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Parts of Body

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Parts of body [Bagian Tubuh]

Bahasa Inggris Bunyi Arti

eyes ais mata
head hed kepala
hair hei: rambut
nose nous hidung
ears ie:s telinga
mouth mau:t mulut
teeth tit gigi
nail neil kuku
hands hens tangan
feet fit kaki
fingers fingge:s jari
body bodi badan
tongue teng lidah

Blink your eyes! Kedipkan …………………………...…...!

Nod your head! Anggukan …………………………...…...!
Comb your hair! Sisirlah …………………………...…...!
Touch your nose! Sentuhlah …………………………...…...!
Clean your ears! Bersihkan …………………………...…...!
Open your mouth! Bukalah …………………………...…...!
Brush your teeth! Sikatlah …………………………...…...!
Cut your nail! Potonglah …………………………...…...!
Wash your hands! Cucilah …………………………...…...!
Wash your feet! Cucilah …………………………...…...!
Show your fingers! Tunjukkan …………………………...…...!
Move your body! Gerakkan …………………………...…...!

Names of pets [Nama hewan peliharaan]

Bahasa Inggris Bunyi Arti
bird be:d burung
monkey mangki monyet
tortoise to:tes kura-kura
snake sneik ular
cat ket kucing
dog dog anjing
squirrel skwirel tupai
fish fis ikan
parrot peret burung kakak tua
rabbit rebit kelinci
hamster hamster hamster
Wash the dog! Mandikan …………………………...…...!
Brush the cat! Sikatlah …………………………...…...!
Carry the snake! Bawalah …………………………...…...!
Feed the fish! Beri makan …………………………...…...!
Walk with the dog! Berjalanlah dengan ………………………...…...!
Pet the bird! Peliharalah …………………………...…...!

Names of plants in the garden [Nama tanaman di kebun]

Bahasa Inggris Bunyi Arti
rose rous bunga mawar
jasmine jasmin bunga melati
tulip tulip bunga sepatu
lily lili bunga lili
sunflower sanflawe: bunga matahari
orchid o:cid bunga anggrek
hibiscus hibiskes bunga sepatu
waterlily woter:lili bunga teratai

Water the flower! Siramlah …………………………...…...!

Fertilize the plants! Pupuklah …………………………...…...!
Arrange the flowers! Susunlah …………………………...…...!
Cut the grass! Potonglah …………………………...…...!

Answer the questions below!

1. Mother : (sisirlah) .... your hair, please.
Jessi : Okey, Mom.
A. Comb B. Wash C. Clean
2. Miss Desyta : Your feet are dirty. (Cucilah) ... your feet!
Rafli : Allright, Miss.
A. Wash B. Nod C. Blink
3. Touch your …
4. Mother : Wash your hands!
Intan : …, Mom.
5. Mother : (sikatlah) ... your teeth, please.
Doni : Okay, Mom.
6. Complete the dialog with the correct instruction!
Q : (potonglah kukumu) …………………………………………
A : Okay, Mom.
7. Indah : What pet do you have?
Santi : I have a (tupai) ...
A. cat B. rabbit C. squirrel
8. Wulan : It is a pet. It is brown in color. It likes banana. Tell me, what animal is this?
Andi : I know! It is …
A. dog B. monkey C, parrot
9. Risa : The rabbit is .... Let's feed the rabbit!
Tamara : Okay, let's do.
10. Father : Feed the (kura-kura) ... , please.
Kiki : Okay, Dad.
11. Mr. Douglas : The cat is dirty. (sikatlah) ... the cat, please.
Intan : Okay, Sir.
12. Rearrange the letters into correct names of pet!
a. E-S-A-K-N : ……………………………………………………
b. B-R-A-I-T-B : ……………………………………………………
c. A-R-P-O-T-R : ……………………………………………………
13. It is a pet. It is has four legs, It likes fish. It can meow. It is …
A. rabbit B. cat C. dog
14. Mother : (cucilah) ... your feet!
Rusdi : Okay, Mom.
A. brush B. wash C. touch
15. Raja : Excuse me, what part of body are these?
Icha : These are (telinga) ....
16. I have ten (jari-jari) ...
17. (kedipkan) … your eyes!
18. What part of body is this?
a. These are (gigi) …
b. This is (rambut) ...
c. This is (lidah) …

For number 19-20 please read the text below!

Hello, my friends.
My name is Arum.
I am in grade 2.
I have a small garden behind my house.
There are some flowers in the garden.
They are: rose, jasmine, orchid and sunflowers.
Every day, I water the flowers.
I also fertilize the flowers and cut the grass.
I am very happy.

19. Who is the girl in the text? He is ....

A. Arin B. Arum C. Arun
20. What does Arum have behind her house? She has a small ... behind her house.
A. garden B. pet C. flower
21. Father : (sikatlah) ... the rabbit.
Billy : Okay, Dad.
22. The (bunga mawar) ... is red in color.
It is beautiful.
23. Mother : (mandikan) ... the dog! Use the shampoo, please!
Asih : Okay, Mom.
24. What pet do you have?
a. I have a (burung kakak tua) …
b. I have a (ikan) ...
c. I have a (monyet) …

25. Riana has black hair.

The correct picture of hairis ....
A. B. C.

26. Mother : Look, the flowers are withered. (siramlah)... the flowers, please!
Mega : Okay, Mom.
A. Water B. Cut C. Arrange
27. Monalisa : Let's (memberi makan) … the cat! It is hungry.
Amara : Okay. Let's do.
28. It is name of pet. It has four legs. It has long ears. It is white. It likes to eat carrot. It is a ....
29. the — plants — Fertilize - ! — please
The correct sentence is ....
30. Rearrange the letters below into correct names of flowers!
a. S-I-H-C-B-I-U-S : ……………………………………………………
b. R-E-S-O : ……………………………………………………
c. W-R-L-I-A-T-L-Y-E : ……………………………………………………

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