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Analysis of BMW and Audi Headlights' Technology: International Standards

and Road-Safety in Pakistan

Preprint · December 2020

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28133.63208


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1 author:

Muhammad Hashir Rehan

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology


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Muhammad Hashir Rehan (2018280)

Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology


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Submitted to Prof. Izhar Ali on behalf of Faculty of Management Sciences

in partial fulfillment of the degree requirements for Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering

5th Semester, Third Year

Dated: 26 Dec 2020


We are grateful to many people whose efforts have gone into the making of this

report. The success and outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and help

from many people. We are extremely privileged and thankful to Prof. Izhar Ali for

guiding us on each and every step of our report. Furthermore, this project report

and the data given is entirely applicable only in case of given study and in the

country of Pakistan, therefore, it cannot be used in other similar cases or countries.

Moreover, this report is solely the result of the hard work of Muhammad Hashir

Rehan who contributed significantly to this project.

In order to reduce the driving problem and accidents caused by insufficient light in Pakistan, it

is necessary to design the headlights up to some standards, so that the driver can see the road

information in front of him in time and make a timely judgment. The dazzling of other cars

driver due to headlights comes in the law of torts as it can make suffer the claimant because of

engineering negligence and absence of proper design standards, or safety inspections. Most of

the night-time accidents occur due to this, using high beam headlights of opposite car users;

while if these high beams are not used, the road cannot be viewed with clarity and obstacles

can not be identified in time. Thus, to prevent both situations international laws and standards

have been studied in the report and the two great brands have been analyzed based on these

standards i.e. BMW and Audi.

The two technologies have been compared: BMW adaptive laser lights and Audi digital matrix

LEDs. It has been found that both consist of such technologies that efficiently prevent the

dazzling and glare of drivers by darkening the specified areas, highlighting pedestrians and

traffic signs in front of them, and thus providing a safe and secure travel.

Thus, keeping in view the results of this research, the survey taken, and the analysis performed,

it has been found out that the loopholes or the main factor of accidents in Pakistan were

absence of proper headlights design standards, along with the laws to use these in efficient

manner. If it can be achieved, dozens of lives can be saved, and with efficient headlights, drives

can be smoother, less exhaustive, more focused and above all, it will be safer.

Keywords: dazzling, law of torts, high beam, BMW adaptive laser lights, Audi digital matrix LEDs.
Table of Contents
Cover page __________________________________________________________________ II
Acknowledgments ____________________________________________________________ III
Abstract_____________________________________________________________________ IV

Literature Review __________________________________________________________ 3

Headlights: The Eyes of Automotive ________________________________________ 13

Background and History:___________________________________________ 13

International Laws and Technological Advancements ____________________ 14
Engineering Innovations ___________________________________________ 16
Purpose of Research: _____________________________________________ 18
Lights in Motion ___________________________________________________________ 19

BMW Adaptive Laser Lights ________________________________________ 19

Working of Laser Lights: _________________________________________ 19
Audi Digital Matrix LEDs ___________________________________________ 22
Working of Digital Matrix: ________________________________________ 23
Research: Illuminating the Laws ____________________________________________ 25

Methodology____________________________________________________ 25
Analysis and Discussion ___________________________________________ 25
Headlights Design Standards ______________________________________ 25
BMW VS Audi: Who will light the way? ______________________________ 29
Traffic Laws in Pakistan __________________________________________ 30
Conclusion ________________________________________________________________ 32

References ________________________________________________________________ 33
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Table of Figures:

GRE Light Aims .................................................................................................................... 16

Dodge, Mercedes, BMW ...................................................................................................... 17

Laser light working .............................................................................................................. 19

Laser boosted lights ............................................................................................................. 21

Adaptive light technology .................................................................................................... 21

Audi Digital Matrix .............................................................................................................. 22

Audi Matrix LED (individual LED can be seen) ....................................................................... 23

Light Carpet ......................................................................................................................... 24

Headlight height adjustment ............................................................................................... 26

A survey question ................................................................................................................ 31

BMW VS Audi ...................................................................................................................... 32

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Literature Review
1) F. Andrade, C.DE Santos and M. Castro published a research paper on reliability-based

safety evaluation of headlight sight distance. Given that the vehicle headlights represent

the fundamental source of light at night on rural roads, the sight distance provided by

the headlight beam is considered as the main criterion for determining the headlight

designs. This research proposes the use of probabilistic methods for determining the

design of headlights and the sight distance associated with it as opposed to the used

deterministic methods, which are known to present several drawbacks. This research

study has applied the proposed method to evaluate the risk level accompanied by the

curves and uphill and downhill road configurations and has also assessed the effect of

variables involved in headlight sight distance (HSD). A total of 71,334 case studies were

generated by combining the range of values of the variables involved in the HSD as per

the geometric design standard. The risk level associated to each case was calculated by

means of a Monte Carlo simulation. The results showed that variables modeling

headlight features significantly affect the risk level. Moreover, the risk associated to

design outputs that are considered equivalent by the standard varies significantly.

Therefore, the use reliability theory in the development of standards and design guides

was recommended by this study.

2) Lee and Kim found that the obstacle color in nighttime determines the distance at

which it is seen, and that the minimum headlight beam illumination level should be 5
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lux. This highlights the importance of taking night conditions into account in headlights


3) In an official report of Audi R8 by Dr. Michael Hamm and Dr. Wolfgang Huhn, the first

all-LED headlights were introduced. A throwback to the past designs and previous

technologies have been discussed and it has been included that the first LEDs used in

headlight modules were the turn signals in the original hybrid lighting systems

developed in 2004. Now, LED lights are fundamentally different from these. The

working, technological advancements, the new design options that this idea has

opened, and the minimized output and overall energy consumption of the vehicle

lighting have been discussed. LED lights increases the service life and efficiency of the

lighting systems and this ensures the importance of LED technology in the future

according to the report. The report also confirms the high efficiency of 85% in terms of

light being monochromatic and emitting almost parallel lines. Furthermore, the

mechanism of dimming of lights and making of different shapes and patterns

accordingly are also mentioned in the report. It concludes that the headlights are the

components where the requirements of road safety and the demands of modern,

innovative design meet head on. Today’s headlights already have a much lower power

consumption than conventional halogen systems. By 2012 it will be possible to make

energy savings and reductions in CO2 emissions of up to 70 %, whilst retaining the same

lighting quality, if LEDs are used for all the lighting functions. LED technology is still in its

infancy, but it promises exciting technical and design solutions in the future.
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4) In a thesis submitted by Danielle Fortier, the problem of not standardizing the headlight

configurations have been highlighted. As headlight configurations are not standardized,

drivers are confronted with headlights differing in size, separation distance, and

brightness and due to which many motor vehicle accidents involve a driver's

misperceiving the distance to another vehicle. Therefore, these three headlight

variables were investigated, with regards to their effect on the estimation of distance of

a simulated vehicle, in this research thesis.

In each experiment, ten adult subjects estimated the distance to a simulated vehicle's

headlights. "Headlights” were varied in terms of brightness, size, and separation

distance between the lights. The apparatus consisted of a long dark tunnel in which

extraneous cues to the distance of the actual light stimuli were reduced. Dark adapted

observers sat at one end and viewed light stimuli presented as one pair of "headlights"

at a time. According to the method of magnitude estimation, three standards of

distance in the form of three pairs of simulated headlights were presented to set a

general scale of response. Test presentations of lights varied around the three

standards, or target distances. The stimuli ranged from 40% less bright, less large, or less

distance between the lights to 40% brighter, larger, or more separation distance, around

the standard for specific target distances.

Both the effects of "target distance" and "levels of variation" were highly significant.

Positive linear trends were found for both factors. Pairwise comparisons revealed that

the power of discrimination in observers was better with the larger variation in size of

lights, brightness, and distance between lights. The errors made in estimating the
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standards established were not significant; neither were correlations between age,

years of driving experience and the error of these estimations. Lack of consistency in

discrimination between levels of variation in size of lights, brightness, and distance

between lights prevents any strong suggestions about standardization of headlights in

the three variables under study. On the other hand, further research on direct distance

estimation from psychological scaling of physical stimuli is justified by the results

obtained in these three experiments.

Moreover, Failure statistics have also been discussed in the research. It has been

mentioned that according to the Nova Scotia Department of Highways, 17,918 accidents

happened between January and December 1984, 170 of which were fatal. A

disproportionate number of accidents happened during late afternoon (7%), or after

dark where roadway lighting was missing (39%). Similarly, Perel, Olson, Sivak, and

Medlin (1984) found the nighttime accident rates to be three times the day rates

Sometimes, accidents are attributed to adverse weather conditions which, like rain and

fog, restricted visibility, and conspicuity of the vehicle. Also, the design goal of

headlights is suggested as to illuminate the roadway and potential hazards without

subjecting oncoming drivers to excessive glare. There are several headlamp design

characteristics which can influence driver vision including beam pattern, intensity, and

lamp construction.

The lack of standards being operational is also discussed. Since present headlight

standards are for the most part performance specifications of brightness and light

output, considerable latitude is allowed in the size, shape, location, and other physical
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attributes of the lighting device. Hence, standardization of headlight design would allow

drivers to develop consistent expectations of the distance to oncoming cars and would

result in faster, more accurate decisions.

5) Aleksanteri Ekrias, Marjukka Eloholma, Liisa Halonen, Xian-Jie Song, Xin Zhang and

Yan Wenb presented a research paper focusing on the lighting systems on roads that

provide vertical clarity as well as the car headlights that in their turn illuminates the

road surface, roadsides and in addition, any non-horizontal objects in the area. The

study is done specifically for China, but the results are also applicable in various other

areas. This paper objects on lighting dimensioning and lighting quality of vehicle lighting.

The work considers the factors that are important in creating optimal lighting conditions

and luminous environment for night-time driving. The work is based on simulating,

measuring, and analyzing traffic lighting. The work introduces a new method for road

luminance measurements and analysis. For simulation of automobile lights, a new

method based on a real scene is also introduced. This method avoids several complex

processes such as absorption, scatter, reflection, etc. With the use of the presented

simulation methods in the design of headlights, the design process can be made more

efficient with decreases in costs and the developing period. It is important to consider

the combined effect of fixed road and street lighting and automobile lighting when

analyzing and optimizing the visual environment in nighttime driving. The imaging

technology and new type of measurement equipment provide feasible tools for this

6) The safety of car-driving relates to automotive headlamps’ quality. When we are driving

at night, headlamps not only illuminate the road ahead to provide drivers with a bright
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and broad vision, but also avoid causing head-on car drivers’ glare. With the

development of automobile technology, customers have increasingly high-quality

demands for headlamps. This has been the main part of research published by

Xiangbing Zhu in the Journal of Physics 2011 as an optical design and simulation of LED

low-beam headlamps. The low-beam headlamp is an important component for the

automobile safety. With the improvement of optical efficiency and heat dissipation’

technology of white LEDs, it becomes feasible to design low-beam headlamps with LEDs.

The principle of B-spline surfaces is used to construct the free-form surface reflector

meeting the requirement. First, the initial B-spline surface reflector is established based

on the light source structure, emitting features and capability of light distribution.

Optical simulation is carried out according to the principle of ray tracing. And then the

simulation results will be compared with the standard of photometric characteristics.

The segmented surfaces fine-tuning method and the method of trial and error are used

to trim the part that failed to meet requirements gradually. The vector groups of

surfaces are obtained. Finally, the desired free-form surface reflector meeting the ECE

regulations is got. The experimental results can meet the standard of photometric

characteristics. The impact of the technique showed in this paper in the field of LED

illumination design seems to be a very promising topic.

7) A US-patent invented by Christian Lietar, Jean-Francois Longchamp and Eladio Lopez

reflects the control of light-range of motor vehicle headlights. The apparatus for control

of a light-range of headlights of a motor vehicle includes two headlight orientation

adjusting devices; at least one electro-optic sensor detecting actual values of light
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intensities of light reflected from an illuminated portion of the road; and an

analyzer/control unit connected to the at least one electro optic sensor and the

adjusting devices to control the adjusting devices and the headlight orientation

according to the sensor signal. To maintain the light-range of the headlights regardless

of load conditions, the analyzer/control unit contains a memory device for storing data

including set values of the light intensities for a desired headlight orientation and for

storing other data including actual values of the reflected light intensities for actual

headlight orientations when the headlights are set in the actual orientations; a

comparator device for comparing the actual values for different actual orientations and

the set values for the desired orientations; and a control device for controlling the

adjusting devices according to the comparator device to set the headlights in various

other actual orientations until the differences between the set values and actual values

are minimized to determine the actual orientation closest to the desired orientation.

8) Shreyas S, Kirthanaa Raghuraman, Padmavathy AP, S Arun Prasad, G. Devaradjane

published a research paper headed as Adaptive Headlight System for Accident

Prevention. The main reason for accidents in roads having steep turns and curved roads

in hilly areas is due to the presence of blind spots. Blind spots are the areas around the

vehicle that cannot be directly observed by the driver. These areas cannot be seen

directly by looking forward or by looking through either of the side mirrors. Blind spots

may occur due to inappropriate positioning of the vehicles’ side mirrors, thickness of the

A-pillar, height, and width of the vehicle, etc. Other causes of blind spots are steep

curves in roads, lack of visibility due to weather conditions etc. Blind spots can occur
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due to the condition of the driver as well. Poor infrastructure, like improper streetlights

create problems for the driver, especially in the highways. These blind spots must be

eliminated for safe driving. Temporary blindness of the driver can occur due to dazzling

of headlamps. Dazzling occurs when the headlights of the vehicle coming in the opposite

direction falls directly into the eyes of the driver. This result in the driver being blinded

for some time and in turn increase the probability of accidents. This problem is more

prevalent when the road is curved. A vehicle with normal headlights sends the light rays

tangential to the curve. Thus, the probability of dazzling of lights in the eyes of the

driver of the vehicle coming in the opposite direction is very high. This driver, with his

eyes momentarily blinded, can go off the curve and off the road and create a major

accident, hence, killing him and others on the road. This paper focuses on the design

and working of a microcontroller based Adaptive Headlight System (AHS) for

automobiles. The main purpose of this system is to present a cost-effective technique to

illuminate blind spots while driving in the night and during the times when the visibility

is reduced significantly so as to make the objects visible in those darkened locations and

thereby prevent accidents. The system functions in accordance with the controlled input

from Atmel AT89S52 microcontroller unit which drives the stepper motors connected to

the headlights. The system is also designed to receive input from the indicator switch

wherein a full turn is achieved by the headlight mirror when the indicator input is given.

Also, the adaptive headlights are automatically switched on when the amount of light

measured by a photo diode falls below a threshold, thereby eliminating the need for the

driver to switch on the headlights.

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9) A research report conducted by Cherian Varghese and Umesh Shankar on Passenger

Vehicle Occupant Fatalities by Day and Night under NHTSA (National Highway Traffic

Safety Administration) collects the data on the traffic fatalities that occur during

different times. Out of the 43,443 people who died on the Nation’s highways in 2005,

nearly 73 percent were occupants of passenger vehicles. This data is from National

Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), which

annually collects crash statis- tics from 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto

Rico, and is made available by the National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA).

This research note looks at the various patterns among passenger vehicle occupant

fatalities based on time of day. Nationwide almost half (49%) of passenger vehicle

occupant fatalities occur during nighttime. This coupled with the fact that approximately

25 percent of travel occurs during hours of darkness, the fatality rate per vehicle mile of

travel is about three times higher at night than during the day. Hence, this report

suggests the importance and efficient use of headlights during night-time.

10) In a report of Pak Wheels by Ahmed Shehryar on The Legal Action to be Taken Against

Use of HID (High Intensity Discharge) in Vehicles, it has been stated that in a bid to

reduce the number of road accidents, the City Traffic Police Lahore has decided to take

legal action against the use of HID lights in vehicles. According to the report, Captain (R)

Liaqat Ali Malik who is the Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) Lahore has declared the use of HID

lights on vehicles as illegal owing to the visibility issues it brings due to the higher

intensity of light. Legal action will be taken against anyone violating the law. High-

intensity discharge (HID) headlamps have been a nuisance for all the road users in the
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city for a long time. HID lamps emit light that is almost two to three times brighter than

the conventional headlights with higher intensity as its name suggest. These headlamps

can easily turn into a painful experience for the drivers coming from the opposite

direction and create a blindness hazard. Although the HID’s make the view much clear

for the drivers as they can see further down the road, but the extreme intensive nature

of emitting light is a threat to others. Therefore, keeping in mind these issues and a

social protest by the public, City Traffic Police Lahore has decided to start taking legal

action against its users to enforce the law with its full effect.

11) According to Dawn News in the paper of Sep 21, 2019, High beams lights in vehicles

banned in Islamabad. The capital administration on Friday imposed a ban on sale,

purchase, and installation of High Intensity Discharge (HID) lights by vehicle owners as it

causes road accidents, sources told Dawn. Earlier, a similar notification was issued on

Thursday by the District Administration but was withdrawn later on, the officials said.

The ban was imposed with immediate effect for a period of two months, the fresh

notification said. The sources said the decision had been after a number of complaints

received by Islamabad Deputy Commissioner Hamza Shafqat against the use and

installation of the HID in vehicles. Such HID lights blind driver of the vehicle coming from

the opposition side which resulted into accidents, they said, adding substandard HID

lights also available in markets often resulted into short circuit and causes fire in the

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Headlights: The Eyes of Automotive

Sleek, domed, square, round, wrap-around, forward-facing, continuous, bright.

Headlights are utilitarian mostly. They illuminate the way. An obvious necessity, they might not

appear as the most important design feature on a car, but they determine the personality of

the vehicle. The shape, type of bulb, and amount of omitted light have come a long way since

the birth of automobiles — in fact the first cars did not even have headlights. They became

commonplace in cars in the 1920s.

Headlamps, commonly referred to as headlights are attached to the front of a vehicle to

illuminate the road ahead. In the most precise usage, headlamp is the term for the device itself

and headlight is the term for the beam of light produced and distributed by the device [1].

Background and History:

Horse drawn carriages were the primary mode of transportation before the advent of

the automobile. These carriages had lamps with candles and oil burning lanterns [2]. The

automobile did not appear until the late 1880s. At first there was no lighting on a vehicle and

no nighttime driving. Although the electric light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879,

the first lighting on automobiles was not electric headlamps. When people started driving at

night, the first vehicle lighting devices were oil (kerosene) burning lanterns. These lighting

devices provided a signal to drivers of other vehicles and carriages, and also to pedestrians.

They did not provide any substantial illumination on the road, which was badly needed because

the roads were often in poor condition and people were not able to see objects in the road. At
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the turn of the century the use of the automobile was limited because people were not yet

accustomed to the increased potential for mobility that it offered.

In 1911 the first electric headlamps were installed as standard equipment on some U.S.

passenger cars. However, the volume was extremely low. In 1912 the first vehicle-wide wire

harness, electric starter, and electrical system were installed (Johnston, 1996). This allowed an

increased use of electric light sources and significantly increased the installation of electric

headlamps on vehicles. It was at about this time that the U.S. driver position was established on

the left side of the vehicle.

International Laws and Technological Advancements

The first lighting regulation was adopted in the state of Massachusetts on October 27,

1915 (Devine, 1921, p. 507):

‘’ This regulation provided that wherever there was not sufficient light on the highway to

make all substantial objects visible for a distance of at least 150 feet (45.7 m), the lamps which a

motor vehicle was required to display, should throw sufficient light ahead to make clearly visible

any such object within the specified distance. They provided further that any light thrown ahead

or sidewise should be so directed that no dazzling rays should at any time be more than 3.5 ft

(1.1 m) above the ground 50 ft (15 m) or more ahead of the vehicle, and that such light should

be sufficient to show any substantial object 10 ft (3 m) on each side 10 ft (3 m) ahead of the


Along with technical product developments, standards and regulations were also being

written. In 1918, the first joint IES (Illuminating Engineering Society) and SAE (Society of
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Automotive Engineers) specification relating to optical performance of headlamps was

developed. Vehicles only had one beam, much closer to a high beam than what is now

considered a low beam. Four test points were determined for measuring the beam pattern. The

specification was written for the combined light output from both headlamps on a vehicle—the

first instance of a vehicle-based specification.

Before 1924, all headlamps generated a single beam pattern, best described as a spot

beam resembling today’s high beam. In the middle twenties the first two-beam system was

developed (Moore, 1958). The two-filament automotive bulb was invented, which enabled a

high- and low beam pattern to be created in one headlamp assembly. In these bulbs, the high-

beam filament was placed on the focal point and the low-beam filament was mounted above

and to the left. Thus, when 8 switched to the low beam the beam pattern moved down and to

the right (side shifting). This arrangement of the filaments continued until the middle 1950.

In 1990, the Group Rapporteurs Eclairage (GRE), an international group of government

regulators with responsibility for lighting, asked the GTB (Groupe de Travail Bruxelles), the

international automotive lighting and light signaling expert group, to study and recommend one

harmonized worldwide headlamp beam pattern. The GTB Coordinating Committee was

established for this purpose, consisting of the chairmen of several international lighting

committees. After determining a program of work, a comprehensive research study was

commissioned to provide guidance in the harmonization process. This study (Sivak and

Flannagan, 1993) considered expert opinion, current practice, and research evidence

concerning visibility and glare [3]. Sivak and Flannagan (1993) recommended four test points
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that should be made common throughout the world, as a first step towards a fully harmonized

beam pattern. With slight modifications, these four test points were recommended by GTB to

GRE as shown in figure. Starting with these four test points, the rest of the beam pattern was

established by the GTB Coordinating Committee to provide spread light, foreground limits,

adequate overhead sign light, additional controls on glare, veiling glare limits, and gradient

definition. Considerable progress has been made within the GTB, although the previously

mentioned differences in priorities between the U.S. and Europe concerning glare and seeing

light still exist. Changes in the beam pattern have resulted in improved seeing light and wider

spread light; sufficient illumination on signs is retained without causing undo glare for

oncoming traffic; and gradient values are specified that allow for relatively accurate

visual/optical aim of the beam pattern.

Engineering Innovations
Over the years, many headlight technologies have been altered and many innovations have

been made to the cause. The most innovative designs mainly include the effective shapes, use

of cameras and sensors for adjustments of lights, the technology behind its widespread and

brighter view etc. The headlights have been the main concern for the past few years as it has

been found that 73.83% accidents occur due to the blinding headlights in night-time [4].

Figure 1: GRE Light Aims

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Headlights can literally make the difference between life and death [5]. Some of the main

engineering icons have been mentioned:

▪ Mercedes Benz (S-Class) Coupe: This luxurious vehicle is the perfect combination of

engineering and beauty. Forty-seven (47) Swarovski crystals have been embedded in

each of the two headlights of this beauty used for the daytime-running lights and for the

turn signals [7].

▪ Dodge Challenger SRT: The light output is not what is the most impressive, but it is the

input. This engineering beast uses the hellcat’s headlights as air intakes. The car consists

of the 707 Horsepower V8 Engine that requires a large amount of air intake for its

cooling and heat dissipation, thus the lights serve the purpose as it is one of the ways

the massive engine gets the needed air. It is also termed as the “air-catcher”.

▪ Ford GT40: Ford with its crystal diamond headlights concept, are not just brighter and

more efficient than many of common lights; Ford claims these lights will make

one feel better [8].

▪ Alpha Romeo 4c: The exposed carbon fiber look, elegant design and the unique layout

on these cars’ headlights are what really make them stand out.

▪ Audi R8: The car comes with bright digital matrix headlights along with the automatic

alignment technology that adjusts the lights according to the incoming traffic,

Figure 2: Dodge, Mercedes, BMW

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pedestrians, and traffic signals. They also imprint digital signs ahead the user for better

clarity and quick response. These headlights were first used on Audi R18 E-Tron Quattro

race cars at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in France before they were brought to Audi road

cars [6].

▪ BMW I8: It comprises of the Laser lights containing the adaptive light technology which

adjusts the headlights adapting the road environments which includes the incoming

traffic and the pedestrians etc. In addition, BMW laser lights are 30% more energy

efficient as the normal standard headlights [6].

The latest and most innovative designs for the headlights have been found in the two great

automotive brands which have been the main purpose of this research report as they are

different from other common light technologies and they greatly contribute to the most

innovative engineering and impressive designs.

▪ BMW (Bayerische Motor Works)

▪ Audi

Purpose of Research:

The main purpose of this report is to examine the international engineering design

standards and their implementation in country of Pakistan. BMW and Audi can provide a great

guidance in this case study which will be used to analyze the drawbacks in our systems and the

laws associated.
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Lights in Motion
BMW Adaptive Laser Lights
Multiple headlight technologies have been employed by BMW over the years. They have

come through the halogen lights to the standard LEDs and at the latest they have been using the

laser headlights with adaptive lighting technology which include the cornering light and the BMW

selective beam, that aim to optimally improve road illumination in dark conditions.

The BMW adaptive LED headlights rely solely on diodes for both beam phases (short and

high) to illuminate the road and can actively adjust themselves depending on road conditions,

incoming traffic (BMW Selective Beam) and vehicle speed [9].

Almost a nocturnal revolution has been made by these laser lights that have a scope of

600 meters, less power consumption and more light intensity. BMW I8, the first ever car with the

latest technology in the field of light research, comes in the market in 2014. But the question

arises that how can a laser be transformed into a headlamp?

Working of Laser Lights:

Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiations) is a device in which narrow

beams of light are produced, each having similar wavelengths. The laser’s light waves are in

phase, means the crest and troughs are both aligned to produce a monochromatic, narrow, and

very bright light that can be focused into a very tiny

spot [10]. They travel long distances and concentrate at

a very precise area.

Figure 3: Laser light working

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In BMW lighting systems, the light from three single laser diodes is conducted to a highly

concentrated, strongly clustered beam of light. This is channeled through a reflecting surface on

the inside of the headlamp towards a yellow phosphorous panel by means of which the

transformation from blue light to white takes place. The motivation behind the design and

technology have been shared by the BMW official engineers to be the new type of light sources

that have been used in the medical sector in Japan [11]. These sources have been investigated

and concepts have been developed. The light concept in actual use combines various light

sources in one headlamp including the laser light for the high beam boosters and the LED

technology for conventional lighting. These laser lights are 30% more energy efficient in their

technology than the already installed energy-saving LED lamps.

The laser lights pose an issue due to their high intensity beams of glaring. This possible

glare has been completely avoided by using camera based high beam system. It detects the

oncoming traffic and then switches automatically from high to low beam and if the road is free

again, it switches again to high beam with a full range of 600 meters.

Hence, the laser light technology ensures considerable boost of security. Driving is less

exhausting, and obstacles, pedestrians or crossings and traffic signals can be spotted far earlier.

Therefore, the major contributions by BMW laser headlights are:

▪ Once the driver passes 45 miles per hour of speed, the laser light automatically boosts

the LED high beams.

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▪ BMW laser light looks 600 meters ahead of

the vehicle and doubles the high beam range.

▪ It selectively detects other road users and

selectively excludes them form the high beam

laser light distribution. Figure 4: Laser boosted lights

▪ It provides excellent visibility through intense lighting without dazzling other drivers.

▪ The dynamic light spot with the laser light is an early warning system with a bright

outlook. With infrared recognition, it illuminates pedestrians and larger animals up to

100 meters in events. This ensures the driver and the person approaching are very

effectively warned of a potentially hazardous situation.

▪ The camera system also detects narrow passages far ahead. The narrow passage

guidance light laser marks the exact vehicle width on the road and shows whether the

car can pass through it.

▪ These laser lights have been made from organic materials, each thinner than 0.1% of an

inch. Thus, being environment friendly manufacturing technology.

Figure 5: Adaptive Light Technology

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Audi Digital Matrix LEDs

As the lighting technology advances, Audi does not lag behind. It continues leading the

way with more innovations and improved performance. Audi has been pushing the limits of

vehicle lighting technology for many years. Its most recent innovation is the digital Matrix LED

headlight for the new Audi e-Tron Sportback [12]. It offers new features that make driving safer

and more secure, for everyone on the road. This technology has now been used for other road

cars too. The headlights consist of one million pixels and can project lights to the walls just like

any projector. One major advantage is the lane and orientation lighting for highways, in which

the headlights emit a carpet of light up to 50 meters long brightly illuminating the driver’s

current lane and adjusts dynamically during lane changes. Dark spots are used for showing the

position of car in lane. Also, the main headlights can exclude other vehicles from the beam of

light even more precisely, to avoid blinding them driving opposite to the car. At the beginning

and end of a trip, the digital Matrix headlights can generate dynamic loops. These are

animations that display geometric lighting patterns on the garage door or the ground. These

animations also help while driving making road signs visible ahead of driver and making a virtual

crossing sign for the people crossing the road.

Figure 6: Audi Digital Matrix

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Working of Digital Matrix:

The new Audi Matrix LED headlights are

based on what is known as DMD technology, which

stands for Digital Micromirror Device [12]. The heart

of the device is a small chip with around one million

Figure 7: Audi Matrix LED (individual LEDs
micromirrors, each of which has an edge length of can be seen)

only a few hundredths of a millimeter. Electrostatic fields allow the mirrors to be tilted at a rate

of up to 5,000 times per second. The mirrors’ position determines what happens to the light

generated by the three LEDs. A lens system directs most of the light onto the street; when a

particular area should be dimmed, the necessary light is directed to an absorber that swallows

it up.

The digital matrix system splits the traditional single headlight beam into dozens of

smaller rays that can be turned on and off in order to darken some areas or illuminate specific

areas with more intensity in the front of car. The earlier Audi headlights uses 32 diodes per side

controlled by a forward-facing camera [14]. At the latest, reflective chip is used about the size

of fingernail that contains a million microscopic mirrors measuring a few hundredths of a

millimeter each, meaning a much more accurate and pixelated beam can be generated

compared with the old system's 32 big blocks of light.

The high beam of light is divided into individual segments and a camera identifies the

area in which the vehicle is approaching from or driving ahead in. The high beam is then

dimmed in precisely that area. The dynamic turn signals play a vital role in the design of

headlights. The turn signals go from inside to outside so the direction in which the vehicle is
H M 3 2 2 | 24

turning can be seen clearly; even when the vehicle is partially obscured. Here are a few features

enabled by the Digital Matrix LED headlights:

▪ A 50-meter light carpet that is designed to keep light within the driver’s lane and

extends the carpet left or right when changing lanes and helps to avoid a “blinding”

effect for oncoming traffic [13].

▪ Low-beam curved lighting that bends below oncoming traffic and can help illuminate

people or objects on the side of the road, which are otherwise difficult to detect.

▪ Electrostatically controlled micromirrors that can adjust light beam pixels up to 5,000

times per second.

▪ On-ground light arrows that place the vehicle’s tires within its lane.

Figure 8: Light Carpet

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Research: Illuminating the Laws

The main objective of this research report is to examine the engineering technologies in

the two headlights (BMW and Audi) considering the international laws. Furthermore, this

report intends to find various laws made accordingly in the country of Pakistan and

investigation of existence of loopholes whether in the law and standards of the state or

engineering designs and manufacturing.

For this purpose, the data of road accidents of Pakistan have been collected, multiple

reports expressing the already present laws and standards have been inspected. A survey has

also been conducted among the students and faculty of Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of

Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI) [15]. An analysis has been caried out to assess the

formulation of engineering behind the most famous headlights (BMW and Audi). This

comparison would result in the common safety standards caried out by these brands which

would imply the laws in use and enhance the understanding of road safety in Pakistan. Thus,

this report combines the engineering innovations and the laws that come into act with every

new vision.

Analysis and Discussion

Headlights Design Standards
Driving at night is more difficult than driving during the day. Headlights do not let you

see as far ahead as in daylight; they limit the view of the sides of the road. The glare of

oncoming headlights makes seeing the road more difficult. More than 50% of accidents occur
H M 3 2 2 | 26

due to car headlights in night-times. Some of the headlights design standards are mentioned


Aim of Headlights
The aim of headlights is characterized by its height alignment. Most of the people are

unaware of the adjustment of headlight heights. Just like changing the oil, headlights heights

should be adjusted to the proper standard (Figure 1). For adjustment of lights following steps

should be used:

1) Level your car: Remove any access weight and make sure the tires are properly inflated.

2) Position: On a level ground, park the car 3 to 4.6 meters from a wall.

3) Turn On: Turn on the headlights and mark the horizontal and vertical center lines using

the masking tape.

4) Height: These center lines should be 1.1 meters from the ground.

5) Reverse: Back your car to 7.6 meters from the wall.

6) Adjust the lights: The headlight adjustment screws are found adjacent to the headlights.

Rotate them and adjust according to the markings.

7) Test drive: Test the car on a drive once adjusted.

Figure 9: Headlight height adjustment

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The alignment of headlights is also aimed specifically to suit countries that drive on the

right side or the left side. Headlights for use in left lane traffic countries have low-beam

headlamps that dip to the left, the light is distributed with a downward/left-hand bias to show

the driver the road and signs ahead without blinding oncoming traffic and vice versa for

countries that drive on the right side with most of their light directed downward/right hand.

Thus, the main function of the adjustment of headlights is to prevent the oncoming

traffic from being dazzled and having a clear and focused view of the road ahead.

Headlights Color
Bulb color temperature, or more accurately, correlated color temperature describes the

spectrum of energy released by a light bulb and is rated in kelvins [16]. The standard

measurement for light output for the car headlights is the lux or lumen. The term lux describes

how much illumination is produced by a light source at a given distance. It stands to reason that

any lux rating should include a distance at which the measurement was taken while lumen

describes the total light available from a light source.

Our eyes react very differently to different light colors. Blue to purple light has shorter

wavelengths than orange and yellow light and can cause eye fatigue. Most factory-installed

lighting systems use bulbs with a color temperature in the 5000 to 5500 K range as a standard

[16]. This temperature strikes an excellent balance between light output and appearance.

The studies showed that yellow lights, with color temperature of 3000K, are less

dazzling to other drivers, making it a safer color for headlights [17] [18]. Yellow light also cuts

through rain, snow, and fog better than white or blue light. That is why these lights are

commonly used as standards.

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Safe Driving
For safe driving, some rules and laws have been constituted. Some of these have been

mentioned below:

According to NRMA:

• Use your headlights on high beam on any road, even if there are streetlights.

• You must dip your headlights to low beam:

-When a vehicle coming toward you is within 200 meters.

-When driving 200 meters or less behind another vehicle.

-When you overtake another vehicle, you may briefly flash high beam immediately

before starting the overtaking maneuver.

• Your headlights must be on when:

-Driving between sunset and sunrise

-At any other time when there is not enough daylight to be able to see a person wearing

dark clothing at 100 meters

According to CMV (Central Motor Vehicles) rule number 106, the construction of headlights

must be such that it is:

Permanently deflected downwards to such an extent that it is not capable of dazzling

any person

1) At a distance of 8 meters from the front of lamp,

2) At a distance of 0.5 meter to the right side of the lamps, i.e., fitted at right extreme of

the vehicle, from the right edge of the lamp, and

3) At a height of 1.5 meters from the supporting plane of the vehicle

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According to IIHS:

It takes 1.5 seconds for a driver to react to an unexpected event under ideal conditions.

At a speed of 55 mph, a car travels about 120 feet during this brief period [19]. Once the driver

applies the brakes, it takes more than 144 feet, on average, to stop at this speed.

The low beams of many headlight systems with poor ratings do not provide enough light for a

driver going 55 mph on a straight road to stop in time after spotting an obstacle in his or her

lane. They provide even less illumination on the left side of a straight road and when driving on

a curve. Glare is another common problem. Properly aimed headlights can illuminate the road

ahead without getting in other drivers' eyes. It is also possible to have headlights that provide

poor visibility and also cause excessive glare.

BMW VS Audi: Who will light the way?

The BMW adaptive laser lights and the Audi digital matrix LEDs both are fully effective

and completely serves the purpose they are made for. But there are always some differences,

and each have their own areas of perfections. Although, BMW beats Audi when it comes to

safety across its lineup. BMW's overall average brand safety score is 9.76 out of 10, compared

to Audi's 9.68 [20].

The similarity between both the types of headlights can be observed in the case that

both consists of the adaptive-lights technology. The headlights adapt the road environments

and adjust accordingly. They detect oncoming vehicles and dim the light of that side to avoid

dazzling for the upcoming driver. The lights also focus on the obstacles and pedestrians while

driving ensuring better control and less need for concentration. The lights also dip when there

is a vehicle ahead to prevent from causing glare to the front car driver. Surface alignment
H M 3 2 2 | 30

systems adjust the headlights according to the road surfaces while driving steep roads or hills

so that the range of headlights remains unchanged providing better view.

In terms of being energy efficient, BMW leads the way. While the projections made by

Audi really helps in road safety as they project the traffic signs ahead of the vehicle so that they

can easily be seen. They also make it easier to identify if there is a work in progress or any lane

is closed as the warning system initiates markings ahead of the driver. Although, the BMW

lasers are much brighter, Audi digital LED serve the similar purpose just a different way, using

different technology with some different designs.

Hence, it can be concluded that the most common factor that is kept in view when

designing headlights is the prevention of dazzling effect and the precise identification of

pedestrians and oncoming traffic from a safe distance.

Now we shall discuss this concluded statement with the laws and standards in Pakistan

to highlight the flaws and loopholes.

Traffic Laws in Pakistan

A draft of by Government of Pakistan (Ministry of Communications) under the heading

guidelines for road safety engineering and national guidelines for vehicle licensing states all the

laws governing to road safety containing the potential hazards of road accidents and solutions

provided to avoid them. It is found that no rule or law pertaining the use of headlights have

been mentioned. Although, the international standards suggest following the design and testing

simulations to be aligned with the SAE laws. SAE J3069 is an SAE Recommended Practice, which

provides test procedures, performance requirements, and design guidelines for adaptive drive
H M 3 2 2 | 31

beam (ADB) systems [21]. The requirements of J3069 intend to restrict the ADB pattern to

values of glare perceived by opposing and preceding vehicles to similar glare values from the

low beam mounted on the same vehicle. Since glare levels from low beams have been defined

by SAE J1383 and federal regulation FMVSS108, the goal of SAE J3069 is not to exceed these

values with an ADB equipped vehicle. Thus, helping the industry to quickly adopt the

technology of LED lights.

According to the survey, In Pakistan among the 73.8% users who drive cars, 47.6% often

use high beams. The reason being addressed resulted in 50% because of less clarity in low

beams, 48.4% because they use it as a warning light, 23.4% users use it only for overtaking

purposes and 22.6% use high beams to increase the spread. When the solution to that being

asked it has been found that high percentage of people were in favor of adaptive headlights

technology. The frequent use of high beam headlights is just because of no road safety laws or

standards for headlight designs in the country. So is the reason for increasing number of road


Figure 10: A survey question

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To sum up, headlights are as important to the cars as eyes to the humans. They have

been the symbol of beauty and personality of a car but, it also serves great purposes and can be

a difference between life-or-death situations. The BMW laser lights, and Audi digital matrix

LEDs are the role model designs for engineers of Pakistan. It has been concluded that the

absence of such laws and standards have cause a lot of losses. Therefore, standardized system

of headlights should be implemented to avoid such road accidents and provide focused, clear,

safe, and smooth driving conditions.

Figure 11: BMW VS Audi

H M 3 2 2 | 33

[2] Banta, J. (1940, April 11-June 20). The story of headlights. Guide Light [Company newsletter of
Guide Lamp Division, General Motors Corporation]
[3] GRE (Group Rapporteurs Eclairage). 1995. Harmonized passing beam pattern (TRANS/WP.29/
GRE/R.210/Rev.1.Add.1). Brussels: Economic Commission for Europe.
H M 3 2 2 | 34



1) GRE 1995:

2) Car images:
3) Headlight Technology:

Laws and Standards

1) NRMA:
2) CMV:
3) IIHS:
4) SAE:


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