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Believers Eastern Church

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Believers Eastern Church

Believers Eastern Church

Classification Evangelical
Orientation Orthodox ·
Polity Episcopal
Metropolitan bishop Athanasius Yohan (formerly known as K. P.
(Moran Mor) Yohannan)[1][2]
Bishops 30 (2017)[3]
Dioceses 33
Associations Kerala Council of Churches[4]
Founder K. P. Yohannan
Origin 1993
Congregations 14,000+
Members 3,500,000
Other name(s) Believers Church (formerly)
Official website (

Believers Eastern Church (previously Believers Church) is an episcopal church[5] with Orthodox faith
of Indian origin with congregations and parishes worldwide. The church now follows an episcopal
governance.[6] The church holds Christ as the head of the Church (Col 1:18 (
e/?osis=amp:Colossians%201:18)) but also requires that bishops and ordained ministers swear to submit to
its metropolitan and any successors of the metropolitan.[7] It is governed by a committee of bishops, the
synod, with one central bishop holding the honorary title of "first among equals" and follows Evangelical
Christian doctrine.[8] Believers Eastern Church is administratively based in the state of Kerala in
southwestern India. In 2015, the church reported it was re-organized into 33 dioceses;[6] a decrease from
the 36 dioceses reported by Smith in 2009.[9] According to Believers Eastern Church, it claims its
membership consists of more than 3.5 million people in 10 countries speaking a hundred languages. The
Church has 30 bishops, and the Metropolitan Bishop is Moran Mor Athanasius Yohan Metropolitan
(formerly known as K. P. Yohannan).[2][1]

Believers Eastern Church has its roots in Pentecostalism.[10][11] The denomination was founded in 1993 as
part of the Gospel for Asia apostolate.[12] On 6 February 2003, K. J. Samuel, the Moderator Bishop of the
Church of South India (a part of the worldwide Anglican Communion), along with the P.M. Dhotekar,
Bishop of Nagpur of the Church of North India, and Bancha Nidhi Nayak, Bishop of Phulbani of the
Church of North India, consecrated Moran Mor Athanasius Yohan Metropolitan (formerly known as K. P.
Yohannan)[2][1] as a bishop in Anglican lines of apostolic succession; K.P. Yohannan thereafter became the
first metropolitan of the Believers Eastern Church, and acquired an episcopal polity of ecclesiastical
governance.[11][13] Believers Eastern Church describes itself as being "Apostolic in origin, universal in
nature, Biblical and evangelical in faith, ecumenical in outlook".[14] It adheres to the Nicene Creed, biblical
faith, and traditions of the historical church backed up with its own canonical constitution.[14] The
Episcopal Synod and the diocesan councils take the responsibility for planning and executing the mission,
religious life and charitable programs of the Church. The Believers Eastern Church is divided as regions
into dioceses, each with its own bishop. Each local church has members ranging from less than one
hundred to a thousand with an average of a hundred, and the number of parishes themselves are
increasing.[9] The Believers Eastern Church is divided into various dioceses under the leadership of a
diocesan bishop or a vicar-general.

In 2009, the church ordained seven bishops.[15] On 2 March 2017, Moran Mor Athanasius Yohan
Metropolitan (formerly known as K. P. Yohannan)[2][1] consecrated twelve bishops for the Believers
Eastern Church.[3]


Faith and practice

The liturgy used in Believers Eastern Church "includes prayers, Scripture readings and a confession of the
Nicene or Apostles' Creed of the Church."[16] The readings come from the Revised Common Lectionary,
which has a three-year cycle; Believers Church observes the liturgical calendar of Western Christianity, thus
keeping Lent, for example.[17][18] Believers Church administers the sacraments of Baptism and Holy
Communion.[16] Women in churches of this denomination wear Christian headcoverings, in accordance
with Believers Church's interpretation of 1 Corinthians 11:2–16.[19] Communicants of Believers Eastern
Church use the sign of the cross in their prayers.[19]

The church accepts the Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible as the inspired Word of God which
is inerrant and the fundamental standard of faith,[20] and complete and final written revelation of God. It
also adheres to the Nicene Creed. The church believes in the following doctrines:[21]

One eternal God revealed in the trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ, his virgin birth, sinless life, crucifixion and
resurrection, ascension and intercession of the Holy Spirit.
The outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon believers in Jerusalem after Jesus’ ascension,
enabling them to preach the Gospel to the whole world.
Separation of all mankind from God through man's sin.
Immediate forgiveness of sins through repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ.
The person and work of indwelling and empowerment of the Holy Spirit through baptism for
all believers.
The practice of gifts of the Holy Spirit within scriptural guidelines for the common good (1Cor
12:4–7 (–7&version=nrsv));
Considers that agape love is more important than all the gifts, and without it, all exercise of
spiritual gifts as worthless.
Jesus Christ as the head of the church.
The second coming of Jesus Christ and it will be personal and visible, which motivates
active involvement of the laity in church activities.
The resurrection of the body unto eternal life for the saved and unto eternal separation for
the lost; But salvation, redemption and forgiveness are freely offered to all by the grace of
our Lord Jesus Christ.

Core values
For being distinguishable members of Believers Eastern church, and the message of the Word of God to be
applied in an individual's life leading to a greater maturity in Christ, following are the official code of

Knowing the Lord Jesus more fully and intimately.

Being a people of integrity and excellence.
Living in submission to God's Word.
Being a people of faith.
Being a people committed to prayer and worship.
Having a servant lifestyle.
Being a people of grace and love.
Serving sacrificially.
Being a people with passion for souls.
Being a people who work together with the Body of Christ.

Religious orders
The Sisters of Compassion is a religious order of nuns within Believers Eastern Church that is dedicated to
serving the "neglected of society".[23][3]

Humanitarian services
Believers Eastern Church is involved in various social projects and
has been lauded for "its humanitarian service towards the society at
large."[24] The church's social service includes poverty
alleviation,[25] and promoting adult literacy.[24] The church is also
providing shelter to street children through a home called Asha
Grih, which is licensed by the Indian Government.[26] Additionally,
Believers Eastern Church has a child development project called
Bridge of Hope (BOH). BOH provides holistic development to Bridge of Hope students on their way
needy children throughout South Asia. As of 2012, the project is to class.
helping 60,000 underprivileged children by providing them free
education, a nutritious diet and school supplies. Bridge of Hope's
525 project centers are staffed by 2,400 individuals.[26] Other major projects include the Believers Church
Medical College Hospital,[27] Believers Eastern Church Caarmel Engineering College[28] and Believers
Church Theological Seminary.[29] Most of the funds for these social projects are sent over from the United
States by the ministry Gospel for Asia, of which Believers Church is a part. The metropolitan of Believers
Church, Moran Mor Athanasius Yohan Metropolitan (formerly known as K. P. Yohannan),[2][1] is also the
president of Gospel for Asia.

The operations of Gospel for Asia and Believers Eastern Church were scrutinized after Believers Eastern
Church, under the guidance of Moran Mor Athanasius Yohan Metropolitan purchased a 2,268-acre
(9.18 km2 ) rubber estate in Kerala, India. [30] [31] Opponents said the church had diverted foreign funds to
amass land for itself and for uses other than declared purposes. [32] Further, it was alleged that the rubber
estate, which Believers Eastern Church purchased from Harrison's Malayalam Ltd., was on leasehold from
the government and not saleable. [33] Legal proceedings are still ongoing. [34] [35] [36] [37]

There is also been an ongoing court case regarding the illegal filling in of wetlands in order to build the
Believers Eastern Church Medical College Hospital.[38] [39]

Moran Mor Athanasius Yohan Metropolitan says that the claims were politically motivated and that the
workings of Gospel for Asia and Believers Eastern Church are transparent.[40] Further, the rubber estate is
an investment to help fund social service activities among underdeveloped communities[31] and not a
personal land grab as opponents have stated.

In 2017, the Ministry of Home Affairs had suspended the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA)
licenses of the church and three NGOs associated with Believers Eastern Church from receiving foreign
funds. [41] It is mandatory to have FCRA clearance from the Home Ministry for any organization to receive
foreign funds. The trust enjoyed exemption under the I-T Act, 1961 as charitable/religious trust, receiving
donations from foreign countries ostensibly for helping the poor and destitute and evangelical purposes.[42]
The government has reconsidered the decision to allow prior permission to two NGOs after detailed

In 2020, the Income Tax officials conducted searches at around 60 premises associated with the Believers
Church. [43] The I-T officials seized Rs 14.5 cr from the raid at the offices of Believers church. Out of the
total amount, Rs 7 cr was recovered from the boot of a car owned by an employee of the hospital under
Believers church. Rest of the amount was seized from various places including Delhi. [44] I-T officials
revealed that they are looking into transactions over the last ten years. The church had got around Rs 4,000
crore over the years and a chunk of it had gone into the construction of institutions and real estate dealings.
[45] [46]

Ecumenical relations
Believers Eastern Church is a member of the Kerala Council of Churches. Believers Eastern Church has
cordial brotherly relations with the Syriac Orthodox Church and its subordinate Church in India, Jacobite
Syrian Christian Church. Talks from either sides are progressing for the assimilation of the Believers
Eastern church to the Episcopal benediction of the Syriac Patriarchate of Antioch. The Believers Eastern
Church has also held ecumenical contacts with the Anglican Church in North America.[47] In addition,
Gospel For Asia frequently has and continues to solicit funding from evangelical churches, but does not
disclose that Yohannan is a metropolitan, as most evangelical churches are congregational or elder-led and
generally oppose a hierarchical structure with one person at the top (such as the Roman Catholic or the
various Orthodox bodies).

See also
Christianity portal

History of Pentecostalism in India

Believers Church Airport

1. "Moran Mor Athanasius Yohan Metropolitan, Believers Eastern Church" (https://www.bec.or
2. "K.P. Yohannan Gives Himself a New Name – Warren Throckmorton" (https://www.wthrockm 18 October 2018.
3. "12 bishops of Believers Church consecrated" (
ional/tp-kerala/believers-church-gets-12-new-bishops/article17398353.ece). The Hindu. 3
March 2017. Retrieved 20 March 2018.
4. "CSI to stiffen stance over believers church's induction into KCC" (http://www.newindianexpr
o-kerala-council-of-churches-1651785.html). The New Indian Express. 3 September 2017.
Retrieved 20 March 2018.
5. "Believers Eastern Church" ( Believers Eastern Church. Retrieved
23 July 2023.
6. "About" ( Believers Eastern Church. Retrieved
10 January 2015.
7. Evidence supporting false teaching on authority (
oads/2015/04/Pats-ordination-with-no-last-names.pdf) April 2015
8. "History of Believers Eastern Church" ( Gospel for Asia.
Retrieved 12 March 2015.
9. Smith, Warren Cole (7 May 2009). A Lover's Quarrel with the Evangelical Church (https://boo InterVarsity Press. p. 194. ISBN 978-
0-8308-5698-5. Retrieved 19 November 2014.
10. Daughrity, Dyron B.; Athyal, Jesudas M. (1 August 2016). Understanding World Christianity:
India. Fortress Press. p. 52. ISBN 978-1-5064-1689-2. "Some of the more prominent
Pentecostal groups are the Sharon Fellowship Church (est. 1975), the New India Church of
God (est. 1976), New India Bible Church (est. 1975), and the Believers' Church, run by the
Gospel for Asia ministry (est. 1978) under the leadership of K. P. Yohannan, from a St.
Thomas Syrian Christian background."
11. Jacob, George (10 February 2003). "Crisis brewing in CSI" (
90727/ The Hindu.
Kottayam. Archived from the original (
03650400.htm) on 25 November 2014. Retrieved 19 November 2014.
12. Bergunder, Michael (6 June 2008). The South Indian Pentecostal Movement in the
Twentieth Century. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. p. 54. ISBN 978-0-8028-2734-0. "In 1993,
Gospel for Asia created its own church administrative structure, the Believers'Church, where
newly founded congregations supported by Gospel for Asia were grouped together."
13. Conger, George (18 October 2017). "Slander suit filed by Believers Church against the CSI"
lievers-church-against-csi). Anglican Ink. Archived from the original (
e/slander-suit-filed-believers-church-against-csi) on 19 March 2018. Retrieved 20 March
2018. "On 6 Feb 2003 the Rt. Rev. K. J. Samuel, Bishop in East Kerala and former
moderator of the Church of South India, assisted by the Rt. Rev. P.M. Dhotekar, Bishop in
Nagpur of the Church of North India, and the Rt. Rev. Bancha Nidhi Nayak, Bishop in
Phulbani of the Church of North India, consecrated Yohannan as metropolitan archbishop of
the Believers Church."
14. Yohannan, K.P. (2018). "Believers Church" (
h/). Retrieved 20 March 2018. "Believers Church, a Christian denomination, is Apostolic in
origin, universal in nature, Biblical and evangelical in faith, ecumenical in outlook, and has a
constitutional episcopacy for governance. The Church adheres to the Nicene Creed, Biblical
Faith, and traditions of the historical church backed up with its own Canonical Constitution."
15. "Seven more bishops for Believers Church" (
nal/tp-kerala/Seven-more-bishops-for-Believers-Church/article16823721.ece). The Hindu.
11 December 2009. Retrieved 11 June 2018.
16. "History of Believers Church" ( Gospel for Asia.
Retrieved 12 March 2015. "Believers Church liturgy includes prayers, Scripture readings
and a confession of the Nicene or Apostle's Creed of the Church. These serve to bind us all
together in common faith."
17. Yohannan, K.P. (14 February 2018). "God's Heart Aches and He Wants to Share That With
Us" ( Retrieved
20 March 2018. "Today marks the first day of Lent. It is one of the oldest holy days on the
Christian calendar. As Christians, we have many holidays that we celebrate throughout the
year such as Christmas, Palm Sunday and Easter. Lent is a special time like those when we
can stop and remember what our lives here on earth are about."
18. "Lectionary 2012-2013" ( Believers
Church. 2011. Retrieved 12 March 2015.
19. "History of Believers Church" ( Gospel for Asia.
Retrieved 20 March 2018. "In our church services, you will see that the women wear head
coverings as is mentioned in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. In the same way, we adhere to the
practice of baptism as commanded in Matthew 28:19, and Holy Communion, which is given
to us in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. These are all part of the traditions of faith of Believers
Church. Along with many Eastern evangelical churches in Asia, the members of Believers
Church use the Christian sign of the cross to help identify them as followers of Christ as
opposed to followers of other faiths. It is also a powerful visible symbol which says, "The
Lord Jesus came from heaven to earth; died on the cross for me, a sinner, to take me from
the left, representing the kingdom of darkness, and place me on His right side, representing
salvation" (see Matthew 25:31-46)."
20. K.P. Yohannan (2004). Guiding Principles of Believers Eastern Church. Believers Eastern
Church Publications. pp. 197-199.
21. "Statement of Faith" ( Believers
Church. Retrieved 10 January 2015.
22. "Core Values" ( Believers Church.
Retrieved 10 January 2015.
23. "Prime Minister Narendra Modi describes meeting with church head as "wonderful" " (http:// The Gospel Truth Newspaper. 18 March
2016. Retrieved 20 March 2018.
24. "Church devoted to literacy campaign." (
cy-programme-chief-guest) Times of India (May 25, 2011)
25. "Bihar, News in Brief: Project" ( The Telegraph (June 25, 2012)
26. "Believers Eastern Church turns new page in lives of lesser privileged" (http://www.echoofar Archived ( 2014-11-02 at the Wayback Machine Echo of Arunachal
(July 22, 2012)
27. "BCMCH" (
28. "Believers Eastern Church Caarmel Engineering College" (
Believers Eastern Church Caarmel Engineering College. Retrieved 28 November 2017.
29. "Believers Church Theological Seminary -" (
30. "Cash scanner on evangelist" ( The Telegraph. Archived from the original
( on 6 July 2013.
31. "Cheruvally Rubber Estate" ( Believers Eastern Church. Archived from the original (htt
p:// on 8 August 2014.
32. "Probe on into functioning of Gospel for Asia, HC told" (
ochi/article535507.ece). The New Indian Express.
33. "God's own country" (
1080713/jsp/7days/story_9543119.jsp). The Telegraph. Archived from the original (http://ww on 30 August 2013.
34. "Smooth take-off unlikely for proposed Erumeli airport" (
ml). The New Indian Express. Retrieved 22 June 2023.
35. " 'Yohannan has no stake in Cheruvally estate' - Times of India" (http://timesofindia.indiatime
842542.cms). The Times of India. 7 December 2016.
36. "After PM Modi's announcement about Rs 500 and Rs 1000, reactions pour in - Latest News
& Updates at" (
i-to-address-the-nation-at-8-pm-2271409). 8 November 2016.
37. "Question mark over airport project" (
erala/question-mark-over-airport-project/article19448783.ece). The Hindu. 8 August 2017 –
38. "Govt overruled objections to aid illegal filling of land - Times of India" (http://timesofindia.ind
rticleshow/49798205.cms). The Times of India. 16 November 2015.
39. "Indian Tax Court on Gospel for Asia and Believers' Church: "Substantial Income" Not Used
for Intended Purposes" (
church-substantial-income-not-used-for-intended-purposes/). Archived from the original (htt
sia-and-believers-church-substantial-income-not-used-for-intended-purposes/) on 22 May
2018. Retrieved 21 January 2018.
40. "GFA says allegations politically motivated" (
-allegations-politically-%20motivated/2715.htm). Christianity Today.
41. "Believers Church dismisses media reports - The Hindu" (
ational/kerala/believers-church-dismisses-media-reports/article33061316.ece). The Hindu. 9
November 2020.
42. " 'Believers Church used paper firms to route unaccounted money'- The New Indian
Express" (
43. "Kerala's Believers Church under scanner for huge foreign fund flow | Deccan Herald" (http
foreign-fund-flow-914020.html). 10 November 2020.
44. "Dramatic events during I-T raid at Believers Church; priest tries to destroy iPhone" (https://e
est-tries-to-destroy-iphone-kerala-1.5195047). 9 November 2020.
45. "IT sleuths reveal Believers Church used paper firms to route unaccounted money" (https://w
oute-unaccounted-money/679311). 9 November 2020.
46. "ED probe likely into money seizure from Believers Church- The New Indian Express" (http
47. "Provincial Council 2016 Live Blog, ACNA Official Website, 22 June 2016" (http://www.angli Retrieved 22 June 2023.

External links
Website of Believers Eastern Church (old website) (
Website of Believers Eastern Church (new website) (
Reporter Channel News: Merging of two Christian movements (
Retrieved from ""

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