of the spleen channel respectively, are used to elimi-
nate damp in the spleen and stomach, descend the stomach-qi and
relieve diarrhea.
• LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the liver channel, is used to pro-
mote and regulate the qi in the body and relieve the qi stagnation
due to the accumulation of damp.

5.2.8 Accumulation of damp-heat in the middle Jiao

Fever with a heaviness of the body and limbs (which becomes worse
in the afternoon), throat redness and pain, cough with yellow and
sticky phlegm (that is difficult to expectorate), shortness of breath,
tightness of the chest, restlessness, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, poor

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

appetite, burning sensation in the stomach, loose stool or diarrhea,

abdominal distention, lassitude, and a red tongue with yellow and
greasy coating.
The spleen and stomach are situated at the middle Jiao, connect-
ing the upper burner and lower burner at the same time, and provid-
ing the essential substances of qi and blood. Invasion of damp-heat
could take place via the mouth directly, resulting in dysfunctions of
the lung, spleen, and stomach.

Principle of Treatment:
Clear heat, resolve damp, harmonize the middle Jiao, descend the
lung-qi, and relieve shortness of breath.
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Herbal Treatment:
Lian Po Yin-Coptis and Magnolia Bark Drink.

Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g

Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Shi Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori Graminei 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Lu Gen Rhizoma Phragmitis Communis 10 g
Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g

Lian Po Yin is only good at clearing the heat and resolving damp in
the middle Jiao, it has no effect to descend the lung-qi in COVID-19.
Therefore, some extra herbs should be added to the prescription to
clear the heat, eliminate phlegm in the lung and descend the lung-qi.
Otherwise, shortness of breath, tightness of the chest, and severe
cough with yellow phlegm will not improve.
It is possible that sometimes there is some confusion between
using Bai Hu Tang or Lian Po Yin. In fact, there is an obvious big

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

difference. Bai Hu Tang is indicated as excessive heat in the lung

and stomach, while Lian Po Yin is indicated as an invasion of damp-
heat to the middle Jiao. It can be seen from here that Bai Hu Tang
should not be applied to treat all kinds of syndrome with fever.
Syndrome differentiation is quite essential. On the contrary, if Bai
Hu Tang is applied in this syndrome by mistake, it could reduce the
fever, but not be able to eliminate damp, causing aggravation of the

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with even methods.
• Chize LU-5, Feishu BL-13, Zhongwan REN-12, Tanzhong REN-17,
Quchi L.I.-11, Tianshu ST-25, Fenglong ST-40, Yanglingquan
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GB-34, Qiuxu GB-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6 and Yinlingquan SP-9 with

a reducing method.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve chest
• LU-5 and BL-13, the he-sea point of the lung channel, and the
back-shu point of the lung respectively are used to descend the
lung-qi, resolve damp-phlegm in the lung and relieve cough.
• REN-17, the gathering point of the qi, is used to descend the
lung-qi and relax the chest to relieve chest tightness.
• L.I.-11, REN-12, ST-25, ST-40, the he-sea point of the large intes-
tine channel, the gathering point of the fu organs and the front-mu
point of the stomach, the front-mu point of the large intestine, and
the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel respectively,
together with SP-6 and SP-9, the crossing point of the three yin
channels of the foot and the he-sea point of the spleen channel
respectively, are used to eliminate damp-heat in the middle Jiao
and relieve the vomiting and diarrhea.
• GB-34 and GB-40, the he-sea point and yuan-source point of the
gallbladder channel respectively, are used to eliminate damp-heat
in the body and promote digestion.

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

5.2.9 Accumulation of excessive heat in the Yangming Formation of heat in the Yangming channel
Constant high fever for more than one week, redness of the face,
painful body and limbs, thirst, dry mouth, severe cough with profuse
yellow phlegm, chest pain with tightness, restlessness, profuse sweat-
ing, headache, and a red tongue with yellow and dry coating.
This syndrome often occurs in patients who have been suffering
from the accumulation of excessive heat in the stomach and large
intestine due to improper diet, such as the intake of too little vegeta-
bles, overeating of red meat and alcoholic drinking, with a prefer-
ence for sweet, highly-flavored and deep-fried food. When this is
invaded by external pathogenic factors, they could transform into
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heat quickly, starting to mix with the interior heat in the Yangming.
However, it is lucky that there is not yet the formation of excessive
heat with the stool in the large intestine. Otherwise, this situation
could cause another syndrome discussed below, i.e., formation of
Yangming fu excess.

Principle of Treatment:
Clear heat, reduce fever, descend the lung-qi, and relieve shortness
of breath.

Herbal Treatment:
Bai Hu Tang-White Tiger Decoction.

Sheng Shi Gao Gypsum Fibrosum 30 g

Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis Kirilowii 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 15 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g

Geng Mi Oryzae Sativae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

It is quite clear that the herbal formula Bai Hu Tang is for sure a good
prescription to clear the heat and reduce fever. However, it will not
be able to descend the lung-qi and relieve severe cough. Besides, it
could resolve phlegm in the lung. Therefore, some extra herbs to
clear heat and eliminate phlegm in the lung should be added to the
prescription. Otherwise, fever is reduced, but the lung situation

Acupuncture Treatment:
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• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with even methods.

• Chize LU-5, Feishu BL-13, Zhongwan REN-12, Tanzhong REN-17,
Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Fenglong ST-40, Neiting ST-44, Dazhui
DU-14, and Sanyinjiao SP-6 with a reducing method.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve chest
• LU-5 and BL-13, the he-sea point of the lung channel and the
back-shu point of the lung respectively, are used to descend the
lung-qi and relieve cough.
• REN-17, the gathering point of the qi, is used to descend the
lung-qi and relax the chest to relieve chest tightness.
• L.I.-4, L.I.-11, and REN-12, the yuan-source point and the he-sea
point of the large intestine channel, the gathering point of the fu
organs, and the front-mu point of the stomach respectively, are
used to clear heat in the stomach, reduce fever and promote
• DU-14, the meeting of all the yang channels in the body, is used
to clear heat and reduce fever.
• ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, is used to
resolve phlegm in the lung and stop coughing.

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

• ST-44 and SP-6, the ying-stream point of the stomach channel, and
the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot are used to
clear heat in the stomach and reduce fever. Formation of Yangming fu excess

Constant high fever for more than one week, redness of the face,
painful body and limbs, thirst, dry mouth, restlessness, severe consti-
pation for a couple of days, abdominal pain and distention, severe
cough with profuse yellow phlegm, chest pain with tightness, rest-
lessness, profuse sweating, headache, and a red tongue with a yellow
and dry coating, or even formation of some brown and dry coating
on the tongue.
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This syndrome is often the result of prolonged persistence of

excessive heat in the Yangming channel, which is not properly man-
aged in time, leading to a mixture of stool and excessive heat in the
fu organ. This is more severe than the above Yangming channel

Principle of Treatment:
Promote defecation, clear heat, descend the lung-qi, and relieve
shortness of breath.

Herbal Treatment:
Da Cheng Qi Tang-Major Order the Qi Decoction.

Da Huang Radix et Rhizoma Rhei 10 g

Mang Xiao Mirabilitum 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

When this formula is used properly, defecation occurs quickly, usu-

ally in a couple of hours, and fever reduces also immediately when
defecation becomes normal. Improvement of cough, shortness of
breath, and chest tightness follows.
The key features of applying this formula include constant high
fever and constipation. If missing of these two features, then it is
contraindicated in the treatment of COVID-19.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 with even methods.
• Chize LU-5, Feishu BL-13, Tanzhong REN-17, Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi
L.I.-11, Tianshu ST-25, Shangjuxu ST-37, Fenglong ST-40, Neiting
ST-44, Dazhui DU-14, and Sanyinjiao SP-6 with a reducing
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• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve chest
• LU-5 and BL-13, the he-sea point of the lung channel and the
back-shu point of the lung respectively, are used to descend the
lung-qi and relieve cough.
• REN-17, the gathering point of the qi, is used to descend the
lung-qi and relax the chest to relieve chest tightness.
• L.I.-4, L.I.-11, and REN-12, the yuan-source point and the he-sea
point of the large intestine channel, the gathering point of the fu
organs, and the front-mu point of the stomach respectively, are
used to clear heat in the stomach, reduce fever and promote
• DU-14, the meeting of all the yang channels in the body, is used
to clear heat and reduce fever.
• ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, is used to
resolve phlegm in the lung and stop coughing.
• ST-25, the front-mu point of the large intestine, ST-37, the lower
sea point of the large intestine, ST-44, the ying-spring point of the
stomach, and SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

the foot, are used to clear heat in the stomach, promote defecation
and reduce fever.

5.2.10 Decline of Yang from the heart and kidney

Constant and weak cough, lack of energy, extreme exhausted feeling,
unable to expectorate some phlegm and stand up, shortness of
breath, white and foamy phlegm, or white and sticky phlegm, full-
ness of the chest with tightness, low body temperature or slight fever,
cold hands and feet, aversion to cold, poor appetite, loose stool,
somnolence, profuse cold sweating, low blood oxygen saturation
often below 90%, and a pale tongue with wet coating. If it is not
urgently treated in the hospital, it could be life-threatening.
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This syndrome is often caused by delayed or refused treatment for

COVID-19 after onset of clinical symptoms, or for patients who are
elderly and weak, or with underlying chronic sickness. When there
is an invasion of external pathogenic factors, it could quickly enter
the deep interior, forming a situation of failure of zheng-qi to control
the xie-qi. In TCM it is called simultaneous sickness of Taiyang and
Shaoyin channel.

Principle of Treatment:
Greatly tonify yang of the heart and kidney, descend the lung-qi, and
resolve the phlegm.

Herbal Treatment:
Si Ni Tang-Frigid Extremities Decoction, plus
Ma Huang Fu Zi Xi Xin Tang-Ephedra, Prepared Aconite and Asarum

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g

Zhi Fu Zi Radix Lateralis Aconiti Carmichaeli Praeparata 10 g
Xi Xin Herba cum Radice Asari 3 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 10 g
Rou Gui Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae 5 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Ting Li Zi Semen Descurainiae seu Lepidii 10 g

In a lot of countries, the first three herbs are prohibited, so some

other herbs to warm the yang of the heart and kidney can be substi-
tuted, such as
Xiang Ru Herba Elsholtziae seu Moslae 10 g
Ren Shen Radix Ginseng 10 g
Ba Ji Tian Radix Morindae Officinalis 10 g
Xian Mao Rhizoma Curculiginis Orchioidis 10 g
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Yin Yang Huo Herba Epimedii 10 g

Long Gu Os Draconis 20 g

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6 with
even methods.
• Chize LU-5, Feishu BL-13, Tanzhong REN-17, and Fenglong ST-40
with a reducing method.
• Zusanli ST-36, Shaofu HE-8, Laogong P-8, Taixi KID-3, Guanyuan
REN-4, and Qihai REN-6 with a tonifying method.
• Moxibustion should be applied on ST-36, Taixi KID-3, REN-4, and

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve chest
• LU-7 + KID-6 are used to benefit the lung and relieve shortness of
• LU-5, BL-13 and REN-17, the he-sea point of the lung channel, the
back-shu point of the lung, and the gathering point of the qi
respectively, are the chief points to descend the lung-qi and relieve
shortness of breath and chest tightness.

TCM Treatment of Severe Syndromes of COVID-19

• ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, is used to

eliminate phlegm in the lung and relieve cough.
• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, REN-4 and REN-6,
two essential points to strengthen the body, are used in combina-
tion with HE-8 and P-8, the ying-spring point of the heart and
pericardium channel respectively, and KID-3, the yuan-source
point of the kidney channel, are used to tonify the yang of the
heart and kidney and eliminate interior cold.
• Moxibustion strengthens the effect of tonifying points and dispels
the interior cold.
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TCM Treatment of COVID-19
at Convalescent Stage

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a pandemic that has rap-

idly spread worldwide. Previous reports on COVID-19 primarily
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focused on epidemiological and clinical characteristics of confirmed

cases or hospital discharged patients. Increasingly, confirmed
patients are being discharged according to the current diagnosis and
treatment protocols, and follow-up of convalescent patients is
important to know about the outcome.1 Thus, it is quite necessary to
conduct some retrospective studies to investigate the clinical fea-
tures, recovery quality, functionalities and their treatment proce-
dures, as well as inflammation and immune biomarkers of COVID-19
convalescent patients with or without re-positive SARS-CoV-2
nucleic acid detection. Convalescence could be considered as one
of the most significant periods for the patients. It is important in TCM
that any improper management during this period could possibly
lead to the remaining of pathogens, further disturbance or damage
to the body, and the existence of long-term sequences, such as Long

Hui Zhu, et al. Clinical features of COVID-19 convalescent patients with re-positive
nucleic acid detection. J Clin Lab Anal. 2020, 34: e23392.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

6.1 TCM Analysis of COVID-19 at Convalescent

6.1.1 Definition
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute res-
piratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is a new human dis-
ease, which has swept the world since the end of 2019. Although
most patients with new coronary pneumonia can recover and be
discharged after treatment in the hospital, clinical data show that in
addition to causing lung inflammation and tissue damage, the new
coronavirus also affects: (i) the digestive system, which causes patients
to experience symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and loss of appe-
tite (ii) damage to the nervous system, which leads to insomnia, poor
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memory, loss of taste and smell (iii) damage to the kidney function,
which causes edema and (iv) reduce the number of sperm cells in
men, which affects fertility. A number of investigations and research
findings in recent days have found that patients who have recovered
from new coronary pneumonia still show various symptoms, which
might retain for six months or more after convalescence.
Convalescence, synonyms for recovery and recuperation, means
the same as the Latin convale-scere, meaning “to regain health”,
gradual healing after sickness or injury. Convalescence for an illness
is often accompanied by various medicines, sufficient rest, proper
diet, an emotional coach, and some physical exercise.
The patients during the convalescence period are required to visit
the doctor for regular check-ups. A negative COVID-19 test does not
mean convalescence or recovery.

6.1.2 Timeline of convalescence of COVID-19

Policymakers, surveillance, and public-health agencies must prior-
itize agreement on criteria for a definition of convalescence of
COVID-19 and the structures in which these criteria could be
implemented. In terms of the timeline of convalescence of COVID-
19, it is generally accepted that the acute COVID-19 infection

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

phase refers to the period of the first 4–5 weeks immediately after
the onset of the symptoms of COVID-19. Acute post-COVID
symptoms last from week 5 to week 12, long post-COVID symp-
toms last from week 12 to week 24, and persistent post-COVID
symptoms last more than 24 weeks. From the above, it could be
concluded that convalescence of COVID-19 refers to the period
from week five to week 12 from the onset of the first symptom.
However, it could also be up to 6 months, or even longer. “With
other common viral illnesses, such as flu, we would expect recovery
to mean going back to pre-infection levels of functionality and qual-
ity of life. This means we must follow up on all patients with con-
firmed (by test) or highly probable (by symptoms) COVID-19 and
find out whether they have returned to their previous “normal”
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within a specified time from the onset of their symptoms. The

“recovery” definition must include duration, severity, and fluctua-
tion of symptoms, as well as functionality and quality of life.
Everyone who is symptomatic would remain a “case” until they
fulfilled the recovery criteria or died.2

6.1.3 Convalescence is defined differently for each patient

In many cases, convalescence or recovery is implied by discharge
from the hospital or testing negative for the virus. Some researchers
consider COVID-19 patients to be fully recovered after the day they
get discharged from the hospital. In fact, this way of classification is
incomplete because of the following arguments:

• There is still a gap in quantifying and characterizing COVID-

related illness in those not hospitalized.
• Non-hospitalized cases, who are under the radar or loosely termed
“mild”, are not followed up with.

Nisreen A. Alwan. A negative COVID-19 test does not mean recovery. Nature.
2020, 584: 170.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Some patients who are young or previously healthy might

experience only a few days of flu-like symptoms, while some
patients with underlying diseases—although they might be very
sick—could refuse to be hospitalized for different reasons. They
are usually not included for convalescence.
• Millions of patients worldwide who are still alive and got ill with-
out being tested or hospitalized are simply not being counted.

It is therefore to conclude certain that defining and measuring

recovery from COVID-19 should be more sophisticated than check-
ing for hospital discharge or testing negative for active infection or
positive for antibodies.3 There are some young patients without any
underlying diseases and weak constitutions who suffered only from
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shortness of breath and fatigue as their main complaints during

COVID-19. However, after more than a year, they still have problem-
atic physical and mental weakness, and could not function like
before. These young patients should be included in the patients who
need some convalescence support and various guidance.

6.1.4 Features of convalescence of COVID-19 Variation of convalescence duration
The convalescent process of COVID-19 refers not only to recovery
from a lung disturbance or damage but also recovery from many
aspects. It’s duration, fluctuation of symptoms, and restoration in
functionality and quality of life, etc., are also the contents to be
concerned about. Since convalescence ranges from week 5 to week
12 after the onset of the first symptoms, seven weeks as its interval is
a long period of time. The longer its duration, the more complaints
the patient could suffer from. Duration of convalescence usually
depends on whether COVID-19 is a mild, moderate, or severe case.
The patient may need to be admitted into ICU or even be put on a
ventilator. It means that the severity of COVID-19 could be one of the
chief factors in determining the duration of the convalescence.

Yang Wang. op. cit.

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

Besides, its medical treatment, underlying diseases, personal consti-

tutions, emotions, and diets, etc., also play an extremely important
role in this process.

• Around 80% of COVID patients (so-called mild cases), only show

some slight symptoms or even asymptomatically. They could
recover within one week to ten days.
• Some patients with mild COVID cases could be free of symptoms,
but others could still suffer from some symptoms for a few more
weeks or even months. Symptoms lasting several weeks and
impairing a person’s usual function should not be called mild.
• Patients with moderate cases of COVID-19 infection (who some-
times need to visit a hospital or emergency department), could
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experience longer physical fatigue and other symptoms, such as

cough and shortness of breath, etc. Their recovery process lasts for
several weeks or longer.
• In some patients, the disease may become worse and develop into
pneumonia, or the immune system may release a very powerful
“cytokine storm” to destroy the virus. This strong inflammatory
response can lead to the so-called acute respiratory distress syn-
drome (ARDS), which damages lung tissue and even causes
respiratory failure. They need to be hospitalized to receive compre-
hensive treatment. Once the disease reaches and causes damage
to multiple organs, they also need hospitalization. Recovering
from severe COVID-19 may take up to months or years for physical
strength and lung function to return to normal. Necessity of further close observation

In most cases, when the hospitalized patients with COVID-19 are
discharged, they need at least one or two tests, and some hospitals
even need three tests to confirm that PCR has turned negative. But
there are some hospitals that start discharging the patients two or
three days (without carrying out PCR tests) after their fever or chest
tightness are under relative control.
According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and
Control, the exact duration of infectivity of COVID-19 patients is not

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

yet known with certainty. Several studies have shown that most trans-
mission happens around the onset of symptoms and that SARS-CoV-2
can initially be detected in upper respiratory samples around two
days before the onset of symptoms. In studies of non-severe cases,
the virus was successfully isolated for ten days from the onset of
symptoms. In an analysis of 72 infector-infected pairs in South Korea,
the estimated median transmission onset was 1.31 days (standard
deviation (SD) 2.64 days), following the onset of initial symptoms
with a peak of 0.72 days. Among hospitalized/severe COVID-19
patients, isolation of SARS-CoV-2 was possible until day 20 after the
onset of symptoms, with a median of 8 days (interquartile range (IQR)
5–11 days). The probability of detecting infectious SARS-CoV-2
dropped below 5% after 15.2 days after the onset of symptoms (95%
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confidence interval (CI) 13.4–17.2). In this study, the risk of having a

positive SARS-CoV-2 culture was three times higher in immunocom-
promised patients than in other patients, which suggests that immu-
nocompromised patients may shed SARS-CoV-2 for prolonged
periods. Older age and a more severe infection have been associated
with a higher viral load. However, it was also recently demonstrated
that children have viral loads similar to that of adults, and asympto-
matic patients have viral loads similar to that of symptomatic
In some countries, e.g., China, hospitals must follow very strict
rules before they can discharge patients. These discharged patients
should remain in quarantine for another 14 days and they can be
released from quarantine if their PCR tests are still negative.5
In fact, there are many patients with COVID-19 who are young
or mild cases, and did not need any hospitalization, in which their

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Guidance for discharge and
ending of isolation of people with COVID-19. 16 October 2020. Stockholm: ECDC,
Shaobin He et al. Positive RT-PCR test results in 420 patients recovered from
COVID-19 in Wuhan: An observational study. Front. Pharmacol. 7 October 2020.

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

clinical symptoms and PCR tests are left uncontrolled or not

followed-up with. For these cases, they also need a close observation
because they potentially could also spread the virus if their PCR
remains positive with the infectious virus. Although not all the cases
with positive PCR could carry the infectious virus, it is tedious to
detect in the laboratory if the virus is infectious or noninfectious.
Thus, it is not widely carried out in this way. Therefore, as long as
PCR is positive, the patients are quarantined in China. Duration of remained positive PCR tests

During the convalescence, it is quite possible that the PCR remains
positive. Is the patient still contagious? A positive PCR does not
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always mean that the patient presents any danger to society. It

depends on whether the virus is infectious or not.
A PCR test is a technique to find the virus. The PCR alone cannot
answer if this virus is active, i.e., infectious, or virulent? In viral cul-
ture, viruses are injected into the laboratory cell lines to see if they
cause cell damage and death, thus releasing a whole set of new
viruses that can go on to infect other cells. That is, if the PCR detects
the virus in the human sample, this detection might correspond to a
virus that is now incapable of infecting cells and reproducing.
Biologists can tell if the virus is infectious by injecting it into culture
cells. If these cells are not affected by the virus and the virus does not
reproduce in them, then the PCR test found a virus that is no longer
Recovered patients can continue to have SARS-CoV-2 RNA
detected in their upper respiratory specimens for up to 12 weeks after
symptom onset. Available data indicate that adults with mild to mod-
erate COVID-19 remain infectious no longer than ten days after
symptom onset. Most adults with more severe to critical illness or
severe immunocompromise are likely to remain infectious no longer

The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. PCR positives: What do they mean?
17 September 2020.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

than 20 days after symptom onset. However, there have been several
reports of people shedding replication-competent virus beyond 20
days due to severe immunocompromise.7 There could be exceptions.
After almost 10 months, 43 positive RT-PCR tests, and several near-
death experiences, a man in UK, Bristol has tested negative for
COVID-19. With this, he came to hold an unfortunate record of
being an active COVID-19 patient for the longest duration.8
During the pandemic, some hospitals require their staff to con-
tinue to work when their PCR tests are positive. For instance—a
hospital in Liege, which is situated in the east near the border with
the Netherlands and at the center of a coronavirus hotspot with the
highest coronavirus incidence rate in Belgium—was asking its nurses
to carry on working as long as they are not displaying symptoms even
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if they test positive for COVID-19.9

Even though it is generally accepted that it is no longer conta-
gious ten days after symptom onset for patients with mild to moderate
COVID-19, precautions are still required to prevent COVID-19. Most
communities and social environments these days require certificates
to prove a negative COVID-19 PCR test result before allowed to enter
some public places. Starting July 21, the “health pass” (Pass Sanitaire)
will be compulsory in France for access to leisure and cultural venues
with more than 50 people, including cinemas and museums. From
the beginning of August, it will be necessary to show your health pass
to have coffee or eat lunch at a restaurant—even on an outdoor
terrace—or to shop at a mall. Customers will have to provide either
a QR code proving they are fully vaccinated, a negative PCR or

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Ending isolation and precau-
tions for people with COVID-19: Interim guidance. 14 September 2021. https://
10 months. That’s how long this UK man tested positive for Covid. India Today
24 June 2021.
Shona Murray, Joanna Gill. Nurses with COVID-19 asked to carry on working at
under pressure hospital in Belgium. Euronews. 28 October 2020. https://www.

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

antigen test that is less than 48 hours old or proof that they have
recovered from COVID-19 in the last six months. According to the
government’s draft bill, restaurants could be fined up to €45,000 and
proprietors face up to a year in prison if they fail to comply.10 Relapse of possible PCR tests

One study aimed to investigate the clinical characteristics and to
analyze the epidemiological features of coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) patients during convalescence. In the study, they
enrolled 71 confirmed COVID-19 cases who were discharged from
the hospital and transferred to isolation wards from 6 February to 26
March 2020. The patients were all employees of Zhongnan Hospital
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of Wuhan University or their family members of which three cases

were <18 years of age. Clinical data were collected and analyzed
statistically. Forty-one cases (41/71, 57.7%) comprised of medical
faculty. Young and middle-aged patients (aged <60 years) accounted
for 81.7%(58/71). The average isolation period for all adult patients
was 13.8 ± 6.1 days. During convalescence, RNA detection results of
35.2% of patients (25/71) turned from negative to positive. The long-
est RNA reversed-phase time was seven days.11
Another retrospective study was performed on 98 convalescent
patients with COVID-19 who were treated in a single medical center,
HwaMei Hospital, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Zhejiang, China. By 2 April 2020, epidemiological and clinical data
were collected. The clinical features of patients during their hospitali-
zation and two-week post-discharge quarantine were collected.
Among these patients, 17(17.3%) were detected with positive severe
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) nucleic acid

Grégoire Sauvage. France prepares to introduce COVID-19 “health pass” for access to
cultural venues. France24. 16 July 2021.
Bingman Liu et al. Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 patients in
convalescence period. Epidemiol Infect. 2020, 148: e108. doi: 10.1017/S0950268

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

during two-week post-discharge quarantine. The median time from

discharge to SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid re-positive was four days (IQR,
3–8.5). The median time from symptoms onset to final respiratory
SARS-CoV-2 detection of the negative result was significantly longer
in the re-positive group (34 days [IQR, 29.5–42.5]) than in the non-
re-positive group (19 days [IQR, 16–26]). On the other hand, the
levels of CD3-CD56+ NK cells during hospitalization and two-week
post-discharge were higher in a re-positive group than in the non-
re-positive group (repeated measures ANOVA, p = 0.018). However,
only one case in the re-positive group showed exudative lesion
recurrence in pulmonary computed tomography (CT) with recurred
symptoms. The conclusion is that it is still possible for convalescent
patients to test positive for SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid detection, but
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most of the re-positive patients showed no deterioration in pulmo-

nary CT findings. Continuous quarantine and close follow-up for
convalescent patients are necessary to prevent possible relapse and
spread of the disease to some extent.12 Continuation of medical care

During the convalescence, some patients could have almost no clini-
cal symptoms, but it doesn’t mean that their entire physical or mental
conditions are completely restored. They need some time to recover,
especially for those who have moderate or severe cases. When they
do show some clinical symptoms, no matter only one symptom or a
few symptoms, comprehensive treatment could be considered, in
which TCM could be one of the choices.
In the same study listed above, 52.9% of adult patients (36/68)
had no obvious clinical symptoms, and the remaining ones had mild
and non-specific clinical symptoms (e.g., cough, sputum, sore throat,
disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.) after discharge from a
hospital. Chest CT signs in 89.7% of adult patients (61/68) gradually
improved, and in the others, the lesions were eventually absorbed
and improved after short-term repeated progression. The main chest

Hui Zhu, et al. op. cit.

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

CT manifestations of adult patients were normal (GGO or fiber streak

shadow), and six patients (8.8%) had extrapulmonary manifestations,
but there was no significant correlation with RNA detection results
(r = −0.008, p > 0.05). The drug treatment was mainly symptomatic
support therapy, and antibiotics and antiviral drugs were ineffective.
It is necessary to re-evaluate the isolation time and standard to termi-
nate isolation for discharged COVID-19 patients.13 Maintenance of personal hygiene

Even after discharge from hospital and recovering from COVID-19, it
is still necessary to take care of personal hygiene, measure body tem-
perature regularly, observe own physical health for any symptoms,
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follow up on medical controls, wear a mask when in public (espe-

cially at a crowded place), disinfect the bathroom surfaces before
using the bathroom (including the flusher and faucet handle), wash
hands with soap and water, and keep the room with good air
ventilation. Difference in non-severe and severe patients

Both clinical symptoms and their laboratory test and imagine tech-
nology results are different from patient to patient, especially for
patients with non-severe COVID-19 and patients with severe COVID-
19. Of course, these differences also exist during the convalescent
period. Therefore, careful follow-up treatment plans based on the
different clinical characteristics of convalescent patients should be
established accordingly.
In one retrospective study aimed to evaluate the clinical charac-
teristics of discharged COVID-19 patients, researchers extracted data
for 134 convalescent patients with COVID-19 in Guizhou Provincial
Staff Hospital from 15 February to 31 March 2020. Cases were
analyzed using demographic, clinical, and laboratory data as well as
radiological features. Out of 134 convalescent patients with

Bingman Liu, et al. op. cit.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

COVID-19, 19(14.2%) were severe cases, while 115(85.8%) were

non-severe cases. The median patient age was 33 years (IQR, 21.8 to
46.3), and the cohort included 69 men and 65 women. Compared
with non-severe cases, severe patients were older and had more
chronic comorbidities, especially hypertension, diabetes, and thyroid
disease (p < 0.05). Leukopenia was present in 32.1% of the conva-
lescent patients and lymphocytopenia was present in 6.7%, both of
which were more common in severe patients. 48(35.8%) of dis-
charged patients had elevated levels of alanine aminotransferase,
which was more common in adults than in children (40.2% vs.
13.6%, p = 0.018). A normal chest CT was found in 61 (45.5%)
patients during rehabilitation. Severe patients had more ground-glass
opacity, bilateral patchy shadowing, and fibrosis. No significant dif-
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ferences were observed in the positive rate of IgM and/or IgG anti-
bodies between severe and non-severe patients. Their conclusions
are that leukopenia, lymphopenia, ground-glass opacity, and fibrosis
are common in discharged severe COVID-19 patients, and liver
injury is common in discharged adult patients.14

6.1.5 Importance of convalescence Combating between zheng-qi and xie-qi
During the convalescence, the pestilential qi has been primarily
eliminated or suppressed, and zheng-qi has been disturbed or dam-
aged at the same time, and has not yet completely restored. However,
the fight between zheng-qi and xie-qi is still present, indicating that
methods should be used to eliminate the remaining pathogens and to
strengthen the qi of the body. During this period, fever subsides, and
patients experience slight pressure over the chest, shortness of breath,
loss of smelling and taste, spontaneous or night sweating, weak voice
or dry cough, fatigue, poor appetite, loose stool or diarrhea, and

Siqin Zhang, et al. Clinical characteristics of 134 convalescent patients with
COVID-19 in Guizhou, China. Respir Res. 2020, 21: 314.

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

various kinds of emotional disturbance. In some severe cases, their

physiological functions are seriously damaged. The shadow of the
lung has not been fully absorbed, and sometimes there are symptoms
due to withdrawal of hormones. Nevertheless, treatment priority at
this period should be reinforcing zheng-qi.
Reinforcing zheng-qi doesn’t mean that only tonics without
caring to eliminate remaining pathogenic factors should be used. On
the contrary, in the early stage of convalescence, sometimes the main
TCM treatment is to eliminate the remaining pathogens, including
damp, heat, cold, pestilent toxins and blood stasis. Moreover, fatigue
doesn’t imply that it is only caused by deficiency of qi or blood, since
remaining and accumulation of damp or phlegm could lead to
fatigue as well.
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The advantages of TCM in the treatment of COVID-19 include effec-
tive improvement of symptoms, retardation of the development from
mild and moderate to severe, raising of cure rate, and reduction of
complications and mortality rate. According to the different syn-
dromes and severity levels of individual cases during convalescence,
TCM has also showed favorable effects in amelioration of pathologi-
cal evolution, and acceleration of recovery procedures for patients.
A clinical trial, led by renowned Chinese pulmonologist Zhong
Nanshan, has shown that consuming Lian Hua Qing Wen (LH) cap-
sules (the botanical TCM product), and undergoing the standard
therapy can speed up recovery in COVID-19 patients. Patients were
randomized to receive usual treatment alone or in combination with
LH capsules (4 capsules, thrice daily) for 14 days. The primary end-
point was the rate of symptom (fever, fatigue, coughing) recovery.
284 patients were included (142 in each treatment and control
group) in the full-analysis set. The recovery rate was significantly
higher in the treatment group as compared with the control group
(91.5% vs. 82.4%, p = 0.022). The median time to symptom recovery
was markedly shorter in the treatment group (median: 7 vs. 10 days,
p < 0.001). Time taken to recover from fever (2 vs. 3 days), fatigue

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

(3 vs. 6 days) and coughing (7 vs. 10 days) was also significantly

shorter in the treatment group (all p < 0.001). The rate of improve-
ment in chest computed tomographic manifestations (83.8% vs.
64.1%, p < 0.001) and clinical cure (78.9% vs. 66.2%, p = 0.017)
was also higher in the treatment group. However, both groups did not
differ in the rate of conversion to severe cases or viral assay findings
(both p > 0.05). No serious adverse events were reported.15 However,
it has not proved to be effective in preventing severe infection from
happening or reducing median viral assay conversion time. Prevention of pathological condition deterioration

When the patients enter convalescence, they usually still suffer from
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some dysfunctions of some internal zang-fu organs with disturbance

of meridians and circulation of qi and blood. It depends on their
zheng-qi to fight against all the remaining pathogenic factors and
restore dysfunctions of zang-fu organs.
TCM has always been used as a main method in the treatment of
epidemic diseases since ancient times in China. Meanwhile, empiri-
cal evidence and successful experiences to eliminate toxins, restore
healthy qi, harmonize yin and yang and strengthen body resistance
in the prevention and treatment of combating fatal epidemic disease
have been accumulated by TCM physicians. Today, the treatment for
the patients with COVID-19 is mainly based upon a symptomatic
management, or a combination of antiviral and antibiotics. However,
it is evident that there is no specific medication to treat or prevent the
serious complications of patients with COVID-19. To date, specific
antiviral treatment for COVID-19 is not yet developed. However,
previous experience of using TCM to treat SARS, MERS and H1N1
could provide excellent guidance for healthcare practitioners in the
treatment of COVID-19.

Ke Hu, et al. Efficacy and safety of Lianhua Qingwen capsules, a repurposed
Chinese herb, in patients with Coronavirus disease 2019: A multicenter, prospective,
randomized controlled trial. Phytomedicine. 2021, 85: 153242.

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

During convalescence, since the interval between symptoms

onset and the recovery period is still relatively too short (week four
and week five for acute phase), there is a great possibility that patho-
genic factors are still partially existing while zheng-qi is already
damaged. This is a crucial stage, which could influence or determine
future conditions of the patients. When improper treatment is given,
or there is a lack of correct cooperation between the patients and
medical practitioners, long COVID could happen, which may greatly
interfere with the quality of life and functionality of work for the
patients. Possible donation of convalescent plasma

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COVID-19 is currently a big threat to global health with no specific

antiviral agents available for its treatment. Convalescent plasma
therapy is proposed by some experts. The basic idea behind is that
people who have had an illness and recovered from it have antibod-
ies to it and are immune. Convalescent plasma is the blood from
recovered patients, and in therapy it is transferred intravenously to
people who do not have antibodies to the disease and they in turn,
can be immune to the disease. Convalescent plasma is a way of arti-
ficially inducing passive immunity by transferring blood plasma from
patients who have had a disease to uninfected patients. This can then
grant the recipient immunity towards the disease because of antibod-
ies present in the blood plasma. Convalescent plasma therapy is one
of the proposed treatments for COVID-19, although recent studies
have debated its effectiveness.16
One study explored the feasibility of convalescent plasma trans-
fusion to rescue severe patients. The results from ten severe adult
cases showed that one dose (200 mL) of CP was well tolerated and
could significantly increase or maintain the neutralizing antibodies at
a high level, leading to disappearance of viremia in seven days.
Meanwhile, clinical symptoms and paraclinical criteria rapidly

Sara Ryding. What is convalescent plasma donation? News-Medical. 14 April



The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

improved within three days. Radiological examination showed vary-

ing degrees of absorption of lung lesions within seven days. These
results indicate that CP can serve as a promising rescue option for
severe COVID-19, while the randomized trial is warranted.17
One study, on the other hand, shows some indication that conva-
lescent plasma can be used successfully before hospitalization to
stop the virus, but cannot do much later when the damage has
already been done, and the antibodies cannot repair. A randomized
(a total of 160 patients), double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of
convalescent plasma with high IgG titers against severe acute respira-
tory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in older adult patients
within 72 hours after the onset of mild COVID-19 symptoms, was
conducted. The conclusion was that early administration of high-titer
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convalescent plasma against SARS-CoV-2 to mildly ill older adults

reduced the progression of COVID-19. No solicited adverse events
were observed.18
One research proposed the same positive evidence as above,
pointing out that worldwide matched-control studies have generally
found convalescent plasma to improve COVID-19 patient survival.
RCTs have demonstrated a survival benefit when transfused early in
the disease course but showed limited or no benefit later in the dis-
ease course when patients required greater supportive therapies. RCTs
have also revealed that convalescent plasma transfusion contributes
to improved symptomatology and viral clearance. To further investi-
gate the effect of convalescent plasma on patient mortality, the study
performed a meta-analytical approach to pool daily survival data from
all controlled studies that reported Kaplan–Meier survival plots.
Qualitative inspection of all available Kaplan–Meier survival data and
an aggregate Kaplan–Meier survival plot revealed a directionally

Kai Duan, et al. Effectiveness of convalescent plasma therapy in severe COVID-19
patients. PNAS. 2020, 117(17): 9490–9496.
Romina Libster, et al. Early high-titer plasma therapy to prevent severe COVID-
19 in older adults. N Engl J Med. 2021, 384: 6106–6118. doi: 10.1056/

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

consistent pattern among studies arising from multiple levels of the

epistemic hierarchy, whereby convalescent plasma transfusion was
generally associated with greater patient survival. Given that conva-
lescent plasma has a similar safety profile as standard plasma, conva-
lescent plasma should be implemented within weeks of the onset of
future infectious disease outbreaks.19

6.1.6 Principles of treatment at convalescent stage

At present, huge data have confirmed after return visits and investiga-
tions that some patients still suffer from symptoms after being dis-
charged from the hospital, such as fatigue, anorexia, weakness,
emotional abnormality, and abnormal biochemical and imaging
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examinations. There are varying degrees of lung function impair-

ment, interstitial pneumonia changes, and even lung fibers. Since
ancient times, TCM has had the idea of “preventing deterioration
after sickness, preventing relapse of the disease, and prevention
before the disease”. Effective control of the disease varies depending
on the health and functional recovery of patients. It is very necessary
to pay attention to the comprehensive recovery of the health of
patients physically and mentally after being discharged from the
hospital. TCM comprehensive rehabilitation guidance can promote
the recovery of the disease, improve the quality of life, and cut off
the source of the recurrence of the disease.
The recovery period is a unique stage in TCM, and the treatment
during this period fully reflects the thinking and characteristics of
Chinese philosophy. Treatment includes various kinds of intervention
strategies with comprehensive content and strong maneuverability,
such as Chinese herbal decoction, herbal patent remedies, acupunc-
ture, diet therapy, emotional therapy, breathing and meridian exer-
cises, etc. As far as acupuncture is concerned, it includes the following

Stephen A. Klassen, et al. Convalescent plasma therapy for COVID-19: A graphical


mosaic of the worldwide evidence. Front. Med. 2021, 8: 684151. https://doi.


The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

common therapies, such as acupuncture, moxibustion, meridian mas-

sage, ear-point pressing, Gua Sha, and cupping, etc. On top of that,
syndrome of qi deficiency of the lung and spleen and syndrome of qi
and yin deficiency are two most important types that need to be cared
for besides further elimination of pathogenic factors. General aims of treatment

Most pathogenic factors are eliminated for the patients with COVID-19
at convalescent period. However, if we include the first day of symp-
toms onset till the beginning of convalescent period, convalescent
period is in about week 5 to week 12. It is really too short to recover
completely, and it is normal that the patients could still suffer from
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some symptoms. The general aim of treatments are to tonify qi and

benefit yin, to resolve phlegm and regulate the lung, to activate the
spleen and eliminate damp, to promote blood circulation and elimi-
nate blood stasis, and to calm the shen and harmonize the emotions.
All these TCM procedures could relieve cough, promote inflammation
absorption, prevent pulmonary fibrosis, restore lung function, improve
physical strength, and support emotional weakness. Elimination of remaining pathogens

The pathogenic factors of COVID-19 include cold, damp, heat, tox-
ins. Its pathological changes include excess, deficiency, disorder of
qi and blood, and dysfunction of water metabolism, etc. When the
patients enter the convalescent period, no matter if their previous
cases were asymptomatic, mild, ordinary, severe or critical, it could
be highly possible that these pathogenic factors are not eliminated
entirely, and their pathological changes are not yet thoroughly
restored. Nevertheless, their zheng-qi are greatly disturbed or dam-
aged. Balance should be found to identify which treatment is most
suitable for the patients. When tonification is given too early in the
condition that their remaining pathogenic factors are not completely
removed, it could cause prolonged persistence of these pathogens,
which could be harmful for the future improvement. On the other

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

hand, when methods to strongly attack the pathogens are still mainly
applied instead of using treatment to tonify the zheng-qi for those
who has almost no pathogens and are suffering from zheng-qi defi-
ciency, this treatment could cause further damage to the patient. Consideration of individuality

It is true that recovery of COVID-19 takes some time, however, meas-
ures should be taken to promote this procedure. In addition, not only
physical fatigue and pain, loss of smell and taste should be treated.
We also need to care about the patient’s emotional aspects, dietary
correction, and exercise coaching. Each patient is an individual, who
is different from someone else suffering from COVID-19. Personal
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manifestations, feelings and reactions to the treatment are the differ-

ences which need personalized treatment or management. In this
sense it could be observed that TCM treats personal sickness instead
of sickness. Each patient has undergone different stages and severity
of the sickness, varying approaches of management and treatment,
emotions, dietary habits, constitutions, underlying sickness, and even
cultural background. Therefore, their clinical manifestations could be
different from each other. If these conditions are neglected, the treat-
ment will not be proper and accurate, which is not in line with the
principles of TCM.
Besides treatment based upon syndrome differentiations, sea-
sonal environment and geographic location are also important and
should be taken into consideration during TCM treatment.

6.2 TCM Treatment

6.2.1 Incomplete elimination of damp and toxins
Feverish feeling over the body but with no raised temperature, sore
throat, dry and weak cough, slight tightness of the chest, fatigue, las-
situde, poor appetite, spontaneous sweating, body aches, remaining
of positive PCR test or by reexaminations, pale tongue with a white
or greasy coating, and a slippery and rapid pulse.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Principle of Treatment:
Clear heat, disperse the lung-qi, resolve damp, and harmonize the
middle Jiao.

Herbal Treatment:
Cang Fu Dao Tan Tang-Atractylodes-Poria Phlegm-Dissipating

Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g

Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
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Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 5 g

Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 5 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g
Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 10 g
Ge Gen Radix Puerariae 10 g

• Cang Zhu, Xiang Fu, Zhi Ke and Hou Po are used to eliminate
damp, promote the qi circulation in the chest, and harmonize the
middle Jiao.
• Zhi Ban Xia, Xing Ren and Jie Geng eliminate damp-phlegm and
regulate the functions of the lung to relieve cough and slight tight-
ness of the chest.
• Fu Ling and Chen Pi are used to activate the spleen, eliminate
damp in the body and resolve phlegm in the lung.
• Yu Jin and Hong Hua harmonize the collaterals in the lung and the
collaterals connected by the lung so as to promote the qi and
blood circulation and prevent blood stagnation.
• Ge Gen ascends clear yang and descends the turbid yin so as to
eliminate damp in the spleen and resolve phlegm in the body.

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

• If there is a headache, add Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae
10 g to relieve the headache.
• If there is much emotional disorder, add Chang Pu Rhizoma
Anemonis Altaicae 10 g and Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae
10 g to benefit the heart orifice and regulate the emotions.
• If there is muscle pain, add Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix
Notopterygii 10 g and Sang Zhi Ramulus Mori Albae 10 g to
relieve the muscle pain.
• If there is much expectoration of white phlegm, add Bai Jie
Zi Semen Sinapis Albae 10 g and Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae
Ternatae Preparata 10 g to eliminate phlegm and relieve cough.
• If there is cough with much diluted phlegm, add Ting Li Zi Semen
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Descurainiae seu Lepidii 10 g to descend the lung-qi and elimi-

nate cold-phlegm.
• If there is obvious loss of smell and taste, add Cang Er Zi Fructus
Xanthii Sibirici 10 g and Xin Yi Hua Flos Magnoliae 10 g to open
the nasal orifice and improve smell and taste.
• If there is much nausea, add Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 3 g and Zi Su
Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 5 g to harmonize the stomach-qi
and relieve the nausea.
• If there is much diarrhea and abdominal swelling, add Huo
Xiang Herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi 10 g and Shan Yao
Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g to eliminate damp and stop

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Chize LU-5, Feishu BL-13, Zusanli
ST-36, Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9,
Yanglingquan GB-34, and Tanzhong Ren-17.
• An even method is used on Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, and a
reducing method is used on LU-5, BL-13, ST-40, SP-6, SP-9, and
GB-34. An even method is used on Ren-17. A tonifying method is
used on ST-36.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve remaining
• LU-5 and BL-13, the he-sea point of the lung channel and the
back-shu point of the lung respectively, eliminate remaining path-
ogens in the lung and relieve cough and sore throat.
• SP-6 and SP-9, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the
foot, and the he-sea point of the spleen channel respectively, ST-40,
the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, and GB-34, the
he-sea point of the gallbladder channel, are used to remove toxins,
eliminate damp in the body and relieve the body pain.
• Ren-17, the gathering point of the qi, is used with an even method
to promote the qi circulation in the chest and restore the physio-
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logical function of the lung.

• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, is used to tonify
the zheng-qi, and activate the spleen and stomach so as to improve
strength of the body.

• If there is much headache, add Shenting DU-24 to relieve the
• If there is much emotional disorder or insomnia, add the Extra
Anmian and Extra Sishencong to calm the shen, regulate the emo-
tions and improve sleeping.
• If there is muscle pain, add Waiguan SJ-5 and Zulinqi GB-41 to
harmonize the yangwei channel, regulate the Shaoyang channel
and relieve the muscle pain.
• If there is much expectoration of white phlegm, add Zhongfu
LU-1, the front-mu point of the lung, to eliminate phlegm and
relieve cough.
• If there is cough with much diluted phlegm, add Taiyuan LU-9 to
descend the lung-qi and eliminate cold-phlegm.
• If there is obvious loss of smell and taste, add Yingxiang L.I.-20 and
Juliao ST-3 to open the nasal orifice and improve smell and taste.

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

• If there is much nausea, add Zhongwan REN-12, the front-mu

point of the stomach, to harmonize the stomach-qi and relieve the
• If there is much diarrhea and abdominal swelling, add Tianshu
ST-25, the front-mu point of the large intestine, to eliminate damp
and stop diarrhea.

6.2.2 Impairment of qi by toxic heat

Cough, shortness of breath, pressure over the chest, aggravation of
these symptoms by exertion, low grade fever, nausea, lassitude,
fatigue, loose and sticky stools, a red tongue with a white or yellow
and greasy coating, and a slippery and thready pulse.
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Principle of Treatment:
Activate the spleen, benefit qi, clear heat, remove toxins, and elimi-
nate damp.

Herbal Treatment:
Lian Po Yin-Coptis and Magnolia Bark Drink.

Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 3 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Sang Ye Folium Mori Albae 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Cao Guo Fructus Amomi Tsao-Ko 3 g
Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g
Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Huang Lian, Huang Qin and Hou Po are used to clear heat,
remove toxins, eliminate damp and harmonize the middle Jiao.
Hou Po could also open the chest and relieve the pressure over the
• Zhi Mu and Zhi Zi are used together to support the above herbs to
clear remaining damp-heat and reduce feverish feeling.
• Sang Ye and Xing Ren are used to clear heat in the lung and relieve
the cough.
• Cao Guo eliminates damp and removes toxins.
• Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, and Fu Ling are used to activate the spleen,
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eliminate damp, tonify the zheng-qi and relieve diarrhea.

• Yu Jin and Hong Hua harmonize the collaterals in the lung and the
collaterals connected by the lung so as to promote the qi and
blood circulation and prevent blood stagnation.
• Zhi Gan Cao tonifies the middle Jiao and harmonizes the

• If there is a headache, add Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae
10 g to relieve the headache.
• If there is much emotional disorder, add He Huan Pi Cortex
Albizziae Julibrissin 10 g and Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos
Paradicis 10 g to calm the shen and regulate the emotions.
• If there is obvious loss of smell and taste, add Cang Er Zi Fructus
Xanthii Sibirici 10 g and Xin Yi Hua Flos Magnoliae 10 g to open
the nasal orifice and improve the smell and taste.
• If there is much expectoration of yellow phlegm, add Zhe Bei
Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g and Sang Bai Pi Cortex
Mori Albae Radicis 10 g to eliminate phlegm-heat and relieve
• If there is very poor appetite and much nausea, add Jiao Mai
Ya Fructus Hordei Vulgaris Germinantus 10 g and Sha Ren

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

Fructus Amomi 3 g to promote digestion and harmonize the

• If there is much diarrhea and abdominal swelling, add Ge Gen
Radix Puerariae 10 g and Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g to
eliminate damp and stop diarrhea.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Chize LU-5, Feishu BL-13, Quchi
L.I.-11, Zhongwan REN-12, Fenglong ST-40, Neiting ST-44,
Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Yanglingquan GB-34, and
Zusanli ST-36.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, a reducing method is
used on LU-5, BL-13, L.I.-11, REN-12, ST-40, ST-44, SP-6, SP-9,
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and GB-34. A tonifying method is used on ST-36.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the qi of the lung and stomach,
relieve remaining cough and nausea.
• LU-5 and BL-13, the he-sea point of the lung channel and the
back-shu point of the lung respectively, eliminate remaining
pathogens in the lung and relieve cough and pressure over the
• L.I.-11, the he-sea point of the large intestine channel, ST-44, the
ying-spring point of the stomach channel, and SP-6, the crossing
point of the three yin channels of the foot, clear heat, reduce fever
and remove toxins in the body.
• REN-12, the gathering point of the fu organs and the front-mu
point of the stomach, SP-9, the he-sea point of the spleen channel,
and GB-34, the he-sea point of the gallbladder channel, are used
to eliminate damp in the body, harmonize the middle Jiao and
promote digestion.
• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, is used to tonify
the zheng-qi, and activate the spleen and stomach so as to improve
strength of the body.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• If there is much headache, add Extra Yintang or Extra Taiyang to
relieve the headache.
• If there is much emotional disorder, add Shaohai HE-3, and
Shenmen HE-7 to calm the shen and regulate the emotions.
• If there is obvious loss of smell and taste, add Yingxiang L.I.-20 and
Juliao ST-3 to open the nasal orifice and improve the smell and taste.
• If there is much expectoration of yellow phlegm, add Yuji LU-10,
the ying-stream point of the lung channel, to eliminate phlegm-
heat and relieve cough.
• If there is very poor appetite and much nausea, add Zusanli ST-36,
the he-sea point of the stomach channel, to promote digestion and
improve appetite.
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• If there is much diarrhea and abdominal swelling, add Tianshu

ST-25, the front-mu point of the large intestine, to eliminate damp
and stop diarrhea.

6.2.3 Obstruction of qi and blood circulation

Stabbing pain in the chest with tightness, shortness of breath, slight
asthma, aggravation of above symptoms by exertion, palpitations,
restlessness, insomnia, stabbing muscle pain, weakness of limbs,
defecation and urination, headache, pale or slight purplish tongue,
and a wiry and thready pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Promote the qi and blood circulation, eliminate damp, and remove

Herbal Treatment:
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang-Drive out Stasis in the Mansion of Blood

Tao Ren Semen Pruni Persicae 10 g

Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 10 g
Chi Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Rubrae 10 g

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g

Pu Huang Pollen Typhae 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Tong Cao Medulla Tetrapanacis Papyriferi 5 g
Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 15 g
Zhu Ling Sclerotium Polypori Umbellati 10 g
Chuan Niu Xi Radix Cyathulae Officinalis 10 g
Da Fu Pi Pericarpium Arecae Catechu 10 g

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• Tao Ren, Hong Hua, Yu Jin, Chi Shao Yao and Pu Huang are
used to strongly promote the blood circulation, eliminate blood
stasis and relieve the stabbing pain in the chest and muscle
• Zhi Ke and Hou Po promote the qi circulation so as to promote the
blood circulation.
• Hou Po and Xing Ren are used in combination to eliminate damp
and phlegm, regulate the qi in the lung, and descend the lung-qi
to relieve the cough and asthma.
• Fu Shen calms shen and improves sleep.
• Huang Qin clears remaining heat in the lung.
• Tong Cao and Zhu Ling are used to promote urination and relieve
weak urination.
• Da Fu Pi promotes the qi circulation in the abdomen and relieves
weak defecation.
• Chuan Niu Xi promotes blood circulation and induces the blood
to move downwards.

• If there is much headache, add Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici
Wallichii 10 g to relieve the headache.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• If there is an obvious emotional situation, add He Huan Pi Cortex

Albizziae Julibrissin 10 g and Long Gu Os Draconis 20 g to calm
the shen and regulate the emotions.
• If there is obvious loss of smell and taste, add Cang Er Zi Fructus
Xanthii Sibirici 10 g and Xin Yi Hua Flos Magnoliae 10 g to open
the nasal orifice and improve the smell and taste.
• If there is too much stabbing pain in the chest, add Dan Shen
Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 10 g and Tan Xiang Lignum Santali
Albi 5 g to eliminate blood stasis in the chest and relieve the pain.
• If there is depression, add Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 5 g and Bai
Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g to smooth the liver and
improve the qi circulation.
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Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Chize LU-5, Taiyuan LU-9, Feishu
BL-13, Geshu BL-17, Shaohai HE-3, Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao
SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Xuehai SP-10, Yanglingquan GB-34,
Tanzhong Ren-17 and Zusanli ST-36.
• An even method is applied on Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, a
reducing method is applied on LU-5, LU-9, BL-13, BL-17, HE-3,
ST-40, SP-6, SP-9, SP-10, GB-34, and Ren-17, and a tonifying
method is used on ST-36.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve remaining
cough and asthma. Meanwhile they could promote the qi circula-
tion in the body.
• LU-5 and BL-13, the he-sea point of the lung channel and the
back-shu point of the lung respectively, together with Ren-17,
the gathering point of the qi, eliminate remaining pathogens in the
lung and relieve cough and asthma. Ren-17 also promotes and
regulates the qi circulation in the body.
• LU-9, the gathering point of the vessels in the body, SP-6, the
crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, together with
BL-17, the gathering point of the blood, and SP-10, are used to
promote the blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis.

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

• HE-3, the he-sea point of the heart channel, is applied to promote

blood circulation, calm the shen and improve sleeping.
• Since damp is one of the chief pathogenic factors, SP-9, the he-sea
point of the spleen channel, ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the
stomach channel, and GB-34, the he-sea point of the gallbladder
channel, are used to eliminate damp in the body.

• If there is much headache, add Fengchi GB-20 and extra Yintang
to relieve the headache.
• If there is an obvious emotional situation, add Xinshu BL-15 and
Shenmen HE-7, the back-shu point of the heart and the yuan-
source point of the heart channel respectively, to calm the shen
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and regulate the emotions.

• If there is obvious loss of smell and taste, add Yingxiang L.I.-20 and
Juliao ST-3 to open the nasal orifice and improve the smell and taste.
• If there is too much stabbing pain in the chest, add Gongsun P-4
and Yinxi HE-6 to eliminate blood stasis in the chest and relieve
the pain.
• If there is depression, add Taichong LIV-3 and Ganshu BL-18, the
yuan-source point of the liver channel and the back-shu point
of the liver respectively, to smooth the liver and improve the qi

6.2.4 Deficiency of qi of lung and spleen

Slight shortness of breath, fatigue, poor appetite, weakness, nausea,
fullness at the abdomen, loose stools or slight water diarrhea, a pale
tongue with white coating, and a slippery, thready, and weak pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify the qi, activate the spleen and reinforce the lung and relieve

Herbal Treatment:
Bu Fei Tang-Tonify the Lungs Decoction, plus

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Si Jun Zi Tang-Four Gentlemen Decoction.

Ren Shen Radix Ginseng 5 g

Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Zi Wan Radix Asteris Tatarici 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
Jiao Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (grill) 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 5 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
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Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g

Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g
Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 5 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• The first six herbs, which are the complete ingredients of Bu Fei
Tang, are used to tonify lung-qi and relieve cough.
• Ren Shen, Fu Ling, Bai Zhu and Zhi Gan Cao, which are the com-
plete ingredients of Si Jun Zi Tang, are used to tonify the qi of the
general body and relieve tiredness.
• Sha Ren promotes digestion and eliminates damp in the middle Jiao.
• Zhi Ban Xia and Chen Pi are used to eliminate remaining phlegm
in the lung and damp in the body.
• Zhi Ke promotes the qi circulation and prevents qi stagnation.
• Yu Jin and Hong Hua are used to promote the blood circulation,
regulate the collaterals, and relieve the pain.

• If there is severe fatigue, add Dong Chong Xia Cao clerotium Cor-
dyceps Sinensis 1 g for infusion and Sheng Ma Rhizoma Cimicifugae
6 g to ascend qi and relieve the fatigue.

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

• If there is obvious emotion, add He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae

Julibrissin 10 g and Bai He Bulbus Lilii 10 g to regulate the emo-
tions and calm the shen.
• If there is obvious aversion to cold with cold hands and feet, add
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 6 g and Gui Zhi
Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g to warm the interior and dispel
• If there is too much lower back pain, add Du Zhong Cortex
Eucommiae Ulmoidis 10 g and Sang Ji Sheng Ramulus Loranthi
10 g to tonify the kidney and strengthen the lower back.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6 with
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even methods.
• Chize LU-5, Taiyuan LU-9, Feishu BL-13, Geshu BL-17, Pishu
BL-20, Zusanli ST-36, Qihai REN-6, Taixi KID-3, Yinlingquan SP-9,
and Tanzhong Ren-17.
• A tonifying method is applied on LU-5, LU-9, BL-13, BL-20, ST-36,
REN-6, KID-3, SP-9, and Ren-17. An even method is used on Ren-
17 and BL-17, a reducing method is applied on SP-9. Moxibustion
is used on ST-36 and REN-6.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve remaining
• LU-7 and KID-6 are used to nourish the qi of the body and relax
the chest.
• LU-5, LU-9, and BL-13, the he-sea point, the yuan-source point of
the lung channel, and the back-shu point of the lung respectively,
together with ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, in
combination with BL-20, the back-shu point of the spleen, and
KID-3, the yuan-source point of the kidney channel, and REN-6,
the important point to reinforce the body, are all applied in groups
to tonify the qi of the body, improve yuan-source qi and the
strength of the body and relieve fatigue.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Ren-17, the gathering point of the qi, and BL-17, the gathering
point of the blood, together with SP-9, the he-se point of the
spleen channel, are used to promote elimination of qi stagnation,
toxins accumulation and damp obstruction in the body.

• If there is severe fatigue, add Sanyinjiao SP-6 and Baihui DU-20 to
tonify the qi, ascend the qi and relieve the fatigue.
• If there is an obvious emotional situation, add Xinshu BL-15 and
Ganshu BL-18, the back-shu point of the heart and liver respec-
tively, to benefit the heart and liver, regulate the emotions and
calm the shen.
• If there is obvious aversion to cold with cold hands and feet, add
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Guanyuan REN-4 to warm the interior and dispel cold.

• If there is too much lower back pain, add Shenshu BL-23 with
moxibustion to tonify the kidney and strengthen the lower back.

6.2.5 Deficiency of qi and yin

Slight shortness of breath, dry cough and less sputum, dry mouth,
thirst, fatigue, heart palpitations, excessive sweating, night sweating,
poor appetite, low or no fever, dry and scanty tongue coating, slightly
red tongue, and a thin, weak, and slight rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify qi, nourish yin, benefit the lung, and relieve dry cough.

Herbal Treatment:
Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang-Glehnia and Ophiopogonis Decoction.

Nan Sha Shen Radix Adenophorae 10 g

Bei Sha Shen Radix Glehniae Littoralis 10 g
Mai Men Dong Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici 10 g
Xi Yang Shen Radix Panacis Quinque Folii 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g

Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 5 g
Lu Gen Rhizoma Phragmitis Communis 15 g
Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 10 g
Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan Radicis 10 g
Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis Kirilowii 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Nan Sha Shen, Bei Sha Shen, and Mai Men Dong are used
to nourish the yin of the lung and kidney, and clear the deficient
heat, promote the secretion of body fluid, and relieve the thirst.
• Xi Yang Shen nourishes the qi and yin of the general body,
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improves appetite, and relieves fatigue. When this herb is used

in combination with Wu Wei Zi, they could relieve excessive
• Xing Ren and Sang Bai Pi are used to clear the remaining heat in
the lung and relieve dry cough.
• Dan Shen nourishes the yin of the heart, clears the deficient heat,
and improves the function of the heart to house the shen.
• Lu Gen and Tian Hua Fen are used to promote the secretion of
body fluid and relieve the thirst.
• Mu Dan Pi clears deficient heat in the body and removes the tox-
ins in the blood.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the prescription.

• If there is severe fatigue, add Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei
10 g to tonify the qi and relieve the fatigue.
• If there is obvious emotion, add He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae
Julibrissin 10 g and Bai Zi Ren Semen Biotae Orientalis 10 g to
smooth the emotions and calm the Shen.
• If there is much dry cough, add Chuan Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae
Cirrhosae 10 g and Bai Bu Radix Stemonae 10 g to nourish the
lung and stop the cough.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• If there is too much night sweating, add Gui Ban Plastrum

Testudinis 15 g to nourish the yin and stop night sweating.
• If there is obvious constipation, add Huo Ma Ren Semen
Cannabis Sativae 10 g to promote the defecation and relieve the

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6,
Chize LU-5, Jingqu LU-8, Shenshu BL-23, Taiyuan LU-9, Feishu
BL-13, Zusanli ST-36, Qihai REN-6, Taixi KID-3, Fuliu KID-7,
Sanyinjiao SP-6 and Tanzhong Ren-17.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, LU-7 + KID-6 and
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• A tonifying method is applied on LU-5, LU-8, BL-23, LU-9, ST-36,

REN-6, KID-3, KID-7, and SP-6.

• P-6 + SP-4 are used to descend the lung-qi and relieve remaining
• LU-7 and KID-6 are used to nourish the qi of the body and relax
the chest.
• LU-5, LU-9, and BL-13, the he-sea point, the yuan-source point of
the lung channel, and the back-shu point of the lung respectively,
together with ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, KID-
3, the yuan-source point of the kidney channel, in combination
with BL-20, the back-shu point of the spleen, are all applied in
group to tonify the qi of the body, improve yuan-source qi and the
strength of the body and relieve fatigue.
• LU-8, the jing-metal point of the lung channel, BL-23, the back-
shu point of the kidney, KID-7, the jing-metal point of the kidney
channel, SP-6, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot,
KID-3, the yuan-source point of the kidney channel, together with
REN-6, are used to nourish the yin of the lung and kidney and
clear the deficient heat in the body.

TCM Treatment of COVID-19 at Convalescent Stage

• Ren-17, the gathering point of the qi, is used to promote elimina-

tion of qi stagnation, toxins accumulation and damp obstruction in
the body.

• If there is severe fatigue, add Baihui DU-20 to lift the qi and relieve
the fatigue.
• If there is an obvious emotional situation, add Qimen LIV-14 and
Shenmen HE-7 to smooth the emotions and calm the shen.
• If there is much dry cough, add Shenfeng KID-23 to nourish the
yin of the lung and kidney and stop the cough.
• If there is too much night sweating, add Tongli HE-5 and Yinxi
HE-6 to nourish the yin and stop night sweating.
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• If there is obvious constipation, add Tianshu ST-25 to promote the

defecation and relieve the constipation.

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TCM Treatment of Side Effects
of COVID-19 Vaccines

As of 14 May 2021, there have been 160,686,749 confirmed cases

of COVID-19 globally, including 3,335,948 deaths.1 The good news
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is that vaccines from AstraZeneca, Pfizer/BioNTech (henceforth

referred to as simply the Pfizer vaccine), Moderna, and Johnson &
Johnson are now available in many countries. Except for the
Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which only needs one dose, the rest
require two doses. According to official reports, all of these vaccines
have high effectiveness in preventing COVID-19. For instance, Pfizer
has been shown to be 95% effective.2 However, some have raised
doubts. Peter Doshi, an associate editor of the British Medical
Journal, has questioned the results of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine
trials.3 Ideally a pandemic vaccine should be delivered in a single
shot in order to vaccinate as many people as promptly as possible.
The vaccine should be easy to ship and store, and trigger no

World Health Organization (WHO). WHO coronavirus (COVID-19) dashboard.
Pfizer and BioNTech conclude phase 3 study of COVID-19 vaccine candidate,
meeting all primary efficacy endpoints. (Press Release) 18 November
Peter Doshi. Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines—we need more details
and the raw data. BMJ. (Press Release) 5 February 2021.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

side-effects other than a sore arm. Unfortunately, this is not the case
for the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, at least not yet.4
Fevers and aches following these jabs are not dangerous but can be
intense for some.5 Short-term pain at the injection site is widespread
with both vaccines—roughly 90% of those who received the
Moderna vaccine reported pain,6 as did roughly 80% of those who
received the Pfizer vaccine.7 In both trials, injection-site pain was
infrequent in people who received a placebo. In research in the US,
FDA analysis showed that neither the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines
caused problems that would make emergency use unwarranted.8
Fewer than 2% of Pfizer and Moderna vaccine recipients devel-
oped severe fevers with a temperature of 39°C to 40°C. However, if
the companies win regulatory approval, they aim to supply vaccines
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to 35 million people globally by the end of December 2020.9 If 2%

of recipients experience severe fever, that equates to 700,000 people,
while the other transient side-effects would affect even more people.
The independent board that conducted the interim analysis of
Moderna’s huge trial found that severe side-effects included fatigue
(9.7% of participants), muscle pain (8.9%), joint pain (5.2%) and
headache (4.5%).10 These numbers were lower for the Pfizer vaccine,

Helen Branswell. Comparing the COVID-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer, Moderna,
and Johnson & Johnson, Stat. 2 February 2021.
Meredith Wadman. Fever, aches from Pfizer, Moderna jabs aren’t dangerous but
may be intense for some, Science. 18 November 2022.
FDA. FDA briefing document moderna COVID-19 vaccine. 17 December 2020.
Karen Kaplan. How the COVID-19 vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer compare head
to head, Los Angeles Times. 15 December 2020.
Meredith Wadman. Public needs to prep for vaccine side effects, Science. 27 November
2020, 370(6520): 1022.

TCM Treatment of Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines

which caused severe side-effects of fatigue (3.8% of participants) and

headache (2%).11 Recently, there have been reports of deaths due to
this vaccine. Ten people have died after receiving the Pfizer vaccine
in Germany, as reported in Der Spiegel.12
The Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines were developed
using messenger RNA (mRNA) technology. They prime the immune
system to attack the coronavirus by delivering a snippet of the genetic
code of the virus. This code, or mRNA, instructs the body to build
copies of the spike protein that stud the virus surface. The immune
system responds by creating antibodies, which remain on standby
until confronted by an actual infection.13 With reference to the side-
effects of these vaccines, Drew Weissman, the immunologist whose
research contributed to their development, stated, “We suspect the
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lipid nanoparticle causes the reactogenicity, because lipid nanopar-

ticles without mRNA in them do the same thing in animals”14 and
“We see production, in the muscle, of inflammatory mediators that
cause pain, redness, swelling, fever, flu-like symptoms.”15 Long-term
side effects of mRNA vaccines remain theoretical, but include the
possibility that patients with autoimmune conditions such as lupus,
whose disease is driven by antibodies against their genetic code,
could experience flare-ups because of the increase in immune
responses induced by the vaccines.16
Recently a safety report was released by the Medicines &
Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, UK, which was based on
detailed analysis of data up to 5 May 2021. At this date, an esti-
mated 11.4 million first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and
23.3 million first doses of the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca had
been administered, and around 8.7 million and 7.5 million second

Meredith Wadman. 18 November 2022. op. cit.
Ten people die after getting Pfizer vaccine in Germany.
Karen Kaplan, op. cit.
Meredith Wadman. 27 November 2022. op. cit.
Meredith Wadman. 18 November 2022. op. cit.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and COVID-19 Vaccine

AstraZeneca respectively. An approximate 0.1 million first doses of
the COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna have also now been administered.
As of 5 May 2021, in the UK, 55,716 Yellow Cards have been
reported for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, 167,141 have been
reported for the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, 1,081 for the
COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna and 606 have been reported for an
unspecified vaccine.
For the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and COVID-19 Vaccine
AstraZeneca vaccines, the overall reporting rate is around three to six
Yellow Cards per 1,000 doses administered.17 It shows that the rate
of side effects of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca vaccine is relatively
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Here the author explores the adverse effects of COVID-19 vac-

cines from the perspective of Chinese medicine, and their clinical
management with Chinese herbs and acupuncture.

7.1 TCM Analysis of Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines

From the perspective of TCM, the vaccine side-effects are consistent
with an invasion of external pathogenic factors:

• The vaccines enter the body through the skin in the same way as
other external pathogenic factors.
• Patients develop flu-like symptoms.
• Symptoms start suddenly.
• Symptoms could occur at different stages, not always at Taiyang
• The symptoms are due to the conflict between zheng-qi and
• Symptoms are mostly temporary.

Coronavirus vaccine — summary of Yellow Card reporting.

TCM Treatment of Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines

From the perspective of TCM, the injection of a foreign protein

into the deltoid muscle often presents as an invasion of external
pathogenic factors into the large intestine and small intestine chan-
nels, which cross each other at Binao L.I.-14. The large intestine
channel of Yangming is regarded as a channel with plenty of qi and
blood. The small intestine is paired with the heart and belongs to
the fire phase of the Wu Xing (five phases). An invasion of external
pathogenic factors into these two channels can thus easily cause an
immediate reaction, which is different with that invasion through
the skin, nose and throat, and results in a struggle between the
wei qi and the invading pathogen. In most cases, the body consid-
ers this vaccine as a kind of invasion of toxins or toxic heat, so
occurrence of relative high fever is a common symptom due to
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heavy conflict between the zheng-qi and xie-qi in all patterns.

Treatment should thus be given according to precise syndrome
According to TCM, these external invasions can be subdivided
into their most common presentations: Invasion of wind-cold to the
Taiyang, invasion to the Shaoyang, invasion to the Yangming, and
invasion of toxic heat, etc.

7.1.1 Invasion of wind-cold to the Taiyang

The signs and symptoms of wind-cold invasion include chills, fever,
headache, muscle pain, joint pain, neck pain, slight cough and other
symptoms related to the lung, including discomfort or pain in the
chest, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, a tongue with a
thin white coating and a tight pulse. These symptoms result from
the invasion of wind-cold into the superficial layer of the body, where
there is a fight between zheng-qi and xie-qi and the wei (defensive)
qi is obstructed. In most cases, the wei qi is sufficient to dispel the
wind-cold completely. However, if the wei qi is insufficient or not
sufficiently supported by other aspects of physiology such as yuan
(original) qi or ying (nutritive) qi, or if there is excess in the body
obstructing the function of the zang-fu organs, the wind-cold inva-
sion can enter more deeply, resulting in more severe consequences.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

7.1.2 Invasion to the Shaoyang

When Shaoyang is invaded by wind-cold, there could be different
signs and symptoms as above, because the Gallbladder and San Jiao
could be mainly involved, either the meridians or the internal organs.
Since Shaoyang is neither interior nor exterior, it could show alterna-
tive chills and fever, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, bitter
tastes in the mouth, poor appetite, loose stool, thin and white coating
on the tongue, and a wiry pulse. These signs and symptoms need to
be dealt with differently. If the same methods of treatment for the
invasion of wind-cold to the Taiyang are applied here, there would
be no improvement. The methods to harmonize the Shaoyang and
regulate the Gallbladder should be used.
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7.1.3 Invasion to the Yangming

When the invasion of wind-cold to the Yangming, this wind-cold
could change into wind-heat quickly, leading to a heavy fight
between the zheng-qi and xie-qi, which will again show different
signs and symptoms. There could be high fever, profuse sweating,
thirst, restlessness, headache, red face, red tongue, and a big pulse.
At this moment, it is still at the Yangming channel level, not yet at
the interior fu organ to form fu syndrome. Here, the treatment should
be changed accordingly.

7.1.4 Invasion of toxic heat

When the pathogenic factors invade the body at Taiyang, Shaoyang
or Yangming stages, they usually could cause more general symp-
toms, and the pain at the injection site is not a major complaint.
However, if there is invasion of toxic heat, the complaints from the
local injection site could often be the main symptoms, such as obvi-
ous redness at the injection site with heat, pain and swelling, high
fever, headache, thirst, a red tongue with a yellow and dry coating,
and a superficial and rapid pulse.

TCM Treatment of Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines

7.1.5 Prolonged chronic illness and weak constitution

When the body is healthy, the zang-fu organs, qi, blood, yin and yang
are in a dynamic balance. For healthy people, a vaccine is unlikely
to lead to severe reactions or long-term illness. Pre-existing chronic
illness and/or constitutional imbalances can make some people more
prone to adverse reactions to vaccines. These pre-existing conditions
include chronic lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, liver disease,
HIV and obesity.18 Constitutional imbalance can involve excess or
deficiency patterns, or a mixture of both. Research has shown that
both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have good results in people
with pre-existing health conditions.19
In TCM it is emphasized that it is essential that after an external
invasion, any clinical symptoms should disappear completely, indicat-
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ing that the invading pathogens have been cleared. Any pathogens
remaining in the body can bring about long-term illness. When the
immediate side-effects of vaccines occur, they usually present as
pathology involving Taiyang (invasion of wind-cold), Shaoyang or
Yangming (invasion of toxic heat). However, in some cases more
severe consequences can occur. The MHRA has undertaken a thor-
ough review into UK reports of an extremely rare specific type of
blood clot in the brain, known as cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
(REN-ST) occurring together with low levels of platelets (thrombocyto-
penia) following vaccination with the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca.
It is also considering other blood clotting cases (thromboembolic
events) alongside low platelet levels. This ongoing scientific review
has concluded that the evidence of a link with COVID-19 Vaccine
AstraZeneca is stronger.20 An anaphylactic reaction or even death is

Karen Kaplan. op. cit.
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. MHRA issues new advice,
concluding a possible link between COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca and extremely
rare, unlikely to occur blood clots. (Press Release) 7 April 2021.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

another severe case. For example, Norwegian health officials say that
23 deaths among the frail and elderly were associated with recent
COVID-19 vaccinations.21 More than half of those who died have
been assessed, and the agency involved has stated that those fatalities
may be linked to common adverse reactions from the vaccine. Note
that these life-threatening situations would involve much more com-
plicated pathology than the patterns presented in this chapter.

7.2 TCM Treatment

7.2.1 Invasion of wind-cold to the Taiyang
Principles of Treatment:
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Dispel wind-cold and relieve the exterior.

Herbal Treatment:
Jing Fang Bai Du San-Schizonepeta and Saposhnikovia Powder to
Overcome Pathogenic Influences.22

Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 10 g

Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g
Gao Ben Rhizoma et Radix Ligustici 10 g

Adam Smith. 23 died after getting covid shot in Norway. Here’s the rest of the story,
The Street, 17 January 2021.
There are of course other herbal formulas which might be used to deal with inva-
sion of wind-cold, such as Ma Huang Tang (Ephedra Decoction), Gui Zhi Tang
Cinnamon Twig Decoction) and Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang (Notoptergium
Decoction to Overcome Damp) Ma Huang Tang is suitable to treat severe symptoms
of wind-cold invasion following vaccination, in which there is no sweating, obvious
aversion to cold, muscle pain, headache and joint pain, thin and white coating and
a tight pulse. Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang is used when there is severe sensation of
heaviness with pain in the head, muscles and joints, a white and greasy tongue coat-
ing and a slippery pulse.

TCM Treatment of Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines

Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 5 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Jing Jie and Fang Feng dispel wind-cold and relieve the exterior
• Qiang Huo, Gao Ben and Bai Zhi dispel wind-cold and relieve
joint and muscle pain.
• Dang Gui and Chuan Xiong promote the circulation of qi and
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blood and support zheng-qi to eliminate the pathogenic factors.

• Zhi Ke and Xing Ren regulate qi in the lung.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the prescription.

In some cases, the patients could have some complaints of severe

muscle pain or joint pain with cold sensation, stiffness, and diffi-
culty in joint movement. The mechanism is slightly changed, in
which invasion of wind cold is often mixed with damp, leading to
occurrence of Bi syndrome. Thus, the above herbal formula and
prescription will be insufficient to deal with these complaints and
Juan Bi Tang-Remove Painful Obstruction Decoction should be

• In case of severe headache, add Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10 g to
relieve the headache.
• In case of severe muscle pain, add Ji Xue Teng Caulis Milletiae
Reticulatae 10 g to harmonize the collaterals and relieve the mus-
cle pain.
• In case of severe aversion to cold, add Gui Zhi Ramulus
Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g and Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis
10 g to dispel external cold.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Sanjian L.I.-3, Hegu L.I.-4 and Jianyu L.I.-15 with reducing tech-
nique promote qi and blood circulation and harmonize the large
intestine channel (the location of the injection site).
• Sanjian L.I.-3 is the shu-stream point and can thus treat joint pain;
Jianyu L.I.-15 is a point local to the injection site; Hegu L.I.-4, the
yuan-source point, dispels wind-cold and relieves pain.
• Waiguan SJ-5, Lieque LU-7 and Fengchi GB-20 promote opening the
skin pores and cause sweating to dispel external pathogenic factors.

• In case of a severe headache, add Fengfu DU-16 to relieve the
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• In case of severe muscle pain, add Feiyang BL-58, the luo-

connecting point, and Jinmen BL-63, the xi-cleft point and
intersection of the bladder channel and Yang Wei Mai, to harmo-
nize the collaterals and relieve the muscle pain.
• In case of severe joint pain with stiffness and difficulty in move-
ment, add Yanglingquan GB-34, Fenglong ST-40 and Sanyinjiao
SP-6 to benefit the tendons and eliminate damp.
• In case of severe aversion to cold, add Zusanli ST-36 with moxi-
bustion, also on Hegu L.I.-4 and Lieque LU-7, to warm up the
body and relieve cold at the superficial layer of the body.

7.2.2 Invasion to the Shaoyang

Principles of Treatment:
Harmonize the Shaoyang and regulate the gallbladder and San Jiao.

Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Chai Hu Tang-Minor Bupleurum Decoction.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g

TCM Treatment of Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines

Ren Shen Radix Ginseng 5 g

Sheng Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis Recens 5 g
Da Zao Fructus Zizyphi Jujubae 5 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Chai Hu and Huang Qin in combination harmonize the Shaoyang
and regulate the San Jiao. Meanwhile, they could eliminate the
pathogenic factors.
• Zhi Zi clears heat in the Shaoyang.
• Zhi Ban Xia and Sheng Jiang harmonize the stomach and descend
the qi to relieve the nausea and vomiting.
• Ren Shen, Da Zao and Zhi Gan Cao support the zheng-qi and
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benefit the body.

• In case of severe headache, add Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae dahuri-
cae 10 g and Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10 g to relieve headache.
• In case of severe nausea and vomiting, add Huang Lian 3 g and Zhu
Ru Caulis Bambusae in Taeniis 10 g to relieve nausea and vomiting.
• In case of high fever, add Jin Yin Hua Flos Lonicerae Japonicae 10 g
and Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 10 g to relieve high fever.
• In case of poor appetite add Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis
Macrocephalae 10 g and Mai Ya Fructus Hordei Vulgaris
Germinantus 10 g to improve appetite.
• In case of chest pain, add Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g and Zhi Ke
Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g to relieve chest pain.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41 with even technique to harmonize
the Yangwei mai and Shaoyang channel.
• Yangchi SJ-4, Fengchi GB-20, Jianjing GB-21, Yanglingquan GB-34
and Qiuxu GB-40 with even technique to regulate the Shaoyang
channel and promote qi circulation.
• Zhongwan REN-12 and Zusanli ST-36 with even technique to har-
monize the stomach, descend qi and relieve nausea and vomiting.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• For a severe headache, add Shuaigu GB-8 and Hegu L.I.-4.
• For hypochondriac pain or distention, add Taichong LIV-3 and
Qimen LIV-14 to promote qi circulation.
• For mood changes or depression add Neiguan P-6 and Shenmen
HE-7 to regulate the emotions and calm the shen.

7.2.3 Invasion of wind-heat into Yangming

Principles of Treatment:
Clear heat in the Yangming channel and reduce fever.

Herbal Treatment:
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Bai Hu Tang-White Tiger Decoction.

Sheng Shi Gao Gypsum Fibrosum 20 g

Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Geng Mi Oryzae Sativae 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Sheng Shi Gao strongly clears heat in the Yangming channel and
reduces fever.
• Zhi Mu assists Sheng Shi Gao to clear heat and benefits body fluids
to relieve thirst.
• Huang Lian and Zhi Zi strengthen the effect of clearing heat in the
Yangming channel and reduce fever.
• Geng Mi protects the stomach from the bitter herbs.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes all the herbs in the prescription.

• For a severe headache, add Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae dahuricae
10 g and Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10 g.

TCM Treatment of Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines

• In case of severe thirst, add Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis

Kirilowii 10 g to benefit the body fluids.
• For severe restlessness due to fever, add Dan Zhu Ye Herba
Lophatheri Gracilis 10 g to clear heat and relieve restlessness.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Dazhui DU-14, the meeting point of all the yang channels,
together with Erjian L.I.-2, the ying-spring point, Hegu L.I.-4, the
yuan-source point, and Quchi L.I.-11, the he-sea point of the large
intestine channel clear heat and reduce fever.
• Neiting ST-44, the ying-spring point of the stomach channel, clears
heat from the Yangming channel, reduces fever and relieves thirst.
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• In case of a severe headache, add Fengchi GB-20.
• In case of severe thirst, add Sanyinjiao SP-6, the intersecting point
of the three yin channels of the leg, to benefit body fluids.
• In case of severe restlessness, add Shaohai HE-3, the he-sea and
water point of the heart channel, to clear heat.
• In case of difficult defecation, add Tianshu ST-25, the front-mu
point of the large intestine, to regulate the large intestine.

7.2.4 Invasion of toxic heat

Principles of Treatment:
Clear heat, remove toxins, reduce swelling, and stop pain.

Herbal Treatment:
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin-Five Ingredient Drink to Eliminate Toxins.

Jin Yin Hua Flos Lonicerae Japonicae 10 g

Ye Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthemi Indici 10 g
Pu Gong Ying Herba Taraxaci Mongolici cum Radice 10 g
Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 10 g
Zi Bei Tian Kui Begoniae Herba 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Zi Hua Di Ding Herba cum Radice Violae Yedoensitis 10 g

Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Jin Yin Hua, Ye Ju Hua, Pu Gong Ying, Lian Qiao, Zi Bei Tian Kui
and Zi Hua Di Ding clear heat, remove toxins and reduce swelling.
• Huang Lian and Huang Qin clear heat, remove toxins and prevent
invasion of toxic heat further into the body.
• Zhi Zi clears the heat in San Jiao.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the prescription.
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• In case of high fever with redness of the face and thirst, add Shi
Gao Gypsum Fibrosum 20 g and Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae
Asphodeloidis 10 g to clear heat and reduce fever.
• In case of a severe headache, add Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae
Dahuricae 10 g to relieve the headache.
• In case of seizures, add Gou Teng Ramulus cum Uncis Uncariae 10
g and Jiang Can Bombyx Batryticatus 10 g to arrest the internal wind.
• In case of severe palpitations, add Dan Shen Radix Salviae
Miltiorrhizae 10 g to clear heat in the heart and calm the shen.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Erjian L.I.-2, the ying-spring point, Hegu L.I.-4, the yuan-source
point, and Quchi L.I.-11, the he-sea point of the large intestine
channel respectively, to clear heat in the infection site and body,
remove toxins and subside swelling.
• Shaohai HE-3, the he-sea and water point of the heart channel,
Sanyinjiao SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the
leg, and Xuehai SP-10, combine to cool the blood and relieve pain
and swelling at the injection site.
• Dazhui DU-14, the meeting point of all the yang channels,
reduces fever and relieves headache.

TCM Treatment of Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines

• In case of high fever with redness of the face or thirst, add Neiting
ST-44, the ying-spring point of the stomach channel, to clear heat
from the Yangming channel and reduce fever.
• In case of severe headache, add Fengchi GB-20 to relieve headache.
• In case of severe muscle pain in the general body, add Feiyang
BL-58 and Jinmen BL-63 to harmonize the Taiyang collaterals and
relieve the muscle pain.
• In case of seizure, add Yanglingquan GB-34 and Taichong LIV-3 to
arrest internal wind.
• In case of severe palpitations, add Shaofu HE-8, the ying-spring
point of the heart channel, to clear heat and calm the shen.
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7.2.5 Patients with chronic illness and/or weak constitution

When COVID-19 vaccines are given to those with chronic illness or
constitutional weakness (especially the elderly or patients with auto-
immune disease such as lupus), their bodies may fail to deal with the
external pathogenic invasion, leading to latent pathogens obstruct-
ing their qi and blood circulation. In these patients the principles of
treatment are to eliminate excess, tonify deficiency, harmonize qi
and blood, and benefit yin and yang. Ideally patients with pre-
existing illness or constitutional weakness should carefully attend to
their physical wellbeing with TCM treatment for two months before
and after vaccination. In this way severe reactions can be

Herbal Treatment:
• For patients presenting with excess patterns, the herbal formula
Yue Ju Wan-Escape Ju Wan is recommended. Yue Ju Wan consists
of Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi, Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici
Wallichii, Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis, Shen Qu Massa
Medica Fermentata and Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis.
These combine to eliminate the excess of qi, blood, fire, and
phlegm. It can be used to treat patients with pre-existing illness
who usually suffer from stagnation of these pathogenic factors. As

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

this single foundation formula is not sufficient to deal with all pos-
sible excess, modifications should be made accordingly. For
instance, if there is mainly stagnation of qi, the addition of other
herbs such as Qing Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride, Chen Pi
Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae and Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri
Aurantii should be considered. Depending upon the location of
the qi stagnation, herbs that enter the appropriate organs should
be added.
• For patients presenting with deficiency patterns the formulas Si Jun
Zi Tang-Four Gentlemen Decoction and Liu Wei Di Huang Wan-
Six-Ingredient Pill with Rehmannia can be considered. Although
these formulas are used to strengthen and build up the physical
condition, they may be insufficient to cover all types of weak
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constitution. They can therefore be used as a foundation, with

appropriate modifications made to tonify qi, blood, yin and yang
as appropriate. Attention should be paid to identifying the relevant
organs in order to alleviate weakness efficiently.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• For excess patterns, the following acupuncture points should be
considered with reducing technique: Hegu L.I.-4, Neiguan P-6,
Fengchi GB-20, Yanglingquan GB-34, Gongsun SP-4, Sanyinjiao
SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Fenglong ST-40, Taichong LIV-3, Zhongwan
REN-12. These points regulate the qi and blood and eliminate
excess to remove the blockage in the channels and zang-fu organs.
Combination of herbs and acupuncture can bring forth faster and
more reliable therapeutic benefits.
• For deficiency patterns, the following points should be considered
with tonifying technique: Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taixi KID-3,
Guanyuan REN-4, Ganshu BL-18, Pishu BL-20, and Shenshu
BL-23. These points can be used to strengthen qi, blood, yin and
yang. Combination of herbs and acupuncture can bring forth faster
and more reliable therapeutic benefits.

COVID-19 Case Study

During the epidemic of new coronary pneumonia, from December

2020 to June 2021, Professor Peilin Sun instructed a TCM treatment
team via WeChat with the purpose of helping some critically ill
patients who had been diagnosed with COVID-19 through TCM
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methods. The below five cases of medical records are a partial sum-
mary of more than 100 patients treated.

8.1 Case 1
Female, 56 years old, a TCM practitioner.
Chief complaints: Fever with an aversion to cold, cough and short of
breath for six days, with further deterioration over two days.
First consultation: 30 December 2020.

Actual Medical History:

On 22 December 2021, due to catching an external wind and cold,
she began to have an intermittent fever of 39°C with a sore throat.
She was taking Modified Xiao Chai Hu Tang, but her fever was still
not controlled. She later developed a persistent fever, which reached
38.3°C under the armpit, accompanied by symptoms of a urinary
tract infection. Her GP first gave her a course of the antibiotic amoxi-
cillin with a dosage of 500 mg three times a day. Yet her fever still
persisted. On 28 December, her COVID-19 test was confirmed
positive. Her GP then switched to the broad-spectrum antibiotic

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

amoxicillin clavulanate potassium with a dosage of 625 mg, three

times a day, and paracetamol 500 mg every four hours. Her fever
persisted. She started to have chest tightness, chest pain, coughing
and vomiting with a lot of thin white sputum. She had muscle aches
all over the body, short of breath and fatigue. She was drinking a lot
of water but still felt thirsty. She had constipation for three days and
took a single herb Da Huang which made her have a bowel move-
ment the day before the first consultation. At the same time her hus-
band also suffered from COVID-19 and was hospitalized because of
respiratory failure. She was extremely exhausted physically and
mentally from worrying about her husband. She struggled with Type
2 diabetes for 18 years and uses daily injections of insulin. Her blood
sugar is controlled normally, but it has risen recently. It was neces-
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sary to increase the insulin dose to control her blood sugar. Short-
acting insulin was increased by two to four units compared to normal
doses. Long-acting insulin was 12 units in the morning and four
units in the evening before getting sick, increased to 16 units in the
morning and 6 to 8 units in the evening when she was sick. The
tongue was swollen and red, especially red on both sides, with a
deep and wide crack in the center, accompanied by dry thick brown

Past Medical History:

She suffers from Type 2 diabetes for 18 years and is regularly injected
with insulin.

TCM Diagnosis:
Cough, due to failure of the lung to disperse and descend, phlegm
and dampness are accumulating, heat is flaring causing injury to the
body’s fluids, Yang ming fu shi syndrome (syndrome of excess of
Yangming fu-viscera).

Principle of Treatment:
Rapidly remove heat with urgent application of purgatives, eliminate
phlegm and descend the lung-qi.

COVID-19 Case Study

Herbal Treatment:
Da Cheng Qi Tang-Major Order the Qi Decoction.

Prescription 1:
Da Huang Radix et Rhizoma Rhei 10 g (decocting later)
Mang Xiao Mirabilitum 10 g
(infusion at the end with other already cooked herbal tea for oral taking)
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus CitriAurantii 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
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Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis Kirilowii 15 g

Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 10 g

Above formula is for a one day dose, so she was prescribed a three
day dose. One dose divided into two portions, take one portion at
8:00 am, and another portion at 4:00 pm.

To prepare this formula you need to follow these special steps:

1. Put all the main herbs except Da Huang and Mang Xiao in a stain-
less pot with about 1000 ml of water, soak for half an hour and
then decocted in the same water for half an hour. The liquid
should reduce by half at this stage.
2. Then, put 10 g Da Huang in the pot and boil for another
5 minutes. After this, drain half of the herb tea (about 250 ml) and
add to the infusion half of Mang Xiao 5 g and drink it at 8:00 am.
3. Warm the other half of the tea and infuse with the rest of the Mang
Xiao 5 g at 4:00 pm.

Treatment Reaction:
On the first day of taking the first dose, she had watery diarrhea eight
times. The body temperature was controlled with a reading of

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

temperature 36°C under armpit that afternoon. She took the second
dose the next day and the body temperature was normal and steady.
Shortness of breath and chest tightness began to improve. What was
particularly gratifying was that after having a high fever that lasted for
eight days, it was seen that neither antipyretics nor antibiotics could
control it. However, only two days of TCM herbal medicine rescued
a critical situation. She was so happy that she was able to avoid being
sent to hospital. Since the fever had been controlled and the
Yangming excess syndrome disappeared, there was no need to con-
tinue taking the third dose.

Further Treatment:
Second consultation: 1 January 2021.
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She was still coughing up a lot of white sticky sputum, also with
white sticky sputum in the nasal cavity, mild headache, nausea with-
out vomiting, and shows no body pain.

Prescription 2:
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 12 g
Bai Jie Zi Semen Sinapis Albae 10 g
Lai Fu Zi Semen Raphani Sativi 12 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus CitriAurantii 10 g
Qing Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Jiao Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (grill) 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Bai Guo Semen Ginkgo Bilobae 10 g
Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g
Xiang Ru Herba Elsholtziae seu Moslae 10 g

COVID-19 Case Study

(Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g is preferred, but it was not available

due to EU regulations)

Above formula was one day dose, prescribed doses for five days,
decocted in water, one dose daily, taken twice a day.

Treatment Reaction:
The second prescription was taken on 1 January 2021. Although the
fever has subsided, endophytic heat still needs to be controlled. From
the morning of 2 January 2021, her body temperature was 36.6°C,
and she started to cough and spit yellow phlegm, which gradually
turned into white phlegm during the day. She still had chest pain,
mainly in the right chest and back, with poor physical strength. She
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had an aversion to oily food and no appetite. Blood oxygen satura-

tion was 94–96%. On 3 January 2021, her body temperature was
36.4°C, her cough deceased, less white sputum, appetite began to
improve, physical strength improved. She had defecations twice a
day, and her tongue became normal pale instead of red, with a thin
layer of yellow coating. Over the following two days the above symp-
toms improved further. Blood oxygen saturation was 95–97%, but
her blood sugar still fluctuated greatly. She changed her insulin doses
by the following: short-acting insulin increased by 2 to 4 units com-
pared to normal days. Long-acting insulin was 12 units in the morn-
ing and four units at night before illness, increased to 16 units in the
morning and six to eight units at night when sick. Starting on 6
January, she got up in the morning with a body temperature of
36.6°C, coughing a few mouthfuls of yellowish sputum.

Further Treatment:
Third consultation: 6 January 2021

Prescription 3:
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Lai Fu Zi Semen Raphani Sativi 12 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 5 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus CitriAurantii 5 g
Ju Luo Citrus tangerina Hort. et Tanaka Cherythrosa Tanaka 5 g
Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis 10 g
Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 5 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Jiao Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (grill) 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
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Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g

Five days doses, decocted in water, one dose daily, taken twice a day.

Treatment Reaction:
During the period of taking the third prescription, the cough
decreased, with only a little white phlegm. Diet and physical strength
improved day by day, and stool can be maintained twice a day. On
8 January, she improved further, her spirits were good, body tempera-
ture was normal, appetite had recovered, blood oxygen saturation
was 98% and she was occasionally fatigued. On 9 January 2021, the
cough completely stopped, and everything was basically back to

At the beginning of this case, this patient first had the invasion of
wind and cold which weakened the dispersing and descending of the
lung-qi, therefore she felt cold and fever, body pain, and had a cough
with white sputum. Because she has had diabetes for a long time, this
resulted in a severe yin deficiency constitution, therefore her exterior
symptom had not been cleared yet. She then quickly developed
severe inner heat which was forming Yang Ming Fu Shi syndrome,
and the interior heat was consuming body fluids. Based on the prin-
ciple of treating the secondary symptoms in emergency and taking

COVID-19 Case Study

into account the main symptoms, Da Cheng Qi Tang was selected to

enable the purging of fu-organs to eliminate heat, and to take care of
the loss of the function of the lung at the same time. Otherwise, if the
pyretic pathogenic factor had not been resolved, the lung injury
would have become worse. The San Cheng Qi Decoction Syndrome
is rarely seen in modern clinical practice, but during the epidemic
(especially with this patient due to mistreatment and delay), we can
see the evidence of Yang Ming Fu Shi syndrome such as persistent
high fever, the brown dry tongue coating etc. Therefore, only Da
Cheng Qi Tang can get rid of the heat and stop the damage of the yin.
The patient’s treatment reaction proved that the first prescription is
very accurate and prompt. But it is particularly important to identify
the essential difference and use of San Cheng Qi Decoction.
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Prescription 1:
Da Huang, Mang Xiao, Hou Po, Zhi Shi, which are the whole for-
mula of Da Cheng Qi Tang, can powerfully purge pyretic accumula-
tion. Xing Ren can soothe the lung and reduce phlegm. Some of the
characteristics of COVID-19 are high fever, shortness of breath, chest
pain and tightness, and being anxious, while the sputum color is still
white instead of yellow. All these symptoms indicate that the lung
had failed in the dispersing and descending of qi, which failed to
govern regulation of water passages. Therefore, descending lung-qi is
top priority. In addition, the fever doesn’t go away. Using Zhi Mu,
Huang Qin, Lian Qiao, etc. clear lung heat and reduce temperature,
Tian Hua Fen clears heat and promotes fluid, and prevents the soar-
ing blood sugar of diabetes.

Prescription 2:
Zi Su Zi, Bai Jie Zi and Lai Fu Zi, the complete composition of San
Zi Yang Qin Decoction, aims to cleanse the lung and phlegm,
descend lung-qi and relieve cough, preventing Yangming excess syn-
drome. Since Ma Huang is a contraindicated traditional Chinese
medicine in Europe, Xiang Ru is used instead. With reference to the
book Ben Cao Zheng Yi (Materia Medica Zheng yi): “The smell of
Xiang Ru is clear and light, and the quality is light. So, it can reach

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

the upper body, vent the lung, and reach the body surface to relieve
the cold on the surface. It can also go to the lower Jiao, ease the
bladder, inducing diuresis to reduce fluid retention”. Zhe Bei Mu
clears away heat and reduces phlegm, accompanied by Huang Qin,
Zhi Mu, Zhi Zi to clear lung heat and eliminate phlegm. Among
them, Zhi Mu and Zhi Zi can clear away the damp-heat from lower
Jiao and promote urination and have a good effect on urinary tract
infection (UTI). Together with Bai Guo, Sang Bai Pi and Xing Ren that
descend lung-qi, and phlegm heat that cannot dwell in the lung. Zhi
Ban Xia, Hou Po and Zhi Shi dry the damp, reduce phlegm, widen
the chest, descend qi, and relieve cough. Especially using Huang
Lian to clear heat in Yangming and ensure the passage is unob-
structed for eliminating the phlegm pyrexia. Qing Pi reduces chest
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and hypochondriac pain. Jiao Bai Zhu invigorates the spleen to ben-
efit the lung.

Prescription 3:
During the third consultation the patient has turned from the severe
stage to the convalescent stage. Su Zi, Lai Fu Zi and Zhe Bei Mu can
eliminate phlegm and relieve cough, Zhi Mu, Huang Qin can relieve
lung heat, Xing Ren and Sang Bai Pi descend lung-qi and relieve heat
phlegm. In addition, using Hou Po and Zhi Shi relieves pressure in
the chest, downward qi, and clear the hollow viscera. Huang Lian
can prevent the heat accumulating in the middle Jiao, Zhi Ban Xia
and Fu Ling to eliminate phlegm and dampness, and further ensure
that the middle Jiao does not accumulate dampness and produce
phlegm. In order to prevent the formation of pulmonary fibrosis, use
Ju Luo and Gua Lou Pi to activate collaterals of lung, Hong Hua and
Yu Jin to activate the blood in the chest and repair the damage in the
lung caused by pneumonia. Considering that the patient has had
diabetes for many years, Jiao Bai Zhu is used to supplement the
spleen in order to nourish the lung.

8.2 Case 2
Male, 44 years old, a chef.

COVID-19 Case Study

Chief complaints: Fever for five days, cough expectoration of yellow

sputum, vomiting, nose bleeding.
First consultation: 21 January 2021.

Actual Medical History:

The patient is obese and addicted to eating fatty food and sweets. He
developed weakness and physical discomfort on 17 January 2021
and was treated for the common cold with Lian Hua Qing Wen
Capsules. His temperature fluctuated sometimes as high as 39.9°C
(ear temperature). His COVID-19 test result was positive on the 20th.
The antibiotics and ibuprofen prescribed by the GP had no effect,
and his condition became serious. On 21 January 2021, his local
TCM doctor consulted Professor Peilin Sun for help.
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Past Medical History:


Symptoms at the Time of Consultation:

Headache and body pain, warm hands and feet, low volume of urine
and stool, cough with yellowish sputum, no sore throat, alternately
hot and cold, sweat and aversion to hot after taking antipyretic drugs.
The tongue was stiff, with white thick greasy slightly yellow coating
wrapping the entire tongue, tongue tip was red.

TCM Diagnosis:
Cough due to external infection of damp toxins, pulmonary failure of

Treatment Principles:
Expel toxins and relieve superficies by cooling combined cooling
blood to stop bleeding.

Herbal Treatment:
Modified Huang Lian Jie Du Tang-Coptidis Decoction for Detoxification.

Prescription 1:
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 12 g
Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g

Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 12 g
Xiang Ru Herba Elsholtziae seu Moslae 10 g
(Prefer Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g, but not available due to EU
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Shi Gao Gypsum Fibrosum 20 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 12 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 15 g
Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis 12 g
Zhu Ru Caulis Bambusae in Taeniis 10 g
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The above formula is one day dose. Prescribed three days dose.
Decocted two-day doses together, divided into six portions, one por-
tion taken every four hours, day and night.

Treatment Reaction:
• 21 January 2021 (day 1) 8:00 pm: His body temperature was
37.5°C before taking the herbal medicine and half an hour later
after taking the first portion of the herbal tea the temperature
dropped to 37.0°C.
• 22 January 2021 (day 2) 11:00 am: At six o’clock in the morning,
his temperature was 37.8°C, and at 10:30 am it was 37.3°C.
However, his cough increased after taking the herbal tea. He
thought his condition had worsened and refused to take it any-
more. Plus waking him up at night to take the herbal tea made him
angry. We tried to explain to him that herbal medicine clears away
heat and resolves phlegm, cools blood to stop bleeding, it also
helps the phlegm in the lung to be discharged and restores the
normal function of the lung. Otherwise, the phlegm heat will
choke the lung, and the lung will lose the dispersing and descend-
ing function, just like drowning, and the consequences will be
very serious. After understanding that, he began to take it again.
All three doses of herbal medicine were taken every 4 hours
within a 36 hour time frame to increase the intensity of treatment.

COVID-19 Case Study

• 22 January 2021 (day 2) 3:07 pm: The cough was significantly

reduced, the stool was normal, and the urine was more than
before. Nose bleeding stopped, chest tightness and suffocation
disappeared, and physical strength gradually increased.

Further Treatment:
Second consultation: 22 January 2021 (day 2)
At first, he suspected that Chinese herbal medicine was useless, but
his condition had improved significantly, and he became very confi-
dent. After taking three doses of Chinese herbal medicine overnight
day and night for 36 hours continuously, he had an increased appe-
tite and still coughs (but without bloodspots in phlegm). His tempera-
ture was 37.2°C at 19:45 and 37.1°C at 22:14. The tongue was red,
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and the greasy coating started to fade away.

Prescription 2:
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 6 g
Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 3 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 5 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 5 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 6 g
Xiang Ru Herba Elsholtziae seu Moslae 5 g
(Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 5 g is preferred, but not available due to
EU regulations)
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 5 g
Shi Gao Gypsum Fibrosum 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 6 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 8 g
Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis 8 g
Zhu Ru Caulis Bambusae in Taeniis 5 g
Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Cooked 5 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 5 g

The above herbal formula was given as a concentrated powder to

be taken in warm water at a dosage of 5 g, four times a day after

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Treatment Reaction:
23 January 2021 (day 3)

• 9:30 am: After taking prescription 2, at 9:00 am his temperature

was 36.6°C, coughing with a lot of white sputum without blood-
spots, chest tightness disappeared, his nose was no longer
bleeding, diarrhea, urine volume increased, and fatigue improved.
• 15:18 pm: Body temperature 36.4°C under the armpit, there are
bloodspots in the sputum. (Professor Peilin Sun’s note: There is no
problem with bloodspots in the sputum. This is caused by phlegm
fever. Ask him to eat two pears a day.)
• 18:17 pm: Temperature was 37.0°C. Appetite and physical strength
increased, still coughing, sputum no longer had bloodspots, body
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soreness disappeared.

24 January 2021 (day 4):

• 8:20 am temperature 37.1°C.

• 13:30 pm temperature 36.6°C. Normal appetite, still coughing, the
sputum was thick and the color was light yellow, but the volume
was less than before, no bloodspots, good spirits, tongue was pale
red, thick greasy coating gradually turned yellow and the thickness
is gradually thinner.

Further Treatment:
Third consultation: 25 January 2021 (day 5)
The patient felt well, managed to go out for a walk, and his appetite
increased. Temperature was 36.3°C, cough and sputum were obvi-
ously reduced, stool was formed, tongue was pale red, and the yel-
low greasy coating gradually faded.

Prescription 3:
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 6 g
Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 3 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 5 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 5 g

COVID-19 Case Study

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 6 g

Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 5 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 6 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 8 g
Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis 8 g
Zhu Ru Caulis Bambusae in Taeniis 5 g
Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Cooked 5 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 5 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 6 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 6 g
Chao Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 6 g

The above herbal formula was given as a concentrated powder to be

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taken in warm water at a dosage of 5 g, four times a day after meals.

Treatment Reaction:
• 27 January 2021 (day 7): After taking prescription 3, cough and
sputum were significantly reduced, and the body temperature was
normal. The tongue coating was still yellow and greasy. The patient
usually has an irregular diet, and prefers to eat sweet, deep-fried
greasy food. He was advised to control his diet.
• 30 January 2021 (day 10): His temperature was 36.1°C, only a lit-
tle cough at night, appetite has greatly increased, and physical
strength has improved. He can walk without wheezing, and the
yellow greasy coating had gradually disappeared.

Fourth Consultation:
31 January 2021 (day 11): COVID-19 test had turned negative on
this day, and the patient was very happy. He was tested positive on
19 January and negative on 30 January which took only 11 days since
he took the herbal treatment. His temperature was 36.1°C, his appe-
tite was normal, occasionally coughed, breathing was normal, and
his physical strength returned to the previous level. His takeaway
business has also reopened. The patient’s appetite recovered, and he
began to eat irregularly again, resulting in a bit of yellow and greasy
tongue coating.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Prescription 4:
To prevent pulmonary fibrosis in the late stage of COVID-19

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 6 g

Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 3 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 5 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 5 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 6 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 6 g
Qing Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride 3 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 3 g
Ju Luo Citrus tangerina Hort. et Tanaka C.erythrosa Tanaka 5 g
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Si Gua Luo Fasciculus Vascularis Luffae 5 g

Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 5 g
Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 5 g
Tao Ren Semen Pruni Persicae 5 g
Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Cooked 5 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 6 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 6 g
Zhu Ru Caulis Bambusae in Taeniis 5 g
Zhi Da Huang Radix et Rhizoma Rhei 5 g

The above herbal formula was given as a concentrated powder to be

taken in warm water at a dosage of 5 g, three times a day after meals.

Treatment Reaction:
After taking prescription 4, the patient followed up on 4 February
2021. The tongue coating improved significantly, no cough and spu-
tum, everything was normal.

This patient was in a critical condition when he consulted Professor
Peilin Sun. The syndrome was external infection of damp toxins, and
pulmonary failure of dispersing. The condition was complicated due

COVID-19 Case Study

to inappropriate treatment. Therefore, the pulmonary failure of dis-

persing and descending function was caused.

Prescription 1:
Huang Qin, Huang Lian, Zhi Zi is the Huang Lian Jie Du Decoction
that aims to clear away heat and detoxification. Jie Geng, Xing Ren
and Xiang Ru (prefer Ma Huang) helps in dispersing and descending
the lung to relieve cough. Zhi Mu, Shi Gao works by clearing heat
and purging fire. Zhe Bei Mu for clearing heat and resolving phlegm
and dispelling stagnation. Sheng Di Huang and Xuan Shen cool the
blood to stop bleeding. Zhu Ru clears away heat and reduces
phlegm, relieves fidgetiness, and prevents vomiting.
Professor Peilin Sun’s note: when the patient is seriously ill, he is
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very anxious and in a bad mood. We, as doctors, should understand

and explain patiently to help him through the difficult time. We
should care about him more, allow him to lose his temper and vent

Prescription 2:
After taking the prescription 1, his tongue coating is much better than
when he first consulted us. Moreover, his body temperature has
become normal, and his appetite has increased. The next step is asking
him to be more active. He still has damp and heat in the middle Jiao
which is not urgent but coughing with yellow sputum and shortness of
breath are very dangerous. Fortunately, it has been controlled now.
Since prescription 1 is effective, prescription 2 keeps the same formula
and adds Ban Xia and Hou Po to strengthen the effect of widening the
chest, resolving phlegm and protecting the lung. After he finished pre-
scription 2, he still needs to take the herbs because the phlegm heat
will not be removed at once, and it will take several weeks to clear.
Diarrhea is normal because his phlegm has not been removed com-
pletely. Considering that the patient weighed 90 kg, the dose of herb
medicine was increased to four times a day, 5 g each time. In just two
days, we rescued him from the dangerous situation which explained
that accurate diagnosis and treatment will bring good results.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Prescription 3:
The patient is much better, and the tongue coating is much cleaner.
In the past few days, it has changed dramatically. He should con-
tinue to take herbs powder to prevent pulmonary fibrosis. He
needs to pay attention to his diet, so based on prescription 2, pre-
scription 3 removed Xiang Ru, Zhi Mu, Shi Gao, and added Fu
Ling, Cang Zhu and Bai Zhu to invigorate the spleen and dissipate
the damp.

Prescription 4:
The patient’s tongue coating is still a bit yellow and greasy. It is
related to his unhealthy diet. At this time, he has entered a recovery
period. The focus is on preventing pulmonary fibrosis, so the pre-
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scription 4 is based on the prescription 3, but removing Zhi Mu and

Fu Ling and adding Qing Pi, Chen Pi, Ju Luo, Si Gua Luo, Yu Jin,
Hong Hua and Tao Ren to promote qi & blood circulation and clear
collaterals. The prescription 4 also uses Da Huang to clear up his
damp-heat of Yangming.

8.3 Case 3
Male, 60 years old, an engineer.
Chief complaints: Fever with headache and sore throat for 12 days,
cough for three days.
First consultation: 15 February 2021.

Actual Medical History:

The patient developed a headache, sore throat, and fever on 3
February 2021, and the COVID-19 test was positive two days later.
He had been feverish since the onset, and his body temperature was
as high as 39.7°C (under the armpit). He had taken a prescription
issued by a local TCM practitioner for ten days. The prescription was
modified Sang Ju Yin Decoction (Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum
Beverage), but he still had repeated low-grade fever. The local TCM
doctor is a student of Prof. Peilin Sun, who consulted him for

COVID-19 Case Study

guidance and treatment. Before the onset of illness, the patient was
busy with work and often stayed up late.

Symptoms at the Time of First Consultation:

At the consultation he complained of fluctuations in body tempera-
ture, alternate attacks of chills and fever, headache and sore throat,
cough without sputum, blood oxygen concentration 91%, body tem-
perature 37.6°C (under the armpit). He had been coughing for three
days, no stool that day but the stool was mushy the day before. He
also suffered belching after each meal. His tongue looked red with a
scanty and peeled tongue coating, uneven slight yellow and greasy
coating on the back tongue, cracks in the middle.
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Past Medical History:

A history of allergic asthma 15 years ago.

TCM Diagnosis:
Cough due to stagnant pathogen of Shaoyang, and the damp-heat
epidemic toxins is detained in middle Jiao and lower Jiao.

Principle of Treatment:
Harmonize the Shaoyang, clear heat, eliminate damp, remove toxins,
and regulate the middle Jiao.

Herbal Treatment:
Modified Xiao Chai Hu Decoction-Minor Bupleurum Decoction and
Lian Pu Decoction-Coptis and Officinal Magnolia Bark Beverage.

Prescription 1:
Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae cooked 10 g
Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Dan Dou Chi Semen Sojae Praeparatum 10 g
Mu Xiang Radix Aucklandiae Lappae 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 10 g

For five-day doses.

Put the two days’ doses together and decoct for half an hour, then
divide into eight portions, and take one portion warm every four
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hours, day and night.

Treatment Reaction:
15 February 2021 (day 1)

• Loose stools twice before noon, body temperature dropped from

37.8°C to 37.3°C. In the middle of the night, blood oxygen was
91%, no cough, and a slight improvement in sleep.

16 February 2021 (day 2)

• 8:41 am: A thin white coating began to appear on the tongue, but
the tongue itself was still very red. The yellow greasy coating
started to fade away in the back half of the tongue.
• 10:00 am: His body temperature dropped below 37°C for the first
time after onset.
• 12:32 pm: There was no cough, no sputum, no chest tightness,
and his appetite had improved. He had a smile for the first
time after onset. The blood oxygen concentration increased to
• 8:37 pm: The patient felt well, with a body temperature of 36.9°C.
He only felt a little fatigue, he had hiccups after eating, blood
oxygen concentration was 93%, no cough and sputum, no chest

COVID-19 Case Study

tightness, only shortness of breath while walking, and the tongue

coating had improved significantly.

Further Treatment:
Second consultation: 17 February 2021 (day 3)
Body temperature was normal, still a little belching, a slight cough, a
small amount of stool formation, fatigue, blood oxygen concentra-
tion was 94–96%, the tongue was red, and the coating had changed
from very yellow and greasy to scattered and thinned.

Prescription 2:
Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
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Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae cooked 10 g

Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Mu Xiang Radix Aucklandiae Lappae 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 12 g
Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis 10 g
Dan Zhu Ye Herba Lophatheri Gracilis 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

For five-day doses.

Put two days’ doses together and decote for half an hour, then divide
into eight portions, and take one portion warm every six hours, day
and night.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Treatment Reaction:
• 8:35 pm (day 3): The patient had no fever for two days.
• 10:00 am (day 4): No obvious discomfort, red tongue, yellow
greasy coating had basically disappeared.
• 10:00 am (day 5): No short of breath when he went up and down
the stairs, Normal tongue coating began to appear, belching

Further Treatment:
Third consultation: 21 February 2021 (day 7)
The patient’s condition was getting better every day and he had no
cough. He went for a walk on that day and felt his physical strength
had recovered well. His tongue was still red but better than before
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and the coating was only a bit greasy and yellow at the root of the

Prescription 3:
Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae cooked 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g
Chuan Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 12 g
Dan Zhu Ye Herba Lophatheri Gracilis 10 g
Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan Radicis 10 g
Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 10 g

For five-days doses.

Put two days’ doses together and decoct for half an hour, then divide
into eight portions, and take one portion warm every six hours, day
and night.

COVID-19 Case Study

Treatment Reaction:
22 February 2021: Apart from a little night sweats and slight consti-
pation, no other complaints.
27 February 2021: The patient had no obvious discomfort except
occasional night sweats and poor sleep. He had resumed normal

The patient had been feverish for nearly 12 days when he came to
consult Prof. Peilin Sun. The pathogen was in Taiyang at the beginning
of the onset. It was right for the local TCM doctor to use modified Sang
Ju Yin Decoction to evacuate the Taiyang pathogen. However later the
Taiyang exterior cold syndrome got inside the Shaoyang, phlegm-
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damp and heat began to appear. So, treatment needed to change

accordingly because modified Sang Ju Yin Decoction cannot tackle
these two new pathogenesis. Failing to do so, his condition gradually
became worse. So, the diagnosis and treatment must be accurate and

Prescription 1:
Chai Hu, Huang Qin, Zhi Ban Xia take the meaning of Xiao Chai Hu
Decoction to relieve the pathogen of Shaoyang. Lian Qiao clears heat
and toxins, Zhi Zi ventilates the fire of San Jiao, Zhi Mu clears heat
and purges fire, nourishes yin and moisturizes dryness. Combination
of the three herbs can clear and relieve the pathogen of damp-heat,
and unblock the San Jiao. Zhe Bei Mu for heat-resolving phlegm and
relieving cough, Sang Bai Pi to relieve lung and asthma, hydration
and swelling, Xing Ren to relieve cough and asthma, evacuate the
lung meridian wind, cold, phlegm and dampness, and also moisten
and relax bowels. The combination of the three herbs was used to
protect the lung’s descending function; Huang Lian, Hou Po, Zhi Zi
and Dan Dou Chi which is Lian Pu Yin Decoction to clear heat and
reduce damp, regulate qi and neutralize, remove interior retention of
heat-damp. Zhi Shi, Cang Zhu, Mu Xiang, Fu Ling which is Mu Xiang
Shun Qi Wan to conduct qi and dissipate damp, invigorated the
spleen and stomach. Prescription 1 exactly tackles the pathology by

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

reconciling Shaoyang, focusing on clearing away the damp-heat of

the San Jiao, grasping the key pathogenesis of the COVID-19 lung
injury, so as to cut off the deterioration of the disease. If there was no
precise treatment of Prescription 1 herbal formula, he would have
had a very high fever and felt very uncomfortable. Also, his condition
would have become very dangerous. It happened exactly as was
expected. After one day of taking the prescription 1, the fever was
controlled, the yellow greasy tongue coating was significantly
reduced, his physical strength continued to recover, and a smile
appeared on his face for the first time since the onset of the illness.

Prescription 2:
The patient’s condition was obviously relieved after taking the pre-
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scription 1, only the red tongue indicated that there is still heat in the
lung. If it was not controlled in time, it would have transferred to the
Ying Fen (Ying level). Therefore, based on prescription 1, Sheng Di
Huang and Xuan Shen were added and used together to clear the
heat and toxins before they get into the Ying-level. Plus, Lian Qiao
and Dan Zhu Ye are used together to clear the heat (also called “Tou
Re Zhuan Ying”), promoting qi circulation by relieving Ying Fen, so
that the pathogen of entering Ying level could be separated and
resolved. In addition, combining Chen Pi, Zhi Gan Cao, Hou Po and
Cang Zhu makes Ping Wei San Decoction (Stomach-Calming
Powder) to dry damp and promote spleen, promote qi and stomach
to relieve damp and stagnation of the spleen.

Prescription 3:
After taking the prescription 2, the patient’s condition improved every
day, except that the tongue was still a little red. Because the patient’s
Shaoyang syndrome had disappeared and the middle Jiao obstructed
by damp had been resolved, so on the basis of the second prescrip-
tion, prescription 3 removed Chai Hu, Cang Zhu, Chen Pi, Mu Xiang,
Zhi Shi, Xuan Shen, Fu Ling and Zhi Gan Cao, added Chuan Bei Mu
to moisturize the lung and relieve cough to prevent chronic cough
damage to the lung, added Mu Dan Pi and Dan Shen, combined with
Huang Lian, Hou Po, Zhi Ban Xia, Xing Ren, Sang Bai Pi, Zhe Bei

COVID-19 Case Study

Mu, Huang Qin, Zhi Zi to continue to clear the lung of phlegm heat,
Sheng Di Huang, Dan Zhu Ye and Lian Qiao continue to clear the
heat. Prescription 3 was to protect his lung and heart, prevent blood
heat entering Ying level and causing pulmonary embolism.

8.4 Case 4
Female, 50 years old, a TCM practitioner.
Chief complaints: Aversion to cold, fever, and body pain for ten days.
First consultation: 13 December 2020.

Actual Medical History:

On 3 December 2020, the patient felt numbness in the right arm
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where the location of the lung meridian is and began to experience

aversion to cold late in the night, no loss of smell and taste, and no
sore throat. The next day she began to have a fever, which was
37.5–38°C under the armpit. On 5 December 2020 her COVID-19
test was positive. The patient is a TCM practitioner. Because of her
body pain, especially on the neck, accompanied by slight sweating,
she self-prescribed Guizhi plus Ge Gen Decoction. After taking a
single day dose of it, she started to experience whole body pain, so
she changed to Xin Jia Decoction, and the condition became worse.
The patient began to feel fatigue, lack of appetite, slight cough with-
out sputum and persistent fever. The body temperature was between
38–38.5°C under the armpit, and the fever emerged mostly at night.
On the morning of 8 December, she started to have an itchy throat
and coughed up a small amount of yellow phlegm. She still had the
fever and sweating, and fatigue and anorexia became worse, so she
started taking Ginseng Baihu Decoction plus Gui Zhi and Da Huang
decoction on the recommendation of a friend. After taking three
doses intermittently, her condition became even worse. She started
to have chest tightness and shortness of breath. Her blood oxygen
concentration is around 95%. The body temperature was normal dur-
ing the day, while at night it is about 37.5–38°C under the armpits,
and she woke up sweating at 4–5 o’clock in the morning. On 12
December 2020 she took Qing Fei Pai Du Decoction plus Sanren

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Decoction Chinese medicine concentrated powder, and Xiao Chaihu

granules (Minor Bupleurum Decoction) at night to try to control the
fever. On 13 December 2020, her condition became serious, so she
consulted Professor Peilin Sun for online diagnosis and treatment
through a friend.

Symptoms at the Time of First Consultation:

Shallow breathing, cough when taking deep breaths. This coughing
came with distending pain in both rib-side, a small amount of thin
sputum and very poor appetite. The patient reported that she lost her
mother in October 2020 and became a vegan. Also, she is always
busy with work and not eating properly, thus her immune system had
weakened. The tongue was pale red, with horizontal cracks in the
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middle, yellow and greasy coating especially thick in the roots.

While the pulse was slippery and rapid, both middle parts of the
pulse were slightly stronger.

TCM Diagnosis:
Cough due to flaring of damp-heat, accumulation phlegm-heat in the
lung, and consumption of body fluid by excessive heat.

Treatment Principles:
Clear away heat, remove damp, descend the lung, resolve phlegm,
and promote fluid production at the same time.

Herbal Treatment:
Lian Po Yin-Coptis and Magnolia Bark Drink.

Prescription 1:
Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 3 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 5 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 5 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Cooked 5 g
Dan Dou Chi Semen Sojae Praeparatum 5 g

COVID-19 Case Study

Jiao Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis (grill ) 5 g

Lu Gen Rhizoma Phragmitis Communis 5 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 5 g
Chuan Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae 5 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 5 g
Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis 5 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloides 5 g
Ge Gen Radix Puerariae 5 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 6 g
Hua Shi Talcum 6 g
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis 1 g

The above herbal formula was given as a concentrated powder to be

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taken in warm water at a dosage of two grams, three times a day after

Treatment Reaction:
• 14 December 2020: Patient reported that after taking the above
herbal medicine within 24 hours the fever was mostly controlled.
She coughed up and vomited a large amount of thin white foamy
sputum, coughing ceaselessly, shallow breath, occasionally low
fever, numbness in the right arm lung meridian area, slight chest
tightness, and poor appetite. Sleep became better, and the sputum
was white and not thick.
• 15 December 2020: Patient reported that her body temperature
was normal, her blood oxygen increased to 98%, and she kept
coughing and vomiting a lot of thin white foamy sputum.

Further Treatment:
Second consultation: 19 December 2020.
After taking prescription 1, the patient had no fever, still coughing
with left chest pain when taking a deep breath. Her appetite
improved, still had night sweats, and her tongue coating became less
yellow and grease.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Prescription 2:
Yu Ping Feng San (Jade-screen powder), San Zi Yang Qin Tang (Three-
Seed Filial Devotion Decoction), Wei Jing Tang (Phragmitis decoc-
tion) combined with modifications.

Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 5 g

Jiao Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (grill) 3 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Cooked 5 g
Qing Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride 5 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 5 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 5 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 5 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 5 g
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Bai Jie Zi Semen Sinapis Albae 5 g

Lai Fu Zi Semen Raphani Sativi 5 g
Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis Lachryma-Jobi 5 g
Bai Jiang Cao Herba cum Radice Patriniae 5 g
Dong Gua Ren Semen Benincasae Hispidae 5 g
Tao Ren Semen Pruni Persicae 5 g
Chuan Lian Zi Fructus Meliae Toosendan 5 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 5 g

The above herbal formula was given as a concentrated powder to be

taken in warm water at a dosage of two grams, three times a day after

Treatment Reaction:
25 December 2020: Patient reported that for three consecutive nights
there was no cough and fever, sputum reduced significantly, much
less chest pain, able to take deep breaths, and less night sweats.

Further Treatment:
Third consultation: 29 December 2020.
At the third follow-up consultation, the sputum coughed up in the
morning was slightly brown and bloodspots, and there was no
sputum for the rest of the day. She coughed and had slight chest pain.
The COVID-19 test also turned negative on that day.

COVID-19 Case Study

Prescription 3:
Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 3 g
Zhu Ru Caulis Bambusae in Taeniis 5 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 5 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 5 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Cooked 5 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 3 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 5 g
Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 5 g
Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 5 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 5 g
Yan Hu Suo Rhizoma Corydalis 5 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 5 g
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Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 5 g

Huang Bai Cortex Phellodendri 5 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 5 g
Che Qian Zi Semen Plantaginis 5 g

The above herbal formula was given as a concentrated powder to be

taken in warm water at a dosage of two grams, three times a day after

Treatment Reaction:
30 December 2021: A small amount of white with rusty sputum was
reported, chest pain basically disappeared, and cough of qi inverse
was alleviated. The amount of discharge was less, and the color was
yellow and thinner. Patient also reported normal stool two times a
day. In the following days, the patient improved and recovered com-
pletely. A follow up consultation a month later, she was fully recov-
ered without any Long-COVID symptoms.

This case is different from the general cause and pathogenesis of
COVID-19, it is a case of grief weakening the lung, causing insuffi-
cient lung defending, and allowing damp heat to take the

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

At the beginning, if she focused on dispersing the lung-defense

and clearing away heat and dampness, it will be easy to tackle the
problem. However, she used Guizhi plus Gegen Decoction, Xinjia
Decoction and Ren Shen Baihu Decoction etc., which failed to elimi-
nate the symptoms of lung-defense and the damp-heat. Therefore, the
exogenous pathogenic factors have gradually deepened which led to
phlegm-heat accumulation in the lung, and body fluid consumed by
excessive heat. Her exterior syndrome is very short, and the exoge-
nous pathogenic factors enter the interior very quickly straight into
the lower Jiao, mostly in the upper and lower Jiao. In the upper Jiao
the lung loses descending function, while in the lower Jiao the blad-
der is dysfunctional and the large intestine conduction is lost, which
leads to serious damp-heat accumulated. Neither Guizhi plus Gegen
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Decoction, Xinjia Decoction and Ren Shen Baihu Decoction can

tackle the above pathogenesis, because the cause of her condition
was not cold-damp factor, but damp-heat factor. Therefore, Ginseng
is not suitable because it will nourish the pathogen and make heat-
damp worse. In addition, although the fever in this case is rather a
low-grade fever emerging at night which is a distinctive feature of
damp-heat fever, combining with diarrhea, thick and greasy tongue
coating, and pulse conditions which all point to this pathogenesis.
Although the patient’s tongue coating is yellow and greasy, especially
worse in the root area, the treatment is still focused on controlling the
phlegm-heat in the lung. The aim is to protect the lung’s descending
function, resolve phlegm, and clear heat, otherwise the lung condi-
tion will immediately deteriorate.

Prescription 1:
Zhi Ban Xia, Hou Po, Sang Bai Pi, and Zhe Bei Mu descend lung-qi,
relieve phlegm, reduce cough, soothe the chest, and alleviate pain.
Huang Lian, Huang Qin, Zhi Mu and Gua Lou Pi eliminate heat from
the lung. Hua Shi and Gan Cao, which is Liu Yi San-Six One Powder
together with Ge Gen, Fu Ling, are taking care of the lower Jiao
damp-heat. Zhi Zi can wipe out all the San Jiao to clean up the damp
and heat. Chuan Bei Mu and Lu Gen to relieve cough and enhance
the fluid.

COVID-19 Case Study

The first prescription considers the following aspects: clearing

away heat, removing damp, clearing lung, removing phlegm, and
nourishing body fluids. It can not only control damp and heat, but
also expel phlegm, and recover the descend function of lung. In the
treatment of COVID-19, the main task is to always focus on the
excessive pathogen, and to protect the lung and restore the lung’s
descending function, which is key to prevent it turning into a critical

Prescription 2:
Zhi Huang Qi and Jiao Bai Zhu nourish the lung, invigorate the
spleen and reduce phlegm, Zhi Ban Xia and Zhe Bei Mu expel
phlegm and relieve cough. Zhi Shi and Hou Po dissipate phlegm and
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remove distension. Zi Su Zi, Bai Jie Zi and Lai Fu Zi which is San Zi

Yang Qin Decoction, warm lung and resolve phlegm, direct qi down-
ward and promote digestion. Yi Yi Ren, Bai Jiang Cao, Dong Gua
Ren, Tao Ren, Chuan Lian Zi, Qing Pi and Yu Jin remove phlegm and
blood stasis, promote blood circulation, regulate qi and relieve pain.
Together with all the other herbal medicine, this prescription supple-
ments the spleen to nourish the lung, restores the yang vitality of the
delicate viscera, promotes clearness and reduces turbidity, and
removes blood stasis and phlegm.

Prescription 3:
Huang Lian, Zhu Ru and Zhi Zi clear the upper Jiao residual heat,
Hou Po descend lung-qi, calming the qi counterflow. Zhi Ban Xia,
Chen Pi, and Fu Ling which is Er Chen decoction without Gan Cao
which help to remove the phlegm dampness in middle Jiao, Hong
Hua, Yu Jin and Yan Hu Suo promote blood circulation, regulate qi
and relieve pain. Zhe Bei Mu and Xing Ren relieve cough and asthma
by resolve phlegm-heat. Huang Bai and Cang Zhu clear the damp and
heat of lower Jiao. Che Qian Zi promotes urination, percolates damp-
ness, dispels phlegm through lower Jiao. Fu Shen calms the shen.
The third prescription still focuses on the upper Jiao phlegm
dampness, and considers the lower Jiao, so that the phlegm damp-
ness is drained from the lower Jiao. This prescription considers the

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

patient’s qi inversion, chest pain, coughing and phlegm, etc. It looks

basically the same as the previous two, but the direction has begun
to change.

8.5 Case 5
Male, 37 years old, a chef.
Chief complaints: Cough expectoration of whitish foamy sputum,
accompanied by a feeling of gas rushing up toward the thorax for two
First consultation: 17 January 2021.

Actual Medical History:

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Aversion to cold with fever, sore throat, loss of sense of smell and
taste, COVID-19 tested positive ten days ago. He took Xiao Chai Hu
granules for the first five days and Lian Hua Qing Wen Capsules for
another five days. Although his body temperature became normal, he
started to have diarrhea with undigested food in the stool. He kept
complaining that his chest was very tight.

Symptoms at the Time of First Consultation:

He complained that cough occurred when lying flat, felt dizziness,
spit white foamy sputum, short of breath and wheezing, cold and
pain on the left side of the chest, and a feeling of coldness and tight-
ness in the retro-cardiac area. He prefers drinking warm water. The
tongue was light purple, with vertical cracks in the middle, and the
coating was white with a slightly yellow and greasy coating that is
thicker in the middle and back of the tongue.

Past Medical History:

Ten years of peanut-sized cyst in left scrotum with a firmer texture.
He had taken Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine for
many years but both had no effect, thus he stopped the medicine a
long time ago. He suffers from insomnia with stress for many years,
but did not take any medicine.

COVID-19 Case Study

TCM Diagnosis:
Cough due to exterior tightened by wind-cold, cold fluid retention in
the chest, the disperse function of the lung is weakened, the damp
transforms into heat which gathers in the middle Jiao.

Principle of Treatment:
Expel wind and cold, disperse lung-qi, warm and resolve cold
phlegm, and eliminate damp-heat.

Herbal Treatment:
Modified Xiao Qing Long Tang-Minor Green Dragon Decoction.

Prescription 1:
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Xiang Ru Herba Elsholtziae seu Moslae 5 g

(Prefer Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 5 g, but not available due to EU
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 10 g
Bai Jie Zi Semen Sinapis Albae 10 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 5 g
Ju Luo Citrus tangerina Tanaka C.erythrosa Tanaka 5 g
Qing Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Cang Er Zi Fructus Xanthii Sibirici 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Cooked 15 g
Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis Lachryma-Jobi 15 g
Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 10 g
Pei Lan Herba Eupatorii Fortunei 10 g
Chao Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
For 3-day doses, decocted in water, one dose per day.

Treatment Reaction:
• 17 January 2021 (day 1): Half an hour after taking half dose of pre-
scription 1, his cough and reversed flow of qi improved significantly,

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

and he coughed a small amount of white phlegm with a slightly

yellow color. He could breathe much better and fell asleep for the
first time since onset.
• 18 January 2021 (day 2): There was still shortness of breath, but it
had improved significantly, breathing was smoother and deeper
than before, stool began to form, cold tightness in the retro-cardiac
area disappeared, and white sputum was slightly yellow. Sleep
improved significantly and he felt more energetic.

Further Treatment:
Second consultation: 19 January 2021 (day 3)
He has finished the prescription 1. As a result, he has only a slight
tightness in the chest, slightly coughing and wheezing, and the spu-
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tum was thin and white in the morning, much less than before. The
image of the tongue was also improved, the coating was thinner and
the yellow and greasy coating was reduced, and the middle crack
became shallower as well. Urine and stool were normal.

Prescription 2:
Xiang Ru Herba Elsholtziae seu Moslae 5 g
(Prefer Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 5 g, but not available due to EU
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 10 g
Bai Jie Zi Semen Sinapis Albae 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Lai Fu Zi Semen Raphani Sativi 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g
Ju Luo Citrus tangerina Tanaka C.erythrosa Tanaka 5 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Cooked 12 g
Qing Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 12 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g

COVID-19 Case Study

Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g

For 3-day doses, decocted in water, one dose per day.

Further Treatment:
Third consultation: 21 January 2021.
All three doses of prescription 2 have been taken. He occasionally
felt tightness in the chest, sometimes gas reversal coughing, less white
sputum, a little breathlessness when going up the stairs, a little loose
stool, and had better sleep with good spirits. The tongue coating was
obviously improved, the yellow and greasy coating disappeared, only
the middle and back part was slightly white and greasy.

Prescription 3:
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Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 5 g

Xiang Ru Herba Elsholtziae seu Moslae 5 g
(Prefer Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 5 g, but not available due to EU
Bai Jie Zi Semen Sinapis Albae 5 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 5 g
Lai Fu Zi Semen Raphani Sativi 5 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 5 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 5 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 5 g
Ju Luo Citrus tangerina Tanaka C.erythrosa Tanaka 3 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 5 g
Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae 6 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Qing Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride 5 g
Tao Ren Semen Pruni Persicae 5 g
Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 3 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 6 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 7 g
Pei Lan Herba Eupatorii Fortunei 3 g

They are in concentrated powder granules. Take it three times a day,

each time 2 g.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Treatment Reaction:
• 24 January 2021 (day 8): After drinking prescription 3, he felt bet-
ter every day. He had no reversed flow of qi, only a little cough
and sputum when he lies down at night, his sleep improved a lot,
and had slight night sweats. We repeated the prescription 3 for
another two weeks.
• 4 February 2021 (day 17): He occasionally had reversed flow of qi
without coughing. Furthermore, he claimed with joy that the
peanut-sized cyst in the scrotum which he had for ten years
became much smaller after taking the above three formulas.
A month later during a follow-up call, the patient’s reported pul-
monary symptoms disappeared completely. His sleep became a lot
better than before onset. He returned to normal work.
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The patient’s symptoms were coughing, and expectorating white
foamy sputum, his retro-cardiac area is tight and cold, he likes to
drink warm water, which indicate the main pathogenesis of the
patient is cold phlegm and cold fluid dwelling in the lung, plus exter-
nal cold. The lung disperse function is blocked, so the treatment key
point lies in to restore the lung disperse function. However, the yel-
lowish tongue coating indicates that the exterior pathogens have
penetrated to the interior and transformed into heat.

Prescription 1:
Because the condition of COVID-19 is very complicated, we cannot
stick to the original formula, so in this case we only used Ma Huang
(Xiang Ru) and Gan Jiang without Gui Zhi and Xi Xin of the Xiao
Qing Long Decoction because the exterior pathogens has penetrated
to the interior and transform into heat but the exterior cold was not
resolved. Ma Huang (Xiang Ru) is to remove the cold from the sur-
face, and restore the function of the wei-yang (defending yang).
Because the pathogenic qi has entered the interior and transformed
to heat, Huang Lian was used to clear heat. In this formula, Ma
Huang (Xiang Ru) and Gan Jiang of Xiao Qinglong Decoction are
used to release the pathogenic factor of warmth and dissipate the

COVID-19 Case Study

cold fluid retention in the lung. Bai Jie Zi warms the lung and resolve
phlegm, promote qi and dispel stagnation. Since the patient had
been suffering from the disease for ten days already, Yu Jin, Ju Luo and
Qing Pi are used to regulate qi and relieve collaterals to prevent pul-
monary fibrosis. Jie Geng promotes the lung, Cang Er Zi cannulate
the orifice, Huang Lian clears stagnant heat, Zhi Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Yi
Yi Ren, Fu Ling, Chao Ba Zhu invigorate the spleen to remove
phlegm, and aromatic Pei Lan eliminate dampness.

Prescription 2:
After the patient takes prescription 1, the yellow and greasy tongue
coating has obviously changed, and the exterior cold has been
resolved, so on the basis of prescription 1, prescription 2 removed
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Cang Er Zi, Yi Yi Ren, Huang Lian, Pei Lan, and added Zi Su Zi and
Lai Fu Zi to strengthen the function of descending lung-qi, and
increase the dosage of Fu Ling to increase the function of invigorate
the spleen and promote dampness.

Prescription 3:
At this stage, the patient’s internal heat has been removed, and the
patient still has the slight symptoms of lung-qi reversal, coughing
with sputum. Therefore, based on prescription 2, we removed
Huang Qin and added Xuan Fu Hua to descend lung-qi and
eliminate phlegm, and by adding Tao Ren and Hong Hua to
promote blood circulation, increases the strength to prevent pulmo-
nary fibrosis. Adding Pei Lan invigorates the spleen and resolves

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Generalization of Long COVID

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in

global healthcare problems and strained health resources. At this
moment, the COVID-19 pandemic is still affecting all of us and
remains a challenge for all aspects of life. It is now generally accepted
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that COVID-19 is now recognized as a multi-organ disease with a

broad spectrum of manifestations. Similar to post-acute viral syn-
dromes described in survivors of other virulent coronavirus epidem-
ics, there are increasing reports of persistent and prolonged effects
after acute COVID-19.1 We could tentatively call these prolonged
effects or symptoms as post COVID-19 syndromes. Post COVID-19
syndromes is an umbrella term for the wide range of consequences,
symptoms, feelings, conditions, complaints, or manifestations that
are present after infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes
COVID-19 illness.
It is quite normal that when recovering from COVID-19, patients
could experience some chronic fatigue, weakness, poor appetite,
poor digestion, slight pressure over the chest, headache, insomnia,
low tolerance to exercise, and achiness during recovery. It could take
a while for the body to recoup from that. In some cases, there can be
discovery of some slight or serious damage to the respiratory and
cardiac functions (kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and neurological
system, etc). However, some patients could take a decent amount of
time and energy to feel that they are perfectly back to their normal

Ani Nalbandian, et al. Post-acute COVID-19 syndrome. Nature Medicine. 2021,
27: 601–615.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

state prior to their illness, although they have been following good
advice from the practitioners, taking medications, and being careful
with their diets and emotions. Besides, when a patient tests negative
for COVID-19, or positive for antibodies, it does not necessarily
mean that their symptoms will cease automatically or in a short
period of time.
Persistent symptoms and clinical findings can occur regardless of
the severity of acute COVID-19. It means that post-COVID syndrome
isn’t exclusive to people who went to the hospital or stayed in the
ICU due to severe organ damage during their illness. Post-COVID
syndrome can be seen in people who went to the ER with concerning
symptoms or those who had advanced symptoms that required a
brief hospital stay, but it can also occur in people who had mild
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symptoms and self-treated at home. The important thing to note is

that these are people who might not have required care from a spe-
cialist during their actual illness, may now benefit from specialized
care as these lingering symptoms continue to affect their daily lives.2
Medical and research communities are still learning about these
post-acute symptoms and clinical findings.3 For instance, NIH, US,
launched the initiative in February 2021 to bring together researchers
and scientists to identify the causes of these symptoms and the means
to prevent and treat them.4
Previous SARS follow-up studies have shown that persistent lung
diffusion impairment could last for months or even years. Hence, a
longitudinal study is needed to describe the natural history of lung’s
structural and functional abnormality after COVID-19, and to explore
the effect of these persistent abnormalities on physical function and

Katie McCallum. Post-COVID syndrome: What should you do if you have lingering
COVID-19 symptoms? Houston Methodist on Health. 19 November 2020. https://
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Post-COVID conditions:
Information for healthcare providers. 9 July 2021.
National Institutes of Health (NIH). When-COVID-19-symptoms-linger. 13 August

Generalization of Long COVID

quality of life. Meanwhile, some other sequelae symptoms, such as

fatigue, hair loss, dysfunction of smell and taste, sleeping and emo-
tion, etc., should also be studied. Some authors have carried out the
largest longitudinal cohort study of hospital survivors with COVID-19
so far to describe the dynamic recovery of health consequences
within 12 months after symptom onset. They found that most patients
had a good physical and functional recovery during follow-up, and
the majority of study participants who were employed before
COVID-19 had returned to their original work. The proportion of
patients with at least one sequelae symptom decreased from 68%
(831/1227) at 6 months to 49%(620/1272) at 12 months (p < 0.0001).
The decrease was observed in all three subgroups of patients
with different disease severity (all p < 0.0001). Fatigue or muscle
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weakness was the most commonly reported symptom at both visits,

but the proportion fell from 52%(636/1230) at 6 months to
20%(255/1272) at 12 months (p < 0.0001). Many symptoms signifi-
cantly resolved over time in the total cohort and in all three sub-
groups—e.g., fatigue or muscle weakness, sleep difficulties, hair loss,
smell disorder, and taste disorder (all p < 0.05). The proportion of
patients with dyspnea, characterized by an mMRC score of 1 or
more, slightly increased from 26%(313/1185) at the 6-month visit to
30%(380/1271) at the 12-month visit (p = 0.014). Additionally, more
patients had anxiety or depression (23% [274/1187] at 6 month vs.
26%[331/1271] at 12-month visit, p = 0.015), where mild anxiety or
depression was predominant (Appendix p. 22) and only one patient
visited the psychological department after discharge. The proportion
of patients with 6MWD less than the lower limit of the normal range
was 12%(147/1248) at 12 months, which was statistically lower than
14%(174/1254) at 6 months (p = 0.033). No significant difference in
median 6MWD between 6 months and 12 months was noted. Within
12 months after symptom onset, three of 1,276 patients developed
ischemic stroke, and one patient newly developed stable angina pec-
toris. Sequelae symptoms, lung diffusion impairment, and radio-
graphic abnormalities persisted to 12 months in some patients,
especially in patients who were critically ill during a hospital stay.
In terms of lung function, 128 discharged patients underwent lung

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

CT examinations at 6 months. The examination results showed that

they all had at least one imaging abnormality. After 12 months, the
proportion of moderate and severe patients dropped to 39% and
40%, while the proportion of critically severe patients was still as
high as 87%. The current health status in the COVID-19 cohort was
still lower than that in the control population. To sum up, most
COVID-19 hospital survivors (within a year after acute infection) had
a good physical and functional recovery over time, but their current
health status was still lower than that in the control population. Lung
diffusion impairment and radiographic abnormalities, which attrib-
uted to lung epithelial damage, or interstitial or pulmonary vascular
abnormalities, were still common in critically ill patients at 12
months. Ongoing longitudinal follow-up is needed to better charac-
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terize the natural history and pathogenesis of long-term health con-

sequences of COVID-19. The study has been published in The Lancet
on 28 August, 2021.5
Another recent study, published in EClinical Medicine, The
Lancet on 15 July 2021 has analyzed responses from 3,762 partici-
pants with confirmed (diagnostic/antibody positive; 1,020) or sus-
pected (diagnostic/antibody negative or untested; 2,742) COVID-19
from 56 countries, with illness lasting over 28 days and onset prior to
June 2020. They estimated the prevalence of 203 symptoms in ten
organ systems and traced 66 symptoms over seven months. We
measured the impact on life, work, and return to baseline health.
Their findings: for the majority of respondents (>91%), the time to
recovery exceeded 35 weeks. During their illness, participants expe-
rienced an average of 55.9±25.5 (mean±STD) symptoms, across an
average of 9.1 organ systems. The most frequent symptoms after
month six were fatigue, post-exertional malaise, and cognitive dys-
function. Symptoms varied in their prevalence over time, and we
identified three symptom clusters, each with a characteristic tempo-
ral profile. 85.9% of participants (95% CI, 84.8% to 87.0%)

Lixue Huang, et al. 1-year outcomes in hospital survivors with COVID-19: A
longitudinal cohort study. The Lancet. 2021, 398(10302): 747–758. https://doi.

Generalization of Long COVID

experienced relapses, primarily triggered by exercise, physical or

mental activity, and stress. 86.7%(85.6% to 92.5%) of unrecovered
respondents were experiencing fatigue at the time of survey, compared
to 44.7%(38.5% to 50.5%) of recovered respondents. 1,700 respond-
ents (45.2%) required a reduced work schedule compared to pre-illness,
and an additional 839(22.3%) were not working at the time of survey
due to illness. Cognitive dysfunction or memory issues were common
across all age groups (~88%). Except for the loss of smell and taste, the
prevalence and trajectory of all symptoms were similar between groups
with confirmed and suspected COVID-19. Their interpretation: Patients
with Long-COVID reported prolonged, multisystem involvement and
significant disability. By seven months, many patients have not yet
recovered (mainly from systemic and neurological/cognitive symptoms),
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have not returned to previous levels of work, and continued to experi-

ence significant symptom burden. Overall, these findings suggest that
the morbidity of COVID-19 illness has been greatly overlooked. Patients
experience multisystem symptoms for over seven months, resulting in
significant impact to their lives and livelihoods.6

9.1 Definition
The definite term is not yet completely defined, but it refers that when
the acute phase of COVID-19 is over, some symptoms related to
COVID illness could remain for weeks, months, or longer. At this
moment, there are different terminologies used in the academic envi-
ronment to define these remaining symptoms after COVID-19, such
as post-COVID syndrome,7 post-COVID conditions, Long COVID,8

Hannah E. Davis, et al. Characterizing long COVID in an international cohort: 7
months of symptoms and their impact. The Lancet-EClinical Medicine. 2021, 38,
Daniel Ayoubkhani, et al. Post-covid syndrome in individuals admitted to hospital
with COVID-19: Retrospective cohort study. BMJ. 2021, 372: n693. https://doi.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Long COVID or post-COVID
conditions. Updated 1 September 2021.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

post-acute COVID-19 syndrome,9 post-acute sequelae of SARS-

COV-2 infection (PASC),10 sequelae after COVID-19 infection,11
chronic sequelae of COVID-19,12 Long COVID,13 long-term health
consequences of COVID-19,14 and in Chinese it is called Xin Guan
Fei Yan Hou Yi Zheng (new coronary pneumonia sequelae—新冠肺
In terms of persistence of the post-COVID-19 syndromes,
both CDC and the journal Nature refer to the syndromes beyond
four weeks from the onset of symptoms.15,16
However, from a medical point of view, to assess whether a dis-
ease will have sequelae after it is cured, it usually takes more than six
months after the disease is cured, because the human body has a
certain degree of self-repair. In many cases when the body organs are
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damaged by the disease, after the risk factors are eliminated, the
body can repair itself and then return to normal without any seque-
lae. Probably, this is the reason that many research papers stressed
their investigation of post-COVID after six months.17,18 There are also

Ani Nalbandian, et al. op. cit.
NIH. op. cit.
Jennifer K. Logue, et al. Sequelae in adults at 6 months after COVID-19 infection.
JAMA Network. 2021, 4(2): e210830. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.0830.
Robert J. Rolfe, et al. The emerging chronic sequelae of COVID-19 and implica-
tions for North Carolina. North Carolina Medical Journal. 2021, 82(1): 75–78.
Wikipedia. Long COVID.
Carlos del Rio, et al. Long-term health consequences of COVID-19. JAMA. 2020,
324(17): 1723–1724. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.19719.
Ani Nalbandian, et al. op. cit.
CDC. 9 July 2021. op. cit..
Chaolin Huang, et al. 6-month consequences of COVID-19 in patients discharged
from hospital: A cohort study. The Lancet. 2021, 397(10270): 220–232. https://doi.
Maxime Taquet, et al. 6-month neurological and psychiatric outcomes in 236,379
survivors of COVID-19: A retrospective cohort study using electronic health
records. The Lancet. May 2021, 8(5): 416–427.

Generalization of Long COVID

some research which observed post COVID-19 syndromes only after

two months,19,20 or even nine months.21,22

9.2 Timeline of Post-acute COVID-19

Acute COVID-19 usually lasts for four weeks from the onset of symp-
toms, beyond which replication-competent SARS-CoV-2 has not
been isolated. Post-acute COVID-19 is defined as persistent symp-
toms and/or delayed or long-term complications beyond four weeks
from the onset of symptoms.23
The pandemic of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has
provoked a second pandemic, the “long-haulers”, i.e., individuals
presenting with post-COVID symptoms. We propose that to deter-
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mine the presence of post-COVID symptoms, symptoms should

appear after the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, this
situation faced some problems since not all people infected by SARS-
CoV-2 receive such diagnosis.
Based on the relapsing/remitting nature of post-COVID symp-
toms, some authors proposed the following integrative classifica-
tions: potentially infection-related symptoms (up to four to five
weeks), acute post-COVID symptoms (from week 5 to week 12),
long post-COVID symptoms (from week 12 to week 24), and persis-
tent post-COVID symptoms (lasting more than 24 weeks).
It can be seen from the above figure that the period immedi-
ately after the acute phase is called the post-acute period, including
post-subacute COVID-19 from week 5 till week 12, and post

Mardani Masoud. Post COVID syndrome. Arch. Clin. Infect. Dis. 2020, 15:
e108819. doi: 10.5812/archcid.108819.
Colin Clapson. Over a fifth of corona patients have symptoms two months on. 8 November 2020.
Jennifer K. Logue, et al. op. cit.
Berkeley Lovelace Jr. Dr. Fauci says new data suggests “Long” Covid symptoms can
last up to 9 months. CNBC. 24 February 2021.
Ani Nalbandian, et al. op. cit.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

chronic COVID-19 syndromes, from week 13 up till 6 months or

In the absence of agreed definitions, however, some authors even
define post-acute COVID-19 as extending beyond three weeks from
the onset of first symptoms.25
This timeline is very important to determine the principles of
TCM treatment. During the acute phase of COVID-19, the treat-
ment focuses on the elimination of pathogenic factors and supports
the Zheng-qi as well as protects the zang-fu organs. But when it is
in the post-acute phase, no matter post subacute COVID-19 or post
chronic COVID-19, the treatment attention will be different from
that in the acute phase since both clinical symptoms and their
pathogenesis have been changed. There could be some remaining
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external pathogenic factors, but the main issues and focuses will be
harmonizing the zang-fu organs, rebalancing the qi, blood, yin,
and yang. There could be a slight difference in treatment for the
phase of post subacute COVID-19 and post chronic COVID-19
because the underlying ethology, pathology, and treatment are not
the same.
It is believed in TCM that the longer a disease or some symp-
toms last, the more complicated pathology will be. The purposes of
TCM treatment will examine the patients based upon eight princi-
ples, differentiation of six channels, San Jiao and wei, qi, ying, and
xue systems to find out the mechanisms and finally help the

César Fernández-de-las-Peñas, et al. Defining post-COVID symptoms (post-acute
COVID, long COVID, persistent post-COVID): An integrative classification. Int J
Environ Res Public Health. 2021, 18(5): 2621. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18052621.
Trisha Greenhalgh, et al. Management of post-acute COVID-19 in primary care.
BMJ. 2020, 370.

Generalization of Long COVID

9.3 Percentage of Post-acute COVID-19

As far as the percentage of post-COVID syndromes goes, one cohort
of individuals with a total of 234 participants show that the study fol-
lowed up for as long as nine months after illness, with approximately
30% reporting post-COVID symptoms. Overall, 11(6.2%) were
asymptomatic, 150(84.7%) were outpatients with mild illness, and
16(9.0%) had moderate or severe disease requiring hospitalization.
Hypertension was the most common comorbidity (23[13.0%]).
Among participants, it was reported by 17 of 64 patients (26.6%)
aged 18 to 39 years, 25 of 83 patients (30.1%) aged 40 to 64 years,
and 13 of 30 patients (43.3%) aged 65 years and older. Overall, there
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were 49 of 150 outpatients (32.7%), 5 of 16 hospitalized patients

(31.3%), and 1 of 21 healthy participants (4.8%) in the control
group.26 It can be also observed that the patients above 40 were
mostly involved with post-COVID syndromes.
A bidirectional cohort study of patients with confirmed COVID-
19 who had been discharged six months later from Jin Yin-tan
Hospital (Wuhan, China) between 7 January 2020, and 29 May 2020
was conducted. 76% of patients (1,265 of 1,655) reported at least
one symptom at follow-up and a higher percentage was observed in
women. Patients who died before follow-up, patients whom follow-
up would be difficult because of psychotic disorders, dementia, or
re-admission to hospital, those who were unable to move freely due
to concomitant osteoarthropathy or immobile before or after dis-
charge due to diseases such as stroke or pulmonary embolism, those
who declined to participate, those who could not be contacted, and
those living outside of Wuhan or in nursing or welfare homes were
all excluded. All patients were interviewed with a series of question-
naires for evaluation of symptoms and health-related quality of life,
underwent physical examinations and a six-minute walking test, and
received blood tests. A stratified sampling procedure was used to
sample patients according to their highest seven-category scale

Jennifer K. Logue, et al. op. cit.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

during their hospital stay (as 3, 4, and 5–6), to receive pulmonary

function test, high-resolution CT of the chest, and ultrasonography.
Enrolled patients who had participated in the Lopinavir Trial for
Suppression of SARS-CoV-2 in China received severe acute respira-
tory syndrome coronavirus 2 antibody tests. Multivariable adjusted
linear or logistic regression models were used to evaluate the
association between disease severity and long-term health
A study published in The Lancet Psychiatry journal reported that
amongst 236,379 patients diagnosed with COVID-19, the estimated
incidence of a neurological or psychiatric diagnosis in the following
six months was 33.62%(95% CI 33.17–34.07) Almost 13% of these
patients had never received a neurological or psychiatric diagnosis
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It can be seen from above that the percentage of the post-COVID
syndrome is around 30% to 34%, six to nine months after the first
onset of illness of COVID-19.

9.4 Symptoms
American CDC listed the following symptoms as post COVID
conditions,29 including:

• tiredness or fatigue
• difficulty thinking or concentrating (sometimes referred to as
“brain fog”)
• headache
• loss of smell or taste
• dizziness on standing
• fast-beating or pounding heart (also known as heart palpitations)

Chaolin Huang, et al. op. cit.
Maxime Taquet, et al. May 2021. op. cit.
CDC. Updated 1 September 2021. op. cit.

Generalization of Long COVID

• chest pain
• difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• cough
• joint or muscle pain
• depression or anxiety
• fever
• symptoms that get worse after physical or mental activities

In the waning phase of the pandemic, beginning on 21 April 2020,

the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS in
Rome, Italy, established a post-acute outpatient service for individu-
als discharged from the hospital after recovery from COVID-19. All
patients who met the World Health Organization criteria for discon-
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tinuation of quarantine (no fever for three consecutive days,

improvement in other symptoms, and two negative test results for
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2] 24
hours apart) were followed up. At enrollment in the study, real-time
reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction for SARS-CoV-2
was performed and patients with a negative test result were
It could be concluded that there is a big chance that severity of
the symptoms during the acute phase of COVID-19 is almost propor-
tional to the severity of the symptoms during the post COVID-19
A Chinese team carried out probably the largest cohort study
with the longest follow-up duration assessing the health conse-
quences of adult patients discharged from hospital and are recover-
ing from COVID-19.
In total, 1,733 of 2,469 discharged patients (between 7 January
2020 and 29 May 2020) with COVID-19 were enrolled after 736
were excluded. It was found that 76% of patients (1,265 of 1,655)
reported at least one symptom at follow-up and a higher percentage

Angelo Carfì, et al. Persistent symptoms in patients after acute COVID-19. JAMA.

2020, 324(6): 603–605. doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.12603.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

was observed in women (Appendix, pp. 10–11). The risk of present-

ing at least one symptom among participants with scale 5–6 was
higher than those with scale 3 (OR 2.42, 95% CI 1.15–5.08). The
most common symptoms after discharge were fatigue or muscle
weakness (1,038[63%] of 1,655) and sleep difficulties (437[26%] of
1,655; Table 2). The risk of an mMRC score greater than 1 was signifi-
cantly higher in participants with scale 5–6 than those with scale 3
(OR 2.15, 95% CI 1.28–3.59). Full details of the EQ-5D-5L question-
naire are presented in the appendix (pp. 12–13). Participants with
scale 5–6 had more problems in mobility, pain or discomfort, and
anxiety or depression as compared to those with scale 3 (all p < 0.05;
Table 2). 23%(367 of 1617) of participants reported anxiety or
depression at follow-up, which was more common in women
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(Appendix, pp. 10–11). Compared with participants with scale 3,

participants with scale 5–6 presented with shorter walking distance
in meters in six minutes (479.0, IQR 434.0–515.5 vs 495.0, 446.0–
542.0) and a higher proportion of less than the lower limit of the
normal range (LLN). However, no significant difference was observed
for participants with scale 4. The proportion of patients with a median
six minutes walking distance less than LLN was 24%(103 of 423) for
scale 3, 22%(255 of 1153) for scale 4, and 29%(34 of 116) for scale
5–6. They also have found that fatigue or muscle weakness, sleep
difficulties, and anxiety or depression were common, even at six
months after symptom onset.31
In terms of the situation in Belgium, one of the findings of a joint
survey by the University of Hasselt, the Dutch Knowledge Centre
Ciro, Maastricht University and the Dutch Lung Foundation.
Longfonds published on Saturday, 3 October 2020 says that
close to six months after being infected with the new coronavirus
(COVID-19), more than one in two patients in Belgium and the
Netherlands still have six or more health complaints. Questionnaires
were sent to 1,005 Belgian and Dutch patients who contracted the
virus. Six months after they were infected, just 5% of patients said
they no longer felt any symptoms. On the other hand, 91% said they

Chaolin Huang, et al. op. cit.

Generalization of Long COVID

still had more than one symptom. The vast majority (86%) were still
very tired 165 days after their first symptoms, while 59% still expe-
rienced shortness of breath. 36% often felt pressure on their chests,
35% had headaches, and 40% experienced muscle pain. The over-
whelming majority, 94%, were not hospitalized for COVID-19 and
only had light symptoms. These were relatively young people, with
an average age of 48 years. About 86% of respondents said they had
been in good health before their infection and 61% said they had
not had any chronic illness before.32 Again, in Belgium, a study,
published on 28 February 2021 and carried out by Hasselt University
together with three other institutions has confirmed the phenome-
non, in which some 30% of people who contracted COVID-19 but
did not have to be hospitalized continue to feel ill months later.
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Doctors have been hearing complaints from patients regarding long-

term effects from the virus. The 210 patients questioned varied in
ages, the average age of the group was 44. None had underlying
causes. Nearly one in three is still sick three months later to the
extent that they cannot work or need help to get through daily
Besides the symptoms mentioned above, there are a lot of mani-
festations related to post-COVID syndromes, such as sleep disorder,
hair loss, paralysis, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, addiction to alcohol
or drugs, as well as skin rashes, including vesicular, maculopapular,
urticarial, or chilblain-like lesions on the extremities (so-called
COVID toe), etc. Moreover, the damage that occurred during the
application of some therapeutic devices or drugs is also included in
the post COVID-19 syndromes. For instance, there is some possible

Coronavirus health challenges persist six months after infection. The Brussels
Times. Updated 3 October 2020.
Coronavirus in Belgium: Your general questions answered. The Bulletin, Updated
28 February 2021.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

physical damage caused by intensive and persistent use of ventilators

and sedatives in ICU patients.
Another obvious fact is that there are likely to be tens of thou-
sands of Long COVID patients suffering in silence, sure or unsure that
their symptoms, brain fog to night sweats, are connected to Long
COVID-19. The largest peer-reviewed international study of “long-
haulers” has found that there are more than 200 symptoms associ-
ated with Long COVID, spanning ten organ systems. Published on
Thursday 15 July 2021 in The Lancet’s open-access journal EClinical
Medicine, the study surveyed nearly 3,800 people online, from
56 countries, with confirmed or suspected Long COVID. The vast
majority of participants in the study also suffered relapses of their
symptoms, with about 52% saying those relapses occurred in an
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“irregular pattern” and in response to a specific trigger, such as physi-

cal or mental activity and stress. About a third of those surveyed who
menstruate also said they experienced a relapse in symptoms before
or during menstruation.34
The plethora of symptoms affecting multiple systems exhibited by
post-COVID syndromes suggests the presence of different underlying
mechanisms. Classification of post-COVID syndromes according to
different systems are another method, including

9.4.1 Damage to the lungs

They are mainly manifested as shortness of breath when the walking/
running pace is fast, unable to exercise normally, and even unable
to return to previous work. The possible reason could be due to
severe lung infections, which developed into pulmonary fibrosis.
Some severely ill patients will develop lung fibers after they
are cured, which affects their daily lives. In the late stage, lung
transplantation is the only option. Moreover, there is currently no
specific medicine for pulmonary fibrosis, and the condition is

Hannah E. Davis, et al. op. cit.

Generalization of Long COVID

9.4.2 Damage to liver and kidney

It has been pointed out that if people with pre-existing liver diseases
like chronic Liver disease, cirrhosis, or related complications contract
the SARS-CoV-2 virus, they are at a high risk of complications and
fatalities. But this virus itself is a potential cause of liver injury as it
causes inflammatory reactions impacting the generalized immunity
adversely. The inflammation can cause complications to the heart,
liver, and lungs. In case of impact on the lungs, if there is no underly-
ing long-standing liver damage, then the inflammatory reaction due
to COVID is usually mild. Several studies show an association
between liver damage and some of the medications that doctors are
using to treat COVID-19. This is especially true in the case of a drug
called Tocilizumab.35
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Researchers at the Yale Liver Centre in New Haven, CT, analyzed

liver tests from 1,827 patients with COVID-19. All patients were
admitted to Yale-New Haven Health hospitals between 14 March and
23 April 2020. These tests measure levels of enzymes that the liver
releases into the bloodstream when it sustains damage. An analysis
of data from China suggests that around 15% of hospitalized
COVID-19 patients had abnormal liver test results. However,
42–67% of the patients in the Yale study had abnormal tests upon
admission to the hospital, depending on which of two enzymes the
tests measured. During hospitalization, these figures rose to 62% and
83%, respectively.36
It is not abnormal and not the first time that a virus mainly involv-
ing the respiratory tract can also involve the kidney, as it has been
already reported during the SARS epidemic in 2003. Studies have
pointed out that kidney damage is common in people with new

Sushmita Panda. COVID-19 potential cause of liver injury. The Sunday Guardian
Live. Updated 17 April 2021.
James Kingsland. COVID-19 liver damage may be more common than previously
thought. The Medical News Today. Updated 12 August 2020. https://www.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

COVID-19 infections. The paper Caution on Kidney Dysfunctions of

2019-nCoV Patients mentions that 2019-nCoV shares a common
cellular mechanism with the severe acute respiratory syndrome-
associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). They surveyed a previous retro-
spective case study on SARS which showed that acute renal
impairment was uncommon in SARS but carried formidably high
mortality rate (91.7%, 33 of 36 cases). Here we report an ongoing
case study on kidney functions in 59 patients infected by 2019-nCoV
(including 28 diagnosed as severe cases and three deaths). 63%
(32/51) of the patients exhibited proteinuria, indicative of renal
impairment. 19% (11/59) and 27% (16/59) of the patients had an
elevated level of plasma creatinine and urea nitrogen respectively.
The computerized tomography (CT) scan showed radiographic
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abnormalities of the kidneys in 100% (27/27) of the patients.

Together, these multiple lines of evidence point to the idea that renal
impairment is common in 2019-nCov patients, which may be one of
the major causes of the illness by the virus infection and may con-
tribute to multi-organ failure and death eventually.37
The incidence of acute kidney injury in patients with COVID-19
infection is about 3–15%; and in patients with severe infection
requiring care in the intensive care unit, the rates of acute kidney
injury increased significantly from 15% to 50%. Acute kidney injury
is an independent risk factor for mortality in COVID-19 patients.38
Renal failure is a more important issue, which could greatly
increase the mortality rate of patients who need dialysis. When the
respiratory function is impaired, oxygen exchange is blocked, other
organs will be hypoxic, and the kidneys, which are particularly sensi-
tive to oxygen, often suffer severe functional damage. On the other

Zhen Li, et al. Caution on kidney dysfunctions of 2019-nCoV patients. The
Medrxiv. Updated 12 February 2020.
Sreedhar Adapa, et al. COVID-19 and renal failure: challenges in the delivery of
renal replacement therapy. J Clin Med Res. 2020, 12(5): 276–285. doi: 10.14740/

Generalization of Long COVID

hand, renal failure could also cause respiratory problem.39 Other

main reasons for acute renal failure include dehydration, lack of
nutrition, insufficient water intake, and low effective blood volume,
which makes the kidneys more susceptible to damage. In addition,
cytokine storms, use of some medications, or hypotension, etc. can
all cause renal failure. If this renal sequelae cannot recover within
three months, long-term dialysis is required.

9.4.3 Damage to the brain

In addition to the lungs, liver, and kidneys, studies have also found
that many recovered patients have very serious central nervous sys-
tem sequelae. The neurological study of Huazhong University of
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Science and Technology on hospitalized patients with new coronary

pneumonia showed that more than 30% of the 214 patients had
neurological symptoms, which were manifested in three categories:
One is central nervous system symptoms such as headache, dizzi-
ness, disturbance of consciousness, acute cerebrovascular disease,
epilepsy, and loss of memory, etc. The second is the symptoms of the
peripheral nervous system, such as decreased sense of taste,
decreased sense of smell, and neuralgia etc. The third is skeletal
muscle injury.

9.4.4 Damage to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular

Complications will be more serious for patients with new coronary
disease who have been in the ICU, especially those who have been
on a ventilator. They are likely to have problems with their lungs,
brain, and heart in the future. Thrombosis may also occur, leading
to cerebral infarction, pulmonary infarction, and myocardial

Rajit K. Basu, et al. Kidney–Lung cross-talk and acute kidney injury. Pediatric

Nephrology. 2013, 28: 2239–2248.


The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

9.4.5 Damage to gastrointestinal and skin

The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University was informed
that the team of Professor Lan Ping of the hospital published a study
on “gastrointestinal sequelae 90 days after discharge from the hospi-
tal in patients with neo-coronary pneumonia” in the sub-journal
Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology of The Lancet. Studies have
found that patients with new coronary pneumonia generally have
gastrointestinal sequelae after discharge, including anorexia, nausea,
acid reflux and diarrhea. The severity of the disease during hospitali-
zation was not associated with gastrointestinal sequelae after dis-
charge. The new coronavirus symptom research team at King’s
College London collected information on nearly 12,000 patients
with suspected or confirmed new coronavirus and skin rashes
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through online surveys. It was found that among the respondents

who tested positive for the new coronavirus, 17% had skin rash as
the first symptom, and 21% had skin rash as the only symptom.
Meanwhile, the following summarizations could be presented
when facing a post COVID-19 syndrome.

• The manifestation of post-COVID syndrome is not proportional to

the severity of symptoms and age.
• The time of the appearance of post-COVID syndrome is not pro-
portional to the severity of symptoms.
• Even if the symptoms are mild or even recovered, there will be
post-COVID syndrome.
• Most patients can have more than two symptoms at the same
• The damage could be discovered very late, or even undetected
at all.

9.5 Treatment in Modern Medicine

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), US, points out
that post-COVID conditions also can include the longer-term effects
of COVID-19 treatment or hospitalization. Some of these longer-term

Generalization of Long COVID

effects are like those related to hospitalization for other respiratory

infections or other conditions. Effects of COVID-19 treatment
and hospitalization can also include post-intensive care syndrome
(PICS), which refers to health effects that remain after a severe illness.
These effects can include weakness and post-traumatic stress disor-
der (PTSD). PTSD involves long-term reactions to a very stressful
Understanding, support, and reassurance from primary care are
crucial components of rehabilitation management. T Greenhalgh has
discussed the procedures to deal with post-COVID syndrome on the

After excluding serious ongoing complications or comorbidities,

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and until the results of long-term follow-up studies are available,

patients should be managed pragmatically and symptomatically
with an emphasis on holistic support while avoiding over-investi-
gation.41 Fever, for example, may be treated symptomatically with
paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Monitoring
functional status in post-acute COVID-19 patients is not yet an
exact science. A post COVID-19 functional status scale has been
developed pragmatically but not formally validated,42 though a
simplified version of this is reproduced in the supplementary
Referral to a specialist rehabilitation service does not seem to be
needed for most patients, who can expect a gradual, if sometimes
protracted, improvement in energy levels and breathlessness, aided
by careful pacing, prioritization, and modest goal setting. In our
experience, most but not all patients who were not admitted to the

CDC. Updated 1 September 2021. op. cit.
Gemelli Against COVID-19 Post-Acute Care Study Group. Post-COVID-19 global
health strategies: The need for an interdisciplinary approach. Aging Clin Exp Res.
2020, 32(8): 1613–1620. doi: 10.1007/s40520-020-01616-x pmid:32529595.
Klok FA, et al. The post-COVID-19 functional status scale: A tool to measure func-
tional status over time after COVID-19. Eur Respir J. 2020, 56: 2001494. doi:
10.1183/13993003.01494-2020 pmid:32398306.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

hospital recover well with four to six weeks of light aerobic exercise
(such as walking or pilates), gradually increasing in intensity to toler-
able levels. Those returning to employment may need support to
negotiate a phased return.43

9.6 General TCM Aspects of Post COVID-19

9.6.1 TCM views on conventional medical managements
• The effectiveness of home isolation and symptomatic treatment
after confirmation of COVID-19.
• The guidance of TCM in theory and practice.
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• The limitations of TCM symptomatic treatment.

• Possibility of integration of Chinese and Western medicine.

9.6.2 Pathogenesis
• Damage to the lungs

 The lung controls the qi.

 The lung disperses the qi and descends the qi.
 The main propaganda and subduing.
 The lung opens into the skin.
 This is the upper source of water.
 The lung reacts as the Prime Minister in the body.
 The lung restricts the liver, being the Mother organ of the kidney.

• Effect on qi and blood

 The lung influences the production, distribution, and circulation

of qi and blood.

Trisha Greenhalgh, et al. op. cit.

Generalization of Long COVID

• Damage to the organ and tissue

 The pathogenic changes could cause damage to different zang-

fu organs, meridians, tissues, and five sense organs.

9.6.3 Pathogenic features of post-COVID syndromes

• Incomplete elimination of external pathogenic factors.
• Latent pathogenic factors in the body.
• Damage to the zang-fu organs.
• Obstruction of qi and blood circulation.
• Disharmony of the meridians.
• Disturbance to the heart and shen.
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9.6.4 Principle of treatment

• Strengthen the zheng-qi and eliminate the pathogens.
• Adjust zang-fu organs.
• Benefit the qi and blood.
• Smooth the meridians.
• Regulate the heart and calm the shen.

9.6.5 Treatment focus

• Treatment based on syndrome differentiation is the foundation of
• Treatment to restore the physiological functions of the lung in dis-
persing and descending is the core of the treatment.
• The interaction of five elements should be taken into account.
• The preventive intervention of treatment should be emphasized.
• A combination of herbal treatment and acupuncture and moxibus-
tion is encouraged.

9.6.6 Precautions of the herbal treatment

• Personalized prescription is advised.
• Be careful in using a fixed and standard prescription.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Prescriptions should be modified according to the reaction of the

• Climate, geographical location, and disease at different stages
should be analyzed.
• Eliminating the pathogenic factors is the main purpose.
• Avoid overly big prescriptions with the various directions of

9.6.7 Precautions of the acupuncture treatment

• Application of eight confluence points should be emphasized.
• Frequently using yuan-source, front-mu, and back-shu points.
• Skillfully understanding the five-shu theory and their indications.
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• The points to calm the shen should be added.

• Attention should be paid to needle manipulations.

Meridian Palpation Treatment for
COVID-19 and Long COVID Conditions

Meridian palpation is a differential system based on theories from the

Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor’s inner classic), Shang Han Lun
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(Discussion of cold-induced disorders) and Nan Jing (Classic of

Difficulties), by introducing a quantitative rating method in palpation
on points of different meridians to enable precise evaluation on the
different degree of connection between different meridians and the
key pathology of the patient’s main condition. Through clinical expe-
rience, this method of differentiation greatly improves clinical results
and deepens the practitioner’s understanding of the pathology of the
disease. It is especially helpful when treating acute emergency or
complex and stubborn conditions, for example those presenting
with a mixture of exterior and interior, deficiency and excess, and
cold and heat pathology. COVID-19, both at its acute and the Long-
COVID stage, provides a perfect live example.

10.1 Method of the Meridian Palpation

In this method a numerical rating system is used to assess the merid-
ians and obtain differentiation based on the rating of the assessment.
The method requires that the therapist applies an even pressure to
points along the meridian pathways on both sides of the body, usu-
ally the five shu-stream points and other characteristic points rele-
vant to the specific condition of the patient. The points are given by

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

the patient a numerical rating from 0 to 10 according to their sensi-

tivity to pressure. The higher the number is, the more pronounced
the pathology association with the meridian in question will be.
Pathology is differentiated between the left and right side of the
body. The general rules for differentiation are as follows: higher/
stronger signs on the left side of the body are the indication of the
differentiation for yin, blood, cold, damp and phlegm; the right side
of the body are the indication of the differentiation for yang, qi and
heat and fire. In addition, hollowness indicates deficiency, while
tightness and puffiness indicate excess and stagnation. Following
this quantitative rating, the meridian/s that is most associated with
the presenting pathology can be identified and the illness can be
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10.2 Application of Meridian Palpation in

COVID-19 Setting
10.2.1 Interrogation
It is useful to find as much information as possible on the affected
meridians related to the presenting major symptoms. To achieve this
efficiently, we suggest focusing on the following three major aspects. Location of the relevant main symptom

The body location where the main symptom presents strongly implies
the possible problematic meridian. The meridians passing the rele-
vant location both superficially and interiorly need to be examined. Features and characteristic patterns of the symptom

This includes information related to five-element connections: spe-
cific onset time associated with aggravation and relief, circumstance
for aggravation and relief, preference to warmth or cold, rest or exer-
cises, reaction to pressure, difference between day and night on spe-
cific symptoms, or body temperature and sweat, or pain and so on.

Meridian Palpation Treatment for COVID-19 & Long COVID Conditions Information associated with constitution

and overall, eight principle differential diagnosis
The interrogation therefore shall be extensive to include questions to
cover both the states of the six yin organs, and the symptoms related
to six yang meridians. Only by a thorough interrogation, can we pro-
pose a complete list of meridians for palpation.

10.2.2 Pulse reading

It is to follow the conventional method.

10.2.3 Tongue reading

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It is to follow the conventional method.

10.2.4 Inspection of body surface and meridians

It is to inspect the skin changes: color, heap or dip on the affected
area and the pathway of relevant meridians. Different colors indicate
different nature of illness. White or pale color implies deficiency of
blood and qi, red the heat or fire, blue or purple the stagnation of qi
or blood. Dip of surface implies the deficiency. Heap of surface
implies the excess.

10.2.5 Touching/sensing
It is to touch by checking temperature, sensing texture along the
meridians. Sensation by touch can help enforce the understanding of
the changes in the local area/meridian. A cold sensation indicates the
cold accumulated in the relevant area/meridian, while hot sensation
shows the heat stagnation. Puffiness is usually a sign for damp and
phlegm accumulation—the thicker, the more severe. Wetness or
clamminess indicates the damp or qi deficiency. Smooth and delicate
sensation on the surface point, like the Yuan-source point, is usually
a sign for deficiency of the relevant yin meridians.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

10.2.6 Palpation
It is to sense, by pressing into the points, the resistance and pains,
and hollowness of the relevant affected meridian. Take note of the
ratings on the sensitivity and hollowness upon pressure on the points
if applicable. Rating of pain/sensitivity upon pressure

By applying a standard pressure on the meridian to pick up the most
painful/sensitive one point on each meridian, we can then ask the
patient to rate the sensitivity by number between 0 (no pain) and
10 (most painful), note down in a form of “n/10”, and take down the
nature of pain upon pressure if applicable.
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• A sharp, stabbing pain indicates excess, such as qi stagnation, fire,

phlegm, damp, blood stasis, blood heat, or heat-dominated yin
• An ache or bruised pain indicates deficiency, especially blood
deficiency and yin deficiency, or some cases of qi deficiency or
yang deficiency. But severe qi and yang deficiency do not usually
present any tenderness or pain, often only with hollowness.
• A bruised pain mixed with sharp pain indicates a mixture of defi-
ciency and excess, very common in clinical signs. Rating of hollowness upon pressure

Level of hollowness on the meridian pathway indicates the level of
deficiency on relevant meridians/organs. It is often noted in the form
of “+”, from 1 “+” to 3 “+” s. Changes of meridian hollowness
includes the following aspects.

• The opening of the meridian point or the pathway of the meridian

becomes widened. In general, the normal diameter of point
or width of the meridian path are not wider than the width of
an index fingertip. If it is wider than an index fingertip, it is then

Meridian Palpation Treatment for COVID-19 & Long COVID Conditions

considered as deficiency. Wider or hollower points on the left side

is more of yin and blood deficiency, while the right is more of qi
and yang deficiency.
• A dippy or empty meridian path or wide point is rated into three
levels, to be noted by “+”.

 +: feels like balloon filled with water, normal.

 ++: feels like play-dough, medium deficiency.
 +++: feels like marshmallow, severe deficiency.

10.2.7 Differential diagnosis by meridian palpation

Meridian palpation differentiation is based on the following
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• The left body indicates pathology associated with yin and blood,
including yin deficiency, blood deficiency or stasis, or cold and
• The right body indicates pathology associated with yang and qi,
including yang deficiency, qi deficiency or stagnation, or heat and
• Skin that feels hot to the touch indicates heat; skin that feels cold
indicates cold.
• A point that feels hollow/empty to the touch indicates deficiency;
a point that is tight and solid indicates excess and stagnation.
• A point that feels puffy or swollen to the touch indicates damp or
• A sharp pain indicates blockage or stagnation, and excess, like qi
stagnation, fire, phlegm, damp, blood stasis, blood heat etc.
• A bruised or dull ache is a sign for deficiency, like blood defi-
ciency, qi deficiency, or yang deficiency.
• Severe qi or yang deficiency usually presents only hollowness.
• There could be a mixture of all different signs in reality. Signs of
both deficiency and excess may be seen at the same time on one

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

10.2.8 Test treatment, conclusion, and formal treatment

By comparing the palpation result between the two sides of body and
between different meridians, and by applying the differentiation prin-
ciple introduced above, we can distinguish the relevance of different
meridians to the pathology of the key symptom, to specify the dif-
ferentiation on the cold-heat, deficiency-excess pattern. In principle,
the higher the meridian is rated, the closer relevance it may be to the
key pathology. The relevant meridian and points are therefore
referred to as the target for treatment, from which it takes us to the
next important step: test treatment.
Test treatment is not only a method of treatment but a key method
for precise diagnosis. It is to apply acupressure with circular massage
in a certain direction, guided by the following four principles on
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point decision to gain a more in-depth analysis for the final treat-
ment. This is especially useful when there is a complicated condition
involving multiple sensitized meridians. It particularly works well in
the case that the improvement of a patient’s key symptom can be
quantitatively measured on site.

10.2.9 Final treatment

Finally, the points that can relieve the symptom with immediate effect
through test treatment, are believed to be the closely related ones in
association with the pathology of the presenting symptom and are the
points to be used for further formal treatment. The differentiation of the
condition is thereafter derived from the same result, so is the treatment
principle by means of needles, acupoint massage, Guasha, moxibus-
tion or herbal remedy whichever is convenient and applicable.

10.3 Strategy of Meridian Selection and Point

Test treatment serves as the core step of meridian palpation diagno-
sis, as it provides us with an efficient approach for a precise answer
to the direct cause of the key symptoms and promises immediate and
effective results from the treatment. Here is a list of points

Meridian Palpation Treatment for COVID-19 & Long COVID Conditions

recommended for meridian palpation check, which are most often

sensitized according to the clinical observation.

On six yang meridians:

• Bladder meridian: Points from Kunlun BL-60 to Shugu BL-65.

• Gallbladder meridian: Points from Zulinqi GB-41 to Xiaxi GB-43,
sometimes Qiuxu GB-40, Yanglingquan GB-34.
• Stomach meridian: Points from Chongyang ST-42 to Neiting ST-44,
sometimes Zusanli ST-36, Shangjuxu ST-37, Fenglong ST-40.
• San Jiao meridian: Points from Waiguan SJ-5, Yemen SJ-2 to
Zhongzhu SJ-3.
• Large intestine meridian: Points from Quchi L.I.-11, Sanjian L.I.-3
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to Hegu L.I.-4, sometime Shousanli L.I.-10.

• Small intestine meridian: Points from Houxi SI-3 to Yanglao SI-6.

On six yin meridians:

• Liver meridian: Points from Xingjian LIV-2 to Taichong LIV-3,

Ququan LIV-8, sometimes Ligou LIV-5.
• Spleen meridian: Points from Taibai SP-3 to Gongsun SP-4,
Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Xuehai SP-10.
• Kidney meridian: Points from Rangu KID-2 to Zhaohai KID-6,
Yingu KID-10.
• Lung meridian: Points from Chize LU-5 to Yuji LU-10, sometimes
Taiyuan LU-9, Lieque LU-7.
• Heart meridian: Points from Shaohai HE-3, Tongli HE-5 to Shaofu
• Pericardium meridian: Points from Quze P-3, Neiguan P-6 to
Laogong P-8.
• On secondary pathology: Points from Yinlingquan SP-9, Xuehai
SP-10, Fenglong ST-40 to Sanyinjiao SP-6, sometimes Geshu BL-17.

10.3.1 Procedure of test treatment and the point decision

In meridian palpation treatment, the conclusive diagnosis is based on
the rating result. In general, the highest rated meridian is believed to

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

be in highest relevance to the key pathology of the patient’s main con-

dition. However, in many complicated cases especially with multiple
complaints, the highest rated meridian may not be in line with the
prime symptom presented. Upon this, the test treatment can provide a
more in-depth interpretation on the ratings and provide a better
approach for a precise diagnosis. The basic rules for testing by acu-
pressure method is to apply clockwise massage for reducing effect and
anti-clockwise massage for strengthening effect. Clockwise massage
often applies to conditions of most exterior patterns in yang meridians
and excessive patterns in yin meridians. Anti-clockwise massage
applies to conditions of interior deficiency with most yin meridians
and a few of the yang meridians with nutritive qi deficiency.
To start with the test, we usually select the point on the highest
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rated meridian to test its effect by doing circular massage in a specific

direction according to the presumed differential diagnosis from the
initial palpation rating. After massaging the point, ask the patient to
report if there is a change in the targeted symptom. Note down the
outcome then move on to the second highest rated meridian for
the test, repeat the process until the symptom is fully alleviated by the
test, or until tests on all possible meridians are completed. A quantita-
tive measurement on the improvement of symptoms is strongly rec-
ommended to achieve a precise differentiation efficiently. Here is an
example. A patient with Long-COVID presents chest pain and short-
ness of breath. From meridian palpation, Zulinqi GB-41 on the left is
rated 9/10 (implying exterior cold stuck in Gallbladder meridian),
Kunlun BL-60 on the left is also 9/10 (implying exterior cold stuck in
bladder meridian), Xiangu ST-43 on the right is 8/10 (implying some
heat buildup in stomach meridian). It will be very useful if we can
choose the accurate meridian(s) for treatment with higher precision,
on which the test treatment is valuable to pin-point the target for final
treatment. Prior to the start of the test treatment, ask the patient to rate
and take down the level of chest pain and shortness of breath by a
number out of 10 (in a form of “n/10”, pain 8/10, breathing 9/10).
Then apply clockwise massage (as a reducing method) on the sensi-
tized point of each meridian by 50 circles respectively on bladder,
gallbladder and stomach meridian. After massaging each point, ask

Meridian Palpation Treatment for COVID-19 & Long COVID Conditions

the patient to measure the chest pain level and difficulty level of
breathing and note down the number by 1–10. The result with a con-
firmed reduction of measurement number on symptoms is deemed as
effective. In the end, Zulinqi GB-41 is the most effective point to
relieve the both symptoms by dropping the pain to 4/10 and breathing
to 3/10, Xiangu ST-43 helps some chest pain by dropping to 1/10,
while Kunlun BL-60 holds the least effect for both symptoms. We then
decide to use GB and ST meridians as the treatment target despite
bladder meridian showing a highest rating.

10.3.2 The four main principles for point selection

on test treatment
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The purpose of test treatment is to provide a shifting approach in

order to precisely allocate the meridian in direct relevance to the
pathology of the presented symptom. These four principles in test
treatment are to be followed as below. Principle 1: No pain, no treatment

The highly sensitive point is usually the most efficient point for diag-
nosis as well as treatment. For most cases, select the highest rated
point(s) to start with the test treatment. However, this principle must
apply only to the most relevant point in pathology. Sometimes
the less sensitive meridian point may be selected, in the case that the
highest rated point does not show significant effect. Obviously, the
latter can only be applied after testing on the highest one initially.
Reducing or enforcing methods are applied for points accordingly in
association with differentiation of the symptom. Principle 2: No hollowness, no treatment

This principle applies mainly to the hollowness of the six yin meridians.
However, in some chronic and relapsing cases the yang meridians
may be included too. Rating of “++” and above is deemed as the posi-
tive sign for diagnosis of deficiency. Only select the point with positive

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

“++” and above that is believed in direct relation to the pathology of

the targeted symptom. The hollowness and high sensitivity on one
point may present together (for example yin deficiency) although they
shall be separately considered. In many cases, this principle is in con-
cert with principle 4: “If there is no effect on sensitized point, balance
on its coupled meridian”. This refers to a situation when testing on the
yang meridian does not show satisfactory results, turning to its corre-
sponding yin meridian may secure a better effect. Method on the hol-
low point usually is enforced by anti-clockwise massage. Principle 3: No response/effect no treatment

Effectiveness is the ultimate purpose for point decision. If the stimulation
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on the point does not prove effective for the targeted symptom, the point
will be taken as irrelevant to the final treatment. By comparison on the
quantifiable measurement on level of severity of the relevant symptom
before and after the test treatment, this method can greatly enhance a
precise identification on the potential pathology of the illness in relation
to the meridians. The following fundamental test treatment procedure
demonstrates exactly what principle 3 aims to achieve.

• Step one: Ask the patient to rate the symptom to be measured in

the test treatment beforehand, then select highly sensitized points
to apply clockwise massage on points of yang meridians (in most
of the cases) or anti-clockwise on the yin meridians with defi-
ciency. Note that some special points on yin meridians may be
treated by clockwise massage, depending on the point’s nature
and function (for example those aiming to clean heat (ying-spring
point of the meridian), move blood (Xuehai SP-10) or reduce damp
(Yinlingquan SP-9)).
• Step two: Give up on the point if no effect/response was achieved
after the test massage. Carry on the procedure on the second rated
point and so on, until the point(s) that brings on major immediate
improvement is found. Complete the whole process on all possible
meridians till the symptom is reduced by as much as possible (usu-
ally until a drop in rating of the symptom to under 2/10 is

Meridian Palpation Treatment for COVID-19 & Long COVID Conditions

achieved). At the end, only select the points with good response
for final treatment and give up on the points that do not have a
positive reaction in the test. Principle 4: If there is no effect on the sensitized

point, balance on its coupled meridian
This principle involves a very important up-ladder approach in
meridian palpation treatment following the principle 3, that gives a
further resolution to the condition that a seemingly relevant point
does not have satisfactory effect.
This principle in practice refers to two situations:
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• When there is a sensitized point on a meridian (usually the yang

meridian), but the improvement of targeted symptom is not satis-
factory from working on it, then switch to balance/stimulate on the
relevant coupled meridian (usually by strengthening the corre-
sponding yin meridian). This can often improve the treatment
effect to a greater extent.
• When there is no apparent sensitized point on the meridian that is
believed to be closely-related to the pathology of the targeted
symptom by differentiation, strengthening on its coupled yin
meridian can usually help increase the effect immediately. This
quite often happens in the case that the qi within a yang meridian
is too weak to present a raised sensitivity on the point. Therefore,
instead of working on the low sensitivity yang meridian, strengthen
the coupled yin meridian. By giving rise to the qi of the yin merid-
ian, the qi level of the yang meridian will be stronger too. The
increase of qi improves the targeted symptom consequently. The
yin meridian point is taken for formal treatment then.

In summary, a successful meridian palpation treatment relies on a

well-organized interrogation, careful tongue reading and in-depth
pulse reading, following the guidance of meridian selection to make
a list of potential meridians in relevance to the key symptoms of the
patient. Then, through the thorough meridian palpation procedure by

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

the four principles of point decision, finally choose the right points
for a formal treatment. A fast-acting, profoundly effective, and relia-
ble treatment will be secured.

10.4 Understanding COVID-19 by Meridian

10.4.1 COVID-19 infection and its complexity in view
of meridian palpation system
Although versatile in presenting symptoms, the COVID-19 associated
conditions are viewed through the viewpoint of meridian palpation
as a holistic system by a much deeper and wider insight. COVID-19
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associated conditions can provide a much deeper and wider

understanding. The disease has a logical line of development

in TCM understanding
This is an exterior condition initially involving yang meridians, which
then develops internally under the influence of constitution domi-
nated by interior yin organs expressed on yin meridians. Its prognosis
and recovery are also affected by the secondary pathological result
that involves damp, phlegm, blood stasis etc. Therefore, a complete
reading over the pathology of COVID-19 associated illnesses shall be
composed of these three elements: yang meridian illness, yin merid-
ian illness, and secondary pathology. Yang meridians are believed to be more related

to the immunity function of the body
Based on its nature of five elements, each yang meridian has different
susceptibility toward the EPFs. In summary, bladder meridian is more
prone to cold, gallbladder meridian more to wind, stomach meridian
more to damp, small intestine meridian more to heat, large intestine
meridian more to heat-induced dryness. Once the EPFs (which nor-
mally starts with cold) invades into the yang meridians it then follows

Meridian Palpation Treatment for COVID-19 & Long COVID Conditions

a route of Taiyang-Shaoyang-Yangming, progresses further into the

body, and finally settles into the yin organs (Ling Shu Spirit, Axis
Chapter 76, Wei Qi Xing, The Movement of Defensive qi). The raised
sensitivity of points on relevant yang meridians gives answers to the
success of diagnosis and treatment. The state of qi-blood-yin-yang

The state of qi-blood-yin-yang within the interior yin organs (internal
constitution) determines the strength of ying/nutritive-qi and wei/
defensive qi in the yin meridian and its relevant coupled yang merid-
ian, and therefore influences their susceptibility to the EPFs. A weak
yin organ can make the progress from the invasion into exterior yang
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meridian much more severe and challenging. The raised sensitivity or

hollowness on points of the yin meridians is the key for success of
diagnosis and treatment. The pathological product

The pathological products including damp, phlegm, blood stasis,
commonly as the consequence from a prolonged process of the
infection, are also the factors to greatly affect the recovery quality of
the post-stage. Treatment toward these will help improve the progress
of recovery (of course based on a strong and substantial foundation
of the constitution of qi, blood, yin and yang within the internal
organs). A precise differentiation on the complicated pathology (for
example between phlegm or damp, blood heat or blood stasis,
damp-heat or damp-cold), can be distinguished by comparison on
the sensitivity of different points between different meridians and
between the left and right sides of the body.

10.4.2 Interpretation on common clinical presentations

of COVID-19 infection and diagnostic advice
on meridian palpation
The common symptoms discussed here came from the list from
NHS website (

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

long-term-effects-of-coronavirus-long-covid/). The relevant analysis

and suggestion here provide the readers a wider range view on where
to check for the most possible meridians for a more profound differ-
entiation. The overall principle on selecting the point for treatment is
finding a pronounced point that is highly sensitive in palpation and
effective in test treatment. This is the point to be used in treatment. In
meridian palpation treatment with meridian palpation differentiation,
there is not such a point that is “useful in theory” or “said to be magi-
cal”. The point to be selected must be highly sensitive and/or highly
effective in test treatment. Therefore, there is no fixed formula for
treatment point selection for any conditions we discuss in this chap-
ter. In this sense, instead of giving individual advice on points for each
of the listed conditions, we mainly focus on the explanation of rele-
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vant pathology in relation to individual meridians. During the differ-

ential procedure, the test treatment is highly recommended for cases
where symptoms are present and treatment outcome can be meas-
ured instantly. In cases with symptoms that do not present at the time
of consultation or have non-applicable test treatment, a treatment
strategy under the differentiation derived from the rating of sensitivity
and hollowness on individual meridians shall then be followed. Fatigue
• Yang meridian illness: Consistent disturbance on any yang meridi-
ans as a result from the external invasion of virus and the continuous
fighting state due to the disturbance within the yang meridians can
be a key factor that exhausts and depletes the body. Therefore, all
three yang meridians shall be checked. Diagnosis on these patterns
is straightforward. The highly sensitized points on relevant meridi-
ans are the direct evidence for the diagnosis.
• Yin meridian illness: Because of the depleting impairment from the
infection, it is understandable to see overall energy decline within
the body, especially with the yin organs. The most important thing
is to identify which organ is the leading one that was most affected
by the virus and needs immediate treatment so that we can help
speed up and support the recovery of the body. Among all the yin

Meridian Palpation Treatment for COVID-19 & Long COVID Conditions

organs, the spleen, lung, heart and kidney are the most common
organs to be affected. Their meridians hence need palpation
• Secondary pathology: Damp is the most possible factor of second-
ary pathology to cause tiredness. Besides, Fenglong ST-40 may be
sensitive when there is phlegm pathology. Shortness of breath, chest pain or tightness

• Yang meridian: Shaoyang, gallbladder and San Jiao meridians, are
the most common yang meridians related to chest and breathing
function. To confirm the diagnosis, be aware of other characteristic
symptoms of Shaoyang syndrome. Yangming, stomach and large
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intestine meridians may also affect breathing, considering their

meridian connection to the chest, but with more digestive symp-
toms like stomach pain or acid reflux or constipation etc. Taiyang,
bladder meridian may affect the chest and breathing function by
restricting muscles on the upper back, causing shortness of breath
and tightness of chest or pain.
• Yin meridian: Taiyin, lung meridian, are directly related to the
chest and breathing function. Spleen, liver, heart, kidney, and
pericardium meridians pass the chest either internally or externally
on the chest cage, and therefore may contribute to the restriction
of movement of chest cage or the breathing function.
• Secondary pathology: Damp, fluid-yin, phlegm are the most com-
mon factors to be related to the pathology. Yinlingquan SP-9 is the
diagnostic point for damp and fluid-yin, Fenglong ST-40 is the one
for phlegm. Key to success in diagnosis and treatment is to find the
high sensitivity on points and work accordingly. Brain fog

The problem with memory and concentration is believed to do with
the reduced function of the Brain. But in TCM pathology within the
meridian palpation system, the blockage of meridians or weakness of
meridians leading to failure to transport sufficient qi, blood and

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

essential nutrients into the head can both cause symptoms like
memory loss or brain fog. All meridians linking the head superficially
or internally can play a role in it.

• Yang meridians: All Yang meridians travel onto the head. Different
Yang meridians may differ in accompanied symptoms, but merid-
ian palpation with quantifiable rating on relevant points increases
the accuracy of differentiation.
• Yin meridians: Shaoyin kidney meridian has branches joining the
Du channel and entering the brain, and therefore affects the ability
of clear thinking, memory, and concentration. Taiyin spleen
meridian is responsible for lifting clear-qi to the head to support
the functions of all sense-orifices. Deficiency of spleen or kidney
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or blockage on their meridians can lead to declining function of

the brain. Jueyin liver meridian goes to the vertex of head, and
headaches with vision disturbance or vomit may happen with the
Jueyin associated pathology. However when compared to the
Shaoyin and Taiyin meridians, the chance of foggy and concentra-
tion with liver meridian is less. Differentiation depends on the
sensitivity increase on relevant meridians and test treatment can
help clarify directly.
• Secondary pathology: Phlegm and damp are sticky forms of body
fluid and is a pronounced consequence with COVID-19 infection,
because of spleen and lung impairment. When the accumulation
of these blocks the pathway of clear qi into the brain to affect the
transmissions of the nerve system, the memory, concentration dif-
ficulty, or even more severe psycho-neurological conditions like
delirium may arise. Difficulty sleeping

Insomnia presents in different patterns including the difficulty to fall
asleep, shallow, and frequently broken sleep, early waking, dream
disturbed sleep. Despite the diversity of clinical presentations, overall
pathology of sleeplessness is a state of disturbed shen and hun. Any
factor that causes shen and/or hun to be over-excited or unsettled,

Meridian Palpation Treatment for COVID-19 & Long COVID Conditions

will cause insomnia. The relevant meridian signs detectable by

meridian palpation routine serve as the confirming evidence for a
conclusion. The meridian palpation differentiation enables us to effi-
ciently figure out which is the closest problematic meridian associ-
ated with the disturbance of shen and hun and of course guides us to
treat accordingly.

• Yang meridians: Shaoyang San Jiao and gallbladder meridian are

respectively in charge of the time between 9:00–11:00am and
11:00pm–1:00am, when the shen is supposed to switch off for
sleep. People having difficulty falling asleep around the time, is
highly possible having excess heat or other pathological distur-
bance within the two meridians. It is important to point out that
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Shaoyang pathology is usually related to acute insomnia, due to

their immediate connection to shen and hun. Yangming stomach
and large intestine meridian with acute heat may disturb sleep and
mental state by stirring up heart fire via meridian connection.
Stomach deficiency, paired with SP meridian, although not directly
related to shen or hun, serve as a key role in maintaining profound
sleep. Zusanli ST-36 and Sanyinjiao SP-6 are usually selected for
chronic insomnia with apparent spleen and heart blood deficiency
featuring shallow and early waking sleep.
• Yin meridians: Heart, liver, pericardium and kidney meridians are
closely related to shen and hun. The differentiation and selection
of points for treatment depend on the sensitivity of points on indi-
vidual meridians. The higher the sensitivity, the closer the relation
to insomnia pathology.
• Secondary pathology: Phlegm, and blood stasis shall be consid-
ered. Apart from the increased sensitivity on Fenglong ST-40 and
Xuehai SP-10, Geshu BL-17, we also look for characteristic signs
on tongue and pulse for diagnostic reference. Heart palpitations

We shall be aware that the palpitation is not limited to the pathology
of heart only. From the viewpoint of meridian palpation, any

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

meridian that passes by or is linked to the heart or pericardium can

all play a role in the occurrence of palpitation if it is in trouble.

• Yang meridians: Shaoyang gallbladder and San Jiao meridians both

pass the diaphragm and connect to heart or pericardium via vari-
ous levels of connection. In addition, the gallbladder and San Jiao
meridians are paired with liver and pericardium meridians, and
both are closely linked to emotional disturbance. Thus, palpitation
along with unsettled emotions, like panic, anxiety, depression, or
frustration, could indicate the possibility of gallbladder and San
Jiao meridians. Also, divergent of Yangming stomach meridian con-
nects to the heart, and therefore may affect the heart’s function to
cause palpitation.
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• Yin meridians: Shaoyin heart, kidney meridians both have connec-

tion with the heart, and directly affect the function of heart. Jueyin
liver meridian by meridian connection to Jueyin pericardium,
through diaphragm and rib side, can cause tightness of chest and
breathing problems too. It usually presents with stress or frustration
associated causes.
• Secondary pathology: Phlegm and blood stasis serve as the pro-
nounced pathology factors after a long period of suffering or
following a critical phase of severe illness, which involves com-
plex or prolonged treatments. Dizziness
It reflects the impairment related to body balancing. In meridian pal-
pation system, look for the connections to affect the neck, inner ears,
and eyeball movement, by which the blockage or impairment of the
relevant meridian(s) leads to muscle spasm or weakening, yin-fluid
or phlegm retention, accumulation of inflammation, or disorders of
blood supply into the brain. Overall, any meridian that travels to the
head, connects to eyes, and ears, and reaches the neck may all have
a potential to disturb the body balancing function. In addition,
although not as often, vertigo may occur with COVID-19 infection,
the understanding of pathology and treatment are similar.

Meridian Palpation Treatment for COVID-19 & Long COVID Conditions

• Yang meridian: All three yang meridians can have a play in the
pathology and need full meridian palpation check.
• Yin meridian: All yin meridians do not reach the head by their own
main pathways. They link to head by the divergent paths linking their
pairing yang meridians. Among the three Yin meridians Jueyin liver
meridian joins the Du mai reaching the vertex of head, via internal
connection to the back of eyes. Liver pathology is the most common
yin meridian associated with dizziness, which is often interpreted as
“hypertension” and so on. Shaoyin kidney meridian joins Du mai
along the spine into the brain, pathology of kidney therefore can
incur brain illnesses like dizziness, however usually with a more
chronic and deficient setting.
• Secondary pathology: When phlegm and damp blocks the “clear
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orifices” (清窍 Qing-qiao), the spleen is not able to transport the

clear yang/qi to support the function of head and brain, and pro-
tect it from attacks by wind, causing dizziness. This is from the
same origin as “brain fog” of Taiyin spleen deficiency and damp-
phlegm root. Pins and needles

The symptom of pins and needles is usually a sign reflecting the insuf-
ficiency of qi and blood within the relevant meridians. All three yang
and three yin meridians, damp and phlegm or blood stasis could all
act as the possible cause. Regarding the pins and needles with fingers
and toes, a definition on which tendino-muscular channel (Jing-jin
经筋) is responsible for which fingers/toes are relevant to allocate the
meridian in trouble. The tendino-muscular channel of each meridian
system is a wider area to cover the muscles and tendons on the body.
We often find that the corresponding areas of each individual merid-
ian system is cross-lapping with the neighboring meridians. Joint pain

The COVID-19 infection is a trigger that stirs up inflammation in
association with auto-immune disorders all over the body. Therefore,

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

not only joints are attacked, but all body parts can be affected.
Because the immunity disorder apparently involves more yang
meridian disturbance, all yang meridians in principle need palpating
check. One important fact is that the involved yang meridians are not
only limited to the ones nearest to the affected joint or muscles (espe-
cially in those cases with multiple locations of pains), considering
this is a systematic disorder. The best treatment result comes from the
right selection of meridian(s) with the highest sensitivity. A good test
treatment procedure will help increase the efficacy and accuracy of
the treatment, and requires testing the effect of associated yang
meridian on joints and its corresponding yin meridian. If there are
noticeable signs of swelling or deformity on the relevant joint(s),
we also need to investigate the causes of damp, phlegm, and blood
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stasis. Obviously, the sensitivity rating on the corresponding points

for these pathologies will enable us to make clear conclusions
efficiently. Depression and anxiety

People with post-viral syndrome often suffer from depression and
anxiety long after the subsidence of the infection. Being different
states of emotional disorder, they are generally believed to be related
to the disturbance of heart shen. However, it is worth mentioning that
any factor to cause disturbance or weakening of any spirits associ-
ated with five yin organs (Shen-Hun-Po-Yi-Zhi), can lead to the
changes of pattern of rational thinking and proper emotional expres-
sion. The thought shall not be constricted to the fixed stereotype of
diagnostic patterns. Exploration into yang meridian, yin meridian
patterns and secondary pathology will prove to be more effective.

• Yang meridian: Since Shaoyang gallbladder meridian is linking the

liver, and Shaoyang San Jiao meridian linking the pericardium,
these two meridians are the most common yang meridians
associated with emotional disorders. In addition, Yangming stomach
and large intestine meridians do not directly cause emotional
disorders, but their meridian distribution can lead to chest or

Meridian Palpation Treatment for COVID-19 & Long COVID Conditions

stomach discomfort such as tightening or butterfly feeling of upper

abdomen, which can be conceived as some anxiety associated
experience. Wind-cold attacking Yangming and Taiyang can also
cause tiredness. In some severe cases, this can present as over-
whelming sleepiness and struggling to wake up in the morning,
which can be confusing as a feature of depression.
• Yin meridian: Shaoyin heart and kidney meridians contribute
directly to the disorders of heart-shen. Jueyin liver meridian
directly affects the liver-hun. Jueyin PC meridian, due to its special
role in direct connection with the heart, liver and kidney Ming-
men, is usually in the cross-over position to reflect either one or all
of the three organs’ pathology. To reach a precise differentiation for
following treatment, the diagnosis usually falls on the highest rated
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meridian among liver, heart, kidney and pericardium meridians.

• Secondary pathology: As mentioned in previous discussion, damp
and phlegm may cause brain-fog or exhaustion, which may be
conceived as depression. In severe cases, blood stasis may play a
part too. Tinnitus and earaches

The conditions related to ears are very much closely affected by the
meridians nearby the ears. All three yang meridians have a connec-
tion to the ears, among which the Shaoyang Gallbladder and San Jiao
and Taiyang small intestine meridians are the closest ones. However,
in many cases, Yangming large intestine and stomach meridians can
also play a key role, because their meridian connections affect the
lower jaw and stern-cleido-mastoid muscle. Taiyang bladder merid-
ian has its tendino-muscular channel spreading behind the ears, and
therefore can cause tension on the cervical spine then further affect
ears too. While all the yin meridians interact with their coupled yang
meridians, in many cases when the yang meridian has weaker effect
in test treatment, it could be very helpful to adjust the coupled yin
meridian, by which the ear problem may be further improved. Among
all the six pairs of meridians, Jueyin liver + Shaoyang gallbladder and
Shaoyin kidney + Taiyang bladder, Taiyin lung + Yangming large

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

intestine meridians are the most common meridian pairs that cause
ear problems.
The secondary pathology like phlegm and damp/yin-fluid, can
also play a part in the occurrence of tinnitus and earache, but they
always serve as accompanying factors. The inclusion of the relevant
points in treatment for ears relies on strictly whether stimulation on
the point shows a definite effect through the test treatment. Feeling sick, diarrhea, stomach aches, loss

of appetite
These symptoms are closely related to digestive function. The solu-
tion to these symptoms is to investigate what meridians pass the
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surface and inside of the abdomen. For yang meridians, stomach,

large intestine, gallbladder and San Jiao meridians travel past the
stomach, and the large intestine, small intestine, San Jiao and gall-
bladder meridians also reach the Intestines. For yin meridians, the
lung meridian starts from middle Jiao stomach, then reaches down to
large intestine. Heart, liver, kidney, and spleen meridians also have
connections with stomach and intestines. Damp associated point
Yinlingquan SP-9 may be highly active in these cases. The efficiency
for a precise diagnosis relies on the test treatment by the yang-yin
meridian pairing order. The point that reduces the symptom is used
for treatment and the pathology this point represents is hereof con-
sidered as the differential pattern. A high temperature, cough, headache, sore throat,

change to sense of smell or taste
Although these symptoms do not hold significance for precise diag-
nosis, they can still provide clues for possible problematic meridians.
The high temperature reflects the disorders of all yang meridians.
Therefore all three yang meridians should be checked on patients
with high temperature. The most common meridians that can cause
cough and sore throat are those passing the throat and chest, there-
fore Shaoyang gallbladder, San Jiao, Yangming large intestine,

Meridian Palpation Treatment for COVID-19 & Long COVID Conditions

stomach, and lung, heart, liver, kidney, and spleen meridians need to
be checked. The meridians that reach the head can all cause head-
aches, although the affected area may vary according to the path-
ways of relevant meridians. The most widely accepted guidance for
allocating the meridian regarding headache area, is that the forehead
headache is related to Yangming, temporal headache Shaoyang and
back and top of headache Taiyang. However, this guidance is not
adequate to cover the precise distribution of the meridian route
and sometimes leads to false judgement. For example, the Taiyang
bladder meridian starts from the inner corner of eyes and the begin-
ning of the eyebrows then up over the forehead to reach the vertex
of head. Therefore, center-front headache may be related to the BL
meridian. Same idea applies to gallbladder meridian as the Yangbai
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GB-14 stays above the eyebrow on forehead, the front headache

above eyebrows can be related to the gallbladder meridian, and not
strictly exclusive to the Yangming. Vice versa, Yangming stomach and
large intestine meridians reach the corner of the forehead across to
the temporal area. When there is little effect by using the Shaoyang
meridian point to treat temporal headache, we shall consider the
Yangming meridians. The selection of meridian and point follows the
similar principle as that for brain fog or memory loss and even emo-
tional disorders like anxiety and depression. Skin rashes

Unlike the general impression that considers skin diseases as “blood-
heat”, a precise differentiation by meridian palpation enables us to
look more deeply and widely into the actual pathology of skin disor-
ders. The COVID-19 associated skin rashes can occur on any stage of
the infection, and therefore may involve all yin and yang meridians.

• Yang and yin meridian illness: Taiyang bladder meridian usually

is related to wind-cold attack. When damp-cold dominates the
condition, it usually reflects as the involvement of Yangming
stomach meridian, featuring the blisters and discharges on skin
lesions. The damp cold condition can linger and develop deeper

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

into Taiyin spleen either as an initial or following factor. When heat

dominates the condition, it usually represents the involvement of
Yangming large intestine meridian. When large intestine pathology
develops deeper, it then can enter Taiyin lung, Shaoyin heart and
kidney or Jueyin liver and pericardium depending on the severity
of yin being depleted. Involvement of Shaoyang gallbladder and
San Jiao meridians, according to my personal observation, is often
an indicator for auto-immune disorders. Meridian sensitivity rating
provides accuracy on differential diagnosis.
• Secondary pathology: Damp-heat or cold, blood-heat or blood
stasis, and phlegm can all play a role at different stages of the ill-
ness, however usually not at the earliest.
All in all, through the analysis on the possible pathology of
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COVID-19 and its connection with individual meridians and charac-

teristic points, the outline framework here on differential diagnosis by
meridian palpation can enable practitioners to comprehend deeper
on the occurrence, development, and prognosis of COVID-19, and
therefore achieve more efficient success in treatment.

10.5 Case Study

Female, age 52, office clerk.
Chief complaints: Chest oppression and shortness of breath for 12
First consultation: 2 March 2021.
This lady started having breathing difficulties and chest symptoms
following the COVID-19 infection in March 2020. She suffers from
constant chest tightness with difficulty of breathing (which gets worse
when inhaling), wakened by the shortness of breath and chest pain
several times a night. Chest X-ray exams did not indicate anything
positive in her lung. Other symptoms include constant fatigue, brain
fog, headache all over the head, dull ache in ears, dry and rough
feeling in eyes, morning sneezing and running nose, mucus and
phlegm in throat, poor memory and concentration, and dry mouth.
Tongue: puffy with teeth marks and light purple in color, white greasy
coating, and sublingual veins are not obvious.

Meridian Palpation Treatment for COVID-19 & Long COVID Conditions

Result of meridian palpation rating:

Yang Meridian:
• GB: Zulinqi GB-41, L=R 8/10; ST: Chongyang ST-42, L=R 8/10; SJ:
Waiguan SJ-5, L=R 7/10.
• Yin meridian, LU: Chize LU-5, L=R 6/10; LIV: Taichong LIV-3, L=R
9/10; KID: Zhaohai KID-6, L=R 9/10; P: Quze P-3, L=R 8/10.
• Secondary pathology, Yinlingquan SP-9, R 9/10; Fenglong ST-40,
L=R 8/10.

TCM Diagnosis:
• Invasion of wind-cold on Shaoyang and Yangming, with some heat
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• Formation of deficient heat in the liver, kidney and pericardium.

• Accumulation of damp-heat and phlegm-heat.

Test Treatment Procedure:

A pre-treatment rating of 8/10 for the prime symptom (breathlessness
and chest oppression) is noted, carried out the following steps, and
asked to re-rate after each step.

1. Reduce (clockwise massage) on Zulinqi GB-41, breathing better

2. Enforce (anticlockwise massage) on Taichong LIV-3, breathing no
3. Reduce on Taichong LIV-3, breathing 6/10.
4. Enforce on Taixi KID-3, breathing 5/10.
5. Reduce on Quze P-3, breathing 5/10, but start spitting phlegm.
6. Reduce on Waiguan SJ-5, breathing 4-5/10, but pulsating on ear
and head.
7. Reduce on Quchi L.I.-11, breathing 3/10.
8. Enforce on Chize LU-5, no change but triggered more phlegm,
shaking hands with numbness on fingers.
9. Reduce on Chize LU-5, breathing 2/10.
10. Reduce on Yinlingquan SP-9, no change.
11. Reduce on Fenglong ST-40, breathing 0-1/10.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

The result of the test treatment exactly reflects a clear picture of the

• Yang meridian, blockage of cold and heat in gallbladder, San Jiao,

large intestine meridians.
• Yin meridians, stagnation on liver, lung, with deficiency of kidney-
• Secondary pathology, phlegm accumulation.

Therefore, a self-treatment plan by acupressure is given to the

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• Enforcing on Taixi KID-3, reducing methods on Taichong LIV-3 and

Chize LU-5.
• Reducing on Fenglong ST-40.
• Reducing on Quchi L.I.-11, Waiguan SJ-5, Zulinqi GB-41.

The patient feedback’s the next morning stated: the breathing

difficulty subsided before bedtime straight after the massage, a
“miracle” since she fell ill. She felt so much better.
After about a total of four months of acupressure self-treatment,
we are pleased to see that the patient has achieved about 80% recov-
ery, and she is not suffering from night chest oppression when going
to bed or waking up with chest pain anymore. After 16 months on
sick leave, she is now going back to work, and regained her confi-
dence and hope for a normal life as was taken for granted before the

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

11.1 Fatigue
As millions of patients have been infected by SARS-CoV-2 virus, a
vast number of individuals complain about some continuing symp-
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toms even months after the onset of the infection. During Long
COVID, concern has been raised that SARS-CoV-2 has the potential
to trigger a post-viral fatigue syndrome. Fatigue is a normal part of the
body’s physiological reaction and response to fighting a viral infec-
tion such as COVID-19. Fatigue is likely to continue for some time,
e.g., a couple of weeks, after the infection has cleared. Fatigue could
make the patients sleep more, feel unsteady on the feet, make stand-
ing for long periods difficult, as well as affect the ability to remember
and concentrate.
There are various main complaints during Long COVID (fatigue
is one of them) and the quality of life could be markedly affected by
fatigue. It usually appears in combination with shortness of breath,
and insomnia. Besides, fatigue significantly impacts the depression
scale. In this way, fatigue may identify a group worthy of further study
and early intervention.
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical
Association found that of 143 COVID-19 patients at a hospital in
Rome, 87% still had at least one coronavirus symptom two months
later, while more than half reported ongoing fatigue.1 In terms of

Ashley Zlatopolsky. Can chronic fatigue syndrome be treated? Rochester-based doc-
tor is trying to find an answer. The Detroit News. 30 November 2020. https://eu.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

persistent fatigue following SARS-CoV-2 infection and its relationship

with the severity of initial infection, some research confirmed that
fatigue following SARS-CoV-2 infection is common and independent
of the severity of initial infection. This study examined the prevalence
of fatigue in individuals who recovered from the acute phase of
COVID-19 illness using the Chalder Fatigue Score (CFQ-11). The
research further examined potential predictors of fatigue following
COVID-19 infection, evaluating indicators of COVID-19 severity,
markers of peripheral immune activation and circulating pro-inflam-
matory cytokines. Out of the 128 participants (49.5 ± 15 years; 54%
female), more than half reported persistent fatigue (67/128; 52.3%) at
a median of 10 weeks after initial COVID-19 symptoms. There was
no association between COVID-19 severity (need for in-patient
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admission, supplemental oxygen, or critical care) and fatigue follow-

ing COVID-19. Additionally, there was no association between rou-
tine laboratory markers of inflammation and cell turnover (leukocyte,
neutrophil or lymphocyte counts, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio,
lactate dehydrogenase, C-reactive protein) or pro-inflammatory mol-
ecules (IL-6 or sCD25) and fatigue post-COVID. Females and those
with a pre-existing diagnosis of depression/anxiety were over-repre-
sented in those with fatigue. The findings demonstrate a significant
burden of post-viral fatigue in individuals with previous SARS-CoV-2
infection after the acute phase of COVID-19 illness. This study high-
lights the importance of assessing those recovering from COVID-19
for symptoms of severe fatigue, irrespective of the severity of initial
There are striking similarities to myalgic encephalomyelitis, also
called chronic fatigue syndrome, that are linked to viral and autoim-
mune pathogenesis. In both disorders, neurotransmitter receptor
antibodies against ß-adrenergic and muscarinic receptors may play a
key role. One study found similar elevation of these autoantibodies
in both patient groups. Extracorporeal apheresis using a special filter

Liam Townsend, et al. Persistent fatigue following SARS-CoV-2 infection is common
and independent of severity of initial infection. PLOS ONE. 2020, 15(11): e0240784.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

seems to be effective in reducing these antibodies in a significant

way, clearly improving the debilitating symptoms of patients with
chronic fatigue syndrome. Therefore, such form of neuropheresis may
provide a promising therapeutic option for patients with post-COVID
syndrome.3 However, this method is not yet well accepted every-
where in the hospital.
As to the treatment to combat fatigue during Long COVID,
there are no concrete medications available at this moment, other
than life cases, such as to avoid going for intense workouts, ensuring
following a proper sleep cycle, having a nutritious diet, hydrating
sufficiently and having a proper sleep, etc.

11.1.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID associated

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A significant proportion of COVID-19 patients are suffering from
prolonged Post-COVID-19 Fatigue Syndrome, with characteristics
typically found in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syn-
drome (ME/CFS). One researcher tried to demonstrate a clear patho-
physiological explanation for the patients suffering from prolonged
Post-COVID-19 Fatigue Syndrome. A novel paradigm for Post-
COVID-19 Fatigue Syndrome is developed from a recent unifying
model for ME/CFS. SARS-CoV-2, in common with the triggers (viral
and non-viral) of ME/CFS, is proposed to be a physiologically severe
stressor, which could be targeting a stress-integrator within the Brain:
the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN). It is proposed that
inflammatory mediators, released at the site of COVID-19 infection,
would be transmitted as stress-signals via humoral and neural path-
ways, which overwhelm this stress center. In genetically susceptible
people, an intrinsic stress threshold is suggested to have exceeded,
causing ongoing dysfunction to the hypothalamic PVN’s complex
neurological circuitry. In this compromised state, the hypothalamic

Stefan R. Bornstein, et al. Chronic post-COVID-19 syndrome and chronic fatigue
syndrome: Is there a role for extracorporeal apheresis? Mol Psychiatry. 2022, 27:

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

PVN might then be hypersensitive to a wide range of life’s ongoing

physiological stressors. This could result in the reported post-
exertional malaise episodes and more severe relapses, in common
with ME/CFS, that perpetuate an ongoing disease state. When a cer-
tain stress tolerance level is exceeded, the hypothalamic PVN can
become an epicenter for microglia-induced activation and neuroin-
flammation, affecting the hypothalamus and its proximal limbic sys-
tem, which would account for the range of reported ME/CFS-like
However, fatigue is considered differently in TCM—it could be
caused by the following etiologies with different pathologies. Accumulation of damp-phlegm

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Prolonged persistence of external factors in the body due to incom-

plete elimination of external cold-damp or damp-heat, improper
medical treatment, lack of life care during COVID-19, constitutional
overweight or accumulation of damp-phlegm in the body, etc.,
could cause dysfunction of the spleen and stomach with transporta-
tion and transformation, leading to formation and accumulation of
damp there. This situation could lead to dysfunction of the spleen
and stomach in the production of qi and blood, and fatigue occurs.
Accumulation of damp varies in damp-phlegm, cold-damp, and
damp-heat. Emotional disorders

Emotional stress or frustration during or after COVID-19 could cause
stagnation of liver-qi. Overthinking could bring about the stagnation
of heart-qi, and over-sadness could lead to stagnation of lung-qi.
Moreover, over-worry could result in the stagnation of spleen-qi, and
over-anxiety and fear could damage the kidney, bringing about

Angus Mackay. A paradigm for post-covid-19 fatigue syndrome analogous to ME/CFS.
Front. Neurol. 2021. 12: 701419. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.701419.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

disturbance to kidney-qi. All these conditions may cause disorder in

qi circulation.
Since the liver dominates the free flow of qi in the body, it can help
digestion and transportation of qi to the spleen and stomach. In case of
stagnation of liver-qi due to emotional dysfunction, there could be a
disorder of ascending and descending functions in the body, especially
the spleen and stomach, resulting in fatigue and depression. Deficiency of qi and yang

Prolonged persistence of COVID-19 could cause consumption of qi,
blood, yin and yang of the body, leading to deficiency of qi and yang
of the spleen and stomach, deficiency of qi and yang of the heart or
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kidney, deficiency of qi and yin of the lung and kidney, or deficiency

of yin of the liver, etc.
When there is a deficiency of qi and yang of the spleen and
stomach, there would be fatigue, loss of appetite, cold hands
and feet, aversion to cold, loose stools or diarrhea, and abdominal
swelling, etc.
The heart is a fire organ according to the Five Elements theory.
Deficiency of qi and yang of the heart could cause the failure of the
spleen and stomach to be warmed and stimulated, thus the transporta-
tion and transformation of the spleen and stomach will be impaired,
causing fatigue with palpitations, insomnia, and loss of appetite. Deficiency of blood and yin

When there is a deficiency of yin of the lung, there would be fatigue,
dry cough, slight pressure in the chest, and dry throat, etc. If there is
a deficiency of the yin of the liver, there could be fatigue, headache,
dry eyes, dizziness, hypochondriac pain and distention, etc.
The kidney is an organ, which contains both yin and yang.
kidney-yang could also warm the spleen in physiology. In case of
deficiency of kidney-yang (qi), the spleen will not be properly
warmed and supported, the physiological functions of the spleen will

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

be impaired, causing fatigue with lower back pain and weakness,

hair loss, poor memory, etc.

11.1.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated fatigue

Although there are various causes for fatigue in TCM, detailed dif-
ferentiation of symptoms and signs should be made to identify the
main causative factors. Sometimes, there is a combination of more
than two pathogenic factors in one syndrome, and they should be
treated accordingly. Accumulation of damp-phlegm

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Fatigue, lassitude, heaviness of the four limbs and body, heaviness in

the head, difficulty to think and concentrate, poor appetite, nausea,
vomiting, swollen epigastric region and abdomen, loose stool, white
and greasy coating on the tongue, and a slippery and wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, activate the spleen, and improve

Herbal Treatment:
Ping Wei San-Calm the Stomach Powder, plus
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang-Six Gentlemen Decoction with Aucklandia
and Amomum.

Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g

Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 3 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g

Shen Qu Massa Medica Fermentata 15 g
Jiao Gu Ya Fructus Oryzae Sativae Germinantus (grill) 15 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

In case of cold-damp, add Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae

10 g and Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 6 g.
In the case of damp-heat, add Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g and
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g.

• Cang Zhu, Hou Po, Chen Pi, and Zhi Gan Cao, the complete com-
position of Ping Wei San, eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, activate
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the spleen, and improve appetite.

• Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Zhi Gan Cao, Zhi Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Huo Xiang,
Xiang Fu and Sha Ren, the main compositions of Xiang Sha Liu Jun
Zi Tang, activate the spleen and stomach, eliminate damp, resolve
phlegm, harmonize the middle Jiao, relieve diarrhea, promote qi
circulation, and improve the appetite.
• Qiang Huo eliminates damp in the muscle and relieves the heavi-
ness of the muscles.
• Shen Qu and Jiao Gu Ya are used to promote digestion and
improve appetite.
• Gui Zhi and Gan Jiang warm the spleen and stomach and elimi-
nate cold in the body.
• Huang Lian and Zhi Zi clear heat and eliminate damp in the mid-
dle Jiao.

Herbal Remedy:
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Wan-Six Gentlemen Pill with Aucklandia and

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Hegu L.I.-4, Neiguan P-6, Taichong LIV-3, Zhongwan REN-12,
Liangmen ST-21, Tianshu ST-25, Zusanli ST-36, Fenglong ST-40,
Sanyinjiao SP-6, and Yinlingquan SP-9.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• A tonifying method is applied on ST-36 and SP-6, and a reducing

method is applied on the rest of these points.
• In case of cold-damp, add moxa on REN-12, ST-36, and SP-9.
• In case of damp-heat, add Yanglingquan GB-34 and Dadu SP-2.

• L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the liver channel respectively, promote the qi circulation
in the body and relieve qi stagnation caused by the accumulation
of damp-phlegm.
• P-6, the luo-connecting point of the pericardium channel, regu-
lates qi circulation in the chest and abdomen, harmonizes the
stomach, descends stomach-qi, and improves appetite.
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• REN-12, the front mu point of the stomach and the gathering point
of the fu organs in the body, Fenglong ST-40, the luo-connecting
point of the stomach channel, and SP-9, and the he-sea point of
the spleen channel respectively, eliminate damp and resolve
phlegm in the body.
• ST-25, the front collecting point of the large intestine, together
with ST-21 are able to promote digestion and transportation in the
large intestine.
• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, and SP-6, the
crossing point of the three yin channels of the feet, tonify and acti-
vate the spleen and stomach and improve the appetite.
• Moxa on REN-12, ST-36 and SP-9 could warm the internal organs
and eliminate cold.
• GB-34, the he-sea point of the gallbladder channel, and SP-2, the
ying-spring point of the spleen channel clear heat and eliminate
damp. Stagnation of qi
Fatigue, depression, headache, tension at the neck, fullness of the
chest, insomnia, hypochondriac pain and distention, poor appetite,
belching, acid regurgitation, slight depression, headache, insomnia,
aggravation of above situations when being nervous, irregular

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

menstruation for women, sometimes irritable, thin and white coating

on the tongue, and a wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Smooth the liver, promote qi circulation, calm the shen and improve

Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Yao San-Rambling Powder.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g

Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 15 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
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Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g

Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Chuan Lian Zi Fructus Meliae Toosendan 10 g
Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 12 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 3 g

• Chai Hu and Bai Shao Yao smooth the liver and relieve qi stagna-
tion in the liver.
• Zhi Ke, Xiang Fu, and Chuan Lian Zi promote qi circulation and
relieve qi stagnation and pain in the body.
• Dang Gui and Chuan Xiong nourish the liver-blood, benefit the
liver, and relieve spasms in the liver.
• Fu Shen and Yuan Zhi smooth emotions, regulate and calm the
shen, and improve sleep.
• Bai Zhu, Chen Pi and Sha Ren activate the spleen and stomach,
promote the qi circulation in the middle Jiao and improve the

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Remedy:
Xiao Yao Wan-Rambling Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Shaohai HE-3,
Shenmen HE-7, Tanzhong REN-17, Fengchi GB-20, Sanyinjiao
SP-6, Yanglingquan GB-34, Taichong LIV-3, Zhangmen LIV-13,
Xinshu BL-15, and Ganshu BL-18.
• Even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method is
applied on the rest of the points.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes the qi circulation in the
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body, regulates the Yinwei channel and Chong channel, and

improves appetite.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, REN-
17, the gathering point for the qi in the body, LIV-3, the yuan-source
point of the liver channel, BL-18, the back-shu point of the liver,
GB-34, the he-sea point of the gallbladder channel, and GB-20
promote the qi circulation in the body, smooth the liver, improve
emotions, and relieves pain and headache.
• SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the feet, and
LIV-13, the front-mu point of the spleen, activate the spleen and
improve appetite.
• HE-3 and HE-7, the he-sea point and the yuan-source point of the
heart respectively, BL-15, the back-shu point of the heart, calms
the shen, improves emotions and benefits sleep. Deficiency of qi and yang

Fatigue, weakness, cold hands and feet, aversion to cold, loss of
appetite, tastelessness in the mouth, weight loss, low voice, dislike to
speak, spontaneous sweating, loose stools or diarrhea, sleepiness,
pale tongue, thin and white coating with some tooth marks on the
tongue, and a thready, weak, and slow pulse.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

If there is a deficiency of qi and yang of the heart, there could be

palpitations, superficial sleep, and a weak feeling of heartbeat, etc.
If there is a deficiency of qi and yang of the kidney, there would
be lower back pain, weakness of the knees, frequent urination, or
aggravation of urine incontinence, poor memory, shortness of breath
by slight exertion, etc.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify qi, warm yang, activate the spleen and improve appetite.

Herbal Treatment:
Fu Zi Li Zhong Tang-Prepared Aconite Pill to Regulate the Middle,
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Shen Ling Bai Zhu San-Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodis Macrocephalae


Zhi Fu Zi Radix Lateralis Aconiti Carmichaeli Praeparata 6 g

Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 5 g
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g
Zhi Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae Praeparata 10 g
Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 5 g

In case of deficiency of qi and yang of the heart, add Rou Gui Cortex
Cinnamomi Cassiae 5 g.
In case of deficiency of qi and yang of the kidney, add Ba Ji Tian
Radix Morindae Officinalis 10 g and Xian Mao Rhizoma Curculiginis
Orchioidis 10 g.

• Zhi Fu Zi, Gui Zhi and Gan Jiang warm yang and qi, eliminate
cold and strengthen the body.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Zhi Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, and Zhi Gan Cao activate the
spleen, tonify the spleen-qi and the general body, and improve
• Zhi Huang Qi and Shan Yao activate the spleen, tonify spleen-qi,
and lift the qi to the head.
• Rou Gui warms the heart-yang and strengthens heart-fire.
• Ba Ji Tian and Xian Mao warm the kidney, eliminate interior cold
and strengthen the back.

Herbal Remedy:
Li Zhong Wan-Decoction (Pill) to Regulate the Middle, or Si Jun Zi
Wan-Four Gentlemen Decoction.
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Acupuncture Treatment:
• Zusanli ST-36, Taibai SP-3, Shenmen HE-7, Guanyuan REN-4,
Qihai REN-6, Taixi KID-3, Baihui DU-20, Xinshu BL-15, Pishu
BL-20, and Shenshu BL-23.
• A tonifying method is applied to the first three points.
• Moxibustion could be applied on REN-4, REN-6, and ST-36.

• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, SP-3, the yuan-
source point BL-20, the back-shu point of the spleen, activate the
spleen and stomach, and tonify qi of the general body.
• REN-4 and REN-6 tonify the yuan-qi in the body, warm yang,
eliminate interior cold and strengthen the body.
• HE-7 and BL-15, the yuan-source point and the back-shu point
of the heart respectively, tonify qi and yang of the heart and
strengthen the heart.
• KID-3, the yuan-source point of the kidney channel, BL-23, the
back-shu point of the kidney, warms the kidney, tonifies qi and
yang of the kidney and eliminates interior cold.
• DU-20 lifts qi and yang to the head and relieves fatigue.
• Moxibustion warms the qi and yang of the body and eliminates
interior cold.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID Deficiency of yin

Fatigue, slight headache, restlessness, insomnia, night sweating,
nervousness, thirst, dry mouth, eyes, throat and stool, the hot sensa-
tion of the chest, palms and soles, poor appetite, dry stool, red
tongue, thin and scanty tongue coating, and a deep, thready, weak,
and slightly rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Nourish the yin, clear deficient heat, benefit the body fluid and
relieve the tiredness.

Herbal Treatment:
Sheng Mai San-Generate the Pulse Powder.
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Ren Shen Radix Ginseng 10 g

Mai Men Dong Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 12 g
Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan Radicis 10 g
Han Lian Cao Herba Ecliptae Prostratae 10 g
Nu Zhen Zi Fructus Ligustri Lucidi 10 g
Gou Qi Zi Fructus Lycii 10 g
Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis Kirilowii 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

In case of deficiency of lung-yin, add Chuan Bei Mu Bulbus

Fritillariae 10 g and Zi Wan Radix Asteris Tatarici 10 g.
In case of deficiency of heart-yin, add Dan Shen Radix Salviae
Miltiorrhizae 10 g and Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g.
In case of deficiency of liver-yin, add Chuan Lian Zi Fructus Meliae
Toosendan 10 g and Wu Mei Fructus Pruni Mume 10 g.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Ren Shen, Mai Men Dong and Wu Wei Zi, the complete composi-
tion of Sheng Mai San, nourish the yin of the body. Meanwhile,
they can also tonify the qi of the body. They are the main herbs in
this prescription to relieve fatigue.
• Sheng Di Huang and Mu Dan Pi nourish the yin and clear the
deficient heat in the body.
• Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, and Zhi Gan Cao, the complete com-
position of Si Jun Zi Tang, activate the spleen and tonify the qi in
the body so as to promote the production of yin in the body.
• Shu Di Huang, Gou Qi Zi, Nu Zhen Zi and Han Lian Cao tonify
the kidney, nourish the yin and benefit the jing.
• Tian Hua Fen promotes the production of body fluid and relieves
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• Chuan Bei Mu and Zi Wan nourish the lung-yin and relieve dry
• Dan Shen and Yuan Zhi benefit the heart and calm the shen.
• Chuan Lian Zi and Wu Mei benefit the liver and relieve the spasm
in the liver.

Herbal Remedy:
Sheng Mai San (Wan)-Generate the Pulse Powder (Pill).

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KI-6, Chize LU-5, Taiyuan LU-9, Shenmen
HE-7, Feishu BL-13, Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taixi KID-3,
Zhaohai KID-6, Yingu KID-10, Qihai REN-6 and Shenshu BL-23.
• An even method is applied on LU-7 + KID-6, and a tonifying
method is applied on the rest of the points.

• LU-7 + KID-6 are used to nourish the yin of the general body and
relieve dryness and deficient heat.
• LU-5 and LU-9,the he-sea point and the yuan-source point of the
lung channel respectively, and BL-13, the back-shu point of the

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

lung, nourish the yin of the lung, consolidate the skin and restore
the physiological functions of the lung.
• ST-36, SP-6, REN-6, KID-3, KID-6, KID-10, and BL-23 tonify the
spleen and stomach, benefit the yin of the kidney and strengthen
the whole body.
• HE-7, the yuan-source point of the heart channel, tonifies the
heart, regulates the shen and relieves night sweating.

11.2 Breathlessness
Most people who have coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
recover completely within a few weeks. But some patients, even
those who had mild cases of the disease continue to experience
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symptoms after their initial recovery. It has been noticed that older
people and people with many serious medical conditions are the
most likely to experience lingering COVID-19 symptoms, but even
young and otherwise healthy people can feel unwell for weeks to
months after infection. Fatigue and breathlessness are among the
continuing and debilitating symptoms being reported by people with
COVID-19 months, or even more than one year after the onset of the
disease and after they have been declared to have recovered. One
study, published in JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical
Association) on 9 July 2020, shows that a high proportion of indi-
viduals still reported dyspnea (43.4%), which is the second com-
plaint besides fatigue (53.1%).5
Breathlessness, sometimes called shortness of breath and known
clinically as dyspnea, is one of the hallmark symptoms of COVID-
19. It is characterized by difficulty breathing deeply or feeling as if
unable to get enough air into the lungs. Some patients describe it as
feeling “puffed”, “winded” or like breathing through a straw. The
chest may feel too tight to inhale or exhale fully. The patient needs
to take greater effort to perform each shallow breath, which could

Angelo Carfì, et al. op. cit.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

happen when being active or resting. It can come on gradually or

suddenly. The feeling of shortness of breath may continue for a
while after COVID-19, and that is a normal part of the recovery
Some daily activities, such as brisk walking, running into the
bathroom, doing heavy physical work or simply being stressed, could
make people feel breathless, especially among older patients. High
intensity or strenuous workouts, extremely humid and high tempera-
tures, and high altitudes can all cause shortness of breath. Anxiety
can also lead to changes in the breathing rate and pattern. Unlike
many other conditions that can cause shortness of breath, breathless-
ness can persist or even quickly escalate in people with COVID-19.
Some lung damage caused by COVID-19 may slowly and fully heal.
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But in other cases, patients who suffered from severe cases of

COVID-19 may face chronic lung problems, this is because these
lung injuries may cause the formation of scar tissue known as pulmo-
nary fibrosis. Scarring further stiffens the lungs and makes it harder to
breathe. Since COVID-19 is an acute viral infectious disease with a
relatively short course, the probability of causing pulmonary fibrosis
to develop is relatively low, especially in mild cases, most of which
will not develop pulmonary fibrosis (PPF). However, in severe and
critically ill cases, pulmonary fibrosis may occur. One report
analyzed the CT images of more than 60 patients with COVID-19
when they were admitted to the hospital and before they were dis-
charged. According to the standard of “New Coronavirus Pneumonia
Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Trial Seventh Edition)” issued by The
National Health Commission on 3 March 2020,6 the incidence of
pulmonary fibrosis was as high as 70% on patients with ordinary
types of COVID-19 after inflammation, and presence of pulmonary
fibrosis was 100% when patients with severe type were discharged.

Interpretation of “new coronavirus pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan (trial
seventh edition)” 《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案
( (试行第七版)》解读) http://www.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

80% of patients still suffer from shortness of breath after being

When breathlessness occurs on its own, it usually rules out
COVID-19. However, when it happens suddenly with other key symp-
toms, such as fever, cough, loss of smell, and tastes, the likelihood of
having an infection with SARS-CoV-2 increases. PCR could confirm
the infection quickly. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) Trusted Source pointed out symptoms may differ with the sever-
ity of the disease. For example, shortness of breath is more commonly
reported among people who are hospitalized with COVID-19 than
among people with the milder symptoms (non-hospitalized patients)8.

11.2.1 TCM’s understanding of Long COVID-associated

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The main pathologies of Long COVID-associated breathlessness is
dysfunctions of the lung in dispersing or descending the lung-qi due
to various causative factors. Incomplete elimination of external pathogenic

When these hospitalized or non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients are
not treated timely or properly, their pathogenic factors will not be
eliminated, causing stagnation and latent accumulation in the body,
which results in some constant disturbance to the body. Since the
common causative etiologies are an invasion of cold-damp or damp-
heat, the lung could be one of the main affected organs. Disorder of

Zhan Xi, et al. Current status and thinking of pulmonary fibrosis after inflammation
of new coronavirus pneumonia. Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory
(中华结核和呼吸杂志). 2020, 43(9): 728–732. doi: 10.3760/cma.j.cn112147-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Symptoms of COVID-19.
Updated 22 February 2021.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

the lung in may cause failure of the dispersing or descending the

qi, leading to stagnation of qi in the chest, thus breathlessness occurs. Accumulation of damp-phlegm

Either invasion of cold-damp or invasion of damp-heat to the spleen
or stomach, or San Jiao, may cause dysfunction of the spleen and
stomach in digestion, transportation, and transformation, resulting in
the formation of damp-phlegm internally, which could eventually
cause a mixture of external damp with internal damp. In this condi-
tion, it could result in blockage of the yang-qi or clear-qi in the body.
When it is accumulated in the chest or lung, it may cause breathless-
ness. Besides, disturbance to the San Jiao by external damp could
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also lead to dysfunction of the San Jiao in distributing water and

yang-qi, aggravating accumulation of damp-phlegm in the body. In
turn, this situation could cause blockage of the yang in the chest or
the qi in the lung, thus breathlessness happens. Stagnation of qi
Accumulation of damp, improper health care and treatment, being
emotionally upset or disturbed during COVID-19, unsolved emo-
tional disorders before COVID-19, etc., could lead to retardation of
qi circulation. When there is the occurrence of qi stagnation, it could
also block the chest or the lung, bringing about breathlessness. It is a
rule in TCM that qi circulation leads to blood circulation and blood
stagnation aggravates qi stagnation. When there is qi stagnation for a
while, there could be stagnation of blood, thus forming stagnation of
qi and blood at the same time. Blood stagnation often presents in
some severe types of COVID-19. Deficiency of qi
Prolonged persistence of COVID-19 could cause consumption of qi,
leading to deficiency of qi in the body. It may affect different zang-fu
organs, such as the lung, spleen, and kidney, etc.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Deficiency of lung-qi could lead to weakness of the lung in dis-

persing and descending the qi, resulting in breathlessness. Since the
spleen is considered as the Earth Element, which produces the Metal
Element according to the Five Elements theory in TCM, thus defi-
ciency of spleen-qi could eventually lead to weakness of the lung,
and result in breathlessness. Moreover, the respiration function of
the lung needs to be held by the kidney. In case of deficiency of
kidney-qi, it could cause the failure of the lung in performing its
physiological functions, dysfunction of the lung happens. In this
condition, breathlessness appears.

11.2.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated

Downloaded from Incomplete elimination of external pathogenic

Breathlessness, slight cough, expectoration of diluted whitish phlegm
or slight yellow phlegm, or even dry cough, pressure over the
chest with heaviness, sensitivity to weather changes, slight muscle
pain and headache, a thin, white greasy or slight mixture of white
and yellow greasy coating on the tongue, and a tight and slippery

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate pathogenic factors, disperse the lung-qi, descend the
lung-qi, and relieve the breathlessness.

Herbal Treatment:
Xing Su San-Apricot Kernel and Perilla Leaf Powder.

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g

Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflora 10 g
Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescens 10 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g

Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 10 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g

• Xing Ren, Jie Geng and Zhi Ban Xia disperse the lung-qi, eliminate
phlegm, and relieve the cough.
• Hou Po, Yu Jin, Gua Lou Pi, and Zhi Ke are used to relax the chest,
promote the qi circulation in the chest, descend the lung-qi, and
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relieve the breathlessness.

• Qiang Huo and Zi Su Ye promote sweating, relieve some external
symptoms, and alleviate muscle pain and heaviness.
• Chen Pi and Fu Ling are used to activate the spleen and eliminate
damp in the spleen.
• Hong Hua promotes blood circulation and prevents blood

If it is allowed in some countries, then it is suggested to add Ma

Huang Herba Ephedrae 10 g into the prescription to disperse and
descend the lung-qi, relieve cough, and alleviate breathlessness.

Herbal Remedy:
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tablets-Notopterygium Tablets to Overcome
Damp Tablets.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Waiguan SJ-5, Lieque
LU-7, Chize LU-5, Tanzhong REN-17, Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao
SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Taichong LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14.
• Even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method is
applied on the rest of the points.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4, one group of the eight confluence
points, promotes the qi circulation, and relaxes the chest to relieve
• SJ-5, the luo-connecting point of the San Jiao, ST-40, the luo-con-
necting point of the stomach channel, SP-6, the crossing points of
the three yin channels of the foot, and SP-9, the he-sea point of the
spleen channel, regulate the San Jiao, eliminate damp-phlegm in
the body and activate the spleen and stomach.
• LU-7, and LU-5, the luo-connecting point and the he-sea point of
the lung channel respectively, disperse and descend the lung-qi,
restore the physiological functions of the lung, and relieve cough
and breathlessness.
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• L.I.-4, the yuan-source of the large intestine channel, LIV-3, the

yuan-source of the liver channel, LIV-14, the front-mu point of the
liver, and REN-17, the confluence point for the qi in the body,
promote the qi circulation, and relieve breathlessness. Accumulation of damp-phlegm

Breathlessness, slight cough, expectoration of sticky whitish phlegm
or slight yellow phlegm, pressure over the chest with heaviness, nau-
sea, poor appetite, loose stool or diarrhea, heaviness in the head with
foggy feeling, lassitude, tiredness, white and greasy coating on the
tongue, with a wiry and slippery pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate damp-phlegm, disperse lung-qi, descend lung-qi, and
relieve breathlessness.

Herbal Treatment:
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang-Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction, plus
Cang Fu Dao Tan Tang-Atractylodes-Poria Phlegm-Dissipating

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g

Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Sheng Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis Recens 5 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Tian Nan Xing Rhizoma Arisaematis 10 g
Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
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• Hou Po, Xing Ren and Zi Su Zi resolve phlegm, descend the
lung-qi, relieve the cough and breathlessness.
• Tian Nan Xing, Zhi Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Fu Ling, and Sheng Jiang
disperse the lung-qi, eliminate phlegm, and relieve cough.
• Cang Zhu eliminates damp-phlegm and activates the spleen.
• Xiang Fu, Gua Lou Pi and Zhi Ke promote the qi circulation in
the chest and relieve the blockage of the chest by damp-

Herbal Remedy:
Cang Fu Dao Tan Wan-Atractylodes-Poria Phlegm-Dissipating

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Kongzui LU-6, Lieque
LU-7, Chize LU-5, Zhongwan REN-12, Tanzhong REN-17,
Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Taichong
LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method
is applied on the rest of the points.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes the qi circulation and
relaxes the chest to relieve breathlessness.
• REN-12, the gathering point of the fu organs in the body, ST-40,
SP-6 and SP-9 activate the spleen and stomach and eliminate
damp-phlegm in the body.
• LU-6, the xi-cleft point of the lung channel, LU-7, and LU-5 dis-
perse and descend the lung-qi, restore the physiological functions
of the lung, and relieve cough and breathlessness.
• L.I.-4, LIV-3, LIV-14, and REN-17 promote the qi circulation and
relieve breathlessness. Stagnation of qi
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Breathlessness, fullness of the chest with distending pain, difficulty

with breathing out, depression, unstable emotions, headache, stiff-
ness, and pain at the neck, insomnia, fullness of hypochondriac
regions, irritability, nervousness, poor appetite, thin and white coat-
ing on the tongue, and a wiry and thready pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Harmonize the liver, smooth emotions, promote qi circulation, and
relieve the breathlessness.

Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Yao San-Rambling Powder.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g

Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 15 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis 10 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 12 g

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Duan Long Gu Os Draconis (calcin) 15 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g

• Chai Hu and Bai Shao Yao smooth the liver and relieve qi stagna-
tion in the liver.
• Zhi Ke and Yu Jin promote the qi circulation in the body and regu-
late emotions.
• Dang Gui nourishes the liver-blood and benefits the liver.
• Hou Po and Gua Lou Pi promote the qi circulation in the chest and
relieve the fullness in the chest.
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• All these herbs are used to promote and regulate the qi circulation
in the liver and chest to relieve qi stagnation and breathlessness.
• Bai Zhu activates the spleen and eliminates damp in the body.
• Fu Shen, Duan Long Gu and Yuan Zhi smooth the emotions, regu-
late the shen and improve sleep.

Herbal Remedy:
Xiao Yao Wan-Rambling Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Chize
LU-5, Tanzhong REN-17, Fengchi GB-20, Jianjing GB-21,
Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taichong LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14, Xinshu BL-15 and
Ganshu BL-18.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method
is applied on the rest of the points.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes the qi circulation and
relaxes the chest to relieve breathlessness.
• LU-7, LU-5, and REN-17 disperse and descend the lung-qi, relieve
the qi stagnation in the chest, and improve breathlessness.
• L.I.-4 promotes the qi and blood circulation in the body and
relieves pain and headache.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• SP-6, the crossing points of the three yin channels of the foot,
GB-20, GB-21, LIV-3, LIV-14, BL-15 the back-shu point of the
heart, and BL-18 the back-shu point of liver, calm the shen,
smooth the liver, promote the qi circulation, and relieve breath-
lessness. Stagnation of blood

Stabbing chest pain at a fixed location (radiating to the back), the
fullness of chest, shortness of breath, palpitations, purplish or ecchy-
moses on the tongue, and an unsmooth or wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
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Promote the circulation of blood, eliminate stagnant blood, and

sedate pain.

Herbal Treatment:
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang-Drive out Stasis in the Mansion of Blood
Decoction, plus
Dan Shen Yin-Saliva Decoction.

Tao Ren Semen Pruni Persicae 10 g

Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 10 g
Chi Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Rubrae 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 10 g
Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 12 g
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
Yan Hu Suo Rhizoma Corydalis 10 g
Tan Xiang Lignum Santali Albi 3 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g

• Tao Ren, Hong Hua, Dang Gui, Chi Shao Yao, Chuan Xiong, and
Shu Di Huang, the complete composition of Tao Hong Si Wu Tang,

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

promote blood circulation, eliminate blood stasis, and relieve

• Dan Shen and Tan Xiang promote blood circulation and relieve the
blood stasis in the heart.
• Zhi Ke, Xiang Fu, Yu Jin, and Yan Hu Suo promote qi circulation,
eliminate blood stasis, and relieve pain.

Herbal Remedy:
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang tablet-Four Substance (Things) Decoction Pill
with Safflower and Peach Pit.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Kongzui LU-6, Lieque
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LU-7, Chize LU-5, Tanzhong REN-17, Ximen P-4, Sanyinjiao SP-6,

Taichong LIV-3, Xinshu BL-15, and Geshu BL-17.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method
is applied on the rest of the points.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes the qi circulation, relaxes
the chest, relieves breathlessness, and relieves the chest pain.
• LU-6, LU-7, LU-5, REN-17 and P-4 disperse and descend the
lung-qi, harmonize the collaterals, relieve the stagnation in the
chest, and improve breathlessness.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-3 promote the qi circulation in the body and relieve
pain and headache.
• SP-6, BL-15 and BL-17 promote blood circulation and relieve
breathlessness. Deficiency of qi
Breathlessness which gets worse after exertion, difficulty in breathing
in, slight cough, no expectoration of phlegm, tiredness, dizziness,
palpitations, poor memory, timidness, pale complexion, pale tongue
with a thin and white coating, and a thready and weak pulse.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify qi, activate the spleen, and reinforce the kidney.

Herbal Treatment:
Bu Fei Tang-Tonify the Lungs Decoction, plus
Si Jun Zi Tang-Four Gentlemen Decoction.

Zhi Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae Praeparata 10 g

Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 12 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Zi Wan Radix Asteris Tatarici 10 g
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Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g

Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Zhi Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, and Zhi Gan Cao, the complete
composition from Si Jun Zi Tang, activate the spleen and tonify the
qi in the body.
• Zhi Huang Qi, Wu Wei Zi, and Zi Wan tonify the qi in the lung
and benefit the lung.
• Sang Bai Pi descends the lung-qi and relieves the breathlessness.
• Shu Di Huang tonifies the kidney and benefits the lung.

Herbal Remedy:
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan-Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Zhongfu LU-1, Chize LU-5, Taiyuan
LU-9, Tanzhong REN-17, Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taixi
KID-3, Qihai REN-6, Feishu BL-13, and Shenshu BL-23.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a tonifying method

is applied on the rest of the points. Moxibustion could be applied
on ST-36, KID-3, and REN-6.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes the qi circulation, relaxes
the chest, relieves breathlessness, and relieves chest pain.
• LU-1, the front-mu point of the lung, LU-5, the he-sea point of
the lung channels, and LU-9, the yuan-source point of the lung
channel, and BL-13, the back-shu point of the lung, tonify the qi
of the lung and restore the physiological functions.
• REN-17, ST-36, SP-6, REN-6, KID-3, and BL-23 tonify the qi of
the spleen and kidney and support the lung-qi to relieve
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• Moxibustion warms the qi and dispel cold in the body.

11.3 Joint Pain

As the number of patients recovering COVID-19 are increasing, dif-
ferent types of Long COVID are coming to the fore. At this moment,
clinicians and scientists are still in the process of fully discovering
consequences of COVID-19. Joint pain is one of the most common
complaints among Long COVID patients. One research, published in
JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) on 9 July
2020, points out that a high proportion of individuals (27.3%) still
reported joint pain, which is the third complaint from Long COVID
besides fatigue (53.1%) and dyspnea (43.4%).9
A joint is any place in the body where two or more bones meet
and allow for movement. Joints are formed by fibrous connective tis-
sues that hold the bones together, and pieces of cartilage that provide
cushioning and slip between the bones. Many people will experi-
ence joint pain at some points in their life, and mostly these kind of
joint pain are not serious and will improve or get better quickly. But
in some cases, joint pain could be more serious. For instance, the

Angelo Carfì, et al. op. cit.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

inevitable wearing down of cartilage and bone tissue over time for
most patients over the age of 50, and patients who have some joint
pain or joint stiffness due to rheumatoid arthritis, knee pain caused
by a torn meniscus, etc. However, joint pain during Long COVID
should not be thought simply as a normal part of aging or physical
damage. It is important to pay close attention to identify the symp-
toms and signs to find out their etiologies, and take steps to prevent
them from worsening, since TCM believes that joint pain could be
caused by a wide variety of etiologies and pathologies.
For some individuals, their joint pain becomes obvious, long last-
ing, and even bizarre, which impacts their quality of life. They start
to seek medical attention and imaging investigation. Joint pain due
to Long COVID could cause swelling, stiffness, and muscle weakness
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of the joints somewhere in the body, such as shoulder, back, or any

part of the body. Sometimes, multiple joints and muscles could be
affected at the same time. Joint pain and muscle weakness can lead
to difficulties when performing activities such as standing, climbing
the stairs, gripping objects with the hands, or lifting the arms above
the head. Some people have a widespread aching that come and go
for a while, while some people have odd or altered feelings, such as
numbness, pins and needles or weakness in the arms or legs.
In general, the main clinical features of joint pain during Long
COVID include:

• Pain in joints, which may be sharp or stabbing, constant or

• Stiffness in joints, especially when waking up in the morning.
• Swelling in joints, with possible redness or hotness in the skin
around the joint.
• Reduced range of joint motion.
• Difficulty in getting up when sitting or lying down.
• Weakness in the joint with difficulty in walking and some
• Fatigue and insomnia.
• Emotional stress that could cause aggravation of joint pain some-

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

In modern medicine, COVID-19 may lead to rheumatoid arthritis

flares, autoimmune myositis or “COVID toes”. For the exact causes
for joint pain, there could be a clear explanation for some cases, but
there is also a possibility that abnormalities could be confirmed by
blood or imaging tests. In COVID-19, mostly drugs for treating rheu-
matoid arthritis were used to deal with joint pain. Therefore, many
people, including clinicians, think that patients who recovered from
COVID are safe from arthritis, but some rheumatologists are seeing
many patients who have started suffering from arthritis from the Long
COVID phase.10 Some radiologists also tried to explain the cause and
mechanism of joint pain. A new Northwestern Medicine study has
confirmed the causes of these symptoms through radiological imag-
ing. It illustrates that the COVID virus can trigger the body to attack
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itself in different ways, which may lead to rheumatological issues that

require lifelong management. The study is a retrospective review of
data from patients who presented to Northwestern Memorial Hospital
between May 2020 and December 2020.11

11.3.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

joint pain
According to TCM, most cases of joint pain fall under the category of
Bi syndromes, which covers various conditions. For instance, qi or
blood are somehow blocked by various pathogenic factors, such as
cold, damp, heat, and stasis, which could cause retardation of qi and
blood circulation freely through the meridian pathways of the body.
Alternatively, it could be that qi and blood are deficient, in which the
joint and meridians around the joints are not properly nourished,
thus joint pain occurs.

Chaitanya Deshpande. Long-term post Covid joint pain could be arthritis: Experts. The
Times of India. Updated 9 July 2021.
Northwestern University. Radiological images confirm “COVID-19 can cause
the body to attack itself”. 17 February 2021.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

During TCM differentiation, efforts should be made to find out

whether a problem stems from external or internal factors, or a mix-
ture of these two factors at the same time. However, the main cause
for joint pain of Long COVID is incomplete disappearance of wind,
cold and damp. Above all, TCM has its typical way of analysis of joint
Joint pain in TCM could include the following three stages:

• superficial stages
• tissues stages
• internal organ stages

The primary factors for joint pain at superficial stages are an inva-
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sion of wind, cold and damp at the same time, which can be the
cause of the blockage, causing pain, numbness, and impaired move-
ment of the joints. Due to the predominance of three pathogenic
factors, the superficial stage of joint pain could be again subdivided
into wind Bi, cold Bi and damp Bi.

• Wind Bi: joint pain is not fixed, and it can be wandering in differ-
ent joints in different areas.
• Cold Bi: joint pain with stiffness that improves with the application
of heat and feels worse when it gets cold. It is accompanied by
reduced circulation and pale skin.
• Fixed Bi: the joint feels heavy, sore, and swollen and the pain is in
a definite spot.

When superficial Bi syndromes last too long, or preexisting heat

in the body, there would be the formation of heat, leading to heat Bi.

• Heat Bi: the joints are red, swollen, and inflamed, and joint pain
improves with cold application and feels worse when it gets hot.

When superficial Bi syndromes are not kept under control in time,

they may develop into the tissue stages, including skin Bi, muscle Bi,
vascular Bi, tendon Bi, and bone Bi. Occurrence of joint pain due to

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Long COVID are mostly caused by muscle Bi or tendon Bi. Internal

organ Bi usually is not involved.
The main pathologies of Long COVID-associated joint pain
include the following. Incomplete elimination of external pathogenic

Invasion of cold-damp or damp-heat to the body could cause various
damage, also including the damage to the meridians, muscles, ten-
dons, and joints. When these pathogenic factors are not eliminated
in time or completely, they accumulate in these tissues, resulting in
joint pain due to stagnation of qi and blood with dysfunction in the
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joint, and joint pain occurs. Accumulation of damp in the body

Invasion of cold-damp or damp-heat to the spleen and stomach may
cause dysfunction in transportation and transformation, resulting in
the formation of damp internally. Thus, there is a mixture of external
damp and internal damp, which could block the qi and blood circu-
lation in the body. In TCM, joints, tendons and muscles are related to
certain zang-fu organs. When these organs are disturbed with the
stagnation of qi and blood, joints could also be affected, and joint
pain happens. Stagnation of qi and blood

Accumulation of damp, disharmony of cold and heat, improper
health care and treatment, emotional stress or disturbance due to
Long COVID are factors that could lead to retardation of qi or blood
circulation, which could block the joints and muscle around the
joints, and joint pain appears. When there is qi stagnation for a
while, there could be stagnation of blood, thus forming stagnation of
qi and blood at the same time, resulting in severe joint pain.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID Deficiency of qi and blood

Prolonged persistence of COVID-19 could cause consumption of qi
and blood, leading to deficiency of qi and blood in the body, espe-
cially kidney-qi and liver-blood, which could lead to dysfunction of
the bones and tendons, and joint pain may occur eventually.

11.3.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated joint pain

Conventional treatment in modern medicine for joint pain mainly
focuses on alleviating pain with NSAIDs, analgesics and corticoster-
oids, or by reducing inflammation with injectable medications. In
some cases, though, these medications aren’t enough to control pain
and many of these medications also come with possible side effects.
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TCM methods, including herbs and acupuncture, have been applied

to keep the joint tissues strong and healthy, subside swelling, control
pain and prevent further damage for centuries. Besides, it can also be
used to deal with some joint pain that is unexplained by modern
medical science. Incomplete elimination of external pathogenic

Joint pain (which is sensitive to wind, cold and damp weather), wan-
dering pain or fixed pain, severe pain in nature, heaviness of the joints,
muscle pain, headache, lower back pain, insomnia, poor appetite, a
thin, white, and greasy tongue coating, and a wiry and tight pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate external pathogenic factors and harmonize the collaterals.

Herbal Treatment:
Fang Feng Tang-Saposhnikovia Decoction.

Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g

Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Du Huo Radix Angelicae Pubescentis 10 g

Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae 6 g
Ge Gen Radix Puerariae 10 g
Qin Jiao Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Sang Ji Sheng Ramulus Loranthi 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 6 g

In case of local redness and hotness due to damp-heat, remove Qin

Jiao Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae and Ma Huang Herba Ephedrae,
and add:
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• Huang Bai Cortex Phellodendri 10 g

• Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g

• Fang Feng, Qin Jiao, Ge Gen, Qiang Huo and Du Huo dispel
remaining wind, cold and damp, harmonize the collaterals and
relieve the joint pain.
• Ma Huang opens the superficial portions of the body, dispel wind,
cold and damp, regulate lung-qi and blood vessels, and relieve
joint pain.
• Dang Gui and Chuan Xiong promote qi and blood circulation and
relieve joint pain.
• Fu Ling activates the spleen and stomach and eliminates damp in
the body.
• Sang Ji Sheng strengthens the tendons and relieves joint pain.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the herbs in the prescription.
• Huang Bai and Cang Zhu eliminate damp, clear heat, and subside

Herbal Remedy:
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tablets-Notopterygium Tablets to Overcome

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Shenmai BL-62 + Houxi SI-3,
Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6,
Yinlingquan SP-9, Taichong LIV-3 and Yanglingquan GB-34.
• The xi-cleft points, luo-connecting points, and yuan-source points
from some affected channels, together with some local Ah Shi
points, should be applied accordingly.
• Moxibustion should be used on SP-9, GB-34, and some local Ah
Shi points.
• Even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, BL-62 + SI-3, and a
reducing method is applied on the rest of the points. A reducing
method is applied on selected xi-cleft points, luo-connecting
points, and yuan-source points.
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• If there is local redness and hotness around the affected joints, add
Quchi L.I.-11 and ying-spring point from affected channels.

• The combination of SJ-5 + GB-41, and BL-62 + SI-3, two groups
of the eight confluence points, harmonize and invigorate Yangwei,
Dai, Yangqiao and Du channels and promote the qi circulation to
relieve joint pain.
• LU-7, the luo-connecting point of the lung channel, opens the skin
pores to eliminate the remaining pathogenic factors, disperses the
lung-qi, and restores the physiological functions of the lung.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source of the large intestine channel, LIV-3, the
yuan-source of the liver channel, promotes the qi circulation and
relieves the pain in the body.
• GB-34, the influential point of the tendons in the body, relaxes the
tendons and relieves joint pain.
• ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, SP-6 and
SP-9, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot and the
he-sea point of the spleen channel respectively, eliminate damp in
the body, promote blood circulation and relieve joint pain.
• The xi-cleft points, luo-connecting points, and yuan-source points
from some affected channels, together with some local Ah Shi
points, promote the qi and blood circulation and relieve the joint

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

pain. Without these points, the acupuncture effect to relieve joint

pain is limited.
• Moxibustion warms the channels and collaterals and eliminates
• L.I.-11 and the ying-spring points from affected channels could
clear heat and subside swelling. Accumulation of damp-phlegm

Joint pain with heaviness and swelling, limitation of joint movement,
stiffness in the joints, heaviness of the body, nausea, poor appetite,
loose stool or diarrhea, heaviness in the head with foggy feeling, las-
situde, tiredness, white and greasy coating on the tongue, and a wiry
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and slippery pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate damp phlegm, harmonize the collateral, promote qi circu-
lation, and relieve joint pain.

Herbal Treatment:
Juan Bi Tang-Remove Painful Obstruction Decoction.

Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g

Qin Jiao Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae 10 g
Chuan Niu Xi Radix Cyathulae Officinalis 10 g
Wu Jia Pi Cortex Acanthopanacis Gracilistyli Radicis 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
Sang Zhi Ramulus Mori Albae 30 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g
Mu Xiang Radix Aucklandiae 6 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

In case of local redness and hotness due to damp-heat, remove Qin

Jiao Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae and Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi
Cassiae, and add

• Huang Bai Cortex Phellodendri 10 g

• Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g

• Qiang Huo, Qin Jiao and Wu Jia Pi eliminate damp in the chan-
nels and collaterals and relieve joint pain.
• Chuan Niu Xi eliminates damp in the collaterals, strengthens the
tendons, and relieves joint pain.
• Sang Zhi induces the effects of the herbs to the collaterals and
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relieves the joint pain.

• Dang Gui and Chuan Xiong promote the circulation of blood and
sedate joint pain.
• Gui Zhi warms the channels and promotes blood circulation in the
• Mu Xiang promotes the circulation of qi in the middle Jiao,
resolves damp and relieves diarrhea.
• Hou Po, Cang Zhu, Fu Ling and Chen Pi activate the spleen and
stomach and eliminate damp in the body.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the herbs in the prescription.
• Huang Bai and Cang Zhu eliminate damp, clear heat, and subside

Herbal Remedy:
Shen Ling Bai Zhu Wan-Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodis
Macrocephalae Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Shenmai BL-62 + Houxi SI-3, Hegu
L.I.-4, Zhongwan REN-12, Fenglong ST-40, Taibai SP-3, Sanyinjiao
SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Taichong LIV-3 and Yanglingquan GB-34.
• The xi-cleft points, luo-connecting points, and yuan-source points
from some affected channels should be selected accordingly.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Moxibustion should be used on SP-9, GB-34, and some local Ah

Shi points.
• Even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, BL62 + SI3, and a reduc-
ing method is applied on the rest of the points. A reducing method
is applied on selected xi-cleft points, luo-connecting points, and
yuan-source points.
• If there is local redness and hotness around the affected joints, add
Quchi L.I.-11 and ying-spring point from affected channels.

• The combination of SJ-5 + GB-41, and BL-62 + SI-3, two groups
of the eight confluence points, harmonize and invigorate Yangwei,
Dai, Yangqiao and Du channels and promote the qi circulation to
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relieve joint pain.

• L.I.-4, the yuan-source of the large intestine channel, LIV-3, the
yuan-source of the liver channel, promote the qi circulation and
relieve the pain in the body.
• GB-34, the influential point of the tendons in the body, relaxes the
tendons and relieves joint pain.
• REN-12, the gathering point of the fu organ, ST-40, SP-6 and SP-9
eliminate damp in the body, promote blood circulation and relieve
joint pain.
• The xi-cleft points, luo-connecting points, and yuan-source points
from some affected channels, together with some local Ah Shi
points, promote the qi and blood circulation and relieve the joint
• Moxibustion warms the channels and collaterals and eliminates
• L.I.-11 and the ying-spring points from affected channels could
clear heat and subside swelling. Stagnation of qi and blood

Wandering joint pain or stabbing joint pain with fixed location,
swelling and limitation of joint movement, stiffness in the joints,
aggravation of joint pain at night, insomnia, the fullness of

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

hypochondriac regions, irritability, nervousness, poor appetite, thin

and white coating on the tongue, and a wiry and thready pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Smooth the liver and emotions, promote the qi circulation, and
relieve the breathlessness.

Herbal Treatment:
Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang-Relax the Channels and Invigorate the Blood

Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g

Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
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Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g

Chi Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Rubrae 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizomz Atractylodis 10 g
Chuan Niu Xi Radix Cyathulae Officinalis 10 g
Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Ru Xiang Gummi Olibanum 10 g
Mo Yao Resina Commiphorae Myrrhae 10 g
Ji Xue Teng Caulis Milletiae Reticulatae 10 g
Wei Ling Xian Radix Clematidis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Qiang Huo, Bai Zhi, Wei Ling Xian and Ji Xue Teng eliminate
damp in the body and collaterals, relax the tendons and relieve
joint pain.
• Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Chi Shao Yao, Ru Xiang and Mo Yao pro-
mote qi and blood circulation, eliminate blood stasis, and relieve
joint pain.
• Cang Zhu, Fu Ling and Chen Pi activate the spleen, regulate the
middle Jiao and eliminate damp in the body.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Chuan Niu Xi promotes blood circulation and relieves joint pain.

• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the herbs in the prescription.

Herbal Remedy:
Shu Jing Huo Xue Wan-Relax the Channels and Invigorate the Blood

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Shenmai BL-62 + Houxi SI-3, Hegu
L.I.-4, Taiyuan LU-9, Tanzhong REN-17, Yanglingquan GB-34,
Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taichong LIV-3, Xinshu BL-15 and Geshu BL-17.
• The xi-cleft points, luo-connecting points, and yuan-source points
from some affected channels should be selected accordingly.
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• Even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, BL-62 + SI-3, and a

reducing method is applied on the rest of the points. A reducing
method is applied on selected xi-cleft points, luo-connecting
points, and yuan-source points.

• The combination of SJ-5 + GB-41, and BL-62 + SI-3, two groups
of the eight confluence points, harmonize and invigorate Yangwei,
Dai, Yangqiao and Du channels and promote the qi circulation to
relieve joint pain.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source of the large intestine channel, LIV-3, the
yuan-source of the liver channel, REN-17, the influential point for
the qi in the body, promote the qi circulation and relieve the pain.
• GB-34, the influential point of the tendons in the body, relaxes the
tendons and relieves joint pain.
• LU-9, the influential point for the vessels in the body, SP-6, the
crossing point of three yin channels of the food, BL-15, the back-
shu point of the heart, and BL-17, the influential point for the
blood, promote blood circulation, eliminate blood stasis, and
relieve joint pain.
• The xi-cleft points, luo-connecting points, and yuan-source points
from some affected channels, together with some local Ah Shi points,
promote the qi and blood circulation and relieve the joint pain.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID Deficiency of qi and blood

Slight joint pain with stiffness which becomes worse with physical
movement, weakness of joints during movement, tiredness, dizzi-
ness, palpitations, poor appetite, lower back pain, pale complexion,
pale tongue with a thin and white coating, and a thready and weak

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify qi, benefit blood, strengthen the tendons and reinforce the

Herbal Treatment:
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Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang-Angelica Pubescentis and Taxillus Decoction.

Du Huo Radix Angelicae Pubescentis 10 g

Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g
Qin Jiao Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae 10 g
Sang Ji Sheng Ramulus Loranthi 10 g
Du Zhong Cortex Eucommiae Ulmoidis 10 g
Huai Niu Xi Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 15 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Rou Gui Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae 5 g
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Du Huo, Fang Feng and Qin Jiao eliminate some remaining patho-
genic factors and relieve joint pain.
• Sang Ji Sheng, Du Zhong and Huai Niu Xi strengthen the tendons
and lower back, benefit kidney-jing and relieve joint pain.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Dang Gui, Shu Di Huang and Bai Shao Yao tonify liver-blood and
kidney-jing to strengthen the tendons and bones in the body.
• Bai Zhu, Shan Yao and Fu Ling activate the spleen and stomach,
eliminate damp and tonify the qi in the body.
• Rou Gui warms the channels and relieves cold in the body.
• Chuan Xiong promotes blood circulation and relieves joint pain.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the herbs in the prescription.

Herbal Remedy:
Ren Shen Zai Zao Wan-Ginseng Recreating Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Shenmai BL-62 + Houxi SI-3,
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Yanglingquan GB-34, Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Qihai REN-

6, Taixi KID-3 and Shenshu BL-23.
• The xi-cleft points, luo-connecting points, and yuan-source points
from some affected channels should be selected accordingly.
• Moxibustion should be used on ST-36, REN-6, GB-34, and some
local Ah Shi points.
• Even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, BL-62 + SI-3, and a
tonifying method is applied on the rest of the points. A reducing
method is applied on selected xi-cleft points, luo-connecting
points, and yuan-source points.

• The combination of SJ-5 + GB-41, and BL-62 + SI-3, two groups
of the eight confluence points, harmonize and invigorate Yangwei,
Dai, Yangqiao and Du channels and promote the qi circulation to
relieve joint pain.
• GB-34, ST-36, SP-6, REN-6, KID-3 and BL-23 tonify liver-blood, ben-
efit the tendons, strengthen the bones, and reinforce kidney-jing.
• Moxibustion warms the channels and collaterals, eliminates inter-
nal colds, and supports yang-qi.
• The xi-cleft points, luo-connecting points, and yuan-source points
from some affected channels, together with some local Ah Shi

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

points, promote the qi and blood circulation and relieve the joint

11.4 Chest Pain

Chest pain refers to discomfort or pain between the neck and upper
abdomen, which can be sharp, distending, dull or stabbing, and can
happen in short bursts or be continuous. A small proportion of
patients with COVID-19 can experience significant chest pains,
which are mostly brought on by breathing deeply, coughing, sneez-
ing, physical movements, or emotions. Patients with severe COVID-
19 are more likely to report trouble breathing or chest pain than
people with mild illness.
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Although many viral infections are self-limiting and making peo-

ple feel unwell for only a few days before clearing up, this SARS-
CoV-2 infection is not just causing pneumonia. In some patients it
could attack many other different systems in the body, e.g., the heart
and blood vessels, the brain, and the kidneys. With high efficacy of
COVID-19 vaccines, the initial efforts concentrated on saving the
lives of the tens of thousands of people have shifted to the raised
awareness of persistence and extremely debilitating COVID prob-
lems. Those suffering from it describe a varying combination of over-
lapping symptoms and chest pain is one of the most common
symptoms experienced during Long COVID. One research published
in JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) on 9 July
2020, points out that worse quality of life was observed among
44.1% of patients and a high proportion of individuals still reported
chest pain (21.7%), which is the fourth complaint from Long COVID
besides fatigue (53.1%), dyspnea (43.4%) and joint pain (27.3%).12
Chest pains are most likely to occur alongside other symptoms.
When clustered with a lot of severe symptoms, such as high fever,
cough, shortness of breath, abdominal pains and confusion, chest
pain is a clear sign for hospitalization, particularly in older people.

Angelo Carfì, et al. op. cit.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

In milder cases, chest pain usually appears alongside headaches,

shortness of breath, and fatigue.
Chest pain during Long COVID is usually not life threatening
since it may present for the first time after COVID infection or
during Long COVID (likely caused by the virus directly affecting
the muscles and lungs). However, some cases of chest pain might
be related to potentially serious heart or lung conditions, such as
a heart attack or pulmonary embolism. When experiencing a
sudden chest pain (which persists for more than 15 minutes),
together with nausea, vomiting, sweating, shortness of breath, or
loss of consciousness, immediate medical examinations should
be taken.
According to some scientific studies, the virus that causes
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COVID-19 is thought to enter the heart, lungs, and other tissues

through an angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which causes
damage to these tissues. Researchers speculate that once the virus is
in the heart and lungs, it can release molecules called cytokines that
promote inflammation. These molecules can cause injury to the heart
or inflammation of the lungs.
Therefore, COVID-19 chest pain occurs. Chest pain is most com-
mon in patients with severe COVID-19 infection and is found to be
about three times more common in patients who die of the disease
than in survivors.13 One study of adult patients who recently recov-
ered from COVID-19 suggested that 60% of them had myocarditis,
regardless of how severe their COVID symptoms were during the
infection.14 Mechanisms of microvascular disease in COVID-19

Lin-Man Weng, et al. Pain symptoms in patients with coronavirus disease
(COVID-19): A literature review. J Pain Res. 2021, 14: 147–159. doi: 10.2147/JPR.
Valentina O. Puntmann, et al. Outcomes of cardiovascular magnetic resonance
imaging in patients recently recovered from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
JAMA Cardiol. 2020, 5(11): 1265–1273. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.2020.3557.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

include endothelial injury with endothelial dysfunction and micro-

vascular inflammation and thrombosis.15,16
In fact, chest pain of Long COVID could also be non-specific/
non-cardiac chest pain, which is the term that is used to describe
pain in the chest that is not caused by heart disease. In most people,
non-cardiac chest pain is related to a problem with the esophagus,
such as gastroesophageal reflux disease. Other causes include mus-
cle or bone problems, stomach problems, stress, anxiety, and
Treatment for chest pain of Long COVID in modern medicine
depends on the underlying causes, in which NSAIDs are often
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11.4.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

chest pain
In TCM, the chest belongs to the upper Jiao, storing the chest yang,
heart and lung. Physiologically, the heart controls blood and blood
vessels and houses the shen, and the lung governs respiration and
regulates the upper source of water in the body. Functional coordina-
tion of the heart and lungs maintains the normal circulation of qi and
blood, clear-yang in the chest and water distribution in the body.
Chest pain of Long COVID is considered chest Bi syndrome. Bi
means obstruction of qi and blood with pain, distension, or another
Chest Bi can be caused by various pathogenic factors, such as
invasion of cold-damp or damp-heat with a pestilent toxin to the
heart and lung, dysfunction of the spleen and stomach with the for-
mation of damp-phlegm, emotional disturbance, debility after
COVID-19, ageing, weak constitution, and lack of daily life care, etc.

Zsuzsanna Varga, et al. Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19.
The Lancet. 2020, 395: 1417–1418.
Charles J. Lowenstein and Scott D. Solomon. Severe COVID-19 is a microvascular
disease. Circulation. 2020, 142: 1609–1611. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

This leads to obstruction of chest yang by damp-phlegm, stagnation

of qi and blood, or deficiency of qi or yang of the heart and kidney.
In some severe cases, there could be retention of fluid in the heart
and lung. The above pathogenesis may coexist, and when they do,
the conditions become more complicated. Incomplete elimination of external pathogenic

COVID-19 is mainly caused by the invasion of cold-damp or damp-
heat with a pestilent toxin to the body, especially the lung and heart.
When the zheng-qi is sufficient, or the treatment is proper and in
time, these pathogenic factors could be eliminated completely.
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Otherwise, they could cause stagnation and latent accumulation in

the body, resulting in disturbance and obstruction of the chest-yang,
or the qi and blood in the chest, and chest Bi syndrome occurs.
When there is a disorder of the lung in dispersing or descending the
qi, there could be stagnation of qi in the chest, thus chest Bi syn-
drome happens with cough, shortness of breath. When there is a
disorder of the heart in regulating the blood circulation and blood
vessels, there would be chest bi with palpitations, restlessness, and
insomnia, etc. Accumulation of damp-phlegm

During COVID-19, a disorder of San Jiao in water regulation and
yuan-qi distribution, dysfunction of the spleen and stomach in diges-
tion, transportation and transformation, disharmony of cold and heat
in the body, poor function of the intestine, bladder, and gallbladder,
etc., could cause the formation of damp-phlegm internally, which
may block the chest-yang, causing chest Bi. Emotional disturbance

Being emotionally upset or disturbed during COVID-19, having
unsolved emotional disorders before COVID-19, etc., could lead to

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

retardation of qi circulation. It is believed in TCM that qi circulation

leads to blood circulation and blood stagnation aggravates qi stagna-
tion. When there is qi stagnation for a while, there could be stagna-
tion of blood, thus forming stagnation of qi and blood at the same
time. Stagnation of qi and blood could show different manifestations.
Blood stagnation often presents in some severe cases of chest pain of
Long COVID. Deficiency of qi and yang

Prolonged persistence of COVID-19, especially in old and weak
patients, lack of post COVID care for daily life and diet, overstrain,
etc., could cause consumption of qi, leading to deficiency of qi or
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even yang, bringing about the formation of deficient cold and stagna-
tion in the different zang-fu organs, such as the lung, heart, spleen
and kidney.
Deficiency of lung-qi could lead to weakness of the lung in dis-
persing and descending the qi. Deficiency of qi and yang of the heart
could cause disorder of the blood circulation and contraction of the
blood vessels. Deficiency of qi or yang of the spleen could eventually
lead to the formation of cold-damp and weakness of the lung.
Deficiency of qi or yang of the kidney could cause the failure of
the lung in performing its physiological functions, dysfunction of the
lung happens. All the above conditions may result in chest pain from

11.4.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated

chest pain Blockage of the chest-yang by external pathogenic
Persistence of chest pain since the onset of COVID-19 (which is
aggravated by cold), oppression over the chest, palpitation or even
dyspnea, coldness of limbs, white and greasy tongue coating, and a
tense and slippery pulse.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Principle of Treatment:
Expel cold, eliminate damp, activate stagnated yang, and relieve
chest pain.

Herbal Treatment:
Gua Lou Xie Bai Ban Xia Tang-Trichosanthis Fruit, Chinese Garlic
and Pinellia Decoction.

Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis 12 g

Xie Bai Bulbus Allii Macrostemi 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g
Rou Gui Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae 5 g
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Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 12 g

Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g

• Gua Lou Pi and Xie Bai open and relax the chest, promote qi cir-
culation, and relieve chest pain.
• Qiang Huo dispels remaining pathogenic factors and relieves
chest pain.
• Zhi Ban Xia and Xing Ren eliminate phlegm in the lung, disperse
and descend the lung-qi and relieve cough.
• Rou Gui warms the channels and dispels cold in the chest to
relieve the blockage in the chest.
• Yu Jin and Chen Pi promote qi circulation and relieve chest pain.
• Dan Shen and Chuan Xiong promote blood circulation and relieve
chest pain.

Herbal Remedy:
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tablets-Notopterygium Tablets to Overcome

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Chize
LU-5, Ximen P-4, Tanzhong REN-17, Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao
SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Taichong LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14. Some
local Ah Shi points as well.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method
is applied on the rest of the points.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4, one group of the eight confluence
points, promotes the qi circulation, and relaxes the chest to relieve
chest pain.
• LU-7, and LU-5, the luo-connecting point and the he-sea point of
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the lung channel respectively, disperse and descend the lung-qi,

restore the physiological functions of the lung, and relieve cough
and chest pain.
• P-4, the xi-cleft point of the pericardium channel, L.I.-4, the yuan-
source of the large intestine channel, LIV-3, the yuan-source of the
liver channel, LIV-14, the front-mu point of the liver, and REN-17,
the confluence point for the qi in the body, together with the local
Ah Shi points, relax the chest, promote qi circulation and relieve
chest pain.
• ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, SP-6, the
crossing points of the three yin channels of the foot, and SP-9, the
he-sea point of the spleen channel, regulate the San Jiao, eliminate
damp-phlegm in the body, activate the spleen and stomach and
relieve chest pain. Accumulation of damp-phlegm

Chest pain, pressure over the chest with heaviness, heaviness in the
head with foggy feeling, slight cough with expectoration of sticky
whitish phlegm, lassitude, nausea, poor appetite, loose stool or diar-
rhea, tiredness, white and greasy coating on the tongue, and a wiry
and slippery pulse.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate damp-phlegm, promote qi circulation, and relieve chest

Herbal Treatment:
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang-Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction, plus
Cang Fu Dao Tan Tang-Atractylodes-Poria Phlegm-Dissipating

Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g

Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
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Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g

Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis 10 g
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Sheng Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis Recens 5 g

• Hou Po, Xing Ren and Zi Su Zi resolve phlegm, descend the
lung-qi, and relieve chest pain.
• Zhi Shi, Gua Lou Pi and Cang Zhu eliminate damp-phlegm, pro-
mote qi circulation, and relieve chest pain.
• Xiang Fu, Chuan Xiong, Yu Jin and Zhi Ke promote the qi circulation
in the chest and relieve the blockage of the chest by damp-phlegm.
• Zhi Ban Xia, Fu Ling, Chen Pi and Sheng Jiang disperse the
lung-qi, eliminate phlegm and relieve cough.

Herbal Remedy:
Cang Fu Dao Tan Wan-Atractylodes-Poria Phlegm-Dissipating Pill.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Kongzui LU-6, Lieque
LU-7, Chize LU-5, Ximen P-4, Tanzhong REN-17, Fenglong ST-40,
Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Taichong LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method
is applied on the rest of the points.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes the qi circulation and
relaxes the chest to relieve chest pain.
• ST-40, SP-6 and SP-9 activate the spleen and stomach and elimi-
nate damp-phlegm in the body.
• LU-6, the xi-cleft point of the lung channel, LU-7, and LU-5 dis-
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perse and descend the lung-qi, restore the physiological functions

of the lung, and relieve cough and chest pain.
• P-4, L.I.-4, LIV-3, LIV-14, and REN-17 promote the qi circulation
in the chest and relieve chest pain. Stagnation of qi
Chest pain, fullness of the chest with distending pain, difficulty in
breathing out, depression, unstable emotions, headache, stiffness of
neck with some pain, insomnia, fullness of hypochondriac regions,
irritability, nervousness, poor appetite, swollen feeling in the abdo-
men, thin and white coating on the tongue, and a wiry and thready

Principle of Treatment:
Harmonize the liver, smooth emotions, promote qi circulate, and
relieve chest pain.

Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Yao San-Rambling Powder.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g

Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 15 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g

Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis 10 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 12 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Duan Long Gu Os Draconis (calcin) 15 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g

• Chai Hu and Bai Shao Yao smooth the liver and relieve qi stagna-
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tion in the liver.

• Zhi Ke and Yu Jin promote the qi circulation in the body and regu-
late emotions.
• Dang Gui nourishes the liver-blood and benefits the liver.
• Hou Po and Gua Lou Pi promote the qi circulation and eliminate
damp-phlegm in the chest and relieve the fullness in the chest.
• All the above herbs are used to promote and regulate the qi circu-
lation in the liver and chest and relieve chest pain.
• Gui Zhi promotes blood circulation in the heart and invigorates
blood circulation in the chest.
• Bai Zhu activates the spleen and eliminates damp in the body.
• Fu Shen, Duan Long Gu and Yuan Zhi smooth emotions, regulate
the shen, and improve sleep.

Herbal Remedy:
Xiao Yao Wan-Rambling Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Chize
LU-5, Ximen P-4, Tanzhong REN-17, Fengchi GB-20, Sanyinjiao
SP-6, Taichong LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14, Xinshu BL-15 and Ganshu
BL-18. Some local Ah Shi points on the chest could be selected.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method

is applied on the rest of the points.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes the qi circulation and
relaxes the chest to relieve breathlessness.
• LU-7, LU-5, and REN-17 disperse and descend the lung-qi, relieve
the qi stagnation in the chest, and relieve chest pain.
• L.I.-4 promotes the qi and blood circulation in the body and
relieves pain and headache.
• GB-20 and BL-15 calm the shen and improve the emotions.
• L.I.-4, P-4, SP-6, LIV-3, LIV-14 and BL-18, together with some
local Ah Shi points, smooth the liver, promote the qi circulation,
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and relieve chest pain. Stagnation of blood

Stabbing chest pain with a fixed location radiating to the back, full-
ness of the chest, shortness of breath, palpitations, purplish or ecchy-
moses on the tongue, and an unsmooth or wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Promote the circulation of blood, eliminate stagnant blood, and
sedate chest pain.

Herbal Treatment:
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang-Drive out Stasis in the Mansion of Blood

Tao Ren Semen Pruni Persicae 10 g

Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 10 g
Chi Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Rubrae 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 10 g
Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 12 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g

Yan Hu Suo Rhizoma Corydalis 10 g
Tan Xiang Lignum Santali Albi 3 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g

• Tao Ren, Hong Hua, Dang Gui, Chi Shao Yao, Chuan Xiong, and
Shu Di Huang, the complete composition of Tao Hong Si Wu Tang,
promote blood circulation, eliminate blood stasis, and relieve the
• Dan Shen and Tan Xiang promote blood circulation and relieve the
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blood stasis in the heart.

• Zhi Ke, Xiang Fu, Yu Jin and Yan Hu Suo promote qi circulation,
eliminate blood stasis, and relieve chest pain.

Herbal Remedy:
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang tablet-Four Substance (Things) Decoction Pill
with Safflower and Peach Pit.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6,
Hegu L.I.-4, Kongzui LU-6, Chize LU-5, Tanzhong REN-17, Ximen
P-4, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taichong LIV-3, Xinshu BL-15 and Geshu
BL-17. Some local Ah Shi points should be applied at the same
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4 and LU-7 + KID-6, and
a reducing method is applied on the rest of the points.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4, and LU-7 + KID-6 promote the qi
circulation, relaxes the chest, and relieves chest pain.
• LU-6, LU-5, REN-17, and P-4 disperse and descend the lung-qi,
harmonize the collaterals, relieve the stagnation in the chest and
relieve chest pain.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• L.I.-4 and LIV-3 promote the qi circulation in the body and relieve
• SP-6, BL-15, and BL-17, together with the local Ah Shi points,
promote blood circulation, eliminate blood stasis, and relieve
breathlessness. Deficiency of qi and yang

Slight chest pain with cold sensation which often becomes worse by
exertion, difficulty in breathing in, slight cough, no expectoration of
phlegm, tiredness, dizziness, palpitations, poor memory, timidness,
pale complexion, pale tongue with a thin and white coating, and a
thready and weak pulse.
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Principle of Treatment:
Tonify qi, warm the heart and reinforce the kidney.

Herbal Treatment:
Zhi Gan Cao Tang-Honey-Fried Licorice Decoction, plus
You Gui Wan-Restore the Right Pill.

Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 10 g

Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 12 g
E Jiao Gelatinum Corii Asini 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Zhi Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae Praeparata 10 g
Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Du Zhong Cortex Eucommiae Ulmoidis 10 g
Xian Mao Rhizoma Curculiginis Orchioidis 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g

• Zhi Gan Cao and Gui Zhi warm the heart, eliminate cold in the
chest, and regulate the heart vessels.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Zhi Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Wu Wei Zi and Zhi Huang Qi
activate the spleen and tonify the qi in the body.
• Shan Yao, Du Zhong and Xian Mao warm the kidney, tonify the
kidney-yang and strengthen the lower back.
• Shu Di Huang and E Jiao tonify blood and benefit the heart.

Herbal Remedy:
You Gui Wan-Restore the Right Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6, Taiyuan
LU-9, Tanzhong REN-17, KID-23, KID-24, Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao
SP-6, Taixi KID-3, Qihai REN-6, Feishu BL-13 and Shenshu BL-23.
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• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and LU-7 + KID-6, and

a tonifying method is applied on the rest of the points. Moxibustion
could be applied on ST-36, KID-3 and REN-6.

• P-6 + SP-4, and LU-7 + KID-6 promote the qi circulation, relax the
chest, and relieve chest pain.
• LU-9, the yuan-source point of the lung channel and the influen-
tial point for the vessels, and BL-13, the back-shu point of the lung,
tonify the qi of the lung and restore the physiological functions.
• ST-36 and SP-6 tonify the qi of the spleen and activate the spleen.
• KID-3 and BL-23 tonify the qi of the kidney and strengthen the
lower back.
• REN-17, KID-23 and KID-24, together with the local Ah Shi point,
promote the qi circulation and relieve chest pain.
• REN-6 tonifies the qi of the general body and eliminates cold in
the body.
• Moxibustion warms the qi and dispels cold in the body.

11.5 Headache
The so-called Long COVID is a set of symptoms that accompanies
the patient for months after initial discharge from the hospital. These

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

symptoms include muscle fatigue, moderate breathlessness, persis-

tent headache, the feeling of a foggy head, and the development of
psychiatric disorders. In general, the quality of life of at least half of
the patients who come out of the COVID-19 syndrome, both mild
and severe, shows a markedly worsening despite having passed a
difficult physical and psychological test.17 Although headache does
not represent a prognostic picture for the evolution of COVID-19, it
must always be taken into consideration as a possible chronic seque-
lae of the infection.18
During the acute phase, headache associated with COVID-19
is a frequent symptom. Headaches can persist after COVID-19
resolution. Pathophysiological, its migraine-like features may reflect
an activation of the trigeminovascular system by inflammation or
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direct involvement of SARS-CoV-2, a hypothesis supported by con-

comitant anosmia.19
One study shows that headache was the most frequent first symp-
tom of COVID-19, described by 128 (27.9%) of the patients who
reported headache, followed by fever in 109 (23.1%), cough in 60
(13.1%), and asthenia in 32 (7.0%).20 However, headache is also one
of the most common symptoms being experienced by those with
lingering issues related to the coronavirus or the patients with Long
COVID-19. It could continue for weeks or even months after being
tested positive for COVID-19 even for people who had only a mild
case of COVID-19.
One and half years after the outbreak of coronavirus disease
2019 (COVID-19), referrals for persistent headache associated with

Willi S, et al. COVID-19 sequelae in adults aged less than 50 years: A systematic
review. Travel Med Infect Dis. 2021, 40: 101995. doi: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2021.101995.
Paolo Martelletti, et al. Long-COVID headache, SN Compr Clin Med. 2021, 3,
1704–1706. doi: 10.1007/s42399-021-00964-7.
Edoardo Caronna, et al. Headache: A striking prodromal and persistent symptom,
predictive of COVID-19 clinical evolution. Cephalalgia. 2020, 40(13): 1410–1421.
David García-Azorín, et al. Frequency and phenotype of headache in COVID-19:
A study of 2194 patients. Sci Rep. 2021, 11: 14674.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

COVID-19 have become increasingly common in outpatient head-

ache clinics. It is important to take into consideration that this term
may include a spectrum of clinically different headache types. Some
cases could show migraine-like headaches in individuals with a his-
tory of mild or severe COVID-19 infection. Any complaint of head-
ache highlights the importance of a careful evaluation when assessing
the complexities of “Long COVID” headache, as well as the need
to further investigate the different underlying pathophysiological
mechanisms. One research identified 9,573 studies, 28 peer-
reviewed studies and 7 preprints. The sample was 28,438 COVID-19
survivors (12,307 females; mean age: 46.6, SD: 17.45 years). The
methodological quality was high in 45% of the studies. The overall
prevalence of post-COVID headache was 47.1% (95% CI 35.8–58.6)
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at onset or hospital admission, 10.2% (95% CI 5.4–18.5) at 30 days,

16.5% (95% CI 5.6–39.7) at 60 days, 10.6% (95% CI 4.7–22.3) at 90
days, and 8.4% (95% CI 4.6–14.8) at more than 180 days after onset/
hospital discharge. Headache as a symptom at the acute phase was
more prevalent in non-hospitalized (57.97%) than in hospitalized
(31.11%) patients. Time trend analysis showed a decreased preva-
lence from the acute symptoms’ onset to all post-COVID follow-up
periods which was maintained afterwards. This meta-analysis con-
cluded that the prevalence of post COVID headache ranged from 8%
to 15% during the first six months after SARS-CoV-2 infection.21
Headache during Long COVID could be sharp or dull, slight or
severe, constant or intermittent, usually occurring at the forehead,
vertex or occipital region. Sometimes, skull-pounding headaches
with around-the-clock pain are separated only by periods of agoniz-
ing and extreme spikes.
In daily practice, it is not always easy to find a clear etiology or
cause behind the headache. Brain scans of those with persistent
headaches tend to be normal. Besides, such a headache is often just
one of many symptoms experienced by COVID-19 long-haulers.
Many also report fatigue, shortness of breath, painful joints, and chest

César Fernández-de-las-Peñas, et al. Headache as an acute and post-COVID-19
symptom in COVID-19 survivors: A meta-analysis of the current literature. Eur J
Neurol. 2021, 28(11): 3820–3825.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

pain, etc. Thus, it could be concluded that a symptomatic treatment

by using a painkiller is not a real solution to relieve headache
together with other accompanying symptoms. TCM treatment based
upon syndrome differentiation could be an ideal option.

11.5.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

All the six Yang Channels are going through the head area. Besides,
Du channel and liver channel also have their connection or distribu-
tion on the head. The kidney is the important organ to produce mar-
row and the brain is the sea of marrow. The spleen transforms the
essence of food into qi and blood, which nourishes the brain. Lung
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disperses qi to all the parts of the body, including the head. Heart
dominates blood circulation and is in charge of mental activity.
Moreover, blood is the basic energetic source for the physiological
activity of the brain. Disorders in one of these channels or internal
organs during Long COVID will influence the qi and blood circula-
tion in the head, leading to headache. Incomplete elimination of external pathogenic

COVID-19 is mainly caused by the invasion of cold-damp or damp-
heat with a pestilent toxin to the body, especially the lung and heart.
When these pathogenic factors are not eliminated completely or in
time, they could cause stagnation and latent accumulation in the
body, resulting in disturbance and obstruction of the channels and
collaterals, as well as clear-yang, or the qi and blood or internal
zang-fu organs, headache occurs. Emotional disturbance

The liver plays an important role in emotional activities. It regulates
qi circulation and stores blood. Stress, resentment and frustration
during COVID-19 may cause retardation of liver-qi circulation, stag-
nation of liver-qi occurs. Once stagnation of liver-qi is formed, it may

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

influence the physiological functions in the head, thus there would

be stagnation of qi and blood, and headache occurs. This kind of
headache is quite often seen in daily practice.
Qi is a kind of yang energy, which should be in the state of con-
stant movement. In case of prolonged persistence of liver-qi stagna-
tion, it may cause gradual formation of liver-fire. Moreover, anger
and too much stress may accelerate this process of fire formation.
Fire is characterized by uprising and burning. When there is forma-
tion of liver-fire in the body, it may rise to the head, disturbing qi and
blood circulation and burning the channels on the head, causing
headache. It is usually accompanied by distending of the head, red-
ness of face and eyes, swelling of eyes, nervousness, irritability,
insomnia, bitter taste in the mouth, red tongue with a thin and yellow
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coating, and a rapid and wiry pulse.

Headache caused by stagnation of liver-fire is usually located at
temple areas of the head or whole head.
Prolonged persistence of flaring of liver-fire may cause hyperac-
tivity of liver-yang, leading to the occurrence of severe headache or
migraine. Accumulation of damp-phlegm

The spleen has a function to transport and TCM. Invasion of external
damp to the spleen and stomach, or improper diets during COVID-
19 (such as overeating of sweet, fatty, greasy, and pungent food as
well as indulgence in alcoholic drinks), may cause the physiological
function of the spleen and stomach to be impaired, resulting in accu-
mulation of damp-phlegm in the body. When the head is blocked by
damp-phlegm, clear-yang, or qi and blood would fail to rise and
Turbid qi would fail to descend, qi and blood circulation in the head
is stagnant, causing headache. Deficiency of qi and blood

The spleen is the acquired source for qi and blood production, thus
dysfunction of the spleen and stomach during COVID-19, or

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

overconsumption of qi and blood during sickness would cause defi-

ciency of qi and blood, causing the head to be under-nourished, and
a headache appears. Improper diets and eating too little during
COVID-19 may cause the poor function of the spleen in transporta-
tion and transformation, impairing qi and blood production, and
forming deficiency of qi and blood.

11.5.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated

To understand the key points for the differentiation for headache,
special attention should be paid to the quality, the location of the
headache and other factors, which may alleviate or aggravate the
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headache. For instance, a dull pain indicates deficiency condition,

while a sharp pain indicates an excess condition according to the
eight principles perspective. A headache with the feeling of heavi-
ness is usually caused by the accumulation of damp-phlegm, a head-
ache with distending feeling is a type of pain with “swollen”,
“throbbing”, “bursting” and “pulsating” sensation. This kind of head-
ache is usually caused by a disorder of the liver.
A headache with stabbing, fixed in one place and aggravation of
pain at night or before menstruation indicates stagnation of blood. A
headache with the sensation of emptiness of the head indicates
Deficiency of qi and blood. Disturbed head by external wind-damp

Slight headache with heavy sensation, feeling of the head to be
wrapped with a piece of cloth, aggravation of the headache when
exposed to cold and humid weather, lassitude, slight general body
pain with heavy sensation, fatigue, thin, white, and greasy coating on
the tongue, and a slippery and superficial pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel wind, eliminate damp, harmonize the collaterals, and relieve

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Treatment:
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang-Notopterygium Decoction to Overcome

Qiang Huo Rhizoma seu Radix Notopterygii 10 g

Du Huo Radix angelicae Pubescentis 10 g
Gao Ben Rhizoma Radix Ligustici 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae 6 g
Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Praeparata 10 g
Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g
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• Qiang Huo, Du Huo and Fang Feng can dispel wind, eliminate
cold-damp from the upper parts of the body so as to relieve
remaining external pathogenic factors.
• Chuan Xiong expels wind, promotes qi and blood circulation, and
relieves headache.
• Gao Ben and Man Jing Zi dispel wind-damp and relieve headache.
• Ban Xia and Fu Ling are used to dry damp, eliminate phlegm and
harmonize the middle Jiao.
• Zhi Gan Cao coordinates the effects of the other herbs in the

Herbal Remedy:
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Pian-Notopterygium Tablets to Overcome

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Waiguan SJ-5, Zhigou SJ-6, Fengchi
GB-20, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Extra Yintang and Ashi points on the
• A reducing method is applied on all these points.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, and
GB-20, the crossing point of the foot Shaoyang and Yangwei chan-
nels, dispel wind-damp, regulate qi circulation, and relieve
• LU-7, the luo-connecting point of the lung channel, promotes the
qi circulation, eliminates damp in the upper Jiao and relieves
• Extra Yintang relieves headache symptomatically.
• SJ-5 and SJ-6 dispel wind-damp, harmonize the collaterals and
relieve headache.
• SP-6, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, promotes
qi circulation and eliminates damp.
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• Ashi points are used to regulate qi circulation, harmonize the local

collateral and relieve headaches. Stagnation of liver-qi

Headache with pressure and tension sensation (which starts or gets
worse under stress or emotional disturbance), depression, painful
neck, distension and pain in the hypochondriac region, insomnia,
irregular menstruation, poor appetite or overeating, thin and white
tongue coating, and a wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Smooth the liver, promote qi circulation, calm the shen and relieve

Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Yao San-Rambling Powder.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleare 10 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhiizoma Areactylodis Macrocephalae 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g

Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuan Xiong 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Bo He Herba Menthae Haplocalycis 3 g
Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Chai Hu regulates and promotes liver-qi circulation and relieve qi
stagnation in the liver.
• Bai Shao Yao and Dang Gui are used to nourish blood in the liver,
harmonize and smooth the liver, and relieve headache and hypo-
chondriac pain.
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• Chuan Xiong regulates liver-qi and relieves headaches.

• Bai Zhu and Fu Ling strengthen the spleen and stomach and
improve the appetite.
• Huang Qin and Bo He clear internal heat resulting from the stag-
nation of liver-qi and prevent further formation of liver-fire.
• Man Jing Zi relieves headaches.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the actions of the other herbs.

Herbal Remedy:
Xiao Yao Wan-Rambling Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Hegu L.I.-4, Shuaigu GB-8, Extra
Yintang, Extra Taiyang, Fengchi GB-20, Jianjing GB-21, Taichong
LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14, Neiguan P-6, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Extra
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, and a reducing
method is applied on these points.

• SJ-5 + GB-41 is a combination to harmonize Shaoyang channels,
benefit the gallbladder and relieve headaches.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the liver channel respectively, and LIV-14, the front-mu
point of the liver, smooth the liver, regulate the qi circulation in the
body and relieve liver-qi stagnation. Meanwhile, they could
relieve headaches.
• P-6, the luo-connecting point of the pericardium channel, regu-
lates qi circulation and calms the shen.
• Extra Sishencong calms the shen, improves sleep and regulates
• SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot, pro-
motes the smooth qi and blood circulation in the liver and in the
head to relieve headache.
• GB-8, GB-20 and GB-21 regulate the collateral of the gallbladder
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channel, smooth the emotions, relieve the neck tension, and pro-
mote qi circulation in the head to relieve headache.
• Extra Yintang and Extra Taiyang, the local points, relieve head-
aches. Flaring up of liver-fire

Persistent headache with sharp pain or distending pain, redness of
eyes, irritability, bitter taste in the mouth, restlessness, insomnia,
irregular menstruation, poor appetite, deep yellow urine, constipa-
tion, red tongue, and a rapid and wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Reduce liver-fire, clear heat, calm the shen and relieve headache.

Herbal Treatment:
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang-Gentiana Longdancao Decoction to Drain
the Liver.

Long Dan Cao Radix Gentianae Anomalae 10 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardenniae 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Ze Xie Rhizoma Alismatis 12 g

Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Lagustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Xia Ku Cao Spica Prunellae 10 g
Che Qian Zi Semen Plantaginis 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae 12 g
Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g
Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

In case of hyperactivity of liver-yang, add Gou Teng Ramulus cum

Uncis Uncariae 10 g and Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae Elatae 10 g.
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• Long Dan Cao, Huang Qin, Xia Ku Cao and Zhi Zi clear heat in
the liver, reduce liver-fire and relieve headaches.
• Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong and Chai Hu promote liver-qi circulation,
smooth the liver, and relieve headache.
• Ze Xie and Che Qian Zi promote urination and induce fire out of
the body through urination.
• Sheng Di clears heat and nourishes the yin of the liver and kidney.
• Man Jing Zi relieves headaches.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the actions of the other herbs.
• Gou Teng and Tian Ma calm the liver, suppress liver-wind, and
relieve headache.

Herbal Remedy:
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan-Gentiana Longdancao Pill to Drain the Liver.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Zhongfeng LIV-4, Shaohai HE-3,
Shaofu HE-8, Shuaigu GB-8, Fengchi GB-20, Jianjing GB-21,
XiaxiGB-43, Baihui DU-20, Xingjian LIV-2, Qimen LIV-14,
Sanyinjiao SP-6 and Extra Tai Yang.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, and a reducing
method is applied on the rest of the points.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• A combination of SJ-5 + GB-41 harmonizes the Shaoyang chan-
nels, benefits the gallbladder, and relieves headaches.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-14, the yuan-source point of the large intestine
channel and the front-mu point of the liver, smooth the liver,
regulate the qi circulation in the body and relieve liver-qi stagna-
tion. Meanwhile, they could relieve headaches.
• LIV-2 and GB-43, the ying-spring point of the liver channel and
gallbladder channel respectively, DU-20, clear heat, reduce liver-
fire and relieve headache.
• HE-3 and HE-8, the he-sea point and the ying-spring point of the
heart channel respectively, clear heat in the heart, calm the shen
and smooth the liver as well.
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• GB-8, GB-20 and GB-21 regulate the collateral of the gallbladder

channel, smooth the emotions, relieve the neck tension, and pro-
mote qi circulation in the head to relieve headache.
• SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot, pro-
motes the smooth qi and blood circulation in the liver and in the
head to relieve headache.
• Extra Taiyang, the local point, relieves headaches. Stagnation of Blood

Prolonged persistence of stabbing headache with a fixed location,
aggravation of headache at night, before or during menstruation, dark
and purplish menstruation with clots, history of physical trauma and
other cerebral diseases, insomnia, purplish tongue or purplish spots
on the tongue, and a thready or unsmooth pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Promote circulation of blood, eliminate blood stasis, and relieve

Herbal Treatment:
Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang-Open the Portals and Quicken the Blood

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Chuan Xiong Rhizoma LiGustici Chuanxiong 10 g

Chi Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Rubra 10 g
Dang Gui Radix angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 10 g
Hong Hua Flos Carthami 10 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi 10 g
Qing Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Viride 5 g
Zhi Qiao Fructus Aurantii 10 g
Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g
Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10 g

• Chuan Xiong, Chi Shao Yao, Dan Shen and Hong Hua promote
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blood circulation and eliminate blood Stasis. Besides, Chuan

Xiong is a very good herb to induce the other herbs to reach the
head to treat headaches.
• Dang Gui promotes blood circulation and harmonizes the blood
so as not to harm the blood by using blood-circulating herbs.
• Since qi circulation promotes blood circulation, some herbs to
promote qi circulation are prescribed here as well, such as Qing
Pi, Zhi Qiao and Xiang Fu.
• Bai Zhi and Man Jing Zi, which are used together with Chuan
Xiong and Dang Gui to relieve headaches.

Herbal Remedy:
Yan Hu Suo Zhi Tong Pian-Corydalis Pain Relief Tablet.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Hegu L.I.-4, Fengchi GB-20, Neiguan P-6, Taiyuan LU-9, Shaohai
HE-3, Shenmen HE-7, Geshu BL-17, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taichong
LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14 and Ashi points on the head.
• A reducing method is applied to these points.

• Qi is the guide for blood. L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point
of the large intestine channel and the liver channel respectively,

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

regulate qi circulation to lead to blood circulation and relieve

• GB-20, the crossing point of foot Shaoyang and Yangwei channels,
some local Ah Shi points on the head, promote qi and blood cir-
culation in the head and relieve headache.
• SP-6, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, and
BL-17, the influential point of blood, promote blood circulation,
eliminate blood stasis, and relieve headache.
• HE-3, HE-7 and LU-9, the influential point of the vessel in the
body, calm the shen, regulate emotions, promote blood circula-
tion, and relieve headache.
• P-6, the luo-connecting point of the pericardium channel, and LIV-
14, the front-mu point of the liver, regulate qi circulation, smooth
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the liver, and promote blood circulation. Blockage of the clear-yang by damp-phlegm

Headache with heavy sensation, dizziness, the fullness of the chest
and epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, casting of
phlegm, diarrhea, white and greasy coating on the tongue, and a slip-
pery or wiry and slippery pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Activate the spleen, eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, harmonize the
collaterals, and sedate headache.

Herbal Treatment:
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang-Pinellia, Atractylodes Macrocephala
and Gastrodia Decoction.

Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae 10 g

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g

Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Ban Xia and Chen Pi dry damp, resolve phlegm in middle Jiao and
relieve nausea.
• Fu Ling and Bai Zhu activate the spleen and eliminate damp.
• Tian Ma, Bai Ji Li and Man Jing Zi calm the liver, eliminate damp
in the head and relieve headache and dizziness.
• Cang Zhu and Hou Po eliminate damp-phlegm in the body and
relieve nausea and diarrhea.
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• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the functions of other herbs.

Herbal Remedy:
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Pian-Pinellia, Atractylodes Macrocephala
and Gastrodia Tablet.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Hegu L.I.-4, Shuaigu GB-8,
Fengchi GB-20, Jianjing GB-21, Touwei ST-8, Extra Taiyang, Extra
Yintang, Zhongwan REN-12, Taichong LIV-3, Fenglong ST-40,
Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9 and Ashi points on the head.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, and a reducing
method is applied on the rest points.

• SJ-5 + GB-41 could regulate the shaoyang channels and relieve
headaches and dizziness.
• GB-20 and GB-21 smooth the tension at the neck, promote the qi
circulation in the gallbladder channel and relieve headache.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and liver channel respectively, promote qi circulation, calm
the liver, and relieve headache.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• GB-8, ST-8, Extra Taiyang and Extra Yintang, as well as some local
Ah Shi points on the head, promote qi circulation, eliminate
damp-phlegm in the head and relieve headache.
• REN-12, the front-mu point of the stomach and the influential
point for the fu organs, SP-6, the crossing point of three yin chan-
nels of the foot, and SP-9, the he-sea point of the spleen channel,
activate the spleen, eliminate damp-phlegm, and relieve nausea
and diarrhea. Deficiency of qi
Headache after COVID-19, empty sensation in the head, aggravation
of headache after physical exertion, fatigue, general weakness, pale
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complexion, aversion to cold, cold hands, shortness of breath, spon-

taneous sweating, loose stools, poor appetite, low voice, thin and
white coating on the tongue, pale tongue, tooth marks on tongue,
and a slow and deep pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Activate the spleen and stomach, tonify qi and relieve headache.

Herbal Treatment:
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang-Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi

Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling clerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacea 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 5 g
Mu Xiang Radix Aucklandiae 10 g
Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 3 g
Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata 3 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling and Zhi Gan Cao, known as Si Jun Zi
Tang-Four Gentlemen Decoction, activate the spleen and stomach,
tonify spleen-qi and relieve general fatigue and weakness.
• Huang Qi tonify spleen-qi and lift-up the qi to the head to
benefit it.
• Chen Pi, Mu Xiang and Sha Ren harmonize stomach-qi and pro-
mote appetite.

Herbal Remedy:
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan-Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
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• Baihui DU-20, Shenting DU-24, Extra Yintang, Zusanli ST-36,

Taibai SP-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Qihai REN-6, Pishu BL-20 and
Weishu BL-21.
• A tonifying method is applied on these points. Moxibustion should
be applied on REN-6 and ST-36.

• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, and SP-3, the
yuan-source point of the spleen channel, BL-20 and BL-21, the
back-shu point of the spleen and stomach respectively, activate
the spleen and stomach, tonify qi and promote digestion.
• REN-6, and SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of
the foot, tonify qi and blood at the same time and strengthen the
body to relieve general fatigue and weakness.
• DU-20, DU-24 and Extra Yintang lift up qi to the head and relieve
• Moxibustion promotes the yang-qi movement, benefits the body,
and relieves the weakness and cold in the body. Deficiency of blood

Headache after COVID-19, a hollow sensation in the head, aggrava-
tion of headache after physical exertion and alleviation of headache

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

by rest, dizziness, hair loss, palpitations, listlessness, insomnia, pale

complexion, irregular menstruation in women, poor appetite, dry
skin or stools, pale tongue with a thin and white coating, and a
thready and weak pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify blood, relieve weakness and sedate headache.

Herbal Treatment:
Si Wu Tang-Four Substances Decoction.

Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Praeparatae 15 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
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Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae Alba 10 g

Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae Elatae 10 g
Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Man Jing Zi Fructus Viticis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Shu Di Huang, Dang Gui, Bai Shao and Chuan Xiong benefit
kidney-jing, tonify and nourish blood, and relieve headache.
• Tian Ma and Bai Ji Li benefit the head and relieve headaches.
• Man Jing Zi relieves headache.

Herbal Remedy:
Gui Pi Wan-Restore the Spleen Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taichong LIV-3, Ququan LIV-8,
Taixi KID-3, Yingu KID-10, Xuanzhong GB-39, Baihui DU-20,
Shenmen HE-7, Extra Taiyang and Extra Yintang.
• An even method is applied on LIV-3, Extra Taiyang and Extra Yintang.
• A tonifying method is applied on the rest points.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, and SP-6, the
crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, activate the spleen
and stomach, tonify qi and blood and relieve headache.
• Since kidney-jing and blood share the same origin and benefit
each other constantly, some points should be used to tonify
kidney-jing to tonify blood. KID-3, the yuan-source point of the
kidney channel, LIV-8 and KID-10, the he-sea point of the liver
channel and kidney channel respectively, tonify blood and jing at
the same time, relieve the general fatigue and weakness so as to
relieve headache.
• GB-39, the influential point for marrow, benefits blood and
relieves blood deficiency.
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• DU-20, Extra Taiyang and Extra Yintang benefit the head, harmo-
nize the collateral and relieve headache.
• LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the liver channel, and HE-7, the
yuan-source point of the heart channel, promote qi and blood
circulation, calms the shen, improves sleep and relieves headache.

11.6 Myalgia
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately
1.7 billion people around the world have a musculoskeletal condi-
tion. This is a group of conditions that affect the muscles and bones
and may cause body aches.22 But myalgia in Long COVID is some-
thing different.
Long COVID refers to a variety of symptoms affecting different
organs reported by people who contracted the coronavirus disease
2019 (COVID-19) infection. To date, there have been no robust esti-
mates of the incidence and co-occurrence of Long COVID features,
their relationship to age, sex, or severity of infection, and the extent
to which they are specific to COVID-19. Therefore, some experts
started a study on this subject. They believe that Long COVID clinical

World Health Organization (WHO). Musculoskeletal health. 14 July 2022. https://


TCM Treatment of Long COVID

features occurred and co-occurred frequently and showed some

specificity to COVID-19, though they were also observed after influ-
enza. Different Long COVID clinical profiles were observed based
on demographics and illness severity.23
Myalgia is a common symptom in patients with viral infections
such as influenza. Since novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
is also a viral infection, myalgia also occurs. One study reviews that
myalgia reflects generalized inflammation and cytokine response and
can be the onset symptom of 36% of patients with COVID-19.24
Another study investigated the association between COVID-
related myalgia experienced by patients at hospital admission and
the presence of Long COVID symptoms. A case-control study includ-
ing patients hospitalized due to COVID-19 between 20 February and
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31 May 2020 was conducted. Patients reporting myalgia and patients

without myalgia at hospital admission were scheduled for a tele-
phone interview seven months after hospital discharge. Hospitalization
and clinical data were collected from medical records. A list of post-
COVID symptoms with attention to musculoskeletal pain was evalu-
ated. Anxiety and depressive symptoms, and sleep quality were
likewise assessed. Out of a total of 1,200 hospitalized patients with
COVID-19, 369 with and 369 without myalgia at hospital admission
were assessed 7.2 months (SD 0.6) after hospital discharge. A greater
proportion (p = 0.03) of patients with myalgia at hospital admission
(20%) showed ≥3 post-COVID symptoms when compared with indi-
viduals without myalgia (13%). A higher proportion of patients pre-
senting myalgia (odds Ratio 1.41, 95% confidence interval 1.04–1.90)
exhibited musculoskeletal Long COVID pain when compared to
those without myalgia. The prevalence of musculoskeletal Long

Maxime Taquet, et al. Incidence, co-occurrence, and evolution of long-COVID
features: A 6-month retrospective cohort study of 273,618 survivors of COVID-19.
PLOS MEDICINE. September 2021, 18(9): e1003773.
Giuseppe Lippi, et al. Myalgia may not be associated with severity of coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19). World J Emerg Med. 2020, 11(3): 193–194. doi: 10.5847/

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

COVID pain in the total sample was 38%. Fifty percent of individuals
with preexisting musculoskeletal pain experienced a worsening of
their symptoms after COVID-19. No differences in fatigue, dyspnea,
anxiety/depressive levels, or sleep quality were observed between
myalgia and non-myalgia groups. The presence of myalgia at hospital
admission was associated with preexisting history of musculoskeletal
pain (OR 1.62, 95% confidence interval 1.10–2.40). In conclusion,
myalgia at the acute phase was associated with musculoskeletal pain
as long-term post-COVID sequelae. In addition, half of the patients
with preexisting pain conditions experienced a persistent exacerba-
tion of their previous syndromes.25 But one examination shows that
myalgia is only 3.24% based upon the data from 81 million patients
including 273,618 COVID-19 survivors.26
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As a matter of fact, people can expect that myalgia may disap-

pear or improve a lot by taking some painkillers, but it is not always
the case this time during COVID-19 and Long COVID. Besides,
there are so many questions that arise during COVID-19 and Long
COVID, such as why is the common myalgia caused by COVID-19
longer and more severe than myalgia of other viral infections?
Myalgia and fatigue in patients with COVID-19 may be longer in
duration than other viral infections and may be unresponsive to con-
ventional painkillers? What is the mechanism of myalgia caused by
COVID-19? Is there an effective treatment for myalgia during Long
COVID? Both scientists and medical practitioners are doing their best
to find these answers to the above questions, and something has
been done so far. For instance, according to one observation that
when viral load is reduced with virus treatment, muscle pain may
decrease. In addition to the classic mechanisms of myalgia known in
viral infections, COVID-19 can cause musculoskeletal pain with

César Fernández-de-las-Peñas, et al. Myalgia as a symptom at hospital admis-
sion by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection is associated
with persistent musculoskeletal pain as long-term post-COVID sequelae: A case-
control study. PAIN. 2021, 162(12): 2832–2840. doi: 10.1097/j.
Angelo Carfì, et al. op. cit.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

completely different mechanisms. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)

increases when the virus damages muscles and other tissues. Due to
both increased LDH and anaerobic glycolysis, lactate levels may
increase excessively. Cytosolic PH may decrease more. Muscle pain
may increase further due to increased lactate levels, low pH, and low
oxygen levels. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of hypoxia for
treatment in this pain type. Painkillers may not be effective. When the
virus load decreases, the oxygenation of erythrocytes increases, and
muscle lactate level decreases. Pain can disappear with virus treat-
ment.27 However, the authors did not propose any concrete
Myalgia due to COVID-19 can feel like a dull, aching sensation
in the muscles that may limit mobility or energy. This sensation could
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affect one or several body parts and may range from mild to severe,
typically occurring with other symptoms. In the most serious cases,
myalgia could interfere with or prevent daily activities and tasks. The
types of myalgia a person experiences may vary by age. When myal-
gia occurs with other symptoms (for instance, trouble breathing,
persistent chest pain, inability to stay conscious, or confusion), drink-
ing plenty of fluids and resting will not be usually sufficient to sup-
port recovery. Some patients may not benefit from taking
over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen, a nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drug, to reduce body and muscle aches.

11.6.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

According to TCM, most cases of myalgia fall under the category of
Bi syndromes, which covers various conditions. It may occur with
joint pain, tiredness, and insomnia. The main pathologies of myalgia
in TCM are due to stagnation of qi or blood in some tissues, such as
channels or collaterals, muscles, or tendons, or in the internal

Adem Kucuk, et al. Can COVID-19 cause myalgia with a completely different
mechanism? A hypothesis. Clin Rheumatol. 2020, 39(7): 2103–2104. doi: 10.1007/

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

zang-fu organs. There could be a deficiency of qi and blood due to

the prolonged persistence of COVID. The remaining external patho-
genic factors—accumulation of damp in the body, emotional distur-
bance, deficiency of qi and blood—are the common causative
factors. Besides, TCM pays special attention to the relationship
between muscles and the spleen.
TCM divides myalgia into three different stages, such as:

• superficial stages
• tissues stages
• internal organ stages

This way, attention to analysis and treatment could be more

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focused on eliminating the causative factors, restoring the pathologi-

cal changes and relieving pain.
During myalgia in the superficial stage, the primary factors are
the remaining external pathogenic factors, mainly wind, cold and
damp at the same time. Due to the predominance of these three
pathogenic factors, the superficial stage of myalgia could again be
subdivided into wind Bi, cold Bi and damp Bi.

• Wind Bi: body pain is not fixed, and it can be wandering in differ-
ent joints in different areas.
• Cold Bi: body pain with stiffness that improves with the applica-
tion of heat and feels worse when it gets cold.
• TCM: the body feels heavy, sore, and swollen and the pain is at a
definite spot.

It is also possible that in the long duration of the above situations,

or preexisting heat in the body, there would be the formation of heat,
leading to heat Bi.

• Heat Bi: body pain with burning sensation, redness and swelling
at a certain place on the body, the body pain improves with the
application of cold and feels worse when it gets hot.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

When superficial Bi syndromes are not under control in time, myal-

gia could develop into muscle Bi, or involve different tissues in the
body, such as vascular Bi, tendon Bi, and bone Bi. Internal organ Bi
usually is not involved.
The main pathologies of Long COVID-associated myalgia include
the following. Remaining external pathogenic factors

Invasion of cold-damp or damp-heat to the body could cause various
damage, including the damage to the meridians, muscles, and tendons.
It has been noticed that COVID-19 in most cases could cause infection
in the respiratory tract and digestive tract, leading to fever, cough, mus-
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cle pain, nausea, or diarrhea. In TCM, these manifestations are very

important, because they show that the lung and spleen are mainly
involved. The lung opens into the skin and the spleen opens into the
muscles. When these external pathogens are not eliminated com-
pletely, they may accumulate in the different parts of the body, leading
to stagnation of qi and blood in the channels, collaterals, tissues and
even the internal zang-fu organs, and eventually myalgia occurs. Accumulation of damp in the body

Incomplete elimination of cold-damp or damp-heat may cause dam-
age to the spleen and stomach, resulting in dysfunction in transporta-
tion and transformation, and formation of damp happens internally.
Pre-existing medical conditions, lack of life care, overeating of fatty
and greasy food, or even improper treatment during COVID-19, such
as an overdose of antibiotics, intake of too many painkillers, or other
chemical drugs, carelessness in diet, etc., may all cause weakness or
damage to the spleen and stomach, resulting in retardation of trans-
portation and transformation of the spleen and stomach, and damp-
phlegm appears. When damp-phlegm blocks the qi and blood
circulation and damages the smooth circulation in the channels and
collaterals in the muscles, myalgia happens.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM Emotional disturbance

Being emotionally upset, anxiety, over worrying, and sad prior to or
during COVID-19 or Long COVID could lead to retardation of qi or
blood circulation, which could block qi and blood movement and
damage the smooth circulation in the channels and collaterals in the
muscles, causing myalgia. Deficiency of qi and blood

Prolonged persistence of COVID-19 could cause consumption of qi
and blood, leading to deficiency of qi and blood in the body, espe-
cially kidney-qi and liver-blood, which could lead to failure of the
muscles to be nourished properly, and myalgia occurs eventually.
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11.6.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated myalgia

In most cases, myalgia never appears as an individual complaint but
occurs mostly with some other symptoms. Conventional treatment in
modern medicine for myalgia mainly focuses on alleviating pain with
NSAIDs, analgesics or reducing inflammation with injectable medi-
cations. As mentioned above, they did not work as promised, and in
some cases, though, these medications aren’t enough to control pain,
and many of these medications also bear some possible side effects.
The drug discovery model of “one-compound-one-target” has failed,
and recently switched to the “multi-target approach” for developing
and designing agents to target various intracellular constituents and
signaling pathways.28
TCM has been widely used in the treatment of inflammatory dis-
eases. During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic,
acupuncture has been practiced and used as a complementary treat-
ment for COVID-19 both in China and overseas. One study paper
systematically revealed the multi-target mechanisms of acupuncture

Dhanya Sunil, et al. Multi-target directed indole based hybrid molecules in cancer
therapy: An up-to-date evidence-based review. Curr Top Med Chem. 2017, 17(9):
959–985. doi: 10.2174/1568026616666160927150839.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

therapy for COVID-19 through text mining, bioinformatics, network

topology, etc. The findings suggested that acupuncture treatment of
COVID-19 was associated with suppression of inflammatory stress,
improving immunity, and regulating the nervous system function,
including activation of neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, cal-
cium signaling pathway, cancer pathway, viral carcinogenesis,
Staphylococcus aureus infection, etc.29 Remaining external pathogenic factors

Myalgia after COVID-19 especially at the upper parts of the body,
sensitivity to wind, cold and damp weather, wandering pain or fixed
pain, or severe pain in nature, heaviness of the body, sometimes
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headache or diarrhea, insomnia, poor appetite, thin, white, and

greasy tongue coating, and a wiry and tight pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate external pathogenic factors and harmonize the collaterals.

Herbal Treatment:
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang-Notopterygium Decoction to Overcome

Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g

Du Huo Radix Angelicae Pubescentis 10 g
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae 10 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Ge Gen Radix Puerariae 10 g
Ji Xue Teng Caulis Milletiae Reticulatae 15 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Sang Zhi Ramulus Mori Albae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 6 g

Zhenzhen Han, et al. op. cit.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

In case of local redness and hotness due to damp-heat, add Huang

Bai Cortex Phellodendri 10 g.

• Qiang Huo and Du Huo dispel remaining wind, cold and damp,
harmonize the collaterals and relieve the body pain.
• Fang Feng and Bai Zhi promote sweat, eliminate external patho-
genic factors, and relieve myalgia.
• Cang Zhu, Ge Gen and Fu Ling eliminate damp in the muscles and
resolve phlegm in the body.
• Chuan Xiong, Sang Zhi and Ji Xue Teng promote the qi and blood
circulation in the channels and collaterals and relieve myalgia.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the herbs in the prescription.
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• Huang Bai eliminates damp, clears heat, and subsides swelling.

Herbal Remedy:
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang Tablets-Qiang Huo Overcome Wind
Decoction Tablet.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Shenmai BL-62 + Houxi SI-3,
Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Diji
SP-8, Yinlingquan SP-9, Taichong LIV-3, Yanglingquan GB-34 and
some local Ah Shi points.
• Moxibustion should be used on SP-9, GB-34, and some local Ah
Shi points.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, BL-62 + SI-3, and a
reducing method is applied on the rest of the points.
• If there is local redness and hotness around the affected joints, add
Quchi L.I.-11 and ying-spring point from the affected channels.

• The combination of SJ-5 + GB-41, BL-62 + SI-3, and two groups
of the eight confluence points, harmonize and invigorate Yangwei,
Dai, Yangqiao and Du channels and promote the qi circulation to
relieve myalgia.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• LU-7, the luo-connecting point of the lung channel, L.I.-4, the

yuan-source of the large intestine channel, and LIV-3, the yuan-
source of the liver channel, open the skin pores to eliminate the
remaining pathogenic factors, promote the qi circulation and
relieve myalgia.
• GB-34, the influential point of the tendons in the body, relaxes the
tendons and relieves stiffness of the joints.
• ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, SP-6 and
SP-9, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot and the he-
sea point of the spleen channel respectively, eliminate damp in the
body, regulate the middle Jiao and digestion, and relieve myalgia.
• SP-8, the xi-cleft point of the spleen channel, harmonizes collater-
als and relieves myalgia.
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• Moxibustion warms the channels and collaterals and eliminates

• L.I.-11 clears heat and subsides swelling. Accumulation of damp-phlegm in the spleen

Myalgia after COVID-19, heaviness and swelling of the muscles,
limitation of body movement, stiffness in the limbs, heaviness of the
body, nausea, poor appetite, loose stool or diarrhea, heaviness in the
head with foggy feeling, lassitude, tiredness, white and greasy coat-
ing on the tongue, and a wiry and slippery pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, activate the spleen and stomach,
and relieve myalgia.

Herbal Treatment:
Cang Fu Dao Tan Tang-Atractylodes-Poria Phlegm-Dissipating

Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g

Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Mu Xiang Radix Aucklandiae Lappae 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae 10 g

Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Wu Jia Pi Cortex Acanthopanacis Gracilistyli Radicis 10 g
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

In case of swelling of the muscle with local redness and hotness due
to damp-heat, remove Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae and Wu
Jia Pi Cortex Acanthopanacis Gracilistyli Radicis, and add Huang
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Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g.

• Cang Zhu, Zhi Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Fu Ling, Hou Po and Huo Xiang
eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, harmonize the middle Jiao, and
relieve nausea and diarrhea.
• Xiang Fu, Mu Xiang and Chuan Xiong promote qi circulation,
relieve the blockage in the muscles by damp-phlegm and sedate
• Wu Jia Pi and Gui Zhi warm the muscles, eliminate damp-phlegm,
and relieve myalgia.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the herbs in the prescription.
• Huang Lian clears heat, eliminates damp, subsides swelling and
relieves myalgia.

Herbal Remedy:
Shen Ling Bai Zhu Wan-Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodis
Macrocephalae Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Shenmai BL-62 + Houxi SI-3,
Hegu L.I.-4, Zhongwan REN-12, Fenglong ST-40, Taibai SP-3,

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Sanyinjiao SP-6, Diji SP-8, Yinlingquan SP-9, Taichong LIV-3 and

Yanglingquan GB-34.
• Moxibustion should be used on SP-9, GB-34, REN-12, ST-40, and
some local Ah Shi points.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, BL-62 + SI-3, and a
reducing method is applied on the rest of the points.

If there is local redness and hotness around the affected muscles, add
Quchi L.I.-11 and ying-spring point from the affected channels.

• The combination of SJ-5 + GB-41, and BL-62 + SI-3, two groups
of the eight confluence points, harmonize and invigorate Yangwei,
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Dai, Yangqiao and Du channels and promote the qi circulation to

relieve myalgia.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source of the large intestine channel, LIV-3, the
yuan-source of the liver channel, promotes the qi circulation and
relieves myalgia.
• GB-34, the influential point of the tendons, relaxes the tendons
and relieves joint pain.
• REN-12, the gathering point for the Fu organ, ST-40, SP-3, SP-6
and SP-9 eliminate damp in the body, harmonize the middle Jiao,
promote digestion and relieve joint pain.
• SP-8, the xi-cleft point of the spleen channel, promotes the qi and
blood circulation and relieves myalgia.
• Moxibustion warms the channels and collaterals, eliminates cold
and strengthens the body.
• L.I.-11 and the ying-spring points from affected channels clear
heat and subside swelling. Stagnation of qi and blood

If there is a predominance of qi stagnation, there could be myalgia
with wondering nature, depression, headache, the fullness of the
chest and abdomen, tension at the neck and head, painful eyes,

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

insomnia, irregular menstruation in women, irritability, nervousness,

poor appetite, loose stool or constipation, thin and white tongue
coating, and a wiry and deep pulse.
If there is a predominance of blood stagnation, there could be
myalgia with a stabbing sensation at a fixed location, stiffness in the
joints, aggravation of myalgia at night, insomnia, thin and white coat-
ing on the tongue, purplish tongue, and a wiry and unsmooth pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Smooth the liver, calm the emotions, promote the qi and blood cir-
culation, and relieve body pain.

Herbal Treatment:
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Xiao Yao San-Rambling Powder.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleare 10 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhiizoma Areactylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 15 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuan Xiong 10 g
Yan Hu Suo Rhizoma Corydalis 10 g
Chuan Lian Zi Fructus Meliae Toosendan 10 g
Zhi Qiao Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 10 g
Ji Xue Teng Caulis Milletiae Reticulatae 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Chai Hu and Bai Shao Yao smooth the liver, promote liver-qi cir-
culation, and relieve qi stagnation in the liver.
• Chuan Lian Zi, Zhi Ke and Zhi Shi promote qi circulation in the
body and relieve myalgia.
• Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Hong Hua and Yan Hu Suo promote
blood circulation, eliminate blood stasis, and relieve myalgia.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• Ji Xue Teng harmonizes the collaterals and relieves myalgia.

• Fu Shen calms shen and improves sleep.
• Bai Zhu strengthens the spleen and stomach and improves the
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the actions of the other herbs.

Herbal Remedy:
Xiao Yao Wan-Rambling Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Hegu L.I.-4, Taichong LIV-3,
Qimen LIV-14, Neiguan P-6, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Diji SP-8, Geshu
BL-17, Taiyuan LU-9, Shaohai HE-3 and Shenmen HE-7.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, and a reducing
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method is applied on these points.

• The combination of SJ-5 + GB-41 harmonizes Shaoyang channels,
benefits the gallbladder, and relieves myalgia.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the liver channel respectively, and LIV14, the front-mu
point of the liver, smooth the liver, regulate the qi circulation in the
body and relieve liver-qi stagnation so as to relieve myalgia.
• P-6, the luo-connecting point of the pericardium channel, regu-
lates qi circulation and calms the shen.
• SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot, LU-9,
the influential point of the vessels, HE-3 and HE-7, the he-sea
point and the yuan-source point of the heart channel respectively,
BL-17, the influential point of blood, promote the smooth qi and
blood circulation in the body, calm the shen and relieve myalgia.
• SP-8, the xi-cleft point of the spleen channel, harmonizes the col-
laterals in the muscles and relieves myalgia. Deficiency of qi and blood

Slight myalgia which goes up and down, aggravation of the pain by
physical movement, weakness of the body, fatigue, dizziness, pale

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

complexion, palpitations, poor appetite, shortness of breath, lower

back pain, poor memory, pale tongue with a thin and white coating,
and a thready and weak pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify qi, benefit blood, strengthen the muscle and relieve the pain.

Herbal Treatment:
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang-All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction.

Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 15 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10 g
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Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g

Ren Shen Radix Ginseng 5 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei 10 g
Rou Gui Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae 5 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling and Zhi Gan Cao, the complete com-
position of Si Jun Zi Tang, tonify qi, activate the spleen, improve
appetite, and relieve fatigue.
• Shu Di Huang, Dang Gui, Bai Shao Yao and Chuan Xiong, the
complete composition of Si Wu Tang, tonify blood, benefit kidney-
jing and nourish the muscles.
• Huang Qi lifts qi and benefits the energy in the body.
• Rou Gui warms the channels and relieves cold in the body.

Herbal Remedy:
Ren Shen Zai Zao Wan-Ginseng Recreating Pill.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Shenmai BL-62 + Houxi SI-3,
Yanglingquan GB-34, Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Diji SP-8,
Qihai REN-6, Taixi KID-3 and Shenshu BL-23.
• Moxibustion should be used on ST-36, REN-6 and KID-3.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, BL-62 + SI-3, and
SP-8, and a tonifying method is applied on the rest of the points.

• The combination of SJ-5 + GB-41, and BL-62 + SI-3, harmonizes
and invigorates Yangwei, Dai, Yangqiao and Du channels and pro-
motes the qi circulation to relieve myalgia.
• GB-34, ST-36, SP-6, REN-6, KID-3 and BL-23 tonify qi and blood,
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as well as kidney-jing, benefit the tendons and strengthen the

• Moxibustion warms the channels and collaterals, eliminates inter-
nal cold. and supports yang-qi. It can also relieve myalgia.
• SP-8, the xi-cleft point of the spleen channel, promotes qi and
blood circulation and relieves myalgia.

11.7 Cough
Physiologically, coughing is a normal and important defense mecha-
nism of the body to protect the lung and get rid of anything that
irritates them. During COVID-19, viral infections could leave patients
with a cough because the lung has been irritated. Coughing could be
non-productive, but sometimes people may have a cough with
phlegm. This should gradually disappear during the recovery.
Globally, cough is the most commonly reported symptom in
acute COVID-19 infection. Between 50–80% of those infected report
a dry persistent cough.30 Cough is one of the most common

Hasan Israfil, et al. Clinical characteristics and diagnostic challenges of COVID-19:


An update from the global perspective. Front Public Health. 2021, 8: 567395. doi:

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

presenting symptoms of COVID-19, along with fatigue, joint pain,

shortness of breath, and loss of taste and smell, etc. Cough can per-
sist for weeks or months after SARS-CoV-2 infection, but not being
sure exactly how long after coronavirus will patients still have a
cough can be frustrating at times. When cough happens in acute
COVID-19, it is often accompanied by fatigue and headaches. It
often comes together with symptoms like a sore throat, chest pain,
shortness of breath, hoarseness, and loss of smell. Cough may be
associated with different symptoms amongst hospitalized adult
patients and non-hospitalized individuals, e.g., cough, fever and
shortness of breath are the three most common features amongst
hospitalized adult patients, while cough, fever and myalgia were the
most common symptoms amongst non-hospitalized individuals.
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Both dry (58%) and productive (25%) coughs have been described in
the literature.31
Whilst recovering quickly from COVID-19, some may have
ongoing symptoms. For instance, some of these patients may con-
tinue to experience an irritating cough for some time. Over time, a
cough can develop into a cycle, where excessive coughing causes
irritation and inflammation, which worsens the cough. A cough
because of Long COVID is highly likely to occur alongside throat
dryness, expectoration of slight sputum or an non-productive cough,
and it becomes aggravated by physical activities or exposure to cold
weather. Pressure over the chest and throat pain may also occur at
the same time. Cough is not limited to people who were seriously
unwell or hospitalized when they first caught the virus.
Moreover, a cough is no longer the most common reported
symptom during Long COVID.
One review showed that patients may experience symptoms
related to any system in the body, including respiratory, neurological,
and gastroenterological symptoms. This pooled data demonstrated

Government of Canada. COVID-19 signs, symptoms and severity of disease: A
clinician guide.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

that the ten most commonly reported symptoms in Long COVID are
fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle pain, cough, headache, joint
pain, chest pain, an altered sense of smell, diarrhea and altered
As these clinical symptoms of Long COVID are new medical
conditions, we are still trying to understand it gradually.
In terms of the prevalence of Long COVID cough, in a pooled
analysis, one study found that the estimated prevalence of persistent
cough was 18% (95% CI 12–24%; I2 = 93%) in 14 studies of hospi-
talized patients (follow-up duration ranged from six weeks to four
months).33 One multicenter study examined prevalence data and
associated risk factors of Long COVID cough one year after hospital
discharge in COVID-19 survivors, in which the individuals who
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recovered from COVID-19 at three public hospitals in Madrid (Spain)

were enrolled. The patients were systematically asked about the
presence of respiratory symptoms, e.g., fatigue, dyspnea, chest pain,
and cough after hospital discharge. Clinical and hospitalization data
were collected from hospital records. Overall, 1,950 patients (47%
women, mean age: 61, SD: 16 years) were assessed at 11.2 months
(SD 0.5) after hospital discharge. Just 367(18.8%) were completely
free of any respiratory post-COVID-19 symptoms. The prevalence of
long-term cough, chest pain, dyspnea, and fatigue were 2.5%, 6.5%,
23.3%, and 61.2%, respectively. Clinical and hospitalization factors
were not associated with long-term Long COVID cough. In conclu-
sion, the prevalence of Long COVID cough one year after SARS-
CoV-2 infection was 2.5% in subjects who had survived hospitalization

Olalekan Lee Aiyegbusi, et al. Long COVID: Symptoms experienced during infec-
tion may predict lasting illness. Down to Earth. 28 July 2021. https://www.
Woo-Jung Song, et al. Confronting COVID-19-associated cough and the post-
COVID syndrome: Role of viral neurotropism, neuroinflammation, and neuroimmune
responses. The Lancet Respir Med. 2021, 9(5): 533–544.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

for COVID-19. No clear risk factor associated to long-term post-

COVID cough was identified.34
In a recent prospective UK cohort study of hospitalized patients
with COVID-19, the most common ongoing symptoms were breath-
lessness (39%), fatigue (39%) and insomnia (24%), with only 11.6%
reporting residual cough.35 Similarly, only 7% of patients (n = 119)
who had COVID-19 and associated severe pneumonia reported a
troublesome chronic cough two months post infection.36 But despite
the high prevalence of cough in the acute infective period, early data
indicate that post-viral cough is neither a frequent nor a debilitating
residual effect.37
Another situation, i.e., pulmonary fibrosis, should be mentioned.
After the new coronavirus invades the human body, the lungs are one
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of the main organs to be attacked. From the previously collected

data, it could be seen that many patients have lungs with ground-
glass opacity when they visit a doctor, and the degree of lung damage
has a lot to do with the patient’s severity. If the symptoms are not
severe at the time of treatment, the patient’s sequelae are also mild
and will subside over time. But for severely ill patients, lung damage
is more serious, and irreversible situations could appear. Perhaps in
the future, coughing and breathing difficulties will follow for a life-
time. Fortunately, it seems that there are not many such patients like
this until this moment.

César Fernández-de-las-Peñas, et al. Prevalence of post-COVID-19 cough one
year after SARS-CoV-2 infection: A multicenter study. Lung. 2021, 199: 249–253.
David T. Arnold, et al. Patient outcomes after hospitalisation with COVID-19 and
implications for follow-up: Results from a prospective UK cohort. Thorax. 2021,
76(4): 399–401. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2020-216086.
Office for National Statistics. Prevalence of long COVID symptoms and COVID-19
complications. Office for National Statistics. 16 December 2020. https://www.ons.
Peter V. Dicpinigaitis and Brendan J. Canning. Is there (will there be) a post-COVID-19
chronic cough? Lung. 2020, 198: 863–865. doi: 10.1007/s00408-020-00406-6.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Although prevalence rates of self-reported Long COVID were

greatest in people aged 35 to 69 years, females, those living in the
most deprived areas, those working in health or social care, and
those with a pre-existing, activity-limiting health condition.38 Another
study also presented a model that successfully predicted whether a
person would get Long COVID using only their age, their gender and
the number of symptoms reported in the first week.39 No clear risk
factor associated with long-term post-COVID cough was identified.
Besides, the prevalence of post-infective cough in non-hospitalized
COVID-19 cases is unreported. Many COVID-19 patients are asymp-
tomatic (~40–45%).40 Nature looks at four of the biggest questions
that scientists are investigating about the mysterious condition known
as Long COVID, pointing out that it is less certain who is most at risk,
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why it affects only some, and why most of the early prevalence stud-
ies looked only at patients who had been hospitalized with acute
COVID-19, when in fact, most people with COVID-19 are never ill
enough to be hospitalized. Finally, there is the question of what part
COVID-19 vaccines might play. Although many of them prevent
death and severe illness, scientists do not yet know whether they
prevent Long COVID.41
Some scientists have tried to explain why cough persists during
Long COVID. They hypothesize that the pathways of neurotropism,
neuroinflammation, and neuroimmunomodulation through the vagal
sensory nerves, which are implicated in SARS-CoV-2 infection, lead
to a cough hypersensitivity state. The Long COVID syndrome might
also result from neuroinflammatory events in the brain. They also
confirmed that although neuromodulators such as gabapentin or

Angelo Carfì, et al. op. cit.
Carole H. Sudre, et al. Attributes and predictors of long COVID. Nature Medicine.
2021, 27: 626–631. doi:
Daniel P. Oran, et al. Prevalence of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. Annals
of Internal Medicine. 2020, 1730(5): 362–367.
Michael Marshall. The four most urgent questions about long COVID. Nature.
2021, 594: 168–170.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

opioids might be considered for acute and chronic COVID-19 cough,

they discuss the possible mechanisms of COVID-19-associated
cough and the promise of new anti-inflammatories or neuromodula-
tors that might successfully target both the cough of COVID-19 and
the post-COVID syndrome.42 However, in most cases, cough of Long
COVID may have no obvious cause.
In terms of the treatment for cough in Long COVID, there is no
evidence to support specific treatment or investigation recommen-
dations other than ensuring that acute illness and radiological
changes have resolved.43 The British Thoracic Society do not dif-
ferentiate between those with persistent cough following COVID-
19 and those who present with chronic cough. The first-line
management for people with residual cough after COVID-19 infec-
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tion are the same as the guidelines on the management of cough in


11.7.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

In TCM, it is considered that cough of Long COVID is caused either
by incomplete elimination of some external pathogenic factors or
disorders of internal organs due to dysfunction of the lung in dispers-
ing the qi.
Cough on one hand is an individual symptom. On the other
hand, it’s also a symptom indicating the lung is involved during Long

Woo-Jung Song, et al. op. cit.
Long Covid: Ongoing cough. Pulse Today. 7 June 2021. https://www.pulsetoday.
Alyn Morice, et al. British thoracic society cough guideline group recommenda-
tions for the management of cough in adults. Thorax. 2006, 61(Suppl 1): i1–24. doi:

TCM Treatment of Long COVID Incomplete elimination of external pathogenic

Invasion of external pathogenic factors with a pestilent toxin to the
lung could cause the occurrence of COVID-19. When it is properly
treated in time, these external pathogenic factors should be elimi-
nated completely, leaving no further damage to the lung and the lung
could also recover gradually in weeks. However, when these patho-
genic factors remain in the lung, and causes some disturbance to the
lung in dispersing the qi, cough may occur. Accumulation of damp-phlegm

Either invasion of cold-damp or invasion of damp-heat to the spleen,
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stomach, or San Jiao may cause dysfunction of the spleen and

stomach in digestion, transportation, and transformation, resulting in
the formation of damp-phlegm internally, which could eventually
disturb the lung in dispersing the qi, and cough appears.
Obesity, constitutional weakness of the spleen and stomach, or
lack of care for daily diet during COVID-19, could cause the produc-
tion of damp-phlegm in the body. It is held in TCM that the spleen is
the production organ of damp-phlegm, and the lung is the container
organ of damp-phlegm. During Long COVID, formation of damp-
phlegm could become worse due to external invasion and sickness,
thus the spleen could submit much more damp-phlegm to the lung,
resulting in dysfunction of the lung in dispersing the qi, and cough
happens. Deficiency of qi or yin

Prolonged persistence of COVID-19 could cause consumption of
qi, leading to deficiency of qi in the body, especially the lung-qi. It
may affect the lung in dispersing the qi, and cough occurs. Deficiency
of qi may also happen in the spleen and kidney, leading to aggravation
of lung-qi deficiency. In this case, the cough becomes much worse.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

The prolonged persistence of COVID-19 could also cause the

consumption of yin in the body. Besides, underlying medical condi-
tions prior to COVID-19 could be add-on effects to cause aggravation
of deficiency of yin. When the lung fails to be properly nourished by
the yin, the physiological function of the lung in dispersing the qi will
be impaired, and cough starts. Of course, deficiency of yin in differ-
ent organs may also bring about cough due to disharmony between
the lung with these associated organs. For instance, deficiency of
liver-yin could cause hyperactivity of deficient fire, which eventually
attacks the lung to cause cough. Deficiency of kidney-yin could, on
the other hand, lead to improper nourishment of the lung by kidney-
yin, and cough happens.
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11.7.2 TCM treatment of COVID-19-associated cough

A systematic review and meta-analysis done in many trials have
shown that TCM combined with conventional therapy in the treat-
ment of mild to moderate COVID-19 was superior to conventional
therapy alone. In terms of cough, three trials enrolling 205 patients
mentioned cough reduction cases. A fixed-effects model was used
due to the lack of significant heterogeneity (I2 = 0%, p = 0.89) Meta-
analyses revealed that combination therapy could significantly
reduce cough cases [RR = 1.43, 95%CI (1.16, 1.75), p = 0.0006].
Four trials enrolling 482 participants reported TCM symptom score of
fever. A random-effects model was used due to the significant hetero-
geneity (I2 = 84%, p = 0.0003). The pooled estimate found combina-
tion therapy decreased TCM symptom score of coughs [MD = −1.07,
95%CI (−1.29, −0.85), p < 0.00001].45

Xuqin Du, et al. Add-on effect of Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment of mild
to moderate COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE. 2021,
16(8): e0256429.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID Remaining some external pathogenic factors

Persistence of slight dry cough after COVID-19 or cough with expec-
toration of some diluted whitish phlegm, occasional nasal discharge,
itching in the throat, absence of thirst, slight aversion to cold and
muscle pain, headache, thin and whitish coating on the tongue, and
a tight pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel wind, eliminate cold-damp, disperse the lung-qi and relieve

Herbal Treatment:
Xing Su San-Apricot Kernel and Perilla Leaf Powder, plus
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Zhi Sou San-Stop Coughing Powder.

Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 5 g

Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 5 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g
Bai Bu Radix Stemonae 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g

• Jing Jie and Fang Feng are prescribed in low doses because the
external pathogenic factors are not so strong anymore. They are
applied in combination with Qiang Huo to dispel the remaining
pathogens and relieve some external symptoms, such as itching in
the throat, occasional nasal discharge, slight aversion to cold and
muscle pain, and headache.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Xing Ren, Jie Geng, Zi Su Zi, Zhi Ban Xia, Fu Ling, and Chen Pi
are applied to eliminate phlegm and relieve cough.
• Bai Bu relieves cough.
• Zhi Ke promotes qi circulation and relieves cough.

Herbal Remedy:
Zhi Sou San-Stop Coughing Powder.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Chize
LU-5, Tianzhu BL-10, Feishu BL-13, Fenglong ST-40 and Yinlingquan
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, and a reducing
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method is applied on the rest of the points.

• The combination of SJ-5 + GB-41, one group of the eight conflu-
ence points, regulates the Yangwei channel, dispel the remaining
pathogenic factors and relieve muscle pain and headache.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source of the large intestine channel, LU-7, the
luo-connecting point of the lung channel, and BL-10 open the skin
pores, dispel external pathogenic factors, and relieve cough, mus-
cle pain, and headache.
• LU-5 and BL-13, the he-sea point of the lung channel and back-
shu point of the lung respectively, disperse the lung-qi, restore the
physiological functions of the lung and relieve cough.
• ST-40 and SP-9, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel
and the he-sea point of the spleen channel respectively, eliminate
phlegm and relieve cough. Accumulation of phlegm-turbidity in the lung

Cough with profuse white and diluted phlegm after COVID-19
(which is easy to be expectorated), aggravation of cough when taking
greasy and fatty food, alleviation of cough when phlegm is expecto-
rated, fullness in the chest and epigastric region, nausea, poor

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

appetite, lassitude, loose stools, whitish and greasy coating on the

tongue, and a slippery pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate damp-phlegm, activate the spleen, and relieve cough.

Herbal Treatment:
Cang Fu Dao Tan Tang-Atractylodes-Poria Phlegm-Dissipating

Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g

Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
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Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g

Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Tian Nan Xing Rhizoma Arisaematis 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Sheng Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis Recens 5 g

• Zhi Ban Xia, Fu Ling, Chen Pi, and Sheng Jiang, the chief compo-
sitions of Er Chen Tang, eliminate damp-phlegm and relieve
• Cang Zhu, Hou Po, Zhi Shi, and Xiang Fu eliminate damp-phlegm,
relieve the qi stagnation caused by the accumulation of damp-
• Xing Ren, Tian Nan Xing, Gua Lou Pi, and Zi Su Zi resolve phlegm,
regulate the lung-qi and relieve cough.

Herbal Remedy:
Er Chen Wan-Decoction of Two Old (Cured) Drugs

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Cang Fu Dao Tan Wan-Atractylodes-Poria Phlegm-Dissipating


Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Chize
LU-5, Feishu BL-13, Zhongwan REN-12, Tanzhong REN-17,
Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6 and Yinlingquan SP-9.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method
is applied on the rest of the points.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes the qi circulation in the
chest and abdomen and relieves cough.
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• REN-12, the gathering point of the fu organs in the body, ST-40,

SP-6, and SP-9 activate the spleen and stomach and eliminate
damp-phlegm in the body.
• BL-13, the back-shu point of the lung, LU-7, and LU-5 disperse
and descend the lung-qi, restore the physiological functions of the
lung, and relieve cough.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, REN-
17, the gathering point of the qi in the body, promotes the qi
circulation and relieves the qi stagnation in the body caused by the
accumulation of damp-phlegm. Accumulation of phlegm-heat in the lung

Slight cough with slight sticky yellow phlegm after COVID-19, slight
fullness of the chest, throat pain occasionally, poor appetite, dry
stools, red tongue, slightly yellowish and greasy tongue coating, and
a slippery and rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Clear heat, resolve phlegm, disperse the lung-qi, and relieve cough.

Herbal Treatment:
Qing Jin Hua Tan Tang-Clear Metal and Transform Phlegm Decoction.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g
Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

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• Huang Qin, Sang Bai Pi, and Zhi Zi clear heat in the lungs and
relieve coughing.
• Xing Ren, Zhe Bei Mu, and Gua Lou Pi clear and resolve heat-
phlegm and relieve cough.
• Zhi Ban Xia, Fu Ling, Chen Pi, and Zhi Gan Cao, the compositions
of Er Chen Tang, together with Jie Geng, resolve damp-phlegm and
relieve cough.

Herbal Remedy:
Qing Qi Hua Tan Tang Wan-Clear the Qi and Transform Phlegm Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Chize LU-5, Lieque LU-7, Yuji
LU-10, Feishu BL-13, Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Tanzhong REN-
17, Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6 and Yinlingquan SP-9.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method
is applied on the rest of the points.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes the qi circulation in the
chest and relieves cough.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• LU-7, LU-5, and LU-10, the luo-connecting point, the he-sea point
and the ying-spring point of the lung channel respectively, BL-13,
the back-shu point of the lung, disperse the lung-qi, clear heat in
the lung, and relieve cough.
• L.I.-4 and L.I.-11, the yuan-source point and the he-sea point of
the large intestine channel respectively, clear heat in the body and
promote defecation.
• REN-17, the gathering point of the qi in the body, promotes the qi
circulation in the body and relaxes the chest.
• ST-40, SP-6, and SP-9, the luo-connecting point of the stomach
channel, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot,
and the he-sea point of the spleen channel respectively, activate
the spleen and stomach and eliminate damp-phlegm in the
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body. Deficiency of lung-qi

Slight cough during Long COVID, expectoration of slight, whitish,
and diluted phlegm, low voice, shortness of breath after exertion,
listlessness, aversion to wind, spontaneous sweating, easily catching
a common cold, cold hands and feet, thin and whitish tongue coat-
ing, pale tongue, and a weak and thready pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify the lung-qi, resolve phlegm, and relieve cough.

Herbal Treatment:
Bu Fei Tang-Tonify the Lungs Decoction, plus
Si Jun Zi Tang-Four Gentlemen Decoction.

Zhi Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae Praeparata 10 g

Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 12 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Zi Wan Radix Asteris Tatarici 10 g

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g

Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Zhi Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, and Zhi Gan Cao activate the
spleen and tonify the qi in the body.
• Zhi Huang Qi, Wu Wei Zi, and Zi Wan tonify the qi of the lung
and benefit the lung.
• Sang Bai Pi descends the lung-qi and relieves cough.
• Shu Di Huang tonifies the kidney and benefits the lung.
• Zhi Ban Xia eliminates phlegm and relieves cough.
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Herbal Remedy:
Bu Fei Tang-Tonify the Lungs Decoction.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Chize LU-5, Taiyuan LU-9, Zusanli
ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taixi KID-3, Qihai REN-6, Feishu BL-13,
and Shenshu BL-23.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a tonifying method
is applied on the rest of the points. Moxibustion could be applied
on BL-13, BL-23, ST-36, KID-3, and REN-6.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 regulates the qi in the body and
relieves cough.
• LU-5, the he-sea point of the lung channels, and LU-9, the yuan-
source point of the lung channel, and BL-13, the back-shu point of
the lung, tonify lung-qi and restore the physiological functions of
the lung.
• ST-36, SP-6, REN-6, KID-3, and BL-23 tonify the qi of the spleen
and kidney and support the lung-qi to relieve cough.
• Moxibustion warms the qi and dispels the deficient cold in the

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM Deficiency of lung-yin

Slightly dry cough or cough with scanty phlegm, phlegm mixed with
little blood streaks, thirst, dryness of the throat, night sweating, hot-
ness of the palms and soles, dry stools, red tongue, scanty or peeled
tongue coating, and a deep, thready, and rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Nourish yin, moisten the lung, and relieve cough.

Herbal Treatment:
Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang-Glehnia and Ophiopogonis Decoction.

Bei Sha Shen Radix Glehniae Littoralis 10 g

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Mai Men Dong Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici 10 g

Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis Kirilowii 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Chuan Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae 10 g
Zi Wan Radix Asteris Tatarici 10 g
Di Gu Pi Cortex Lycii Radicis 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloides 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g

• Bei Sha Shen, Mai Men Dong, and Wu Wei Zi nourish the yin of
the lung and relieve cough.
• Chuan Bei Mu, Zi Wan, and Di Gu Pi nourish the yin, clear the
heat in the lung, eliminate phlegm in the lung and benefit the lung
to relieve cough.
• Sheng Di Huang, Zhi Mu, and Huang Qin are used to clear the
remaining deficient heat in the lung and relieve coughing.
• Tian Hua Fen nourishes yin, promotes the secretion of body fluid,
and relieves thirst and dryness of the throat.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Herbal Remedy:
Sheng Mai San (Wan)-Generate the Pulse Powder (Pill).

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6, Chize LU-5, Taiyuan LU-9, Feishu
BL-13, Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taixi KID-3, Qihai REN-6,
and Shenshu BL-23.
• An even method is applied on LU-7 + KID-6, and a tonifying
method is applied to the rest of the points.

• The combination of LU-7 + KID-6 nourishes the yin of the body
and clears deficient heat.
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• LU-5, the he-sea point of the lung channel, and LU-9, the yuan-
source point of the lung channel, and BL-13, the back-shu point of
the lung, nourish the yin of the lung, and restore the physiological
functions of the lung.
• ST-36, SP-6, KID-3, KID-6, BL-23, and REN-6 activate the spleen
and stomach, nourishing the yin of the body to benefit the yin of
the lung.

11.8 Loss of Smell and Taste

COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, manifest-
ing a variety of symptoms. The clinical symptoms and their severity
may vary from person to person.
In addition to respiratory symptoms, such as fever, cough, myal-
gia and shortness of breath, loss of the sense of smell or taste can be
other types of symptoms in COVID-19. It is an absolute truth that
there are so many people who don’t realize the importance of smell
and taste in our lives until we have lost them. This is particularly the
case in COVID-19.
COVID-19 is a global pandemic event and is still not yet under
complete control globally. Various papers have proven that loss of

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

smell (otherwise known as olfactory dysfunction or anosmia) and

taste (otherwise known as dysgeusia) is one of the clinical symptoms
when COVID-19 onsets or there is only loss of smell and taste (LST)
even without displaying other symptoms. One effect is that it leaves
people vulnerable to dangers such as food poisoning and fire. For
instance, people with anosmia are less able to detect spoilt food and
smoke.46 A 2014 study found that people with anosmia were more
than twice as likely to experience a hazardous event, such as eating
spoilt food, as people without smell loss.47 For a proportion of peo-
ple, their smell disappeared suddenly, or the sense of smell was
warped, i.e., unpleasant scents have taken the place of normally
delightful ones. Thus, early identification of loss of smell and taste is
of significance since LST should be used as a diagnostic test for
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When COVID-19 broke out in China, several editions of national
guidelines on diagnosis and treatment were published. The latest edi-
tion, published on 3 March 2020, by the National Health Commission
& State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, LST was not
included in the diagnostic symptoms.
However, when COVID-19 started its global journey from Italy to
Europe in March 2020, the loss or change in sense of smell and/or
taste—among all the other early symptoms and signs of the
infection—was raising more and more awareness as one of the
unique early symptoms of the COVID-19 infection. The UK govern-
ment was the latest one to recognize this, and the loss or change of
taste and/or smell was added onto the renewed guideline for

Michael Marshall. COVID’s toll on smell and taste: What scientists do and don’t
know. Nature. 2021, 589: 342–343.
Taylor S. Pence, et al. Risk factors for hazardous events in olfactory-impaired
patients. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014, 140(10): 951–955. doi: 10.1001/

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

diagnosis of COVID-19 on 18 May 2020.48 In comparison, the USA

CDC already did so early in April.49
The exact percentage varies between studies. Spinato et al.
reported on JAMA on 26 May 2020 that 64.6% of patients had
an altered sense of smell or taste, which is higher than two typical
symptoms—dry or productive cough (60.4%) and fever (55.5%).50
One review published on June 2020 compiled data from 8,438 peo-
ple with COVID-19, and found that 41% had reported experiencing
the loss of smell.51 In another study, published in August 2020, con-
firmed 96% of the participants had some olfactory dysfunction, and
18% had total smell loss.52 A recent study published in Mayo Clinic
Proceedings took a deep dive into how common a loss of smell or
taste is in COVID-19. Researchers reviewed results from 24 studies,
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which represented data from over 8,438 people with a confirmed

case of COVID-19. They found that the average prevalence of loss
of smell was calculated to be about 41% and the average prevalence
for loss of taste was calculated to be about 38.2%. Older age
correlated with a lower prevalence of loss of smell or taste. No

Gemma Mitchell. UK adds loss of smell to COVID-19 symptoms requiring self-
isolation. Nursing Time. Updated 18 May 2020.
CDC. Updated 22 February 2021. op. cit.
Giacomo Spinato, et al. Alterations in smell or taste in mildly symptomatic outpa-
tients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. JAMA. 2020, 323(20): 2089–2091. doi: 10.1001/
Akosua Adom Agyeman, et al. Smell and taste dysfunction in patients with
COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mayo Clin Proc. 2020, 95(8):
1621–1631. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2020.05.030.
Shima T. Moein, et al. Prevalence and reversibility of smell dysfunction measured
psychophysically in a cohort of COVID-19 patients. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2020,
10(10): 1127–1135. doi: 10.1002/alr.22680.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

difference in the prevalence of either symptom was seen in men ver-

sus women.53
One study found that over a median follow-up period of 200
days, approximately half the men, and 60% of women, had regained
less than 80% of their original smell acuity compared to before they
contracted the infection. About 60% were finally classified as having
smell impairments at follow-up, with about 40% also having an
impairment of taste. Conversely, a fifth said they had recovered taste
but not smell. Only 3% reported the inverse pattern. This indicates
that these sensations are not linked in their impairment and recover
separately, with the subjects being able to distinguish them separately.
The researchers found that while most participants who had varying
extents of anosmia or ageusia during the acute phase reported
Downloaded from

improvement at follow-up, the final number of subjects who said

they had persistent smell abnormalities was higher at this time point
than during acute infection.54
For most patients with COVID-19, their loss of smell and taste
return within weeks. A report by the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) indicated the duration of loss of smell or taste was
8 days symptoms on 274 patients that had COVID-19 symptoms.55
This finding is also supported by a smaller study from Europe, in
which loss of smell and taste lasted an average of 8.9 days.56
But for others, the symptoms of loss of smell or taste are more
serious. Evidence is emerging that they may emerge and persist long

Akosua Adom Agyeman, et al. op. cit.
Liji Thomas, et al. Smell abnormalities more common among long-COVID Patients.
News-Medical. 3 September 2021.
Mark W. Tenforde, et al. Symptom duration and risk factors for delayed return to
usual health among outpatients with COVID-19 in a multistate health care systems
network-United States, March–June 2020. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
(Weekly), 69(30): 993–998.
T. Klopfenstein, et al. Features of anosmia in COVID-19. Med Mal Infect. 2020,
50(5): 436–439. doi: 10.1016/j.medmal.2020.04.006.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

after initial COVID-19 infection, causing some profound conse-

quences and severe impact to the quality of life, such as loss of appe-
tite, loss of pleasure in food and eating, weight loss, altered intimacy
and an altered relationship to self and others, limited or impaired
social engagement, public gatherings, travel, and leisure activities,
Loss of smell with a blocked nose is due to the inability of volatile
odor molecules to reach the olfactory mucosa at the top of the nasal
cavity. It is often not accompanied by a loss of taste. However, loss
of smell and taste in COVID-19 is something different, and they usu-
ally appear at the same time. Although the mechanisms are not fully
understood, among some scientists there is an emerging consensus
that loss of smell occurs when the coronavirus infects cells that sup-
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port neurons in the nose. A team led by Sandeep Robert Datta at

Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, found that cells
that support sensory neurons in the nose, known as sustentacular
cells, are probably what the virus is infecting.57
There are some reports showing an abundance of nasal epithelial
cells expressing cellular receptors and proteases needed for viral
entry, i.e., angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) and transmem-
brane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2). One of the most reliable hypoth-
eses lay the importance of the interaction of SARS-CoV-2 with the
ACE2 and TMPRSS2 enzymes. Multiple non-neuronal cell types
present in the olfactory epithelium express two host receptors (ACE2
and TMPRSS2 proteases, expressed in the oral mucosa and olfactory
cavity), that facilitate SARS-CoV-2 binding, replication, and accumu-
lation.58 Based on the hypotheses, drugs that potentially modulate the
expression and activity of ACE2, ACE inhibitors (ACEI) and
angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB) such as captopril, are advised

David H. Brann, et al. Non-neuronal expression of SARS-CoV-2 entry genes in the
olfactory system suggests mechanisms underlying COVID-19-associated anosmia.
Sci Adv. 2020, 6(31): eabc5801. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abc5801.
Sara Ferraro, et al. Olfactory and gustatory impairments in COVID-19 patients:
Mechanism, clinical characteristics, drug interferences and role in early diagnosis.
2020. Preprint doi: 10.31219/

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

to be considered in the management of LST.59 It was also reported

that up to 88% of patients develop anosmia or ageusia, and it was
thought to be secondary to the invasion of the olfactory bulb by the
virus, suggesting brain involvement.60
The most frustrating for LST is that since there is a lack of suffi-
cient research yet, it means few established treatments exist.
Here, its etiologies, pathologies, and mechanisms of loss of
smell and taste (LST) are studied, pointing out that disturbed Brain-
Shen, impairment of the meridians and dysfunction of the zang-fu
organs are direct pathogenesis of LST. TCM management with acu-
puncture and Chinese herbs are presented accordingly, aiming to
establish some strategies to deal with LST practically and effectively.
These unique explanations in the treatment illustrate that although
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LST is a single symptom, it implies a profound and complicated

background, which requires a comprehensive treatment in time. If
left untreated, LST would cause further disturbance to the quality of
the patients and may last quite a long time even COVID-19 is cured

11.8.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated LST

Although the actual mechanism of LST in Western medicine is not yet
clear, TCM’s thorough logic analysis of pathology over the whole
process of SARS-CoV-2 infection can provide a good interpretation
as well as a reliable resolution on the treatment of LST.
COVID-19 is believed in TCM to be mainly the invasion by an
epidemic pestilence bearing nature of cold-damp, with toxins into
the body, especially at early mild or ordinary stages. Although it fol-
lows the same pattern of normal EPFs, it also has its own pandemic
characters, showing acute onset, dramatic progress at an unexpected

Gemma Mitchell. op. cit.
Jerome R. Lechien, et al. Olfactory and gustatory dysfunctions as a clinical presen-
tation of mild-to-moderate forms of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19): A
multicenter European study. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020, 277(8):2251–2261.
doi: 10.1007/s00405-020-05965-1.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

speed, skipping or overlapping different stages at the same time to

cause much higher complexity and mortality than other ordinary
exogenous diseases. Dysfunction of meridians

According to the statements written in various chapters throughout
Huang Di Nei Jing, it is believed that when external pathogenic
factors-EPF(s) invades the body, the first stage of its process is to hit
the skin-cutaneous section. If it is not resolved by the system, it then
travels deeper into the collaterals and then channels. If it is still not
resolved, it then enters further and finally settles in the zang-fu
organs. It is generally accepted that the exterior patterns of any illness
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are on the level between the skin-cutaneous sections and meridians.

This is because the skin-cutaneous sections and collaterals are all
meridian oriented sub-systems. By studying the meridian distribu-
tion, it could be understood that different meridians, including regu-
lar and extraordinary meridians, could be involved and sometimes,
several meridians could be involved at the same time. For instance,
the bladder meridian starts at the inner corner of both eyes close to
the root of the nose and frontal sinus. Cold-damp, which hits the
bladder meridian, can cause a blocked nose as well as an impaired
sense of smell. At this moment, there are no symptoms that show that
the lung is involved, showing symptoms of cough or shortness of
breath, etc. Ignoring these symptoms could cause further spreading
of the virus and deterioration of the disease. Large intestine and stom-
ach meridians both start or end on the sides of nose wings, close to
the sphenoid sinus, thus the suffering of cold-damp attacking both
meridians can lead to the LST. Medical intervention and personal
care should be taken in time to treat LST. When toxins heat domi-
nates the body in the progress of the disease, there would be LST as
well. Again, Yangqiao mai starts from the Shenmai BL-62 of the
Taiyang meridian of the lateral heel and runs up the back of the lat-
eral malleolus and up to along the posterolateral side of the chest,
through the shoulder and lateral neck, and finally to the corner of the
mouth and nose to reach the inner corner of the eye. It meets the foot

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Shaoyang meridian at Fengchi GB-20. External invasion of cold-

damp could cause dysfunction of Yangqiao mai, leading to stiffness
of the body at the lateral aspect with LST. Besides, the following
channels (such as the lung, heart, spleen, kidney, liver, Du mai, Ren
mai, as well as Chong mai), all have a direct or indirect connection
with smell and taste. It would be a mistake to consider that LST is
only caused by dysfunction of the lung in dispersing the lung-qi. Disturbance to the Brain-Shen

The brain, one of the six extraordinary organs, is also called “the sea
of marrow”. It states in Ling Shu (Spiritual Pivot) in Huang Di Nei Jing
that “The brain is the sea of marrow, it stretches up to the top of the
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head, and to the point of Fengfu DU-16”. In Chapter 28 of Ling Shu,

it also says that “when the up-going qi is insufficient, the brain is not
filled, so the ears suffer from hearing noises, the head suffers from
being bent, causing dizziness because of affected eye vision”. Due to
the close connection of the bladder meridian with Du mai and the
kidney that feeds directly into the brain, COVID-19 progressing in the
bladder meridian may rapidly fall into the brain via the connection of
Du mai, Ren mai Chong mai, and kidney meridian. Any unsolved
disturbance to these meridians could cause LST in Long COVID.
The brain is the place of Shen’s activity, which controls memory,
concentration, sight, hearing, and smell. As the Pi Wei Lun-
Discussion on Stomach and Spleen by Li Dong Yuan (1249) states,
the “sense of sight, hearing, smelling, touch, and intelligence all
depend on the Brain”. Wang Qing Ren in the Qing Dynasty says in
his book Yi Lin Gai Cuo-Correcting the errors in the forest of medi-
cine: “the nose communicates with the brain and therefore smell
depends on the brain”.61 Similarly, when talking about Xin Yi Hua
Flos Magnoliae in the book Ben Cao Gang Mu, Li Shi Zhen says “The
nose is through the Heaven and the Heaven is the head”.

Qingren Wang. Yi Lin Gai Cuo (Correcting the Errors in the Forest of Medicine).

Blue Poppy Press. Bilingual edition. Boulder, 2007. p. 45. ISBN-13: 978-

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Hence, it is clear in TCM that the brain is connected to the senses

of sight, hearing, smell, and taste. The brain is believed to be the
organ to control sight, hearing, smell, and taste, and it also closely
interacts with the zang organs (the heart and kidney) in TCM context.
The development of the brain’s dysfunction is usually a combination
of impairment of the brain at its structure along with disruption of
internal organs.
From the vast clinical research on the COVID-19 infected
patients, we now believe impairment of the brain (encephalopathy)
did happen at a comparatively earlier stage of the infection and may
persevere throughout the later and recovery stage. Sufferers reported
lack of concentration, poor memory, stress, insomnia, delayed recov-
ery of loss of smell and taste, etc. Loss of smell or taste may be a
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result of impairment of relevant meridians at the beginning of

COVID-19 infection, but once the progress of damage reaches the
Brain level, a dedicated treatment for recovering the brain’s function
in TCM is critical for the recovery of LST. However, the recovery of
the brain also depends on the repair and healing of its relevant
zang-fu organs.
In addition, to maintain a good function of the brain, spleen-qi
needs to rise to the head to nourish the upper orifices, such as eyes,
nose, ears, tongue, and mouth. Sufficient spleen-qi rises upwards to
carry the clear-yang to irrigate the senses. As Huang Di Nei Jing-Su
Wen (Simple Questions) states “the clear-yang is Heaven”, “The
clear-yang exits through the upper orifices” (p. 97), “the clear-Yang is
effused through the interstice structures” (p. 98), “the clear-yang (qi)
can be effused through them” and “the clear-yang transforms to qi
and rises to constitute Heaven”.62
If the clear-yang is strong and healthy, the senses of seeing,
smelling, hearing and tasting would be acute and clear. If there
are any disorders of ascending, descending, entering, and exiting of

Paul U. Unschuld, et al. Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen: An Annotated Translation of


Huang Di’s Inner Classic–Basic Questions. University of California Press, California

USA. 2011. eBook.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

spleen-qi, blocked by cold-damp, the clear-yang will not be lifted

towards the head, and these may result in impaired senses, including
smell and taste. Impairment of zang-fu organs

Invasion of cold-damp with toxins into the meridians always ends in
internal zang-fu organs, especially in the case of COVID-19. It ini-
tially could impair the lung, spleen and San Jiao via meridians, but
quickly fall in further to damage the heart (pericardium), liver and
kidney, especially at the severe and critical stage. Therefore, zang-fu
organs’ dysfunction is an unavoidable procedure in studying the
recovery of COVID-19.
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The sense of ability to smell and taste all depend on the smooth
ascending, descending, entering, and exiting of qi. If qi is obstructed
or disrupted, these senses will not be functioning properly. Since the
nose is the opening of the lung, TCM stresses the importance of the
lung in terms of smell, which means that if lung-qi is healthy and
strong, the nose will be opened properly, and the sense of smell will
be normal and accurate. If lung-qi is disrupted, the sense of smell
may be weak or impaired. The mouth is the opening orifice of the
spleen, and the tongue is the opening orifice of the heart. If the qi of
the spleen and heart is strong, the sense of taste will be normal and
acute. If smelling the qi of the spleen or heart is disrupted, the sense
of taste may be weak or impaired.
Although each sense of body is mainly related to a certain zang-
fu organ, i.e., vision to the liver, taste to the spleen and heart, smell
to the lung and hearing to the kidney, TCM still holds that these inter-
nal zang-fu organs are mutually connected and influenced through
meridians systems and Mother and Son relationships. Moreover, the
physiological function of the heart plays an extreme role in the
senses’ function. For instance, Huang Di Nei Jing–Su Wen says:
“when the five qi enter the nose, they are stored by heart and lung.
When heart and lung have a disease, the nose is not free as a

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

result”.63 This text implies the relationship between the function of

the nose and the lung and heart.

11.8.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated LST

Tailored treatment to help reduce the inflammatory reaction caused
by cytokine attacks on the nasal mucosal epithelium or taste buds
on the tongue can be a great approach to revert or reduce the symp-
toms of LST in Western medicine. TCM also has its own strategies for
protection and repair on the impairment of CNS in the brain by
COVID-19 infection. Relevant involvement of TCM in timely treat-
ment will play an important role in the success of LST recovery.
However, TCM treatment for LST during Long COVID is of course
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based upon the syndrome differentiation, which means symptomatic

management of LST due to Long COVID will fail to achieve some
expected results.
TCM treatment of LST includes the following strategies. Promote the function of the meridians

The olfactory nerve is the nerve fiber that passes through the
ethmoid epithelium to the olfactory bulb. The olfactory ability is the
characteristic of the olfactory cells in the nasal mucosa. Injury of
the nasal mucosa, olfactory bulb, olfactory filaments, or central
nervous system connection may affect the olfactory sense. The clini-
cal manifestations are: decreased or loss of sense of smell, inversion
of sense of smell, or phantom smell. Taste is transmitted by taste
nipples densely spread on the tongue, called taste bud cells, and
then excited by the taste center of the cerebral cortex. The entire
taste analysis activity is completed by the feedback loop neurohu-
moral system.
As illustrated above, when LST occurs during Long COVID, the
chief TCM treatment attention is focused on eliminating the

Paul U. Unschuld, et al. op. cit. p. 208.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

pathogenic factors and recovering the internal organs. Additionally,

methods of calming the shen and opening the clear orifices should
be included. Meanwhile, one more technique should also be con-
ducted, that is, using acupuncture and Chinese herbs to promote the
qi and blood circulation in the relevant meridians, since our body
consists of physical zang-fu organs and meridian structures. Only
caring for the zang-fu organs without regulating the meridians would
not be able to relief LST.
Like choosing points or herbs to calm the shen and open the
clear orifices, differentiation of points and herbs is important here in
this situation as well. Without this step, a final sophisticated treat-
ment will not yet be formed.
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Yingxiang L.I.-20 and Extra Bitong are considered as the local points,
which have the function to open the nose, relieve the blockage and
improve the sense of smell. Meanwhile, Dicang ST-4 is a good acu-
point to improve the taste to treat loss of taste. Juliao ST-3 could be
used to treat both loss of smell and taste. They are punctured with a
reducing method. However, those points are only considered as the
points for symptomatic treatment, and they are combined with the
points to solve the fundamental sickness of Long COVID.
When Chinese herbs are concerned, Cang Er Zi Fructus Xanthii
Sibirici 10 g and Xin Yi Hua Flos Magnoliae 10 g, which have a func-
tion to open the nasal orifice and improve the sense of smell, should
be added into the herbal prescription to relieve loss of smell. Sha Ren
Fructus Amomi 5 g or Bai Kou Ren Fructus Amomi Cardamomi 5 g,
which have a function to resolve damp and improve the sense of
taste, could be chosen and added into the herbal prescription. Auxiliary techniques

Besides choosing the above local points, moxibustion is also encour-
aged to be applied. It has the effect to dispel external pathogenic fac-
tors, eliminate cold, resolve damp, promote the lung to disperse the qi

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

and the spleen in transportation and transformation. Direct moxa,

indirect moxa with ginger, or moxa cones on the needles are all posi-
tive methods to improve the therapeutic effect of acupuncture.
Meanwhile, electric acupuncture is also advised to be used.
Tense and dispersed waves should be applied in order to relieve the
local inflammation so as to improve LST. Regulation of relevant meridians

Although both acupuncture points and some Chinese herbs could be
applied for symptomatic treatment of LST in Long COVID, blockage
in certain meridians is still left untreated. For instance, if the loss of
taste is caused by a disorder of Chong mai, and Chong mai is not
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regulated and harmonized in time, this loss of taste will remain the
same. Obtaining a clear identification and differentiation of relevant
meridians requires a thorough understanding of acupuncture and
herbal medicine.
To improve the qi and blood circulation for the loss of smell and
taste during Long COVID, the yuan-source points and luo-connecting
points from the relevant involved meridians should be selected on
purpose, with extra attention to the following meridians, such as
the lung, spleen, stomach, liver, heart, bladder, kidney and large
intestine. When these different meridians are impaired, they could
show different clinical symptoms and signs rather than only manifest-
ing as a loss of smell and taste. In most cases, impairment of one or
two meridians are often seen in the practice, seldom involving differ-
ent meridians at the same time.
The involvement of extraordinary meridians needs special atten-
tion and care. To identify and solve their problems, a unique tech-
nique in point combinations and procedures is required.
Here are some explanations and suggestions:

• Du mai
From the crown of the head, the channel descends along the midline
of the forehead and nose to its final point, Shui Gou DU-26, at the
junction of the upper lip and gum.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

One of its secondary branches ascends together with the Chong

mai and Ren mai, to pass through the heart, circles the mouth and
splits to ascend to the lower border of the two eyes.
Since Du mai is the governor of all the Yang meridians, when Du
mai is impaired, there would be headache, dizziness, severe aversion
to cold, weak heartbeat, cold hands and feet, blocked nose with loss
of smell and taste in Long COVID. Houxi SI-3 + Shenmai BL-62
should be added to open this meridian.

• Ren mai
Ren mai is the Sea of Yin in the body, ascending along the midline of
the abdomen and ending at Chengjiang REN-24 below the lower lip.
An internal portion of the channel then winds around the mouth,
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connecting with Shuigou DU-26 and ascending to Chengqi ST-1 just

below the eye. When Ren mai is impaired, different zang organs
could be disturbed, causing respiratory, cardiological, or water
metabolism and digestive disorders, including pressure at the chest,
abdominal pain and distention, poor appetite, weakness, tiredness,
somnolence, coldness of body, blocked nose with loss of smell and
taste in Long COVID. Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KI-6 should be added
to open this meridian.

• Chong mai
The fourth branch of Chong mai from the chest ascends alongside
the throat, curves around the lips and terminates below the eye,
reaching the end of the Ren mai. When Chong mai is impaired, it
can be typically manifested as qi rushing from the lower abdomen
up till the chest, or vomiting, nausea, saliva, or abdominal pain,
chest pain, blocked nose with loss of smell and taste in Long COVID.
Gongsun SP-4 + Neiguan P-6 should be added to harmonize this

• Yangqiao mai
After reaching the points at Jianyu L.I.-15 and Jugu L.I.-16, Yangqiao
mai then travels to the face and connects with Dicang ST-4, Juliao
ST-3, Chengqi ST-1 and Jingming BL-1 where it meets with the BL,

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

DU and Yinqiao mai. From here it travels over the head and termi-
nates at Fengchi GB-20.
When Yangqiao mai is impaired, there can be numbness,
weakness, and spasms at the lateral aspect of the lower limbs,
headache, eyes or face pain, loss of smell and taste in Long
COVID. Shenmai BL-62 + Houxi SI-3 should be added to regulate
this meridian.
As compared to acupuncture, there are fewer choices of Chinese
herbs that can help regulate or harmonize different meridians.
Nonetheless, it is possible to add some specific herbs to achieve this
effect to improve the smell and taste.

• Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii

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It is an ideal herb to lead the prescription to the head and clear ori-
fice to promote the qi and blood circulation in the meridians.

• Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae

It enters the lung, spleen and stomach meridians, having a good func-
tion to promote qi circulation in the head. Meanwhile, it dispels cold
and damp, relieves headache, opens the nasal orifice, and discharges
the phlegm in the nose.

• Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori

It enters the lung meridian, having a function to disperse the lung-qi,
benefit the throat, eliminate phlegm, discharge the pus, and open the
nasal orifice.

• Aromatic damp-resolving herbs

One of the main pathogenic factors for this pandemic is an invasion
of cold-damp, which cause the failure of the lung to disperse the
lung-qi or to descend the lung-qi, and dysfunction of the spleen to
transport and transform, as well as impairment of the San Jiao in qi
and water distribution.
Aromatic damp-resolving herbs could be applied to treat dys-
function of the spleen, manifested as poor appetite, tiredness, chest
tightness, loose stools, or diarrhea, loss of taste, greasy tongue

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

coating, and a slippery pulse, etc. Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis,

Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi, Pei Lan Herba Eupatorii
Fortunei, Bai Kou Ren Fructus Amomi Cardamomi, Cao Guo Fructus
Amomi Tsao-Ko, Cao Dou Kou Semen Alpiniae Katsumadai, etc., are
suitable to be applied in the herbal prescription to treat Long COVID
with LST. Mostly two to three herbs could be used to improve the
function of the spleen and sense of taste at the same time. Moreover,
patients should be advised to avoid eating cold and raw food, cold
drinks as well as irritable foods such as pepper and mustard.
Loss of smell and taste, which could occur in separation, should
be treated properly with acupuncture and Chinese herbs based upon
thorough understanding of the etiologies, pathologies, and syndrome
differentiation. Without the elimination of its causative factors,
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resolving the pathological changes, restoration of internal zang-fu

organs, and symptomatic treatment of LST will have little effect.
However, only focusing on all the above treatments without proper
treatment for LST will also have no efficiency to improve this com-
plaint. TCM wisdom can be reflected vividly in this case of Long
COVID: treating the causative factors and local sickness at the same
moment. Regulation of internal zang-fu organs

Loss of smell or taste is an early warning or one of the chief symp-
toms of COVID-19 in the beginning stage, including middle cases
and ordinary cases. These two symptoms may appear separately or
in combination together with or without some symptoms from the
lung, spleen and San Jiao due to failure of the lung in dispersing
the lung-qi, dysfunction of the spleen in transportation and transfor-
mation, and disturbance of the San Jiao, etc.
It must be noted that loss of smell and tastes in Long COVID is
not a life-threatening case. Alleviating the sense of smell and taste is
not the main aim of TCM treatment, but the main target is to restore
a patient’s qualities. Details about TCM treatment based upon syn-
drome differentiation could refer to some relevant parts in cough and
diarrhea of this book.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Although TCM emphasizes the important role that dysfunction of

different zang-fu organs and meridian could cause LST during the
TCM treatment, the lung and spleen are always the chief organs to be
disturbed or impaired, confirming that more attention and care
should be given to the lung and spleen. Methods should be applied
to promote the lung and spleen in their physiological functions and
relieve the pathological changes in their system. In terms of recovery
of the physiological functions of the lung, dispersing the lung-qi is
always most important in the recovery of loss of smell, and the spleen
in the recovery of loss of taste.
As mentioned above, our physical body is unified, forming one
entirety. The lung is closely associated with all the other zang-fu
organs, forming a system to mutually promote and assist. In some
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cases of loss of smell, the lung is not the only organ to be blamed and
treated during COVID-19. Sometimes the lung could be the victim
due to its impairment by some other organs or other pathogens.
Without eliminating this disturbance caused by these pathogens, the
lung will not be able to fulfill its task to disperse the qi to obtain a
good sense of smell.
The loss of taste in TCM is a condition showing that the spleen is
chiefly disturbed or impaired. In fact, this pandemic is mainly caused
by the invasion of cold-damp with the toxins, and the spleen is often
involved from the very beginning of the case. Besides the loss of
taste, there are often cases of sudden loose stool or diarrhea, abdomi-
nal distention and pain, poor appetite, and tiredness, supporting the
diagnosis that the cold-damp has disturbed the transportation and
transformation of the spleen. In some cases, loss of taste is a very
early symptom and sign, indicating that the spleen is involved. Thus,
it will be very logical that eliminating the cold-damp and activating
the spleen in transportation and transformation is the main therapeu-
tic management when loss of taste appears. Only focusing on treat-
ing loss of taste without consideration of recovery of the spleen in its
physiological function is absolutely an incomplete direction, and
even a wrong treatment.
Same as the explanations above about the lung, the spleen is an
organ connected with other organs and meridians, influenced by

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

many other factors. Therefore, in order to properly deal with the loss
of taste, we also need to perform a careful examination of the whole
body. For example, Chong mai or Yinwei mai can be impaired during
the ordinary cases of COVID-19 besides the spleen, which could also
lead to loss of taste. If these two extra meridians are not properly
treated—only treating the spleen for loss of taste—its treatment will
certainly fail. Calm the Brain-Shen and open the clear orifices

Since the heart is considered as the Emperor, it’s in charge of housing
the shen. Although smell, taste, hearing, and vision belong to differ-
ent individual organs, they are all different senses, feelings, and
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activities of the shen, which are dominated by the heart. Our brain,
where clear-yang is situated, is also referred to in TCM as yuan shen
(the primary shen). Disturbance or disruption to the clear-yang by
cold-damp, toxins, or another pathogen could cause dysfunction of
the shen, leading to the limited physiological function of the sense of
smell and taste. In this sense, it could be seen that methods to regu-
late the shen to benefit the brain should be applied to deal with the
loss of smell and taste due to COVID-19.
Both the lung and heart are in the chest. The lung is responsible
for smooth qi circulation and the heart is responsible for regular
blood circulation. Coordination of qi and blood circulation could be
maintained when the lung and heart are in a harmonious state. So,
to treat loss of smell, the heart also needs to be cared for besides
treating the lung.
When there is a remaining cold-damp in the spleen, it is possible
to see the loss of taste. According to the Five Elements theory, earth-
spleen is the Son of the heart-fire, which means that the heart could
also be involved, resulting in dysfunction of the heart in housing the
shen, therefore the loss of taste could be aggravated. Thus, it should
be encouraged to deal with the spleen and heart at the same time.
There are different acupuncture points and Chinese herbs to
regulate the shen. However, it may not be suitable to select all of

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

them at the same time, especially selecting them without

In terms of acupuncture points, not every point could calm the
shen, benefit the brain, and improve smell and taste at the same time.
Shenting DU-24 and Extra Yintang are the exceptions. They can be
punctured with reducing methods.

• Shenting DU-24
It could calm the shen, benefit the brain, eliminate cold-damp, and
improve the sense of smell and taste.

• Extra Yintang
It is located at the midway between the medial ends of the two eye-
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brows, which could treat nasal congestion, sinus problems, calm the
shen, benefit the brain and relieve headache.
Both points are found along with the Du mai, which is connect-
ing and benefits the brain, regulating the nose and taste, and calming
the shen. They also have a very important function to regulate the
emotions during Long COVID.
Other points which could have the same functions should be
Extra Sishencong and Baihui DU-20, etc. In severe cases of LST,
Shuigou DU-26 could also be applied. A reducing method is
Usually, two of these points (preferable to the first two points),
could be applied in combination with the points to treat various syn-
dromes of Long COVID, dealing with general situations and local
complaints at the same time. This is a typical TCM way of treating any
disease. Regardless of LST could lead to further impairment.
Scalp acupuncture is one of the modern micro-system acupunc-
ture techniques which combines Chinese acupuncture needling
methods with western medical knowledge on neuroanatomy, physi-
ology, pathology, neurology, to allocate the mirror areas on the scalp
to the corresponding zones on the cerebral cortex. It is mainly used
for brain-related conditions, including neurological and psychologi-
cal conditions. In the treatment of LST, sensory area lower 2/5 is

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

selected and stimulated to improve the nose-throat-mouth-tongue

There are two different types of Chinese herbs that can be used
to calm the shen. Similar to acupuncture, not every herb that calms
the shen will benefit the brain and improve the sense of smell and
taste at the same time. Chang Pu Rhizoma Anemonis Altaicae and
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae are the exceptions.

• Chang Pu
It has a function to calm the shen and open the clear orifices, includ-
ing all the orifices. Besides, it could relieve depression and improve
emotional states. Due to invasion of cold-damp, the meridians and
orifice of the nose, mouth and tongue are obstructed by damp or
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turbidity, Alternatively, these orifices could be blocked during the

deterioration of Long COVID. Chang Pu could be applied in the pre-
scription to open them and promote the free circulation in these
orifices. 10 g to 12 g could be prescribed.

• Yuan Zhi
It has a function to clear phlegm and calm the shen, indicated in the
acute invasion of cold-damp, or formation of phlegm-heat in the
lung, which blocks the nose or other orifices, resulting in LST. 10 g
to 12 g could be prescribed.
These two herbs also have good functions to improve emotions,
and relieve anxiety and depression during Long COVID.

11.9 Sicca Syndrome

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease
caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) associated with
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Although most of the infected individu-
als are asymptomatic, a proportion of patients with COVID-19
develop severe disease with multiple organ injuries.64 The viral

Yu Liu, et al. COVID-19 and autoimmune diseases. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2021,

33(2): 155–162. doi: 10.1097/BOR.0000000000000776.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 seems to lead to the onset or exac-

erbation of autoimmune diseases in genetically predisposed patients.65
For instance, patients with Sicca syndrome may be at an increased
risk of contracting COVID-19 due to immunosuppressive medica-
tions they may be taking.
Sicca syndrome, also known as Sjogren syndrome, is an autoim-
mune disease with inflammatory glands and other tissues of the body.
When there is an inflammation of the lacrimal glands that produce
tears, there would be decreased tears and dry eyes. Inflammation of
salivary glands, including the parotid glands, that produce the saliva
in the mouth could cause dry mouth, etc. Besides, sicca syndrome is
a combination of dry eyes, dry mouth, and another disease, such as
rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, or polymyositis. Moreover,
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about 90% of Sicca syndrome patients are middle aged or older

Apart from some systemic symptoms, such as difficulty concen-
trating, memory lapses, fatigue and myalgia, symptoms of Sicca syn-
drome during Long COVID include:

• Dry eyes (sometimes, there is burning, itching or gritty feeling as

though there is sand in the eyes).
• Dry mouth (sometimes there is the feeling of having cotton in the
mouth with difficulty in swallowing or speaking).
• Possible painful, swelling, and stiff joints.
• Persistent dry cough.
• Dry skin.
• Dry vagina.

One study shows that out of a total of 1,772 (0.18%) of patients

who were diagnosed with dry mouth, 30% were males and 70%
were females. Nine patients (1.01%) were diagnosed with both

Francesco Caso, et al. Could Sars-coronavirus-2 trigger autoimmune and/or auto-
inflammatory mechanisms in genetically predisposed subjects? Autoimmun Rev.
2020, 19(5): 102524. doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2020.102524.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

COVID-19 and dry mouth. Most of the patients were adults and
100% of patients with both COVID-19 and dry mouth were adults.66
The ACE-2 receptor is abundantly expressed on the epithelial
cells of the salivary glands, and when infected by SARS-CoV-2, these
receptors are overexpressed.67 It is speculated that signaling of the
ACE-2 receptor by the virus triggers a cascade of inflammatory pro-
cesses, ending in acute and chronic sialadenitis, causing disruption
in salivary secretion and resulting in dry mouth.68,6–70

The diagnosis of Sicca syndrome can be confirmed by a biopsy

of an affected gland.
Currently, there is no cure for Sicca syndrome in modern medi-
cine. The treatment of Sicca syndrome is mostly achieved by treating
the areas of the body that are involved by the disease and the com-
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plications such as infection.

11.9.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

Sicca syndrome
Sicca syndrome is a chronic autoimmune disease prior to COVID-19.
During the pandemic, it could have deteriorated. The pathologies of
Sicca syndrome during Long COVID include the following.

Joseph Katz. Prevalence of dry mouth in COVID-19 patients with and without
Sicca syndrome in a large hospital center. Ir J Med Sci. 2021, 190(4): 1639–1641.
doi: 10.1007/s11845-020-02480-4.
Li Liu, et al. Epithelial cells lining salivary gland ducts are early target cells of severe
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection in the upper respiratory tracts of
rhesus macaques. J Virol. 2011, 85(8): 4025–30. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02292-10.
Maryam Baghizadeh Fini. Oral saliva and COVID-19. Oral Oncol. 2020, 108:
104821. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2020.104821.
Chenxing Wang, et al. Does infection of 2019 novel coronavirus cause acute and/
or chronic sialadenitis? Med. Hypotheses. 2020, 140: 109789. doi: 10.1016/j.
Joseph Katz. op. cit.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID Remaining of toxic fire

COVID-19 is mainly caused by the invasion of pestilent toxins mixed
with cold-damp or damp-heat to the body, especially the lung and
heart. When these pathogenic factors are not eliminated completely
or in time, they may become a latent heat or fire in the body. It is held
in TCM that the lung is in charge of the skin and opens into the nose,
and the heart is in charge of blood and opens into the tongue.
Accumulation of heat or fire in the lung and heart could cause dys-
functions of these two organs, resulting in failure of related tissues to
be nourished, and Sicca syndrome occurs. Emotional disturbance

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The liver plays an important role in emotional activities. It regulates

qi circulation and stores blood. Overstress, resentment, and frustra-
tion during COVID-19 may cause retardation of liver-qi circulation,
and stagnation of liver-qi occurs.
Qi belongs to the yang energy, which should be in a state of con-
stant movement. In case of prolonged liver-qi stagnation, it may
cause the gradual formation of liver-fire. Fire is characterized by its
uprising and burning properties. When there is hyperactivity of liver-
fire, there would be Sicca syndrome, showing restlessness, insomnia,
palpitations, redness of face and eyes, swelling of eyes, nervousness,
irritability, bitter taste in the mouth, red tongue, thin and yellow
tongue coating, and a rapid and wiry pulse. Deficiency of yin and blood

The prolonged persistence of COVID-19 could also cause the con-
sumption of yin in the body. Besides, underlying medical conditions
prior to COVID-19 could be some add-on effects to cause aggrava-
tion of deficiency of yin. When the lung fails to be properly nour-
ished by the yin, the physiological function of yin in nourishment will
be impaired, and Sicca syndrome starts.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Besides general fatigue as a common sign of deficiency of yin,

deficiency of yin in different organs may also bring about different
manifestations. For instance, deficiency of lung-yin could cause dry
mouth, nose and dry cough. Deficiency of liver-yin could cause dry
eyes with possible burning sensation and headache. Deficiency of
heart-yin could cause palpitations with red spots on the skin with
itching. Deficiency of kidney-yin could, on the other hand, lead to
dry mouth, eyes, and vagina.
Since blood and yin share the same origin, deficiency of blood
could also cause the formation of yin deficiency gradually. Deficiency
of blood could be caused by spleen-qi deficiency and kidney-yin
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11.9.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated Sicca

syndrome Hyperactivity of toxic fire
Dryness of mouth and eye with burning sensation, feverish feeling,
restlessness, red skin with burning feeling, sleep disorders, joint pain
with swelling and hotness, restlessness, palpitations, dream-disturbed
sleep, redness of eyes, irritability, bitter taste in the mouth, body pain,
constipation, thirst, red tongue, yellow and dry tongue coating, and
a rapid and wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Clear heat, remove toxins, reduce, cool blood, and relieve dryness.

Herbal Treatment:
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang-Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity.

Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Huang Bai Cortex Phellodendri 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardenniae 10 g

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 12 g

Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan Radicis 10 g
Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis 10 g
Long Dan Cao Radix Gentianae Longdancao 10 g
Xia Ku Cao Spica Prunellae Vulgaris 10 g
Ren Dong Teng Ramus Lonicerae Japonicae 15 g
Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis Kirilowii 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Huang Lian, Huang Qin, Huang Bai and Zhi Zi clear heat, remove
toxins, subside swelling and relieve pain. When heat and fire are
eliminated, the body fluid will be protected, and the dryness of the
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mouth and eye will be improved.

• Sheng Di Huang, Xuan Shen and Mu Dan Pi clear heat in the body
and remove toxins.
• Long Dan Cao and Xia Ku Cao clear heat, remove toxins in the
liver and relieve dryness and redness in the eyes.
• Tian Hua Fen benefits the body fluid and relieves dryness in the
• Ren Dong Teng clears heat in the joints and relieves joint pain and
• Zhi Gan Cao clears heat, removes toxins, and harmonizes the
effects from other herbs in the prescription.

Herbal Remedy:
Huang Lian Jie Du Wan-Coptis Pill to Relieve Toxicity.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6,
Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Shaohai HE-3, Shaofu HE-8, Fengchi
GB-20, Jianjing GB-21, Xiaxi GB-43, Xingjian LIV-2, Sanyinjiao
SP-6, Juliao ST-3, Dicang ST-4 and Lianquan REN-23.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, LU-7 + KID-6, and a
reducing method is applied on the other points.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• A combination of SJ-5 + GB-41 harmonizes the Shaoyang chan-
nels, benefits the gallbladder, and clears heat in the liver.
• A combination of LU-7 + KID-6 promotes the production of body
fluid, regulates the zang-fu organs and relieves dryness of the
mouth and eyes.
• L.I.-4 and L.I.-11, the yuan-source point and the he-sea point of
the large intestine channel respectively, SP-6, the crossing point of
three yin channels of the foot, clear heat, remove toxins and
reduce fire in the body. Meanwhile, they can also subside swelling
in the joints.
• LIV-2 and GB-43, the ying-spring point of the liver channel and
gallbladder channel respectively, GB-20, clear heat and reduce
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liver-fire, which is good to relieve dryness in the eyes.

• HE-3 and HE-8, the he-sea point and the ying-spring point of the
heart channel respectively, clear heat in the heart, calm the shen
and improve sleep.
• GB-20 and GB-21 regulate the collateral of the gallbladder chan-
nel, smooth the emotions, and relieve the neck tension.
• ST-3, ST-4, and REN-23, regulate the eyes and mouth, promote
physiological functions, and relieve dryness in the eyes and mouth. Deficiency of yin

Persistence and aggravation of dryness of mouth and eyes after
COVID-19, fatigue, occasional dry cough or cough with scanty
phlegm, thirst, dryness of the throat, night sweating, blurred vision,
lower back pain, dry stools, weakness, red tongue, scanty or peeled
coating on the tongue, and a deep, thready, and rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Nourish yin, promote the production of body fluid, benefit the shen
and relieve dryness.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Herbal Treatment:
Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang-Glehnia and Ophiopogonis

Nan Sha Shen Radix Adenophorae 10 g

Bei Sha Shen Radix Glehniae Littoralis 10 g
Mai Men Dong Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici 10 g
Xi Yang Shen Radix Panacis Quinque Folii 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan Radicis 10 g
Zi Wan Radix Asteris Tatarici 10 g
Lu Gen Rhizoma Phragmitis Communis 15 g
Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis Kirilowii 10 g
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Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Nan Sha Shen, Bei Sha Shen, and Mai Men Dong nourish the yin
of the lung and kidney and clear the deficient heat, promote the
secretion of body fluid, and relieve the thirst and dryness of the
• Xi Yang Shen and Wu Wei Zi nourish the qi and yin of the general
body, improve appetite, and relieve fatigue.
• Zi Wan nourishes lung-yin, clears the remaining heat in the lung
and relieves dry cough.
• Mu Dan Pi clears deficient heat in the body and removes the
toxins in the blood.
• Lu Gen and Tian Hua Fen promote the secretion of body fluid and
relieve thirst and dryness of the mouth.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the prescription.

Herbal Remedy:
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan-Lyceum Fruit, Chrysanthemum and Rehmannia

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6, Jingqu LU-8, Taiyuan LU-9, Zusanli
ST-36, Qihai REN-6, Taixi KID-3, Fuliu KID-7, Sanyinjiao SP-6,
Feishu BL-13, Shenshu BL-23, Juliao ST-3, Dicang ST-4 and
Lianquan REN-23.
• An even method is applied on LU-7 + KID-6. A tonifying method
is applied to the rest of the points.

• A combination of LU-7 and KID-6 nourishes the qi and yin of the
body, promotes the secretion of body fluid, and relieves dryness of
the mouth and eyes.
• LU-8, LU-9, and BL-13, the jing-metal point, the yuan-source
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point of the lung channel, and the back-shu point of the lung
respectively, nourish lung-yin, restore the physiological functions
of the lung, and relieve dry cough.
• KID-3 and KID-7, the yuan-source point and the jing-metal point
of the kidney channel respectively, BL-23, the back-shu point of
the kidney, nourish kidney-yin, benefit kidney-jing and relieve
weakness and dryness in the mouth and eyes.
• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, SP-6, the crossing
point of three yin channels of the foot, and REN-6 tonify yin of the
general body, promote the secretion of body fluid and relieve dry-
ness in the mouth and eyes.
• ST-3, ST-4, and REN-23, regulate the eyes and mouth, promote
physiological functions, and relieve dryness in the eyes and mouth. Deficiency of blood

Dryness of mouth and eyes after COVID-19, aggravation of dryness
of the mouth and eyes after physical exertion, alleviation of head-
ache when resting, itching on the skin, dryness of the skin and hair,
hair loss, slight headache, a hollow sensation in the head, dizziness,
palpitations, listlessness, insomnia, pale complexion, irregular

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

menstruation in women, poor appetite, dry skin or stools, pale

tongue with a thin and white coating, and a thready and weak pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify blood, improve weakness and relieve dryness.

Herbal Treatment:
Si Wu Tang-Four Substances Decoction.

Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Praeparatae 15 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Alba 10 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10 g
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Gou Qi Zi Fructus Lycii 10 g

Jue Ming Zi Semen Cassiae 10 g
Lu Gen Rhizoma Phragmitis Communis 15 g
Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis Kirilowii 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Shu Di Huang, Dang Gui, Bai Shao Yao and Chuan Xiong tonify
and nourish the blood, benefit the liver, and relieve dryness.
• Gou Qi Zi and Jue Ming Zi nourish the liver, benefit the eyes, and
relieve dryness of eyes.
• Lu Gen and Tian Hua Fen benefit the body fluid and relieve dry-
ness in the mouth.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the herbs in the prescription.

Herbal Remedy:
Si Wu Pian-Four Substances Tablets.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Ququan LIV-8, Taixi KID-3, Yingu
KID-10, Xuanzhong GB-39, Shenmen HE-7, Juliao ST-3, Dicang
ST-4 and Lianquan REN-23.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• A tonifying method is applied to these points.

• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, and SP-6, the
crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, activate the spleen
and stomach, tonify qi and blood and relieve dryness.
• Since kidney-jing and blood share the same origin and benefit each
other constantly, some points should be used to tonify kidney-jing
to tonify blood. KID-3, the yuan-source point of the kidney channel,
LIV-8 and KID-10, the he-sea point of the liver channel and kidney
channel respectively, tonify blood and jing at the same time,
improve the general fatigue and weakness and relieve dryness.
• GB-39, the influential point for marrow, benefits blood and
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relieves blood deficiency.

• ST-3, ST-4, and REN-23, regulate the eyes and mouth, promote
physiological functions, and relieve dryness in the eyes and mouth.
• HE-7, the yuan-source point of the heart channel, benefits the
shen, improves sleep and relieves dryness in the eye.

11.10 Rhinitis
Rhinitis is a condition, characterized by a nasal obstruction or con-
gestion, runny nose or post-nasal drip, itchy nose, and/or sneezing.
It is broadly divided into two types: allergic rhinitis and non-allergic
rhinitis. In modern medicine, it is considered that rhinitis may occur
before a case of sinusitis or with sinusitis, i.e., a condition where
infection or inflammation affects the sinuses.
Although there are many asymptomatic patients with SARS-
CoV-2 virus, one of the medical tasks is early recognition and correct
diagnosis of COVID-19.
When fever, a dry cough, fatigue, and loss of smell and taste, etc.,
appear during the pandemic, they could be considered as the main
warning symptoms and signs of COVID-19.
However, cold-like symptoms like a runny nose, may sometimes
also occur as a chief complaint during COVID-19, and it is possible
that COVID-19 symptoms are mistaken to be allergic rhinitis,

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

because the characterized symptoms of COVID-19 may overlap with

some symptoms of an allergy. Severe allergies may also cause some
tightness in the chest or shortness of breath, especially in patients
with asthma. Careful medical examinations and close attention
should be paid to exclude a COVID-19 diagnosis.
Some allergic diseases, including asthma, have been defined
as risk factors for a poor outcome of coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19). In order to investigate the role of allergic rhinitis in the
severity of COVID-19, a group of scientists started a study. The study
included a case group of 125 randomly selected patients who had
been diagnosed with allergic rhinitis who were diagnosed with
COVID-19 and a control group of 125 patients without allergic rhi-
nitis who were diagnosed with COVID-19. They concluded that
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allergic rhinitis did not affect the severity of COVID-19.71

Indeed, it could be very difficult to tell the difference between
COVID-19 and allergies, especially during an allergy season by
solely judging based on a runny nose. For instance, in Italy, the SARS-
CoV-2 infection rate peaked between March and April 2020, and it
was also the pollen season. Some researchers recognize that although
olfactory dysfunction (hyposmia or anosmia) is a major symptom of
COVID-19, other nasal manifestations (rhinorrhea and obstruction),
similar to those of seasonal allergic rhinitis (AR), are reported as well.
From a practical and clinical viewpoint, their data suggest that even
though there are some coinciding and potentially confounding fea-
tures, the nasal symptoms of AR and COVID-19 can be differentiated
on clinical grounds. Therefore, in the case of future undesirable
COVID-19 outbreaks in concomitance with pollen season, clinicians
and patients with AR should be reassured and appropriately taught to
recognize and to discriminate between the two conditions.72

Ali Guvey. How does allergic rhinitis impact the severity of COVID-19?: A case-
control study. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2021, 278(11): 4367–4371. doi: 10.1007/
Chiara Bruno, et al. Seasonal allergic rhinitis symptoms in relation to COVID-19.
Allergy & Rhinology. 2020, 11: 1–3.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Nevertheless, another study showed the same result. Among the

192 who were invited to respond to the questionnaire, 89 responded
and 87 questionnaires were analyzed. The consensus was then
reported. A two-way ANOVA revealed significant differences in the
symptom intensity between COVID-19, the common cold and aller-
gic rhinitis (p < 0.001).73
Symptoms and signs of COVID-19 include:

• fever or chills
• dry cough
• trouble breathing
• body or muscle aches
• sore throat
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• fatigue
• fog in the head
• headache
• loss of taste or smell
• congestion or runny nose
• nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
• palpitations
• sleep problems
• pinkeye
• skin rash
• emotional disturbance, etc.

On the other hand, common symptoms and signs of rhinitis


• runny nose with itching

• dry and tickly cough
• frequent sneezing
• itchy eyes or tearing

Jan Hagemann, et al. Differentiation of COVID-19 signs and symptoms from allergic
rhinitis and common cold: An ARIA-EAACI-GA2 LEN consensus. Allergy. 2021,
76(8): 2354–2366.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• itchy throat
• itchy palate
• congestion in the nose, etc.

When rhinitis during Long COVID lasts too long, it may cause
some complications, including:

• sinusitis
• middle ear infections
• nasal polyps
• sleep apnea
• dental overbite
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A large-scale study confirmed that allergic rhinitis had a high preva-

lence in western Europe and is frequently undiagnosed. The preva-
lence of subjects with clinically confirmable allergic rhinitis ranged
from 17% in Italy to 29% in Belgium with an overall value of 23%.74
One examination demonstrated that there was a decreasing trend of
allergic rhinitis in the current pandemic lockdown period in the study
(p < 0.001), probably because of a decrease in pollution due to lock-
down, the increased use of masks, and increased indoor activities.75
As far as the prevalence of AR in COVID-19 goes, confirmed data
is still missing at this moment. It has been noted that the prevalence
of allergic children (30%) and asthmatic children (11.6%) is rela-
tively high in south Lombardy and Liguria, Italy. However, only two
allergic children (food allergy and AR) and one child with asthma
was discovered in 40 pediatric COVID-19 patients.76

Vincent Bauchau, et al. Prevalence and rate of diagnosis of allergic rhinitis in
Europe. Eur Respir J. 2004, 24(5): 758–764. doi: 10.1183/09031936.04.00013904.
Abhishek Kishore Dayal, et al. Trend of allergic rhinitis post COVID-19 pandemic:
A retrospective observational study. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2022, 74:
Amelia Licari, et al. Allergy and asthma in children and adolescents during the
COVID outbreak: What we know and how we could prevent allergy and asthma
flares. Allergy. 2020, 75(9): 2402–2405. doi: 10.1111/all.14369.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

In terms of rhinitis in Long COVID, one study examined 836 chil-

dren admitted to the hospital and with accurate contact information,
the researchers were able to conduct a follow-up survey with 518
children. The median age of the children was about 10 years old. The
most common pre-existing comorbidity in this cohort was food
allergy (13%, 67/514), followed by allergic rhinitis and asthma
(9.7%, 50/514), gastrointestinal problems (9.3%, 48/514), and
eczema (8.8%, 45/514).77

11.10.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

In most cases, a diagnosis of rhinitis in modern medicine can be
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established based on the patient’s symptoms without any testing.

Sometimes, allergy skin tests, blood tests for IgE, laboratory and
imaging tests, such as examination of the nasal smear microscopi-
cally or even Computed Tomography (CT) scans, are required as well.
However, in many cases, no abnormalities will be found, and an
anti-allergic drug is given for symptomatic treatment.
In TCM, it is considered that rhinitis of Long COVID is caused
either by incomplete elimination of wind-cold, weakness of qi of the
lung and spleen and formation of phlegm-heat. Incomplete elimination of wind-cold

COVID-19 in TCM is mostly caused by invasion of external pathogenic
factors, mainly cold-damp or damp-heat, with a pestilent toxin to the
lung. However, invasion of wind-cold is another causative factor.
When it is properly treated in time, wind-cold should be elimi-
nated completely, leaving no further damage to the lung and the
nasal orifice. However, when wind-cold becomes latent in the nasal
orifice, under the skin, or in the lung, it could cause some constant

Ismail M. Osmanov, et al. Risk factors for long covid in previously hospitalised

children using the ISARIC Global follow-up protocol: A prospective cohort study.
Eur Respir J. 2021, 58(6). doi: 10.1183/13993003.01341-2021.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

disturbance to the lung and these tissues, leading to the occurrence

of rhinitis of Long COVID. Weakness of qi in the lung and spleen

Prolonged persistence of COVID-19, improper treatment, lack of life
care, delayed recovery, constitutional weakness, and pre-existing
conditions, etc., could cause consumption of qi, especially in the
lung and spleen, leading to weakness or deficiency of qi. When the
lung’s dispersing ability is weak or impaired, there would be rhinitis
of Long COVID. In case of weakness of spleen-qi, the transportation
and transformation will be disturbed, resulting in the formation of
damp and failure of the nose to nourish. This then causes the nose to
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be blocked and disturbed, and the occurrence of rhinitis of Long

COVID follows. Formation of phlegm-heat

Invasion of cold-damp or damp-heat to the lung, spleen, stomach, or
San Jiao, may cause dysfunction of these organs, gradually leading to
the formation of phlegm-heat. When the nose is blocked by phlegm-
heat, the occurrence of rhinitis of Long COVID appears.
Obesity, constitutional weakness of the spleen and stomach, dys-
function of San Jiao, or lack of care for daily diet during
COVID-19, could cause the production of damp-phlegm or phlegm-
heat in the body. Prolonged persistence of damp-phlegm could cause
the formation of heat, leading to the occurrence of damp-heat or
phlegm-heat. When the lung and nose are disturbed by phlegm-heat,
the physiological functions of the lung and nose will be impaired,
and rhinitis of Long COVID appears.

11.10.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated rhinitis Remaining external pathogenic factors
Running nose with clear nasal discharge, itching and congestion in
the nose, frequent sneezing, itchy eyes or tearing, slight cough,

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

occasional itching in the throat or itchy palate, absence of thirst,

slight aversion to cold, slight muscle pain or headache, thin and
whitish coating on the tongue, and a superficial pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel wind, eliminate cold-damp, disperse the lung-qi, and open
the nasal orifice.

Herbal Treatment:
Jing Fang Bai Du San-Schizonepeta and Saposhnikoviae Powder to
Overcome Pathogenic Influences, plus
Cang Er Zi San-Xanthium Powder.
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Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 10 g

Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 5 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 5 g
Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g
Cang Er Zi Fructus Xanthii Sibirici 10 g
Xin Yi Hua Flos Magnoliae 10 g
E Bu Shi Cao Herba Gynomorii 10 g
Shi Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori Graminei 10 g

• Jing Jie, Fang Feng and Qiang Huo dispel wind, eliminate cold-
damp, and relieve some external symptoms.
• Jie Geng eliminates phlegm and relieves cough.
• Zhi Ke promotes qi circulation and eliminates phlegm.
• Bai Zhi, Cang Er Zi, Xin Yi Hua and E Bu Shi Cao open the nasal
orifice and promote the physiological functions of the nose.

Herbal Remedy:
Jing Fang Bai Du Wan-Schizonepeta and Saposhnikoviae Pill to
Overcome Pathogenic Influences, plus
Cang Er Zi San (Wan)-Xanthium Powder (Pill).

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Tianzhu BL-10, Feishu BL-13, Yingxiang
L.I.-20, Juliao ST-3, Extra Bitong, Extra Yintang, Fenglong ST-40 and
Yinlingquan SP-9.
• A reducing method is applied to these points.

• L.I.-4, the yuan-source of the large intestine channel, LU-7, the
luo-connecting point of the lung channel, and BL-10 open the skin
pores, dispel external pathogenic factors, and relieve cough, mus-
cle pain, and headache.
• BL-13, the back-shu point of the lung, disperses the lung-qi,
restores the physiological functions of the lung, and relieves nasal
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• L.I.-20, ST-3, extra Bitong and extra Yintang open the nasal orifice
and relieve blockage and itching in the nose.
• ST-40 and SP-9, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel
and the he-sea point of the spleen channel respectively, eliminate
phlegm in the body and nose and relieve cough. Deficiency of qi of the lung and spleen

Running nose with clear nasal discharge during Long COVID, itching
and congestion in the nose, frequent sneezing, itchy eyes or tearing,
slight cough with expectoration of slight, whitish, and diluted
phlegm, occasional itching in the throat or itchy palate, absence of
thirst, slight aversion to cold, listlessness, poor appetite, loose stool,
spontaneous sweating, easily catching a common cold, cold hands
and feet, thin and whitish coating on the tongue, pale tongue, and a
weak and thready pulse.

Principle of Treatment;
Tonify qi of the lung and spleen, resolve phlegm and open the nasal

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Treatment:
Bu Fei Tang-Tonify the Lungs Decoction, plus
Cang Er Zi San-Xanthium Powder.

Zhi Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae Praeparata 10 g

Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 12 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Cang Er Zi Fructus Xanthii Sibirici 10 g
Xin Yi Hua Flos Magnoliae 10 g
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E Bu Shi Cao Herba Gynomorii 10 g

Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Zhi Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, and Zhi Gan Cao activate the
spleen and tonify the qi in the body.
• Zhi Huang Qi and Wu Wei Zi tonify the qi of the lung and benefit
the lung.
• Shu Di Huang tonifies the kidney and benefits the lung.
• Zhi Ban Xia eliminates phlegm and relieves cough.
• Cang Er Zi, Xin Yi Hua and E Bu Shi Cao open the nasal orifice and
promote the physiological functions of the nose.

Herbal Remedy:
Bu Fei Tang-Tonify the Lungs Decoction, plus
Cang Er Zi San Wan-Xanthium Powder Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Yingxiang L.I.-20, Juliao ST-3, Extra
Bitong, Extra Yintang, Chize LU-5, Lieque LU-7, Taiyuan LU-9,
Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taixi KID-3, Qihai REN-6, Feishu
BL-13, and Pishu BL-20.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a tonifying method

is applied on the rest of the points. Moxibustion could be applied
on BL-13, BL-20, ST-36, KID-3 and REN-6.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 regulates the qi in the body and
improves the physiological functions of the lung and spleen.
• Since the lung opens into the nose and the physiological functions
of the nose rely greatly upon the lung, LU-7, LU-5 and LU-9, the
luo-connecting, the he-sea point and the yuan-source point of the
lung channels respectively, and BL-13, the back-shu point of
the lung, tonify lung-qi and restore the physiological functions of
the lung to promote the functions of the nose and relieve nasal
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• ST-36, SP-6, REN-6, KID-3 and BL-20 tonify the qi of the spleen
and kidney and support the lung-qi to improve the general condi-
tions of the body.
• Moxibustion warms the qi and dispels the deficient cold in the
body. Accumulation of phlegm-heat in the

lung and nose
Running nose with slight yellow and sticky phlegm during Long
COVID, itching and congestion in the nose, frequent sneezing,
itchy eyes or tearing, slight cough with expectoration of slight and
yellow phlegm, occasional itching in the throat or itchy palate,
occasional thirst, headache, loose stool, sweating, a thin, yellow,
and greasy whitish tongue coating, red tongue, and a slippery and
rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Clear heat, resolve phlegm, disperse lung-qi, and open the nasal

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Treatment:
Qing Jin Hua Tan Tang-Clear Metal and Transform Phlegm Decoction,
Cang Er Zi San-Xanthium Powder.

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g

Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zhe Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
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Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g

Cang Er Zi Fructus Xanthii Sibirici 10 g
Xin Yi Hua Flos Magnoliae 10 g
E Bu Shi Cao Herba Gynomorii 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Huang Qin and Zhi Zi clear heat in the lungs and relieve coughing.
• Xing Ren, Zhe Bei Mu and Jie Geng clear and resolve heat-phlegm
and relieve the blockage in the nose.
• Zhi Ban Xia, Fu Ling, Chen Pi, and Zhi Gan Cao, the compositions
of Er Chen Tang, eliminate damp and resolve phlegm in the body.
• Bai Zhi, Cang Er Zi, Xin Yi Hua and E Bu Shi Cao open the nasal
orifice and promote the physiological functions of the nose.

Herbal Remedy:
Qing qi Hua Tan Tang Wan-Clear the qi and Transform Phlegm Pill,
Cang Er Zi San Wan-Xanthium Powder Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Lieque LU-7, Chize LU-5, Yuji
LU-10, Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Yingxiang L.I.-20, Juliao ST-3,

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Extra Bitong, Extra Yintang, Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6 and

Yinlingquan SP-9.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method
is applied on the rest of the points.

• P-6 + SP-4, one of the point combinations from eight confluence
points, regulates the internal organs and clears heat in the body.
• LU-7, LU-5, and LU-10, the luo-connecting point, the he-sea
point, and the ying-spring point of the lung channel respectively,
disperse the lung-qi, clear heat in the lung, and relieve cough.
• Since the large intestine is the paired Fu organ with the lung, L.I.-4
and L.I.-11, the yuan-source point and the he-sea point of the
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large intestine channel respectively, are applied here to clear heat

in the body, promote defecation and reduce heat in the lung.
• ST-40, SP-6, and SP-9, the luo-connecting point of the stomach
channel, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, and
the he-sea point of the spleen channel respectively, activate the
spleen and stomach and eliminate damp-phlegm in the body.
• L.I.-20, ST-3, extra Bitong and extra Yintang, which are all the local
points, promote the physiological functions of the nose and open
the nasal orifice.

11.11 Red Eyes

Although the new coronavirus, named SARS-CoV-2 virus, majorly
spreads through direct contact via droplets from the nose or the
mouth during a cough or a sneeze, another way the virus can sneak
in is via the eyes, in which the mucous membranes, the surface of the
eyes, inner eyelids can all act as possible means for the virus to col-
lect and multiply. This infection usually occurs when touching or
rubbing the eyes with fingers that are contaminated with the virus.
Eye infection in the early weeks of COVID-19 infection may often
be missed out. In some patients, especially asymptomatic ones, red
eyes may be the single most important symptom of coronavirus.
Therefore, apart from a fever, cough, headache, loss of smell and

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

taste, and muscle pain, eye infection should also be one of the signs
to look for.
Red eyes caused by COVID-19, often known as conjunctivitis, is a
condition in which the clear layer covering the white part of each eye
and the inner lining of each eyelid become inflamed and reddish.
One research showed that of the 38 included patients with clini-
cally confirmed COVID-19, 25 (65.8%) were male, and the mean
(SD) age was 65.8 (16.6%) years. Among them, 28 patients (73.7%)
had positive findings for COVID-19 on RT-PCR from nasopharyngeal
swabs, and out of these, two patients (5.2%) yielded positive findings
for SARS-CoV-2 in their conjunctival as well as nasopharyngeal
specimens. A total of 12 out of 38 patients (31.6%; 95% CI, 17.5–
48.7) had ocular manifestations consistent with conjunctivitis.78
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Another systematic review and meta-analysis have been per-

formed, confirming that conjunctivitis is the most common ocular
manifestations reported in adults. This comprehensive meta-analysis
quantifies the existing evidence linking conjunctivitis with
COVID-19.79 One study, published in BMJ Open Ophthalmology in
November 2020, pointed out that in patients with a positive COVID-
19 diagnosis, the three most common new symptoms experienced by
participants were photophobia (18%), sore eyes (16%) and itchy eyes
(17%). The frequency of sore eyes was significantly higher during
COVID-19 state compared with pre-COVID-19 state. 81% of partici-
pants who had experienced an eye symptom reported to have suf-
fered from it within two weeks of other COVID-19 symptoms, and
80% reported the eye symptom lasted for less than two weeks.80

Ping Wu, et al. Characteristics of ocular findings of patients with coronavirus dis-
ease 2019 (COVID-19) in Hubei Province, China. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2020, 138(5):
575–578. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2020.1291.
Mashael Al-Namaeh. COVID-19 and conjunctivitis: A meta-analysis. Ther Adv
Ophthalmol. 2021, 13.
Shahina Pardhan, et al. Sore eyes as the most significant ocular symptom experi-
enced by people with COVID-19: A comparison between pre-COVID-19 and during
COVID-19 states. BMJ Open Ophthalmology. 2020, 5: e000632. doi: 10.1136/

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Viral conjunctivitis can affect both eyes. SARS-CoV-2 patients

can present with symptoms of conjunctivitis, including eye redness,
ocular irritation, eyelid swelling, a sandy or a gritty feeling in the eye,
foreign body sensation, tearing, and chemosis, watery or slightly
whitish drainage, etc. These are commonly seen in individuals with
severe systemic manifestations, but also possible to be seen in the
initial presentation of COVID-19. These symptoms normally last
five to seven days. However, if they don’t disappear entirely and
manifested as Long COVID, some medical care, including TCM,
should be introduced.

11.11.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

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red eyes
In TCM, it is held that the eyesight is not an isolated phenomenon but
is rooted in body totality. The eyes are simultaneously connected to
the internal organs and different vessels, and they are constantly
nourished by qi, blood, jing and body fluid. Among them, the liver is
one of the most important organs. This is because the liver opens into
the eye, thus the eye is an outside reflection of the liver. Also, the liver
is the main reservoir of blood, and the main components used to
form the tears that moisten the eyes. If there is an accumulation of
toxins or heat in the blood, deficiency of liver-yin with hyperactivity
of deficient fire, or accumulation of damp-heat in the liver, red eyes
can occur due to disturbance in the eyes. Remaining toxins and heat in the blood

Invasion of external pathogenic factors with a pestilent toxin to the
lung and other organs could cause the occurrence of COVID-19.
When toxic heat is not eliminated, it may accumulate in the body
and affect different body substances, and blood can be involved.
Heat is characterized by uprising and disturbance. When toxic
heat is accumulated in the blood, it may circulate with qi, leading to
the occurrence of red eyes.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Since blood is closely related to the heart, accumulation of toxic

heat in the blood could cause a disturbance to the heart, resulting in
insomnia, restlessness, some skin rashes, or aggravation of skin con-
ditions, etc. Disturbance of the emotions

Excessive stress, frustration, and anger over a long period of time
prior to, during and after COVID-19, could cause depression of the
liver-qi, leading to its stagnation. Moreover, prolonged stagnation of
qi may cause the formation of liver-fire, triggering a fire that flares up
and burns the eyes, and red eyes follow. Alcohol drinking, frequent
intake of pungent food could cause aggravation of liver-fire, resulting
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in severe red eye conditions. Accumulation of damp-heat in the liver

Incomplete elimination of damp-heat invasion to the body, genera-
tion of heat due to prolonged persistence of cold-damp invasion, or
constitutional dam-heat accumulation, and disorder in diet prior to
or during COVID-19, may cause obstruction of damp-heat in the
liver, leading to the disturbance to the eyes, and red eyes appear. In
this case, dietary regulation is extremely important when dealing
with red eyes. Prolonged sickness or weak constitution

Prolonged persistence of COVID-19, lack of proper medical and life
care, or congenital weakness could lead to consumption of the yin
in the body, especially in the lung, liver and kidney. When the eyes
are not properly nourished by the yin, red eyes appear. Meanwhile,
deficiency of yin could cause the formation of deficient fire, bringing
about hyperactivity of deficient fire. The uprising of deficient fire to
the head could lead to the aggravation of red eyes.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

11.11.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated

red eyes
In TCM, the careful differentiation of the associated symptoms and
root causes is important in treating red eyes effectively. Certain local
treatment is always combined with systematic management since
local treatment itself is hardly helpful. Accumulation of toxic heat in the blood

Persistence of red eyes with swelling, irritation and burning feeling,
slight thirst, restlessness, insomnia, skin rashes with fresh red color,
dry stool, red tongue, thin and dry coating on the tongue, and a rapid
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and wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Cool heat in the blood, remove toxins, subside swelling and relieve
red eyes.

Herbal Treatment:
Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin-Universal Benefit Decoction to Eliminate Toxins.

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g

Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g
Ban Lan Gen Radix Isatidis 10 g
Sang Ye Folium Mori Albae 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 12 g
Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis 10 g
Chi Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Rubrae 10 g
Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 3 g
Bo He Herba Menthae Haplocalycis 3 g
Qing Xiang Zi Semen Celosiae Argenteae 10 g
Jue Ming Zi Semen Cassiae 10 g
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae 5 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Huang Qin and Huang Lian clear heat in the liver and heart,
remove toxins and subside swelling of the eyes to relieve red
• Ban Lan Gen, Bo He and Lian Qiao clear heat and remove
toxins in the upper parts of the body and subside the swelling in
the eyes.
• Sheng Di Huang, Xuan Shen and Chi Shao Yao cool heat in the
blood and remove toxins in the body.
• Sang Ye, Qing Xiang Zi and Jue Ming Zi clear heat in the eyes and
benefit the eyes.
• Gan Cao removes toxins and subsides swelling of the eyes.
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Herbal Remedy:
Yin Qiao Jie Du Wan-Lonicera and Forsythia Pill to Eliminate

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Erjian L.I.-2, Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Yuji LU-10, Fengchi
GB-20, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Xuehai SP-10, Shaohai HE-3, Xingjian
LIV-2, Zanzhu BL-2, and Tongziliao GB-1.
• A reducing method is used on these points.

• L.I.-4 and L.I.-11, the yuan-source point and the he-sea point of
the large intestine channel respectively, and GB-20 clear heat,
remove toxins and subside the swelling in the eyes.
• L.I.-2 and LU-10, the ying-spring points of the large intestine chan-
nel and lung channel respectively, strongly clear heat, eliminate
toxins at the upper parts of the body and reduce the swelling in the
• SP-6 and SP-10, the crossing point of three yin channels of the feet
and the he-sea point of the spleen channel respectively, HE-3 and
LIV-2, the he-sea point of the heart channel and the ying-spring
point of the liver channel respectively, cool heat in the blood,
reduce swelling, relieve pain, and subside red eyes.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• BL-2 and GB-1, the local points, clear heat in the eyes and relieve
red eyes. Flaming of liver-fire

Fresh red eyes with burning sensation, irritation and pain, aggrava-
tion of red eyes when nervous, headache, neck pain with depression,
stress, a feeling of oppression over the chest, insomnia, a bitter taste
in the mouth, a poor appetite, red tongue with a thin and slight yel-
low coating, and a rapid and a wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Smooth the liver, circulate qi, harmonize the emotions and relieve
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red eyes.

Herbal Treatment:
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San-Augmented Rambling Powder.

Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan Radicis 10 g

Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Sang Ye Folium Mori Albae 10 g
Xia Ku Cao Spica Prunellae Vulgaris 10 g
Jue Ming Zi Semen Cassiae 10 g
Bo He Herba Menthae Haplocalycis 3 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Chai Hu regulates and promotes liver-qi circulation and relieves qi
stagnation in the liver and eyes.
• Bai Shao Yao and Dang Gui relax the liver, nourish the blood, and
strengthen the blood circulation in the liver.
• Mu Dan Pi, Zhi Zi, Sang Ye and Xia Ku Cao clear heat produced
in the liver and relieve red eyes.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Jue Ming Zi and Bo He cool and clear heat in the liver and benefit
the eyes.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the actions of the other herbs in the

Herbal Remedy:
Dan Zhi Xiao Yao Wan-Augmented Rambling Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Xingjian LIV-2, Taichong LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14, Fengchi GB-20,
Neiguan P-6, Tanzhong REN-17, Zanzhu BL-2, Tongziliao GB-1,
Yanglingquan GB-34, Qiuxu GB-40, Xiaxi GB-43, and Shaofu
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• A reducing method is used on these points.

• LIV-2 and GB-43, the ying-spring points of the liver channel and
gallbladder channel respectively, and GB-20 clear heat, reduce
liver-Fire, subside swelling in the eyes and relieve red eyes.
• LIV-3 and LIV-14, the yuan-source point, and the front-mu point of
the liver channel respectively, smooth the liver and promote the
circulation of the liver-qi.
• P-6, the luo-connecting point of the pericardium channel and the
confluence point of the Yinwei channel, and REN-17, the gather-
ing point of the qi in the body, promote the circulation of the
liver-qi and regulate the emotions. They also promote the circula-
tion of qi in the heart and spleen.
• GB-34 and GB-40, the he-sea point, and the yuan-source point of
the gallbladder channel respectively, harmonize the gallbladder
and promote the qi circulation in the liver.
• HE-8, the ying-spring point of the heart channel, reduces heat
in the body and heart, calms the shen and relieves restlessness.
• BL-2 and GB-1, the local points, clear heat in the eyes and relieve
red eyes.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID Accumulation of damp-heat in the liver

Red eyes with irritation and swelling, tearing, occasional slight yel-
low sticky discharge, headache, irritability, bitter taste in the mouth,
scanty urine, yellow and greasy coating on the tongue, and a wiry,
slippery and rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Clear heat, eliminate damp, reduce fire, and relieve red eyes.

Herbal Treatment:
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang-Gentiana Longdancao Decoction to Drain
the Liver.
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Long Dan Cao Radix Gentianae Anomalae 10 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Ze Xie Rhizoma Alismatis 10 g
Mu Tong Caulis Akebiae Trifoliatae 5 g
Che Qian Zi Semen Plantaginis 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae 10 g
Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 5 g
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis 5 g
Jue Ming Zi Semen Cassiae 10 g
Qing Xiang Zi Semen Celosiae Argenteae 10 g

• When damp-heat accumulates in the liver, the channels and col-
lateral of the liver and gallbladder are obstructed, red eyes occur.
• Long Dan Cao, a herb with a bitter and cold nature entering the
liver channel, clears the excessive heat and eliminates damp. It is
used as the chief herb in the formula.
• Both Huang Qin and Zhi Zi are bitter and cold in nature. They are
used to reduce the fire caused by the accumulation of damp-heat
in the liver.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Ze Xie, Mu Tong and Che Qian Zi eliminate damp-heat and pro-

mote urination.
• Dang Gui is used to regulate blood. Sheng Di, clears heat in the
blood and body, and Chai Hu, spreads the liver-qi. These three
herbs are used to smooth the liver and improve its physiological
functions of the liver.
• Gan Cao clears the heat and removes toxins.
• Jue Ming Zi and Qing Xiang Zi clear heat in the eyes, subside
swelling and relieve red eyes.

Herbal Remedy:
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan-Gentiana Longdancao Pill to Drain the Liver.
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Acupuncture Treatment:
• Zhigou SJ-6, Yanglingquan GB-34, Xingjian LIV-2, Qimen LIV-14,
Ganshu BL-18, Quchi L.I.-11, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9,
Zanzhu BL-2 and Tongziliao GB-1.
• A reducing method is applied to these points.

• SJ-6 and GB-34 regulate the qi in Shaoyang channels, disperse and
reduce damp-heat in San Jiao and gallbladder.
• LIV-2, LIV-14 and BL-18, the ying-spring point, the front-mu point
of the liver channel, and the back-shu point of the liver respec-
tively, eliminate damp-heat and restore the physiological functions
of the liver.
• L.I.-11, the he-sea point of the large intestine channel, SP-6 and
SP-9, the crossing point of three yin channels of the feet, and the
he-sea point of the spleen channel respectively, clear heat and
eliminate damp in the body.
• BL-2 and GB-1, the local points, clear heat in the eyes and relieve
red eyes. Deficiency of the yin of the liver and kidney

Red eyes with poor vision, dryness, slight pain and burning in the
eyes, dizziness, headache, tinnitus, hair loss, poor memory, slight

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

pain in the hypochondriac region, night sweating, lower back pain,

weakness of the knees, dry stools, red tongue with a scanty or peeled
coating, and a deep, thready, and rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Nourish yin, promote the production of body fluids, benefit the eyes,
and relieve the red eyes.

Herbal Treatment:
Ming Mu Di Huang Wan-Improve Vision Pill with Rehmannia.

Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 12 g

Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
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Shan Zhu Yu Fructus Corni Officinalis 10 g

Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 10 g
Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan Radicis 10 g
Gou Qi Zi Fructus Lycii 10 g
Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthemi Morifolii 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Chong Wei Zi Semen Leonuri Heterophylli 10 g
Jue Ming Zi Semen Cassiae 10 g
Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 5 g
Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g

• Shu Di Huang, Shan Zhu Yu and Shan Yao tonify the liver and
kidney and benefit kidney-jing.
• Dang Gui and Wu Wei Zi smooth the liver and tonify liver-yin.
• Chai Hu and Bai Shao Yao regulate liver-qi circulation and pro-
mote the physiological functions of the liver.
• Mu Dan Pi and Zhi Mu clear deficient heat in the body.
• Fu Shen calms shen and improves sleep.
• Gou Qi Zi, Ju Hua, Chong Wei Zi and Jue Ming Zi benefit the eyes
and relieve red eyes.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Remedy:
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan-Lyceum Fruit, Chrysanthemum and Rehmannia

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taixi KID-3, Yingu
KID-10, Ququan LIV-8, Qihai REN-6, Ganshu BL-18, Shenshu
BL-23, Zanzhu BL-2, and Tongziliao GB-1.
• An even method is applied on LU-7 + KID-6, and a tonifying
method is applied to the rest of the points.

• The combination of LU-7 + KID-6 nourishes the yin of the body
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and clears deficient heat.

• SP-6, the crossing point of three yin channels of the feet, KID-3
and KID-10, the yuan-source point and he-sea point of the kid-
ney channel respectively, KID-6, and BL-23, the back-shu point
of the kidney, together with REN-6, nourish the yin of the body,
benefit the yin of the kidney, and relieve deficiency of yin in the
• LIV-8 and BL-18, the he-sea point of the liver channel and the
back-shu point of the liver respectively, nourish the yin of the liver,
benefit the eyes, and relieve red eyes.
• BL-2 and GB-1, the local points, clear heat in the eyes and relieve
red eyes.

11.12 Sputum Production

The emergent outbreak of COVID-19 infected by SARS-CoV-2 has
caused a global pandemic. Overall, fever, fatigue, and a dry cough
are the most common symptoms in the acute phase of this infectious
disease, and once COVID-19 enters a severe stage, it becomes very
difficult to manage when there is profuse sputum production. When
Long COVID occurs, increased sputum production could be another
one of the annoying symptoms.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Physiologically, the respiratory mucosa functions as a defensive

layer against pathogens. The layer can trap an invading pathogen
through sticky secretions and then move it out via ciliary action.81
Thus, mucus secretion is a fundamental mechanism for defense
against allergens and pathogens, which causes increases of mucus
production in the respiratory tract in nearly every instance of airway
inflammation. COVID-19 is no exception. It can be particularly
severe and even lethal in COVID-19 due to the formation of mucus
plugs. Severe mucoid tracheitis is detected in 33% of COVID-19
autopsies.82 Transmission of COVID-19 appears to occur primarily
through dispersal of droplets generated from the respiratory tract
when an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes. Large amounts of
the SARS-CoV-2 virus have been reported in sputum and nasal speci-
Downloaded from

mens, which account for the transmission through respiratory

Studies of CT imaging in the pulmonary parenchymal region of
COVID-19 patients have reported a 64% occurrence of pathological
fluid in the alveolar sacs which appears multifocal, patchy, or seg-
mented, and is distributed around subpleural areas or along broncho-
vascular bundles. Increase in sputum volume and mucus hypersecretion
associated symptoms are seen in up to 40% of patients. The mucus in
these patients is also found to be more viscous than in those with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Lastly, the formation of
colloidal mucus plugs is more frequent in these patients. The increase in
mucus production and secretion is also likely due to mucus cell meta-
plasia since pulmonary inflammatory diseases are often associated with

Ximena M. Bustamante-Marin and Lawrence E. Ostrowski. Cilia and mucociliary
clearance. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2017, 9(4): a028241. doi: 10.1101/
cshperspect. a028241.
Faryal I. Farooqi, et al. Airway hygiene in COVID-19 pneumonia: treatment
responses of 3 critically Ill cruise ship employees. Am J Case Rep. 2020, 21:
e926596. doi:10.12659/AJCR.926596.
Mohsin Ali Khan, et al. Cytokine storm and mucus hypersecretion in COVID-19:
Review of mechanisms. J Inflamm Res. 2021, 14: 175–189

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

excessive mucus secretion.84 Numerous studies conclude that the

recent coronavirus infection causes an allergic reaction in respiratory
tract mucosa, which activates mucin secretion and modulates its chemi-
cal structure to enable the virus to enter the cells.858–87
Thereafter, SARS-
CoV-2 initiates neutrophil and mucus-mediated inflammatory
Sputum production or expectoration is the act of coughing
up and spitting out the material produced in the respiratory tract.
A cough, known as the most common symptom of respiratory disor-
ders, is usually an entirely physiologic voluntary reflex, which serves
the functions of defending the respiratory tract against foreign sub-
stances and maintaining airway patency by shearing and dislodging
the secretions accumulated on the mucosal surface from the air pas-
Downloaded from

sages. Sputum production with coughing occurs when the respiratory

tract secretions are beyond the ability of the mucociliary mechanism
to deal with them. Although sputum production with coughing could
be seen in many diseases, such as bronchiectasis, a lung abscess,
pneumococcal pneumonia or pulmonary oedema, sputum produc-
tion in Long COVID is completely different from these diseases.
Increased sputum production is often characterized by expecto-
ration of diluted, scanty, whitish phlegm, some itching in the throat
with slight pain (it may be painless for some patients) at the same
time. It is possible that there could be increased nasal discharge with
whitish color, diminished smell or taste, poor appetite, loose stools,

Jan Hagemann, et al. op. cit.
Sufang Tian, et al. Pulmonary pathology of early phase 2019 novel coronavirus
(COVID-19) pneumonia in two patients with lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2020, 15:
700–704. doi: 10.1016/j.jtho.2020.02.010.
Adam Bernheim, et al. Chest CT findings in coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19):
relationship to duration of infection. Radiology. 2020, 295(3).
Hind Khairi Khashkhosha et al. A hypothesis on the role of the human immune
system in COVID-19. Med Hypotheses. 2020, 143: 110066. doi: 10.1016/j.
Alexander P Earhart, et al. Consideration of dornase alfa for the treatment of severe
COVID-19 acute respiratory distress syndrome. New Microbes New Infect. 2020,
35: 100689. doi: 10.1016/j.nmni.2020.100689.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

and tiredness, etc. Furthermore, the build-up of mucus can also con-
tribute to other complications found in Long COVID such as venous
engorgement, elevation in saliva secretions, mucus in stool, and
pulmonary oedema. Once there is a fever and profuse sputum (spu-
tum color turns into yellow and becomes sticky, or there is a mixture
of blood streaks in the sputum), some further examinations should be
carried out to identify the underlying infection or other causes.

11.12.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

sputum production
It is considered in modern medicine that increased sputum produc-
tion happens when it is triggered by some allergic or infectious
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pathogens. However, it also occurs without any demonstrable evi-

dence of disease.
Since mucus consists primarily of water (95%), it is considered in
TCM that sputum production of Long COVID is caused by the accu-
mulation of damp-phlegm in some zang-fu organs as well as some
tissues and cavities due to various kinds of factors (such as the incom-
plete elimination of some external pathogens, or dysfunction of some
internal organs during COVID-19), leading to the disorder of the
water metabolism in the body. Above all, the severity of sputum pro-
duction during Long COVID is not proportional to the severity of the
disease during COVID-19. Incomplete elimination of external pathogenic

Invasion of external pathogenic factors with a pestilent toxin through
the nose, mouth, or membranes to the lung, San Jiao or the spleen
and stomach, could cause the occurrence of COVID-19. The main
pathogenic factor is damp, either cold-damp or damp-heat, which
leads to failure of the lung in dispersing the qi and water, dysfunction
of the San Jiao in water distribution, and the spleen and stomach in
transportation and transformation, formation of damp-phlegm in the
body happens. Mostly, the lung is impaired by this external invasion.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Since the lung is the upper source of water in the body and in charge
of the nose and throat, impaired function of the lung in dispersing the
lung-qi by damp could bring about the disturbance to the qi dispers-
ing and water regulation, and cough with expectoration of sputum
occurs. When COVID-19 in the acute phase is under control, there
is a great possibility that the external pathogenic factors are incom-
pletely eliminated, and they could still accumulate somewhere in the
lung or its opening orifices—the nose and throat. Therefore, sputum
production appears occasionally or permanently.
Remaining external damp in the spleen and stomach will cause
further disturbance to the physiological functions of these organs, lead-
ing to aggravation and continuation of sputum production, increased
saliva production, lack of taste, poor appetite, nausea, and loose stools.
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Remaining of the external damp in the San Jiao could cause

water retention, leading to the heaviness of the limbs and body, swol-
len abdomen, and irregular defecation, etc. Accumulation of damp-phlegm

Prolonged persistence of external damp in the body, mixed with
improper treatment, lack of life care during COVID-19, and constitu-
tional overweight or accumulation of damp-phlegm in the body, etc.,
could cause blockage and impairment in the different zang-fu organs,
resulting in dysfunction of water distribution and metabolism, and
increased sputum production happens. When the nose and throat are
disturbed, there could be nasal discharge, irritation in the throat, or
a slight cough with expectoration of some sputum. When the diges-
tive system is disturbed by damp, there could be nausea, much saliva
in the mouth, borborygmus, swollen abdomen, heaviness of the
limbs, loose stools with mucus, etc. Accumulation of damp with stagnation of blood

Since damp moves together with blood, both the invasion of external
damp and formation of internal damp due to dysfunction of zang-fu
organ during COVID-19 or Long COVID could cause disturbance to

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

the blood vessels, channels, and collaterals in the body, resulting in

retardation of qi and blood circulation. In some severe cases, there
could be accumulation of damp with stagnation of blood. This situa-
tion could cause a blockage in these tissues in the body, leading to
swelling and pain of the vessels (presenting a purplish color with
protrusion of the veins on the skin). Sometimes there would be the
formation of ulcers or cramps on the limbs. Deficiency of qi or yang

Prolonged persistence of COVID-19 could cause consumption of qi
and yang of the body, leading to deficiency of qi, such as the lung-qi,
heart-qi, spleen-qi and kidney-qi. All these situations could eventu-
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ally lead to the disorder in water metabolism, thus increasing sputum

production due to the formation of damp-phlegm in the body.
When deficiency of qi is not properly controlled, it could cause
further damage to the yang of the body, resulting in aggravation of the
disorder in water metabolism, retention of water and damp-phlegm.

11.12.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated sputum

production Incomplete elimination of external damp
Increased sputum production in the nose with whitish discharge,
slight persistent cough with expectoration of white and diluted
phlegm, itching in the throat, absence of thirst, slight aversion to cold
and muscle pain, headache, thin and whitish tongue coating, and a
tight pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, and relieve the external pathogens.

Herbal Treatment:
Xing Su San-Apricot Kernel and Perilla Leaf Powder, plus
Cang Er San-Xanthium Powder.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g

Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g
Bai Jie Zi Semen Sinapis Albae 5 g
Cang Er Zi Fructus Xanthii Sibirici 10 g
Xin Yi Hua Flos Magnoliae 10 g
Qian Hu Radix Peucedani 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 5 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 5 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g
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• Xing Ren, Zi Su Zi, Qian Hu, Jie Geng and Bai Jie Zi eliminate
phlegm and relieve cough.
• Cang Er Zi and Xin Yi Hua open the nasal orifice and eliminate
phlegm in the throat.
• Zhi Ban Xia, Fu Ling, Chen Pi and Zhi Gan Cao, which are the
complete composition of Er Chen Tang, are applied to eliminate
damp and resolve phlegm to assist the above herbs to eliminate
phlegm and relieve cough.
• Zhi Ke promotes qi circulation caused by the accumulation of
• Qiang Huo dispels the remaining pathogens and relieves some
external symptoms, such as itching in the throat, sometimes nasal
discharge, slight aversion to cold and muscle pain, and headache.

Herbal Remedy:
Zhi Sou San Granulates-Stop Coughing Powder.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Hegu L.I.-4, Yingxiang L.I.-20, Juliao ST-3, Fenglong ST-40, Yinlingquan
SP-9, Lieque LU-7, Chize LU-5, Feishu BL-13, and REN-22.
• A reducing method is applied on the rest of the points.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• L.I.-4, the yuan-source of the large intestine channel, and LU-7,
the luo-connecting point of the lung channel, open the skin pores,
promote sweating, and relieve some external symptoms.
• ST-40 and SP-9, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel
and the he-sea point of the spleen channel respectively, eliminate
damp and resolve phlegm in the body.
• LU-5 and BL-13, the he-sea point of the lung channel and back-
shu point of the lung respectively, disperse the lung-qi, restore the
physiological functions of the lung and relieve cough and sputum
• L.I.-20 and ST-3, the local points from the face, are used to open
the nasal orifice, eliminate phlegm, and relieve the blockage in the
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• REN-22 is applied to resolve phlegm in the throat and improve
breathing. Accumulation of phlegm-turbidity

Slight fullness in the chest and epigastric region, occasional shortness
of breath with exportation of whitish and sticky phlegm, occasional
cough, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, or diarrhea, lassitude, heavi-
ness of the four limbs, dizziness, aggravation of above situations
when intaking greasy and fatty food, lassitude, whitish and greasy
coating on the tongue, and a slippery pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Resolve phlegm, activate the spleen, disperse the lung-qi and relieve

Herbal Treatment:
Er Chen Tang-Decoction of Two Old (Cured) Drugs, plus
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San-Ginseng, Sclerotium Poriae Cocos and
Atractylodis Macrocephalae Powder.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g

Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Cang Er Zi Fructus Xanthii Sibirici 10 g
Bai Jie Zi Semen Sinapis Albae 10 g
Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Bai Bian Dou Semen Dolichoris Lablab 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 5 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g
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• Zhi Ban Xia, Fu Ling, Chen Pi, and Zhi Gan Cao, the complete
compositions of Er Chen Tang, eliminate damp and resolve
• Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Shan Yao, and Bai Bian Dou activate the
spleen and stomach and eliminate damp in the body.
• Hou Po, Cang Zhu and Zhi Ke eliminate phlegm, promote qi cir-
culation, and relieve the fullness in the chest and abdomen.
• Cang Er Zi and Bai Jie Zi eliminate phlegm in the lung system and
relieve cough.

Herbal Remedy:
Er Chen Wan-Pill of Two Old (Cured) Drugs, plus
Shen Ling Bai Zhu Wan-Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodis
Macrocephalae Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Zhongwan REN-12, Fenglong
ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque
LU-7, Chize LU-5, Feishu BL-13, Yingxiang L.I.-20, Juliao ST-3 and
Tiantu REN-22.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method

is applied on the rest of the points.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes the qi circulation in the
chest and abdomen and relieves the fullness in the chest.
• REN-12, the gathering point of the fu organs in the body, ST-40,
SP-6, and SP-9 activate the spleen and stomach, eliminate damp,
and resolve phlegm in the body.
• LU-7 and LU-5, the luo-connecting point and the he-sea point of
the lung channel respectively, and BL-13, the back-shu point of the
lung, eliminate phlegm in the lung system, disperse and descend
the lung-qi, restore the physiological functions of the lung, and
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relieve cough.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, pro-
motes the qi circulation and relieves the qi stagnation in the body
caused by the accumulation of damp-phlegm.
• L.I.-20, ST-3, and REN-22 eliminate phlegm in the nasal orifice
and throat. Mixture of damp with stagnant blood

Slightly swollen veins in the body or protrusion of some veins after
COVID-19 (locally or in the general body), heaviness of the body and
four limbs, purplish color of the veins and skin, headache, insomnia,
slight edema on the low limbs, loose stool, poor appetite, white and
greasy coating on the tongue, purplish tongue, and a wiry and slip-
pery pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate damp, promote blood circulation, subside the swelling,
and harmonize the collaterals.

Herbal Treatment:
Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang-Relax the Channels and Invigorate the Blood

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g

Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
Chi Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Rubrae 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 10 g
Tao Ren Semen Pruni Persicae 10 g
Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 10 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Chuan Niu Xi Radix Cyathulae Officinalis 10 g
Wei Ling Xian Radix Clematidis 10 g
Ji Xue Teng Caulis Milletiae Reticulatae 10 g
Di Long Lumbricus 10 g
Pu Huang Pollen Typhae 10 g
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• Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Chi Shao Yao and Shu Di Huang tonify
blood and promote blood circulation.
• Cang Zhu and Qiang Huo eliminate damp due to external inva-
sion and internal disorder.
• Tao Ren, Hong Hua, Pu Huang and Chuan Niu Xi promote blood
circulation and eliminate blood stasis in the vessels.
• Wei Ling Xian, Ji Xue Teng and Di Long promote blood circulation
and harmonize the vessels in the body.

Herbal Remedy:
Shu Jing Huo Xue Wan-Relax the Channels and Invigorate the Blood

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6, Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4,
Zhongwan REN-12, Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan
SP-9, Xuehai SP-10, Hegu L.I.-4, Taiyuan LU-9 and Shenmen
• An even method is applied on LU-7 + KID-6, P-6 + SP-4, and a
reducing method is applied on the rest of the points.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• The combination of LU-7 + KID-6, and P-6 + SP-4 harmonize the
qi circulation in the chest and abdomen, regulate the physiological
functions of zang-fu organs, eliminate damp, and harmonize the
• REN-12, the gathering point of the fu organs in the body, ST-40,
SP-6, and SP-9 activate the spleen and stomach, eliminate damp,
and resolve phlegm in the body.
• LU-7 and L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel, LU-9, the yuan-source point of the lung channel and the
gathering point of the vessels in the body, HE-7, the yuan-source
point of the heart channel, and SP-10, promote qi and blood cir-
culation and eliminate blood stasis in the vessels.
Downloaded from Deficiency of qi and yang

During Long COVID, there is a formation of diluted phlegm in the
nose and throat which is easy to expectorate, slight cough, shortness
of breath especially after slight exertion, aversion to cold, cold hands
and feet, frequent urination with clear urine, poor appetite, loose
stool, nausea, lower back pain, poor memory and concentration,
edema on the legs and ankles, pale tongue, thin and whitish tongue
coating, and a weak, thready, and slow pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify qi, strengthen yang and resolve phlegm.

Herbal Treatment:
Bu Fei Tang-Tonify the Lungs Decoction, plus
Li Zhong Wan-Pill to Regulate the Middle.

Zhi Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae Praeparata 10 g

Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 12 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g

Zi Wan Radix Asteris Tatarici 10 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 5 g
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 5 g

• Zhi Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, and Zhi Gan Cao activate the
spleen and tonify the qi in the body.
• Zhi Huang Qi, Wu Wei Zi, and Zi Wan tonify the qi of the lung
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and benefit the lung.

• Sang Bai Pi descends the lung-qi and relieves cough.
• Shu Di Huang tonifies kidney-qi and benefits the lung.
• Zhi Ban Xia eliminates phlegm and relieves cough.
• Gan Jiang and Gui Zhi warm the middle Jiao and dispel the cold.

Herbal Remedy:
Bu Fei Tang Wan-Tonify the Lungs Decoction Pill, plus
Li Zhong Wan-Pill to Regulate the Middle.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Taiyuan LU-9, Zusanli ST-36,
Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Taixi KID-3,
Qihai REN-6, Feishu BL-13, and Shenshu BL-23.
• Even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a tonifying method
is applied on LU-9, ST-36, SP-6, KID-3, REN-6, BL-13 and BL-23.
A reducing method is applied on ST-40 and SP-9. Moxibustion
could be applied on BL-13, BL-23, ST-36, KID-3 and REN-6.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 regulates and harmonizes the qi in
the body.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• LU-9, the yuan-source point of the lung channel, and BL-13, the
back-shu point of the lung, tonify lung-qi and restore the physio-
logical functions of the lung.
• ST-36, SP-6, REN-6, KID-3 and BL-23 tonify the qi of the spleen
and kidney and eliminate damp in the body.
• ST-40, the luo-connecting point, and SP-9, the he-sea point of the
spleen channel, activate the spleen and eliminate damp-phlegm in
the body.
• Moxibustion warms the qi and dispels the deficient cold in the

11.13 Loss of Appetite

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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) could cause a wide range of

symptoms and signs, in which fever, dry cough and fatigue are the
most common ones. Other symptoms include a loss of smell or taste,
shortness of breath, muscle aches, sore throat, headache, or chest
pain, etc. But COVID-19 in some cases could also cause gastrointes-
tinal symptoms, including loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, loose
stools or diarrhea. These gastrointestinal symptoms happen either
alone or along with other COVID-19 symptoms and sometimes
develop before fever and respiratory symptoms.
The study, published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology,
noted that nearly half of COVID-19 patients enrolled in the study
presented digestive symptoms, such as diarrhea and loss of appetite,
and cited them as their chief complaints.89
According to the researchers, who were part of the Wuhan
Medical Treatment Expert Group for COVID-19 in China, patients
with digestive symptoms had a longer gap between the onset of
symptoms and hospital admission than patients presenting only

COVID-19 patients experience loss of appetite, diarrhea and other digestive symp-
toms. The Economic Times. 19 March 2020.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

respiratory symptoms. The scientists said the patients with digestive

symptoms were less likely to be cured and discharged than those
without them.90
In terms of loss of appetite, it is not the same as loss of smell and
taste, which is the symptom developing between 2 to 14 days after
coronavirus exposure during the acute phase of COVID-19. Unlike
digestion issues, fatigue, muscle ache, and the loss of smell and taste
is not painful or worrisome. However, it is something that can take
the longest time to recover from and plague a patient psychologi-
cally, since there is no treatment or medicine available to cure it. On
the other hand, loss of appetite is one of the gastrointestinal sequelae,
which is defined as a gastrointestinal symptom that is present after
discharge but was not present within the month before the onset of
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COVID-19. According to one study, which was published in journal,

The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology in May 2021, loss of
appetite was one of the primary gastrointestinal sequelae. It showed
that 52 of 117 patients (44%) reported gastrointestinal symptoms
after discharge at the 90-day telephone interview. Out of the 52
patients, 51 had gastrointestinal symptoms at 90 days after discharge,
and one had gastrointestinal sequelae that had resolved by the
90-day follow-up. The most common gastrointestinal sequelae in 117
patients was the loss of appetite (28[24%] patients), nausea (21[18%]),
acid reflux (21 [18%]), and diarrhea (17[15%]). Less common gastro-
intestinal sequelae included abdominal distension (16[14%]), belch-
ing (12 [10%]), vomiting (11 [9%]), abdominal pain (eight [7%]), and
bloody stools (2 [2%]). None of the 65 patients without gastrointesti-
nal sequelae at 90 days had gastrointestinal symptoms on admission
or during hospitalization. Of the 52 patients with gastrointestinal
sequelae after discharge, 15 = (29%) had gastrointestinal symptoms
on admission and during hospitalization, 34(65%) had such symp-
toms during hospitalization, and three (6%) had such symptoms only

Lei Pan, et al. Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients with digestive
symptoms in Hubei, China: A descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study. Am J
Gastroenterol. 2020, 115(5): 766–773. doi: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000000620.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

after discharge. Patients with gastrointestinal sequelae at 90 days

were similar in age, sex, body-mass index, and incidence of comor-
bidities to those without gastrointestinal sequelae, and had similar
lengths of hospital stay.91
It is normal to experience some loss of appetite and reduced food
intake during COVID-19 and its recovery process, and the recovery
of appetite can take time. When COVID-19 enters the Long COVID
phase, some patients could still suffer mainly from loss of appetite
due to a wide variety of conditions, ranging from infection, mental
stress, and physical illnesses related to COVID-19. In that case, loss
of appetite could take an extensive toll, including a loss of smell or
taste, finding it extremely difficult to digest common food items, hat-
ing foods they enjoyed before, weight loss, bad metabolism, and bad
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eating habits, etc. When there is a significant loss of appetite or a loss

of appetite that occurs alongside fatigue, headache, abdominal pain
and distention, loose stools, or diarrhea, then medical care, including
TCM intervention, should be introduced.

11.13.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated loss

of appetite
One of the hypotheses is that these gastrointestinal conditions could
be because of hypoxia—a condition where one region of the body is
affected because of reduced oxygen supply. Decreased blood oxygen
saturation is a symptom closely related to severe pneumonia and
associated with gastrointestinal sequelae.92 In modern medicine, the
treatment of these gastrointestinal symptoms is the symptomatic use
of antacids, antiemetics, and antidiarrheal agents. No special medi-
cine is available for loss of appetite.

Jingrong Weng, et al. Gastrointestinal sequelae 90 days after discharge for
COVID-19. The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 2021, 6(5): 344–346. doi:
Ximena M. Bustamante-Marin and Lawrence E. Ostrowski. op. cit.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

It is considered in TCM that loss of appetite could be caused by

the following etiologies with different pathologies. Accumulation of damp-phlegm

Prolonged persistence of external factors in the body due to incom-
plete elimination of external cold-damp or damp-heat, improper
medical treatment, or lack of life care during COVID-19, or constitu-
tional overweight or accumulation of damp-phlegm in the body, etc.,
could cause dysfunction of the spleen and stomach with transporta-
tion and transformation, leading to formation and accumulation of
damp there. This leads to the lack of appetite with nausea, much
saliva in the mouth, borborygmus, swollen abdomen, heaviness of
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the limbs, loose stools or diarrhea.

Accumulation of damp varies in damp-phlegm, cold-damp, and
damp-heat. Emotional disorders

Emotional stress, feeling upset or frustrated during or after COVID-19
could cause stagnation of liver-qi. Over worrying could lead to stag-
nation of spleen-qi. All these conditions may result in disorder in qi
circulation. The liver dominates the free flow of qi in the body, which
can help digestion and transportation of the spleen and stomach. In
case of stagnation of liver-qi due to emotional dysfunction, there
could be a disorder of ascending and descending functions in the
body, especially the spleen and stomach, thus loss of appetite
The lung controls the liver according to the Five Elements theory.
Prolonged COVID-19 infection could cause stagnation of lung-qi,
which could eventually lead to stagnation of liver-qi. The heart is the
son organ from the liver. Overthinking could bring about the stagna-
tion of heart-qi, which may cause the influence and impairment of
the mother by the son, thus, stagnation of liver-qi follows. All these
situations could lead to disharmony between the liver, spleen and
stomach, and loss of appetite appears.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID Deficiency of qi or yang

Prolonged persistence of COVID-19 could cause consumption of
qi and yang of the body, leading to deficiency of qi and yang of
the spleen and stomach, or the qi and yang of the heart or
When there is a deficiency of qi and yang of the spleen and stom-
ach, there would be loss of appetite, cold hands and feet, aversion to
cold, loose stools or diarrhea, and abdominal swelling, etc.
The heart is a fire organ according to the Five Elements theory.
Deficiency of qi and yang of the heart could cause the failure of the
spleen and stomach to be warmed and stimulated, thus the transpor-
tation and transformation of the spleen and stomach will be impaired,
and loss of appetite happens.
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The kidney is an organ, which contains both yin and yang.

kidney-yang could also warm the spleen in physiology. In case of
deficiency of kidney-yang (qi), the spleen will not be properly
warmed and supported, and the physiological functions of the spleen
will be impaired, thus causing loss of appetite.

11.13.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated loss

of appetite
Besides TCM treatment, it is encouraged to inform the patients to pay
some attention to their diets, such as eating three to four little nour-
ishing meals per day with a well-balanced diet, slight protein-rich
products (including good meat, fish, eggs, cheese, beans, and lentils),
and energy-rich foods. Milk-based drinks or vegetable soup should
be provided, as well as some nourishing snacks/drinks in between
until the appetite picks up. However, these patients (who have an
accumulation of damp-phlegm in the body) should try to avoid
overly sweet and greasy foods. Drinking enough water also prevents
dehydration. The food can be served on small plates to make it more
appealing. Some aromatic herbs could be added to create a good
smell, and a variety of food is advised. In this way, the color, smell,
and appearance of food could stimulate the appetite.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM Accumulation of damp-phlegm

Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, swollen epigastric region and
abdomen, loose stool, heaviness of four limbs, white and greasy
coating on the tongue, and a slippery and wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, activate the spleen, and improve

Herbal Treatment:
Ping Wei San-Calm the Stomach Powder, plus
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang-Six Gentlemen Decoction with Aucklandia
and Amomum.
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Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g

Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 3 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Shen Qu Massa Medica Fermentata 15 g
Jiao Gu Ya Fructus Oryzae Sativae Germinantus (grill) 15 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

In case of cold-damp, add Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae

10 g and Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 6 g.
In the case of damp-heat, add Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g
and Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g.

• Hou Po, Cang Zhu, Chen Pi, and Zhi Gan Cao, the complete com-
position of Ping Wei San, eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, activate
the spleen, and improve appetite.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Zhi Gan Cao, Zhi Ban Xia, Chen Pi,
Xiang Fu and Sha Ren, the complete composition of Xiang Sha
Liu Jun Zi Tang, activate the spleen and stomach, eliminate
damp, resolve phlegm, promote qi circulation, and improve the
• Shen Qu and Jiao Gu Ya are used to promote digestion and
improve appetite.
• Gui Zhi and Gan Jiang warm the spleen and stomach and elimi-
nate cold in the body.
• Huang Lian and Zhi Zi clear heat and eliminate damp in the mid-
dle Jiao.

Herbal Remedy:
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Xiang Sha Liu Jun Wan-Six Gentlemen Pill with Aucklandia and

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Zhongwan REN-12, Liangmen ST-21, Tianshu ST-25, Zusanli
ST-36, Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Hegu
L.I.-4, Neiguan P-6 and Taichong LIV-3.
• A tonifying method is applied on ST-36 and SP-6, and a reducing
method is applied on the rest of these points.
• In case of cold-damp, add moxa on REN-12, ST-36, and SP-9.
• In case of damp-heat, add Yanglingquan GB-34 and Dadu SP-2.

• REN-12, the front mu point of the stomach and the gathering point
of the fu organs in the body, ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the
stomach channel, and SP-9, and the he-sea point of the spleen
channel respectively, eliminate damp and resolve phlegm in the
• P-6, the luo-connecting point of the pericardium channel,
harmonizes the stomach, descends stomach-qi, and improves
• L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the liver channel respectively, promote the qi circulation

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

in the middle Jiao and relieve the fullness and swelling in the epi-
gastric region and abdomen.
• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, and SP-6, the
crossing point of the three yin channels of the feet, tonify and acti-
vate the spleen and stomach and improve the appetite.
• Moxa on REN-12, ST-36 and SP-9 could warm the internal organs
and eliminate cold.
• GB-34, the he-sea point of the gallbladder channel, and SP-2, the
ying-spring point of the spleen channel clear heat and eliminate
damp. Disharmony between the liver and stomach

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Loss of appetite, fullness in the chest and epigastric region, belching,

acid regurgitation, slight depression, headache, insomnia, aggrava-
tion of above situations when being nervous, irregular menstruation
for women, occasionally irritable, thin and white coating on the
tongue, and a wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Smooth the liver, promote qi circulation, active digestion, and
improve appetite.

Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Yao San-Rambling Powder.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g

Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 15 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 3 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Shen Qu Massa Medica Fermentata 15 g
Jiao Gu Ya Fructus Oryzae Sativae Germinantus (grill) 15 g

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 12 g

Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g

• Chai Hu and Bai Shao Yao smooth the liver and relieve qi stagna-
tion in the liver.
• Zhi Ke, Xiang Fu, Chen Pi and Sha Ren promote the qi circulation
in the middle Jiao and improve the appetite.
• Dang Gui nourishes the liver-blood and benefits the liver.
• Bai Zhu activates the spleen and stomach and improves appetite.
• Shen Qu and Jiao Gu Ya promote digestion and improve appetite.
• Fu Shen and Yuan Zhi smooth emotions, regulate the shen, and
improve sleep.
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Herbal Remedy:
Xiao Yao Wan-Rembling Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Tanzhong REN-17,
Fengchi GB-20, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taichong LIV-3, Zhangmen LIV-
13, Xinshu BL-15, and Ganshu BL-18.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method
is applied on the rest of the points.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes the qi circulation in the
body, regulates the Yinwei channel and Chong channel, and
improves appetite.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, REN-
17, the gathering point of the qi in the body, LIV-3, the yuan-source
point of the liver channel, BL-18, the back-shu point of the liver,
and GB-20 promote the qi circulation in the body, smooth the
liver, improve emotions, and relieves pain and headache.
• SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the feet, and
LIV-13, the front-mu point of the spleen, activate the spleen and
improve appetite.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• BL-15, the back-shu point of the heart, calms the shen, and
improves emotions. Deficiency of qi and yang of the spleen

Loss of appetite, tastelessness in the mouth, weakness, fatigue,
weight loss, low voice, not wanting to speak, spontaneous sweating,
aversion to cold, cold hands and feet, loose stools or diarrhea, pale
tongue, thin and white tongue coating with some tooth marks, and a
thready, weak, and slow pulse.
If there is a deficiency of qi and yang of the heart, there could be
palpitations, superficial sleep, and a weak feeling of heartbeat, etc.
If there is a deficiency of qi and yang of the kidney, there would
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be lower back pain, frequent urination, shortness of breath by slight

exertion, and weakness of the knees, etc.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify qi, warm yang, activate the spleen and improve appetite.

Herbal Treatment:
Li Zhong Wan-Pill to Regulate the Middle, plus
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San-Ginseng, Sclerotium Poriae Cocos and
Atractylodis Macrocephalae Powder.

Zhi Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae Praeparata 10 g

Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 5 g
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g
Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Shen Qu Massa Medica Fermentata 15 g
Ji Nei Jin Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 5 g

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

In case of deficiency of qi and yang of the heart, add Rou Gui

Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae 3 g and Zhi Fu Zi Radix Lateralis Aconiti
Carmichaeli Praeparata 6 g.
If there is a deficiency of qi and yang of the kidney, add Ba Ji Tian
Radix Morindae Officinalis 10 g and Xian Mao Rhizoma Curculiginis
Orchioidis 10 g.

• Zhi Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, and Zhi Gan Cao activate the
spleen, tonify the spleen-qi and the general body, and improve
• Gui Zhi and Gan Jiang warm the spleen and eliminate cold in the
middle Jiao.
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• Zhi Huang Qi and Shan Yao activate the spleen, tonify spleen-qi,
and improve appetite.
• Shen Qu and Ji Nei Jin are used to promote digestion and improve
• Rou Gui and Zhi Fu Zi warm the heart-yang and strengthen heart-
• Ba Ji Tian and Xian Mao warm the kidney, eliminate interior cold
and strengthen the back.

Herbal Remedy:
Li Zhong Wan-Pill to Regulate the Middle, plus
Shen Ling Bai Zhu Wan-Ginseng, Sclerotium Poriae Cocos and
Atractylodis Macrocephalae Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Guanyuan REN-4, Qihai REN-6, Zhongwan REN-12, Zhangmen
LIV-13, Zusanli ST-36, Taibai SP-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Shenmen
HE-7, Taixi KID-3, Xinshu BL-15, Pishu BL-20, and Shenshu
• A tonifying method is applied to these points.
• Moxibustion could be applied on REN-4, REN-6, and ST-36.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• REN-4 and REN-6 tonify the yuan-qi in the body, warm yang,
eliminate interior cold and strengthen the body.
• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, SP-3 and SP-6, the
yuan-source point and the crossing point of three yin channels of
the feet, LIV-13, the front-mu point of the spleen, BL-20, the back-
shu point of the spleen, and REN-12, the front-mu point of the
stomach, tonify and activate the spleen and stomach, and improve
• HE-7 and BL-15, the yuan-source point and the back-shu point of
the heart channel and of the heart respectively, tonify qi and yang
of the heart and strengthen the heart.
• BL-23, the back-shu point of the kidney, warms the kidney, tonifies
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qi and yang of the kidney and eliminates interior cold.

• Moxibustion warms qi and yang of the body, eliminates interior
cold and improves appetite.

11.14 Sore Throat

A sore throat is quite common, and could be caused by various ill-
nesses ranging from non-serious to life-threatening. If there is an
isolated sore throat with no other symptoms, it is typically not some-
thing to worry about, because it is often due to irritation from aller-
gies, air pollution, smoking or overuse. But when it occurs with other
symptoms, such as cough, fever, muscle aching, and loss of smell
and taste, it is highly likely that it is related to COVID-19.
One study examined the prevalence of ENT symptoms in COVID-
19 positive patients. A cross sectional study was performed at SRTR
GMC AMBAJOGAI (a tertiary care hospital) amongst the patients
admitted in COVID-19 isolation ward with a positive RT-PCR report.
Among the 180 patients included in the study, 112 patients had one
or more ENT related symptoms that included throat pain (47.2%),
loss of smell (55.5%), loss of taste (58.8%) and hearing loss (54.44%)
along with generalized COVID-19 symptoms. ENT symptoms can be
considered as biomarkers for early diagnosis of COVID-19 patients
to ensure faster treatment and isolation, and to allow better

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

containment of the disease.93 COVID-19 related sore throats tend to

be relatively mild and last no more than five days. A very painful sore
throat that lasts more than five days may be something else such as a
bacterial infection.
As the pandemic evolves, some symptoms might persist for a
long time in a proportion of patients who recovered from the infec-
tion’s acute phase. Persistent symptoms may take a toll on the lives
of “long haulers”. Sore throat is among these persistent symptoms,
and patients might experience this COVID-19 symptom even after
A retrospective cohort study was conducted based on linked
electronic health records (EHRs) data from 81 million patients
including 273,618 COVID-19 survivors. The incidence and co-
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occurrence within six months and in the three to six months after
COVID-19 diagnosis were calculated for nine core features of Long
COVID symptoms that are frequently reported (breathing difficulties/
breathlessness, fatigue/malaise, chest/throat pain, headache,
abdominal symptoms, myalgia, other pain, cognitive symptoms,
and anxiety/depression). The percentage of throat pain was
Although the quality of life was markedly affected by fatigue,
shortness of breath, and insomnia in Long COVID, sore throat is also
a persistent complaint affecting daily life.

11.14.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

sore throat
The throat relates to the oral cavity and the nose, the stomach and
lung, and various channels and collaterals as well as some extraordi-
nary channels, such as Ren channel, Chong channel, etc. If there is
a remainder of invasion of the external factors or imbalance in the

Saee Savtale, et al. Prevalence of otorhinolaryngological symptoms in COVID 19
patients. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021, 1–7. doi: 10.1007/s12070-
Maxime Taquet, et al. September 2021. op. cit.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

stomach or lung, disorders in the channels and collaterals can cause

pain in the throat in Long COVID. Nevertheless, a bad diet, excessive
smoking, excessive strain, emotional disturbance and constitutional
weakness or excess during Long COVID may cause disorders of the
stomach, lung, liver or kidney, leading to sore throat.
Although cough is one of the main respiratory symptoms, sore
throat and cough could appear in combination or as individual com-
plaints. There are some similarities in the causative factors and
mechanisms for both complaints, but they are not the same. Incomplete elimination of external pathogenic

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Invasion of external pathogenic factors with a pestilent toxin to the

lung could cause the occurrence of COVID-19 with a sore throat.
When it is properly treated in time, these external pathogenic factors
should be eliminated completely, leaving no further damage to the
lung and sore throat could also recover quickly in a few days.
However, when these pathogenic factors are not eliminated com-
pletely, they could cause some disturbance to the lung in dispersing
the qi, and cause dysfunction of the throat, therefore sore throat
occurs. Among these external pathogenic factors, the remaining toxic
heat is frequently seen. Accumulation of damp-phlegm

Either invasion of cold-damp or invasion of damp-heat to the spleen
or stomach, or San Jiao, may cause dysfunction of the spleen and
stomach in digestion, transportation, and transformation, resulting in
the formation of damp-phlegm internally. This could eventually dis-
turb the lung in dispersing the qi, and block the channels in the
throat, thus sore throat happens.
Obesity, constitutional weakness of the spleen and stomach, or
lack of care for daily diet during COVID-19, could cause the produc-
tion of damp-phlegm in the body. During Long COVID, the formation
of damp-phlegm could become worse due to external invasion and

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

sickness. When the lung is disturbed in dispersing the qi, and the
throat is blocked by damp-phlegm, a sore throat appears. Disturbance of the emotions

Excessive stress, frustration, and anger over a long period of time
prior to, during and after COVID-19, could cause depression of the
liver-qi, leading to its stagnation. Meanwhile, excessive thinking may
cause stagnation of the heart-qi, and excessive sadness may suppress
the lung, bringing about the stagnation of lung-qi. Once the qi stag-
nates, it blocks the circulation in the channels in the body and throat,
causing a sore throat. Moreover, prolonged stagnation of qi may trig-
ger a fire that flares up and burns the throat. Obviously, a long-
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standing stagnation of qi may result in the stagnation of blood, also

causing a sore throat.
Excessive worrying may cause stagnation of qi in the spleen,
impeding the function of the spleen in transportation and transforma-
tion, causing damp to form. When damp-phlegm blocks the throat, it
causes sore throat. Formation of internal heat

Overeating of pungent, sweet, or fatty food, as well as drinking too
much alcohol prior to COVID-19, may cause the formation of
stomach-fire or damp-heat. When the throat is impaired by these
pathogenic factors, it could be impaired or blocked, thus a sore
throat happens. Prolonged sickness or weak constitution

Prolonged persistence of COVID-19, lack of proper medical and life
care, or congenital weakness, could lead to consumption of the yin
of the lung and kidney, resulting in hyperactivity of deficient fire,
thus the throat fails to be properly nourished, and sore throat

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

11.14.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated sore

In TCM, the careful differentiation of the associated symptoms and
root causes is important in treating a sore throat effectively. Remaining toxic heat

Persistence of a slight sore throat, slight redness and swelling in the
throat, occasional expectoration of slight yellow and sticky phlegm
in the throat, slight thirst, dry stool or constipation, red tongue, thin
and dry tongue coating, and a rapid and wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
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Clear heat, remove toxins, subside swelling and relieve sore throat.

Herbal Treatment:
Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin-Universal Benefit Decoction to Eliminate Toxins.

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g

Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g
Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis 10 g
Ban Lan Gen Radix Isatidis 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 5 g
Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 3 g
Ma Bo Fructißcatio Lasiosphaerae seu Calvatiae 3 g
Niu Bang Zi Fructus Ardii Lappae 10 g
Bo He Herba Menthae Haplocalycis 3 g
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae 6 g

• Huang Qin, Huang Lian, Ma Bo, and Ban Lan Gen clear heat and
remove the toxins.
• Lian Qiao and Niu Bang Zi dispel remaining external heat and
toxins, subside swelling, eliminate phlegm in the throat, and
relieve sore throat.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• Xuan Shen, Jie Geng, Bo He and Gan Cao cool heat, subside
swelling, eliminate toxins and relieve sore throat.

Herbal Remedy:
Yin Qiao San Pian-Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder Tablet,
or Yin Qiao Jie Du Wan-Honeysuckle and Forsythia Pill to Relieve

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Erjian L.I.-2, Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Chize LU-5, Yuji LU-10,
Fengchi GB-20, Tiantu REN-22, Lianquan REN-23, and Renying
• A reducing method is used on these points.
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• L.I.-4 and L.I.-11, the yuan-source point, and the he-sea point of
the large intestine channel respectively, and GB-20 clear heat,
remove toxins and subside swelling in the throat and relieve sore
• L.I.-2 and LU-10, the ying-spring points of the large intestine and
lung channel respectively, strongly clear heat, eliminate toxins and
reduce the swelling in the throat and sore throat.
• LU-5, the he-sea point of the lung channel, clears heat in the lung
and causes the lung-qi to disperse and descend. It is also the water
point, which serves to distinguish fire and eliminate toxins to
relieve sore throat.
• REN-22, REN-23 and ST-9 reduce swelling, relieve pain, and
eliminate the blockage in the throat to diminish sore throat. Accumulation of damp-phlegm in the throat

Slight sore throat, always having a feeling of phlegm in the throat,
occasional cough with expectoration of sticky or whitish phlegm,
aggravation of sore throat and cough when intaking greasy and fatty
food, alleviation of cough when phlegm is expectorated, slight

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

fullness in the chest and epigastric region, nausea, poor appetite,

loose stools, whitish and greasy coating on the tongue, and a slippery

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate damp-phlegm, activate the spleen, relieve the blockage in
the throat, and relieve sore throat.

Herbal Treatment:
Cang Fu Dao Tan Tang-Atractylodes-Poria Phlegm-Dissipating Decoction.

Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g

Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
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Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g

Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Tian Nan Xing Rhizoma Arisaematis 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Niu Bang Zi Fructus Arctii Lappae 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 5 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Zhi Ban Xia, Fu Ling, Chen Pi, and Zhi Gan Cao, the complete
compositions of Er Chen Tang, eliminate damp, resolve phlegm,
and relieve general symptoms of damp-phlegm accumulation.
• Cang Zhu, Hou Po, Zhi Shi, and Xiang Fu dry damp, resolve
phlegm and relieve the qi stagnation caused by the accumulation
of damp-phlegm.
• Xing Ren, Tian Nan Xing, Zi Su Zi, Jie Geng and Niu Bang Zi
resolve phlegm in the throat and lung, regulate the lung-qi and
relieve sore throat.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Herbal Remedy:
Cang Fu Dao Tan Wan-Atractylodes-Poria Phlegm-Dissipating Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Chize
LU-5, Feishu BL-13, Zhongwan REN-12, Tiantu REN-22, Lianquan
REN-23, Renying ST-9, Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6 and
Yinlingquan SP-9.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method
is applied on the rest of the points.

• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes the qi circulation in the
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lung, chest and abdomen and relieves sore throat.

• REN-12, the gathering point of the fu organs in the body, ST-40, the
luo-connecting of the stomach channel, SP-6, and SP-9, the cross-
ing point of three yin channels of the feet and the he-sea point of
the spleen channel respectively, activate the spleen and stomach,
eliminate damp-phlegm in the body and relieve the blockage in
the throat.
• BL-13, the back-shu point of the lung, LU-7, and LU-5 disperse
and descend the lung-qi, restore the physiological functions of the
lung, and relieve sore throat.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, REN-
22, REN-23, and ST-9 promote the qi circulation, relieve the
blockage in the throat and relieve sore throat. Stagnation of liver-qi

Sore throat with a feeling of spasm and tension in the throat which
moves up and down (and is closely related with the emotional situa-
tion), a feeling as if there is a plum stone in the throat, depression,
stress, a feeling of oppression over the chest, headache, insomnia, a
poor appetite, a slightly purplish tongue with a thin coating, and a
wiry pulse.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Principle of Treatment:
Smooth the liver, circulate qi, harmonize the emotions and relieve
sore throat.

Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Yao San-Rambling Powder, plus
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang-Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhtzoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
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Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g

Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Bo He Herba Menthae Haplocalycis 3 g
Yan Hu Suo Rhizotna Corydalis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Chai Hu regulates and promotes liver-qi circulation and relieves qi
stagnation in the liver and throat.
• Bai Shao and Dang Gui relax the liver, nourish the blood, and
strengthen the blood circulation in the liver.
• Bai Zhu, Fu Ling and Sheng Jiang activate the spleen and stomach
and eliminate damp-phlegm in the body.
• Yan Hu Suo regulates blood circulation and relieves pain.
• Hou Po and Zi Su Zi promote qi circulation, and eliminate damp-
phlegm in the throat and sore throat.
• Bo He cools and clears heat in the liver.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the actions of the other herbs in the

Herbal Remedy:
Xiao Yao Wan-Rambling Pill, or Shu Gan Wan-Liver-Coursing Pill.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Taichong LIV-3, Fengchi GB-20, Neiguan P-6, Zhongwan REN-12,
Tanzhong REN-17, Tiantu REN-22, Lianquan REN-23, Renying
• A reducing method is used on these points.

• In all kinds of qi stagnation, stagnation of the liver-qi is generally
the root cause. So, treatment for the stagnation of qi will be
focused on alleviating the stagnation of liver-qi.
• LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the liver channel, fulfills the above
• P-6, the luo-connecting point of the pericardium channel and the
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confluence point of the Yinwei channel, and REN-17, the gather-

ing point for the qi in the body, assist LIV-3 to circulate the liver-qi
and regulate the emotions. They also promote the circulation of qi
in the heart and spleen.
• GB-20 calms the shen and relieves the spasm and tension in the
• REN-12, the gathering point of the fu organs, promotes their phys-
iological function and eliminates damp-phlegm.
• REN-22, REN-23 and ST-9, the local points, regulate the qi circula-
tion, eliminate phlegm in the throat and relieve sore throat. Hyperactivity of stomach-fire

Sore throat with obvious redness, swelling and a burning feeling, dif-
ficulty in swallowing, aggravation of the pain with smoking, drinking
alcohol and eating pungent or highly-flavored food, thirst, constipa-
tion, a foul smell from the mouth, bleeding and swollen gums, occa-
sional pus in the throat, a red tongue with a yellow and dry coating,
and a rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Clear heat, promote defecation, reduce the swelling, and relieve sore

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Treatment:
Liang Ge San-Cool the Diaphragm Powder.

Jin Yin Hua Flos Lonicerae Japonicae 10 g

Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae Suspensae 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Bo He Herba Mentirne Haplocalycis 6 g
Niu Bang Zi Fructus Arctii Lappae 10 g
Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis 10 g
Dan Zhu Ye Herba Lophatheri 10 g
Mang Xiao Mirabilitum 10 g
Da Huang Radix et Rhizoma Rhei 6 g
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Lu Gen Rhizoma Phragmitis 10 g

Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae 6 g

• Yin Hua, Lian Qiao, Zhi Zi and Huang Qin clear lung-heat, elimi-
nate toxins, reduce swelling, and relieve sore throat.
• Bo He benefits the throat and relieves sore throat.
• Dan Zhu Ye and Lu Gen clear heat and promote the production of
body fluids so as to benefit the throat and relieve thirst.
• Xuan Shen and Niu Bang Zi clear heat in the body and throat and
relieve sore throat.
• Da Huang and Mang Xiao clear stomach-fire and promote
• Gan Cao clears fire and removes toxins.

Herbal Remedy:
Qing Fei Yi Huo Pian-Clear the Lungs, Suppress Fire Tablets.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Chize LU-5, Yuji LU-10, Chongyang
ST-42, Neiting ST-44, Tiantu REN-22, Lianquan REN-23, and
Renying ST-9.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• An even method is used on REN-22, REN-23 and ST-9, and a

reducing method is used on the rest of the points.

• L.I.-4 and L.I.-11, the yuan-source point and the he-sea point of
the large intestine channel, ST-42 and ST-44, the yuan-source
point and the ying-spring point of the stomach channel respec-
tively, clear heat, descend stomach-qi, subside swelling in the
throat and relieve sore throat.
• LU-5, the water point and he-sea point, and LU-10, the ying-spring
point of the lung channel respectively, clear heat, subside swelling
in the throat and relieve sore throat. They can also cause the
lung-qi to descend, which is the root treatment for reducing fire in
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the throat.
• REN-22, REN-23, and ST-9 clear heat in the throat, reduce swell-
ing and relieve sore throat. Deficiency of lung-yin

Sore throat with dryness and slight redness, slight difficulty in swal-
lowing, dry cough, or cough with scanty phlegm (occasionally the
phlegm is mixed with little blood streaks), thirst, night sweating, hot-
ness of the palms and soles, dry stools, red tongue, scanty or peeled
tongue coating, and a deep, thready, and rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Nourish yin, moisten the lung, and relieve sore throat.

Herbal Treatment:
Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang-Glehnia and Ophiopogonis

Bei Sha Shen Radix Glehniae Littoralis 10 g

Mai Men Dong Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Tian Hua Fen Radix Trichosanthis Kirilowii 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g

Chuan Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae 10 g
Zi Wan Radix Asteris Tatarici 10 g
Di Gu Pi Cortex Lycii Radicis 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 5 g
Yu Hu Die Oroxylum indicum (L.)Vent 5 g
Pang Da Hai Semen Sterculiae Scaphigerae 10 g

• Bei Sha Shen, Mai Men Dong, and Wu Wei Zi nourish the yin of
the lung and relieve dryness in the throat and dry cough.
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• Chuan Bei Mu, Zi Wan, and Di Gu Pi nourish yin, clear the heat
in the lung, eliminate phlegm in the lung and benefit the lung to
relieve sore throat.
• Sheng Di Huang, Zhi Mu, and Huang Qin are used to clear the
remaining deficient heat in the lung and relieve sore throat.
• Tian Hua Fen nourishes yin, promotes the secretion of body fluid,
and relieves thirst and dryness of the throat.
• Yu Hu Die and Pang Da Hai benefit the throat, subside the swell-
ing and relieve sore throat.

Herbal Remedy:
Sheng Mai San (Wan)-Generate the Pulse Powder (Pill).

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6. Chize LU-5, Taiyuan LU-9, Tiantu
REN-22, Lianquan REN-23, Renying ST-9, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taixi
KID-3, Qihai REN-6 and Shenshu BL-23.
• An even method is applied on LU-7 + KID-6, REN-22, REN-23, and
ST-9, and a tonifying method is applied to the rest of the points.

• The combination of LU-7 + KID-6 nourishes the yin of the body
and clears deficient heat.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• LU-5 and LU-9, the he-sea point and the yuan-source point of the
lung channel respectively, nourish the yin of the lung and restore
the physiological functions of the lung.
• SP-6, KID-3, KID-6, BL-23, and REN-6 nourish the yin of the body,
benefit the yin of the lung and moisten the throat.
• REN-22, REN-23, and ST-9 benefit the throat, clear the deficient
heat in the throat and relieve sore throat.

11.15 Dizziness
Dizziness is often used interchangeably with vertigo, however,
strictly speaking, they are slightly different. Dizziness is a feeling of
being off-balance, unsteady, lightheaded, or disoriented. Some even
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have trouble staying balanced or may stagger while walking. Vertigo

refers to a typical experience or sensation that makes the environ-
ment or room spin. These feelings may make people lose their
The symptoms in a mild case may be greatly relieved by closing
the eyes or remaining in a sitting or lying position, while a serious
case may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, sweating
and even fainting. Headache is usually not seen.
Most patients who have COVID-19 could recover completely
within a few weeks. But patients, even those who had mild or asymp-
tomatic disease, could experience some symptoms after their initial
infection. Besides, although COVID-19 is seen as a disease that pri-
marily affects the lung, it can also damage many other organs or
systems, including the heart, kidney, and neurological system, etc.
When talking about COVID-19 in the acute phase, people are
most likely to think of fever, cough, and shortness of breath. When
discussing the most common symptoms of Long COVID, fatigue,
shortness of breath, coughing, myalgia, and headache, are primarily
mentioned. However, COVID-19 can have many symptoms and
Long COVID could have different clinical manifestations. All these
symptoms and clinical manifestations can vary from person to

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

While the pulmonary complications have received the most

attention, it is the neurological manifestations that are disabling, per-
sistent and common in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. The entire
neural-axis can be involved, resulting in a wide variety of manifesta-
tions.95 One study pointed out that nearly 10–35% patients continue
to complain of persistent symptoms most of which are neurological
in nature.96 Although headache and loss of smell or taste are the most
common neurological symptoms, dizziness and vertigo are another
two neurological symptoms that can happen with COVID-19. One
study from October 2020 investigated dizziness and vertigo in people
who had contracted COVID-19. Out of the 185 people that responded
to a study questionnaire, 34(18.4%) reported experiencing dizziness
or vertigo.97 Another research reviewed 14 studies that described diz-
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ziness as a COVID-19 symptom. Across these studies, the percentage

of people reporting dizziness ranged from about 4–30%.98
It’s currently unclear why COVID-19 could cause dizziness or
vertigo in Long COVID. Some possible explanations include inflam-
mation from the infection as well as direct infection of nerve tissue.
It is mostly considered that the COVID-19 virus impacts the vestibu-
lar system, a system containing a sound-sensing spiral cavity, as well
as several fluid-filled semicircular canals. In research published in
the International Journal of Audiology, experts found that COVID-19
may damage the inner ear in several ways. That includes direct viral
infection of the inner ear or an autoimmune attack by antibodies or
immune cells. This can also include blood clotting that potentially
blocks the blood supply to the cochlea or semicircular canals. Any of
these can lead to inner ear damage, causing long-term vestibular
complaints. The researcher confirmed that the pooled estimate of

Avindra Nath, et al. Neurological issues during COVID-19: An overview. Neurosci
Lett. 2021, 742: 135533. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2020.135533.
Mark W. Tenforde, et al. op. cit.
Pasquale Viola, et al. Tinnitus and equilibrium disorders in COVID-19 patients:
preliminary results. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020: 1–6. doi: 10.1007/s00405-
Jeyasakthy Saniasiaya, et al. Dizziness and COVID-19. Ear Nose Throat J. 2020,
100(1): 29–30. doi: 10.1177/0145561320959573.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

prevalence based primarily on retrospective recall of symptoms, was

7.2% for rotatory vertigo.99,100
It has been confirmed in one study that anxiety and stress can
also trigger vertigo attacks,101 and these two factors are common
among the general population during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is
still unknown what kind of role these two factors play in this
At this moment, most research is focusing on the prevalence and
mechanism of dizziness in COVID-19 or Long COVID, and there is
still a lack of accepted medical treatment proposals. Most forms of life
care, such as trying to keep a sitting or lying down position, moving
carefully, avoiding strong physical activities, etc., are recommended.
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11.15.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

The causes for dizziness during Long COVID are mostly due to
impairment of internal organs by fire, yang, wind, phlegm, damp, or
deficiency of qi and blood.
The organs chiefly involved are the liver, spleen and kidney. Emotional disturbance

The liver plays an important role in emotional activities. It regulates
qi circulation and stores blood. Overstress, resentment, and frustra-
tion during COVID-19 may cause retardation of liver-qi circulation,
and stagnation of liver-qi occurs. If there is stagnation of liver-qi, it
may influence the physiological functions in the head, leading to

Ibrahim Almufarrij and Kevin Munro. One year on: An updated systematic review of
SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and audio-vestibular symptoms. International Journal of
Audiology. 2021, 60(12): 935–945.
National Dizzy and Balance Center. Post-COVID vestibular and neurological
symptoms. 17 May 2021.
Zawn Villines. Is dizziness a symptom of anxiety? Medical News Today.
24 July 2020.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

stagnation of qi and blood in the head. When the clear-yang in the

head is blocked by qi and blood, dizziness occurs.
Qi belongs to yang in the body. In case of prolonged persistence
of liver-qi stagnation, especially in those with underlying sickness, it
may cause the formation of liver-fire. Moreover, improper diet during
COVID-19 may accelerate this process of fire formation. When there
is the formation of liver-fire in the body, it may rise to the head, dis-
turbing qi and blood circulation and burning the channels on the
head, thus dizziness happens. Besides, prolonged persistence of flar-
ing of liver-fire may cause hyperactivity of liver-yang, leading to the
occurrence of severe dizziness. Whenever there is an accumulation of
damp in the body, the uprising of liver-qi, fire or yang could stir damp,
causing disturbance of the clear-yang by damp, and dizziness forms.
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COVID-19 is mainly caused by the invasion of cold-damp or damp-
heat with a pestilent toxin to the body, especially the lung, heart
and spleen. When these pathogenic factors are not eliminated com-
pletely or in time, they could cause stagnation and latent accumula-
tion in the spleen, resulting in further disturbance to the ascending
and descending functions of the spleen and stomach, and there
could be the formation of damp-phlegm internally.
Constitutional weakness, lack of life care during COVID-19,
overconsumption of alcoholic drinks and fatty and greasy food,
could result in dysfunction of the spleen and stomach in transporta-
tion and transformation, and formation of damp-phlegm occurs.
When the head is blocked by damp-phlegm, clear-yang, or qi
and blood would fail to rise and turbid qi would fail to descend, and
dizziness happens. Deficiency of qi and blood

Overconsumption of qi and blood, lack of dietary care or improper
treatment during COVID-19 could cause deficiency of qi and blood,
leading to failure of the head to be nourished, and dizziness appears.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

11.15.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID associated

dizziness Stagnation of liver-qi
Dizziness, spasm, and tension sensation on the scalp or in the head,
aggravation of dizziness under stress or emotional disturbance,
depression, painful neck, distension and pain in the hypochondriac
region, insomnia, irregular menstruation in women, poor appetite or
overeating, thin and white tongue coating, and a wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Smooth the liver, promote qi circulation, calm the shen and relieve
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Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Yao San-Rambling Powder.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleare 10 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhiizoma Areactylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuan Xiong 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Bo He Herba Menthae Haplocalycis 3 g
Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthemi Morifolii 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Chai Hu regulates and promotes liver-qi circulation and relieves qi
stagnation in the liver.
• Bai Shao Yao and Dang Gui are used to nourish blood in the liver,
harmonize and smooth the liver and relieve tension and spasm in
the scalp, headaches, and hypochondriac pain.
• Chuan Xiong regulates liver-qi and relieves headaches.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Bai Zhu and Fu Ling strengthen the spleen and stomach and
improve the appetite.
• Huang Qin and Bo He clear internal heat resulting from the stag-
nation of liver-qi and prevent further formation of liver-fire.
• Bai Ji Li and Ju Hua smooth the liver and relieve dizziness.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the actions of the other herbs.

Herbal Remedy:
Xiao Yao Wan-Rambling Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Hegu L.I.-4, Tongziliao GB-1,
Tinghui GB-2, Shuaigu GB-8, Extra Yintang, Extra Taiyang, Fengchi
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GB-20, Jianjing GB-21, Taichong LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14, Neiguan

P-6, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Extra Sishencong.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, and a reducing
method is applied on the rest of the points.

• SJ-5 + GB-41 is a combination to harmonize Shaoyang channels,
benefit the gallbladder and relieve dizziness.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the liver channel respectively, and LIV-14, the front-mu
point of the liver, smooth the liver, regulate the qi circulation in the
body and relieve liver-qi stagnation.
• P-6, the luo-connecting point of the pericardium channel, regu-
lates qi circulation, calms the shen and benefits the stomach.
• Extra Sishencong calms the shen, improves sleep and regulates
• SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot, pro-
motes the smooth qi and blood circulation in the liver and in the
• GB-1, GB-2, GB-8, GB-20 and GB-21 regulate the collateral of the
gallbladder channel, smooth the emotions, benefit the head,
relieve the neck tension, and promote qi circulation in the head to
relieve dizziness.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• Extra Yintang and Extra Taiyang, the local points, relieve dizziness. Flaring-up of liver-fire

Dizziness, sharp or distending pain in the ear or in the head, redness
of eyes, irritability, bitter taste in the mouth, restlessness, insomnia,
irregular menstruation in women, poor appetite, deep yellow urine,
constipation, red tongue, and a rapid and wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Reduce liver-fire, clear heat, calm the shen and relieve dizziness.

Herbal Treatment:
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Long Dan Xie Gan Tang-Gentiana Longdancao Decoction to Drain

the Liver.

Long Dan Cao Radix Gentianae Anomalae 10 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardenniae 10 g
Ze Xie Rhizoma Alismatis 12 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Lagustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Xia Ku Cao Spica Prunellae 10 g
Che Qian Zi Semen Plantaginis 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae 12 g
Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g
Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthemi Morifolii 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

In case of hyperactivity of liver-yang, add Gou Teng Ramulus cum

Uncis Uncariae 10 g and Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae Elatae 10 g.

• Long Dan Cao, Huang Qin, Xia Ku Cao and Zhi Zi clear heat in
the liver, reduce liver-fire and relieve dizziness.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong and Chai Hu promote liver-qi circulation

and smooth the liver.
• Ze Xie and Che Qian Zi promote urination and induce fire out of
the body through urination.
• Sheng Di clears heat and nourishes the yin of the liver and kidney.
• Bai Ji Li and Ju Hua smooth the liver and relieve dizziness.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the actions of the other herbs.
• Gou Teng and Tian Ma calm the liver, suppress liver-wind and
relieve dizziness.

Herbal Remedy:
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan-Gentiana Longdancao Pill to Drain the Liver.
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Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Zhongfeng LIV-4, Shaohai HE-3,
Shaofu HE-8, Tinghui GB-2, Shuaigu GB-8, Fengchi GB-20,
Jianjing GB-21, Xiaxi GB-43, Baihui DU-20, Xingjian LIV-2,
Qimen LIV-14, Sanyinjiao SP-6 and Extra Taiyang.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, and a reducing
method is applied on the rest of the points.

• A combination of SJ-5 + GB-41 harmonizes the Shaoyang chan-
nels, benefits the gallbladder, and relieves dizziness.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-14, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the front-mu point of the liver, smooth the liver, regulate
the qi circulation in the body and relieve liver-qi stagnation.
• LIV-2 and GB-43, the ying-spring point of the liver channel and
gallbladder channel respectively, and DU-20, clear heat, reduce
liver-fire and relieve dizziness.
• HE-3 and HE-8, the he-sea point and the ying-spring point of the
heart channel respectively, clear heat in the heart, calm the shen
and smooth the liver as well.
• GB-2, GB-8, GB-20 and GB-21 regulate the collateral of the
gallbladder channel, smooth the emotions, relieve the neck ten-
sion, and promote qi circulation in the head to relieve dizziness.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot, pro-
motes the smooth qi and blood circulation in the liver and in the
• Extra Taiyang, the local point, relieves dizziness. Blockage of the clear-yang by damp-phlegm

Dizziness, a heavy sensation in the head, the fullness of the chest and
epigastric region, nausea, vomiting occasionally, poor appetite, cast-
ing of phlegm, white and greasy coating on the tongue, and a slip-
pery or wiry and slippery pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
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Activate the spleen, eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, harmonize the

collaterals, and relieve dizziness.

Herbal Treatment:
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang-Pinellia, Atractylodes Macrocephala
and Gastrodia Decoction.

Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae 10 g

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Shi Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori Graminei 10 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Ban Xia and Chen Pi dry damp, resolve phlegm in the body and
relieve nausea.
• Fu Ling and Bai Zhu activate the spleen and eliminate damp.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Tian Ma, Bai Ji Li, Shi Chang Pu and Yuan Zhi calm the liver,
eliminate damp, and relieve dizziness.
• Cang Zhu and Hou Po eliminate damp-phlegm in the body and
relieve nausea.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the functions of other herbs.

Herbal Remedy:
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Pian-Pinellia, Atractylodes Macrocephala
and Gastrodia Tablet.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Hegu L.I.-4, Tinghui GB-2, Shuaigu
GB-8, Fengchi GB-20, Jianjing GB-21, Touwei ST8, Extra Taiyang,
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Extra Yintang, Neiguan P-6, Zhongwan REN-12, Taichong LIV-3,

Fenglong ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6 and Yinlingquan SP-9.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, and a reducing
method is applied on these points.

• SJ-5 + GB-41 could regulate the Shaoyang channels and relieve
• GB-20 and GB-21 smooth the tension at the neck, promote the qi
circulation in the gallbladder channel and relieve dizziness.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and Liver channel respectively, promote qi circulation, calm
the liver, and relieve dizziness.
• GB-2, GB-8, ST-8, Extra Taiyang and Extra Yintang promote qi cir-
culation, eliminate damp-phlegm in the head and relieve dizziness.
• REN-12, the front-mu point of the stomach and the influential
point for the fu organs, promotes their physiological functions and
eliminates damp-phlegm.
• SP-6, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, and SP-9,
the he-sea point of the spleen channel, P-6 and ST-40, the luo-
connecting point of the pericardium channel and stomach channel
respectively, activate the spleen, eliminate damp-phlegm and
improve digestion.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID Deficiency of qi
Dizziness after COVID-19, empty sensation in the head, aggravation
of dizziness after physical exertion, fatigue, general weakness, pale
complexion, aversion to cold, cold hands, shortness of breath, spon-
taneous sweating, loose stools, poor appetite, low voice, thin and
white coating on the tongue, pale tongue with tooth marks, and a
slow and deep pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify qi, activate the spleen and stomach and relieve dizziness.

Herbal Treatment:
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang-Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi Decoction.
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Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling clerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacea 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 5 g
Mu Xiang Radix Aucklandiae 10 g
Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 3 g
Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Shi Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori Graminei 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata 3 g

• Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling and Zhi Gan Cao, known as Si Jun
Zi Tang-Four Gentlemen Decoction, activate the spleen and stom-
ach, tonify spleen-qi and relieve general fatigue and weakness.
• Huang Qi tonify spleen-qi and lift-up the qi to the head to benefit it.
• Chen Pi, Mu Xiang and Sha Ren harmonize stomach-qi and pro-
mote appetite.
• Bai Ji Li and Shi Chang Pu resolve damp in the head and relieve

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Remedy:
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan-Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Zusanli ST-36, Taibai SP-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Qihai REN-6, Pishu
BL-20 and Weishu BL-21, Tinghui GB-2, Touwei ST-8, Extra
Yintang, Baihui DU-20, Shenting DU-24.
• A tonifying method is applied on these points. Moxibustion should
be applied on REN-6 and ST-36.

• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, and SP-3, the
yuan-source point of the spleen channel, BL-20 and BL-21, the
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back-shu point of the spleen and stomach respectively, activate

the spleen and stomach, tonify qi and promote digestion.
• REN-6, and SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of
the foot, tonify qi and blood at the same time and strengthen the
body to relieve general fatigue and weakness.
• GB-2 and ST-8 resolve damp in the head and relieve dizziness.
• DU-20, DU-24 and extra Yintang lift-up qi to the headache to
benefit the head and relieve dizziness.
• Moxibustion promotes the yang-qi movement, benefits the body
and relieves the weakness and cold in the body. Deficiency of blood

Dizziness after COVID-19, a hollow sensation in the head, aggrava-
tion of dizziness after physical exertion, alleviation of dizziness when
resting, dizziness, dry eyes, hair loss, palpitations, listlessness, dry
skin and stools, insomnia, pale complexion, irregular menstruation
in women, poor appetite, pale tongue, thin and white tongue coat-
ing, and a thready and weak pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify blood, benefit kidney-jing, relieve weakness and relieve

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Herbal Treatment:
Si Wu Tang-Four Substances Decoction.

Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Preparata 15 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae Alba 10 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Huang Jing Rhizoma Polygonati 10 g
He Shou Wu Radix Polygoni Multiflori 10 g
Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae Elatae 10 g
Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g
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• Shu Di Huang, Dang Gui, Bai Shao, Chuan Xiong, Huang Jing and
He Shou Wu benefit kidney-jing, tonify and nourish blood and
relieve dizziness.
• Tian Ma and Bai Ji Li benefit the head and relieve dizziness.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the herbs in the prescription.

Herbal Remedy:
Gui Pi Wan-Restore the Spleen Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taichong LIV-3, Ququan LIV-8,
Taixi KID-3, Yingu KID-10, Xuanzhong GB-39 and Shenmen HE-7,
Tinghui GB-2, Shuaigu GB-8, Baihui DU-20, Extra Taiyang, Extra
• An even method is applied on LIV-3, Extra Taiyang and Extra
• A tonifying method is applied to the rest points.

• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, and SP-6, the
crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, activate the spleen
and stomach, tonify qi and blood and relieve dizziness.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Since kidney-jing and blood share the same origin and benefit
each other constantly, some points should be used to tonify
kidney-jing to tonify blood. KID-3, the yuan-source point of the
kidney channel, LIV-8 and KID-10, the he-sea point of the liver
channel and kidney channel respectively, tonify blood and jing at
the same time, relieve the general fatigue and weakness so as to
relieve headache.
• GB-39, the influential point for marrow, benefits blood and
relieves blood deficiency.
• DU-20 benefits the head and relieves dizziness.
• GB-2, GB-8, Extra Taiyang and Extra Yintang benefit the head, har-
monize the collateral and relieve dizziness.
• LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the liver channel, and HE-7, the
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yuan-source point of the heart channel, promote qi and blood

circulation, calm the shen, improve sleep and relieve dizziness.

11.16 Diarrhea
COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Although the most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tired-
ness, a dry cough and myalgia, some patients may develop gastroin-
testinal symptoms such as diarrhea, loss of appetite, or vomiting even
in the absence of other flu-like symptoms.
Diarrhea is the condition characterized by the frequent passage
of loose, soft and unformed or watery stools. It could be accompa-
nied by abdominal pain, cramp or distension, nausea, vomiting, poor
appetite, weakness, fatigue, and weight loss, etc. Although most
cases of acute diarrhea’s are self-curing, chronic diarrhea may be a
sign of some serious health problems.
Diarrhea isn’t a very common symptom of COVID-19. It can be
an early sign of COVID-19, starting on the first day of infection and
building in intensity during the first week. One finding points out that
in some cases, the digestive symptoms, particularly diarrhea, can be

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

the initial presentation of COVID-19. The patient may later or never

present with respiratory symptoms or fever.102 The findings are impor-
tant because those without classic symptoms of COVID-19, such as
fever, dry cough, shortness of breath and myalgia, may go undiag-
nosed and could potentially spread the illness to others.
The likelihood of having diarrhea increases with age. 10% of
children, 21% of adults aged 16–35 and around 30% of adults aged
over 35 experience diarrhea during their illness. Only 2% of people
who were ill with COVID-19 reported diarrhea as their only
symptom.103 Another systematic review and meta-analysis of 23 pub-
lished and 6 preprint studies found that approximately 12% of
patients with COVID-19 infection reported gastrointestinal symp-
toms, including diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.104 One finding says
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that diarrhea rate is 34% in the study.105 Several factors could be

responsible for variation in the prevalence of diarrhea in these stud-
ies. Documentation of Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms at the time of
hospitalization, high suspicion, and early recognition, and if patients
are treated either in an outpatient or inpatient basis, could be respon-
sible for this variation.106
Diarrhea usually lasts for an average of two to three days but can
last up to seven days in adults in the acute COVID phase. Some

Chaoqun Han, et al. Digestive symptoms in COVID-19 patients with mild disease
severity: Clinical presentation, stool viral RNA testing, and outcomes. Am J
Gastroenterol. 2020, 115(6): 916–923. doi: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000000664.
ZOE Health Study. Is diarrhea a symptom of COVID-19? 1 April 2021. https://
Sravanthi Parasa, et al. Prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms and fecal viral
shedding in patients with coronavirus disease 2019: A systematic review and meta-
analysis. JAMA Netw Open. 2020; 3(6): e2011335. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.
Lei Pan, et al. op. cit.
Abhilash Perisetti, et al. Prevalence, mechanisms, and implications of gastrointes-
tinal symptoms in COVID-19. Front Med—Gastroenterology. 2020, 7: 588711.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

people can suffer from ongoing bouts of COVID-related diarrhea,

and these are commonly reported in people with Long COVID syn-
drome. During the survivors’ acute COVID-19 phase, a mean of 4.8
months after acute-phase recovery, half had experienced diarrhea
and about 25% reported having nausea. Loose stool was the pre-
dominant GI symptom that appeared more frequently among survi-
vors versus controls—numerically almost twice as common.107
In terms of the mechanism of diarrhea due to COVID-19, it is
believed that because the virus attaches to and enters cells through
angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which has significantly higher
expression in the Small Intestine than the lung, and the gastrointestinal
tract may play a key role in the infectivity of COVID-19.108 Some
researchers say that SARS-CoV uses the angiotensin-converting enzyme
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2 (ACE2) and the serine protease TMPRSS2 for S protein priming. ACE2
and TMPRSS2 are not only expressed in the lung, but also in the small
intestinal epithelia. ACE2 is expressed furthermore in the upper oesoph-
agus, liver, and colon.109
Current treatment in modern medicine is supportive. It has been
noticed that early extensive use of antibacterial and antiviral drugs
could also lead to diarrhea in patients. Thus, treatment options for
COVID-19 patients should be promptly adjusted.110

John Gever. GI disruption lasts for months in many COVID survivors-persistently
loose stools were most common after-effect. MedPage Today. 24 May 2021. https://
Arno R. Bourgonje, et al. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), SARS-CoV-2
and the pathophysiology of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The Journal of
Pathology. 2020, 251(3): 228–248.
Ferdinando D’Amico, et al. Diarrhea during COVID-19 infection: Pathogenesis,
epidemiology, prevention, and management. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020,
18(8): 1663–1672. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2020.04.001.
Qing Ye, et al. The mechanism and treatment of gastrointestinal symptoms in
patients with COVID-19. Am J Physiol — Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2020, 319:
G245–G252. doi: 10.1152/ajpgi.00148.2020.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

11.16.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

In TCM’s view, diarrhea is mainly caused by the disturbed transporta-
tion and transformation of the spleen, resulting in a mixture of water
and food and the formation of damp-phlegm in the large intestine.
It is related to the disorder in the stomach, heart, San Jiao, liver and
kidney. The remaining external pathogenic factors, accumulation of
damp-phlegm in the spleen, disharmony between the liver and
spleen, and deficiency of qi and yang, etc, are the common factors in
TCM for diarrhea related to Long COVID. Incomplete elimination of external pathogenic

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Although COVID-19 is mainly caused by the invasion of cold-damp
or damp-heat with a pestilent toxin to the lung and heart, some other
internal zang-fu organs can also be affected, such as the spleen,
stomach and large intestine. When these pathogenic factors are
not eliminated completely or in time, they could cause stagnation
and latent accumulation in these organs, resulting in dysfunction
of transportation, the transformation of the spleen, and diarrhea
occurs. Emotional disturbance

Severe emotional disturbance, including stress, excessive anger, sad-
ness, over worrying, and frustration during COVID-19 could impair
the free flow of the qi in the liver, resulting in stagnation of liver-qi
and spleen-qi. According to the Five Elements theory, the Wood
(liver) controls the Earth (spleen). When there is severe stagnation of
liver-qi, the liver could over control the spleen, leading to distur-
bance of the spleen in transportation and transformation, which in
turn could cause diarrhea.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM Accumulation of damp-phlegm

The stomach and spleen are in charge of the acceptation, transporta-
tion and transformation of water and food to produce qi and blood
in the body. Intake of unhygienic food, overeating of fatty and greasy
food, too much alcoholic drinks, overeating of raw materials, irregu-
lar intake of diet, as well as intake of high dosage of antiviral drugs
or antibiotics prior to or during COVID-19 could cause dysfunction
of stomach and spleen, resulting in the formation of damp-phlegm. A
mixture of damp-phlegm in the large intestine could result in
Dysfunction of the spleen and stomach, on the other hand, will
affect the formation of qi, leading to weakness of the large intestine
in transportation and formation of stool, thus loose stool or diarrhea
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occurs. Deficiency of qi or yang

Prolonged persistence of COVID-19 could cause over consumption
of the qi and yang in the body, resulting in weakness of the qi or yang
in different zang-fu organs in dealing with water metabolism.
Therefore, the transportation, transformation and vaporization will
be impaired, resulting in the formation of damp-phlegm in the body.
A mixture of water, damp-phlegm and stool in the large intestine may
result in diarrhea. For instance, when there is a deficiency of qi and
yang of the spleen and stomach, there would be diarrhea, accompa-
nied by cold hands and feet, aversion to cold, and abdominal swell-
ing, etc.
The heart is a fire organ according to the Five Elements theory in
TCM. Deficiency of qi and yang of the heart could cause the failure
of the spleen and stomach to be warmed and stimulated. Thus, the
transportation and transformation of the spleen and stomach will be
impaired, and diarrhea occurs.
The kidney is an organ, which contains both yin and yang.
kidney-yang could also warm the spleen in physiology. In case of

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

deficiency of kidney-yang (qi), the spleen will not be properly

warmed and supported, the physiological functions of the spleen will
be impaired, and diarrhea happens.
Constitutional weakness prior to COVID-19, especially weakness
in the spleen and kidney, could cause constitutional damp-phlegm
accumulation in the spleen or constitutional qi or yang deficiency in
the kidney, thus diarrhea occurs.

11.16.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated

Diarrhea is in fact a natural way for the body to get rid of possible
toxins and some pathogenic factors. Remaining or suppressing toxins
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may lead to serious complications.

Besides TCM treatment, it is encouraged to inform the patients
to pay some attention to having a balanced diet, such as trying to
avoid overly sweet and greasy foods, drinking enough water to
avoid dehydration, eating well-cooked food with good nutritional
value, adding aromatic herbs to create a good smell, and choosing
a variety of food. In this way, the color, smell, and appearance of
food could stimulate the appetite and activate the spleen and
stomach. Incomplete elimination of cold-damp

Remaining diarrhea since COVID-19, abdominal cramp, pain and
distension, nausea or vomiting, poor appetite, preference to warmth,
alleviation of abdominal pain and cramp by warmth, absence of
thirst, sensitivity to cold and humid weather, occasional myalgia and
headache, heaviness of the body and four limbs, a thin, white, and
slightly greasy tongue coating, and a slippery pulse.

Principal of Treatment:
Eliminate external damp, harmonize the spleen and stomach, and
relieve diarrhea.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Treatment:
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San-Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi.

Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi 10 g

Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Zi Su Ye Folium Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 5 g
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Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Huo Xiang and Zi Su Ye eliminate the remaining external patho-
genic disturbance, resolve damp-phlegm, harmonize the middle
Jiao and relieve diarrhea.
• Hou Po, Cang Zhu and Zhi Ke promote qi circulation in the mid-
dle Jiao, resolve damp and regulate the ascending and descending
functions of the qi in the spleen and stomach to harmonize the
transportation and transformation.
• Zhi Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Fu Ling and Zhi Gan Cao, the complete
composition of Er Chen Tang, resolve damp, eliminate phlegm,
and relieve diarrhea.
• Bai Zhu and Gan Jiang activate the spleen and stomach, eliminate
cold and warm the middle Jiao to stop diarrhea.

Herbal Remedy:
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan-Agastache Pill to Rectify the Qi.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Lieque LU-7, Hegu L.I.-4, Fengchi
GB-20, Neiguan P-6, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9 and
Tianshu ST-25.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• An even method is applied to SJ-5 + GB-41 and a reducing method

is applied to the rest of the points.
• Moxibustion is advisable to be applied on LU-7, L.I.-4, SP-9 and

• A combination of SJ-5 + GB-41 regulates the Yangwei and Dai chan-
nels and eliminates the remaining pathogenic factors in the body.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, and
LU-7, the luo-connecting point of the lung channel, dispel damp,
regulate the large intestine functions, relieve the external symp-
toms, and stop diarrhea.
• GB-20 calms the shen, promotes qi circulation, eliminates the
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remaining pathogenic factors at the upper parts of the body and

relieves headaches.
• SP-6, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, SP-9, the
he-sea point of the spleen channel, and ST-25, the front-mu point
of the large intestine, eliminate damp, resolve phlegm in the body
and stop diarrhea.
• P-6 harmonizes the stomach, regulates and improves digestion.
• Moxibustion is used to strengthen the effect of these points to
dispel wind-damp and relieve diarrhea. Accumulation of damp-phlegm in the spleen

Diarrhea with loose stool or watery diarrhea, a possible mixture
of stool with sticky phlegm, tiredness, heaviness of the general
body, heaviness in the head or in the four limbs, stomach and abdo-
men, poor appetite, clammy hands, somnolence, obesity, some-
times aversion to cold, greasy coating on the tongue, and a slippery

Principle of Treatment:
Activate the spleen, promote the qi transformation, resolve damp-
phlegm, and relieve diarrhea.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Treatment:
Cang Fu Dao Tan Tang-Atractylodes, Poria Phlegm-Dissipating

Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g

Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Mu Xiang Radix Aucklandiae Lappae 10 g
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Bian Dou Semen Dolichoris Lablab 10 g

Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis Lachryma-Jobi 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Cang Zhu and Zhi Shi strongly eliminate damp-phlegm, promote
qi circulation, and relieve diarrhea.
• Zhi Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Fu Ling and Zhi Gan Cao, the composition
of Er Chen Tang, eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, harmonize the
middle Jiao and relieve diarrhea.
• Bai Zhu, Shan Yao, Yi Yi Ren and Bian Dou activate the spleen,
eliminate damp, and relieve diarrhea.
• Mu Xiang and Zhi Ke promote qi circulation in the middle Jiao and
relieve diarrhea.

Herbal Remedy:
Shen Ling Bai Zhu Wan-Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodis
Macrocephalae Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Taibai SP-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Zusanli ST-36,
Fenglong ST-40, Zhongwan REN-12, Hegu L.I.-4, Taichong LIV-3,
Zhangmen LIV-13, Pishu BL-20 and Weishu Bl-21.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• A tonifying method is applied to SP-3, SP-6, ST-36, LIV-13,

BL-20 and BL-21. A reducing method is applied to the rest of the

• SP-3 and SP-6, the yuan-source point of the spleen channel and
the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot respectively,
ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, LIV-13, the front-
mu point of the spleen, BL-20 and BL-21, the back-shu point of the
spleen and stomach respectively, activate the spleen and stomach,
promote the physiological functions of these two organs, tonify qi,
eliminate damp-phlegm and relieve the diarrhea.
• SP-9, the he-sea point of the spleen channel, ST-40 and REN-12,
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the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel and the front-mu

point of the stomach respectively, eliminate damp-phlegm in
spleen and stomach and stop the diarrhea.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and liver channel respectively, promote the qi circulation in
the body and relieve the fullness and heaviness in the body. Disharmony between the liver and spleen

Diarrhea since COVID-19 onset, aggravation of diarrhea when nerv-
ous and stressed, irritability, abdominal distension and pain before
diarrhea, frequent discharge of flatus, nausea, belching, acid reflux
which can be triggered or aggravated by stress, frustration, headache,
insomnia, poor appetite, thin and white coating on the tongue, and
a wiry pulse.

Principal of Treatment:
Smooth the liver, harmonize the spleen, regulate the qi circulation,
and stop diarrhea.

Herbal Treatment:
Tong Xie Yao Fang-Important Formula for Painful Diarrhea.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 6 g

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrociphalae 10 g
Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Alba 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae 5 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi 10 g
Mu Xiang Radix Aucklandiae Lappae 10 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Yan Hu Suo Rhizoma Corydalis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Chai Hu and Bai Shao Yao, entering the liver and its channel,
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smooth the liver and relieve stagnation of liver-qi. Bai Zhu and
Shan Yao, entering the spleen, activate and strengthen the spleen,
dry damp, and resolve phlegm to relieve diarrhea. These four herbs
regulate the function of the liver and spleen and build up the new
balance between these two organs.
• Invasion of the spleen by the liver could cause disturbance of the
spleen in transportation and transformation, and stagnation of qi
together with formation of damp-phlegm. Xiang Fu, Mu Xiang, Yan
Hu Suo, Chen Pi and Fang Feng regulate the qi in the middle Jiao
and liver, stop abdominal pain, dry damp-phlegm and relieve diar-
• Zhi Gan Cao is used to harmonize the prescription.

Herbal Remedy:
Chai Hu Shu Gan Wan-Bupleurum Pill to Spread the Liver, plus
Shen Ling Bai Zhu Wan-Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodis
Macrocephalae Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Shenmen HE-7,
Taichong LIV-3, Zhangmen LIV-13, Qimen LIV-14, Yanglingquan
GB-34, Tianshu ST-25, Zusanli ST-36, Taibai SP-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6,
Ganshu BL-18 and Pishu BL-20.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, a reducing method is

applied on L.I.-4, HE-7, LIV-3, LIV-14, GB-34, BL-18, and ST-25,
and a tonifying method is applied on LIV-13, ST-36, SP-3, SP-6 and

• A combination of P-6 + SP-4 regulates emotion, smooths the liver,
and promotes digestion.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and liver channel respectively, LIV-14, the front-mu point of
the liver, GB-34, the he-sea point of the gallbladder channel, and
BL-18, the back-shu point of the liver, smooth the liver, promote
the circulation of liver-qi and sedate the abdominal pain.
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• HE-7, the yuan-source point of the heart channel, regulates emo-

tion, calms the shen and improves sleep.
• ST-25, the front-mu point of the large intestine, restores
the physiological functions of the large intestine and relieves
• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, LIV-13, the front-
mu point of the spleen, SP-3 and SP-6, the yuan-source point of the
spleen channel and the crossing point of the three yin channels of
the foot respectively, and BL-20, the back-shu point of the spleen,
activate the spleen, eliminate damp, and relieve the diarrhea. Deficiency of spleen-qi

Intermittent occurrence of diarrhea after COVID-19, aggravation of
diarrhea when eating raw, cold, and greasy food, dull pain in the
abdomen which may be relieved by warmth or by pressure and
aggravated by cold or hunger and fatigue, lassitude, aversion to cold,
fatigue, pale complexion, low voice, poor appetite, thin and white
coating on the tongue, pale tongue with some tooth marks, and a
deep, weak, and thready pulse.

Principal of Treatment:
Tonify qi, activate the spleen and relieve diarrhea.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Treatment:
Si Jun Zi Tang-Four Gentlemen Decoction.

Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Praeparatae 10 g
Mu Xiang Radix Aucklandiae 10 g
Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 3 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata 3 g

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• Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling and Zhi Gan Cao, the complete com-
position of Si Jun Zi Tang, tonifies spleen-qi, activates the spleen
and stomach and relieves diarrhea.
• Zhi Ban Xia and Chen Pi harmonize stomach-qi, transform phlegm
and relieve diarrhea.
• Mu Xiang and Sha Ren promote qi circulation in the middle Jiao
and relieve the pain and distension in the abdomen.

Herbal Remedy:
Si Jun Zi Pian-Four Gentlemen Tablets.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Zusanli ST-36, Taibai SP-3, Pishu BL-20, Weishu BL-21, Qihai
REN-6, Tianshu ST-25, Sanyinjiao SP-6 and Yinlingquan SP-9.
• A tonifying method is applied on ST-36, SP-3, BL-20, BL-21,
REN-6, and Sanyinjiao SP-6. A reducing method is applied on
ST-25 and SP-9.
• Moxibustion is applied on ST-36 and REN-6.

• ST-36, the low he-sea point of the stomach and the he-sea point of
the stomach channel, SP-3, the yuan-source point of the spleen

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

channel, SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the
foot, BL-20, and BL-21, the back-shu point of spleen and stomach
respectively, tonify qi, activate the spleen and stomach, eliminate
damp, and relieve diarrhea.
• SP-9, the he-sea point of the spleen channel, and ST-25, the front-
mu point of the large intestine, eliminate damp-phlegm, regulate
the large intestine, and relieve diarrhea.
• REN-6 tonifies qi in the body and strengthens the body.
• Moxibustion warms the stomach and spleen and eliminates inte-
rior cold in the body. Deficiency of yang of the spleen and kidney

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Persistent diarrhea after COVID-19, often having diarrhea before

dawn, undigested food particles in the stool, aversion to cold, lower
back pain, low libido, frequent clear urination, extreme cold hands,
feet and abdomen, extreme tiredness, poor appetite, immediate
diarrhea after eating raw and cold food, a thin, white and wet tongue
coating, and a deep, thready and slow pulse.

Principal of Treatment:
Warm the spleen, tonify the kidney-yang and relieve diarrhea.

Herbal Treatment:
Si Shen Wan-Four Miracle Pill.

Rou Dou Kou Semen Myristicae Fragrantis 5 g

Wu Zhu Yu Fructus Evodiae Rutaecarpae 10 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Bu Gu Zhi Fructus Psoraleae Corylifoliae 10 g
Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Bian Dou Semen Dolichoris Lablab 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Rou Dou Kou and Bu Gu Zhi warm and tonify kidney-yang and
dispel cold in the body.
• Wu Zhu Yu and Gan Jiang warm the spleen and eliminate interior
cold in the middle Jiao.
• Dang Shen, Shan Yao, Fu Ling and Bian Dou tonify and
activate the spleen and stomach, eliminate damp, and relieve
• Wu Wei Zi stops diarrhea.

Herbal Remedy:
Si Shen Wan-Four Miracle Pill.
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Acupuncture Treatment:
• Guanyuan REN-4, Qihai REN-6, Taixi KID-3, Yingu KID-10, Pishu
BL-20, Shenshu BL-23, Tianshu ST-25, Zusanli ST-36, Taibai SP-3
and Yinlingquan SP-9.
• A tonifying method is applied on REN-4, REN-6, KID-3, KID-10,
ST-36, SP-3, BL-20 and BL-23. A reducing method is applied on
ST-25 and SP-9.
• Moxibustion is applied on REN-4, REN-6 and ST-36.

• KID-3 and KID-10, the yuan-source point and the he-sea point of
the kidney channel respectively, and BL-23, the back-shu point of
the kidney, tonify the kidney and promote the physiological func-
tions of the kidney.
• REN-4 and REN-6 with moxa strongly tonify the kidney, reinforce
kidney-qi and kidney-yang and eliminate interior cold in the body.
• ST-36 and SP-3, the he-sea point of the stomach channel and the
yuan-source point of the spleen channel respectively, and BL-20, the
back-shu point of the spleen, activate the spleen, tonify the spleen
and stomach, eliminate damp-phlegm and relieve the diarrhea.
• ST-25 and SP-9, the front-mu point of the large intestine and the
he-sea point of the spleen channel respectively, eliminate damp-
phlegm and relieve the diarrhea.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• Moxibustion warms the body, tonifies yang of the spleen and kid-
ney and eliminates interior cold. Deficiency of yang of the heart and spleen

Diarrhea during COVID-19, palpitations, cold and painful sensation
in the chest, aversion to cold, somnolence, cold hands and feet,
loose stool or watery stools, abdominal pain and cold feeling, poor
appetite, muscle weakness, a thin, white and wet tongue coating,
and a thready, deep, and weak pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify qi, warm heart-yang, activate the spleen and relieve diarrhea.
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Herbal Treatment:
Gui Zhi Gan Cao Tang-Cinnamon and Glycyrrhizae Decoction, plus
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San-Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodis Macrocep-
halae Powder.

Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g

Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata 5 g
Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g
Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 10 g
Bian Dou Semen Dolichoris Lablab 10 g

• Gui Zhi and Zhi Gan Cao warm the heart, strengthen the heart,
and eliminate interior cold.
• Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling and Bian Dou activate the
spleen, tonify the spleen-qi and the general body, and relieve

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Gan Jiang warms the spleen and eliminates cold in the middle
• Huang Qi and Shan Yao activate the spleen, tonify spleen-qi, and
relieve diarrhea.

Herbal Remedy:
Li Zhong Wan-Pill to Regulate the Middle.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Guanyuan REN-4, Qihai REN-6, Zusanli ST-36, Zhangmen LIV-13,
Taibai SP-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Shenmen HE-7, Tianshu ST-25,
Xinshu BL-15, Pishu BL-20, and Shenshu BL-23.
• A tonifying method is applied on REN-4, REN-6, ST-36, LIV-13,
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SP-3, SP-6, HE-7, BL-15, BL-20, and BL-23. An even method is

applied on ST-25.
• Moxibustion is applied on REN-4, REN-6, and ST-36.

• REN-4 and REN-6 tonify the yuan-qi in the body, warm yang,
eliminate interior cold and strengthen the body.
• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, SP-3 and SP-6, the
yuan-source point and the crossing point of three yin channels of
the feet, LIV-13, the front-mu point of the spleen, and BL-20, the
back-shu point of the spleen, tonify and activate the spleen and
stomach, eliminate interior cold and relieve diarrhea.
• HE-7 and BL-15, the yuan-source point of the heart channel and
the back-shu point of the heart respectively, tonify qi and yang of
the heart and strengthen the heart.
• BL-23, the back-shu point of the kidney, warms the kidney, tonifies
qi and yang of the kidney and eliminates interior cold.
• ST-25, the front-mu point of the large intestine, regulates the large
intestine and relieves diarrhea.
• Moxibustion warms the qi and yang of the body and eliminates
interior cold.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

11.17 Psychological and Neuropsychiatric Disorders

Since the first case of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) disease (COVID-
19) was officially diagnosed and reported in December 2019, the pan-
demic has led to the loss of many lives and a huge impact on the global
economy. Under the extraordinary circumstance of the pandemic, all
aspects of our life—social, economic, and cultural—have been affected.
Apart from the physical effects of the virus—in which various organs
and systems are attacked and damaged—the neurological system can
also be affected regardless of the mental health of all age groups.
Various psychological problems and associated symptoms arise, includ-
ing anxiety, depression, loneliness, frustration, upset, fury, insomnia,
headache, restlessness, and mild cognitive impairment. Many survivors
of COVID-19 infection report the resulting stigma, leading to a huge
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negative impact on their psychological health. There may also be over-

whelming worries about recession, unemployment, debt, and subse-
quent alcoholic abuse in adults. Children may suffer from nervousness,
hyperactive behavior and lack of concentration which affects their stud-
ies during lockdown and home-schooling. Due to this psychological
impact, COVID-19 survivors can face more challenges that the disease
brings to their health. No matter mild or severe symptoms, during the
ongoing or the recovery stage of the infection, these influences of the
infection on people’s mental state are of sufficient importance, that
require immediate attention for preventative management and useful
intervention. We are not the only ones sharing the concern over this
ongoing issue. Mental Health UK has issued psychological first aid
guidance from the very beginning of the outbreak.111 In fact, even if all
the intense symptoms of the infection subside, it is not the end of the
story. The recovery phase of COVID-19 has proved to be a long journey
for many people. In the recent SAGE UK government meeting regarding
COVID-19 as of 7 May 2020, minutes of the meeting noted “the

Mental Health UK. Managing your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

existence of the long-term health sequelae, including fatigue, breathing

difficulty, memory loss, post-intensive care syndrome, flashback and
emotional distress”.112
“People’s lives will not be the same after the COVID-19”. NHS
officers recognized that the National Health Service is facing the
challenge to help patients of post-COVID-19 struggle back to their
ordinary life.
There are different approaches to deal with these psychological
and neuropsychiatric problems. Besides conventional methods,
TCM provides another option, and has a long history and profound
wisdom in dealing with these conditions. Although individual con-
texts of Western and Chinese medicine over the disorders are totally
different, their theories and interpretations could be used to bridge
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the gaps between these two systems to understand and treat post-
COVID neuropsychiatric disorders (PCND).
While SARS-CoV-2 is still sweeping across the globe, our under-
standing of COVID-19 is developing day by day. As part of this, the
symptoms of neuropsychiatric disorders are raising growing concerns
of medical professionals, and yet, due to the complexity of the
neuropsychiatric system, post-COVID-19 patients are left with very
few options in terms of treatment. We have reason to be concerned
that COVID-19 may lead to severe and long-lasting neuropsychiatric
suffering for patients. Without proper management and treatment of
these symptoms, patients face a difficult, painful, and prolonged
recovery physically and mentally.
Previous influenza pandemics have been associated with long-
lasting neuropsychiatric consequences.113 A systematic review114 of

Stephen Matthews. Coronavirus patients can suffer from shortness of breath and
fatigue for MONTHS after their battle with the disease, government scientists warn.
Mail Online. 1 June 2020.
Adrianna P. Ke˛pińska, et al. Schizophrenia and influenza at the centenary of the
1918–1919 Spanish influenza pandemic: Mechanisms of psychosis risk. Front.
Psychiatry. 2020, 11: 72.
Jonathan P. Rogers, et al. Psychiatric and neuropsychiatric presentations associ-
ated with severe coronavirus infections: A systematic review and meta-analysis with

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

SARS and MERS infection shows that almost one in three hospital-
ized cases went on to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
rates of depression and anxiety were at roughly 15% one year after
the illness, and more than 15% of patients also complained of
fatigue, mood swings and sleep disorders. Although based on SARS
and MERS, this review suggests a clear prospect over the potential
future of post-COVID psychiatric symptoms. The possible impact of
COVID-19 on neuropsychiatric system may include several aspects

• Psychological effects
As a global emergent event, this pandemic obviously holds a wider
social impact. The governmental rulings, including physical distanc-
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ing measures and quarantine can adversely affect the infected and
non-infected population.115,116 Reactions of the population include
widespread anxiety, social isolation, high levels of stress particularly
amongst healthcare and other essential workers,117 and concerns
over unemployment and financial difficulties.118 Those infected by
the virus tend to suffer even more, with fears about the outcome of

comparison to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2020, 7(7): 611–
627. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30203-0.
Joseph A Lewnard and Nathan C Lo. Scientific and ethical basis for social-
distancing interventions against COVID-19. The Lancet Infect Dis. 2020, 20(6):
631–633. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30190-0.
Samantha K. Brooks, et al. The psychological impact of quarantine and how to
reduce it: Rapid review of the evidence. The Lancet. 2020, 395(10227): 912–920.
Neil Greenberg, et al. Managing mental health challenges faced by healthcare
workers during COVID-19 pandemic. BMJ. 2020, 368.
Covadonga Chaves, et al. The impact of economic recessions on depression and
individual and social well-being: The case of Spain (2006–2013). Soc Psychiatry
Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2018, 53(9): 977–986. doi: 10.1007/s00127-018-1558-2.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

their illness,119 stigma,120 and amnesia or traumatic memories of

severe illness.121

• Central nervous system damage

It is estimated that more than one-third of patients with COVID-19
develop neuropsychiatric symptoms, including headache, paresthe-
sia, and disturbed consciousness. Severe neuropsychiatric symptoms
seem to be associated with more severe disease.122 Although there is
not yet adequate evidence to prove what exactly COVID-19 does to
the Central Nerve System (CNS), reports suggest that the virus can
enter the nervous system and cause damage to the brain and relevant
nerves. In a recent case series in France, out of 58 patients under ICU
care, 84% developed neuropsychiatric symptoms, including agita-
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tion, confusion, and dysexecutive syndrome of various prevalence.123

It is also reported that up to 88% of patients developed anosmia or
ageusia, thought to be secondary to invasion of the olfactory bulb by
the virus, suggesting brain involvement.124 A case series from Wuhan
demonstrated that at least 20% of patients who eventually died from

Yu-Tao Xiang, et al. Timely mental health care for the 2019 novel coronavirus
outbreak is urgently needed. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2020, 7(3): 228–229. doi:
Judy Yuen-man Siu. The SARS-associated stigma of SARS victims in the post-SARS
era of Hong Kong. Qual Health Res. 2008, 18(6): 729–738. doi:
Christina Jones, et al. Psychological morbidity following critical illness—The
rationale for care after intensive care. Clin Intensive Care. 1998, 9(5): 199–205.
Ling Mao, et al. Neurologic manifestations of hospitalized patients with coronavi-
rus disease 2019 in Wuhan, China. JAMA Neurol. 2020: E1–E8. doi: 10.1001/
Julie Helms, et al. Neurologic features in severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. N Engl J
Med. 2020, 382: 2268–2270. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc2008597.
Jerome R. Lechien, et al. Olfactory and gustatory dysfunctions as a clinical pres-
entation of mild-to-moderate forms of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19): a
multicenter European study. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020, 17: 13. doi: 10.1007/

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

COVID-19 had evidence of encephalopathy.125 The direct or indirect

damage caused by the virus to the brain and nervous system will not
disappear immediately even after all the symptoms of infection sub-
side. We believe the process of recovery and repair of the brain and
nervous system determines partially the severity and duration of the
neuropsychiatric symptoms.

• Inflammatory and antiviral defense effect

In addition to contributing to the progression of the immune response
against viral infection, cytokines activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-
adrenal (HPA) axis, resulting in the release of adrenal glucocorti-
coids. In all, although there is not enough evidence to support that
inflammatory reaction of the immune system has a direct impact on
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the brain and neuropsychiatric system, the subsequent result with

cytokine storm (happening with many severe cases), can have pro-
found and severe influence on patients physically and mentally. In
the end the suffering as a result from the infection is complex.

• Neuro-endocrine impact
The stress experienced by patients facing severe illness hugely
impacts the progress of the disease and their mental health. When
Long COVID associated stress responses are triggered, the activation
of the neuroendocrine HPA stress axis and the renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone system (RAAS—an aspect of the endocrine system
involved in the regulation of blood pressure and fluid balance) plays
an important part in somatic psychiatric disturbance.126 Angiotensin-
converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) has been shown to have an effect on
stress responses and anxiety. In COVID-19 patients, expression of
ACE2 has been noted not only in the respiratory tract, lung, ileum,

Guang Chen, et al. Clinical and immunological features of severe and moderate
coronavirus disease 2019. J Clin Invest. 2020, 130(5): 2620–2629. doi: 10.1172/
Haibo Zhang, et al. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as a SARS-CoV-2
receptor: Molecular mechanisms and potential therapeutic target. Intensive Care
Med. 2020, 46: 586–590. doi: 10.1007/s00134-020-05985-9.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

bladder, esophagus, heart, and kidney, but also in the hypothalamus,

pituitary and adrenal glands.127,128 It is worth mentioning that in SARS
patients, after the lung, the adrenal and pituitary glands showed the
highest concentration of virus particles,129 making it clear that the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is targeted during corona-
virus infection. In such cases a tailored treatment to rebalance the
HPA axis will help reduce patients’ stress and anxiety level.

11.17.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

psychological and neuropsychiatric disorders
As the encounter of humans with COVID-19 outbreak develops, we
are facing the challenge of conflict between the soaring demand for
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healing and the limited knowledge about the disease. The psycho-
logical and neuropsychiatric sufferings of patients in the recovery
stage of the disease tends to become clear when survivors emerge
from the acute stage. While there is still a lot of uncertainty about the
exact mechanism of the symptoms in modern medicine, we have
searched TCM literature to help outline a framework that acupunc-
ture treatment can resolve post-COVID symptoms.
TCM holds that a human being is composed of three important
interacting aspects: xing (形, physical body and internal organs), qi
(气, vital energy) and shen (神, mind, spirit).

• The xing, which is the body, provides the core of life activities,
supplying essential substances of qi, blood, body fluids and jing

Xin Zou, et al. Single-cell RNA-seq data analysis on the receptor ACE2 expression
reveals the potential risk of different human organs vulnerable to 2019-nCoV infec-
tion. Front Med. 2020, 14(2): 185–192. doi: 10.1007/s11684-020-0754-0.
Qiufeng Lv, et al. Effects of taurine on ACE, ACE2 and HSP70 expression of
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in stress-induced hypertensive rats. Adv Exp
Med Biol. 2017, 975(Pt 2): 871–886. doi: 10.1007/978-94-024-1079-2_69.
Yanqing Ding, et al. Organ distribution of severe acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS) associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in SARS patients: Implications for
pathogenesis and virus transmission pathways. J Pathol. 2004, 203: 622–630. doi:

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

(essence) to provide stable support to the function of qi and shen.

Xing determines the reaction of shen as well as the repair of
impaired qi and shen.
• Qi moves constantly through the body to connect the shen and
xing and enable communication. The proper distribution, circula-
tion and physiological functions of qi link up the zang-fu (internal
organs), along with the various body structures, tissues and chan-
nels, and the expression of emotions and mental state.
• Shen determines our mental state, our response to emotional
stimulus, and crucially influences all physiological activities by
affecting the movement of qi, influencing sleep, thought and con-
sciousness. Shen is also a manifestation of the xing with its
foundation in the zang-fu organs, with which it communicates
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through qi.

SARS-CoV-2 infection is characterized by an aggressive patho-

genesis and a rapidly progressing, multi-dimensional and toxic
nature. It can rapidly collapse into multiple internal organs and sys-
tems, creating a mixture of complications involving multiple dys-
functions. Post-COVID-19 psychological and neuropsychiatric
disorders feature a mixture of disorders affecting the xing, qi and
shen from the beginning until the end of the disease, which can last
long after recovery from the initial infections. In this sense we can
conclude that attempting to treat these disorders without considera-
tion of a full picture, including the zang-fu, qi and shen, is likely to
bring about poor and limited effects. Disorders of xing

As COVID-19 progresses, the invasion of wind, cold-damp with toxic
heat into the channels adversely affects the zang-fu. It initially
impairs the lung, spleen and San Jiao, but quickly penetrates further
to damage the heart (pericardium), liver and kidney at the severe and
critical stage. All these conditions could lead to neuropsychiatric

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

The main function of the lung is to disperse and descend qi in

respiration. Lung is one of the major organs attacked by SARS-CoV-2,
resulting in failure of dispersing and descending of the qi. In addition,
being the upper source of the water metabolism system in the body,
as well as a prime minister, assisting the emperor (the heart), the lung
is to assist the heart’s function on blood circulation. Meanwhile, the
lung is responsible for promoting the qi circulation in the body. Being
a Metal Element, it controls the liver Wood. When the lung loses its
function to disperse the qi and to regulate the liver, it could cause
stagnation of qi in the liver and in the general body. Therefore, if
impaired, lung can contribute to sadness and tearfulness, chest tight-
ness and breath-related anxiety and restlessness, along with signs of
impeded qi and blood stagnation. In some cases, it can be related to
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anger and frustration due to the failure of Metal lung’s proper control
over the Wood liver.
The spleen is in charge of transportation and transformation of
food and fluid, providing the production of qi and blood. According
to the Five Elements theory, the spleen is associated with the Earth
Element, the mother of metal lung. When the spleen fails in transpor-
tation and transformation, the resulting accumulation of phlegm and
damp may end up in the lung. Moreover, due to the close relation-
ship between the spleen, liver and kidney, dysfunction of the spleen
can eventually lead to featuring mental and emotional symptoms,
such as lassitude-related depression, loss of interest in life and mental
fatigue, repetitive patterns of negative emotions such as frequent
recalling of traumatic memories. Impaired concentration and atten-
tion may occur too.
The San Jiao is the passageway for yuan (original) qi and water. It
also belongs to Shaoyang and is associated with the gallbladder and
liver. The emotional symptoms of Shaoyang patterns are irritability
and anger, bitter taste in the mouth, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia
with difficulty falling asleep or repetitive waking at the same time
through night, nightmares, depression with a stiff and heavy body,
and waking in morning with symptoms better after exercise. As stated
in Su Wen (Simple Questions) Chapter 8, “The gallbladder is

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

responsible for what is exact and just; determination and decision

stem from it”. The gallbladder is thus not only involved in making
right decisions, but also provides courage and initiative, and works
with the liver to process appropriate responses toward changes in
external circumstances. The gallbladder also helps an individual
observe and live by guiding principles. The pandemic lockdown in
many countries, in which the free movement and social contact of
people was reduced for an unexpectedly long period, could in turn
trigger an emotional response from the gallbladder, including frustra-
tion and lack of courage for life and future. Symptoms such as the
lack of assertiveness and judgment, hesitation, timidity, poor self-
image and fear,130 can present as a result of the gallbladder failing its
role as the pivot within the Shaoyang function, especially when the
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exterior pathology is yet not resolved.

At any stage, whether early or during the critical stages, the heart
can be involved. The heart is regarded as the emperor in TCM, ruling
the physiological functions of all the zang-fu organs, especially as it
oversees blood circulation and regulating of the blood vessels.
Impairment of the heart can cause blood stasis in various organs, tis-
sues, and channels, leading to pain. As the heart is associated with
the fire phase, when it is affected by heat/fire along with yin deple-
tion, it causes hyperactivity of fire throughout the body, including
heat in blood. Symptoms of heart disharmony are over-excitement,
heart-racing associated anxiety, restlessness and panic attacks,
insomnia with difficulty falling asleep, and in severe cases, delirium.
On the other hand, the depletion of heart-qi/yang due to the impact
of lingering cold-damp can evolve into Shaoyin disharmony, charac-
terized by extreme tiredness, aversion to cold, water retention, low
spirit, somnolence, and pressured speech. The heart governs the
mind/shen, including all mental/emotional activities, therefore
the functions of the brain and neuropsychiatric system overlap with

John Stan. A “curious organ”—The gallbladder. Eastern Currents. 1 May 2017.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

this function. In order to restore the balance of the mental state in

cases of post-COVID-19 disease, it is often necessary to focus on
replenishing heart yin, qi and yang, and promote blood circulation.
The liver is responsible for the smooth movement of qi, the stor-
age and regulation of blood and hormone systems in the whole body.
Moreover, the liver manages the smooth expression of emotions via
its qi-regulating function. Liver impairment can lead to mental and
emotional disorders. On the other hand, intense or prolonged emo-
tional imbalances can cause impairment of the liver. Plus, the liver-
wood is the mother of heart-fire and the organ responsible to assist
the functions of the spleen. In terms of mental and emotional symp-
toms, liver dysfunction is characterized by anger, frustration, aggres-
sion, resentment, irritability, anxiety, and panic attacks and is also
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associated with hormonal disturbance and irregularity. From this

context we can see clearly that in TCM, the liver is closely associated
with the autonomous nervous and neuropsychiatric system. Working
on liver’s balance will benefit the quicker and better re-stabilization
of psychological and neuropsychiatric disorders.
The kidney can be severely depleted by COVID-19, especially
during the severe and critical stages of the disease. The kidney is
considered as a water organ, located at the lower Jiao and connected
with the lung and spleen (the upper and middle sources of water).
These three organs govern water metabolism and respiration. The
heart and kidney are closely connected via channels and collaterals.
Because of this, when both organs are dominated by too much
retained water, it could force cold water up the heart, resulting in
somnolence, fear, loss of stamina, and loss of memory. When there
is pronounced heat in heart, it will burn out the kidney-yin. In return,
kidney-yin deficiency will lead to the flare-up of deficient heat and
affect the heart-mind, causing emotional instability and sleeping dis-
orders. Moreover, the liver and kidney share the same origin, mutu-
ally supporting and affecting each other. When the kidney is
impaired, the liver can also be affected, causing bad temper, red eyes
and face, headaches and rise of blood pressure. PTSD is one of typi-
cal symptoms implying the relevant pathology. Looking into western
context, the kidney’s function in TCM also includes the function of

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

adrenal glands. In this sense we may bravely conclude that the heart-
liver–kidney relation in TCM could be a mirror equivalence of the
HPA axis. The COVID-19 mechanism on ACE2 receptors not only has
physical, but also neuropsychiatric significance in the TCM
interpretation. Disorder of qi
Upward, downward, outward and inward are the four directions of
qi movement in the body. If qi cannot travel smoothly in these direc-
tions, it could be life threatening for the patient. The different move-
ments of qi require proper coordination between the internal organs
and channels to maintain a harmonious balance. The emotional state
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easily affects the movement of qi, while qi stagnation in different

zang-fu organs affects the smooth expression of emotion. Moreover,
the qi should be sufficient and not in excess. Disorder of qi in move-
ment or in quantity could cause sickness physically and mentally.
The disorder initiated by external diseases is a key factor in dis-
turbing the channel system including the wei, qi, ying and blood.
This can affect the xing, resulting in damage and disturbance of
zang-fu organs, and disrupt the shen, affecting the brain and neu-
ropsychiatric system. With qi working actively as the connector and
conductor between the xing and shen, these disorders can happen
separately or simultaneously.
The beginning of qi impairment from COVID-19 infection mani-
fests in the blockage and disturbance of the three yang channels
(according to differentiation using the six-channel system), or the
wei and qi levels by differentiation of the four-level system. In other
words, the exterior level. At this stage, mental and emotional symp-
toms depend on the different natures of the exterior pathogenic fac-
tors and are usually mild to moderate. Wind is associated with mild
symptoms of alternating or sudden patterns of emotional changes,
like stress. Cold and damp contribute to low spirit and lassitude,
depression, or in severe cases, delirium. Heat and fire lead to irrita-
bility, restlessness, anxiety, and sleeping difficulties. Of course, the
stronger and deeper the pathogenic factors, the more severe the

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

symptoms become. As the disease develops, the qi impairment

involves more depletion of qi and other body substances like blood,
body fluid, yin and yang and inevitably, the depletion of the xing. It
is worth noting that qi impairment can present throughout the whole
process, even at the recovery stage of the infection. Because of the
rapid progression of COVID-19, the qi disorders of the three yang
channels, or wei and qi levels, may coexist with xing impairment.
Ignoring the importance of resolving the qi impairment on the exte-
rior may impede the efficiency of TCM treatment. In Western con-
text, the qi impairment state represents the process of the disease
when the immune system is most active to fight against the virus.
Infective and inflammatory changes and relevant immune activity
may persevere for a long time even after the early symptoms disap-
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pear. In addition, since the qi and blood are closely related, block-
age of qi could cause blood stasis, which provides explanation to
why many COVID-19 patients develop thrombosis and CVA.
Formation of blood clotting is one of the main pathologies in severe
cases of COVID-19. Treatments to promote the qi and blood circula-
tion simultaneously should be considered during the peak of the
disease and will also be beneficial at the recovery stage by encour-
aging the restoration of damages that were done to the internal
organs and systems, especially to the brain and neuropsychiatric
system. Disorder of shen

TCM views the mind and spirit, shen, as an integral part of our health
and well-being and cultivation of the spirit is considered essential for
health maintenance.
During the pandemic, both infected and non-infected popula-
tions are put under a lot of emotional stress, which brought about
both psychological and physical impacts. Emotional activity in TCM
is classified into joy, anger, grief, melancholy, worry, fear, and fright,
widely known as the seven emotions, which can directly affect the
zang-fu organs, and disturb the circulation of qi and blood. According
to the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine-Simple

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Questions, anger injures the liver, joy injures the heart, grief and
melancholy injures the lung, worry injures the spleen, and fear and
fright injure the kidney. It is also stated that anger causes the qi to
rise, joy causes it to move slowly, grief drastically consumes it, fear
causes it to decline, fright causes it to be deranged, and worry causes
it to stagnate. This clearly explains that intense emotions certainly
have negative mechanisms on the movement of qi.
TCM also holds that the seven emotions are the expressive reac-
tions of the zang-fu organs toward different stimuli, environment, and
pathology. An imbalanced zang-fu organ often dominates the body
by its own featuring emotion. To restore a healthy mental and emo-
tional balance, we need to achieve a healthy internal organ system
as well as balanced qi circulation. It is this interactive relation
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between the qi of the emotions and internal organs that forms the
foundation for resolution of neuropsychiatric disorders. Therefore,
we set out the framework for how shen disorders follow the five-
organ sequence below.
The heart is the governor of all the emotions in the body, con-
necting the physiology of the brain. With the heart overseeing all the
mental activities, all emotions go through the monitoring of the heart.
Palpitations, insomnia, restlessness, forgetfulness, poor concentra-
tion, lack of enthusiasm and vitality, mental depression, and despair
are symptoms indicating that the heart is not functioning well. Other
emotions such as anger, frustration, anxiety, fear, sadness, and inse-
curity, are also the erratic patterns indicating the shaking of housing
for shen.
The lung is also related to certain emotions, i.e., grief and sad-
ness. Pathological changes of the lung due to COVID-19 can impair
its function causing emotional changes. And at same time, over-
whelming and lingering grief and sadness can affect the physiologi-
cal functions of the lung. Social distancing, home isolation, loss of
family members, poor or insufficient treatment, lack of adequate and
prompt viral test, and uncertainty of future and expectation, etc. are
all the possible emotional elements that cause severe disappointment
with grief and sadness. This may eventually lead to pressure in the
chest, hyperventilation, bad mood, and emotional turmoil.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Spleen impairment due to COVID-19 can manifest in patterns of

worrying and brooding, including dwelling, repetitive recalling of
traumatic memories, lack of concentration and attention, etc.
Research shows that the spleen is now understood to be integral to
the sensitization that happens after prolonged stress in mice, leading
to anxiety and other cognitive problems down the road.131
By ensuring the smooth movement of qi and blood, the liver
helps with the proper expression of all emotions. Under the circum-
stance of the pandemic, people all over the world have been con-
fronted with immense stress and frustration. In particular, frontline
healthcare workers have reported despair and frustration. In fact, one
quarter to one third of them may suffer from PTSD for a long time.132
This is a strong demonstration on how the emotional elements affect
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the liver. The impairment of liver then determines the mental suffer-
ings in a longer term. There is a vicious circle, where stress, frustra-
tion and devastation impede liver’s qi, which then generates the
stagnant heat in liver. Hyperactivity of liver-yang then follows, lead-
ing to headache, dizziness, depression, anger, feeling upset, frustra-
tion, nervousness, agitation, restlessness, and sleeping disorders over
the longer term. In practice, soothing the liver-qi and strengthening
liver blood and yin can help to resolve many mental sufferings.
The kidney is closely associated with post traumatic sufferings,
manifesting fears, fright, or terror. Meanwhile, fear arises from anxi-
ety over a short or long term. The feeling of insecurity and uncer-
tainty, weak willpower and isolation, lack of power in dealing with
an intense change in life or unstable living conditions, can also con-
tribute to the pathology of the kidney. On the other hand, we now

Ohio State University. Role of spleen in prolonged anxiety after stress. Science
Daily. 13 November 2016.
Joanne Lusher. COVID-19: Psychological support for healthcare workers during
and after the pandemic. Nursing Management. 12 May 2020.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

know that by strengthening the kidney, the body will be able to tackle
and overcome these symptoms much quicker and better.
To summarize, an imbalanced shen can be a factor in COVID-19
disease by disturbing the movement of qi which in turn impairs the
xing. However, a healthy and strong internal zang-fu system is the core
to maintain a balanced shen. The COVID-19 pandemic certainly
brought in a huge challenge on the psychological and neuropsychiat-
ric system, but TCM can be used to identify how the mental/emotional
conditions are linked with specific internal organs. TCM’s success at
treating the relevant psychological and neuropsychiatric symptoms is
not achieved only by targeting at the mental symptoms but looking
more into balance of the zang-fu balancing and qi regulation.
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11.17.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated

psychological and neuropsychiatric disorders The strategy of herbal treatment
The survivors during Long COVID may suffer from various
psychological and neuropsychiatric disorders, such as depression,
anxiety, panic, restlessness, aggression, agitation, insomnia and post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), etc. This results in not only dis-
turbed thinking, mood swings, the inability to cope with daily tasks,
impaired work performance, feelings of worthlessness, delusions,
and difficulty relating to others and the society, but also insomnia,
fatigue, weakness, lack of appetite, or even a compromised immune
system and aggravation of some underlying medical conditions.
Psychological and neuropsychiatric disorders, no matter mild or seri-
ous, temporary or permanent, are medical conditions that take on
many forms and may affect people to varying degrees. In terms of the
management of psychological and neuropsychiatric disorders, TCM
believes that mental and physical states are not seen as separate enti-
ties as they are in Western medicine. Individuals, their specific symp-
toms and manifestations, their medical histories, and underlying
conditions, are all important considerations to improve overall

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

From the perspective of TCM, there is often remainder of some

external pathogenic factors, such as the accumulation of excessive
heat, accumulation of damp-phlegm, disturbance to the zang-fu
organs, and deficiency of qi, blood, yin, and yang during Long
COVID. TCM treatment aims to eliminate pathogenic excess,
tonify the deficiency and restore the balance in zang-fu organs and
yin and yang to treat the mental and psychological symptoms.
Harmonization between the xing, qi, and shen is always maintained
dynamically. Remaining external pathogenic factors

Difficulty in controlling emotions, persistence of slight dry cough
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after COVID-19, cough with expectoration of some diluted whitish

phlegm, absence of thirst, slight aversion to cold, myalgia, headache,
tight pulse, and a thin and whitish tongue coating.

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel wind, eliminate cold-damp, restore the lung-qi, and improve

Herbal Treatment:
Xing Su San-Apricot Kernel and Perilla Leaf Powder, plus
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang-Notopterygium Decoction to Overcome

Jing Jie Herba seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae 5 g

Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 5 g
Xing Ren Semen Pruni Armeniacae 10 g
Zi Su Zi Fructus Perillae Frutescentis 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Qiang Huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii 10 g

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Gao Ben Rhizoma et Radix Ligustici 10 g

Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g
Bai He Bulbus Lilii 10 g
He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin 10 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g

• Jing Jie and Fang Feng are applied in combination with Qiang Huo
and Gao Ben to dispel the remaining pathogens and relieve exter-
nal symptoms, such as myalgia, headache, and slight aversion to
• Xing Ren, Zi Su Zi, Zhi Ban Xia, Fu Ling, and Chen Pi are applied
to eliminate phlegm and relieve cough.
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• Bai Zhi relieves headache and muscle pain.

• Zhi Ke promotes qi circulation in the body and benefits emotions.
• Bai He, He Huan Pi, and Yuan Zhi regulate emotions, calm shen,
and improve sleep.

Herbal Remedy:
Zhi Sou San-Stop Coughing Powder (Granulates), plus
An Shen Ding Zhi Wan-Calm the Shen and Settle the Emotions Pill. Accumulation of damp-phlegm

Worrying too much, sadness, fear, diminished appetite, nausea, vom-
iting, lassitude, swollen epigastric region and abdomen, loose stool,
heaviness of body and four limbs, white and greasy tongue coating,
and a slippery and wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, activate the spleen, and improve

Herbal Treatment:
Ping Wei San-Calm the Stomach Powder, plus

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang-Six Gentlemen Decoction with Aucklandia

and Amomum.

Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g

Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 3 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin 10 g
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Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g

Shi Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori Graminei 10 g
Shen Qu Massa Medica Fermentata 15 g
Jiao Gu Ya Fructus Oryzae Sativae Germinantus (grill) 15 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

In case of cold-damp, add Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae

10 g and Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 6 g.
In the case of damp-heat, add Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis
5 g and Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g .

• Hou Po, Cang Zhu, Chen Pi, and Zhi Gan Cao, the complete com-
position of Ping Wei San, eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, activate
the spleen, and improve appetite.
• Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Zhi Gan Cao, Zhi Ban Xia, Chen Pi,
Xiang Fu, and Sha Ren, the complete composition of Xiang Sha Liu
Jun Zi Tang, activate the spleen and stomach, eliminate damp,
resolve phlegm, and promote the qi circulation in the spleen and
• He Huan Pi, Yuan Zhi, and Shi Chang Pu eliminate damp-phlegm,
regulate qi circulation and harmonize emotions.
• Shen Qu and Jiao Gu Ya promote digestion and improve appetite.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• Gui Zhi and Gan Jiang warm the spleen and stomach and elimi-
nate cold in the body.
• Huang Lian and Zhi Zi clear heat and eliminate damp in the
middle Jiao.

Herbal Remedy:
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Wan-Six Gentlemen Pill with Aucklandia and
Amomum, plus
An Shen Ding Zhi Wan-Calm the Shen and Settle the Emotions Pill. Stagnation of liver-qi

Depression, unhappiness, mood swings, headache, insomnia, full-
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ness in the chest and epigastric region, belching, acid regurgitation,

aggravation of above situations when being nervous, irregular men-
struation in women, irritable, thin white coating on the tongue, and
a wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Smooth the liver, promote qi circulation and improve emotions.

Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Yao San-Rambling Powder.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g

Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 15 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 3 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Shen Qu Massa Medica Fermentata 15 g
Jiao Gu Ya Fructus Oryzae Sativae Germinantus (grill) 15 g
Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 12 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g

He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin 10 g

• Chai Hu and Bai Shao Yao smooth the liver and relieve qi stagna-
tion in the liver.
• Zhi Ke, Xiang Fu, Chen Pi, and Sha Ren promote the qi circulation
in the middle Jiao and improve the appetite.
• Dang Gui nourishes the liver-blood and benefits the liver.
• Bai Zhu activates the spleen and stomach and improves appetite.
• Shen Qu and Jiao Gu Ya promote digestion and improve appetite.
• Fu Shen, Yuan Zhi, and He Huan Pi smooth emotions, regulate the
shen, and improve sleep.
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Herbal Remedy:
Xiao Yao Wan-Rambling Pill, plus
An Shen Ding Zhi Wan-Calm the Shen and Settle the Emotions Pill. Disturbance of heart and gallbladder

by damp-heat
Restlessness, insomnia, difficulty in falling asleep, dream disturbed
sleep, mood swings, bitter taste in the mouth, headache, palpitations,
fullness of the chest, epigastric discomfort, nausea, poor appetite,
thin, yellowish, and greasy tongue coating, and a slippery and rapid

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate damp, clear heat, harmonize the gallbladder, and calm the

Herbal Treatment:
Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang-Warm Gallbladder Decoction with

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g

Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 12 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Zhu Ru Caulis Bambusae in Taeniis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Gua Lou Fructus Trichosanthis 10 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g
He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g
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• Zhi Ban Xia, Fu Ling, Chen Pi, and Zhi Gan Cao, the complete
compositions of Er Chen Tang, eliminate damp and regulate
• Zhi Shi, Ru Zhu, Hou Po, and Gua Lou eliminate damp, promote
the qi circulation, and benefit the gallbladder.
• Huang Lian clears heat and calms the shen to relieve the
• Fu Shen, Yuan Zhi, and He Huan Pi regulate the emotions and
calm the shen.

Herbal Remedy:
Wen Dan Tang Ke Li-Warm Gallbladder Granule. Deficiency of qi and blood

Mood swings, anxiety, sadness, excessive worrying, headache with
light and empty feeling in the head, tiredness, exhaustion, shortness
of breath, forgetfulness, poor appetite, loose stool, lower back pain,
aversion to cold, spontaneous sweating, prone to the common cold,

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

cold peripheral limbs, thin with whitish coating on the tongue, pale
tongue, and a weak and thready pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify qi and blood, benefit jing, strengthen the body and improve

Herbal Treatment:
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang-All Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction.

Zhi Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae Praeparata 10 g

Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
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Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g

Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 12 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 5 g
Rou Gui Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae 3 g
He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin 10 g
Duan Long Gu Os Draconis (calcin)15 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Zhi Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, and Zhi Gan Cao activate the
spleen and tonify the qi in the body.
• Zhi Huang Qi, Shan Yao, and Wu Wei Zi tonify qi, benefit the lung
and relieve spontaneous sweating.
• Shu Di Huang and Dang Gui tonify the kidney and benefit jing.
• Gan Jiang and Rou Gui warm the body and dispel the interior
• He Huan Pi and Long Gu calm shen and improve sleep.

Herbal Remedy:
Gui Pi Wan-Restore the Spleen Pill.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID Deficiency of yin

Slight dry cough or cough with scanty phlegm, thirst, dryness of the
throat, night sweating, hotness of the palms and soles, blurred vision,
lower back pain, tiredness, dry stools, red tongue, scanty or peeled
tongue coating, and a deep, thready, and rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Nourish yin, promote the production of body fluid, and improve

Herbal Treatment:
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan-Emperor of Heaven’s Special Pill to Tonify the
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Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 10 g

Tian Men Dong Tuber Asparagi Cochinchinensis 10 g
Mai Men Dong Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici 10 g
Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis 10 g
Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 10 g
Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 10 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Suan Zao Ren Semen Zizyphi Spinosae 10 g
Bai Zi Ren Semen Biotae Orientalis 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g

• Sheng Di Huang, Tian Men Dong, Mai Men Dong, and Wu Wei Zi
nourish the yin of the body and clear the deficient heat.
• Xuan Shen and Bai Shao Yao clear deficient heat and smooth the
• Zhi Mu clears deficient heat and relieves night sweating.
• Dang Gui tonifies blood and benefits the yin in the body.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Dan Shen, Fu Shen, Yuan Zhi, Suan Zao Ren, and Bai Zi Ren clear
the heat in the heart, smooth the emotions and improve sleep.

Herbal Remedy:
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan-Emperor of Heaven’s Special Pill to Tonify the
Heart. The strategy of acupuncture treatment

Acupuncture presents a great potential for the treatment of the psy-
chological and neuropsychiatric disorders of post-COVID-19. It is
however worth noting that if no attention is paid to treat the root of
the illness, acupuncture treatment may not be effective. The appro-
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priate analysis based on syndrome differentiations and root causes,

along with dedicated management to stabilize the emotional imbal-
ance are key to successful treatment of the psychological and neu-
ropsychiatric disorders of post-COVID-19. We recommend applying
a three-step procedure in treatment: xing adjustment, qi regulation
and shen balance. Adjustment of xing

• Selection of point for regulation of internal organ
Although the lung is the organ most obviously involved during
COVID-19, it is not the only one attacked. Multiple organs impair-
ments are often found at the various stages, including the spleen,
stomach, large intestine, San Jiao, and even the heart, liver and kid-
ney. Therefore, corresponding methods and treatments should be put
in place to regulate these organs. The recommendation is noted

• Special category points

Yuan-source points, he-sea points, Front-mu points, and Back-shu
points for relevant affected organs should be directly selected in
order to sufficiently support them in time. These points, in general,
are seldom applied in the early stage of usual exterior-oriented

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

illness. However, during COVID-19, it is different since the disease

progresses dramatically and life may be in danger within days.

• Eight extraordinary confluence points

We also are keen on the eight extraordinary confluence points, espe-
cially Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4 combination, Lieque LU-7+
Zhaohai KID-6 combination, Shenmai BL-62 + Houxi SI-3 and Waiguan
SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41 combination. These points have multi-dimensional
actions on both primary 12 meridians and extraordinary vessels.

• Selection of point for tonification of zheng-qi

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unusual disease which does not nec-
essarily start with a constitution of zheng-qi deficiency for the EPFs
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to fall into. With prevalent destructive power exceeding the body’s

resistance capacity, it damages, impedes, and depletes the whole
system. At the same time, the pre-existing condition of the patient’s
zheng-qi is extremely important in deciding the progression of
COVID-19 as well as the recovery of post-COVID-19. We shall bear
in mind that while external pathogenic factors are still present and
blocking the way, one should be cautious of tonifying zheng-qi with
herbal treatment. Thus, acupuncture to support zheng-qi is always
helpful. For post stage COVID-19, supporting treatment for qi and
blood may be applied along with methods to eliminate the external
pathogens. A good overall restoration of qi and blood in the zang-fu
organs will greatly benefit the balance of xing, qi and shen. The most
used points to restore the zheng-qi are Qihai Ren-6, Guanyuan
Ren-4, Zusanli ST-36, Taixi KID-3, and Sanyinjiao SP-6. Regulation of qi
• Selection of points for further eliminating pathogenic factors
It is generally accepted that COVID-19 is initially caused by invasion
of wind, cold and damp mixed with toxic heat. Based on a patient’s
constitution, lifestyle habits, diet and emotional circumstances, these
pathogens can lead to various kinds of pathologies. Treatment to
eliminate these pathological factors should be based on stage,

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

including initial stage (minor symptoms under medical observation),

clinical treatment stage (confirmed cases of mild and moderate sever-
ity), severe and critical condition stage, and convalescence stage.133
In terms of acupuncture treatment for post-COVID-19, with the
three yang channels being the main lodging place for the pathogenic
factors, the Shaoyang (gallbladder and San Jiao) channel is of particu-
lar importance, as it is associated with the half-yang half-yin stage
that characterizes the lingering aspect of the illness. The Shaoyang
channel is also closely related to emotion regulation through the
connection between the gallbladder and San Jiao with the liver and
pericardium respectively.

• Selection of point for improving qi and blood circulation

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Due to blockage by external invasion of cold-damp with toxins (or

formation of damp-phlegm or heat as a secondary pathology), the
disturbance to the circulation of qi and blood can be pronounced
and may worsen as the disease evolves further. Promotion of qi and
blood circulation can play a very active part in helping with the
repair of damage to body organs that COVID-19 causes and building
a better connection between the shen and xing. In terms of acupunc-
ture treatment, combinations such as Hegu L.I.-4 + Taichong LIV-3
combination, Yanglingquan GB-34 + Sanyinjiao SP-6 combination,
or Geshu BL-17 + Taiyuan LU-9, are commonly used in the treatment
of COVID-19 to treat stagnation of qi and blood. Stabilization of shen

Generally speaking, acupuncture is well known to be effective in
stabilizing the mental states. But in the case of COVID-19, acupunc-
ture takes effect not only via the tranquil effect but also help speed
up the repair and recovery of the brain and nerve impairment.
Disturbance or damages of CNS due to COVID-19 generate many
psychiatric symptoms. By giving stimulation directly on local regions

Peilin Sun and Wen Sheng Zhou. Acupuncture in the treatment of COVID-19: An

exploratory study. J Chinese Med. 2020, (123): 14–20.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

or remote points of meridians, acupuncture can promote the response

of certain cerebral and nerve regions, speed up the local oxygen sup-
ply, as well as promote blood circulation.

• Scalp acupuncture
Scalp acupuncture is one of the modern micro-system acupuncture
techniques which combine Chinese acupuncture needling methods
with western medical knowledge on neuroanatomy, physiology,
pathology, and neurology, to allocate the mirror areas on the scalp to
the corresponding zones on the cerebral cortex. During the treat-
ment, needles are inserted into the specific stimulating areas on the
scalp to achieve the desired therapeutic effects, which is mainly for
brain-related conditions, including neurological and psychological
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The treatment principle should be focused on the major damaged
areas of the CNS. Scalp acupuncture would be a special technique
for the following types of brain-related diseases or symptoms:

 Agitation, confusion, memory loss: Spirit-emotion area, foot-motor

sensory area.
 Hyposmia and hypogeusia: Head area (or nose-throat-mouth-
tongue area), sensory area lower 2/5.
 Frequent urination: Foot-motor sensory area.

• Selection of Ben Shen points

During the development of acupuncture theory and practice, TCM has
established a group of special points for the treatment of mental and
emotional disorders that are associated with the zang organs. It could
be observed that there are various clinical mental and emotional symp-
toms of post-COVID-19, involving different zang organs at different
stages. Besides emphasizing on the heart in housing the shen, acu-
puncture also pays attention to the role of the other zang organs and
the specific points in association with mind and spirits, including:

Jason Jishun Hao and Linda Lingzhi Hao. Chinese Scalp Acupuncture. Blue Poppy

Press. Boulder, USA. 2011.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

 Shentang BL-44 (Spirit Hall)

This point is responsible for shen, Fire phase, and heart and peri-
cardium organs. It could be used to treat restlessness, nervousness,
too much negative concern, hysteria, and agitation, etc.
 Yishe BL-49 (Thought Home)
This point is responsible for yi (Thought), Earth phase, and spleen
organ. It could be used to treat nostalgia, excessive worrying
about future life, health and financial security, muse, and obses-
sion, etc.
 Pohu BL-42 (Soul Door)
This point is responsible for po (Instinct), Metal phase, and lung
organ. It could be used to treat severe sadness over getting sick,
someone dying, unemployment, excessive grief and sorrow, and
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 Hunmen BL-47 (Courage Gate)
This point is responsible for hun (Courage), Wood phase, and liver
organ. It could be used to treat depression, irritation, frustration,
guilt, grudge, aggression, accusation, self-disapproval, anger,
hostility, lack of motivation, bitterness, boredom, and apathy, etc.
 Zhishi BL-52 (Will Chamber)
This point is responsible for zhi (Will), Water phase, and kidney
organ. It could be used to treat superior fear, lack of willpower,
terror, inferiority, distrust, suspicion, panic, and paranoia, etc.

• Selection of Ben Shen points

The idea of a combination of Ghost points comes from ancient anal-
ogy that the evil epidemic EPFs are taken as secret and sneaky
“ghosts” into human, based on the phenomenon that COVID-19
occurs extremely suddenly and unexpectedly, and that its patholo-
gies and clinical manifestations present drastic change which often
leads to urgent treatment within a very short period. In addition, the
Ghost points have always been applied as a systematic approach to
treat mental diseases as a TCM tradition, especially for severe and
complicated cases.
There are 13 Ghost points in total although it is not necessary to
apply all these points. We suggest from our clinical experience, three

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

or four Ghost points in the actual practice for post-COVID-19 treat-

ment. Since there is no conscious or coma problem, Shuigou DU-26
(Ghost palace) is often omitted. We recommend using Shaoshang
LU-11 (Ghost faith), Yinbai SP-1 (Ghost fortress), and Daling P-7
(Ghost heart).
Although the above techniques and points are traditional meth-
ods to deal with post-COVID-19 neuropsychiatric disorders, better
effects can only be achieved in combination with different strategies
to solve the causative factors with a wider holistic view.
The above three step procedure is to aim at the three aspects of
disorders around the pathology of COVID-19 infection. We advise
you to follow the three steps in selecting the acupoints for treatment.
However, it is not strictly necessary to use all the points in all catego-
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ries in every treatment. Flexibility based upon differential diagnosis

prior to the treatment and patient’s response toward the previous
treatments shall always be followed as part of the core philosophy of
TCM practice.

11.18 Excessive Sweating

Over a year from the onset of the pandemic, the medical world and
scientific community are learning more about the long-term compli-
cations and effects of COVID-19.
Although the major presentations of Long COVID are fatigue,
shortness of breath, muscle pain, joint pain, and cough, excessive
sweating can also be a chief symptom related to Long COVID. On 16
July 2021, National Post offered information on the symptoms of
Long COVID, pointing out that from brain fog to night sweats, Long
COVID has more than 200 symptoms.135
Everyone may have experienced having wet hands or feet, wet
patches from under the arms, and a glistened forehead during hot or

Emma Sandri. Brain fog to night sweats: Long COVID has more than 200 symp-
toms, study finds. National Post. 16 July 2021.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

stressful situations, such as physical exercise, high temperatures and

wearing overly thick clothes. This form of sweating is a normal and
temporary body reaction to an extreme situation to regulate body
temperature. However, profuse sweating after slight exertion, or wak-
ing up flushed and covered in perspiration are considered as exces-
sive sweating, which is no longer a physical reaction, but a medical
condition. Excessive sweating can affect the entire body but usually
occurs in the palms, soles, armpits, or groin area since there are a lot
of sweat glands.
Excessive sweating of Long COVID, including spontaneous
sweating and night sweating, is defined as sweating beyond the
physiological need of the body. It is not caused by a rise in tempera-
ture or physical activity, and it has no underlying medical cause. This
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is a common disorder affecting some patients, who have recovered

from acute COVID-19 infection.
Spontaneous sweating refers to the condition in which the
patients sweat more than they might expect based on the surround-
ing temperature, the activity level or stress level.
Spontaneous sweating is often associated with fatigue, pale com-
plexion, shortness of breath, poor appetite, aversion to cold, cold
hands and feet, etc.
Night sweating during Long COVID is different from spontaneous
sweating, which occurs only during the night while sleeping and stops
after waking up and is a repeated episode of extreme perspiration that
may drench the night clothes or sheets. This includes occasionally
waking up after having perspired excessively, particularly if the bed-
room is unusually hot or due to wearing too many bedclothes. These
episodes are usually not labelled as night sweating. In general, night
sweating is often associated with tiredness, hot flush, hotness of palms
and soles, restlessness, insomnia, thirst, dry mouth, and stool.
In modern medicine, excessive sweating could be caused by
infections, hypoglycemia, hormone disorders, neurologic conditions,
menopause, and cancers. When it is associated with fever, weight
loss, localized pain, and cough, etc., a further medical investigation
should be carried out and certain procedures should be taken to
exclude the above diseases.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Excessive sweating not only disrupts daily activities, it can also

cause social anxiety and embarrassment. It can also bring about
extreme loss of strength and the depletion of minerals and body flu-
ids. Besides, the psychological and emotional impact of excessive
sweating due to Long COVID, there can be the creation of social, and
psychological problems, leading to a negative influence on the suf-
ferer’s quality of life.

11.18.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

excessive sweating
In TCM, sweating is considered an essential substance of the body.
Abnormal sweating is classified as the Han Zheng (sweating syn-
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drome). Physiologically, TCM holds that sweating is the body fluid of

the heart, and “sweating is that yang works on yin”. Pathologically,
any excessive or deficient status of yin and yang, disharmony of ying
qi (nutrient qi) and wei qi (defensive qi), or accumulation of damp-
heat will cause a sweating syndrome.
TCM subdivides sweating syndrome into the following types
according to its forms of reaction:

• Zi Han (spontaneous sweating): Continuous sweating, which gets

worse after any activity or work.
• Dao Han (night sweating): Sweating that occurs during sleep and
stops after waking up.
• Zhan Han (shivering sweating): Sweating with alternate fever and
chills, or an aversion to cold.
• Huang Han (yellow sweating): Sweat that looks yellow in color.
• Tuo Han (exhaustive perspiration): Involuntary profuse sweating or
greasy sweating with cold limbs and weak breath.

Sweating in TCM can also be divided into different types

according to the place of perspiration, such as hand sweating,
head sweating, chest sweating, back sweating, and genital sweat-
ing, etc. Normally, sweat is colorless and odorless. However, cer-
tain food and drugs can cause sweat to have an abnormal color

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

and smell. Besides, changes can also be due to internal disharmo-

nies disturbing the sweating process. For instance, accumulation of
internal heat or damp-heat could cause sweating with an offensive
smell. Disturbance of ying and wei systems

Ying qi and wei qi are associated with skin, muscle, blood, and
blood vessels.
The main physiological functions of ying and wei are to warm the
skin, moisten the muscle and benefit the blood vessels so as to pro-
tect the body from being invaded by pathogenic factors. COVID-19
is mainly caused by the invasion of external pathogenic factors with
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a pestilent toxin to the body, especially the lung and heart. The lung
is connected to the skin and the heart is connected to the blood and
blood vessels. Invasion of pathogenic factors during COVID-19
could cause disharmony between the ying and wei systems, leading
to failure of the skin and muscles to be properly warmed and the
opening of the skin pores to be regulated, thus sweating occurs.
During Long COVID, if there are remaining external pathogenic fac-
tors, this pathogenic condition may influence the harmonization of
the ying and wei systems, resulting in the occurrence of sweating. In
this case, the proper treatment to relieve sweating should be focusing
on further elimination of external pathogenic factors and harmoniza-
tion of ying and wei systems. Deficiency of qi and yin

When the qi in the body is sufficient, it could protect the body and
maintain a consolidation of the skin pores. Prolonged persistence of
COVID-19, especially in old and weak patients, the lack of post-
COVID-19 care for daily life and diet, and overstrain, etc., could
cause consumption of qi, leading to deficiency of qi or even yang,
resulting in failure of the qi to maintain a consolidation of the skin,
and sweating happens.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Physiologically, yin and yang remain in a balance. However,

prolonged sickness of COVID-19 could cause consumption of yin in
the body too, leading to the formation of deficient fire. When this
deficient fire stirs the blood and body fluid, it may cause fast move-
ment of these materials and escape of body fluid from the body, thus
sweating appears. Accumulation of excessive heat

Constitutional yang excess, accumulation of heat in the body, hav-
ing remaining external heat in the body after COVID-19, or dysfunc-
tion of the San Jiao in yuan-qi distribution, emotional upset, and
disorder in diet, etc., during the recovery of COVID-19, could cause
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the formation of excessive heat and overactive of yang in the body,

which may lead to an imbalance of yin and yang, and sweating
occurs. Formation of damp-heat

Obesity, lack of care in daily diet (such as overconsumption of alcohol,
fatty and sweet food, etc.), before or during COVID-19, could cause
the formation of damp-phlegm in the body. When it remains in the
body for a long time, it could cause the formation of damp-heat, result-
ing in the disorder of body fluid in distribution, thus sweating

11.18.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated

excessive sweating Disharmony between ying and wei
Spontaneous sweating after COVID-19, sensitivity to wind and cold,
occasional soreness of the muscles, blocked nose, occasional sneez-
ing, slight running nose with clear discharge, catching a cold easily,
white and thin tongue coating, and a slow and soft pulse.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Principle of Treatment:
Harmonize the ying qi and wei qi, regulate the lung and relieve

Herbal Treatment:
Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang-Cinnamon Twig Decoction, plus
Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell.

Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae 10 g

Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 5 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Fu Xiao Mai Semen Tritici Aestivi Levis 10 g
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Duan Long Gu Os Draconis (calcin) 15 g

Duan Mu Li Concha Ostreae 15 g
Da Zao Fructus Zizyphi Jujubae 5 g
Sheng Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis Recens 5 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Gui Zhi and Bao Shao Yao are used in combination to harmonize
the ying qi and wei qi and regulate the skin and blood vessels.
• Fang Feng opens the skin pores to eliminate the remaining patho-
genic factors.
• Wu Wei Zi regulates the ying qi, benefits the yin and arrests
• Fu Xiao Mai, Duan Long Gu, and Duan Mu Li arrest sweating.
• Da Zao, Sheng Jiang and Zhi Gan Cao assist Gui Zhi and Bai Shao
Yao to harmonize the ying qi and wei qi.

Herbal Remedy:
Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Wan-Cinnamon Twig, plus Dragon Bone
and Oyster Shell Pill.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6, Hegu L.I.-4, Waiguan SJ-5, Taiyuan
LU-9, Shenmen HE-7, Feishu BL-13, Xinshu BL-15, Zusanli ST-36
and Sanyinjiao SP-6.
• An even method is applied on LU-7 + KID-6, LU-9, BL-13, BL-15,
ST-36, and SP-6. A reducing method is applied to L.I.-4 and SJ-5.

• The combination of LU-7 + KID-6, one group of the Eight conflu-
ence points, regulates and harmonizes ying qi and wei qi and
relieves sweating.
 L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, and

Waiguan SJ-5, the luo-connecting point of the San Jiao, regu-

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late the skin pores and eliminate the remaining pathogenic

 LU-9, the yuan-source point of the lung channel, and BL-13, the

back-shu point of the lung, tonify the lung-qi and benefit the
physiological functions of the lung to relieve sweating. ST-36
and SP-6, the he-sea point of the stomach channel and the
crossing point of three yin channels of foot, tonify qi and blood
and benefit the wei qi. HE-7 and BL-15, the yuan-source point
of the heart channel and the back-shu point of the heart respec-
tively, strengthen the heart and blood vessels and benefit the
ying qi. When these points are used in combination, they
could regulate and harmonize the ying qi and wei qi to relieve
sweating. Deficiency of qi
Spontaneous sweating after COVID-19, fatigue, slight shortness of
breath, expectoration of slight white and diluted phlegm which gets
worse after any activities, aversion to cold, pale complexion, low
voice, lower back pain, poor appetite, aversion to wind and cold,

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

pale tongue with thin and white coating, and a thready, slow, and
weak pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify the qi, regulate the lung, strengthen the spleen and kidney,
and relieve sweating.

Herbal Treatment:
Bu Fei Tang-Tonify the Lungs Decoction, plus
Yu Ping Feng San-Jade Windscreen Powder.

Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g

Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g
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Jiao Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (grill) 10 g

Zhi Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae Praeparata 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 12 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Zi Wan Radix Asteris Tatarici 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
Ma Huang Gen Radix Ephedrae 10 g
Fu Xiao Mai Semen Tritici Aestivi Levis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Zhi Huang Qi, Fang Feng and Jiao Bai Zhu, the complete compo-
sition of Yu Ping Feng San, consolidate the skin, tonify the wei qi
and improve the resistance to wind and cold.
• Zhi Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, and Zhi Gan Cao, the complete
composition from Si Jun Zi Tang, activate the spleen and tonify the
qi in the body.
• Wu Wei Zi and Zi Wan tonify the qi in the lung and benefit the
• Shu Di Huang tonifies the kidney and benefits the lung.
• Ma Huang Gen and Fu Xiao Mai arrest sweating.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Herbal Remedy:
Yu Ping Feng Wan-Jade Windscreen Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Zhongfu LU-1, Lieque LU-7, Chize LU-5, Taiyuan LU-9, Shenmen
HE-7, Feishu BL-13, Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taixi KID-3,
Qihai REN-6 and Shenshu BL-23.
• An even method is applied on LU-7 and LU-5, and a tonifying
method is applied on the rest of the points. Moxibustion could be
applied on ST-36, KID-3 and REN-6.

• LU-1, the front-mu point of the lung, LU-7 and LU-5, the luo-
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connecting point and the he-sea point of the lung channel

respectively, and LU-9, the yuan-source point of the lung channel,
and BL-13, the back-shu point of the lung, tonify the qi of the lung,
consolidate the skin and restore the physiological functions.
• ST-36, SP-6, REN-6, KID-3 and BL-23 tonify the qi of the spleen
and kidney and support the lung-qi.
• HE-7, the yuan-source point of the heart channel, tonifies the
heart, regulates the shen and relieves sweating.
• Moxibustion warms the qi and dispels cold in the body. Deficiency of qi and yin

Spontaneous and night sweating after COVID-19, tiredness, pale
complexion, aversion to cold and warmth, shortness of breath, rest-
lessness, insomnia, nervousness, thirst, dry eyes, throat and stool, a
hot sensation in the chest, palms and soles, loose stool, poor appe-
tite, pale tongue, thin and white tongue coating, and a deep, thready,
and weak pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify the qi and yin of the lung and kidney and relieve sweating.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Treatment:
Bu Fei Tang-Tonify the Lungs Decoction, plus
Sheng Mai San-Generate the Pulse Powder.

Ren Shen Radix Ginseng 10 g

Mai Men Dong Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Chuan Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae 10 g
Jiao Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (grill) 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 12 g
Zi Wan Radix Asteris Tatarici 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 12 g
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Ma Huang Gen Radix Ephedrae 10 g

Fu Xiao Mai Semen Tritici Aestivi Levis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Ren Shen, Mai Men Dong and Wu Wei Zi, the complete composi-
tion of Sheng Mai San, tonify qi and nourish yin of the body.
• Chuan Bei Mu and Zi Wan nourish the yin and benefit the lung.
They could also relieve shortness of breath.
• Sheng Di Huang clears deficient heat in the body.
• Ren Shen, Jiao Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, and Zhi Gan Cao, the complete
composition of Si Jun Zi Tang, activate the spleen and tonify the qi
in the body.
• Shu Di Huang tonifies the kidney and benefits the lung.
• Ma Huang Gen and Fu Xiao Mai arrest sweating.

Herbal Remedy:
Sheng Mai San or Wan-Generate the Pulse Powder or Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Lieque LU-7, Chize LU-5, Taiyuan LU-9, Shenmen HE-7, Feishu
BL-13, Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taixi KID-3, Zhaohai
KID-6, Guanyuan REN-4, Qihai REN-6 and Shenshu BL-23.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

 An even method is applied on LU-7 and LU-5, and a tonifying

method is applied on the rest of the points.

• LU-7 and LU-5, the luo-connecting point and the he-sea point of
the lung channel respectively, and LU-9, the yuan-source point of
the lung channel, and BL-13, the back-shu point of the lung, tonify
qi and yin of the lung, consolidate the skin and restore the physi-
ological functions.
• ST-36, SP-6, REN-4, REN-6, Taixi KID-3, KID-6 and BL-23 tonify
the qi of the spleen, benefit the qi and yin of the kidney and sup-
port the lung-qi.
• HE-7, the yuan-source point of the heart channel, tonifies the
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heart, regulates the shen and relieves sweating. Deficiency of yin with hyperactivity

of deficient fire
Night sweating after COVID-19, hot flush on the face, feverish feel-
ing, restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, thirst, dry eyes, throat and
stool, a hot sensation in the chest, palms and soles, irregular men-
struation for women, tiredness, red tongue, scanty and peeled tongue
coating, and a deep, thready, and rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify the yin of the lung, liver and kidney, reduce the deficient fire
and relieve sweating.

Herbal Treatment:
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang-Decoction of Chinese Angelica and Six
Yellow Ingredients.

Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Huang Bai Cortex Phellodendri 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g

Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 12 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 12 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Ma Huang Gen Radix Ephedrae 10 g
Duan Mu Li Concha Ostreae 15 g

• The first seven herbs form the compositions of Dang Gui Liu Huang
Tang, which is applied to nourish the yin and clear deficient heat.
It is the treatment to solve the root cause of night sweating.
• Zhi Mu clears deficient heat and relieves the hotness of palms and
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• Ma Huang Gen and Duan Mu Li arrest night sweating.

Herbal Remedy:
Dang Gui Liu Huang Wan-Pill of Chinese Angelica and Six Yellow

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6, Chize LU-5, Taiyuan LU-9,
Shenmen HE-7, Yinxi HE-6, Laogong P-8, Feishu BL-13, Xinshu
BL-15, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taixi KID-3, Yingu KID-10, Qihai REN-6,
and Shenshu BL-23.
• An even method is applied on LU-7 + KID-6, and a tonifying
method is applied on the rest of the points.

• LU-7 + KID-6, one of the point combinations from eight conflu-
ence points nourishes the yin of the body.
• LU-5, the he-sea point of the lung channel, LU-9, the yuan-source
point of the lung channel, and BL-13, the back-shu point of the
lung, tonify the yin of the lung, consolidate the skin and restore the
physiological functions.
• SP-6, REN-6, KID-3, KID-10 and BL-23 tonify the yin of the kidney
and clear deficient heat.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• HE-7 and HE-6, the yuan-source point and the xi-cleft point of the
heart channel respectively, P-8, the ying-spring point of the peri-
cardium channel, and BL-15, the back-shu point of the heart,
tonify the heart-yin, reduce deficient fire, regulate the shen and
relieve sweating. Accumulation of internal heat

Profuse sweating after COVID-19, sweating with an offensive smell,
thirsty, preference to cold drinks, restlessness, flushed complexion, a
hot sensation in the body, constipation, red tongue, yellow and slight
dry tongue coating, and a forceful and rapid pulse.
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Principle of Treatment:
Clear the internal heat, promote defecation, and relieve sweating.

Herbal Treatment:
Da Huang Huang Qin Xie Xin Tang-Rhubarb and Scute Decoction to
Drain the Epigastrium.

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g

Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g
Da Huang Radix et Rhizoma Rhei 10 g
Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae Asphodeloidis 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 12 g
Long Dan Cao Radix Gentianae Longdancao 10 g
Sang Ye Folium Mori Albae 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
Ma Huang Gen Radix Ephedrae 10 g
Duan Long Gu Os Draconis (calcin) 15 g

• Huang Qin, Huang Lian and Da Huang, the complete composi-
tion of Da Huang Huang Qin Xie Xin Tang, promote defecation,
clear excessive heat, and reduce fever.
• Zhi Mu and Sheng Di Huang clear heat and remove toxins.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Long Dan Cao and Sang Ye clear heat in the liver.

• Sang Bai Pi clears heat in the lung.
• Ma Huang Gen and Duan Long Gu arrest sweating.

Herbal Remedy:
Fang Feng Tong Sheng Pian-Saposhnikovia Pill that Sagely Unblocks.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Chize
LU-5, Shenmen HE-7, Laogong P-8, Tianshu ST-25, Feishu BL-13,
Xinshu BL-15, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Xingjian LIV-2 and Neiting ST-44.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method
is applied on the rest of the points.
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• P-6 + SP-4, one of the point combinations from eight confluence
points, regulates the internal organs and clears heat in the body.
• L.I.-4 and L.I.-11, the yuan-source point and the he-sea point of
the large intestine channel respectively, ST-25, the front-mu point
of the large intestine, ST-44, the ying-spring point of the stomach
channel, clear excessive heat and promote defecation.
• LU-5, the he-sea point of the lung channel, and BL-13, the back-
shu point of the lung, clear heat in the lung and restore the
physiological functions.
• HE-7, the yuan-source point of the heart channel, and P-8, the
ying-spring point of the pericardium channel, and BL-15, the
back-shu point of the heart, clear heat in the heart and calm
the shen to arrest sweating.
• SP-6, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, tonifies
yin. LIV-2, the ying-spring point of the liver channel, clears heat in
the liver. Accumulation of damp-heat

Slight sweating after COVID-19 (which is sticky in nature and offen-
sive in smell), thirsty with no desire to drink, slight cough, lassitude,

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

heaviness of the body and head, nausea, poor appetite, loose stools
or defecation with a burning sensation in the anus, difficulty in uri-
nating, red tongue, yellow and slight greasy tongue coating, and a
slippery and rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate damp, clear the heat, regulate the liver and gallbladder,
and relieve sweating.

Herbal Treatment:
Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang-Sweet Wormwood and Scutellaria Decoction
to Clear the Gallbladder, plus
Lian Po Yin-Coptis and Magnolia Bark Drink.
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Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g

Qing Hao Herba Artemisiae Annuae 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardeniae Jasminoidis 10 g
Zhu Ru Caulis Bambusae in Taeniis 10 g
Lu Gen Rhizoma Phragmitis Communis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae Preparata 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g

• Qing Hao and Zhi Zi clear damp-heat in the liver and gallbladder.
• Huang Qin clears damp-heat in the upper Jiao and relieves
• Huang Lian, Zhu Ru and Hou Po resolve damp in the middle Jiao,
clear heat and descend the stomach-qi.
• Zhi Ban Xia, Fu Ling and Chen Pi eliminate damp-phlegm in the
body and relieve cough and nausea.
• Lu Gen clears heat and relieves thirst.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Remedy:
Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang (Wan)-Sweet Wormwood and Scutellaria
Decoction to Clear the Gallbladder Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Yangchi
SJ-4, Shenmen HE-7, Zhongwan REN-12, Tianshu ST-25, Fenglong
ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Yanglingquan GB-34,
Qiuxu GB-40, and Xingjian LIV-2.

 An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing

method is applied on the rest of the points.
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• The combination of P-6 + SP-4 regulates the internal organs and
clears damp-heat in the body.
• L.I.-4 and L.I.-11, the yuan-source point and the he-sea point of the
large intestine channel respectively, and ST-25, the front-mu point
of the large intestine, clear excessive heat and promote defecation.
• ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, SP-6 and
SP-9, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot and
the he-sea point of the spleen channel respectively, active the
spleen and stomach and eliminate damp-heat.
• SJ-4, the yuan-source point of the San Jiao, and REN-12, the gath-
ering point of the fu organs, eliminate damp-heat in the body.
• GB-34 and GB-40, the he-sea point and the yuan-source point of
the gallbladder channel respectively, together with LIV-2, the ying-
spring point of the liver channel, eliminate damp-heat in the liver
and gallbladder.
• HE-7, the yuan-source point of the heart channel, clears heat,
calms the shen, and relieves sweating.

11.19 Sleep Disorders

Sleep is a natural state of rest to maintain good health. On one hand,
a good night’s sleep is essential and vital for individuals of all ages to

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

maintain a healthy condition for the physical body, cognitive reac-

tion, emotional processing, and overall quality of life. On the other
hand, physical and mental health could greatly influence the quality
of sleep. There are two important issues to be considered for a good
sleep: sleep quality and sleep quantity. Sleep quality is usually
defined by falling asleep easily and quickly, sleeping straight through
the night, waking up no more than once per night and falling asleep
again without difficulty, resulting in the person feeling rested,
restored, and energized upon waking up in the morning. Sleep quan-
tity often refers to sleeping seven to eight hours per night for adults.
According to TCM, sleeping about seven hours per night is a natural
cycle. Sleeping for longer or shorter than seven hours a night is not
healthy. Unfortunately, it is not always easy for many people to
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achieve good sleep, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A systematic review showed national rates of insomnia symptoms
rise from 20% to 45% during the COVID-19 pandemic.136 A Chinese
study of nearly 57,000 responders to an online survey reported emer-
gent sleep and mental health symptoms from pandemic restrictions:
29.2% for insomnia, 27.9% for depression, 31.6% for anxiety, and
24.4% for acute stress.137
Sleep problems appear to be common during the ongoing
COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, sleep problems were found to be
associated with higher levels of psychological distress.138 In one
study, a total of 1,733 out of 2,469 discharged patients with COVID-

Jude Mary Cénat, et al. Prevalence of symptoms of depression, anxiety, insomnia,
posttraumatic stress disorder, and psychological distress among populations affected
by the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychiatr Res.
2021, 295: 113599. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.113599.
Le Shi, et al. Prevalence of and risk factors associated with mental health symp-
toms among the general population in China during the coronavirus disease 2019
pandemic. JAMA Netw Open. 2020, 3(7): e2014053. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworko-
Zainab Alimoradia, et al. Sleep problems during COVID-19 pandemic and
its’ association to psychological distress: A systematic review and meta-
analysis. EClinicalMedicine. 2021, 36: 100916.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

19 were enrolled after 736 were excluded. Patients had a median

age of 57.0 (IQR 47.0–65.0) years and 897(52%) were men. A fol-
low-up study was done from 16 June to 3 September, 2020, and the
median follow-up time after symptom onset was 186.0(175.0–199.0)
days. Fatigue or muscle weakness (63%, 1038 of 1655) and sleep
difficulties (26%, 437 of 1655) were the most common symptoms.
Anxiety or depression was reported among 23%(367 of 1617) of
patients. At six months after symptom onset, fatigue or muscle weak-
ness and sleep difficulties were the main symptoms of patients who
had recovered from COVID-19. Risk of anxiety or depression was an
important psychological complication and impaired pulmonary dif-
fusion capacities were higher in patients with more severe
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The outbreak of COVID-19 not only caused great public con-

cern, but also brought about huge psychological distress, especially
for medical staff. They worried a lot about their health and the health
of their families, being afraid of virus contagion and their overall
safety. Wang et al. reported higher prevalence of sleep problem
among medical staff compared to non-medical staff comprising
of students, community workers, and volunteers (66.1% vs. 47.8,
p < 0.01) and frontline healthcare providers compared to non-front-
line medical workers (68.1 vs. 64.5, p = 0.14).140 This conclusion is
supported by one study. 168 cross-sectional, four case-control, and
five longitudinal design papers comprising 345,270 participants from
39 countries were identified. The corrected pool estimated that
prevalence of sleep problems was 31% among healthcare profes-
sionals, 18% among the general population, and 57% among
COVID-19 patients (all p-values < 0.05). Sleep problems were asso-
ciated with depression among healthcare professionals, the general
population, and COVID-19 patients, with Fisher’s Z scores of −0.28,

Chaolin Huang, et al. op. cit.
Wei Wang, et al. Sleep disturbance and psychological profiles of medical staff

and non-medical staff during the early outbreak of COVID-19 in Hubei Province,
China. Front Psychiatry. 2020, 11: 733. 2020.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

−0.30, and −0.36, respectively. Sleep problems were positively (and

moderately) associated with anxiety among healthcare professionals,
the general population, and COVID-19 patients, with Fisher’s, z
scores of 0.55, 0.48, and 0.49, respectively.141
Some research attempted to find out the causative factors behind
insomnia. One study suggested that insomnia could be related to
lower education, where 36.1% of medical staff suffered from insom-
nia among the 1,563 participants. The insomnia group had more
psychological problems related to the COVID-19 outbreak. It was
found that low educational level was one risk factor for insomnia.
Other factors include being in an isolated environment, worrying
about being infected by COVID-19, lack of psychological support
from the news or social media regarding the COVID-19 outbreak,
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and extreme uncertainty regarding effective disease control of the

COVID-19 outbreak. The above were all risk factors for insomnia,
while being a medical staff was a protective factor. This research
mentioned that the risk of insomnia among medical staff with an
education level of high school or below was 2.69 times higher than
that of those with a doctoral degree.142 This result was consistent with
another insomnia survey of the general population in China that
found that a low education level was associated with a high possibil-
ity of insomnia.143 However, one research, conducted during the
SARS epidemic, found that sleep quality was not affected by the
education level.144

Zainab Alimoradi, et al. op. cit.
Chenxi Zhang, et al. Survey of insomnia and related social psychological factors
among medical staff involved in the 2019 novel coronavirus disease outbreak. Front
Psychiatry. 2020, 11: 306. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00306.
Yu-Tao Xiang, et al. The prevalence of insomnia, its sociodemographic and clinical
correlates, and treatment in rural and urban regions of Beijing, China: A general
population–based survey. Sleep. 2008, 31(12): 1655–1662. doi: 10.1093/
Ruey Chen, et al. Effects of a SARS prevention programme in Taiwan on nursing
staff’s anxiety, depression and sleep quality: A longitudinal survey. Int J Nurs Stud.
2006, 43(2): 215–225. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2005.03.006.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

There could be some difference between these factors contribut-

ing to insomnia and psychological problems for different popula-
tions. For instance, the most important risk factors for insomnia and
mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic for health-
care workers include a sudden onset of a globally contagious virus.
The deadly nature of the viral illness exerts a great pressure on health-
care workers as they must deal with the illness, suffer from the high
risk of death, and adapt to irregular work schedules and frequent
shifts apart from worrying for themselves and their families. However,
non-medical healthcare workers may also have some risk factors for
insomnia and mental health problems, such as having an underlying
illness, being at risk of contact with COVID-19 infected patients,
being a woman living alone or living in rural areas, the uncertainty
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of future life and financial stability, being afraid of losing family mem-
bers or friends, etc. Several policies implemented to reduce the
spread of COVID-19, such as home isolation, quarantine, curfews,
and lockdown could exert some negative influence on people.
Medications may be considered for patients with severe depres-
sion or anxiety disorders. Multicomponent interventions include
obtaining a comprehensive history, a sleep diary highlighting poten-
tial behavioral changes, addressing dysfunctional beliefs, and use of
stimulus control, sleep restriction and various relaxation methods
based on patient and therapist preferences.145

11.19.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

sleep disorders
Sleep disorders in TCM include the following manifestations:

• difficulty in falling asleep

• waking up easily
• superficial sleeping
• dream-disturbed sleeping

Philip M. Becker. Overview of sleep management during COVID-19. Sleep Med.


2021, 91: 211–218. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2021.04.024.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• movement or walking in sleep

• speaking while sleeping
• snoring or apnea
• restlessness leg
• nycturia
• somnolence
• alternative insomnia, etc.

In TCM, the heart is the location where the shen resides, deter-
mining the overall vitality of an individual. Besides sleep, the physi-
ological conditions are often observed through thinking, speaking,
responses, complexion, and the eyes. To fulfill its physiological func-
tions ultimately, the heart needs to maintain a harmonious relation-
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ship with different zang-fu organs. Any disorder in other organs could
result in dysfunction of the heart, leading to the occurrence of sleep
disorders. During COVID-19 and Long COVID, there are usually
dysfunctions of some zang-fu organs, which finally influence the
heart. Again, waking at certain hours, such as between 1:00–3:00 am,
between 3:00–5:00 am, or between 5 till 7:00 am, all indicate differ-
ent pathologies and involvement of different organs. For instance,
waking between 1:00–3:00 am is typically an indication of a disorder
in the liver and could relate to unresolved stress and anger. Waking
between 3:00–5:00 am is typically a disorder due to an imbalance in
the Metal Element and could relate to unresolved grief or a sense of
loss. Waking between 5:00–7:00 am is typically an indication due to
an imbalance in the Metal Element and large intestine. Incomplete elimination of external pathogenic

Invasion of cold-damp or damp-heat with a pestilent toxin to the
body during COVID-19 could cause dysfunction of lung, liver,
spleen, stomach, San Jiao, and kidney, resulting in disorder in qi and
blood circulation, and the heart could eventually be disturbed. When
these pathogenic factors are not eliminated completely or in time,
they could cause stagnation and latent accumulation in the body,

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

resulting in disturbance and obstruction of the channels and collater-

als, qi and blood circulation in the internal zang-fu organs, and sleep
disorders happen. Emotional disturbance

The liver plays an important role in emotional activities. It regulates
qi circulation and stores blood. Overstress, resentment, and frustra-
tion during COVID-19 may cause retardation of liver-qi circulation,
and stagnation of liver-qi occurs. It could happen to both medical
and non-medical persons. Once stagnation of liver-qi occurs, it may
influence the physiological functions in other organs. Since the liver
is a Wood organ in TCM, which is considered the son of heart.
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Stagnation of liver-qi could result in dysfunction of the heart, sleep

disorders happen.
Qi belongs to the yang energy, which should be in a state of con-
stant movement. In case of prolonged liver-qi stagnation, it may
cause the gradual formation of liver-fire. Fire is characterized by
uprising and burning. When there is the formation of liver-fire, which
rises, it could cause hyperactivity of Fire of the liver and heart, sleep
disorders appear, resulting in restlessness, insomnia, palpitations,
redness of face and eyes, swelling of eyes, nervousness, irritability,
bitter taste in the mouth, red tongue, thin and yellow tongue coating,
and a rapid and wiry pulse.
Since qi circulation promotes blood circulation, and qi stagna-
tion results in blood stagnation, stagnation of liver-qi could also
cause stagnation of blood in the body. The heart dominates the
vessels and promotes blood circulation. Stagnation of blood in
the body may cause dysfunction of the heart, and sleep disorders
occur. Accumulation of damp-heat

Incomplete elimination of damp-heat, various underlying illnesses
prior to COVID-19, improper diet during Long COVID (such as alco-
hol addiction and overeating of fatty and greasy food), could cause

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

accumulation of damp-heat in the body, resulting in disturbance to

the heart, and sleep disorders follow. Deficiency of qi, blood, yin, and yang

Prolonged persistent or severe COVID-19 symptoms could cause
consumption of qi, blood, yin and yang. Besides, the accumulation
of damp to the spleen could result in dysfunction of the spleen and
stomach. The spleen and stomach are the acquired source for qi and
blood production, thus dysfunction of the spleen and stomach during
COVID-19 or Long COVID would cause deficiency of qi and blood,
leading to failure of the heart to be nourished and supported, and
sleep disorders occur.
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Improper diets or too little eating during COVID-19 may cause

weakness of spleen in transportation and transformation, qi and
blood production would be impaired, and deficiency of qi and blood
Deficiency of yin and yang in the body could also eventually
cause disturbance to the physiological functions of the heart, sleep
disorders happen.

11.19.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated sleep

Sleep is part of the natural rhythm, reflecting the conditions of qi,
blood, yin and yang, zang-fu organs, as well pathogenic disturbance.
Good sleep could never be obtained only by applying some acu-
puncture points or herbs to calm the shen. Also, sleep disorders
never appear as an individual complaint. Thus, sleep disorders are
always managed by means of syndrome differentiation by analyzing
the etiologies and pathologies. Disturbed head by external damp

Insomnia, feeling sick, slight headache with heavy sensation, sensi-
tivity to weather changes, slight general body pain with heavy

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

sensation, fatigue, thin, white, and greasy tongue coating, and a slip-
pery and superficial pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel wind, eliminate damp, harmonize the collaterals, and improve

Herbal Treatment:
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang-Notopterygium Decoction to Overcome

Qiang Huo Rhizoma seu Radix Notopterygii 10 g

Du Huo Radix angelicae Pubescentis 10 g
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Gao Ben Rhizoma Radix Ligustici 10 g

Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae 6 g
Ji Xue Teng Caulis Milletiae Reticulatae 10 g
Ye Jiao Teng Caulis Polygoni Multiflori 10 g
He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Qiang Huo, Du Huo and Fang Feng dispel wind, eliminate cold-
damp, and relieve remaining external pathogenic factors.
• Chuan Xiong and Gao Ben expel wind, promote qi and blood
circulation and relieve headaches.
• Fu Ling dries damp, eliminates phlegm, harmonizes the middle
Jiao and improves sleep.
• Ji Xue Teng, Ye Jiao Teng, and He Huan Pi harmonize the collater-
als, calm the shen and improve sleep.
• Zhi Gan Cao coordinates the effects of the other herbs in the

Herbal Remedy:
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Pian-Notopterygium Pill to Overcome Damp.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Waiguan SJ-5, Fengchi GB-20, Sanyinjiao
SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Yanglingquan GB-34, Fenglong ST-40,
Taichong LIV-3, Neiguan P-6, Shaohai HE-3, Shenmen HE-7 and
Extra Sishencong.
• A reducing method is applied on all the points.

• L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and liver channel respectively, and GB-20, the crossing point
of the foot Shaoyang and Yangwei channels, regulate qi circulation
and relieve pain in the body.
• LU-7 and SJ-5, the luo-connecting point of the lung channel and
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San Jiao channel respectively, eliminate external pathogenic fac-

tors, relieve external symptoms and pain.
• SP-6, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, SP-9 and
GB-34, the he-sea point of the spleen channel and gallbladder
channel respectively, and ST-40, the luo-connecting point of the
stomach channel, eliminate damp, promote qi and blood circula-
tion, and activate the spleen and stomach.
• P-6, HE-3, HE-7 and Extra Sishencong regulate the emotions and
improve sleep. Stagnation of qi in the liver and heart

Sleep disorders, palpitations, occasional pressure in the chest, head-
ache with pressure and tension, always feeling under stress, unstable
emotional state, depression, painful neck, distension and pain in the
hypochondriac region, insomnia, irregular menstruation in women,
poor appetite or overeating, a thin and white tongue coating, and a
wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Smooth the liver, promote qi circulation, calm the shen and improve

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Yao San-Rambling Powder.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleare 10 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Areactylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuan Xiong 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Bo He Herba Menthae Haplocalycis 3 g
Ye Jiao Teng Caulis Polygoni Multiflori 10 g
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He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin 10 g

Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Chai Hu and Bai Shao Yao smooth the liver, promote the qi
circulation in the liver and relieve the qi stagnation in the liver.
• Zhi Ke promotes the qi circulation in the body and relieves
• Dang Gui and Chuan Xiong regulate the blood circulation in
the liver, harmonize and smooth the liver, and relieve pain in the
• In most cases, the spleen and stomach will be invaded when there
is stagnation of liver-qi. Bai Zhu and Fu Ling strengthen the spleen
and stomach and improve the appetite.
• Huang Qin and Bo He clear internal heat resulting from the stag-
nation of liver-qi, and prevent further formation of liver-fire.
• Ye Jiao Teng, He Huan Pi and Fu Shen calm the shen and improve
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the actions of the other herbs.

Herbal Remedy:
Xiao Yao Wan-Rambling Pill.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Hegu L.I.-4, Shuaigu GB-8,
Fengchi GB-20, Jianjing GB-21, Taichong LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14,
Neiguan P-6, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Shaohai HE-3, Shenmen HE-7 and
Extra Sishencong.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, and a reducing
method is applied on the rest points.

• SJ-5 + GB-41 is a combination to harmonize Shaoyang channels,
benefit the gallbladder and smooth the emotions.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the liver channel respectively, and LIV-14, the front-mu
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point of the liver, smooth the liver, regulate the qi circulation in the
body and relieve liver-qi stagnation. Meanwhile, they could
relieve depression.
• P-6, the luo-connecting point of the pericardium channel, regu-
lates qi circulation and calms the shen.
• HE-3, HE-7 and Extra Sishencong calm the shen, improve sleep
and regulate the emotion.
• SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot, pro-
motes the smooth qi and blood circulation in the liver.
• GB-8, GB-20 and GB-21 regulate the collateral of the gallbladder
channel, smooth the emotions, relieve the neck tension, and pro-
mote qi circulation. Hyperactivity of fire of the liver and heart

Sleep disorders, restlessness, palpitations, dream-disturbed sleep,
redness of eyes, irritability, bitter taste in the mouth, body pain,
irregular menstruation in women, deep yellow urine, constipation,
red tongue, and a rapid and wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Reduce liver-fire, clear heat in the heart, calm the shen and improve

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Treatment:
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang-Gentiana Longdancao Decoction to Drain
the Liver, plus
Dao Chi San-Guide Out the Red Powder.

Long Dan Cao Radix Gentianae Anomalae 10 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardenniae 10 g
Ze Xie Rhizoma Alismatis 12 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Lagustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Xia Ku Cao Spica Prunellae 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 12 g
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Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g

Dan Zhu Ye Herba Lophatheri Gracilis 10 g
Mu Tong Caulis Akebiae Trifoliatae 5 g
He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin 10 g
Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

In case of hyperactivity of liver-yang, add Gou Teng Ramulus cum

Uncis Uncariae 10 g and Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae Elatae 10 g.

• Long Dan Cao, Huang Qin, Xia Ku Cao and Zhi Zi clear heat in
the liver, reduce liver-fire and calm the liver.
• Dang Gui and Chuan Xiong promote liver-qi circulation, smooth
the liver, regulate blood circulation of blood, and relieve body
• Huang Lian clears heat, reduces heart-fire in the heart and
improves sleep.
• Sheng Di, Dan Zhu Ye, Mu Tong, Ze Xie and Zhi Gan Cao clear
heat, promote urination and induce fire out of the body through
• Gou Teng and Tian Ma calm the liver and suppress liver-yang.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Herbal Remedy:
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan-Gentiana Longdancao Pill to Drain the Liver.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4,
Hegu L.I.-4, Shaohai HE-3, Shaofu HE-8, Fengchi GB-20, Jianjing
GB-21, Xiaxi GB-43, Baihui DU-20, Xingjian LIV-2, Qimen LIV-
14, Sanyinjiao SP-6 and Extra Anmian.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, P-6 + SP-4, and a
reducing method is applied on the rest of the points.

• A combination of SJ-5 + GB-41 harmonizes the Shaoyang chan-
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nels, benefits the gallbladder, and clears heat in the liver.

• A combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes the qi circulation and har-
monizes the emotion.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-14, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the front-mu point of the liver, smooth the liver, regulate the
qi circulation in the body and relieve liver-qi stagnation.
• LIV-2 and GB-43, the ying-spring point of the liver channel and
gallbladder channel respectively, and DU-20, clear heat, reduce
liver-fire and relieve headache.
• HE-3 and HE-8, the he-sea point and the ying-spring point of the
heart channel respectively, clear heat in the heart, calm the shen
and improve sleep.
• GB-20 and GB-21 regulate the collateral of the gallbladder chan-
nel, smooth the emotions, and relieve the neck tension.
• SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot, and
extra Anmian promote the smooth qi and blood circulation in the
liver and in the heart and improve sleep. Stagnation of blood

Sleep disorders, prolonged persistence of stabbing body pain or
headache with fixed location, aggravation of the pain at night, before

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

or during menstruation, dark and purplish menstruation with clots,

purplish tongue or purplish spots on the tongue, and a thready or
unsmooth pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Promote circulation of blood, eliminate blood stasis, and improve

Herbal Treatment:
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang-Four Substance Decoction with Safflower and
Peach Pit.

Tao Ren Semen Pruni Persicae 10 g

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Hong Hua Flos Carhami 10 g

Dang Gui Radix angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma LiGustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Chi Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Rubra 10 g
Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 10 g
Pu Huang Pollen Typhae 10 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi 10 g
Zhi Qiao Fructus Aurantii 10 g
He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin 10 g
Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 10 g
Long Gu Os Draconis 20 g

• Tao Ren, Hong Hua and Pu Huang promote blood circulation,
eliminate blood stasis and relieve body pain.
• Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Chi Shao Yao and Dan Shen promote
blood circulation, smooth the blood vessels and the collaterals,
and relieve body pain and painful menstruation.
• Since qi circulation promotes blood circulation, some herbs to
promote qi circulation are prescribed here as well, such as Xiang
Fu and Zhi Qiao.
• He Huan Pi, Fu Shen and Long Gu calm the shen and improve

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Herbal Remedy:
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang Pian-Four Substance Tablets with Safflower and
Peach Pit.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Taiyuan LU-9, Shaohai
HE-3, Shenmen HE-7, Geshu BL-17, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taichong
LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14, Xinshu BL-15, and Ganshu BL-18.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method
is applied to the rest points.

• Qi circulation guides blood circulation. A combination of P-6 +
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SP-4 is used to promote qi circulation, smooth the emotions, and

relieve body pain. Meanwhile, L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source
point of the large intestine channel and the liver channel respec-
tively, and LIV-14, the front-mu point of the liver, regulate qi
circulation to lead to blood circulation and relieve the body pain.
• SP-6, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, and
BL-17, the influential point of blood, promote blood circulation,
eliminate blood stasis, and relieve body pain.
• HE-3 and HE-7, the he-sea point and the yuan-source point of the
heart channel respectively, and LU-9, the influential point of the
vessel in the body, calm the shen, regulate emotions, promote
blood circulation, and relieve body pain.
• BL-15 and BL-18, the back-shu point of the heart and liver respec-
tively, regulate the heart and liver, smooth the emotions, calm the
shen and improve sleep. Disturbance of damp-heat to the gallbladder

and heart
Sleep disorders, restlessness, palpitations, dream-disturbed sleep, bit-
ter taste in the mouth, nausea, red tongue, yellow and greasy tongue
coating, and a rapid and wiry pulse.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Principle of Treatment:
Clear heat, eliminate damp, calm the shen and improve sleep.

Herbal Treatment:
Huang Lian Wen Dan Tang-Warm Gallbladder Decoction with

Huang Lian Rhizoma Coptidis 5 g

Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Zhu Ru Caulis Bambusae in Taeniis 10 g
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Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 12 g

Zhi Zi Fructus Gardenniae 10 g
He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin 10 g
Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Huang Lian eliminates damp-heat in the gallbladder and heart,
clears the heart-fire and improves sleep.
• Zhi Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Fu Ling and Zhi Gan Cao eliminate damp,
resolve phlegm in the body, harmonize the middle Jiao and relieve
• Zhi Shi and Zhu Ru harmonize the gallbladder and eliminate
damp-heat in the body.
• Sheng Di Huang and Zhi Zi clear heat in the heart and eliminate
the disturbance to the heart and gallbladder.
• He Huan Pi and Fu Shen calm the shen and improve sleep.

Herbal Remedy:
Huang Lian Wen Dan Pian-Warm Gallbladder Pill.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Hegu L.I.-4, Xingjian LIV-2,
Qimen LIV-14, Shaohai HE-3, Shaofu HE-8, Fengchi GB-20, Xiaxi
GB-43, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Zhongwan REN-12 and Extra Anmian.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, and a reducing
method is applied on the rest of the points.

• A combination of SJ-5 + GB-41 harmonizes the Shaoyang chan-
nels, benefits the gallbladder, and clears heat in the liver.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-14, the yuan-source point of the large intestine
channel and the front-mu point of the liver, smooth the liver, regu-
late the qi circulation in the body and relieve liver-qi stagnation.
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• LIV-2 and GB-43, the ying-spring point of the liver channel and
gallbladder channel respectively, clear heat, reduce fire and
relieve the disturbance to the gallbladder.
• LIV-14, the front-mu point of the liver, smooths the liver, promotes
qi circulation, and improves emotion.
• HE-3 and HE-8, the he-sea point and the ying-spring point of the
heart channel respectively, clear heat in the heart, calm the shen
and improve sleep.
• GB-20 regulates the collateral of the gallbladder channel, smooths
the emotions, and relieves the neck tension.
• Sanyinjiao SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the
foot, and REN-12, the gathering point of fu organs, eliminate
damp-heat in the body, resolve damp and improve sleep. Deficiency of qi of lung and heart

Sleep disorders (especially waking easily), aggravation of insomnia
after physical exertion, fatigue, general weakness, pale complexion,
aversion to cold, cold hands, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweat-
ing, loose stools, poor appetite, low voice, thin and white tongue
coating, pale tongue with tooth marks, and a slow and deep pulse.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Principle of Treatment:
Activate the spleen and stomach, tonify qi and improve sleep.

Herbal Treatment:
Bai Zi Yang Xin Wan-Nourish the Heart Pill with Biotae.

Bai Zi Ren Semen Biotae Orientalis 10 g

Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g
Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacea 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Zhi Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae 10 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Suan Zao Ren Semen Zizyphi Spinosae 10 g
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Ye Jiao Teng Caulis Polygoni Multiflori 10 g

Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
Fu Ling Clerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata 3 g

• Dang Shen and Huang Qi tonify the qi of the body and relieve
fatigue and general weakness.
• Fu Ling and Zhi Gan Cao activate the spleen and tonify the qi.
Meanwhile, Fu Ling could improve sleep.
• Dang Gui and Chuan Xiong tonify blood and benefit the heart.
• Zhi Ban Xia benefits the middle Jiao and improves digestion.
• Bai Zi Ren, Suan Zao Ren, Ye Jiao Teng and Yuan Zhi benefit the
heart, improve sleep, and relieve sleep disorders.

Herbal Remedy:
Bai Zi Yang Xin Wan-Nourish the Heart Pill with Biotae.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Zusanli ST-36, Taibai SP-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Qihai REN-6, Pishu
BL-20, Weishu BL-21, Shaohai HE-3, Shenmen HE-7 and Xinshu
• A tonifying method is applied to these points. Moxibustion should
be applied on ST-36 and REN-6.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, SP-3, the yuan-
source point of the spleen channel, BL-20 and BL-21, the back-shu
point of the spleen and stomach respectively, activate the spleen
and stomach, tonify qi and relieve fatigue and general weakness.
• REN-6 and SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the
foot, tonify qi and blood at the same time and strengthen the body
to relieve general fatigue and weakness.
• HE-3 and HE-7, the he-sea point, yuan-source point of the heart
channel respectively, and BL-15, the back-shu point of the heart,
tonify qi of the heart, calm the shen and improve sleep.
• Moxibustion promotes the yuan-source qi, benefits the body, and
relieves the weakness and cold in the body.
Downloaded from Deficiency of heart-blood

Easily waking during the night, light sleeping, tiredness, dizziness,
palpitation, poor memory, pale complexion, scanty menstruation in
women, hair loss, dry skin or stools, pale tongue, thin and white
tongue coating, and a thready and weak pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Nourish blood, benefit the heart, calm the shen and improve sleep.

Herbal Treatment:
Gui Pi Tang-Restore the Spleen Decoction.

Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g

Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacea 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 12 g
Huang Jing Rhizoma Polygonati 10 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Suan Zao Ren Semen Zizyphi Spinosae 10 g
Ye Jiao Teng Caulis Polygoni Multiflori 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Bai Zi Ren Semen Biotae Orientalis 10 g

Mu Xiang Radix Aucklandiae Lappae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata 3 g

• Dang Shen, Huang Qi, Fu Ling and Zhi Gan Cao tonify the qi of
the body and relieve fatigue and general weakness. Meanwhile, Fu
Ling could improve sleep.
• Dang Gui, Shu Di Huang and Huang Jing tonify blood and benefit
the heart.
• Mu Xiang promotes qi circulation and benefits the middle Jiao to
improve digestion.
• Yuan Zhi, Suan Zao Ren, Ye Jiao Teng and Bai Zi Ren benefit the
Downloaded from

heart, improve sleep, and relieve sleep disorders.

Herbal Remedy:
Gui Pi Wan-Restore the Spleen Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Guanyuan REN-4, Qihai REN-6,
Taixi KID-3, Shenshu BL-23, Shaohai HE-3, Shenmen HE-7,
Neiguan P-6, Xinshu BL-15, Extra Sishencong and Extra Anmian.
• An even method is used on Extra Sishencong and Extra Anmian. A
tonifying method is applied to the rest of the points.

• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, and SP-6, the
crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot, activate the
spleen and stomach, tonify qi and blood and relieve general weak-
ness and fatigue.
• KID-3 and BL-23, the yuan-source point of the kidney channel and
the back-shu point of the kidney respectively, tonify kidney-jing
and benefit blood.
• REN-6 and REN-4 tonify qi and blood at the same time and relieve
general weakness and fatigue.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• HE-3 and HE-7, the he-sea point and the yuan-source point of the
heart channel respectively, P-6, the luo-connecting point, and
BL-15, the back-shu point of the heart, tonify heart-blood, benefit
the heart, calm the shen and improve sleep.
• Extra Sishencong and extra Anmian calm the shen and improve
• REN-6, and SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of
the foot, tonify qi and blood at the same time and strengthen the
body to relieve general fatigue and weakness.
• Moxibustion promotes the yuan-source qi, benefits the body, and
relieves the weakness and cold in the body. Deficiency of heart-yin with hyperactivity

Downloaded from

of deficient fire
Sleep disorders (difficulty in falling asleep), restlessness, nervousness,
irritability, palpitations, thirst, dry throat and stool, tiredness, dizzi-
ness, night sweating, dry skin or hair, red tongue, thin and scanty
tongue coating, and a thready, weak, and rapid pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Nourish yin, clear deficient heat, benefit the heart, calm the shen and
improve sleep.

Herbal Treatment:
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan-Emperor of Heaven’s Special Pill to Tonify the

Mai Men Dong Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici 10 g

Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae Alba 10 g
Tian Men Dong Tuber Asparagi Cochinchinensis 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae Recens 12 g
Xuan Shen Radix Scrophulariae Ningpoensis 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Gui Ban Plastrum Testudinis 15 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Yu Zhu Rhizoma Polygonati Odorati 10 g

Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 10 g
Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g
Fu Shen Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Paradicis 15 g
Duan Long Gu Os Draconis (calcine) 15 g
Bai Zi Ren Semen Biotae Orientalis 10 g
He Huan Pi Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Mai Men Dong, Tian Men Dong, Yu Zhu, Gui Ban and Wu Wei Zi
nourish yin, promote the production of body fluid, and benefit the
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• Bai Shao smooths the liver, nourishes liver-yin, and relieves spasms
in the body.
• Sheng Di Huang and Xuan Shen clear deficient heat and relieve
• Dan Shen clears heat in the heart and calms the shen.
• Dang Shen tonifies qi of the spleen to promote the production of
qi and yin in the body.
• Fu Shen, Duan Long Gu, Bai Zi Ren, and He Huan Pi calm the
shen and improve sleep.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the herbs in the prescription.

Herbal Remedy:
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan-Emperor of Heaven’s Special Pill to Tonify the

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taichong LIV-3, Ququan LIV-8,
Taixi KID-3, Fuliu KID-7, Yingu KID-10, Shenmen HE-7, Xinshu
BL-15, Ganshu BL-18, Shenshu BL-23, extra Sishencong and extra
• An even method is applied on LIV-3, extra Sishencong and extra
Anmian. A tonifying method is applied on these points.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, activates the
spleen and stomach, tonifies qi and blood and relieves general
weakness and fatigue.
• SP-6, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, KID-3,
the yuan-source point of the kidney channel, BL-23, the back-shu
point of the kidney, LIV-8 and KID-10, the he-sea point of the liver
channel and kidney channel respectively, and KID-7 tonify blood,
yin and kidney-jing at the same time, relieve the general fatigue
and weakness so as to improve sleep.
• LIV-3 and BL-18, the yuan-source point of the liver channel and
the back-shu point of the liver respectively, smooth the liver, pro-
mote the qi circulation, and relieve tension in the body so as to
Downloaded from

improve sleep.
• HE-7 and BL-15, the yuan-source point of the heart channel and
the back-shu point of the heart respectively, nourish yin of the
heart, calm the shen, and improve sleep.
• Extra Sishencong and extra Anmian improve sleep and relieve

11.20 Hearing Loss or Tinnitus

Besides various respiratory symptoms that arise during the coronavi-
rus pandemic, hearing loss or tinnitus could also be one annoying
and unbearable Long COVID related symptom. Severe tinnitus, i.e.,
a loud ringing or buzzing sound in the ears, could even cause a
patient to commit suicide.
Long COVID associated hearing loss and tinnitus refers to the
signs and symptoms that develop during or after an infection consist-
ent with COVID-19, are not yet resolved 12 weeks after the start
of acute COVID-19 and are not explained by an alternative
Hearing loss has elements of both conductive hearing loss and
sensorineural hearing loss. Long COVID associated hearing loss

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

could be both, especially the latter, where the inner ear can’t process
sound that should be sent to the brain. Hearing loss associated
with COVID-19 has been reported across a wide age range and
severity, ranging from mild to severe. There are several case reports
of sudden loss of hearing in one ear, often accompanied by tinnitus.
Tinnitus is a common condition, affecting around 17% of all adults.
Most people with tinnitus also have hearing loss, suggesting a close
link between the two.146 In most studies of audio-vestibular dysfunc-
tion & COVID-19, tinnitus is not well-defined but has been described
as a non-pulsatile white noise or specific to certain frequencies,
intermittent or continuous. In addition to hearing loss, millions of
people are expected to suffer from tinnitus after diagnosis of
Downloaded from

When the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, there was considerable

literature focused on its prevalence and the various symptoms associ-
ated with the virus. However, the discussion on the relationship
between COVID-19 and hearing or tinnitus had not been high-
lighted. In fact, awareness of hearing or tinnitus is very important
since a prompt course of steroid treatment could be given to reverse
this disabling condition. In April 2020, a first reported case of senso-
rineural hearing loss following COVID-19 infection in the UK was
confirmed.148 One study confirmed that there are multiple reports of
hearing loss (e.g., sudden unilateral) and tinnitus in adults with a
wide range of COVID-19 symptom severity. A pooled estimate of
prevalence, based primarily on retrospective recall of symptoms, is

Kevin Munro. COVID associated with hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo–new study
confirms link. The Conversation. 22 March, 2021.
Sugata Bhattacharjee. Opinion: Millions of people have hearing loss after
COVID-19. NDTV. 1 June 2021.
First reported UK case of sudden permanent hearing loss linked to COVID-19.
BMJ Case Reports. 13 October 2020. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2020-238419. https://www.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

7.6%(CI: 2.5-15.1) and 14.8%(CI: 6.3-26.1) for hearing loss and tin-
nitus respectively.149
Hearing threshold refers to the lowest level that sound can be
heard 50% of the time. Using electro audiometry, the average hear-
ing threshold for frequencies of 0.25–4 kHz was determined.
Based on the threshold, hearing acuity was classified into three

• Grade 1: 26–40 dB mild deafness

• Grade 2: 41–70 dB moderate deafness
• Grade 3: ≥71 dB severe deafness

The degree of ringing was graded on a six-tier scale:

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• Level 1: Extremely slight ringing, faintly detectable.

• Level 2: Slight ringing, definitely detectable. Only occurs in a quiet
environment. No impact on daily life and work.
• Level 3: Moderate ringing, detectable in a normal environment.
No observable impact on daily life and work.
• Level 4: Ringing detectable in any environment. Sleep and con-
centration are affected. Slight impact on work.
• Level 5: Loud and noisy ringing. Sleep and work are severely
affected. Signs of slight anxiety, irritability, depression, or
other psychological issues.
• Level 6: Extremely loud ringing. Constantly affected by ringing.
Inability to sleep and work. Major signs of anxiety, irrita-
bility, depression, or other psychological issues.150

It was proposed that several pathophysiological processes regard-

ing hearing hoss and tinnitus (such as a direct impairment of inner
ear structures or a virus-mediated immune response) are caused by

Ibrahim Almufarrij and Kevin Munro. op. cit.


HealthCMi. Acupuncture and herbs quiet tinnitus. 18 February 2018. https://


The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

COVID-19. Blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves—and in some

cases the meninges (as proposed by Degen et al. 8)—have been pro-
posed as entry routes for the virus151; direct damage to the cochlear
hair cell with a reduced amplitude of transient otoacoustic emissions
(TEOAEs) in infected adults and even in newborn patients exposed to
SARS-CoV-2 intrauterinely152,153; a potential inflammatory involve-
ment of inner ear vessels or of the stria vascularis with eventual vas-
culitis or endothelitis154; brain microhaemorrhages,155 or relatively
high risk from some medications used to treat the coronavirus, e.g.,
quinine, cholorquine and hydroxychloroquine,156 etc. Moreover,
emotional factors, anxiety, and poor sleep quality experienced dur-
ing COVID-19 can play a relevant role in developing or enhancing
tinnitus, which appears to be more bothersome for those under quar-
Downloaded from

antine.157 Of course, previous history of noise exposure, head trauma,

autoimmune diseases, exposure to ototoxic drugs, Ménière disease,
anatomical alterations of the ear and other predisposing factors
should be always ruled out before postulating a link to SARS-CoV-2.

Chantal Degen, et al. Acute profound sensorineural hearing loss after COVID-19
pneumonia. Mayo Clin Proc. 2020, 95(8): 1801–1803. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2020.
Turgut Celik, et al. Evaluation of cochlear functions in infants exposed to SARS-
CoV-2 intrauterine. Am J Otolaryngol. 2021, 42(4): 102982. doi: 10.1016/j.
Mohamed Wael Mohamed Mustafa. Audiological profile of asymptomatic
COVID-19 PCR-positive cases. Am J Otolaryngol. 2020, 41(3): 102483. doi:
Toshiaki Iba, et al. The coagulopathy, endotheliopathy, and vasculitis of
COVID-19. Inflammation Research. 2020, 69(12): 1181–1189. doi: 10.1007/
Alireza Radmanesh, et al. COVID-19–associated diffuse leukoencephalopathy
and microhemorrhages. Radiology. 2020, 297(1): E223.
Joy Victory. COVID-19 and hearing loss: What we know. Healthy Hearing.
30 August 2021.
Eldré W. Beukes, et al. Changes in tinnitus experiences during the COVID-19
Pandemic. Front Public Health. 2020, 8: 592878.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

In addition, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is required to

exclude retro-cochlear pathology.158
A prompt course of steroid treatment is one of the recom-
mended therapies for acute hearing loss or tinnitus. However, if
Long COVID associated hearing loss or tinnitus already passed 12
weeks after onset of the infection, steroid treatment may not be the
best choice for this complaint. However, as the knowledge and
understanding of Long COVID associated with hearing loss and tin-
nitus continues to grow, a large comprehensive research effort with
high-quality studies on this topic could reveal more treatment
Downloaded from

11.20.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID associated

hearing loss or tinnitus
The chapter “On the Brain” in the book Ling Shu (Miraculous Pivot)
points out that “if the brain marrow is insufficient, vertigo and tinni-
tus will occur”.
The chapter of “Jue Qi” in the same book says: “depletion of
essence gives rise to deafness”. The chapter “Jin Gui Zhen Yan
Lun” of Su Wen (Plain Questions) says “The heart opens into the
ear”. Later, the book of Sheng Ji Zong Lu (General Collection for
Holy Relief) modified it into “The heart has its orifice in the ear”,
which expresses the close ties between the heart and the ear. From
the above, we can see that ancient TCM had some good under-
standing of the relationship between the ear and different zang-fu
All six Yang channels go through the head area to benefit the
brain and clear orifices. The gallbladder channel, small Intestine
channels, San Jiao channel, and stomach channel, as well as all

Virginia Fancello, et al. SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and audio-vestibular disorders.


Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2021, 35: 20587384211027373. doi:


The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Yangqiao mai and Yangwei mai pass through or run in front of the ear
to maintain the physiological functions of the ear.
Besides, these channels have their mutual connections with dif-
ferent zang-fu organs, such as the liver and gallbladder, the heart and
small intestine, and the Pericardium and San Jiao. Moreover, the Du
channel and the liver channel also have their connection or distribu-
tion on the head. The kidney is the important organ to produce mar-
row and the Brain is the sea of marrow. The spleen transforms the
essence of food into qi and blood, which nourishes the brain and
the orifices. lung disperses qi to all the parts of the body, including
the head and ear. The heart dominates blood circulation, blood
vessels, and is in charge of mental activity. Moreover, blood is the
basic energetic source for the physiological activity of the brain.
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Disorders in any one of these channels or internal organs during

Long COVID will influence the qi and blood circulation in the head,
leading to hearing loss or tinnitus. Damage to the collaterals by external

pathogenic factors
COVID-19 is mainly caused by the invasion of cold-damp or damp-
heat with a pestilent toxin to the body, especially to the lung and
heart. When the physiological functions are damaged by these patho-
genic factors, the lung is not able to disperse the qi to the ear, or the
heart is not able to regulate the vessel in the ear, and hearing loss or
tinnitus happens.
Besides, invasion of these pathogenic factors could also damage
some local channels or collaterals around the ear, leading to the
occurrence of hearing loss or tinnitus. Emotional disturbance

The liver plays an important role in emotional activities. It regulates
qi circulation and stores blood. Overstressing, resentment, and frus-
tration during COVID-19 may cause retardation of liver-qi circula-
tion, and stagnation of liver-qi occurs. If there is stagnation of

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

liver-qi, it may influence the physiological functions in the head,

leading to stagnation of qi and blood in the clear orifices. Stagnation
of liver-qi could also cause qi stagnation in differential collaterals,
especially the gallbladder channel, where hearing loss or tinnitus
Qi belongs to yang in the body. In case of prolonged persistence
of liver-qi stagnation, especially in those with underlying sickness, it
may cause the formation of liver-fire. Moreover, improper diet
during COVID-19 may accelerate this process of fire formation.
When there is the formation of liver-fire in the body, it may rise to
the head, disturbing qi and blood circulation, burning the channels
around the ear. Moreover, prolonged persistence of flaring of liver-
fire may cause hyperactivity of liver-yang. Whenever there is an
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accumulation of damp in the body, the uprising of liver-qi, fire or

yang could stir damp, causing disturbance of the clear orifice by
damp. All these situations could lead to the formation of hearing loss
or tinnitus. Blockage of the ear by damp-phlegm

COVID-19 is mainly caused by the invasion of cold-damp or damp-
heat with a pestilent toxin to the body. When these pathogenic fac-
tors are not eliminated completely or in time, they could cause
stagnation and latent accumulation in the spleen, resulting in further
disturbance to the ascending and descending functions of the spleen
and stomach, and there could be the formation of damp-phlegm
Constitutional weakness, lack of life care during COVID-19,
overconsumption of alcoholic drinking, and eating too much fatty
and greasy food, could result in dysfunction of the spleen and
stomach in transportation and transformation, thus formation of
damp-phlegm occurs.
Accumulation of damp-phlegm in the body would cause the fail-
ure of the clear qi and yang to rise and turbid qi to descend, causing
hearing loss or tinnitus.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM Deficiency of qi and blood

Overconsumption of qi and blood, lack of dietary care or improper
treatment during COVID-19 could cause deficiency of qi and blood,
leading to failure of the head to be nourished, resulting in hearing
loss or tinnitus.

11.20.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID associated hearing

loss or tinnitus Damage to the collaterals by external pathogenic
After the onset of COVID-19, most of the other pulmonary symptoms
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are under control. However, there is persistent hearing loss or tinni-

tus, possible headache or slight muscle pain, aversion to wind occa-
sionally, a thin and white tongue coating, and a wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Dispel wind, eliminate damp, harmonize the collaterals, and relieve

Herbal Treatment:
Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang-Relax the Channels and Invigorate the Blood

Qiang Huo Rhizoma seu Radix Notopterygii 10 g

Gao Ben Rhizoma Radix Ligustici 10 g
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae 6 g
Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g
Wei Ling Xian Radix Clematidis 10 g
Hong Hua Flos Carhami 10 g
Dang Gui Radix angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Chi Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Rubra 10 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Shi Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori Graminei 10 g

Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Qiang Huo, Fang Feng and Bai Zhi dispel the remaining external
wind, eliminate cold-damp from the upper parts of the body and
relieve remaining external pathogenic factors.
• Gao Ben and Wei Ling Xian harmonize the collaterals and elimi-
nate cold-damp.
• Hong Hua, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong and Chi Shao Yao
promote qi and blood circulation, eliminating blood stasis in the
• Shi Chang Pu and Yuan Zhi eliminate damp, benefit the ear, and
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improve hearing.
• Zhi Gan Cao coordinates the effects of the other herbs in the

Herbal Remedy:
Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang Ke Li-Relax the Channels and Invigorate the
Blood Granulate.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Shuaigu
GB-8, Fengchi GB-20, Shenting DU-24, Tinghui GB-2, Sizhukong
SJ-23, Tinggong SI-19, and Sanyinjiao SP-6.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, and a reducing
method is applied on the rest of the points.

• A combination of SJ-5 + GB-41 harmonize Shaoyang collaterals,
dispel external pathogenic factors, benefit the ears, and improve
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, and
LU-7, the luo-connecting point of the lung channel, promote the
qi circulation in the head, eliminate damp in the upper Jiao and
relieve external pathogenic factors.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• GB-8, a local point around the ear, and GB-20, the crossing point
of the foot Shaoyang and Yangwei channels, dispel wind, harmo-
nize the collaterals, and relieve tension around the neck and head.
• GB-2, SJ-23 and SI-19, all the local points around the ear which
are connected with different channels, promote the qi and blood
circulation, harmonize the collaterals, improve hearing and relieve
• DU-24 benefits the shen, opens the clear orifice and improves
hearing and tinnitus.
• SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot,
promotes blood circulation and relieves stagnation of blood in the
Downloaded from Stagnation of liver-qi

Persistence of hearing loss or tinnitus after the onset of COVID-19 with
occasional aggravation especially when nervous or stressed, spasm
and tension sensation on the scalp or in the head, emotional instabil-
ity, depression, painful neck, distension and pain in the hypochondriac
region, insomnia, irregular menstruation in women, poor appetite or
overeating, thin and white tongue coating, and a wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Smooth the liver, promote qi circulation, calm the shen and improve

Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Yao San-Rambling Powder.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleare 10 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuan Xiong 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhiizoma Areactylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Bo He Herba Menthae Haplocalycis 3 g

Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthemi Morifolii 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Chai Hu and Bai Shao Yao smooth the liver, promote liver-qi cir-
culation, and relieve the spasm in the liver and at the neck.
• Dang Gui and Chuan Xiong nourish blood in the liver, harmonize
and smooth the liver and relieve tension and spasm in the scalp,
head, and hypochondriac region. Meanwhile, they promote blood
circulation and relieve blood stasis in the ear.
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• Bai Zhu and Fu Ling strengthen the spleen and stomach and
improve the appetite.
• Huang Qin, Ju Hua, and Bo He clear internal heat resulting
from the stagnation of liver-qi and prevent further formation of
• Bai Ji Li and Yuan Zhi benefit the clear orifice and improve hearing
loss and tinnitus.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the other herbs in the prescription.

Herbal Remedy:
Xiao Yao Wan-Rambling Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4,
Hegu L.I.-4, Shuaigu GB-8, Tinghui GB-2, Yifeng SJ-17, Sizhukong
SJ-23, Tinggong SI-19, Fengchi GB-20, Jianjing GB-21, Taichong
LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14 and Sanyinjiao SP-6.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, P-6 + SP-4, and a
reducing method is applied on the rest of the points.

• A combination of SJ-5 + GB-41 harmonizes Shaoyang channels,
benefits the gallbladder, and relieves hearing loss and tinnitus.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• A combination of P-6 + SP-4 regulates emotions, harmonizes qi

circulation in the body and benefits the liver and heart.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the liver channel respectively, and LIV-14, the front-mu
point of the liver, smooth the liver, regulate the qi circulation in the
body and relieve liver-qi stagnation.
• GB-20 and GB-21 regulate the channel and collateral of the
gallbladder, smooth emotions, benefit the head and relieve the
neck tension.
• GB-2, GB-8, SJ-17, SJ-23, SI-19, all the local points around the ear,
promote qi circulation, harmonize the collaterals, and improve
hearing loss and tinnitus.
• SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot, pro-
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motes the smooth qi and blood circulation in the liver and in the
head. Flaring-up of liver-fire

Persistence of hearing loss or tinnitus after the onset of COVID-19
with occasional aggravation, occasional headache or pain in the ear
or a burning sensation in the ear, redness of eyes, irritability, bitter
taste in the mouth, restlessness, insomnia, irregular menstruation in
women, poor appetite, deep yellow urine, constipation, red tongue,
and a rapid and wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Reduce liver-fire, clear heat, calm the shen and improve hearing loss
and tinnitus.

Herbal Treatment:
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang-Gentiana Longdancao Decoction to Drain
the Liver.

Long Dan Cao Radix Gentianae Anomalae 10 g

Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Zhi Zi Fructus Gardenniae 10 g

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Ze Xie Rhizoma Alismatis 12 g

Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Lagustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Xia Ku Cao Spica Prunellae 10 g
Che Qian Zi Semen Plantaginis 10 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Sheng Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Glutinosae 12 g
Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri 10 g
Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Ju Hua Flos Chrysanthemi Morifolii 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

In case of hyperactivity of liver-yang, add Gou Teng Ramulus cum

Uncis Uncariae 10 g and Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae Elatae 10 g.
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• Long Dan Cao, Huang Qin, Xia Ku Cao and Zhi Zi clear heat in
the liver, reduce liver-fire and relieve burning sensation in the ear.
• Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong and Chai Hu promote liver-qi circulation
and smooth the liver.
• Ze Xie and Che Qian Zi promote urination and induce fire out of
the body through urination.
• Sheng Di clears heat in the liver and nourishes the yin of the liver
and kidney.
• Bai Ji Li and Ju Hua smooth the liver and relieve dizziness.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the actions of the other herbs.
• Gou Teng and Tian Ma calm the liver and suppress liver-wind.

Herbal Remedy:
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan-Gentiana Longdancao Pill to Drain the Liver.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Hegu L.I.-4, Shaohai HE-3, Shaofu
HE-8, Shuaigu GB-8, Tinghui GB-2, Yifeng SJ-17, Sizhukong SJ-23,
Tinggong SI-19, Fengchi GB-20, Jianjing GB-21, Xiaxi GB-43,
Xingjian LIV-2, Qimen LIV-14, and Sanyinjiao SP-6.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, and a reducing

method is applied on the rest of the points.

• A combination of SJ-5 + GB-41 harmonizes the Shaoyang chan-
nels, benefits the gallbladder, and improves hearing and tinnitus.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-14, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the front-mu point of the liver, smooth the liver, regulate
the qi circulation in the body and relieve liver-qi stagnation.
• LIV-2 and GB-43, the ying-spring point of the liver channel and
gallbladder channel respectively, clear heat, reduce liver-fire and
sedate tinnitus.
• HE-3 and HE-8, the he-sea point and the ying-spring point of the
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heart channel respectively, clear heat in the heart, calm the shen
and smooth the liver as well.
• GB-20 and GB-21 regulate the collateral of the gallbladder chan-
nel, smooth the emotions, relieve the neck tension, promote qi
circulation in the head and improve hearing and tinnitus.
• GB-8, GB-2, SJ-17, SJ-23, and SI-19, all the local points around the
ear, harmonize the collaterals around the ear and improve hearing
and tinnitus.
• SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot, pro-
motes the smooth qi and blood circulation in the liver and in the
head. Blockage of the clear-yang by damp-phlegm

Persistence of hearing loss or tinnitus after the onset of COVID-19,
dizziness, a heavy sensation in the head, the fullness of the chest and
epigastric region, nausea, occasional vomiting, poor appetite, lassi-
tude, white and greasy tongue coating, and a slippery or wiry and
slippery pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Activate the spleen, eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, harmonize the
collaterals, and improve hearing loss and tinnitus.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Herbal Treatment:
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang-Pinellia, Atractylodes Macrocephala
and Gastrodia Decoction.

Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae 10 g

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Shi Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori Graminei 10 g
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Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g

Di Long Lumbricus 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Ban Xia and Chen Pi dry damp, resolve phlegm in the body and
relieve nausea.
• Fu Ling and Bai Zhu activate the spleen, promote the physiological
functions of the spleen, and eliminate damp in the body.
• Cang Zhu and Hou Po eliminate damp-phlegm in the body and
relieve nausea.
• Tian Ma, Bai Ji Li, Shi Chang Pu, Yuan Zhi and Di Long calm the
liver, eliminate damp, improve hearing, and relieve tinnitus.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the functions of other herbs in the

Herbal Remedy:
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Pian-Pinellia, Atractylodes Macrocephala
and Gastrodia Tablet.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4,
Hegu L.I.-4, Shuaigu GB-8, Tinghui GB-2, Yifeng SJ-17, Sizhukong

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

SJ-23, Tinggong SI-19, Touwei ST-8, Zhongwan REN-12, Fenglong

ST-40, Sanyinjiao SP-6 and Yinlingquan SP-9.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, and a reducing
method is applied on the rest of the points.

• SJ-5 + GB-41 promote the circulation of qi circulation Shaoyang
channels, harmonize the collaterals and improve hearing and
• P-6 + SP-4 regulate emotions, promote digestion, and eliminate
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, pro-
motes qi circulation in the body.
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• REN-12, the front-mu point of the stomach and the influential point
for the fu organs, SP-6, the crossing point of three yin channels of
the foot, SP-9, the he-sea point of the spleen channel, and ST-40,
the luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, activate the
spleen, eliminate damp-phlegm, and improve digestion.
• GB-8, GB-2, SJ-17, SJ-23, SI-19, ST-8, all the local points from the
ear, promote qi circulation, harmonize the collaterals, and improve
hearing and tinnitus. Deficiency of qi and blood

Persistence of hearing loss or tinnitus after the onset of COVID-19,
empty sensation in the head, aggravation of hearing capacity or tin-
nitus after physical exertion, fatigue, general weakness, pale com-
plexion, aversion to cold, cold hands, shortness of breath, spontaneous
sweating, dry eyes and skin, insomnia, poor appetite, low voice, thin
and white tongue coating, pale tongue with tooth marks, and a slow
and deep pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify qi, reinforce blood, benefit kidney-jing, and improve hearing
and tinnitus.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Herbal Treatment:
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang-All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction.

Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacea 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Praeparatae 15 g
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae Alba 10 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Huang Jing Rhizoma Polygonati 10 g
He Shou Wu Radix Polygoni Multiflori 10 g
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Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae Elatae 10 g

Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling and Zhi Gan Cao, forming a prescrip-
tion as Si Jun Zi Tang, together with Huang Qi, activate the spleen
and stomach, tonify qi of the general body, dispel internal cold and
relieve tiredness.
• Shu Di Huang, Dang Gui, Bai Shao, Chuan Xiong, Huang Jing and
He Shou Wu tonify blood and benefit kidney-jing.
• Tian Ma and Bai Ji Li benefit the head and improve hearing and

Herbal Remedy:
Shi Quan Da Bu Wan-All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Zusanli ST-36, Taibai SP-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Qihai REN-6, Pishu
BL-20, Weishu BL-21, Baihui DU-20, Shenting DU-24, Shuaigu
GB-8, Tinghui GB-2, Yifeng SJ-17, Sizhukong SJ-23, Tinggong
SI-19, and Touwei ST-8.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• An even method is applied on GB-8, GB-2, SJ-17, SJ-23, SI-19 and

ST-8. A tonifying method is applied to the rest points. Moxibustion
should be applied on REN-6 and ST-36.

• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, and SP-3, the
yuan-source point of the spleen channel, BL-20 and BL-21, the
back-shu point of the spleen and stomach respectively, activate
the spleen and stomach, tonify qi and blood.
• REN-6, and SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of
the foot, tonify qi and blood at the same time and strengthen the
body to relieve general fatigue and weakness.
• DU-20 and DU-24 lift-up qi and blood to the headache to benefit
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the head and improve hearing loss and tinnitus.

• GB-8, GB-2, SJ-17, SJ-23, SI-19 and ST-8, the local points around
the ear, harmonize the collaterals, benefit hearing, and improve
• Moxibustion promotes the yang-qi movement, benefits the body,
and relieves the weakness and cold in the body.

11.21 Brain Fog

In addition to various common Long COVID symptoms, such as
fatigue, myalgia, headache, cough, and shortness of breath, some
patients could also suffer from difficulty in thinking clearly or diffi-
culty in concentration or memory, a condition known as brain fog.
Brain fog, a kind of cognitive dysfunction, is caused by direct effects
from COVID-19 on the brain. It is a condition to describe how indi-
viduals feel when their thinking is sluggish, fuzzy, and not sharp. In
fact, it is neither a medical or scientific term, nor a diagnosis, but in
fact a symptom, a personal and subjective feeling.
Of course, brain fog is not “something in the mind” of the
patients but a real biological phenomenon.
Neurological and psychiatric sequelae of COVID-19 have been
reported, but more data are needed to adequately assess the effects

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

of COVID-19 on brain health. In order to provide robust estimates of

incidence rates and relative risks of neurological and psychiatric
diagnoses in patients in the six months following a COVID-19 diag-
nosis, one research was carried out. Among 236,379 patients diag-
nosed with COVID-19, the estimated incidence of a neurological or
psychiatric diagnosis in the following six months was 33.62%(95%
CI 33.17–34.07), with 12.84%(12.36–13.33) receiving their first
diagnosis. The researchers also found that COVID-19 patients were
more likely to experience these issues as compared to patients in the
sample pool who are diagnosed with other respiratory infections like
the flu.159
One research analyzed data in a cross-sectional study from
April 2020 through May 2021 from a cohort of patients with
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COVID-19. These patients had serum antibody positivity and no

history of dementia. A relatively high frequency of cognitive impair-
ment several months after patients contracted COVID-19.
Impairments in executive functioning, processing speed, category
fluency, memory encoding, and recall were predominant among
hospitalized patients. The relative sparing of memory recognition in
the context of impaired encoding and recall suggests an executive
Another study investigated the frequency of brain fog in a large
cohort of patients with documented coronavirus disease-2019
(COVID-19) who survived the illness at least three months after their
discharge from the hospital. The research also scrutinized the poten-
tial risk factors associated with the development of brain fog. In total,
2696 patients had the inclusion criteria, and 1680(62.3%) people
reported Long COVID syndrome (LCS). LCS-associated brain fog was
reported by 194(7.2%) patients. It was reported that chronic Long
COVID “brain fog” has significant associations with gender (female),

Maxime Taquet, et al. May 2021. op. cit.


Jacqueline H. Becker, et al. Assessment of cognitive function in patients after


COVID-19 infection. JAMA Netw Open. 2021, 4(10): e2130645. doi: 10.1001/

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

respiratory symptoms at the onset, and the severity of the illness (ICU
With brain fog, the patients feel a sensation similar to “a foggy
haze in their head” that makes it harder to access their thoughts or
plans. Their thoughts and emotions may feel numb and different, and
daily physical activities and duties require more effort. As such, their
mental and physical states feel less sharp and flexible as usual. Some
additional symptoms of patients with brain fog include:

• forgetting a simple and usual task they must complete

• having trouble organizing thoughts or activities
• difficulty in paying attention
• disorientation
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• taking much longer than usual to complete tasks

• feeling frequently distracted
• feeling tired when studying and reading
• decline in the quality of life and productivity
• feeling confused
• feeling mentally fatigued
• being easily distracted

It’s not yet clear why COVID-19 survivors are so likely to experi-
ence neurological symptoms, but the medical community is still
researching potential causes of brain fog after COVID-19. Researchers
have identified several possible causes, including162:

• lack of oxygen caused by lung damage

• inflammation affecting brain cells
• an autoimmune disorder that is causing the immune system to
attack healthy cells in the body

Ali A. Asadi-Pooya, et al. Long COVID syndrome-associated brain fog. Journal of
Medical Virology. 2021, 94(3): 979–984..
Hackensack Meridian Health. Can COVID-19 cause brain fog? 11 August 2021.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• lack of blood flow caused by swelling of the small blood vessels

in the brain
• Invasion of infectious cells into the brain

Meanwhile, adverse effects of some psychological and social fac-

tors, such as depression, anxiety, worry, uncertainty, insomnia, etc.,
could also play a role in brain fog.
For some patients, Long COVID brain fog goes away in about
three months, but for others, it can last much longer. It is still unclear
how long it could exactly last.
A treatment plan for Long COVID brain fog may employ various
strategies. Besides, some life care, such as sleeping well, avoiding
alcohol and drugs, eating a balanced meal, participating in some
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physical exercises, etc., are often recommended. However, there is

no concrete and effective medication yet available. However, since
brain fog is a symptom rather than a medical diagnosis, there is no
specific treatment for it. Sometimes, brain fog is associated with
depression and anxiety, etc., therefore medication, including anti-
anxiety medication, antidepressants, or stimulants for ADHD, can be
the treatment options.

11.21.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

brain fog
The causes of brain fog during Long COVID are mostly due to block-
age of the clear-yang by damp-phlegm, stagnation of liver-qi, defi-
ciency of qi, blood and kidney-jing.
The organs chiefly involved are the liver, spleen and kidney.
Disturbance to the clear-yang or shen is the chief pathological result. Blockage of clear-yang by damp-phlegm

COVID-19 is mainly caused by the invasion of cold-damp or damp-
heat with a pestilent toxin to the body, especially the lung, heart and

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

spleen. If these pathogenic factors are not eliminated completely or

in time, they could cause stagnation and latent accumulation in the
spleen, resulting in further disturbance to the ascending and descend-
ing functions of the spleen and stomach, and there could be the
formation of damp-phlegm internally.
Some preexisting sickness, such as obesity, slow digestion, or
lack of life care during COVID-19 (such as alcoholic drinking and
overconsumption of fatty and greasy food), could result in dysfunc-
tion of the spleen and stomach in transportation and transformation,
and formation of damp-phlegm occurs.
When damp-phlegm in the body moves with qi and blood to the
head, the clear-yang could be blocked, leading to failure of the turbid
qi to move downward, and brain fog occurs.
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The liver plays an important role in emotional activities. It regulates
qi circulation and stores blood. Overstress, resentment, and frustra-
tion during COVID-19 may cause retardation of liver-qi circulation,
resulting in stagnation of liver-qi. When there is stagnation of qi and
blood in the head, brain fog happens.
Due to the close physiological relationship between the liver and
heart, stagnation of liver-qi could cause disturbance to the heart,
bringing about the dysfunction of the heart in housing the shen, and
brain fog starts. Deficiency of qi, blood and kidney-jing

Overconsumption of qi and blood, or lack of dietary care or even
improper treatment during COVID-19, could cause deficiency of qi
and blood, leading to failure of the clear-yang or the heart to be
nourished, and brain fog appears.
Pre-existing kidney-jing deficiency during COVID-19 could dete-
riorate during COVID-19 due to overconsumption of qi and blood,
thus the brain fails to be nourished, and the marrow becomes defi-
cient, causing brain fog.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

11.21.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated

brain fog Blockage of the clear-yang by damp-phlegm
Brain fog, poor concentration, slight dizziness, a heavy sensation in
the head, the fullness of the chest and epigastric region, nausea, poor
appetite, lassitude, somnolence, white and greasy tongue coating,
and a slippery or wiry and slippery pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Activate the spleen, eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, harmonize the
collaterals, and relieve brain fog.
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Herbal Treatment:
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang-Pinellia, Atractylodes Macrocephala
and Gastrodia Decoction.

Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae 10 g

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae 10 g
Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Ge Gen Radix Puerariae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Shi Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori Graminei 10 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Ban Xia and Chen Pi dry damp, resolve phlegm in the body and
relieve nausea.
• Fu Ling and Bai Zhu activate the spleen and eliminate damp.
• Cang Zhu and Hou Po eliminate damp-phlegm in the body and
relieve nausea.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Tian Ma, Bai Ji Li, Shi Chang Pu and Yuan Zhi calm the liver,
eliminate damp, and relieve brain fog.
• Ge Gen ascends the clear-qi, descends turbid qi and relieves brain
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the functions of other herbs in the

Herbal Remedy:
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Pian-Pinellia, Atractylodes Macrocephala
and Gastrodia Tablet.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4,
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Hegu L.I.-4, Shuaigu GB-8, Fengchi GB-20, Touwei ST-8, Extra

Taiyang, Extra Yintang, Extra Sishencong, Zhongwan REN-12,
Taichong LIV-3, Fenglong ST-40, and Yinlingquan SP-9.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, P-6 + SP-4, and a
reducing method is applied on the rest of the points.

• A combination of SJ-5 + GB-41 could regulate the Shaoyang chan-
nels, harmonize the collaterals on the head, and relieve brain fog.
• A combination of P-6 + SP-4 harmonizes the Yinwei channel,
regulates the zang organs, promotes digestion and eliminates
• GB-8, ST-8, Extra Taiyang, Extra Yintang and Extra Sishencong
eliminate damp-phlegm, remove the disturbance of damp-phlegm
to the brain, benefit the clear-yang and relieve brain fog.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the large intestine
channel and liver channel respectively, promote qi circulation,
calm the liver, and relieve the blockage in the brain by damp-
• GB-20 smooths the tension at the neck, promotes the qi circula-
tion in the gallbladder channel and calms emotions.
• REN-12, the front-mu point of the stomach and the influential
point for the fu organs.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• SP-9, the he-sea point of the spleen channel, and ST-40, the
luo-connecting point of the stomach channel, activate the spleen,
eliminate damp-phlegm, and improve digestion. Stagnation of liver-qi

Brain fog, spasm, and tension sensation on the scalp or in the head,
aggravation of brain fog under stress or emotional disturbance,
depression, stiffness of the neck, distension and pain in the chest or
hypochondriac region, insomnia, irregular menstruation in women,
poor appetite or overeating, abdominal swelling, thin and white
tongue coating, and a wiry pulse.
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Principle of Treatment:
Smooth the liver, promote qi circulation, calm the shen and relieve
brain fog.

Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Yao San-Rambling Powder.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleare 10 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhiizoma Areactylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuan Xiong 10 g
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae Baicalensis 10 g
Bo He Herba Menthae Haplocalycis 3 g
Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Chai Hu and Bai Shao Yao smooth the liver, regulate and promote
liver-qi circulation and relieve qi stagnation in the liver.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Dang Gui and Chuan Xiong nourish and benefit the blood in the
liver, harmonize and smooth the liver and relieve tension and
spasm in the scalp, head, and the hypochondriac region.
• Bai Zhu and Fu Ling strengthen the spleen and stomach and
improve the appetite.
• Huang Qin and Bo He clear internal heat resulting from the stag-
nation of liver-qi and prevent further formation of liver-fire.
• Bai Ji Li and Yuan Zhi benefit the brain, regulate the shen and
relieve brain fog.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the actions of the other herbs in the

Herbal Remedy:
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Xiao Yao Wan-Rambling Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulingqi GB-41, Hegu L.I.4, Shuaigu GB-8,
Toulinqi GB-15, Yanglingquan GB-34, Extra Yintang, Extra Taiyang,
Extra Sishencong, Fengchi GB-20, Jianjing GB-21, Taichong LIV-3,
Qimen LIV-14, Neiguan P-6, and Sanyinjiao SP-6.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, and a reducing
method is applied on the rest of the points.

• SJ-5 + GB-41 is a combination to harmonize Shaoyang channels,
benefit the gallbladder and relieve brain fog.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the liver channel respectively, and LIV-14, the front-mu
point of the liver, smooth the liver, regulate the qi circulation in the
body and relieve liver-qi stagnation.
• P-6, the luo-connecting point of the pericardium channel, regulates
qi circulation, calms the shen and benefits the stomach.
• Extra Sishencong calms the shen, improves sleep and regulates

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of the foot, pro-
motes the smooth qi and blood circulation in the liver and in the
• GB-8, GB-15, GB-20, GB-21 and GB-34 regulate the collateral of
the gallbladder channel, smooth the emotions, benefit the head,
relieve the neck tension, and promote qi circulation in the head to
relieve brain fog.
• Extra Yintang and Extra Taiyang, the local points, relieve
dizziness. Deficiency of qi
Brain fog after COVID-19, empty sensation in the head, aggravation
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of brain fog after physical exertion, fatigue, general weakness, pale

complexion, aversion to cold, cold hands, shortness of breath, spon-
taneous sweating, loose stools, poor appetite, low voice, thin and
white tongue coating, pale tongue with tooth marks, and a slow and
deep pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify qi, activate the spleen and stomach and relieve brain fog.

Herbal Treatment:
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang-Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi

Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g

Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling clerotium Poriae Cocos 15 g
Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacea 10 g
Sheng Ma Rhizoma Cimicifugae 5 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Gan Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis 5 g
Mu Xiang Radix Aucklandiae 10 g
Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 3 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g

Shi Chang Pu Rhizoma Acori Graminei 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata 3 g

• Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling and Zhi Gan Cao, known as Si Jun
Zi Tang, activate the spleen and stomach, tonify spleen-qi and
relieve general fatigue and weakness.
• Huang Qi and Sheng Ma tonify spleen-qi and lift the qi to the head
to benefit it.
• Chen Pi, Mu Xiang and Sha Ren harmonize stomach-qi and pro-
mote appetite.
• Bai Ji Li and Shi Chang Pu resolve damp in the head and relieve
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brain fog.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the herbs in the prescription.

Herbal Remedy:
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan-Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi Tablets.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Baihui DU-20, Zusanli ST-36, Taibai SP-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Qihai
Ren-6, Pishu BL-20, Weishu BL-21, Shenting DU-24, Touwei ST-8
and Extra Yintang.
• A tonifying method is applied to these points. Moxibustion should
be applied on REN-6 and ST-36.

• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, and SP-3, the
yuan-source point of the spleen channel, BL-20 and BL-21,
the back-shu point of the spleen and stomach respectively, activate
the spleen and stomach, tonify qi and promote digestion.
• REN-6, and SP-6, the crossing point of the three yin channels of
the foot, tonify qi and blood at the same time and strengthen the
body to relieve general fatigue and weakness.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• DU-20 lifts qi to the headache to benefit the head and relieves

brain fog.
• DU-24, GB-8 and Extra Yintang benefit the brain and clear-yang
and regulate collaterals and relieve brain fog.
• Moxibustion promotes the yang-qi movement, benefits the body,
and relieves the weakness and cold in the body. Deficiency of blood

Brain fog after COVID-19, a hollow sensation in the head, aggrava-
tion of brain fog after physical exertion and alleviation of it by rest,
dry eyes, hair loss, palpitations, listlessness, dry skin and stools,
insomnia, pale complexion, irregular menstruation in women, poor
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appetite, pale tongue, thin and white tongue coating, and a thready
and weak pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify blood, benefit kidney-jing, relieve weakness and brain fog.

Herbal Treatment:
Si Wu Tang-Four Substances Decoction.

Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Praeparatae 15 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae Alba 10 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Huang Jing Rhizoma Polygonati 10 g
He Shou Wu Radix Polygoni Multiflori 10 g
Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae Elatae 10 g
Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

If there is lower back pain and tinnitus due to deficiency of kidney-

jing, add Rou Cong Rong Herba Cistanches Deserticolae 10 g and
Sang Ji Sheng Ramulus Loranthi 10 g.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Shu Di Huang, Dang Gui, Bai Shao, Chuan Xiong, Huang Jing and
He Shou Wu tonify and nourish the blood, benefit kidney-jing and
relieve brain fog.
• Tian Ma and Bai Ji Li benefit the head and relieve brain fog.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the herbs in the prescription.
• Rou Cong Rong and Sang Ji Sheng tonify kidney-jing and
strengthen the lower back and relieve the weakness of the knees.

Herbal Remedy:
Shi Quan Da Bu Wan-All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
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• Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taichong LIV-3, Ququan LIV-8,

Taixi KID-3, Yingu KID-10, Xuanzhong GB-39, Shenmen HE-7,
Shuaigu GB-8, Baihui DU-20, Shenting DU-24, Extra Taiyang,
Extra Yintang and Extra Sishencong.
• An even method is applied on LIV-3, and a tonifying method is
applied to the rest of the points.

• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, and SP-6, the
crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, activate the spleen
and stomach, tonify qi and blood and relieve brain fog.
• Since kidney-jing and blood share the same origin and benefit
each other constantly, some points should be used to tonify
kidney-jing to tonify blood. KID-3, the yuan-source point of the
kidney channel, LIV-8 and KID-10, the he-sea point of the liver
channel and kidney channel respectively, tonify blood and jing at
the same time, relieve the general fatigue and weakness so as to
relieve brain fog.
• GB-39, the influential point for marrow, benefits blood and
relieves blood deficiency.
• DU-20 and DU-24, benefit the head and relieve brain fog.
• GB-8, Extra Taiyang, Extra Yintang and Extra Sishencong benefit
the head, harmonize the collateral and relieve brain fog.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

• LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the liver channel, and HE-7, the
yuan-source point of the heart channel, promote qi and
blood circulation, calm the shen, improve sleep and relieve
brain fog.

11.22 Hair Loss

It is a natural process that everyone at any point of time could lose
about 50–100 hairs every day. However, it becomes a pathological
condition when hair loss is accelerated, there is heavy hair loss, or
when hair growth declines, leading to obvious appearance of thin-
ning hair or even balding. People who suffer from hair loss could also
notice that their luscious locks are not what they used to be
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There are several types of hair loss, and it could be caused by
different factors, such as gender, age, genetics, malnutrition, improper
diet, environmental changes and pollution. Also, some sicknesses,
such as thyroid disorders, autoimmunity, and anaemia could also
cause hair loss. However, hair loss due to COVID-19 is something
Whenever a person experiences severe infection, including
COVID-19, hair fall is not an unusual after-effect, since the body has
sustained an attack and fought off the virus, which often occurs a few
weeks post recovery from COVID-19. During this process, the hair
falls at a rate of more than 100–200 per day, although it could be
distressing for the patient. The hair growth patterns will return to nor-
mal after a few months. However, an overwhelming number of peo-
ple are reporting severe hair fall post COVID-19 infection.
Hair loss due to Long COVID is not the same as a skin condition,
called seborrheic dermatitis, wherein there is an excess production
of sebum on the scalp, typically accompanied by itching, pain, flak-
ing dandruff, oily and peeling scalp.
One finding revealed that 63% of the patients experienced
fatigue or muscle weakness, 26% suffered with sleeping problems,
23% had anxiety or depression, and 22% suffered from hair loss. It
also found that 76% of patients reported at least one symptom six

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

months after the first symptom onset, with the proportion higher in
women. Patients who were severely ill from the virus were more
likely to suffer from the likes of muscle weakness and depression.163
There’s no clear evidence yet that the novel coronavirus itself
directly causes hair loss, but it is generally accepted that the hair
entered the telogen phase prematurely, causing existing hair to shed
in order to pave way for new healthy hair to grow during COVID-19
infection. It is a temporary procedure. It is also believed that the
physical and emotional stress that accompanies a case of COVID-19
can lead to a reversible hair loss, a condition called telogen efflu-
vium. Stress can cause temporary hair shedding, and even if people
never developed a fever or COVID-19, it is still beneficial to observe
hair shedding in some patients. Emotional issues such as stress, anxi-
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ety, and restlessness during the pandemic, can also force more hairs
than normal into the shedding phase. Stress-induced telogen efflu-
vium is characterized by diffused hair loss within months of a signifi-
cant systemic stressor because of premature follicular transition from
the anagen (active growth phase) to the telogen (resting phase). The
telogen phase lasts approximately three months, after which exces-
sive hair loss ensues.164 “When there’s a shock to the system, the
body goes into lockdown mode and only focuses on essential func-
tions. Hair growth is not as essential as other functions, so you end
up with hair shedding” explained a dermatologist at the Ohio State
University Wexner Medical Centre.165
In terms of treatment, moderate hair fall can be controlled at
home with the help of diet, exercise, emotional coaches, meditation,
and having appropriate rest and sleep. However, both moderate and
severe hair loss should be managed properly to rebalance the
patient’s physical and mental conditions.

Chaolin Huang, et al. op. cit.
Fahham Asghar, et al. Telogen effluvium: A review of the literature. Cureus.
2020, 12(5): e8320. doi: 10.7759/cureus.8320.
Joni Sweet. COVID-19 survivors are losing their hair—here’s why. Healthline.
22 August 2020.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

11.22.1 TCM understanding of Long COVID-associated

hair loss
In TCM, the hair is considered as the excess of blood, which means
that the hair conditions reflect blood situations, including its quantity,
quality, and movement. Besides, hair conditions are also related to qi
circulation and kidney-jing. In physiology, all the six yang channels
are going through the head area to nourish the scalp. Du channel and
liver channel also have their connection or distribution on the head.
The spleen transforms the essence of food into qi and blood, which
nourish the scalp and hair. The lung disperses qi to all the parts of the
body, including the head and scalp. The heart dominates blood cir-
culation and is in charge of mental activity. Disorders in any one of
these channels or internal organs during Long COVID will influence
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the qi and blood circulation, including their quality and quantity,

which can lead to hair loss. Emotional disturbance

The liver plays an important role in emotional activities. It regulates
qi circulation and stores blood. Overstress, resentment, anger, emo-
tional trauma, and frustration during COVID-19 may cause retarda-
tion in liver-qi circulation, resulting in stagnation of liver-qi. When
there is stagnation of qi and blood, the circulation in the channels
and collaterals on the head and scalp will be blocked, or the qi and
blood distribution and movement in the body will be disturbed, and
hair loss appears.
Due to the close physiological relationship between the liver and
heart, stagnation of liver-qi could cause disturbance to the heart,
bringing about the dysfunction of the heart in housing the shen and
regulation of the vessels, and hair loss forms. Blockage of the collaterals by damp-phlegm

When the invasion of cold-damp or damp-heat with a pestilent toxin
to the body during COVID-19 is not completely eliminated in time,
they could cause severe damage or disturbance to the channels and

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

collaterals on the head and scalp, resulting in retardation of qi and

blood circulation, and hair loss occurs.
Besides, invasion of external damp to the spleen and stomach
could cause disturbance to the ascending and descending functions,
and formation of internal damp-phlegm happens. Meanwhile, a pre-
existing sickness, such as obesity, slow digestion, or lack of life care
during COVID-19 (such as alcoholic drinking and overconsumption
of fatty and greasy food), could result in dysfunction of the spleen
and stomach in transportation and transformation, and formation of
damp-phlegm occurs.
When damp-phlegm in the body moves with qi and blood to the
head, it could block the channels and collaterals on the scalp, lead-
ing to hair loss.
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Emotional disturbance, accumulation of damp-phlegm, and defi-
ciency of qi and blood could cause blood movement to slow down,
leading to the occurrence of blood stagnation. When that happens in
the channels and collaterals on the head and scalp, hair loss starts. Deficiency of qi, blood and kidney-jing

Overconsumption of qi and blood, lack of dietary care or improper
treatment during COVID-19 could cause deficiency of qi and blood,
leading to failure of the head and scalp to be nourished, and hair loss
Pre-existing kidney-jing deficiency prior to COVID-19 could
deteriorate during COVID-19 due to overconsumption of qi and
blood, resulting in weakness of marrow with deficiency of blood, and
hair loss occurs.

11.22.2 TCM treatment of Long COVID-associated hair loss Stagnation of liver-qi
Hair loss after COVID-19 infection, spasm or tension feeling on the
scalp or in the head, aggravation of hair loss when stressed,

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

depression, anxiety, easily angered, stiffness of the neck, distension

and pain in the chest or hypochondriac region, insomnia, irregular
menstruation in women, poor appetite or overeating, abdominal
swelling, thin and white tongue coating, and a wiry pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Smooth the liver, promote qi circulation, calm the shen and improve
hair loss.

Herbal Treatment:
Xiao Yao San-Rambling Powder.

Chai Hu Radix Bupleare 10 g

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Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g

Bai Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae 10 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuan Xiong 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae 10 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Ce Bai Ye Cacumen Biotae Orientalis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Chai Hu, Bai Shao Yao and Zhi Ke smooth the liver, regulate
and promote liver-qi circulation and relieve qi stagnation in the
• Dang Gui and Chuan Xiong nourish and benefit the blood in the
liver, harmonize and smooth the liver and relieve tension and
spasm in the scalp, head, and the hypochondriac region.
• Bai Ji Li, Jie Geng and Fang Feng guide the effect of the prescrip-
tion to the head and scalp and harmonize the collaterals on the
• Yuan Zhi benefits the brain, regulates the shen and relieves insomnia.
• Ce Bai Ye strengthens hair growth and prevents further hair loss.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the actions of the other herbs in the

Herbal Remedy:
Xiao Yao Wan-Rambling Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4,
Hegu L.I.-4, Shuaigu GB-8, Toulinqi GB-15, Yanglingquan GB-34,
Extra Yintang, Extra Sishencong, Fengchi GB-20, Jianjing GB-21,
Taichong LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14, Shenmen HE-7 and Ganshu BL-18.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, P-6 + SP-4, and a
reducing method is applied to the rest of the points.
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• A combination of SJ-5 + GB-41 harmonizes Shaoyang channels,
benefits the gallbladder, and relieves tension at the neck and lat-
eral aspects of the head.
• A combination of P-6 + SP-4 smooths the liver, regulates qi and
blood circulation, and calms the shen.
• L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the large intestine chan-
nel and the liver channel respectively, LIV-14, the front-mu point
of the liver, BL-18, the back-shu point of the liver, and GB-34, the
he-sea point of the gallbladder channel, smooth the liver, regulate
the qi circulation in the body, relieve liver-qi stagnation and
improve emotions.
• HE-7, the yuan-source point of the heart channel, and extra
Sishencong, promote qi circulation, calm the shen and emotions
and improve sleep.
• GB-8, GB-15, GB-20 and GB-21 regulate the collateral of the
gallbladder channel, smooth the emotions, benefit the head,
relieve the neck tension, and promote qi circulation in the head to
relieve hair loss.
• Extra Yintang and Extra Taiyang, the local points, improve qi and
blood circulation in the scalp and relieve hair loss.

TCM Treatment of Long COVID Blockage of the collaterals by damp-phlegm

Hair loss after COVID-19 infection, poor concentration, slight dizzi-
ness, a heavy sensation in the head, the fullness of the chest and
epigastric region, nausea, poor appetite, lassitude, somnolence,
white and greasy coating on the tongue, and a slippery or wiry and
slippery pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Activate the spleen, eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, harmonize the
collaterals, and improve hair loss.

Herbal Treatment:
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang-Notopterygium Decoction to Overcome
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Qiang Huo Rhizoma seu Radix Notopterygii 10 g

Du Huo Radix angelicae Pubescentis 10 g
Gao Ben Rhizoma Radix Ligustici 10 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Fang Feng Radix Ledebouriellae 6 g
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi Grandiflori 10 g
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae Tenuifoliae 10 g
Ce Bai Ye Cacumen Biotae Orientalis 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Qiang Huo, Du Huo, Fang Feng and Gao Ben dispel wind, elimi-
nating the remaining damp in the channels and collaterals.
• Chuan Xiong expels wind, promotes qi and blood circulation, and
relieves stagnation in the channels and collaterals.
• Jie Geng guides the effect of the prescription on the head and scalp
and harmonizes the collaterals on the scalp.
• Yuan Zhi benefits the brain, regulates the shen and relieves
• Ce Bai Ye strengthens hair growth and prevents further hair loss.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Zhi Gan Cao coordinates the effects of the other herbs in the

Herbal Remedy:
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Pian-Notopterygium Pill to Overcome

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Waiguan SJ-5 + Zulinqi GB-41, Hegu L.I.-4, Lieque LU-7, Fengchi
GB-20, Shuaigu GB-8, Toulinqi GB-15, Yanglingquan GB-34,
Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9 and Fenglong ST-40.
• An even method is applied on SJ-5 + GB-41, and a reducing
method is applied to the rest of the points.
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• A combination of SJ-5 + GB-41 harmonizes Shaoyang channels,
benefits the gallbladder, and relieves tension at the neck and lat-
eral aspects of the head.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, and
LU-7, the luo-connecting point of the lung channel, promote the
qi circulation, dispel external damp in the channels and collaterals
on the head and scalp.
• GB-8, GB-15, GB-20, and GB-34 regulate the collateral of the
gallbladder channel, smooth the emotions, benefit the head,
relieve the neck tension, and promote qi circulation in the head to
relieve hair loss.
• SP-6 and SP-9, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot,
and the he-sea point of the spleen channel respectively, and ST-40,
the luo-connecting of the stomach channel, promote, activate the
spleen and stomach and eliminate damp in the body. Stagnation of blood

Hair loss after COVID-19 infection, possible stabbing headache at a
fixed location, aggravation of headache at night, numbness on the

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

scalp, insomnia, history of cerebral diseases, insomnia, thin and

white tongue coating, purplish tongue or purplish spots on the
tongue, and a thready or unsmooth pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Promote circulation of blood, eliminate blood stasis, and improve
hair loss.

Herbal Treatment:
Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang-Open the Portals and Quicken the Blood

Tao Ren Semen Pruni Persicae 10 g

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Hong Hua Flos Carhami 10 g

Dang Gui Radix angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma LiGustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Chi Shao Yao Radix Paeoniae Rubra 10 g
Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 10 g
Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi 10 g
Zhi Qiao Fructus Aurantii 10 g
Pu Huang Pollen Typhae 10 g
Xian He Cao Herba Agrimoniae Pilosae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g

• Tao Ren, Hong Hua, Pu Huang, Xian He Cao and Dan Shen pro-
mote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis. Meanwhile,
Dan Shen cools the heat in the blood due to stagnation of blood.
• Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Chi Shao Yao promote blood circulation,
regulate blood and benefit blood. In this way, blood is not dam-
aged by using some blood circulation herbs.
• Since qi circulation promotes blood circulation, some herbs to
promote qi circulation are prescribed here as well, such as Xiang
Fu and Zhi Qiao are used to promote qi circulation to lead blood
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the effects of the prescription.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Remedy:
Huo Xue Tong Mai Pian-Quicken the Blood and Smooth the Vessels

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6, Shenmai BL-62 + Houxi SI-3, Hegu
L.I.-4, Shenting DU-24, Shuaigu GB-8, Fengchi GB-20, Taiyuan
LU-9, Shaohai HE-3, Shenmen HE-7, Geshu BL-17, Sanyinjiao
SP-6 and Taichong LIV-3.
• An even method is applied to LU-7 + KID-6, and a reducing
method is applied to the rest of the points.

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• A combination of LU-7 + KID-6 regulates qi and blood circulation

and eliminates blood stasis in the body.
• A combination of BL-62 + SI-3 promotes circulation in the
Yangqiao mai and relieves blood stasis in the head and scalp.
• Qi is the guide for blood. L.I.-4 and LIV-3, the yuan-source point
of the large intestine channel and the liver channel respectively,
regulate qi circulation for blood circulation and eliminate blood
• SP-6, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, and
BL-17, the influential point of blood, promote blood circulation
and eliminate blood stasis in the body and on the scalp.
• HE-3, HE-7 and LU-9, the influential point of the vessel in the
body, calm the shen, regulate emotions, promote blood circula-
tion, and improve sleep.
• GB-8, DU-24 and GB-20, the local points on the head, promote
qi and blood circulation in the head and speed up hair growth. Deficiency of qi
Hair loss after COVID-19 infection, light sensation in the head,
aggravation of hair loss after physical exertion, fatigue, general weak-
ness, pale complexion, aversion to cold, cold hands, shortness of

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

breath, spontaneous sweating, loose stools, poor appetite, diarrhea,

lower back pain, weakness of knees, low voice, thin and white
tongue coating, pale tongue with tooth marks, and a slow and deep

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify qi, activate the spleen and stomach, benefit the kidney, and
improve hair loss.

Herbal Treatment:
Da Bu Yuan Jian-Great Tonify the Primal Decoction.

Ren Shen Radix Ginseng 10 g

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Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 15 g

Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 12 g
Du Zhong Cortex Eucommiae Ulmoidis 10 g
Shan Zhu Yu Fructus Corni Officinalis 10 g
Gou Qi Zi Fructus Lycii 10 g
Huang Jing Rhizoma Polygonati 10 g
Suo Yang Herba Cynomorii Songarici 10 g
Gou Ji Rhizoma Cibotii Barometz 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Praeparata 3 g

• Ren Shen greatly tonifies yuan-source qi, improves lung-qi and
spleen-qi and relieves general fatigue and weakness.
• Bai Zhu tonifies spleen-qi and activates the spleen.
• Shu Di Huang, Shan Zhu Yu, Shan Yao, Du Zhong, Gou Ji, Suo
Yang and Gou Qi Zi tonify kidney-qi, benefit kidney-jing and
relieve fatigue and lower back pain.
• Huang Jing and Wu Wei Zi tonify lung-qi and benefit the lung.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the effects of the other herbs in the

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Herbal Remedy:
Da Bu Yuan Jian Ke Li-Great Tonify the Primal Granulates.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Baihui DU-20, Zusanli ST-36, Taibai SP-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Qihai
REN-6, Guanyuan REN-4, Pishu BL-20, Weishu BL-21, Shenshu
BL-23, Shenting DU-24, Touwei ST-8 and Shuaigu GB-8.
• A tonifying method is applied to these points. Moxibustion should
be applied on REN-6 and ST-36.

• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, SP-3, the yuan-
source point of the spleen channel, BL-20 and BL-21, the
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back-shu point of the spleen and stomach respectively, activate

the spleen and stomach, tonify qi and relieve general fatigue and
• REN-4, REN-6, SP-6 and BL-23 tonify qi and blood at the same
time and strengthen the body to relieve general fatigue and
• DU-20 lifts qi to the headache to benefit the head and scalp.
• DU-24, ST-8 and GB-8, all the local points, harmonize the col-
laterals and benefit the scalp to improve hair loss. Deficiency of blood

Hair loss after COVID-19 infection, a hollow sensation in the head,
aggravation of hair loss after physical exertion and alleviation of it by
rest, dry eyes, palpitations, listlessness, dry skin and stools, insomnia,
pale complexion, lower back pain, weakness of knees, scanty or
delayed menstruation in women, poor appetite, pale tongue, thin
and white tongue coating, and a thready and weak pulse.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify blood, benefit kidney-jing, relieve weakness and improve hair

TCM Treatment of Long COVID

Herbal Treatment:
Si Wu Tang-Four Substances Decoction.

Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae Praeparatae 15 g

Dang Gui Radix Angelicae Sinensis 10 g
Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae Alba 10 g
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong 10 g
Huang Jing Rhizoma Polygonati 10 g
He Shou Wu Radix Polygoni Multiflori 10 g
Tian Ma Rhizoma Gastrodiae Elatae 10 g
Bai Ji Li Fructus Tribulli Terrestris 10 g
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Preparata 3 g
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If there is lower back pain and tinnitus due to deficiency of kidney-

jing, add Rou Cong Rong Herba Cistanches Deserticolae 10 g and
Sang Ji Sheng Ramulus Loranthi 10 g.

• Shu Di Huang, Dang Gui, Bai Shao, Chuan Xiong, Huang Jing and
He Shou Wu tonify and nourish the blood, benefit kidney-jing and
improve hair loss.
• Tian Ma and Bai Ji Li benefit the head and improve hair loss.
• Zhi Gan Cao harmonizes the herbs in the prescription.
• Rou Cong Rong and Sang Ji Sheng tonify kidney-jing, strengthen
the lower back and relieve the weakness of the knees.

Herbal Remedy:
Shi Quan Da Bu Wan-All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Pill.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taichong LIV-3, Ququan LIV-8,
Taixi KID-3, Yingu KID-10, Xuanzhong GB-39, Shenmen HE-7,
Shuaigu GB-8, Baihui DU-20, Shenting DU-24, Touwei ST-8, extra
Yintang and extra Sishencong.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• An even method is applied on LIV-3, and a tonifying method is

applied to the rest of the points.

• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, and SP-6, the
crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, activate the spleen
and stomach, tonify qi and blood and improve hair loss.
• Since kidney-jing and blood share the same origin and benefit
each other constantly, some points should be used to tonify
kidney-jing to tonify blood. KID-3, the yuan-source point of the
kidney channel, LIV-8 and KID-10, the he-sea point of the liver
channel and kidney channel respectively, tonify blood and jing at
the same time, relieve the general fatigue and weakness so as to
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improve hair loss.

• GB-39, the influential point of the marrow, benefits blood and
relieves blood deficiency.
• DU-20 lifts blood and kidney-jing to the head, nourishes the scalp
and improves hair loss.
• DU-24, GB-8, ST-8, Extra Yintang and Extra Sishencong benefit the
head, harmonize the collateral and improve hair loss.
• LIV-3, the yuan-source point of the liver channel, and HE-7, the
yuan-source point of the heart channel, promote qi and blood
circulation, calm the shen, and improve sleep and hair loss.

Long COVID Case Study

12.1 Case 1
Male, 23 years old, a university student.
Chief complaints: Long COVID-associated breathlessness and
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First consultation: 20 October 2021.

In March 2020, his younger sister contracted COVID-19 virus at her

middle school and infected him and his father at the same time. At
that time, it was not possible to get confirmation through a PCR test
due to the insufficiency of tests. He suffered from fever, headache,
shortness of breath, loss of smell and taste, and fatigue. He was
mainly taking some antipyretics to treat his fever symptomatically at
home. All the symptoms remained till mid-May. In the end, his short-
ness of breath became so severe that he was taken into a hospital
and a PCR test showed that he was still positive with the COVID-19
infection. He stayed in the hospital for ten days. From the onset of
his first symptoms until hospital discharge , he lost 10 kg and felt
extremely tired. From March onwards, he took antipyretics for
almost three months. In the last one and a half years, he struggled
with breathlessness, a spasm feeling in the diaphragm, fatigue, and
myalgia. Meanwhile, he also suffered from a burning sensation in
the stomach with acid regurgitation mostly due to too much intake
of antipyretics. He also had insomnia (causing him to wake up seven
times a night because of body pain), poor appetite, feverish feeling
over the whole body, poor concentration, a lot of hair loss, and no
morning erection since sickness. During the process, he gained 3 kg,

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

had a red tongue with a thin and white coating, and a thready, deep,
and wiry pulse.

TCM Diagnosis:
Long COVID due to deficiency of qi and yin of the lung and kidney.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify qi, nourish yin, restore the lung and kidney, and regulate

Herbal Treatment:
Sheng Mai San-Generate the Pulse Powder, plus
Bu Fei Tang-Tonify the Lungs Decoction.
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Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae 10 g

Mai Men Dong Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici 10 g
Wu Wei Zi Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis 10 g
Zhi Huang Qi Radix Astragali Membranacei Praeparata 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Huang Jing Rhizoma Polygonati 10 g
Shan Yao Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae 10 g
Zi Wan Radix Asteris Tatarici 10 g
Sang Bai Pi Cortex Mori Albae Radicis 10 g
Shu Di Huang Radix Rhemanniae Glutinosae Praeparata 10 g
Xing Ren Semen Armeniacae 10 g
Gua Lou Pi Pericarpium Trichosanthis 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Yu Jin Tuber Curcumae 10 g
Chuan Bei Mu Bulbus Fritillariae Cirrhosae 10 g
The herbal treatment is in concentrated powder granules. Take three
times a day, each time 2 g.

• Dang Shen, Zhi Huang Qi, Bai Zhu, and Huang Jing tonify the
qi of the lung and spleen, improve the appetite and relieve

Long COVID Case Study

• Shu Di Huang and Shan Yao tonify kidney-qi, benefit kidney-jing

and relieve fatigue.
• Chuan Bei Mu and Mai Men Dong nourish the yin of the lung and
benefit the lung.
• Wu Wei Zi and Zi Wan tonify lung-qi, nourish lung-yin and relieve
shortness of breath.
• Xing Ren and Sang Bai Pi descend lung-qi and relieve shortness of
• Zhi Shi, Gua Lou Pi and Yu Jin promote qi circulation in the chest
and relieve spasm of the diaphragm.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Tanzhong REN-17, Hegu L.I.-4,
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Chize LU-5, Guanyuan REN-4, Qihai REN-6, Zusanli ST-36,

Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taixi KID-3, Taichong LIV-3, and Qimen
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, a reducing method is
applied on L.I.-4, LIV-3, and LIV-14, and a tonifying method is
applied on the rest of the points.
• Acupuncture treatment is given twice a week for the first two
weeks, followed by once a week.

• A combination of P-6 + SP-4 regulates the respiration, relaxes the
chest, harmonizes the stomach, and relieves shortness of breath.
• REN-17, the influential point of qi in the body, relaxes the chest,
regulates the diaphragm, and relieves shortness of breath.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine, LIV-3 and LIV-
14, the yuan-source point and the front-mu point of the liver
respectively, promote qi circulation and relieve the spasm at the
• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, SP-6, the crossing
point of three yin channels of the foot tonify qi and yin of the lung
and the qi of the spleen so as to relieve fatigue.
• LU-5, the he-sea point of the lung, tonifies qi and yin of the lung
and relieves shortness of breath.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• KID-3, the yuan-source point of the kidney channel, tonifies qi and

yin of the kidney and relieves fatigue.
• REN-4 and REN-6 greatly tonify the qi and yin of the body and
relieve fatigue.

Two weeks later, his breathlessness improved, and his fatigue is

also much better. In addition, his sleep quality changed, he reported
almost no more waking at night, and his physical and mental condi-
tions are much stronger. However, his appetite is still smaller than
before. All his complaints, which have lasted for more than one and
a half years, were alleviated in a short period of time. He is able to
participate in some fitness activities again, and he could drive a car
to the clinic. Meanwhile, on the last visit on 17 November 2021, he
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mentioned that his morning erection regained (not that strong

but almost normal), and he has gained 1 kg. He is happy with his
recovery now.

12.2 Case 2
Female, 37 years old, a physiotherapist and acupuncturist.
Chief complaints: Long COVID-associated diarrhea and fatigue.
First consultation: 8 September 2021.

The patient experienced diarrhea since January 2021. After the con-
traction of the viral infection, she developed headache, fatigue, and
slight myalgia. Her general complaints were kept under control
quickly, but her diarrhea remained the same, usually a few times a
day with watery diarrhea. She had a poor appetite, felt extremely
tired, had cold hands and feet, occasionally showed a purplish color
on the fingers, had a weak feeling in the heart. On top of that, she
had an aversion to cold, preference to warmth, lost some weight (cur-
rent body weight is 48 kg), emaciation, superficial sleep, a pale
tongue with tooth marks, thin and white tongue coating, and a
thready, deep, and slow pulse.
When she was 11 years old, she suffered from Hodgkin’s lym-
phoma and received chemotherapy and radiation, which damaged

Long COVID Case Study

her heart and thyroid. She is always feeling tired. In December

2015, she entered the hospital emergency ward at a university
hospital due to heart failure and received a heart transplant.
She has been suffering from tiredness since the onset of Hodgkin’s
lymphoma, which did not improve even after her heart

TCM Diagnosis:
Long COVID-associated diarrhea and fatigue due to deficiency of
Yang of the heart and spleen.

Principle of Treatment:
Tonify yang of the heart and spleen, activate the spleen and relieve
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diarrhea and fatigue.

Herbal Remedies:
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San-Ginseng, Poria and Atractylodis Macroce­
phalae Pill.
Take three times a day, six pills each time after meals with warm

• Normally an herbal formula, Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan-Prepared
Aconite Pill to regulate the middle, should be given. However, it
was not available at the clinic. Besides, she is too weak, and
would not be able to tolerate a big and complicated herbal decoc-
tion or concentrated powder granules. Thus, herbal remedy Shen
Ling Bai Zhu Wan was used as a substitute.
• In TCM it is held that the heart is a fire organ, which is the mother
organ of the spleen-earth. Constitutional damage to the heart-
yang could lead to the failure of the spleen to be warmed
and supported, resulting in weakness of the spleen in transporta-
tion and transformation. Although she has received a heart
transplant successfully, her heart-yang did not recover com-
pletely as it should be, and an underlying pathogenic factor thus

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• During the COVID-19 infection, the external pathogenic factor,

mainly cold-damp and pestilent toxins, which is a routine patho-
genic factor, invaded the spleen, causing diarrhea together with
headache and myalgia. Although her external symptoms are
under control, the damage to the spleen is unsolved. That is the
reason why diarrhea still exists eight months after the COVID-19
infection. Deficiency of yang of the heart and spleen could
explain why she has fatigue, weakness, emaciation, and superfi-
cial sleep.
• This herbal remedy could activate the spleen, tonify spleen-qi,
improve fatigue, eliminate damp in the spleen and relieve diarrhea.
Meanwhile, acupuncture is also given to support the treatment.
Besides, dietary advice was given to her, such as avoiding cold and
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raw food, no sweet and greasy food, and drinking one glass of red
wine every day, etc.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6,
Zhongwan REN-12, Shaohai HE-3, Shenmen HE-7, Guanyuan
REN-4, Qihai REN-6, Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan
SP-9, Taixi KID-3 and Taichong LIV-3.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and LU-7 + KID-6, a
reducing method is applied on LIV-3, REN-12 and SP-9, and a
tonifying method is applied on the rest of the points.
• Acupuncture treatment is given twice a week for the first three
weeks, and then once a week.

• A combination of P-6 + SP-4 harmonizes the stomach and relieves
• A combination of LU-7 + KID-6 regulates the Ren and Yinqiao
channels and harmonizes the shen.
• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, and SP-6, the
crossing point of three yin channels of the foot respectively, tonify
qi of the spleen, activate the spleen, improve the appetite, and
relieve tiredness and diarrhea.

Long COVID Case Study

• SP-9, the he-sea point of the spleen channel, eliminates damp and
relieves diarrhea.
• HE-3 and HE-7, the he-sea point and the yuan-source point of the
heart channel respectively, tonify heart-yang, eliminate interior
cold and calm the shen.
• REN-4 and REN-6 greatly tonify the qi and yang of the heart and
spleen and relieve fatigue.
• KID-3, the yuan-source point of the kidney channel, tonifies qi and
yang of the kidney and relieves fatigue.
• Usually, some more points to warm the yang of the heart and
spleen and a moxibustion should be applied to some points.
However, as she is so weak and emaciated, the treatment should
be given smoothly without too sudden and strong effects.
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• One day later, when she came for the second acupuncture treat-
ment, she mentioned that after a single treatment with acupuncture
and taking herbal remedy for one day, she felt much stronger and
better. Her diarrhea stopped but she still had an aversion to cold.
In the following weeks, her diarrhea is mostly under control. If she
works too much or feels too tired, her stools become loose.
Thankfully, it mostly happens once per day. Her tiredness and
aversion to cold also gradually improved in the following
• On 25 October 2021, she mentioned that she has been taking
female hormone pills in the last three years to stimulate her men-
struation in order to maintain a good density of her bones.
However, her menstruation did not come in the last few months.
Thus, Shi Quan Da Bu Wan-All­Inclusive Great Tonifying Pill was
given, three times a day, six pills each time. Her diarrhea remained
under control and her tiredness continuously improved.

12.3 Case 3
Female, 38 years old, a nurse.
Chief complaints: Long COVID-associated fatigue, palpitation and
lack of smell and taste.
First consultation: 6 September 2021.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

The patient is a nurse, working in a hospital ICU unit. During the

pandemic period in May 2020, she contracted COVID-19 infection
from her work, manifesting as fever (often around 38.5 degrees or
slightly higher), dizziness, myalgia, pain at the scapular regions and
lower leg, headache, and loss of smell and taste. Different PCR tests
were negative, but she was quarantined immediately and received
some symptomatic treatment. Two weeks later, she still felt the same
and finally got another chance to take another PCR test, which
showed a positive result. Her husband and two children did not show
any symptoms of infection and no PCR tests were conducted on
them. Three weeks after the onset of her first symptoms, she returned
to work at the hospital. She was so tired that she was only able to
work half the time. Even so, she constantly suffered from fatigue,
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palpitation, muscle pain especially in her left scapular region, and

dizziness. Her serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) increased
too after COVID-19 infection. Her palpitations got so severe that she
went for some cardiological examinations, but nothing abnormal
was found. Sometimes, her heartbeat could reach more than 160
beats/min, so she was prescribed bisoprolol fumarate 1.25 mg film-
coated tablets, a beta blocker medication, once per day. Even with
this medication, her palpitations were still not completely under
control. She stayed at home on sick leave until October 2020.
A few days after returning to her work in October 2020, she felt
sick again with almost the same symptoms as that in May 2020, such
as some fever and myalgia, etc. On 20 October, she received a PCR
test, which was negative. Her family members got sick at the same
time. Her husband had fever, cough, headache, and loss of smell and
taste. Her elder son (14 years old), only had some dizziness. Her
younger son (11 years old), became very sick, manifesting fever, diar-
rhea, and cramps in the abdomen. Through PCR tests, it confirmed a
positive result for her husband and her younger son, while her elder
son had a negative result.
When she came for a consultation, it was one and a half years
after the first clinical symptoms of infection. She still suffers from
severe fatigue, chest pain, severe palpitations, stress from her job,

Long COVID Case Study

depression, unhappiness, and anxiety, and she also mentioned con-

tinuous crying. One week before, she also suffered from tachycardia
with arrhythmia, and her heartbeat was above 160 beats per minute.
She also had a constant pain at her diaphragm, tingling on both legs,
tension at her head and neck, cold hands, cramps in the abdomen,
occasional nausea, poor appetite, lack of taste and smell, a purplish
tongue with a thin, white, and greasy coating, and a wiry and slip-
pery pulse.

TCM Diagnosis:
Long COVID-associated fatigue due to accumulation of cold-damp
and stagnation of liver-qi.
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Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate cold, resolve damp, promote qi circulation, regulate the
shen and improve fatigue.

Herbal Treatment:
Cang Fu Dao Tan Tang-Atractylodes­Poria Phlegm­Dissipating Dec­
oction, plus
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San-Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi.

Cang Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis 10 g

Xiang Fu Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi 10 g
Zhi Shi Fructus Immaturus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Hou Po Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis 10 g
Bai Zhu Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae 10 g
Fu Ling Sclerotium Poriae Cocos Rubrae 10 g
Chen Pi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae 5 g
Sha Ren Fructus Amomi 3 g
Huo Xiang Herba Agastaches seu Pogostemi 10 g
Chuan Xiong Radix Ligustici Wallichii 10 g
Zhi Ke Fructus Citri Aurantii 10 g
Dan Shen Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae 15 g
Hong Hua Flos Carthami Tinctorii 10 g

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

Bai Zhi Radix Angelicae Dahuricae 10 g

Yan Hu Suo Rhizoma Corydalis 10 g
The herbal treatment is in concentrated powder granulates. Take
three times a day, each time 2 g after meals with warm water.

• Cang Zhu, Zhi Shi and Hou Po strongly eliminate cold-damp, pro-
mote qi circulation and relieve myalgia.
• Xiang Fu and Zhi Ke promote qi circulation and relieve pain in the
chest and abdomen.
• Chuan Xiong, Yan Hu Suo and Bai Zhi promote qi circulation and
relieve myalgia, chest pain and abdominal pain. Meanwhile, Bai
Zhi could improve the sense of smell.
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• All the above herbs can promote qi circulation, smooth the liver,
and relieve depression and stress.
• Bai Zhu and Fu Ling activate the spleen and stomach and elimi-
nate damp in the body.
• Huo Xiang, Chen Pi and Sha Ren regulate the middle Jiao, pro-
mote digestion, descend stomach-qi, relieve nausea, and improve
the sense of taste.
• Dan Shen and Hong Hua calm the shen, promote blood circula-
tion and relieve chest pain and abdominal pain.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6,
Hegu L.I.-4, Yingxiang L.I.-20, Taichong LIV-3, Qimen LIV-14,
Shaohai HE-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Zusanli ST-36,
Taixi KID-3, Qihai REN-6, Tanzhong REN-17, Zhongwan REN-12,
Fengchi GB-20 and Jianjing GB-21.
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and LU-7 + KID-6, a
reducing method is applied to L.I.-4, LIV-3, LIV-14, REN-12, REN-
17, SP-6, SP-9, GB-20, GB-21 and HE-3, and a tonifying method
is applied to ST-36, KID-3, and REN-6.
• Acupuncture treatment is given twice a week for the first three
weeks, followed by once a week.

Long COVID Case Study

It seems that there are too many acupuncture points selected but they
are all logical and necessary.

• A combination of P-6 + SP-4 regulates the emotion, promotes qi

circulation, harmonizes the stomach, and improves taste.
• A combination of LU-7 + KID-6 regulates the heart and spleen and
harmonizes the shen.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, LIV-3
and LIV-14, the yuan-source point and the front-mu point of the
liver channel and the liver respectively, and REN-17, the influen-
tial point of the qi in the body, smooth the liver, promote qi
circulation, relieve stagnation of qi, improve chest pain and
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abdominal pain, and alleviate depression.

• GB-20 and GB-21 regulate qi circulation in the gallbladder and its
channel and relieve the tension at the head and neck.
• HE-3, the he-sea point of the heart channel, regulates the shen,
calms the heartbeat and improves sleep.
• REN-12, the front-mu point of the stomach and the influential
point of the fu organs, and SP-9, the he-sea point of the spleen
channel, activate the spleen and stomach, eliminate cold-damp,
and relieve the pain in the body.
• ST-36, the he-sea point of the stomach channel, and SP-6, the
crossing point of three yin channels of the foot tonify qi of the
spleen, activate the spleen and improve the appetite.
• REN-6 and KI-3 tonify qi of the kidney and relieve prolonged
• L.I.-20, the local point around the nose, activates the opening of
the nose and relieves the loss of smell.

After receiving TCM treatment for two weeks, her fatigue and
myalgia greatly improved, and she felt relaxed during her work. Her
abdominal cramps and nausea also improved. The happiest point
was that the pain in her legs were much alleviated. Four weeks later,
she reported that she sometimes felt some irritability from the stress

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

working at the hospital due to increased COVID-19 patients in the

ICU. At this point, she still did not accept the COVID-19 vaccination.
Xiao Yao Wan-Rambling Powder was then given as extra support for
her situation.
Two months after the first visit, her general situation of fatigue,
chest pain, myalgia, and abdominal cramp, etc., were all much bet-
ter. The same herbal powder granulates were prescribed again, but
she should take them only twice a day, each time 1 g to consolidate
the therapeutic results.

12.4 Case 4
Female, 54 years old, a university professor.
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Chief complaints: Long COVID-associated disorder of taste.

First consultation: 11 October 2021.

The patient suffered from a lot of stress and food allergy in the last
two years. She is allergic to red wine, peanuts, cauliflower, etc. She
contracted COVID-19 in October 2021, and everything went well
except that her smell and taste did not return completely. She could
taste something, but it was mainly a metal taste. She had a burning
sensation in the stomach and esophagus, alternative loose stools or
constipation, constant presence of phlegm in the throat, insomnia,
waking easily during the night, tension at the neck, headache, dizzi-
ness, hypertension, 150/90 mmHg, nervousness, irritability, and
painful eyes with redness. All the above situations worsened when
she gets very nervous or stressed, and she had pressure in the chest,
red tongue with a thick, yellow, and greasy coating, and a wiry and
slippery pulse.

TCM Diagnosis:
Long COVID-associated with disorder of taste due to impairment of
the collaterals, hyperactivity of liver-fire, and disharmony between
the liver and stomach.

Long COVID Case Study

Principle of Treatment:
Harmonize the collaterals, restore the taste, reduce liver-fire, and
regulate the liver and stomach.

Herbal Remedy:
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan-Gentiana Longdancao Pill to Drain the Liver.

• Usually, the loss of smell and taste during COVID-19 could last a
few months, but this lady has been suffering from a disorder of
taste for more than a year. The taste she described in her mouth is
a metal taste. In TCM, Metal is an element belonging to the lung,
and a metal taste is often a disorder from the lung.
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• COVID-19 is a disease in which the pathogenic factors mainly

damage the lung. Although her chief physiological functions of the
lung have been restored, some minor dysfunction remains
unsolved. This dysfunction is the impairment of the collaterals in
• There are different pathological situations that should be consid-
ered at same time, but the liver is the key organ to be cared for
besides treating her for loss of smell and taste. Long Dan Xie Gan
Wan is suitable for this complicated case since it could clear heat
and reduce fire in the liver. When liver-fire is under control, most
clinical symptoms will improve.
• In terms of loss of smell and taste due to the impairment of the
collaterals in the lung, acupuncture treatment could be the best

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KI-6, Hegu
L.I.-4, Yingxiang L.I.-20, Juliao ST-3, Dicang ST-4, Xingjian LIV-2,
Qimen LIV-14, Shaohai HE-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9,
Zhongwan REN-12, Tanzhong REN-17, Fengchi GB-20, and
Jianjing GB-21.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and LU-7 + KID-6. A

reducing method is applied to all the rest of the points.
• Acupuncture treatment is given twice a week for the first two
weeks, and then followed by once a week.

• A combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes qi circulation, regulates the
emotion, harmonizes the stomach, and improves the sense of
• A combination of LU-7 + KID-6 regulates the Ren and Yinqiao
channels, harmonize the shen and improve the sense of smell.
• L.I.-20, ST-3 and ST-4, the local points around the nose and mouth,
harmonize the collaterals, activate the opening of the nose and
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improve the sense of taste.

• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, LIV-14,
the front-mu point of the liver channel, and REN-17, the influential
point of the qi in the body, smooth the liver, promote qi circula-
tion, and relieve stagnation of liver-qi.
• GB-20 and GB-21 regulate qi circulation in the gallbladder and its
channel, relieve the tension at the head and neck and improve
• HE-3, the he-sea point of the heart channel, regulates the shen,
calms the heartbeat and improves sleep.
• REN-12, the front-mu point of the stomach and the influential
point of the fu organs, SP-6 and SP-9, the crossing point of three
yin channels of the foot, and the he-sea point of the spleen chan-
nel respectively, activate the spleen and stomach, promote
digestion, and relieve a burning sensation in the stomach and

When the liver is smoothed, liver-fire is reduced, and the middle

Jiao is restored, the physiological functions of the spleen will be pro-
moted, thus the sense of taste could also be regulated at the same
time. It could be seen from this sense that if only some local points
around the nose and mouth are selected without choosing the above

Long COVID Case Study

general points for the liver and middle Jiao, the total effects of the
treatment will be limited.
After TCM treatment for two weeks, her sense of taste started to
return. Meanwhile, her emotions are also greatly under control. She
could sleep better. But there is still constipation. Thus Tianshu ST-25
is added into the above acupuncture prescription. On 10 October
2021, she mentioned that she felt occasional dizziness, thus Shuaigu
GB-8 is added. After treatment for another four weeks, most of the
metal taste in her mouth disappeared and her liver-fire situations are
also greatly under control.

12.5 Case 5
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Female, 21 years old, a university student.

Chief complaints: Long COVID-associated loss of smell and taste.
First consultation: 14 June 2021.

The patient suffered from vulvodynia for one year, which makes it
impossible for her to have sexual contact. The persistent, unex-
plained pain in the vulva started gradually. She went to the gynecolo-
gist but nothing abnormal was discovered. Therefore, she was
prescribed painkiller creams to be applied locally to relieve the pain.
Even with this cream, she could not have copulation. She usually has
cystitis a few times a year, and it is not always possible to detect a
bacterial infection. Her situation usually becomes worse when she is
stressed, as she faces a lot of stress with her university studies.
Meanwhile, she also has stress-related headaches, tension at the
neck, irritability, stomach pain, nausea, lack of appetite, abdominal
cramps and diarrhea. As the end of year examinations was approach-
ing, her vulvodynia was getting worse and worse. Herbal remedy
Long Dan Xie Gan Wan-Gentiana Longdancao Pill to Drain the Liver
was offered in combination with an acupuncture treatment to
smooth the liver, promote qi circulation on the liver and relieve the
vulvodynia. After six visits, everything went relatively well till the
end of July.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

In the middle of August 2021, she contracted COVID-19 infec-

tion, which was confirmed by a PCR test. She mainly developed a
lack of smell and taste three days after her slight fever (which lasted
for a day) and moderate myalgia. Cough was not present. She was
quarantined at home for ten days, and then went on holiday with her
boyfriend. Upon coming back from holidays at the end of August, she
still has a lack of smell and taste, so she went to have another PCR
test, which showed positive again. On 8 September, she came back
for a consultation about her loss of smell and taste. Her vulvodynia
returned, causing her to feel a slight pain during urination and she
also complained about urgent urination. It was observed that she had
a thin and white tongue coating and a wiry pulse.
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TCM Diagnosis:
Long COVID-associated loss of smell and taste impairment of the
collaterals and stagnation of liver-qi.

Principle of Treatment:
Harmonize the collaterals, benefit the clear orifices, smooth the
liver, and promote urination.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Lieque LU-7 + Zhaohai KID-6,
Hegu L.I.-4, Yingxiang L.I.-20, Juliao ST-3, Dicang ST-4, Zanzhu
BL-2, Shenting DU-24, Ligou LIV-5, Jimai LIV-12, Sanyinjiao
SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Shuidao ST-28, Fenglong ST-40, and Qugu
• An even method is applied on P-6 + SP-4, and LU-7 + KID-6. A
reducing method is applied to all the rest of the points.
• Acupuncture treatment is given once a week.

• A combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes qi circulation, regulates the
emotion, smooths emotion, harmonizes the stomach, and improves
the sense of taste.

Long COVID Case Study

• A combination of LU-7 + KID-6 regulates the lung, heart and

spleen, harmonize the shen and improve the sense of smell.
• Besides, based on the effects from the above extra meridians to
benefit the lung, spleen, and liver, this acupuncture could treat
lack of smell and taste and vulvodynia as well as Lin syndrome at
the same time.
• L.I.-20, ST-3, ST-4 and BL-2, the local points around the nose and
mouth, activate the opening of the nose and relieve the loss of
smell and taste. DU-24 benefits the shen, opens the orifices and
improves smell and taste. When these five points are applied
together, their therapeutic results to improve the sense of smell and
taste are strengthened.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, and
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SP-6, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot, promote
qi and blood circulation and relieve qi stagnation.
• LIV-5, the luo-connecting point of the liver channel, and LIV-12, a
local point nearby the complaint of vulvodynia, smooth the liver,
promote liver-qi circulation, and relieve vulvodynia.
• SP-9, ST-28, ST-40, and REN-2 promote urination and relieve pain
when urinating.

After only one acupuncture treatment, the patient came back on

14 September. Her smell and taste have greatly improved, and she
could smell and taste almost everything. However, her painful urina-
tion and vulvodynia only improved slightly. Upon the next visit on
22 September, her taste recovered completely except that she is
extremely sensitive to cigarette smoking. On 29 September 2021, her
smell and taste restored completely, and her vulvodynia and painful
urination were also within control.

Although this case does not belong to Long COVID associated with
loss of smell and taste because it is not consistent with the timeline
of Long COVID, it is still interesting to show how fast and effective

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

acupuncture could help patients with their complaints. There is no

doubt to point that the earlier the patient receives TCM treatment, the
better therapeutic results will be.

12.6 Case 6
Female, 30 years old, an artist and musician.
Chief complaints: Long COVID-associated breathlessness and diges-
tion dysfunction.
First consultation: 17 September 2021.

The patient contracted a COVID-19 viral infection in March 2020

abroad. She was one of approximately 40 colleagues who were
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infected at the same time in her company. She had a low-grade

fever for only two days, and her main complaints were headache,
diarrhea, loss of smell and taste, and fatigue. She was sick for three
months. Due to severe breathlessness, she went for a chest CT
examination and cardiological check-up in a hospital in May 2020,
but everything was normal. Since then, she has been suffering from
superficial breathing, difficulty to breathe deeply, chest pain when
taking a deep breath, stomach pain with swollen feeling, acid
regurgitation, aggravation of stomach pain after eating, poor appe-
tite, occasional abdominal pain, afraid of sudden death, and
insomnia. She was also facing a lot of stress in her life and at her
work in the last few years, the sense of insecurity and agitation, and
neck tension and pain. When she feels relaxed, the above situation
becomes less intensive. She is careful with her diet and does
not eat too much sweet and greasy food. Her stool is relatively
normal. Her menstruation is regular with no pain. Her tongue has
a thin, white, and greasy coating, and she has a wiry and slippery

TCM Diagnosis:
Long COVID-associated breathlessness and digestion dysfunction
due to accumulation of damp-phlegm and stagnation of liver-qi.

Long COVID Case Study

Principle of Treatment:
Eliminate damp, resolve phlegm, smooth the liver, and descend the
qi of the lung and stomach.

Herbal Remedy:
Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan-Aucklandia, Amomum Nourish Stomach
Pill, plus
Xiao Yao Wan-Rambling Pill.
Take six pills from both remedies after meals, three times a day.

• Invasion of cold-damp with pestilent toxins could be the chief
causative factor for her COVID-19 infection during the acute phase.
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This is because she did not have a very high fever and suffered from
diarrhea and breathlessness at the same time. Although she survived
from this infection, external pathogenic factors in her body are not
eliminated completely, which blocked the lung and stomach.
• Accumulation of cold-damp in the lung is the main cause for her
superficial breathing, difficulty in breathing deeply, and chest pain
when taking a deep breath. On the other hand, accumulation of
cold-damp in the stomach is the main cause for her stomach com-
plaints, such as stomach pain with swollen feeling, acid
regurgitation, aggravation of stomach pain after eating, and poor
appetite. Nevertheless, she has stagnation of liver-qi due to a lot of
stress in her life and at work in the last few years, leading to the
occurrence of fear of sudden death, insomnia, sense of insecurity
and agitation, and neck pain and pain, etc. Additionally, stagna-
tion of liver-qi also could bring about qi stagnation in the lung and
stomach, resulting in aggravation of the above situations when
being nervous.
• Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan is a very good herbal remedy for stomach
pain and distention, poor appetite, and acid regurgitation due
to the accumulation of cold-damp in the stomach. Although this
remedy is not capable of resolving cold-damp in the lung, acu-
puncture treatment could focus on this issue.

The Pathogenesis & Treatment of COVID-19 & Long COVID with TCM

• Xiao Yao San is an excellent remedy to smooth the liver and pro-
mote qi circulation in the body. Besides, it could relieve stomach
pain and painful chest pain due to qi stagnation.

Acupuncture Treatment:
• Neiguan P-6 + Gongsun SP-4, Hegu L.I.-4, Taichong LIV-3, Qimen
LIV-14, Fengchi GB-20, Yanglingquan GB-34, Shenting DU-24,
Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9, Tianshu ST-25, Zusanli ST-36,
Fenglong ST-40, Zhongwan REN-12, and Tanzhong REN-17.
• An even method is applied to P-6 + SP-4, and a reducing method
is applied to all the rest of the points.
• Acupuncture treatment is given twice weekly during the first two
weeks and followed by once a week after.
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• A combination of P-6 + SP-4 promotes qi circulation, regulates
respiration, smooths emotions, harmonizes the stomach, and
improves appetite.
• L.I.-4, the yuan-source point of the large intestine channel, LIV-3
and LIV-14, the yuan-source point and the front-mu point of the
liver channel respectively, REN-17, the influential point of the qi
in the body, promote qi circulation in the liver and relieve qi
• GB-34, the he-sea point of the gallbladder channel, and GB-20
promote qi circulation and relieve tension in the body and at the
• DU-24 calms the shen and improves sleep.
• SP-6 and SP-9, the crossing point of three yin channels of the foot
and the he-sea point of the spleen channel respectively, REN-12,
the influential point of the fu organs and the front-mu point of the
stomach, ST-25, ST-36 and ST-40, the front-mu point of the large
intestine, the he-sea point, and the luo-connecting point of the
stomach channel respectively, activate the spleen and stomach,
eliminate cold-damp, descend stomach-qi, promote digestion and
relieve pain.

Long COVID Case Study

When she came for the second acupuncture treatment on

21 September 2021, she reported that her sleeping patterns and emo-
tions were much better, but her stomach pain and abdominal pain
remained the same, and her digestive system was still weak. After
another two weeks worth of treatment, her appetite improved, and
the abdominal pain also diminished.
On 18 November 2021, two months after the first visit, most of
her complaints were under control, and her breathing became much
easier. She felt almost no pain in the chest, stomach, and abdomen.
The same herbs are given once more to consolidate the therapeutic
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