Arnold Et Al. - 1991 - Unknown
Arnold Et Al. - 1991 - Unknown
Arnold Et Al. - 1991 - Unknown
(Received 9 July 1991; accepted 3 September 1991) Anion photoelectron spectroscopy has been employed to obtain vibrationally resolved spectra of the carbon molecules C,-C,, . The spectra of G-C; are dominated by linear anion to linear neutral photodetachment transitions. Linear to linear transitions contribute to the C!fi spectrum, as well. From these spectra, vibrational frequencies and electron affinities are determined for the linear isomers of C,-C, and C!,, . The term value is also obtained for the first excited electronic state of linear C, . The spectra of C, and C; show evidence for transitions involving cyclic anions and/or neutrals. Similar types of transitions are identified in the spectra of other smaller molecules, specifically Cc, Cg , and to a lesser extent C; .
I. INTRODUCTION For several decades researchers have studied pure carbon molecules, attempting to elucidate their physical properties and the processes governing their formation. Carbon molecules have been identified as intermediates in soot formation, they exist in the vapor above heated graphite,2 and they have been detected in interstellar space,3 being produced in giant carbon stars. Recently, the verification of the icosahedral structure of the C,, mo1ecule4 has launched a new investigation of the formation processes of such novel cage structures. An excellent review of the vast amount of research performed on carbonaceous species through April 1989 has been given by Weltner and van Zee.6 Given the abundance of research on these molecules, surprisingly little is definitely known about the physical properties of pure carbon molecules containing more than three atoms. Before a model for the formation of the large complexes such as the fullerenes and soot can be fully developed, fundamental information about the building block carbon molecules must be compiled. Determination of the molecular properties of the smaller carbon molecules and how these properties change with molecular size should provide a more complete understanding of these processes. One of the more controversial issues encountered in carbon molecule research is the determination of the lowest energy molecular geometries. Until recently, this question was addressed mainly by ab initio calculations. Early molecular orbital (MO) calculations by Pitzer and Clementi and Hoffman predicted that the carbon molecules would have cumulenic linear structures until reaching the size of Cl, , at which time the energy stabilization gained by the formation of an additional bond would be larger than the destabilization created by ring strain and it would form a monocyclic ring. Recent experiments by Saykally, Bernath, Amano, and co-workers3.9*10.11as well as calculations at higher levels of theory 12,13 have confirmed this hypothesis for the odd-numbered carbon molecules (up to C!, ), finding linear D,, geo-
a) National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellow. b1National Science Foundational Presidential Young Investigator and Al-
fred P . SloanFellow.
metries for the Xz ground state of each of these species.13v14 However, calculations predict that planar monocyclic A, isomers exist for even-numbered carbon molecules as small as C4, with energies near those of the linear 32; species. The relative energies of the two forms vary depending upon the level of the calculation, and the energy separations are often less than the error limits of the calculations. Even very high initio theory predict that the cyclic forms of these levels of czb molecules may be energetically more stable than their linear counterparts. * However, calculations considering entropic effects have shown that the high temperatures of natural formation conditions thermodynamically favor linear carbon molecules over their nonlinear counterparts.16 Most quantitative experimental information about carbon molecules containing more than three atoms has been obtained during the last five years. Researchers have employed electron-spin resonance (ESR) techniques to detect the linear forms of several even-numbered species in lowtemperature matrices. l7 Yang et al. 18,19used anion photoelectron spectroscopy to obtain electron affinities and electronic structure for carbon molecules with up to 84 carbon atoms. They deduced that they were observing the linear forms of C, (n .= 2-9) and monocyclic ring forms of C, (n = 10-29). Absorption experiments have been performed, both in matrices and in the gas phase. However, conclusive assignment of spectral peaks is often difficult due to the presence of multiple species with varying numbers of carbon atoms. As a result, several bands originally assigned in matrix isolation spectroscopy2 have necessarily been reassigned by techniques which are more molecule-specific. Isotope studies in matrices have clearly assigned vibrational frequencies for the linear forms of C, ,21 C, ,22 -and C, .= High resolution gas-phase spectra have been obtained for linear forms of C, ,24 C, , lo C, , r and C, , I4 yielding rotational constants and at least one vibrational frequency for each.2 While most experimentalists studying carbon molecules with less than ten atoms have detected only the linear forms of the molecules, evidence for nonlinear isomers has been obtained by researchers using the Coulomb explosion imaging (CEI) technique, who reported the photodetachment of cyclic forms of Cc, C; , and Cc .26 Using an anion photoelectron spectroscopy technique
J. Chem. Phys. 95 (12), 15 December 1991 0021-9606/91/248753-i 2$03.00 @ 1991 American Institute of Physics 8753 Downloaded 09 Mar 2006 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see
Arnold et&
similar to that of Yang et al., but at considerably higher resolution, we have obtained vibrationally resolved photoelectron spectra of the anions C; -Cl; . The use of an anion precursor allows study of the single mass-selected neutral molecule of interest, circumventing chromophore uncertainties encountered in absorption experiments. The photoelectron experiment also complements infrared absorption experiments by providing vibrational frequencies which are infrared inactive. In addition, since anion photodetachment is a vertical process, the length of the observed vibrational progression provides information about the difference in geometry between the anion and the neutral. The spectra presented here, with the exception of C,;, show evidence for transitions between linear carbon anions and linear, carbon neutrals. Electron affinities ( EAs) are measured for all the linear carbon molecules. Vibrational frequencies are determined for many of the linear neutral carbon species and an excited electronic state is assigned for C,. In addition, the photoelectron spectra of C, and C, , and to a lesser extent those of C; , Cc, and Cc, show contributions from what are believed to be nonlinear isomers of the carbon anions. The structures of the nonlinear anions cannot be determined from these spectra, but it is apparent that photodetachment of these anions results in a significant geometrical reorganization of the neutral. II. EXPERIMENTAL The apparatus used in these experiments is a modified version of our previously described anion time-of-tlight photoelectron spectrometer. Carbon anions are generated in a Smalley-type laser vaporization/pulsed molecular beam source.28 A XeCl excimer laser is focused onto a rotating and translating graphite rod (0.25 in. diam). The resulting plasma is swept through a 1 cm long, 0.25 cm diam channel by helium carrier gas pulsed from a molecular beam valve (General Valve Series 9)) operated at a backing pressure of -5 atm. The gas mixture expands, allowing relaxation of molecular vibrations and rotations by collisions with the carrier gas atoms. The anions generated in the plasma are injected into a Wiley-McLaren-type time-of-flight mass spectrometerz9 with a pulsed electric field. After .acceleration to an energy of 1 keV, the ions separate out by mass and are detected by a microchannel plate detector. The mass resolution of the instrument, M/AM, is - 150. The ion of interest is selectively detached by a properly timed pulse of light from a pulsed Nd:YAG photodetachment laser. After photodetachment, a dual microchannel plate detector at the end of a 1 m field-free flight tube detects a small fraction ( ~0.01%) of the detached electrons. Time-of-flight analysis yields electron kinetic energies (eKE); the instrumental resolution is 8 meV at 0.65 eV and degrades as (eKE) 3 at 2 higher electron kinetic energies. The experiments described below were performed with the third and fourth harmonic frequencies (355 nm, 3.49 eV and 266 nm, 4.66eV, respectively) of a Nd:YAG laser. The plane-polarized laser beam can be rotated using a half-wave plate. In the spectra shown, unless otherwise specified, the laser beam is polarized at 8 = 54.7 (magic angle) 3o with respect to the direction of electron collection. The spectra
presented here are averaged for 100 000-500 000 laser shots at 20 Hz repetition rate, and smoothed by convolution with a 5 meV full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) Gaussian. In order to account for the small background electron signal which results from scattered light interacting with the photodetachment chamber surfaces in the 4.66 eV spectra, a background spectrum is collected, smoothed and subtracted from the data. III. RESULTS The photoelectron spectra of the odd-numbered carbon anions, C2; + , (iz = l-4), obtained using a photon energy of 4.66eV, are presented in Fig. 1. In these and all other photoelectron spectra, the eKE is related to the internal energy of the neutral molecule by the expression, eKE=/zhv--EA-To +T;
Here, hv is the laser photon energy, EA is the electron affinity of the neutral species, rz and To- are the term values of the specific neutral and anion electronic states, respectively. E E and E - are the vibrational energies (above the zero point energy) of the neutral and anion, respectively. Rotational contributions to molecular internal energy are neglected. As indicated by Eq. ( 1 ), the peaks occurring at low-
Y - --A,.l
+ g
,fQ@%?J!l ,
C ~.
FIG. 1. Photoelectron spectra of C;, C;, C;, and Cc at 266 nm (4.66 eV) . Arrows indicate electron affinity of linear carbon chain.
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...___ Exuerimcnt I
FIG. 2. (top) Photoelectron spectrum of C; at 355 nm (3.49 eV) (top); (bottom) simulations ofC; photoelectron spectrum at 355 nm using a separable harmonic oscillator approximation and a (y X v, ) cross section of
MORBID potential energy surface. Both simulations are performed at
0.002 eV resolution to illustrate effect of anharmonicity upon vz bend mode progression intensities.
est eKE in the photoelectron spectrum correspond to the highest internal energy states of the neutral. As n increases for the C,, + , molecules, the spectral features shift to lower eKE, indicating an increase in electron affinity. In the C; spectrum, there are poorly resolved features at high eKE which correspond to the ground state of C, . However, there is a single well-resolved peak at low eKE which corresponds to an excited electronic state of C, . In each of the spectra of CT, C;, and C,, there is a short, congested progression extending to lower eKE.
Since our experimental resolution degrades at higher eKE, experiments using a lower photon energy (3.49 eV) yield better resolved spectra of the ground state progressions of C, and C, (Figs. 2 and 3). The Cc-spectrum contains two peaks which have multiple shoulders. The peaks and shoulders are indicated with letters and arrows, respectively. The higher resolution spectrum of C; contains many small peaks in addition to the large peak A, indicating that vibrational excitation of C, occurs upon photo~detachment of the C; -anion. Peak positions and assignments for the C; , C!; , and C!; spectra, discussed in more detail below, are summarized in Table I. The photoelectron spectra obtained at 4.66 eV for the even carbon anions, C!, (n = llr), are shown in Fig. 4. As was the case for the C 2n+ 1 spectra, the C;-, spectra strongly resemble each other, but the electron affinities of the evennumbered species are higher than their neighboring C,, + 1 counterparts. In the C,- and C!; spectra, there are several peaks extending over a larger energy range than the progressions of the C, + 1 spectra, with a somewhat irregular intensity pattern. Only limited portions of the C; and C!; spectra are obtainable with the 4.66 eV photon energy due to the high EAs of C, and C, . The peak positions and assignments for the (;- spectrum are in Table II, and those for the Cc and Cc spectra are listed Table III. Photoelectron spectra of C; and C, , taken with a 4.66 eV photodetachment energy, are displayed in Fig. 5. These two spectra have a significantly different appearance than the spectra of C;--CL,- . The C!; spectrum (Fig. 5) contains broad unresolved band structure possibly indicative of transitions involving multiple electronic states. However, in the C, spectrum, there are resolved peaks superimposed on a broad spectrum which resembles the C, spectrum. A long low-intensity tail extends to the high eKE regions of both spectra. These long tails also appear in the Cc and Cc spectra and with significantly less intensity in the C; spectrum. This is discussed further in Sec. IV D.
z I
, ___I--
E =
resolved spectra of C&G,, TABLE II. Peak positions and assignments for the C;- photoelectron spectrum. Peak A B C D E F a b
TABLE I. Peak positions and assignments for the C;, C;, and C; photoelectron spectra. Molecule Peak Position Splitting from origin (cm- ) 0 202 444 653 798 1024 0 548 992 4267 0 484 1258 Assignment
Position 1.384 1.310 1.153 1.111 0.849 0.362 1.542 1.609 1.804
Assignment (C, c C; ) x ~,+(u =o)cx~2~(u=o) a (u = 0) +x2q+ (u = 0) lx, X H#+(u = l)+xz&+(u=O) a II,(d= l)+x*P&?(u =O) A =O)e-A%I,(u lI,(u =0) A (u = 0) +X*Z~ (u = 0) II, a3rI,(u =o,~.~2~~(U = 1) X &T (u = 0) +x2x; (u = 1) a %, (u = 0) c A *LI, (u = 0)
0.641 0.616 0.586 0.560 0.542 0.514 1.302 1.234 1.179 0.773 0.978 0.918 0.822
Origin 7; 5: SF 0 0 zl
Origin 3; 7: 4l0 Origin 4; 3;
A B c D
a For each peak assigned, there are also underlying sequence bands which are unresolved in the spectrum.
The V~mode is a symmetric stretch and the vs, v~, and or modes are bendingmodes [seeFig. 8(b)]. The V~mode is a symmetric stretch, v4 is an antisymmetric stretch, and V, is a bending mode. The v? and v., modes are symmetric stretches,
Data collected for Cc at two different laser polarizations are shown in Fig. 6. The important difference between the two spectra is the variation of the relative intensities of peaks B and D as a function of laser polarization angle; these peaks are essentially absent in the 0 = 90 spectrum. This behavior will be addressed in greater detail below.
IV. ANALYSIS AND DlSCUSSlON In this section, the C!; and C; photoelectron spectra are analyzed in considerable detail and used to lay the framework for the discussion of the larger carbon molecules. The spectroscopy of C, (Refs. 3 1 and 32) and C!, (Refs. 9 and 33) has been studied intensely for several years using a variety of techniques, including anion photoelectron spectrosc~py. ~,~ Therefore, the discussion of these systems will *, be limited to the new information provided by the photoelectron spectra presented here. The spectra of the larger molecules are treated more qualitatively.
c6 TABLE III. Peak positions and assignments for the C; and Cc photoelectron spectra. Molecule Peak Position Splitting from Assignment origin (cm- ) 0 339 2032 2347 2637 0 194 480 1315 1660 Origin 4; 1: 1 0 04 Agb Origin Sequence band 3; or 7; -
0.778 0.736 0.526 0.487 0.45 1 0.475 0.45 1 0.416 0.312 0.269
Sequence band
*The v, mode is a symmetric stretch and V~is a bend mode [see Fig. 8(a) 1. bPeak E is assigned to an excited electronic state, see text. Both v2 and v, are symmetric stretches while v, is a bend mode.
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et a/.:Vibrationally
is governed by the expression, (3) I= I 17 WV IY, ) 12. -= Here T, is the electronic transition dipole moment and the Franck-Condon factor, I ( I \I, US Iz, depends upon the spa4,. ) tial overlap of the vibrational wave functions of the anion and the neutral.36 In this approximation, it is assumed that 7, does not change significantly over the spatial range covered by the nuclear wave function and is treated as a constant in the spectral simulations. A. C, Diatomic carbon, C,, has been thoroughly investigated using both absorption and emission spectroscopy.37 C; , bne of the few anions known to possess bound excited electronic states,38 has also been well characterized.3g Recently, Ervin and Lineberger have obtained a vibrationally resolved photoelectron spectrum of the C; anion.35 The use of a higher photodetachment energy (4.66 eV) in the experiments described here reveals transitions to excited vibrational levels and an excited electronic state of C, which could not. be seen by Ervin and Lineberger. Shown in Fig. 7 is the C!; photoelectron spectrum obtained at 4.64 eV photodetachment energy. The spectrum has been simulated (Fig. 7, bottom) using molecular constants obtained from high resolution data32 by varying the vibrational temperature, electron affinity, and relative intensities of different electronic transitions. Both C, and q. have low-lying excited electronic states. As a result;several
The analyses for all the spectra presented here are done within the Franck-Condon approximation. The transition intensity, I, for the process, CL(o)-+C,(u ) +e(2)
Electron Kinetic Energy (eV)
FIG. 6. Photoelectron spectra of Cc at 266 nm showing laser polarization dependence of peaks B and D. Laser polarization angles are 0 = 55and 90
FIG. 7. Photoelectron spectrum of C;; at 266 nm and best-fit Franck-Condon simulation using EA, temperature, and relative electronic dipole transition moments as tiariables.
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 95, No. 12,15 December 1991 Downloaded 09 Mar 2006 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see
photodetachment transitions are energetically accessible using the 4.66 eV detachment photon energy. Some peak assignments are indicated in Fig. 7 and details are given in Table II. One-electron photodetachment of q X2&? (...2a2,1~~3,~) can produce the C, X12,+ (...2a2,17~:), a 311uand A states (...20 idu 30 i for the latter excited II, , states, T, = 0.089 and 1.040 eV, respectively).32 Peaks A and B in Fig. 7 are the origins of the C, X Zz + c X xl and C, a311,- C, X &? transitions, respectively. The C, X12,+ (u = 1) +C!; X22,+ (v = 0) and C, a 311u (u = 1) t CT X 2: (u = 0) transitions, which were near the cutoff region for the energy analyzer of the Lineberger experiment,35 are clearly defined in Fig. 7 (peaks C and D, respectively). At even lower eKE, peak F represents the origin of the C2 A +-C2- X28,f transition. From peak A, III, we obtain a value of 3.273 f 0.008 eV for the electron affinity of C!, ..This agrees well with the value of 3.269 * 0.006 eV recently measured by Ervin and Lineberger.3 *40 It is apparent in the C; spectrum that peaks corresponding to r-electron photodetachment from the C!, X28,+ state (peaks B, D, and F) are consistently less intense than the those representing a-electron photodetachment from the same electronic state of CT (peaks A and C) . This pattern suggests that the photodetachment cross section for removal of a 3a electron from this state is higher than that for removal of a la electron from the CT X 8:
B. C, C, has been shown to be a linear but floppy molecule. The C; anion is predicted to be lineaf12 with a Qp (...40 : 30 , 1~: 177-i ground state which is considerably ) more rigid than C, due to the partly filled G-~orbital. The 4.66 eV photoelectron spectrum of CT (Fig. 1) shows transitions to the two electronic states of C, which are energetically accessible via one-electron photodetachment of C;. While photodetachment of the IT,-electron leaves C, in its 2 EC ground state (...40 :3c~ t 1~ ), removal of the 3a, electron produces the C, ii 311, first excited state (...4~~3~f,l~~l~~). The spectrum of Cc obtained with a photodetachment energy of 3.49 eV (Fig. 2) reveals vibrational details of the C, 2 8: ground state. Understanding the features of this spectrum requires consideration of the Franck-Condon principle for molecules with more than one vibrational mode. For an anion and neutral belonging to the same symmetry point group, transitions can occur from the anion ground state to any quantum state of a totally symmetric vibrational mode (e.g., y1 for C, ). Excitation of these modes occurs primarily when there is a difference in bond lengths between the anion and neutral. Typically, excitation occurs in those vibrational modes which most strongly resemble the change in geometry upon anion photodetachment. For nontotally symmetric vibrational modes (e.g., and Y:, for C, ), symmetry forbids v, transitions from the anion ground state to odd quanta of excitation in the neutral. From the anion ground state, only transitions to even quanta of these neutral vibrational modes will be observed, and transitions to states with u > 0 only occur when there is a large difference in vibrational frequency between the anion and the neutral. For example, little excitation is expected in the antisymmetric stretch of C, since the Ye frequencies are predicted42 to be comparable for C, and CT. In the 3.49 eV photoelectron spectrum of C; (Fig. 2)) peaks A and B are assigned to the O-O and the 1; members of the C, 3 2: + C, R &+ transition, respectively. Our peak spacing of 1200 + 100 cm for the neutral symmetric stretch agrees well with the value of 1224.5 cm - from higher resolution studies.43*44,45 The dominance of peak A indicates a fairly small bond length difference between Cc and C, , in agreement with the ab initio results.42 Peak a is a hot band assigned to the 1: transition, providing a frequency for the C; y1 symmetric stretch of 1075 f 100 cm _ in good , agreement with ab initio results ( 1175 cm - ) .42 The intensity of peak a indicates that the anion vibrational temperature is ~450 K. Peaks A and B are considerably broader ( ~0.15 eV) than the experimental resolution ( ~0.025 eV). This breadth is due to underlying vibrational structure which appears as a series of poorly resolved shoulders (indicated by arrows). Lineberger and co-workers partially resolve these transitions in their higher resolution Cc photoelectron spectrum.46 These shoulders result from two types of transitions. The first type, which provides most of the intensity for the
As in Lineberger spectrum, the C!, X s 2: (0 ti 0) tC,X*X,+(~II=l)andC,a ~~(u =O)cC;X~8,f (u = 1) hot band transitions occur (labeled as a and b, respectively). While the vibrational distribution of the ions produced in our laser vaporization source could be controlled to a considerable extent for the other carbon anions, C; could only be generated under conditions that produced anions with considerable vibrational excitation. The best fit to the spectrum was obtained assuming a vibrational temperature of 3000 K. In addition to the hot bands, the anion vibrational excitation gives rise to many sequence bands under the v = 0 and the v = 1 peaks of the progressions in the X 8,+ and the a 311u states of C,. The spectrum also shows photodetachment transitions from the low-lying CT A 111, first excited state. Signal resulting from the photodetachment of this anion state is observed because its lifetime (rrad =: 50 ~(19)~~ comparable to is the amount of time between anion formation and photodetachment. One-electron transitions can occur from C; A (-2~ : 1$,3a G, T, = 0.494 eV)39 to C, in the II, a311,,b3E; (...2~:17T2U3a$ T, =0.798eV)31 andA II, excited states. Peak c in the spectrum is assigned to the origin of the CZ a 311u- C2- A 211utransition. Label E in the spectrum represents the energy at which signal is expected for the c!, A -Cc A transition; a very small peak may be II, IL, present there in the experimental spectrum. Electrons resulting from the C, b 3; + q d 211u transition are expected to appear at eKE--, 1.1 eV, close to peak D. However, there does not appear to be a significant contribution to the spectrum from this transition.
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shoulders, is the 2$progression in the C, bend. The second type is the 1: sequence band progression resulting from the 149 cm- i frequency difference for Y, between C, and C; . The C, bending mode has a fundamental frequency9*47 of 63 cm- which is significantly different from the calcu, lated anion bending frequency ( v2 z, 300 cm - ) .42 In addition, the neutral bending mode is very anharmonic and couples to both of the other C!, vibrational modes.45 All of these effects can produce excitation of the neutral upon anion photodetachment, and the latter two effects create a vibrational pattern for C, which is poorly described by a separable normal mode approximation.9~4 *48 The inadequacy of the normal mode approximation for describing the C!, bend can been seen in Fig. 2. This shows the results of a Franck-Condon calculation assuming separable harmonic oscillators for the y1 symmetric stretch and the vz degenerate bend. The anion wave function is generated assuming an anion bending frequency of 300 cm - based upon ab initio predictions,4zJ49 and a symmetric stretch frequency of 1075 cm- (discussed below). The simulation shows some excitation of the neutral bend due to the large difference between the C, and CT bend frequencies. However, the frequency difference alone does not yield sufficient bend excitation in C, . In order to account for this discrepancy, an exact quantum mechanical calculation. of eigenvalues and FranckCondon intensities (Fig. 2)) was performed on a two-dimensional cross section ( , XY;) of the semiempirical Morse t oscillator rigid bender internal dynamics (MORBID) 51 potential energy surface.52 This potential energy surface; generated by fitting Rohlfing laser-induced fluorescence s data, includes the anharmonicity and vibrational coupling present between all three vibrational modes. The anion wave function is the same as that used in the harmonic oscillator simulation. Since the calculation considers only the bend mode, the changes in the simulation from the harmonic oscillator results-are due to anharmonicity along the C, v2 coordinate. It is clear from this simulation that the extreme
anharmonicity of the bend mode drastically changes the intensities of the 2$ transitions. Although the experimental spectra do not resolve all this structure, the simulations demonstrate qualitatively that the excitation of the bending mode is due to two effects: the change in frequency of the bending mode upon photodetachment and, more importantly, the floppiness, or anharmonicity, of the C, bend mode. Removal of the a,-electron from the C; anion leaves the neutral with the . ..4a i3a k 11 lrri electronic configuration corresponding to either the C, ii 311Uor 2 states. IIU Peak B in the 4.66 eV photoelectron spectrum of CT (Fig. 1 ), is assigned to the O-O transition to the ii 311Ufirst excited state placing it 2.118 t 0.026 eV above the ground state. While the Z state has been observed in matrix emission II, experiments due to an intersystem crossing from the 1 II,, state,44Y53 term value for C, 2 311Uhad not previously the been directly measured in the gas phase because the ii3rI L1 +-B Z,+ transition is optically spin-forbidden. Our To for the ii 311Ustate agrees well with matrix values obtained by Weltner and McLeod44 (2.117 eV in Ne, 2.100 eV in Ar) and Bondybey and English53 (2.117 eV in Ne) and the calculations of Per&RadiC et al. (2.04 eV) .54 The domi-~ nance of the O-O transition for the ?i 311, state indicates a very small difference in geometry between Cc and the first excited state of C, . This agrees with geometry calculations for C, and C; ,42,54 well as intuition, because the detached as electron originates from the effectively nonbonding C; uU orbital. The r, bond length for the 2 311, state is 1.298 A.9(b) C. C, through C,
The photoelectron spectra of C!; --Cc show many similarities. Each is dominated by a sharp peak (labeled A in each spectrum) and contains several smaller peaks at lower eKE. Peak A is assigned to the C, (u = 0) +C; (0 = 0) transition in each spectrum. As in C, , the dominance of this transition indicates only a small change in geometry upon photodetachment. As discussed earlier, there is experimen-
CEPA- 1 MBPT(2)/6-31G* MP2/6-3 lG* HF/6-3 lG* Experiment IR matrix IR gas-phase IR gas-phase W-PES
P. Botschwina and P. Sebald, Chem. Phys. Lett. 160,485 (1989). Reference 58(a). Reference 58(c); scaled by 0.93. d Reference 13; scaled by 0.89. Reference 22. Predicted by force constant analysis. BReference 10(b) and (c). hReference 10(a). J. Redistribution 95, No. 12,15 license Downloaded 09 Mar 2006 to Chem. Phys., Vol.subject to AIP Decemberor 1991 copyright, see
TABLE V. Electron affinities for linear carbon molecules. Electron affinity (eV) * Molecule Present work G C3 c4 G 2 G G G3 c,, 3.273 (0.008) 1.995 (0.025) 3.882 (0.010) 2.839 4.185 3.358 4.379 3.684 (0.008) (0.006) (0.014) (CkO6) (0.010) ... Other 3.269 (0.006)b 3.30 (o.l)= 1.981 (0.020)d 1.95 (o.l)= 3.7 (o.l)= 2.8 (0.1) 4.1 (o.l)= 3.1 (0.1) 4.42 (0.1) 3.70 (011) ... 4.0 (0.1)
Results (eV) 3.112 3.43 2.0K!h 1.58 3.39 3.41 2.43 3.69 ..* ... ... ... ...
tional frequencies provides much of the basis for the assignments presented. In addition to the vibrational progression assignments, some of the smaller peaks are assigned to excited electronic states of the linear neutral molecules (see discussion of C,, C!, , and C!, ) . In the spectra of Cc, Cc, and C; (3.49 eV spectrum only)57 there are long tails extending to high eKE, which are assigned to transitions involving nonlinear carbon neutrals and/or anions. The analysis of the linear C!; (n<9) is divided into two sections: one for molecules with an oddnumber of carbon atoms (CZn + 1 ) and the other for those with an even-number of carbon atoms (C,, 9. The linear molecules are all closed-shell, 8:) species while the c,,, linear C,, molecules all have open-shell 38; ground states. 1. G G, and?, .The photoelectron spectrum of C!; recorded with a photon energy of 4.66 eV (Fig. 1 ), shows a short vibrational progression of the neutral. At higher resolution (3.49 eV, Fig. 3)) it is evident that several modes, including symmetric stretch and nontotally symmetric bend modes, are excited upon photodetachment of the anion. The forms of these vibrational modes are shown in Fig. 8 (b) . The assignments of the peaks in the C, spectra (Table I) are based upon ab initio results. 13,58 Peaks B, C, and F are assigned to the 7;) 5;) and 6; transitions, respectively. The bend frequencies obtained from these assignments are 2~,/2 y 222 cm- and L; 2~,/2 = 101 cm - in agreement with the tentative assign, et al., and ments proposed by Moazzen-Ahmadi 21~~/2 = 5 12 cm -I. The uncertainty in these values is -45 cm- Peak D corresponds to the 5;7; combination band. .
3.913 (0.008)
Uncertainties given in parentheses. Reference 35. Reference 18. d Reference 34. A. Nichols and J. Simons, J. Chem. Phys. 86,6972 ( 1987). J. Zeitz, S. D. Peyerimhoff, and R. J. Buenker, Chem. Phys. Lett. 64,243 M. (1979). *Reference 42. K. Sunil, A. Orendt, and K. D. Jordan, Chem. Phys. 89,245 (1984). K. Reference 56. i Reference 64.
tal and theoretical evidence for the existence of linear neutral carbon molecules with up to nine atoms. In addition, ab initio calculations predict linear ground state structures for all CL (n<6) anions. Based upon the appearance of our spectra and these other results, the peaks in the Cc-Cc spectra are assigned to transitions between the linear forms of the anion and the neutral. The electron affinities for the linear carbon molecules are then determined from the position of peak A in each spectrum. The observed EAs for linear C&-C, (and C,, > are compiled in Table V. Contributions from sequence bands, uneven rotational contours, or spinorbit splittings have not been assessed and so the EA may deviate slightly from the value presented. These effects are the basis for the error bars reported. The uncertainties vary as a function of the eKE at the origin of the spectrum. Also listed for comparison are the EAs obtained from other experiments and from ab initio calculations. The EAs of the even molecules are consistently higher than their neighboring odd-numbered counterparts. In general, the EAs agree with the values obtained by Yang et aZ. at significantly * lower resolution and confn-m the even-odd alternation of ground state symmetries for small carbon molecules. The EAs calculated by Adamowiczs6 appear to be consistently low by ~0.5 eV for the CZ, molecules and by -0.4 eV for the G, + 1 molecules. Most of the smaller peaks in the spectra presented here can be assigned to either vibrational progressions of the neutral or hot bands. As discussed above, in photoelectron spectroscopy, excitation is seen principally in totally symmetric vibrational modes upon photodetachment. The combination of this principle and ab initio calculations of vibra-
4 v, Q > c*-s-cr-$ v2 cog > c-c+ -3 ,T vs (7c) E--p-~-C v, (0,) c-c-c-c+ +t t L-c-c-; J t
v4 (n,) r
v7@,) L-c-c--o-J J. J
J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 95, No. 12,15 December 1991 Downloaded 09 Mar 2006 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see
Peak E is assigned to the 2; transition providing a symmetric stretch frequency of v2 = 798 f 45 cm.- Vala et al.,* us. ing force constants obtained from their v3 measurement in the matrix environment, predict frequencies of 1904 and 785 cm- 1 for the Y, and vZ symmetric stretch modes. Our value for v2 agrees well with their prediction. The ab initio and experimental frequencies for C, are compiled in Table IV. In addition to these assigned peaks, there are several other peaks to low eKE which do not appear in the 4.66 eV spectrum due to the lower resolution there. Although some of these peaks could potentially be assigned to C, vibrations based upon agreement with ab initio results, higher resolution ( 10 cm - ) threshold photodetachment results obtained in this laboratory indicate that these peaks may actually be due to transitions involving another electronic state of C, .59 This assignment is supported by a comparison of the two C< spectra presented here. The peaks to low eKE are relatively more intense in the 3149 eV spectrum than in the 4.66 eV spectrum. It is well-documented that the partial cross sections for different photoionization transitions have different energy dependencies. * It appears that the partial photodetachment cross section for the transition to the excited state of 6, decreases relative to the X 2: +-X2&+ transition with increasing photodetachment energy. In agreement with this observation, there was little or no signal observed for this transition in the C; photoelectron spectrum obtained by Yang et al. using a photodetachment energy of 7.9 eV. The photoelectron spectrum of C; obtained with a photon energy of 4.66 eV (Fig. 1) is similar to that of C!; . Resolution limitations at higher eKE combined with additional low frequency bending vibrations of C, result in fewer fully resolved vibrational features, but some of the peaks can be assigned (Table I) using ab initio results for the vibrational frequencies. Peak B is assigned to the 3: transition, providing a symmetric stretch vibrational frequency of vJ = 548 & 90 cm - As in C; , bending modes are excited . upon photodetachment of C; . Peak C, tentatively assigned to the 7; transition, gives the bend frequency of Y-, = 496 f 110 cm - The spacing of peak D from the ori. gin agrees well with twice the value obtained for the vb antisymmetric stretch mode by Heath and Saykally. However, as in C!, , peaks D and E (and structure to lower eKE) may result from transitions involving an excited electronic state of the neutral. While the C< spectrum (Fig. 1) resembles the spectra of C; and C;, it primarily shows two symmetric stretch vibrational progressions. Peaks B and C are assigned to the 4: and 3; transitions providing symmetric stretch frequenciesofv, =1258f_50cm- andv, =484+48cm- . All of the odd-numbered molecules discussed thus far show excitation in the breathing-type symmetric stretch [e.g., vZ for C,, Fig. 8(b) 1, which is the lowest frequency symmetric stretch in all cases. This suggests that all the C-C bonds for these systems change in the same manner upon photodetachment, whether it be to lengthen or shorten. The ab initio results for the C, /Cc (Ref. 42) and C, /Cc (Ref. 61) systems indicate that all the neutral bond lengths are shorter than those of the ions, in agreement with these re-
sults. In addition, as the-chain grows in length, the frequency mode decreases: v1 (C,) = 1200 cm- ; this of cm- ; ,v3 (C,) = 548 cm- ; and v2 (C, ) = 798 vd (C, ) = 484 cm- I. Since the electronic structure is expected to be very similar for these molecules, one might expect comparable force constants for similar types of vibrational modes. As a-result, the decrease in frequency as a function of chain length results mainly from the increase in reduced mass of the longer chains.
2. C,, Cb, and C,
The 4.66 eV photoelectron spectrum of C; shown in Fig. 4 has four resolved peaks to the low eKE side of the origin. Theoretical calculations for C!, predict two nearly isoenergetic isomers which have been considered for the ground state: a 3Xg- Dmh linear structure and a Dzh A, rhombic structure. At the highest levels of theory, the two are separated by as little as 1 kcal/mo1.62*63 The electron affinity of C, determined from the C!; spectra, 3.882 f 0.010 eV, agrees reasonably well with Yang et aE. s value of 3.7 f 0.1 eV. From their CEI results, Algranati et aZ.26 report an electron affinity of the rhombic isomer of C, as 2.1 * 0.1 eV. Comparison with Watts et al. calculated s EA for C, of 3.39 eV (Ref. 64) and Adamowicz s56 EAs for the linear and rhombic isomers of C, (3.45 and 2.03 eV, respectively) further supports the assignment of the C; photoelectron spectral features to a linear anion-t linear neutral photodetachment process. Peak C is assigned to the 1: transition, providing a symmetric stretch vibrational frequency of Y, = 2032 + 50 cm __ (ab initio value5* for Y* = 2 1.50cm - ). According to recent geometry calculations for linear C!, and Cc at the SDQ-MBPT( 4) level of theory,64 upon photodetachment of Cc the outer bonds will shorten while the inner bond will stretch. The strong resemblance of this geometry change to the Y, symmetric stretch normal coordinate, shown in Fig. 8 (a), suggests that excitation of this mode will occur upon photodetachment, in agreement with the present results. Peaks B and D in the CL spectrum, are located at 0.736 and 0.487 eV eKE, respectively. On the basis of ab initio frequency calculations alone, 8*62 peak B, located 339 * 55 cm from the origin, could be assigned to either the 5: or the 4; transition.-The recent measurement2 (b) of the vs vibrational frequency (Ye = 172.4 cm - ) agrees well with the A-B peak spacing. The 4: transition is symmetry forbidden within the Franck-Condon approximation, but can occur in the presence of vibronic coupling to a nearby electronic state. While this transition might normally be excluded from consideration, the strong polarization dependence of peaks B and D relative to the other peaks suggests that vibronic coupling may indeed be occurring. As observed by Ervin and Lineberger35 in their C$H- photoelectron spectrum, a signature of non-Franck-Condon allowed transitions which occur only through vibronic coupling is that the polarization dependence of these peaks differs from that of the FranckCondon allowed transitions. The 4; transition can occur if the v4 = 1 level is coupled to the v, = 0 or 2 levels of a nearby II electronic state. Ab initio calculations predict that a C,
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etal.: Vibrationally
excited state of the appropriate symmetry (311,) lies just 1.00 eV above the 3X; ground state.6 While the assignment of peak B to the 5; transition is certainly possible, the polarization dependence of the intensity of such a transition is difficult to explain. The assignment of peak B to the 4: transition provides a bending vibrational frequency of 1~~~ 339 f 55 cm- Due to its similar polarization de= . pendence and appropriate spacing, peak D can be assigned as the 1;4; combination band. Although the relative intensity of peak E does not vary significantly as a function of laser polarization, it is assigned as a transition to an excited sttite of linear C4 (To = 0.327 f 0.006 eV). This assignment is based upon two major factors: ( 1) no reasonable vibrational state assignment can be made which agrees with the frequencies available from theoretical and experimental results and (2) two excited electronic states are predicted to lie in the vicinity of peak E. From the electronic configuration of linear C, , . ..11~44a25r.r:1<, three electronic states can be formed: 2;) 2:, and ,Ab initio calculations and high resoluA,. tion gas phase absorption experiments agree that the ground state of linear C, is .24,62Therefore, peak E can be asZg signed to either the or the A, Xz electronic states which have been calculated as nearly isoenergetic states lying between 0.25 and 0.75 eV.65*66Based upon Hund rules and s Liang et al ab initio results,67 peak E is assigned to the s Acr excited state. The 4.66 eV Cc photoelectron spectrum (Fig. 4)) contams several partially resolved peaks to the low eKE side of the origin, peak A. A higher resolution ( 10 cm - threshold ) photodetachment spectrum, recently obtained in our laboratory,68 better resolves peak C, which lies 480 cm from the origin: Based on the photoelectron spectra of the odd carbon cluster anions, it is tempting to assign peak C to excitation of the lowest frequency symmetric stretch in C, (the 3: transition) . Ab initio ~calculations, *3X58 however, predict that the frequency of this mode is - 150-200 cm - larger than the A-C peak spacing. Alternatively, agreement is found between the A-C spacing and twice the predicted v7 frequency, indicating the possible assignment of peak C to the 7: transition (a rg bending mode). While peak B, which lies 194 cm- from the origin, could be assigned to the 9; transition (a a, bending mode) on the basis of comparison with ab initio values,13*58this peak does not appear in the threshold photodetachment spectrum. It may instead be a sequence band transition from vibrationally excited C!; which does not appear in the threshold spectrum because of differing ion source conditions in the two experiments; our experience with Si; (Ref. 69) indicates that the source configuration in the threshold instrument produces somewhat colder ions. Peak D, located at 0.312 eV, is 1315 cm-above the origin. This peak spacing does not agree well with calculated vibrational frequencies for linear Cb . The nearest agreement is with the 1~~symmetric stretch (ab initio value5*@) for 51,= 1759 cm--- In accord with this assignment, peak E is ). most likely a sequence band in combination with the 2; transition. It is also possible that peak D represents the transitio-n to the excited electronic state of linear C,, predicted to A,
lie - 1200 cm- 1 above the ground state.7,70 Due to the high electron affinity of C, relative to C, and C, , the amount of information obtained from the CL speo trum is not as abundant. The spectrum (Fig. 4), contains two peaks (A and B) at very low eKE separated by ~565 cm I. This lies close to the predicted value of the v4 symmetric stretch vibration in C!, , so peak B is tentatively assigned to the 4; transition. It is also possible that peak B represents the electronic state of C, (predicted 67 T, A., -. 1130 cm- based upon the calculations by Liang et aL6 ) which predict a decreasing 32; --IA, splitting as a function of increasing chain length in the linear even-numbered carbon molecules. D. C,, , C,, , and nonlinear anion photodetachment The photoelectron spectra of C, and Cc (Fig. 5) have a different appearance than the other spectra presented. The C, spectrum consists of several broad unresolved features. The C, spectrum has similar broad features, but also exhibits three sharp peaks (labeled as A, B, and C) . These three peaks taken alone strongly resemble the linear anion + linear neutral transitions seen in the C2; + 1 spectra. We therefore assign peak A to the linear + linear origin and peaks B and C, spaced 440 and 830 cm I, respectively, from peak A to transitions to vibrationally excited levels of linear C,, . The approximately equal spacing of the three peaks suggests that they may belong to a single vibrational progression, most likely in the breathing mode analogous to the v4 symmetric stretch in C, . The electron affinity determined for the linear C!,, molecule, 3.9 13 & 0.010 eV, compares well with Yang et aL assignment of the linear C,, electron affinity as si 4.00 * 0.1 eV. The C, spectrum, in contrast, shows no evidence for linear-t linear transitions. We next consider the broad structure in the C, and C, spectra. Every ab initio calculation for C,, has predicted a monocyclic ground state with the lowest linear isomer considerably higher in energy; Schaefer predicts an energy difference of 2.9 eV, for example. It is therefore reasonable to assign the C,; spectrum to transitions to one or more electronic states of the cyclic C,, isomer. Based upon its similarity to the C,; spectrum, the broad structure in the Cl; spectrum is also assigned to a transition to cyclic C,, . Thus, the C!, spectrum exhibits transitions to both the linear and cyclic forms of C, 1. A more difficult question pertains to the structures of the C, and C, anions which yield the broad features in the two spectra. Specifically, are these features due to linear anion-cyclic neutral transitions or cyclic anion+cyclic neutral transitions? The Cfi spectrum suggests the latter to be the case. If only the linear C!, anions were responsible, then it is difficult to understand why the integrated intensity of the three sharp peaks assigned to the linear-linear transition is so much smaller than that of the broad features. A more reasonable explanation is that both the cyclic and linear isomers of C1; are present in the ion beam, and that these are responsible for the broad features and the narrow peaks, respectively, in the spectrum. Yang et al. used similar rea*
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etal.: Vibrationally
soning to explain how their C,; photoelectron spectrum changed as a function of ion source conditions. For C,, and C!,, , the assignment of the long tails in the spectra to the cyclic anion-cyclic neutral transitions allows us to estimate the electron affinities of the cyclic molecules. Based upon the eKE at which these long tails approach base line, we can approximate the EAs of cyclic C,, and C, , to be 2.2 & 0.1 and 1.5 f 0.1 eV, respectively. These values are indicated by arrows in the C,;-and C!,; photoelectron spectra (Fig. 5). One problem with the assignment of the broad features to the cyclic -+ cyclic transinons is that these features extend over at least 2 eV of electron kinetic energy, implying a substantial difference in geometry between the anion and the neutral and/or the presence of overlapping electronic transitions. Both of these possibilities appear reasonable in light of l the ab initio study by Liang and Schaeffer, which predicts three close-lying cyclic isomers of C,, : two cumulenic forms (one with D,,, symmetry and one with D,,, symmetry) and one acetylenic form (D,, ) . The bond lengths and angles are quite different among these three isomers. One can therefore envision transitions between cyclic forms of the anion and neutral involving a considerable change in geometry. Whether such a change is sufficient to explain the broad features in the Cfi and C, spectra will require calculations of the anion geometries and a multidimensional FranckCondon simulation of the spectrum. As noted previously, the Cc, Cc, and C!; photoelectron spectra show low-intensity tails on the high eKE side of the sharp structure of the spectra (for C; , the tail is only visible in the 3.49 eV spectrum). These tails extend for nearly 1 eV, suggesting that they are not simpIy hot bands. Based on our interpretation of the C, and C!, spectra, we believe that the tails are due to transitions involving cyclic forms of the anion and/or neutral molecules. Ab initio calculations indicate that while the cyclic and linear forms of neutral C, are nearly degenerate, the cyclic form of the anion lies 1.4 eV above the linear ground state.55 This suggests that the tail in the C; spectrum results from the presence of cyclic CL in the ion begm, and that either cyclic-+cyclic or cyclic -+ linear transitions are occurring. Similar explanations account for the tails in the C; and C< spectra. claim to observe the cyclic Note that Feldman et aZ.26 forms of C; and C!; with relatively low electron binding energies in their CEI experiments. Their Cs t- bombardment ion source lacked the cooling provided by a supersonic jet, so one might expect more hig:her energy cyclic anions in their experiment as compared to ours. In any case, our explanation of the tails in our photoelectron spectra is consistent with their earlier work. The most controversial cyclic vs linear debate concerns the structure of Cq, as evidenced by the number of recent theoretical results cited in the discussion of the C; photoelectron spectrum. Unlike the spectra of the other even-numbered carbon molecules, there is no evidence in the Cc spectra that a detectable number of cyclic anions are produced in our experiment. Thus, because we see no evidence for transitions to cyclic C,, we cannot say anything about its stability relative to linear C!, .
V. CONCLUSIONS Vibrationally resolved spectra of the carbon molecules C,-C, 1 have been obtained using anion photoelectron spectroscopy. The spectra of C;-Cc dominated by transiare tions between the linear forms of the anions and neutrals. Electron affinities are determined for the linear isomers of C,-C, andC,, witha typicaluncertaintyof -O.OlOeV. The spectra confirm the even-odd alternation of electronic struc* ture seen by Yang et al. In addition, several vibrational frequencies (including symmetric stretch, antisymmetric stretch, and bending modes) are determined for these linear species. The spectra of all the odd clusters show excitation of the breathing mode symmetric stretch upon photodetachment and there is a decrease in the frequency of this mode as the carbon chain length increases. The 3.49 eV photoelectron spectrum of C< shows evidence for a low-lying excited electronic state. A possible transition to an excited state of C!, is observed as well. Several of the spectra show evidence for photodetachment transitions involving nonlinear isomers of the anion and/or neutral. The spectra of C,; and C,; show broad fea; tures which appear to result from transitions between cyclic anions and cyclic neutral clusters. For C; , C!; , and C; ; the spectra suggest that a small number of cyclic anions in our ion beam are detached to form either cyclic or linear neutrals. It is clear from these results that anion photoelectron spectroscopy can provide a wealth of information about carbon clusters. Planned experiments at higher photodetachment energy will yield a more complete picture of the lowlying excited electronic states of these species. In addition, higher resolution (6-10 cm- investigations of carbon ) clusters using threshold photodetachment spectroscoare currently in progress. PY5q,69,72 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Support from the Office of Naval Research under Contract No. N0014-87-0495 is gratefully acknowledged. We would like to thank Dr. J. M. L. Martin and Dr. K. Raghavachari for communication of unpublished results.
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