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Burn Out 5

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International Journal Of Health Science Vol 3 No.

2 (July 2023) Hal 09-17

E-ISSN : 2827-9603 P-ISSN : 2827-959X


Link Page:

The Effect of Burnout on the Performance of Nurses at

Aliyah I Hospital in Kendari City in 2023

Muhammad Al Rajab 1, Fajar Kurniawan 2, Marheni Fadillah Harun 3

STIKES Pelita Ibu, Kendari, Indonesia
Korespondensi penulis :

Performance is the work of an employee qualitatively and quantitatively in carrying out
his duties in accordance with the obligations imposed on him. The purpose of this study
was to see how burnout affects the performance of employees at RSU Aliyah I Kendari City
in 2023. Using complete sampling, the population consists of 42 permanent nurses. Data
collection methods include observation, interviews, and distributing questionnaires.
Chisquare is the analytical approach used. Based on the research findings, 11 (68.3%) of
the 16 respondents who experienced burnout in the low group performed well in the good
category. Furthermore, 17 (65.4%) of the 26 respondents in the high burnout category
were satisfied with patient satisfaction. On the other hand, the value of ρ<1. We get α =
0.031 < 0.05 and Ho is discarded. Therefore, at Aliyah I General Hospital in Kendari City
in 2023, burnout can be interpreted as affecting nurse performance. Efforts to improve
performance must pay attention to the comfort of nurses' work, need to pay attention to the
skills and workload of nurses, and foster a sense of responsibility.

Keywords: Burnout, Performance, Hospital, Kendari.

The development of health services in hospitals is not only related to hospital
structure (eg, size, complexity, number of units), medical credentials, financial systems, and
other information, but also service quality. Competence of health workers in providing
services. Provision of health services in accordance with these objectives must be integrated
with various scientific technologies, with nurses as one of the primary service providers [1]
Nurses are "The Caring Profession" who play an important role in providing good
health services in hospitals because the uniqueness of 24-hour and continuous service is a
distinct advantage compared to other services. To increase customer or patient satisfaction,
hospitals must have high-performance nurses to support hospital performance [2].
Nurses do the following nursing duties: assess patient needs, develop treatment plans,
evaluate nursing performance, and document nursing processes. Nursing is a significant
professional service that cannot be isolated from medical services in general. Furthermore,
hospital services are an important component in determining the quality and image of these
medical institutions. Because nurses have the most nurses of any other occupation and have
the longest customer interaction, they are advantageously positioned in assessing quality. As
a result, nursing is the backbone of medical services, and it is frequently utilized as an
Received Mei 01, 2023; Revised Juni 02, 2023; Accepted Juli 01, 2023
indication of health-care quality and plays a role in determining consumer happiness [3]
The percentage of nurses in health facilities is the highest, namely 40% compared to
other health workers. 65% of the workforce works in hospitals, 28% work in health facilities
and the remaining 7% work in other health facilities (RI Ministry of Health, 2017). Medical
services in hospitals are one of the important and goal-oriented services that focus on
providing professional care according to nursing standards, based on the performance of
nurses in carrying out standard nursing care in hospitals [3]
Direct observation, namely the practice of providing nursing care or reports and
nursing records of patients (documents) who have received nursing outcomes can show an
increase in the performance of nurses in the hospital. Nurses who are well managed will
have an effect on providing optimal nursing care to patients, resulting in patient and family
satisfaction as well as improving the quality of hospital services. Job satisfaction is related
to performance levels and occurs when an individual's job results are as predicted. The better
the results, the happier the individual will be with the formation of job satisfaction,
essentially the person's pleasant attitude about his work, which leads to individual success
Other psychological elements, such as fatigue, can impact performance. When nurses
are emotionally or physically exhausted at work due to lack of physical fitness, it is easy for
them to quit [5] Burnout is a psychiatric syndrome produced by persistent physical, mental,
and even emotional exhaustion, which causes stress for employees and reduces their own
performance [6]
Burnout behavior must be evaluated because it can have an impact on the family
environment in addition to the professional environment. (1) physical exhaustion, (2) mental
exhaustion, (3) emotional exhaustion, and (4) poor self-esteem are indications used to assess
exhaustion [7]. Burnout is a condition that develops as a result of long-term unmanaged work
stress. Burnout has three dimensions: emotional exhaustion, increased mental detachment
from work or negative thoughts or work-related cynicism (cynicism), and decreased
performance, and fatigue is mainly related to work-related problems [8]
The work of a team of nurses has a major impact on success and health care. As a
result, improvement of nurse performance is very important and must always be carried out
through a standardized system to ensure the best results. The role of the nurse in the
healthcare business in general, and the work of nursing in particular, has recently been
broadened and empowered [9]
According to research [10] on the effect of job satisfaction and burnout on the
performance of manufacturing workers at PT. Lea Sanent, her influence is enormous.
Furthermore, [11] found a strong relationship between job satisfaction and the performance
of nurses in the inpatient room of RSB Bandung Medan. According to research [12] on the
effect of burnout on employee performance at BMT El-Munawar Medan, burnout has an
effect on employee performance.
In Nigeria, a study of 270 nurses in a district hospital showed high levels of burnout
among nurses, especially senior nurses. Burnout is caused by problems such as hierarchy,
intimidation, the working relationship between doctors and nurses, and frequent night shifts.
In addition, exploratory research in six countries: United States, Germany, Japan, United
Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand with 53,846 nurses showed that nurses in Japan had the
highest saturation level, while nurses in Germany had the lowest saturation level. In addition,

all nurses from six countries agreed that nurse performance decreased due to burnout [12].
[13] found that 54% of nurses experienced burnout. However, after the Covid-19
pandemic, the incidence of nurse burnout in Indonesia increased by 84% [14]. In addition,
in the Province of Southeast Sulawesi in the RSJ, 15.7% of nurses experienced burnout [4]
The problem of burnout among resident nurses at Aliyah I General Hospital is that
nurses are often reluctant to return to work because of the heavy workload, causing irritation
and painful emotions, melancholy at work because they often feel like they are failing at
work, and often vomit. Work is not a priority. Exhausted nurses have less energy and are
less involved in their work. The work schedule at RSU Aliyah I is divided into three sessions,
namely the morning shift from 08.00 to 14.00, the afternoon shift from 14.00 to 21.00, and
the night shift from 21.00 to 08.00 in the morning. The division of shifts aims to reduce the
workload of caregivers. The phenomenon at Aliyah I General Hospital has a problem,
namely a decrease in nurse job satisfaction due to high burnout, which causes a decrease in
nurse performance. The decline in nurse job satisfaction can be seen in tardiness, heavy
workload, nurses who tend to do tasks outside of their duties, and there are still nurses who
are late at work. Therefore, these problems must be minimized immediately, because this
situation will result in a decrease in hospital performance.
Based on the statement above, researchers are interested in conducting research on
the effect of burnout on performance at Aliyah I Hospital in 2023

This type of research is quantitative and uses an analytic observation design with a
cross-sectional technique, basically a design that studies the dynamics of the correlation
between independent factors and the dependent variable while filling out a questionnaire.
This study involved all 42 nurses at Aliyah I Hospital, Kendar City in 2023. The
sampling method for this study was complete sampling. This research was conducted at
Aliyah I General Hospital, Kendar City, from 9 February to 3 April 2023.
[5] used a completed questionnaire as a data collection strategy in this study, with
Cronbach's alpha scores of 0.821 and 0.946 which were filled out by the assignment of
nurses. The measurements of this study included 30 items on a Likert scale of 1-5 with a
Cronbach alpha of 0.60. Computer software is used to process and evaluate the data obtained.

The Effect of Burnout on the Performance of Nurses at Aliyah I Hospital in Kendari City in 2023
(Muhammad Al Rajab)
1. Characteristics of Respondents
a. Age of Respondents
Table 1
Frequency Distribution based on Respondents' Age at Aliyah I General Hospital,
Kendari City, 2023

Respondent Amount Percentage (%)

Age Group (n)
20-25 1 2.4
26-30 30 71.4
31-35 10 23.8
36-40 1 2.4
Total 42 100
Based on Table 1, the age group 26-30 had the most answers (71.4%), while
the age group 20-25 had the fewest answers (2.4%).

b. Gender of Respondents

Table 2
Frequency Distribution based on Gender of Respondents at Aliyah I General
Hospital, Kendari City, 2023

Gender Amount (n) Percentage

Man 18 42.9
Woman 24 57.1
Total 42 100
Based on Table 2, the majority of respondents are women, with 57.1% more
than men (42.9

c. Education

Table 3
Frequency Distribution Based on Respondents' Education at Aliyah I General
Hospital, Kendari City, 2023
Amount Percentage
(n) (%)
D3 32 76.2
Ners 10 23.8
Total 42 100
Based on table 3, the majority of respondents have a DII education level of
76.2%, higher than a Nurse education level of 23.8%.

d. Length of Work

Table 4
Frequency Distribution Based on Respondents' Years of Service at Aliyah I General
Hospital, Kendari City, 2023
Amount Percentage
(n) (%)
2 years 4 9.5
3 years 4 9.5
4 years 10 23.8
5 years 20 47.6
6 years 4 9.5
Total 42 100.
Based on table 4, the majority of respondents have a 5-year working period
of 47.6%, which is greater than a 2-year working period of 9.5%.
2. Univariate Analysis

Table 5
Frequency Distribution Based on Respondents' Burnout at Aliyah I
Hospital in Kendari City in 2023
Amount Percentage
(n) (%)
Low 16 38.1
Height 26 61.9
Total 42 100
Based on Table 5, the majority of respondents had a high burnout category
of 61.9%, greater than the respondents whose burnout category was 38.1%.

Table 6
Frequency Distribution Based on Respondents' Performance at
Aliyah I Hospital in Kendari City in 2023

Amount Percentage
(n) (%)
Good 20 47.6
Less 22 52.4
Total 42 100.0
Based on Table 6, the majority of respondents had a bad performance score
of 52.4%, greater than a good class performance score of 47.6%.

The Effect of Burnout on the Performance of Nurses at Aliyah I Hospital in Kendari City in 2023
(Muhammad Al Rajab)

Table 7
The Effect of Burnout on Nurse Performance at Aliyah I Hospital in
Kendari City in 2023

Statistical Test
Burnout Good Less Values
ρ value
n % n % n %
Low 68, 31,
11 5 16 100
3 3 X2 count =
Height 34, 65, 4.627 df=1
9 17 26 100
6 4 ρ = 0,031
47, 52,
Total 20 22 42 100
6 4

Based on Table 7, 11 (68.3%) of the 16 respondents who experienced fatigue at a

lower level excelled in class. Furthermore, 17 (65.4%) of the 26 respondents in the high
fatigue group were satisfied patients. Based on the results of the chi-square statistical test,
the value of X2count = 4.627 > 3.841, then Ho is rejected. While Ho was rejected based on
the result = 0.031 0.05. As a result, burnout can affect the performance of nurses at Aliyah I
Hospital, Kendar City in 2023.

Burnout is a psychiatric illness characterized by chronic physical, mental and even
emotional exhaustion, which causes stress on employees and decreases their own
performance [6]
This study provides information that out of 16 respondents with mild burnout, 11
people (68.3%) are high achievers. In addition, of the 26 respondents in the high fatigue
category, 17 people (65.4%) were patients in the Satisfied category. Based on the statistical
test results, the value of ρ < a = 0.031 < 0.05 was obtained, so Ho was rejected. Thus it can
be interpreted that burnout has an impact on the performance of nurses at Aliyah I Hospital,
Kendar City in 2023.
Similar research was conducted by [12] who found that burnout had a negative and
significant effect on the performance of paramedics at PT. Graha Pusri Medik Palembang.
Burnout is fatigue that affects performance and service quality which may be low.
Another similar study [14] found that there is a close relationship between burnout
and performance, because people who experience burnout or job burnout will have a
negative impact on their own performance and career development.
In this study, there are similarities with the results of research conducted by [15]

concerning the effect of burnout on the performance of nurses in the Sumedang District
General Hospital which shows that there is a strong relationship between burnout and
performance, the higher the level of burnout, the lower the performance. Meanwhile,
different results were obtained from research conducted by [16] regarding the effect of
burnout on the performance of nurses at the Jakarta Metropolitan Medical Center Hospital
which showed that the level of burnout experienced by nurses was in the moderate category,
and the performance achieved by nurses was in the good performance category, illustrating
that nurses work professionally despite experiencing moderate levels of burnout.
Another research that is not in line is the research conducted by [17] which states that
there is no relationship between burnout and the performance of nurses in providing nursing
care at the Inpatient Installation (IRNA) of Baptist Hospital Kediri.
Burnout has a negative impact on individuals and companies and causes employee
performance to get worse or worse. The more employees experience work stress, the more
likely employees are to experience burnout and less than optimal employee performance
[18]. Burnout is the most common consequence of work stress and workload. The
characteristics of burnout are boredom, depression, pessimism, lack of concentration, poor
quality of work, dissatisfaction, absenteeism and illness.
Additional information from this study is that some of the nurses have a D3 diploma
as many as 31 nurses (76.2%), higher than respondents with bachelor/nursing degrees. This
is in accordance with research [18] that almost all nurses with D3 training experience work
stress, the higher a person's training, the more knowledge they have to deal with stress that
occurs on themselves compared to those with lower levels of training. Higher education
usually produces someone who is able and willing to carry out tasks responsibly. Education
is a basic human need that encourages intellectual maturity and self-development. This
intellectual maturity affects a person's way of thinking, both visually and in making
decisions. The level of education is also one of the characteristics that influence a person's
willingness to adopt new technological concepts [19].

The results showed that there was an influence between burnout and the performance
of nurses at Aliyah I Hospital, Kendari City, with a p value of 0.031 (p 0.05).


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The Effect of Burnout on the Performance of Nurses at Aliyah I Hospital in Kendari City in 2023
(Muhammad Al Rajab)

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