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Britam Unit Trusts Individual Application Form

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Britam Asset Managers (Kenya) Limited

Head Office, Britam Centre

P.O. Box 30375 - 00100, Nairobi, Kenya
+254 705 100 100
Britam Asset Managers (Kenya) Limited is licensed and regulated by the Capital Markets Authority and Retirement Benefits Authority
Please print clearly in BLOCK letters and tick () where appropriate.
(i) Personal Information

Title: Mr Mrs Ms Other (Please Specify):

Surname: First Name:

Middle Name(s):

Date of Birth: Gender: Male Female

ID/Passport Number: Nationality:

Country of Residence: Tax Pin Number:
Marital Status: Single Married Widowed Other (Please Specify):

Postal Address: Postal Code:

Residential Address: Town/City:
Mobile Number: Email:
Preferred Method of Contact: Email (Free) Post (At a Fee)
Are you a Politically Exposed Person (PEP)? Yes No

(ii) Occupation Details

Employed Self Employed Unemployed Retired Other (Please Specify):

If self employed, state the business sector you operate in:

If employed, please provide the information below:

Present Occupation: Employer’s Name:
Employer’s Address:
Employment Industry: Financial Services Hospitality Public Service/Government Education

Student Entrepreneur Arts Legal/Accounting Health

Others (Please Specify):

(iii) Contact Person Details (Details are for contacting purposes in case we cannot reach you via the contacts provided)
Name Mobile Number Postal Address Postal Code Town

(iv) Source of Funds

Rental/Property Sale Salary Dividends/Interest Pension Inheritance Gift
Lottery/Betting Savings Sale of Shares Loan Maturing Investments

Other (Please Specify):

Please note that Britam reserves the right to seek further information or documentation on the source of funds to be invested

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I write to confirm that the below is a description of my residential/business address. A description has been provided as I do
not have any utility bill that may be used to verify my current residential/business address.
Client Address Description

Land Registration (L.R) Number:

House Number: Building/Estate:
Postal Address: Postal Code:
Road: Town/Area:
Client’s Name:

Client’s Signature: Date:

Minor’s Name:
Date of Birth: Relationship to Minor:
Note to attach a copy of the minor’s birth certificate. Written mandate instructions should be provided for minor accounts.
Are you a US Citizen or Resident? Yes No
If Yes, complete the US Indicia Form
US citizens and residents include persons; born in the US, or holders of a US Green Card, US residential address, US telephone number, standing
order to a US Bank account, granted power of attorney or have signatory authority to a person with a US address

Self-Certification (Tax Status)

Are you registered for tax in Kenya? Yes No
Are you registered for tax in any other country? Yes No
If “Yes”, please provide your Tax Identification Number for each country (or reason why none has been issued)

Country (ies) of Tax Residency Tax Identification Number Or Reason Tax Number Not Applicable


1. What is your age bracket?
(a) 18 to 30 years (b) 31 to 45 years (c) Over 45 years
2. How long do you want to invest?
(a) Above 3 Years (b) 1 to 3 years (c) 0 to 1 years
3. Have you invested in any of the investments below? (Please tick where applicable)
Fixed Deposit Land/House Shares T-Bills/T-Bonds Unit Trusts
(a) More than 3 investment categories (b) 1 to 3 investment categories (c) None of the above
4. What type of savings or investments do you currently hold? (Please tick where applicable)
Fixed Deposit Land/House Shares T-Bills/T-Bonds Unit Trusts
(a) More than 3 investment categories (b) 1 to 3 investment categories (c) None of the above
5. What do you expect of your income in the next one to three years?
(a) Increase (b) Stay about the same (c) Decline/stop
6. Approximately what portion of your total savings will this investment present?
(a) Less than 10% (b) 10% to 50% (c) 51% and above
7. Would you say about your knowledge on financial and investment markets?
(a) I have a sound understanding (b) I have a basic understanding (c) I have little or no knowledge

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8. If your investment value fell by 20% over the course of the next three months, how would you react?
(a) Buy more of the investment (b) Hold on to the investment (c) Sell some or all of the investment

9. What attracts you to an investment?

(a) Its good return regardless of the risk (b) A combination of security and income (c) Purely security
10. Do you have other savings you can access immediately?
(a) I have adequate funds to last me more than 1 year (b) Yes, but less than 6 months worth (c) No
11. When do you expect to need most of your money from this investment?
(a) Above 3 years (b) 1 to 2 years (c) Less than one year
Key: (a) = 3, (b) = 2, (c) = 1, Please add all your scores. Your final score should fall within the risk rating column
As per your score, your risk falls under:
Total Risk Score Most Appropriate Fund Risk Profile of the Fund
0 to 11 Britam Money Market Fund Low Risk
12 to 19 Britam Bond Plus Fund Low Risk
20 to 26 Britam Balanced Fund Medium Risk
27 to 33 Britam Equity Fund Medium to Higher Risk
If you feel the risk profile above, based on your total risk score, does not truly reflect your risk tolerance, please tick below
your preferred risk profile.
Conservative Moderate Aggressive

Risk Profile Conservative Investor Moderate Investor Aggressive Investor

Description Usually want stability and Usually medium term investors Usually long term investors seeking
protection of current investment. who want to protect their capital high capital growth. Substantial year
Generally seeks to preserve and achieve some real increase in to year fluctuations in value are
capital and are prepared to the value of their investments. acceptable in exchange for potentially
accept lower investment returns Seeks a diversified portfolio with high long term returns. They are
as a trade off. exposure to a broad range of comfortable accepting high volatility in
investment sectors. their capital value, with the risk of
short to medium term periods of
negative returns.

This risk profile questionnaire and the results should not be regarded as investment advice or an offer to sell, or a solicitation for
an offer to purchase any investment products or services. Britam accepts no responsibility or liability as to the accuracy or
completeness of the information provided in this risk profile questionnaire and the results. This questionnaire is not a substitute
for professional advice.
 Unit Trust: A collective investment scheme in which investors’ contributions are pooled together to purchase a portfolio of
financial securities such as equities (shares), bonds, cash, bank deposits etc. The portfolio is managed by professional fund
 Unit: Your contributions to a unit trust are used to purchase units. Each unit represents an equal fraction of the total value
of the pool of the invested money. The number of units you are allocated is calculated by dividing the amount you invest by
the offer price at the time.
 Suitable for low-risk investors who seek competitive, stable returns and offers quick liquidity of funds.
 The fund invests in interest-bearing securities and other short term money market instruments.
 Investment Risk Level: Low risk investment.
 Recommended Investment Horizon: Short term.
 Fee Structure: Initial Fee - 0%
Annual Management Fee - Maximum of 2% Per Annum

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 Suitable for low-risk investors who seek competitive income and offers quick liquidity of funds.
 The fund primarily invests in long-term treasury bonds and other interest-bearing securities.
 Investment Risk Level: Low risk investment.
 Recommended Investment Horizon: Short to Medium term.
 Fee Structure: Initial Fee - 0%
Annual Management Fee - Maximum of 2% Per Annum
 Suitable for medium-risk investors who seek to invest in a balanced portfolio offering exposure to all sectors of the market.
 The fund primarily invests in equities and fixed income securities.
 May have a maximum of 10% direct and/or indirect exposure to offshore investments as a hedge against inflation.
 Investment Risk Level: Medium risk investment.
 Recommended Investment Horizon: Medium to Long term.
 Fee Structure: Initial Fee - 0%
Annual Management Fee - Maximum of 2% Per Annum
 Suitable for investors with a higher risk appetite seeking long term returns and inflation protection. The fund invests
primarily in equities listed locally and regionally.
 The fund is a suitable option for investors looking for professional portfolio management.
 Investment Risk Level: Medium to Higher risk investment.
 Recommended Investment Horizon: Long term.
 Fee Structure: Initial Fee - 0%
Annual Management Fee - Maximum of 2% Per Annum

Points to Consider Expected Returns Depend On Benefits

 Your risk profile  Returns from the financial  Attractive returns
 Your time horizon for the investment markets  Easy and affordable investment
 Whether you require regular income  The type of assets within the  Diversification of risks
from the investment or purely looking unit trust portfolio  Expertise in professional management
for capital growth  Value for money
 Flexible investment options
 Liquidity etc.

I confirm that I have read the Fund Information section and I understand my risk profile. I have chosen to invest as follows:
Fund Name Amount (KES) Signature Date


Fund (Account Name) Account Number Branch Clearing Code M-Pesa Pay Bill
Britam Money Market Fund Inflow Account 0105016761600 CSC Head Office (Code 078) 02 500005
Britam Bond Plus Fund Inflow Account 0105016761700 CSC Head Office (Code 078) 02 500006
Britam Balanced Fund Inflow Account 0105016761800 CSC Head Office (Code 078) 02 500007
Britam Equity Fund Inflow Account 0105016761900 CSC Head Office (Code 078) 02 500008
Britam Unit Trust Inflow Account 0105016762100 CSC Head Office (Code 078) 02
Swift Code (For International Fund Movements) SCBLKENXSSU

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Payment Method (Indicate your preferred payment transfer channel by ticking the box and providing the relevant information)
Mobile Money Transfer (M-Pesa)
I acknowledge that I chose to add the option of receiving and depositing payments through the following M-Pesa registered
mobile phone number, and hereby confirm that I have read and understood declaration (g) concerning my payment instructions.
Mobile Phone Number:
Direct Bank Transfer (Please provide your bank information below)
Account Name:
Account Number: Bank Name:
Branch: Bank Code:
(a) Units are traded at the daily ruling prices which prices may go up as well as down.
(b) The Investment will only be applied once the completed application form together with notification of deposit is
received by Britam. Subscriptions monies received will be dealt with on the next Dealing Day.
(c) Investors are reminded that in certain specified circumstances their right to redeem their units may be suspended.
(d) Britam will only accept deposits made through your M-Pesa phone number on record or your Bank Account Number on
record. Payments from third parties made on your behalf may be accepted on an exceptional basis and solely at the
discretion of Britam.
(e) Once an account has been opened, all statements, reports and notices will be sent by default through the e-mail
address provided.
(f) Britam shall remain authorized to accept any instruction request received from your authorized modes (registered
email and/or M-Pesa number) unless otherwise instructed. If you lose your mobile phone or other electronic device or
have any reason to believe that the integrity and security of your means of instructions or mode of payment has been
accessed by an unauthorized person, it shall be your responsibility to take such actions to secure your investment by
immediately notifying Britam Customer Care Centre for assistance. Until and unless we receive notice of loss of your
electronic device or unauthorized access to your account, we shall remain authorized to accept any instructions
requests received from the authorized modes.
(g) The Client and/or his/her financial advisor shall at all times be responsible for ensuring that the unit trust and its
representatives receive any instructions from the Client and/or financial advisor, whether by facsimile or mail, and that
such instructions are complete and correct in all respects.
(h) Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated. The price of units and the income
from them may fall as well as rise and Clients may not realize their initial investment.
(i) Capital Preservation as highlighted in the Trust Deed, Rules and Information Memorandum means that the fund
manager will aim to invest in assets which have fairly stable market prices. There is no guarantee that the investment
objectives of the Fund will be attained. The price of the units and income may fall as well as rise and Clients may not
realize their initial investment.
(j) No third-party cheques are allowed. Payments made by a third party on behalf of a Client will need to be supported by
further documentation.
(k) All transaction charges on purchasing securities shall be borne by the Fund and not the Fund Manager.
(a) I confirm that I have read and understood the Information Memorandum for the selected fund, and state that I make
this application on the terms and conditions set out in the Fund’s Information Memorandum.
(b) I confirm that the information provided in this application, together with all supporting documentation that will be
supplied in connection with this application, is true, correct and accurate. I hereby consent that Britam Asset Managers
(Kenya) Limited may verify the information provided using such reasonable and necessary verification mechanisms.
(c) I confirm that the money used for this investment does not arise out of the proceeds of any money laundering or other
illicit activities.
(d) I agree to accept the number of units bought by virtue of this application and Trust Deed and Rules for the selected
fund and warrant that l/we have full power and authority to enter into and conclude this transaction.
(e) I confirm that the units are not being acquired either directly or indirectly by or on behalf of any person restricted by
law of any relevant jurisdiction from acquiring the units.
(f) I hereby consent to all redemption proceeds and/or income distributions made to me being paid in accordance with
my payment instructions above and as may be varied as per my written instructions. I hereby accept full responsibility
for securing the integrity of my selected payment mode, and fully indemnify Britam from any claims, losses or liabilities
that it may incur in connection with the processing of payment in accordance with my instructions.
(g) I hereby unconditionally and unequivocally agree that Britam Asset Managers (Kenya) Limited shall be entitled to act
upon any instructions issued through my registered profile on a Britam Online Platforms or through electronic mail
from my indicated email address (including scanned copies of documentation), which instructions shall be binding and
enforceable against me notwithstanding that any such instruction may later be shown to be in any way false,
incomplete, inaccurate, delayed, erroneous, unauthorized or otherwise not authentic.
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(h) I agree that Britam Asset Managers (Kenya) Limited shall not be responsible for any liability, losses or damages
resulting from such electronic instructions, except where the loss results from the gross negligence or fraud on
Britam’s part. I agree to fully indemnify Britam against any proceedings, claims, expenses, and liabilities which may be
taken or made against Britam by reason of Britam acting on my instructions.
(i) I consent to the disclosure of the information provided in this application for compliance purposes to the companies
within the Britam Group or its agents and the necessary regulators and government agencies.
(j) Upon receipt, I shall review all statements and will notify the Fund Manager immediately if there is a discrepancy.
(k) I have read and fully understand the funds’ objectives, risk levels, income distribution and all charges as set out in the
funds fact sheets and the Information Memorandum.
Client Acknowledgment
By checking this box, I consent to Britam’s Privacy Policy, and hereby authorize Britam to collect, use, disclose, and/or
process our personal data or information without further notification to me/us, confidentially with its affiliated companies, third
party service providers, business partners and/or other parties which may be sited outside of Kenya, for setting up and
administering our investment account with Britam, customer services and to allow Britam and/or its business partners to perform
marketing and related activities, until Britam receives our written instruction to the contrary. Britam’s Privacy Policy is available at
I confirm that I have read and understood, and hereby consent to the general terms and conditions, and hereby make the
above declaration.
Name Signature Email Address (if consenting to Date
email instructions)


Please provide copies of the following:
Official Identification Document or current passport
Tax (KRA) PIN Certificate
Utility Bill (Electricity, water, proof of address letter not more than three months old)
Proof of banking details (copy of ATM card, original cancelled cheque or certified letter from the bank or bank
statement not more than three months old)
Investment cheque / deposit slip in correct fund
Income Tax Exemption Certificate (If applicable)
Is this direct business? Yes No
If No, please populate the Financial Advisor/Intermediary Section below
Financial Advisor/Intermediary
I confirm that all the above documents have been attached:
Name of Financial Advisor:
Financial Advisor Code: Branch:
Mobile Number: Email Address:
Signature: Date:
Branch Administrator
Signature: Date:
Compliance Checks
KYC Sanctions Screening PEP FATCA

Customer AML Risk Category High Medium Low


Signature: Date:

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