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Priyanshu - Sarkar - Project Report On Internship Program

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➢ ROLL NO: 23403321018

➢ REGISTRATION NO: 212341303310051


➢ SESSION: 2021 – 2024

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This is to certify that Mr Priyanshu Sarkar, a student of BBA In Hospital

Management at NSHM Knowledge campus Kolkata, Registration No.
212341303310051 Session 2021- 2024, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
University of Technology, has undertaken a topic “A PROJECT REPORT
ON INTERNSHIP PROGRAM” carried out at Medica Super Speciality
Hospitals Mukundapur, under my guidance and supervision during the period
from 15th June – 15th August, 2023.

He has successfully completed the work and this contains the findings of her

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Every successful work is backed by hard work and sincerity. During this two-
month tenure of my work, I was able to gain a lot of knowledge and I express
my heartful gratitude to who in spite of their busy schedule has guided me
throughout my endeavor to complete the project. My training period would
have not been possible without the support and guide of respected trainers and
official staffs. I am very grateful to those who have helped me in every way

First of all, I would like to thanks Mrs. Priyanka Chowdhury (HR) for
selecting and accepting me as a management trainee in MEDICA
SUPERSPECIALITY HOSPITAL. This training report offered me a great
experience and gives me an overview of a Medica super speciality hospital. I
would like to give my heart full thanks to the Deputy Manager Mrs. Baby Oha.
At the outset, I want to give special thanks to our Deputy Manager Mrs. Baby
Oha for giving me an opportunity to complete my Training in as well as for
helping me in completion of my Project report.
I express my sincere gratitude to my college, our honorable batch coordinator
Mr. Prashant Karn, and other faculty guides of our department for their
constant monitoring of the project work and advice right from the beginning to
its final shaping and completion. Their valuable and constructive suggestions
are immensely acknowledged.
I extended my thanks to all the staff’s members of Financial Counselling,
Radiology for their kind co-operation, support and patience.

--------------------------------- Priyanshu Sarkar

Signature Of Deputy Manager

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I do hereby declare that this project work “ A PROJECT REPORT ON


Mukundupur for 2 months (15th June to 15th August ),submitted by me in

practical fulfilment for the requirement of BBA In Hospital Management from
NSHM Knowledge campus Kolkata with the collaboration of MAULANA
(MAKAUT)is the result of my original and independent learning work carried
out under the supervision and guidance from NSHM Knowledge campus

I further declare that this project work or any part of this has not been submitted
by me anywhere for the award of any degree or other similar title before.

Roll no.: 23403321018
Reg. no.: 212341303310051
Duration of Training: 2 months (15-06-23 to 15-08-23)
BBA in Hospital Management
NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata

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I, Priyanshu Sarkar a student of NSHM Knowledge Campus
Kolkata, am currently pursuing my training from MEDICA
department in a hospital is a team of professionals who help
patients understand their financial responsibilities for
healthcare services. They can explain insurance coverage,
estimate out-of-pocket costs, and help patients set up payment
plans. Financial counsellors can also help patients find financial
assistance programs, such as charity care or Medicaid.

The Financial Counselling department is an important resource

for patients who are facing financial challenges due to medical
bills. They can help patients avoid bankruptcy and foreclosure,
and they can also help patients get the care they need.

Here are some of the services that a Financial Counselling department

may offer:
• Estimate out-of-pocket costs for healthcare services
• Help patients understand their insurance coverage
• Help patients set up payment plans
• Find financial assistance programs
• Advocate for patients with creditors

If you are facing financial challenges due to medical bills, the Financial
Counselling department at your hospital can help. They can provide you
with the information and support you need to get your finances back on

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▪ To gain the practical knowledge

▪ To study financial counselling department
▪ To study the workflow and working process of the
department as much as possible
▪ To understand how the works is done and also learn
everything about the department
▪ Develop my client relationship skills.
▪ Attend client appointments and observe how financial counselors interact
with their clients.

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Established in 2010, 500 beds Kolkata Hospital, located in Mukundapur, off EM

Bypass, is today one of the most respected and trusted healthcare providersin Eastern
India. Filling a huge lacuna in tertiary healthcare in the east, Medica Super speciality
Hospital has kept its promise of delivering quality healthcare using ethical practices in a
transparent set up. The hospital has revolutionized healthcare delivery in the region
through not just technological advancements and innovative treatment techniques, but
also in the area of patient care.

Our Specialties
Medica Super speciality Hospital has eight Centres of Excellence – Neurological
Diseases, Cardiac Sciences, Orthopedics, Gastroenterology & GI Surgery, Kidney
Diseases, Critical Care, ENT and Breast Diseases – headed by renowned specialists
andsurgeons, with comprehensive treatment facilities.
The other clinical departments at MSH include, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics,
Endocrinology & Diabetes, Dermatology, Plastic Surgery, Internal Medicine, General
Surgery, Psychiatry & Psychology and Physical Therapy & Rehab services for post-
surgery and medical management of patients along withspecialized services in sports
injury management and counselling. The Hospital houses one of the largest and most
advanced Critical Care Units in the region 16with the most modern facilities for dedicated
and life-saving care for medicalan17d post-surgical patients.
The 18state-of-the-art dialysis wing of the hospital is equipped with the latest
haemo19dialysis facilities with ultra-pure water and round-the-clock specialist
support. In-house comprehensive diagnosis services at the hospital include NABL
accredited Lab (including molecular lab) and international standard imaging services.
Medica Emergency services has 24×7 consultant coverage,ACLS ambulance facility
for transport of critical patients and is equipped to handle all kinds of emergencies
including Heart Attack, Stroke and Trauma.
With a highly competent team comprising skilled and experienced Doctors, seasoned
administrators, highly trained nurses and health care technicians, superior patient care
at Medica is a way of life. It is our endeavor, always, tonot just treat the disease, but
to provide an experience that heals.
Recently in 3rd August Medica super speciality hospital inaugurated Medica Cancer
superspeciality hospital. It is a huge success for everyone who will do hard works and
plans to do such a big thing. We all know Cancer is such a disease that need to be
treated in a very well way and now Medica super speciality achieved a huge success
after their hard works and they are become now superspeciality of treating cancer.

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Our Vision

Committed to bring the best in healthcare

Our Mission

We deliver excellent clinical outcome with superior patient care in a

transparentmanner within a safe environment.

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VENUE: The study has conducted at Medica Super specialty Hospital.

SPECIALIZED DEPARTMENT – Financial counselling

LOCATION - Ground Floor

DURATION OF TRAINING - 2 MONTHS ( 15th June to 15th August)

Primary Data:
The primary data has been collected through personal observation.
Secondary Data:
The secondary data has been collected from hospital information system
and newspaper, website etc.

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Financial counselors can provide guidance and support to help people develop
financial plans, manage their money, and achieve their financial goals. They can also
help people negotiate with creditors, apply for financial assistance programs, and
develop debt repayment plans.

Financial counseling can be a valuable resource for people who are struggling with
their finances. It can help people get on the right track financially and achieve their
financial goals.

Here are some duties of financial counselling department :

• Conducting financial assessments: This involves gathering information about a

client's income, expenses, assets, and debts in order to get a clear picture of their
financial situation.
• Providing financial education: This can include teaching clients about budgeting,
saving, investing, and other financial topics.
• Developing financial plans: This involves working with clients to create a plan to
achieve their financial goals.
• Advocating for clients: This can involve working with creditors to negotiate lower
interest rates or payment plans, or helping clients apply for financial assistance
• Managing cases: This involves tracking client progress, documenting meetings, and
communicating with other professionals involved in the client's case.

financial counselors may also be responsible for:

• Providing emotional support: Financial problems can be stressful and

overwhelming, so financial counselors may need to provide emotional support
to their clients.
• Managing paperwork: Financial counseling can involve a lot of paperwork, so
financial counselors need to be organized and efficient in their recordkeeping.
• Staying up-to-date on financial regulations: Financial regulations can change
frequently, so financial counselors need to stay up-to-date on the latest
changes in order to provide accurate and up-to-date information to their
Financial counselors play an important role in helping people improve their financial
situation. They can provide guidance and support to help people develop financial
plans, manage their money, and achieve their financial goals.

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• To help people improve their financial situation: This can include helping
people get out of debt, save for retirement, and achieve other financial

• To provide financial education: This can include teaching people about

budgeting, saving, investing, and other financial topics.

• To advocate for clients: This can include working with creditors to

negotiate lower interest rates or payment plans, or helping clients apply
for financial assistance programs.

• To promote financial literacy: This can include raising awareness about

financial issues and providing resources to help people learn about
financial matters.

• To reduce financial stress: Financial problems can be stressful and

overwhelming, so financial counselling can help to reduce financial stress
and improve people's overall well-being.

• To help people achieve their financial goals. This could include helping
people save for retirement, buy a home, or pay off debt.

• To provide financial education and resources to the public. This could

include offering workshops and classes on budgeting, saving, and

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Checking Email for TPA Checking of WhatsApp Sending outstanding

Denial (Expadiet) for any message or patient list to higher
payment (Expadiet) authority via mail

Making various types of

list CASH, TPA, CTVS- Sending PRE-TPA mail Making list with PRE-
CASH, CTVS-TPA, HSS-CP, and message TPA list

Sending bills for CASH While sending bills follow ups

Making of
patients then TPA must be done & if required
patients & then meeting to patient relatives
accordingly as per for strong follow up or
sequence. Sending bills discussion or receiving bills
to he ONCO and HSS CP with signature
are to be avoided

Making list of Heads for Day report for

If required making list
BAJAJ GROUP & MILAP outstanding in excel
GROUP with remarks should be

Maintenance Maintaing CSR

Iin google sheet
with excel
Lastly Coordinator
making with
tracker for CALLS if there is coordinator for
estimations any query of any making
of ONCO patient/patient estimations
SURGERY relative

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• Providing information about financial assistance programs: There are a number of

government and private programs that can help patients pay for healthcare costs. The
financial counselling department can help patients find and apply for these programs.
• Negotiating with insurance companies: The financial counselling department can help
patients understand their insurance coverage and negotiate with insurance companies
to get the best possible reimbursement.
• Developing payment plans: If patients cannot afford to pay their healthcare bills in
full, the financial counselling department can help them develop a payment plan that
fits their budget.
• Providing emotional support: Dealing with the financial burden of healthcare can be
stressful. The financial counselling department can provide emotional support to
patients and their families.
• Helping patients understand their medical bills: The financial counseling department
can help patients understand the terms of their medical bills, such as what is covered
by insurance and what is not. They can also help patients dispute incorrect charges.
• Providing financial literacy education: The financial counseling department can offer
workshops and classes on topics such as budgeting, saving, and debt management.
This can help patients improve their financial health overall.
• Referrals to other resources: The financial counseling department may be able to refer
patients to other resources, such as credit counseling agencies or legal aid
• Making various types of list CASH, TPA, CTVS-CASH, CTVS-TPA, HSS-CP,
• Sending PRE-TPA mail and message. Sending bills for CASH patients then TPA
patients & then accordingly as per sequence. Sending bills to he ONCO and HSS CP
are to be avoided
• While sending bills follow ups must be done & if required meeting to patient relatives
for strong follow up or discussion or receiving bills with signature
• Making of GENERIC MEDICINE list.
• Making list of Heads for BAJAJ GROUP & MILAP GROUP
• Maintaing BAJAJ TRACKER Iin google sheet
• Making tracker for estimations of ONCO SURGERY

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❖ I Learned how many types of list made everyday through hospital

software. I also understand and make various type of patient list
HSS-CP and ONCO list.
❖ I understand how to send PRE-TPA list.
❖ I checked mail everyday for any TPA denial, If any denial coming I
need to send to the concerned patients with bill,
❖ I have to check WhatsApp everyday if any payments coming. If it
comes then I need to send the payment photo to the billing
department with patient name and his/her first bill copy.
❖ After making the list I have to mark the discharge patient in that
❖ Then I send bills to the patients according to the list.
❖ After that I also learned how to send Generic Medicine everyday .
❖ I learned how to send head for BAJAJ and MILAP group.
❖ I understand how every day follow ups done with patient according
to the list based on their bills.
❖ I also learned how to maintain BAJAJ TRACKER in google sheet.
❖ I also learned how to do LAMA calls also how to maintain every
month LAMA report.
❖ I also understand how to handle calls if there is any query of any
patient/patient relative.
❖ Lastly, I understand how to co-ordinate with patient party and how
we help patient to understand the bills.

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➢ INTERNET CONNECTION: In the middle of work sometimes

internet got disconnect for certain amount of time. It can lead
delays of work.

➢ SLOW MACHINE: Sometime the machine got crashed during the

work. Machines working slow in the work . It can lead to wasted of

➢ LACK OF STAFFS: There are lots of works in the department if

the staff is increased the burden of work to others will reduce.

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▪ The hospital authority should increase the number of staffs.

▪ Need latest systems for good workflow in the department.

▪ IT department need to take action fast if any problem occurs in

the department.

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A financial counselling department in a hospital is a valuable resource for
patients who are struggling to pay for their medical bills. Financial counsellors
can help patients understand their insurance coverage, their financial
obligations, and their options for payment. They can also help patients apply for
financial assistance programs, such as Medicaid or charity care.
Financial counselling can be a lifesaver for patients who are facing financial
hardship due to medical bills. By providing patients with the information and
resources they need, financial counsellors can help patients get the care they
need without going into debt.
So Financial counselling department is very important department in hospital.

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I, Priyanshu Sarkar a student of NSHM Knowledge Campus Kolkata, am

currently pursuing my training from MEDICA SUPERSPECIALTY
HOSPITTAL. The radiology department is a medical department that uses
imaging technology to diagnose and treat diseases. It is a vital part of the
healthcare system, and its services are used by patients of all ages.
The radiology department is divided into two main branches: diagnostic
radiology and interventional radiology.
• Diagnostic radiology uses imaging technology to create pictures of the
body's internal structures. This information can be used to diagnose
diseases, assess the severity of injuries, and monitor the effectiveness
of treatment. The most common diagnostic imaging procedures
include X-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), and ultrasound.
• Interventional radiology uses imaging technology to guide minimally
invasive medical procedures. These procedures are performed to
diagnose and treat diseases without the need for major surgery. Some
common interventional radiology procedures include needle biopsy,
angioplasty, and stent placement.
The radiology department is staffed by a team of professionals, including
radiologists, technologists, and nurses. Radiologists are doctors who
specialize in interpreting medical images. Technologists are responsible for
operating the imaging equipment and preparing patients for procedures.
Nurses provide care to patients before, during, and after imaging
The radiology department is a busy and important part of the healthcare
system. Its services help to improve the diagnosis, treatment, and
management of diseases.

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VENUE: The study has conducted at Medica Super specialty Hospital.

SPECIALIZED DEPARTMENT – Radiology department

LOCATION - Ground Floor

DURATION OF TRAINING - 2 MONTHS ( 15th June to 15th August)

Primary Data:
The primary data has been collected through personal observation.
Secondary Data:
The secondary data has been collected from hospital information system
and newspaper, website etc.

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• Diagnose diseases: The radiology department uses imaging technology to

create pictures of the body's internal structures. This information can be
used to diagnose diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
• Assess the severity of injuries: Imaging can also be used to assess the
severity of injuries, such as fractures and dislocations. This information
can help doctors to determine the best course of treatment.
• Monitor the effectiveness of treatment: Imaging can also be used to
monitor the effectiveness of treatment for diseases, such as cancer and
heart disease. This information can help doctors to adjust the treatment
plan as needed.
• Guide minimally invasive medical procedures: The radiology department
also uses imaging technology to guide minimally invasive medical
procedures. These procedures are performed to diagnose and treat
diseases without the need for major surgery.
• Educate patients and healthcare providers: The radiology department also
plays an important role in educating patients and healthcare providers
about imaging technology. This education helps to ensure that patients
receive the best possible care.
Here are some of the specific imaging procedures that are performed in
the radiology department:
➢ X-rays: X-rays are the oldest and most common type of medical
imaging. They use a beam of radiation to create images of the
bones, organs, and other structures in the body.
➢ CT scans: CT scans are more detailed than X-rays and can create
images of the body in cross-section. They are often used to
diagnose cancer, heart disease, and other diseases.
➢ MRI scans: MRI scans use a strong magnetic field and radio waves
to create detailed images of the body's soft tissues. They are often
used to diagnose cancer, neurological disorders, and other diseases.
➢ Ultrasound: Ultrasound uses sound waves to create images of the
body's internal organs. It is often used to diagnose pregnancy,
kidney stones, and other diseases.
➢ Nuclear medicine scans: Nuclear medicine scans use radioactive
tracers to create images of the body's organs and tissues. They are
often used to diagnose cancer, heart disease, and other diseases.
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❖ Firstly, I understand how much patient coming everyday in Radiology

Department like in X-Ray it touches around 100 people every day.
❖ Second, I also understand how many OP/IP patients coming everyday.
❖ I also learned how many types of surgery are done in Radiology like there
are many types of surgery’s done in X-Ray, USG, CT, MRI.
❖ I learned what are the time duration of every surgery takes like for chest
X-Ray if its male patient it takes 3-4 mins, if its female patients it may
take some time like 5-6 mins.
❖ I maintained patient tracker everyday manually.
❖ By maintaining patient tracker, I also understand the time gap between
Bill Time and In Time.
❖ I also observed and learned how to do X-Ray, MRI, USG.
❖ I also helped patients to guide to the concerned department where their
surgery will done.
❖ I also served bills to the concerned department.
❖ I also note down the in time and out time of every patient.

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The radiology department is a vital part of the healthcare system. It uses

imaging technology to diagnose and treat diseases, assess the severity of
injuries, and monitor the effectiveness of treatment. The radiology
department is staffed by a team of professionals, including radiologists,
technologists, and nurses. Radiologists are doctors who specialize in
interpreting medical images. Technologists are responsible for operating
the imaging equipment and preparing patients for procedures. Nurses
provide care to patients before, during, and after imaging procedures.

The radiology department is a complex and ever-evolving field. The

functions of the radiology department are constantly changing as new
imaging technologies are developed. However, the goal of the radiology
department remains the same: to improve the diagnosis, treatment, and
management of diseases.

Radiology is now the key diagnostic tool for many diseases and has an
important role in monitoring treatment and predicting outcome. It has a
number of imaging modalities in its armamentarium which have differing
physical principles of varying complexity. The anatomical detail and
sensitivity of these techniques is now of a high order and the use of
imaging for ultrastructural diagnostics, nanotechnology, functional and
quantitative diagnostics and molecular medicine is steadily increasing.
Technological advances in digital imaging have also enabled the images
produced to be post-processed, manipulated and also transmitted rapidly
all over the world to be viewed simultaneously with the transmitting

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➢ Website :

➢ Website :

➢ Website :

➢ Financial Counselling Department

➢ Radiology Department

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