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Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 66(4), pp. 380–390, 2022

QRS Complex Detection in ECG Signals Using Empirical

Wavelet Transform and Flower Pollination Algorithm

Fatima Guendouzi1*, Mokhtar Attari1

Laboratory of Instrumentation (LINS), Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Houari
Boumediene (USTHB), P. O. B. 32, Bab-Ezzouar 16111, Algeria
Corresponding author, e-mail:

Received: 27 May 2022, Accepted: 06 September 2022, Published online: 22 September 2022

The QRS complex is the most important component of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals; therefore, its detection is the first step
of all kinds of automatic feature extraction and crucial part of an ECG analysis system. The R wave is one of the most important
sections of the QRS complex, which has an essential role in diagnosis of irregular heartbeats. This paper employs Empirical Wavelet
Transform (EWT) and Hilbert transforms as well as by employing Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) in order to approach an optimum
combinational method for R peak detection. First, the Empirical Wavelet Transform (EWT) is used to eliminate the noise and improve
the envelope extraction. The Hilbert envelope is then used to determine the positions of the R waves. Finally, FPA is used to adjust the
envelope’s parameters. In the experimental section of this paper, the proposed approach is evaluated using the MIT/BIH database.
We show that the proposed method can achieve results that are comparable to the state-of-the-art, with a global sensitivity of 99.95%,
a positive predectivity of 99.92%, and a percentage error of 0.136%.
Empirical Wavelet Transform (EWT), ECG, R peak, Hilbert transform, Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA)

1 Introduction
Electrocardiography (ECG) is by far the most frequently anomalies and the time-varying form of the QRS complex,
used diagnostic tool. Therefore, a large number of scien- the early real-time algorithms showed poor accuracy.
tists have attempted to develop automatic algorithms to To improve the algorithm for correct ECG wave
help medical staff in making fast and accurate decisions. extraction, various methods have been used [8–20].
The two major fields of ECG analysis are QRS waveform Belkadi and Daamouche [8] proposed a new technique
detection and arrhythmia classification. using a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm
The QRS complexes serve as reference points for to look for the best values of the parameters of the pop-
the automatic heart rate detection analysis and feature ular Pan-Tompkins algorithm. Kozia et al. [9] presented
extraction. For many years, QRS complex detection has an empirical mode decomposition-based algorithm for
been a research topic. Numerous new approaches have QRS complex detection, it uses an adaptive threshold over
been proposed in the literature, to be extensively reviewed; a sliding window combined with a gradient-based and
see [1]. The slope of the R wave is a popular signal feature refractory period checks to differentiate large Q peaks and
used to locate the QRS complex in many QRS detectors. reject false R peaks.
Such algorithms are based on signal derivatives [2–4]. Several other techniques for R-peak detection have also
However, this algorithm based on drives does not guar- been reported in various studies. These include math-
antee the detection of R peaks with large complex QRS ematical morphology [10, 11], quadratic filter [12], filter
because of ventricular anomalies such as extrasystoles. banks [13], neural network [14–16], weighted total varia-
Other algorithms based on more sophisticated digital tion denoising [17], Hilbert transform [18], max-min dif-
filters and irregular RR interval checkup strategies are ference algorithm [19].
published in [5]. New algorithms based on artificial neural To solve the problem of specific battement forms, several
networks [6, 7]. However, due to the presence of noise and authors have used wavelet transform and multiresolution

Cite this article as: Guendouzi, F., Attari, M. "QRS Complex Detection in ECG Signals Using Empirical Wavelet Transform and Flower Pollination Algorithm",
Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 66(4), pp. 380–390, 2022.
Guendouzi and Attari
Period. Polytech. Elec. Eng. Comp. Sci., 66(4), pp. 380–390, 2022

analysis to account for the differences in the frequency of The robustness and high accuracy of detecting R peaks
normal and pathological battements [20–29]. Li et al. [20] in ECG signals still remain open issues. This paper tries to
described a wavelet-based QRS detection algorithm by benefit from the advantages of Hilbert and the Empirical
searching for the maximum modulus of wavelet coeffi- Wavelet Transforms (EWT) as well as Flower Pollination
cients greater than the update threshold. In [21], a new Algorithm (FPA) in order to approach an optimum combi-
method for detecting ECG waves using the Daubechies national method for R peak detection. To achieve this, we
wavelet function is described. The author developed and propose the EWT to filter the signal. The positions of the
evaluated an ECG feature extraction system based on a R waves are then detected using the Hilbert envelope from
multiresolution wavelet transform. This method achieves the de-noised signal. Finally, the FPA is used in order to
a sensitivity of 99.18% and a positive prediction rate of find the best envelope threshold values; we formulate the
98%. The author in [22] explained multiresolution analy- parameter design as an optimization problem using three
sis using a binary wavelet transform. The potential advan- objective functions namely, maximum positive predictiv-
tages of signal decomposition under different time scales ity (P+), maximum sensitivity ( Se ), and minimum error
will be realized, and therefore, different special resolu- rate ( Er ). The proposed method is implemented accord-
tions will be realized. In addition, certain types of noise ing to the weighted-sum approach to combine multi-objec-
and baseline drift can be removed from the original sig- tives into a composite one objective function. Specifically,
nal according to the corresponding frequency range of the the method combines EWT, Hilbert transform, and FPA
original signal so that the detection algorithm has good is used for the first time in R peak detection. In addition
performance [23, 24]. Pal and Mitra [24] proposed an ECG FPA is an intelligent optimization algorithm that adopts
wave detection system based on a multiresolution wavelet the Lévy flight mechanism and uses a parameter to con-
transform. They used a selective coefficient method based vert between a local search and a global search. Compared
on the identification of the appropriate and optimal set of with similar algorithms, it has fewer parameters, is simple
wavelet coefficients to reconstruct the wave or complex of and easy to adjust, and is widely used in multi-objective
interest from the ECG record. The R peak detection algo- function optimization.
rithm is verified on the PTB diagnostic database, and its The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
accuracy is 99%. Ieong et al. [25] proposed a QRS detec- In Section 2, we give a brief theory about the Empirical
tion processor using a quadratic spline wavelet transform Wavelet Transform (EWT), and we describe the details
for wireless ECG acquisition. The algorithm proposed by of the proposed method. Section 3 is dedicated to the
Zidelmal et al. [26] is based on wavelet detail coefficients obtained results and their discussion. Finally, Section 4
to detect R-wave positions in signals with multiple QRS concludes our study.
morphologies. Their method is based on the power spec-
trum of QRS complexes at different energy levels, includ- 2 QRS detection algorithm
ing normal and pathological levels. The algorithm uses 2.1 MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database
the entire MIT-BIH record for evaluation, and its sensi- The data provided by the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database
tivity is 99.64%, the positive prediction rate is 99.82%, are a standard used by many researchers. The MIT-BIH
and the error rate is 0.54%. However, some records with Arrhythmia Database has 48 records. Each record has
deformed QRS shapes, artifacts, and baseline shifts (105, a 30 min sampling frequency of 360 Hz and an 11-bit reso-
108, 201, 203, and 228) have high error rates. A wavelet lution over a 10 mV range. Each record was independently
filter bank-based R-peak detector for a low-power cardiac annotated by two cardiologists or more to obtain comput-
pacemaker is described in [27]. Discrete wavelets trans- er-readable reference annotations for all beats contained in
form (Daubechies db10 wavelet)-based R-peak detector the database (approximately 110,000 annotations in total).
is described in [28]. Modak et al. [29] presented a new Since the database was made public [30, 31], the annota-
technique for detecting QRS using DWT, median filtering, tions have been revised many times.
with adaptive multilevel thresholding (AMT). The wave-
let transform-based peak finding logics are efficient, but 2.2 Empirical Wavelet Transform (EWT)
for the selection of the mother wavelet, there is no general Gilles introduced the Empirical Wavelet Transform
rule, and the performance of the wavelet transform-based (EWT) in 2013. EWT is a novel approach to build wavelets
algorithm depends on the application [28]. adapted to represent the processed signal. The adaptability
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of EWT is because filters' supports depend on where the The spectrum restricted to a range of 0~π is divided
information in the analyzed signal. into N contiguous segments. The boundaries of all seg-
The detailed calculation process of EWT was introduced ments are denoted by ωn (where ω 0 = 0 and ωN = π).
in [32]. The EWT process contains two important aspects:
Therefore, each segment is defined as  n  n1 , n  . It is
1. segmenting the spectrum of the signal: detect the N
local maxima ωn in the spectrum and select the obvious that    0,  .
n A transient phase whose
top M values in descending order as MA. The first n 1

largest maxima are kept to form a peak sequence. width is 2τ n is defined around each ωn .
The boundaries of all segments are defined as the Based on the detected spectral boundaries, we choose
center of two consecutive local maxima values. the Meyer wavelet as the basis function [32]. The corre-
2. Empirical wavelets are constructed and applied to sponding scaling function and empirical wavelets of EWT
process each segment of the signal. are designed by using Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively:

­1 if Z d Zn  W n
° ªS § 1 ·º
In Z ®cos « X ¨ Z  Zn  W n ¸ » if Zn  W n d Z d Zn  W n (1)
° ¬ 2 © n
2W ¹¼
¯ otherwise

­1 if Zn  W n d Z d Zn1  W n1
° ªS § 1 ·º
°cos « 2 X ¨ 2W Z  Zn1  W n1 ¸ » if Zn1  W n1 d Z d Zn1  W n1 . (2)
° ¬ © n1 ¹¼
\n Z ®
° ªS § 1 ·º
°sin « 2 X ¨ 2W Z  Zn  W n ¸ » if Zn  W n d Z d Zn  W n
° ¬ © n ¹¼
°¯0 otherwise

A properly selected parameter τ n guarantees that EWT Define EWT after exporting the scaling function and
is a tight frame. The v(x) is the auxiliary function of the the empirical wavelet. The approximated coefficients are
Meyer wavelet defined as follows [32]: the inner product of the signal and the scaling function:

 x 4  35  84 x  70 x  20 x  if 0  x  1 W f  0, t   f , 1   f   1   1 d . (4)
v x   . (3)
0 otherwise
The detail coefficients are the inner product of the sig-
An example of a spectrum segmentation of an empirical nal, and the empirical wavelets are given by
filter bank for ω1 = 1.5 rad/s, ω2 = 2 rad/s, ω3 = 2.8 rad/s
W f  n, t   f , n   f   n   1 d . (5)
is given in Fig. 1.
Then, the empirical modes decomposed from the signal
are presented below:

f 0  t   W f  0, t  1  t  (6)

f k  t   W f  n, t   k  t  . (7)

In this case, the number of modes N = 10, for a standard

ECG signal 234 with 1800 samples (5 s), sampled at a fre-
quency of 360 Hz, along with ten modes decomposed by
EWT, as shown in Fig. 2.
The flowchart diagram of the proposed R peak detec-
tion method is shown in Fig. 3. First, we used an Empirical
Wavelet Transform (EWT) for ECG enhancement from
Fig. 1 Example of a spectrum segmentation of an empirical filter bank
Guendouzi and Attari
Period. Polytech. Elec. Eng. Comp. Sci., 66(4), pp. 380–390, 2022

first mode (ewt1). Hence, removing these modes from the

noisy ECG signal provides the denoised ECG. Then, a
Hilbert envelope is applied to the resulting signal to deter-
mine the positions of the R waves. Finally, FPA is used to
adjust the envelope's parameters. We define in each beat
a window of 160 ms (57 samples) duration. Each window
starts from the first determined point that satisfies the
threshold condition.
The power spectrum of the detail coefficient is calculated
based on the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The energy
content of the decomposed signal is shown in Fig. 4.
When EWT is applied to a noisy signal, the estimate
of powerline interference is provided by the last mode
(ewt10). However, the baseline is estimated by the first
mode (ewt1). Hence, removing these modes from the noisy
ECG signal provides the denoised ECG.
The energy of the QRS complex is concentrated within
the frequency range (5–22 Hz) for normal and abnormal
beats, as shown in [25]. Hence, it is evident from Fig. 4
that the energy of the signal under investigation is con-
centrated at detail coefficients ewt3, ewt4, ewt5 and ewt6,
having the frequency ranges (11.25–22.5 Hz) and (5.62–
11.25 Hz), respectively.
Fig. 5 shows the typical representation of the original
and the free noise signal for the segment (0–5 s) of the
ECG record 234 m. It is evident that the baseline wan-
der existing in the segment is corrected and the high-fre-
quency noise is well eliminated.

Fig. 2 Decomposition of the original signal 234 m using EWT 2.3 Hilbert transform
The Hilbert transform was introduced in the early 20th
high- and low-frequency noise. The signal is processed by century by David Hilbert and is widely used in signal
the EWT to build wavelets adapted to represent the pro- theory to describe the complex envelope of a full scale
cessed signal. The spectrum of the detail coefficient is modulated by a signal. Given a real-time function x(t), its
studied to select where the energy of the signal is con- Hilbert transform is defined as:
centrated. When EWT is applied to the noisy signal, the
1 1 x  

estimate of powerline interference is provided by the last x̂  t   H  x  t    x  t     , (8)
 t   t  
mode (ewt10); however, the baseline is estimated by the

Fig. 3 Flowchart showing the steps involved in the proposed optimization scheme
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Fig. 5 (a) Original ECG signal 234 m for 1800 samples.
(b) Denoised signal

2.4 Extraction of R-peak positions

Fig. 2 shows the flowchart of the R-peak detection algo-
rithm, which can be summarized as follows:
1. Apply EWT to the noisy ECG signal x(i),
2. Compute the Hilbert envelope B(i),
3. QRS localization: select B(i) associated to QRS com-
plex using a threshold TH = λ * max(B),
4. Then, we search the beginning of the window. Each
window starts from the first determined point which
satisfies the threshold condition.
• if B(i) ≥ TH then position i ⇒ QRS (candidate),
• else position i ⇒ Not QRS.
Fig. 4 Power spectrum of the denoised signal 5. Since the maximum duration of QRS complex is
<160 ms, we define in each beat a window of 160 ms
x(t) and x̂ (t) are correlated to each other in such a manner (57 samples) duration.
that they together create a strong analytic signal. The ana- 6. The R peaks positions are identified as the points
lytic signal is expressed as: with the maximum amplitude of the signal ECG
denoising in each predefined window.
xa  t   x  t   iH  x  t   . 7. Elimination of multiple detection: The refractory
period of 200 ms (72 samples) between two consec-
The module of the analytic signal provides the Hilbert utives searches is regarded [2]. This constraint is a
envelope of x(t), which is defined as: physiological one due to the refractory period during
which ventricular depolarization cannot occur.
B  t   x  t   H  x  t   .
The indexes corresponding to the various detected
The envelope determined using Eq. (9) will have the positions are stored in a new array, named R peaks, and
identical slope and magnitude of the original signal x(t). they are represented in Figs. 6 and 7.
Guendouzi and Attari
Period. Polytech. Elec. Eng. Comp. Sci., 66(4), pp. 380–390, 2022




Fig. 6 Representation of the (a) original signal 234 m, (b) improved
approximate envelope and (c) R peak positions (b)

2.5 Optimization with the Flower Pollination Algorithm

The Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA), developed by
Xin-She Yang in 2012 [33], was inspired by the flow pol-
lination process of flowering plants. The flower pollina-
tion process aims to transfer pollen between the same or
diverse plant species for reproductive purposes. The FPA
has been extended to multi-objective optimization [34].
For simplicity, the following four rules are used:
1. global pollination process, both biotic and cross-polli-
nation steps can be realized by performing Lévy fights.
Fig. 7 Results of R peak detection for segments from MIT-BIH records:
2. local pollination includes abiotic and self-pollination.
(a) Record 208, (b) Record 200, (c) Record 203
3. the reproduction possibility is proportional to the
resemblance between any two flowers. from the MIT-BIH database; all 48 arrhythmia ECG sig-
4. the switch probability p ∈ [0,1] can be controlled nals from MIT-BIH were taken.
between local and global pollination. Due to certain In this study, a multi-objective Flower Pollination
external factors (e.g., wind), local pollination includes Algorithm (FPA) with EWT and Hilbert envelope is
an important portion of all pollination activities. proposed to solve the QRS complex detection prob-
lem. The novelty of this study is to find the best thresh-
The main rules can be summarized in the pseudocode old values of the envelope using the Flower Pollination
of the FPA implemented in Algorithm 1, where  ∈ ℜ Algorithm (FPA) based on three measurement criteria for
denotes a small amount of value. QRS complex detection, namely, maximum positive pre-
dictivity (P+), maximum sensitivity ( Se ), and minimum
3 Results and discussions error rate ( Er ). All three measurements can be calculated
In Section 3, the performance of the proposed QRS com- using Eqs. (10)–(12):
plex detection method was evaluated using ECG signals
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Algorithm 1 Flower Pollination Algorithm pseudocode

1: Objective: min f(x), x ∈ ℜd
2: Initialize a population of n flowers (pollens) with random solutions.
3: Find the best solution x* in the initial population.
4: Define a switch probability p ∈ [0,1].
5: Calculate all ( f(x)) for n solutions.
6: t=0
7: while t ≤ MaxGeneration do
8: for i = 1,…,n do
9: rnd ← U(0,1).
10: if rnd ≤ p then
11: Draw a d-dimensional step vector ξ which obeys a Lévy distribution.
12: Perform global pollination via xit 1  xit     g   xit  .
13: else
14: Draw from a uniform distribution U(0,1).
15: Randomly choose j and k among all solutions, such that j ≠ k.
16: Perform local pollination via xit 1  xit    x tj  xkt  .
17: end if
18: Calculate f(x').
19: if f(x') ≤ f(x) then
20: x ← x'.
21: end if
22: end for
23: Find the current best solution x* among all xit .
24: t = t + 1.
25: end while

 TP  approximately two types of errors, false positives and false

P %    100 (10)
 TP  FP  negatives, and the sum of FP and FN is the total error.
The testing results are given in Table 1 for all
 TP  records from the first channel of the MIT-BIH database.
Se  %    100 (11)
 TP  FN  We obtained a global sensitivity ( Se ) and positive predic-
tivity (P+) of 99.95 and 99.92%, respectively. The error
 FP  FN  rate of R peak detection for all analyzed beats is 0.136%.
Er  %    100 (12)
 TB  Table 2 summarizes the comparison of the proposed algo-
where: rithm with other algorithms found in the literature. It is
TP: number of true positives indicates the accurate detec- evident that our algorithm presents good accuracy because
tion of R peaks. it gives comparable test parameters with some works and
FN: number of false negatives, representing the failure of the highest parameters to others.
the algorithm to detect a real beat. The achieved results reported in Table 1 show statis-
FP: number of false positives indicating the erroneous tical indices higher than or comparable to those cited in
detections of R peaks. literature (see Table 2). The obtained results show 99.95%
TB: total analyzed beat. sensitivity, a 99.92% positive predictivity, and a detec-
Positive predictivity (P+) is the probability that classi- tion error rate of only 0.136. The proposed method is
fied beat as true beat, i.e., positive predictivity reports the then compared to ten other state-of-the-art methods, and
percentage of beat detections, which is true, beats. it outperforms eight of them in all aspects (see Table 2).
Sensitivity is the capability to detect true beats, i.e., Even if the Nayak et al. [11] method has higher positive
sensitivity indicates the percentage of true beats that predictivity than the proposed algorithm, the difference is
are correctly detected by the algorithm. The error rate is negligible. The proposed method has far greater positive
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Table 1 Experimental results of the R peak detection algorithm

Record TB TP FP FN Se (%) P+ (%) Er (%)
100 2273 2273 0 0 100 100 0
101 1865 1865 0 0 100 100 0
102 2187 2184 0 3 99.86 100 0.137
103 2084 2084 0 0 100 100 0
104 2229 2226 1 3 99.86 99.95 0.179
105 2572 2569 15 3 99.88 99.42 0.699
106 2027 2027 0 0 100 100 0
107 2137 2137 0 0 100 100 0
108 1763 1757 0 6 99.6597 100 0.340
109 2532 2532 0 0 100 100 0
111 2124 2123 1 1 99.95 99.95 0.094
112 2539 2539 0 0 100 100 0
113 1795 1795 1 0 100 99.94 0.056
114 1879 1874 1 5 99.73 99.95 0.319
115 1953 1953 0 0 100 100 0
116 2412 2412 0 0 100 100 0
117 1535 1535 0 0 100 100 0
118 2278 2277 1 1 99.96 99.96 0.088
119 1987 1986 0 1 99.95 100 0.050
121 1863 1863 1 0 100 99.95 0.054
122 2476 2476 0 0 100 100 0
123 1518 1518 0 0 100 100 0
124 1619 1618 1 1 99.94 99.94 0.123
200 2601 2600 2 1 99.96 99.92 0.115
201 1963 1960 6 3 99.85 99.69 0.458
202 2136 2134 0 2 99.91 100 0.094
203 2980 2977 16 3 99.90 99.46 0.638
205 2656 2656 7 0 100 99.74 0.264
207 1860 1858 9 2 99.89 99.52 0.591
208 2955 2951 10 4 99.86 99.66 0.474
209 3005 3005 0 0 100 100 0
210 2650 2644 2 6 99.77 99.92 0.302
212 2748 2748 0 0 100 100 0
213 3251 3251 1 0 100 99.97 0.031
214 2262 2262 2 0 100 99.91 0.088
215 3363 3363 0 0 100 100 0
217 2208 2208 1 0 100 99.95 0.045
219 2154 2154 0 0 100 100 0
220 2048 2048 0 0 100 100 0
221 2427 2426 1 1 99.96 99.96 0.082
222 2483 2480 6 3 99.88 99.76 0.362
223 2605 2605 0 0 100 100 0
228 2053 2048 7 5 99.76 99.66 0.584
230 2256 2256 0 0 100 100 0
231 1571 1571 0 0 100 100 0
232 1780 1778 2 2 99.89 99.89 0.225
233 3079 3079 0 0 100 100 0
234 2753 2753 1 0 100 99.96 0.036
All 109494 109438 95 56 99.95 99.92 0.136
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Table 2 Comparison with other algorithms

Method TP FP FN Se (%) P+ (%) Er (%)
Presented algorithm 109438 95 56 99.95 99.92 0.136
Banerjee et al. [23] 19022 76 40 99.60 99.50 0.61
Zidelmal et al. [26] 109101 193 393 99.64 99.82 0.54
Afonso et al. [13] 90535 406 374 99.59 99.56 0.86
Pan and Tompkins [2] 109532 507 277 99.75 99.54 0.71
Hamilton and Tompkins [3] 108927 248 340 99.69 99.77 0.54
Li et al. [20] 104070 65 112 99.89 99.94 0.17
Nayak et al. [11] 109494 70 52 99.95 99.94 0.11
Jia et al. [16] 109494 - - 99.89 99.90 0.21
Pandit et al. [19] 109432 369 389 99.65 99.66 -
Modak et al. [29] 109494 130 289 99.74 99.88 0.38

predictivity and a lower detection error rate than [2, 3, 13, 4 Conclusion
16, 19, 20, 23, 26, 29]. In this paper, we presented a novel approach for R peak
Fig. 6 (a) shows a section from record 234 of the detection in the ECG signal using Hilbert and Empirical
MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. Fig. 6 (b) represents the Wavelet Transforms, as well as a Flower Pollination
improved approximate envelope, while Fig. 5 (c) shows the Algorithm (FPA). The EWT is used to denoise the ECG
R peak position. signal; the last mode (ewt10) estimates powerline inter-
Fig. 7 illustrates some ECG segments with complicated ference; however, the first mode estimates the baseline
patterns to demonstrate the effectiveness of R peak local- (ewt1). Hence, removing these modes from the noisy
ization. Fig. 7 (a) captures the position of R peaks on a sec- ECG signal yields the denoised ECG. The positions of
tion of record 208 that contains PVC-corresponding beats. the R waves are then detected using the Hilbert enve-
The R peaks are well localized. Fig. 7 (b) represents a seg- lope from the resulting signal. Though the FPA has fewer
ment of record 200. A special case of PVCs beats is shown, parameters, is simple and easy to adjust, and it is widely
called Bigminy, where premature ventricular beats occur used in multi-objective function optimization. It allowed
in an alternating pattern after every normal beat. All nor- us to find an optimal value of the envelope threshold to
mal and abnormal QRS beats are detected successfully. minimize the number of the false detection. The QRS
Fig. 7 (c) depicts the position of R peaks on a section detection algorithm was applied to the entire data of the
from record 203. Record 203 contains ectopic beats with MIT-BIH database from lead I. According to our results,
variable RR intervals and R amplitude variation. The posi- combination of EWT, Hilbert transform, and FPA has
tions of the R peaks are correctly detected. a significant effect in the detection of R wave and out-
The QRS detection algorithm was applied to the entire performs the others. It offers the possibility of detect-
data of the MIT-BIH database from lead I. It presents the ing R locations with great variations in both normal and
possibility of detecting R locations of great variations of pathological QRS complexes.
normal and abnormal QRS complexes with the influence In perspective, an ECG heartbeats classifier can be pro-
of different kinds of cardiac arrhythmias. vided to classify and categorize various QRS complex
anomalies (e.g., PVCs, APCs, LBBBs, and RBBBs beats).

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