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Book Part of Body

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Listening Corner

Activity 1
Observe the picture, listen to your teacher, and repeat these words!
(Amatilah gambar, dengarkan gurumu, dan ulangi kata-kata berikut!)

Face Hair Eyes Nose


Mouth Lip Teeth Tongue Neck

Hand Finger Foot Toe

Activity 2
Listen and put a mark (x) on the correct answer!
This is my ……….
(Dengarkan dan beri tanda (x) pada jawaban yang benar!)
Hand Finger Neck
2. I have …… for seeing a beautiful scenery.
Eyes Nose Ears
My mother has a …….. to taste a cake.
Mouth Teeth Tongue

4. My sister has two ……….. to hold something.

Foot Hands Toe

This is my brother’s …………..
Foot Hands Face

Activity 3
Listen and sing this song together loudly!
(Dengarkan dan nyanyikan lagu ini bersama-sama dengan lantang!)

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
And eyes and ears and mouth and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
March, march, march
Let us all march
March, march, march
Get your body charged
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Jump, jump, jump
Let's all jump
Jump, jump, jump
Make your muscle…

Speaking Corner

Activity 1
Complete the dialogue in below and then practice while touching parts of body which is
mentioned !
(Lengkapi dialog dibawah ini dan kemudian praktikkan dengan temanmu sambil
menyentuh bagian tubuh yang disebutkan!)

1. A: “What is this?”
B: “This is an ………”

2. A: “What are these?”

B: “These are……….”

3. A: “What is this?”
B: “This is a ……..”

4. A: “What are these?”

B: “These are ……”

5. A: “What is this?”
B: “This is a ……….”
Activity 2
Practice the conversation below with your friend!
(Praktikkan percakapan berikut dengan temanmu!)
Lina : “Hallo, Risa!, Are you busy?”
Risa : “No, I am not busy. What’s up, Lin?”
Lina : “By the way, when learning English about part of the body, I was a
little confused about the functions of some parts of body, such as nose, tongue,
and hand. Can you help me to learn it?”
Risa : “Yes, of course. What can I do for you?”
Lina : “It is simple, Ris. I will give you some questions and then you will answer them.”
Risa : “Okay, I will do it.”
Lina : “First, what is the function a nose?”
Risa : “It is for smelling aroma, for example, you can smell the rose flower.
Lina : “ Oh, I see. And then, what is the function of tongue and hand?”
Risa : “ The tongue is for tasting foods and the hand is for holding something.”
Lina : “ Okay. Now, I understand about it. Thank you very much.”
Risa : “You’re welcome.”

Skill Corner

1. Kalimat tanya yang digunakan untuk menanyakan nama benda tunggal:

What is this?  kata THIS untuk benda tunggal.
2. Kalimat Tanya yang digunakan untuk menanyakan nama benda jamak:
What is these? Kata THESE untuk benda jamak.
3. Kalimat Tanya yang digunakan untuk menanyakan fungsi dari benda:
What is the function of ………..?
Reading Corner

Activity 1
Read aloud the text below carefully!
(Bacalah dengan lantang teks di bawah ini dengan saksama!)

The Important parts in Human’s Body

Human has many important parts in the body, but there are 5 parts which are
very important. The first is an eye of human. The eye really helps the human in doing
many activities in their life, such as for reading books, seeing movies, seeing the
scenery, and watching news. The second is an ear of human. The ear can help the
human to listen to when they do a conversation and to hear a wise advice from the
other. The third is a tongue of human. The human has a tongue for tasting food and
drink. The fourth is a nose of human. The nose of human is for helping to detect odor
or fragrance. The last is a hand of human. The function of it is to touch or hold things.
All parts of the human body are very important let's take good care of them.

Activity 2
Answer the questions below based on the text!
(Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini berdasarkan teks diatas!)
1. How many parts of body are very important for human? Mention it!
2. What is the function of a nose and a tongue?
3. Does the eye help human to read books?
4. Does the ear help human to smell aroma?
5. What can the hand do?
Activity 3
Look for the meaning of words below in the dictionary!
(Carilah arti kata-kata dibawah ini di dalam kamus!)
1. Important : ………………………………………………………………..
2. Help : ………………………………………………………………..
3. Doing : ………………………………………………………………..
4. Scenery : ………………………………………………………………..
5. Conversation : ………………………………………………………………..
6. Hear : ………………………………………………………………..
7. Wise : ………………………………………………………………..
8. Advice : ………………………………………………………………..
9. Detect : ………………………………………………………………..
10. Odor : ……………………………………………………………......

Writing Corner

Activity 1
Do some this words based on the example!
 Mrs. Rina – big – eyes
Mrs. Rina has big eyes.
 We – pointed – nose
We have a pointed nose.
HAS  mempunyai (digunakan untuk benda/orang tunggal)
HAVE  mempunyai (digunakan untuk benda/orang jamak)

1. Mr. Arman – slanting – eyes

2. They – red – lips
3. Mrs. Lita – flat – nose
4. We – two – hands
5. I – white and small – teeth

Activity 2
Translate these sencentes below into Bahasa!
(Terjrmahkan kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia!)
1. These are my eyes and my nose.
2. What is the function of your hands?
3. What is this?
4. We have two lips.
5. Mrs. Anisa has two eyes for seeing the scenery.

Evaluation Exercise
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!
1. We have …………. Ears.
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
2. Every hand has ……… fingers
a. Three
b. Twenty
c. Five
d. Ten
3. A: “What is it?”
B: “It is ……….”
a. Eyes
b. Nose
c. Ears
d. Mouth
4. Mouth is a part of our ………..
a. Face
b. Hand
c. Foot
d. Finger
5. My head is covered by ……….
a. Eyes
b. Nose
c. Ears
d. Hair
6. Have – I – two – hands
The correct order is ………….
a. I hands two have
b. I have two hands
c. Two hands I have
d. Have two hands I
7. We listen to music using our ………
a. Nose
b. Hand
c. Ears
d. Eyes
8. Is it a nose?
a. No, it is not
b. Yes, it is
c. No, it is
d. Yes, it does
9. We talk with our friend with ……………..
a. Tongue
b. Teeth
c. Hands
d. Mouth
10. I wash my hands everytime.
The meaning of that sentence is ………….
a. Aku mencuci tanganku seminggu sekali
b. Aku mencuci tanganku setiap saat
c. Aku tidak pernah mencuci tanganku
d. Aku jarang mencuci tanganku
11. My lip is red.
The meaning of that sentence is …………..
a. Bibirku merah
b. Bibirnya merah
c. Merah bibirnya
d. Bibir ibuku merah
12. Anita: “What is hand for?”
Ranan: “It is for …………”
a. Smelling aroma
b. Seeing scenery
c. Tasting the cake
d. Holding things
13. Rika : “Selly, what is an mouth for?”
Sella : “It is for ……. to something.”
a. Shooting
b. Holding
c. Talking
d. Seeing
14. Our ears are on the …. and …. side.
a. Right and above
b. Right and left
c. Left and under 
 d. Under and above
15. Dina : “Is this your foot?”
Kusuma : “Yes, ……………….”
a. This not
b. This is not
c. This is
d. Is this

II. Answer the questions below correctly!

1. A: “What is it?”
B: “It is a …………”

2. My hair is black.
The meaning of that sentence is ………….
3. I have two foots.
The meaning of that sentence is ……….....
4. That – is – knee – your – ?
The correct order is ……………..
5. Saya punya sepuluh jari.
The english sentence is ………..
6. have – one – nose – we
The correct order is ………………

7. A: “Is it a hair?”
B: “ ………….”

8. We have ………….hands.
9. We jump with our ………….
10.  Fingers is part of our …………….

III. Fill the blanks below with the correct answer!


A: “What is it?”
B: “ It is a ……………………………………….
A: “ What it is for?”
B: “ ………………………………………………


A: “What is it?”
B: “ It is a …………………………………………
A: “What it is for?”
B: “It is for ………………………………………..

3. Mention 5 parts of body!

4. Write these sentences into Bahasa!
a. I have two eyes and ears.
b. My mother has ten fingers.
5. Write these sentences into English!
a. Ayah saya mempunyai mata untuk membaca Koran.
b. Ibu saya memegang spatula dengan tangan.

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