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Transfer Kinetics of Labeled Aroma Compounds From Liquid Media Into Coffee Beans During Simulated Wet Processing Conditions

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1 Title page

2 Transfer kinetics of labeled aroma

3 compounds from liquid media into coffee

4 beans during simulated wet processing

5 conditions

7 F. Hadj Salem1,2 ,3, M. Lebrun1,2, C. Mestres1,2, N.

8 Sieczkowski3, R. Boulanger1,2, A. Collignan1,2,

9 CIRAD, UMR Qualisud, F-34398 Montpellier, France.
10 Qualisud, Univ Montpellier, CIRAD, Montpellier SupAgro,

11 Univ d'Avignon, Univ de La Réunion, Montpellier, France.

12 Lallemand, SAS, 19 rue des Briquetiers, 31700 Blagnac,

13 France.


15 Corresponding author

16 Corresponding author: Fatma HADJ SALEM

17 Mailing address: CIRAD- international cooperation in

18 agricultural research for development

19 B-16, 73 Rue Jean François Breton, 34398 Montpellier, France

20 Tel.: +33 6 13 26 20 66

21 E-mail :

© 2020 published by Elsevier. This manuscript is made available under the Elsevier user license
22 Abstract

23 The transfer kinetics of three labelled compounds (butanal, 2-

24 phenyethanol, isoamyl acetate) was studied from a liquid

25 medium into the coffee beans during simulated wet

26 processing using four media (M) ( M1: contained dehulled

27 beans, M2: contained demucilaginated beans, M3: contained

28 depulped beans, M4: contained depulped beans with

29 yeast).Trials were carried out at 25°C, under agitation and for

30 five time periods (0, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours), and then the

31 labelled volatiles were analyzed by SPME-GC-MS.

32 The three labelled molecules were transferred into the coffee

33 beans with different mass transfer rates; reaching at 12hrs in

34 the M4, 0.2±0.03 ,11.2±0.66 and 1.3±0.04µg/g of coffee

35 respectively for butanal, 2-phenyethanol and isoamyl acetate.

36 The parchment resistance significantly affected the mass

37 transfer of the 2-phenylethanol. Butanal and isoamyl acetate

38 underwent metabolic reactions, which decreased their

39 amount in the coffee beans. Furthermore, an interaction

40 between molecules and the yeast was observed and

41 decreased significantly the butanal’s transfer.

42 Keywords: Coffee fermentation; aroma compounds; transfer;

43 kinetics; parchment resistance.


45 1. Introduction

46 Coffee consumption has recorded a significant growth rate

47 over the past 50 years, which has resulted in coffee being

48 ranked as the second most traded global commodity in

49 financial terms (Hameed et al., 2018; Lee et al., 2015; Ramírez-

50 Martínez et al., 2013). Coffee products owe this popularity to

51 their unique sensory and pleasant flavor (Pereira et al., 2019).

52 Thereby, the coffee industry has dedicated its efforts in

53 improving the final beverage quality using roasting and

54 brewing steps (de Carvalho Neto et al., 2018; Lee et al., 2015).

55 Moreover, several studies have highlighted that postharvest

56 processing could have a direct impact on the quality and value

57 of the final product (Joët et al., 2010; Pereira et al., 2017;

58 Selmar et al., 2006).

59 Actually, the postharvest process is a crucial step in producing

60 coffee beans suitable for transport and roasting, and it aims to

61 remove the components surrounding the beans (skin, pulp,

62 mucilage and parchment). There are three main commonly

63 used ways to eliminate these layers: dry processing, wet

64 processing and semi-dry processing (Hameed et al., 2018;

65 Pereira et al., 2017; Silva, 2014).

66 In the dry processing, the whole coffee cherries are sun/air

67 dried until their moisture content reaches 10% to 12%. After

68 drying, the skin and the pulp are removed and, then, the beans

69 are dehulled to obtain the green beans ready for roasting

70 (Pereira et al., 2019). Dry processing offers a coffee with a

71 heavy body and smooth, sweet, and complex cupping quality

72 attributes (Duarte et al., 2010; Hameed et al., 2018; Poltronieri

73 & Rossi, 2016). The wet processing, in contrast, involves more

74 complex steps. First, the skin and pulp of the cherries are

75 removed mechanically, then the depulped beans are

76 fermented in order to degrade the mucilage layer by

77 microbiological activity and finally, the beans are sundried

78 (Pereira et al., 2019). Wet processing provides a lower-bodied

79 coffee, with higher acidity and more aroma than the other

80 processes (Joët et al., 2010; Pereira et al., 2017;). Finally, the

81 semi-dry processing is a transitional system of wet and dry

82 processing, the skin and pulp of cherries are mechanically

83 removed, then, the depulped beans are sun/ air dried until

84 their moisture content reaches 10 to 12% (Ribeiro et al.,

85 2017). Semy-dry processing produces different cup quality,

86 somewhat similar to that of wet-processed coffee with less

87 acidity and somewhat less body than dry-processed coffee.

88 In previous studies (Selmar et al., 2006), it has been shown

89 that the chosen conditions during the post-harvest treatment

90 (wet or dry or semi-dry) could affect the metabolic activities

91 within the beans thus affecting their chemical composition in

92 different ways. While the dry-processed beans contain more

93 simple sugars, the wet-processed beans present a superior

94 concentration of free amino acids. These compounds (simple

95 sugars and amino acids) are important aroma precursors in the

96 formation of aroma compounds during roasting (Bytof et al.,

97 2005; Knopp et al., 2006). Furthermore, fermenting yeast

98 cultures produce many flavor compounds, such as esters,

99 alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, and terpenoids during the

100 mucilage removal process. Accordingly, it has been proposed

101 that these microbial metabolites can diffuse into the coffee

102 beans leading to an intense perception of “floral” and “fruity”

103 aromas and high acidity in the brewed coffee (Pereira et al.,

104 2015; Lee et al., 2017; Mussatto et al., 2011). Based on this

105 observation, many studies were conducted to modulate the

106 coffee aroma quality using yeast starter cultures (Bressani et

107 al., 2018; Pereira et al., 2015; Evangelista et al., 2014; Ribeiro

108 et al., 2017). Moreover, Lee et al., 2017 and Martinez et al.,

109 2019 have shown that fermentation affects green coffee

110 beans’ composition in volatile compounds such as 2-

111 phenyethanol and volatile phenols produced by yeasts, which

112 were preserved after light roasting. However, the direct

113 relationship between the microbial activities during the

114 fermentation and coffee quality is not yet known, but it is

115 assumed that a diffusion process of those metabolites into

116 coffee beans during the fermentation step could occur

117 (Pereira et al., 2019).

118 Therefore, this work was undertaken to assess the existence

119 of a transfer of volatile compounds likely to be produced by

120 the yeast into the coffee beans. For this purpose, three

121 deuterium labelled stable isotope aroma compounds have

122 been selected to track their transfer from the external

123 environment to the coffee beans. Indeed, those compounds

124 do not exist in natural conditions. This type of labelling induces

125 a slight increase in the molecular weight of the labelled

126 compounds without modifying its structural or chemical

127 properties; this mass modification will allow us to detect and

128 identify the labelled molecule in the study medium after

129 analysis by mass spectrometry coupled with a separation

130 method (GC, HPLC) (Zachleder et al., 2018).

131 Furthermore, trials were conducted to study the transfer

132 kinetics of these three labelled molecules and to investigate

133 certain transfer parameters such as grain permeability,

134 parchment resistance and the effect of the presence of yeast

135 on the transfer of these volatile compounds.

136 2. Materials and methods

137 2.1. Plant material, pre-treatment, and sampling of coffee

138 cherries

139 10 kg of fresh coffee cherries (variety Coffea Arabica) were

140 purchased from the Tarrazu cooperative (Tarrazu, Costa Rica).

141 Harvested in March 2018, they were frozen at -18 °C to curb

142 any microbiological and enzymatic activity. The frozen samples

143 were transported to France and stored in a cold room at -18

144 °C.

145 To work on homogeneous samples in terms of maturity, the

146 coffee cherries were sorted according to their size and color.

147 Only mature red cherries with 12–14 mm in diameter were

148 selected for the study.

149 Before the experimentation, samples were disinfected by

150 introducing frozen cherries into a chlorinated solution with

151 200 ppm of active chlorine for 10 minutes. Then, they were

152 washed with sterile water and manually depulped under

153 sterile conditions (using a Bunsen burner and sterilized

154 equipment). The removed pulp corresponded to

155 approximately 40 to 45% of the total cherry weight. Then, 10 g

156 of depulped coffee beans were used for each trial.

157 2.2. Labeled molecules.

158 The labeled molecules were purchased from CDN-isotopes

159 (Quebec, Canada). These volatile molecules include an

160 aldehyde, butanal (CH3CH2CD2CHO), an alcohol, 2-

161 phenylethanol (C6D5CH2CH2OH) and an ester, isoamyl acetate

162 ((CH3)2CHCH2CH2OCOCD3). In order to quantify the labelled

163 volatile molecules, calibration curves were plotted for each of

164 the compounds. First, the stock solution was prepared using a

165 mix of the three volatile compounds dissolved in 2% of

166 ethanol. Afterwards, three dilutions were carried out from this

167 stock solution (¾, ½, and ¼).

168 Then, 100 µl of each dilution were introduced into samples of

169 1.5 g of ground coffee beans and weighed in glass vials

170 (repeated 4 times). In addition, to ensure reproducibility,

171 samples were spiked with 100 µL of a solution of benzyl

172 butyrate used as an internal standard (with a concentration of

173 5 µL/L), and then, they were analyzed by SPME-GC-MS.

174 2.3. First experimental approach

175 To characterize the transfer kinetics of labelled compounds, a

176 stepwise experimental approach was adopted using four

177 different study media with increasing complexity from M1 to

178 M4, a representative schematic of these 4 media is presented

179 in Fig.1.

180 In the first step, the transfer was studied in M1 medium,

181 composed of manually depulped and dehulled coffee beans,

182 and this medium was used to estimate the permeability of the

183 coffee beans to the diffusion of volatile molecules. Afterwards

184 in M2 medium, depulped and demucilaginated coffee beans

185 were used in order to estimate the resistance of the

186 parchment to the transfer of the compounds.

187 Finally, the transfer was studied in M3 and M4 media. The M3

188 medium contained depulped coffee beans and was used as a

189 control medium to evaluate the effect of the presence of yeast

190 that can be observed in the M4 medium. In the latter, the

191 transfer was studied in realistic simulated conditions of wet

192 controlled fermentation, using depulped coffee beans

193 inoculated with the selected yeast LSCC1.

194 The yeast strain used in the M4 media and for the additional

195 tests, Saccharomyces cerevisiae LSCC1, was provided by

196 Lallemand SAS (Toulouse, France) in active dry form and

197 belongs to Lallemand's collection of selected coffee yeasts.

198 Before the inoculation, yeast, with a viability of 2.01 x 1010

199 cfu/g, were rehydrated in distilled water (1/10, p/v) for 30

200 minutes. For the fermentation trials, for 1g of pulped coffee,

201 0.01 mL of rehydrated yeast and 0.99 ml of distilled water

202 were added to submerge the depulped coffee bean.

203 In all trials, coffee beans were submerged in distilled water (10

204 mL/10 g coffee beans) containing a mix of labelled volatile

205 molecules. All compounds were added at the same

206 concentration (40 µg/mL of distilled water). This concentration

207 was determined knowing the natural concentration value of

208 these compounds in fresh coffee beans in order to ensure a

209 concentration gradient in the medium in favor of compound

210 entry.

211 All samples were maintained at 25 °C. Agitation was carried

212 out with an orbital shaker (SSL1-Stuart, UK) at a low speed of

213 120 rpm during the entire transfer period. Five time periods

214 (0, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours) were chosen to investigate the

215 mass transfer kinetics. All trials were independent and

216 performed in triplicate.

217 At the end of the transfer experiment, samples were washed

218 three times with water to stop the transfer reaction and to

219 remove labeled molecules adhering to the grain surface, and

220 then they were ground and frozen at -80 °C until being

221 analyzed.

222 2.4. Second experimental approach: additional tests

223 To properly interpret our results, additional tests were

224 conducted to investigate the interaction between the labelled

225 volatile molecules and the yeast strain LSCC1 used for this

226 study.

227 As for the first experimental approach, 2 mL of a solution

228 containing rehydrated yeast at a concentration of 1 mg/mL

229 and a mixture of the 3 labelled molecules at a concentration of

230 40 mg/mL was prepared, the samples were vortexed for 10

231 seconds to homogenize the mix and then they were analyzed

232 immediately.

233 2.5. Volatile compounds analyses

234 • Extraction by SPME

235 Coffee bean samples were ground to a fine particle size ≈ 500

236 µm (Retsch-ZM200, France). Volatile compounds of coffee

237 beans were extracted using the SPME (DVB/Carboxen/PDMS,

238 50/30 µm, Supelco, USA, solid-phase-microextraction). Ground

239 coffee (1.50±0.05 g) was weighed in screw-capped glass vials

240 and mixed with 2 mL of pure water. Subsequently, the vials

241 were placed for 15 min in a thermostatically regulated oven at

242 50 °C, to reach sample headspace equilibrium. Then they were

243 subjected to SPME at 50 °C for 45 min.

244 • GC-MS Analysis

245 The labelled volatile compounds were analyzed in an Agilent

246 6890 gas chromatograph coupled to a mass spectrometer

247 Agilent 5973 (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, USA). The SPME

248 fiber was desorbed in a polar column DB-WAX (60 m x 0.25

249 mm, 0.25 μm phase film thickness, Agilent J&W GC column,

250 USA) under splitless mode with the injector temperature set at

251 250 °C. Hydrogen was used as the gas vector with the flow rate

252 fixed at 1.5 mL/min. The initial oven temperature was 40 °C (5

253 min), and then it was increased by 2 °C/min to 170 °C and then

254 by 10 °C/min to 250 °C. The final column temperature was

255 maintained for 10 min.

256 The mass spectrometer was operated at 70 eV in electron

257 impact (EI) ionization mode. The source of ionization heated at

258 230 °C. After the ionization, the molecules were subsequently

259 sorted according to their report mass/charge (m/z), by a

260 quadrupole analyzer maintained at 150 °C sweeping an

261 interval [40 to 350] m/z in SCAN mode. The results set were

262 processed using MassHunter Qualitative Analyses software

263 (version B.08.00).

264 2.6. Statistical analyses

265 Means and standard deviations reported were calculated from

266 triplicate trials and they were subjected to ANOVA followed by

267 post-hoc comparison of means by Tukey’s test, performed

268 using the Xlstat version 2018.5. Differences were considered

269 significant when the probability value p≤0.05.

270 2.7. Transfer rate calculation

271 The transfer rate R (µg/g/h) was calculated using the following

272 formula:

273 =

274 Ci : The transferred masses of labelled molecules in the coffee

275 beans [µg/g]

276 t : transfer time (h)

277 i : studied compound

278 3. Results and discussion

279 3.1. Transfer kinetics study

280 Results of the mass transfer kinetics of the labelled volatiles

281 are shown in fig.2. All trials showed a mass transfer of the

282 labelled volatile compounds into the coffee beans (fig.2).

283 These results confirm previous work by de Carvalho Neto et

284 al., (2017); Pereira et al., (2015); Evangelista et al., (2014); Silva

285 et al., (2013), who postulated that a transfer process could

286 exist of volatile metabolites, that are produced by the yeast

287 during the fermentation, into the coffee beans.

288 The transfer kinetic of the alcohol (2-phenylethanol), studied

289 during the coffee fermentation using the M4 medium (see

290 section 2), showed a significant increase into the coffee beans

291 during the 48 hrs (fig.2) and presented three transfer regimes.

292 During the first hours, the recorded amount showed an

293 exponential increase reaching, at 6 hrs, about 50% of the total

294 transferred amount of 2-phenylethanol. This exponential

295 phase was followed by a deceleration phase noticed by the

296 decrease of the transfer speed, which became constant

297 between 12 hrs and 48 hrs of transfer and represented the

298 “constant rate state” (table 1).

299 In the meantime, the transfer profile of the aldehyde (butanal)

300 and the ester (isoamyl acetate) represented a regime going

301 through a maximum reached at 6 hrs of transfer (fig.2).

302 Moreover, the total content of butanal in the coffee beans

303 showed a significant decrease that was faster than that

304 observed for the isoamyle acetate profile (table 1).Essentially ,

305 a high concentration gradient was maintained to avoid the loss

306 of molecules by the reverse transfer; thereby, this decrease

307 can be explained by a degradation mechanism of these

308 compounds inside the bean. Lee et al., (2016) also showed,

309 during the green coffee fermentation, that some volatiles

310 were degraded and researchers correlated this fact to the

311 metabolism of aroma precursors in green coffee beans by

312 Rhizopus oligosporus. Moreover, in their study, Selmar et al.,

313 2006 measured the expression of the germination-specific

314 enzyme isocitrate lyase and they identified that during the first

315 two days of the coffee wet-process, the germination-related

316 metabolism recorded the highest activity throughout the post-

317 harvesting process. Therefore, it can be assumed that after

318 their transfer in the coffee beans, butanal and isoamyle

319 acetate undergo an enzymatic reaction that occurs during the

320 germination. However, 2-phenylethanol seems not to be

321 affected by this degradation process as it’s transferred amount

322 into the coffee beans continued to increase by accumulation

323 to reach 15.84±0.62 µg/g after 48 hrs.

324 Indeed, the transfer of volatile compounds is governed by

325 thermodynamic and kinematic parameters related to the

326 composition, the physical state of the matrix and their

327 interaction with the physicochemical properties of the

328 molecules (Voilley et al., 2011). In our case, the molecules

329 were transferred from liquid medium to organic matrix (the

330 coffee bean) by imposing a transfer gradient. According to the

331 physicochemical properties presented in table 2, with a lower

332 molecular weight and a lower LogP, 2-phenylethanol would

333 have an easier transport than the isoamyle acetate. While

334 butanal has the lowest molecular weight and a LogP<1

335 between the three molecules used, and contrary to what was

336 expected, the 2-phenylethanol represented the highest

337 transfer rate with a transfer speed 16 times faster than that of

338 butanal (during the first 6 hours) (table 1). In their study, Lee

339 et al., (2016) reported an increase of 43% of 2-phenylethanol

340 in the fermented coffee beans compared to the unfermented

341 green coffee beans. Thus, it speculates that the alcohol

342 undergoes an intense diffusion process during the

343 fermentation, which is required to influence the overall coffee

344 quality (Pereira et al., 2019) and this intense transfer cannot

345 be explained exclusively by the physicochemical properties of

346 the compound but maybe by the existence of other pathways

347 such as active transport observed in plants.

348 Previous studies (De Castro & Marraccini, 2006) have reported

349 the existence of metabolite exchanges between the pericarp

350 (pulp) and the endosperm (seed) either by passive transfer or

351 by active transport (i.e. sugars, caffeine). Accordingly,

352 molecules can be transferred into the coffee bean by these

353 two transport pathways, and the assumption of the existence

354 of a specific active transport of the higher alcohol (2-

355 phenyethanol) can explain the reported high rate transfer of

356 this compound.

357 3.2. Mass transfer resistance study

358 Labelled compound contents (Butanal, Isoamyl acetate and 2-

359 Phenylethanol) at 12 hrs of transfer, studied in four media

360 (M1, M2, M3 and M4) are visualized in Fig.3.

361 The transferred amount of 2-phenylethanol reached 18.8±1.75

362 µg/g in the green coffee beans (M1), while this amount was

363 significantly lower in the green coffee beans with parchment

364 (M2) (Fig.3.c.). Accordingly, and as assumed by Lee et al.,

365 (2015) and Ramírez-Martínez et al., (2013), the parchment

366 induces a potential mass transfer resistance. However, the

367 quantified amounts in the three media M2, M3 and M4 were

368 quite close, 11.5±2.5, 12.7±1.4 and 11.2±0.66 µg/g,

369 respectively with no significant difference, thereby, pointing

370 out that the presence of mucilage and/or yeast and

371 fermentation mechanisms do not have a significant effect on

372 the transfer rate of 2-phenylethanol.

373 Furthermore, the isoamyl acetate content, in all conducted

374 trials (in the M1, M2, M3 and the M4 media), ranged between

375 0.8±0.42 and 1.3±0.04 µg/g (fig.3.b). Based on statistical tests,

376 this variation showed no significant difference (fig.3.b). Thus, it

377 can be concluded that the parchment and the mucilage have

378 no influence on the transfer rate of this molecule. The

379 physicochemical changes occurring during the fermentation

380 do not affect the mass transfer of this ester either.

381 With regards to butanal, no significant differences in the

382 concentration of this aldehyde were observed in the media

383 M1, M2 and M3 (fig.3.a), which was around 0.6 µg/g. Again,

384 the parchment did not show any resistance to the transfer of

385 this molecule. However, the butanal content quantified in the

386 M4 medium (with yeast) was significantly lower, 0.2±0.03 µg/g

387 (fig.3.a). In contrast to the alcohol and the ester, the presence

388 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae LSCC1 leads to a decrease of the

389 butanal transferred mass. In their study, Chalier et al., (2007),

390 showed that an interaction might exist between aroma

391 compounds and mannoprotein isolated from Saccharomyces

392 cerevisiae strains, which reduces their volatility; the nature of

393 the observed interaction has not been characterized for the

394 targeted molecules in this study, but they explain in their

395 study that this interaction is linked to the physico-chemical

396 properties of the compound on the one hand and those of the

397 mannoproteins constituting the walls of the yeast cells on the

398 other hand. Hence, it can be assumed that the yeast, used in

399 the M4 medium, affected the volatility of butanal. In this

400 context, trials were conducted to verify the yeast LSCC1

401 retention effect on the three molecules studied (section 2.4.).

402 Measurements of interaction between yeasts and the three

403 aroma compounds are presented in fig.4. As expected, the

404 volatility of butanal was significantly affected by yeast. A

405 decrease of up to 90% of this aldehyde content was observed

406 when compared to the medium without yeast (NY) (fig.4.a).

407 The explanation could be an adsorption of the molecule on the

408 yeast cell walls. This interaction between yeast and butanal

409 could induce a slower transfer of this compound into coffee

410 beans during fermentation (fig.3.a).

411 In contrast, isoamyl acetate did not significantly interact with

412 yeast (fig.4.b). Chalier et al., (2007) reported that the strength

413 of interactions between aroma compounds and yeast cell walls

414 depends on the physicochemical nature of the volatile

415 compound.

416 In addition, the 2-phenylethanol volatility was significantly

417 affected by yeast, and, in contrast to butanal, the amount

418 increased by 30% compared to the medium without yeast. In

419 their study, Comuzzo et al., (2011) observed that 2-

420 phenylethanol did not interact with Saccharomyces cerevisiae

421 cell walls. However, the yeast strain used in our study, was

422 known to produce different aroma compounds, especially

423 higher alcohols. Thereby, the 2-phenylethanol concentration

424 probably increased in the medium increasing the volatile

425 fraction in the headspace.

426 Thus, volatile compound transfer, governed by a concentration

427 gradient, undergoes several deviations induced by complex

428 physicochemical interactions between the molecule and the

429 different transfer media. This affects their transfer from

430 mucilage to the coffee beans during the fermentation.

431 The parchment, which is of a fibrous structure that is very

432 close to wood (Ramírez-Martínez et al., 2013), shows a

433 physical resistance and consequently, it acts as a molecular

434 filter. Only 2-phenylethanol was held back by this barrier

435 related to its conformation (table 2), whereas, the labelled

436 aldehyde and ester seemed not to be retained by the

437 parchment. This fibrous layer is a natural coffee seed

438 protection against digesting enzymes from the gut of

439 frugivorous animals, and keep the coffee seed available to

440 germination-related metabolism after harvesting, which is

441 initiated by the pulp removal (De Castro & Marraccini, 2006;

442 Selmar et al., 2006). Hence, during the coffee wet treatment,

443 the biochemical composition of the coffee beans undergoes

444 several metabolic reactions (Patui et al., 2014; Selmar et al.,

445 2006) which occur simultaneously to molecule transfers. These

446 reactions can induce their disappearance but, at the same

447 time, the appearance of other products. In our study, it seems

448 that only 2-phenylethanol was not affected by these reactions.

449 Thus, from a broad perspective, it would be interesting to

450 study the mechanism of these reactions and transfer into the

451 coffee beans and evaluate their impact on the aromatic profile

452 of the final product. Moreover, it is well known (De Castro &

453 Marraccini, 2006) that the existence of active transport may

454 accelerate the transfer rate of specific molecules into coffee

455 beans during the wet processing. In our case, this could

456 explain the high transfer rate of 2-phenylethanol reported

457 throughout the kinetic study.

458 Even if the higher alcohols are known for their higher sensory

459 threshold (Dzialo et al., 2017), 2-phenylethanol seems to be an

460 interesting aroma compound by its high transfer rate into the

461 coffee beans during fermentation. Thereby, in their review,

462 Pereira et al., (2019) postulate that using yeast strains with

463 important higher alcohol production can enhance the sensory

464 quality of the coffee beverage, by providing floral notes

465 (Pereira et al., 2019).

466 However, some volatile compounds can interact with yeast,

467 inducing thereby a significant decrease of their transfer rate.

468 During our study, it seems that butanal was highly retained by

469 the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae LSCC1, while, the 2-

470 phenylethanol and the isoamyl acetate were not affected.

471 4. Conclusion

472 The volatile transfer into the green coffee beans during

473 fermentation was highlighted and the kinetic study of three

474 labelled volatiles was established. Throughout their transfer,

475 the aroma compounds were influenced by several factors,

476 such as the parchment resistance, the interaction with the

477 yeast cell walls and the degradation reactions into the coffee

478 beans. The 2-phenylethanol seemed to be an interesting

479 aroma compound as it had the highest transfer rate compared

480 to butanal and isoamyl acetate in spite of its retention by the

481 parchment.

482 Thus, it was possible to conclude that all these volatile

483 compounds that can be produced by yeast during

484 fermentation could be transferred into the coffee beans with

485 different rate and concentration. This fact can enable the

486 coffee industry to modulate the coffee aromatic profile by

487 controlling the fermentation step. In the future, it will be

488 necessary to follow the fate of these transferred molecules

489 throughout the processing steps (drying, roasting, and

490 brewing) in order to evaluate the impact of the transfer of

491 volatile compounds on the quality of the final product using a

492 sensorial study.



495 Acknowledgements

496 The authors acknowledge their financial support from the

497 Lallemand SAS Company (Toulouse, France). Further, the

498 authors would like to think Marie-Christine Lahon for helping

499 in the preparation of the materials for field experiments.

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Experimental media

Fig.1. Schematic representation of the media used to study the transfer kinetics of labelled compounds
Transfer kinetics


2.5 14

µg/g of coffee bean

1.5 Butanal
Isoamyl Acetate
1.0 6 2-Phenylethanol


0.0 0
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Time (h)

Fig.2. Mass transfer kinetics of labeled compounds into depulped coffee beans (M4) during
wet-process treatment. Right vertical axis for 2-phenylethanol and left vertical axis for butanal
and isoamyl acetate.
Mass transfer resistance

a. 2-Phenylethanol b. Isoamyle acetate

20 A 1.5
15 B B A
B 1 A


0 0
M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4

c. Butanal Fig.3. Labeled compound content in coffee

beans after 12h of transfer. M1: coffee
beans, M2: demucilaginated coffee beans,
1 M3: depulped coffee beans, M4: fermented

A A A depulped coffee beans. Different labels (A-

0.5 B) indicate that means significantly differ at
p<0.05 (based on Tukey test).
M1 M2 M3 M4
Yeast effect on the mass transfer

a. Butanal b. Isoamyl acetate

2.00E+05 2.00E+07
1.50E+05 1.50E+07
Peak area

Peak area
1.00E+05 1.00E+07

5.00E+04 5.00E+06

0.00E+00 0.00E+00

c. 2-Phenylethanol Fig.4. Effect of yeast presence on

aroma peak area in headspace
between a medium with (Y) and
without (NY) yeasts. Different
B labels (A-B) indicate that means
Peak area

significantly differ at p<0.05 (based

on Tukey test).

Table 1. Transfer speed of labeled compounds calculated from the kinetic study.

Compound/time Transfer rate (µg/g/h)

0-6h 6-12h 12-24h 24-48h
b c
Butanal 0,045±0,005 a -0,038±0,005 -0,004±0,001 -0,004±10-4 c
Isoamyl acetate 0,088±0,008 a -0,002±3.10-3 b -0,015±0,02 b -0,008±0,009 b
2-Phenylethanol 0,757±0,16 a 0,453±0,06 ab 0,173±0,06 b 0,161±0,01 b
Different labels (a-b) indicate that means significantly differ at p<0.05 (based on Tukey test).
Table 2. Physicochemical properties of the studied molecules (PubChem, 2019)

Butanal Isoamyl acetate 2-Phenylethanol

Molecular weight 72,1 130,19 122,17
Topological Polar 17,1.10² 23,3.10² 20,2.10²
Surface Area (A)
Solubility in water 71000 2000 22200
(mg/L at 25°C)
Density (g/cm3) 0,803 0,876 1,02
LogP* 0,88 2,25 1,36

*LogP: partition coefficient, more the LogP>1, more the molecule is hydrophobic.

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