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CWA Standards Policy 07 06 2

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Policies and Procedures

for the Development and Maintenance of

Climbing Wall Association Standards

Created June 24, 2005

Approved August 26, 2005
Last Revised July 6, 2007

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Policies and Procedures for the Development and
Maintenance of Climbing Wall Association Standards
Created June 24, 2005

Founded in May of 2003, the Climbing Wall Association (CWA) is a 501(c)(06), non-profit,
trade association representing the interests of the manufactured climbing wall industry. The
association serves manufacturers of climbing wall equipment, builders of climbing walls,
operators of commercial climbing gyms, operators of climbing walls, and others involved in
manufactured wall climbing. The CWA provides services, support, and advocacy for its
members across North America.

The Climbing Wall Association is the standard setting organization for the manufactured
climbing wall industry and develops and maintains standards for the design and construction of
climbing walls and the operations of climbing wall facilities. The CWA also offers standards-
based training for the staff of climbing gyms, and risk management consulting for member
organizations. Today, the CWA serves approximately 160 member companies employing
thousands of industry professionals some of whom serve as CWA volunteers.

The CWA is a credible voice for the industry as it provides a forum and mechanisms for the
industry to address important issues regarding the use and safety of products, facilities, and
services related to manufactured climbing walls. In 2005, the Association approved standard-
setting policies and procedures, designed to reflect sound standard-setting practices, which must
be met in the development and approval of any future CWA standard.

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This document defines the policies and procedures for the development, approval, revision,
reaffirmation, interpretation, and withdrawal of all CWA standards. Where these policies are
silent on an issue the Board of Directors will retain the authority to develop and/or approve new
or revised policies or procedures for standard-setting.

The Board of Directors may delegate authority to committees to develop and maintain CWA
standards, provided that these committees operate with a charter from the CWA Board of
Directors and conform to these policies and procedures. This policy document applies equally to
all standard setting committees and subcommittees within the CWA.

These policies were drafted to incorporate sound practices for standards development and
maintenance including requirements for due process, openness, lack of dominance, balance, fair
notice, consideration of various points of view, objections, and appeals.

CWA standards are intended to be developed and maintained in the best interests, mutually, of
consumers who use climbing specialty products, manufacturers of these products, and other
properly interested parties such as commercial climbing gyms and other climbing wall operators.
Standards are intended to promote industry self-regulation, and to provide useful information to
government, consumers, manufacturers, and owners of climbing walls.

The CWA will work toward the development of uniform standards as opposed to local,
redundant, or inconsistent sets of standards. Standards, within the scope of this document, will
relate to actual conditions of use, and be scientifically and technically sound. CWA Standards
may address: strength of materials, standard test methods, product testing procedures, definitions
of technical or trade terms, product specifications, labeling standards, commercial practices, or
other documents that provide guidance to the industry. Standards must not cause competitive
injury to any market participant or inhibit any innovation or improvement in products or

The use or observance of any CWA standard is strictly voluntary.

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1.0 General
1.1 Administration – These policies and procedures shall govern the activities of the
Climbing Wall Association (CWA) related to the development, approval, revision,
reaffirmation, interpretation, and withdrawal of standards.

1.2 Scope – The scope of this document is intended to provide a means to develop and
maintain consensus standards for the design and construction of products and assemblies
used in manufactured wall climbing, as well as consensus standards for the operation of
manufactured wall climbing facilities.

1.3 Maintenance of Standards – CWA Standards shall be kept current and relevant by means
of timely revision or reaffirmation of standards; or by the withdrawal of obsolete

1.4 Actions – Actions needed to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw a standard using these
procedures shall be completed within 5 years from the original date of standard approval.

2.0 Organization
2.1 Standards Committees – Standards Committees shall be established by the CWA Board
of Directors and shall be responsible for developing and maintaining standards that fall
within the scope of this document. The membership of the CWA Standards Committees
shall be sufficiently diverse to ensure reasonable balance without dominance by any
single interest group or company (see 2.5.6 Interest Categories and 2.5.8 Balance).

2.2 Secretariat – The CWA shall be responsible for maintaining the Secretariat for all
Standards Committees established in accordance with these procedures. The Secretariat

2.2.1 Organize the Standards Committees and issue official appointments;

2.2.2 Oversee compliance with these procedures, including legal review as necessary;

2.2.3 Maintain rosters of any Standards Committees, Subcommittees, and Task Groups;

2.2.4 Maintain all records pertaining to the Standards Committees;

2.2.5 Provide administrative support for the Standards Committees;

2.2.6 Publish approved and revised standards;

2.2.7 Perform other administrative functions as required;

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2.2.8 Appoint Standards Committee Officers.

2.3 Records – Standards Committee records shall be accessible to directly and materially
interested parties, subject to reasonable conditions of time, location, cost and
convenience. Official records concerning new, revised, or reaffirmed standards shall be
retained for at least one complete standards cycle (until the standard is revised,
withdrawn, or reaffirmed). Records concerning withdrawn standards shall be retained for
at least five years from the date of withdrawal. Standards Committee records, documents,
correspondence, data, etc., are the property of the CWA.

2.4 Membership – Membership on CWA Standards Committees shall be open to any person
directly or materially affected by the Standards, subject to the selection procedure
hereinafter set forth, size limitations as contemplated in 2.4.2 Selection Process, and
requirements in 2.4.8 Balance.

2.4.1 Application – Individuals seeking membership on a Standards Committee shall

submit a written application to the Secretariat indicating their interest in the work
of the Standards Committee and their qualifications, willingness to participate,
and affiliations that might affect their classification. Applicants shall identify their
interest category (See 2.4.6 Interest Categories). The Secretariat shall be
responsible for reviewing the application and providing information and/or
recommendations regarding the applicant to the relevant Standards Committee.

2.4.2 Selection Process – The Secretariat shall promptly process all membership
applications. Applications shall be considered by the relevant Standards
Committee, which shall accept or reject all applications. Rejected applicants shall
have the right to appeal in accordance with Section 8 Appeals. In accepting or
rejecting applicants, consideration shall be given to the following: Need for active participation by members of each interest group. Balance and potential for dominance by members of a single interest

group or company. Extent of interest expressed by the applicant and willingness to

participate. Qualifications and ability to materially contribute to the work of the

Standards Committee.

2.4.3 Standards Committee Size – The Secretariat, and/or the Board of Directors, shall
consider and may require reasonable limits on the size of any Standards

2.4.4 Participation – Participation on a Standards Committee shall not be conditional

upon membership in any organization and shall not be unreasonably restricted on

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the basis of technical qualifications or other such requirements. However, in the
event that the CWA incurs costs that are directly attributable to non-member
participation on a Standards Committee or Sub-Committee, the non-member will
be responsible for those costs. The CWA reserves the right to recover costs, and
reasonable administrative fees, from participating non-members.

2.4.5 Notification – The Secretariat shall promptly notify all applicants, the Standards
Committee, and the Board of Directors of the actions taken on applications and
shall submit a membership roster to the Board of Directors and the Standards
Committee as changes are made.

2.4.6 Interest Categories – All members of CWA Standards Committees shall be

classified as Producers, Users, or General Interest representatives in accordance
with the following definitions: Producer – Representatives of manufacturers, distributors, licensors,

developers, contractors and subcontractors, construction organizations,
associations of these groups, and professional consultants to these
groups. User – Representatives of owners of climbing walls, owners’

organizations, designers and consultants retained by owners, testing
laboratories retained by owners, and insurance companies serving
owners. General Interest – General Interest members are neither Producers nor
Users. This category includes but is not limited to members of the
public, colleges and universities, educators, researchers, representatives
of regulatory agencies, and technical societies. An individual in professional practice or a consultant, retained under a

continuing agreement with an organization, shall be classified in
accordance with the classification of the organization retaining the
individual and shall be so identified.

2.4.7 Number of Votes – There shall be a limit of one voting member from each
company or organization.

2.4.8 Balance – The membership of CWA Standards Committees shall be sufficiently

diverse to provide reasonable balance without undue dominance by any single
interest category. CWA will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that no single
interest category shall constitute a majority of the voting membership of a CWA
Standards Committee and will solicit membership or accept applications for
membership in order to maintain balance. However, temporary imbalance can
exist due to membership resignations or during recruiting periods. No test for
balance or dominance is required, unless there is a claim by a directly and

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materially affected party that a single interest category unfairly dominated the
standards development process.

2.4.9 Membership Roster – The Secretariat shall prepare and maintain a membership
roster documenting the classification of each Standards Committee member. The
Secretariat shall review the Standards Committee roster annually and recommend
changes to the Board of Directors, if necessary. Rosters shall include a summary
of the voting membership, by interest category.

2.4.10 Termination of Membership – The Board of Directors shall be authorized to

terminate the membership of an individual on a Standards Committee for cause,
including, but not limited to, inactivity. A Standards Committee member shall be
considered inactive: for failure to return two successive ballots, or for failure to attend at least two Standards Committee, Subcommittee, or

Task Group meetings in a one year period.

2.4.11 Changes in Employment – Standards Committee members must notify the

Secretariat of any changes in employment affecting representation and shall
submit a new application if continued membership on the Standards Committee is

2.4.12 Standards Committee Officers – Each Standards Committee shall have a

Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall be elected by the members
of the Standards Committee, subject to concurrence of the Board of
Directors and the Secretariat. Each will serve until a successor is
selected and ready to serve. The Secretary of all CWA Standards Committees shall be appointed by

the Secretariat. The Secretary need not be a member of the Standards

2.4.13 Subcommittees – Subcommittees shall be established by the responsible

Standards Committee for the purpose of assisting the Standards Committee in
drafting standards, considering comments on standards, and other advisory
functions. Membership on Subcommittees may include persons who are not

members of the main Standards Committee. Balance is not required for Subcommittees. A roster of all

Subcommittees shall be maintained by the Secretariat.

7 of 16 Subcommittee Chairpersons shall be members of the main Standards
Committee and shall be elected by a majority vote of the Standards
Committee, with the concurrence of the Secretariat and the Board of
Directors. Subcommittee members shall be appointed by the Subcommittee

Chairperson, with the concurrence of the Secretariat, the Board of
Directors, and the Standards Committee.

3.0 Meetings
3.1 Frequency and Location – Standards Committee meetings shall be held on an as needed
basis. The frequency of meetings may be decided upon by the Board of Directors, the
Standards Committee, the Secretariat, or by petition of three or more members of the
Committee. An effort shall be made to hold cost-effective meetings at locations and times
convenient to the members. Standards Committee meetings may be held face-to-face or
by communications equipment that allows all persons participating in the meeting to
communicate with each other. Such participation shall constitute attendance and presence
in person at the meeting.

3.2 Notification – At least 30 days written notice shall be given for meetings of all CWA
Standards Committees. An agenda shall be prepared and distributed with the meeting
notice. Special exceptions for extraordinary circumstances may be made on an as-needed
basis. When an exception for extraordinary circumstances is necessary, a meeting notice,
and agenda will be distributed as soon as is practicable. Failure to attend a meeting with
less than 30 days written notice shall not constitute inactivity on the part of a committee

3.3 Open Meetings – Except for authorized executive sessions (See 3.3.1), all meetings of
Standards Committees shall be open and attendance by any interested party shall be
welcome. Visitors shall not have the right to vote. Visitors shall be entitled to receive
copies of meeting minutes if requested in writing. Visitors shall be permitted to address
the Standards Committee at a meeting, provided that a written request is sent to the
Chairperson at least 10 days prior to the meeting. The Chairperson shall designate the
time and duration of visitor presentations.

3.3.1 Executive Sessions – Executive sessions shall be permitted for the purpose of
considering administrative, financial, and similarly sensitive issues not related to
the technical content of any standards or the disposition of ballots or public
comments. Attendance during executive sessions shall be limited to members of
the Board of Directors, committee members, and representatives of the

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3.4 Quorum – A majority of the members of a Standards Committee shall constitute a
quorum for conducting business at a meeting. No special quorum requirements exist for
Subcommittees. Matters shall be deemed approved by the affirmative vote of a majority
of the members present, except with respect to matters covered in Section 4 Voting
Procedures. If a quorum is not present, actions on agenda items may be taken, but shall
be subject to ratification by a letter ballot of the Standards Committee or Subcommittee.

3.5 Parliamentary Procedure – On questions of parliamentary procedure, Robert’s Rules of

Order (as revised) shall apply.

4.0 Voting Procedures

4.1 Consensus – Standards Committees and Subcommittees should seek to arrive at standards
decisions unanimously. If unanimity cannot be reached, a strong consensus shall be
reached. Consensus means substantial agreement after a concerted effort to resolve

4.2 Criteria for Approval – Standards Committees and Subcommittees will consider the
following criteria prior to the consideration of a standards decision including proposed
standards, revision, reaffirmation, interpretation, or withdrawal:

4.2.1 The necessity of the standard;

4.2.2 The scientific or technical soundness of the standard;

4.2.3 The satisfactory resolution of all reasonable objections by interested and affected

4.2.4 The existence of fairness of the standard in that the standard does not unduly
favor any sector or company over another or does not unduly harm or interfere
with any proper technical, economic or social activity;

4.2.5 The existence of a genuine consensus favoring the promulgation of the standard.

4.3 Letter Ballots – Approval, revision, reaffirmation, substantial changes to, interpretations,
and withdrawal of all standards shall be approved by letter ballot of the Standards
Committee. The Secretariat shall issue, receive, authenticate, count and publish the
results of ballots. Letter ballots may be conducted via e-mail provided that e-mail voting
is conducted in accordance with approved procedures for issuing, receiving,
authenticating, counting, and publishing the results of ballots.

4.4 Voice Votes – Administrative matters may be decided by a majority of the members
present at a regularly scheduled meeting of a Standards Committee by voice vote.

4.5 Voting – Each voting member shall return one of the following positions on letter ballots:

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4.5.1 Affirmative.

4.5.2 Affirmative, with comment.

4.5.3 Negative, with reasons. If possible, the negative ballot shall include specific
language or actions that will resolve the negative.

4.5.4 Abstain.

4.6 Voting Period – The closure date for letter ballots shall be at least seven (7) days from the
date of the mailing of the ballots. The Standards Committee Chair shall be authorized to
grant an extension of the voting period if needed for special circumstances.

4.7 Approved Actions – Approvals, revisions, reaffirmations, withdrawals, substantive

changes to and interpretations of standards shall be considered approved when all of the
following conditions have been met:

4.7.1 At least 50 percent of the voting members have returned their letter ballot.

4.7.2 At least 75 percent of the votes cast by voting members, excluding abstentions
and negatives without reasons, are affirmative.

4.7.3 All negative votes with reasons have been addressed in accordance with 4.9
Negative Votes.

4.8 Reporting Votes – The results of each letter ballot on all Standards shall be reported as

4.8.1 Number of voting members.

4.8.2 Number of voting members voting affirmatively.

4.8.3 Number of voting member voting affirmatively with comments.

4.8.4 Number of voting members voting negatively with reasons.

4.8.5 Number of voting members voting negatively without reasons.

4.8.6 Number of voting members abstaining.

4.8.7 Number of voting members not returning ballots.

4.8.8 Number of non-members returning comments.

4.9 Negative Votes – Negative votes on a letter ballot shall be addressed as follows:

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4.9.1 Negative votes with reasons shall be referred by the Secretariat to the Standards
Committee or the Subcommittee responsible for the Standard in question for
response and resolution.

4.9.2 The Standards Committee or Subcommittee shall review the negative vote with
the voter and efforts shall be made to resolve the negative.

4.9.3 If in the process of review, the Standards Committee or Subcommittee determines

that substantive changes are required, the revised provision shall be re-balloted.

4.9.4 Negative votes which are not accompanied by reasons shall be recorded as
“negative without reasons” and no further action shall be required.

4.9.5 All negative votes that are not resolved shall be addressed as follows: The Committee or Subcommittee shall draft a written response to the

negative voter judging the vote previously considered, not pertinent, or
not persuasive. Previously Considered Negative Votes – The Standards Committee may

uphold previous action on issues already considered. Not Pertinent Negative Votes – If the negative vote is not directly
related to the item being balloted; the vote may be considered not
pertinent. The issue may be placed on the agenda for consideration at the
next regular meeting of the Standards Committee. Non-Persuasive Negative Votes – Non-persuasive recommendations

must be affirmed by at least 75% of the voting members present at a
meeting (excluding abstentions) or 75% of the voting members returning
ballots (excluding abstentions), if the recommendation is considered by
letter ballot. Appeals – When a negative vote is determined to be “previously

considered,” “non-pertinent,” or “non-persuasive;” the negative voter
shall be notified of the action, the right to appeal, and the appeals

4.10 Comments Accompanying Affirmative Votes and Abstentions – The Standards

Committee shall review comments and the comments may be placed on the agenda for
consideration at the next regular meeting of the Standards Committee or Subcommittee.

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5.0 Interpretations
5.1 Processing Interpretations of Standards – Requests for interpretations of Standards shall
be submitted in writing to the Secretariat and shall be forwarded by the Secretariat to the
Chairperson and Secretary. Proposed interpretations may be prepared by the Chairperson,
Secretary or any other Standards Committee member with particular expertise on the
subject in question. All proposed interpretations shall be prepared in writing and shall be
submitted to the Secretariat for a letter ballot of the Standards Committee. Interpretations
shall be approved in accordance with Section 4.5 Approved Actions.

5.2 Notification of Interpretations – Notification of approved interpretations shall be sent in

writing to the requester. Notification shall also be given to other users of the Standards
through appropriate publications.

6.0 Public Review and Comment

6.1 Proposed Standards - Proposals for new Climbing Wall Association (CWA) Standards or
reaffirmation, revision, or withdrawal of existing CWA Standards shall be listed in
suitable media for public comment for a minimum of thirty (30) days.

6.2 Comments - All comments that are received from the public review shall be considered
by the Standards Committee, and the commenter shall be notified, in writing, of the
Standards Committee’s decision/response. Negative comments from the public review
shall be addressed according to Section 4.9 Negative Votes.

7.0 Correspondence
7.1 Standards Committee Correspondence – Correspondence between Standards Committee
members relating to CWA Standards activities shall be on “Climbing Wall Association”
letterhead. Correspondence from a Standards Committee or Subcommittee member to the
entire membership of the Standards Committee or any Subcommittees shall be forwarded
to the Secretariat for approval and distribution. All official Standards
Committee/Subcommittee correspondence, including meeting notices, agendas, reports
and letter ballots, shall be distributed by the Secretariat. Copies of all other
correspondence between Standards Committee/Subcommittee members, relating to CWA
standards activities shall be forwarded to the Secretariat. All Standards Committee
correspondence shall be considered privileged and confidential and shall not be used for
publication or reference.

7.2 External Correspondence – Inquiries relating to the Standards Committee and Standards
shall be directed to the Secretariat. Standards Committee members should advise
individuals who contact them that responses to all inquiries are handled by the

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Secretariat. All official Committee correspondence to external parties must be approved
by the Committee, or delegated representative, and distributed by the Secretariat.

7.3 Return of Correspondence – Any members leaving, resigning, or dismissed from a

Standards Committee or Subcommittee shall return all correspondence (documents,
letters, notes, data, etc.) relating to CWA standards to the Secretariat within 30 days of
departure. Members will be allowed to keep copies of only those items released to the
public on CWA letterhead or published by the CWA.

8.0 Appeals
8.1 Complaint – Persons who have been or may be affected by any Standards Committee
action or inaction shall have the right to appeal such action or inaction. The appellant
shall file a written complaint with the Secretariat within 30 days after the date of
notification of any action or inaction. Failure to file a written complaint within 30 days
shall constitute loss of the right to appeal. The complaint shall state the nature of the
objection, the procedures or the sections of the Standards that are at issue, the action or
inaction at issue, and the specific remedial action(s) that would satisfy the appellant’s

8.2 Response – Within 30 business days after the receipt of the complaint, the Secretariat
shall respond in writing to the appellant, specifically addressing each allegation in the
complaint to the extent possible. The Secretariat shall attempt to resolve the complaint of
the appellant informally.

8.3 Appeals Panel and Hearing – If the Secretariat is unable to informally resolve the
complaint, it shall appoint an appeals panel to hold a hearing on a date agreeable to all
participants, with at least 30 working days notice. The appeals panel shall consist of three
individuals who have not been directly involved in the dispute and who will not be
materially affected by any decision made in the dispute. At least two members of the
panel shall be acceptable to the appellant and at least two shall be acceptable to the

8.4 Conduct of the Hearing – The appellant has the responsibility of demonstrating improper
actions or inaction, the adverse effects therefrom, and the efficacy of the requested
remedial action. The Secretariat has the responsibility to demonstrate that the Standards
Committee took all actions in question in compliance with these procedures and that the
requested remedial action would be ineffective or detrimental.

8.5 Decision – The appeals panel shall render its decision in writing within 30 working days,
stating its findings of fact and conclusions. The Secretariat shall notify the appellant and
the Standards Committee of the decision of the appeals panel, which shall be binding and
final on all concerned.

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9.0 Metric Policy
9.1 CWA standards will be developed using standard units followed by metric units (SI
units) in parentheses for consistency with the national model building codes.

10.0 Patents
10.1 Reference – Standards shall not refer directly to a particular patent or proprietary
technology by use of trademarks, trade names, service marks, etc. If a standard’s
requirements can only be satisfied practicably by use of an identified patented or
proprietary material, product, process, procedure or apparatus, full and clear disclosure of
the controlling patent shall be made within the commentary of the standard. If CWA
receives a notice that a proposed standard may require the use of a patented invention, the
procedures in 10.1.1 and 10.1.2 shall apply.

10.1.1 Statement from Patent Holder – Prior to approval of such proposed standard,
CWA shall receive from the identified party or patent holder either: Assurance in the form of a general disclaimer to the effect that such
party does not hold and does not intend to hold any patent or patent
rights the use of which would be required for compliance with the
standard, or Assurance that a license will be made without compensation to the

applicants desiring to utilize the license for the purpose of implementing
the standard, or Assurance that a license will be made available to applicants under

reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair

10.1.2 Record of Statement – A record of the patent holder’s statement shall be placed
and retained in the CWA files.

10.2 Notice – When CWA receives from a patent holder the assurance set forth in 10.1, the
standard shall include an introductory note identified in section 10.2.1 and a disclaimer
identified in 10.2.2.

10.2.1 NOTE – The user’s attention is called to the possibility that compliance with this
standard may require the use of an invention covered by patent rights. By
publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the validity of this
claim or of any patent rights in connection therewith. The patent holder has,
however, filed a statement of willingness to grant license under these rights on

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reasonable and nondiscriminatory terms and conditions to applicants desiring to
obtain such a license. Details may be obtained from the standards developer.

10.2.2 NOTE – CWA does not endorse any patented invention or technology or warrant
that the use of such invention or technology will meet standard requirements. The
selection of any design methodology or use of any patented technology is at the
option of the user.

10.3 Responsibility for Identifying Patents – CWA shall not be responsible for identifying all
patents for which a license may be required by a standard or for conducting inquiries into
the legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention.

11.0 Commercial Terms and Conditions

11.1 Provisions involving business relations between buyer and seller such as guarantees,
warranties, and other commercial terms and conditions shall not be included in a CWA

11.2 It is not acceptable to include proper names or trademarks of specific companies or

organizations, manufacturer lists, service provider lists, or similar material in the text of a
standard or in an annex, appendix (or the equivalent).

11.3 Where a sole source exists for essential equipment, materials, or services necessary to
comply with a standard or to determine compliance with a standard, it is permissible to
supply the name and address of the source in a footnote, annex, or appendix as long as
the words “or the equivalent” appear in the reference.

11.4 In connection with standards that relate to the determination of whether products or
services conform to one or more standards, the process or criteria for determining
conformity can be standardized as long as the description of the process or criteria is
limited to technical or engineering concerns and does not include what would otherwise
be a commercial term or proper name.

12.0 Other Standard Setting Organizations

12.1 The CWA may participate in the activities of other standards-setting organizations
involved in the development of standards of interest to the manufactured climbing wall
industry. Participation in the activities of other standards-setting organizations is subject
to the approval of the Board of Directors.

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13.0 Legal Review of Standards
13.1 All proposed standards, or revision, reaffirmation, interpretation, or withdrawal of
existing standards may be subjected to legal review prior to approval and/or publication
by the CWA.

14.0 Revisions to Procedures

14.1 Proposed Revisions to Procedures – Proposed revisions to these procedures shall be
submitted to the Secretariat in writing with an explanation or the reason for the proposed
revision. The Secretariat shall submit the proposed revision to the Standards Committees
for comment and to the Board of Directors for action.

14.2 Approval and Implementation – The Board of Directors shall consider and take action on
proposed revisions to these procedures and the Secretariat shall notify the Standards
Committees of all decisions.

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