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Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Asa

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Chapter 10

Atomic Emission Spectroscopy.

History and Theory of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
As the name implies, atomic absorption is the absorption of light by free atoms. An atomic
absorption spectrophotometer is an instrument that uses this principle to analyze the
concentration of metals in solution. The substances in a solution are suctioned into
an excited phase where they undergo vaporization, and are broken down into
small fragmented atoms by discharge, flame or plasma. By exposing these
atoms to such temperatures they are able to jump to high energy levels
and in return, emit light. The versatility of atomic absorption an analytical technique
(Instrumental technique) has led to the development of commercial instruments. In all, a total of
68 metals can be analyzed.
Advantages of AA

Determination of 68 metals

Ability to make ppb determinations on major components of a sample

Precision of measurements by flame are better than 1% rsd. There are few other
instrumental methods that offer this precision so easily.

AA analysis is subject to little interference.

Most interference that occurs have been well studied and documented.

Sample preparation is simple (often involving only dissolution in an acid)

Instrument easy to tune and operate

Kirchoff and Bunsen's Experiment

Between 1859 to 1861, Gustav Kirchoff (Prussian physicist), with his colleague Robert
Tunsen, a German chemist, at the University of Heidelberg demonstrated that every element
gives off a characteristic color when heated in incandescence. The apparatus used for their
classic experiment is shown here. Applying this new research tool, they discovered the element
cesium and rubidium.
Kirchoff - Absorbance & Emission Line

Kirchoff and Bunsen not only identified various characteristic spectra, but they
established the relationship between the emission spectra and the absorption spectra thus
explaining the presence of the dark lines in the solar spectra.
Ground State Atom
With that brief history of the development of the atomic absorption procedure and Varian
atomic absorption instruments, we will now examine the atomic theory that explains how an
atomic absorption signal is generated.
In order to understand the atomic absorption process one must first understand the
structure of the atom and its orbitals. The atom consists of the central core, or nucleus, made up
of positively charged protons and neutral neutrons. Surrounding the nucleus in precisely defined
energy orbitals are the electrons. All neutral atoms have an equal number of protons in the
nucleus. This means that each element has a unique number of electrons and protons, The
outermost electrons are known as the valence electrons and atomic spectroscopy involves energy
changes in these valence electrons.
Beer - Lambert Law
The relationship that converts the intensity of the light beam to concentration is called the
Beer - Lambert Law or simply Beer' s law. Beer' s Law states that the absorbance, A, is equal to
the molar absorptivity or extinction coefficient, a. times the path length over which the
measurement is made. b, times the concentration of the analyte, c. For a given set of conditions,
the molar absorptivity, a, is a constant. The path length of the determination, b, is also a
constant. Therefore, the absorbance is equal to a constant times the concentration.
A = abc = Kc, where
A = absorbance
a = absorptivity constant, b = sample thickness
path length, c = concentration
K = a constant
If this expression is plotted, a curve of absorbance versus concentration is drawn, Beer's Law
predicts that a straight line will result. In practice we find that deviation from the linear
calibration is observed at higher concentrations.
Normal Absorbance

The important thing to remember in the use of Beer' s Law is that A refers to absorbance,
not absorption. Absorbance is defined by the equation:
A = log (lo/1), where
A = absorbance
lo = the initial intensity
I = the intensity after absorption
The concentration of the unknown is determined by comparing the samples with a series
of standards. AA is always a comparative technique where the determination is performed using
freshly prepared matrix matched standards.
Flame Emission and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
The following are the 3 main types of Flame Emission and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy:
a) Atomic Emission (with thermal excitation), AES
b) Atomic Absorption, (with optical photon unit) AAS
c) Atomic Florescence, AFS
All of the following methods use the same or similar steps:
1. Atomization: Breakdown of the molecule into its atomic components in the gas phase.
(Aerosol> Desolvation>Vaporization> Atomization)
2. Excitation: Thermal excitation for AES and Optical excitation for AAS and/or AFS
3. Measurement: Absorption (AAS)
Emission (AFS) & (AES)
A powerful technique of measurement is the ICP-AES which stands for Inductively Coupled
Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. In terms of simplicity Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
(AES) is the most complex because of the atomization part which is a function of temperature.
Furthermore, in terms of cost AES is the most expensive and in terms of efficiency and precision
AES is also the most efficient and precise. In terms of sensitivity, AES is the least sensitive.
Simplicity: AAS>AFS>AES
Sensitivity: AFS>AAS>AFS.
It should be noted that in AES, one would like the excited state of the elements to be populated
by the electrons.

AES experiment set-up

Atomic emissive spectrometry (AES) can be performed where the flame is replaced with either
a plasma or electrodes. A plasma is an electrical conducting gaseous mixture containing a
significant concentration of cations and electrons. The concentration of the two are such that the
net charge approaches zero. Argon plasmas are used most often for nonflame AES. The high
temperatures that are achieved in argon plasmas cause more efficient excitation of atoms and
ions than is achieved with flames. As a result, the intensities of the emitted lines are greater and
more spectral lines are observed. Three types of high-temperature plasmas are encountered and
these are: 1) the inductively coupled plasma (ICP), (2) the direct current plasma (DCP), and (the
microwave induced plasma (MIP). The most important of these plasmas is the inductively
coupled plasma (ICP).
The Direct Current Plasma Technique.
The direct current plasma is created by the electronic release of the two
electrodes. The samples are placed on an electrode. In the technique solid
samples are placed near the discharge to encourage the emission of the
sample by the converted gas atoms.

The Inductively Coupled Plasma Source.

Picture of an inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer

The figure below is a schematic of a typical inductively coupled plasma source called a torch. It
consists of three concentric quartz tubes through which streams of argon gas flow. Depending
upon the torch design, the total rate of argon consumption is 5 to 20 l/min.

Surrounding the top of this tube is a water-cooled induction coil that is powered by a radio
frequency generator, which is capable of producing 0.5 to 2kW of power at about 27 or 41MHz.

The wavelength selector for an instrument that uses a plasma is a narrow-band pass
monochromator. The wavelength of the monochromator as well as the other functions of the
spectrometer are generally controlled by a microcomputer. Various detectors can be used
including photomultiplier tubes and diode arrays. Several wavelengths can be simultaneously

monitored or the wavelengths can be sequentially scanned. The readout devices that are used
with the spectrometers include cathode-ray tubes, recorders, and line printers.
Qualitative analysis is done using AES in the same manner in which it is done using FES.
The spectrum of the analyte is obtained and compared with the atomic and ionic spectra of
possible elements in the analyte. Generally an element is considered to be in the analyte if at
least three intense lines can b matched with those from the spectrum of a known element.
Quantitative analysis with a plasma can be done using either an atomic or an ionic line. Ionic
lines are chosen for most analyses because they are usually more intense at the temperatures of
plasmas than are the atomic lines.
Interference that is encountered with plasmas can be grouped into the same categories as
those that were encountered with AAS. Chemical interference owing to refractory compounds
Is rarely a problem because plasmas have high temperatures. Spectral interference is more
plentiful when plasmas are used because an increased number of atomic and ionic lines are
possible at the higher temperatures of plasmas. Plasma temperatures of plasmas. Plasma
temperatures are in the approximate range from 6000 to 10,000K.
An electrical discharge between two electrodes can be used to atomize or ionize a sample and
to excite the resulting atoms or ions. The sample can be contained in or coated on one or both of
the electrodes or the electrode(s) can be made from the analyte. The second electrode which
does not contain the analyte is the counter electrode.
Electrical discharges can be used to assay nearly all metals and metalloids. Approximately 72
elements can be determined using electrical discharges. For analyses of solutions and gases the
use of plasmas is generally preferred although electrical discharge can be used. Solid samples
are usually assayed with the aid of electrical discharges. Typically it is possible to assay about
30 elements in a single sample in less than half an hour using electrical discharges. To record the
spectrum of a sample normally requires less than a minute.

The electrodes that are used for the various forms of AES are usually constructed from
graphite. Graphite is a good choice for an electrode material because it is conductive and does
not spectrally interfere with the assay of most metals and metalloids. In special cases metallic
electrodes (often copper) or electrodes that are fabricated from the analyte are used. Regardless
of the type of electrodes that are used, a portion of each of the electrodes is consumed during the
electrical discharge. The electrode material should be chosen so as not to spectrally interference
during the analysis.

Sketches of several common forms of graphite electrodes are shown in Figure. The cylindrical
graphite electrodes typically have a diameter of 6.2mm and a length of 38mm. Electrical
discharge occurs at the pointed end of the counter electrodes where the strength of the electrical
field is maximum. Several types of sample electrodes are available. The pointed electrode can
be a graphite rod on which the sample solution is coated and allowed to dry before analysis. It is
also the usual design when the electrode is constructed from the analyte. Electrodes of that
design are often used for steel or other metal samples.
The electrode is a graphite-cup electrode. The sample (usually a powder) is placed in the cup
in the top of the electrode. A drill bit is used to form the cup in the electrode. Often the neck of
the electrode below the cup is narrowed in order to minimize conduction of heat away from the

cup during the electrical discharge. In some electrodes the neck is of the same diameter as the
remainder of the electrode.
A porous-cup electrode is shown in Fig. 7-3f. It is used for solutions. Several milliliters of
the solution are placed inside the electrode. The sample cavity in the electrode is prepared by
drilling a hole to within about 3mm of the end of the graphite rod. The solution slowly seeps
through the bottom of the electrode. The counter electrode is placed below the porous-cup
The rotating-disk electrode (Fig. 7-3g) is also used for solutions. The disk, which is about 1.3
cm in diameter. is mounted on an axle and dipped into the sample solution. As the disk is rotated
a film of the solution is carried to the top of the disk. The counter electrode is placed above the
rotating disk at the top of the electrode. In the rotating-platform electrode (Fig. 7-3h) the sample
solution is placed on the top of the disk and allowed to drive. The disk is rotated during the
assay. Both forms of electrodes are typically rotated at between 5 and '10 revolutions per minute
Electrical atomization/ ionization and subsequent excitation of the sample can be
accomplished with either spark or are discharges. Commercial instruments often contain two or
more of the electrical excitative sources. Of the several common types arcs and sparks. the de
arc is the simplest. It uses a de potential that is between 10 and 50 V to cause an electrical
discharge that corresponds to a current of between 1 and 5 A to flow between the counter and the
sample electrode (Fig. 7-4). The temperature generated by the electrical discharge is about 4000
C at the anode and about 200C at the cathode. Between the electrodes the temperature is in the
4000 to 7000 C range. The sample electrode can be either the cathode or anode, but generally it
is the anode.
Temperatures that are achieved with the de arc are hotter than those achieved with most flames.
The excitation of the sample is attributable to the combination of the high temperature and the
electrical energy between the electrodes. Because different elements are vaporized and excited at
different times, it is necessary to use the arc until the entire sample has been vaporized.

In most
instruments, the
dc arc is started
by applying a
spark across the
electrodes. After
the arc has been started the spark can either be shut off or allowed to continue. The de arc yields
intense emissive lines and consequently is often used for qualitative analysis. Because the de arc
wanders across the surfaces of the two electrodes and flickers, the intensities of the emissive
lines are not particularly stable, i.e, the output signal from the de arc is noisy.
Another problem that is encountered with the de arc is the formation of gaseous cyanogen
(CN)2 by chemical reaction of carbon from the electrodes with nitrogen from the air. Cyanogen
emits broadband radiation between about 360 and 420 nm that can interfere with many assays.
The problem can be eliminated by blanketing, the electrode tips and the space between the
electrodes with argon or a mixture of argon (70 to 80 percent) and oxygen (20 to '30 percent).
The exclusion of nitrogen prevents formation of cyanogen.
A Stallwood jet is a quartz enclosure that is placed around the electrodes and through which
the protective gas is passed. The gas passes upward over the sample electrode. In addition to
excluding nitrogen, the protective gas decreases wandering of the arc. The enclosure is
constructed from quartz to permit emitted radiation to exit from the chamber.
An ac is similar to a dc arc expect the discharge between the electrodes is not continuous.
The cathode and anode alternate after each half-cycle of the applied ac potential. Typically, the
potential supply operates at 60 Hz, which results in a polarity reversal of the electrodes at a rate
of 120 times each second. During the discharge in each half-cycle the current is continuous as in
the dc arc.
The discharge must be restarted each time the polarity of the electrodes is switched.
Because the potential that is required to start a discharge is greater than that necessary to
maintain a discharge, the ac potentials that are used with ac arcs are greater than the de potentials

that are required to sustain a de arc. The use of a potential between 2000 and '@000 V usually
results in a current between 1 and 5A.
The ac arc effectively samples the analyte during each discharge between the electrodes.
Uneven sampling that is characteristic of the de arc is prevented, with a resulting increase in
reproducibility. The sensitivity of the ac arc is less than that of the de arc, Sample solutions that
are assayed using the ac arc are usually coated on the surface of the sample electrode and
allowed to evaporate to dryness before the assay. Copper electrodes as well as graphite
electrodes can be
used with an ac arc.
The spark excitative source uses ac power an LC circuit, and a spark gap that is operated
by a synchronous motor to cause a spark to jump between the electrodes. The spark gap operates
in a manner similar to that of the spark gap.
Distributor of
an automobile.
Its function is to
ensure that the
spark jumps
between the
electrodes only
when the
potential that is stored in the capacitor in the ac circuit is at a maximum. The motor rotation is
synchronized to the frequency of alternation of the current. A sketch of a simple circuit
(Feussner circuit) that can be used for a spark source is shown in Fig. 7-5. Several variations of
the circuit are in use in different instruments.
The potential after the step-up transformer in the circuit is between 10,000 and 50,000 V
with a high-voltage source and about 1000 V with a medium voltage source. The spark is active
for periods between 10 and 100ps and typically discharges at a rate of 120 to 180 times each
second. Heating effects on the electrodes are minimized by the cooling that occurs between
sparks. That leads to less fractional distillation of the sample from the electrode than is observed
with the dc arc.

The time required to obtain a spectrum with a spark is about 10s. The spark generally
yields the most reproducible results and the highest precision of all of the spark and arc
discharges. It is not as sensitive, however, as the de arc. Minimum concentrations that can be
assayed with a spark are about 0.01 percent for solid metallic samples and about 1 Vtg/mL for
Solid metallic samples are usually machined into a rod for use as the sample electrode.
Normally the counter electrode is a pointed graphite or silver rod. Powders are pressed into
pellets and inserted in the of the sample electrode. Liquids often are assayed with the aid of a
porous-cup electrode.
The laser microprobe uses a laser to vaporize a small section on the surface of a sample. The
vaporized sample passes between two ac spark electrodes that excite the sample. The resulting
emissive spectrum is recorded as with the other AES methods.
The laser microprobe is ideally suited for examination of small areas on a surface. A
microscope is used to focus the beam from the laser onto an area that is roughly 10 to 50vim in
diameter. Often a pulsed laser is used. The electrodes are held in place about 25mm above the
surface. The laser is fired between the electrodes. The two electrodes are sharply pointed rods
that serve to control the location of the electric field during the discharges. A sketch of a laser
Arc and spark instruments normally contain non scanning monochromators. Either a series
of slits is cut in the focal plane of the monochromator and a photomultiplier tube is placed
behind each slit that corresponds to the wavelength of a line that is to be measured, or one or
more photographic plates or pieces of film are placed on the focal of the monochromator. The
instrument is a spectrometer if a photomultiplier tube or other photon detectors are used. It is a
spectrograph if the detector is a photographic plate or film.
Commercial spectrometers can contain as many as 90 exit slits. The analyst chooses the exit
slits that correspond to the spectral lines that are to be measured and places a detector behind
each chosen slit. For many analyses between 20 and 35 detectors are simultaneously used at
different slits to simultaneously assay one element for each detector. Each detector is termed a
channel. A spectrometer of that design is a direct reader or a direct-reading spectrometer. If the

chosen slits are too close together to permit placement of a detector behind each, mirrors can be
used behind the slits to reflect the radiation to the detectors.
In a spectrograph the entire spectrum of the sample is simultaneously recorded. Each
spectral line forms an image in the shape of the entrance slit to the monochromator on the film.
Generally the entrance slit and the images are narrow rectangles.
Measurement of the intensity of a particular spectral line is a requirement for quantitative
analysis. Intensity measurements with films and plates are not as easily accomplished as they are

with photomultiplier tubes. After development of the film or plate each spectral line appears as a
black image on the developed photograph or a light image on the negative. The intensity of the
spectral line is proportional to the amount of darkening on the developed film or to the lack of
darkening on the negative.
The amount of darkening is measured with a densitometer. A densitometer focuses radiation
on the image of each line and uses a photomultiplier tube or other detector to measure the
amount of radiation that is transmitted through or reflected by the image. The measurement is
similar to the percent transmittance measurement in a spectrophotometer. The measured percent
transmittance for each image is generally not directly proportional to the concentration of the
assayed element. Working curves are used to determine the concentration of a particular element
in a sample. About 16 spectra can be recorded on a roll of 5-mm film and 40 spectra on a IO 25cm photographic plate.
The densitometer that is used for most measurements is a microphotometer-comparator. It uses a
tungsten-filament lamp as the source of radiation. Microphotometer-comparators contain a slit
that can be adjusted by the operator and a photon detector, such as a photomultiplier tube, that
functions well the visible region.
Qualitative analysis is performed by comparing the wavelengths of the intense lines from the
sample with those for known elements. It is generally agreed that at least three intense lines of a
sample must be matched within a known element in order to conclude that the sample contains
the element. Normally a de arc is the source of choice for qualitative analysis because it
produces intense spectral lines. Other arcs and sparks also can be used.
In order to assign wavelengths to the developed images on a photographic plate or film, it is
helpfull to obtain the spectrum of a reference element that has lines of known wavelengths near
the lines from the sample. Iron is often used as lines of known wavelengths near the lines from
the sample. Iron is often used as the reference element because it emits a multitude of lines
throughout the entire ultraviolet-visible region. The spectrum of the reference element is
obtained on the same photographic plate as that used for the sample in order to prevent possible
changes in alignment during insertion of new plate. About 72 elements can be qualitatively and
quantitatively assayed with arc spark AES.

With direct readers quantitative analysis is straightforward. A channel is assigned for each
element. The measured intensity of the spectral line is used with a working curve to quantitate
the element in the sample. The wavelengths must be carefully chosen to prevent spectral
interference. Typically precision obtained with direct readers are in the range of 0.3 to 3
When a photographic plate or film is used as the detector, the precision is not as good as that
achieved with direct readers. In order to obtain accurate and precise results all of the
experimental conditions must be carefully controlled. Variables such as exposure time, film
type, and developing conditions particularly are important. Automated development of the film
or plat is advisable, whenever possible, in order to minimize changes in the development
process. With careful control of conditions, errors between 1 and 10 percent can be achieved
using photographic detection.
Regardless of the type of detection used for the assay, the precision of the results can be
improved by matrix-matching the standards with the sample. Use of the internal-standard
method also improves precision. Usually a working curve is prepared by plotting the ratio or
logarithm of the ratio of intensity of the standard's line to the internal standard's line as a function
of the logarithm of the concentration of the standard. The corresponding ratio for the analyte is
obtained and the concentration determined from the working curve.
In many cases the precision and accuracy of an analysis of a compound that contains organic
components can be increased by washing the sample prior to the assay. Normally the sample is
placed in a platinum or silica crucible and heated in a muffle furnace to 500'C. Ashing can also
be done in a low-temperature oxygen plasma. The temperature should be sufficiently high to
remove all traces of any organic matrix of the analyte, but it cannot be high enough to vaporize
the assayed elements. The ashing process is similar to that performed in furnace cells during
atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
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