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Design Optimisation of Fibriser

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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 4, April 2015.
ISSN 2348 – 7968

Review of Design and Optimization of Fibrizer in Sugar

Cane Industry
Kedar Ajit Ransing1, Dr. S. Y. Gajjal2 and V. V. Saidpatil3
Mechanical, , NBN Sinhgad School of Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Mechanical, , NBN Sinhgad School of Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Mechanical, , NBN Sinhgad School of Engineering, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Abstract maintenance, low power consumption. In this type
Sugar cane factories began moving away from cane roller rotating high speed hammers impacting on Cane to
crusher in favor of cane fibrizer for achieving good cane rupture it and open fiber cells for further milling
preparation for extraction of juice from cane. Three main process. In this fibrizer hammers are pivoted to
processes have done on it, cane-knifing in chopper, cane- hubs and hubs are mounting on shaft which will
crushing in fibrizer, extraction of juice in milling. As per rotate on high speed, this whole assembly is
the capacity of plant, fibrizer are changing in size & covered by means of hose. Hammers size, material
model, so which will be result in high preparation index for hammers tips, shape of hammers & weight are
(PI). In this project swing-hammer type fibrizer is used, considerable, also anvil plates, grid plates are parts
this will be result in high preparation index (90+PI) & of fibrizer assembly. Cane shredding is also
optimizes in power consumption and cost. Purpose of this depending on clearances of anvil plates, too much
fibrizer is, sugar factories needs keep up with this of clearances result in bad preparation and less
technology & take advantages of less expensive, more clearance result in break of hammers tips and
reliable fibrizer drive design which will easy in choking. Grid plate can be rigidly secured but most
maintenance and operation. Thus Optimization technique of engineers prefer to allow for fail-safe mechanism
give idea about material selection, cost reduction, power
in the event of large tramp iron or an excessive
surge of cane. Mechanisms to allow the grid plate
consumption, using this data it will give benefits for
to move rapidly away from the rotor under such
process. Experimental data will be compared to
circumstances include pneumatic, hydraulic or
theoretical for further study, so it will raise technology
spring type. Two objectives can best be achieved by
and helpful for sugar cane factories.
use of swing-hammer type fibrizer are that canes
are prepared better for achieving preparation index
Keywords: Cane, Optimization in fibrizer, Redesign, & operation have done in minimum potential
Swing hammer type, sugar cane Industry. energy and power. This total assembly is easy to
mounting so that maintenance, performance,
1. Introduction operation is simple & greater for sugar factory.
Thus behavior of swing-hammer type fibrizer has
The equipment now generally used after knifing to become proper subject for study. S.T. Inskip [1] has
complete the preparation of cane for extraction studied that there are genuine advantages to be
plant is fibrizer. But this has only been so over the gained from installing an fibrizer in terms of energy
past 20 to 60 years in most cane factories. savings, installation and civil costs, maintenance
Previously, initial knifing was followed by heavy savings and co-generation benefits that will
crusher to break the cane further, but in this process factories to operate at higher level of efficiency.
much of cane was not properly prepared thus power Hall DJ [2] replaced old motors with reliable,
consumption and losses were happened in factories. medium voltage and low maintenance, variable
On overcome these issues lots of study have been speed drives connected to robust to simple squirrel
done & technology upgraded in industries. cage motors. Researchers [3-5] studied life of
Factories are using fibrizer which produce high hammer and new material for long life of hammer.
levels of preparation (greater than 85PI) & less  
consumption of power in processing. Previously,
steam turbines were used for roller crushing instead
of electric motors, now a day slip ring motors with
high capacities are used for better operation & less

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 4, April 2015.
ISSN 2348 – 7968

2. Tables, Figures and Equations

2.1 Tables and Figures
In below table 1 average results are given for
progression of preparation and power usage (increase
in preparation is given in units of POC because POC
is itself a percentage).

Table 1: Average results for the progression and power usage

through the shredder [3]
Shredder Preparati Specif Increase Increa Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of the SRI shredder and the modified
Configurat on ic in se in feeding system.[3]
ion (POC) power Preparati specifi
(kW.h on c
/t) (POC) Power
(%) Referring to figure 2 the modification of shredder has
Hammers 73.38 2.63 been done in shredder so that results are changed
which is described in table 1.
Front wall 80.91 3.56 7.5 35.4
Grid bar 89.79 5.80 16.4 120.5
2.2 Equations
Analysis of work done
Work done in shredder by using modified system
where neglecting factors such as bearing friction,
windage etc. is made up of two components

1. Work done accelerating cane to the speed of the


2. Work done across the grid.

1 cos
Eq. (1)

Where represents an angle equivalent to the total

work done on the hammer.
Fig 1 Schematic diagram of the SRI shredder and its original
feeding system.[3]
3. Conclusions
In sugar cane industry fibrizer is in main role to cane
preparation after the process of leveling of cane.
Swing hammer type fibrizer is used in preparation &
excellent in operation for in sugar industry.
Preparation index is depended on power, grid plates,
front wall etc. This is helpful with modification in so
that preparation index is increased also it is easy in
working, less maintenance, less power consumption
& cost reduction machine. So, now a day’s swing

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 4, April 2015.
ISSN 2348 – 7968
hammer type fibrizer is used in all sugar cane [3] M.G. Schembri, “Improving The Understanding of
industry for better results and high performances. Cane Preparation by Measuring The Process of power
Usage and Cane Size Reduction Through The
Shredder”, Proceedings of Australian Society of Sugar
Appendix Cane Technologists, Vol.26, 2004
[4] J.G. Loughran, S.I. Anderson, J. Camuglia, N. Trapp,
Cane “Enhancing The Life of Shredder Hammer Tungsten
Carbide Tips”, Proceedings of Australian Society of
The material crushed including any trash, dirt, etc.
Sugar Cane Technologists , 2005, Vol. 27, pp. 508-518.
[5] C. D. Cameron, “Experience with heavy duty shredder”,
Preparation Proc. Qd. society sugar cane technology, thirty seven
The processing of the cane before crushing usually conference, 1970, pp. 197-205
by rotating chopping devices.
Used also to denote the state of the cane after Kedar Ajit Ransing is post graduate student at department of
processing, e.g. fine preparation, degree of mechanical engineering in design specialization at NBN Sinhgad
School of Engineering, Pune.
Dr..S.Y. Gajjal is post graduation head at NBN Sinhgad School
References of Engineering, Pune.
[1] S.T.Inskip, “Cane Preparation – Optimize
Technology”, Vol.112, No. 1339, 2010, pp. 398-404
V.V. Saidpatil is Asst. professor at NBN Sinhgad School of
[2] Hall DJ, “New Approach to Shedder Drives Driven by Engineering, Pune.
Electric Motor”, Proceedings of The South African
Sugar Technologists Association, Vol.82, 2009, pp.


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