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O level Islamiyat Paper 1

Chapter 1: Quranic Passages…………………………………….…………………..01

Chapter 2: History and Importance of Quran………………………………….19

Chapter 3: Life and Importance of Holy Prophet (PBUH)………………..40

Chapter 4: First Islamic Community………………………………………………124

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Note: The list of 15 Quranic passages has been divided into three thematic sections, dealing

1. Allah in Himself (1-5)

2. Allah’s relationship with the created world (6-10)

3. Allah’s Messengers (11-15)

The passages collected within each part contain something significant about its theme, and that is
what candidates are expected to think about.

In the examination, these 15 passages are tested in Paper 2058/1 Question#1. Here three
passages are set and the instruction to candidates reads as follows:

Choose any two of the following passages from the Qur’an, and

(a) Briefly describe the main theme(s) in each passage.

This asks to describe briefly, what each passage teaches about Allah in Himself/ Allah’s
relationship with the created world/ Allah’s Messengers.

(b) Briefly explain the importance of these themes in w Muslim’s life today.

This requires candidates to briefly reflect upon their meaning to Muslims. Hence, for
Surah 112 (Al Ikhlas) candidates can state this surah removes the doubt about Allah
having partners. It helps Muslims to understand the nature of God etc.
Page 2


Passage: 1 (Ayat ul Kursi) 2:255


Allah. There is no god but He, the living, the self-subsisting, eternal. No slumber can seize Him
nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His
presence except as He permits? He knows what is before or after or behind them. Nor shall they
compass any of His knowledge except as He wills. His Throne extends over the heavens and the
earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the

(a) Theme:
 Ayat ul Kursi, the verse of the throne is from surah Baqarah which is a Madni Surah.
 This passage describes Allah as the Creator, Cherisher and Sustainer of the universe.
 It expresses His unity, His infinite knowledge, and unlimited power.
 Allah is Absolute and Unique.
 He is free from physical needs such as sleep.
 The Quran states “O people! You are dependent on Allah; and Allah only is the
independent, the most Praiseworthy”. (35:15)
 Allah has been and will be living forever.
 He is Eternal and the Protector of the heavens and earth.
 Allah’s rule and authority is all over the universe.
 The word “Kursi” translated as His Throne; Seat, and Power extends over the Heaven
and Earth.

(b) Importance:
 It explains the unlimited knowledge, power and absolute lordship of Allah.
 It affirms the fundamental belief of Muslims to worship none but Allah.
 It highlights the alertness of Almighty Allah which reminds Muslims that their Lord
looks and listens to their activities constantly.
 Therefore, Muslims avoid indulging in any sinful activity.
 The word “Al Qayyum” helps to learn difference between Allah and us.
 The Prophet (p.b.u.h) used to recite it after every prayer, and before he went to bed.
 Prophet said ”If someone recites Ayat-ul-Kursi after every Fard salah nothing stops him
from entering Paradise except death”
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Passage: 2 (Al – An’aam) 6:101-103


101. To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: how can He have a son when
He has no consort? He created all things, and He has full knowledge of all things. 102. That is
Allah, your Lord! there is no god but He, the Creator of all things: then worship Him: and He has
power to dispose of all affairs. 103. No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision: He
is above all comprehension, yet is acquainted with all thing

(a) Theme:
 The passage is from surah Al Anaam which is a Makki surah.
 This passage highlights the Supreme and Matchless existence of Allah and His
infinite knowledge.
 Allah is the only Creator and Protector of all creatures.
 The Quran says “He is the originator of the Heavens and the earth”. (2:117)
 Unlike human, Allah is free from all physical attributes and far too superior to have
children and spouse.
 Almighty Allah is Majestic and unperceivable.
 No one can ever completely comprehend Him whereas His vision encompasses the
whole creation.

(b) Importance:
 This passage describes the doctrine of Tawheed (Oneness) in terms of God’s nature
and powers.
 This passage declares that Allah is the Originator and the sole Creator of the universe.
 This develops the faith that everything is under the lordship and authority of Allah.
 Muslims should always look towards Allah for all their needs and fulfillment of
 This passage categorically negates the false belief of God having any wife or
 The term “Khabir” strengthens our belief in His Supreme Knowledge and helps to
decline foretellers.
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Passage: 3 (Surah Fussilat) 41:37


37. Among His signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Adore not the sun and
the moon, but adore Allah, who created them, if it is Him you wish to serve.

(a) Theme:
 This surah is also known as Haa Meem Sajdah.
 This passage emphasizes that Allah is the sole cause and source of all that exists in
the universe.
 They are not to be worshipped, but they are signs of Allah.
 Allah says “And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the
differences in your languages and colours; indeed in this are signs for people who
know.” (30:22)
 The cycle of the night and day clearly points to the fact that the sun and moon are
acting according to the law of God.
 If one really is Allah’s worshipper, he should prostrate to Him alone.

(b) Importance:
 This passage urges Muslims to observe various objects of nature that reflect God’s
majesty and bear witness to His existence.
 Such observation develop a strong belief in oneness of Allah
 It consolidates the faith of Muslims that all things are under the commandment of
 So, Muslims must mould their lives as per instructions of God like the other creations.
 The term “Asjudu” that is translated as Adore, help us to learn that we are required to
praise and worship Him with the feelings of adoration.
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Passage: 4 (Surah Ash Shura) 42:4-5


4. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth: and He is most high, most great. 5. The
heavens are almost rent asunder from above them, and the angels celebrate the praises of their
Lord, and pray for forgiveness for beings on earth: Behold! Verily Allah is He, the oft-forgiving,
the most merciful.

(a) Theme:
 This passage highlights Allah’s total authority and ownership, His majesty and His
 Allah alone is the exclusive owner of all that is contained in the heavens and on earth.
 No one is equal to Allah in rank, in His being, attributes and powers.
 Allah’s glory and praise are so majestic that even the magnificent heavens tremble
before His might.
 The innocent angels always glorify and implore Allah for His mercy again and again
for the inhabitant of the earth.
 Allah is most merciful and forgiving.
 Allah says, “ But seek the forgiveness of Allah; for Allah is Oft-forgiving Most
merciful.” (4:106)

(b) Importance:
 It emphasizes that Allah is the most High, the Greatest.
 So, Muslims should modest in their attitudes as all greatness and grace belongs to
 Muslims should never be proud and should stay away from all kinds of conceit.
 Belief in Allah’s mercy and forgiveness prepares Muslims to repent over their
misdeeds and encourages them to ask forgiveness from Allah without loosing hope
from His affection.
 Muslims should always put their trust in Allah alone and direct all their supplications
and prayers to Him only.
 The terms “Al- Alliyul” & “Al Azim” help us to evaluate that His height and nobility
are beyond our imagination
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Passage: 5 (Surah Al- Ikhlas) 112


Say: He is Allah, the one and only; Allah, the eternal, absolute; He does not beget, nor is He
begotten; And there is none like Him.

(a) Theme:
 The main theme of the surah is Tawheed (Oneness of Allah)
 Belief in Tawheed is the foundation of Islam.
 Allah is One and Unique in every aspect, free from every kind of plurality.
 He is Eternal and Absolute.
 This surah negates the concept of polytheism and destroys all assumptions of family
relations of Allah.
 Quran states; “He begets not nor Begotten”
 There is no one in entire universe, nor ever was, nor ever be, who is similar to Allah in
rank, in His attributes, works and powers.

(b) Importance:
 This surah deals with the oneness of Allah.
 It affirms and strengthens the Muslims belief upon Almighty Allah.
 It crystallizes the belief of Tawheed and eliminates all forms of Shirk.
 The Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) declared this surah equivalent to one third of the Holy
 It categorically states that Allah is free from any kind of family relations and partners.
 Muslims should never associate any being or object as a partner of Almighty Allah.
 It affects the conduct of Muslims as they develop a strong sense of God’s presence
and knowledge.
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Passage:6 (Surah Al- Fatiha) 1


1. In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful. 2. Praise be to Allah, the cherisher and
sustainer of the worlds; 3. Most gracious, most merciful; 4. Master of the Day of Judgment.
5. You we worship, and your aid we seek. 6. Show us the straightway, 7. The way of those to
whom You have given your grace, not those who earn your anger, nor those who go astray.

(a) Theme:
 This is opening chapter of Quran and its main theme is Allah’s relationship with the
created world.
 It is also known as “Surat-ul-Dua” as it mentions the format of praying.
 It is believed to be the first complete surah revealed in Makkah.
 This surah explains that Allah alone is the Master of all and absolutely worthy of praise,
worship and seeking guidance.
 He is the Lord of all worlds and alone owns the dominion of the universe.
 Allah is the Master of the Day of the Judgment.
 He has the full authority to punish, reward or pardon anyone.
 We worship, obey, submit and pay our services and devotion only to Almighty Allah
 We beseech Almighty Allah to guide us to the right way which would lead us to our true
salvation and happiness of the both worlds.
 The believers are warned not to follow the path of misguided people that undoubtedly
leads to destruction.

(b) Importance:
 This passage declares that Allah is the Lord of the worlds who cherishers and sustains
the whole creation.
 Hence, Muslims should also develop the qualities of kindness and caring for others.
 This passage inspires believers to worship Allah by following the righteous track of
the pious people and invoke God’s mercy.
 Quran states; “He has made mercy obligatory upon His grace” (6:12).
 Muslim should remember that they will surely get rewards in the Hereafter as is
promised in the Holy Quran.
 This surah manifestly affirms that we are the servants of Allah and we should worship
none but Him.
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Passage: 7 (Surah Al- Baqarah) 2:21-22


21. O people! Adore your Guardian-Lord, who created you and those who came before you, so
that you may have the chance to learn righteousness; 22. Who has made the earth your couch,
and the heavens your canopy; and sent down rain from the heavens; and by it brought forth fruits
for your sustenance; then do not set up rivals to Allah, when you know.

(a) Theme:
 These two verses of Al Baqarah are madni
 The theme of these verses is Allah’s relation with the created world.
 These verses describe that Allah is the sole Creator and Cherisher of mankind
 The Originator of earth and the heavens and exclusively worthy of worship.
 It is Allah who has blesses human beings with all the necessities and luxuries of life.
 He made the earth a resting place for them just like a bed, stable with the mountains duly
covered by the canopy of the sky providing a roof for mankind.
 Allah said; “I who has created for you all things that are on earth; then He turned to the
heaven and made them into seven firmaments”.
 He sends down rain to give life to the earth so that it may bring to feed all creatures.
 Having realized these facts, man must worship Allah alone.
 He should not hold anyone equal in rank with Allah, for it is the worst of all evils.

(b) Importance:
 This passage develops a sense of gratitude to Allah for His countless bounties.
 Muslims should closely observe favors and blessing of Allah in form of stable earth
and protective sky.
 Quran repeatedly asks man to recognize the infinite blessings of Allah; “So which
favor of your Lord will you deny?” (55:13)
 Having received all these blessings, man should not associate anyone with Allah.
 He should sincerely worship Allah and refrain from sins
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Passage:8 (Surah Al- Alaq) 96:1-5


1. Read! in the name of your Lord, who created, 2. Created man out of a clot of congealed blood:
3. Proclaim! And your Lord is most bountiful, 4. He who taught by the pen, 5. Taught man what
he did not know.

(a) Theme
 This Surah gets its name from the word “Alaq” in the second verse and it was revealed in
two parts
 These five verses were the first revelation to the Holy Prophet.
 This passage mainly deals with creation of man and importance of knowledge.
 It describe that the origin of man is very humble-an insignificant clot of blood.
 But the bounty of Allah granted him intellectual, moral and spiritual abilities through
which he increases his knowledge.
 Quran states: “He taught Adam the names of all things”. (2:31)
 The passage speaks of the importance of acquiring knowledge and use of pen.
 The verse “taught man what he did not know” implies to knowledge of seen and unseen
which Allah gave to man through the Prophets.

(b) Importance:
 It inspires Muslims to acquire the qualities of reading and using of pen.
 Muslim is required to acknowledge God’s goodness and greatness as He created man
from the clot of congealed blood and nurtures his growth with the intellectual and
physical capabilities that have made him superior in all creatures.
 The passage goes on to assert that in whatever manner man acquire knowledge, it source
is Almighty Allah.
 Realizing these blessings, man should worship none but Allah and express high gratitude
to Allah.
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Passage: 9 (Surah Al- Zilzal) 99


1. When the earth is shaken to her utmost convulsion, 2. And the earth throws up her burdens, 3.
And man cries out: ‘What is the matter with her?’, 4. On that day will she declare her tidings: 5.
For that your Lord will have given her inspiration. 6. On that day will men proceed in companies
sorted out, to be shown their deeds. 7. Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of good
see it! 8. And anyone who has done an atom’s weight of evil shall see it.

(a) Theme
 The main theme of this surah is life after death and Day of Judgment.
 This brief surah focuses on three issues;
(a) the initial signs marking the end of the world
(b) the earth bearing witness to all of man’s deed, and
(c) the division of men into two groups, the good and the evil
 This passage refers to the tremendous earthquake and uprooting.
 On the Day of Judgment the firm earth shall tremble violently and bring forth her loads of
bodies and other matter as if they were burdens upon her.
 The dead then will be resurrected and will proceed to the plain of Arafat for final hearing.
 All good and bad deeds will be brought to light and justice will be done with absolute
 The Holy Quran states; “We are sufficient to (take) account” (21:47)
 The smallest good deed will not go unrewarded nor will the smallest evil escape

(b) Importance:
 It calls Muslims to have firm faith in God’s authority to end the world and make all men
stand accountable before Him.
 Muslim should be prepared for the accountability of their deeds.
 It teaches Muslims about the worthlessness of this world and realize the value of
 The word “Zarrah” make us conscious of deeds to evaluate.
 Sincere faith on the Day of Judgment shapes the conduct of Muslims.
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Passage: 10 (Surah Al- Naas) 114


1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind, 2. The King of mankind, 3. The God of
Mankind, 4. From the mischief of the whisperer who withdraws, 5. Who whispers into the
hearts of mankind, 6. Among jinns and among mankind.

(a) Theme
 This is the last surah of Quran and its theme is Allah’s relation with His Created world.
 This surah is like Surah Falaq, teaches Man to seek refuge in God, who is the Master and
the Cherisher of people.
 Man is trained to seek refuge from the evil whisperer who repeatedly whispers evil
suggestions into the hearts and minds of mankind.
 The Holy Quran states; “And submit, “My Lord! I seek your refuge from the instigation
of the devils” (23:97)
 Whispering of evil done by the devils from among Jinn as well as from among the men.
 This surah incites man to develop his deep relation with his Creator and get closer His

(b) Importance:
 This passage inspires Muslims to feel that they are not helpless in the evil provokes
whether by Satan or by his human agent.
 Muslims are instructed to seek Allah’s protection against the sneaking evil.
 Muslims should strengthen their relation with God to ward off all evil forces.
 The Holy Prophet used to recite Surah Al Falaq and Al Naas to guard against evil after
his enemies has cast magic spell on him.
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Passage:11 (Surah Al- Baqara)2:30-37


30. Behold, your Lord said to the angels: ‘I will create a vicegerent on earth.’ They said: ‘Will
You place there one who will make mischief there and shed blood?- whilst we celebrate your
praises and glorify your holy (name)?’ He said: ‘I know what you do not know.’ 31. And He
taught Adam the names of all things; then He placed them before the angels, and said: ‘Tell me
the names of these if you are right.’ 32. They said: ‘Glory to You, of knowledge we have none,
save what You have taught us: In truth it is You who are perfect in knowledge and wisdom.’ 33.
He said: ‘Adam! Tell them their names.’ When he had told them, Allah said: ‘Did I not tell you
that I know the secrets of heaven and earth, and I know what you reveal and what you conceal?’
34. And behold, We said to the angels: ‘Bow down to Adam’. And they bowed down. Not so
Iblis: he refused and was haughty: he was of those who reject faith. 35. We said: ‘Adam! You
and your wife dwell in the Garden; and eat of the bountiful things in it as You wish. But do not
approach this tree, or you will run into harm and transgression.’ 36. Then Satan made them slip
from there, and got them out of what they had been in. We said: ‘Go down, with enmity between
yourselves. On earth will be your dwelling-place and your means of livelihood, for a time.’ 37.
Then Adam learnt from his Lord words of inspiration, and his Lord turned towards him; for He is
often-returning, most merciful.

(a) Theme
 This passage speaks of the Creation of Prophet Adam and his excellence, superiority over
the angels.
 It further describes his descending from paradise to the earth.
 Allah created Prophet Adam as His vicegerent on earth and bestowed him the knowledge
of all things.
 Angels were ordered to prostrate to Prophet Adam in reverence.
 All angels were prostrated except iblees; he became arrogant and was cursed.
 Iblees, because of his jealousy, persuaded Prophet Adam and His wife Eve to eat from
the forbidden tree in Paradise.
 So Adam and Eve were sent down to earth.
 Adam learnt from his mistakes and appealed for Mercy and forgiveness of Allah.
 Finally, Allah granted pardon to Adam because Allah is the most Merciful.
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(b) Importance:
 Hazrat Adam was created as the most superior creature of Allah in order to bestow upon
him the status of the vicegerent and the ability to acquire knowledge,.
 It teaches that the knowledge enables us to lead a successful life in the world.
 This also indicates that Satan is the greatest enemy of Mankind who has not ready to
accept the high status of Man.
 This passage also makes this fact clear that Allah is the most Merciful, because Allah’s
doors always open for forgiveness.
 Therefore, Muslims should seek refuge with Allah from Satan.
 It teaches Muslims should avoid pride and jealousy, because due to it Satan was cursed
for eternity.
 Muslims are instructed to be humble and follow the footprints of Adam to acquire the
pleasure of Allah and His forgiveness.
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Passage: 12 (Surah Al- Maidah)5:110


Then will Allah say: ‘Jesus son of Mary! Recount my favour to you and to your mother. Behold!
I strengthened you with the holy spirit, so that you spoke to the people in childhood and in
maturity. Behold! I taught you the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel. And behold! You
make out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by my leave, and you breathe into it and it
becomes a bird by my leave, and you heal those born blind, and the lepers, by my leave. And
behold! You bring forth the dead by my leave. And behold! I restrained the Children of Israel
from you when you showed them the clear signs, and the unbelievers among them said: ‘This is
nothing but evident magic.’

(a) Theme
 This passage gives an account of the blessings of Allah upon the Prophet Jesus(Isa).
 Allah will recount His favors to Prophet Jesus which are granted to him and his mother in
the form of special miracles in this world.
 Hazrat Isa was born without father as was a sign and proof of Allah’s power overall
 Prophet Isa could communicate with people from the cradle when he was still an infant
and testified to his mother’s chastity.
 He was given Prophet Hood, the book and Allah taught him the wisdom, the law of
 He was blessed many miracles;
(a) He could make figure of bird out of clay with a soul which could fly
(b) He could also heal the blind and the lepers.
(c) He bring life back to the dead with permission of Allah.
 He conveyed the message of Allah to people and invited them to worship of Allah.
 His people rejected him and accused him of being a magician.
 They tried to kill Hazrat Isa by crucifixion.
 But, Allah protected him and raised him to the heaven.
 Allah says; “Behold! O Jesus! I will take you and raise you my self and clear you (of the
falsehood) of those who disbelieve” (3:55)
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(b) Importance:
 Muslims learn many meaningful lessons in this passage.
 This passage talks about Hazrat Isa; He is not a son of Allah but the son of Mary.
 It teaches that Allah strengthens His prophets with miracles and provides them
 It also teaches the prophets did not have powers of their own yet they had been granted
powers by Allah who is all powers.
 The repeated phrase “By My Leave” ensures us that all happenings in our
life/surrounding are by the Supreme will of Allah.
 It helps us to realize we should worship Allah alone.
 It strengthen Muslim belief that Allah always with the righteous.
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Passage: 13 (Surah Al- An’aam) 6:75-79


75. So also did We show Abraham the power and the laws of the heavens and the earth, so that
he might have certainty. 76. When the night covered him over, he saw a star: He said: ‘This is
my Lord.’ But when it set, he said: ‘I do not love things that set.’ 77. When he saw the moon
rising in splendour, he said: ‘This is my Lord.’ But when the moon set, he said: ‘Unless my Lord
guides me, I will surely be among those who go astray.’ 78. When he saw the sun rising in
splendour, he said: ‘This is my Lord; this is the greatest.’ But when the sun set, he said: ‘O my
people! I am indeed free from your giving partners to Allah.’ 79. ‘For me, I have set my face
firmly and truly towards Him who created the heavens and the earth, and never shall I give
partners to Allah.’

(a) Theme
 The main theme of the passage is denial of shirk and guidance to Tawheed(Oneness of
 It describes the gradual spirit enlightenment of Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim).
 Prophet Abraham was amongst those blessed servants of Allah who were enlightened
with true guidance when the rest of the society was sunk in the darkness of ignorance.
 Prophet Abraham reached the ultimate goal of Prophet Hood after closely observing the
shine and fade of heavenly bodies.
 He firmly professed Unity of Allah (Tawheed) even before starting his prophetic mission.
 The argument of Prophet Abraham was against polytheism and superstitious belief of his
 He declared that there is only one God who created the heavens and earth.
 It makes them understand that these objects could never be worshipped.
(b) Importance:
 Prophet Abraham is known as the father of prophets and is equally respected by the
peoples of revealed scriptures.
 Muslims are required to believe in Abraham as well as all other prophets.
 These verses are highly significant as they condemn the foolishness of worshipping the
creations not Creator.
 It teaches Muslims to refute Polytheism (Shirk), which is unpardonable sin.
 Abraham logically convinces his people of asking them directly to abandon the
polytheism; Muslims should also convey the message of Allah to people in a manner
which inspires them to accept.
 This passage makes us ponder in the creation of the heavens and the earth which will
ultimately help us to recognize Allah.
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Passage: 14 (Surah Al- Duha) 93


1. By the glorious morning light, 2. And by the night when it is still, 3. Your Lord has not
forsaken you, nor is he displeased. 4. And truly the Hereafter will be better for you than the
present. 5. And soon your Lord will give you so that you will be pleased. 6. Did He not find
you an orphan and give you shelter? 7. And He found you wandering, and He gave you
guidance. 8. And He found you in need, and made you independent. 9. Therefore, do not treat
the orphan with harshness, 10. Nor drive the beggar away; 11. But tell about the bounty of
your Lord!

(a) Theme
 This passage recounts the favors and blessings of Allah Almighty on His messenger
Muhammed (p.b.u.h)
 It revealed when there was a gap between the revelations.
 Prophet (p.b.u.h) was distress and his enemies also taunted him that God had abandoned
 Allah console His Prophet and promises that Allah is his Lord, Sustainer and Protector
always with him.
 Prophet (p.b.u.h) was also given glad tidings of his future success in both this world and
in the Hereafter.
 Allah reminded the Prophet some of His past favors upon him.
(a) Prophet (p.b.u.h) was born an orphan but Allah made best arrangements for his
upbringing and growth.
(b) Allah made him rich when he was in need, through Hazrat Khadijah.
(c) Allah guided him when he was in the quest of truth.
 Purpose of these reminders is to reassure him of similar help in future
 Allah instructed His prophet to be kind to those in need as this would reflect his gratitude
to Allah.

(b) Importance:
 It teaches the importance of faith in Allah’s help.
 It teaches that Muslims should always continue their mission, even if they face
difficulties, persecutions and oppositions.
 Allah promises to favor the true believers and followers of the Holy Prophet.
 It advises Muslims to acknowledge all the bounties of Allah and share them with others
and take care of less privilege people.
 Muslims should also believe that the relationship with Allah can be strengthened through
the kind treatment with weak, poor and unprotected people.
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Passage: 15 (Surah Al- Kauthar)108


1. To you have We granted abundance. 2. So pray to your Lord and sacrifice. 3. For he who
hates you, he will be cut off.

(a) Theme
 This surah was revealed when Holy Prophet was upset after the death of his two sons.
 The makkans was taunt him that there would be no one to preach his religion.
 Allah consoled his Prophet and granted him unbounded and limitless abundance of good.
 It also refers to the fountain and River Kauthar, which the Holy Prophet will be granted
in Paradise.
 Having assured the Holy Prophet of this magnificent gift, Allah directs him to be
completely and sincerely thankful to Him in form of prayers and the ritual slaughter.
 Allah throws back the taunt of “Cut off” on those who reviled the Holy Prophet
 They are threatened with the destruction and a permanent, irreversible damage.

(b) Importance:
 It teaches that Allah’s support surely reaches to His prophets and noble peoples.
 Muslims should always remain steadfast and have trust in Allah, that they would be
supported and protected in difficult moment.
 It proclaims that the enemies of Allah’s prophet will be cut off from the future hope.
 It teaches Muslims to develop the spirit of sacrifice and establish regular prayers as these
are the best means of getting closer to Allah.
 It also endorsed in Qur’an, with following words; “ And establish regular prayer in order
to remember me”
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In this chapter, the history and the importance of the Quran are the
subjects of focus. The topics related to this study, discussed in
some depth in the following pages are;

 The period of revelation of the Quran from 640-632 AD.

 Compilation of the Quran during the period of the Rightly Guided
 The three fundamental themes of the Quran set for special study
 The use of the Quran in legal thinking and its significance as the
basis of all thought and action in Islam
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1. Allah In Himself
 The Ayat ul Kursi, Surah Al Anaam, Fussilat, Al Shura and Al Ikhlas are the Quranic
texts set for special study that describe and elaborate the unique attributes of Allah and
His nature.
 The study can be extended to include other passages of Quran like Surah Ya Seen, Al
Hashr, Al Nur etc
 Amongst others, to help one understands the uniqueness of Allah in all aspects, and why
worship is due only Him.

Ayat ul Kursi
 Ayat ul Kursi, the Verse of Throne, focuses on the majesty and power of Allah and
establishes Him as the supreme creative and sustaining force behind all existence.
 His knowledge and power are confirmed in the line as mentioned; “His throne extends
over the heavens and the earth”.
 It is upon reflection of these unique features of Allah that man is drawn to the concept of

Al- Anaam
 In Surah Al Anaam, the theme of monotheism and supremacy of Allah is looked at from
the perspective of Allah as the Creator.
 His ability to create something from nothingness establishes Him as the Creator who
designed this universe without any previous substance, design or plan.
 Verses of this surah not only confirm Allah as Lord and Creator, they also strike at the
root of idolatry and the concept of trinity, and present a compelling argument for the
worship of Allah alone.

Al- Fussilat
 In Surah Al Fussilat, night and day, and the celestial objects are all shown to be under the
command of Allah Who created them for the ease of mankind.
 This surah helps one understand the reality of the universe and its system
 Humanity is again told in this verse to bow directly to Allah and none but Him alone.

Al Shura
 In surah Al Shura is a confirmation of the universe belonging to Allah alone and of the
guidance sent by Him to humankind throughout the ages to follow the path of Tawheed.
 It warns those who commit shirk and set up false gods alongside Him.
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 The verse speaks of Allah’s attribute of mercy and reminds humanity that He is indeed
the acceptor of repentance.
Al Ikhlas
 This surah strongly supports Tawheed, the first Pillar of Islam
 Tawheed is an affirmation of Allah’s Oneness, the purity of faith uncorrupted by
polytheism, and the worship of the One true Allah
 It categorically states that Allah is free from any kind of family relations and partners.

 By looking at the aspects of Allah presented in these five surahs, the concept of
monotheism as discussed in the Quran can be studied
 The Quran calls this ‘belief in the Unseen’ and it is this concrete belief that makes the
“Unseen” seen and with it comes the realization that everything is dependent on Allah.
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2. Allah’s Relationship with the Created World

 The Quran discusses in great detail about Allah’s relation with His creation
 It specifies His relation with man as man’s creator, sustainer Teacher, Protector,
God and Judge
Al Fatiha
 In this surah believer after praising Allah, asking Him for divine guidance, to show him
the path that leads to His pleasure.
 In this passage, it is declares that Allah alone is the sustainer of all the known and the
unknown worlds
 Consequences of code of conduct also tell in this passage.
Al Baqarah
 In this surah draws attention to the sense of history that exist between Allah and
 It stresses on the knowledge Allah has endowed man with, which is far more advanced
than that of any other of His creation
 With this capacity to ascertain the truth, can seek righteousness and save himself from
 Allah’s bounties can also be seen to pertain to the human self and his physical
Al Alaq
 This passage is a reminder to human about their complete dependence on Allah
 The reality that demands that they worship none other than Allah, and acknowledge the
most important divine favour i.e the gift of knowledge.
Al Zilzal
 This passage reinforces the reality that just as Allah created the living world.
 He will also end it one day.
 Accountability of man to Allah is looked at and Allah’s infinite mercy is highlighted.
Al Naas
 In this surah humanity is reminded of Allah’s complete control over everything around
and within them
 They should seek refuge only in Allah from the devil
 By reflecting upon these verses man’s dependence on Allah and His countless favours
upon humanity, without which existence would be unsustainable are highlighted.
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 The concepts put forward in this theme male a compelling argument for belief in Allah’s
Oneness, in Him being the Creator of the universe, and upon His uniqueness and
supremacy over everything else.

3. Allah’s Relation with Messengers

 The Quran deals comprehensively with this all important theme.
 Many Surahs in the Quran have narrations about Allah’s selected messengers.
 Quite a few surahs have been named after the different prophets.
 From the five surahs set for special study, namely Al Baqarah, Al Anaam. Al Maidah, Al
Duha and Al Kauthar.
Al Baqarah
 In this passage, Muslims learn guidance from Allah began with the creation of man.
 The creation of Hazrat Adam A.S is gives a clear definition of the origin and purposeof
human creation
 H. Adam is referred to not just as the first man but also the first Prophet of Allah.
 Just as man’s relationship with Allah is ongoing so is his relationship with Iblis(Satan)
and one that man has to guard against at all times.
Al Anaam
 In this passage, again discusses the fundamental theme of monotheism that was shared by
all the other prophets in their messages to humanity.
 The story of Prophet Abraham outlines in search of One Supreme Allah.
 Humans should learn that celestial bodies merely reflect Allah’s glory and are Allah’s
Al Maidah
 this passage not only reconfirm the belief in the day of judgment but also establishes
Hazrat Isa as a prophet who had been granted miracles by Allah to make clear to Banu
Israel and the entire humanity that he was no more than an “abd”, a servant of Allah.
 It also shows the complete power lies entirely with Allah alone.
Al Duha & Kauthar
 Both surahs addressed to Prophet Muhammed, serve to remind mankind of Allah’s love
for His creation and indeed His Prophets.
 Allah’s favours upon His creation are countless and mankind in turn needs to grateful to
Him for them.
 The theme of Allah’s messengers confirms that man’s moral condition depends on divine
guidance for which purpose prophets were sent since the creation of man
 The message of all the Prophets throughout the ages has been one of monotheism, which
they tried to proclaim under all circumstances.
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 The prophets and their stories as mentioned in the Quran are read and known to all
Muslims to this day.
 Though the Prophets were only human, the examples they set, especially Prophet
Muhammed are admirable and what Muslims strive for in life.


 The Holy Quran is the fourth and last revealed book by Allah on his last beloved Prophet
Muhammed (p.b.u.h)
 This book has authenticated the earlier three revealed books and repealed their injunctions.
 The Quran is the word of Allah and it is the only book which is
being read throughout the world.
 Prophet Muhammed (P.b.u.h) received revelation from Allah “Toqeefi” is a Arabic
during a period of 23 years (610 to 633 A.D) term which means
 It is the book of guidance for all mankind. “to Customize”
 Allah says “ This is the book about which there is no doubt, a
guidance for those conscious of Allah” .
 The Quran comprises, of 114 Surahs in which 86 have been revealed in Mecca and 28 in
 The number of verses are 6236, Rukus 558 etc.
 Name of surahs are not as per they revealed but Prophet named them by His own.
 Names of surah are known as “Toqeefi” arrangements in Arabic.

Makkan And Madinite Revelations:

Makkan Phase:
 The revelation of Quran started during the month of Ramadan.
 The first revelation consisted of the first five verses of the 96th surahs i.e., Surah Alaq.
 The makkan phase of the revelation lasted about 13 years (from First revelation up to
migration tm Madinah)
 This phase is determined by the prime task of the Prophet to call people to Islam.
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Main Features:
 The verses are short
 Allah addresses mostly in makkan revelations are “O People”.
 Allah and his unity (Tawheed)
 Resurrection and Day of Judgment
 Righteous conduct

Madinite Phase:
 The madinite phase lasted about 10 years(from Hijrah to the death of Prophet)
 The madinite phase can generally be differentiated by their respective themes.
 There are certain peculiarities which are indicative of the period of revelation.

Main Features:
 Verses are long
 Allah addresses mostly in madinite revelation are “O you who believe”.
 Contain commandments relating to Almsgiving, Fast, and Pilgrimage etc.
 Hypocrites were condemned and conspiracies were exposed.
 Principles of social, political and financial lives of Muslims are instructed.
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 The Arabic term “Wahi” comes from the word “Waha” and is used to describe “divine
 In Islamic terminology, Wahi can be precisely defined as Allah’s divine message conveyed
to the chosen persons (Prophets).
 This message can be conveyed openly or in a hidden and
concealed manner, imparting wisdom and knowledge that And I have chosen you, so listen
is beyond the material and physical realities of man. to what is revealed [to you]
( Al-Taha Verse#13)

First Revelation
 The Quran was not sent down in one incident, it was revealed in 23 years
 The very first revelation of Quran took place in the month of Ramadhan in the year 610 AD,
when Holy Prophet had reached the age of 40.
 Prophet (p.b.u.h) used to mediate in the cave of Hira 3 miles away from the city of Makkah
 He spent his days and night in deep thought and reflection
 He would take supplies of food and water and engage in long prayers.
 During the month of Ramadhan in the year 610 AD, he was startled out of his sleep upon
hearing a powerful voice.
 The Archangel Jibril came to him and said “Iqra” which means “Read”
 Prophet replied to the angel “I cannot read”
 The angel then held him and pressed him hard and released him and again said; “Read”
 The Prophet replied: “I cannot read”
 The angel held and pressed him hard and released thrice and said; “Read: In the Name of
your Lord who created, Created man from a clot of blood. Read! Your Lord is the
Most Bountiful, He Who taught by the pen, Taught
man what he did not know . (Qur'an 96.1-5)
 Prophet repeated these words and they were Orders of silent and open
imprinted on his mind preaching, patience during
 In next 23 years Prophet Muhammed (p.b.u.h) received persecution, migration to
revelations in different occasions and purposes. Abyssinia, consoling of Prophet in
difficult times are the examples of
occasion and purposes.
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Seized of Revelation:
 Prophet Muhammed received no revelation for next six months or so and this absence of
communication disturbed him.
 However, One day Hazrat Khadijah found Prophet (pbuh) him asleep and noticed he was
sweating and shivering.
 Suddenly, he woke up and said the following words: “O you wrapped up (in your cloak),
Arise and deliver the warning. And proclaim the glory of your Lord. And purify and cleanse
your garments. And shun all idolatry and filth. And so no favors, expecting gain in return,
And for the sake of your Lord, be patient and constant” (74:1-7)

Last Revelations:
 By the time of his demise, the revelation 114 suras were revealed to the prophet.
 The last of these surah is Al Nasr, now numbered the 110.
 But the last words of the revelation are said to be in the third ayah of Surah Al Maidah;
“Today I have completed for you your religion, fulfilled upon you My favors, and
approved for you Islam as your religion”

Methods Or Ways of Revelations:

 Prophet (p.b.u.h) received revelations by different methods.

1. True Dreams (Al-Ruya al Sadiqa): Prophet’s wife (Hazrat Ayesha) has narrated that
the commencement of the divine revelation to the Prophet was in the form of dream
which came true as they dawn of the day.
2. Behind the Veil: It refers to the case of Prophet Moses with whom God spoke while He
remained invisible to Prophet.
3. Through Angel: Angel Jibril used to suggest directly to the heart of the Prophet,
remaining invisible to him.
4. Ringing Bell: According to a hadith ‘sometimes the revelation, comes like the ringing of
a bell. It was the hardest type of revelation.
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Physical Symptom Or Prophet’s Experience

 When revelation came on Prophet (pbuh), he was An another occasion it is narrated by
experienced different physical symptoms Hazrat Zaid Bin Thabit that the Holy
 These prophet’s conditions are; Prophet’s resting on his thigh at the
time of receiving revelation, the force
(a) Once Prophet was mounted on a camel and received
of the revelation was so strong that it
revelation, he felt heaviness on his body even the camel felt as if his own thigh was breaking.
would be unable to bear its weight and forced to come
down upon its knees.
(b) Another physical experience when a revelation came upon
the Holy Prophet was that he would perspire profusely
even if it were cold. Hazrat Aisha says: “I saw the Prophet
receiving revelation on a very cold day
and noticed that the sweat was
(c) Sometime Prophet was felt cold and shivered when dropping from his forehead. This
revelation came. condition lasted till the revelation was
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 Tafseer means “Explanation or Interpretation”
 It is used to explanation, interpretation or commentary on the Quran, comprising all ways of
knowledge, which contributes to the proper understanding of it.

Tafseer of Quran By Quran

 The best form of Tafseer is that of the Quran by the Quran

 It means one part of the Quran explains the other.
 For Example “By the sky and At-Tariq. And what can make you know what is At-Tariq”.
 Allah answers in the next verse “it is the piercing star” (86:3)

Tafseer of Quran By Sunnah

 The Sunnah explains and elucidates the Quran

 The Prophet (p.b.u.h) is the most knowledgeable of all in regards to the intended meaning of
 The Prophet was commanded not only to communicate the words of Quran but explain their
 Allah says “[We sent them] with clear proofs and written ordinances. And We revealed to
you the message that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them”.
Tafseer of Quran By Companions

 Tafseer of the companions is extremely important since they accompanied the Messenger of
Allah and learnt the religion directly from him.
 They witnessed the revelation of the Quran, and passed through the situations in which it was
 Looking into their dedication, hard work and their recognized status, their explanations are
counted as reliable after explanations of Quran by Quran and Sunnah.

Tafseer of Quran By Successors of Companions

 After these three tafseers, the tafseer of the successors of companions are considered as a
valid source.
 Because they took it from the Companions who took it from the Messenger of Allah.
 This type of tafseer is approved only if it is not in conflict with the Quran and Sunnah.
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During the Life of Prophet (p.b.u.h)

 Prophet (p.b.u.h) took few steps to preserve the Holy Quran
 He committed it to memory
 He made his followers learn it.
 He made his followers to write it on tablets, skins or leafless barks of palm trees.
 He used to recite Quran in prayers and in during Ramadan thus, the companions could
correct their recorded copies
 Prophet himself arranged and put on paper the Holy Quran by guidance of Allah during his
life, although not in sequential order.

During the Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)

 The second period of collection of Quran took place in the time of
the First Caliph. The commission headed
 Seventy memorizers of Quran were martyred in the life time of by Hazrat Zaid Bin
Prophet (p.b.u.h) in a treacherous ambush known as the Thabit, other members
“Incident of Bin Murrah” in 4 AH.
 In the apostasy wars and wars against the false prophets is Hazrat Abdullah Ibn
(Battle of Yamama) in the time of Hazrat Abu Bakr, large al Zubair, Saad Ibn Aas
numbers of memorizers of Quran were martyred.
and Abdul Rehman Bin
 Hazrat Umar took notice of the alarming situation.
 He suggested to the Caliph that Quran should be compiled. Harith
 On H. Umar’s suggestion the Caliph (H.Abu Bakr) replied in a
cautious manner.
 H.Abu Bakr said “How can I do something that the Messenger of Allah did not do
 H. Umar argued: “By Allah, there is good in it”.
 H. Abu Bakr then agreed, and sent H. Zaid Bin Thabit who himself was a memorizer, to
collect Quranic verses from every part of Islamic empire.
 H. Zaid Bin Thabit reported to have said that “By Allah, if He(Abu Bakr) had ordered me
to shift mountains from its place, it would not have been harder from me then what He
ordered me concerning the collection of Quran”.
 H. Zaid Bin Thabit started to locating the Quranic material from parchments, scapula,
leafstalks of date palms and from the other memorizers of Quran.
 H. Zaid also verified it from the people who had heard it from Holy Prophet.
 In this way the final copy was prepared and compiled in one volume called “Mushaf”
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 Mushaf was with first Caliph and after his death was transferred to the custody of second
Caliph (H.Umar).
 After the death of H. Umar, it was in the custody of H. Hafsa. (mother of faithful and
daughter of H.Umar)
During the Caliphate of Hazrat Uthman (R.A)

 In the caliphate of Hazrat Uthman, Islam had grown beyond Arabia.

 New converts of conquered territories recited the Quran in different dialects.
 It was reported by Anas Bin Malik, that a companion named Hudaifah Bin Yaman came to
the Caliph.
 It was the time when the people of Syria and Iraq were waged wars to conquer Armenia and
 He spoke to the Caliph “ O Chief of the believer; save the Ummah before they differ
about the Book as the Jews and the Christians did before”
 H. Uthman sent message to Hazrat Hafsa saying “Send us the manuscript of Quran so that
we may preserve Quranic materials in perfect copies and return back to you”.
 Hazrat Hafsa agreed and sent copy to H. Uthman.
 The Caliph constituted commission headed by H. Zaid Bin Thabit and other knowledgeable
persons who assisted to make copies of the Quran from the original text.
 It was told to the commission to follow the dialect of Quraish in case of any differences over
the language as the Quran had been revealed in their language.
 When they had written copies, Hazrat Uthman returned the original manuscript to H. Hafsa.
 H. Uthman sent one set to every Muslim province and ordered to all old copies burn.
 Due to this service, Hazrat Uthman was known as the Jami-ul-Quran (the one who brought
Quran in uniform reading).
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 The Holy Quran is the literal speech of Almighty Allah revealed to the last Prophet
Muhammed (p.b.u.h) in 23 years.
 It is the first primary, original and fundamental source.
 Whenever legal experts decide to know any Shariah law, they seek it in the Holy Quran first.
 In an Islamic state, sovereignty belongs to Allah. Therefore, law made by Allah is supreme
which cannot be repealed or annulled by any legislature or human authority.
 Allah says; “This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious
of Allah”. (2:2)
 The Holy Prophet said; “Whomsoever desired guidance from any other (source) except the
Quran, shall go astray”.
 It is formulates principles not only for the spiritual and moral aspects of life but it also deals
with social, economic, judicial, political and even national and international spheres.
 It deals with sales and purchase, lease and mortgages, evidence and contracts etc.

Example of Laws Derived From The Quran

 On social matters, it deals with institutions like marriage, dower and divorce.
 Family law is fairly exhausted and here the emphasis is laid on behavior towards women,
orphans, relatives and dependents.
 In matters of inheritance, the Quran lays down regulations for a just distribution of wealth
left behind by a deceased person.
 The Quran says; “Allah instructs you concerning your children; for the male, what is equal to
the share of two females. But if there are [only] two daughters, two or more, for them is two
third of one’s estate. And there is only one, for her is half” (4:11)
 There is law concerning blood money and retaliation (Qisas).
 Allah says; “ And We ordained for them therein a life for life, an eye for eye, anose for nose,
an ear for ear, a tooth for tooth, and for wounds is legal retribution”. (5:45)
 The laws of Quran are everlasting for all times.
 All other sources (Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas) derive their validity from the Holy Quran.
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Significance Of The Quran As The Basis Of All Thought & Action In Islam
 The Holy Quran is a sacred and pure scripture revealed by Allah
 It is not an ordinary Book.
 It is a Book of warnings, directives and instructions revealed for the guidance and
betterment of mankind for all times under all conditions and requirements.
 The Quran is not limited by time and space and it is protected by Allah Himself.
 Allah says; “Indeed, it is We who sent down the Quran and indeed, We will be its
guardian”. (15:9)
 The Holy Quran provides basis for all beliefs and practices in Islam.
 It teaches that a Muslim must have a firm belief in the Oneness of Allah, The Angels, the
Books, Prophets, predestination and the Day of Resurrection.
 The central theme of Quran is that the Creator, Sustainer, Cherisher is Allah who is One
and unique, and that man is His vicegerent.
 It commands the believers to offer five times daily Prayer, give Almsgiving (Zakat),
observe Fasting and perform Pilgrimage (Hajj).
 Allah says; “And to establish prayer and to give zakah. And that is the correct religion”
 The Quran lays down commands of Allah which are designed to build in the human
being a sound mind, a peaceful soul, a strong personality and a healthy body.
 The Quran speaks of justice for all, equality as man’s birth right, safeguarding of honor
of all, conduct of affairs by mutual consultation, kindness to all, respecting the elder etc.
 The Quran contains directions for the Head of the state as well as a common man, for the
rich as well as poor, for peace as well as war etc.
 The Holy Quran plays a significant role in the life of a Muslim from cradle to his grave.
 The Quran is the only way to achieve success in this world as well as in the Hereafter.
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 The Sunnah of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) is a second primary source of law.
 It comes next to the Quran.
 Sunnah literally means an act which is done regularly
 In terms of religion, Sunnah is the work done by Prophet (p.b.u.h)
 The word Sunnah and Hadith generally used for the sayings, work done, and silent approval
of Prophet (p.b.u.h)
 Though they are separate, but both are identical in meaning and effect
 The Scholars of Islam have given equal or akin place to them in respect of meanings.

Relationship Of Quran And Sunnah

 Sunnah is the sayings and practices of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h)
 It is also second sources of Islamic law.
 Sunnah/Hadith owing to its influence, without it, it is impossible to understand or interpret
the Book of Allah i.e Quran.
 Allah has delegated legislative powers to the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h)
 The Quran makes the prophetic Sunnah as mandatory for Muslims
 The Quran says “Obey Allah and obey the Prophets” (64:12)
 The Sunnah clarifies and explains details of what is stated generally in Quran
 For example the Quran says “And establish the prayer and pay the poor due” (2:43)
 It is explained by Sunnah & Hadith, how many times to pray and how many times in a year a
person should pay the poor due (zakat).
 Similary, the Quran also commands the Muslims, “Pilgrimage thereto is a duty man owes to
Allah, for those who can afford the journey” (3:97)
 But rites of Pilgrimage, dress, prohibitions, timings etc was explained by the Prophet
 The Quran mentions that Allah loves purity and commands Muslims to purify before prayer
but Sunnah and Hadith give the detailed method of purification
 After the Quran, Sunnah and Hadith are the most precious sources of guidance, which
Muslims possesses besides Quran.
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Use Of Sunnah/Hadith As Legal Thinking

 Sunnah is the second primary source of law
 The jurists recourse the Quran first for the search of any order or law
 When the Quran is silent then authority was taken to move towards Sunnah/Hadith.
 The Quran itself approves Sunnah as the source of Islamic law
 Quran says “And what so ever the Messenger gives you take it, and what so ever he forbids
you abstain from it” (59:7)
 The Sunnah emphasizes the laws, which are similar to that of the Holy Quran
 These laws approves the laws of Quran such as the obedience of the parents, false evidence
and murdering a person etc.
 The Holy Quran gives general commandments/rules and Sunnah restricts these
 For example; Quran says “Allah permits trading” (2:228)
 It is a general command but Holy Prophet particularized it by prohibiting some kind of
 The Sunnah may add the legal provision of the Quran
 For example, the Quran prohibits marriage of two sisters with one man at the same time but
some of the prohibitions were provided by Hadith.
 The Prophet said; “A woman and her paternal aunt cannot be united nor a woman and her
maternal aunt”
 Some laws do not exist in the Holy Quran, the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) gave these laws.
 It is so because Sunnah itself is the source of law and the Prophet has authority to make laws.
 For example, the division of inheritance for Muslims is clearly mentioned in the Quran but
nothing is stated about non Muslim relatives.
 The Prophet said, “ A Muslim cannot inherit from a non Muslim, nor a non Muslim can
inherit from a Muslim”
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Ijma (Consensus Of Opinion)

 The word “Ijma” is derived from the “Jama” which means to unite or add.
 In legal terms of Islam, Ijma means consensus of people.
 Ijma is a procedure through which any principle of law is formulated by unanimous opinion.
 It is recognized as third and secondary source of Islamic law
 It has also been defined as an agreement of the jurists among the followers of Holy Prophet
in a particular age on a question of law.
 Ijma is allowed if a legal solution is neither available in Quran nor in Sunnah.

Approval Of Ijma By Holy Quran

 The Quran directs believers towards Ijma
 It is said “O you who believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority
among you” (4:59)
 It is also mentioned in Quran “And those who have responded to their Lord and established
prayers and whose affair is (determined by) consultation among themselves” (42:38)
Approval Of Ijma By Hadith/Sunnah
 Ijma is proved even from the life of Holy Prophet.
 Prophet himself consults with companions in different issues.
 Holy Prophet said; “ My Ummah will never unanimously agree upon an error”
 One of the companion of Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) Hazrat Abu Huraira R.A said; “None was
more opt to seek council of his companions than the Messenger of Allah”
 Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) emphasizes his nation to resolve problems with consultation.
 Holy Prophet said; “What Muslims agree to be good is also good in the sight of Allah and
what the Muslims agree to be bad is bad in the sight of Allah”
 In the light of above references to conduct Ijma is also Sunnah of Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h)
Used Of Quran And Ijma Together Or Examples Of Quran & Ijma
 When Quran and Sunnah does not offer clear guidance than Muslims are instructed to solve
their matter with consensus.
 Ijma is not practiced without primary sources as it only confirms what is unclear in Quran
and Sunnah (Primary sources).
 Example #1; it is mentioned in Surah Al Imran “ O you who believed, do not approach
prayer while you are intoxicated”
 It is stated “intoxicated”, by the consensus (Ijma) it has been finalized types of intoxication.
 Example#2: In Surah Nisa it is mentioned; “ Prohibited to you (For marriage) are your
mothers, daughters……”
 It clearly states that it is impermissible to marry biological mother, daughters, step mother
and step daughters.
 By the consensus it has been finalized that grandmother and grand daughters is also
prohibited for marriage.
Page 37

Used Of Hadith/Sunnah & Ijma Together Or Examples Of Hadith & Ijma

 If Quran is silent in any matter it is instructed to consult with Hadith or Sunnah
 When Hadith or Sunnah also does not solve the matter then consensus is practiced
 An example of Hadith in relation with Ijma is about the finality of Prophet Hood.
 Example #1: The Holy Prophet said; “There is no Prophet after me”
 By the consensus it has been finalized, if any Muslim will ready to hear the justification or
allow any false Prophet to proof his claim will also be out from the circle of Islam.
 Example #2: In the life of Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) people used to pay (Fitra) in the form of
provision (Food).
 By the consensus, it is allowed to pay amount equals to provision.

Types Of Ijma
 Following are the categories of Ijma

(i) Top Ijma is the one conducted by the companions of Holy Prophet
 Election of first Caliph Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A and compilation of Quran in His caliphate are
the examples of Ijma by the companions.

(ii) Ijma conducted by the religious scholars

 Collection and compilation of Ahadith are the examples of this Ijma.

(iii) The Ijma conducted by the jurists

 Provision of Pakistan Constitution 1973 regarding Heads of State (President & Prime
Minister) must be Muslim was passed by the Parliament.
Conditions For The Authenticity Of Ijma
 Only Muslim jurists are authorized to do Ijma
 A jurists must have vast understanding of Islam and capable of deducing Shariah Law.
 Jurists who participate in Ijma must be true believers, pious, and God fearing.
 For the validity of Ijma, jurists must produce Shariah proof.
 Law of Ijma should not be contradict the law of Quran or Sunnah of Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h)
 Ijma is only effective when the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) are
silent on any Shariah issue.
Second adhan of Friday Prayer,
Units (Rakaa’t )of Tarawih are also
examples of Ijma by the
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Qiyas (Analogy)
 The root meaning of Qiyas is measuring or equality.
 Qiyas is applied to reach the solution of a problem from an already existing example.
 It is used when the human wisdom cannot comprehend the law from the Holy Quran, Sunnah
of Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) and the consensus of opinion cannot be agreed upon.
 Applying wisdom in the light experiences of knowledge is referred to as Qiyas.
 It is the fourth source of Islamic law and also secondary source after Ijma.
 A sound Qiyas has four parts; Asal, Far, illa and Hukum

Example Of Quran & Qiyas

 In Surah Jumma, it is mentioned about the sales transactions after the call the prayers.
 It states; “O you who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday, haste
earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah, and leave off business; that is best for you if
you know” (Asal)
 It forbids sales transactions after the call of Friday prayers
 But the new question is, is buying allowed after the call of Friday prayers? (Far)
 Scholars analyzed that selling is prohibited as it created chances of loosing congregational
prayer on Friday due to distraction. Same is with buying transactions after the call of Friday
prayer. (Illa)
 Thus, buying transaction after the call of Friday prayers are also prohibited. (Hukum)
 Some Muslims distrust it because it involves a lot of individual opinion.
Examples Of Hadith & Qiyas
 The Prophet (pbuh) said about prohibition of alcohol: “All Intoxicants are prohibited”
 He also guided the consumer of alcohol must be beaten with lashes. (Asal)
 His Ahadith do not specify the number of lashes to be beaten. (Far)
 Hazrat Umar inquired Hazrat Ali about the punishment of the drunk i.e number of lashes
 Hazrat Ali reasoned that the drunk defames and punishment of defaming in 80 lashes.
Therefore punishment of defamer and drunk should be similar. (illa)
 Hence the punishment of drunk was decided by Qiyas as 80 lashes (Hukum)

Rules Of Qiyas
 Qiyas cannot be used to establish a ruling that disregards a principle established by the Quran
and Sunnah
 Qiyas cannot be used, in a matter where the Holy Quran or Hadith/Sunnah has already given
a decision.
 Qiyas doesnot work in the area of belief.
 A person who performs Qiyas must have sound knowledge of Islam.
 Qiyas should be based on the Quran, Sunnah and Ijma but not on another Qiyas.
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Rejection Of Qiyas
 Analogy (Qiyas) is the fourth source of Islamic law that is used when the primary sources are
silent about a newly appeared issue.
 However, some scholars reject its use on the following basis;
(a) There is a detailed description of everything in the Quran, So there is no need to follow
another source. The Quran says; “And We have sent to you the Book (the Quran) as an
exposition of everything” (Al Nahl 89)
(b) Resolution of issues through Qiyas takes precedence over Allah and His Messenger
which is forbidden in the Quran. “O you who believe! Do not put (yourselves) forward
before Allah and His Messenger” (Al Hujraat 1)
(c) Qiyas is conjecture which gives no benefit against the truth. Quran says; “And most of
them follow nothing but conjecture. Certainly, conjecture can be of no avail against the
truth” (Al Yunus 36)
(d) We are bound to decide among the people with what Allah has revealed and solutions
through Qiyas are not revealed by Allah. It is mentioned in Quran; “And so judge (you O
Muhammed) between them by what Allah has revealed and follow not their vain desires”
(Al Maidah 49)

Arguments In Favor Of Qiyas

 Quran repeatedly asks Muslims to use “Our reasons”
 It is mentioned in Quran: “then take admonition O you with insight” (59:2)
 Prophet’s dialogue with Muadh Bin Jabl while appointing him governor of Yemen, in which
he gave permission to exercise his own opinion when no answer was found in the Quran and
the Sunnah.
 In the Book of hadith he said; ”Judge upon the Book of Allah, If you do not find in it what
you need, upon the Sunnah of the Prophet, and if you don’t find in it also, then use your
personal opinion”
 There are many cases in which the Prophet gave answers in a form that was quite similar to
Analogy (Qiyas) like Hajj on behalf of Mother.
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This chapter is quite extensive and covers a broad timeline. In this chapter
students will learn about;
4. The main events and early life of Hazrat Muhammed (p.b.u.h) which
includes event before his birth, his early years, his marriage and the call to
5. The early years of Islam in Makkah and the prophet’s experiences with his
opponents which includes the early converts, Makkan’s reaction (opposition
and persecution), first Muslims migration to Abyssinia, the Socio-Eco
boycott of Banu Hashim, the year of Grief, Isra and Mairaj and Prophet’s
migration to Yathrib
6. The prophet life in Madinah which includes the Prophet’s arrival to Yathrib,
establishment of brotherhood between Muslims of Makkah and Madinah,
the Charter of Madinah, wars from Badr to conquest of Makkah including
Treaty of Hudaibiya, the Tabuk expedition.
Page 41

Prophet’s Birth
 The Prophet Is Born One day, while travelling north, one of the Arab tribes from Mecca met
a hermit in the desert. Some of the men stopped to speak with him.
 Hermits were known to be wise and the Arabs often asked their advice.
 The hermit asked where they had come from.
 When they replied that they were from Mecca, he told them that Allah would soon send a
prophet, who would come from their people.
 They asked the name of this prophet and the hermit answered that his name would be
Muhammad and that he would guide them to a new way of life.
 Meanwhile in Mecca, Aminah was saddened by the loss of her husband, felt especially well
and strong as she awaited the birth of her baby.
 During this time she dreamt of many things. On one occasion it was as if a great light were
shining out of her,
 On another occasion, she heard a voice telling her that she would have a boy and that his
name would be Muhammad. She never forgot that voice but she told no one about it.
 On Monday, the twelfth day of Rabi al-Awwal in the Year of the Elephant, Aminah gave
birth to a son.
 Allah sends man many signs when one of His chosen Prophets is born and on that twelfth
day of Rabi al Awwal in the year 570 A.D, many such signs were seen.
 One of these learned men in Yathrib, for instance, saw a brilliant new star he had never seen
before. He called the people around him and, pointing the star out to them, told them a
Prophet must have been born.
 That same night another Jew was passing by the meeting place of the leaders of Quraysh in
Mecca. He asked them if a baby boy had just been born and told them that if it were true, this
would be the Prophet of the Arab nation.
 Aminah sent news of the birth to her father-in-law, 'Abd al-Muttalib, who was sitting near the
Ka'bah at the time.
 He was very happy and began at once to think of a name for the boy. An ordinary name
would not do.
 Six days came and went and still he had not decided. But on the seventh day, as he lay asleep
near the Ka‟ bah, 'Abd al-Muttalib dreamt that he should give the baby the unusual name of
Muhammad, just as Aminah herself had dreamt.
 And the child was called Muhammad (pbuh), which means 'the Praised One'.
 When 'Abd al-Muttalib told the leaders of Quraysh what he had named his grandson, many
of them asked, 'Why did you not choose the sort of name that is used by our people?' At once
he replied, 'I want him to be praised by Allah in the heavens and praised by men on
Page 42

A Time With Halimah

 Like many other women in Mecca, Aminah decided to send her son away from the city for
his early years to the desert where it was healthier.
 Women from the desert used to come to Mecca to collect the new babies and they would then
keep them until they developed into strong children, for which they were well paid by the
 Among the women who traveled to Mecca to fetch a new baby at the time Aminah's son was
born, was a Bedouin woman called Halimah. With her was her husband and baby son.
 They had always been very poor but this year things were harder
 The donkey that earned Halimah on the journey was so weak from hunger that he often
 Halimah's own baby son cried all the time because his mother could not feed him properly.
 Even their she-camel did not give them one drop of milk.
 Halimah did not know what to do. She thought to herself, 'How can I possibly feed another
baby when I haven't got enough milk even for my own son?'
 At last they reached Mecca.
 All the other women of the tribe to which Halimah belonged, the Bani Sa'd, found a child to
take back with them, but not Halimah.
 The only baby left was Muhammad (pbuh).
 Usually the father paid the wet-nurse but Mohammed’s father was dead.
 So no one wanted to take him, even though he was from one of the noblest families of
 Halimah did not want to take him either, but she did not want to be the only woman to go
back to her tribe without a baby to bring up.
 She asked her husband whether she should take Muhammad (pbuh) or not.
 He advised her to do so, adding, 'Perhaps Allah will bless us because of him.'
 They started on the return journey when they were back home, everything began to change.
 The land became green, and the date trees, one of their main sources of food, gave lots of
 Even the sheep and their old she-camel began to give plenty of milk.
 Halimah and her husband knew that this good fortune had come because they had the new
baby, Muhammad (pbuh), whom they had come to love as if he were their own son.
 When Muhammad (pbuh) was two years old, Halimah took him back to his mother. She
pleaded with Aminah, however, to let her keep him for a little longer and to her great joy the
mother agreed.
 During his time with Halimah's family in the desert, Muhammad (pbuh) played with her
children and together they would take the sheep out to graze.
 At other times, however, Halimah would often find him sitting alone. It is said that on one
occasion, two angels came to Muhammad (pbuh) and washed his heart with snow.
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 In this way Allah made his heart pure for He intended Muhammad (pbuh) to be greater than
any man ever born and to become the Seal of the Prophets.“Did We not expand for you, your
breast? And We removed from you your burden, Which had weighed upon your back; And
raised high for you your repute; So truly with hardship comes ease, Truly with hardship
comes ease. (Qur'an 94.1-6)
 When Halimah finally took Muhammad (pbuh) back to Aminah, he was a healthy, strong
boy. Later he would look back with joy on the time he had spent with Halimah, and he
always thought of himself as one of the Bani Sa'd.

H. Aminah’s Death
 Muhammad (pbuh) returned to live with his mother in Mecca when he was about three years
 Three years later Aminah decided to take her son to visit his uncles in Yathrib.
 On their way back to Mecca, however, Aminah became ill and died. She was buried in the
village at al-Abwa not far from Yathrib.
 Muhammad (pbuh) returned sadly to Mecca with his mother's maid He was now six years old
and had lost both his father and mother.

Upbringing By Abdul Muttalib

 He was then adopted by his grandfather, “Abd al-Muttalib”, who loved him dearly and kept
him by his side at all times.
 Many times 'Abd al-Muttalib was heard to say: 'This boy will be very important one day.'
 Two years later 'Abd al-Muttalib became ill and Muhammad (pbuh) stayed by him
constantly. 'Abd al-Muttalib told his son, Abu Talib, to adopt Muhammad (pbuh) after his

Upbringing With Abu Talib

 Abu Talib had many children of his own, but Muhammad (pbuh) immediately became part of
his family and the favorite child.
 The time came for Quraysh to prepare a caravan to go to Syria. Abu Talib was going with
them and he took Muhammad (pbuh) along.
 It was Mohammed’s first journey to the north. After days of travel, the caravan arrived at a
place near Syria where the Romans used to come to trade with the Arabs.
 Near this marketplace lived a monk called Bahira. His cell had been used by generations of
monks before him and contained ancient manuscripts.
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Meeting With Buhira

 Bahira' saw the caravan in the distance and was amazed to
see that over it was a large white cloud. Real name of Buhira was
 It was the only cloud in a clear blue sky and it appeared to “George”
be shading one of the travelers.
 The monk was even more surprised to see that the cloud seemed to follow the caravan but
disappeared when the person it was shading sat down under a tree.
 Bahira‟ knew from the scriptures that a prophet was expected to come after Jesus and it had
been his wish to see this prophet before he died.
 Realizing that what he had just seen was a miracle, he began to think that his wish might,
after all, come true.
 The monk sent an invitation to the Meccans to come and eat with him.
 The Arabs were surprised because they often passed by and Bahira‟ had never invited them
 When the group was all together for the meal, the monk said, 'Is this everyone? ‟ 'No',
someone said, 'a boy was left watching the camels.'
 Bahira‟ insisted that the boy should join them. The boy was Muhammad (pbuh).
 When he arrived Bahira‟ said nothing, but watched him all through the meal.
 He noticed many things about his appearance which fitted the description in the old
 Later on he took him aside and asked Muhammad (pbuh) many questions. He soon found out
how he felt about the idols in the Ka'bah.
 When Bahira tried to make him swear by them, as the Arabs used to do, Muhammad (pbuh)
said, 'There is nothing in this world that I hate more'.
 They talked together about Allah and about Mohammed’s life and family.
 What was said made Bahira certain that this was indeed the Prophet who would follow Jesus.
 Then the monk went to Abu Talib and asked him how
he was related to Muhammad (pbuh).
On one occasion, however, Muhammad
 Abu Talib told him that Muhammad (pbuh) was his (pbuh) went with some of the boys to a
son. wedding in Mecca. When he reached the
 Bahira replied that this could not be so because the boy house he heard the sounds of music and
was destined to grow up an orphan, and he ordered dancing but just as he was about to enter he
suddenly felt tired and, sitting down, fell
Abu Talib to watch over Muhammad (pbuh) with great
asleep. He didn't wake up until late the next
care. morning and thus missed the celebrations.
 There are many stories told about Mohammed’s youth. In this way Allah prevented him from doing
 He used to take the family's sheep to graze and was anything foolish for He was keeping
Muhammad (pbuh) for something much
always kind to them. While they grazed he would sit
more important
thinking about the mysteries of nature.
Page 45

 Unlike those around him he never worshipped the idols and never swore by them.
 He also wondered why people were always struggling for power and money, and this
saddened him and made him feel lonely, but he kept his feelings to himself.
 He was a quiet, thoughtful boy, and rarely played with other boys of his age.

The Sacrilegious War (Harb ul Fujar)

 Harb ul Fijr, the sacrilegious war is known as such because it was fought in the months when
fighting was forbidden.
 This clash took place in Makkah, as the rule of law was broken and, though the Makkans
protect their own clansmen, outsiders were at risk of being exploited.
 Hazrat Muhammed was present during one of the earlier battles but did not fight.
 He collected the fallen arrows of the enemy as they fell to pass them on to his uncle’s to

It is said that
The Pact of Hulf ul Fudhul Hulf ul
 This event took place in the earlier days of youth of Muhammed (p.b.u.h) Fudhul was
 This nobly active youth gathered the youths of the tribes like Bani Hashim, made 20 years
Bani Asad, Bani Zuhra, Bani Qaiyim in the house of Abdullah bin Jazan after “Am ul
 It formed an organization in which oath was taken from every youth that he Fil”
would help every oppressed person in Makkah or who came to Makkah from
another place.
 Hazrat Muhammed takes interest personally and was present at this occasion and also took
the oath.
 Later he said; “the best part of my life was spent in the activities of Hulf ul Fudhul. That
service given me much honor and respect. I would not have stepped out of that
agreement even if I were to be offered one hundred red camel”

Muhammed As A Trader
 When the Muhammed P.B.U.H became young man he turned towards trade as vocation.
 His uncle, Abu Talib also like this work for his nephew
 Several times he accompanied trade caravans with his merchandise and every time he
returned with a substantial profit.
 The people during these journeys had an ample opportunity to observed his qualities of
honest dealing and graceful behavior.
 Besides, all those in Makkah with whom he entered into a business terms, became witness to
his, truthful, upright and gracious character.
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Al Sadiq And Al Amin

 The Prophet's Marriage By the time Muhammad (pbuh) was
famous for his honesty. A companion Abdullah bin abul
 He was respected by everyone, even the elders of Mecca. Hamsa relates’ before his deputation
to the prophethood, I had entered
 The purity of his nature increased with the years. into a business dealing with Prophet
 It seemed he had an inner knowledge that other people did P.b.u.h. the dealing was not yet
not have. completed when I had to leave for
another place for in haste. But before
 He believed in one God Creator of the world-and he leaving I asked the Prophet Pbuh to
worshipped Him with all his heart and with all his soul. wait until I returned to finalize the
 Muhammad (pbuh) was the finest of his people, the most deal. After taking leave from him I
kind, truthful and reliable person in Mecca. forgot our appointment and when I
returned by the same route on the
 He was known among Quraysh as 'the trustworthy' third day, I found the Prophet Pbuh
(Al-Amin) because of the good qualities Allah had given waiting at the same spot

Marriage With Khadijah

 Among Quraysh was a respected and wealthy woman named Khadijah.
 She was involved in trade and on hearing of Mohammed’s reputation, sent for him and asked
him to take her goods and trade with them in Syria.
 Muhammad (pbuh) agreed and left for Syria with one of Khadijah's caravans. With him
went her slave, Maysarah, and they spent a great deal of time talking together.
 Maysarah soon came to admire Muhammad (pbuh). He thought he was quite different from
all the other men of Quraysh.
 Two unusual events took place during this journey which puzzled Maysarah very much.
 The first happened when they stopped to rest near the lonely home of a monk. Muhammad
(pbuh) sat under a tree while Maysarah was busy with some work. The monk came up to
Maysarah and asked, 'Who is the man resting under the tree?' 'One of Quraysh, the people
who guard the Ka‟ bah', said Maysarah. 'No one but a Prophet is sitting beneath this tree',
replied the monk.
 The second event occurred on the journey back to Mecca. It happened at noon, when the sun
is at its hottest. Maysarah was riding behind Muhammad (pbuh) and as the sun grew hotter
he saw two angels appear above Muhammad (pbuh) and shield him from the sun's harmful
 The trading was very successful and Muhammad (pbuh) made more profit for Khadijah than
she had ever received before.
 When they arrived back in Mecca Maysarah told Khadijah everything about the trip and
what he had noticed about Mohammed’s character and behavior.
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 Khadijah was a widow in her forties and as well as being rich and highly respected she was
also very beautiful.
 Many men wanted to marry her but none of them suited her.
 When she met Muhammad (pbuh), however, she thought he was very special.
 She sent a friend to ask Muhammad (pbuh) why he was not married. Muhammad (pbuh)
said that it was because he had no money, to which the friend replied: 'Supposing a rich,
beautiful and noble lady agreed to marry you?'
 Muhammad (pbuh) wanted to know who that could be. The friend told him it was Khadijah.
 Muhammad (pbuh) was very happy, because he greatly respected Khadijah.
 He went with his uncles, Abu Talib and Hamzah, to Khadijah's uncle, and asked his
permission to marry her. The uncle gave his permission and soon after, Muhammad (pbuh)
and Khadijah were married.
 Their marriage was a joyful one and Muhammad (pbuh) and Khadijah were well suited.
 They were blessed with six children, two sons and four daughters.
 Sadly their first born, a son called Qasim, died shortly before his second birthday, and their
last child, also a son, only lived for a short time.
 Happily, their four daughters-Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum, and Fatimah-all survived.

Building Of Kaabah/ Fixing Black Stone

 For a few years Muhammad (pbuh) lived a calm and quiet life as a merchant in Mecca. His
wisdom benefited many people.
 One such time was when Quraysh decided to rebuild the Ka‟ bah.
 It was a difficult decision for them because they had to knock it down before rebuilding it
and the people were afraid that Allah might be angry with them for knocking down His
 At last one of the wise old men of Quraysh decided to begin, and then everybody followed
 They worked until they reached down to the first foundation that Abraham had built.
 As soon as they began to remove the stones of this foundation, however, the whole of Mecca
began to shake.
 They were so afraid that they decided to leave these stones where they were and build on top
of them. Each tribe brought stones and they built the Ka'bah up until they reached the place
where the black stone was to be set.
 They then began to argue about who should have the honor of carrying the black stone and
lifting it to its place in one of the corners of the Ka'bah.
 They almost came to blows but fortunately one of the men offered a solution.
 He suggested that they should be guided by the first person to enter the place of worship.
 Next day Muhammad (pbuh) was the first to enter everyone was pleased, because they all
trusted him.
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 They told him the cause of the argument and he asked them to bring a large cloak (sheet).
 They did as he asked, and after spreading the cloak on the ground he placed the black stone
in the centre of it.
 Then he asked a man from each tribe to hold one edge of the cloak and together to raise it to
the height where the stone should be seeing.
 When this was done, he took the stone off the cloak and put it into place himself.
 This story shows how all Quraysh respected and trusted Muhammad (pbuh) and how, by his
wisdom and good sense, he was able to keep the peace.

First Revelation
 The Coming of The Archangel Gabriel Muhammad (pbuh) believed that there was only one
Allah, Creator of the sun, the moon, the earth, the sky, and of all living things, and that all
people should worship only Him.
 Muhammad (pbuh) would often leave the crowded city and go to the cave in Mount Hira'.
 He liked to be alone there, away from all thoughts of the world and daily life, eating and
drinking little.
 In his fortieth year, Muhammad (pbuh) left Mecca to spend Ramadan, the traditional month
of retreat, in the cave.
 In the second half of Ramadan, Allah began to reveal His message for mankind through
Muhammad (pbuh). This first Revelation occurred as follows.
 The Archangel Gabriel came to Muhammad (pbuh) in the cave and commanded him to
'Read'. Muhammad (pbuh) replied 'I cannot read.'
 At this the Archangel took Muhammad (pbuh) in his arms and pressed him to him until it
was almost too much to bear. He then released him and said again 'Read.' 'I cannot', replied
Muhammad (pbuh), at which the Archangel embraced him again.
 For the third time the Archangel commanded Muhammad (pbuh) to read, but still he said he
could not and was again embraced.
 On releasing him this time, however, the Archangel Gabriel said: “Read: In the Name of
Your Lord who created, Created man from a clot of congealed blood. Read: And your Lord is
the Most Generous Who taught by the pen, Taught man that which he knew not”. ( 96.1-5)
 Muhammad (pbuh) repeated these verses, just as the Archangel had said them. When the
Archangel was sure Muhammad (pbuh) knew them by heart, he went away.
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Prediction Of Warqah Bin Nawfil

 Now that he was alone Muhammad (pbuh) could not understand what had happened to him.
 He was terribly afraid and rushed out of the cave. Perhaps the cave was haunted? Perhaps the
devil had taken a hold of his mind?
 But he was stopped by a voice from heaven which said; '0 Muhammad (pbuh) you are the
Messenger of Allah, and I am Gabriel.'
 He looked up at the sky and wherever he turned he saw the Archangel Gabriel.
 In a state of confusion he returned home to Khadijah. When his wife saw him she became
very worried as he began to shiver, as though in a fever.
 He asked her to wrap him in blankets, which she did.
 After a while he recovered sufficiently to tell her what had happened at Hira'.
 Khadijah believed all that he told her and with great respect said: 'Be happy, 0 son of my
uncle and be confident. Truly I swear by Allah who has my soul in His hands, that you
will be our people's Prophet.'
 Muhammad (pbuh), the Messenger of Allah, was eased by her faith in him, but after all that
had happened he was exhausted and felt fast asleep.
 Khadijah left the Prophet (pbuh) sleeping and went to see her cousin, Waraqah Bin Nawfil,
to ask him what he thought about all that had happened.
 Waraqah was a very wise man who had read many books and had become a Christian after
studying the Bible.
 He told Khadijah that Muhammad (pbuh) had been chosen by Allah to be His Messenger.
 Just as the Archangel Gabriel had come to Moses before and had ordered him to guide his
people, so, too, would Muhammad (pbuh) be the Prophet of his people.
 But Waraqah warned that all the people would not listen to the Prophet and some would
mistreat his followers.
 He must, however, be patient because he had a great message for the entire world.
 From that day on, the Archangel Gabriel came often to the Prophet (pbuh) and the verses he
taught him, the message from Allah to man, were later written down, and are known to us as
the Holy Qur'an.

Ceased Of Revelation
 After that momentous day in the month of Ramadan, Revelation came again and again to the
Prophet (pbuh).
 He understood now what he had to do and prepared himself for what was to come.
 Only a strong and brave man, helped by Allah, can be a true prophet because people often
refuse to listen to Allah's message.
 Khadijah was the first to believe the Prophet (pbuh) and accept as true what he brought from
 Through her, Allah made things easier for the Prophet (pbuh).
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 Khadijah strengthened him, helped him spread his message, and stood up to the people who
were against him.
 Then Revelation ceased for a time. The Prophet (pbuh) was upset and unhappy, thinking that
Allah had left him, or that he might have angered Allah in some way so that Allah no longer
thought him worthy of His message.
 However, the Archangel Gabriel came back to him and brought this surah, or chapter, of the
Qur'an: O you wrapped up (in your cloak), Arise and deliver the warning. And proclaim the
glory of your Lord. And purify and cleanse your garments. And shun all idolatry and filth.”

Early Preaching
 The Prophet (pbuh) began to speak secretly of Allah's message to those who were close to
him and whom he could trust.
 At that time Mecca was going through hard times. There was very little food to be had.
 Abu Talib, the Prophet's uncle, who had taken care of him after his grandfather's death, was
finding it very difficult to feed his large family.
 The Prophet (pbuh) said that he and another uncle, Hazrat Abbas, who was a rich man, would
each bring up one of Abu Talib's children in order to help him.
 The Prophet (pbuh) took Ali and his uncle took Ja‟ far.
 One day, when the Prophet (pbuh) was outside the city, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to
 The Archangel kicked the side of a hill and a spring of water began to flow out.
 He then began to wash himself in the running water to show the Prophet (pbuh) the ritual
ablution to be made before prayer.
 Then the Archangel showed him all the positions of Muslim prayer-the various movements
and things to be said with each movement and things to be said with each movement.

First Muslims
 Prophet was instructed to preach very intimated people― family member and relatives.
 Khadijah was the first woman to embrace Islam, and Ali was the first young man.
 Shortly after they were joined by Zaid ibn Haritha, a slave, freed and adopted by the Prophet
(pbuh) .
 One day Abu Talib happened to pass by and when he saw them he stopped and asked them
what they were doing.
 The Prophet (pbuh) told him that they were praying and following the same religion as
 He explained that, like Abraham, he had been ordered to guide the people to Allah's truth.
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 Abu Talib looked at his son, 'Ali, and said: 'Muhammad (pbuh) would never make you do
anything that was wrong. Go with him. But I cannot leave the religion I now follow and
which was followed by my father.'
 At about this time the news of Muhammad (pbuh) being the Prophet reached an honest, wise,
and respected merchant of Mecca called Abdullah Bin Qahafa better known Hazrat Abu
 He knew Muhammad (pbuh) well and believed he could never lie, so he went to find out for
himself if the story were true.
 The Prophet (pbuh) told him that he had indeed been sent by Allah to teach everyone to
worship the one true Allah.
 On hearing this from the Prophet's own lips Abu Bakr knew it to be the truth and became a
 Instantly He was, therefore, a man of some influence and through him many people came to
 Among these was Sa'd ibn Abi Waqas as, the uncle of Aminah, the Prophet's mother, Hazrat
Bilal, Abdur Rehman Bin Awf, Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah, Khalid Bin Saeed, Uthman Bin

Open Preaching
 Three years passed and one day the Archangel Gabriel came to the Prophet (pbuh) with
revelation “And warn, (O Muhammed), your closest kindred” (26:214), and ordered him to
start preaching openly to everyone.
 So the Prophet (pbuh) told the people of Mecca that he had something very important to tell
 He stood on a hillside in Mecca, called Safa, and they gathered around to hear what he had
to say.
 He started by asking them if they would believe him were he to say that an army was about
to attack them. They answered that indeed they would, because he never lied.
 He then told them that he was the Messenger of Allah, sent to show them the right way, and
to warn them of terrible punishments if they did not follow him in worshipping only Allah
and none other.
 Abu Lahab, one of the Prophet's uncles who was among the listeners, suddenly stood up and
said, 'May you perish! Did you call us here just to tell us this?'
 At this, Allah sent to the Prophet (pbuh) the following Surah: “The hands of Abu Lahab be
ruined, and ruined is he. His wealth will not avail him or that which he gained. He will (enter
to) burn in a fire of (blazing) flame, And his wife (as well) the carrier of firewood. around
her neck is a rope of twisted-fibre”. (Qur'an 111.1-5)
 Then the crowd dispersed and the Prophet (pbuh) was left alone.
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Persecution On Companions
 Among the early converters to Islam somewhere slaves and some of them had no powerful
tribes or relatives to defend them.
 Such weak and powerless people became the easy victims of the disbelievers and physical
 Muslims in general were put to ridicule of the unkind nature so that others would not dare
join the new faith.
 Hazrat Bilal, the slave of Umayyah ibn Khalaf. His master would take him out into the
desert, tie him up, and leave him in the sun with a large stone on his chest.
 Ammar Ibn Yasir and his parents had accepted Islam. Bani Makhzum used to take them out
in the full glare of the sun at the hottest part of the day and forced them to surrender their
 When Uthman Ibn Affan accepted Islam, his Uncle Hakam
Ibn Abi al-As Ibn Umayyah tied him securely with a rope and
said, Have you renounced the faith of your fathers for a new Amin Dawidar states that many years
religion? later Zunayra recovered her sight, and
 Khabbab Ibn Al-Aratt a companion of the Prophet peace be the Quraysh attributed this recovery to
upon him, related his own story: “Some louts of the-Quraysh the “sorcery” of Muhammad. Abu Bakr
bought her and set her free
came one day and seized me. Then they kindled a fire and
dragged me into it, while a man kept me down by stomping
on my chest." Khabbab then bared his back which had white leprous spots.
 Hazrat Summaiya RA was tortured to death by Abu Jahl. Thus she was the first martyr of
 Suhaib bin Sinan had been captured and was sold as a slave by the Greeks. When he
became a Muslim, the Quraysh beat him up savagely but could not shake his faith.
 Lubina was a female slave of Mumil bin Habib, Umar bin al-Khattab, tortured her, and
whenever he paused, he said: “I have not stopped beating you out of pity. I have stopped
because I am exhausted.” He resumed beating her after he had rested.
 Zunayra was another female slave. When she declared her faith in Islam, Umar ibn al-
Khattab, and Abu Jahl, took turns in torturing her until she became blind.
 Nahdiyya and Umm Unays were two other female slaves who became Muslims. Their
masters tortured them for accepting Islam. Abu Bakr bought them and gave them their
 Hazrat Abu Zarr Ghaffari dropped out was attacked by a crowd of non believers and he
fell down senseless.
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Ill-Treatment/Persecution On Prophet
 The efforts of the Quraysh to seduce the Prophets companions (May Allah be pleased with
them) from their religion failed miserably, nor did they succeed in stopping the Prophet
(peace be upon him) from preaching his religion fearlessly.
 The Qurayshites were first annoyed and agitated, and then dismayed by the expanding
community of Muslims, they stirred up against him, calling him a liar, a sorcerer, a
segregator and a poet; they insulted and abused him and started harassing him in every
 The notables of Mecca had assembled one day when the Prophet (pbuh) was suddenly seen
coming in the Holy Sanctuary.
 As he passed by them walking around the Kaba, they sneered at him and made sarcastic
 They offended him similarly for the second and then for third time that he passed by them.
 Now, the Prophet (pbuh) stopped and said: Will you listen to me, O Quraysh? By Him
who holds my life in His hand I bring you great slaughter.
 All of them were thunderstruck by these words to the point that it compelled others to
address him graciously and thereafter made amends for their rudeness.
 The next day when they had assembled, the Prophet (pbuh) appeared once again.
 The Qurayshites, who were humiliated because of the incident the day before, drove to him
in unison.
 While they mobbed him thus, one of them pulled the sheet of cloth hanging round his
neck, which nearly choked his throat.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A), who was present at that moment, severed them from the Prophet
(pbuh) by thrusting himself in between them.
 And with tears in his eyes he cried, would you kill a man simply because he
acknowledges that Allah is his Lord?
 Hearing this, they shunned the Prophet (pbuh) but fell upon Abu Bakr dragging him by his
hair and beard
 At another time, the Prophet (pbuh) even had to face a worse ordeal throughout the whole
 Whomsoever he met, whether freeman or slave, cursed or vilified, or tried to hurt him in
any way.
 He returned to his house and wrapped himself up because of the torments he had to endure
that day.
 Once when the Prophet (pbuh) was praying, a Quraish threw intestines of a camel on his
back while he was prostrating.
 They used to threw dirt and filth on him, his path was strewn with thorns and brambles
(a wild bush with thorns) and he was even thrown stones.
 Umm-e-Jameel, the wife of Abu Lahb, used to throw thorny bushes on the path of
 Abu Lahb told his sons to divorce their wives who were the Prophet’s Daughters, just to
add to his worries.
 During the tie when there was a gap between the revelations the makkans used to mock the
Prophet that his God had abandoned him.
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 A lady used to throw rubbish on the Prophet.

 The makkans wrote poems to ridicule the Prophet and
called him a magician.
 They also offered him bribes like making him king or When Quraish failed in all their
marrying him to the prettiest girl so that he would stop attempts to change the change the
preaching Islam. faith of the Muslims, they decided to
 When both of the Prophet’s sons passed away in infancy, adopt a policy of conciliation. They
the Quraish called him “Abtar” – he who has no male sent Utbah bin Rabi with the offers of
children. great wealth, marriage to a beautiful
Abu Talib’s Anxiety women, and kingship of Makkah.
Prophet declined and recited the
 The Prophet (pbuh) was now the much-talked about verses of Surah Al Kafiroon The
problem among the Quraysh. Quraish then went to Abu Talib and
 They conferred and consulted one another how to face asked him to withdraw his protection,
the danger that the Prophet with his sweet tongue and restrain Muhammed from
portended before them. preaching. When Abu Talib appealed
 At last, the leading men of the Quraysh approached Abu to the Holy Prophet, the replied “O
Talib and said to him, uncle! Even if they place the sun on
“O Abu Talib, you are old and we hold you in high my right hand and the moon on my
esteem. We had asked you to restrain your nephew left to force me to renounce my
but you did nothing. By God, we cannot tolerate any mission, I would not stop until God
longer that our fathers should be denounced, that we fulfills my mission or destroy me in
should be labeled ignoramuses and frivolous and our the process”.
gods insulted. Either you must stop him or we will
fight both of you, until one of us perishes.” (Ibn
Hisham, Vol. I, pp. 256-66)
 The old leader of Mecca remained deep in thought, distressed at the rift with his people
and their hostility but he was neither willing to desert his nephew surrender give him to his
 He went for the Prophet and said, “Son of my brother, your people came to me and
threatened me with dire consequences if you continue to preach your religion. Spare
my life and yours and do not impose on me a burden greater than I can bear.”
 The Prophet (pbuh) thought that his uncle was no longer willing to shield him that he
intended to give him up.
 Tears flowed from the eyes of the Prophet, with a heavy heart, he got up to depart. But,
Abu Talib could not bear to look at his nephews sorrow.
 Before he had reached the threshold, Abu Talib cried out, “Come back, my nephew”.
And when he returned, Abu Talib said, “Go where you please and say what you will.
By God, I will never deliver you to your enemies”. (Ibn Hisham Vol. I. pp. 265-66)
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Migration To Abyssinia Fifth Year (1st Migration)

 In 615 AD, when the hostilities of Quraish intensified, Muslims decided to go to another
country in order to live in peace.
 All eyes were on Prophet for solution
 It was at this time that Surah Az Zumar was revealed; “O My servants who have
believed, fear your Lord. For those who do good in this world is good and the earth of
Allah is spacious. Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without account” (39:10)
 With the commandment of Allah, Prophet said to his people; “It would be better for
you to go to Abyssinia. The king there is a just man and it is a friendly country. Stay
there until Allah makes it possible for you to return”.
 The Muslims prepared for the journey. They decided to wait until night so that they could
leave without being seen.
 The first sixteen (12 men and 4 women) left Mecca and, over to Abyssinia including
Prophet’s daughter.
 All hoping to be welcomed by the king and people of that country.
 Muslims were received warmly and given freedom to live and practice their religion.
 This was the first migration, in Islam.

Sixth Year Of Prophethood (2nd Group)

 The second migration of Muslims to Abyssinia were took place in the sixth year of
 After a year, Muslims heard rumors that Quraysh the whole of Makkah had accepted
Islam which made their way back.
 On reaching Makkah, they realised that the news was not true.
 The Quraish redoubled their persecution after heard reports of good treatment meted out
to the migrants in Abyssinia.
 Seeing this plight of the Muslims, The Holy Prophet allowed Muslims a second migration
 Another eighty-three men and nineteen women made the journey under supervision of
Jaffar Bin Abi Talib.
First 16 Muslims are;
Hazrat Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas, Jahsh
bin Riyab, Abdullah bin Jahsh,
Jaffar bin Abi Talib, Uthman bin
Affan, Ruqayyah Bint Muhammed,
Abu Hudaifah bin Utba, Sahla Bint
Suhayl,Zunair Bin Awwam, Musab
Bin Umair, Abdur Rehman Bin Awf,
Abu Salamah, Umme Salama
Uthman Bin Mazoon, Amir Bin
Rabiah, Layla Bint Abi Asmah
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 The Meccans were furious when they discovered that these Muslims had secretly left the
city for among them were the sons and daughters.
 The anger of the Meccans was even greater when they found out that the Muslims had
been warmly welcomed in Abyssinia.
 The leaders of Quraysh decided to send two men to the Abyssinian king (Negus) in hopes
of persuading him to send the Muslims back.
 These were 'Amr ibn al-'Aas, a very clever speaker, and ‘Abd Allah ibn Abi Rabi’ah.
 Before they met this king, they gave each of his advisers a gift, saying: 'Some foolish
men from our people have come to hide in your country. Our leaders have sent us to
your ruler to persuade him to send them back, so when we speak to the king about
them, do advise him to give them up to us.'
 The advisers agreed to do what the Meccans wished.
 Amr ibn al-'Aas Amr ibn al-'As and 'Abd Allah ibn Abi Rabi'ah then went to the king
and presented him also with a gift, saying: 'Your Highness, these people have
abandoned the religion we have always followed in Mecca, but they have not even
become Christians like you.'
 The Royal advisers, who were also present, told the king that the Meccans had spoken the
truth and that he should send the Muslims back to their own people.
 At this, the king became angry and said, “No, by God, I will not give them up. Those
who have come to ask for my protection, settled in my country, and chosen me rather
than others, shall not be betrayed”.
 Negus summoned them and asked them about what these two men have said.
 'Amr was very upset by this for the last thing he wanted was for the king to hear what the
Muslims had to say.
 When the Muslims entered, they did not kneel before him as was the custom of the
 'Why do you not kneel before our king?' they were asked by one of the advisors.
 'We kneel only to Allah', they replied. So the king asked them to tell him about their
 Ja'far ibn abi Talib, Ali's brother and a cousin of the Prophet (pbuh), was chosen to speak
for the Muslims. Who gave a speech in defense of Islam and said,
“0 King, at first we were among the ignorant. We and our ancestors had turned from
the faith of Abraham, who, with Ishmael, rebuilt the Ka‟ bah and worshipped only
Allah. We used idols in our worship of Allah; we ate meat that had not been killed in
the right way; we did not respect the rights of our neighbors; the strong took advantage
of the weak. We did terrible things of which I dare not speak. This was our life until
Allah sent a Messenger from among us, one of our relatives, whom we have always
known to be honest, innocent, and faithful. He asked us to worship only Allah, and to
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give up the bad customs of our forefathers. He asked us to be truthful and trustworthy,
to respect and help our neighbors, to honor our families, and to put a stop to our bad
deeds and endless fighting. He asked us to look after orphans. He ordered us not to
slander or speak evil of women or men”.
 Negus was impressed and he asked Jaffar ibn Abi Talib to recite a portion of the Quran.
 Jaffar ibn Abi Talib recited some verses from Surah Maryam.
“And make mention story of Mary in the Scripture, when she had Withdrew from her
family to an eastern place, And had chosen seclusion from them. Then We sent to her
Our Angel and he represented himself to her as a well proportioned man. She said:
Indeed! I seek refuge in the Beneficent One from you,(so leave me), if you should be
fearing of Allah. He said: “I am only a messenger of your Lord, that I may bestow on you
a faultless son”. She said: “How can I have a son when no mortal has touched me, neither
have I been unchaste? He said: “Thus(it will be); your Lord says, It is easy for Me. And
We will make him a sign to the people and mercy from Us. And it is a matter (already)
decreed”. And she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a far place. And the
pains of the childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree. She said; “Oh, I wish I had
died before this and was in oblivion, forgotten”. But he called her from below her. “Do
not grieve; your Lord has provided beneath you a stream and shake towards you the trunk
of palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates. So eat and drink and be contented.
And if you see from among humanity anyone, say, ‘Indeed, I have vowed to the most
Merciful abstention, so I will not speak today(any) man”. Then she brought him to her
own folk, carrying him. They said: O Mary! You have certainly done a thing
unprecedented.. Oh sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a man of evil, nor was your
mother unchaste”. Then Mary pointed to the child (Jesus); But they said, 'How can we
speak to one who is still in the cradle, a young child?' He (Jesus) said, 'Indeed, I am
Allah's servant; He has given me the Book, and made me a Prophet. He has made me
blessed, wheresoever I may be; and He has enjoined me to pray, and to give alms, so long
as I live, and likewise to cherish my mother; he has not made me arrogant, And Peace is
on me, the day I was born, and the day I will die, and the day I am raised up alive!”
(Qur'an 19:16-33)
 When the king heard this, his eyes filled with tears.
 Turning to his advisers, he said, 'These words have surely come from God; there is very
little to separate the Muslims from the Christians. What both Jesus and Muhammad,
the Messengers of Allah, have brought comes from the same source”.
 Muslims were given the king's permission to live peacefully in his country. 'Amr was
given back the gift he had presented to the king and the two Meccans returned home,
bitterly disappointed.
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Boycott Of Banu Hashim (7th Year Of Prophethood)

 The leaders of Quraysh became increasingly worried about the way the people of
Mecca were being divided by the Prophet's teachings.
 The Quraysh mounted the pressure on Abu Talib that he should abandon his nephew
and surrender him to their custody.
 When Abu Talib refused they decided to boycott Banu Hashim.
 Declaration to this effect was hung at the Ka‟ bah.
 It stated that no one in the city was allowed to have anything to do with the Prophet
(pbuh) and his people, or even to sell them any food or drink whatsoever.
 The two clans of Banu Hashim and Banu Muttalib were compelled to retire to a
narrow gorge called Sh’ib Abi Talib.
 At first the Muslims found some support among the Bani Hashim.
 Some of these people were not Muslims but showed loyalty to their kinsmen by
suffering along with them.
 However, life grew more and more difficult and food was scarce.
 Abu Lahb, one of the Muslims' worst enemies, offered ten times the price of the
goods to the merchant.
 By doing this he managed to stop the Muslims, from buying what they desperately
 During the years of this terrible treatment, Instead of Islam becoming weaker, it grew
 Allah sent more and more Revelations.
 It was as though the Muslims were being strengthened and cleansed by the hardships
they suffered and were being tested in their faith.
 Quraysh began to feel ashamed of their harsh treatment, especially as many of the
Muslims were their cousins and close relatives.
 Finally, at the end of three years, they were convinced that the time had come to put
an end to the persecution of the Muslims, and they decided to take down the notice
hanging at the Ka‟ bah.
 To their astonishment, the sheet of paper had been completely eaten up by worms, all
except the words, 'In Your Name, O Allah', which had been written at the top of the
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The Year Of Sorrow (10th Year Prophethood)

 The Prophet (pbuh) and his followers went back to a normal way of life
 But the years of hardship had made Khadijah very weak.
 She became ill and soon afterwards she died.
 Thus, the Prophet (pbuh) lost his beloved wife and friend, the first person to accept
Islam and support him.
 She had been a refuge from all his troubles and, through her good-heartedness, the
best company in his suffering.
 He had loved her very much. This happened in 619 A.D., the year which became
known as the 'Year of Sorrow'.
 Soon after this, the Prophet Muhammad's uncle and protector, Abu Talib, also died.
 Abu Talib had been one of the most respected men in Mecca-one of the elders of
 Even though he had never been a follower of Islam, he had protected the Prophet
(pbuh) against his enemies.
 Not only was this a sad occasion for the Prophet (pbuh) but also a dangerous one.
 Now, with the death of his uncle, the Prophet's protection was gone.

Visit To Taif
 The Prophet's enemies rejoiced to see him so sad, without a wife to console and
without his uncle to protect him.
 They began to treat him worse than ever before. Even small children insulted him.
 One young man actually threw some filth on the Prophet's head, but the Prophet
(pbuh) went home without making anything of it.
 When one of his daughters rushed, weeping, to wash it away, he comforted her
saying, 'Do not weep my little girl, for Allah will protect your father.'
 Prophet (pbuh) now felt that Islam could make no further progress in Mecca because
the hearts of Quraysh were closed against him.
 He decided, therefore, to travel to Ta'if.
 Where he hoped to find support. He walked all the way to the town, accompanied
with Zayd Bin Haritha, which was seventy kilometers away.
 There he spoke in all the places where people gathered, but no one listened to him.
 He met the leaders of the three most important tribes but they would not listen either.
 Not only did they take no notice of what he said, but they laughed at him and ordered
their slaves to insult him and pelt him with stones.
 Prophet was badly wounded; his shoes were filled with blood.
 He was deeply grieved and when he returned
 Sadly, the Prophet (pbuh) left the city and found a quiet place near a wall on the edge
of town where he could be alone.
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 There Allah sent an angel saying if he wished the people might be crushed between
the two mountains, but the Prophet said that their offspring might accept Islam.
 The wall near which the Prophet (pbuh) was sitting belonged to a garden owned by
two brothers.
 When they heard his prayer, they were very sorry for him and sent one of their slaves
to him with a dish filled with grapes.
 Before he began to eat, the Prophet (pbuh) said 'Bismillah'-(In the Name of Allah)
The servant, whose name was „Addas was very surprised at these words, which he
had never heard before.
 'By Allah', said „Addas, “this is not the way the people of this country speak.”
 'Then from what country do you come, 'Addas, and what is your religion?' asked the
Prophet (pbuh).
 'I am a Christian from the Assyrian town of Nineveh', he replied.
 'From the town of that good man Jonah (Yunus), son of Matta', added the Prophet.
 'How do you know about him?' asked „Addas.
 'He is my brother-he was a Prophet and I am a Prophet', answered the Messenger of
Allah (pbuh).
 Addas bent down and kissed the Prophet's head, his hands and his feet, because now
he saw that he was truly a Prophet.
 The Prophet (pbuh) then walked back to Mecca.
 He was now able to put up with everything patiently for he knew that Allah would
never leave him.
 His journey to Ta'if had not been in vain for „Addas, the Christian, had become a
Muslim, and this was to be the beginning of great changes.
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The Night Journey And The Ascent To Heaven

 One night as the Prophet (pbuh) lay sleeping in the same spot where 'Abd al-Muttalib
used to sleep, next to the Ka‟ bah,
 He was woken by the Archangel Gabriel.
 Gabriel came and took him to Ka’abah.
 His chest was opened and heart was washed with Zam Zam.
 Later the Prophet (pbuh) described what happened: 'I sat up and he took hold of my
arm. I stood beside him and he brought me to the door of the mosque where
there was a white animal for me to ride.'
 The Prophet (pbuh) told of how he mounted the animal and, with the Archangel
Gabriel at his side, was transported from Mecca to the mosque called al-Aqsa, in far
away Jerusalem.
 Allah mentioned that event in the Quran by following words “Glory be to Him, who
carried His servant by night from the Holy Mosque to Masjid al- Aqsa, whose
surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing,
the Seeing”. (Al Quran 17:1)
 There the Prophet (pbuh) found Abraham, Moses, and Jesus among a group of
 The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) acted as their leader, or imam, in prayer.
 Then He was brought two jugs, one containing wine and the other milk.
 He chose the milk and refused the wine.
 At this, the Archangel Gabriel said, 'You have been rightly guided to the fitrah,
the true nature of man; if you had taken (the cup of) wine, your nation would
have gone astray.” (Bukhari)
 The Prophet (pbuh) also related how they passed through Heaven's gates and saw
countless angels.
 Among them was Malik, the Keeper of Hell, who never smiles. Malik stepped
forward and showed the Prophet (pbuh) a view of Hell and the terrible plight of those
who suffer in that place.
 Then the Prophet (pbuh) was taken up by the angels, through the seven Heavens
 One by one along the way he again saw Jesus, Moses, and Abraham, and the Prophet
(pbuh) said that he had never seen a man more like himself than Abraham.
 He also saw John, called Yahya in Arabic, Joseph or Yusef, Enoch, that is Idris, and
 At last he reached the Tree of the Uttermost, the Sidrat al-Muntaha
 Where no Prophet had been before.
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 Here the Prophet (pbuh) received Revelation of what Muslims believe.

“The Messenger believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and (so have)
the believers. All of them have believed in Allah and His Angels and His Books and
His Messengers, [saying], “We make no distinction between any of His messengers”
and they say: “We hear, and we obey. [We seek] Your forgiveness, our Lord. And to
You is the [final] destination”. (Qur'an 2.285)
 Then he was taken into the Light of the Divine Presence of Allah, and was instructed
that Muslims should pray fifty times a day.
 The Prophet (pbuh) recalled: “On my way back I passed by Moses and what a
good friend to you he was! He asked me how many prayers had I been ordained
to perform. When I told him fifty, he said, 'Prayer is a serious matter and your
people are weak, so go back to your Lord and ask Him to reduce the number for
you and your community”.
 I did so and He took away ten. Again I passed by Moses and he said the same again;
and so it went on until only five prayers for the whole day and night were left.
 Moses again gave me the same advice.
 I replied that “I had been back to my Lord and asked him to reduce the number
until I was ashamed”
 Then the Prophet heard “He of you, who performs the five prayers faithfully, will
have the reward of fifty prayers”.
 On the morning following these events and the Prophet's return to Mecca
 He told Quraysh what had happened. Most of them said, 'By God! This is
ridiculous! A caravan takes a month to go to Syria and a month to return! Can
you do that long journey in a single night?'
 Even many Muslims were amazed by this and wanted the Prophet (pbuh) to explain.
 Some ran with the news to Abu Bakr who said, 'By Allah, if Muhammad (pbuh)
himself has said so, then it is true.
 Then Abu Bakr went to the mosque and listened to the Prophet's detailed description
of Jerusalem.
 He commented, 'You tell the truth, 0 Prophet of Allah!
 From then on, Abu Bakr was honored with the title 'Al-Siddiq‟ , which means 'he
who gives his word to support the truth'.
Page 64

Significance Of Isra & Miraj

 It is very important to ponder over the history before Al Isra wal Mairaj event
 Initially the dawah (invitation to Islam) was secretive in Mecca due to the fear of
back lash because the Meccan society was enjoying status quo and there was a type of
hierarchy in their society and they would not accept the Quranic message that claims
"All are equal".
 After the two of Muhammad's (PBUH) most important supporters, his uncle Abu
Talib and his wife Khadijah (Ra) died.
 The Messenger would remember it as the "Year of Grief". With their deaths an
exponential increase in physical hardship and humiliation was heaped upon
Muhammad (PBUH).
 Prophet was greatly disappointed; this event did not end the years of anguish.
 Allah consoled his Prophet from this event
 The Salat (prayer) is obligatory duty that was told to Muhammad (PBUH) as the duty
of Muslims in the heaven and all other obligatory duties were sent down on earth.
 It is to establish the link between Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the earlier
Prophets of Islam Abraham, Solomon, David, Moses and Jesus (Peace be up them)
who brought the message of oneness of God.
 Prophet’s superiority was shown over other messengers.
 This event also proved the fact of Allah’s power that nothing is impossible for Allah
 Hence Jerusalem is dear and near to every Muslim.

Lessons For Muslims

1: After hardship there is ease

 When Prophet (saw) went to Taif with the aim of winning the leaders of it to Islam so
they could support him and establish Islam, but his invitation was totally rejected. He
was chased out of the city and stoned so badly that his sandal became clogged with
blood. Allah (swt) says: “After hardship there is ease. Verily with the hardship there
is relief” [94: 4-5]
 From these events which occurred around the same time, we can see that the Prophet
(saw) had suffered a series of disappointing set-backs and trials. Thus, Allah took him
up into His presence in order to strengthen him and prepare him for the next,
forthcoming difficult stage of Prophethood which would be the Hijrah
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2: Significance Of Al-Aqsa

 By this event Allah want to realize the importance of Al-Aqsa.

 It was the first Qibla of the Muslims; it is the third most sacred mosque.
 The mosque itself forms part of the al-Haram ash-Sharif or "Sacred Noble Sanctuary"
(along with the Dome of the Rock), The mosque is known to be the second house of
prayer constructed after the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca.
 The station of Al-Isra and Al-Miraj (the miraculous journey of Mohammed)
 It is the place where hundreds of Messengers of Allah are buried.
 Referred to directly and indirectly, 70 times in the Holy Quran

3: Leadership Of All Other Prophets And For All Humanity

 The Prophet Muhammad is the leader of all the Prophet’s who brought the final
revelation and complete religion.
 Prophet was directed to lead the prayer and all previous Prophets offered the prayer in
the leadership of Prophet.
 Hazrat Jabir narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Each Prophet was
sent specifically to his people while I have been sent to every red and black.”
4: Salah – The Ascension For A Believer

 Muslims knows the obligatory Salah was revealed during this journey. It is one of the
pillars of Islam.
 Many of Muslims are aware of the hadith where initially 50 salah a day was
prescribed by Allah, then Musa (as) advised the Prophet to ask for a reduction.
 Allah (swt) in his mercy reduced the number to 10 times a day and then finally to 5
times a day.
 Prophet said “When I came back after the reduction in the prayers, I heard a
voice saying, 'I have passed My Order and have lessened the burden of My
Worshipers." [Sahih Al-Bukhari 5.227]
 The Prophet (saw) said: “The Salah is the Mai’raj (Ascention) of the believer”.

5: Importance of Prophet Sayings

 When blasphemers belied the Prophet and mocked him, Abu Bakr was the only
person who endorsed Prophet’s word.
 I think, in my opinion this (Abubakr's attitude) is what we Muslims need to believe in
and not getting into the details as to whether the experience was physical or spiritual,
which is immaterial and Almighty Allah has the ability to make this journey happen
in a short period of time.
Page 66

The Treaty Of Aqabah

First Pledge

 In Yathrib there were two main tribes, the Aws and the Khazraj.
 Both were very powerful, they were always at war with one another, and both
worshipped idols.
 Also in Yathrib were many Jews who, unlike the Arab at that time, knew that there
was only One God, and worshipped Him.
 They had told the Arabs many times that a Prophet would be coming to them.
 The time came for the pilgrimage to the Ka’bah, and several people from Yathrib
were going, among them six men from the tribe of Khazraj.
 They had heard about the Prophet Mohammed’s preaching and thought that must be
the Prophet the Jews had told them about. So they decided to go speak to him during
their stay in Mecca.
 They met the Prophet (pbuh) at a spot known as “Aqabah” near Mecca, and invited
them to sit with him.
 He explained to them what Islam meant recited to them from the Qur'an.
 When they heard the Qur'an recited touched their hearts so deeply that they became
Muslims and on leaving Mecca they promised to return the following year.
 When they reached Yathrib carrying Islam in their hearts, they told their relatives
and friends what they had heard from the Prophet (pbuh) and many more people
became Muslims.
 A year passed and the pilgrimage season came around again.
 Twelve important men from Yathrib went to Mecca to meet the Prophet (pbuh) and
promised faithfully to serve him and Islam.
 In this first pledge of Aqabah they vowed;
(i) They will worship the One and the Only Allah and will not associate any
partner with Him
(ii) They will not steal and will not indulge in fornication
(iii) They will not kill their daughters.
(iv) They will not cast false aspersions on anyone, nor will they backbite against
(v) They will follow the instructions of the Prophet in all good things.

 In return, the Prophet (pbuh) sent one of his friends, Mus’ab ibn 'Umayr, with them
to teach the Qur'an and instruct them in their new religion
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Second Pledge

 Another year passed and still more Muslims came from Yathrib to Mecca for the
 On this occasion a secret meeting with the Prophet (pbuh) was arranged to be held at
 Seventy-three men and one woman from Yathrib came, and the Prophet (pbuh)
arrived with his uncle, al-„Abbas.
 During this meeting the men from Yathrib offered to protect and defend the Prophet
(pbuh) and his followers if they would come to live in Yathrib.
 This promise of protection came to be known as the Treaty of „Aqabah.
 The treaty was most fortunate for even though Islam was growing in Yathrib, the
Muslims in Mecca were still suffering.
 The Prophet (pbuh) therefore told his friends and followers to go to Yathrib where
they would be safe, and most of them took this opportunity to leave.
 Despite all this suffering the Prophet (pbuh) was not allowed to fight his enemies, for
Allah had told him to forgive those who insulted him or would not listen to his
Page 68

Migration To Madinah

 Muslims faced bitter persecution by the people of Makkah
 Low pace of progress of Islam in Makkah. (only 300 conversion in 13 years)
 Majority people belongs to Banu Ummayah and Makhzum remain unconverted
 They Quraish boycotted those who were in Makkah especially the clan of
Muhammed in 7th of year of Prophethood.
 Soon after the 3 years of boycott, two major supporter of Prophet, Hazrat Khadijah
and Abu Talib died.
 After the death of these supports, Prophet’s security also took away.
 Due to lack of security, Prophet went to Taif to preach Islam but failed.
 Prophet receive welcoming and encouraging response from the people of Yathrib
especially after second pledge of Aqabah
 Makkans plotted to kill Prophet, but divinely Prophet has informed and allowed to
leave for Madinah
 Muslims need a secure place to preach Islam outside the Makkah

 The Breaking of All Connections with One's Home, for the Sake of Allah Alone.
 After his companions had left for Yathrib, the Prophet (pbuh) stayed in Mecca,
waiting for permission from Allah to leave the city.
 Abu Bakr and Ali stayed with him. There were also some Muslims whom Quraysh
had not allowed to leave.
 Abu Bakr kept asking the Prophet (pbuh) to allow him to go to Yathrib, but the
Messenger of Allah (pbuh) kept saying, 'Do not be in a hurry; it might be that Allah
will give you a travelling companion.'
 The leaders of Quraysh assembled in the house of their ancestor, Qusayy, as was
customary when they had an important decision to make.
 They had to find a way of getting rid of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), before he
was able to join his friends in Yathrib.
 As they were busy arguing, the Devil appeared at the door in the form of a noble and
handsome old man.
 When they saw this elderly gentleman standing there, they asked him who he was.
 He said he was a Sheikh from the mountains who had heard what they meant to do
and thought he might be able to help or advise them.
 They thought he looked like a wise man, so they invited him in.
 Each leader then started to put forward ideas about what should be done, but none of
them could agree about which was best, until Abu Jahl told them his plan.
 This was that each clan should provide a strong, young warrior, each of whom would
be given a sword.
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 All the young warriors would then wait outside the Prophet's house and together
attack him as he came out.
 In this way they would be rid of him but as the blame for killing him would fall on all
the clans, the Prophet's family would not be able to seek revenge.
 When he heard this, the Devil in the disguise of the old man, said, 'That man is right;
in my opinion it is the only thing to do!
 The leaders of Quraysh then left to carry out their plan to murder the Prophet (pbuh).
“And when the unbelievers plot against thee, to confine thee, or kill thee, or to drive
thee out, they were plotting, But Allah was (also) plotting; and Allah is the best of
plotters”. (Qur'an 8.30)

Event Of Migration:
 Before the night fell, on which Muhammad (pbuh) was to be killed, the Archangel
Gabriel came to him and said, 'Do not sleep tonight in your own bed.'
 The Prophet (pbuh) understood what was going to happen, so he told „Ali to lie in his
bed and wrap himself in the blanket that the Prophet (pbuh) normally used, promising
that no harm would befall him.
 With the coming of darkness the young men of Quraysh had gathered outside the
Prophet's house, waiting for him to come out.
 After he had made sure that 'Ali was safe, the Prophet (pbuh) left the house.
 At that very moment Allah took away the sight of the warriors so that they could not
see the Prophet (pbuh), who took a handful of dust, sprinkled it on their heads and
recited these verses:
“Ya Sin By the Wise Qur'an, Thou art truly among those sent On the straight path; A
Revelation of the All-mighty, the All-wise, That thou may warn a people whose
fathers were never warned, so they are heedless. The Word has already proved true of
most of them, yet they do not believe. Lo! We have put on their necks collars of iron
up to the chin, so that they are made stiff-necked. and We have put before them a
barrier; and We have covered them so they do not see”.(Qur'an 36.1-9)
 The young men waited the whole night and were furious when, in the morning, they
saw “Ali” instead of the Prophet (pbuh) coming out of the house.
 They realized that their plan had failed completely.
 In the meantime, the Prophet (pbuh) went to Abu Bakr's house and told him, 'Allah
has told me that now is the time for us to leave Mecca.'
 Abu Bakr wept for joy, because now he knew that the travelling companion he had
been promised was the Prophet (pbuh) himself.
 Then he said,'O Messenger of Allah, these are the two camels which I have kept
ready for this.'
 And so, the two of them left for a cave in Thawr, a mountain to the south of Mecca
where they intended to hide.
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 When they were out of the city the Prophet (pbuh) looked back and said, 'Of all
Allah's earth, you are the dearest place to Allah and to me and if my people had not
driven me out I would never have left you.'
 When Quraysh found out that the Prophet (pbuh) and his companion had gone, they
set out after them, searching in every direction.
 Three days later they finally reached the cave where the Prophet (pbuh) and Abu Bakr
were hiding, but a strange and wonderful thing had happened.
 A spider had woven its web right across the entrance to the cave and a dove was
nesting with her mate nearby.
 As the Meccans stood in front of the cave, with only the spider's web separating them
from the fugitives,
 Abu Bakr began to fear for their safety. He whispered to the Prophet (pbuh), they are
very close. If one of them turns we will be seen.' But he was comforted by the
Prophet's reply: “What do you think of two who have with them Allah as their
third?’Grieve not, for verily Allah is with us”. (Qur'an 9.40).
 After a few moments the search parry decided that no one could have entered the
cave recently.
 Three days later the Prophet (pbuh) and Abu Bakr thought it safe to leave the cave.
 Abu Bakr's son, 'Amir, had arranged for three camels and a guide to help them
continue their journey to Yathrib.
 The leaders of Quraysh, meanwhile, returned to Mecca and offered a reward of one
hundred camels to whoever captured the Prophet (pbuh).
 Among those who went in search of him was a famous warrior Suraqa Bin Malik.
 He was, in fact, the only one to catch up with him
 Whenever he came close, his horse would suddenly sink up to its knees in the sand.
 When this had happened three times, he understood that the Prophet (pbuh) was
protected by a power stronger than anything he had known
 So he went back to Mecca.
 On arriving there he warned everyone against continuing the search, relating what
had happened to him.
 Before arriving to Yathrib, Prophet stayed at Quba
 Where most of the emigrants of Makkah still there
 Here, they were joined by Hazrat Ali and together they laid the foundation of the first
Mosque to be built in Islam
 On Friday, Prophet led a congregation of a hundred men.
 After the prayer, he mounted on Qaswa with others Quraish and continue their
journey towards Yathrib.
 The Prophet's journey from Mecca is called the Hijrah, or migration.
 It was really the first step towards the spread of Islam throughout the entire world,
and Muslims begin their calendar from the year of the Hijrah.
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Arrival In Yathrib
 When the people of Yathrib heard that the Prophet (pbuh) had left Mecca and was on
his way
 They anxiously awaited his arrival.
 Each morning they would go to the edge of the city to see if he were coming.
 Finally, on Monday, September 27, in the year 622 A.D., someone saw him in the
distance and shouted to everyone, 'Here is Muhammad! (pbuh) the Messenger of
Allah has arrived!'
 All the Muslims went out to greet him, shouting, “Allahu Akbar”! Allah is Great!
Muhammad the Messenger of Allah has arrived!'
 The women and children sang songs to show how glad they were to see him.
 The Prophet (pbuh) entered the city with his friend Abu Bakr.
 Most of The people there had not seen him before and as they gathered around they
did not know which of the two was the Prophet (pbuh), until Abu Bakr got up to
shield him with his cloak from the burning sun.
 Yathrib would now be called al-Medina, which means, The City.
 After this many of the wealthiest men invited him to come and live with them and
share their riches.
 But he refused and, pointing to his she-camel, Qaswa', said, 'Let her go her way',
because he knew that his camel was under Allah's command and would guide him to
the spot where he should stay.
 They let the camel go until she finally knelt down beside a house belonging to the
Bani an-Najjar, the tribe to whom the Prophet's mother was related.
 This house was used as a drying-place for dates and belonged to two young orphan
boys .
 They offered to give it to the Prophet (pbuh) but he insisted on paying them for it
 The Prophet (pbuh) ordered that a mosque and a place for him to live be built on the

Significance Of Migration To Yathrib (Madinah)

 This migration showed the strength of faith of the Muslims who were forced to leave
their families and properties for the sake of Islam
 Religious freedom was achieved
 First Muslim community was established
 Number of Muslims increased
 Due to its importance Islamic Calendar was started
Page 72

Prophet’s Experiences in the Caves


 This experience marked the  This incident was a turning point in the
commencement of Prophethood of life of Prophet Muhammed as he later
Muhammed PBUH and paradigm of emerged as the Head of the Muslims
prophethood shifted from the Bani state of Madinah
Israel to Bani Ismail
 During his stay in the cave of Hira,  Prophet Muhammed and Abu Bakr safe
Allah revealed these first five verses of stay in the cave of Thaur shows how
the Quran which command the Allah protects His chosen people from
believers to “Read”, emphasizes on the the mischief makers. Allah says;
creation of mankind and stress on the “ If you help him (Muhammed ) not (it
importance of acquiring knowledge as does not matter), for Allah did indeed
mentioned in Quran; help him: when the unbelievers drove
“Read! In the name of your Lord, who
him out, the second of the two; when
created. Created man out of a clot of
they (Muhammed and Abu Bakr)were
congealed blood. Proclaim! And your
in the cave, and he said to his
Lord is the Most Bountiful. He who
companion, “Have no fear, for Allah is
taught by the pen. Taught man what he
with us”
did not know”. (Al Alaq 1-5)
(Al Tauba verse 40)

 The Prophet’s first encounter with the  The Above verses acknowledge the
Angel Gabriel and his reaction to this Holy Prophet unshakeable faith and
experience explains that he was trust in Allah at a time when Abu Bakr
unaware of the honour that he had been showed his concern regarding the
bestowed upon by Allah Prophet’s safety

 As a result of this revelation , a small  This incident is important in the history

Muslim community was formed in of Islam as it led to the foundation of a
Makkah, amidst the pagans and small Islamic state in Madinah which
polytheists later emerged as a large Muslim empire
Page 73

Immediate Measures And Event Following By Migration

 After arrival Prophet change the name of city from Yathrib to Madinah
 Tribes residing in Madinah named Aws and Khizraj
 They had rivalry of each other and so much bloodshed between them
 Prophet made peace between them and played vital role to stopped bloodshed

Building Of Prophet Mosque

 The first thing that the Prophet did upon his arrival in Madinah was the construction
of Mosque
 It was decided where Prophet’s camel knelt mosque will built there
 She camel knelt at land which belonged to two orphans Sahal and Sohail
 The Prophet bought land the land from them and the construction started
 The Prophet himself also worked like an ordinary labor by carrying bricks and stones
 Finally the mosque was built and ut was named, “Masjid e Nabvi”.
 The Holy Prophet said; “this shall be my home, my place of worship and my
eternal resting place”

Adhan (Call To Prayer)

 After the construction of mosque, people started A man called “Abd Allah ibn Zayd
gathering for prayer without being called. came to the Prophet (pbuh) and told
him he had had a dream in which he
 So the necessity was felt to call the people for prayer had seen a man dressed all in green,
at the appointed times holding a wooden clapper. He had said
 The Prophet (pbuh) wondered how to tell the people to the man, 'Would you sell me your
clapper in order to call the people to
that it was time for prayers.
 He discussed it with his friends, and at first two ideas The man had replied, 'A better way to
was put forward; that of blowing a horn as the Jews call the people to prayer is to Say:
did, and that of using a wooden clapper or ringing the "Allahu Akbar, Allah is Most Great!"
bell like the Christians. four times, followed by "I bear witness
 But Holy Prophet did not like these methods that there is no divinity but Allah, I
bear witness that Muhammad is the
 Next day, Abdullah bin Zaid Ansari and Umar came
Messenger of Allah, Come to prayer,
to the Holy Prophet and reported to have dreamt of a
come to prayer, Come to salvation,
vision of Adhan’s words come to salvation. Allahu Akbar,
 The Holy Prophet said it was a true vision by Allah Allahu Akbar! There is no divinity but
and he commanded Bilal to call out these words for Allah!"' When the Prophet (pbuh)
prayer heard this, he said it was a true vision
 Thus Adhan was introduced as an Islamic way of from Allah. Soon after 'Umar came
calling people for the daily congregational prayers out of his house and told the Prophet
(pbuh) that he had seen exactly the
same vision himself.
Page 74

Establishment Of Brotherhood
 The Prophet next turned his attention to cementing the ties of mutual brotherhood
amongst the Muslims of Madinah i.e. the Ansar (Helpers) and the Muslims of
Makkah i.e. Muhajireen (Emigrants)
 A large group of immigrants and Muslims of Madinah assembled in the house of
Anas bin Malik
 Prophet PBUH initiated the spirit of brotherhood
 This event is known as Mawakhat in the history of Islam
 Prophet PBUH did not choose two Muslims to become randomly
 Contrarily, he investigated them carefully and appointed 45 matches as brother
 For instance, there was an exact harmony between Hazrat Hamzah and Zayd bin
Haritha, Hazrat Abu Bakr and Kharijah Bin Zaid, Hazrat Umar Bin Khattab and
Utban Bin Malik, Hazrat Uthman Bin Affan and Aus Bin Thabit, Hazrat Abu Zarr
Ghaffari Al Mundhir bin Amr, Hazrat Musab bin Umayr and Abu Ayub Ansari,
Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah and Saad bin Muadh, Hazrat Zubair Bin Awwam
and Salamah Bin Waqsh, Hazrat Abdur Rehman Bin Awf, Saad Bin Rabi, Hazrat
Talha Bin Ubaidullah and Ka’ab Bin Malik, Hazrat Ammar Bin Yasir and Hudaifah
bin Yaman, Hazrat Salman Farsi and Abu Dardaa, Hazrat Abu Ruwaim and Bilal etc
in terms of character, likes and feelings
 Then Prophet PBUH held the hand of Ali Bin Abi Talib saying: “This is my
 This brotherhood is proved to be more recognized than blood relations
 It created a spirit of selflessness and produced very healthy results
 Muslims were now bound by love, kindness and sympathy
 it also brought peace and prosperity in Madinah
 initially, when either one of the two persons who had been paired as brothers, later his
property was inherited by his brother in faith as well
 this practice continued till the following verse was revealed at the time of the battle of
Badr “But kindred by blood are nearer to one another regarding inheritance”
(Al Anfaal verse 75)

Charter Of Madinah
 Just as Prophet Muhammed had established a bond of brotherhood among the
believers, he was also very keen to on establishing friendly relations between the
Muslims and non believers of Arabia.
 As the Jews living in and around Madinah were very influential
 The Prophet decided to establish a treaty with them with clauses that provided full
freedom in faith and wealth
 He had no intention, whatsoever of following strict policies involving hostility or
seizure of wealth and land
Page 75

 In this treaty political, religious, economic and social rights and responsibilities of
residents were mainly described
 Some articles of charter of Madinah are as follows;
 The custom of Qisas , prevalent since ancient times, will continue to be observed
with justice and kindness
 Every clan shall redeem its prisoners with kindness and justice
 All the members of the different clans will be bound by his covenant which
mentions that the hand of every man shall be against him, who seeks to spread
injustice, sin, enmity between believers
 No believer shall slay a believer for the sake of an unbeliever neither shall be
assist an unbeliever against believer
 A poor Muslim is entitled to the same right to protection as a Muslims of wealth
and position
 The Jews who submit to the authority of the Muslims are entitles to their
assistance and the same rights as Muslims without injustice or partnership
 In any military expedition, the Jews are expected to support the Muslims and to
contribute to the cost of war. At the same time, the Jews are not allowed to assist
the opponents of the Muslims. And the Muslims will not support their enemies
 If the contracting parties want to disassociate themselves from the covenant, they
can do so only with the permission of the Prophet
 No one must help an evil doer or shall shelter him, whoever does so shall be
cursed by Allah and His anger will fall upon him.
 If the Muslims want to make peace someone, the Jews will be bound to join in
this effort
 All future disputes between those who accept this charter shall be reoffered, under
Allah to the Holy Prophet

Other Developments Between 1st & 2nd Year Of Hijrah

 At the end of 18 months after the Prophet’s migration, fasting was established as an
obligatory ritual in the month of Ramadhan.
 The Holy Quran says, “O believer! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to
those before you so that you may (learn) self- restraint” (2:118)
 It was during this year that the payment of Zakat was also made obligatory by Allah.
 It is stated in the Quran; “And spends in the way of Allah and cause not destruction
by your own hands, and do good. Surely, Allah loves those who are kind” (2:195)
 The Qibla is the direction to which a Muslim turns when he is praying
 When the Prophet PBUH emigrated to Madinah, the Qibla was towards Al Aqsa
 Jews started taunting Prophet PBUH especially about the direction of Qibla
 The Holy Prophet PBUH wanted to pray towards the Ka’abah
 Thus in the month of Rajab in 2 AH, Allah ordered to change in the direction of Qibla
by revelation; “Surely, We have observed you turning your face towards heaven
repeatedly, and , and we will surely turn you to a Qibla with which you will be
pleased. Turn then your face towards the Sacred Mosque (Ka’abah).…” (2:144)
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The Battle Of Badr (2nd Year Of Hijrah)

 The Muslims, who had gone to Madinah, had left all their belongings behind in
Mecca and these had been taken by their enemies.
 Thus, when the Muslims heard that Abu Sufyan, one of the leaders of Quraysh, was
on his way back to Mecca from Syria with a large caravan of goods
 They decided that the time had come for them to retrieve some of their losses.
 The Prophet (pbuh) gave the Muslims permission for this attack and everyone began
to get ready for the raid, for it had been revealed: “Permission to fight is given unto
those who fight because they have been wronged; and Allah is surely able to give
them victory” (Qur'an 22.39)
 The retrieval of their goods, however, was not their only reason for wanting to attack
the caravan.
 The Muslims did not think they should simply remain safely in Madinah;
 They wanted to spread the message of Islam.
 They thus felt that if Quraysh wanted freedom to trade in safety, then the Muslims
must also have freedom to believe in Allah, to follow His Messenger (pbuh), and
spread His word.
 It was, therefore, thought that the best and only way to get Quraysh to understand this
was to attack what was most important to them-a caravan.
 Abu Sufyan, in the meantime, heard about the Muslims' plan and quickly sent a
message to Quraysh in Mecca, telling them that the caravan was in danger and asking
for help.
 As a result nearly all Quraysh came out to help him defend the caravan.
 There were a thousand men and two hundred horses.
 The women also went along to cheer the men on with their singing.
 Unaware of this, the Prophet (pbuh) set out with his followers.
 It was the month of Ramadan and the Muslims were fasting.
 There were only three hundred and five of them, most of them Ansar, men from
 With them they had three horses and seventy camels, on which they rode in turns.
 They arrived in the area of Badr, some distance from Madinah where they made camp
and waited for news of the caravan.
 Then they heard that Quraysh had set out from Mecca with a strong army.
 The situation had suddenly changed.
 They were no longer going to make a raid on a caravan-they were going to have to
fight Quraysh.
 The Prophet (pbuh) gathered his men around him to find out what they wanted to do.
 First Abu Bakr, and then „Umar, spoke for the Muslims who had come from Mecca.
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 They said they would obey the Prophet (pbuh).

 But the Prophet (pbuh) wanted to hear the opinion of the Ansar, because he did not
want to force them into doing something they did not want to do.
 Saad Ibn Muadh, one of the leaders of the Ansar, got up and said, we believe in you
and we swear before all men that what you have brought is the truth.
 The Prophet (pbuh) was greatly encouraged by these words and so it was agreed to
 Abu Sufyan learned where the Muslims were camped.
 He changed the course of the caravan and quickly took it out of their reach.
 He then sent word to Quraysh telling them that the caravan was safe and that they
should return to Mecca.
 But the leaders of Quraysh were proud and stubborn men.
 They refused to return as they had made up their minds to show everyone how
powerful they were by destroying the Muslims.
 The night before the battle, while the Muslims slept peacefully, a heavy rain fell.
 It is stated in the Quran “When He made the slumber fall upon you as a reassurance
from Him and sent down water from the sky upon you, in order that He might purify
you, and remove from you the fear of Satan, and strengthen your hearts and make
firm (your) fret thereby”. (Qur'an 8.11)
 On the morning of Friday, the 17th of Ramadan, 2 A.H.,
(March 17th, AD), the two armies advanced and drew The man, Sawad, exclaimed, 'You
closer to one another. have hurt me, O Messenger of
 The rain been heavier on the side of Quraysh, making Allah! Allah has sent you to be just
the ground soft and difficult. and good.' Prophet (pbuh) lifted his
shirt and said, 'Then do the same to
 On the side of the Muslims, however, the rain had
me. The man approached and
backed the sand down hard, making it easy for them to kissed him on the spot instead,
march. saying, '0 Messenger of Allah, you
 The Prophet (pbuh) preferred the men to fight in ranks. see what is before us and I may not
 The Prophet (pbuh) then went to a shelter made of palm survive the battle.
branches from which he could command the battle.
 Abu Bakr stayed with him, while Saad ibn Muadh, with
several of the Ansar, stood outside guarding the hut.
 When the Prophet (pbuh) saw the enormous Quraysh army descending the hill into
the valley, with all their banners and drums,
 He began to pray for the help which Allah had promised him.
 These were some of his words. '0 Allah, here come Quraysh full of vanity and
pride, who oppose You and call Your Messenger a liar. O Allah, if this little
band (the Muslims) perishes today, there will be none left in the land to worship
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 Allah replied to His messenger and revealed these words; “(Remember) when you
sought help of your Lord and He answered you (saying): I will help you with a
thousand of the angels, rank on rank. Allah appointed it only as good tidings, and that
your hearts might thereby be at ease. Victory comes only by the help of Allah.
Indeed! Allah is Mighty, Wise”. (Qur'an 8: 9-10)
 At first the battle began in single combat when one of Quraysh swore that he would
drink from the Muslims' reservoir and then destroy it, or die in the attempt.
 Hamzah, the Prophet's uncle, came forward to face him and killed him.
 Three of the most important men of Quraysh then stepped forward and gave out a
challenge for single combat.
 The Prophet (pbuh) sent out 'Ali, Hamzah, and Ubaidah ibn al-Harith, to face them.
 It was not long before Hamzah and „Ali had killed their opponents.
 As for 'Ubaidah, he had wounded his enemy but was wounded himself, and so his two
companions killed the wounded Meccan and carried 'Ubaidah back to the safety of
the Muslim ranks.
 After this, the two armies attacked each other and fighting broke out all around. The
sky was filled with arrows.
 The Muslim army held its ground against the great army of Quraysh and even though
the Muslims were much fewer in number, they gained a great victory, destroying the
Meccan army and killing most of its leaders.
 Among the leading Meccans who died were Abu Jahl and Umayyah ibn Khalaf, who
was killed by his former slave, Bilal.
 Seeing that their leaders were nearly all dead, the remainder of Quraysh retreated.
 The Prophet (pbuh) sent word to Madinah to tell them of the victory.
 He then gathered up the spoils of war and divided them equally among the Muslims.
 Some of the Meccans had been taken prisoner and
 The Prophet (pbuh) gave orders that they should be treated well until their relatives
from among Quraysh came to fetch them.
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Expulsion Of Banu Qainuqa

 Banu Qainuqa was one of the three prominent Jewish tribes of Madina
 It was first Jewish tribe to break the treaty with the Muslims
 During the battle of Badr they did not help Muslims as they were bound to do
according to the Charter of Madinah
 Moreover, some Jews of Bani Qainuqa insulted the Muslim woman in the market
 A fight took place and as a result a Jew and a Muslim were killed which further
deteriorated the relationship
 The Holy Prophet laid siege to their fortresses which continued for more than two
 Afterwards, Banu Qainuqa were forced to leave Madinah
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Uhud-Defeat Comes From Disobedience

(Sat 15 Shawwal 3rd Year Of Hijrah)

 When the survivors of the defeated Quraysh at Badr to Mecca gathered to speak with
Abu Sufyan.
 They said, 'Muhammad has best men, so help us to fight him so that we may avenge
those we have lost.'
 In order to do this it was agreed that everyone who had a share in the caravan should
put his profits towards the cost of a new army, which would be three times as big as
the one at Badr.
 Among those who joined the new army was an Abyssinian slave called Wahshi; who
was known for his accuracy with the spear.
 His master, Jubayr ibn al-Mut‟ im, said to him,'Go with the army and if you kill
Hamzah, the uncle of Muhammad, in revenge for my uncle's death, I will set you free
 When Hind, Abu Sufyan's wife, heard about this she sent a Wahshi to say that she
would clothe him in gold and silk if he would carry out his master's wish,
 She, too, wanted Hamzah dead because he had both her father and brother.
 While the Meccans made their plans, the Prophet's uncle, Abbas, one the few
Muslims still living in Mecca, sent a letter of warning to the Prophet (pbuh) in
 He told him that Quraysh were setting out with a huge arm for Uhud, a place just
outside Medina.
 On receiving this timely warning the Prophet (pbuh) gathered his companions around
him to discuss what they should do.
 He thought it would be better to wait for the enemy inside city rather than go out to
meet them, because it would be easier to defend Madinah from inside the city walls.
 But the young Muslims were go out and face Quraysh.
 They said, '0 Prophet of Allah, lead us out against our enemies, or else they will
think we are too cowardly and too weak to fight them.'
 One of the rulers of Medina, Abduallah ibn Ubayy, however, agreed with the Prophet
(pbuh) and advised him to remain in the city.
 But when the Prophet (pbuh) saw that the majority were in favor of going out to meet
Quraysh, he decided to do so
 After the Friday prayer he put on his armor.
 The Muslims then set out with one thousand men in the direction of Mount Uhud
which overlooks Medina.
 The enemy was camped on the plain below the mountain where they were laying
waste the crops of the Muslims.
 'Abdullah ibn Ubayy was angry that the Prophet (pbuh) had not followed his advice
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 After going part of the way, turned back for Medina, taking one third of the entire
army with him.
 This left the Prophet (pbuh) with only seven hundred men to meet the enormous
Meccan army, which numbered three thousand.
 The remainder of the Mus1ims went on until they reached the mountain of Uhud.
 There the Prophet (pbuh) ordered them to stand in ranks in front of the mountain, So
that they would be protected from behind.
 He then positioned fifty archers on top of the mountain,
 Giving them the following order: 'Keep the Meccan cavalry away from us with your
arrows and don't let them come against us from the rear, whether the battle goes in
our favor or against us.
 The Prophet (pbuh) held up his sword and said, 'Who will use this sword with its
 This was a great honor and many men rose to claim it, but the Prophet (pbuh) decided
to give it to Abu Dujanah, a fearless warrior.
 Then the battle commenced.
 The Muslims were well organized and had the advantage, because although Quraysh
had more than four times as many men, they were tired from their journey and thus
not ready to fight.
 As a result, the Muslims were able to make a surprise attack, led by Abu Dujanah,
who was wearing a brilliant red turban.
 As the fighting increased the Quraysh women, led by Hind, began to beat their drums
to urge their men on.
 They called out poems to encourage their men to be brave. 'If you advance, we hug
you, spread soft rugs beneath you; if you retreat, we leave you. Leave and no more
love you.'
 Abu Dujanah said: 'I saw someone urging the enemy on, shouting wildly, and I made
for him, but when I lifted my sword against him he screamed and I saw that it was a
woman; I respected the Apostle's sword too much to use it on a woman.'
 That woman was Hind.
 As usual, Hamzah, the Prophet's uncle, fought with great courage, but while leading
the Muslims
 In a fierce attack, which nearly defeated the Meccans, he was suddenly and cruelly
struck down by the slave Wahshi.
 The Quraysh warriors were soon scattered and forced to retreat.
 It looked as though they had been defeated!
 Seeing this, forty of the fifty Muslims archers on top of the mountain ran down from
their position to collect booty for the Quraysh army had left many of their belongings
 The archers rushed to take what they could, forgetting the Prophet's orders.
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 Khalid Ibn al-Walid, Commander of the Quraysh cavalry, saw what' happening and
quickly turned his men around and ordered them to attack the Muslims from behind.
 The Muslims were taken completely by surprise.
 The Quraysh then began attacking from both sides at once.
 Many Muslims were killed and instead of winning they began to lose the battle.
 To add to the confusion, it was rumored that the Prophet (pbuh) had killed.
 When the Muslims heard this they were at a loss to know what to do.
 Then a man named Anas called out, “Brothers! If Muhammad (pbuh) has been killed
what will your lives be worth without him? Don't think about living or dying. Fight
for Allah. Get up and die the way Muhammad (pbuh) died!”
 On hearing these words the Muslims took courage.
 There had been several cavalry attacks on the position held by the Prophet (pbuh) and
his companions and the Prophet's cheek had been badly gashed.
 As the Meccans closed in again he called out, 'Who will sell his life for us?'
 At this, five Ansar got up and fought until they were killed, one by one.
 Their places were soon taken, however, by a number of Muslims who drove off the
 Amongst the defending Muslims was Abu Dujanah who put his arms around the
Prophet (pbuh) and made himself into a human shield.
 Throughout the remainder of the battle he held on to the Prophet (pbuh), but as the
fighting drew to a close he suddenly let go.
 Abu Dujanah was dead, killed by the many arrows in his back that had been aimed at
the Prophet (pbuh).
 With the defeat of the Muslims, Quraysh were at last avenged.
 As they left the field of battle Abu Sufyan called out to his men,
 'You have done well; victory in war goes by turns- today in exchange for Badr!'
 When he heard this, the Prophet (pbuh) told, Umar to answer him, saying, 'Allah is
Most High and Most Glorious.
 We are not equal. Our dead are in Paradise and your dead are in Hell!'
 The Muslim soldiers then followed the departing Quraysh part of the way to make
sure they were not going to attack Madinah.
 After the enemy had left, the Prophet (pbuh) made his way around the Battle-field to
see the extent of the Muslim losses.
 Many of the most faithful Muslims had been killed.
 Among the dead, the Prophet (pbuh) found the body of his closest friend and uncle,
 Who had been killed by the slave, Wahshi.
 At the sight of this, the Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘There will never be a moment as sad for
me as this.'
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 Hamzah's sister, Safiyya, came to pray and ask forgiveness for her brother, saying
'We belong to Allah and to Allah we are returning.'
 After the Prophet (pbuh) had prayed over the many dead, he said, 'I tell you that no
one has been wounded in Allah's cause but Allah will remember him and on the Day
of Resurrection will raise him from the dead.
 They were buried where they had fallen as martyrs.
 Allah says: “Do not think that those, who were killed for Allah's sake are dead.
Rather, they are alive. With their Lord they have provision”.(3:169)
 The Muslims realised that their defeat had been caused by their disobedience to the
Prophet (pbuh).
 The Qur'an tells us that the Muslims had been tested by Allah at Uhud and had failed
but that Allah forgave them their weakness.
“Some of you there are that desire this world, and some of you there are that desire
the next world. Then He turned you from them, that He might try you; and He has
forgiven you; and Allah is bounteous to the believers”. (3:145)

Lessons For The Muslims

 People living nowadays should learn lessons by the early Muslims at Uhud.
 Disobedience to the Prophet (pbuh) and love for the things of this world caused their
 Even if we have no battle like Uhud to fight, we can still die for Allah's sake by
fighting what is bad in ourselves.
 When the Prophet (pbuh) came back from a battle he said to his men, 'We have
returned from the lesser war to the greater war.'
 He meant by this that the struggle that goes on within every human being to become a
better person is the more difficult battle.
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The Battle Of The Trench (Battle Of Ahzab)

(5th Year Of Hijrah /627 A.D)
 In 4AH/626 A.D Banu nadhir being exiled from Madinah and got settled in Khyber.
 Because they Bani Nadhir plotted to murder the Prophet (Pbuh) but their plan was
 They wanted to attack on Madinah and wanted to take revenge.
 Eventually the Muslims learned of the preparations being made for war in Mecca and
of the plotting of the Jews within Madinah itself.
 The Muslims wondered how they could defend Madinah.
 They heard that Abu Sufyan was coming to attack them with an enormous army
which included many other Arab tribes like Banu Nadhir, Ghaftan, Sulaym and Asad,
as well as Quraysh.
 After the alliance of these tribes opposition of Islam had risen about 10,000.

 Muslims thought that the only thing they
could do was to stay inside the city and There is the story of the lamb, that has come
try to defend it as best they could. down to us from one who was there: 'We worked
with the Apostle at the trench. I had a half-grown
 Prophet consulted with his companions.
lamb and I thought it would be a good thing to
 Now among the people of Madinah was a cook it for Allah's Messenger. I told my wife to
Persian named Salman Farsi, who had to grind barley and make some bread for us. I killed
live in the city some time before the the lamb and we roasted it for the Prophet
Prophet's arrival there. (Pbuh). When night fell and he was about to leave
 He hailed from Persia (Iran) and knew the the trench, I told him we had prepared bread and
strategy how small numbers of army meat and invited him to our home. I wanted him
could combat with large number of army. to come on his own, but when I said this he sent
someone to call all the men to come along.
 Salman Farsi suggested that they should
Everyone arrived and the food was served. He
dig a trench around the city.
blessed it and invoked the Name of
 The Prophet (Pbuh) thought this a good Allah over it. Then he ate and so did all of the
idea. others. As soon as one lot were satisfied, another
 It was in the middle of winter. They group came until all the diggers had eaten
worked day and night, digging the trench enough, but still there was food to spare.
as quickly as possible.
 The Prophet (Pbuh) himself carried rocks
and when the men were tired he gave them the will to carry on.
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 On March 24, 627 A.D, Abu Sufyan arrived with more than ten thousand men,
Muslims were only three thousand.
 Quraysh and their allies surrounded Madinah but between the two armies was the
long, wide trench.
 It was 31/2 miles long, 15 feet wide and 15 feet deep.
 The Prophet (pbuh) and his men stayed behind this trench for nearly a month
defending the city against their more powerful enemy.
 Many times warriors tried to cross the trench and enter the city, but each time they
were pushed back by the Muslims.
 The Muslims were afraid that if any did manage to cross over, the Jews inside
Madinah would join forces with them and the Muslims would be beaten.
 The Jewish tribe of Bani Quraydhah, who had stood by the, agreement with the
Muslims, were pressed by a Jewish emissary from the enemy without, to break their
 Eventually they agreed to do so and when the news of this reached the Prophet (pbuh)
and his companions they were greatly troubled.
 Things became more difficult for the Muslims day by day. It was extremely cold and
food began to run out.
 To make matters worse, the Bani Qurayzah began openly and actively to join forces
with the other Jews and cut off all supplies to the Muslims, including food.
 The generals of pagans army tried to cross the trench but they could not.
 They started to showered stones from outside.
 Pagans were searching the way to enter into the Madinah.
 At last they found a narrow path of the trench.
 Among them Amr Bin Abdowad was the most famous and valiant
 Hazrat Ali killed him in single contest.
 The Prophet (pbuh) prayed to Allah to help the Muslims defeat their enemies.
 That very night a sandstorm blew up which buried the tents of Quraysh.
 The storm continued for three days and three nights making it impossible for the
enemy to light a fire to cook a meal or warm themselves.
 On one of these dark nights the Prophet (pbuh) asked one of his men, Hudaifah Ibn
al-Yaman, to go on a dangerous mission.
 The Prophet (pbuh) told him to make his way across the trench to the enemy camp
where he should find out what they were doing.
 With much difficulty Hudaifah crossed the trench and made his way to a circle of
Quraysh warriors talking in the darkness.
 He sat near them, but as there was no fire, no one noticed him.
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 He then heard Abu Sufyan's voice: 'Let us go home!' he said. 'We have had enough.
The horses and camels are dying, the tents keep blowing away, most of the equipment
has been lost, and we cannot cook our food. There is no reason to stay!'
 Shortly after hearing this Hudaifah made his way quickly and quietly back across the
 The next morning the Muslims rejoiced to find that what he had overheard had come
 Quraysh and their allies had gone away!
 The siege of Madinah had ended in a great victory for Islam.
 But this was not to be the end of the difficulties, for the Archangel Gabriel the
Prophet (pbuh) and told him that he should punish the Bani Qurayzah for betraying
him and the Muslims.
 On hearing this, the Prophet (pbuh) ordered the Muslims to march against the Bani
Qurayzah as they hid in their fortress.
 The Muslims besieged them for twenty-
five days until they finally gave in.
Sa'd ibn Muadh died of his wounds. It
 On surrendering, they asked the Prophet was said that the Archangel Gabriel
(pbuh) to let someone judge their case, and came in the middle of that night and said
he agreed. to the Prophet (pbuh) '0 Muhammad,
 He also allowed them to choose who who is this dead man? When he arrived,
would give the ruling. the doors of heaven opened and the
 The man chosen to judge the Bani Throne of Allah shook.'
Qurayzah was Sa'ad ibn Muadh, leader of
the Aws, a tribe which had always protected the Qurayzah in the past.
 Sa'd ibn Muadh who had himself been wounded in the battle, decided that the Jews
should be tried by their own Holy Law
 According to which anyone who broke a treaty would be put to death.
 As a result all the men of the Bani Qurayzah were executed and the women and
children made captive.
 If the Jews had succeeded in their pact, Islam would have been destroyed.
 Instead from that day on, Madinah became a city where only Muslims lived.

 It was the last attack on Madinah
 Non Muslims found no courage to attempt any attack on Madinah.
 The aggressive strength of Quraish was finally lost.
 This defeat brought silent revolution in Makkah
 Order to purifying before prayer with sand or dust, prayer of Terror was revealed.
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The Treaty Of Hudaybiyah

(6th Year Of Hijrah / 628 A.D)
 Quraysh had tried to destroy Islam but had failed.
 The number of Muslims grew and their armies increased from three hundred at the
battle of Badr, seven hundred at the battle of "Uhud, to three thousand at the battle of
the Trench.
 After the annual fast of Ramadan, the Prophet (pbuh) had a dream, which indicated
that the Muslims should go to Mecca for the pilgrimage.
 When Muslims got heard news they were overjoyed ready to go with him on the
Lesser Pilgrimage called 'the `Umra'.
 They dressed in white and went unarmed and carried 70 sacrificial animals to show
Quraysh that they had come to make the pilgrimage and not to fight.

 At the place of Dhul Haleefa Prophet performed the tradition of sacrifice.
 Prophet fixed the ferule on the neck of sacrificial animals
 When Quraysh heard that the Prophet (pbuh) was on his way, they sent 300 troops
along with Ikrama Bin Abu Jahl under the leadership of Khalid Ibn al-Walid
 They stop Muslims from entering the city.
 To avoid meeting this small army the Prophet (pbuh) changed his route and led the
men through rugged mountain passes.
 Prophet arrived at Hudaybiyah which is about 3 miles away from Makkah
 The Prophet's camel knelt down and refused to go any further.
 The Muslims thought she was either stubborn or tired, but the Prophet (pbuh) said:
'The same power that once stopped the elephant from entering Mecca is now
stopping us!'
 He then ordered them to make camp, which they did, although they all hoped they
would travel on to the sacred Ka'bah the following day.
 Badeel Bin Warq (Chief of Banu Khaza) came to Prophet after heard Quraish
 Prophet sent message to Quraish by saying that; “Muslims had come only for the
pilgrimage, to worship Allah at the Holy Ka'bah, and that they wanted to enter the
city peacefully. But If they did not agree, then I swear that God I would fight till the
separation of my head from the body”.
 Prophet decided to send Umar Bin Khattab to negotiate but Umar was regretted and
said “O Prophet of Allah, there are a lot of my enemies, therefore it would be
pertinent to send Uthman who has a lot of relatives there”
 At last Prophet sent Uthman as envoy, to negotiate with Quraish.
 Quraish entertained him very much and offered to perform Umrah but he refused.
 After they had waited a long time, the Muslims became very worried.
 The delay in the return of Uthman sparked the rumors that he had been killed.
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 Prophet gathered the Muslims around him under an acacia tree and asked them to
swear their allegiance to him, which they did.
 This pact, which is mentioned in the Qur'an, became known as the Treaty of Ridwan
(which means Paradise).
 Shortly after, `Uthman Ibn Affan returned and the Muslims were relieved to see that
no harm had come to him.
 Soon after this, official messengers came from Quraysh and talks began for a peaceful
 A man called Suhayl ibn 'Amr was sent by the Meccans to work out a treaty.
 When the Prophet (pbuh) asked 'Ali to write 'In the Name of Allah, the Most
Gracious, the Most Merciful', on the top of the page, Suhayl objected, saying 'write
only: bismik Allahumma (in the name, 0 Allah).
 The Prophet (pbuh) agreed and dictated: 'This is a treaty between Muhammad the
Messenger of Allah and Suhayl ibn 'Amr.''Stop!'
 Suhayl cried, 'I don't believe that you are Rasulallah (the Messenger of Allah).
 If I thought you were Allah's Messenger, I wouldn't be fighting against you, would
 The Prophet (pbuh) agreed that he should be referred to in the treaty as Muhammad',
son of 'Abd Allah.
 The Muslims were very upset at this, and 'Umar furiously cried out, 'Are you not
Allah's Messenger, and are we not Muslims? How can we accept such treatment
when we are right and they are wrong?
 This will make people laugh at our religion!' But the Prophet (pbuh) knew what was
best and the Treaty of Hudaybiyah was signed.
 In this treaty the two sides agreed to stop fighting for a period often years.
 It was also agreed that the Muslims should go back to Madinah immediately but that
they could return the following year for the pilgrimage for three days.
 Any tribe can join either Muslim or non Muslims.
 Anyone coming from Madinah will not handed over to Muslims, But anybody
coming from Makkah handed over to Quraish.
 Suhayl's son (Abu Jandal) had come with his father with the idea of joining the
Prophet (pbuh) but when the treaty was signed he was, of course, forced to return to
 He cried bitterly. The Prophet (pbuh) said, '0 Abu Jandal, be patient and control
yourself. Allah will provide relief and find a way out for you and others like you.'
 The majority of the Muslims were very disappointed when they heard the terms of the
agreement and thought that it should not have been accepted.

 On the return journey to Madinah, the 'Victory' chapter of the Qur'an was revealed to
the Prophet (pbuh). “Surely We have given you (0 Muhammad) a clear victory, That
Allah may forgive for you what preceded of your sin That which is past and that
which is to come, And may complete His blessings upon thee, And may guide thee on
the right path, And that Allah may help thee with mighty help”. (48.1-3)
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 Muslims did not realize that this was in fact a great victory for the Prophet (pbuh),
which Allah would later confirm in a Revelation.
 The agreement made sure that the following year they would enter Mecca peacefully
 Muslims becoming stronger and more respected throughout Arabia.
 Prophet decided to send companions to preach Islam other part of the world
 With the results of preaching many people accepted Islam.
 Important personalities like Khalid Bin Waleed , Amr Bin Al Aa’s accepted Islam
 First time Makkans accepted Muslims as a separate power.
 The clause of ten years peace shows weakness of Quraish
 Extradition clause shows that the Makkans had realized they could not stop the
expansion of Islam.
 This treaty led to the Khyber Expedition and Conquest of Makkah.
Page 92

Letters to Emperors
(Late 6th & Early 7th Year Of Hijrah)
 The peace which the Treaty of Hudaybiyah guaranteed for ten years.
 People could travel from all over Arabia to visit the Prophet (pbuh) and a great many
came to declare their Islam.
 During this period the Prophet (pbuh) decided that the time had come for his message
to be taken to other countries.
 He sent trusted companions with letters, telling of his message, to the leaders of the
most powerful nations of the day.
 It is recorded that he said, “Allah has sent me as a mercy to all men, so take the
message from me that Allah has mercy on you.”
 It is also recorded that some time before, when the Prophet (pbuh) was digging
before the Battle of the Trench, three flashes of lightning had blared forth from a rock
he had been striving to remove.
 These flashes had shown him the fortresses of the civilizations to the South, East, and
West which were soon to come into Islam.
 Now at the time the Prophet (pbuh) sent out his message to Roman Emperor
“Heraclius” (Hercul), Persian Emperor Chosroes (Khusro Pervez), King of
Abyssinia “ Negus” (Najashi), King of Egypt “Muqawqis”

Heraclius (Roman Empire)

 The Emperor Heraclius, ruler of this Empire, had a dream, and sadly told visitors to
his court in Syria: “I saw our Empire fall and victory go to a people who do not
follow our religion.”
 At first he thought this must refer to the Jews and he even had it in mind to kill all the
Jews living under his rule
 Then an envoy from the governor of Basra arrived with a message for the Emperor:
“0 Emperor Heraclius! There are some Arabs in the city who are speaking of
wonderful happenings in their country', and he then told of what he had heard about
the Prophet (pbuh).
 On hearing this Heraclius commanded his soldiers: “Go and find me someone who
can tell me more about this.”
 The soldiers, however, did not find those who had been talking about the Prophet
(pbuh), but instead found Abu Sufyan and some of his companions and brought them
before the Emperor.
 Heraclius asked, “Is there anyone among you who is a close relative of the Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh)?”
Page 93

 Abu Sufyan replied, “I am”. So the Emperor addressed all the questions to him,
thinking he would know the Prophet (pbuh) best.
 He said, “Tell me what the Prophet’s position in your tribe is" Abu Sufyan said, 'he is
a member of our most respected family.
 Did anyone before him say the kinds of things he says?'
 “No” was the reply of Abu Sufyan
 Emperor asked; “And was he ever accused of lying or cheating?”
 “Never” Abu Sufyan again replied
 And then the Emperor asked: “And what about his ideas and opinions, and his
powers of reasoning?”
 ‟ No one has ever had cause to doubt him or find fault with his reasoning”, replied
Abu Sufyan.
 “Who follows him, the proud or the humble?‟
 “The humble.”
 “Do his followers increase or decrease?‟ Emperor asked
 “They increase‟ , said Abu Sufyan,
 The Emperor then turned to other matters and asked: “If he makes a treaty, does he
keep it?” ‟ Yes” Abu Sufyan replied.
 “Did you ever fight against him? ‟ inquired the Emperor. To which Abu Sufyan
answered: “Yes”.
 “Who won”? Emperor further inquired.
 “Sometimes we won, sometimes he won, but he never broke his word in any
 The emperor then asked: “What does he say people must do?”
 “To worship one God”, said Abu Sufyan.
 The meeting ended with these words from the Emperor: “I see from this that he is
indeed a prophet”.
 It was not long after this that the messenger, Dihyah Kalbi, arrived at the Syrian court
bearing the Prophet Mohammed’s letter which said, “If you accept Islam you will be
safe and Allah will give you a double reward. If you do not, you will have to live with
results of your decision.”
 ‟ Heraclius grabbed the letter. He was so upset he could hardly control himself.
 He said to Dihyah, “I know your master is a true prophet of Allah”.
 Our books tell of his coming. If I were not afraid that the Romans would kill me, I
would join Islam.
 Although he did not accept with the influence of his court and followers, he paid
respect to envoy.
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Muqawqis (King Of Egypt)

 Another of the Prophet’s messengers Hatib Bin Abi Baltah sent to Egypt
 King of Egypt was a Coptic Christian
 After reading letter he said, he knew that the Prophet was appear but according to his
knowledge that the Prophet would come in Syria
 He did not accept Islam and sent gifts to the Prophets with two Christian ladies
named Mariah and Sirin
 Prophet gave Sirin to Hassan Bin Thabit, and took Mariah as his wife

Chosroes (Emperor Of Persia)

 Abdullah Bin Abu Hudaifah was sent to Chosroes.
 The king of Persia, where he was told by the royal guard: “When you see the King,
you must bow and not lift your head until he speaks to you.‟
 To this the Prophet’s messenger replied, `I will never do that. I bow only to Allah.‟
 When the King read out the letter: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most
Merciful From Muhammad, Messenger of Allah to Chosroes”
 Chosroes was furious and tore the letter into little pieces.
 When the messenger returned to Arabia and told the Prophet (pbuh) what Chosroes
had done
 The Prophet (pbuh) said, “May Allah also tear his kingdom into little pieces.”
 Several years later it happened just as the Prophet (pbuh) had said it would.

Negus (King Of Abyssinia)

 A messenger was also sent to the Negus (or King) of Abyssinia
 The King of Abyssinia was a very wise man, and was thought by the world to be a
good Christian.
 He had, of course, already heard of the Prophet (pbuh) and his religion from the
Muslims who had sought refuge in his country years before.
 He was deeply moved by the letter and when he came down from his throne it was
not just to show his respect but also to declare that he was already a Muslim.
 He answered the Prophet's letter with one of his own.
“To Muhammad the Prophet of Allah from the Negus al-Asham, King of Abyssinia.
Assalamu aleikum 0 Prophet of Allah. There is none like Him who has guided me to
Islam. I received your letter, O Messenger of Allah. Some of your followers, as well
as your cousin Jaffar, still live here. I believe you are truly the Messenger of God and
reaffirm the pledge of allegiance I made to you some time ago before your cousin
Jaffar, at whose hand I joined Islam and surrendered to the Lord of the Worlds.”
Page 95
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Khyber Expedition
(7th Year Of Hijrah)

 Khyber is word of Hebrew language which means “ Fort”
 Usually Khyber was called that region where a lot of fort of Jews
 It was situated 82-85 miles away
 The Jews of Banu Qainuqa and Nadhir had settled in Khyber after expulsion from
 When they heard about Treaty of Hudaibiya, they did not like the reconciliation
between Quraish and the Muslims
 So, they started planning to attack Madinah in order to regain their prestige
 Some of their leaders succeeded in persuading the Ghatfan tribe to join hands with
 This is why Khyber also known as “center of conspiracies”.
 When the Holy Prophet came to know of these developments and marched with an
army of 1600 men against the Jews of Khyber
 Abdullah Bin Ubayy sent message for the Jews telling them to be prepared for the
Muslims attack
 A meeting was held among the Jews and it was decided that they should fight inside
the city (Fortresses)
 As Banu Ghatfan was to attack the Muslims from behind when they move forward

Events Of Battle
 When the battle begins, Jews immediately rushed to their forts and fortified
 There were several forts in Khyber named Naim, Sulaim, Qamus, Nabat, Qisarah,
Shaq and Marbat
 The Holy Prophet did not want a long siege, when He realized that the Jews were
prepared to fight, he commanded to attack them
 The first battle took place near the fort Naim in which Mahmood Bin Muslima was
martyred but the fort was conquered
 After this, Muslims conquered almost all the forts except Qamus
 The fight prolonged to twenty days
 Prophet PBUH nominated Hazrat Abu Bakr as commander in chief and sent him for
attack but he returned unsuccessful
 Later, Hazrat Umar was assigned this task
 He fought for two days but could not achieve success
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 On seeing this, one night Holy Prophet said “Tomorrow I will give the banner to a
man who loves Allah and His Prophet and Allah and His Prophet love him”.
 Next morning, everyone gathered around the Prophet
 The Prophet called Hazrat Ali, who had developed an eye sore
 The Prophet supplicate and applies his saliva to his eyes and the infection was cured
 Then He asked Ali to lead the battalion
 Seeing the Muslims under the command of Ali, Marhab the famous warrior came out
to fight him
 Marhab was considered strongest than 1000 horsemen
 Marhab was killed by Ali’s single stroke of the sword and the fort of Qamus was

 After losing their strongest fort, the jews realized that end had come
 They requested the Holy Prophet to grant them peace on the condition that they
would pay half of their lands to the Muslims
 The Prophet accepted their request and their lives, property, women and children
were left untouched
 Thus, in this expedition the Muslim got a huge supply of dates and booty
 The numbers of Muslims who were martyred 18 while 93 Jews were killed

 After the battle of Khyber, the Muslims emerged as the most powerful force in Arabia
 The Jews lost their power and prestige after the conquest of Khyber
 This marvelous victory totally finished the supremacy of the Jews
 The provision taken at Khyber were so much that Ibne Umar said” We never ate our
fill until we conquered Khyber”
 Allah caste fear into the hearts of the people who lived near Khyber
 While returning from Khyber to Madinah, the Prophet married Safiyah bint Hai who
was the widow of a Jewish chief after accepting Islam
 This marriage had a great impact on the Jews, with the result that many of them
accepted Islam

Performance Of Umrah
 According to the treaty of Hudaibiyah, the Holy Prophet PBUH had performed
Umrah in 7 A.H with Approx 2000 companions
 Prophet PBUH and his companions carried no arms except the traveller’s sword
 The companions were full o f joy and happiness
 The Muslims entered Makkah in great humility
 The dream of Holy Prophet PBUH was realized and Allah’s declaration was most
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Battle Of Mau’tah
(8th Year Of Hijrah)
 Mautah is a village lies on the border of Syria
 Prophet sent Harith Bin Umair Al Azdi to the ruler of Basra carry a letter of invitation
towards Islam
 He was intercepted and killed by the governor of Al Balqa named Shurabeel Al
Ghassani (close ally of Roman Byzantine)
 Killing of Envoy was considered a crime and amounted to the degree of declaration
of war
 The Holy Prophet was shocked on hearing the news
 Prophet ordered that an army of 3000 and dispatched to the north

 Prophet appointed Hazrat Zaid Bin Haritha, Jaffar Bin Abi Talib and Abdullah Bin
Rawaha supposed to commander in chief after another
 a white banner has raised and handed over to Zaid Bin Haritha
 Prophet recommended that they reach the scene of Harith Bin Umair’s murder and
first invite them to Islam, otherwise fighting with them would be the next alternative
 Holy Prophet said; “Fight the disbelievers in the name of Allah; neither breach a
covenant nor entertain treachery(disloyalty) and under no circumstances a child,
woman, an ageing man or a hermit should be killed; moreover neither trees
should be cut down nor homes demolished”

The Battle Begins

 On the way Muslims came to know there were 200,000 troops were coming to fight
 Muslims discussed and decided to fight
 Thus fighting was initiated by Zaid, fought gallantly until fell down stabbed
 Jaffer Bin Abi Talib took the banner, fought miraculous.
 After losing both hands, he clasped the banner until he was cut into parts
 Abdullah Bin Rawaha then became a leader and gave his life for the sake of sacred
 The next day Prophet Khalid Bin Waleed, he fought excessively and brought
Muslims safely to Madinah
 Muslims managed to return with the losses.
 It was fiercest battle during the lifetime of Prophet PBUH
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Conquest Of Makkah
8th Year Of Hijrah
 According to the term of the treaty of Hudaibiya, the Arab tribes were given the
option to join either of the parties, the Muslims or the Quraish
 The Banu Bakr joined the Quraish and Banu Khuza joined the Muslims

 The Quraish eventually incited the Banu Bakr to attack Banu Khuza’
 So in the 8th year of Hijrah, without caring about the clauses of the treaty and taking
advantage of the dark of night, Banu Bakr attacked on Banu Khuza.
 The Quraish helped them with men and arms
 The tribesmen of Khuza’ took shelter in the Kaabah, but there too their lives were not
 Nawfal, the chief of Banu Bakr chased them inside the Haram of Kaabah where
bloodshed was forbidden.
 Banu Khuza’ complained to the Quraish but got not redress
 Then the deputation of Banu Khuza consist of 40 men came to Madinah and seeking
help from Prophet PBUH
 The Prophet PBUH sent message to the Quraish with three conditions and asked them
to accept any one of them
(i) To pay the blood money for the victims of Khuza tribesmen
(ii) To terminate the treaty with Banu Bakr
(iii) To consider the treaty of Hudaibiya as nullified
 The Quraish opted the third alternative
 They immediately realized the situation and feared the horrible consequences
 They immediately called meeting and decided to delegate Abu Sufyan to Madinah for
the renewal of truce
 Abu Sufyan first visited his daughter Umme Habiba, but she refused to do anything
 He then approached to Abu Bakr and Umar but they too refused to interfere
 At last, he went to see Ali but he also regretted to do anything for him
 Thus, Abu Sufyan returned to Makkah in a state of bitter disappointment
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 10th of Ramadhan 8 AH, the Prophet proceeded to Makkah with ten thousand soldiers
 On that occasion other tribes joined Muslims
 In the meantime, the Prophet's uncle, al-Abbas, had decided that the time had come
for him and his wife to leave Mecca and join the Prophet (pbuh) in Madinah.
 They did not, however, have to go far as after a distance of only twenty-five
kilometers they came across the Muslim camp.
 When the Prophet (pbuh) saw them he said, “Uncle, your emigration is the last
emigration. My prophecy is the last prophecy.”
 Hazrat Abbas then joined the army and his wife went on to the safety of Madinah.
 Each soldier told to lit a fire to make a psychological effect of large number of
 In the meantime, Abu Sufyan went out to survey, where he met Hazrat Abbas
 H. Abbas informed Abu Sufyan of the situation and advised him to accept Islam
 Abu Sufyan went along with Abbas to meet Prophet, there he embraced Islam
 The Prophet (pbuh) then told Abu Sufyan to go back to Mecca and tell the people that
the Muslims would enter the city the next morning.
 Before he left, however, Hazrat Abbas suggested to the Prophet (pbuh) that as Abu
Sufyan was a proud man, it would be good to give him an honorable position.
 The Prophet (pbuh) took this advice, saying to Abu Sufyan, 'Tell the people that when
we enter, anyone seeking refuge in your house will be safe.' This was a great honor
for Abu Sufyan.
 In addition, the Prophet (pbuh) told him to assure the Meccans that those who
remained in their own homes or at the Ka‟ bah would also be protected and anyone
who throws his weapon will be forgiven
 Next day, the Muslims entered Mecca from all sides.
 They had been ordered to cause no harm unless anyone tried to stop them entering.
 The column of Khalid Bin Waleed was faced resistance, he fought back.
 Thirteen men from Quraish were killed while two Muslims were martyred.
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Prophet’s Conduct Towards People

 When the Prophet (pbuh) arrived, he got off his camel,
bowed down on the ground and thanked Allah for this
victory. “Bukhari has a tradition
saying that He sounded
 When the unbelievers saw this, People began leaving
Takbirs not offered prayers”
their homes and running towards the Ka‟ bah.
 When they arrived there, they found the Prophet (pbuh)
performing the ritual encircling of the Ka'bah, the Tawaf on his camel, surrounded by
the Muslims.
 When he had finished, he said, 'There no divinity except Allah and He has no
partner. Men and women of Quraysh are not proud for all are equal; we are all
the son of Adam, and Adam was made of dust.
 'Then he recited this verse to them: “O mankind! Indeed! We have created you male
and female, and have made you nations and tribes so you may know each another.
Surely the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Indeed! Allah is
All-knowing, All-aware”. (Qur'an 49.13)
 Prophet purified Kaabah and broke 360 idols placed inside
 While doing Prophet recited “… Truth has come and falsehood has vanished away.
Indeed! Falsehood is ever bound to vanish”. (17:81)

General Amnesty
 When Kaabah was cleaned, Prophet demanded the keys from the custodian Uthman
Bin Talha had the door opened
 Prophet entered along with H Bilal and Uthman and offered Prayers
 On the day Mecca was conquered, the Prophet (pbuh) addressed the people about
Oneness of Allah and the other essential messages of Islam
 Then he returned to the doorway of the Kaabah and asked the Quraish “O you people
of Quraish! What do you think of the treatment that I am about to accord to
 They replied: “O noble brother and son of noble brother! We expect nothing but
goodness from you”
 Upon this the Holy Prophet said; “ I speak to you in the same words as Prophet
Yusuf spoke unto his brothers”
 Then Prophet recited the verses of surah Yusuf; “No reproach on you this day, Allah
willl forgive. He is the most merciful and the most compassionate” (12:92)
 He added; “No more responsibility burdens you today. Go your way, you are
freed ones”
 After showing generosity and humbleness almost all Quraish accepted Islam
including Hinda, Habbar bin Al Aswad and Wahshi
 The Quran states about Conquest of Makkah; “When there comes the Help of Allah
and the conquest. And you see that people enter Allah’s religion in crowds” (110:1-2)
 Prophet stayed at Makkah for about 19 days
 He made arrangements for the administration of Makkah
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The Lesson Of Pride At The Valley Of Hunayn

8th Year Of Hijrah

 Islam flourished in Mecca and the Muslims became stronger and stronger.
 But south of Mecca lived a tribe of warriors called Hawazin, Who had not become
 They made an agreement with another tribe from Ta'if, called Thaqif to fight the
Muslims and destroy them before they could spread their religion throughout Arabia.
 The Chief of one of these tribes, a fearless warrior called Malik Ibn Awf, was chosen
as the leader.
 He put forward a plan: “You should all go out to battle accompanied by your families,
your tents, your sheep and goats, for with all your belongings at stake, none of you
will dare give up the fight.”

Preparation For War:

 When the Prophet (pbuh) heard what the enemy tribes were planning,
 He found himself forced to fight and ordered his army towards Ta’if.
 He had twelve thousand men and the enemy only four thousand.
 The Muslims were proud of their strength and as they looked around at their number,
said to themselves, 'We will never be defeated!'
 On hearing this Prophet (pbuh) knew that the Muslims had become too proud and
because of this would not succeed. He warned them, 'Look to Allah and not to your
own strength.”

 The Muslim army advanced along the Hunayn path, a narrow way in the rugged
mountains, towards the valley
 The Hawazin and the other tribes were waiting.
 The Muslims were unaware that, under cover of darkness, the Hawazin warriors had
already climbed up the mountain and were waiting for them.
 First they threw rocks down upon them and then attacked with arrows and swords.
 In surprise and fear, the Muslims started to retreat.
 The Prophet(pbuh) was bitterly disappointed to see them fleeing in terror but he
stayed firmly in his place with Abu Bakr, 'Ali, his uncle Abbas, and a few
companions at his side.
 Hazrat Abbas then called to the Muslims to return and not to abandon the Prophet
 Ashamed at what they had done, and seeing the Prophet (pbuh) facing the enemy
almost alone, the Muslims quickly returned to fight.
 Allah sent His angels-the hosts ye cannot see-to their aid.
 The Muslim warriors advanced, attacking furiously, driving the Hawazin back from
the path into the valley, where the fighting went on long and hard.
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 At the end of the day the Muslims won but not before
having learned a hard lesson A deputation of Hawazin
about the danger of pride. came to Prophet and
 The defeated enemy fled, leaving their families and sought forgiveness. After
possessions to be captured. the consult with the
 The Muslims captured a vast booty, comprising of companions Prophet
24000 camels, 40,000 sheep etc. released about six
 Later all the leaders of the tribes except one came to thousand prisoners. Among
ask for them back and to declare their acceptance of all captives was Shima Bint
Islam. Halima (foster sister of
 The Prophet (pbuh) forgave them and returned their Prophet) met to the Prophet
families to them, but not their belongings.

Siege Of Taif
8 Year Of Hijrah

 People of Taif and the leader of Hawazin Malik Bin Awf fled to Ta'if, where he sought
protection in the castle
 But the Muslims pursued him and surrounded the city, which they besieged for about
three weeks.
 They tried to break into the castle but after losing many men in the attempt the Prophet
(pbuh) ordered a withdrawal.
 Shortly afterwards Hawazin and most of the other tribes came to Mecca and declared
themselves Muslim, including Malik Ibn Awf.
Page 104

Tabuk-The (Test Of Faith)

9th Year Of Hijrah
 News of the growing power of the Muslims, as more and more of Arabia
 Followed the Prophet (pbuh), eventually reached Heraclius, Emperor of the Eastern
Roman Empire.
 The Romans saw the uniting of the Arabs in Islam as a possible threat to their Empire
 Emperor's advisors and generals, therefore, decided to attack the Muslims from the north
and east at the same time and destroy Islam once and for all.

Preparation For War

 When the Prophet (pbuh) heard of the Romans' plans, he decided that it would be better
to meet the Roman army in Tabuk,
 Tabuk is 500 kilometers from Madinah on the route to Syria
 Prophet (pbuh) felt that if the Muslims were defeated at Madinah, which would mean the
end of Islam.

 There were some people living in Madinah who were not true believers. They were called
“Hypocrites”; they pretended to believe but hid what was truly in their hearts.
 These hypocrites tried to create fear and doubt among the Muslims, saying 'How can we
hope to defeat the Romans whose great empire stretches over vast areas of the world?
 On this question, Allah revealed the following verse: “O you who believe! What is the
matter with you that, when you are told to go forth in the way of Allah, you are bowed
down to the ground with heaviness. Do you take pleasure in the life of the world rather
than in the Hereafter? The comfort of the life of the world is but little in the Hereafter”
 To form and equip an army the Prophet (pbuh) needed a great deal of money and despite
all that the hypocrites had said, many Muslims, especially the Prophet’s close friends,
were willing to help.
 Uthman Ibn Affan, for instance, generously provided horses and arms for ten thousand
 Abu Bakr gave all that he had in the world.
 Umar too, gave a great deal, and in this way the Prophet (pbuh) was able to equip an
army of forty thousand soldiers.
 Finally everything was ready but just as they were about to leave, seven more men came
to the Prophet (pbuh) to ask if they could go with him.
 He had to refuse because there were no animals for them to ride
 The army moved off, but just then several spare camels were found.
 On learning of this, the Prophet (pbuh) sent for the seven men, who were overjoyed to
find that they could join him in his fight.
 The Romans had heard that the Muslims were coming out to meet them.
 They felt even surer of victory when they heard this because they believed that it would
be quite impossible for an army to cross a waterless desert in the scorching summer sun.
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 The heat was so intense and the journey so difficult that several Muslims did turn back.
 The Prophet (pbuh) and most of the others, however, continued until they finally ran out
of water.
 The Prophet (pbuh) prayed to Allah for help and, as he finished his prayer, the first drops
of rain came splashing down.
 The rain continued to fall until all the Muslims had drunk their fill
 The Prophet (pbuh) and his army continued their trek across the desert and finally arrived
at the oasis of Tabuk.
 However, they were surprised to find that the Roman army had retreated in fear on
hearing of the miraculous crossing of the desert by the Muslims.
 The long march to Tabuk had been yet another test of faith for the Muslims.
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Year Of Deputation
(10th Year Of Hijrah)

 The Prophet (pbuh) had become the most powerful leader in the whole of Arabia.
 After the idols in the Ka'bah had been smashed and Quraysh had become Muslim most of
the other tribes of Arabia came to declare their Islam.
 The year in which they came was later to be called the Year of Deputations.
 As each tribe joined Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) sent his men to teach them
about their new religion.
 Many people also came to Madinah to question the Prophet (pbuh) himself.
 One tribe sent a man called Dimam, who was large and strong.
 On arriving in Madinah, he went straight to the mosque, where the Messenger of Allah
(pbuh) was sitting with some of his companions, and stood over the Prophet (pbuh).
 In a loud, rough voice he asked, 'Which of you is the son of 'Abdul Muttalib?'
 When the Prophet (pbuh) answered him Dimam went on, 'I am going to ask you a hard
question, so do not misunderstand me.
 I ask you to swear by Allah, your Allah, the Allah of those before you and the Allah of
those who will come after you, has He sent you to us as a messenger?'
 'Yes, He has', replied the Prophet (pbuh).
 'Has Allah instructed you to order us to serve Him; to pray these five prayers; to pay
alms; to fast; to make the pilgrimage and to follow the other laws of Islam)?' continued
 When the Prophet (pbuh) answered that Allah had indeed instructed him in this way,
Dimam became a Muslim
 As he left, added, 'Then I will do the things we are told to do and avoid the things we are
forbidden-no more and no less.
 As Dimam mounted his camel to leave, the Prophet (pbuh) told the people around him, 'If
this man is sincere, he will go to Paradise.'
 When Dimam reached his people they all thought he had gone mad but by nightfall, after
he had finished speaking, there was not among them that had not accepted Islam.
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Farewell Pilgrimage
(10th Year Of Hijrah)
 When the time came for the yearly pilgrimage, it was proclaimed that the prophet (pbuh)
would be going to Mecca.
 The Muslims flocked to Madinah from all over Arabia to join him on his journey to the
Ka‟ bah.
 As the tribes arrived they camped around the city until they finally numbered more than
thirty thousand.
 The Prophet (pbuh) went out with his family and friends to pilgrimage, but before setting
off, he led all the Muslims in prayer.
 After the prayers, the Prophet (pbuh) got on his camel and headed towards Mecca
followed by the pilgrims,
 All of whom, for the first time in centuries, worshipped Allah, the One God.
 The Prophet (pbuh) and his companions were deeply moved by the sight of the huge
number of Muslims accompanying them to Mecca, carrying no arms, and fearing no one.
 They could not help but remember their original flight from Mecca when they had been
so few in numbers and were forced to leave in order to avoid the anger of Quraysh.
 Throughout the journey the Muslims repeated a prayer taught to them by the Prophet
(pbuh) which he in turn had received from the Archangel Gabriel.
 This prayer, the Talbiya, has been part of the Hajj ritual ever since.
 It is in answer to the call Abraham was commanded to make when he and Ishmael
finished building the Ka‟ bah.
 After ten days the pilgrims marched at sunset through the same pass by which they had
entered on the Day of Conquest of Mecca.
 When they reached the Ka‟ bah, the Prophet (pbuh) stood before it in prayer, then he and
all the Muslims walked around it seven times saying their prayer aloud.
 Next, just as Abraham had done, they went towards the Mount of Mercy at 'Arafat, which
the Prophet (pbuh) ascended on a camel.
 From the mountain he led the people in prayer and then spoke to them as they stood
assembled on the vast plain below.
 What the Prophet (pbuh) said is known as the “Farewell Sermon”, because it was the last
speech the Prophet (pbuh) made before he died.
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Main Points Of Last Sermon

 He said, “Surely you will meet your Lord and He will question you about your
 He asked the Muslims to take their guidance from the Qur'an and from his own example.
 This, he said, was the best way to live.
 He ordered them to cease living in the way they had before Islam.
 Revenge, one of the oldest traditions in Arabia, was ended forever;
 Usury was prohibited; property was to be respected.
 Things which previously were forbidden during the four sacred months of the year were
now forbidden at all times.
 He then commanded, “Know that every Muslim is a Muslim's brother”, which was a
completely new idea to the tribes who had so often quarreled in the past.
 He also said, “Allah has given everyone his due-exactly what each one deserves”.
 After each point the Prophet (pbuh) asked, “Have I explained it well? Is it perfectly
 Everyone answered, 'Yes.' For these were the people who would have to pass on the
Prophet's message and instructions to those who were unable to be present that day and to
future generations.
 The Prophet (pbuh) said, “I have left you two things. If you hold on to them you will
be saved. They are Allah's Book and the words of your Prophet”.
 He then asked, “Have I not conveyed the message?”
 The multitude shouted out, 'By Allah, yes!' The Prophet (pbuh) ended, “0 Allah! Bear
witness to that.”
 On this occasion Allah revealed; “This day I have perfected your religion, for you, and I
have completed My favor unto you, and have chosen for you as a religion AL-ISLAM”.
(Qur'an 5.3)
 Many Muslims started to shed tears, knowing that if the Prophet (pbuh) had completed
his message, his life must be near its end.
 After spending the rest of the day of Arafah in prayer and contemplation, the Muslims
began to complete the pilgrimage by returning to Mecca with the Talbiya prayer still on
their lips.
 The first night of the return journey was spent at Muzdalifah.
 Here they gathered pebbles, which they carried with them the next day to Mina.
 There they stood before a huge rock and stoned it in remembrance of Abraham's meeting
with the Devil in that very place.
 As for the Prophet (pbuh), he made one final visit before leaving Mecca.
 This was to the grave of his devoted wife, Khadijah, who had been the first person to
believe in Allah's Revelation through him.
 The Prophet (pbuh) knew that this would be the last time he would see the grave, or
Mecca, because during the pilgrimage he had received the chapter of the Qur'an called
'Help', from which he knew that his death was not far away
“When Allah's help and triumph comes And you see mankind entering the religion of
Allah in troops, Then exalt (Him) with praises of your Lord, and seek forgiveness of
Him. Indeed! He is ever ready to show mercy”. (Qur'an 110.1-3)
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The Prophet’s Sickness & Demise

(11th Year Of Hijrah)

 One Night, shortly after his return to Madinah, the Prophet (pbuh) woke up at midnight
and went to the Baqi al-Gharqad, the burial ground of the Muslims.
 There the Prophet (pbuh) stood in the front of the graves and, as though he could see the
Muslims buried in them, spoke to them and prayed over them.
 The Prophet (pbuh) told His servant Abd Allah that he was ordered to pray for the dead
and that I was to go with him.
 After the Prophet (pbuh) had prayed he said, to Abd Allah “I can choose between all the
riches of this world, a long life and then Paradise, or meeting my Lord and entering
Paradise now”.
 Abd Allah begged him to choose a long, rich life, followed by Paradise, but the Prophet
(pbuh) told him that he had already chosen to meet his Lord now rather than remain in
the world.
 The following morning the Prophet (pbuh) awoke with a terrible headache, but despite
this he had led the prayers at the mosque.
 From what he said afterwards to the people assembled there, they understood that his
death was near.
 The Prophet (pbuh) praised his best friend, Abu Bakr, who had begun to weep, and told
everyone that he knew they would all meet again at a pool in Paradise.
 Soon after the Prophet (pbuh) requested that he be moved to the room of A’isha, one of
his wives.
 As the days passed his fever grew worse
 Until one day he was so ill that he could not even get to the mosque, which was next to
where A’isha lived.
 The Prophet (pbuh) told A’isha to tell the Muslims to let Abu Bakr, her father, lead the
 Later, on the 12th day of Rabi al-Awwal, in the 11th year of Islam (June 8th 632 A.D.)
He was in such pain that his daughter Fatimah cried out in pity.
 Then the Prophet (pbuh) said “There is no pain for your father after this day; truly,
death has appeared to me. We must all suffer it till the Day of Judgment.”
 As he lay there, A'isha remembered that he had once said, “Allah never takes a Prophet
to Himself without giving him the choice.”
 Then she heard the Prophet (pbuh) speak. His last words were, “Nay, rather the Exalted
Communion of Paradise.”
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Some Outstanding Qualities Of The Holy Prophet (pbuh)

1. Honesty And Truthfulness:
 All the people in Makkah appreciated and recognized his honesty and truthfulness
and used to call him Al-Sadiq, The Truthful and Al-Amin – The trustworthy.
 Hazrat Khadijah married him because of his qualities of honesty and trustworthiness.
 Even the bitterest enemies of Islam, Abu Jahl and Abu Sufyan, admitted that Muhammad
(PBUH) was not a liar; they just thought that what he said, they did not seem to be right
and so they opposed him.
 When he started preaching Islam publicly for the first time and asked. “O Quraish! If I
say that an army is advancing on you from behind the mountain, would you believe
me?” They all unanimously said: “Yes, because we have never heard you tell a lie.”
 He practiced these qualities all through his life, no matter what the circumstances were
and this was acknowledged by all, even those who were hell-bent to eliminate him one-
way or the other.
 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “Truth leads to piety and piety leads to Jannat”
 A man persists in speaking the truth till he is enrolled with Allah as a truthful. Falsehood
leads to vice and vice leads to the Fire (Hell), and a person persists on telling lies until he
is enrolled as a liar.” (Al-Bukhari & Muslim)

2. Humility And Modesty:

 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was humble and modest because he never deemed it as an
insult and indignity when he extended his cooperation to women in household affairs
 When Hazrat Ayesha was asked what did Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) used to do inside
his house, she said: “He used to keep himself busy helping members of his family and
when it was time for salat, he would get up for prayer.” (Al-Bukhari)
 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: “Every religion has a distinctive quality and the
distinctive quality of Islam is modesty. (Ibn Majah)
 One of the outstanding characteristics he exhibited was the quality of humbleness.
 Despite conquering and leading the masses, Prophet Muhammad never took advantage of
his position nor allowed it to overcome him.
 His sense of humility was unwavering.
 When he entered Makkah as a conqueror, he exhibited humility, gentleness and modesty
and not pride, arrogance or self-conceit, in line with what has been commanded in the
Holy Quran: “And walk not on earth with conceit and arrogance.” (17:37)
 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) also said: “Allah has revealed to me that you should
humble yourself to one another. One should neither hold himself above nor
transgress against another.”
 He practiced it to an extent that he disliked if anyone stood up when he entered a room,
for he never wished to be treated as a ruler.
 At another place it is mentioned; “And turns not your face away from men with pride, nor
walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, Allah likes not any arrogant boaster.” (31:18)
 All the Messengers of Allah practiced and preached humility.
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 The Holy Quran says: “And be kind and humble to the believers who follow you.”
 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) not only himself lived a simple, modest life but taught his
followers to be humble, kind and courteous to all.

3. Fulfillment Of Promises And Honoring The Covenants:

1. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) always fulfilled his promises, so much so that people used to
keep their valuables with him for safe keeping.
2. He was so meticulous in it that when he secretly migrated to Medina to avert the murder
plan of the Quraish, he left Hazrat Ali behind so that he could return the trusts that people
had left with him.
3. When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) wrote a letter to Heraclius, the Caesar of the Byzantine
Empire, inviting him to embrace Islam, the Roman Emperor checked up the credentials
of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) from Abu Sufyan who, like him, happened to be in Palestine
at the given point of time.
4. What a tribute it is to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that even his worst enemy confirmed to
Heraclius that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) had never broken his promise and that allover he
was reputed to be a trustworthy and truthful person.
5. It certainly speaks of the perfection of character when we visualize the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) returning Abu Jandal, a Muslim from Makkah, who escaped prison and managed
to reach the place where the Treaty of Hudaibiya was being written, to the enemies
saying: “O Abu Jandal! Be patient, we cannot break the treaty. Allah will soon find
a way for you.”
6. At another occasion Holy Prophet said; “Whoever possesses these four characteristics
is a hypocrite; and anyone who possesses one of them in fact possesses a trait of
hypocrisy until he gives it up: When he is entrusted (with something), he proves
dishonest…. When he makes a covenant, he breaks it….” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
7. By his personal example, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) set an example for all mankind. The
Holy Quran says: “And fulfill the covenant, for the covenant shall be questioned about.”

4. Forgiving Others’ Offences:

1. A great quality of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was that he never took revenge from anyone
2. So much so that he forgave even his bitterest enemies.
3. When he conquered Makkah, the city where he and his followers were subjected to
ruthless torture, humiliation, insults, boycott and persecution for thirteen long years, he
pardoned everyone by granting general amnesty to all, something which hardly has any
parallel in world history.
4. When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was maltreated at Taif, the angel of mountains greeted
him and said: “O Muhammad, Allah listened to what your people had said to you so
that you may give me your orders. If you wish I will bring together the two
mountains that stand opposite to each other at the extremities of Makkah to crush
them in between.”
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5. But Allah’s Messenger said: “I rather hope that Allah will raise from among their
descendents people as will worship Allah the One, and will not ascribe partners to
Him (in worship).” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
6. In the Battle of Uhud, when the face and head of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) were
bleeding, his Companions asked him to curse the enemies, but he said that he was not
sent to curse but to invite people to the path of Allah.
7. Only a man of his sterling personality could have forgiven Wahshi, who killed Hazrat
Hamza in the Battle of Uhud or Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan, who had torn out and
chewed Hazrat Hamzah’s liver.
8. Whenever he dealt with any situation, he always kept in view the commands of Allah
who says: “Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the foolish.”

5. Self Reliance And Bravery

 In the battle of Hunayn, when the enemy showered arrows. The Muslims scattered in
state of confusion but the Holy Prophet remained steadfast on the battlefield.
 He pressed ahead spurring his mule and declared: “Indeed, I am the true Prophet. I am
the son of Abdul Muttalib”.
 Once Hazrat Ali said; “In the Battle of Badr, we took protection behind Allah’s
Messenger against the idolaters. He was the bravest of all”

6. Generosity:
 Prophet Muhammed was by nature, a very generous person
 Once when a Bedouin came to him and saw his herd of goats, he requested for them all
 Prophet Muhammed gave him the whole herd for grazing between two mountains
 He took them to his people and said; “ O people! Embrace Islam. See how much
Muhammed (pbuh) gives. He does not think of poverty and his own need”

7. Justice
 This quality of Prophet (pbuh) is recognised even by his enemies
 When a women named Fatima belongs to tribe Makhzum found guilty of theft.
 Holy Prophet (pbuh) ordered to cut her hand as punishment prescribed in the Quran
 On the request of some tribesman of Makhzum went to the Hazrat Uthama Bin Zayd and
requested to interceded on behalf of her
 At this, Prophet refused said; “If my daughter Fatima would have committed this
crime, I would have passed the same as I pass against this woman”
Page 113

Significance Of Holy Prophet As Last Messenger

 Prophet (PBUH) was the last to stand in a line of succession with the old prophets.
 He is known as seal of prophet Khatim -an-Nabiyyin or last messenger.
 It is essential for Muslims to understand & believe in doctrine of finality of prophethood.
 Muslims believe that Allah sent many prophets to guide humanity.
 The line of prophets started with Prophet Adam and ended with Prophet Muhammad.
 The Quran endorsed his finality of prophethood in following words “Muhammad is the
messenger of Allah and the seal of prophet.” ( 33:40)
 The prophet himself said “I am last prophet of Allah and no prophet will succeed me.”
 The Holy Quran clearly confirms that Allah has finally completed his religion through
Prophet Muhammad. Hence there is no need for a new prophet.
 Quran says; this day I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favors upon you
and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. (513)
 So it is obvious that prophet Muhammad was sent for all humanity till the Day of Judgment.
 Prophet said; I have been sent for all humanity and I am the last of all prophets.
 However, the fact that the prophethood ended with Prophet Muhammad places greater
responsibilities on all Muslims to conveyed his message to the people in a language they

Prophet’s Behavior Towards Others

1. Behavior Towards Companions

 Holy Prophet was very kind and merciful to his companions
 He would get worried if any one of them did not visit him for a couple of days.
 He took interest in their personal problems.
 He shared everything with them and never acted indifferent to any one of them
 Amr Bin Al Aas stated; The Holy Prophet used to talk with me with such deep attention and
sincerity and bestow such affection on me that I came to believe myself to be the best person
among my people”.

2. Behavior Towards Enemies

 Holy Prophet wa not an enemy of any person or nation
 However, due to the message of Islam, many people became his enemies
 There are innumerable occasions when the Holy Prophet demonstrated act of kindness
towards his enemies
 One of the best example of his behavior towards enemies was during his visit to Taif
 When the people of Banu Saqeef refused to listen to him and abused him
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 They pelted him with stones and he was wounded so badly that his shoes were filled with
 At the time of the angel of mountains and descended and asked permission to crush his
enemies between the mountains
 At this, Prophet (pbuh); “why should I pray for the destruction of these people? I hope
that their posterity will certainly be among the believers in one Allah”.

3. Behavior Towards Non Believers

 The Holy Prophet treated the non Muslims with the best of conduct
 Non Muslims have equal rights with the Muslims in the Islamic state.
 They are most protective citizens in Islamic state
 Non Muslims residing in an Islamic state are titles as “dhimmies” and were freed from the
obligation of serving in the Muslim army in lieu of a tax called “Jizya”.
 Moreover, they were allowed to set up their own legal courts and justice was meted out to
them by the laws and rules of their faith

4. Behavior Towards Poor

 The Holy Prophet showed kindness to poor.
 Once a companion was sitting is mosque of Prophet and poor were sitting on other side, Holy
Prophet came and sat with them and then the companion also went and sat with them
 Then the Prophet said; “Give good news to the poor Muhajireen that they will enter
paradise forty years before rich”

5. Behavior Towards Slaves

 The Holy Prophet was particularly kind to slaves.
 He used to say; “They are your brothers; give them to eat what you eat: give them to
wear what you wear”
 Whenever he received any slaves, he always gave them freedom but they could never free
themselves from his kindness and generosity.
 They left their parents, relatives and family regarded it an honour to live in bondage to him.
 Zaid bin Haritha was one of such slave
 Holy Prophet (pbuh) freed him and gave him the choice to go with his father and preferred to
stay Holy Prophet.
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Prophet Relations With Jews And Other States

 When Holy Prophet (PBUH) arrived at Madinah, he first treated all groups of Madinite
society equally including Muslims, non Muslims, Arabs, and Jews.
 Prophet (PBUH) realized that the foundation of Islamic empire must be strong so, he
negotiated with the Jewish tribes, as they were the dominant power in Medina.
 Finally, they reached an agreement.
 It granted equal rights to Jews and freedom to carry out their religious practices openly.
 It stated that both parties must protect Medina against all enemies.
 This treaty was called “Charter of Medina” and established Prophet (PBUH) as the leader of
 Gradually, the Jews distanced themselves from Prophet (PBUH).
 They mocked him on revelations he used to receive and marked him as a false prophet.
 At the time of the battle of Badr, the Jews did not help the Muslims despite the clause
mentioned in Charter of Medina.
 The Jewish tribes that proved to be the most problematic were Banu Qainuqa, Banu
Quraiyzah, and Banu Nazir.
 Banu Qainuqa was the first tribe to break the treaty by fighting with Muslims in the periods
between Battle of Badr and Battle of Uhad.
 Attempts made by Prophet (PBUH) to come to terms with them were unsuccessful.
 Therefore, a siege was enforced against the Banu Qainuqa tribe. As a result of which they
were expelled from Medina in 3 A.H.
 A year later 4 A.H the Jewish leader was executed for his activities against Medina and
interests of Muslims.
 In the 5th year of Hijrat, the Banu Nazir plotted to murder Prophet (PBUH) by rolling a stone
over him while he stood at the entrance of their stronghold.
 At the same time, with the persuasion of Quraish, they rose against the Muslims.
 Prophet (PBUH) sent them a message to leave Medina, within ten days but they rejected the
expulsion and captivated themselves in their fortresses.
 As a result of it, Prophet (PBUH) led an army against them and laid siege to their forts.
 After a siege of two weeks, the Jews of Banu Nazir surrendered and were exiled from
 The third tribe was Banu Quraizah, which openly joined Quraish during Battle of Trench.
 They helped Quraish to cross the trench by telling an alternative pathway and kept on
disturbing Prophet (PBUH) and others during the war period.
 They were punished after the battle through their exile from Medina but they refused.
 So, Prophet (PBUH) besieged their settlements.
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 Finally, they surrendered to him and agreed to abide by the decision of the leader of Aus
tribe, Saad Bin Muadh.
 Who decided their fate according to Jewish law of the Old Testament.
 Their men were slain, women and children were sold as prisoners and their lands and
properties were divided among the Muslims
 Afterward, the second treaty that took place under the administration of Prophet (PBUH) was
a treaty of Hudaibiya.
 In this, the Prophet (PBUH) showed great patience and character as he agreed to the unfair
terms of Quraish.
 This represented the fact that Islam as a religion itself is completely about peace.
 It also showed that Prophet (PBUH) did not take any offensive measures and always tried to
initiate the cooperative and cordial relations with other communities and nations unless
prompted by others to take some offensive steps.
 Furthermore, Prophet (PBUH) showed his honesty through the example that while the treaty
was being signed,
 Hazrat Abu Jandal (R.A) came to Prophet (PBUH) and as tied in chains with a very
miserable condition.
 He requested for help. All the Muslims along Prophet (PBUH) were shocked upon seeing his
condition and wanted to help him
 but the representative of Quraish and Makkah claimed that although the treaty had not been
signed yet as its terms were agreed upon. So they have to send Abu Jandal back to Makkah.
 Therefore, Prophet (PBUH) showing great discipline and honesty in dealing Abu Jandal’s
case (R.A) and as per the terms of a treaty, he was sent back to Makkah.
 This reflected upon the qualities of him in form of valor and steadfastness, despite being the
leader of the whole Madinite community.
 In the year after 6 A.H, Holy Prophet (PBUH) decided to send letters to kings and Emperors.
 Instead of fighting and capturing the neighboring countries for the growth of Islamic empire,
 He adopted a peaceful method of calling the rulers of countries to enter the fold of Islam.
 For every King, a special letter was written and one separate messenger was sent.
 The letters sent by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) were both accepted and rejected with disgrace.
 The Emperor Hercules and the Emperor of Egypt did not accept Islam but they treated the
Messenger politely and sent presents for Holy Prophet (PBUH).
 The emperor of Egypt sent two maids from noble (Coptic families), some clothing and
animals to ride on the journey back.
 The Oman emperor told the messenger “If I were with him, I would have washed his feet”.
 The emperor of Abyssinia (Negus), Bahrain accepted Islam.
 One letter was sent to Persian King Khusro Pervez who tore the letter into pieces and
humiliated the messenger.
 On the contrary Holy Prophet(PBUH) without any bloodshed was able to bring large
Empires to Islam
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Position Of Women And Their Rights

 In pre Islamic days, women throughout the world were subjected to great indignities
 No religion had allowed them equality
 None gave them a share in the property of their parents or husbands
 They were looked upon as a source of shame and humiliation to the family
 Women had no social status and no rights and were treated more or less as personal slaves
 With the coming of Islam, the position of women was raised to a respectable and honorable
one in society
 Thus Islam came as the liberator and benefactor of women
 The Quranic teaching is that women should be held in honour and their rights recognized in
marriage, property and inheritance
 The Quran says; “ And they (the women) have rights similar to those (of men) over them in
kindness” (2:228)

As A Mother:
 The first and the foremost duty of the human being is to worship Allah
 Next to this is the duty of respect and obedience to one’s parents
 Among parents, the mother’s place in respect of obedience has been elevated much above
that of the father
 Because the mother shares the major portion of privation and suffering for the children
 She is the most caring and looks after every necessity of her children
 Once Abu Hurairra asked the Prophet(s) “O Messenger of Allah, who rightfully deserves
the best treatment from me?”
 The Prophet(s) said, “Your mother” who is next, he asked “Your mother”, said the
prophet (s) “Who comes next”, the companion again said “Your mother”, replied the
Prophet. “Who is after that? Insisted Hurairra “Your Father”, said the Prophet(s)
 The sufferings which the mother has to bear during pregnancy, at child birth and in the
bringing up of the children, has been mentioned along with the emphasis of expressing
kindness to the parents
 Once a man came to the Holy Prophet and asked if he could go for Jihad, The Holy Prophet
asked him if he had got a mother. when he came to know that he had a mother, he told him to
take care of her instead of going for Jihad
 At another place he had said: “Paradise is at the feet of mothers”
 Islam has made a mother shareholder in the estate left by her deceased children
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 The Quran says; “for parents, a sixth share of the inheritance to each, if the deceased left
children: if no children, and the parents are the (only) heir, the mother has a third; if the
deceased left brother (or sister), the mother has a sixth” (4:11)
 Islamic law hold that one’s parents are entitled to maintenance from him if they have no
source of income and they are not capable of earning
 Under Sunni Law the parents can claim maintenance from their children even if they are
capable of earning
 The right of mother for maintenance is greater as Islam does not place any responsibility
upon a woman to earn her livelihood and in case of death of her husband, her children must
provide for her

As A Wife
 The responsibilities of woman as regards to man described by Quran and Sunnah are in the
complete accord with her famine nature
 Allah has created everything in pairs and man and woman from a pair
 God has created relationship of love and affection between these two members of a human
 The Quran emphasizes on the close relationship between husband and wife by calling them
garments of each other
 Quran says; “the (women ) are your garments. And you (men) are their garments” (2:187)
 The Holy Prophet said; “ the most perfect of the believers in faith is he who is the best of
them in conduct, and the best of you are those who are the best to their wives”
 The women enjoy many rights in Islam
 Her rights as a wife regarding marriage, dower, divorce, inheritance, maintenance etc have
been guaranteed by Islam
 These rights stated follows;

(1) Marriage
 According to the Islamic law, marriage is contract between husband and wife
 Wife is an equal partner in this contract
 No marriage can be contracted without free will and consent of the bride
 She can have her terms and conditions settle in the contract of marriage

(2) Dower (Mahr)

 She has absolute rights to her dower from her husband
 Dower is a bridal gift that may be in cash or in any kind
 No maximum or minimum limit has been prescribed for the quantity of dower
 However it is an essential part of marriage contract and it is compulsory on all husbands to
pay it to their wife
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(3) Divorce
 A wife has got certain legal protections in case her husband uses his power of divorce
 In some unavoidable situations, she is entitles to get divorce through the court on some legal
 She can get “Khula” by surrendering a part or whole of her dower to her husband
 She can exercise power of divorce herself if the same has been conceded to her in contract of

(4) Inheritance
 A wife is one of the legal heirs of her husband and after the death of the latter she is entitled
to inheritance in the estate of the deceased
 The Quran says; “And for the wives is one fourth if you leave no child. But if you leave child
, then for them is an eighth of what you leave…” (4:12)

(5) Maintenance
 A wife is entitled to maintenance from her husband such as food, clothing and residential
place besides love and good treatment
 The Holy Prophet stressed on the right of women regarding food, clothing and human
 When a man asked the Holy Prophet about the rights of wife, he said; “ is that you shall give
her food when you have taken your food, that you shall clothe her when you have
clothed yourself, that you shall not slap on the face, nor revile (her), nor leave (her)
alone except within the house”
 In farewell Pilgrimage, Holy Prophet said; “you should be kind and most considerate
towards your women”

As A Daughter
 The Quran draws a very vivid picture of the pagan Arabs on the birth of a daughter
 It says ; “when news is brought to one of them of (the birth of) a female, his face becomes
dark, and he suppresses grief. He hides himself from the people because of the ill of which he
has been informed. Should he keep it in humiliation or bury it in the ground? unquestionably,
evil is what they decide” (16:58-59)
 As the practice of killing female children and burying them alive is evil and very brutal, the
Quran not only condemned it but also abolished it.
 The Quran says; “And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and
for you. Indeed, their killing is ever a great sin” (17:31)
 Slaying of daughters is such a heinous crime that on the Day of Judgment
 Almighty God will not like even to talk to murderer of female children
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 The evidence of the girl – child who was buried alive would be sufficient for punishing the
 The Holy Prophet raised the status of daughters by promising high reward in the Hereafter
for those who are kind to them
 Regarding treatment of daughters the Prophet said; whoever maintains two girl till they
attain maturity, he and I will come on the resurrection day like this”; and he joined his
 If a daughter is widowed or divorced and she returns to her parent’s home, then should be
taken care of by her father
 As the Holy Prophet said; “Shall I not teach you the best form of charity? (maintaining)
your daughter who has been returned to you, who has got no earning member except
 The Holy Prophet also treated his daughter Hazrat Fatima very kindly
 Whenever she came to him, he used to stand up for her and then take her by the hand, kissed
her and would make her sit in his seat
 The daughters are entitled to share the estate left by their deceased father or mother along
with other legal heirs
 The Quran says; “Allah thus directs you as regards your children’s (inheritance): to the male,
a portion equal to that of two females: if only daughters two or more, their share is two thirds
of the inheritance; if only one, her share is half.” (4:11)

As A Sister:
 Islam assigns a honorable status to a woman in her position as a sister
 She is entitled to as good treatment from her parents as her brothers
 The Holy Prophet has exhorted his followers not to discriminate between their male and
female children
 In case of death of parents or the disability or old age of parents, the responsibility of
bringing up sisters and providing for their living devolves upon their brothers
 The Holy Prophet has urged the Muslims to bring up their sisters, teach them good manners
and accord them kind treatment
 He said ; “if one brings up three daughters or sisters, teaches them good manners and
treats them kindly and lovingly till they no longer need his help, Allah will make
Paradise obligatory for him.”
 According to the Quran, the sister is entitled to receive share in inheritance.
 If the deceased man or woman leaves no parents and no child and has a brother or a sister,
they would get one –sixth each
 If he has more than two brothers and sisters, they would share in one –third
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 Abd Allah: Abd al-Muttalib's youngest son. Father of the Prophet

 Abd Allah Ibn Ubayy : One of the rulers of Yathrib before the Hijrah. He became a
Muslim but secretly plotted with the Meccans against the Prophet.
 Abd Al- Muttalib Son of Hashim. He took the place of his father as the head of Quraysh.
He dug the well of Zamzam.
 Abd Allah Ibn Abu Rabiah: Was sent with Amr Ibn al-'Ass to Abyssinia.
 Abdu Munaf : Son of Qusayy; took over as leader of the Quraysh after his father's death.
 Abraha King of Yemen who came to Mecca with a big army to destroy the Kaabah.
 Abraham (Ibrahim) :The founding father of the three monotheistic (worshipping one
God only) religions-Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
 Abu Bakr A rich and much respected merchant of Mecca. The first man to believe in the
Prophet and embrace Islam. He was the Prophet's closest friend and companion.
 Abu Dujanah One of the great Ansar warriors. It was he who died Shielding the Prophet
with his own body during the battle of Uhud
 Abu Jahl One of the important men of Quraysh. Violently opposed to Islam, he did many
things to harm the Prophet. He was killed at Badr.
 Abu Lahb: One of the Prophet Mohammed’s uncles, who was a great enemy of Islam. He
is referred to in the Qur'an in Surah Lahb.
 Abu Sufyan One of the leaders of Quraysh who led the unbelievers in their fight against
the Prophet. He finally became a Muslim. His wife was Hind.
 Abu Talib The Prophet's uncle, father of 'Ali, one of the respected men of Quraysh He
took care of the Prophet after his grandfather died and continued to protect him until his own
 Addas A Christian servant of one of the big tribes of Ta'if and the only person from this
town to believe in the Prophet ~ at the time of his first visit there.
 Adhan Call to prayer.
 Aisha The Prophet's wife and daughter of Abu Bakr.
 Al-'Abbas One of the uncles of the Prophet ~.Converted to Islam and joined the Muslims
just as they were about to enter Mecca.
 Ali Son of Abu Talib. First cousin of the Prophet. 'Ali later married Fatimah, the youngest
daughter of the Prophet.
 Allahu Akar: Phrase meaning 'God Allah is Great'.
 Alms Money, clothes or food given to the poor.
 Aminah: Aminah bint Wahb. The mother of the Prophet.
 Amr Bin Al' Aas An important and clever man from Quraysh; was sent to Abyssinia to
bring back the first Muslim emigrants. Later became one of the great Warriors of Islam.
 Ansar The inhabitants of Madinah who became Muslims and asked the Prophet to come
and live with them.
 Apostle: Person sent to teach men about God.
 Bahira: A monk who lived in the desert on the Quraysh caravan route to Syria.
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 Bani Hashim: The branch of Quraysh to which the Prophet belonged.

 Bani Qurayzah: A Jewish tribe who were living in Yathrib at the time the Prophet arrived
there. Several times they betrayed their Covenant with the Prophet, forcing him to fight them.
 Bedouin Nomadic Arabs of the desert, usually shepherds.
 Bilal The Slave of Umayyah ibn Khalaf. He became a Muslim against the will of his master
and was persecuted cruelly but never lost his faith. Later he became the first muezzin (the
person who calls the adhan).
 Booty Things captured from an enemy in war.
 Buraq Animal ridden by the Prophet Muhammad ~on his ascent to heaven (the Isra' and
 Caravan A group of travellers, usually merchants with their goods.
 Clan Large family or tribe.
 Congregation Gathering of people for prayer.
 Convert To change from one state into another, usually said of religion.
 Copt An Egyptian Christian.
 Descendants People originating from a certain person(children, grandchildren, etc.).
 Destined Fated, already decided by God.
 Famine Scarcity of food.
 Fast To go without food and water, e.g. the month of Ramadan.
 Fitrah The pure original nature God gave to man.
 Gabriel (Jibril) The Archangel who conveyed the Revelation of the Quran to the Prophet
from Allah.
 Graze To feed on grass, as sheep do.
 Guardian One who is responsible for someone (e.g. a child). A place or thing.
 Hadith An account of what the Prophet ~ said or did, or his silent approval of something
said or done in his presence
 Halimah A Bedouin woman from Bani Sa'd, who cared for the Prophet during his early
 Hamzah The Prophet's uncle; one of the bravest and strongest of the Muslims. Fought at
Badr and was killed in Uhud.
 Hashim Son of Abdu Munaf. Organized the caravan journeys of Quraysh to Syria and
Yemen. As a result Mecca grew rich and became a large and important centre of trade.
 Heraclius Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire.
 Hermit A holy man who lives far away from people.
 Hind Abu Sufyan's wife.
 Imam A man who leads the Muslims in prayer.
 Islam Religion revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.
 Jafar Ibn Abu Ali Talib: A cousin of the Prophet and brother of he was the spokesman
of the Muslims who emigrated to Abyssinia.
 Khadijah The Prophet Mohammed’s first and only wife until her death. She was the first
to believe in the Prophet and to accept as true the Message he brought from Allah.
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 Khalid Ibn Al- Walid A great warrior, very skilled at warfare. He planned the defeat of
the Muslims at Uhud, but later converted to Islam and fought even more strongly for his new
 Martyr One who dies in the cause of God.
 Maysarah Khadijah's slave. Accompanied the Prophet on his journey with Khadijah's
 Minaret Tower from which the call to prayer is made.
 Mosque Building in which Muslims pray.
 Muslim One who submits to God, usually referring
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The First Muslim

In This chapter, the area of study is the first Islamic Community. It is important to
highlight here the candidate are required to know the names of main
personalities who lived with and nearby the Prophet. The personalities
covered in this chapter are;
 Mothers of Faithful: Hazrat Khadijah, Sawdah, Aisha, Hafsa, Zainab
Bint Khuzaimah, Umm e Salamah, Juwairiyya Bint Al Harith, Zainab Bint
Jahsh, Ramlah Binte Abu Sufiyan, Safiyah Binte Hay’i, Maria, Maymunah
and Rehana.
 Descendants of Holy Prophet: The Prophet’s sons, Qasim, Abdullah and
Ibrahim, His daughters Hazrat Zainab, Umme Kulthoom, Ruqayyah and
Fatima, His Grandsons Hazrat Hassan and Hussain
 Ten Blessed Companions: Hazrat Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Abdul
Rehman Bin Awf, Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah, Talha, Zubair Bin Awwam,
Saad Bin Abi Waqas, Saeed bin Zaid
 Scribes of Divine Revelation: Hazrat Zaid Bin Thabit, Ubbay Bin Kaab,
Abdullah Ibn Masud
 Important Personalities: Abu Talib, Hazrat Hamza, Abbas, Jafar, Zaid
Bin Haritha, Bilal, Salman Farsi, Muadh Bin Jabl and Abu Sufiyan
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Mothers Of Faithful

 The wives of Prophet have been given venerable title “Ummahat ul Momineen” or
“Mothers of Faithful”
 Allah almighty has acknowledged the esteemed status of the wives of Holy Prophet among
all other woman of the world.
 It is mentioned in the Quran; “The Prophet is more worthy of the believers than themselves,
and his wives are (in the position of) their mothers” (33:6)
 With this high regards and respect, Allah restricts these women were not allow to marry
anyone after being married to the Prophet.
 Allah says; “And it is not (conceivable or lawful) for you to harm the Messenger of Allah or
to marry his wives after him, ever. Indeed, that would be in the sight of Allah an enormity”
 The Holy Prophet was married thirteen women in his life
 His dealing with all the wives was based on justice, equality and fairness

Purposes For The Marriages:

 Purpose of Prophet’s marriages was not gratification, in most cases he married widows those
who already have children and required shelter, protection and taking care of their children
 For example; all of his wives except Hazrat Aisha were either widows or divorcees
 It must be said that Islam allowed polygamy to correct the imbalance in the number of males
and females
 Polygamy was also allowed in other religion like Christianity and Judaism
 Another purpose of Prophet’s marriages, in those days there were no trait of women
education and Prophet (pbuh) used to encourage the Muslims to gain knowledge
 Through his practical example of teachings his wives about Islamic rulings, it was shown that
in Islam women have the same rights as men in acquiring knowledge
 Prophet’s marriages of his enemy’s daughters especially, their hostility towards Islam
became less
 For example, marriage with Hazrat Safiyah who belonged to the Jewish, ended enmity
towards Islam
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1. Hazrat Khadija Binte Khawaled:

 She was born in Makkah in 565 A.D
 Her father name was Khawaled Bin Asad
 Her mother name was Fatima Binte Zahida
 Before the advent of Islam, she was called Tahira (The Pure)
 Her surname was Umme Hind
 She had been married twice before the marriage of Holy Prophet
 Her husband’s named was Abu Hala (Malik bin Zararah Tamimi) and Atiq bin Aidh
 After the death of husbands, she took control of the family business
 At same point she was in need of someone who could carry her merchandise to Syria.
 She had hired the Prophet to manage her trade to Syria
 The business trip was a stunning success due to Prophet’s honesty
 This trip created in her a great interest him
 This led her to send someone to him to indirectly express her interest in marrying him
 Prophet accept her proposal after consulting his uncle
 At the time of marriage she was forty years old while Prophet was twenty five years old
 They had six children two sons (Qasim & Abdullah) and four daughters (Zainab, Ruqayyah,
Umme Kulthoom and Fatima)
 Both sons were died in infancy by the divine wisdom while all daughters except Fatima
passed away during the life of Holy Prophet.
 When Muhammed was chosen by Allah as His Messenger, she was the first woman to
believe his Prophethood
 Furthermore, she was one of the four women mentioned as the best woman of all times
 Holy Prophet said; “ the best of the women are four Maryam, Khadijah, Fatima and Aasiya”
 The messenger of Allah also loved her very much
 He never had another wife for almost two decades in which he married to Khadijah
 Inspite of her high social status and wealth, she personally attended to the personal need of
Holy Prophet and served him devotedly
 At the time of first revelation she supports Holy Prophet and consoled him
 Hazrat Aisha reported the following words of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) regarding Khadijah;
“she believed in me when others disbelieved, and confirmed my truthfulness when others
called me a liar”
 Due to her piety and righteousness Jibril give her the glad tidings of a house in a heaven
 She died on the month of Ramadhan in the 10th year of Prophethood after the boycott lifted
 Prophet termed that year “Year of Grief” at the time of her demise, she was 65 years old
 She was buried in Jannat ul Mualla in Makkah
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2. Hazrat Sawdah Binte Zama’a

 She was the second wife of Holy Prophet
 Her father name was Zama’a Bin Qays
 After the death of Khadija, Prophet was in deep grief and was worried his two daughters
Umme Kulthoom and Fatima, who was only age of 10
 One of the wife of Prophet’s companion Khawla Bint Hakeem give the solution of his
worries is only remarry
 She suggested the name of Sawdah, who was widow of Sakran Bin Amr
 Prophet (pbuh) agreed and marriage was concluded in the month of Shawwal in 10th year of
 400 dirham dower amount (Mahr) was decided with mutual consultation
 At the time of marriage Prophet and Sawdah was reached at the age of 50
 After the marriage, she look after the needs of Prophet (pbuh) and his daughters with great
 She was migrated to Madinah with both daughters of Prophet (pbuh)
 She always respects elders and showed great love to the younger
 When Hazrat Aisha joined Prophet’s household, Sawdah would often give her time to Hazrat
Aisha to spent with Prophet (pbuh)
 Hazrat Aisha always praised her in following words; “I did not wish seeing any woman
except Sawdah if could be her skeleton”
 She possesses pious character and was also helpful of Prophet in his divine mission
 Ayat e Hijab of Surah Ahzab was revealed in an event related to her
 She accompanied Prophet (pbuh) in the farewell Pilgrimage
 For her relaxation and comfort, Prophet sent her Mina from Muzdhalifah before others
 After the demise of the Holy Prophet, she stayed at home and never for Hajj as per Prophet
 She reported five Ahadith she died in 22 A.H in Madinah during the Caliphate of Umar
 She died at the age of 72
 She was buried in Jannat ul Baqi

3. Hazrat Aisha Binte Abu Bakr

 It was customary in the Arab society for close
friendships and ties to be strengthened by It was not uncommon for girls
marriage in to the family. to be married upon reaching
 Same as Prophet (pbuh) married the daughter of puberty, and in Arabia
his closest friend and companion Hazrat Abu Bakr especially, this was common
 The youngest of his wives, Aisha was a practice. Marriage of girls at a
remarkable woman young age was not an
 She was born Muslim and would say that she
uncommon practice in eastern
had never seen her parents practice anything
cultures up until the last century
other than Islam.
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 Her marriage (Nikah) was performed with the Holy Prophet(pbuh) two years before Hijrah at
the age of Six
 After the battle of Badr she moved into the house of the Holy Prophet at the age of nine
 She remained with the Holy Prophet till his demise
 She was a pious lady
 She frequently kept fasts.
 She was very kind and compassionate to slaves and used to set them free after purchasing
 She freed 67 slaves after purchasing
 She was marked for perfect boldness and self respect
 She was very generous lady Once Abdullah ibn Zubair sent one hundred thousand Dirhams
to her which she gave out on the same day as charity.
 The messenger of Allah also loved her very much
 It is reported that by the companion of Hazrat Amr Bin al Aas that he asked Allah’s
Messenger who was the most beloved to him among the people? Prophet (pbuh) replied
“Aisha”. He then asked, Prophet again said “Aisha”, and then he asked, The Holy Prophet
answered, “Her Father”.
 She was a person of high character
 Verses of Surah Al Noor 11 to 13 was revealed to clear her reputation and proclaim her
innocence when the people gossips about her chastity
 Verse 43 of Al Nisa regarding practice of Dry Ablution (Tayammum) were also revealed on
her account
 She narrated 2210 Ahadith from the Holy Prophet
 She was the most learned among all the Mothers of Faithful
 She was among the three wives who had memorized the whole Quran. (other two are Hafsa
and Umme Salamah)
 Hazrat Urwa bin Zubair said ”I never saw a scholar superior to Aisha”
 The Holy Prophet spent the last days of his life in her apartment
 During the Caliphate of Ali she mobilized opposition along with the companions(Hazrat
Talha and Zubair) for not to calling Hazrat Uthman’s murderer for calling accountability
 After the lost of Battle of Camel, she did not participate in politics at all
 She died on 17th Ramadhan in 58 A.H
 She died at the age of 70
 She was buried in Jannat ul Baqi

4. Hazrat Hafsa Binte Umar

 She was daughter of Umar Bin Khattab
 She was first married to Khunais Bin Hudaifah, who martyred in the battle of Uhud
 After her period of iddah, Hazrat Umar requested to Abu Bakr and Uthman to marry her but
both refused
 Hazrat Umar complaint to Prophet in which Prophet (pbuh) said “Hafsa will marry better
than Uthman and Uthman will marry better than Hafsa”
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 Prophet (pbuh) married with Hafsa in 2 A.H

 Purpose of this marriage in a view to strengthening his ties with Hazrat Umar.
 She was welcome by other wives of Holy Prophet
 She was pious and often worshipping
 Once Gabriel came to Prophet and said ”she is often fast and worshipping lady and she
will be your wife in paradise too”
 As the Prophet (pbuh) has instructed her in religious and other topics, she became distinguish
teacher, guide and an authority on complicated judicial matters
 She memorized Quran and narrated 60 traditions
 She was considered next to Hazrat Aisha in knowledge
 She was also custodian of “Mushaf” which had been compiled by Zaid Bin Thabit under the
caliphate of Abu Bakr
 Before death, she asked her brother to distribute her property among the needy and poor
 She died in 45 A.H during the caliphate of Hazrat Muawwiya.
 She died at the age of 59
 She was buried in Jannat ul Baqi

5. Hazrat Zainab Binte Khuzaimah

 She was daughter of Khawaled bin Abdullah
 She was fortunate of those who embraced Islam in
Ibne Kathir referred to Hazrat Zainab’s
early days Before her conversion to Islam first husband as being Husain bin Al
 She was married to Tufail bin Harith first after him she Harith and her second marriage Jahsh
married to her first husband’s brother Ubaidah bin Al bin Riyab who was killed at the battle of
Harith who was died of wounds received in the battle Uhud
of Badr
 She began to live in poverty after the death of her
 Prophet (pbuh)approached and proposed her to ease her burden
 The following year after Prophet’s marriage to Hafsa Binte Umar, Prophet married her with
the maher of either 400 dirhams or 12 ounces of gold
 She was known to be extremely generous person to help the needy
 She was also known as Ummul Masakeen (Mother of Poor) due to her munificence
 She lived with the Prophet for about two to three months
 She died in 6 A.H
 She was the first among the wives of Prophet to be buried in Jannat ul Baqi
 After Hazrat Khadijah, She was the only wife who died during the life of Prophet (pbuh)
 She died at the age of 30
 She was buried in Jannat ul Baqi
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6. Hazrat Umme Salamah Binte Abi Ummayah

 Her real name was Hind Binte Abi Ummayah but she was known as Umme Salamah
 Her husband Abdullah bin Abdul Asad was known as Abu Salamah
 They had migrated to Abyssinia and Madinah
 She was among the first Muslim women to migrate to Madinah
 Her husband martyred from injuries sustained during the battle of Uhud
 She married to the Prophet in 4 A.H at the age of 30 approx
 She was modest , generous, good looking , wise lady
 She wa with Muhammed during the trip to Makkah from the Pilgrimage, which resulted in
the Hudaybiyah Treaty
 She accompanied with Prophet (pbuh) on the Khyber expedition and the farewell Pilgrimage
 She was well versed in Islamic laws and narrated about 400 Ahadith
 She was the last of the Prophet’s wives to die
 She died in 63 A.H
 She died at the age of 84
 She was buried in Jannat ul Baqi

7. Hazrat Juwairiyya Binte Al Harith

 Her real name was Barra
 She was the daughter of Harith, chief of Banu Mustaliq
 She was among the captives after the defeated her tribe with Muslims in 5 A.H
 She was allotted to the companion named Thabit bin Qais as his share of the spoils
 She wanted to freedom after paying ransom on which Hazrat Thabit bin Qais agreed
 When she came to the Holy Prophet seeking his help in paying off the ransom
 He freed her by paying Thabit bin Qais and offered to restore her prestige by marrying her,
which she accepted
 When the news came that the Holy Prophet had married Juwairiyya, Muslims freed the war
prisoners because they had become the Holy Prophet’s kin
 This made many captives embraced Islam
 After her conversion, she led a pious and simple life and spent her time in prayers and
would fast regularly
 She passed away in 56 A.H
 She died at the age of 65
 She was buried in Jannat ul Baqi
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8. Hazrat Zainab Binte Jahsh

 She was the daughter of Umayma Binte Abdul Muttalib
 Her mother was the paternal aunt of Holy Prophet (pbuh)
 She was among the early converts of Islam
 Holy Prophet (pbuh) himself had arranged her marriage to his slave and adopted son named
Zaid Bin Haritha
 She was refused first due to her social status but after the revelation of verse 36 of Surah Al
Ahzab, she agreed to married to Zaid bin Haritha
 However, this marriage did not last long and ended in divorce
 After her divorce, by the commandment of Allah, Holy Prophet married her in 5 A.H
 At the time of marriage she was 35
 Hazrat Zainab was pride herself to the other wives of Prophet and saying; “It is your
parents who gave you in marriage; but as for me, Allah gave me in marriage to the
 She was polite, constant in saying her prayers and observing
fasts 
 She reported 11 Ahadith from the Holy Prophet One night she dreamt
 She was known for her wisdom and earn title of “Ummul that her husband in a
Hikma” most ugly and abhorrent
 Holy Prophet had predicted her demise by saying; “My wife form. The next day she
came to know that he
with long hands will be the first to meet after my death”
had turned to be a
 She died in 20 A.H during the caliphate of Hazrat Umar Christian.

She died at the age of 50
She was buried in Jannat ul Baqi 
9. Hazrat Ramlah Binte Abu Sufiyan
 She was daughter of Abu Sufiyan, one of the leader of Ummayad
 Her father was the bitterest enemy of Islam and Prophet before his acceptance
 She was among early converts of Islam
 She first married with Ubaidullah Bin Jahsh
 She was migrated to Abyssinia and gave birth of girl named Habibah
 She came to known as Umme Habibah
 It is also reported that her husband left Islam and became Christian. However, she remained
 She lived alone in exile
 The Prophet sent her a proposal of marriage through the King Negus which she gladly
 She gave her 400 dirhams and some gifts and sent her to Madinah
 She arrived in Madinah in 6 A.H
 She was very gentle and pious lady
 She was well versed in Islamic laws and narrated about 65 Ahadith
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 She gave high regard to the Holy Prophet

 When her father came to seek her help in re-signing the Treaty of Hudaybiyah, she refused
her father even to sit on Prophet’s bed
 She died in 44 A.H in Madinah

10. Hazrat Safiyah Binte Hayyay Ibn Akhtab

 She was the daughter of Hayyay Ibn Akhtab, who was a descendent of Prophet Haroon and
the brother of Musa
 She was first married to Salam bin Mishkam and then to Kinallah bin Abi Huqaiq at the time
of Khyber
 Kinallah was killed in the battle and she was captured by the Muslims
 She was given to the Hazrat Dahiya Kalbi as his share of booty
 At this Companions approached the Holy Prophet and said; “O Messenger of Allah! Banu
Nazir and Banu Quraizah will feel offended to see the daughter of a Jewish chief as
slave. We therefore suggest that she may be taken as your own wife”
 Holy Prophet (pbuh) paid the ransom amount to the Dahiya Kalbi and said to Safiyah; “You
are now free; if you like you can go back to your tribe or can be my wife”
 At this she said; “ I longed to be with you while I was a Jew, How can I leave you now,
when I am a Muslim”
 This marriage great impact on the Jews
 With the result that many of them accepted Islam
 She was looked upon as a centre of light and learning like other wives of Prophet (pbuh)
 She was very dignified in her behavior
 She loved the Prophet (pbuh) very much
 When he fell ill, she said; “I pray that your affliction had be fallen me”
 She often helped needy and poor
 She accompanied Holy Prophet in the Farewell Pilgrimage
 She died during the month of Ramadhan in 50 A.H
 She died at the age of 60
 She was buried in Jannat ul Baqi

11. Hazrat Maria Al Qibtiya

 She came from a respectable and wealthy family
 She was present from the Chief of Egypt, when Prophet sent letter to the Emperor to invite
towards Islam
 She embraced Islam before reaching Madinah
 Later Holy Prophet married her
 She gave birth to the Prophet’s son Ibrahim
 She was second lady after Khadijah to have son, in which she rose in esteem and position
among other wives
 She was pious, religious kindhearted and charitable lady
 She passed away in 16 A.H
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12. Hazrat Maymunah Binte Al Harith

 She was the daughter of Harith bin Hazan
 She belonged to the tribe of Amir bin Sa’sa of Najd
 Her original name was Barrah
 She was the sister of Umm ul Fazl, who was the wife of Abbas (Uncle of Holy Prophet)
 Before the advent of Islam, she was married to Masood bin Amr who later divorced her
 She then married Abu Ruhum who later died
 Holy Prophet married her in 7 A.H
 She was renamed Maymunah by the Holy Prophet
 She was the last wife of Holy Prophet
 She often freed slaves
 She was always try to act and complete every trait of Some accounts say that the
Holy Prophet Prophet married her, but these
are untested claims
 About her character, Hazrat Aisha said; “She surely
was the most righteous among us and the kindest
toward her relatives”
 She narrated 46 Ahadith
 She was died in 51 A.H
 She was buried in Jannat ul Baqi

13. Hazrat Rehana Binte Al Amr

 She was a Jewish woman
 She belonged to Banu Nazir Tribe
 She married to a man from Banu Quraizah
 She was taken captives from the campaign against Banu Quraizah
 She had given to the Holy Prophet
 She freed her but initially she refused to marry him and lived in her own apartment quietly
 She never include the list of “Mothers of Faithful”, she did not accept Islam until a few years
 She died shortly after the Farewell Pilgrimage of Holy Prophet
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Descendants Of The Prophet (Pbuh)

 The most prominent of the descendants of Holy Prophet are his daughters and grandsons
 He also had three sons, Qasim and Abdullah from Khadijah and Ibrahim from Hazrat Maria
 All three sons couldn’t survive and died in infancy
 His daughters, however grew up and performed great services for Islam
 Among his daughters were Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umme Kulthoom and Fatima (R.A)

1. Hazrat Qasim:
 The First child born to the Holy Prophet was his son Qasim
 Although the exact date of birth is not available, but it is believed that he was born 10 or 11
years before Prophethood
 The Prophet kept his Kunniyat as “Qasim”
 Naturally, the parents were most happy, but their happiness was
short-lived as the child died at an early age
“Kunniyat” is the
 Exact age at the time of demise could not be determined, it is
name by
believed that he was less than two years old
association to
the progeny
2. Hazrat Abdullah (descendant)
 After Qasim, Abdullah was born, but he too died in infancy
 The death of Abdullah was a great blow to the Prophet as he was
already under great stress due to severe opposition by the pagans
 This provided another opportunity to his opponents to humiliate him
 Instead of sympathizing with him, they were very jubilant as they thought that there would
be no one to take his name in future
 After his death Quraish used to say “Abtar” which means to cut off from the community.

3. Hazrat Ibrahim
 Although the Prophet had four daughters and he loved them very much
 But naturally, he desire to have son also
 When Gabriel gave him the good news that he would be the father of Ibrahim, he was
extremely happy
 Ibrahim was born on 8th Dhil Hajj in 8 A.H from the Maria Qibitiya (wife of Prophet)
 When Hazrat Ibrahim was born, except Fatima, all other daughters had died
 A blacksmith woman who used to stay in the locality of Banu Najjar was chose as his wet
 When Ibrahim was about 16 months old, he fell sick and died
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4. Hazrat Zainab
 She was the eldest daughter of Holy Prophet from Khadijah
 She was born 10 years before prophet hood
 She was married to her maternal aunts son Abul Aas Bin Rabi
 Her husband didn’t become Muslim in the beginning
 Her husband fought against Muslims in battle of Badr and was taken as captives
 Prophet released him on a condition that he would sent Hazrat Zainab to Madinah
 On the way to Madinah she was attacked and suffer by Habbar Bin Al Aswad
 Prophet said about her;“ She is the best amongst my daughters, for my sake she was suffered
 She was reunited with her husband when he accepted Islam in 6 A.H
 They had two children, Ali who had died in infancy and Ummamah who was later married to
Hazrat Ali (R.A)
 She died in 8 A.H and buried in Madinah

5. Hazrat Ruqayyah
 She was second daughter of Holy Prophet from Hazrat Khadijah
 She was born 7 years before Prophethood and three years after Hazrat Zainab
 She was married to Utba son of Abu Lahb
 Later along with her sister was divorced
 Then she married to Hazrat Uthman (R.A)
 She migrated to Abyssinia with Hazrat Uthman in first group of emigrants
 She gave birth a son Abdullah who died when he was only 6 years old
 After her returned to Makkah, she migrated to Madinah along with Hazrat Uthman (R.A)
 After two years she contracted ill and died at the age of 21
 Though Hazrat Uthman was with her but her father (Holy Prophet) was away for the battle of

6. Umm E Kulthoom
 She was third daughter of Holy Prophet from Khadijah
 She was born three years before announcement of Prophethood
 She was married to Utaiba son of Abu Lahb but also divorced with her sister Ruqayyah
 She migrated with Hazrat Sawdah to Madinah
 After Ruqayyah’s death was married to Hazrat Uthman (R.A)
 She didn’t have any child
 She died in 9 A.H at the age of 25 when Prophet and Hazrat Uthman were away for Tabuk
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7. Hazrat Fatima
 She was youngest daughter of Holy Prophet from Khadijah
 She was born in Makkah 1st year of Prophethood
 It is generally believed that she was first Muslim baby
 She helped her father at the time of persecution
 She removed filth from Prophet’s back
 She shouted for help and Abu Bakr (R.A) rushed to the scene when Quraish tried to
strangulate her father
 Fatima washed and dresses Holy Prophet’s wounds un battle of Uhud
 Prophet always showed her great respect
 Hazrat Aisha said; “Whenever Prophet went on a journey, He came to her first and
whenever He returned, He returned to her first”
 Prophet also included Hazrat Fatima among the all sacred women by saying; “Among all the
women of the world; Marium, Khadijah, Asiya and Fatima are the sufficient to
 She also migrated to Madinah with Hazrat Sawdah on Prophet call
 She married to Hazrat Ali in 2 A.H
 In the following two years she gave birth to Hazrat Hassan and Hazrat Hussain
 She also had two daughter Umme Kulthoom and Zainab
 The Holy Prophet (Pbuh) before his demise had told her that she would be the first to meet
him in Paradise
 She died in 11 A.H after six months of Prophet demise
 Her husband Hazrat Ali (R.A) performed her funeral prayer and buried in Jannat ul Baqi
 She earned title of “Zahra” which means “Shinning One” for her services towards Islam
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Grandsons Of The Holy Prophet (Pbuh)

Hazrat Hassan Ibne Ali

 He was the son of Fatima and Ali Bin Abi Talib

 He was born in 3 A.H in the month of Ramadhan
 He was elder of the two grandsons of the Holy Prophet
 He was also 2nd Imam according to the Shia Muslims belief
 Prophet named him “Hassan”
 He is also known as “Shabbar” which means “Handsome” in Hebrew language
 The Holy Prophet loved him dearly and would play with him
 Prophet allow him to climb on Prophet’s back
 He often sitting on Prophet’s lap
 Prophet interrupted his sermon and came down from pulpit to pick him
 Once Prophet was carrying him on his shoulder the Prophet said; “O Allah! I love him so I
beseech you to love him”
 The rule of Zakat for Prophet’s family was established in an event related to him
 He was 8 years old when the Prophet passed away
 His mother also died after few months
 After the demise of Holy Prophet and Fatima, his boyhood and youth were spent under the
guidance of Ali
 Therefore, since his childhood, Hassan also developed the passion for learning
 He resembled to the Holy Prophet most
 During the caliphate of Abu Bakr, the Caliph would hold him in high esteem and would love
 At one occasion, Abu Bakr saw him playing, he picked him up on his shoulders and said;
“By Allah, he resembles the Messenger of Allah”
 In the caliphate of Umar bin Khattab, he fix his monthly stipend as equal to senior
 In the caliphate of Hazrat Uthman, he fought in the Muslim army against the non believers
 When Hazrat Uthman was besieged in his house, Hassan was one of those who protected
him against the rebels
 During the Ali Caliphate, he participated in all the battles
 In the battle of Camel, he brought forces from Kufa on his father’s order
 He was appointed as in charge of Bait ul Maal
 After the Ali’s martyrdom, he was elected Caliph with 40,000 supporters
 Due to opposition of Hazrat Muawiyah and betrayed by his supporters, he stepped down
from the position of Caliph and signed treaty with Muawwiyah
 He married with nine women and had many children
 Joda Binte Asha’s was one of his wives
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According to Shia belief

 Her father had been an enemy of Hazrat Ali Hazrat Ameer Muawiyah
plotted against him and
 Joda Binte Asha’s attempted to poison him and succeeded bribed Joda but
 due to poison, he died within an hour according to Sunnis that
 He received martyrdom in 50 A.H at the age of 48 she poisoned Hassan due
to her father’s rivalry
 He was buried at Jannat ul Baqi
with Ali

Hazrat Hussain Ibne Ali

 He was the younger son of Ali and Fatimah
 He was born in 4 A.H in the month of Shaban
 The name “Hassan” was given by the Holy Prophet himself which means “The little
Beautiful One”
 He is also known as Shabbir, Which means the “The Patient” in Hebrew language
 Fatimah became ill after bearing Hazrat Hussain
 Umme Fazal was chosen as his wet nurse
 Holy Prophet loved him very much
 Once he was climbing on Prophet’s back Hazrat Umar said; “Your mode of transport was
splendid”. Prophet replied; “Umar! The Passenger is also very splendid”
 He was about 7 years old when Holy Prophet passed away
 During the caliphate of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman would greatly respect him and take care of
 During the caliphate of Ali , he participated in all the battles
 When Hazrat Uthman was besieged in his house, Hussain was one of those who protected
him against the rebels
 He was unhappy when his brother Hazrat Hassan renounced the caliphate and signed treaty
with Hazrat Muawiyah
 On his death bed Muawiyah told his son to take care of Hussain because of his relationship
to Prophet (pbuh)
 After the death of Ameer Muawiyah, his son Yazid became the caliph
 However, Hussain along with some respectable companions did not accept Yazid as caliph
 When the Yazid took charge in the office of caliphate at Damascus, he received letters from
the people of Kufah, asked him to come for the rescue of their faith and rise against the
Ummayad’s under his leadership
 Hussain sent his cousin Muslim bin Aqeel to assess the situation
 Muslim bin Aqeel seeing the support, sent letter and encouraged him to come there
 After dispatching of letter Muslim Bin Aqeel was captured and martyred by the governor of
Kufa (Ibne Ziyad)
 On his way to Kufah, Hussain came to know the news of Muslim bin Aqeel’s assassination
 Many of his family member and companions advised him not to go there
 However, Hazrat Hussain proceed towards Kufah as before
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 On the 2nd Muharram, 60 A.H, during his journey, Hussain pitched his camp at Karbala
 The next day, the army of Yazid surrounded the camp and prevented the party of Hussain
from fetching water from the nearby river
 Negotiations were conducted but Ibne Ziyad was against any peaceful settlement
 He insisted Hussain to surrender but Hussain refused
 On 7th Muharram, water supply were cut off
 On 10th Muharram, the battle began between the 72 supporters of Hussain and thousands of
troops of Yazid’s army
 All 72 companions were slain one by one
 Finally, Hussain fought alone with immense army and wounded from head to feet
 At last, struck down and got martyrdom
 His head was cut off along with his supporters and was taken to Yazid’s court
 All the women, children and only surviving male Ali Bin Hussain (Zain ul Abideen) were
taken captives
 Hussain won everlasting victory against the forces of devil
 All over the Muslims have held Hazrat Hussain in high regard
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Ten Blessed Companions

 There are ten most blessed and distinguished companions of the Holy Prophet to whom he
gave the glad tidings of entrance into Paradise during their life time, known as Ashra e
 Prophet spoke very highly of his companions; “My companions are like the stars;
whichever of them you follow you will be guided”
 They are earlier converts to Islam
 There were Hazrat Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman, Ali, Abdur Rehman Bin Awf, Saad Bin Abi
Waqas, Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah, Talha Bin Ubaidullah, Zubair Bin Awwam and Saeed Bin

Hazrat Abu Bakr

 He was born in 573 A.D, 2 year younger then Prophet (PBUH)
 He was son of Abu Qahafa
 He was close friend of Holy Prophet
 He belonged to the noble family of Banu Tamim
 His original name was Abdul Ka’abah, which was changed to Abdullah by the Holy Prophet
 On account of the purity of his character and absolute faith in the Holy Prophet, he is known
by the title of “Siddiq” ( the true one)
 He was the first free male, adult to believe in the Holy Prophet
 He was accompanied the Prophet in some of his trade mission
 He was a wealthy merchant
 He dedicated his whole life to the cause of Islam
 He always stood by the side of the Holy Prophet during the most critical period of his
mission and shared all hardships
 Many slaves including Hazrat Bilal, who were persecuted and tortured by their masters
because of their acceptance of Islam, were purchased and set free by him
 Hazrat Uthman, Talha, Zubair, Abu Ubaidah, Abdur Rehman Bin Awf accepted Islam on his
 He accompanied the Holy Prophet during his migration to Madinah and is referred to in the
Quran as “the second of the two” in the cave of Thaur
 He took part in the Battles of Badr, Uhud, Ditch and Hunayn
 He was present at the time of Treaty of Hudaibiya
 He placed all his wealth at the disposal of the Holy Prophet when funds were needed for the
Tabuk Expedition
 His service to the cause of Islam pleased the Holy Prophet so much that he was appointed as
 He also led the congregational prayer s during the Prophet’s illness
 After the demise of Holy Prophet, he succeeded him as the first caliph of Islam
 He died in 13 A.H at the age of 63 in Madinah and was buried by the side of Holy Prophet
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Hazrat Umar
 He was son of Khattab, born in 583 A.D
 His father who was an educated, respectable and well to do merchant of Makkah taught him
reading and writing
 Abu Hafsa was his surname but after his acceptance of Islam, he received the title of
Farooq(who is distinguishes between right and wrong)
 He was bitter enemy of the Holy Prophet before embracing Islam
 He converted to Islam when he heard the passage of the Quran being recited
 His conversion to Islam was of immense help to the Holy Prophet and his mission
 Hazrat Umar took part in the Battles of Badr, Uhud, Trench, Khyber and Hunayn
 He was also present at the time of Hudaibiya
 He placed half of his wealth at the disposal of the Holy Prophet on the occasion of Tabuk
 Verses of Surah Ahzab and Anfaal was revealed supporting Umar what he had advocate
 Prophet said; “Allah placed truth upon the tongue of Umar and his heart”
 His ties with Prophet were strengthened when Prophet married his daughter Hazrat Hafsa
 After the demise of Holy Prophet , he was the first to swear allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr as
the first Caliph
 He was the first who suggested to the Caliph about the compilation of Quran
 He was succeeded Hazrat Abu Bakr in 13 A.H as second Caliph of Islam
 He remained in office of Caliphate till 23 A.H
 He was assassinated by the Persian slave Firoz in age of 61

Hazrat Usman
 He was son of Affan
 Was born in Makkah, five years after the birth of Holy Prophet
 He was related to the Holy Prophet through their great grandfather, Abd Munaf
 He was rich merchant of Makkah
 Before has acceptance of Islam, he was known by the surname of Abu Amr
 He embraced Islam at the suggestion of Hazrat Abu Bakr
 He was among those early converters who suffered persecution and torture at the hands of
pagans as well as their family member
 He was thus, one of those Muslims who performed Hijrah in the way of Allah twice
 He married with two daughters of Prophet after one another
 This act earn him the title “Zun Naurain” (Possessor of Two lights)
 For spending his wealth freely in the service of Islam, he earned the title “Ghani”
 He purchased a well from the Jew and dedicated it for the use of Muslims
 He would often purchase slaves and set them free
 He took part in all the important battles with the exception of the battle of Badr
 He contributed generously at the time of the Tabuk Expedition
 Prophet said; “there is a companion of every Prophet in Heaven and my companion
there will be Uthman”
 The first and second Caliph had a high regard for him
 They would often seek his advice, particularly in matters relating to Fiqah
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 He succeeded Hazrat Umar as the third Caliph of the Islamic State in 24 A.H
 He remained in office till 35 A.H
 When he was assassinated at the age of 82
 He was buried at Jannat ul Baqi

Hazrat Ali
 He was son of Prophet’s Uncle Abu Talib
 He was born in Makkah
 Ali was the second person to enter the fold of Islam
 Hazrat Ali learnt reading, writing in his young age
 After the marriage Prophet took Ali under his own care and protection
 He was one of the scribes of Divine revelations received by the Holy Prophet
 He learnt the Holy Quran by heart during the lifetime of Holy Prophet
 At the time of migration to Madinah, he took Prophet’s bed
 He migrated to Madinah after Prophet and joined him at Quba
 Holy Prophet declared Hazrat Ali would be his brother in the bond of brotherhood
 Prophet said; “You are my in this world and the next”
 The holy Prophet married his youngest daughter, Hazrat Fatima to Hazrat Ali in 2 A.H
 Hazrat Ali took part in all the battles, with the exception of the Tabuk Expedition when he
remained in Madinah as Prophet deputy
 It was Ali and his wife Fatima , who had washed Prophet’s wound in the battle of Uhud
 At trench battle, he killed his opponent when they tried to cross the ditch
 He was also present at the time of treaty of Hudaibiya and wrote the treaty
 He was exceptionally brave man and showed great value in all occasion, especially in the
battle of Khyber
 At Hunayn he remained firm with the senior companions when Muslim was fleeing
 He was present at the time of prophet demise
 He washed his body and was one of those who lowered it into the grave
 Hazrat Ali was given the title of “Abu Turab” (Father of the Dust)
 He was also known as “Asadullah” which means Lion of God
 He was became the Caliph after the death of Hazrat Usman in 35 A.H
 He remained in office till 40 A.H
 He was assassinated on the 19thRamdhanin the year of 40 A.H
 21 wounds in his body inflicted by the poisonous sword of Ibne Muljam
 He was passed away in the morning of 21 Ramadhan 40 A.H
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Hazrat Abdur Rehman Ibn Awf

 Hazrat Abdur Rehman Ibn Awf was one of the first 8 persons to accept Islam.
 He was born in the tenth year of the Elephant.
 His name was Abu Amr before Islam but when he accepted Islam, the Prophet (pbuh)
changed his name to Abdur Rehman.
 His parents belonged to the Zehra tribe
 Holy Prophet and his ancestor had a common ancestor in Kalab
 He accepted Islam only two days after Hazrat Abu Bakr,
 Therefore, He migrated to Abyssinia but later returned to Makkah when it was rumored that
conditions for the Muslims had improved but when he saw the unchanged condition of
Arabs, he went to Abyssinia again.
 He participated in all the battles during the life time of Holy Prophet (pbuh). He fought
bravely specially during the battle of Uhud.
 He was received 21 wounds and yet stood by the side of Holy Prophet
 He was a very generous man and once distributed 40,000 dirham in charity where as 1000
horses for the cause of Allah on the call of Prophet (pbuh).
 He was made Ameer e Hajj during the Caliphate of Hazrat Abu Bakr, Umar and Usman
 He was among the committee of six persons appointed by Hazrat Umar on his deathbed to
choose Caliph from amongst themselves
 He died in 32 A.H at the age of 76 years and was buried in Jannat-ul-Baqi.

Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas

 Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas was born in Makkah23 years before the Hijrah.
 He embraced Islam at the age of 17.
 He belonged to a noble and rich family of Quraysh. He was the maternal uncle of the Prophet
 Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas participated in all the battles during the time of Prophet (pbuh).
 At the battle of Uhud, he was chosen as one of the best archers along with some others.
 He was also one of those who fought bravely, to defend the Prophet (pbuh) after some
Muslims archers had deserted their positions
 Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas is also known as the first companion to have shot an arrow in
defense of Islam.
 He took pledge of Rizwan at Hudaibiya and participated in the conquest of Makkah.
 Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas was a famous general of Islam.
 He was commander in Chief of the Muslim Army during the reign of Hazrat Umar
 He later lost his eyesight and died in the valley of Aqiq (10 miles away from Madinah) in 55
A.H at the age of 80.
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Hazrat Abu Obadiah Ibn Jarrah

 Hazrat Abu Obadiah Ibn Jarrah was one of the distinguished companions of the Holy Prophet
 He was born in 583 A.D at Makkah
 He belonged to the Quraish clan Banu Al Harith
 He became a Muslim one day after Hazrat Abu Bakr and remained loyal to the cause of
 He was described as the Ameen or Custodian of Muhammad’s community.
 Hazrat Abu Obadiah Ibn Jarrah lived through the harsh experiences which the Muslims went
through in Makkah, from beginning to end.
 One of the most harrowing experiences, he had to go through, was at the battle of Badr where
he came face to face with his father in the battle.
 The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, “For every people, there is a man of trust and the man of
trust for this people (tribe) is Abu Obadiah.” {Agreed}
 He participated in all the battles during the time of Holy Prophet (pbuh).
 He helped the Holy Prophet when he was wounded in the Battle of Uhud
 He was one of the witnesses when Treaty of Hudaibiya was being signed
 He was one person besides Hazrat Umar whose name was suggested by Hazrat Abu Bakr to
be the most suitable person for the Caliphate
 During the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, he commanded successful Expeditions to Syria and Iran
 During the Caliphate of Umar, he conquered Damascus
 He fell ill soon after he conquered Damascus and died. He was buried there.

Hazrat Talha Bin Ubaidullah

 He was the grand nephew of Abu Bakr
 He was born twenty five years before Hijrah
 His surname was Abu Muhammed
 He was one of the early converts of Islam.
 He went through all the persecutions and torture that the early converts had to face for the
sake of their faith.
 The Prophet (SAWS) called him ‘TALHA-the Good’ and ‘Talha-the Generous’.
 He took pledge of Rizwan and Hudaybiyah and participated in the conquest of Makkah.
 During the Battle of Uhud, he was also one of those companions who encircled the Prophet
(pbuh) to protect him from the enemy.
 It was during this battle that he was given the title of the ‘living martyr’.
 The Holy Prophet (SAWS) said, “Who so is pleased to see a martyr walking on the
surface of the earth, let him look at Talha Bin Abdullah.” (Tirmizi)
 He was a successful merchant and accumulated a lot of wealth, which he spent in the way of
Almighty Allah which gained him the name of “Fayyaz”.
 During the Caliphate of Abu Bakr and Umar, he was a member of the Islamic Council
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 He was not present at the time of Uthman’s election of Caliphate, but swore allegiance to
him after returning to Madinah
 In Ali’s Caliphate, he with Hazrat Zubair asked Caliph to punish the assassins of Hazrat
 In the battle of camel he and Hazrat Zubair left the battlefield according to the terms of
 He was martyred on the way of return in 36 A.H at the age of 60.

Hazrat Zubayr Bin Awwam

 Hazrat Zubayr Bin Awwam was a cousin of the Holy Prophet (SAWS) and a nephew of
Hazrat Khadijah.
 He was born 28 years before the Hijrah in Makkah.
 He became Muslim at the age of 16.
 He was one of the early converts of Islam and was 15 when he accepted Islam.
 He migrated to Abyssinia and later to Madinah for the cause of Islam as the part of Jihad.
 One of his wives was Hazrat Asma, daughter of Abu Bakr
 It is reported that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said on the day of Allies, “Who will come with
the news of the people, Zubayr said: “I” the Prophet (pbuh) said, “there was a helper
for every Prophet and my helper is Zubayr.” [Agreed].
 He took part in all the great battles fought during the life of Holy Prophet
 He participated in the battle of Camel but left the battle field after an agreement signed
between the two parties. However, the mischief makers martyred him.
 The Holy Prophet (pbuh) have said, “Talha and Zubayr are my neighbors in paradise.”
 He was assassinated by a hypocrite on the day of the Battle of Camel in 36 A.H at the age of
Hazrat Sa’eed Bin Zayd
 Hazrat Sa’eed Bin Zayd was one of the early converts of Islam.
 He was a devoted companion of the Prophet (pbuh) and a great warrior.
 It is reported in Sahih Bukhari, that his father Zaid Bin Amr believed in the faith of Ibrahim
and had given up idol worship
 He was one of the few people who could read and write
 He was married to Fatima, sister of Umar
 He is said to the 28thperson to have become a Muslim
 He was one of the twelve Muslims who came to the Holy Prophet on the occasion of the First
Pledge of Aqabah
 He took part in all the major campaigns and battles fought during the life time of the Holy
Prophet (pbuh) except Battle of Badr.
 He was the commander of the infantry of the Muslims army during the reign of Hazrat Umar
when they fought against the Romans.
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 He also took part in the conquest of Damascus and was made the Governor of Damascus but
he resigned from the post due to his love for Jihad.
 He was so God-fearing and pious that Allah Almighty accepted his Du’a (supplication) even
if he cursed someone.
 He died in the valley of Aqiq (10 miles away from Madinah) in 55 A.H.
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Scribes Of Divine Revelation

 Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet through Gabriel when he was 40 years old
 The Prophet was not literate, hence as soon as any revelation came he instructed to his
companions to write it down
 Companions used to memorize revelation and was also written down by his scribes
 It was written on the branches of tree, tablets of the stones, bones of camel, piece of leather
 Quran was written as early as 6th year of Prophethood when Umar learnt his sister and her
husband had converted to Islam
 The number of scribes who wrote the Quran was about 40
 These were closest and learned companions of Prophet
 Few of them are four caliphs, Zaid bin Thabit, Abdullah Ibne Masud, Ubayy Bin Ka’ab,
Muadh Bin Jabl, Ameer Muawiyah etc
 These men amongst others made a significant contribution in the preservation of the Quran
 Quran called them honorable and pious as mentioned; ” {it is recorded}in honored sheets,
exalted and purified, {carried} by the hands of Noble and dutiful” (80:13-16)

Hazrat Zaid Bin Thabit:

 Zaid Bin Thabit was born in Madinah
 He accepted Islam at the age of 11
 He wa wise, intelligent and had an excellent memory
 He had deep knowledge of Quran in terms of recitation and understanding
 He was refused to participate in Battle of Badr and Uhud due to young age
 Holy Prophet instructed him to learn Hebrew language to correspond with Jews
 He was also instructed to learn Syrian, which he did
 He became an important person in dealing with non Arabic speaking peoples
 Holy Prophet appointed him as his deputy until his demise
 He was considered to be one of the most prominent scribes
 After the Prophet’s demise, a number of memorizer of Quran martyred during the wars of
Apostasy and the Battle of Yamamah
 The first caliph, Abu Bakr gave the onerous task of collecting the Quran
 First he hesitated but later he accepted on performing task
 Later he said; “when I was commissioned to collect the Quran, I felt it would have been
easier had I been asked to move a mountain from one place to another”
 He collected fragments from mall over the Arabia, then matched with his memory and others
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 Thus he, along with other members of committee, All the companions were
made the official, authentic copy of Quran called felt very sad when they
“Mushaf” heard about the demise of
 During the caliphate of Hazrat Uthman, Zaid was Zaid Bin Thabit. At this Ibne
asked to make handwritten copies of the Mushaf, Umar said; “the most
which were sent to other provinces knowledgeable person
died today”
 It help to made standard version to prevent the
Muslims from differing about the Quran
 For his services towards Quran, he earned the title of “Rehbar e Ummah” (Guide of Nation)
 He was died in 45 A.H

Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Masud:

 Abdullah Ibne Masud was one of the most favorite companions of Prophet (pbuh)
 He was the sixth person to accept Islam
 Before becoming Muslim he was shepherd
 Once while tending sheep he met Prophet and Hazrat Abu Bakr
 They were thirsty and asked him for milk but he refused saying the sheep was not belong to
 After few days he went to Prophet (pbuh) and converted
 After embracing Islam, he gave up all other business and there after remain present in the
service of the Holy Prophet
 He started to learn the Quran with fondness and attention
 It was said he was the first one to recite the Quran openly in Makkah
 He hardly missed an opportunity to be with Prophet (pbuh)
 He had deep knowledge of Quran in terms of recitation and understanding
 The Holy Prophet said; “If anyone likes to recite the Quran as fresh as it had descended
then he must recite on the reading of Abdullah Ibn Masud”
 He was brave soldier and participated in all the battles
 He was also present at the time of Hudaybiyah truce
 He was sent as administrator to Kufah in the caliphate of Umar
 He narrated 800 traditions
 He was died in caliphate of Hazrat Uthman
 He was buried in Jannat ul Baqi
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Hazrat Ubbay Bin Ka’ab:

 He was Ansar and belonged to the tribe of Khazraj
 He was one of the first people of Yathrib to accept Islam
 He accepted Islam at the time of second pledge of Aqabah
 He was the first Ansar to be appointed as a scribe
 It is to be said that the last verses of Quran revealed in 10 A.H written down by him
 He memorized the Quran during the life time of Holy
Prophet 
 He had depth knowledge of Quran in terms of recitation Once Holy Prophet said to him;
and understanding “I have been commanded by
Allah to recite the Quran to
 It is reported to Prophet have said; “Ubbay Bin Ka’ab is you”. He said; “O Messenger of
the greatest Qari of my Ummah” Allah! Did Allah mention me by
 He participated in the Battle of Badr and other battles name?” Prophet replied; “Yes,
he mentioned you by your
 He was consultative member in the caliphate of Abu Bakr name” Tears began to roll down
and Umar his cheeks with extreme joy
 He died in 29 A.H at Madinah, during the caliphate of
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Important Personalities In The Life Of Holy Prophet (Pbuh)

Abu Talib:
 He was paternal uncle of Holy Prophet
 He was born 30 years before Holy Prophet
 after the death of Abdul Muttalib, he inherited Prophet’s custody
 he took care Prophet more than his own children
 Holy Prophet accompanied him on a trade to Syria
 Prophet supported him in Harb ul Fajjar
 He played important role in Prophet’s marriage with Khadijah
 He proved to be strong supporter of Holy Prophet
 He attended to hold negotiation between Quraish and Prophet but failed
 The Quraish threatened him for social and economical boycott
 Seeing unconditional support of Abu Talib, 40 chiefs of Quraish signed document of boycott
 He took his tribe Sh’ib Abi Talib to protect Prophet
 He fell ill after the boycott was lifted
 He died in the 10th year of Prophethood
 Prophet termed “Year of Grief”

Hazrat Hamza Bin Abdul Muttalib

 He was born two years before Prophet (pbuh)
 Hamza was the dearest companion of the Holy Prophet
 He had close blood ties with him
 He was the Prophet’s real paternal uncle
 He was known as furious wrestler
 Once Abu Jahl rebuked the Holy Prophet in Makkah, he dashed to condemn Abu Jahl and
embraced Islam
 It became easier to spread Islam for the Muslims after his conversion
 He attempted to protected Prophet (pbuh) from Hazrat Umar at Dar e Arqam
 He migrated to Abyssinia and Madinah
 When the Holy Prophet declared the brotherhood among the emigrant and helpers, Hamza
enjoyed the unique honour of being made the brother of Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha
 He led the first raising expedition against the makkans trade caravan
 He participated in battle of Badr
 While fighting valiantly in the battle of Uhud, he was martyred by Wahshi, a negru slave
appointed by Hinda
 After his martyrdom, Hinda mutilated his body, wore a garland of mutilated organs and sang
jubilant war songs
 She try to chew his lever
 Prophet led his funeral prayer, earned title of “Chief of martyrs”
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Hazrat Abbas Bin Abdul Muttalib:

 He was also an uncle of the Prophet (pbuh)
 Even though he did not accept Islam in its early days, he provided protection to his kinsmen
 It is believed that he accepted Islam after the battle of Badr, but he did not profess his faith
until just before the conquest of Makkah
 He joined the Prophet’s army and participated in the conquest of Makkah, the battle of
Hunayn and the siege of Taif
 He defended Prophet at Hunayn when other warriors retreated
 After that, he brought his family to Madinah
 He also used his vast resources and wealth to support Islam
 His son Abdullah Ibn Abbas spent time around the Prophet as a boy and grew up as
celebrated scholar
Hazrat Jafar Bin Abi Talib
 He was one of the great Muslim who contributed much to Islam
 He was the cousin of the Holy Prophet and the brother of Ali bin Abi Talib
 He embraced Islam and was raised to a high status among the early converts
 When the Holy Prophet advice Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia, he and his wife were among
those who acted upon it
 They settled there for number of years, during which they had three children
 When the Quraish sent envoys to convey Negus to send the Muslims back, he acted as
spokesperson and delivered excellent explaining Muslims belief to the Negus
 He joined Muslims in Madinah in the 7th year of Hijrah after Khyber expedition
 He spent his life for the cause of Islam and got martyrdom in the battle of Mautah in the 8 th
year of Hijrah

Hazrat Zaid Bin Haritha:

 He belonged to the noble family of Makkah
 He was kidnapped when he was young and sold as a slave
 A nephew of Hazrat Khadijah bought him and gave him to his aunt (Khadijah)
 Khadijah gave Zaid bin Haritha to the Holy Prophet
 He was amongst the first four people who accept Islam
 When his family came to know about him, his father came to the Prophet and offered to buy
 Holy Prophet gave Zaid choice to go with his father or stay with
 However, Zaid refused to go back to his family and preferred to live with Holy Prophet
 After that Zaid came to be known as “Zaid Bin Muhammed”, but after the revelation came of
Surah Al Ahzab he was called with his father’s name
 Prophet arranged for Zaid to marry his cousin Zainab Binte Jahsh, but the marriage was not
successful and ended in divorce
 Zaid accompanied the Holy Prophet in the battle of Badr, Uhud and Trench
 He was also present at the time of Treaty of Hudaybiyah
 He was martyred in the battle of Mautah in 8 A.H
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Hazrat Bilal Bin Rabah:

 He was slave from Abyssinia
 His master was Ummaya Bin Khalf
 He converted to Islam when he heard about the Prophet by his master
 He face many difficulties by pagans upon his conversion
 He was exposed to the scorching sand, beaten with the sticks and burdened with huge rock
on his chest
 But even under such torment he remained firms and said “Ahad”
 The torture finally ended when Hazrat Abu Bakr bought and freed him
 He migrated to Madinah where he became first Muezzin of Islam
 He took part in almost every battle fought during the life of the Holy Prophet
 In battle of badr, he fought bravely and killed his former master, Ummaya bin Khalf
 After the conquest of Makkah, he had the honour of calling out the Adhan from the rood of
the Kaabah
 He enjoyed the honour of being among the Ashab e Suffah
 He was honored of being addressed as “Our Leader Bilal” by Caliph Umar
 He was one of those people who performed the funeral of the Holy Prophet
 After the demise of Holy Prophet, he stopped giving Adhan and left Madinah
 Last time he gave Adhan when grandsons of Holy Prophet requested him
 He died at the age of 60 in Damascus where he is said to have been buried

Hazrat Salman Farsi

 He was born in Persia (Iran)
 He belonged to the Zoroastrian religion in his early age
 Once passing by a church, he looked in an saw people saying their prayers
 He walked in and started making inquiries about Christianity
 It went on till evening and was not back till sunset
 When his father asked the reason for being late, he showed his interest in Christianity
 After listening, his father shut him up in a room
 Salman Farsi left his home secretly and went to Syria with a caravan
 He became Christian and attached himself to a bishop, where he heard from some priests
about the coming of a new Prophet in Arabia and also signs that distinguish this Prophet
 He made his way to Arabia and was captured and sold in slavery, thus he reached Madinah
 When the Prophet arrived in Yathrib, Salman Farsi heard about him
 He was keenly interest to meet Prophet one of his gatherings
 When he learned each and every signs present in the Holy Prophet, he accepted Islam
 His sincerity and zest soon won the love and regard of Holy Prophet
 He was not participated in Battle of Badr and Uhud because he was still slave
 He felt greatly saddened
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 Prophet (pbuh) secured him his freedom and he served the cause of Islam well
 In the battle of Ahzab gave Salman Farsi his first chance to fight and served by the side of
Holy Prophet
 He suggested digging a deep trench to protect the city by the pagans
 His suggestion proved to be an excellent war strategy which was not known to the Arabs
 This battle came to known as Battle of Trench
 He was one of the top officers who conquered the Persian Empire in the Caliphate of Hazrat
 He died at the age of 80

Hazrat Muadh Bin Jabl

 He was from Ansar
 He accepted Islam at the hand of Musab Bin Umayr
 He was among those, who took second pledge of Aqabah
 He remained close to the Holy Prophet
 Holy Prophet declared him to be one of the four who should be sought out for the learning
the Quran
 He studied Quran and laws of Quran and became expert in Shariah
 After the conquest of Makkah, Holy Prophet instructed him to stay with him and teach
people the Quran and principle of Islam
 Prophet appointed him as governor of Yemen
 During the caliphate of Umar, he was sent to the tribe to collect and distribute Zakat
 He died in Palestine due to plaque

Hazrat Abu Sufiyan

 Initially, he had rivalry with Prophet (pbuh)
 He was leader of Banu Ummayah
 He was rich and respected merchant
 From the Prophet’s age of 40 to 60, he remained enemy of him
 He was part of the close circle of influential Quraish who had planned to persecute Muslims,
bring Muslims back from Abyssinia, to boycott to Banu Hashim and to assassinate Prophet
 He was indirectly responsible of battle of Badr
 He led the army of Makkans army in the battle of Uhud and Trench against Muslims
 He tried to restore treaty of Hudaybiyah but was not successful
 When Heraclius inquire him about Prophet’s conduct, despite of enmity with Prophet he
replied with praises for Prophet’s truthfulness
 Prophet married his daughter Hazrat Ramlah
 He remained enemy of Islam upto the conquest of Makkah when he became Muslim
 Prophet honored him and deliver the message of immunity to the resident of Makkah by him
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 He actively participated in Prophet’s mission

 He took participate in Battle of Hunayn and siege of Taif
 After the demise of Prophet, he served the caliphs
 During the caliphate of Abu Bakr, he remained governor of Najran and Hijaz
 He also participated in battle of Yarmuk
 He died at the age of 88 to 90 in Madinah

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